
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy => Topic started by: Anonymous on December 14, 2006, 08:50:30 PM

Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on December 14, 2006, 08:50:30 PM
Oh come on people....where is your much going on...and no new posts.  

And since I am not at liberty at the moment to tell you - I'll tell you to dig, dig, dig.  Don't let up now.

Hey DJ - I'll pm you tomorrow since I can't from this computer.
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: FLCLcowdude on December 14, 2006, 09:53:50 PM
Yeah, what is going on? I want good news!
Title: Re: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Troll Control on December 15, 2006, 09:09:45 AM
Quote from: ""Countdown""
Oh come on people....where is your much going on...and no new posts.  

And since I am not at liberty at the moment to tell you - I'll tell you to dig, dig, dig.  Don't let up now.

Hey DJ - I'll pm you tomorrow since I can't from this computer.

OK, OK.  I had minor surgery on Friday and have just been recovering.  I also got a new puppy (saved from the pound) who is half lab and half american bulldog to keep me company for the next couple of weeks while I'm home so I haven't been on.  

I'll check for your PM, but here's what's going on right now.  

Nicole Fugslang quit and is headed out West, undoubtedly to "pursue other opportunities and to spend more time with (her) family."  Well, bye.  And thanks, Nicole, for being the one employee after all these years to finally put in writing what many people have been saying all along.  Without you, none of this would have happened.  Your emails to Clarke were like a signed confession.

Mark Keith quit, reportedly to go back into the service. RCI counselor Steve Sorrelles (sp?) also has reportedly quit.

One source says "This spells the end for Ridge Creek."  

That's all I've heard, so if you've got more, please pass it on...
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2006, 11:34:07 PM
So who is left?  Is Cates still there?    Any of the teachers?  Are parents pulling kids?  Is Ridge Creek operating at all?  

This (finally) sounds like the end.

I REALLY hope Buccellato gets what's coming to him.....
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2006, 11:59:33 PM
There should be a tree present for him, too...

*tick* *tick* *tick* *tick* *tick*
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: FLCLcowdude on December 16, 2006, 09:29:51 PM
Title: mark keith
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2006, 01:30:37 PM
mark keith quit because he is above the counselors but doesnt have a masters and they were giving him a hard time about it...he's going to iraq.  all those that loved him and knew what an amazing director he was should keep him in our prayers and make sure he comes home safe!
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2006, 01:37:00 PM
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on December 27, 2006, 05:08:33 PM
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penalty""

Aren't you a piece of shit.
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: RobertBruce on December 27, 2006, 06:17:53 PM
Is it any different than any of them hoping that anytime one of us escapes that we'll end up "Dead or in Jail", as a means of claiming some sort of sadistic victory?
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on December 27, 2006, 08:22:12 PM
"Aren't you a piece of shit."

Spoken like a true turd...
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2007, 10:59:00 PM
Have the towelheads killed this child abusing fuckstain yet?
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2007, 07:53:51 AM

Just when it seems you couldn't stoop any lower, you go and prove us wrong. Whatever your feelings are towards TBS's doesn't give you the right to wish someone dead who is protecting our country and to disparage a group of people by using a derogatory term.

You are intelligent and creative no doubt, but your lack of maturity is your biggest detriment. Not only are you hurting yourself and your credibility, but you've become an asset to the TTI. Think about it and hopefully you'll figure out why this is the case.
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2007, 12:46:09 PM
Hey look everybody! A member of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders! *salutes*

Just remember folks, you can dress up a pedo in a soldier's uniform, but that doesn't make him any less of a pedo.

Quote from: ""Guest""
Whatever your feelings are towards TBS's doesn't give you the right to wish someone dead

No, I have that right anyway, regardless of whatever retards show up here, and retards off massacring ragheads in what used to be the cradle of civilization have nothing to do with it. But my wishes don't mean too much because I'm not dumb enough to get on a battlefield that hopeless. It's his own soldiers he has to worry about; if the wrong guy finds out what he used to do for a living, well, friendly fire isn't.

And Satan (God won't touch him) help him if he ends up as a commander of some sort. Hey Mark.. these violent, bloodthirsty young men have GUNS!

who is protecting our country

Not even the Republicans believe this anymore. :rofl: It doesn't surprise me that someone who tried to impose himself on children would graduate to doing it to a whole country. Having some child abusing scumfuck like Mark die for someone else's ego would be a fitting end indeed.

But to be honest, I hope he doesn't die. I hope he gets his legs and his nutsack blown off by an IED, and ten years later, when he's rolling around in a wheelchair with a colostomy bag hanging off the side, one of his former victims (you know, one of the kids he tortured and then masturbated to afterwards?) will go up to him, point, and laugh himself sick.

your credibility

Every time some retard programmie mentions "my credibility", that means that I'm saying something they don't want to hear, and I'll be sure to say more of it.
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: FLCLcowdude on January 15, 2007, 01:18:55 PM
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penalty""
Hey look everybody! A member of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders! *salutes*

Just remember folks, you can dress up a pedo in a soldier's uniform, but that doesn't make him any less of a pedo.

