
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 21, 2007, 02:19:33 PM

Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 21, 2007, 02:19:33 PM
Lon has closed the Discussion Forum.  Apparently the staged attacks between Karen and exhausted finally got his attention. Jena was MIA and an embarrassed Lon posted a message telling the children to go post elsewhere pending Jena's return.
Way to wake up, Lon.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Deborah on May 21, 2007, 02:26:21 PM
The StrugglingTeens discussion forum has been closed while Jena is traveling. The children can take their petty bickering to another sandbox. Please check back soon to see if Jena can come up with any ground rules that can make it focus on parent support rather than drama. -Lon

Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: hanzomon4 on May 21, 2007, 02:37:24 PM
What attacks?(I don't visit that forum, health reasons)
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Truth Searcher on May 21, 2007, 03:01:14 PM
Well now.  This is a shocker.   :-?
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Ursus on May 21, 2007, 04:03:53 PM
I do believe he was going to close it down previously, but Jena (according to Jena) convinced him to keep it open provided she would run it.  He allegedly doesn't want to be bothered.  This from quoted material posted by psy, a post I can not seem to find at the moment...

Is it really because Jena is "traveling," or is it that things are just too heated of late there, and Jena doesn't want to deal with it any more either?
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 21, 2007, 04:07:08 PM
Looks like you guys finally did it. Good job!
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 21, 2007, 04:09:15 PM
Willie (Karen) and exhausted were in a battle, which turned out to be a sham.  Karen wanted to show that Psy was held to a different standard and no matter what a parent did, they wouldn't be banned. Exhausted knew what was going on, but a lot of the other parents got mad about the fighting. Karen posted today saying what the intent was, and Lon got mad.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: exhausted on May 21, 2007, 05:08:04 PM
Quote from: ""Ursus""
I do believe he was going to close it down previously, but Jena (according to Jena) convinced him to keep it open provided she would run it.  He allegedly doesn't want to be bothered.  This from quoted material posted by psy, a post I can not seem to find at the moment...

Is it really because Jena is "traveling," or is it that things are just too heated of late there, and Jena doesn't want to deal with it any more either?
Bloody hell ursus, we said the same thing word for word  :o

And oh, erm yer, about that between me and WillieNelson, sorry peeps who were using the site for genuine reasons, but not sorry for the reason we did it ... i think you all now know that the site closing down confirms that Py was banned for not complying and his wish to speak freely - but fear not, his site allows everyone to do just that, on the plus side.

I guess if ST opens again, that'll be me and Karen banned then?  If so, why? Because we opened a Pandora's box? Whatever....
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: ZenAgent on May 21, 2007, 05:11:40 PM
Quote from: ""Ursus""
I do believe he was going to close it down previously, but Jena (according to Jena) convinced him to keep it open provided she would run it.  He allegedly doesn't want to be bothered.  This from quoted material posted by psy, a post I can not seem to find at the moment...

Is it really because Jena is "traveling," or is it that things are just too heated of late there, and Jena doesn't want to deal with it any more either?

You're right, Ursus, Psy had a link to the email he received from Jena.  I can't find it either right now, not for lack of looking.  I do recall it said Lon was ready to ditch the forum after Sue Scheff made it a crime scene during her WWASP "crusade".  Jena volunteered to take over, since she had moderated for AOL at some time and could devote the time necessary to police the forum.  Gestapo the forum is more like it.

Jena's "travel" seems like a convenient alibi designed to hide her obvious bias on the forum.  I don't think she anticipated the wave of protest following Psy's banishment.  Some very prolific ST posters found the ban indefensible, and it caused them to look at ST in a way they hadn't before.

ST doesn't need a forum anyway, it's only an infomercial for Lon and his EdCon cronies.  Defend the industry, Lon, but make sure your disclaimer is in plain sight.  Like mine   ::deal::

Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on May 21, 2007, 05:28:32 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Willie (Karen) and exhausted were in a battle, which turned out to be a sham.  Karen wanted to show that Psy was held to a different standard and no matter what a parent did, they wouldn't be banned. Exhausted knew what was going on, but a lot of the other parents got mad about the fighting. Karen posted today saying what the intent was, and Lon got mad.

