
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Aspen Education Group => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 08, 2007, 10:33:21 PM

Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2007, 10:33:21 PM
Is anyone aware that a student killed himself at Aspen Academy in Southern Utah recently?
This is rumored to be the same location used for the upcoming Brat-Camp series.
Title: I hope not
Post by: B&V's Mom on May 09, 2007, 03:23:28 PM
I hope this is not true. My son recently graduated from this Aspen location. Things were pretty good for him there.
Title: Possibly Not
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2007, 03:36:24 PM
I heard it form someone who also recently graduated from there and she tells a lot of stories so it might not be true. Your son would probably know.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on May 09, 2007, 03:38:14 PM
It's certainly possible considering what others have posted about Aspen's Cedu-redeux  style of "treatment". Here's a link to the ISAC page Aspen Achievement Academy (http:// You may also want to read Psy's website regarding Benchmark another Cedu-clone - Benchmark Exposed (http://
Title: Looks like it happened a long time ago
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2007, 05:14:00 PM
The Isac site says it happened years ago and was just an attempt. Some kid jumped off a cliff..... nutz.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on May 09, 2007, 05:30:34 PM
Yeah guest, but thats not what the first guest is talking about.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on May 09, 2007, 05:52:33 PM
Here is some more reference information on Aspen Achievement Academy.  It is good information for parents thinking about wilderness.

Click here (http://
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Oz girl on May 09, 2007, 07:09:31 PM
AAA was already "featured" in brat camp the british version which involved only girls.
-One girl was subject to "pain compliance" for over 2 hrs. This involved staff twisting both her wrists
-One girl got sat on in a restraint and had her arm twisted up her back
-One girl was still not allowed to eat cooked food after about 2 weeks in spite of being completely compliant, even enthusiastic. This was because she did nto master the art of fire making
-The girls were strip searched
-The girls were allowed to "confront" a difficult girl until she started cutting herself & the therapist was called
-One staff member told an already angry girl to hit him repeatedly till she did. He then restrained her.
-One girl who took a lot of speed exhibited withdrawral symptoms which included flu like symptoms. At no point did they decide that a proper medically supervised drug rehab was better

I cant imagine what they failed to show!!!!
Title: Yes, death at Aspen
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 10:33:00 PM
A student hung himself with the strap used for collecting wood.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 10:34:29 PM
Good for him.

At least now, no matter what happens, he'll never have to worry about reliving nightmares from the humiliation of being sent to Aspen.

R. I. P.

Hopefully he'll have better parents the next time around.
Title: I believe that Aspen settled for a large amount
Post by: hurleygurley on August 03, 2007, 02:01:27 AM
I'm fairly certain that the boy's family settled for a large amount with Aspen.

These settlements inevitably include a hush agreement. How many are there?

This is one of the many reasons why Aspen is most insidious of corporate owners of these programs.  they have plenty of money to shell out for settlements, unlike nearly all the others.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2007, 02:10:29 AM
Anyone have the mom's phone number?

'Cause I wanna call her up and ask her how much her dead kid was worth.
Title: Re: Yes, death at Aspen
Post by: Deborah on August 04, 2007, 11:53:27 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
A student hung himself with the strap used for collecting wood.

Was there anything in the media? Any documentation- DHS investigation, police report?
Title: very hush hush
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2007, 03:29:07 PM
It happened this year. No name. See Hurly's comments, they are very accurate.
Title: Thank you for the affirmation dear Guest!
Post by: hurleygurley on August 04, 2007, 04:34:11 PM
IThank you for the affirmation dear Guest!

Very hush hush is right.

Aspen's  extremely manipulative marketing/business m.o. so pervasive and convincing that I believe that there are people even on this list who continue to believe that Aspen doesn't use the same b.m. torture that WWASPS, Provo, et al, do.  Their programs do vary and there are some (leaving out all the "due process" and their outrageous fees, un or under qualified staff, and lack of oversight) that are useful for a few of  types of diagnoses - mostly Asperger's types of conditions and a few others. I won't go into that now but as a former therapist I've been thinking a lot about when a restrictive structured environment (regulated, with well qualified staff, and due process, access to the world etc... ) might be warranted.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2007, 06:16:56 PM
I won't go into that now but as a former therapist I've been thinking a lot about when a restrictive structured environment (regulated, with well qualified staff, and due process, access to the world etc... ) might not exacerbate the fucking problem.

Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on August 04, 2007, 10:06:19 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I won't go into that now but as a former therapist I've been thinking a lot about when a restrictive structured environment (regulated, with well qualified staff, and due process, access to the world etc... ) might not exacerbate the fucking problem.


Trying to show off so fornits will notice you and make you a moderator?

Before changing someones posts, try reading up:

Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2007, 11:05:15 PM
From the first article:

A basic principle is that social interactions are only desirable if they are voluntary. The exchange is meant to provide opportunity, but not pressure, for social interactions., proving my point
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2007, 01:13:55 AM
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2007, 05:59:21 PM
I have BEEN  in many of these programs including YCI.
There are very few wilderness's that are anything like Brat Camp
Alot of these kids cause their own problems out there and in any program. The staff can only do what they think would work best.
Upon arriving in wilderness me and the other girl i went with PUT OUR OWN LIVES IN DANGER by choosing to try to run... first in the middle of the night when it was dark and cold. then the next day we choose to try to hike to run and all they could do was hike with us. we got hypotherma from our own stupidity.
Looking back on wilderness I have wanted to go back and do it again. Its a wonderful opprotunity to step back from everything and concentrate on yourself.
My boarding school was also a very rewarding experience. THIS SHIT IS NO WALK IN THE PARK. Many of the kids who go to these places have reached the end of their ropes. Their parents are out of ideas.
I had to fight my way up through the levels but when I got out I had actually learned and matured beyond belief. It did take one more program and a little while of me continuing to fuck up my life with bad choices with a bad boyfriend for me to finally mature and grow into my own
TO PARENTS WHO HAVE PUT YOUR KIDS SOMEWHERE: if they so choose than can make the best of this and come out a successful person. I myself have been offered a position at one of these boarding schools that I am more than happy to take knowing I know what its like and believin they do good.
IF THEY STILL ACT OUT: Give them some time... be patient. They are still kids and I know many people that have ended up working it all out in the end.
TO YOU HATERS... STFU if you don't konw what you are talking about. do not judge these parents for trying to help... do not judge these programs for trying to be there. you cannot even begin to imagine the ends these parents go to BEFORE resorting to this. Many of these places are amazing with staff who care.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 06, 2007, 06:22:28 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have BEEN  in many of these programs including YCI.
There are very few wilderness's that are anything like Brat Camp
Alot of these kids cause their own problems out there and in any program. The staff can only do what they think would work best.
Upon arriving in wilderness me and the other girl i went with PUT OUR OWN LIVES IN DANGER by choosing to try to run... first in the middle of the night when it was dark and cold. then the next day we choose to try to hike to run and all they could do was hike with us. we got hypotherma from our own stupidity.
Looking back on wilderness I have wanted to go back and do it again. Its a wonderful opprotunity to step back from everything and concentrate on yourself.
My boarding school was also a very rewarding experience. THIS SHIT IS NO WALK IN THE PARK. Many of the kids who go to these places have reached the end of their ropes. Their parents are out of ideas.
I had to fight my way up through the levels but when I got out I had actually learned and matured beyond belief. It did take one more program and a little while of me continuing to fuck up my life with bad choices with a bad boyfriend for me to finally mature and grow into my own
TO PARENTS WHO HAVE PUT YOUR KIDS SOMEWHERE: if they so choose than can make the best of this and come out a successful person. I myself have been offered a position at one of these boarding schools that I am more than happy to take knowing I know what its like and believin they do good.
IF THEY STILL ACT OUT: Give them some time... be patient. They are still kids and I know many people that have ended up working it all out in the end.
TO YOU HATERS... STFU if you don't konw what you are talking about. do not judge these parents for trying to help... do not judge these programs for trying to be there. you cannot even begin to imagine the ends these parents go to BEFORE resorting to this. Many of these places are amazing with staff who care.

Thanks for that info from someone who has been inside.  It is refreshing to get some accurate accounts for a change.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2007, 06:25:54 PM
Too bad it was make-believe.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 06, 2007, 07:38:53 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Too bad it was make-believe.

Wow!!  Imagine if thewho made a comment like that after someone posted a story about their abusive experience.  It wasnt that long ago everyone here was ready to string him up for disrespecting or not believing a survivor.

Now we have someone disrespecting a survivor (who had a positive time inside) and it seems to be okay.  Just lots of bumps on other threads to move this one to the bottom and pretend it never happened.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 06, 2007, 09:42:46 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Too bad it was make-believe.

Wow!!  Imagine if thewho made a comment like that after someone posted a story about their abusive experience.  It wasnt that long ago everyone here was ready to string him up for disrespecting or not believing a survivor.

