
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Joyce Harris on July 24, 2007, 11:23:29 AM

Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Joyce Harris on July 24, 2007, 11:23:29 AM
Isabelle Zehnder's email states the following about the Sudweeks--former owners of the defunct Whitmore Academy: "they were very kind...they helped hundreds of kids."

Isabelle Zehnder states that her writings are based on interviews and her own investigations.  My statements are based on statements by other parents of  Whitmore students, and my own daughter's experiences at Whitmore Academy.

Fridays at Whitmore  were GOLDEN CORAL BUFFET NIGHT.
The sttudents were not allowed to eat breakfast or lunch on Fridays, since they got to "pig out at the buffet for dinner."

Isabelle:  This is NOT AN ACT OF KINDNESS to expect 40+ teenages to only have only one meal in a 12 hour period--which was the normal day at Whitmore Academy--since the kids usual woke up at 6Am...and did not go to "BUFFET" until around 6 PM.

Once, when the group arrive at Golden Coral with these HUNGRY children---my daughter, age 12 1/2 got into line with the other students.  Cheryl Sudweeks walked up to her and said:
   "You sit over there, You are not eating."

This little girl--who had not eaten any food since the evening before was not allowed to eat.  She had to sit and watch all the other kids fill, and re-fill their plates from the buffet line and eat in front of her.
She had not idea why Cheryl Sudweeks was "mad at her" or what she had done "wrong."
My daughter said: "She knew better than to argue, or cry---because she knew Cheryl would just get madder, and she would be in more 'trouble' when they got back to the Mansion, so she just sat there, and waited to get back on the bus and leave."

Isabelle:  What was KIND about this humiliation; and denial of food of my daughter?

This "withholding of food as punishment" happened to other children,  on a consistent basis at Whitmore Academy.  My daughter wasn't singled out by the Sudweeks.  How does this type of "punishment" help children?

Isabelle Zehnder wrote in her email that posters on FORNITS are "idiots."  I challenge you to call me an IDIOT Mrs. Zehnder.  I don't claim to have a college degree---I actually have one!
And, the only "name" I have called you is a "liar"--because you have written lies about me.
II haven't attacked you,  your family, your personal morals, your career---because I don't even know you.

But, I do take issue with you wrapping the words "kindness and helpful" around the Sudweeks---when you don't know the whole story of what went on at Whitmore Academy:  because you haven't asked to hear all sides....and in my opinion that is what an "investigative journalist" does-- he/she listens to all sides; and reports accordingly.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 11:47:39 AM
because you haven't asked to hear all sides....and in my opinion that is what an "investigative journalist" does-- he/she listens to all sides; and reports accordingly.

That's right Izzy, an investigative journalist and a child advocate would be interested in all sides of the story.  But you, like WWASP, are taking the position that these teens, who give an apposing side to what you promote, are liers.  

You see - you are no longer able to look at the problem objectiely.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 12:14:48 PM
Does Izzy know where the Sudweeks plan to open their next program? Or, have the Sudweeks opened a facility already; and perhaps haven't applied for licensing from the State of Utah?  Or, perhaps are the Sudweeks running a facility out-of-the-country; maybe down in Mulege Mexico?
Izzy seems to know a lot about the Sudweeks.Can she answer these questions?
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Froderik on July 24, 2007, 12:34:23 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
That's right Izzy, an investigative journalist and a child advocate would be interested in all sides of the story. But you, like WWASP, are taking the position that these teens who give an opposing side to what you promote are liars.

You see - you are no longer able to look at the problem objectively.

Self-serving denial.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: psy on July 24, 2007, 12:38:22 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Does Izzy know where the Sudweeks plan to open their next program? Or, have the Sudweeks opened a facility already; and perhaps haven't applied for licensing from the State of Utah?  Or, perhaps are the Sudweeks running a facility out-of-the-country; maybe down in Mulege Mexico?
Izzy seems to know a lot about the Sudweeks.Can she answer these questions?

Yeah.  I asked her flat out if the Suds were opening a new program.  She paused for a few seconds and denied it (lie).
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 12:58:18 PM
Maybe Izzy could practice her coaching skills at her new company Positive Family Solutions; and offer free "coaching" to the kids who are victims the Whitmore Academy "experience.