Hee hee.

Bet Lon didn't expect that to happen.  Before everybody blames me, saying it must have been some crazy scheme of mine, it was actually not my idea.  Karen became increasingly suspicious of Lon's motives after he banned me a second time, and decided to test him.  I only found out about it after I contacted Karen to ask her to go easy on Exhausted.  I had suspected she was up to something but didn't know for sure until I got a response.  Exhausted didn't even know about it until a few days ago... I was afraid she would attack back, so I emailed her to let her in on what was going on, telling her to keep cool, no matter what.  Lon would never ban his most loyal (that is, until her program was corrupted) cheerleader.  She was sure to intersperse her posts with program support and cheers for Lon.

I told Karen they wouldn't do a damn thing about it.  They would ban Exhausted before they banned her.  So... why did he shut the forum down?  He lost all his cheerleaders.  His forum is only valuable to him if he can use it as free marketing.

So.  The next time you decide to flame Exhausted or Karen, realize that it was they who dealt ST the final deathblow.  Without ST, parents will have the opportunity to look towards other sources for more balanced information.  Hopefully, being able to communicate with survivors in a "parent friendly" enviornment such as "Struggling People", moderated by all sides (survivors, parents, etc), will help parents to better understand the dangers of this industry.  How is this different than the "Facilities Questions" forum?  It isn't.  It just doesn't have the "evil" Fornits name, that scares people off.  It's moderated by TSW as well.

Before people jump on me.. Yes.  I am moving the forum to a real domain without the ads.

Did I have anything to do with it?  Inspiring the resistance?   Well.  I might as well explain now.  Karen has known about it since December.

I registered for ST for two purposes:  to warn the parents of the dangers of disreputable schools and educational consultants, and to get banned in the process.  I knew they wouldn't let me continue to warn parents, since it would harm business, but at the same time, I knew they couldn't ban me unless I gave them a reason.  So, I gave them no reason.  It probably drove them insane.  I wanted to prove to other parents that they would ban me for what I said, not how I went about saying it.  Lon and Jena took the bait.  They banned me.  Instead of sitting quietly in the corner to think about my "consequences", I exposed their bullshit reasons for banning me to the public and made a spectacle of our correspondence.  They gave me the ammunition I wanted...  And they did it twice.  Their reasons, the second time, were even more absurd than the first, and gave me an opportunity to show parents what other motivations they might have for banning me.  I created dissent, I created an uncensored (just no attacks) alternative, and watched the migration.

I was going to leave it at that point, figuring most parents would figure it out...  I have to thank Karen for deciding to put Lon to her own test.  I suppose the people I really should be thanking are the folks at ST.  By being willing to ban me for no legitimate reason, they showed the public what many of us "over here" already knew...  that they had ulterior motives, and whatever those might be, you probably don't want your kids in the hands of people who aren't willing to let you explore other options.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: exhausted on May 21, 2007, 05:36:53 PM
Well put Psy

But consider that ST may well be put back up again once the dust dies down, yes most of the posters there will have moved on to another forum such as yours, but there will always be troubled teens and desperate parents, it'll just be a new generation i guess.

There is only one way ST will close forever, and that is if there are no programs to discuss, and unless people like Lon et al decide to stop advocating them, I cannot see that happening.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 21, 2007, 06:40:03 PM
While these parents play, kids are being hurt.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 21, 2007, 06:41:17 PM
Karen has now ruined 2 forums.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on May 21, 2007, 07:44:34 PM
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Well put Psy

But consider that ST may well be put back up again once the dust dies down, yes most of the posters there will have moved on to another forum such as yours, but there will always be troubled teens and desperate parents, it'll just be a new generation i guess.

There is only one way ST will close forever, and that is if there are no programs to discuss, and unless people like Lon et al decide to stop advocating them, I cannot see that happening.