Now we have someone disrespecting a survivor (who had a positive time inside) and it seems to be okay.  Just lots of bumps on other threads to move this one to the bottom and pretend it never happened.

Someone has been paying attention..... but, I'm not going to touch this one.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2007, 09:48:11 PM
You already did.

You're not fooling anyone with the proxies, Who.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Oz girl on September 06, 2007, 10:12:48 PM
Cant everyone just pretend the who does not exist. He will leave then
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 01:11:56 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have BEEN  in many of these programs including YCI.
There are very few wilderness's that are anything like Brat Camp
Alot of these kids cause their own problems out there and in any program.

Now come on.  We've all seen this before.  Blame the victim.  

The staff can only do what they think would work best.

The "staff" are unqualified, untrained non professionals.  They don't KNOW what 'works'.

Upon arriving in wilderness me and the other girl i went with PUT OUR OWN LIVES IN DANGER by choosing to try to run...

No darlin'.  Your parents and the program put you in danger by leaving you with a bunch of newage freaks hell bent on teaching you that you're not in control of anything.

first in the middle of the night when it was dark and cold. then the next day we choose to try to hike to run and all they could do was hike with us. we got hypotherma from our own stupidity.

No, you got hypothermia from being left with unqualified, untrained "staff" hell bent on teaching you taht you're not in control of anything.

Looking back on wilderness I have wanted to go back and do it again. Its a wonderful opprotunity to step back from everything and concentrate on yourself.

Kool Aid,  Stockholm....take your pick.

My boarding school was also a very rewarding experience. THIS SHIT IS NO WALK IN THE PARK. Many of the kids who go to these places have reached the end of their ropes. Their parents are out of ideas.
I had to fight my way up through the levels but when I got out I had actually learned and matured beyond belief.

It's not a typical boarding school now is it?  How many boarding schools promise to fix emotional or psychological problems?

It did take one more program and a little while of me continuing to fuck up my life with bad choices with a bad boyfriend for me to finally mature and grow into my own

Read that again.  Very carefully.

TO PARENTS WHO HAVE PUT YOUR KIDS SOMEWHERE: if they so choose than can make the best of this and come out a successful person. I myself have been offered a position at one of these boarding schools that I am more than happy to take knowing I know what its like and believin they do good.
IF THEY STILL ACT OUT: Give them some time... be patient. They are still kids and I know many people that have ended up working it all out in the end.

^^^^^^ Just do that without sending them off first.  The vast majority of them will be just fine.

Parents, your children are NOT safe.  Go and get them.  Bring them home and hope they'll forgive you.  These places do NOT do any good, despite the claims.  Ask them to back those claims up with studies and research and facts and see how quickly they change the subject or shut up.

TO YOU HATERS... STFU if you don't konw what you are talking about. do not judge these parents for trying to help... do not judge these programs for trying to be there. you cannot even begin to imagine the ends these parents go to BEFORE resorting to this. Many of these places are amazing with staff who care.

We (most of us) know all too well what happens.  I've been through a program AND I'm a parent, so STFU yourself!
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 01:13:49 PM
Ask them to back those claims up with studies and research and facts and see how quickly they change the subject or shut up.

C'mon Anne, you know better than that. They'll make up or mis-cite whatever they can. Our local Aspen (http:// troll does that all day long.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 01:16:23 PM
I've been in a program, worked in a program, owned a program, had five kids two of which were IN programs, then I became anti-program and helped shut down 50 programs, and I trained my grandkids to be active anti-program activists- so YOU STFU!
Title: sad
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 01:29:55 PM
A boy died. He didn't need to. Trained professionals know the signs to look for in order to protect clients. I'm sure this would not have happened while Brat Camp was at the location. Everyone would most likely be hyper-alert to risks, the way they should be. Most of these programs have protocol in place to prevent harm to the children but some of the staff who are working with the children have no college degrees, appropriate training (often one week) or lack the motivation to help children and just like the schedule and being outside.
 I imagine there is a lot of guilt from everyone involved and if they were honest about it they would go public (or at least not cover it up)and let everyone know what mistakes were made so that others could learn from them. It does not need to be a secret. The problem is that some people are more afraid of the program shutting down...
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 07, 2007, 01:30:19 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have BEEN  in many of these programs including YCI.
There are very few wilderness's that are anything like Brat Camp
Alot of these kids cause their own problems out there and in any program. The staff can only do what they think would work best.
Upon arriving in wilderness me and the other girl i went with PUT OUR OWN LIVES IN DANGER by choosing to try to run... first in the middle of the night when it was dark and cold. then the next day we choose to try to hike to run and all they could do was hike with us. we got hypotherma from our own stupidity.
Looking back on wilderness I have wanted to go back and do it again. Its a wonderful opprotunity to step back from everything and concentrate on yourself.
My boarding school was also a very rewarding experience. THIS SHIT IS NO WALK IN THE PARK. Many of the kids who go to these places have reached the end of their ropes. Their parents are out of ideas.
I had to fight my way up through the levels but when I got out I had actually learned and matured beyond belief. It did take one more program and a little while of me continuing to fuck up my life with bad choices with a bad boyfriend for me to finally mature and grow into my own
TO PARENTS WHO HAVE PUT YOUR KIDS SOMEWHERE: if they so choose than can make the best of this and come out a successful person. I myself have been offered a position at one of these boarding schools that I am more than happy to take knowing I know what its like and believin they do good.
IF THEY STILL ACT OUT: Give them some time... be patient. They are still kids and I know many people that have ended up working it all out in the end.
TO YOU HATERS... STFU if you don't konw what you are talking about. do not judge these parents for trying to help... do not judge these programs for trying to be there. you cannot even begin to imagine the ends these parents go to BEFORE resorting to this. Many of these places are amazing with staff who care.

Thank you, guest,There are many of us here who are listening.  If you had read a little here before posting you probably realized you would take a beating for telling you side.

I remember when my daughter decided to run off from her school and the staff caught up to her and just walked along side her until she cooled off and decided to head back.  There are many here who talk about violent staff members and restraints but this is the exception and unheard of in most Private TBS’s.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 01:42:38 PM
I have BEEN in many of these programs including YCI.
There are very few wilderness's that are anything like Brat Camp
Alot of these kids cause their own problems out there and in any program. The staff can only do what they think would work best.
Upon arriving in wilderness me and the other girl i went with PUT OUR OWN LIVES IN DANGER by choosing to try to run... first in the middle of the night when it was dark and cold. then the next day we choose to try to hike to run and all they could do was hike with us. we got hypotherma from our own stupidity.
Looking back on wilderness I have wanted to go back and do it again. Its a wonderful opprotunity to step back from everything and concentrate on yourself.
My boarding school was also a very rewarding experience. THIS SHIT IS NO WALK IN THE PARK. Many of the kids who go to these places have reached the end of their ropes. Their parents are out of ideas.
I had to fight my way up through the levels but when I got out I had actually learned and matured beyond belief. It did take one more program and a little while of me continuing to fuck up my life with bad choices with a bad boyfriend for me to finally mature and grow into my own
TO PARENTS WHO HAVE PUT YOUR KIDS SOMEWHERE: if they so choose than can make the best of this and come out a successful person. I myself have been offered a position at one of these boarding schools that I am more than happy to take knowing I know what its like and believin they do good.
IF THEY STILL ACT OUT: Give them some time... be patient. They are still kids and I know many people that have ended up working it all out in the end.
TO YOU HATERS... STFU if you don't konw what you are talking about. do not judge these parents for trying to help... do not judge these programs for trying to be there. you cannot even begin to imagine the ends these parents go to BEFORE resorting to this. Many of these places are amazing with staff who care.

Posts like that tell so much more than what they intend.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 07, 2007, 02:04:09 PM
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
I have BEEN in many of these programs including YCI.
There are very few wilderness's that are anything like Brat Camp
Alot of these kids cause their own problems out there and in any program. The staff can only do what they think would work best.
Upon arriving in wilderness me and the other girl i went with PUT OUR OWN LIVES IN DANGER by choosing to try to run... first in the middle of the night when it was dark and cold. then the next day we choose to try to hike to run and all they could do was hike with us. we got hypotherma from our own stupidity.
Looking back on wilderness I have wanted to go back and do it again. Its a wonderful opprotunity to step back from everything and concentrate on yourself.
My boarding school was also a very rewarding experience. THIS SHIT IS NO WALK IN THE PARK. Many of the kids who go to these places have reached the end of their ropes. Their parents are out of ideas.
I had to fight my way up through the levels but when I got out I had actually learned and matured beyond belief. It did take one more program and a little while of me continuing to fuck up my life with bad choices with a bad boyfriend for me to finally mature and grow into my own
TO PARENTS WHO HAVE PUT YOUR KIDS SOMEWHERE: if they so choose than can make the best of this and come out a successful person. I myself have been offered a position at one of these boarding schools that I am more than happy to take knowing I know what its like and believin they do good.
IF THEY STILL ACT OUT: Give them some time... be patient. They are still kids and I know many people that have ended up working it all out in the end.
TO YOU HATERS... STFU if you don't konw what you are talking about. do not judge these parents for trying to help... do not judge these programs for trying to be there. you cannot even begin to imagine the ends these parents go to BEFORE resorting to this. Many of these places are amazing with staff who care.

