
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: blownawaytheidahoway on January 11, 2007, 09:42:03 AM

Title: YOU or your friends PULLED or SPLIT from CEDU
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on January 11, 2007, 09:42:03 AM
there are so so so many more of

my friends who left who I never heard from again (some did graduate):

Daryl J

Logen Hinnette

Steve        (they called you a compulsive liar) diesel rambo dude claimed you already had a child or two. was it true?

mike i think Dymond left very pissed off in 1988.

Ricky Martin. seriously. where are you my bob dylan seem alike?

patrich dortcheeeee dude. you gotta find me. BLACK CHAIRS ON MY HEAD

sean looked like bart simpson, great basketball shot. chicago?

Duane what the hell ever happened to that guy, anyway. he bounced all over the fucking place!

Vanassa Wahaabb was on survival with me.

CEDU people add your lost friends or aquaintances also.

(names purposefully spelled incorrectly to avoid power searches and also to respect anonymity as much as possible while still trying to locate people from long ago)
Title: i goofed the poll
Post by: blownawaytheidahoway on January 11, 2007, 09:45:53 AM
i goofed the poll
i think it need be two polls to work.
webmaster assistance possible, please?
Title: YOU or your friends PULLED or SPLIT from CEDU
Post by: Antigen on January 11, 2007, 01:13:19 PM
Wadaya mean? How do you want it? Prolly best to just delete it and start over.
Title: YOU or your friends PULLED or SPLIT from CEDU
Post by: try another castle on January 11, 2007, 11:06:16 PM
I remember Pat. We were on bans from each other a lot.