
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:22:34 PM

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:22:34 PM
I want to bring my son home.  I miss him.  He's not in any WWASP programs, and I am getting mixed messages from friends, and program parents.

This is sincere.

Can someone direct me to somewhere that I can find Exit Programs?  

He's had some mess ups while away, but has managed to finish high school a year ahead of schedule.  I don't want to expect too much from him so as not to get upset if he does mess up, but I can't be the hardass everyone wants me to be.

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:34:34 PM
Why can't you be an adult, and bring your son home and do what YOU, AN ADULT, think is best?
 If you feel you need some guidance; hire a licensed, professional therapist to help with any problems that may arise once your son is home.
 Who said parenting must have a "hardass" approach?
 Why do you feel the need to have OTHER PARENTS, people from a program, or some stranger like me telling you when to bring your son home, or how to treat him, once he is home?
  When exactly did you decide it was OK to turn over your parenting responsiblities to OTHERS?

SO:  are you going to pick up your son today; and start doing YOUR JOB as a parent, or not?

You can do this, you know?  It's not an EXIT PLAN.  It's called PARENTING.    Parents do it all day long, every day; and it works.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:37:42 PM
I wasn't asking anyone for help on when to bring him home.

Mostly, I was asking to be directed somewhere that I could look at them.

I have been a parent.

I do like the part about a licensed therapist.  So thank you for that.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:44:31 PM
Quote from: Guest
I wasn't asking anyone for help on when to bring him home.

Mostly, I was asking to be directed somewhere that I could look at them.


Usually an "exit plan" is the procedures/rules the child is expected to follow once he has completed his "program" and has returned to live in the family home.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:51:42 PM
These vague, strange posts are my favorite because they take like 20 pages just to figure out what the heck is actually going on. Personally, I think you should make a really strict contract for your kid, so unreasonable they will be sure to break a rule. Then you have the 'justification' to kick them out on the street. This is tough love, but you have to help a kid realize that without your help they are nothing. Just another faceless bum complaining about how society fucked them over. Help them by hurting them, that's the motto.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:51:54 PM
Maybe I am not being clear.  I am bringing him home.  I am not trying to place him in another school.  I just wanted to look at a few different  exit plans for when he gets here.  I kind of have an idea, I have seen a couple, mostly generic and sterile, lots are from the schools, but I don't want to use those.  I was thinking maybe if I came here, and someone offered up any ideas for one, that it might be nice to get it from both perspectives, parents and kids who have been in the program.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:54:46 PM
These vague, strange posts are my favorite because they take like 20 pages just to figure out what the heck is actually going on. Personally, I think you should make a really strict contract for your kid, so unreasonable they will be sure to break a rule. Then you have the 'justification' to kick them out on the street. This is tough love, but you have to help a kid realize that without your help they are nothing. Just another faceless bum complaining about how society fucked them over. Help them by hurting them, that's the motto

Real helpful, gee, why didn't I think of that.  You're an asshole, and your kind of help is not what I was looking for.  If you can't help, don't post.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:56:42 PM
Let me correct myself before the correction patrol comes along:  When I said "in the program", I mean't in any program.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:57:43 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
These vague, strange posts are my favorite because they take like 20 pages just to figure out what the heck is actually going on. Personally, I think you should make a really strict contract for your kid, so unreasonable they will be sure to break a rule. Then you have the 'justification' to kick them out on the street. This is tough love, but you have to help a kid realize that without your help they are nothing. Just another faceless bum complaining about how society fucked them over. Help them by hurting them, that's the motto

Real helpful, gee, why didn't I think of that.  You're an asshole, and your kind of help is not what I was looking for.  If you can't help, don't post.

Sorry to inform you have no control over the matter of who posts on this forum. An asshole is someone who locks their kid up, and can't even make up their own damn mind about whether to go get them and goes asking strangers for help. You are pathetic. You have time to waste on the internet but not to go get your own kid. Go get your kid. Go get your kid. Go get your kid. Now. Right now, this second. Get off your computer and go pick them up right now. Get it?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:59:37 PM
Did I mention when he was coming home, my plans, anything?  Don't presuppose what I am doing and when.

And if you are going to post asshole comments, don't get defensive when someone calls you on it.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 05:59:46 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Let me correct myself before the correction patrol comes along:  When I said "in the program", I mean't in any program.

Just another random parent strolling through who seems to know the workings of fornits. lol
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:00:46 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Did I mention when he was coming home, my plans, anything?  Don't presuppose what I am doing and when.

And if you are going to post asshole comments, don't get defensive when someone calls you on it.

LOL! Go get your kid you idiot!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:03:47 PM
Just another random parent strolling through who seems to know the workings of fornits. lol

Not a random parent.  I have posted here quite a bit lately, which has made me want to bring him home.  Now you're making assumptions.  Hmmm.  Can we get back to my question, please?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:05:01 PM
Go pick up your kid right now.

Why are you wasting your time here?

You are either a troll, or an extremely bad parent, which is it?

There really is no way to tell any more.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:05:07 PM
The first poster gave you the only vaid HELP you need.

Bring your kid home.  Be a parent.
IF you need outside guidance---hire a licensed, professional therapist.

Some people may throw in: involve other family members who love this child for support.

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:06:39 PM
Fine.  This is not going anywhere anyway.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 06:07:15 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I want to bring my son home.  I miss him.  He's not in any WWASP programs, and I am getting mixed messages from friends, and program parents.

This is sincere.

Can someone direct me to somewhere that I can find Exit Programs?

Oh... Like "Transitional" programs for example.. Sure thing.  Have a look at this lovely place here:
Benchmark (http://  I was there.. and I just loved the place to death.

They can help you "emancipate" your kid onto the streets... and live with abandoning him.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:07:26 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Just another random parent strolling through who seems to know the workings of fornits. lol

Not a random parent.  I have posted here quite a bit lately, which has made me want to bring him home.  Now you're making assumptions.  Hmmm.  Can we get back to my question, please?

Please read this everyone who thinks this industry is based totally off ignorance. This parent has read fornits, and is still not going to get their kid. I hope you submit yourself to be scientifically studies, so more children to not have to be welped to a parent like you!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:08:58 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Fine.  This is not going anywhere anyway.  Thanks.

YOU should be going somewhere, NOW! Get in your car. Go!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:09:55 PM
Thought Midwest was still WWASP.   :roll:

Anyway, bye, bye. :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 06:11:21 PM
A lot of people overlook so-called "transitional" programs that offer to "emancipate" kids (once they've been suitably "helped" enough by other programs).  It's the morbid end to a sick journey.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:13:32 PM
She will post again.  She won't go get her son.  But she will post again, because she can't help herself.    :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:16:25 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Maybe I am not being clear.  I am bringing him home.  I am not trying to place him in another school.  I just wanted to look at a few different  exit plans for when he gets here.  I kind of have an idea, I have seen a couple, mostly generic and sterile, lots are from the schools, but I don't want to use those.  I was thinking maybe if I came here, and someone offered up any ideas for one, that it might be nice to get it from both perspectives, parents and kids who have been in the program.

Wow. You really don't know how to be a parent do you?

How unfortunate for your children.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:19:06 PM
Let's home that she only has a CHILD....and not CHILDREN.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:23:25 PM
This poster/parent sure sounds a lot like a previous poster who had her son in 5 (five!!!!!) programs, and used that Sunrise Adolescent Transport service.  One of the placements was WWASP; and the last program she mentioned was Midwest Academy.
Could this possibly be that friend of Izzy's posting here, looking for Exit Plan help?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:24:14 PM
Stranger things have happened...  :rofl:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:26:37 PM
I see what I did, I typed Exit Program, not exit plan.  Can someone change that?

And whoever posted I am still not bringing my kid home, you are twisting what I said, but it doesn't matter, anyone with a brain who reads this thread will know that I am, in fact, bringing him home.  

Psy as far as where you went, I don't get it why you posted that.  I don't want a school, just an exit plan.

And the Midwest thing.  I am lost.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:29:09 PM
Go get your kid, tonight.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:31:23 PM
Well I am greatful that I could be of some entertainment value for you.  I should have known better than to ask anyone anything.  Oh yah, I almost forgot, FUCK YOU TOO!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:32:02 PM
You don't seem to comprehend what I am saying.

I want my kid under the same coercive control at the program.

How can I accomplish this at home?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:33:12 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Well I am greatful that I could be of some entertainment value for you.  I should have known better than to ask anyone anything.  Oh yah, I almost forgot, FUCK YOU TOO!

You have already stated this to your kid loud and clear through your actions, and presently, inactions. You aren't hurting anybody by posting insults and wasting time here than yourself and your family. Act like a parent and go get your kid. Stop making excuses!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:36:32 PM
It's been an hour since the start of this thread. You could of been on the phone with the airline, bought your ticket, your kids ticket home and just waiting for the taxi you already called. Instead, here you sit, fuming at people who had parents just like you at one time. See reality for what it is, this one time in your life and ACT!


Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:38:58 PM
You're not getting it either.  I already have the tickets!  So sorry it's not right this second.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:49:17 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You're not getting it either.  I already have the tickets!  So sorry it's not right this second.

Wrong again, I have been out of program for years upon years and live a very enjoyable life, no need to apologize to me. You need to repeat this to your kid when you pick them up, okay?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:51:20 PM
Yah, got it.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:53:05 PM
See, she's back posting.  She can't help herself.


Bring your son home.  Be a parent.
IF you need outside guidance---hire a licensed, professional therapist.

THIS IS THE 3rd time, lady.

What part of this do YOU NOT GET????????????

btw:  you started this topic, and you did type in EXIT PLAN.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:55:47 PM
I do have a constructive Exit Plan idea:

Ask your child for forgiveness every chance you get.
It's the only one that works. Unconditional love is better than tough love!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:57:36 PM
Did this mother just say "FUCK YOU TOO"?
Naughty, Naughty, Naughty.

Mommy, you need an "exit plan."  Moms don't talk like that. :flame:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 06:58:39 PM
Guest wrote:
I want to bring my son home. I miss him. He's not in any WWASP programs, and I am getting mixed messages from friends, and program parents.

This is sincere.

Can someone direct me to somewhere that I can find Exit Programs?

Notice above?  It says "Exit Programs". :cry2:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 06:58:50 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
And the Midwest thing.  I am lost.


If you want, Email me and I can send you solid proof. (yes.. ppl.. there is a lot of shit i am sitting on atm.. just be patient)
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:00:36 PM
What program is you kid in?  Maybe we could talk about that, and come up with something that would be a "FIT" for the place you've had him at for however long it's been.
Where has he been "enrolled" and for how long?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:03:40 PM
Mom, you say you want to be prepared "if your son messes up" after he returns home.
What would he have to do for you to consider it "messing up?"
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:05:36 PM
Is your son at Red Rock Canyon, by any chance?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:06:50 PM
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Guest""
And the Midwest thing.  I am lost.


If you want, Email me and I can send you solid proof. (yes.. ppl.. there is a lot of shit i am sitting on atm.. just be patient)

According to that article posted in this forum, WWASP, as an umbrella organization will probably not exist for more than another year or two. Then the big wwasp boggie man will be gone, and parents might actually have to start evaluating individual programs again? Let's hope. Right now I read too many statements to the effect of, "well at least it's not wwasps", and it makes me shudder!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:10:31 PM
No.  Not at RR and never at MW.  