Posts like that tell so much more than what they intend.

Seems we agree on something.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 10, 2007, 01:32:08 AM
Hmmm is this what the Anon mom is talking about
Quote from: ""mommabear""
i know someone who commited suicide earlier this year at aspen achievement academy THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED we are looking for answers so that maybe we can have somekind of closure. anyone with any info please let me know.
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 12:07:26 PM
Post by: TheWho on September 10, 2007, 12:40:34 PM
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""

If you dig hard enough what you will find is that there is no cover-up but a childs family that would like privacy.  I don’t think placing the childs picture and name on the web would be in the best interest of anyone, I would respect their privacy.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Deborah on September 10, 2007, 12:50:31 PM
From :  Kent Callister
Sent :  Monday, August 6, 2007 10:49 AM
To :  "D"
CC :  "Gil Hallows"
Subject :  Re: AAA
The report is correct.   You may want to contact Gil Hallows, director of the
program, concerning the death.  His number is 435-836-2472

>>> "D" 8/4/2007 10:01 AM >>>
Hello Mr Callister,

I am contacting you regarding Aspen Achievement Academy and a report that there was recently a suicide there involving a young man who allegedly hung himself.

Given that you are the licensing rep for AAA I was hoping you would be able to confirm or dispell this report.
Post by: Deborah on September 10, 2007, 01:46:09 PM
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""

It might be useful to contact the mom whose son died due to medical neglect in a different Aspen program (Youth Care) in June.
Her posts can be found in this thread. First as anon, then as PitBull Mom. (
Or reach her at [email protected]

What do you know about this? I can't find anything in the media. Why?
Was there an investigation?

You might register a user name so anyone who may have information can send it in a personal message.  They may not be willing to speak publicly. Or provide an email address or something. Otherwise, people don't know how to contact you.
Post by: Anonymous on September 11, 2007, 02:30:13 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""

If you dig hard enough what you will find is that there is no cover-up but a childs family that would like privacy.  I don’t think placing the childs picture and name on the web would be in the best interest of anyone, I would respect their privacy.

Post by: TheWho on September 11, 2007, 02:58:49 PM
Quote from: ""mommabear""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""

If you dig hard enough what you will find is that there is no cover-up but a childs family that would like privacy.  I don’t think placing the childs picture and name on the web would be in the best interest of anyone, I would respect their privacy.


Sorry, this wasn’t pointed at anyone specific.  But, believe it or not, there are people who get enjoyment out of posting the details of other people’s lives on the web here at fornits, posting pictures of kids who died, posting their names, kids who are trying to start their careers, posting their pictures and poking fun at them and their families.  There are a lot of hateful people out there who do things for the wrong reasons, enjoying spreading the gossip or some other reason.

Families who have a loved one who takes their own life sometimes like to keep it private.  You don’t see the details of suicides in the paper as much as you would a child who died in a car accident or sports injury, for example, some families like to keep it within the immediate family.  So I was just asking for people to exercise a little discretion and respect the families wishes.  My suggestion would be to contact them first and ask if they mind posting their childs name, story and picture on the internet, if that was part of your intent.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Antigen on September 12, 2007, 06:59:18 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Too bad it was make-believe.

Wow!!  Imagine if thewho made a comment like that after someone posted a story about their abusive experience.  It wasnt that long ago everyone here was ready to string him up for disrespecting or not believing a survivor.

Now we have someone disrespecting a survivor (who had a positive time inside) and it seems to be okay.  Just lots of bumps on other threads to move this one to the bottom and pretend it never happened.

It's just that a lot of us have been there. I was on pretraining for staff when I last split the program. Good many friends of mine were either staff or program true believers, sometimes for a matter of years or decades afterward. And a good many of us have studied the facts of the situation.

Some of the facts of the situation are these:
Most kids who land up in these places are not anywhere near fucked up in any way to need an out of home placement. Those who are fucked up going in generally wind up more fucked up in many ways coming out the other end. And, most compelling, consistently, generation after generation, our peers who's parents passed on the cultish program offer have made out better in life than those of us who's parents drank the kool aid.

But we pretty much all sounded just like the above guest at first, whether we actually believed what we were saying or were still just scared of getting put back in or disowned by our families.... or somewhere therein.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Antigen on September 12, 2007, 07:07:42 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I've been in a program, worked in a program, owned a program, had five kids two of which were IN programs, then I became anti-program and helped shut down 50 programs, and I trained my grandkids to be active anti-program activists- so YOU STFU!

Who are you? Do I know you by some name or other? God, I miss my annoy pop up!
Post by: MOMMABEAR on September 13, 2007, 03:55:32 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""mommabear""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""

If you dig hard enough what you will find is that there is no cover-up but a childs family that would like privacy.  I don’t think placing the childs picture and name on the web would be in the best interest of anyone, I would respect their privacy.


Sorry, this wasn’t pointed at anyone specific.  But, believe it or not, there are people who get enjoyment out of posting the details of other people’s lives on the web here at fornits, posting pictures of kids who died, posting their names, kids who are trying to start their careers, posting their pictures and poking fun at them and their families.  There are a lot of hateful people out there who do things for the wrong reasons, enjoying spreading the gossip or some other reason.

Families who have a loved one who takes their own life sometimes like to keep it private.  You don’t see the details of suicides in the paper as much as you would a child who died in a car accident or sports injury, for example, some families like to keep it within the immediate family.  So I was just asking for people to exercise a little discretion and respect the families wishes.  My suggestion would be to contact them first and ask if they mind posting their childs name, story and picture on the internet, if that was part of your intent.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 13, 2007, 05:31:28 PM

Your welcome and thanks in advance, for respecting and protecting this family’s wishes and need for privacy during a difficult time.  We had a similar loss in my extended family awhile back and it has been very difficult for them to talk about with family, let alone putting the information out on the internet.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2007, 05:42:31 PM
Ignore the who. He talks about respect for privacy but regularly makes reference to his own daughter and claims he molested her. The man belongs in jail
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 13, 2007, 06:52:53 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Ignore the who. He talks about respect for privacy but regularly makes reference to his own daughter and claims he molested her. The man belongs in jail

I heard he had his daughter killed and hired someone to molest her.  He is one sicko, he should be banned from posting.
Title: T.M.I.
Post by: MOMMABEAR on September 15, 2007, 02:52:47 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Ignore the who. He talks about respect for privacy but regularly makes reference to his own daughter and claims he molested her. The man belongs in jail

I heard he had his daughter killed and hired someone to molest her.  He is one sicko, he should be banned from posting.

Post by: hanzomon4 on September 21, 2007, 09:12:34 PM
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""mommabear""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""

If you dig hard enough what you will find is that there is no cover-up but a childs family that would like privacy.  I don’t think placing the childs picture and name on the web would be in the best interest of anyone, I would respect their privacy.


Sorry, this wasn’t pointed at anyone specific.  But, believe it or not, there are people who get enjoyment out of posting the details of other people’s lives on the web here at fornits, posting pictures of kids who died, posting their names, kids who are trying to start their careers, posting their pictures and poking fun at them and their families.  There are a lot of hateful people out there who do things for the wrong reasons, enjoying spreading the gossip or some other reason.

Families who have a loved one who takes their own life sometimes like to keep it private.  You don’t see the details of suicides in the paper as much as you would a child who died in a car accident or sports injury, for example, some families like to keep it within the immediate family.  So I was just asking for people to exercise a little discretion and respect the families wishes.  My suggestion would be to contact them first and ask if they mind posting their childs name, story and picture on the internet, if that was part of your intent.

Shut up Who....

You are the one who pokes fun at survivors of torture and it's staff and program advocates that come here trying to post private information(Sue Scheff comes to mind). Your only interest in spreading FUD is to bury the truth about Aspen's abusive practices. You can keep polishing Aspen's turds and selling it as chocolate as long the folks who have actually eaten this shit-o-late(survivors) don't ever get to examine it. You care nothing about this kid or his family or his privacy, it's all about your employers Aspen and/or NATSAP.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 21, 2007, 09:42:39 PM
You care nothing about this kid or his family or his privacy, it's all about your employers Aspen and/or NATSAP.

Yes I do care about the kids (and I think you used to, at one point, also)and people who know me know this is sincere and actually, If you step back and read some of your crap you will see that you dont care about any of the kids or their families (you are so immersed in this drama),  there always seems to be a special energy level every time a child dies,  you could care less about how it happened or how the childs family is doing (based on the posts) as long as you can spin it so the school looks bad or responsible...or say the autopsy reports are wrong to suit your imagination or wishes,   you really dont fool the have an agenda Hanzo and it shows.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 21, 2007, 10:07:57 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
You care nothing about this kid or his family or his privacy, it's all about your employers Aspen and/or NATSAP.