That is true, but without parents, there is no industry.  I truly believe, if parents have access to all the information, most will not choose a program as an alternative.  Most do so in ignorance.  Most are blind to the warning signs.  Most do not understand why many on Fornits are so upset.  It's ignorance not malice.  If these were truly evil parents, they wouldn't give a damn enough to post online at all.  Tell a parent: "Your kid is gonna DIE!!!!" and it scares them.  Fear, like most emotion, suppresses reason, and people make decisions under stress that they would not make otherwise.  When those parents check on a forum, which at first glance, would seem to be populated by a balanced range of opinion, their decisions are continuously validated, dissenting ones "pruned" via editing or banning.  Without that universal validation and re-enforcement,

Lon won't open his forum again, or he will have to ban all his current posters.  If he does that, he will have to come up with a good reason (and since he can't.. he would just be kicking himself in the ass again).  My guess is the place is gone for good.  *waves to a few select people "in the know" and smiles* :D
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 21, 2007, 07:51:34 PM
I truly believe, if parents have access to all the information, most will not choose a program as an alternative.

Your forum populace says otherwise. (program parents)
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on May 21, 2007, 08:09:31 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I truly believe, if parents have access to all the information, most will not choose a program as an alternative.

Your forum populace says otherwise. (program parents)


Psy - survivor
TSW - staff
curious (aka ozGirl) - researcher
Karen - Program Parent
Exhausted - Non-program Parent
Zen - Crazy-inlaw-kidnapped-kid-program-parent (who doesn't like programs one bit)
Rachael - Survivor, parent of non-teen
FICA - Survivor, Parent

Gee... that's not balanced?  I think i pretty much got every possible opinion covered.  I actually invited Jena to become a mod, but she never responded (guess she doesn't like the "no deleting or editing posts" rule, and open-door, diplomatic moderation).

Bitch about the moderators.  I dare you.  I spent a lot of time choosing them so that the choice would appeal to both those on ST and Fornits.  As for the regular members?  Stop complaining, start registering.. but that's only if you intend to follow the rule:

One rule: no attacking other posters.

As soon as the system generates a backup database, and emails it to me, like it's supposed to in theory, i'm moving the forum to a real domain and hosting service, where there will be no ads, apart from maybe a few for unrelated stuff, like computers, books, or dvds, to support the site.  Even this will be voted on.  If people want no ads at all, and feel strongly about it... fine by me.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Charly on May 21, 2007, 08:40:36 PM
Wow- you attribute a lot of power to me.  "ruined two forums".  I had no idea I had such an effect over here.  And I thought the general consensus here was that ST needed to be ruined?  Can't have it both ways.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on May 21, 2007, 09:37:47 PM
For the record, KarenInDallas, on this site, is a parody.  Ginger can confirm that.  She has had her very own satirical impersonator here.  Even the impersonator his/herself has admitted this (somewhere, don't make me read through 100 page threads to find it).

Also... if anybody is dragging this forum down the tubes, it's "The Who"...  not Karen.  Karen rarely posts here.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on May 21, 2007, 09:43:48 PM
Quote from: ""Charly""
Wow- you attribute a lot of power to me.  "ruined two forums".  I had no idea I had such an effect over here.  And I thought the general consensus here was that ST needed to be ruined?  Can't have it both ways.

Lon ruined ST.  Jena ruined ST.  You just helped to expose just how ruined it was.  Thanks!
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 22, 2007, 03:22:31 PM
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: exhausted on May 22, 2007, 03:54:46 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Charly on May 22, 2007, 04:20:19 PM
Psy-did someone actually think I was TheWho?  I would have NEVER had the patience!  That's hilarious.  

Time will tell if ST is ruined as a support forum for parents. I felt that there was a very small number of posters, many of whom have switched forums.  There will always be new people arriving, I suppose, if it opens back up.  I never got the feeling that Lon got much business as a result of the discussion forum anyway, so maybe he will leave it closed.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Nihilanthic on May 22, 2007, 05:02:25 PM
Karen, sometimes you're so close to getting it, and yet you still have so far to go...

