
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) => Topic started by: Jennifer143 on January 20, 2007, 04:24:06 AM

Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Jennifer143 on January 20, 2007, 04:24:06 AM
I was woken up at 3 in the morning in my own room and told that I could only change in front of this man and woman. I was also told that I would only be going for a 3 day evaluation and that I would be able to come home if everything was okay. I was handcuffed and taken across the border illegally. My mother signed over 90% custody to people she had never even met. I got to Casa By The Sea and was stripped of all of my personal belongings, including my sneakers. I was given sandals, "so I couldn't get away". After a week in "Worksheets" and being placed in R&R (where they would bend your legs and arms behind your body, laying on your stomach and while a large heavy man sat on your back), I was sent to High Impact. I witnessed the "dog cages" and was even placed in them. In the dog cages, you were made to roll up your sleeves and pants so that the sun could burn your skin. after your skin was burnt, the red ants would bite your burnt skin. We were made to sleep on a carpet, placed on top of a cement block. We were only given oatmeal (about a cup) for breakfast, rice and beans for lunch (also about a cup) and for dinner we were made to eat a chicken breast, along with the bones. If you did not eat the bones, you would be put in the dog cages. I witnessed two girls who tried to escape, tied around their ankles with rope tied to the back of a truck, be pulled up a rocky mountain. I wrote my mother that my feet were blistered and cut deeply, and they lied and told her I was lieing. We were forced to take ice cold showers, where you could see the steam rising off of people's bodies. We had no brush, we weren' allowed to brush our hair. We had no soap, because after the count of 100, we were forced to get out of the shower. And the worst part of all, we were given 30 seconds, once a day, to use the restroom. If you asked to go other than that, you would be given consiquences and miles that you ran would be taken away. It got so bad that I would hold my bowels until I would go to the bathrom (#1 & #2) in my pants, because I was afraid to ask to use the restroom. We handwashed our clothes on a piece of concrete. And 75% of our days were spent running and doing excersizes. I lost 40lbs in 3 monthes at High Impact. We werent allowed to so much as sratch ourselves without asking permission, but you would be denied permission if you asked. After going to bed starving, the "mamas" would break out their candy, snacks and good food... and eat it while laughing at us trying to stay warm under a sheet, with no pillow, in the 30 degree weather. I have hip pains to this day because of sleeping on concrete in the fetal postion for 3 monthes.  When I finally got back to Casa, I found that my mom thought we would be swimming, they even made her send a bathing suit. For what??? There was no swimming going on at Casa By The Sea. There wasn't even proper medical treatment. I once witnessed a young girl go into seisures and be left alone to fend for herself. Dace Goulding is a liar, along with King Kay and everyone else. I would love to see him in the streets. DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS TO THESE PLACES! The pictures are lies, the statements are lies... these fun things NEVER go on at these places. If you want t talk to me, I will tell you anything![/i]
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2007, 10:50:09 AM
Thank for taking the time to share your story. I am sorry that you had to go through that, it is nothing short of torture. I hope you are doing well today. I found writing about my own experience has helped a lot over the last few years and also parents find it very helpful so they don't make the same mistake as so many wwasps parents have in the past. I am sorry you had to go through High Impact and Casa, no person should ever have to endure something like that.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2007, 11:02:14 AM
Jennifer, I am so sorry that you had to endure such treatment.
How are things going, now that you are out?  Are living at home? Does your mother believe your accounts of what happened in these facilities? Have you received real therapy to help you deal with all this?  I wish you the best.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: BuzzKill on January 20, 2007, 07:55:40 PM
Jennifer - I too am very sorry you, or anybody, has ever had to have such an experience. If you would like contact info for a law firm taking plaintiffs in a case against these people, please write me. If you register you can send a PM - and I think you can email me weather you register or not.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Jennifer143 on January 20, 2007, 09:21:54 PM
Everything is great now. Only after 6 years of telling my mom what happend to me, is she now starting to believe that I'm not lieing. I'm a mother and I have been married for 5 years now... but I had to learn things on my own. Oh and another true story...out of approximately 600 girls at Casa By The Sea, NOT ONE of us EVER had our monthly menstrul cycle. What this means to me, is that they were putting stuff in our food, so that we wouldnt be able to have children... is this even legal??? I don't think so...
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: hanzomon4 on January 21, 2007, 02:55:57 PM
Quote from: ""Jennifer143""
Everything is great now. Only after 6 years of telling my mom what happend to me, is she now starting to believe that I'm not lieing. I'm a mother and I have been married for 5 years now... but I had to learn things on my own. Oh and another true story...out of approximately 600 girls at Casa By The Sea, NOT ONE of us EVER had our monthly menstrul cycle. What this means to me, is that they were putting stuff in our food, so that we wouldnt be able to have children... is this even legal??? I don't think so...