Yes I do care about the kids (and I think you used to, at one point, also)and people who know me know this is sincere and actually, If you step back and read some of your crap you will see that you dont care about any of the kids or their families (you are so immersed in this drama),  there always seems to be a special energy level every time a child dies,  you could care less about how it happened or how the childs family is doing (based on the posts) as long as you can spin it so the school looks bad or responsible...or say the autopsy reports are wrong to suit your imagination or wishes,   you really dont fool the have an agenda Hanzo and it shows.


Who go back and read your crap, you justify every death or otherwise try to explain it away so that your beloved programs can seem totally empathetic but absolutely NOT responsible. You view these deaths as an acceptable circle of loss and things to be swept under a rug. It's the disgust for shrills that think in that way which fuels the anger you hear from us that do give a damn about the kids.

And yes who I question autopsies because it's been proven in cases(Anderson's) that the autopsies are suspiciously wrong in a way that absolves the program of any responsibility. How many deaths have been ruled to be caused by an enlarged heart or some undetected birth defect? The fact that 10 people were sitting on the kid at the time or that medical care was denied because the kid was a "faker" makes no difference?

And don't talk to me about parents, I give them more yarn then many and have defended quiet a few. Last I make no secret of my "agenda", I want kids to be protected from the predators you work for and defend, to be protected from being abused when they are seeking help, to be able to get help that doesn't come out of a crackerjack box, and to have justice when they are denied all the others.

So again shut up......
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 21, 2007, 10:59:32 PM

Who go back and read your crap, you justify every death
Show me one!!
or otherwise try to explain it away so that your beloved programs can seem totally empathetic but absolutely NOT responsible. You view these deaths as an acceptable circle of loss and things to be swept under a rug. It's the disgust for shrills that think in that way which fuels the anger you hear from us that do give a damn about the kids.

And yes who I question autopsies
Only when they don’t meet your agenda, I have yet seen anyone question a decision which showed the school to be at fault, not once.

How many deaths have been ruled to be caused by an enlarged heart or some undetected birth defect?

I have seen many in and around the public school system and these kids have never heard of a program before.  It happens whether the kids are in a TBS, wilderness or sleeping in their bed at home.  You choose to only see one side because that is what you want to see……  how many articles are posted here on fornits of kids who die outside of programs from the same condition?

You make these deaths seem so unique to just programs
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 11:07:23 PM (
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 21, 2007, 11:29:09 PM
You do it on every thread regarding deaths, you bring up bs stats and tell us a million different ways how we can't blame the program, or you resort to the "well kids just die sometimes so you can't blame programs". Hell you did just that in your last post. We don't have to question deaths were the program was found to be a fault because to much proof for the program to bury exists, like video tape and *gasp second autopsies. And we know they bury information when kids die, Anderson, Ian, Aron......
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 03:25:44 AM
Just to let you know that the story you are hearing is true.  My best friends son hung himself at the Aspen Acheivement Academy.  He had many issues to deal with one of which was the recient death of his older brother in a terrible car accident.  The staff was not anywhere near him, nor were they paying attention to what was happening around them.  By the way when you comment on how good someones parents are you must know what you are talking about first.  He had an amazing mother who loved him very much and is missing him more than life now herself.  So the next time you assume that just because a person or teen is having trouble dont make assumptions about things you dont have a clue.  You know what they say about making assumptions don't you?
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 22, 2007, 07:24:32 AM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
You do it on every thread regarding deaths, you bring up bs stats and tell us a million different ways how we can't blame the program, or you resort to the "well kids just die sometimes so you can't blame programs". Hell you did just that in your last post. We don't have to question deaths were the program was found to be a fault because to much proof for the program to bury exists, like video tape and *gasp second autopsies. And we know they bury information when kids die, Anderson, Ian, Aron......

Honzo, I am all for 2nd and 3rd autopsies, if it gets to root cause and the truth.  But many here dont accept the results unless it fits their agenda,  you know that!!  The stats I provide are not BS,  if the rate of death was higher in TBS or wilderness, fornits would be all over that and providing stats, but the fact remains that TBS's are safer...if you want to blame me for that stat, thats okay.

The post above this one is an example of a child who died in a TBS (took his own life), now if people here cant figure out a way to blame the school for this death (or parents) then it is of no use to them and it will fall on deaf ears, no sympathy...nothing.  Many here have only one agenda, attack the schools or the parents, period.  They could care less about the kids and their families (many are on a mission).......  I have shown that this is my agenda, to care for the kids and help them and their families find answers.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 22, 2007, 09:41:21 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Honzo, I am all for 2nd and 3rd autopsies, if it gets to root cause and the truth.  But many here dont accept the results unless it fits their agenda,  you know that!!  The stats I provide are not BS,  if the rate of death was higher in TBS or wilderness, fornits would be all over that and providing stats, but the fact remains that TBS's are safer...if you want to blame me for that stat, thats okay.

No its not.  You play with the parameters, move the goalposts.  TBS's are neither safe nor effective and you can provide NO statistics to prove otherwise.

Its the stress of having therapy forced upon you.  Its the division in the mind when you know what's going on around you is fucked up but you're being told its because they love you and want to help you.  Its the lack of outside contact and with objective or questioning influences to keep you grounded in reality.   You can't measure what that kind of shit does to the soul.  And for a goddamn long time afterwards too.  Its not like it just ends when you get out.  Nope.  You're in for another decade or so of confusion, self doubt, depression, anxiety, fear and finally realization.  

Programs kill kids in too many ways to count.  Not all of them are immediately evident or revealed.  Its a deep and lasting thing to fuck with someone's inner core at a time when they're just developing it.

The post above this one is an example of a child who died in a TBS (took his own life), now if people here cant figure out a way to blame the school for this death (or parents) then it is of no use to them and it will fall on deaf ears, no sympathy...nothing.  Many here have only one agenda, attack the schools or the parents, period.  They could care less about the kids and their families (many are on a mission).......  I have shown that this is my agenda, to care for the kids and help them and their families find answers.

You're damn right we're on a mission.  To keep people, especially kids, OUT of forced or coerced 'treatment' and to reveal and prevent the abuse of mind that goes on behind closed doors in order to produce these remarkable results (read: brainwashed drones) you guys keep touting.

We know very well your agenda now.  Financial and ego.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 22, 2007, 09:47:38 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
I have seen many in and around the public school system and these kids have never heard of a program before.  It happens whether the kids are in a TBS, wilderness or sleeping in their bed at home.  You choose to only see one side because that is what you want to see……  how many articles are posted here on fornits of kids who die outside of programs from the same condition?

You make these deaths seem so unique to just programs

Not unique, just more frequent and because of different reasons.  And if you're sending your supposedly troubled kid away to a 'smaller and unique school' wouldn't you expect more supervision? Better quality staff and teachers?  Better and more individualized actual therapy?  

But, besides that the kids at public school aren't being killed in the name of therapy or help.  Kids in public schools aren't offing themselves because they've been forced to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets to a bunch of lunatics who later use it against them.  Kids in public schools arent' being 'restrained' (read: punished)  to death.   Kids in public schools aren't suffering from PTSD on a massive scale.  Kids in public schools have recourse if a teacher gets out of hand or abusive.  Kids in public schools have rights.  At least for the time being anyway.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 22, 2007, 10:03:22 AM
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
I have seen many in and around the public school system and these kids have never heard of a program before.  It happens whether the kids are in a TBS, wilderness or sleeping in their bed at home.  You choose to only see one side because that is what you want to see……  how many articles are posted here on fornits of kids who die outside of programs from the same condition?

You make these deaths seem so unique to just programs

Not unique, just more frequent and because of different reasons.  And if you're sending your supposedly troubled kid away to a 'smaller and unique school' wouldn't you expect more supervision? Better quality staff and teachers?  Better and more individualized actual therapy?  

But, besides that the kids at public school aren't being killed in the name of therapy or help.  Kids in public schools aren't offing themselves because they've been forced to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets to a bunch of lunatics who later use it against them.  Kids in public schools arent' being 'restrained' (read: punished)  to death.   Kids in public schools aren't suffering from PTSD on a massive scale.  Kids in public schools have recourse if a teacher gets out of hand or abusive.  Kids in public schools have rights.  At least for the time being anyway.

all of what you say is made up, there is no evidence that supports why kids commit suicide, not all schools use restraints, you have no figures to support your position, I do...........
Bottom line is that kids are dying at extremely high rates in the public sector compared to the unique settings of boarding schools.  Thats what makes boarding schools more appealing to concerned parents or parents with at-risk children.... and this is why many parents seek their saftey for thier children.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 22, 2007, 10:15:06 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
I have seen many in and around the public school system and these kids have never heard of a program before.  It happens whether the kids are in a TBS, wilderness or sleeping in their bed at home.  You choose to only see one side because that is what you want to see……  how many articles are posted here on fornits of kids who die outside of programs from the same condition?