Supporting parents in doing the wrong thing, buttering them up and giving them a party line of bullshit in support of something KNOWN to be ineffective and abusive?

Coddling abuse-outsourcing isn't support, support is helping them do the RIGHT thing, and come to grips with reality.

ST never truly supported parents, children, or families, it supported the coffers of Lon Woodbury and the Program industry. Nothing more.

But, well, my inner /b/tard is crying out, so bear with me...


Karen, you REALLY won't be able to get that layered, "meta" injoke, so don't bother. Lets just say well dressed African Americans with Afros have a habit of closing venues full of diseases of various sorts  :rofl: be they mental, physical, or simply a metaphor for racial bigotry.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Charly on May 22, 2007, 06:20:14 PM
Niles- I wasn't trying to opine one way or another on the support aspect of ST.  The fact is, the ONLY real function was for parents to give each other cyber-hugs and reassure each other.  It DID work for that purpose- whether or not it should have.  However, if anyone tried to be critical or offer some thoughts on a particular aspect of the industry, there was either a cut and run or the feline arching of one's back.  The useful information had to come in the form of PMs.  When a parent really got into a tough spot or wanted to challenge the program where they had put their kid, they were usually afraid to share this publicly.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Nihilanthic on May 22, 2007, 06:51:37 PM
I think we're splitting hairs here, but thinking basically the same thing.

My only thing is I don't find cyber-hugging and reassurances in support of something intrinsically wrong to be 'support', in that I don't think telling someone it will all be OK in that comet in the sky if you drink the Koolaid is 'support'.

Otherwise, YOU and ME are in agreement, ST is down becuase Lon realized it wasn't making money, it was spreading the truth, and Psy is feeling his wild oats in terms of being a puppet master.

Now all I can wait for is when Lon tries to sue Psy/Fornits/Bozo the Clown-o/some mix thereof/ and gets his ass handed to him in court  :rofl:
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 22, 2007, 07:02:54 PM
Quote from: ""Theory""
The following is a portion of a PM sent to Psy:

There is a significant group of disgruntled former program parents that would like to post here. However, if you allow TSW to be a moderator and to continuously spew his sanctimonious, judgemental, value-laden opinions after he's been asked to moderate his tone (imagine that, asking a moderator to be moderate) then they will undoubtedly leave the site. (A sentence that might be considered inflamatory removed by Theory.) Why parents sent their child away is hardly important now...they do not need to be abused at the hands of a (descriptors removed) person. Additionally, some people may distrust TSW simply because he was part of the system- having admitted to engaging in the ugliness of the program he was employed by. It's enough for him to say, "I made a mistake and I'm asking for forgiveness, I should not have worked there", however, he will not and does not ever return the favor. His presence here is poisoning the well of what some hoped would be more neutral territory for information and healthy healing. ... 20-15.html (

Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: TheWho on May 22, 2007, 07:27:06 PM
Niles wrote:
My only thing is I don't find cyber-hugging and reassurances in support of something intrinsically wrong to be 'support', in that I don't think telling someone it will all be OK in that comet in the sky if you drink the Koolaid is 'support'.

If you don’t feel it is wrong then it is supportive and it works well.  Drinking the koolaid applies to both sides of the fence.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 22, 2007, 07:30:54 PM
With one side paying to have it forcibly poured down their throats of their children.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 22, 2007, 07:32:54 PM
Additionally, some people may distrust TSW simply because he was part of the system

I find that statement odd.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: TheWho on May 22, 2007, 08:04:20 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
With one side paying to have it forcibly poured down their throats of their children.

and the otherside drinking it for free!
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: hanzomon4 on May 22, 2007, 10:11:00 PM
I remember the last thing I ever read on ST was a thread with parents telling this lady who had her daughter in Cross Creek(a WWASPS) for 2 years how to enforce the wwasps contract thing they give to kids who are getting out, she was 17 I think. The parent didn't know about the no name rule but I read her post before it got edited. I was disgusted watching these people not addressing the fact that she had her daughter in a wwasps for two years and other programs before that.

