
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: thepatriot on December 09, 2006, 08:37:53 PM

Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: thepatriot on December 09, 2006, 08:37:53 PM
God why am I plagued with this shit.........I just can't share my SPACE with anyone.....WTF, I just want to take a deep breathe and have everything just don't get any better.  just drink more and more. I have to have a liver biopsy in Jan. Guess I am trying to drink myself to death...can you say "Leaving LasVegas! if your familiar with that movie. I don't undertand why I am sooooo haunted by this Straight shit.................FUCK I wish it would just go the fuck away...................................................................................
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 09, 2006, 09:16:54 PM
Smoke weed, patriot....

It'll do you better than alcohol at this point...

Just don't kill yourself!
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 09, 2006, 09:41:22 PM

I had a good friend and onetime roommate drink himself to death (literally--he had survived a .68 yeah, you read it right, .68 BAC, was in a coma for a week , got out of the hospital and started driniking again) and it is not pretty.  

I know the Straight stuff can get you down, particularly when you're in a relationship with someone who has no idea whatsoever what happened to us there.  You are not alone in being alone, if that makes any sense.

Do you smoke pot?  It really is a llot less destructive to the body than drinking, and a LOT of people from here say that it has helped them deal with the Straight shit.  I'm not talking about the chronic drugusers here, I'm talking about people who don't do any other drugs but pot.  Maybe it would help.  It's worth a try, at least, if you are already having health problems from alcohol.  

Try to step back for a minute, don't let yourself be forced into reacting in a way you don't want to, or that will juswt cause more problems for you and yours later.  You just became a grandpa, that's gotta give you some kind of incentive, you will want to be there when they are growing up, not just a vague memorry or a warning story" Yeah, your grandfather drank too much" or whatever.  You seem like a pretty smart guy who can get focusedc on things when you really want to....there's nothing in the worlsd that has happened to you yet that is worth going out in a puke-filled, piss on yourself drunken stupor.  It ain't pretty, it's actually pretty fucking sickening when you see it really happening.  Hardcore alcoholics are worse off than junkies, you really don't want to go there.  THe fact that you are able to post about it indicatwes that you are not too far gone on the shit yet.  You can be., if you want to, but I don't think that'sd your style.  I think you've got a bit too much pride to let yourself go that far.  I hope so.  

Things do   get rough from time to time, and that sucks.  But I think you can deal with it, without drinking yourself into oblivion.  It ain't easy, but it's doable.  

I don't have any great words of wisdom or anything, I just hope you get whatever it is figuired out.  A little weed probably wouldn't hurt you, and might save your life.  What have you go t to lose?
Title: hang in there Mr. Patriot
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2006, 08:28:15 AM
Hang in there.   Try and slow down on the booze.   Don't let the straight fuckers win.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Carmel on December 10, 2006, 12:38:49 PM
I agree that pot is alot less destructive to the system....however, and I say this at my own peril amoungst the marijuana advocates here.......pot isnt a long term answer, nor is any other substance.  

Its probably a good idea to replace the drinking with something less volatile.....but you also need an "exit plan".  We werent born needing to consume anything in excess in order to function on a regular basis.....even water can kill you if you drink too much of it.  

The idea I think is to really be willing to identify what drives us to feel and behave in the destructive ways that we do.  Otherwise, drugs are just a band aid.  Just another way among hundreds of ways to avoid making a different choice about how we see the world.  I dont believe people become addicted to drugs....I think they become addicted to emotional states whether positive or negative and do everything they can to stay within the zone of that state....many times that can include using something in excess.

What makes you angry?  What makes you vulnerable?  How do you feel cheated?  What are your resentments?  What makes you happy?  I think being able to react to these questions in a really honest way REPEATEDLY is the only way to fix emotional problems.  That all being said, I think pot's a good extension plan, not a long term resolution.  Your choices that put you into situations that are negative really wont ever change along with your substance usage.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Antigen on December 10, 2006, 03:24:54 PM
The trouble here, I think, is that for us there ain't no normal to get back to. We all got an extra potent slice of the mindfuck perpatrated on the rest of society a whole lot more gradually and subtlly than the way we got it. It's impossible to unsee and very, very difficult to pretend. There's just not enough beer in the world to make it go away completely. So most people think we're fuckin nuts and paranoid talking about this shit. And if you surround yourself with them others, why then after awhile you begin to believe it too. So I've decided to hang w/ fellow former pows who get it.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2006, 04:55:49 PM
At this point, I'd have to say that I damn well know what I know despite who it is that I happen to be hanging out with.. Whether it's "them others" or you all, my mind is made up. To be honest, I'd prefer solitude over hanging with the survivors who are still over-obsessed with Straight. The people who talk about it all the time and who spend their precious time being activists turn me off in a bad way. Say what you want, but that's where I'm at. It's a personal thing. Most days, I'd rather watch a good football game than talk about Straight.