You make these deaths seem so unique to just programs

Not unique, just more frequent and because of different reasons.  And if you're sending your supposedly troubled kid away to a 'smaller and unique school' wouldn't you expect more supervision? Better quality staff and teachers?  Better and more individualized actual therapy?  

But, besides that the kids at public school aren't being killed in the name of therapy or help.  Kids in public schools aren't offing themselves because they've been forced to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets to a bunch of lunatics who later use it against them.  Kids in public schools arent' being 'restrained' (read: punished)  to death.   Kids in public schools aren't suffering from PTSD on a massive scale.  Kids in public schools have recourse if a teacher gets out of hand or abusive.  Kids in public schools have rights.  At least for the time being anyway.

Bottom line is that kids are dying at extremely high rates in the public sector compared to the unique settings of boarding schools.  Thats what makes boarding schools more appealing to concerned parents or parents with at-risk children....

No, bottom line is that these places are not providing what they advertise.  They're playing with accreditation to get around regulation.  They scare parents into believing that they need help and that the programs have the answer when all they're doing is pushing a regurgitated version of what I went through years ago.  Programs are ripping families to shreds and trying to make them thank them for it.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 22, 2007, 10:19:37 AM
Many parents do thank the schools...if you look at how a child is as they enter and then look at the path they are on when they leave and the productive lives they go on to lead, you would thank the school also...... there is an extremely high rate of suicide and homicides in the public sector for the age range of these kids........  these public schools are a safe haven for them to thrive and grow in.

This is not my opinion, the numbers support this.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 22, 2007, 11:31:27 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Many parents do thank the schools...if you look at how a child is as they enter and then look at the path they are on when they leave and the productive lives they go on to lead, you would thank the school also...... there is an extremely high rate of suicide and homicides in the public sector for the age range of these kids........  these public schools are a safe haven for them to thrive and grow in.

This is not my opinion, the numbers support this.

Show me number of independent, long term, clinical research that indicates that ANYTHING the programs do has been successful.  Not parent exit surveys.  

Parents thank the programs for turning their kids into obedient little drones that 'carry the message'.  Don't kid yourself by thinking any different.  Parents have absolutely no idea what really happens behind closed doors.  That's why the communication between parent and child is so restricted.  Especially at first.  Can't have these kids 'manipulating' their parents with the truth now, can we?  They need to be sufficiently 'washed' before programs can trust them to be around people without immediate supervision.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 01:06:55 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Many parents do thank the schools...if you look at how a child is as they enter and then look at the path they are on when they leave and the productive lives they go on to lead, you would thank the school also...... there is an extremely high rate of suicide and homicides in the public sector for the age range of these kids........  these public schools are a safe haven for them to thrive and grow in.

This is not my opinion, the numbers support this.

Ass, parents thanked Straight parents thank WWASPS... Hell even if the kid says they were raped the parents still thank the fucking school.

And your Stats or BS for many reasons, one of which is numbers. The number of kids in Public school is much higher then the number of kids in Private prisons, this plays to your employers advantage in any stats you provide for them. Second as Anne has pointed out the reason kids die in programs is not the same reason kids die in Private Prisons. I.E. not many kids die in school because they are called fakers and denied medical care, not many are forced to humiliate themselves to the point of wanting to commit suicide, or die because of forced marches in crazy ass temps for crackerjack therapy.

Again Shut up.....
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 07:41:52 PM
You do not know nothing about the mother of the boy that hung himself.  I heard she did not want him sent out there anyway.   She wanted him near home.  By, what I've heard, there are about 10 things that AAA did wrong.  They also lost a son in a car wreck in 2003, he was 16.  This son is 17 and they can not disclose what all went wrong.  The mother wants to bring it out in the open and take AAA to court so another parent does not have to live go through the anguish she is going through.  Nothing is finalized the last thing I heard.  She has no more children so instead of putting her down say a prays for her.  She needs them!!
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 07:51:47 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You do not know nothing about the mother of the boy that hung himself.  I heard she did not want him sent out there anyway.   She wanted him near home.  By, what I've heard, there are about 10 things that AAA did wrong.  They also lost a son in a car wreck in 2003, he was 16.  This son is 17 and they can not disclose what all went wrong.  The mother wants to bring it out in the open and take AAA to court so another parent does not have to live go through the anguish she is going through.  Nothing is finalized the last thing I heard.  She has no more children so instead of putting her down say a prays for her.  She needs them!!

If you know her have her get in touch with PitBull Mom (http://, she last her son in another Aspen program this year. You can email her at [email protected]. Good luck and you got my prayers.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 22, 2007, 09:36:37 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Many parents do thank the schools...if you look at how a child is as they enter and then look at the path they are on when they leave and the productive lives they go on to lead, you would thank the school also...... there is an extremely high rate of suicide and homicides in the public sector for the age range of these kids........  these public schools are a safe haven for them to thrive and grow in.

This is not my opinion, the numbers support this.

Ass, parents thanked Straight parents thank WWASPS... Hell even if the kid says they were raped the parents still thank the fucking school.

And your Stats or BS for many reasons, one of which is numbers. The number of kids in Public school is much higher then the number of kids in Private prisons, this plays to your employers advantage in any stats you provide for them. Second as Anne has pointed out the reason kids die in programs is not the same reason kids die in Private Prisons. I.E. not many kids die in school because they are called fakers and denied medical care, not many are forced to humiliate themselves to the point of wanting to commit suicide, or die because of forced marches in crazy ass temps for crackerjack therapy.

Again Shut up.....

No I wont shut up, as long as the truth is not being heard or is being distorted….
I do you know why the kids are committing suicide?  If you have this information you should pass it along to the parents, not here on fornits, because many of them do not know themselves and would like answers.

Many more kids are dying in the public sector, thousands and thousands each year.  The TBS industry losses maybe 1 per year or less.  Of course they are a smaller number as compared to the public sector, parents know this.  But if you compare all the at-risk children who are placed in a TBS setting and the rate of death is extremely low then that is saying something.

Give credit where credit is due… the numbers do not lie.  TBS are a safe alternative for at risk youths and it is proven over and over again….. are there kids that they wont be able to reach?  Of course… they cant save them all but they wish they could.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 10:13:00 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Many parents do thank the schools...if you look at how a child is as they enter and then look at the path they are on when they leave and the productive lives they go on to lead, you would thank the school also...... there is an extremely high rate of suicide and homicides in the public sector for the age range of these kids........  these public schools are a safe haven for them to thrive and grow in.

This is not my opinion, the numbers support this.

Ass, parents thanked Straight parents thank WWASPS... Hell even if the kid says they were raped the parents still thank the fucking school.

And your Stats or BS for many reasons, one of which is numbers. The number of kids in Public school is much higher then the number of kids in Private prisons, this plays to your employers advantage in any stats you provide for them. Second as Anne has pointed out the reason kids die in programs is not the same reason kids die in Private Prisons. I.E. not many kids die in school because they are called fakers and denied medical care, not many are forced to humiliate themselves to the point of wanting to commit suicide, or die because of forced marches in crazy ass temps for crackerjack therapy.

Again Shut up.....

No I wont shut up, as long as the truth is not being heard or is being distorted….
I do you know why the kids are committing suicide?  If you have this information you should pass it along to the parents, not here on fornits, because many of them do not know themselves and would like answers.

Many more kids are dying in the public sector, thousands and thousands each year.  The TBS industry losses maybe 1 per year or less.  Of course they are a smaller number as compared to the public sector, parents know this.  But if you compare all the at-risk children who are placed in a TBS setting and the rate of death is extremely low then that is saying something.

Give credit where credit is due… the numbers do not lie.  TBS are a safe alternative for at risk youths and it is proven over and over again….. are there kids that they wont be able to reach?  Of course… they cant save them all but they wish they could.

Proven my ass, The decades of abuse from these programs says that it don't work. The folks with  ptsd and the ones in the ground show that it don't work. All the times your wonderful CEDUs closed down and changed names to avoid it's past screams "It don't work". The APA made a statement: It don't work. Nothing but programmie shrills like you say that it does work. Everything else including common sense says that locking kids up makes them worse, add crackerjack therapy and well.....

Why do program kids kill themselves??? Ummm... Read Psy's benchmark site he explains it all pretty well. If you would listen to what folks said around here without interjecting the shit you are paid to spout you would know already.

If you don't want the truth distorted take my advice, Shut up.......
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 22, 2007, 10:42:08 PM
Hanzomon4 wrote:
The folks with ptsd and the ones in the ground show that it don't work

You should read more outside of fornits, ptsd existed long before TBS’s came into existence and the other I think we can conclude the public sector is much more dangerous, especially, for children at risk.
Why do program kids kill themselves??? Ummm... Read Psy's benchmark site he explains it all pretty well. If you would listen to what folks said around here without interjecting the shit you are paid to spout you would know already.

