
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 01, 2007, 06:15:16 PM

Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: Anonymous on April 01, 2007, 06:15:16 PM
Paddling, when administered in the correct way is not abuse. My folks paddled me when I did wrong...and now, many years later,I understand even better than I did when it took place. I knew, then, too, that I'd done wrong, and did not want to do it again.

As far as the pt's just plain physical exercise. While it may be strenious, it does not go overboard. These are kids...not adults. It's just enough to make them think. In the end, most of the guys like/benefit from the exercise...they want to be "buff" for thier girlfriends when they return home.

The hot stove example was excellent.I guarantee you that the pain we inflict by paddling is less than touching a hot stove...

As I've said before,the only dealing I've had with wwasp was when another school became affiliated with them. From what I've read, they do not need to be open. I do believe that people who have been to those schools could have a very warped perspective on what happens...they seem to think that all schools operate that way. Maybe most do. I don't know. We don't.

He is talking about Respect Camp, Mississippi - Formerly known as Eagle Point Christian Academy and Bethel Boys Academy. The facility is owned by the Fountain family. Abuse allegations at Fountain-owned programs date back more than 20 years.

At present, we have no method of corporal correction....we had a "board of education" (paddle) that was applied to the "seat of education"...but such board was kept by a former instructor.

You might get a kick out of this...when we sent the forms out, one of our students was taking to his Dad...and asked if he was going to sign the form. He tried to convince his father not to sign. His dad replied that if he behaved, he wouldn't have to worry.

No, I didn't get a kick out of that.

Gotta agree that parents should be the one to spank...but they don't have the "authority" to do it.

Case in pont...another kid with a very poor attitude...was warned that he would be corrected by spanking. His response...if I was at home, I'd have your *%&^ arrested.

My response...Welcome to bend over. The licks weren't hard...and that was the last time he had to be corrcted other than just day to day things that all kids do.

Yes I am sinking low here, and personal attacks follow. Not by me, I am just going to quote his own postings that are out in internet land for anyone to find.

Not the first first time, but the first time that really meant a lot.
We were at her house, kissing and fooling around. She took me by the hand and led me into her room...where we foold around some more. She told me she wanted to feel me inside her...we took off each others clothes, and made passionate love the rest of the night.

(Edited by catman5169 at 6:29 pm on Oct. 15, 2005) ... stNumber12 (

He is 55 years old. Can we assume he made his user name when he was 51, and added the 69 for kicks? Funny Jimmy, very sexy too. DId I find this post on a forum with middle aged people? A Christian forum? A forum about how to help teens? No. I found this on a forum specifically for teenagers, and all the other posters indicated their age. Not JImmy though, wonder why? (the other posters were from 13-18)

His "favorite forums" on that teenager forum?

Favorite Forums: 1st Teen Dating & Relationships
2nd Deep Thoughts & Random Musings
3rd Teen Sexuality
Location: Mississippi, United States

Relevant why? Because this man works at a Christian ministry, and duplicity and hypocrisy should be exposed, especially child abusers (according to 29 state laws).

How do we know CatMan5169 is Jimmy? He put his real name in his Myspace profile (http:// and a search brought his profile up, with the name CatMan5169. The comments calling him "Mr. Catman" and asking about Magnolia in the same sentence confirm it.  

A simple Google of that user name brought up hundreds of his posts from various forums. The content of these threads confirms his identity as well. This is not libel Jimmy, you should be more careful and use different user names for different websites.  

I just thought you guys would want to get to know Jimmy. He works at a program called Magnolia Christian Center. Before that he worked at a program that is known to be abusive.

Now he is in the business of conning program survivors into helping him market his program.

Let's welcome Jimmy to the realm of the internet referral business.

"Hi Jimmy!"

Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: Anonymous on April 01, 2007, 07:49:01 PM
Jimmy Pearce who worked at Bethel Academy, and who now works at Magnoli Christian Center did give himself another user name when he joined Kevin August's website, Anti-Wwwasp:
Maybe Catman5160 wouldn't go over too well trying to promote his school, or something?
As the "Judge" he hands out "some legal advice" now and then on Anti-Wwwasp, too.
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: Kreflo on April 01, 2007, 08:18:37 PM
Catman5169? Born in 1951- Graduated HS in 1969. Catman leaves a seven year gap in education history open for speculation....