That's common actually, I've heard about this happing at New Bethany home for girls and other "religious" style programs. I always assumed it had something to do with the horrendous paddling that's common in the "religious" style programs.
But I think it could have something to do with the high level of stress you all were under.
Title: A new thing to show your mother
Post by: Covergaard on January 21, 2007, 05:12:19 PM
Jennifer. I have just launched the site about High Impact. (

There could be some factual errors in the text due to the facts that the conditions were so terrible to the children, that it is perfect comprehensible that they wont talk about it.

Please write to me if you find some errors. Beside this forum, use my other pages at bebo, livespace or myspace. You can access them through my mainpage: (

Dont mind typos. I am a Dane, so I can not avoid them, when my native language is not english. Fortunately a robot will fix that.

If other survivors wants to tell their story please publish them. I is hard to remember them, but every day a new child is going off to such places and it needs to be stopped.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: hanzomon4 on January 22, 2007, 08:15:00 PM
Good job on the High impact page, you're doing some good work......
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anne Bonney on January 22, 2007, 08:23:34 PM
Quote from: ""Jennifer143""
Everything is great now. Only after 6 years of telling my mom what happend to me, is she now starting to believe that I'm not lieing. I'm a mother and I have been married for 5 years now... but I had to learn things on my own. Oh and another true story...out of approximately 600 girls at Casa By The Sea, NOT ONE of us EVER had our monthly menstrul cycle. What this means to me, is that they were putting stuff in our food, so that we wouldnt be able to have children... is this even legal??? I don't think so...

I'm glad to hear that you're living a good life now.  I too am so sorry for what you went through.

As to the menstrual cycles stopping, it happened to me too.  I was in Straight for two years and every single girl in there during that time stopped menstruating while in there.  I asked my doctor about  it after I got out.  After an hour and a half conversation trying my best to explain Straight she said it was due to the severe amount of emotional stress.......after she picked her jaw up off the floor at hearing of the "treatment" I went through.  I've had 3 other doctors since then tell me the same thing.  Scary huh?
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on January 24, 2007, 09:30:46 AM
Get over it ,I did. Enough of the pity party, it's weak. Move on with your life.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on January 24, 2007, 09:41:19 AM
Jennifer, ignore CCM.  She is a self-centered, uncaring bitch who promotes sending children to programs by earning referrral fees.

Her anger and promotion of programs as a form of "treatment" clearly indicates she has not "gotten over the program mentality."
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Ganja on January 24, 2007, 09:42:51 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Jennifer, ignore CCM.  She is a self-centered, uncaring bitch who promotes sending children to programs by earning referrral fees.

Her anger and promotion of programs as a form of "treatment" clearly indicates she has not "gotten over the program mentality."

I don't think that's really her anyway..
Title: CCM
Post by: Jennifer143 on January 24, 2007, 02:21:58 PM
Howabout I stick you in a dog cage???
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on January 24, 2007, 02:54:21 PM
enough said.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Oz girl on January 24, 2007, 03:28:20 PM
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""

I'm glad to hear that you're living a good life now.  I too am so sorry for what you went through.

As to the menstrual cycles stopping, it happened to me too.  I was in Straight for two years and every single girl in there during that time stopped menstruating while in there.  I asked my doctor about  it after I got out.  After an hour and a half conversation trying my best to explain Straight she said it was due to the severe amount of emotional stress.......after she picked her jaw up off the floor at hearing of the "treatment" I went through.  I've had 3 other doctors since then tell me the same thing.  Scary huh?

All of them? Did they make you take any pills of any sort while you were there?
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Jennifer143 on January 24, 2007, 03:30:20 PM
We never took any pills... but the girls side had different food from the boys I'm thinking thats how they did it.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: 001010 on January 27, 2007, 05:37:39 PM
How sad that it took your mother that long to believe you.

I'm so happy to hear you're life is going so well now. I'm sure it's a treasure and a blessing after what you've been through.

Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 28, 2007, 08:08:32 PM
Quote from: ""CCMGIRL""
Get over it ,I did. Enough of the pity party, it's weak. Move on with your life.

That's so wrong! That wasn't even me who said that. Sorry Jen, I have a huge fan club here. I do feel bad what you went through. Hopefully, you're okay now!
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Ganja on January 28, 2007, 08:55:51 PM
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Quote from: ""CCMGIRL""
Get over it ,I did. Enough of the pity party, it's weak. Move on with your life.

That's so wrong! That wasn't even me who said that. Sorry Jen, I have a huge fan club here. I do feel bad what you went through. Hopefully, you're okay now!

You pretty much have been saying this all along.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 29, 2007, 12:28:50 AM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
I don't think it had much to do with the food or what they slipped in it. High stress and such probably is the more likely answer for you not having your period.

TSW is the expert here LOL!!!!!!!! He doesn't even get a period, and he's an expert on them. Gook, I wish I could be as smart as you :-). There's just no hope though. Poor me, poor me!
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 29, 2007, 02:01:52 AM
Actually what he said is exactly the same as what women who have lost periods while in programs have told all of us, CCM...

Whats the deal anyway? Pissed that we're not fond of the fact that you want to be an accessory to child abu^H^H^H^H^H Er, an ed-con?
Title: A more technical explanation
Post by: Covergaard on January 29, 2007, 04:12:27 AM
This will certainly explain why women at High Impact did not have their period. ... menorrhoea (

For the casa victim another explanation could be the case ... ysfunction (

Stress is a major factor!

The only positive is what they write last in the article:

A woman is unable to conceive while she is amenorrhoeic, but 'athletic' and drug-induced amenorrhoea has no effect on long term fertility as long as menstruation can recommence. The best way to treat 'athletic' amenorrhoea is to decrease the amount and intensity of exercise.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 29, 2007, 09:11:10 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Actually what he said is exactly the same as what women who have lost periods while in programs have told all of us, CCM...

Whats the deal anyway? Pissed that we're not fond of the fact that you want to be an accessory to child abu^H^H^H^H^H Er, an ed-con?

Niles dear, I could care less! There is no deal.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on January 29, 2007, 11:03:20 AM
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Niles dear, I could care less!

Thats the problem with edcons, they don't care about anyone else but themselves!!!
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Oz girl on January 29, 2007, 04:50:43 PM
if this goes on for too long couldn't it effect fertility? I had heard about the effect of stress on cycles but I had assumed this lasted a few months. Perhaps this is a cause to sue?
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 29, 2007, 11:55:38 PM
If I were Niles, I would totally sue. First of all he never was in one of these gulags, and second of all this guy is always on the rag LOL!!!

In all seriousness Oz Girl, missing your period is not a huge deal. I missed it a couple times myself during my 4 years of being locked up due to stress. If they are putting horomones in their food though, that could be something that is not healthy.

How could all these girls be missing their period like this girl Jen says? I mean all of them? That is a little odd, don't you think? It's either an over exageration, or something more sinister? Take your pick!

Hope M is well!
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: hanzomon4 on January 30, 2007, 12:13:02 PM
Not an over exaggeration,  I've seen this is other facilities and it usually effected every or most girls. This to me is horrible, to be under that much stress is unhealthy. If the stress level is high enough to cause a girl to miss her period for months it could cause other stress related maladies.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2007, 03:38:59 PM
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
How could all these girls be missing their period like this girl Jen says? I mean all of them? That is a little odd, don't you think? It's either an over exageration, or something more sinister? Take your pick!

NOT an over exageration! Ask any girl who has been to Casa By The Sea. My mother never send me one tampon or pad, because I never needed one. I don't think it's normal to not have your period for a year for no fukin reason at all.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Jennifer143 on January 30, 2007, 03:41:20 PM
forgot to log in, that last post was from me  :oops:
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anne Bonney on January 30, 2007, 05:54:56 PM
I didn't have one for the entire two years I was in Straight.  Most of the girls I was in there with didn't either.  Freaked me out.  My doctor told me it was due to the extreme psychological stress.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Oz girl on January 30, 2007, 05:57:52 PM
Did your doctor mention whether or not going for such an extended time without it could effect fertility?
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anne Bonney on January 30, 2007, 06:12:49 PM
They didn't say and I didn't think to ask.  It was kind of a moot point; I was pregnant within about 6 months of getting out. :D
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2007, 07:09:48 PM
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
It's either an over exageration, or something more sinister? Take your pick!