Finding out what school isn't important as to how to handle an exit plan, I don't want to use their model.

I also don't want to list the school, because from being on here, I am not going to give any other parents any new ideas.  However, it does start with an "S".

And for the person that keeps insulting me, I am going to just ignore you because I think you're a Troll.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:12:47 PM
According to that article posted in this forum, WWASP, as an umbrella organization will probably not exist for more than another year or two. Then the big wwasp boggie man will be gone, and parents might actually have to start evaluating individual programs again? Let's hope. Right now I read too many statements to the effect of, "well at least it's not wwasps", and it makes me shudder!

Not true, not as long as you still have referral companies out there.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:13:58 PM
You insult your child every second you sit here wasting time while they rot in unjust imprisonment.
You can't raise kids via contractual agreements.  Stop trying to get someone to tell you otherwise and go get your kid already.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:15:37 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
However, it does start with an "S".

Shit Hole?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:16:51 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
According to that article posted in this forum, WWASP, as an umbrella organization will probably not exist for more than another year or two. Then the big wwasp boggie man will be gone, and parents might actually have to start evaluating individual programs again? Let's hope. Right now I read too many statements to the effect of, "well at least it's not wwasps", and it makes me shudder!

Not true, not as long as you still have referral companies out there.

Or parents like the one who started this thread.  :roll:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:17:00 PM
ACT Up is that you? You don't need an Exit Plan. Just bring him home. You'll figure the rest of it out as you go, just like you did before he went away to Summit.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:25:16 PM
Can only hope this topic was started by ACT UP.  At least her son is age 17 and he can walk away from her stupid butt at age 18.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 07:26:56 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
ACT Up is that you? You don't need an Exit Plan. Just bring him home. You'll figure the rest of it out as you go, just like you did before he went away to Summit.

LOOK.. Program told my parents that if they took me home I would be a monster.  Most parents listened.  Their kids arn't doing so well for the most part.  My parents did not listen, and against the dire warnings from program, took me home.  We learned ways to get along, and I am doing more than a little fine right now.  That would not have happened if program had got it's way.  So please.  Just take the kid home.  If you want advice on what me and my parents did to get along, i'll gladly answer. Ask away. If getting along isn't a problem, and he is depressed, sending him around to what he probably thinks of as "places for fuck-ups" isn't going to fix him.  It's just going to re-enforce his view of himself as a "fuck-up".  A loser. A suicidal wacko.  A nutball.  A druggie... A bulemic.  Programs often don't treat as much as they re-enforce (or create) the sickness.  It's like Munchausen by Proxy... only institutionalized.  Learned helplessnes..  Self fulfilling prophecies.  Call it what you will, if it's not working for him where he is, give him a chance at home, and let him feel normal for once.

DON'T look for a residential program, or a "transitional" school.  I was in one.  It wasn't a good experience, and such programs are becoming more and more popular (sadly).  In my opinion, the "transitional" schools are going to be the next big thing in this industry...
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:32:08 PM

See that's the thing, I am bringing him home against their wishes, oh freakin' well.  Because he hasn't done well in the school everyone is telling me since he's not done well, and isn't finishing, that I should give him an exit to the street, with a phone card, food card, yada yada yada.  No way am I going to do that.   And no, I am not actup, I haven't posted a name.  I just post under guest.

Personally, I think everyone in my house could use a exit plan, but that's just me, and me included at times. :rofl:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:43:05 PM
Quote from: ""psy""
LOOK.. Program told my parents that if they took me home I would be a monster.  Most parents listened.  Their kids arn't doing so well for the most part.  My parents did not listen, and against the dire warnings from program, took me home.  We learned ways to get along, and I am doing more than a little fine right now.  That would not have happened if program had got it's way.

Don't know how it was for you psy, but parents should expect their kid to have some issues after Program -- PTSD, learned helplessness, depression, maybe lots of things. Homecoming is not the time for behavior contracts and high expectations. It's a time for healing, and kindness and understanding.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:43:58 PM
And why won't you share the name of this facility; so other parents won't send their child there?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 07:45:23 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

See that's the thing, I am bringing him home against their wishes, oh freakin' well.  Because he hasn't done well in the school everyone is telling me since he's not done well, and isn't finishing, that I should give him an exit to the street, with a phone card, food card, yada yada yada.

Precisely what Benchmark wanted my parents to do.  It sounds like this place is definately not a good place.  Those details sound like a WWASP style exit-plan.  Are you sure the school your son is in is not WWASP?  Is it SCL?  

No way am I going to do that.   And no, I am not actup, I haven't posted a name.  I just post under guest.

Personally, I think everyone in my house could use a exit plan, but that's just me, and me included at times. :rofl:

Look.  This is important.  If you are a real parent, could you contact me via pm.  I will explain a lot more on the phone.  Chances are nobody does well in your son's school (it's designed not to end).  It's a scam.  They are most likely lying about their graduation rate.  They engineer "failure" (guarantee it), make it impossible to suceed, and eventually the kid will believe it is his fault, and wonder even more what is wrong with him.  Please.  Contact me via PM if you are a real parent.  Apart from pointing out the school's bullshit, i can explain how my parents and I learned to get along (I never believed it to be possible before).
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:47:43 PM
As far as I know, my son has not been abused, if I even thought that, he never would have gone, let alone would I keep him there.  I am bringing him home because I think it's time, I don't care what they think.

I agree with getting a therapist to help out in the transition, and for after care if he thinks he needs it.  I am not going to force the issue, just offer it.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Oz girl on July 19, 2007, 07:47:58 PM
Assuming that you are for real why bother with an exit plan at all? Sit down with the kid, talk about what you both want out of the living arangement and compromise. Make a promise to him that while some behaviours may be unacceptable in your home, this does not mean that the penalty for such trangressions will ever mean that he is going to be kicked out onto the street.
Be really prepared to listen to him and if he complains about the program dont tell him you did what you had to to save his life
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:48:59 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

See that's the thing, I am bringing him home against their wishes, oh freakin' well.  Because he hasn't done well in the school everyone is telling me since he's not done well, and isn't finishing, that I should give him an exit to the street, with a phone card, food card, yada yada yada.  No way am I going to do that.   And no, I am not actup, I haven't posted a name.  I just post under guest.

Personally, I think everyone in my house could use a exit plan, but that's just me, and me included at times. :rofl:

That's so typical program -- break all ties and disown him. Good for you that you don't want to throw away your son and your relationship with him. Here's an idea: take the money you would've spent on next month's tuition and take him on a nice vacation -- Europe, or maybe the Carribbean or some other nice exotic place. Quality time together away from home and away from Program.
Title: Re: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:51:30 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
He's had some mess ups while away, but has managed to finish high school a year ahead of schedule. I don't want to expect too much from him so as not to get upset if he does mess up, but I can't be the hardass everyone wants me to be.


First post of the thread.

Because he hasn't done well in the school everyone is telling me since he's not done well, and isn't finishing,

A few minutes ago.

Why does this poster seem to evade direct questions and change their story so much?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:52:52 PM
4th time here Mom:

Bring your son home.
Be a parent.
If you need outside guidance: hire a licensed, professional therapist.

It's not that difficult.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: hanzomon4 on July 19, 2007, 07:54:40 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

See that's the thing, I am bringing him home against their wishes, oh freakin' well.  Because he hasn't done well in the school everyone is telling me since he's not done well, and isn't finishing, that I should give him an exit to the street, with a phone card, food card, yada yada yada.  No way am I going to do that.   And no, I am not actup, I haven't posted a name.  I just post under guest.

Personally, I think everyone in my house could use a exit plan, but that's just me, and me included at times. :rofl:

I haven't read this whole thing(and won't) but what "everyone" is telling you to do is an exit plan. You kick the kid out on the street for not working the program, you do not want an exit plan. I suggest an apology to him first and then work on rebuilding the trust you screwed by sending him away to get programed.

I'm not trying to jump the gun but anyone who would give you the fear mongering bullshit you described above urging you to kick your son out on the street is an abusive prick, just imagine what this mentality does when it has complete control over you....
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 07:54:48 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""psy""
LOOK.. Program told my parents that if they took me home I would be a monster.  Most parents listened.  Their kids arn't doing so well for the most part.  My parents did not listen, and against the dire warnings from program, took me home.  We learned ways to get along, and I am doing more than a little fine right now.  That would not have happened if program had got it's way.

Don't know how it was for you psy, but parents should expect their kid to have some issues after Program -- PTSD, learned helplessness, depression, maybe lots of things. Homecoming is not the time for behavior contracts and high expectations. It's a time for healing, and kindness and understanding.

When you are a kid who is desperate, you take what you are offered.  Some parents are willing to listen, some aren't.   Mine weren't (at least not at first), but I didn't much feel like talking to them about it much anyway, so it wasn't too much of a problem.  If my parents had heard from someobody else, the same thing that his/her kid was telling him/her... they would have no choice other than to believe (how else would the stories coincide).  I am not talking about behavior contracts or high expectations...  However I know from bitter personal experience that chances are a lot better for a kid at home, than with nothing on the streets.

Do parents realize taht when you have nothing on the streets, you do what you have to do to survive?  Given that you start to stink after a while, and you need and address and phone to get a job... what are the realistic chances of getting somewhere legitimately?  It practically forces a kid to choose crime / drugs / prostitution.  And when you believe you will fail, and when you believe you are shit.. and when nothing really matters anymore...  In my book, putting a kid in that situation is tantamount to murder, and so-called "transitional programs" in my experience, only traumatically postpone that grim end.

Parent.  Call me up and i'll tell you some things kids I KNOW did to survive on the streets.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:54:54 PM
Oz Girl, I recognize that program crap about saving his life, doesn't work for me.  I only kept him out of jail.  We both know where we stand on that.  And he's alright with that and also ready to come home.

He's written out some things he wants to do, his plan, and it looks great on paper.  I think, however, with all the stuff he's put on there, that he's just overwhelming himself, or he'll soon realize he's overwhelmed.  I think he just needs to take it slow and not jump into a bunch of things when he does get home, but I am not going to stop him either.

I think he knows our values, what we expect, and is willing to deal with it.  We have to compromise on some things, and that's alright too.  I just want everyone on the same page, and it's hard when we are not, and that's the whole family basically.  

This is a contract, I think it will be,  for the whole family, not just our son.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:57:07 PM
What happens if the contract is broken? Do you all receive the same punishment?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 07:58:12 PM
When you have a kid who has some problems to a larger extent than average, whatever they are, parenting and home are going to be stressful. Period.

That's basically my advice.

I have a major mental illness, my child has some problems that I no longer describe, but they aren't her fault or anybody else's. Even if everybody does everything right, including her doing everything right, it could still kill her. We can reduce but not eliminate the risk, and I have to live with that every single day.

Parenting is going to be stressful. Find yourself a good therapist for yourself and go. Talk to your therapist, listen to your therapist.

There is no road map. We're all winging it. When your kid is having more problems than average, your average parental support system isn't going to be enough. Get help for yourself. Use it.

The only "exit plan" that will work with your kid is that you cope. Every kid is different, every family situation is different, every day with every kid is radically different.

Sure, it feels like the same old same old, or like it goes in cycles. Problem is, every minute it has the potential to turn radically different right then.