I shot this lady an email with a link to "Who's Watching The Kids?"(I got the programs crossed, but it's still a wwasps). I had to convince myself that she just didn't know, but I still wonder sometimes if she even cares or cared.....
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: ZenAgent on May 22, 2007, 10:41:58 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Additionally, some people may distrust TSW simply because he was part of the system

I find that statement odd.

I find it ridiculous.  TSW was "part of the system" is every parent who voluntarily throws their kid into "the system", and I consider some program parents to be much more evil than any program staffers.  A lot of staffers arrive at programs fresh out of school (hopefully) with the intention of helping kids.  Program parents have the intention of dumping their kids.

You make it sound like TSW's biggest thrill in life was restraining kids and fucking with their heads.  If that were the case, he wouldn't be around these forums, would he?  What, you want an apology from him for having a job as a counselor?  Let me see some program parents like Mose apologizing for encouraging ST posters to ditch their kids into boot camps....

I saw someone mention TSW was what of it?  Do you know why he was fired?  Maybe he told Three Springs he thought what they were doing was complete bullshit...would that be acceptable to you?  

It's nobody's damn business.  Take notice of what TSW is doing NOW, not damning him for his time as a counselor.  It's his experience as a counselor that gives us an insight into staff we wouldn't have.  TSW addressed the counselors at PV about my step daughter, telling them not to seek vengeance on the girl for problems with the parents.  What he said scared the fuck out of me, but he knows the way counselors think.  He knew they might physically harm our girl to vent, and he appealed to their consciences and urged them not to give in to something they would regret.   Shit, if people only focused on a person's past, that moron Dubya wouldn't be the puppet Prez he is now...we'd be reminding him of his alcohol abuse. DUI's and his affection for Peruvian nose candy.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 01:54:19 AM
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Ursus on May 23, 2007, 05:48:00 AM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Additionally, some people may distrust TSW simply because he was part of the system
I find that statement odd.
I find it ridiculous.  TSW was "part of the system" is every parent who voluntarily throws their kid into "the system", and I consider some program parents to be much more evil than any program staffers.  A lot of staffers arrive at programs fresh out of school (hopefully) with the intention of helping kids.  Program parents have the intention of dumping their kids.

You make it sound like TSW's biggest thrill in life was restraining kids and fucking with their heads.  If that were the case, he wouldn't be around these forums, would he?  What, you want an apology from him for having a job as a counselor?  Let me see some program parents like Mose apologizing for encouraging ST posters to ditch their kids into boot camps....

There is often a big difference between the people who own/run these programs and the staff that work there.  I would say, in TSW's case, that difference appears to have ultimately become HUGE.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: nimdA on May 23, 2007, 02:23:26 PM
about 30 kilograms huger to be specific.

Umm Zen you do know I was fired for making a kid push a rock with his nose to keep him out of trouble till dinner time right?

No excuses for it. Pure and simple a dumbass thing to do on my part. Though the stupidity of that decision is in no where near the factor of stupidity in going to work for the place in the beginning.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 03:59:03 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Umm Zen you do know I was fired for making a kid push a rock with his nose to keep him out of trouble till dinner time right?

So many signature worthy quotes recently!  :D
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: ZenAgent on May 23, 2007, 04:19:22 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Umm Zen you do know I was fired for making a kid push a rock with his nose to keep him out of trouble till dinner time right?

Oh, fuck no!  I swear by the dead balls of Jerry Falwell, ye are to be banished

Yeah, I was aware of the incident, didn't know that was what got you fired.  I don't think you've done anything like that since, unless you had to drag some fuckrag out of a bar and give him a consequence.

I just wanted to point out what was in the past is in the past.  You're not encouraging people to send kids to an RTC where they regularly perform that somewhat twisted version of the myth of Sisyphus...

People change their views.  Sometimes they need persuasion, that's why I wanted you to stay on as a moderator, but that's your choice.  I understand the difficulty in not unleashing strings of profanity at some thickheaded twat who's yanking your chain.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: nimdA on May 23, 2007, 04:53:00 PM
I figure when this is all said and done I'll be much more potent as a nonmoderator. Just bear with me on this.

