
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Hyde Schools => Topic started by: mansion dweller on January 19, 2007, 02:54:57 PM

Title: ceclia pezdek
Post by: mansion dweller on January 19, 2007, 02:54:57 PM
another recent example of the lack of professionalism amoungst the hyde staff is a recent incident that happened in 2006. spanish teacher, ceclia pezdek was fired after it was discovered that she was having sex with a recent graduate over the summer. the recent graduate was her student during the previous year.  

 I had this teacher as a ""discovery group leader" that same year and it was pbvious that she was not qualified for her job. during the group sesions where her and the other leaders were sopposed to be providing guidence she would either break down and cry for the whole time or get into arguement with the students, one instace on parents weekend her behavior was so absurd she was asked to leave by the parents... i had complained many time about her and everytime my complaints were met with someone telling me that my behavior was out of line or that i was just being a trouble maker.....

it was clear to anyone with half a brain that this woman was not fit for her job.... she was also unqualified as a teacher and her students told me that she could not even speak spanish very well. (her knowladge of spaish being what she aquired in college)

i encourage anyone who has any infromation about any other sexual mis conduct to come forward... i will not stop untill these people are confronted with the actual truth
Title: ceclia pezdek
Post by: Anonymous on January 19, 2007, 03:19:25 PM
Was she fired, or simply "allowed to leave?"  The latter seems to be the way they'd prefer to do business...
Title: Re: ceclia pezdek
Post by: Anonymous on January 19, 2007, 04:17:20 PM
Quote from: ""mansion dweller""
another recent example of the lack of professionalism amoungst the hyde staff is a recent incident that happened in 2006. spanish teacher, ceclia pezdek was fired after it was discovered that she was having sex with a recent graduate over the summer. the recent graduate was her student during the previous year.  

 I had this teacher as a ""discovery group leader" that same year and it was pbvious that she was not qualified for her job. during the group sesions where her and the other leaders were sopposed to be providing guidence she would either break down and cry for the whole time or get into arguement with the students, one instace on parents weekend her behavior was so absurd she was asked to leave by the parents... i had complained many time about her and everytime my complaints were met with someone telling me that my behavior was out of line or that i was just being a trouble maker.....

it was clear to anyone with half a brain that this woman was not fit for her job.... she was also unqualified as a teacher and her students told me that she could not even speak spanish very well. (her knowladge of spaish being what she aquired in college)

i encourage anyone who has any infromation about any other sexual mis conduct to come forward... i will not stop untill these people are confronted with the actual truth

Oh good heavens, and where did THIS incident occur?  Which Hyde  campus?  How is it possible that Hyde is allowed to continue to exist?  I've encountered so many instances of blatant misconduct.  Your description of unqualified, struggling staff running Discovery Groups and FLCs is so typical of Hyde.  This blows my mind.  Why would ANY educational consultant refer families to Hyde?  Do educational consultants know about this stuff?

I'm speechless.
Title: ceclia pezdek
Post by: mansion dweller on February 02, 2007, 03:07:07 PM
the incident occured over the summer i believe at the residence of the boy, i am unclear of the details of the situation but i do know that the teacher returned to work in the fall and there was no talk about it until the information surfaced then i believe she was "asked to leave"
Title: ceclia pezdek
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2007, 03:34:40 PM
Quote from: ""mansion dweller""
the incident occured over the summer i believe at the residence of the boy, i am unclear of the details of the situation but i do know that the teacher returned to work in the fall and there was no talk about it until the information surfaced then i believe she was "asked to leave"

I am surprised she was asked to leave.  She fits right in there with the rest of the Hyde Psycho's.  Do you really expect more from Hyde as little as they pay their staff?  I have never seen so much turnover in a school!!
Title: ceclia pezdek
Post by: Anonymous on March 13, 2007, 01:58:38 AM
earl biglow is another from hyde bath who had an "innoppropriate relationship" with a female student. He "chose to resign" as well
Title: ceclia pezdek
Post by: Anonymous on March 19, 2007, 12:50:40 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
earl biglow is another from hyde bath who had an "innoppropriate relationship" with a female student. He "chose to resign" as well

  Hobo used to put marks on the houses were you could get a hand out.  Do pedophiles mark secondary schools?  Hyde sure sounds marked.  You know these are just the cases that have surfaced.
Title: ceclia pezdek
Post by: Ursus on March 19, 2007, 01:11:04 PM
Rummage around in here and you are apt to find PLENTY more!

Seriously, the bottom line is their arrogance.  They are in denial that their setup fosters this kind of thing (all-knowing faculty, next to God in character know-how), yet do nothing to stave it off.  Once it happens, it is somehow the kid's fault; THEY suffer the worst consequences.  The faulty faculty gets a slap on the wrist, retains their job unless word gets out, and if word gets out, said faculty is allowed to leave and teach elsewhere with no further consequences.

The ultimate in professionalism, I say!  (What profession, I have no idea.)