You're winging it. The only way to cope is to have an experienced support system that's winging it with you.

Oh, and avoid blaming your kid. It's not useful.

The Programs have it almost right when they talk about "what works"--the thing is, too many of them will do horrible things in the name of "what works" and rationalize that the ends justify the means.

You do "what works" in the context of normal societal rules of being a decent human being in how you treat other people. Blame doesn't work.

You may not be able to rescue your child. You can cope, you can do what you can that's consistent with being a decent person and has a chance of helping.

But your kid is a separate individual person from you and can rise or fall on his own no matter what you do. And if he falls, it may just not be anyone's fault.

I think parents sometimes use Programs because that's way too hard a fact to accept. There's so much emotional pressure from loving your kid to "do something" that people go off and do a wrong something that makes things worse. They don't mean to, for many it's just a denial based panic.

If you do everything you can, "you can" being in the context of your best judgment at the time and staying healthy yourself, your kid may still sink instead of swim.

If your kid does everything he can, "he can" being in the context of him being screwed up and it maybe looking like his fault but not being, he may still sink instead of swim.

Life sucks sometimes, including some damned awful truths.

Get a very good therapist to help you cope with that sucky fact, and follow through with your stated intent of going and getting your kid. ASAP on that last bit. A Program isn't a safe place to be.

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 08:00:08 PM
You want this boy to sign a CONTRACT?

Lady you need to listen.  You SIGNED A CONTRACT when you enrolled this kid in this program.

You need to be thinking PARENTING and family; not contracts!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 08:00:34 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

See that's the thing, I am bringing him home against their wishes, oh freakin' well.  Because he hasn't done well in the school everyone is telling me since he's not done well, and isn't finishing, that I should give him an exit to the street, with a phone card, food card, yada yada yada.  No way am I going to do that.   And no, I am not actup, I haven't posted a name.  I just post under guest.

Personally, I think everyone in my house could use a exit plan, but that's just me, and me included at times. :rofl:

Sounds like a nice place.  :roll:  Go pick him up already.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 08:05:14 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Oz Girl, I recognize that program crap about saving his life, doesn't work for me.  I only kept him out of jail.  We both know where we stand on that.  And he's alright with that and also ready to come home.

He's written out some things he wants to do, his plan, and it looks great on paper.  I think, however, with all the stuff he's put on there, that he's just overwhelming himself, or he'll soon realize he's overwhelmed.  I think he just needs to take it slow and not jump into a bunch of things when he does get home, but I am not going to stop him either.

I think he knows our values, what we expect, and is willing to deal with it.  We have to compromise on some things, and that's alright too.  I just want everyone on the same page, and it's hard when we are not, and that's the whole family basically.  

This is a contract, I think it will be,  for the whole family, not just our son.

I have a copy of the Exit-plan letter you most likely recieved.  Is this it? (http://
Title: Re: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 08:05:33 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
He's had some mess ups while away, but has managed to finish high school a year ahead of schedule. I don't want to expect too much from him so as not to get upset if he does mess up, but I can't be the hardass everyone wants me to be.


First post of the thread.

Because he hasn't done well in the school everyone is telling me since he's not done well, and isn't finishing,

A few minutes ago.

Why does this poster seem to evade direct questions and change their story so much?

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 08:08:20 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You want this boy to sign a CONTRACT?

Little fact about contract law: contracts are invalid if signed under duress.  Tear it up and make up a new one when he gets home, negotiated without the program middleman.  And forget all that bullshit you learned in those Premier Education workshops (it's nothing but cult dogma (based on Lifespring), and full of innacuracies, exaggerations, and outright lies about your kid.)
Very important question about the ExitPlan:  Is this it? (http://
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 19, 2007, 08:15:15 PM
Psy, check your private messages, I sent you one.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 19, 2007, 08:25:14 PM
That exit plan you put up there Psy, looks just like the one Premier gave us.  I haven't seen this schools exit plan or suggested plan, in fact, they don't have us doing seminars and all that bullshit, thank God.  He's leaving too early, so we never even got that far.

The exit plans I am getting are from my friends I told you about.

And troll, did you notice I am ignoring you?

Edited:  As far as his exit plan, or what he see's, he's working off Premier's example, so was I, or at least some of the stuff.  You're right about the exit though, because the other part has to do with throwing him out if he doesn't follow it, which I am not going to do.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Froderik on July 19, 2007, 08:34:17 PM
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
Assuming that you are for real

If I only had a dollar for every time I've read this phrase here... Wow, like are there any real OPs here anymore?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 19, 2007, 08:34:45 PM
Oz girl, I almost forgot, I am going to rent a motorhome, or borrow my moms, and take him to the beach for a week.  He loves the beach, and pretty much grew up there.

And Psy, no, I wasn't going to have him "sign" a contract.   Hadn't really thought about him signing it, just having it for reference and clarification of the house values, which would be all the things we agreed to.  He has just as much input on this, unlike what I think Premier does, my way or the highway crap.

edited:  I know he's going to mess up, so that's no surprise.  Shit, even I mess up.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 19, 2007, 08:36:10 PM
Alright, what's an OP?  A something parent?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Froderik on July 19, 2007, 08:40:38 PM
Original posts, or posters....
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 19, 2007, 08:45:27 PM
Title: Re: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 08:54:13 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I want to bring my son home.  I miss him.  He's not in any WWASP programs, and I am getting mixed messages from friends, and program parents.

This is sincere.

Can someone direct me to somewhere that I can find Exit Programs?  

He's had some mess ups while away, but has managed to finish high school a year ahead of schedule.  I don't want to expect too much from him so as not to get upset if he does mess up, but I can't be the hardass everyone wants me to be.


One hour he isn't in a WWASP program, now he is? One minute he graduated high school one year early, the next he is struggling? Get your story straight.  :rofl:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: nimdA on July 19, 2007, 08:56:28 PM
Umm wow.. I'm not reading 8 pages of this, and since Mummie is bringing her kid home good for her. You aren't the first who was taken for a ride by a slick ed con and snazzy tour.

That crap is boiler plate for this industry. They play on your fear, get you all sold on doing what is "right" for junior, take you on a slick looking tour, and bend your whole family over for a good session of hurt me now till I like it.

Glad to see that you saw right through it. Good luck with your kid and his home coming.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: nimdA on July 19, 2007, 08:59:25 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

See that's the thing, I am bringing him home against their wishes, oh freakin' well.  Because he hasn't done well in the school everyone is telling me since he's not done well, and isn't finishing, that I should give him an exit to the street, with a phone card, food card, yada yada yada.  No way am I going to do that.   And no, I am not actup, I haven't posted a name.  I just post under guest.

Personally, I think everyone in my house could use a exit plan, but that's just me, and me included at times. :rofl:

Hmmm...  My family had one. It was a suitcase full of my clothes on the back stoop after I turned 18.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 09:05:06 PM
Troll:  I should really ignore your attempts to piss me off.  But I can't. '

He's not in a WWASP program.  Read it again.  He used to be.  This is not the topic of discussion either.

He graduated high school a year early, he's stuggling with the schools rules.  

Just who in the hell are you anyway?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 09:06:49 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Troll:  I should really ignore your attempts to piss me off.  But I can't. '

He's not in a WWASP program.  Read it again.  He used to be.  This is not the topic of discussion either.

He graduated high school a year early, he's stuggling with the schools rules.  

Just who in the hell are you anyway?

Your son in about 10 years.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: nimdA on July 19, 2007, 09:07:18 PM
He graduated high school a year early, he's stuggling with the schools rules.

How do you manage that feat??
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 19, 2007, 09:12:53 PM
He's a really bright kid.  He also knew my big thing was school, not finishing any program.  

I actually showed up at a graduation once, uninvited of course, just to see for myself, and I will tell you that they had me suckered in after that.  All these kids coming in, in caps and gowns, all these happy parents, friends, and family smiling and snapping pictures. What's his face with his speech on the program, and happy staff all over the place.  They really put on a show.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 19, 2007, 09:15:09 PM
Guest wrote:
Troll: I should really ignore your attempts to piss me off. But I can't. '

He's not in a WWASP program. Read it again. He used to be. This is not the topic of discussion either.

He graduated high school a year early, he's stuggling with the schools rules.

Just who in the hell are you anyway?

Your son in about 10 years.

So you admit you're a troll.  Notice I didn't quote you in my post, yet you answered to it.   :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 09:18:27 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Guest wrote:
Troll: I should really ignore your attempts to piss me off. But I can't. '

He's not in a WWASP program. Read it again. He used to be. This is not the topic of discussion either.

He graduated high school a year early, he's stuggling with the schools rules.

Just who in the hell are you anyway?

Your son in about 10 years.

So you admit you're a troll.  Notice I didn't quote you in my post, yet you answered to it.   :rofl:  :rofl:

You sound like a two year old. Go pick up your son and stop playing games. You are just as pathetic as my parents were. Are you going to pretend and mock ignorance too when you beg for forgiveness? He'll just laugh in your face and never talk to you again. Go apologize now, your kid needs you!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 09:20:33 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Guest wrote:
Troll: I should really ignore your attempts to piss me off. But I can't. '

He's not in a WWASP program. Read it again. He used to be. This is not the topic of discussion either.

He graduated high school a year early, he's stuggling with the schools rules.

Just who in the hell are you anyway?

Your son in about 10 years.

So you admit you're a troll.  Notice I didn't quote you in my post, yet you answered to it.   :rofl:  :rofl:

I respond to troll because that's how you perceive me, and I know it. Just like when your child looked back when you said "loser" or "fatty", they were so used to being called these names by you, it just became habit. Make sense?

Now. Go pick up your kid, okay?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 09:47:38 PM
I never called my kid names.  Sorry someone did that to you.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Karass on July 19, 2007, 09:49:28 PM
I have to laugh at Gilcrease's exit plan and re-entry plan. How about something like this:

Parents handed over anywhere from $7000 to $14,000/month for a cult to incarcerate and brainwash their kid, for 'crimes' he was never found guilty of, or to try to re-program him into the person they thought he should be. Unless they're uber-rich, his college fund or his get-started-on-adult-life fund is gone.

Exit Plan:

1. Apologize profusely for what you did to him. Explain that you're a moron and were just trying to 'save' him. Hopefully he believes that you still love him and had no idea the 'help' was harmful to him.

2. Invite him to live at home and try to rebuild your relationship. If he doesn't want to do that right away, offer to subsidize his rent, food, clothes and transportation for however long it takes, or until he is firmly established on his own and is able to financially take care of himself.

3. Offer to pay for "real" school, whether that means finishing high school, getting a GED and then going to junior college, university or whatever -- if he wants to finish his education.

4. Offer to pay for "real" therapy if he wants to see someone, to work through all the shit that Program put in his head.

There are no contracts or conditions. You do this simply because he's your child and you were obligated to raise him until he was 18 and you neglected that responsibility and instead paid someone to hurt him. You owe it to him.

The ironic thing is that although this might sound expensive compared to Gilcrease's exit plan, it will end up being a lot cheaper than the Program -- even if your idea of "transportation" is to buy him a brand new car and even if he gets accepted to Harvard.