Or how about you are a cruel and insensitive, self centered megalomaniac? Is that an option to pick?
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Oz girl on January 30, 2007, 07:28:44 PM
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
They didn't say and I didn't think to ask.  It was kind of a moot point; I was pregnant within about 6 months of getting out. :D

well i guess that answers my question
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anne Bonney on January 30, 2007, 07:31:44 PM
The only good things I got out of being in Straight were my kids.  Unfortunately that meant that I was surrounded by program people who loved to wield the power they held over me (custody).  Good times. 20 goddamn years of it :roll:
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on February 07, 2007, 07:41:49 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
its do to stress and not being fed properly as well sa being overworked.
Jewish woman locked in concentration camps lost their periods as well.
Same with severe anorexics, over exercizers, it has to do also with your body weight being driven to low.

essentially mentstrating a  non essential bodily function. When the body is in a situation where its survival is being threatened it cuts back on non essentil boduly functions.

I wouldnt be suprised if alot of kids have their growth stunted as well. I dont hink our periods being taken away is permanent, but the growth stunting is.

sick monsters

You can stop menstruating if you do not have fat in your diet.  Even without the stress, just altering your fat intake will cause you to stop having your period.
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on March 30, 2007, 05:06:17 AM
Quote from: ""LMK""
Quote from: ""Guest""
its do to stress and not being fed properly as well sa being overworked.
Jewish woman locked in concentration camps lost their periods as well.
Same with severe anorexics, over exercizers, it has to do also with your body weight being driven to low.

essentially mentstrating a  non essential bodily function. When the body is in a situation where its survival is being threatened it cuts back on non essentil boduly functions.

I wouldnt be suprised if alot of kids have their growth stunted as well. I dont hink our periods being taken away is permanent, but the growth stunting is.

sick monsters

You can stop menstruating if you do not have fat in your diet.  Even without the stress, just altering your fat intake will cause you to stop having your period.

youre absolutely right. And id liketo amend what I said being starved/overworked/terrorized like that for such a long period of time - if you're not lucky- will almost certainly lead/contribute to some long term health problem.

However the body can regroup and if you take care fo yourself you can limit if not completely undo the damage
Title: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on November 16, 2007, 06:46:18 PM
Jennifer:  I thought they weren't even allowed to handcuff minors (at least not behind the back, anyway).

And I think the reason none of the girls had periods was due to all the stress.
Title: high impact
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2007, 11:11:24 PM
although this thread has been mostly about periods id like to mention that i too went to high impact. i experienced the things jenn talked about and more and thats why ive started plans for protest at

and to i didnt have my period the whole time i was there as well, but i dont agree that it was because of emotional stress because ive been through other periods of my life that were VERY emotionally stressful and i was still menstrating properly i believe they put something in the food. not to mention the amount of weight we all gained they must have added hormones or something like depo to protect any thing from happening like when kids succeed at having sex at seminars and they had to protect themselves legally from the ramafacations of a girl getting pregnant while she was in the program. haha or just to save their plumbing from being overstuffed.

visit if you are serious about joining our planning for protest.
Title: Help need for Fornits Wiki
Post by: Covergaard on December 16, 2007, 03:41:02 AM
I so need help to place the facilty on a map. I have been able to locate every single of their prisons so far.

The only exception is High Impact and they have high quality maps on google of this area.