But WHAT UP with his friends on myspace????? Michelle? DAMN it puts the lotion on its skin and NATTTTTE? Doubledamn with that male unit lodged in a motorcycle helmet? Friends with Catman AND a member of myspace anti-WWASP group? I can't bear to look at the rest of the crew (just yet)
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: nimdA on April 01, 2007, 08:59:29 PM
Anyone find a picture yet?
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: Anonymous on April 01, 2007, 09:04:55 PM
Only of his cats.
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: nimdA on April 01, 2007, 09:10:57 PM
Must really like them cats.
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: ZenAgent on April 02, 2007, 12:44:52 AM
I could be wrong, but I got an anonymous tip this "friend" of catman5169 is a young boy he's been guiding for years ....

Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: mbnh31782 on April 02, 2007, 09:39:54 AM
full profile including full name on yahoo profiles (
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: ZenAgent on April 02, 2007, 11:12:42 AM
What the hell is a prison judge?  Does Judge Roy have delusions of grandeur, or is that an actual title?  After his sloppy, snide, and arrogant entrance into the CAFETY discussion, and his (laughable) threats to verbally trounce TSW, I suspect Jimmy's at least one fry short of a Happy Meal.  This whole MCC business has become such a joke, and much to my surprise (heh), StrugglingTeens has no mention of this new facility anywhere on Lon's Last Resort Before Death or Jail  service.  That slogan of MCC's, "It's all about the boys", is kinda creepy, especially since it's run by a bunch of old men still using names like "Jimmy"  and the oft-mocked Poochie Stringfellow.  Julius isn't the coolest name, but it beats the hell out of Poochie.  Poochie, the able guide of young men and the Haynes -grazing coach.  Rock on, Poochie.  The more I hear about MCC (Millions of Crazy Christians), it sounds like they're going to be flying the flag of butt-piracy.  "Arrrghh, matey, prepare to be boarded!"

The guy with the motorcycle helmet on his weenus pictured above is indeed one of Jimmy's friends.  His MySpace groups include Anti-WWASP and End Institutionalized Child Abuse.  Odd that he should associate with the Judge.  I couldn't make this up, here's the guy's "about me":

About me:
hollller at cha boy... my names nxxx... in prison they call me keester.....but other then warning off sexual advancments from men, i enjoy being a reckless.. yet hostile mother fucker...

CMM's poster boy?  At the very least, he's Judge Jimmy's special friend.  Being called "Keester" makes it sound like he was traded around the  cell blocks for cartons of cigarettes...
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: Anonymous on April 02, 2007, 12:46:57 PM
Jimmy Pearce/Judge Roybean/CATMAN5169 seems to have a problem keeping his stories/postings straight....that's a problem with a person who lies a lot:

His profile states: "Wants kids with the right person."
Catman5169 posts about his "vescetomy" on MENS HEALTH. com
on October 22, 2005.
But, not to worry folks, CATMAN assures everyone, "the lttle guy has no problem rising to the occasion!"
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: exhausted on April 02, 2007, 02:44:54 PM
Eeeeew yuk

Disgusting individual  ::noway::
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: RobertBruce on April 02, 2007, 03:37:07 PM
How difficult would it be to find out what church this salt of the earth Christian attends?
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: Anonymous on April 02, 2007, 03:40:38 PM
He works for a church.  :rofl:
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: RobertBruce on April 02, 2007, 04:00:36 PM
Do we know which one?
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: Anonymous on April 02, 2007, 04:32:25 PM
Jimmy Pearce lists his religion as METHODIST on his profile on the PLENTY OF FISH website: (    CATMAN5169

ABOUT ME: CATMAN5169 states that he "will treat ladies like they should be; in other words, I'm not a bad boy, so if you need to be cussed, slapped and treated rough, please move on.
(OH, we can get "rough" but only for fun!!!!"

Way to go there Chrisitain Judge!!!
Gonna spank her with that paddle you use on little boys at MAGNOLIA Christian Center?
Title: Getting to Know Jimmy
Post by: Anonymous on April 10, 2007, 01:24:05 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Gonna spank her with that paddle you use on little boys at MAGNOLIA Christian Center?

 :rofl:  :P  :-?  :o  :oops:  :cry:  :x  :flame:  ::noway::  ::puke::