And instead of forcing him to survive on the streets by his wits -- crime, drug dealing, prostitution or whatever -- you actually give him a chance to become an adult that contributes to society -- an adult any parent should be proud to claim as their child.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 10:12:00 PM
That's great, all except the moron and saving his life bullshit, other than that, I have seen that before, and it's good.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 10:44:25 PM
Quote from: ""GabbaGabba""
you actually give him a chance to become an adult that contributes to society

And less likely a chance he'll end up "contributing" posts to fonrits web forum for the wayward web fora lost victims surviving the best they can using the internet to re congregate so ate least someone understands web forum thingy.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Karass on July 19, 2007, 10:56:47 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""GabbaGabba""
you actually give him a chance to become an adult that contributes to society

And less likely a chance he'll end up "contributing" posts to fonrits web forum for the wayward web fora lost victims surviving the best they can using the internet to re congregate so ate least someone understands web forum thingy.

Not sure exactly what you meant by that but whatever...I personally think the "web forum thingy" is the most powerful democratizing force in the history of the human race. No unscrupulous act or person is safe from the bright light of thousands of eyes prying down on it from the internet. That's why programs and certain repressive regimes deny open access to communications -- because the truth is contrary to their objectives.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 19, 2007, 11:03:19 PM
Quote from: ""GabbaGabba""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""GabbaGabba""
you actually give him a chance to become an adult that contributes to society

And less likely a chance he'll end up "contributing" posts to fonrits web forum for the wayward web fora lost victims surviving the best they can using the internet to re congregate so ate least someone understands web forum thingy.

Not sure exactly what you meant by that but whatever...I personally think the "web forum thingy" is the most powerful democratizing force in the history of the human race. No unscrupulous act or person is safe from the bright light of thousands of eyes prying down on it from the internet. That's why programs and certain repressive regimes deny open access to communications -- because the truth is contrary to their objectives.

Bingo.  If you obliterate communications control, or even show people that their communications are controlled (since they don't always realize)... programs die.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: nimdA on July 19, 2007, 11:39:38 PM
Quote from: ""GabbaGabba""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""GabbaGabba""
you actually give him a chance to become an adult that contributes to society

And less likely a chance he'll end up "contributing" posts to fonrits web forum for the wayward web fora lost victims surviving the best they can using the internet to re congregate so ate least someone understands web forum thingy.

Not sure exactly what you meant by that but whatever...I personally think the "web forum thingy" is the most powerful democratizing force in the history of the human race. No unscrupulous act or person is safe from the bright light of thousands of eyes prying down on it from the internet. That's why programs and certain repressive regimes deny open access to communications -- because the truth is contrary to their objectives.

AK-47 works pretty good to.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 19, 2007, 11:58:00 PM
Quote from: ""GabbaGabba""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""GabbaGabba""
you actually give him a chance to become an adult that contributes to society

And less likely a chance he'll end up "contributing" posts to fonrits web forum for the wayward web fora lost victims surviving the best they can using the internet to re congregate so ate least someone understands web forum thingy.

Not sure exactly what you meant by that but whatever...I personally think the "web forum thingy" is the most powerful democratizing force in the history of the human race. No unscrupulous act or person is safe from the bright light of thousands of eyes prying down on it from the internet. That's why programs and certain repressive regimes deny open access to communications -- because the truth is contrary to their objectives.

I was trying to say that if this parent does what you say in your post, that perhaps in addition to "contributing to society" they will also refrain from having the urge to search out internet sites such as this one. In other words maybe it will help them get over it more than a parent who just says, hey, get over it kid, it cost me a lot of money, you should be thankful, and blows them off or better yet they are brainwashed fully in program. Thats what I was trying to say in not so many words but I failed. lol
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2007, 02:11:54 AM
This OP/Mummie has posted conflicting "stories" and she has refused to answer direct questions; and she most certainly does not accept advice.

She admits that her son was in a WWASP facility prior to this program he is in now.
                                  What are the names of the programs he was in?
                                  What transport companies did she use?

She has been told repeatedly:
To bring this boy home; and to be a responsible parent; and to seek help from a licensed, professional therapist for any guidance she may need.

Why are posters allowing this woman to curse them? (FUCK YOU is rather strong language for a mother seeking "help.")

Why are posters engaging in her game-playing?  She pretends ignorance of internet language on-the-one-hand; yet freely uses internet terms, like TROLL freely.

What responsible mother needs a PROGRAM EXIT PLAN CONTRACT to refer to in order to parent her own child?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 20, 2007, 08:47:06 AM
Mummie is real.  I know who she is.  Ive talked to her on PM and she is going to call me today (you know who: Don't flip out this time.  k)
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: White Cracker Man on July 20, 2007, 10:06:01 AM
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Guest""
You want this boy to sign a CONTRACT?

Little fact about contract law: contracts are invalid if signed under duress.  Tear it up and make up a new one when he gets home, negotiated without the program middleman.  And forget all that bullshit you learned in those Premier Education workshops (it's nothing but cult dogma (based on Lifespring), and full of innacuracies, exaggerations, and outright lies about your kid.)
Very important question about the ExitPlan:  Is this it? (http://

Also, a minor can not enter into a binding contract unless he/she has been emancipated. Any contracts signed by minors under any other conditions will be deeemed NULL AND VOID. At least in America.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2007, 12:03:42 PM
I have to say that I am very surprised by David Gilcrease's letter in regards to an Exit Plan. People over the years (a lot of former program kids), have described this to be much crueler then it actually is.

I really don't see a problem here, that letter was direct, and matter of fact? What is your beef with it folks?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2007, 12:10:10 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have to say that I am very surprised by David Gilcrease's letter in regards to an Exit Plan. People over the years (a lot of former program kids), have described this to be much crueler then it actually is.

I really don't see a problem here, that letter was direct, and matter of fact? What is your beef with it folks?

No problem at all, if you want to guarantee your kid's going to fail.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 20, 2007, 01:13:36 PM
I talked to Mummy on the phone and can tell you that she is a real parent.  Try and go easy, she is relatively new to all this and she is taking her kid out of program now.  OK.  So chill.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2007, 01:18:27 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have to say that I am very surprised by David Gilcrease's letter in regards to an Exit Plan. People over the years (a lot of former program kids), have described this to be much crueler then it actually is.

I really don't see a problem here, that letter was direct, and matter of fact? What is your beef with it folks?

That's because no survvior has ever actually gotten the plan described in this letter. The letter is like showing someone a brochure of a WWASP facility and expecting to understand what the facility is actually like. It does not represent reality. My exit plan was nothing other than the ability to walk down the road. My friends and people I've talked to received the same as me or if they were lucky $20 in cash and a ride to the local town so they don't have to hitchike.

It's a good question you bring up though. Why did Gilcrease make this written plan so much better than the kids will ever typically see?

1. The point of exit plan is to blackmail kid into staying. A paid apartment and car isn't going to do that. So if they kid states they are leaving they keep cutting the exit plan down and down until it's nothing but clothes on their back.

2. Parents don't want to reward their kid for dropping out of the program they are trying to coerce their child to stay into.

3. This is given to paernts to soften them up and get them used to the idea (like the poster who said it seemed okay), and then slowly chip away at it over a few months until it is nothing.

I don't really know so I can't answer your question other than to say that the exit plan I received was only my clothes on my back, well not only that they said they'd call the cops on me for being "suicidal". I can't begin to explain the amount of manipulation that goes into trying to get an 18 year old to stay.

I just hope you might have an open enough mind to believe me when I say that the written exit plan does not represent the reality I lived, nor many other survivors I talked to who were offered or took exit plans.

Hopefully this addresses your concerns and why our testimony does not align with what David Gilcrease's letter says. Nothing Gilcrease has said or written EVER matches up with reality, he's a cult leader, that's how he works, through psychological manipulation and lies.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 20, 2007, 01:21:37 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have to say that I am very surprised by David Gilcrease's letter in regards to an Exit Plan. People over the years (a lot of former program kids), have described this to be much crueler then it actually is.

I really don't see a problem here, that letter was direct, and matter of fact? What is your beef with it folks?

That's because no survvior has ever actually gotten the plan described in this letter. The letter is like showing someone a brochure of a WWASP facility and expecting to understand what the facility is actually like. It does not represent reality. My exit plan was nothing other than the ability to walk down the road. My friends and people I've talked to received the same as me or if they were lucky $20 in cash and a ride to the local town so they don't have to hitchike.

It's a good question you bring up though. Why did Gilcrease make this written plan so much better than the kids will ever typically see?

1. The point of exit plan is to blackmail kid into staying. A paid apartment and car isn't going to do that. So if they kid states they are leaving they keep cutting the exit plan down and down until it's nothing but clothes on their back.

2. Parents don't want to reward their kid for dropping out of the program they are trying to coerce their child to stay into.

3. This is given to paernts to soften them up and get them used to the idea (like the poster who said it seemed okay), and then slowly chip away at it over a few months until it is nothing.

I don't really know so I can't answer your question other than to say that the exit plan I received was only my clothes on my back, well not only that they said they'd call the cops on me for being "suicidal". I can't begin to explain the amount of manipulation that goes into trying to get an 18 year old to stay.

I just hope you might have an open enough mind to believe me when I say that the written exit plan does not represent the reality I lived, nor many other survivors I talked to who were offered or took exit plans.

Hopefully this addresses your concerns and why our testimony does not align with what David Gilcrease's letter says. Nothing Gilcrease has said or written EVER matches up with reality, he's a cult leader, that's how he works, through psychological manipulation and lies.

Cult leader is a very accurate description.

He created the seminars based on his experience as a Lifespring (another cult) facilitator.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2007, 01:28:57 PM
I should also mention this for the person curious about exit plans in WWASP facilities. It wasn't the financial hardship that scared most of the 17 year olds I talked to while waiting out my own time.
A lot of kids retain a deep bond with their family, a kind of love I never had or experienced, so strong it seemed to me they would be willing to endure psychological torture and physical torment in order to get home and satisfy their parents.

Now sure there are some of us that absolutely hated our families by the time of the Exit Plan, but many kids do not. Watch the WWASP documentary when the mother tries to go pick up her daughter. That daughter isn't concerned with living in a homeless shelter, or her exit plan... the only thing concerning her is the LOVE that her parent has now so clearly begun to hold hostage until she complies with the program.

In my opinion the financial hardship aspect of the exit plan was only part of the exit plan, the other half is psychological manipulation to make you think that the whole world will hate you, you will die of drugs and suicide, they will call the FBI on you, that your parents will call the police if you try to contact them. That your family is going to shun you for the very rest of your life and you are all alone int he world.

Some of these people just want their family back. It's not about getting an apartment or having to walk down the street .

This is more important than the financial aspects of exit plans, it's much more devastating and the emotions are very intense I think. One is financial betrayal which is easy to get over, aftgerall we were 18. The other is family betrayal, that is harder to get over.

If you havent seen the WWASP documetnary you should.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 20, 2007, 04:48:18 PM
I got my hands on a couple of exit plans, and for the most part, don't agree with any of them.  All of them are set up for failure, which is exactly how this program works.  

I am still afraid of WWASP.  Once you get out of their mind control, wake up and realize what the hell is going on, it's pretty scary.  Knowing now what they put my kid through I could kick myself around the block for being so nieve.  As I explained to Psy, it's like I put myself and my kid in front of a speeding train and just stood there.  I hadn't even realized this was unregulated, because when they say they are accredited, you assume it means the same.  Afterall, someone has to be watching, or at least that's what I thought.  