That might be a nice way for Izzy to "help."
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 01:05:00 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Maybe Izzy could practice her coaching skills at her new company Positive Family Solutions; and offer free "coaching" to the kids who are victims the Whitmore Academy "experience.

 :o  :scared:
Eeewwwwww.  That gives me the willies just thinking about it.
 :o  :scared:
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: psy on July 24, 2007, 01:12:03 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Maybe Izzy could practice her coaching skills at her new company Positive Family Solutions; and offer free "coaching" to the kids who are victims the Whitmore Academy "experience.

 :o  :scared:
Eeewwwwww.  That gives me the willies just thinking about it.
 :o  :scared:

ya... from what she explained to me, I wouldn't recommend it.  She can't even shut up about the names of the kids she coaches.  I was going to go for a 30 minute free one (had it scheduled) and post it in youtube but decided against it.  I don't know what techniques she uses and quite frankly, i'm terrified of anything smacking of program.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Froderik on July 24, 2007, 01:25:26 PM
Quote from: ""psy""
I don't know what techniques she uses and quite frankly, i'm terrified of anything smacking of program.

She'd probably just try and fatten you up with some Bic Macs or something..
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Joyce Harris on July 24, 2007, 02:22:41 PM
Isabelle Zehnder wrote the following in her Whitmore blog:

"According to several girls who shared a room with a little 12 year old at Whitmore: All was quiet at the Whitmore Academy while the child slept.  The silence was broken by an enraged mother who ran up three flights of stairs toher daughter's room.  She yelled, "Why don't you have a picture of your mom and dad like the other girls do?" She ordered her daughter to get out of bed, as she rummaged through her things."

Again; I will correct Mrs. Zehnder's incorrect statements.

All was not "quiet" when my husband and I were escorted to the Whitmore Academy by Nephi Police Officer Wright to remove our daughter amid the Sudweeks being investigated for child abuse.
Several girls were sitting on the floor--reportedly engaged in a middle-of-the-night GROUP THERAPY SESSION being led by Cheryl Sudweeks, who has no creditials to conduct therapy sessions.

I did not "run up three flights of stairs" I walked; and I was escorted by Cheryl Sudweeks.

I was not "enraged"--I was concerned, and anxious to see my daughter--who had been enrolled at Whitmore for 7 weeks; and I knew she had been interviewe by the Nephi police and by DCFS; and I was worried about her emotional and physical well-beiing.

My daughter did not share a room with "several  girls."  She shared a room with 3 other girls.

I did not YELL or ORDER my daughter to wake up.
I gently shook her awake; and she fell into my arms, overjoyed  to see  me.  I was shocked to see her sleeping on a bed with no linens; sleeping in a filthy sleeping bad.
I did not "rummage through my daughter's things."  I allowed her to gather up a few things--her shoes, coat, lap top, guitar.
We did not pack her clothes or personal items.  Officer Wright had instructed us to get physical custody of our daughter and to exit Whitmore as quickly as possible.

I asked my daughter about the empty double picture frame; and she retrieved the photos of her parents from where she had hidden them in the sleeping bag on the bed.  I asked why she had them there.  She replied: "So I could look at them when I missed you and was sad."

That was the only discussion about the empty frames and pictures we had at Whitmore.  I did not see any pictures displayed of the other girls' families---and I made no comments about this.

Later, our daughter told us:
Cheryl Sudweeks made her remove the pictures of her parents from the frame; and made her keep the empty frame displayed to "remind her that WHITMORE WAS  NOW HER REAL FAMILY."

I found this very strange and distrubing that what we believed to be an Academice Boarding School, which offered therapy---would want to try and replace a child's real family with some type of artificial family entity.

Sue Scheff's often repeated version "of the night we picked up our daughter from Whitmore Academy "includes me throwing my daughter down these three flights of stairs. at Whitmore."  I wonder why Mrs. Zehnder's investigation and account left out this wide-spread LIE?
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: psy on July 24, 2007, 03:29:42 PM
I'll have to say.  From what I know curently, Whitmore seems to be the most traditionally cult like of any program I have ever heard of before.  The leaders of the cult weren't just "the program".  They were very clearly Cheryl and Mark Sudweeks.  Kids were forced to torture and beat each other, there was rape... The place was for lack of a better definition, Hell.  And to those who wonder why some kids "loved" the place (apart from being terrified of the Sudweeks).  I often quote this:

The mind is it's own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. -- John Milton
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 06:27:17 PM
Part of the Brainwashing that goes on, that some programs from Utah do.  Sometimes when the kids come home, they seem to be doing great.