Why do 1,500 kids kill themselves each year in the public sector?  These are kids that have never seen, been near or had the benefit of attending a Therapeutic boarding school, that’s over 100/month.  Now take these same at-risk kids and put them into a therapeutic environment and those numbers go away.  We see thousands of kids graduate each year and get back on track and lead productive lives and are not statistics of death like they may have been….yes, a few cannot be reached, but dam Hanzo who is paying you?  I dont get paid for my opinions (well, at least not on fornits), lets not blame the schools for this…these kids come in with preconditions, Ptsd, depression, cutting themselves etc.

Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 11:07:24 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Hanzomon4 wrote:
The folks with ptsd and the ones in the ground show that it don't work

You should read more outside of fornits, ptsd existed long before TBS’s came into existence and the other I think we can conclude the public sector is much more dangerous, especially, for children at risk.
Why do program kids kill themselves??? Ummm... Read Psy's benchmark site he explains it all pretty well. If you would listen to what folks said around here without interjecting the shit you are paid to spout you would know already.

Why do 1,500 kids kill themselves each year in the public sector?  These are kids that have never seen, been near or had the benefit of attending a Therapeutic boarding school, that’s over 100/month.  Now take these same at-risk kids and put them into a therapeutic environment and those numbers go away.  We see thousands of kids graduate each year and get back on track and lead productive lives and are not statistics of death like they may have been….yes, a few cannot be reached, but dam Hanzo who is paying you?  I dont get paid for my opinions (well, at least not on fornits), lets not blame the schools for this…these kids come in with preconditions, Ptsd, depression, cutting themselves etc.


There you go again......

Kids don't get ptsd from learning science, however they do get ptsd from being forced to talk about rapes and participate in life steps, psychodramas, and confrontational group qwack therapy. Get your head out of your employers ass.

Your numbers mean nothing. More suicides happened in the public sector then in Abu ghraib. According to your logic Abu ghraib must be a safe place. Remember your industry has no independent evidence to back up the claims you throw around. Your employers only have claims and and bunch of hurt survivors that you try not to listen too when they say you abuse kids. Your industry also has decades of proven abuse stemming from when you tried the same shit you are doing today. Yes parents the crap they pass off as cutting edge therapy is the same stuff they have been successfully sued over renamed.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on September 22, 2007, 11:24:50 PM
Honzomon4 wrote:
Your numbers mean nothing. More suicides happened in the public sector then in Abu ghraib. According to your logic Abu ghraib must be a safe place.
I really don’t know if the people there were at risk of suicide before they went in…I don’t believe they would be considered high risk in this area, so I don’t see how we can compare.  The kids going to TBS, for the most part, come from a high-risk group, so we need to take this into consideration.

Remember your industry has no independent evidence to back up the claims you throw around.

I haven’t seen much in the way of studies being reported or supporting your claims either.

Your employers only have claims and and bunch of hurt survivors that you try not to listen too when they say you abuse kids. Your industry also has decades of proven abuse stemming from when you tried the same shit you are doing today.
So what does your boss say, how would you know what my boss says or if I even have a boss and if he is even interested in the TBS industry.

Yes parents the crap they pass off as cutting edge therapy is the same stuff they have been successfully sued over renamed.

The parents are not going to make a decision on their kids future based on an angry internet site.  They will call a few schools and ask to speak to some parents who had kids attend and get a feel for if it is the right fit for their child.  Then take a trip over and meet some of the kids who are locked in their cells… oh wait, I am sure they will let them out before you arrive to make a good appearance and then pre-program them to say they are happy there.  Lets be honest!!

Sorry, a little late night humor……we don’t see enough of that around here.
Title: why do children committ suicide
Post by: MOMMABEAR on September 22, 2007, 11:29:26 PM
you know at this point the one fact that we should all be able to agree on is this:    the 17 year old child that we are currently talking about had two parents who loved him very much the fact that they had already lost their only other child only increased their desperation to save him. even though the parents may not have agreed on where to get him help they did agree that he needed help. this was a wonderful ,caring and loving young man who did not do drugs was not a bad kid he was just very sad and very unhappy and no body knew how to fix the problem because no one was sure what the problem was. after several threatened and attempted suicides the decision was made for him to go to aspen achievement academy because according to what they advertise they would help him learn what the issues were and how to deal with them while they were keeping him safe from himself and others. SO I GUESS THE QUESTION IS WHAT PART OF THEIR ADVERTISING WAS INCORRECT THE PART WHERE THEY WOULD HELP HIM OR THE PART WHERE THEY WOULD KEEP HIM SAFE??????? I would have to say in my opinion they failed on both parts rather they have helped other kids is not even the question or the point. The point is they failed horribly on this child and now everyone who had ever had the pleasure of knowing him must now suffer for their failure to provide what they advertised. I'm not talking out of my ass i know this child very well. Also parents dont take out loans for thousands of dollars to get their children help if they dont truly believe they are doing the right thing. If they had all of the information before they make these choices then they would also know the risk involved. this will only stop when cases like this stop being swept under the rug so that people know children are being mistreated and dying right under our noses. All of this is happening at the places that are supposed to help them and protect them.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 11:40:52 PM
^Can read that who?

Oh, and your late night humor is not that far off the mark from what has been reported by survivors of programs, even your CEDU-Aspens. You are such a loon, regardless my fun with you is over now.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 11:40:00 PM
CAPTCHA-- field corpses  :rofl:

From Wiki

It is not my intent to become involved in an argument over the proper use and definition of the word "detainee". However, this debate has been recently brought to my attention, and I feel the need to contribute. As an Aspen Achievement Academy "alumni" or survivor, the question of whether or not I felt like a "detainee" has been posed to me. The answer to that question is "yes". This is my story:

I ask that any parent thinking about enrolling their child in The Aspen Achievement Academy, to please reconsider. As a former student of the program myself, this request stems from my first hand experiences in the program. Please be for warned that the organization’s advertisements are misleading. I did not see any of the literature provided to my parents until after my return from Utah. After the initial review of a videotape, and several pamphlets provided by the program, I was disgusted. Aspen did not accurately portray itself. My parents were shocked when I came home and they saw the evidence in my backpack, and heard my stories. They had no idea what they had really signed me up for. According to advertisements for the Aspen Achievement Academy, the program resembled a rugged, yet therapeutic summer camp experience. In reality, this could not have been farther than the truth.

It has been nearly twelve years since I spent those two months in the Utah wilderness, and my experience there still haunts me to this day. The extensive neglect that my fellow students and I experienced was unacceptable. I’ll never forget May 11th, 1994. It’s a date that will trouble me for the rest of my life. That morning two strangers awakened me at 5 am. They ordered me to get up and get dressed "because I was going to Utah for a long time". I told them "I couldn’t go to Utah; I had to go to school that day!" However, as it turned out I had no choice. After a lengthy physical struggle with these people, I found myself forced onto a second rate airplane (who’s ever heard of “Morrisâ€
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 11:42:32 PM
Also interesting to note, Aspen is the largest employer in Wayne County.

Wayne County's Largest Employers
Annual Averages 2006

Company  -  Industry  -   Employment
Aspen Ranch Residential Care 100-249
Aspen Achievement Academy Outpatient Care Center 100-249
Wayne County School District Public Education 100-249
Federal Government Federal Government 100-249
Passages to Recovery Educational Services 20-49
Brown Brothers Construction Heavy Construction 20-49
Royal's Market Grocery Store 20-49
Wayne County Local Government 20-49
Wayne Community Health Centers Health Care 20-49
Harward & Rees Commercial Construction 20-49
State of Utah State Government 20-49
GarKane Power Association Electric Utility 10-19
Capitol Reef Inn and Café Accommodations/Restaurant 10-19
Café Diablo Restaurant 10-19
Wonderland Inn Accommodations 10-19
Jackson Excavation Site Preparation Contractor 10-19
Sunglow Family Restaurant and Motel Accommodations/Restaurant 10-19
Torrey Day's Inn Accommodations 10-19
Chuckwagon General Store General Merchandise Store 10-19
The Rimrock Restaurant Restaurant 10-19
Fremont Express Restaurant 10-19
Red Cliff Restaurant Restaurant 10-19
Taft Travel Plaza Gas Station/Convenience Store 10-19
Capitol Reef Resort Accommodations 10-19
Stan's Burger Shak Fast Food Restaurant 10-19
Source: Utah Department of Workforce Services, Workforce Information
Updated May 2007.
Title: IMPORTANT ! ! ! !
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 07:10:43 PM
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""
you know at this point the one fact that we should all be able to agree on is this:    the 17 year old child that we are currently talking about had two parents who loved him very much the fact that they had already lost their only other child only increased their desperation to save him. even though the parents may not have agreed on where to get him help they did agree that he needed help. this was a wonderful ,caring and loving young man who did not do drugs was not a bad kid he was just very sad and very unhappy and no body knew how to fix the problem because no one was sure what the problem was. after several threatened and attempted suicides the decision was made for him to go to aspen achievement academy because according to what they advertise they would help him learn what the issues were and how to deal with them while they were keeping him safe from himself and others. SO I GUESS THE QUESTION IS WHAT PART OF THEIR ADVERTISING WAS INCORRECT THE PART WHERE THEY WOULD HELP HIM OR THE PART WHERE THEY WOULD KEEP HIM SAFE??????? I would have to say in my opinion they failed on both parts rather they have helped other kids is not even the question or the point. The point is they failed horribly on this child and now everyone who had ever had the pleasure of knowing him must now suffer for their failure to provide what they advertised. I'm not talking out of my ass i know this child very well. Also parents dont take out loans for thousands of dollars to get their children help if they dont truly believe they are doing the right thing. If they had all of the information before they make these choices then they would also know the risk involved. this will only stop when cases like this stop being swept under the rug so that people know children are being mistreated and dying right under our noses. All of this is happening at the places that are supposed to help them and protect them.