There are thousands of parents out there right now who don't know these programs are unregulated, and are still under the brainwashing of Premier, even selling their program because they honestly think they are helping.  I know, because I almost got caught up in that.

My story is not unique as far as being underinformed and brainwashed, there are hundreds of families out here finally coming forward, as Psy pointed out, some who can't speak about it, and haven't come out with their stories yet, and some who may never come out, and some who are scared to come out, or for one reason or another cannot.

I am not asking for sympathy for me, only my son.  I should have looked better, I should have taken the signs seriously, I should have have put 2 and 2 together, but I didn't because there are too many zombies out there telling you it's lies, and disgruntled students and parents.  Then you get the old "this program isn't a one size fits all, and you still get the same kid back".  Well if you think about it, then why send them to begin with.

Our family's story, however, is quite unique, and too complicated, and it wouldn't really matter at this point anyway to explain it.  Just know that I am awake now, and my son is my main concern.  I hope he forgives me and that we can be a family and move through this next challenge, and I am going to give him all the support he needs, and if he messes up, he gets a do-over.

Thanks for all the input.  I will try and keep you guys posted.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Deborah on July 20, 2007, 11:04:02 PM
Speaking of the Exit Plan being whittled down to the clothes on your back, I'm remembering a young man who took the EP and they wouldn't give him the meds he was dependent on. As I recall, they told him that the drugs belonged to his father, they weren't his. Some exit plan. Has nothing to do with exiting and everything to do with being coerced to stay.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 20, 2007, 11:12:10 PM

Yes. Basically, it comes down to blackmailing your kid.  That, which you described, regarding the meds, I have never heard of, however, that doesn't mean it never happened.  That's part of the brainwashing.  Maybe you did, and just forgot it as easily as you read it, all in the name of WWASP, and solidarity.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: nimdA on July 20, 2007, 11:19:57 PM
More like all in the name of WWASP's profit margin.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2007, 11:58:47 PM
Yah, that too!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 21, 2007, 06:29:50 AM
Quote from: ""Mummie""

Yes. Basically, it comes down to blackmailing your kid.  That, which you described, regarding the meds, I have never heard of, however, that doesn't mean it never happened.  That's part of the brainwashing.  Maybe you did, and just forgot it as easily as you read it, all in the name of WWASP, and solidarity.

Same thing with the meds happened at Benchmark.  A girl, Lindsey, was even denied her anti-siesure medication (which could have easily been lethal).  They claimed they could sell the meds, or the kids would abuse them.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 21, 2007, 03:27:20 PM
They claimed they could sell the meds, or the kids would abuse them.

Psy, not clear, they said they would or could?  Either way, totally illegal, and abusive.  You're right about that could have been lethal.  Jesus! :evil:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 21, 2007, 03:30:04 PM
Strange how you have some facilities refusing to get meds for kids who need them, all in the name of manipulation, when others are clammering to drug them out.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 21, 2007, 03:34:30 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Strange how you have some facilities refusing to get meds for kids who need them, all in the name of manipulation, when others are clammering to drug them out.

Well.  Everybody was on meds in program (There was a girl named Jessica who was on Dexadrine during the day, and Ambien at night to sleep, for example... that was common), but if you wanted to leave, you couldn't take them (including, as I mentioned, siezure meds).  They put a Meth addict, Melinda, on 90mg of aderrall (max dosage).  Other stuff... but it's standard program fare.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 21, 2007, 03:40:59 PM
Hi Psy.

I know with my son, they refused to give him meds, said he was manipulating and didn't need them for his sleeping problem.  Turns out, when moved, someone finally listened.  But yah, I have heard of them overmedicating too, and these people are for the most part not qualified to make those kinds of decisions.  Must be nice to have a doctor in your back pocket.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 21, 2007, 03:47:59 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Must be nice to have a doctor in your back pocket.

Must be nice to be a doctor with lots and lots of guaranteed business.  I know precisely what you mean.  As far as I know (and i might be mistaken) California has a law against giving controlled substances to people with substance-abuse issues (such as Melinda).  Imagine going into withdraws trying to leave a program, in addition to not having any money, food, water, clothing...  Makes em want to "keep coming back".

Kids!  Don't do drugs, unless you get them from us!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 21, 2007, 03:59:35 PM
(http://[img][/img]  (staff using students med)  

Sorry, just couldn't resist.  I wouldn't doubt that there is some drug abuse by staff going on there too.  Just guessing though, and maybe not, look at what happened at TB, over, and over, and over, again.

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 21, 2007, 04:07:08 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
(http://[img][/img]  (staff using students med)  

Sorry, just couldn't resist.  I wouldn't doubt that there is some drug abuse by staff going on there too.  Just guessing though, and maybe not, look at what happened at TB, over, and over, and over, again.


That isn't Innacurate at all, actually.  A staff member, Beth Sutch, was fired for doing meth in program (she was one of the bus drivers.)  Yes she was intoxicated while driving the bus (she couldn't stop fiddling with the radio).  There have been more "relapses" than that, but she is just one example.  My feeling is that staff join on with the program thinking they will be helping kids.  When they can no longer fool themselves becuase of the blatant nature of what goes on around them, they find a little extra help to fool themselves.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 21, 2007, 04:38:14 PM
The blind leading the blind.  Sad.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 22, 2007, 12:23:40 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
The blind leading the blind.  Sad.

Blind leading blind?!?!?!  Most of the staff were experienced needle-jockies with multiple felony convictions.  A good few never graduated high-school.

on the other hand, most of the kids there were for issues like "ADHD" or "anxiety disorder" or various absurdities.  Take a look at the keywords they use in their site's source:

Benchmark Young Adult School, help for troubled teen, adolescent behavior problem, young adult behavior problem, depression in adolescents, adolescent depression, shy and withdrawn teens, teens at risk, young adults at risk, aspergers syndrome, substance abuse in teens, substance abuse in young adults, drug abuse in teens, drug abuse in young adults, problem teens, teen behavior problem, at risk adolescents, at risk young adults, at risk youth, youthful offenders, teen learning disabilities, young adults learning disabilities, tough love, emotional growth, emotional growth schools, oppositional-defiant, borderline behavior, behavior disorder, behavior modification, schools for at risk teens, difficult teens, at risk youth program, intervention program risk youth, troubled teen private school

Their NATSAP page says:

• Academic coaching
• Appropriate boundaries
• Apartment living
• College classes
• Community involvement
• Daily living skills
• Emotional growth
• Finance and budgeting
• High school diploma
• Job experience
• Meal planning/preparation
• Peer group model
• Qualified and caring counselors
• Structured work skills
• 12-Step programs (AA/NA)
• Vocational education

But hell.  I created a whole website on the shithole.  Check my signature.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2007, 01:00:49 AM
NATSAP, will have to check them out.  These places are very new to me.  Never heard of Benchmark or Witmore before coming here.

Needle Junkies?

You see, this is what I am talking about.  I remember reading in some schools sites that they can't handle kids with issues like ADHD and ODD, yet they take them.  No kids with serious drug problems, but they take them.  That right there should be a red light, but it's not because people are not thinking clearly when they get to the point of putting their child in, what they think, is a kind and caring residential treatment program.

Christ, we have to do more to get this information out there.  Media needs to quit being scared off for what ever reason they are not reporting on these facts.  You don't think these networks don't know this is big busines, and that they are bound by big money and politics not to report?  I think so, but that's just my opinion.  And these public figures, Dr. Phil, Oprah, and Montel keep feeding the freakin' industry.

I actuallly heard about screaming at some parents for not seeing their kids for months (wwasp practice) and now he's referring to RR.  Please, someone tell me why?

I am bantering now, need to get off this, or I won't stop.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2007, 01:53:34 PM
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Mummie""

Yes. Basically, it comes down to blackmailing your kid.  That, which you described, regarding the meds, I have never heard of, however, that doesn't mean it never happened.  That's part of the brainwashing.  Maybe you did, and just forgot it as easily as you read it, all in the name of WWASP, and solidarity.

Same thing with the meds happened at Benchmark.  A girl, Lindsey, was even denied her anti-siesure medication (which could have easily been lethal).  They claimed they could sell the meds, or the kids would abuse them.

This happened to me too. Before i was put in private program I ws in a myriad of psychiatric programs and other RTC type places so I came into this program on a bunch of meds. I was on 1mg xanax 4 times per day, 25mg zyprexa 1 time day, 250mg effexor 3 times day, 2 times day of thyroid medication for hyper thyroid, 3 times day buspar, 2 times day some other one I cant remember that was supposed to curb drug cravings.

So a couple days after I turned 18 I said I was walking and they used this against me. They got my dad on the phone. First time I talked to him in 7 months, since he dropped me off there. It also happened to be his birthday, which is a few days after mine. He said they told him I was doing bad, and in isolation all the time, that I had run, and that I was now wanting to leave. He said please stay and finish high school at least (this would of taken me 1-2 months). I said no way!

At this point it turned from "concerned about your well being please stay" tone to " you better stay or else" tone. So he just regurgitated lies from the manipulative and accused child molester family rep  , as she sat there smugly grinning at her manipulation as I watched in horror. So I try to get a word in, but he's not hearing it. He is no longer on my team, that much was clear.

So after a heated exchange between the three of us fro a few minutes I feel like I am going to explode,something this program knows well, driving kids to nervous breakdowns and emotional meltdowns. So they let me walk around the facility, fuming.. steaming... in another world.. seeing red. Because my dad just told me on the phone... a bunch of lies. Let me summarize them:

1. His friend who was a judge, was in the process of drawing up "conservativeship" papers to keep me there until I turn 21 based on my supposed mental health problems.
2. If I called my mom (who I had been secretly communicating with in hidden letters hidden within the inside of greeting cards(sounds crazy but this is the reality of these gulags ). Well my dad found out and was super pissed she was involved. If I called her for help, the FBI would be involved and she would be put in jail I was told.
3. I would receive no exit plan, no 30 dollars and ride to Missoula like so many other kids received. I was getting only clothes on my back, and the ability to walk down the road. I was fine with this .
4. Since my dad owned my medications I could not have them. If I took them they would call the (corrupt) sherrif to come pick me up for theft and have me serve my sentence at the program I was in.
5. If i left without my meds they would call the (corupt) sheriff to come arrest me and have me committed to the psych hospital for being suicidal, on the assumption if I left SCL without meds I needed to live (rapid withdrawal from all those at the same time I was told would be not so good and potential fatal) it was the same thing as jumping off a bridge. I would be forced into hospital and given the meds via needle I was told and then returned to SCL because the conservativership would surely go through if I did such an irrational thing like that.
7. I was repeatedly told by psychiatrists and re-affirmed by staff of numerous programs I was schizophrenic, 'major' depressed, suicidal, helplessly addicted to drugs, severe anxiety, and to top it off the label of psychotic disorder. They were trying to get me to "absorb " this into my psyche, which I refused to do. Is this how pharmaceutical companies secures lifelong customers for their (stronger than street drugs) corporate medicines? I am repulsed and sickened by my own experience.