You all can keep talking about finding missing documents, how you're going to shut down PFC or whatever. That's fine, those places suck... but I wonder how many people in your personal lives you neglect because you "have more important things to do." As the saying goes, charity (among other things) begins at home. Have you spent any quality time with your loved ones (if any) in the midst of your gossiping?

I just wonder sometimes, that's all.

Don't get me wrong, there is some good work being done, I just hope that it isn't too much at anyone else's expense. Have you hugged you kid today? How about your dog? Wow, it's already dark and you haven't been anywhere....

Another day.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2006, 05:31:30 PM
Quote from: ""BLACK SABBATH""
At this point, I'd have to say that I damn well know what I know despite who it is that I happen to be hanging out with.. Whether it's "them others" or you all, my mind is made up. To be honest, I'd prefer solitude over hanging with the survivors who are still over-obsessed with Straight. The people who talk about it all the time and who spend their precious time being activists turn me off in a bad way. Say what you want, but that's where I'm at. It's a personal thing. Most days, I'd rather watch a good football game than talk about Straight.

You all can keep talking about finding missing documents, how you're going to shut down PFC or whatever. That's fine, those places suck... but I wonder how many people in your personal lives you neglect because you "have more important things to do." As the saying goes, charity (among other things) begins at home. Have you spent any quality time with your loved ones (if any) in the midst of your gossiping?

I just wonder sometimes, that's all.

Don't get me wrong, there is some good work being done, I just hope that it isn't too much at anyone else's expense. Have you hugged you kid today? How about your dog? Wow, it's already dark and you haven't been anywhere....

Another day.

I totally agree!
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2006, 06:14:58 PM
I like hating people.
Title: don't hand me that psychobabble doubletalk
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2006, 06:15:17 PM
Quote from: ""Carmel""
I agree that pot is alot less destructive to the system....however, and I say this at my own peril amoungst the marijuana advocates here.......pot isnt a long term answer, nor is any other substance.

Yes, marijuana is a long term Solution.  It is harmless, and actually provides many health benefits, both physically and psychologically.  Check out the "More Truths About Marijauna" thread.  It's factual info over there.  How would you know what  the effects of long-term, "chronic" marijuana use?  You don't do it yourself, and you obviously haven't done any real research, other than maybe read some anti-drug literaure.


Its probably a good idea to replace the drinking with something less volatile.....but you also need an "exit plan".  We werent born needing to consume anything in excess in order to function on a regular basis.....even water can kill you if you drink too much of it.  

No, but we were born with receptors for cannabinoids, which indicates that Homo Sapiens Sapiens has evolved in a symbiotic relationship with marijuana.  We weren't born needing to consume anything?  What about [i[food[/i]?  And that is what marijuana is akin to, food, NOT "drugs" or whatever other boogeyman you want to use to frighten people away from a healing plant that you obviously have no knowledge of.


The idea I think is to really be willing to identify what drives us to feel and behave in the destructive ways that we do.  Otherwise, drugs are just a band aid.  Just another way among hundreds of ways to avoid making a different choice about how we see the world.  I dont believe people become addicted to drugs....I think they become addicted to emotional states whether positive or negative and do everything they can to stay within the zone of that state....many times that can include using something in excess.

What makes you angry?  What makes you vulnerable?  How do you feel cheated?  What are your resentments?  What makes you happy?  I think being able to react to these questions in a really honest way REPEATEDLY is the only way to fix emotional problems.  That all being said, I think pot's a good extension plan, not a long term resolution.  Your choices that put you into situations that are negative really wont ever change along with your substance usage.

Look. dude has some serious issues going on, ones that he could deal wioth very effeectively by smoking marijuana.  He doesn't need all the psychobabble, NEw Age, "talk about your feelings crap.  Patriot seems like a man, a real man, and doesn't seem like the type to go for hugs and tears at theholistic healing center.  He could do quite well on his own, with a little help from Mary Jane.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2006, 06:16:24 PM
Quote from: ""BLACK SABBATH""
At this point, I'd have to say that I damn well know what I know despite who it is that I happen to be hanging out with.. Whether it's "them others" or you all, my mind is made up. To be honest, I'd prefer solitude over hanging with the survivors who are still over-obsessed with Straight. The people who talk about it all the time and who spend their precious time being activists turn me off in a bad way. Say what you want, but that's where I'm at. It's a personal thing. Most days, I'd rather watch a good football game than talk about Straight.