Fucking funny thing though.. I prolly would have never come to my senses had I not been fired. So fucking thank 3 shits for me being the anti-program asshole I am today.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: nimdA on May 23, 2007, 04:53:57 PM
Oh yeah.

Let's get people on that wilderness death thread. Get some educating going on the denvertimes article.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 08:26:09 PM
You have no problem posting other people's names, Kevin for example.

Why are you so afraid that your name be posted?

This is somewhat of a double standard-you must agree?

You say if people post their information then it's fair game, are you sure you haven't posted your name somewhere?
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: nimdA on May 23, 2007, 09:47:41 PM
You first anon.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 09:49:28 PM
April Showers

Now you.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: nimdA on May 23, 2007, 09:50:59 PM
Jenna Jameson.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 09:55:55 PM
I am fairly sure your name is posted on this forum somewhere from way back when.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: nimdA on May 23, 2007, 10:08:26 PM
Look hard chief.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 11:09:54 PM
Already did-that's how I found it.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on May 23, 2007, 11:17:53 PM
dude.  Even I only know his real first name... and it ain't dan... Nobody uses it in public.  A lot of people would like to seriously get even with him (such as Sue Sue)...  I don't blame him for wanting to remain anon. That bitch is crazy  ::bangin::
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 11:24:59 PM
That's a good reason to be more careful then. If I wanted to post it I would have in my first post.
If I could find it, then so could other people. Just letting ya know.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: nimdA on May 23, 2007, 11:27:45 PM
[email protected]

I invite you to email me this name.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on May 23, 2007, 11:37:45 PM
Sure, why not...
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on June 07, 2007, 01:51:13 PM
Jena's sure been "traveling" a long time, hasn't she?

Fucking LOL.

Where are these cocksuckers hanging out now, I wonder?

Let's find them and humiliate them. Again.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on June 07, 2007, 04:50:59 PM
Quote from: ""Captain Caveman""
Jena's sure been "traveling" a long time, hasn't she?

Fucking LOL.

Where are these cocksuckers hanging out now, I wonder?

Let's find them and humiliate them. Again.

I know for a fact Jena was online during her "vacation".  Her being "gone" is an excuse by Lon to explain why Karen's blatant attacks weren't moderated.  This went on for weeks.  How do I know Jena was online?  Becuase Even though they banned me, since I never logged out, I could still refresh the browser and see who was online.  It seems to be a bug / security flaw in UBB classic.  I used Safari to actually read the site and archive pages.  When Karen announced she and exhausted were acting up on purpose to test whether Lon would enforce his "rules" on parents... BOOM.. the site went down damn near instantly.  I didn't get a chance to see it but i've heard what it said.  Lon was probably pretty pissed to find out he got played by his own (former) cheerleaders.  Now all the parents are on my site, still posting, and not surprisingly expressing different opinions now that they feel they can speak freely.  A lot of them are publicly expressing their complaints about their kids' programs...  Without communications control, program implodes.  Censorship generally only works if people realize they are seeing censored information.  The parents didn't realize until lon banned me repeatedly without cause, that they weren't being permitted to see every side of the story.  As GoldenGuru (think it was her.. have to check my archives at home) noted, it's an insult to her intelligence.  Most of them are starting to talk about how they were lied to openly, program names are getting named, people's opinions are shifting as the truth comes out, and being able to talk to survivors in a safe enviornment will hopefully help heal the relationships with their kids.

Programs only exist with parents willing to send their kids to a TBS, and they are much more likely to listen to the experiences of other parents.  Fornits is great for uncensored dialogue and free speech, but without protection from attacks, it is less appealing to parents (and some survivors actually...  take the KIDS forum for example).