So after all that I willingly agreed to go to a psychiatric hospital and "return to the program" after I "stabilized" (full blown nervous breakdown after these dramatic confrontations, and being the first conversation with my dad in so long,but  at this point, I was walking that day no matter what), So after this day-long wrangling and emotional battle of wills with these people , finally a nice staff member drove me the couple hours through thick forests and beautiful lakes and mountains back to civilization (yay!) and to the hospital.

Now of course normally I was not too happy to be in a psych hospital. I rebelled enough to get restrained, etc. But at this point I was very thankful, and my reality so skewed, this hospital seemed like a god send. So luckily the place was not influence by the program I was in, and I as able to talk with normal human beings and tell them what happened.

I had to stay for a month in that hospital though, it took me and the psychiatrist and therapists that long to convince and work out a contract with my dad to come home, he was that brainwashed or whatever by the program and diagnosis that I was insane. He really didn't want me coming home, but I said I would rather walk out onto the streets of CourDelane and try my best there than go to another program.

So then I got home and I went back into the day treatment program I was in before so many times. I did it, but nothing was the same anymore. The whole world looked different to me. Living at home was just horrible. My dad had turned into missing in action dad, to overt control freak dad. . so now he's giving me my meds and holding my mouth open to see I take them. He's pulling my sleeves up to see if I cut. He's always interrogating  me to see if I am high. I was drug tested at the day treatment program daily, and constantly told I was crazy and needing to be on massive amounts of medication that just drained me physically and emotionally and I had completely lost my sex drive while on them.
So after about a week and a half of this I was breaking under the constant pressure to act like everything was normal, and so when the day treatment people asked what I was going to do that day I said I wanted to go down to tijuana to get drunk .

You only have to be 18 to drink in Tijuana, and I had just turned 18 and wanted to go down and party and told them that, and they laughed.. lol.. I was kind of daring them to put me in inpatient.. a subtle cry for help saying please fucking save me from my insane life that I call home and my whole world was just melting away.

So that night I got home and packed up whatever valuables I still had left in my room. I took the bus downtown, then rode the trolley down to the border and walked across it was about 7pm so still sunny because it was summer, a weekday so not that many americans just lots of commuting mexicans going home from work.

I brought down a cheap video camera, some nice sunglasses and a portable CD player because I was only allowed to keep a couple dollars on me to prevent me from buying drugs. So it was getting dark and I had never been in mexico before and I just walk where all the mexicans are walking which is to this culdasec with a bunch of old busses. The old international style school bus with old wooden seats.

I just got on one of these buses and sat down near the front because the rest was filled with a bunch of small looking mexicans. There was no sign or anything where it was going. Luckily the driver spoke english. I sat behind him and asked where it was going. He said to drop these people off, and asked if I was trying to get to revolucion because if so I got on the wrong bus. So we drove all around these residential neighborhoods and all the people got off at their small shanty houses.

I was upfront said I want to get high I dont really want to waste my time dancing and drinking I dont really like to drink but if he has something a little better I would appreciate that. I said I dont have any money but I have these new sunglasses and showed him the rest of my stuff and he said he'd see what he could work out.

We go back drop the bus off and then get in a taxi with  about 12 other people because that's how its done down there to save money. We make ten stops and finally after driving for what seems like for whatever around residential neighborhood of dirt street shanty towns he get off near this alley. I followed the guy down this dark alley, flickers of lighters going off all around, he walked down while I just chilled against a building trying to act like I am not totally out of place lol.

He comes back a few minutes later and he points to this one apartment we go to. He knocks on the door and this big mexican guy answers and lets us in. Remove the innards of a light bulb but since it wasnt clear it had that white lining on it that had to be removed first so that took a while. After that what I traveled so far for finally happened and we tweeked out all night. At about 2 or so they forced me to take a break and we walked down this dirt road and a couple blocks down in this intersection was a food stand. So the dude slices off some dog meat or whatever it is and they say you arent smoking more until you eat this.

Eating on speed is disgusting.. but eating dog meat carved of fa stick in tj is even more gross but I wanted to smoke more so I pound this shit burger down and eventually satisfy them this gringo is not going to drop dead on their floor and get the bulb back in my hand for a while. After partying for the night the big guy  kicks us out and we go walking around. We found a bus to chill on and the window was open so opened the door and tried to get some sleep. My new friend actually fell asleep but I was wide awake and watched the sun rise over this quiet and totally different neighborhood than the one I was used to.

Couple hours later some other dude comes in the bus and sits down and at first pretends not to see me then all of a sudden starts screaming and Im poking my friend who speaks spanish to wake up and he wouldnt wake up he was so fucking out I had to shake him a few times and he woke up. He said something to the driver and he blew us off, with that international hand slap and grunt and he drove off. So we drove all around these dirt roads to residential areas for a couple hours, it was a nice tour of hte city.

Finally got back to the border and the guy says if I want to party again to look him up. Broken lighbulb in my pocket eyes gouging I made it back across the border saying I was there to b"buy cigarettes" even though I only had like 2 left in my pack.. lol.

Get back on the trolley, hoping they dont check for tickets. Get off trolley downtown and get on the bus and the funny thing is I had some change left in my pocket and it was exactly enough right down to the penny to get back to the treatment facility place since I had nowhere else to go. I walked in and I was going to pretend like nothing happened, but I looked so visibly fucked up they noticed right away.

So after talking to them for a little while and them figuring out I was tweeking like a motherfucker fairly fast, they sent me to the ER since I had overdosed recently before they thought i was hurt myself again. I told them the ER doesn't like overdoses so I didn't want to go but they said they'd call the cops so I went. They jab me with needs for what seems like hours and then give me some IV drugs to calm down and then I started hallucinating. I started seeing monsters and cartoon characters all over the hospital, and on my bed.. it wasn't scary, or a bad trip. I told them, hey.. I'm seeing characters here and that's all I remember from the hospital but I was discharged in that state to go home to my dad.

When I got home I just went in my room and went on my computer. I was just staring at the screen since I was still tripping, and the colors were pretty. I turned around and the stack of laundry on my bed started taking on life, and then the clothes all got vertical and were dancing with each other and I started laughing, boy was I chuckling from that , because it was very funny to see that!

I didn't know but my dad had brought his friend over, his AA fanatical friend. He's the guy who would take me to CA meetings while high before I got sent to all these places. So anyways he comes in my room. He was this huge , burly, hairy bear of a man, and I thought he was funny too so I started laughing. This was disturbing him and my family though, the uncontrollable laughing. SO the big AA guy starts to like bear hug me, like some sort of AA exorcism for drugs or something, I kid you not. I said get off and just laughed more. They keep talking to me and saying AA slogans and shit to try and get me to come down since me being high was so destructive to their realities for some reason.

I walked out of that room from the confrontation, and into the living room. I was siting in a relaxing chair,  staring at the fireplace and then the pictures above it, with the people in it started to dance. They were dancing like clear as video, it was so fucking amazing and funny at the same time. This is when the next thing I notice there are two big ass uniformed cops with their hands on their guns in the living room right next to me. I jumped, because I was so shocked by cops being behind me just turning around and they grab at their guns .

They tell me stand up and they handcuff me and lead me out of the house. I stare up and watch the stars dance around, I am still laughing. Even these cops can't ruin this high! They put me in the back of their patrol car, nothing new... so I tried talking to them but they just laughed at me for being so high. I just stared at their computer screen , telling them the crazy shit I was seeing and we all had a good laugh on the 30 minutes drive to the criminal insane place. This was not the psych hospital I had been so many times before. This was the police version of it so it was dank and shit and slightly different.

I was led into a locked room where a doctor was there. He said what was I seeing. I said I saw the corners of the walls were peeling back and the walls were coming down and shit like that. I saw these three huge ass fucking needles like you'd think a horse was in there, and he bends me over and shoots me in the ass with all three one after the other. I had enough energy to be led back to my cell , lay down, and pass out.

I woke up in  a lock ward to the sounds of some psychotic dude banging on his door screaming shit. Later my door was opened and I was allowed in the main room to read the magazines or use the pay phone. I had no one to call. I asked when I was getting out, no response. I ate their meals they gave me. The other guy had to stay locked up so I was the only one there. I just chilled for 4 days and they said my dad was coming to get me out.

He picked me up and said they were releasing me to transfer. So I was transfered from there to the adult ward of the psychiatric hospital I had been in. But this wasn't the adolescent ward. Or the ward for drug users. They put me in the psychotic ward. So I was in this place now on a 14 day hold. The one good thing was they gave us cigarettes, that is the one thing that kept me sane, that and xanax.

My roommate was psychotic, couldn't talk to him. I woke up at night many times to find him squatting in the corner near his bed, taking a crap on the floor. Or I'd walk in the room in the afternoon, and this man would be rolling on the ground in his own urine. There is no way to describe it other than utterly and completely sad and pathetic. I feel bad people are treated this way. Another guy walked around the whole time saying how he was going to chop his wifes head off. SO I had made the leap from adolescent facilities to adult facilities, and I got to say the adult ones were much more entertaining. Lots of fights with staff, and general craziness at all times. It was never quiet. If I didn't' have sleep meds that were strong I wouldn't have got any.

After the 14 days was up in this little locked hallway, I was eager to leave, but told that it was being extended to another 14 days. Yeah so here we go again, I had heard this all before. I immediately get on the phones they have with the advocates they say they connect to. They said they put me on list to look into it I never heard back, apparently they look into it on their own and not contact me. This point I figured the doctor was my lifeline, so I tried to convince him to let me go, but he still wouldn't unless i agreed to go to treatment.

So him and my dad found this place (since my dad had so many AA connections from his years in that program and all his friends were) to this sober living group home thing for adults. He was totally out of money and just about to lose our health insurance as it was, so this one was like a community run program, it was for poor people is a better way to put it.

So after 18 days or something locked up in that craziness, my dad picks me up and drives me the hour north to the orientation center to the house. They don't tell you where the house is, you have to go to this orientation office first, a small office in a strip mall type building. I walked in and there was about two dozen people sitting around. Everyone was a lot older than me, I had just turned 18. These people looked like they were mostly in their 30 and 40's and I didn't look forward to it. This place was run by ex addicts, it was just a group home for NA.

I sat in the orientation and the more they talked the more and more iI got uncomfortable. After the two hour orientation, I took my two big ass suitcases, and put them in the dumpster outside, and walked down the street to find the nearest pay phone. I found the pay phone and called my dad cell phone collect. He answered, I could hear from his phone he was still on the road home. I said you don't understand what this place is and where I have been and I can't do this, please pick me up. I'll be good at home just please pick me up. He said no. I called back his phone was off.

SO that was the real point of my "exit plan", now finally I was left on the street all by myself, either to return to the 1 year at least treatment group home and live with other addicts reveling in our shared sympathy, or do whatever. So the sun was going down and I didn't know who to call. I couldn't remember phone numbers.

I called number after number after number collect, I learned how to dial real fast that day because it took me a couple hours after dark and it was getting cold until I finally got my sisters number right and they didnt answer, and since it was collect I couldn't leave message, but at least I had the number. So that night I walk around I wasn't going to sleep anyways and every few hours try calling my sister.

Finally got a hold of her, she had moved out while I was in the program with her boyfriend  and I asked her, well begged her to stay with her. She said dad had already called her. She said that if she let me stay with her, dad would take her car back and not help with rent. I begged and said I had nowhere else to go and I was serious too, my next choice was back down to party with my mexican friend. She relented and said only for a few days. So she came and picked me up that morning .