You all can keep talking about finding missing documents, how you're going to shut down PFC or whatever. That's fine, those places suck... but I wonder how many people in your personal lives you neglect because you "have more important things to do." As the saying goes, charity (among other things) begins at home. Have you spent any quality time with your loved ones (if any) in the midst of your gossiping?

I just wonder sometimes, that's all.

Don't get me wrong, there is some good work being done, I just hope that it isn't too much at anyone else's expense. Have you hugged you kid today? How about your dog? Wow, it's already dark and you haven't been anywhere....

Another day.

Damn right.  Jags kicked Indy today, too, and it was fucking SWEET!
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2006, 01:53:54 AM
Blew away some TV's ::unhappy:: , went fishing with the kids, took out the trash, raked some leaves, burned them, listened to the Skins blow it again, came to fornits, that's about it  8-)
Title: Re: don't hand me that psychobabble doubletalk
Post by: Carmel on December 11, 2006, 11:17:11 AM
Quote from: ""WEEDAdvocate""
Quote from: ""Carmel""
I agree that pot is alot less destructive to the system....however, and I say this at my own peril amoungst the marijuana advocates here.......pot isnt a long term answer, nor is any other substance.

Yes, marijuana is a long term Solution.  It is harmless, and actually provides many health benefits, both physically and psychologically.  Check out the "More Truths About Marijauna" thread.  It's factual info over there.  How would you know what  the effects of long-term, "chronic" marijuana use?  You don't do it yourself, and you obviously haven't done any real research, other than maybe read some anti-drug literaure.


Its probably a good idea to replace the drinking with something less volatile.....but you also need an "exit plan".  We werent born needing to consume anything in excess in order to function on a regular basis.....even water can kill you if you drink too much of it.  

No, but we were born with receptors for cannabinoids, which indicates that Homo Sapiens Sapiens has evolved in a symbiotic relationship with marijuana.  We weren't born needing to consume anything?  What about [i[food[/i]?  And that is what marijuana is akin to, food, NOT "drugs" or whatever other boogeyman you want to use to frighten people away from a healing plant that you obviously have no knowledge of.


The idea I think is to really be willing to identify what drives us to feel and behave in the destructive ways that we do.  Otherwise, drugs are just a band aid.  Just another way among hundreds of ways to avoid making a different choice about how we see the world.  I dont believe people become addicted to drugs....I think they become addicted to emotional states whether positive or negative and do everything they can to stay within the zone of that state....many times that can include using something in excess.

What makes you angry?  What makes you vulnerable?  How do you feel cheated?  What are your resentments?  What makes you happy?  I think being able to react to these questions in a really honest way REPEATEDLY is the only way to fix emotional problems.  That all being said, I think pot's a good extension plan, not a long term resolution.  Your choices that put you into situations that are negative really wont ever change along with your substance usage.

Look. dude has some serious issues going on, ones that he could deal wioth very effeectively by smoking marijuana.  He doesn't need all the psychobabble, NEw Age, "talk about your feelings crap.  Patriot seems like a man, a real man, and doesn't seem like the type to go for hugs and tears at theholistic healing center.  He could do quite well on his own, with a little help from Mary Jane.

This is what I dont understand.  Why do people have to become so defensive about this issue?  I didnt say anything intended to scare people away from marijuana...or that it was even bad.  Please re-read my statement....YES we need food, yes we need water, yes we need air...I am not a moron....but we dont need any of these things in that? In EXCESS.

I am actually trying to address a totally separate issue.  Ive said it a million doesnt matter if its food or pot or sex or fast cars or ant farms or model are choosing to accuse me of attacking your substance of choice, and thats just not accurate. If we are adressing one issue in excess and neglecting others....then we are not in balance, and that statement doesnt have anything to do with your healing plant.  REAL men and women have the confidence to confront ALL aspects of their own reality, that includes pain and sadness....whether they find that in a New Age seminar or a bad b-horror dont use that machismo crap as an excuse.  I never said Patriot needed a big circle jerk of holistic mumbo jumbo.....I said that he needed to have the guts to decide whats really causing the problem, because substance use doesnt seem to be doing the trick.....not that it might not work for someone else, see?

And i dont read anti-drug literature. My husband uses pot on an almost daily basis, so i do have very personal experience with the effects of such usage.  THAT DOES NOT MEAN ITS THE SAME FOR YOU, but I am only human and only capable of relating to others based on my experience, as are you i imagine.  Not to mention for the mind-freeing effects you should be exepriencing from your cure-all, you sure are closed to anyone elses perspective.  