I cannot emphasize how much of an important purpose fornits plays, however.  My site (for the moment.. working on it) is hosted on a free board which has much less legal protection against people like Izzy an Sue than Ginger has.  Personally, I am worried about counter-attacks from Izzy (in lieu of my online postings... nothing illegal), so I am increasing the priority on my todo list of moving SP to a dedicated hosting solution.  It will also allow me to customize and secure the forum.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on June 07, 2007, 07:04:40 PM
Quote from: ""psy""

I cannot emphasize how much of an important purpose fornits plays, however.  

You are right! According to recently released reports, fornits is having a significant impact on the teen program industry.


Keep up the good work everyone!
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Truth Searcher on June 08, 2007, 06:41:22 AM
I saw the tide turn on ST's parent forum about 6 - 8 months ago.  In general there was more ambivalent and negative feedback about program placement.  And when psy brought such intelligent and first hand experience to the discussion, I think Lon freaked.  How can you host a forum that is counterproductive to one's living?  Ya can't.

It is unfortunate that the site is closed.  I have my doubts that it will be resurrected.  Parents do need information and the experience of other parents to be dissuaded from program placement.  I hope that parents find their way to strugglingpeople and then eventually here.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Ursus on June 08, 2007, 08:03:07 AM
Quote from: ""psy""
The parents didn't realize until lon banned me repeatedly without cause, that they weren't being permitted to see every side of the story. As GoldenGuru (think it was her.. have to check my archives at home) noted, it's an insult to her intelligence. Most of them are starting to talk about how they were lied to openly, program names are getting named, people's opinions are shifting as the truth comes out, and being able to talk to survivors in a safe enviornment will hopefully help heal the relationships with their kids.

This is so key.  I think some of the parents, perhaps more than some, felt that the censorship on Lon's board was more of an anti-bad language type, or anti-hostile attitude.  To find out, on a most visceral level, that the censorship broadly extended to content, must be a real eye-opener.  Yeah, it is a real insult to their intelligence, and their ability to make informed choices.

This is so great, psy.  My hat's off to you!
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2007, 12:11:31 PM
You just don't get it do you guys.

ST was a setup, a con, a trap designed to suck in the likes of you and other advocates to keep them busy with relatively meaningless debate and "work" while the real programs proliferate and the money is being made.
A caterpillar told me this.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Froderik on June 08, 2007, 01:19:45 PM
As dry and prosaic as that board seemed at first glance, I wouldn't doubt it.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2007, 04:58:38 PM
Quote from: ""Truth Searcher""
I saw the tide turn on ST's parent forum about 6 - 8 months ago.  In general there was more ambivalent and negative feedback about program placement.  And when psy brought such intelligent and first hand experience to the discussion, I think Lon freaked.  How can you host a forum that is counterproductive to one's living?  Ya can't.

It is unfortunate that the site is closed.  I have my doubts that it will be resurrected.  Parents do need information and the experience of other parents to be dissuaded from program placement.  I hope that parents find their way to strugglingpeople and then eventually here.

I noticed this too.

It really makes you wonder if the likes of Luke, Paul, Milk, and the other violently posters who want to make survivors look bad were really Lon and his supporters.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Ursus on June 08, 2007, 05:03:04 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You just don't get it do you guys.

ST was a setup, a con, a trap designed to suck in the likes of you and other advocates to keep them busy with relatively meaningless debate and "work" while the real programs proliferate and the money is being made.
A caterpillar told me this.

Perhaps, but the situation could still backfire on them, eh?
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2007, 05:14:33 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Truth Searcher""
I saw the tide turn on ST's parent forum about 6 - 8 months ago.  In general there was more ambivalent and negative feedback about program placement.  And when psy brought such intelligent and first hand experience to the discussion, I think Lon freaked.  How can you host a forum that is counterproductive to one's living?  Ya can't.

It is unfortunate that the site is closed.  I have my doubts that it will be resurrected.  Parents do need information and the experience of other parents to be dissuaded from program placement.  I hope that parents find their way to strugglingpeople and then eventually here.

I noticed this too.

It really makes you wonder if the likes of Luke, Paul, Milk, and the other violently posters who want to make survivors look bad were really Lon and his supporters.