Can ANYONE post a link to any news article about a 2007 suicide at AAA? I cannot find it anywere on the net, only an attempted suicide some years back. I keep seeing posts by Mommabear about a suicide at AAA but I cannot find any proof that it happened. I am trying to help out Pitbull Mom by collecting EVERY news article about EVERY documented abuse or death at EVERY ASPEN program, so she will have it for Youth Care's upcoming licensing hearing in regards to her son's death in June from medical neglect. She has posted on many forums, but very few people have stepped up with documentation that can help. It seems that a lot of people have time to bitch and moan about abuse, but when it comes time to actually DOING something concrete, very few take the time to step up and help with verifiable information that can be used in court.

Come on people - STEP UP TO THE PLATE HERE.  a young boy died. Let's help mom get those bastards.

Psy, if you're reading  this, PLEASE go to Draper.

And everyone PLEASE ignore The Who, it just junks up the threads and keeps people from reading on.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on October 01, 2007, 07:44:06 PM
PLEASE ignore The Who, it just junks up the threads and keeps people from reading on.

Hey, that was uncalled for...we have been sitting thru all your posts and bumps, why not PM people instead of bothering us.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on October 01, 2007, 07:45:10 PM
 I organized the data to include just those children who attended Wilderness and TBS, for those parents who are interested in looking at those distinct areas.

I think you will see that after you eliminate the state run hospitals and boot camps the numbers look pretty good.

NCES still has not released their data for 2004-2005 year..... as soon as it becomes available I will add the figures in.

You can click on the program type to get more detail if needed.[/b]

July 1, 2000 thru June 2001   -------There were 1,466 Homicides and 1,493 suicides   , 2,959 Total  

TBS (http:// ---------------------There were 0 Homicides, 1 suicides, ----- 1 Total

Wilderness (http:// -----------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
Total Industry -------There were 0 Homicides , 1 suicides, ----- 1 Total

July 1, 2001 thru June 2002   -------There were 1,468 Homicides and 1,400 suicides   , 2,868 Total  

TBS (http:// ---------------------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

Wilderness (http:// -----------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
Total Industry -------There were 0 Homicides , 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

July 1, 2002 thru June 2003   -------There were 1,515 Homicides and 1,331 suicides   , 2,846 Total  

TBS (http:// ---------------------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

Wilderness (http:// -----------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
Total Industry -------There were 0 Homicides , 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
July 1, 2003 thru June 2004   -------There were 1,437 Homicides and 1,285 suicides   , 2,722 Total  

TBS (http:// ---------------------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

Wilderness (http:// -----------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
Total Industry -------There were 0 Homicides , 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

TBS - Therapeutic Boarding Schools
 NCES National Center for Education Statistics
CDC -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
* - Data found here on fornits, internet news articles (,, posts and PM?s....  All deaths are verified thru local news articles.
X -- Incomplete or unavailable
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 08:07:19 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
PLEASE ignore The Who, it just junks up the threads and keeps people from reading on.

Hey, that was uncalled for...we have been sitting thru all your posts and bumps, why not PM people instead of bothering us.

Sorry, I meant the trolls who argue with the Who. it just makes it so hard to wade through all this stuff. I'm just trying to help PB Mom collect info. If you have information, Mr. Who, by all means, I'm listening.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 08:23:17 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
 I organized the data to include just those children who attended Wilderness and TBS, for those parents who are interested in looking at those distinct areas.

I think you will see that after you eliminate the state run hospitals and boot camps the numbers look pretty good.

NCES still has not released their data for 2004-2005 year..... as soon as it becomes available I will add the figures in.

You can click on the program type to get more detail if needed.[/b]

July 1, 2000 thru June 2001   -------There were 1,466 Homicides and 1,493 suicides   , 2,959 Total  

TBS (http:// ---------------------There were 0 Homicides, 1 suicides, ----- 1 Total

Wilderness (http:// -----------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
Total Industry -------There were 0 Homicides , 1 suicides, ----- 1 Total

July 1, 2001 thru June 2002   -------There were 1,468 Homicides and 1,400 suicides   , 2,868 Total  

TBS (http:// ---------------------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

Wilderness (http:// -----------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
Total Industry -------There were 0 Homicides , 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

July 1, 2002 thru June 2003   -------There were 1,515 Homicides and 1,331 suicides   , 2,846 Total  

TBS (http:// ---------------------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

Wilderness (http:// -----------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
Total Industry -------There were 0 Homicides , 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
July 1, 2003 thru June 2004   -------There were 1,437 Homicides and 1,285 suicides   , 2,722 Total  

TBS (http:// ---------------------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

Wilderness (http:// -----------There were 0 Homicides, 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total
Total Industry -------There were 0 Homicides , 0 suicides, ----- 0 Total

http://www.teenadvocatesusa.homestead.c ... ORIAM.html[/url]
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 08:25:31 PM
Because the Who pulls shit out of his ass.   The Who is nothing more than a program shill doing damage control with bullshit *statistics* that he so loosely plays with.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 08:40:29 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
 I organized the data to include just those children who attended Wilderness and TBS, for those parents who are interested in looking at those distinct areas.

I think you will see that after you eliminate the state run hospitals and boot camps the numbers look pretty good.

OK, now I see this disclaimer at the beginning of your post. But why would you want to make the numbers look pretty good?
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on October 01, 2007, 09:04:41 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
 I organized the data to include just those children who attended Wilderness and TBS, for those parents who are interested in looking at those distinct areas.

I think you will see that after you eliminate the state run hospitals and boot camps the numbers look pretty good.

OK, now I see this disclaimer at the beginning of your post. But why would you want to make the numbers look pretty good?

Well, because it has been the perception all along that TBS’s are a haven for kids who are at risk.  But if you look at the industry as a whole the numbers are higher than one would expect.  But “The industryâ€
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on October 01, 2007, 09:10:19 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
PLEASE ignore The Who, it just junks up the threads and keeps people from reading on.

Hey, that was uncalled for...we have been sitting thru all your posts and bumps, why not PM people instead of bothering us.

Sorry, I meant the trolls who argue with the Who. it just makes it so hard to wade through all this stuff. I'm just trying to help PB Mom collect info. If you have information, Mr. Who, by all means, I'm listening.

It is hard to wade thru some of this stuff sometimes.....  I do not have any information for you on what you are looking for but if I come across anything that has been made public or has been released, I will post it here in this thread for you.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 09:29:06 PM
Deb gave a number of thirty-something before, many of the kills being wilderness.

Since this is only the ones we know about, the real number is probably higher than that.

Of course, Who's masters won't let him recognize this, so he has no option but to constantly repost the same amount of shit.

But it never stops being shit.

(BTW, this is really, really OLD. Like the moon-hoaxers, Who has been so thoroughly debunked that the only reason you don't see more people arguing with him is that we've splattered him already.)
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 09:34:54 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
 I organized the data to include just those children who attended Wilderness and TBS, for those parents who are interested in looking at those distinct areas.

I think you will see that after you eliminate the state run hospitals and boot camps the numbers look pretty good.

OK, now I see this disclaimer at the beginning of your post. But why would you want to make the numbers look pretty good?

Well, because it has been the perception all along that TBS’s are a haven for kids who are at risk.  But if you look at the industry as a whole the numbers are higher than one would expect.  But “The industryâ€
Title: Re: IMPORTANT ! ! ! !
Post by: Deborah on October 01, 2007, 10:11:36 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Can ANYONE post a link to any news article about a 2007 suicide at AAA? I cannot find it anywere on the net, only an attempted suicide some years back.