I am a healthcare worker, and yes i do employ holistic methodology in what i do.  Smoking pot IS a holistic cure by the way.  But i see people every day who just want the "cure"....and dont want to do anything else to bring their bodies back into balance.  Thats what modern western medicine does these days...give em a pill but dont recommend that they stop eating pizza three times a day or sitting their ass on the couch all the time.  The pill is useless without the lifestyle change.  Its the same for pot, its a remedy yes.....but if you dont do anything else except smoke pot your problems arent going to change, just get covered over.  Please, dont you see i am not attacking pot?  I am saying that pot isnt special...effective? YES....healthy? a category of its own when being used as a health or emotional remedy? NO.....just like everything else....its subject to the same rules. I may not have a Phd in Cannabis, but I do have education and experience in observing people habits and lifestyles as they relate to good health and function.....and no substance in and of itself trumps all the components of true homeostasis....period. Thats not a rant against pot, its a simple fact about all life as we know it.

I tell people every day who i work are in pain? you have headaches?  you cant sleep?  Yes...they say.  First question is what they are drinking, eating etc.  and it never fails.....well MAYBE if you didnt drink 10 cokes a day and only one glass of water, you'd feel a little better....but coming to see me isnt going to help until you start at the source of the problem.  I tell people this because I am RESPONSIBLE about my practice.  I dont go around telling people that if they do this ONE THING that I advocate, its gonna fix their problems...thats just not responsible.  And im not a pussy or a new age wack-job for giving a damn about peoples pain.

I am not telling him not to smoke pot....thats coming from YOUR closed ideaology, I am telling him that YES one substance is alot more healthy than the other, but looking for the answer in the same bed with your problem might not be the best effective idea.  Its a RESPONSIBLE observation, not a selfish selling point on what  I think is the only answer FOR him.
Title: too much is better than not enough
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2006, 11:30:05 AM
Quote from: ""Carmel""
I am a healthcare worker, and yes i do employ holistic methodology in what i do.  Smoking pot IS a holistic cure by the way.  But i see people every day who just want the "cure"....and dont want to do anything else to bring their bodies back into balance.  Thats what modern western medicine does these days...give em a pill but dont recommend that they stop eating pizza three times a day or sitting their ass on the couch all the time.  The pill is useless without the lifestyle change.  Its the same for pot, its a remedy yes.....but if you dont do anything else except smoke pot your problems arent going to change, just get covered over.  Please, dont you see i am not attacking pot?  I am saying that pot isnt special...effective? YES....healthy? a category of its own when being used as a health or emotional remedy? NO.....just like everything else....its subject to the same rules.

I worked in a natural food store for five years and alot of their thinking rubbed off on me, so I know what you mean; too much of anything can be bad. Then again, too much is better than not enough....
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Antigen on December 11, 2006, 05:39:40 PM
Yeah, I've hugged my kids and both my dogs today. Would have taken the dogs out for a long hike too, but had to make a living instead. Food and living indoors are, after all, pretty important.

If I talk to my kids' dad about, say, school or entertainment choices or anything that regards the kids, he gets either drifty or irritated unless I join him in pretending that it's all good and cool and our mission in life should be to pound, hammer and mindfuck our precious daughters into conformity with all this bullshit. Right now, my kids are hangin w/ me and the dogs, it's a good day and I'll be ignoring all of you for the next couple of hours while we bake cookies together.

After that, though, I'll have some time to talk things over and I won't be looking for intelligent discourse on these issue with people who are to chicken shit to acknowledge what's going on.

Next year this time, I hope to have this party a good deal further out in the sticks.
Title: Re: don't hand me that psychobabble doubletalk
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2006, 07:45:51 PM
Quote from: ""Carmel""
Quote from: ""WEEDAdvocate""
Quote from: ""Carmel""
I agree that pot is alot less destructive to the system....however, and I say this at my own peril amoungst the marijuana advocates here.......pot isnt a long term answer, nor is any other substance.

Yes, marijuana is a long term Solution.  It is harmless, and actually provides many health benefits, both physically and psychologically.  Check out the "More Truths About Marijauna" thread.  It's factual info over there.  How would you know what  the effects of long-term, "chronic" marijuana use?  You don't do it yourself, and you obviously haven't done any real research, other than maybe read some anti-drug literaure.


Its probably a good idea to replace the drinking with something less volatile.....but you also need an "exit plan".  We werent born needing to consume anything in excess in order to function on a regular basis.....even water can kill you if you drink too much of it.  