This was exposed a while ago by some intrepid  internet researchers.
In case anyone missed it...

Three Springs Waygookin also posts as:
Milk Gargling Death Penalty
Luke Stephens
Paul Smith

This forum only has about four posters who want to make it seem like there is a lot of discussion going o here. I could go on but I know you will not believe me because I do not put so much time into fooling you as they do.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Ursus on June 08, 2007, 05:28:01 PM
::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::
My good friend, I am flattered, and flattened, depending on which or who of that decidedly disparate lineup you wish to compare me to!

Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: hanzomon4 on June 08, 2007, 05:59:33 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

This was exposed a while ago by some intrepid  internet researchers.
In case anyone missed it...

Three Springs Waygookin also posts as:
Milk Gargling Death Penalty
Luke Stephens
Paul Smith

This forum only has about four posters who want to make it seem like there is a lot of discussion going o here. I could go on but I know you will not believe me because I do not put so much time into fooling you as they do.

Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Nihilanthic on June 08, 2007, 06:19:41 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Quote from: ""Guest""

This was exposed a while ago by some intrepid  internet researchers.
In case anyone missed it...

Three Springs Waygookin also posts as:
Milk Gargling Death Penalty
Luke Stephens
Paul Smith

This forum only has about four posters who want to make it seem like there is a lot of discussion going o here. I could go on but I know you will not believe me because I do not put so much time into fooling you as they do.


I'm not a Nihilist, I'm a Nihilanthic.

And I'm not the who or TSW! The who is a yuppie sellout and TSW is in korea!
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 07:10:58 AM
Bump. Looks like Lonny boy still hasn't found a solution. :rofl:
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 10:56:52 AM
Why would he? Chances are a significant portion of his revenue isn't derived from his the forum. More than likely the best compromise was to get rid of the thing all together.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 04:52:07 PM
I thought that he has an explanation as to why the site was shut down, and until he can resolve the issues?
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Nihilanthic on July 30, 2007, 09:43:37 PM
Thats his official press-release.

The bottom line is that he was losing his flock to a few wolves who ran around speaking the truth...
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Truth Searcher on July 31, 2007, 06:15:25 AM
he was losing his flock to a few wolves who ran around speaking the truth

You hit the proverbial nail on the head Niles.  Scarier yet for Lon was the fact that the sheep were starting to follow the wolf around.  Sheep aren't as stupid as ya might think given exposure to a few shreds of truth.  I know ... I was a sheep.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 12:32:31 PM
It's back up! (

The button you want is that tiny little "Signup" button near the big CoreBB link.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Bunnie on August 18, 2007, 12:35:09 PM
It says only Parents?
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 12:37:15 PM
It says only parents.

It MEANS only people who can pretend adequately enough. :lol:
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Che Gookin on August 18, 2007, 12:37:19 PM
and completely private no doubt. I wonder how long that privacy will last.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on August 18, 2007, 02:08:48 PM
Core solutions.. heh...

Software designed by an ex-inmate of Paradise Cove (western samoa) whose mom used to (dunno if she still does) writes the WWASP newsletter.  How (not) surprising... (
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: psy on August 18, 2007, 02:13:15 PM
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""
and completely private no doubt. I wonder how long that privacy will last.


Yeah.  I've heard about this resurrection a while ago, which is why I set up a private section just for parents on my board.  Same rules,  Just no ed-cons looking over your shoulder.  I can't even read the forum.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Deborah on August 18, 2007, 02:52:54 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
It says only parents.
It MEANS only people who can pretend adequately enough. :lol: (
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: White Cracker Man on August 18, 2007, 07:28:38 PM
Quote from: ""Deborah""
Quote from: ""Guest""
It says only parents.
It MEANS only people who can pretend adequately enough. :lol: (

In other words,people like HanzoMom4.
Title: Struggling Teens Forum Closed Down
Post by: Oz girl on August 18, 2007, 07:44:36 PM
:rofl:  :rofl:
its his own paranoid little cult! Totally private! No questions. Run by an ex WWASP parent