
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: White Cracker Man on July 05, 2007, 12:44:34 AM

Title: Happened to find this thread from suite101.
Post by: White Cracker Man on July 05, 2007, 12:44:34 AM
Below is part one of a typical thread about a parent looking to save their teen and a responder possibly looking to collect a referral fee.

Part two will follow.

Please help me?!?! I have a 15 year old daughter who I honestly should have named her Satan. She is into drugs/drinking/sex/stealing/lieing/truancy.... I have read so many different parenting books and tried several things but nothing works. She was diagnosed with depression 2 years ago and was on anti-depressants, but has since been released from her therapist and is no longer taking medication. She screams and yells at me, cursed at me, is very verbally abusive to me, and threatens me. She is in trouble for truancy at this time because she refused to go to school. We have been in court over this already 4+ times. I was even court ordered to attend school with her for 2 days. I had to miss work just so I could babysit her. And she is already in high school. She tells me all of the time that when she turns 16 she is dropping out. She has stolen from me so many times. I am at my wits end. I cry myself to sleep almost nightly because she upsets me several times a day. Her dad is in the picture physically, but that's it. He doesn't and never has been a good dad. He to is involved with drugs. I don't have any more ideas on what to do with her.
Title: Happened to find this thread from suite101.
Post by: White Cracker Man on July 05, 2007, 12:55:55 AM
Below is part two.

Top 1.   Aug 1, 2004 4:15 AM
ยป 1HeyYou - Re: Re: Re: my out of control 15 year old

In response to message posted by klp454:

I trust that by now you have done some looking so you have an idea of what is out there in residential treatment programs. Actually, by the time we made the ultimate decision about our son, he knew that he was so far 'out there' that we were going to HAVE to do something drastic. I told him bits and pieces about my research so when it was time for him to go, he knew that he was going, and how, he just didn't know exactly when. The morning the escorts came, my son was so high and so mellow, the guys said he was the easiest transport they'd ever had.
Just recently he and I have started talking about his drug use back then. I had no idea how far into drugs and alcohol he really was. I thought it was mostly weed, but more frequently than I was comfortable with, especially with the potency the growers have achieved now a days. Now my son is admitting that if we had not intervened when we did, he would probably be dead by now. He was doing mostly LSD, cocaine, and heroin!! YES, HEROIN! And he was selling to pay for his drugs!
Now he's home, sober, just finished summer school and is trying to find a social life. THAT'S the hard part. He's 'slipped' a couple times since he's been home, but he's come in the door admitting it to us. It's hard to tell who's more disappointed when that does happen. YES, I HAVE MY SON BACK!! (August 4th will be the the one year anniversary of the day that he went off to treatment.)
As for schools, basically there are two types of treatment approaches, behavior modification and positive peer culture. Basically behavior mod teaches how to control through giving and taking away privileges. Positive peer culture teaches how to control oneself from within, through a more positive self image, self confidence, and, appreciation and tolerance of people and the world around them. This is achieved through individual therapy, family therapy (via phone), and peer group sessions. I think you can tell where my preference lies.
Next, make sure that the treatment program you pick is certified by the state in which the program resides.
If your son is still in high school, find out if the educational program within the 'school' is accredited with the accreditation body for that part of the country.
Lastly, believe it or not, $3,800 per month is on the low side. We were paying $4950 per month plus medication, plus therapy costs. Its just now that our son is home after 11 months in the school, that our insurance company is figuring out what their share/our share of this expense is. We are amazed by the checks we are getting from them!! (Its considered inpatient drug treatment) AND is tax deductible if you can get a psychological diagnosis which should be rather easy!
I can help you out more specifically with the certification and accreditation if you need.
[email protected]
Title: Happened to find this thread from suite101.
Post by: Truth Searcher on July 05, 2007, 07:19:45 AM
Where did you pull this from?
Send them over to psys site if you can.
Title: Happened to find this thread from suite101.
Post by: White Cracker Man on July 05, 2007, 04:02:28 PM
I found this on Suite101, the thread is from 04. I will email the person and give her a link to Psy's site as well as Fornits.The responder was the only one who posted an EMail Address.
Title: Happened to find this thread from suite101.
Post by: White Cracker Man on July 05, 2007, 04:13:36 PM
My email to that person was returned.
Title: Happened to find this thread from suite101.
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2007, 04:26:41 PM
Sometimes when I'm googlin' I find old things like this, it makes you wonder what happened.... I also thought wouldn't it be weird if you found a post and it was your parent posting about you? What if if you found out your parents was calling you satan child  :-? Maybe that daughter was crying herself to sleep everynight too, and had been for a while? Who knows.. right.
Title: Happened to find this thread from suite101.
Post by: White Cracker Man on July 08, 2007, 09:06:40 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Sometimes when I'm googlin' I find old things like this, it makes you wonder what happened.... I also thought wouldn't it be weird if you found a post and it was your parent posting about you? What if if you found out your parents was calling you satan child  :-? Maybe that daughter was crying herself to sleep everynight too, and had been for a while? Who knows.. right.