The Licensing Rep confirmed the suicide and recommended contacting the program for details.  :rofl:

From : Kent Callister
Sent : Monday, August 6, 2007 10:49 AM
To : "D"
CC : "Gil Hallows"
Subject : Re: AAA
The report is correct. You may want to contact Gil Hallows, director of the
program, concerning the death. His number is 435-836-2472

>>> "D" 8/4/2007 10:01 AM >>>
Hello Mr Callister,
I am contacting you regarding Aspen Achievement Academy and a report that there was recently a suicide there involving a young man who allegedly hung himself.
Given that you are the licensing rep for AAA I was hoping you would be able to confirm or dispell this report.

You could contact a local journalist and ask them to investigate and report. Otherwise, you need to contact Mr Kent and/or the local police, but good luck getting anything from Gil Hallows.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Deborah on October 01, 2007, 10:20:44 PM
Ellen Behrens was Dir of Youth Care (

Prior to setting up "Evidence Based Consulting" and "partnering" with YC to conduct "independent" research (
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 01, 2007, 10:23:25 PM
These numbers don't mean jack because

These are some of the reasons I believe parents should ignore who's bs statistics If they read "my kid will be safe in a program" out of those numbers.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 10:42:43 PM
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 01, 2007, 10:46:07 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Director of AAA
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: TheWho on October 01, 2007, 10:55:36 PM
Quote from: ""Hanzoman4""
It's not % based. Of course the numbers will be lower then the public sector because TBS kids account for such a small number of kids compared to the public sector. However even a % based comparison would be meaningless unless you knew how many kids were enrolled in TBS schools.
Yes and I think parents realize this when viewing the numbers.  Having numbers as low as 1 or 2 doesn’t really require a percentage in my opinion.  If we were seeing a step function increase over a short period of say 2 years to 4 or 5 students then I think we would need to take a closer look to see if we were exceeding the public sector numbers (on a percentage basis as you had indicated).  We could start applying a percentage when we determine how many kids are in the wilderness and TBS schools.  This may be something an organization like NATSAP may be able to supply at some point.  But the numbers are not available right now.

Quote from: ""Hanzoman4""
Things like suicide due to trauma can take years to playout. Many former Straight kids killed themselves because of the abuse in Straight, but not many(or even any?) killed themselves while in Straight. Who ignores these deaths
Well, they are not ignored, just not available.  How do we quantify the number of kids who would have committed suicide if they had not been helped by the TBS or wilderness (or kids who the program didn’t help and take their own life later (a wash)).  Many of these kids have attempted to take their own lives prior to attending these schools.  The public sector doesn’t capture this information either, the NCES doesn’t track the suicide rates of kids after graduation years later, so there would be nothing to compare the numbers to.
Quote from: ""Hanzoman4""
Can we really compare deaths in the tightly controlled environment of programs with those that happen out in the free world? The two or like apples and oranges really. A kid dying under the watchful eye of trained professionals means a lot more shit went wrong as opposed to a similar death in the free world.

Well, I think we can…many parents are looking for this “watchful eyeâ€
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Deborah on October 01, 2007, 11:24:18 PM
I'm begging... please don't collaborate with the derailment of this thread regarding the recent suicide at AAA.

Challenge the stats in the 1000 some page Who thread.
Thanks  ::kiss::
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 02, 2007, 01:10:44 AM
Ok, sorry
Title: when did suicide happen at AAA
Post by: Pitbull Mom on October 02, 2007, 05:23:48 PM
I'm still searching for information about this event. I need dates, facts.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 02, 2007, 08:55:32 PM
Quote from: ""Deborah""
Otherwise, you need to contact Mr Kent and/or the local police
Title: suicide at AAA in 2007
Post by: Anonymous on October 02, 2007, 11:46:08 PM
I called AAA today, they confirmed that a boy died there from a suicide, but could not provide any further details about it. There was no mention of it in the local paper, most likely at the parents request she said.
Title: Re: suicide at AAA in 2007
Post by: MOMMABEAR on October 08, 2007, 01:05:36 PM
Quote from: ""PB Mom""
There was no mention of it in the local paper, .
imagine that
Title: Re: when did suicide happen at AAA
Post by: MOMMABEAR on October 08, 2007, 01:08:40 PM
Quote from: ""Pitbull Mom""
I'm still searching for information about this event. I need dates, facts.
"event" the suicide at AAA happened in april of 2007
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Pitbull Mom on October 08, 2007, 02:58:26 PM
any time there is a suicide there needs to be a thorough investigation. AAA is in Utah, so good luck, you will have to make it happen. If Ken Stettler's office in not investigating they should be, but you will have to lean on them. I would think that any suicide would raise suspicions of inadequate staffing and supervision. There are a lot of preventative actions the facility is required to take to prevent suicides. AAA is probably JHACO accredited too, so they need to be notified, it doesn't happen automatically. They have on online process for filing a complaint.

The media is not going to report it without the permission of the parents.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Deborah on October 08, 2007, 03:15:21 PM
I'm wondering if a parent could hire a private investigator, if the program would give them access to residents, files, etc.
Remember, when Ian August was killed, Stettler's boy didn't find ANY violations of regs, UNTIL the DA filed charges. Then they managed to find a few minor deficiencies. I counted 20 some violations based on court testimony and statements in the media.
A death in a private facility is news. Is the parent's approval really necessary to investigate and report? The kid's name doesn't have to be mentioned.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: MOMMABEAR on October 10, 2007, 11:58:33 PM
Title: Re: IMPORTANT ! ! ! !
Post by: MOMMABEAR on October 11, 2007, 12:03:22 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""
you know at this point the one fact that we should all be able to agree on is this:    the 17 year old child that we are currently talking about had two parents who loved him very much the fact that they had already lost their only other child only increased their desperation to save him. even though the parents may not have agreed on where to get him help they did agree that he needed help. this was a wonderful ,caring and loving young man who did not do drugs was not a bad kid he was just very sad and very unhappy and no body knew how to fix the problem because no one was sure what the problem was. after several threatened and attempted suicides the decision was made for him to go to aspen achievement academy because according to what they advertise they would help him learn what the issues were and how to deal with them while they were keeping him safe from himself and others. SO I GUESS THE QUESTION IS WHAT PART OF THEIR ADVERTISING WAS INCORRECT THE PART WHERE THEY WOULD HELP HIM OR THE PART WHERE THEY WOULD KEEP HIM SAFE??????? I would have to say in my opinion they failed on both parts rather they have helped other kids is not even the question or the point. The point is they failed horribly on this child and now everyone who had ever had the pleasure of knowing him must now suffer for their failure to provide what they advertised. I'm not talking out of my ass i know this child very well. Also parents dont take out loans for thousands of dollars to get their children help if they dont truly believe they are doing the right thing. If they had all of the information before they make these choices then they would also know the risk involved. this will only stop when cases like this stop being swept under the rug so that people know children are being mistreated and dying right under our noses. All of this is happening at the places that are supposed to help them and protect them.

Can ANYONE post a link to any news article about a 2007 suicide at AAA? I cannot find it anywere on the net, only an attempted suicide some years back. I keep seeing posts by Mommabear about a suicide at AAA but I cannot find any proof that it happened. I am trying to help out Pitbull Mom by collecting EVERY news article about EVERY documented abuse or death at EVERY ASPEN program, so she will have it for Youth Care's upcoming licensing hearing in regards to her son's death in June from medical neglect. She has posted on many forums, but very few people have stepped up with documentation that can help. It seems that a lot of people have time to bitch and moan about abuse, but when it comes time to actually DOING something concrete, very few take the time to step up and help with verifiable information that can be used in court.

Come on people - STEP UP TO THE PLATE HERE.  a young boy died. Let's help mom get those bastards.

Psy, if you're reading  this, PLEASE go to Draper.

And everyone PLEASE ignore The Who, it just junks up the threads and keeps people from reading on.
Title: Suicide at AAA
Post by: Anonymous on October 15, 2007, 12:41:05 AM
Quote from: ""MOMMABEAR""

I would start with Ken Stettler. He is the Director of Licensing for the fine state of Utah. His phone number is 801-538-4242, and he will probably talk to you, he might request that the parents call since it's a suicide. If the parents wish to contact the media, they will need to call the local papers, you can look them up online.
Title: From Fornits Wiki
Post by: Covergaard on October 15, 2007, 06:32:33 AM
On Fornits wiki, there is a link to an Salt Lake Tribune article, which confirms the death: ... nt_Academy (

Stettler confirmed Aspen's reputation, saying, "They've had a pretty spotless record."
Three of four recent deaths at Utah treatment programs, however, happened at Aspen facilities: Blum's and two suicides; one in July 2004 at Island View Academy in Syracuse, and another in April at Aspen Achievement Academy of Loa.
Stettler said the April suicide remains under investigation by law enforcement, but his own probe found Aspen wasn't at fault.

The article (It will go to archieve/pay mode in some days):

Four recent Utah deaths in treatment programs (http://, Facility put on probation, but free to take new clients, by Kirsten Stewart, Salt Lake Tribune, October 13, 2007