No, but we were born with receptors for cannabinoids, which indicates that Homo Sapiens Sapiens has evolved in a symbiotic relationship with marijuana.  We weren't born needing to consume anything?  What about [i[food[/i]?  And that is what marijuana is akin to, food, NOT "drugs" or whatever other boogeyman you want to use to frighten people away from a healing plant that you obviously have no knowledge of.


The idea I think is to really be willing to identify what drives us to feel and behave in the destructive ways that we do.  Otherwise, drugs are just a band aid.  Just another way among hundreds of ways to avoid making a different choice about how we see the world.  I dont believe people become addicted to drugs....I think they become addicted to emotional states whether positive or negative and do everything they can to stay within the zone of that state....many times that can include using something in excess.

What makes you angry?  What makes you vulnerable?  How do you feel cheated?  What are your resentments?  What makes you happy?  I think being able to react to these questions in a really honest way REPEATEDLY is the only way to fix emotional problems.  That all being said, I think pot's a good extension plan, not a long term resolution.  Your choices that put you into situations that are negative really wont ever change along with your substance usage.

Look. dude has some serious issues going on, ones that he could deal wioth very effeectively by smoking marijuana.  He doesn't need all the psychobabble, NEw Age, "talk about your feelings crap.  Patriot seems like a man, a real man, and doesn't seem like the type to go for hugs and tears at theholistic healing center.  He could do quite well on his own, with a little help from Mary Jane.

This is what I dont understand.  Why do people have to become so defensive about this issue?  I didnt say anything intended to scare people away from marijuana...or that it was even bad.  Please re-read my statement....YES we need food, yes we need water, yes we need air...I am not a moron....but we dont need any of these things in that? In EXCESS.

I am actually trying to address a totally separate issue.  Ive said it a million doesnt matter if its food or pot or sex or fast cars or ant farms or model are choosing to accuse me of attacking your substance of choice, and thats just not accurate. If we are adressing one issue in excess and neglecting others....then we are not in balance, and that statement doesnt have anything to do with your healing plant.  REAL men and women have the confidence to confront ALL aspects of their own reality, that includes pain and sadness....whether they find that in a New Age seminar or a bad b-horror dont use that machismo crap as an excuse.  I never said Patriot needed a big circle jerk of holistic mumbo jumbo.....I said that he needed to have the guts to decide whats really causing the problem, because substance use doesnt seem to be doing the trick.....not that it might not work for someone else, see?

And i dont read anti-drug literature. My husband uses pot on an almost daily basis, so i do have very personal experience with the effects of such usage.  THAT DOES NOT MEAN ITS THE SAME FOR YOU, but I am only human and only capable of relating to others based on my experience, as are you i imagine.  Not to mention for the mind-freeing effects you should be exepriencing from your cure-all, you sure are closed to anyone elses perspective.  

I am a healthcare worker, and yes i do employ holistic methodology in what i do.  Smoking pot IS a holistic cure by the way.  But i see people every day who just want the "cure"....and dont want to do anything else to bring their bodies back into balance.  Thats what modern western medicine does these days...give em a pill but dont recommend that they stop eating pizza three times a day or sitting their ass on the couch all the time.  The pill is useless without the lifestyle change.  Its the same for pot, its a remedy yes.....but if you dont do anything else except smoke pot your problems arent going to change, just get covered over.  Please, dont you see i am not attacking pot?  I am saying that pot isnt special...effective? YES....healthy? a category of its own when being used as a health or emotional remedy? NO.....just like everything else....its subject to the same rules. I may not have a Phd in Cannabis, but I do have education and experience in observing people habits and lifestyles as they relate to good health and function.....and no substance in and of itself trumps all the components of true homeostasis....period. Thats not a rant against pot, its a simple fact about all life as we know it.

I tell people every day who i work are in pain? you have headaches?  you cant sleep?  Yes...they say.  First question is what they are drinking, eating etc.  and it never fails.....well MAYBE if you didnt drink 10 cokes a day and only one glass of water, you'd feel a little better....but coming to see me isnt going to help until you start at the source of the problem.  I tell people this because I am RESPONSIBLE about my practice.  I dont go around telling people that if they do this ONE THING that I advocate, its gonna fix their problems...thats just not responsible.  And im not a pussy or a new age wack-job for giving a damn about peoples pain.

I am not telling him not to smoke pot....thats coming from YOUR closed ideaology, I am telling him that YES one substance is alot more healthy than the other, but looking for the answer in the same bed with your problem might not be the best effective idea.  Its a RESPONSIBLE observation, not a selfish selling point on what  I think is the only answer FOR him.