High Impact on Fornits Wiki (http://

Who can help? It should right across the border according to some statements.
Title: Re: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2008, 07:04:38 PM
My dad told me that we were taking a "fun and exciting" vacation to San Diego to visit my sick Uncle Bill. They told me the trunk full of clothes they packed was just a bunch of electronics that needed to be returned to Uncle Bill. After the plane ride, Dad and I stood outside the airport. I asked, "So, where are we going now?" He said, "Well, YOU'RE going to a treatment center with 12 other girls and I am going home." Then this dude named Fernando picked me up and drove me to High Impact. When we got there it was a big military tent set up on a concrete slab. This was in front of the infamous dog cages. I sat at a picnic table as all the ridiculous rules were laid out to me. You must complete 2000 laps to complete the program. However laps are easily taken away if you commit an infraction. IE: scratching w/o permission, not washing a plate spotlessly with caked-on oatmeal within 10 seconds, moving your legs too much when sitting for hours on end. 80 laps would be deducted for each infraction, and if you forgot to raise your hand to ask permission to scratch yourself 3 times, no laps for you that day. Just a wasted 24 hours of distress. You had to take freezing cold showers with water that came from a wll not too far from where we slept. We couldn't drink the well water as it wasn't sanitary. So the "mamas" would have to walk up a long hill to get water from the owner's house. A lot of times they were too lazy so we were thirsty all the time. Forced to sneak drinks of well water from the shower. At one point I fell to the ground b/c my head was spinning due to dehydration. The mamas said I was being manipulative, trying to get more water than everyone else. As punishment they put me in the dog cage in the "high impact" position-belly down, arms spread out, palms facing up, feet crossed and held an inch above the ground. all day in the heat, and into the night when temperatures dropped into the 30s. i was then made to take a freezing cold shower in 30 degree weather. You could see steam rising from my body. Everyone had to shower in front of everyone, no privacy. One girl lied about me ramming into her as I was running laps. The mamas weren't hearing me though. They just automatically jumped on me, to the point where all I could do was scream and scream. Then the owner came down and said, "You need to do more laps." I wrote letters home and all my parents would say was that I should be grateful that I had beans and rice to eat. That's just the first time. After I completed the program the first time I was then sent to Cross Creek Manor. After about 6mos to a year, Ron Garrett came into therapy group and confronted me about threatening a staff with a pencil. Which was not true at all. I didn't even know what he was talking about. He and my therapist Sondra kept telling me I was playing dumb, and I should just admit it. So after spending 2 days in isolation I was exported to Mex. again. This time I had to complete 4000 laps, and the camp wasn't any better. The only differences were they allowed us to brush our hair and dress our disgusting feet (constantly filled with blisters and cuts, attracting flies when sitting for hours) at the end of the day. Oh, and then they added a zucchini to our dinner of chicken and rice. I would like to pursue this legally, but don't know how to go about it. E-mail me [email protected]
Title: Re: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on February 21, 2008, 07:46:32 PM
My story is the same.

But the place i went to was a cult in addition to a physically abusive hell-hole. It sounds like i got fed a little better than you, though.

I don't understand how this happens and how people are able to get away with it.
Title: Re: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Che Gookin on February 22, 2008, 11:16:38 PM
Money makes it happen.
Title: Re: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2008, 06:07:39 PM
what a Drama queens we have here,
tell the truth not just pretend to be victims,
if you were  there was because your parents didn't have other choice at ther moment
you put yourself in that situation
and you don't accept that  true and don't learn from your mistakes
Be honest, being there was not nice but needed to stop from what you were doing,
Title: Re: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2008, 09:08:34 PM
Quote from: "witness"
what a Drama queens we have here,
tell the truth not just pretend to be victims,
if you were  there was because your parents didn't have other choice at ther moment
you put yourself in that situation
and you don't accept that  true and don't learn from your mistakes
Be honest, being there was not nice but needed to stop from what you were doing,

Be honest with yourself.  You are a parent trying to justify your poor decision.
Title: Re: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on July 10, 2008, 03:01:58 PM
Quote from: "witness"
what a Drama queens we have here,
tell the truth not just pretend to be victims,
if you were  there was because your parents didn't have other choice at ther moment
you put yourself in that situation
and you don't accept that  true and don't learn from your mistakes
Be honest, being there was not nice but needed to stop from what you were doing,

In the future if you could use complete sentences, that would be great. It's very difficult to understand you.

For your information people have come forward, and told the truth. I think the problem is, is that you're not willing to accept it?!! Parents always have a choice.  I am never going to say that I deserved to be sent away, or that I deserved to be treated the way I was. The punishment did not fit the crime.

If I had it all to do over again,  nothing would have changed. The end result would have always been the same. With me being sent away. I know my situation is not unique. I know there are lots of kids in the same boat as I was.

You're right being there was "not nice".

If my parents weren't such selfish pricks, that would have been "real nice".
Title: Re: I went to Casa & High Impact - My experience
Post by: Shlei on December 19, 2008, 06:15:54 PM
Well, I went to Casa and CCM. I feel bad for the ones who were truly abused. I was not one of them. I still got my period and my life is nice and smoothe. Some of us walked away unscathed and others did not.