Over the next couple weeks through back scene political wrangling in order for her not to kick me out I had to agree to go to a adult day treatment program, the doctor there was nice and helped me get on state disability for of all things psychotic disorder and receive some of the moneys I had payed into since I had worked so much as a teen. So that gave me about 600 a month in money for little while, and all I had to do was go to this other treatment center for crazy schizo adults. I saved me money for the net couple months and then met a friend and moved out with them and that was my official "exit plan" from my family forever.

The funny thing is now my dad wants back in my life that I was able to make it despite all his attempts to force me down his road of reasoning, which was not for me. I feel like he was willing to leave me on the streets, and I proved him wrong by doing well in my life and not dying of an OD or doing all the things and being all the things they kept wanting me to believe I was. I called their bluff.

I would like to believe that my dad needed the programs "help" to come up with the idea of an exit plan, but I think the reason he sought out the programs he did was because he agreed with the philosophy. He still does to this day. It's like he says I'm sorry about the torture, but you can't fault the torturers. Doesn't make any sense to me.

They help they were offering and then forced didn't help, it just made things worse and define the world for me as them being oppressors because that's kind of how it works out. For them tweaking trips to Tijuana are insanity, you must be crazy. I just challenge their assumptions that things are dangerous and prove them wrong and they punished me for it.

But yeah, that about sums up my exit plan which took a couple months of battling. But I finally won the war for freedom, so it's all good. ::bandit::
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2007, 04:14:45 PM
You story is horrific.  I am truly sorry.  

[/quote]I would like to believe that my dad needed the programs "help" to come up with the idea of an exit plan, but I think the reason he sought out the programs he did was because he agreed with the philosophy. He still does to this day. It's like he says I'm sorry about the torture, but you can't fault the torturers. Doesn't make any sense to me.


Makes no sense to anyone.  And, ah, I would tell Dad that you can fault anyone you want, Dad included.  Just because he's still in that twisted mind-set, and you are trying to have a relationship, doesn't mean that you have to agree with him, or his mindless babble.

I hope you have forwarded your story for the hearings, and I wish you happiness, and I hope that you find it.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2007, 04:15:59 PM
Alright, made a boo-boo, reverse the quote.  Don't know what the heck just happened.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Froderik on July 23, 2007, 10:12:33 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Mummie""

Yes. Basically, it comes down to blackmailing your kid.  That, which you described, regarding the meds, I have never heard of, however, that doesn't mean it never happened.  That's part of the brainwashing.  Maybe you did, and just forgot it as easily as you read it, all in the name of WWASP, and solidarity.

Same thing with the meds happened at Benchmark.  A girl, Lindsey, was even denied her anti-siesure medication (which could have easily been lethal).  They claimed they could sell the meds, or the kids would abuse them.

This happened to me too. Before i was put in private program I ws in a myriad of psychiatric programs and other RTC type places so I came into this program on a bunch of meds. I was on 1mg xanax 4 times per day, 25mg zyprexa 1 time day, 250mg effexor 3 times day, 2 times day of thyroid medication for hyper thyroid, 3 times day buspar, 2 times day some other one I cant remember that was supposed to curb drug cravings.

So a couple days after I turned 18 I said I was walking and they used this against me. They got my dad on the phone. First time I talked to him in 7 months, since he dropped me off there. It also happened to be his birthday, which is a few days after mine. He said they told him I was doing bad, and in isolation all the time, that I had run, and that I was now wanting to leave. He said please stay and finish high school at least (this would of taken me 1-2 months). I said no way!

At this point it turned from "concerned about your well being please stay" tone to " you better stay or else" tone. So he just regurgitated lies from the manipulative and accused child molester family rep  , as she sat there smugly grinning at her manipulation as I watched in horror. So I try to get a word in, but he's not hearing it. He is no longer on my team, that much was clear.

So after a heated exchange between the three of us fro a few minutes I feel like I am going to explode,something this program knows well, driving kids to nervous breakdowns and emotional meltdowns. So they let me walk around the facility, fuming.. steaming... in another world.. seeing red. Because my dad just told me on the phone... a bunch of lies. Let me summarize them:

1. His friend who was a judge, was in the process of drawing up "conservativeship" papers to keep me there until I turn 21 based on my supposed mental health problems.
2. If I called my mom (who I had been secretly communicating with in hidden letters hidden within the inside of greeting cards(sounds crazy but this is the reality of these gulags ). Well my dad found out and was super pissed she was involved. If I called her for help, the FBI would be involved and she would be put in jail I was told.
3. I would receive no exit plan, no 30 dollars and ride to Missoula like so many other kids received. I was getting only clothes on my back, and the ability to walk down the road. I was fine with this .
4. Since my dad owned my medications I could not have them. If I took them they would call the (corrupt) sherrif to come pick me up for theft and have me serve my sentence at the program I was in.
5. If i left without my meds they would call the (corupt) sheriff to come arrest me and have me committed to the psych hospital for being suicidal, on the assumption if I left SCL without meds I needed to live (rapid withdrawal from all those at the same time I was told would be not so good and potential fatal) it was the same thing as jumping off a bridge. I would be forced into hospital and given the meds via needle I was told and then returned to SCL because the conservativership would surely go through if I did such an irrational thing like that.
7. I was repeatedly told by psychiatrists and re-affirmed by staff of numerous programs I was schizophrenic, 'major' depressed, suicidal, helplessly addicted to drugs, severe anxiety, and to top it off the label of psychotic disorder. They were trying to get me to "absorb " this into my psyche, which I refused to do. Is this how pharmaceutical companies secures lifelong customers for their (stronger than street drugs) corporate medicines? I am repulsed and sickened by my own experience.

So after all that I willingly agreed to go to a psychiatric hospital and "return to the program" after I "stabilized" (full blown nervous breakdown after these dramatic confrontations, and being the first conversation with my dad in so long,but  at this point, I was walking that day no matter what), So after this day-long wrangling and emotional battle of wills with these people , finally a nice staff member drove me the couple hours through thick forests and beautiful lakes and mountains back to civilization (yay!) and to the hospital.

Now of course normally I was not too happy to be in a psych hospital. I rebelled enough to get restrained, etc. But at this point I was very thankful, and my reality so skewed, this hospital seemed like a god send. So luckily the place was not influence by the program I was in, and I as able to talk with normal human beings and tell them what happened.

I had to stay for a month in that hospital though, it took me and the psychiatrist and therapists that long to convince and work out a contract with my dad to come home, he was that brainwashed or whatever by the program and diagnosis that I was insane. He really didn't want me coming home, but I said I would rather walk out onto the streets of CourDelane and try my best there than go to another program.

So then I got home and I went back into the day treatment program I was in before so many times. I did it, but nothing was the same anymore. The whole world looked different to me. Living at home was just horrible. My dad had turned into missing in action dad, to overt control freak dad. . so now he's giving me my meds and holding my mouth open to see I take them. He's pulling my sleeves up to see if I cut. He's always interrogating  me to see if I am high. I was drug tested at the day treatment program daily, and constantly told I was crazy and needing to be on massive amounts of medication that just drained me physically and emotionally and I had completely lost my sex drive while on them.
So after about a week and a half of this I was breaking under the constant pressure to act like everything was normal, and so when the day treatment people asked what I was going to do that day I said I wanted to go down to tijuana to get drunk .

You only have to be 18 to drink in Tijuana, and I had just turned 18 and wanted to go down and party and told them that, and they laughed.. lol.. I was kind of daring them to put me in inpatient.. a subtle cry for help saying please fucking save me from my insane life that I call home and my whole world was just melting away.

So that night I got home and packed up whatever valuables I still had left in my room. I took the bus downtown, then rode the trolley down to the border and walked across it was about 7pm so still sunny because it was summer, a weekday so not that many americans just lots of commuting mexicans going home from work.

I brought down a cheap video camera, some nice sunglasses and a portable CD player because I was only allowed to keep a couple dollars on me to prevent me from buying drugs. So it was getting dark and I had never been in mexico before and I just walk where all the mexicans are walking which is to this culdasec with a bunch of old busses. The old international style school bus with old wooden seats.

I just got on one of these buses and sat down near the front because the rest was filled with a bunch of small looking mexicans. There was no sign or anything where it was going. Luckily the driver spoke english. I sat behind him and asked where it was going. He said to drop these people off, and asked if I was trying to get to revolucion because if so I got on the wrong bus. So we drove all around these residential neighborhoods and all the people got off at their small shanty houses.

I was upfront said I want to get high I dont really want to waste my time dancing and drinking I dont really like to drink but if he has something a little better I would appreciate that. I said I dont have any money but I have these new sunglasses and showed him the rest of my stuff and he said he'd see what he could work out.

We go back drop the bus off and then get in a taxi with  about 12 other people because that's how its done down there to save money. We make ten stops and finally after driving for what seems like for whatever around residential neighborhood of dirt street shanty towns he get off near this alley. I followed the guy down this dark alley, flickers of lighters going off all around, he walked down while I just chilled against a building trying to act like I am not totally out of place lol.

He comes back a few minutes later and he points to this one apartment we go to. He knocks on the door and this big mexican guy answers and lets us in. Remove the innards of a light bulb but since it wasnt clear it had that white lining on it that had to be removed first so that took a while. After that what I traveled so far for finally happened and we tweeked out all night. At about 2 or so they forced me to take a break and we walked down this dirt road and a couple blocks down in this intersection was a food stand. So the dude slices off some dog meat or whatever it is and they say you arent smoking more until you eat this.

Eating on speed is disgusting.. but eating dog meat carved of fa stick in tj is even more gross but I wanted to smoke more so I pound this shit burger down and eventually satisfy them this gringo is not going to drop dead on their floor and get the bulb back in my hand for a while. After partying for the night the big guy  kicks us out and we go walking around. We found a bus to chill on and the window was open so opened the door and tried to get some sleep. My new friend actually fell asleep but I was wide awake and watched the sun rise over this quiet and totally different neighborhood than the one I was used to.

Couple hours later some other dude comes in the bus and sits down and at first pretends not to see me then all of a sudden starts screaming and Im poking my friend who speaks spanish to wake up and he wouldnt wake up he was so fucking out I had to shake him a few times and he woke up. He said something to the driver and he blew us off, with that international hand slap and grunt and he drove off. So we drove all around these dirt roads to residential areas for a couple hours, it was a nice tour of hte city.

Finally got back to the border and the guy says if I want to party again to look him up. Broken lighbulb in my pocket eyes gouging I made it back across the border saying I was there to b"buy cigarettes" even though I only had like 2 left in my pack.. lol.

Get back on the trolley, hoping they dont check for tickets. Get off trolley downtown and get on the bus and the funny thing is I had some change left in my pocket and it was exactly enough right down to the penny to get back to the treatment facility place since I had nowhere else to go. I walked in and I was going to pretend like nothing happened, but I looked so visibly fucked up they noticed right away.

So after talking to them for a little while and them figuring out I was tweeking like a motherfucker fairly fast, they sent me to the ER since I had overdosed recently before they thought i was hurt myself again. I told them the ER doesn't like overdoses so I didn't want to go but they said they'd call the cops so I went. They jab me with needs for what seems like hours and then give me some IV drugs to calm down and then I started hallucinating. I started seeing monsters and cartoon characters all over the hospital, and on my bed.. it wasn't scary, or a bad trip. I told them, hey.. I'm seeing characters here and that's all I remember from the hospital but I was discharged in that state to go home to my dad.