I think what you have written makes a lot of sense.... but hey..what does someone who deals on a daily basis with people who are in pain and all their issues know???

One hell of a lot...but that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: don't hand me that psychobabble doubletalk
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2006, 07:46:28 PM
Quote from: ""Carmel""
Quote from: ""WEEDAdvocate""
Quote from: ""Carmel""
I agree that pot is alot less destructive to the system....however, and I say this at my own peril amoungst the marijuana advocates here.......pot isnt a long term answer, nor is any other substance.

Yes, marijuana is a long term Solution.  It is harmless, and actually provides many health benefits, both physically and psychologically.  Check out the "More Truths About Marijauna" thread.  It's factual info over there.  How would you know what  the effects of long-term, "chronic" marijuana use?  You don't do it yourself, and you obviously haven't done any real research, other than maybe read some anti-drug literaure.


Its probably a good idea to replace the drinking with something less volatile.....but you also need an "exit plan".  We werent born needing to consume anything in excess in order to function on a regular basis.....even water can kill you if you drink too much of it.  

No, but we were born with receptors for cannabinoids, which indicates that Homo Sapiens Sapiens has evolved in a symbiotic relationship with marijuana.  We weren't born needing to consume anything?  What about [i[food[/i]?  And that is what marijuana is akin to, food, NOT "drugs" or whatever other boogeyman you want to use to frighten people away from a healing plant that you obviously have no knowledge of.


The idea I think is to really be willing to identify what drives us to feel and behave in the destructive ways that we do.  Otherwise, drugs are just a band aid.  Just another way among hundreds of ways to avoid making a different choice about how we see the world.  I dont believe people become addicted to drugs....I think they become addicted to emotional states whether positive or negative and do everything they can to stay within the zone of that state....many times that can include using something in excess.

What makes you angry?  What makes you vulnerable?  How do you feel cheated?  What are your resentments?  What makes you happy?  I think being able to react to these questions in a really honest way REPEATEDLY is the only way to fix emotional problems.  That all being said, I think pot's a good extension plan, not a long term resolution.  Your choices that put you into situations that are negative really wont ever change along with your substance usage.

Look. dude has some serious issues going on, ones that he could deal wioth very effeectively by smoking marijuana.  He doesn't need all the psychobabble, NEw Age, "talk about your feelings crap.  Patriot seems like a man, a real man, and doesn't seem like the type to go for hugs and tears at theholistic healing center.  He could do quite well on his own, with a little help from Mary Jane.

This is what I dont understand.  Why do people have to become so defensive about this issue?  I didnt say anything intended to scare people away from marijuana...or that it was even bad.  Please re-read my statement....YES we need food, yes we need water, yes we need air...I am not a moron....but we dont need any of these things in that? In EXCESS.

I am actually trying to address a totally separate issue.  Ive said it a million doesnt matter if its food or pot or sex or fast cars or ant farms or model are choosing to accuse me of attacking your substance of choice, and thats just not accurate. If we are adressing one issue in excess and neglecting others....then we are not in balance, and that statement doesnt have anything to do with your healing plant.  REAL men and women have the confidence to confront ALL aspects of their own reality, that includes pain and sadness....whether they find that in a New Age seminar or a bad b-horror dont use that machismo crap as an excuse.  I never said Patriot needed a big circle jerk of holistic mumbo jumbo.....I said that he needed to have the guts to decide whats really causing the problem, because substance use doesnt seem to be doing the trick.....not that it might not work for someone else, see?

And i dont read anti-drug literature. My husband uses pot on an almost daily basis, so i do have very personal experience with the effects of such usage.  THAT DOES NOT MEAN ITS THE SAME FOR YOU, but I am only human and only capable of relating to others based on my experience, as are you i imagine.  Not to mention for the mind-freeing effects you should be exepriencing from your cure-all, you sure are closed to anyone elses perspective.  

I am a healthcare worker, and yes i do employ holistic methodology in what i do.  Smoking pot IS a holistic cure by the way.  But i see people every day who just want the "cure"....and dont want to do anything else to bring their bodies back into balance.  Thats what modern western medicine does these days...give em a pill but dont recommend that they stop eating pizza three times a day or sitting their ass on the couch all the time.  The pill is useless without the lifestyle change.  Its the same for pot, its a remedy yes.....but if you dont do anything else except smoke pot your problems arent going to change, just get covered over.  Please, dont you see i am not attacking pot?  I am saying that pot isnt special...effective? YES....healthy? a category of its own when being used as a health or emotional remedy? NO.....just like everything else....its subject to the same rules. I may not have a Phd in Cannabis, but I do have education and experience in observing people habits and lifestyles as they relate to good health and function.....and no substance in and of itself trumps all the components of true homeostasis....period. Thats not a rant against pot, its a simple fact about all life as we know it.

