
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: Oz girl on April 30, 2007, 06:11:05 AM

Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Oz girl on April 30, 2007, 06:11:05 AM
For those of you who were sent to CEDU before the internet really took off, how was it that your parents discovered CEDU and decided to send you there?
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: try another castle on April 30, 2007, 09:24:22 AM
...and once they did come across it, did they politely apologize and wipe it off?  :P

Since you and I discussed my answer already, I thought I'd kick this thread off by contributing something lurid and pointless.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 09:52:47 AM
an educational consultant in Richmond Virginia sent me and some other peeps.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: shanlea on April 30, 2007, 02:45:23 PM
Our family counselor saw the lovelybrochure and recommended this fine, therapeutic academic program. It turned out to be none of those adjectives.
Title: Cedu
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 06:50:49 PM
His name was either Jonathan or Robert Ulsh.

I would like to personally kick the living shit out of that asshole.

He lied to me so bad concerning Cedu.

Told me I would be Skiing, rock climbing, plays/operas - so basically culture, he made it sound like a freakin country club. Kept telling me "You're going to love it." Part of me was bummed but sayng "How bad could this be?"

He was on the take from Cedu (As I later came to find out) and sent me to a school my parents could not even come close to afford.
But they tried because they were so caught up in the Cedu bullshit.
Last I heard he was a headmaster for a Cedu clone school in Arizona.
I got there on a Thursday, had my hair cut, had all my clothes taken away, strip searched, saw guys cuddling, cut fucking wood Friday morning, and had my first rap that afternoon.
I IMMEDIATELY knew I was up shit's creek and something was not right.

I split for the first of many adventures the next day...
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: mad on May 03, 2007, 07:18:15 AM
I went to RMA.  My mom had heard about the school from a friend-of-the-family who sent his daughter there in the 1980s.  She had been in the first peer group.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Rugby Punk on May 04, 2007, 01:01:48 AM
I got the whole resort/country club sell, too, for Cedu.
When you're a kid in the Midwest and you hear about a school in So-Cal, you figure, hey it could be worse. I get to see palm trees and kick it on the beach. I was pretty pissed to find out how long a drive it was to the beach from Running Springs.

One of my first run ins while touring my new home was with my former cokehead roommate at an old boarding school. He and his friends ripped on me and how poor I was (I was there on a scholarship) and fucked with and stole all my shit.
Man, I was bumming hard. He tried to convince me later that he'd changed since coming to Cedu, but he didn't really.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Anonymous on May 05, 2007, 11:28:09 PM
educational consultants...mwa ha ha...they will be the next big genocide victims.

my parents found out because of some dirty little cunt of a bitch who lived in the same town as me and got sent there first. so not only is she indirectly responsible for my ending up at cedu, but she happened to be a filthy little bitch. she deserves to die. cunt.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: try another castle on May 06, 2007, 10:34:25 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
educational consultants...mwa ha ha...they will be the next big genocide victims.

my parents found out because of some dirty little cunt of a bitch who lived in the same town as me and got sent there first. so not only is she indirectly responsible for my ending up at cedu, but she happened to be a filthy little bitch. she deserves to die. cunt.

 :o  :o

You know, that just made me realize something. I REALLY hope I didn't get some poor kid sent to a program when I was still brainwashed and talking about how great it was for about two years after I left.

Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Antigen on May 07, 2007, 12:57:08 AM
I feel ya, man! I thought it was just those hundred or two self eliminating crack pots. Had I known? Eh, I'd probably be under the prison.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Anonymous on May 07, 2007, 11:59:48 AM
The hedmaster at the boarding school I attended recomended it to my parents. We were on the next plane to CA.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2007, 12:48:04 AM
About a year and a half ago, a good friend of mine's father called me out of the blue. My friend had no idea her father was calling me, but he knew I had gone to CEDU and wanted my opinion...his 16 year old son, who I know to be a complete fuck up, was getting into some serious shit. Cutting high school altogether, multiple arrests, kickin' it with the shadiest crowd possible...I thought I was fuckin' up before I got sent away, but this kid was juvy bound without question. His father wanted to know if I thought CEDU was a good answer for him.

Who knows, maybe I guaranteed this kid a spot in the booty bin or an OD of some sort by saying so, but I said keep him away from that hell hole. Do whatever you can to save the little fucker, but don't send him to that place.

Ok, now to decipher this little puzzle of obscure, sideways letters so I can actually make this post. Damn you, Antigen... are you the ghost of Antigen because someone killed you for implementing these little puzzles? Were you tired of people posting drunk or something so you started utilizing these things to stop them from being able to post? Time to sacrifice my anonymity I guess...
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Antigen on May 08, 2007, 09:35:35 AM
Heh, no, it was the spammers.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Deborah on May 08, 2007, 11:11:06 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Damn you, Antigen... are you the ghost of Antigen because someone killed you for implementing these little puzzles? Were you tired of people posting drunk or something so you started utilizing these things to stop them from being able to post? Time to sacrifice my anonymity I guess...

Registering a username will not sacrifice your anonymity. You can even select the username "Guest1" or some other number that's not taken. Lots easier and your still anon.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: try another castle on May 08, 2007, 09:46:41 PM
Quote from: ""Deborah""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Damn you, Antigen... are you the ghost of Antigen because someone killed you for implementing these little puzzles? Were you tired of people posting drunk or something so you started utilizing these things to stop them from being able to post? Time to sacrifice my anonymity I guess...

Registering a username will not sacrifice your anonymity. You can even select the username "Guest1" or some other number that's not taken. Lots easier and your still anon.

Damn! I shouldn't have used the handle "try another castle", then, since that's my real name.

You guys better not look me up in the white pages.
Title: How did your family come across CEDU?
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2007, 10:53:48 PM
Maybe anonymity wasn't the word I meant to use, but it still somewhat applies. People might not know your real name from your username, but they can still string your posts together. How else am I supposed to bash on people and then pretend to be their friend the next day?

Puzzle time...