When parents sign those contacts they give custody to the programs, till the child is 18.  Thereby, the program tells the child that when you get home you better behave because I have custody till you are 18, if your parents call back ,you can then be sent again.

 I have heard of Kids being sent back 2 or even 3 times.  This happened in the Wilderness programs, some kids are so terrifyed that they will be sent back they will say and do anything.  So it appears that the program did a great job.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 06:58:57 PM
Parents actually signn over legal custody of their children to the program?
The program retains custody, even after the child is removed from the program?
How is this legally possible?
Even custody transfer of a child between divorced parents requires a court hearing and a ruling by a JUDGE.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: nimdA on July 24, 2007, 11:03:27 PM
Don't be modest Joyce. You have two college degrees not one.

No worries I can pick up Izzy a doctorate in Numerology when I'm in Thailand down on Khan Sao Road for like 50 bucks. I'm picking up my own Doctorate in Gynecology as well.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Sandy on July 24, 2007, 11:32:47 PM

All I know is w/TB, parents are made to sign over 49% of custody. But I THINK that ends when they leave.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: nimdA on July 24, 2007, 11:35:22 PM
So how does that work? You cut your kid in half?
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 11:40:19 PM
It's more like a Power of Attorney over the person TS
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Sandy on July 24, 2007, 11:42:50 PM
Hey, it worked in my case, since the person that signed my daughter (abeit step) in, signed away the majority of her rights.  That was ONE of the main points in how we got her removed.  It's math, looking at a person that retains 1% and one that retains 50% and had NO knowledge of her being transported out of the country.

Of course, with TB being out of the US... it makes a difference.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 11:46:27 PM

Yes the laws are different, but I think one could argue the power of attorney's validity if signed in the US, and the fact that it is not notarized
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Sandy on July 24, 2007, 11:53:53 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Yes the laws are different, but I think one could argue the power of attorney's validity if signed in the US, and the fact that it is not notarized

Jamaica is not one that cooperates with the U.S.. Once you're there in TB, the Embassy does not even want to help in most cases. I'm sure there's "payoffs".  Do you really think TB cares if some paperwork is "notarized"?

Being "notarized" is no big deal. I'm sure there's a lot of paperwork that gets "notarized" and it does NOT mean a thing.  Once again, like with the corporation stuff, it's really cheap to get a notary stamp/license.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2007, 12:00:25 AM
Documents are generally notarized for the validity of the person signing the documents and to protect them in lawsuits, there are very strict guidelines, and if the notary does anything wrong she/he can be sued, which is why they carry errors and omissions, including insurance.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Sandy on July 25, 2007, 12:07:27 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Documents are generally notarized for the validity of the person signing the documents and to protect them in lawsuits, there are very strict guidelines, and if the notary does anything wrong she/he can be sued, which is why they carry errors and omissions, including insurance.

Guess that falls back on the ETHICS of the person.  
Don't think there's an agency that checks up on notaries.......
as far as the "insurance" that's a laugh, at least in my state. Others may be different.
Basically, all it TAKES is KNOWING a notary.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2007, 12:12:32 AM

Notarys are governed, and without going into it further you can get all the info here[url]
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2007, 12:13:58 AM
Doesn't appear that link wants to work try typing in google

National Notary Association
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Sandy on July 25, 2007, 12:16:41 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Notarys are governed, and without going into it further you can get all the info here[url]

1st, your link does not work and it looks like it's for Ca.

2nd, I know notaries in my state that notarize docs w/o the proper ID.

It all goes back to having the money..........
goes back to ETHICS....
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2007, 12:20:26 AM
I just said that in the next post, before you posted.  I am wondering if you have something against Notarys.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Sandy on July 25, 2007, 12:22:32 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I just said that in the next post, before you posted.  I am wondering if you have something against Notarys.

I have nothing against a legit Notary.  I, myself, am one.  BUT I know several people that are notaries that don't have good ethics.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Anonymous on July 25, 2007, 12:27:05 AM
Yah, like some that work for lawyers?  Gotta go, have a good night.
Title: Isabelle Zehnder Praises Sudweeks Defunct Whitmore Academy
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 02:23:52 PM