I tell people every day who i work are in pain? you have headaches?  you cant sleep?  Yes...they say.  First question is what they are drinking, eating etc.  and it never fails.....well MAYBE if you didnt drink 10 cokes a day and only one glass of water, you'd feel a little better....but coming to see me isnt going to help until you start at the source of the problem.  I tell people this because I am RESPONSIBLE about my practice.  I dont go around telling people that if they do this ONE THING that I advocate, its gonna fix their problems...thats just not responsible.  And im not a pussy or a new age wack-job for giving a damn about peoples pain.

I am not telling him not to smoke pot....thats coming from YOUR closed ideaology, I am telling him that YES one substance is alot more healthy than the other, but looking for the answer in the same bed with your problem might not be the best effective idea.  Its a RESPONSIBLE observation, not a selfish selling point on what  I think is the only answer FOR him.


I think what you have written makes a lot of sense.... but hey..what does someone who deals on a daily basis with people who are in pain and all their issues know???

One hell of a lot...but that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2006, 09:05:03 PM
Quote from: ""thepatriot""
God why am I plagued with this shit.........I just can't share my SPACE with anyone.....WTF, I just want to take a deep breathe and have everything just don't get any better.  just drink more and more. I have to have a liver biopsy in Jan. Guess I am trying to drink myself to death...can you say "Leaving LasVegas! if your familiar with that movie. I don't undertand why I am sooooo haunted by this Straight shit.................FUCK I wish it would just go the fuck away...................................................................................

ah, this remind me of what confucius always say. "midlife crisis like big fork in road: wise man choose path of happiness, dumbfuck try to eat with fork, poke big hole in body."
Title: Re: don't hand me that psychobabble doubletalk
Post by: Anonymous on December 11, 2006, 10:17:17 PM
Quote from: ""Carmel""

This is what I dont understand.  Why do people have to become so defensive about this issue?  I didnt say anything intended to scare people away from marijuana...or that it was even bad.  Please re-read my statement....YES we need food, yes we need water, yes we need air...I am not a moron....but we dont need any of these things in that? In EXCESS.

No, Carmel, you said marijuan is not a "long-term solution".  It is.  "Excess" is deefinitely to avoided, but there is no implkication of "excess" in anything I advocated.  Long-term use is not "excessive" use, in fact, I seriously doubt that it is even POSSIBLE to "use marijuana in excess".  It tends to be self-regulating.


I am actually trying to address a totally separate issue.  Ive said it a million doesnt matter if its food or pot or sex or fast cars or ant farms or model are choosing to accuse me of attacking your substance of choice, and thats just not accurate. If we are adressing one issue in excess and neglecting others....then we are not in balance, and that statement doesnt have anything to do with your healing plant.  REAL men and women have the confidence to confront ALL aspects of their own reality, that includes pain and sadness....whether they find that in a New Age seminar or a bad b-horror dont use that machismo crap as an excuse.  I never said Patriot needed a big circle jerk of holistic mumbo jumbo.....I said that he needed to have the guts to decide whats really causing the problem, because substance use doesnt seem to be doing the trick.....not that it might not work for someone else, see?

I would agree with you that when people have problems,. there is generally no single thing that can solve them.  Lifestyle changes may be necessary in order to reach the desired end.  However, marijuana is a catalyst for making many of those changes.   It seems to me that you were dissing the marvelous, miraculous WEED that has proven to be so beneficial to so many people.  Otherwise, why did you even preface what you said with "this may botherr the weed advocates" or whatever it was you said.

And i dont read anti-drug literature. My husband uses pot on an almost daily basis, so i do have very personal experience with the effects of such usage.  THAT DOES NOT MEAN ITS THE SAME FOR YOU, but I am only human and only capable of relating to others based on my experience, as are you i imagine.  Not to mention for the mind-freeing effects you should be exepriencing from your cure-all, you sure are closed to anyone elses perspective.  

I think you are projecting whatever problems you and your husband have been having onto marijuana.  Your husband smokes, does things that bother you, so it must be the WEED, huh?  Sounds very similar to diagnoses made in the early 80s by some self-appointed "drug experts" in St. Petersburg, Florida that I know of.  