Quote from: ""Guest""
Whatever your feelings are towards TBS's doesn't give you the right to wish someone dead

No, I have that right anyway, regardless of whatever retards show up here, and retards off massacring ragheads in what used to be the cradle of civilization have nothing to do with it. But my wishes don't mean too much because I'm not dumb enough to get on a battlefield that hopeless. It's his own soldiers he has to worry about; if the wrong guy finds out what he used to do for a living, well, friendly fire isn't.

And Satan (God won't touch him) help him if he ends up as a commander of some sort. Hey Mark.. these violent, bloodthirsty young men have GUNS!

who is protecting our country

Not even the Republicans believe this anymore. :rofl: It doesn't surprise me that someone who tried to impose himself on children would graduate to doing it to a whole country. Having some child abusing scumfuck like Mark die for someone else's ego would be a fitting end indeed.

But to be honest, I hope he doesn't die. I hope he gets his legs and his nutsack blown off by an IED, and ten years later, when he's rolling around in a wheelchair with a colostomy bag hanging off the side, one of his former victims (you know, one of the kids he tortured and then masturbated to afterwards?) will go up to him, point, and laugh himself sick.

your credibility

Every time some retard programmie mentions "my credibility", that means that I'm saying something they don't want to hear, and I'll be sure to say more of it.

You hit the nail on the head with this one milk...
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 15, 2007, 01:25:02 PM

edit: oh well, no hotlinking, so I transloaded to imageshack  :roll:
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2007, 01:45:44 PM
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penalty""
Hey look everybody! A member of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders! *salutes*

Just remember folks, you can dress up a pedo in a soldier's uniform, but that doesn't make him any less of a pedo.

Quote from: ""Guest""
Whatever your feelings are towards TBS's doesn't give you the right to wish someone dead

No, I have that right anyway, regardless of whatever retards show up here, and retards off massacring ragheads in what used to be the cradle of civilization have nothing to do with it. But my wishes don't mean too much because I'm not dumb enough to get on a battlefield that hopeless. It's his own soldiers he has to worry about; if the wrong guy finds out what he used to do for a living, well, friendly fire isn't.

And Satan (God won't touch him) help him if he ends up as a commander of some sort. Hey Mark.. these violent, bloodthirsty young men have GUNS!

who is protecting our country

Not even the Republicans believe this anymore. :rofl: It doesn't surprise me that someone who tried to impose himself on children would graduate to doing it to a whole country. Having some child abusing scumfuck like Mark die for someone else's ego would be a fitting end indeed.

But to be honest, I hope he doesn't die. I hope he gets his legs and his nutsack blown off by an IED, and ten years later, when he's rolling around in a wheelchair with a colostomy bag hanging off the side, one of his former victims (you know, one of the kids he tortured and then masturbated to afterwards?) will go up to him, point, and laugh himself sick.

your credibility

Every time some retard programmie mentions "my credibility", that means that I'm saying something they don't want to hear, and I'll be sure to say more of it.

MGDP - You have no direct connection to HLA or RCI (you didn't go to either place, didn't have a kid there, and you weren't a staff member) so why do you bother to post here? You have nothing to contribute based on your own personal experiences at HLA or RCI. Every time someone says, "It's just a bunch of whack jobs posting on Fornits" it's you they're talking about. Seriously - you're doing more harm than good... go away.
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anne Bonney on January 15, 2007, 01:51:13 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
MGDP - You have no direct connection to HLA or RCI (you didn't go to either place, didn't have a kid there, and you weren't a staff member) so why do you bother to post here? You have nothing to contribute based on your own personal experiences at HLA or RCI. Every time someone says, "It's just a bunch of whack jobs posting on Fornits" it's you they're talking about. Seriously - you're doing more harm than good... go away.

Hey, I get just as frustrated with him as anyone else sometimes, but he did hit this one right on the head.....and deservedly so.  He's got just as much right as anyone to be here and post his opinions.  Shit, I
m glad someone outside of this industry is taking an interest.  MGDP is not Fornits.  He's MGDP.
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2007, 01:57:39 PM
He's got his right to an opinion. What he's saying isn't an opinion. It's bordering on being considered libelous and slanderous. There's a big difference.
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anne Bonney on January 15, 2007, 01:59:33 PM
Ok. So what?  It's got nothing to do with Fornits.  As I said, he's got a right to post whatever he wants.  If he's posting about someone and they feel it's slanderous, they can take it up with him.
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2007, 02:20:13 PM
"MGDP - You have no direct connection to HLA or RCI (you didn't go to either place, didn't have a kid there, and you weren't a staff member) so why do you bother to post here? You have nothing to contribute based on your own personal experiences at HLA or RCI. Every time someone says, "It's just a bunch of whack jobs posting on Fornits" it's you they're talking about. Seriously - you're doing more harm than good... go away."

It's Karen.  She's back.....
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2007, 02:23:15 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
"MGDP - You have no direct connection to HLA or RCI (you didn't go to either place, didn't have a kid there, and you weren't a staff member) so why do you bother to post here? You have nothing to contribute based on your own personal experiences at HLA or RCI. Every time someone says, "It's just a bunch of whack jobs posting on Fornits" it's you they're talking about. Seriously - you're doing more harm than good... go away."

It's Karen.  She's back.....

Deborah can tell you it's not Karen.....
Title: The Chips are falling ...
Post by: Troll Control on January 15, 2007, 02:25:53 PM
I can tell just by reading that it isn't Karen.  No need to look up IP's here, folks.