When I got home I just went in my room and went on my computer. I was just staring at the screen since I was still tripping, and the colors were pretty. I turned around and the stack of laundry on my bed started taking on life, and then the clothes all got vertical and were dancing with each other and I started laughing, boy was I chuckling from that , because it was very funny to see that!

I didn't know but my dad had brought his friend over, his AA fanatical friend. He's the guy who would take me to CA meetings while high before I got sent to all these places. So anyways he comes in my room. He was this huge , burly, hairy bear of a man, and I thought he was funny too so I started laughing. This was disturbing him and my family though, the uncontrollable laughing. SO the big AA guy starts to like bear hug me, like some sort of AA exorcism for drugs or something, I kid you not. I said get off and just laughed more. They keep talking to me and saying AA slogans and shit to try and get me to come down since me being high was so destructive to their realities for some reason.

I walked out of that room from the confrontation, and into the living room. I was siting in a relaxing chair,  staring at the fireplace and then the pictures above it, with the people in it started to dance. They were dancing like clear as video, it was so fucking amazing and funny at the same time. This is when the next thing I notice there are two big ass uniformed cops with their hands on their guns in the living room right next to me. I jumped, because I was so shocked by cops being behind me just turning around and they grab at their guns .

They tell me stand up and they handcuff me and lead me out of the house. I stare up and watch the stars dance around, I am still laughing. Even these cops can't ruin this high! They put me in the back of their patrol car, nothing new... so I tried talking to them but they just laughed at me for being so high. I just stared at their computer screen , telling them the crazy shit I was seeing and we all had a good laugh on the 30 minutes drive to the criminal insane place. This was not the psych hospital I had been so many times before. This was the police version of it so it was dank and shit and slightly different.

I was led into a locked room where a doctor was there. He said what was I seeing. I said I saw the corners of the walls were peeling back and the walls were coming down and shit like that. I saw these three huge ass fucking needles like you'd think a horse was in there, and he bends me over and shoots me in the ass with all three one after the other. I had enough energy to be led back to my cell , lay down, and pass out.

I woke up in  a lock ward to the sounds of some psychotic dude banging on his door screaming shit. Later my door was opened and I was allowed in the main room to read the magazines or use the pay phone. I had no one to call. I asked when I was getting out, no response. I ate their meals they gave me. The other guy had to stay locked up so I was the only one there. I just chilled for 4 days and they said my dad was coming to get me out.

He picked me up and said they were releasing me to transfer. So I was transfered from there to the adult ward of the psychiatric hospital I had been in. But this wasn't the adolescent ward. Or the ward for drug users. They put me in the psychotic ward. So I was in this place now on a 14 day hold. The one good thing was they gave us cigarettes, that is the one thing that kept me sane, that and xanax.

My roommate was psychotic, couldn't talk to him. I woke up at night many times to find him squatting in the corner near his bed, taking a crap on the floor. Or I'd walk in the room in the afternoon, and this man would be rolling on the ground in his own urine. There is no way to describe it other than utterly and completely sad and pathetic. I feel bad people are treated this way. Another guy walked around the whole time saying how he was going to chop his wifes head off. SO I had made the leap from adolescent facilities to adult facilities, and I got to say the adult ones were much more entertaining. Lots of fights with staff, and general craziness at all times. It was never quiet. If I didn't' have sleep meds that were strong I wouldn't have got any.

After the 14 days was up in this little locked hallway, I was eager to leave, but told that it was being extended to another 14 days. Yeah so here we go again, I had heard this all before. I immediately get on the phones they have with the advocates they say they connect to. They said they put me on list to look into it I never heard back, apparently they look into it on their own and not contact me. This point I figured the doctor was my lifeline, so I tried to convince him to let me go, but he still wouldn't unless i agreed to go to treatment.

So him and my dad found this place (since my dad had so many AA connections from his years in that program and all his friends were) to this sober living group home thing for adults. He was totally out of money and just about to lose our health insurance as it was, so this one was like a community run program, it was for poor people is a better way to put it.

So after 18 days or something locked up in that craziness, my dad picks me up and drives me the hour north to the orientation center to the house. They don't tell you where the house is, you have to go to this orientation office first, a small office in a strip mall type building. I walked in and there was about two dozen people sitting around. Everyone was a lot older than me, I had just turned 18. These people looked like they were mostly in their 30 and 40's and I didn't look forward to it. This place was run by ex addicts, it was just a group home for NA.

I sat in the orientation and the more they talked the more and more iI got uncomfortable. After the two hour orientation, I took my two big ass suitcases, and put them in the dumpster outside, and walked down the street to find the nearest pay phone. I found the pay phone and called my dad cell phone collect. He answered, I could hear from his phone he was still on the road home. I said you don't understand what this place is and where I have been and I can't do this, please pick me up. I'll be good at home just please pick me up. He said no. I called back his phone was off.

SO that was the real point of my "exit plan", now finally I was left on the street all by myself, either to return to the 1 year at least treatment group home and live with other addicts reveling in our shared sympathy, or do whatever. So the sun was going down and I didn't know who to call. I couldn't remember phone numbers.

I called number after number after number collect, I learned how to dial real fast that day because it took me a couple hours after dark and it was getting cold until I finally got my sisters number right and they didnt answer, and since it was collect I couldn't leave message, but at least I had the number. So that night I walk around I wasn't going to sleep anyways and every few hours try calling my sister.

Finally got a hold of her, she had moved out while I was in the program with her boyfriend  and I asked her, well begged her to stay with her. She said dad had already called her. She said that if she let me stay with her, dad would take her car back and not help with rent. I begged and said I had nowhere else to go and I was serious too, my next choice was back down to party with my mexican friend. She relented and said only for a few days. So she came and picked me up that morning .

Over the next couple weeks through back scene political wrangling in order for her not to kick me out I had to agree to go to a adult day treatment program, the doctor there was nice and helped me get on state disability for of all things psychotic disorder and receive some of the moneys I had payed into since I had worked so much as a teen. So that gave me about 600 a month in money for little while, and all I had to do was go to this other treatment center for crazy schizo adults. I saved me money for the net couple months and then met a friend and moved out with them and that was my official "exit plan" from my family forever.

The funny thing is now my dad wants back in my life that I was able to make it despite all his attempts to force me down his road of reasoning, which was not for me. I feel like he was willing to leave me on the streets, and I proved him wrong by doing well in my life and not dying of an OD or doing all the things and being all the things they kept wanting me to believe I was. I called their bluff.

I would like to believe that my dad needed the programs "help" to come up with the idea of an exit plan, but I think the reason he sought out the programs he did was because he agreed with the philosophy. He still does to this day. It's like he says I'm sorry about the torture, but you can't fault the torturers. Doesn't make any sense to me.

They help they were offering and then forced didn't help, it just made things worse and define the world for me as them being oppressors because that's kind of how it works out. For them tweaking trips to Tijuana are insanity, you must be crazy. I just challenge their assumptions that things are dangerous and prove them wrong and they punished me for it.

But yeah, that about sums up my exit plan which took a couple months of battling. But I finally won the war for freedom, so it's all good. ::bandit::

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Rachael on July 23, 2007, 11:35:01 AM
Have to say I'm glad that you've been posting anon since it means you can't delete posts anymore and therefore I don't question my own sanity ten minutes later.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: psy on July 23, 2007, 11:36:04 AM
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Have to say I'm glad that you've been posting anon since it means you can't delete posts anymore and therefore I don't question my own sanity ten minutes later.

me too  LOL

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:01:57 PM
It appears all of MUMMIE's talk about an Exit Plan for her son was a waste of time.  MUMMIE has posted on the PV thread that she went to Red Rock Academy to pick up her son; but decided to leave her son there with his "friends" while she runs off on vacation to Italy.

Red Rock is this boy's 5th program, following Tranquility Bay and Sorenson's.  Mummie doesn't want to name the other 2 programs she locked this kid away in.

But, MUMMIE is sending pictures of Sorensons; and now wants to investigate Cinammon Hills since she's such a "concerned mother" herself.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 02:21:39 PM
You liar.  I am letting my son make his own choices.  Go to the PV thread and read.  Nice try Izzy.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:24:40 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Nice try Izzy.

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:32:31 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
You liar.  I am letting my son make his own choices.  Go to the PV thread and read.  Nice try Izzy.

It's NOT IZZY.   Jeeeeeezus.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 02:36:11 PM
Liar :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:39:03 PM
Shut up, you self-absorbed, jackass bitch. Pull your head out of your ass!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:40:45 PM
So Ganja is Guest, is Izzy?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:41:34 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Liar :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:

Believe what you want you fucking moron.  It's not Izzy.  I fucking HATE Izzy.  You obviously don't know all you think you do.
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:42:15 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
So Ganja is Guest, is Izzy?

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:45:52 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
So Ganja is Guest, is Izzy?

 ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:49:34 PM
:rofl: :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:   Yah, pretty funny how you two, Guest and Ganja, keep following each other around and posting.  Look at all the threads...Ganja posts to a new thread, and there's guest right behind posting also to support Ganja, Ganja support Guest.  Funny how your split personalities can't seem to grip that. Now whose thick?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:50:32 PM
:roll:  :roll:  :roll:
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:51:20 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
:rofl: :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:   Yah, pretty funny how you two, Guest and Ganja, keep following each other around and posting.  Look at all the threads...Ganja posts to a new thread, and there's guest right behind posting also to support Ganja, Ganja support Guest.  Funny how your split personalities can't seem to grip that. Now whose thick?

I'm responding to the threads that keep popping up on top, which are the ones YOU are posting in.

Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 03:37:16 PM
Read the PV post MUMMIE DEAREST; and just who are you to be using all your fowl language telling posters what to do? YOU are the parent who locked her kid up in 5; that would be FIVE programs!!!!
YOU are the poster who has used about 3-4 names posting here as a favor to Izzy; so if you fear Izzy now, that's your problem, MUMMIE.
YOU put your kid into Tranquility Bay, Sorensons and now just left him at Red Rock with his "friends" and YOU and describe Red Rock as a nice place.
YOU need to stop handing out advice and do some research on the facility you just left your kid at; and you need to clean up your filthy mouth!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:01:01 PM
I think some of us here would like to know why if you say you hate Izzy so much, that you keep bashing the parent who put izzy's head on a platter and served it up to Psy?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:11:17 PM
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:14:44 PM
you fucking CUNT
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:16:17 PM
jackass bitch
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:17:15 PM
Pull your head out of your ass!
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:18:09 PM
fucking moron
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:19:17 PM
I fucking HATE Izzy
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:21:04 PM
using all your fowl language

You're kidding right?
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:28:23 PM
And don't forget this

Get the fuck out you sniveling little bitch
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:47:35 PM
fucked in the head
 all from Ganja and guest
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:49:01 PM
missed this one.
Get the fuck outta here!!! I survived two fucking years
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:51:20 PM
What a fucking retard
Title: Exit Plan
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 07:47:29 PM
I'm responding to the threads that keep popping up on top, which are the ones YOU are posting in.

Have to laugh.  Poster is right, you are less than a minute behind Ganja on every posts, both threads.