I don't think I have been approaching this from a "close minded" perspective at all.  You took my suggestion that Patriot switch from boozing to smoking and decided I was telling him to smoke marijuana in excess (again, something I doubt is even POSSIBLE).  Look, marijuana has been shown to be an effective treatment for PTSD, just the thing Patriot was talking about...."not being able to shake the Straight shit".  I think that he should start smoking and obtaining some of the benefits of marijuana..  Fo ryou to take what I said and use it as a launching pad for yuour diatribe is really irresponsible and counterproductive.  Sure, maybe some lifestyle changes are in order, given time.  But he just may find that he gewts what he needs from simply sparking up a bowl instead of drinking a cocktail.  I stand by what I said.  Research (the legitimate, scientific kind) and personal experience backs me up on this.

Its the same for pot, its a remedy yes.....but if you dont do anything else except smoke pot your problems arent going to change, just get covered over.

Coveredx up?  Is that anything like "stuffing feelings"?  Again, you seem to be giving Mary the short shrift.  For some people, POT IS ALL THEY NEED TO HELP THEM DEAL WITH WHAT IS BOTHERING THEM.

Please, dont you see i am not attacking pot?  I am saying that pot isnt special...effective? YES....healthy? a category of its own when being used as a health or emotional remedy? NO.....just like everything else....its subject to the same rules. I may not have a Phd in Cannabis, but I do have education and experience in observing people habits and lifestyles as they relate to good health and function.....and no substance in and of itself trumps all the components of true homeostasis....period. Thats not a rant against pot, its a simple fact about all life as we know it.

Well, I happen to have a PhD in cannabis, and I know that it is "special", it is unsurpassed as a treatment for the type of thing that Patriot was desribing.    We have obviously evolved to have a synbiotic relationship with the cannabis plant.  It is indeed an effective treatment iin and of itself.  If your rant was limited to preaching against "excess", I wouldn't feel the need to respond to it.  From what I read, you were saying that marijuana is not an effective treatment, merely a way to "cover up" the problem.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Drugs like cocaine, heroin, valium/xanax, etc., yes, they may "cover up" the problems at hand, marijuana does nothing of the kind.  It truly opens the mind to new possibilities, and enables one to think through their problems from the new perspective it affords.  It is not a "drug" in the sense you are talking about.

Sure, all the other methods you describe can be beneficial, but the immediate problem at hand needs to be addressed first.  If someone has a thorn in their side, the thorn needs to be removed, then they can be told about ways to avoid being stuck.  I think that the fastest and most effective immediate solution to the prooblems that Patriot was talking about can be best remedied by marijuana.

I am not telling him not to smoke pot....thats coming from YOUR closed ideaology, I am telling him that YES one substance is alot more healthy than the other, but looking for the answer in the same bed with your problem might not be the best effective idea.  Its a RESPONSIBLE observation, not a selfish selling point on what  I think is the only answer FOR him.

Again, you are lumping in marijauana with dangerous drugs like alcohol, cocaine, benzodiazapenes, and heroin.  "THe same bed"?  HEll, they don't even live on the same block.......

You are right that marijuan ias less dangerous than alcohol, but you are wrong to lump it in with every other substance.
Title: hee haw
Post by: 4Reagan2Youth0 on December 11, 2006, 11:08:53 PM
This buds for you Patroit...

Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Antigen on December 12, 2006, 12:06:39 AM

Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 12, 2006, 12:12:36 AM
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 12, 2006, 12:31:15 AM
Well, well, well, Carmel. It seems in all your precious study of the excesseries and so on you neglected to get to the meat and potatoes of the problem. Er, that is, hold the potatoes. Havin' a problem with the venue? Check the menu. ::hehehmm::
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 12, 2006, 01:25:16 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Well, well, well, Carmel. It seems in all your precious study of the excesseries and so on you neglected to get to the meat and potatoes of the problem. Er, that is, hold the potatoes. Havin' a problem with the venue? Check the menu. ::hehehmm::

'Tis better to toke than drink Coke,
methinks that much has been said.
To add to the riff -
roll up a spliff
and fast to delay dropping dead.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 12, 2006, 01:31:41 AM
Who let that leprechaun in here??    :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: NAILBOMB on December 12, 2006, 08:37:09 AM
You can always tie her to a rack, whip her to death with a chain ( softens the skin and leaves a nice purple hue ,skin her and masturbate wearing her skin .. :lol:  Or so my friend Ed tells me.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: NAILBOMB on December 12, 2006, 09:12:45 AM
Check this 44 min documentary on Methamps in Austrailia ( watching it first time right now so cant comment ... mphetamine (
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 12, 2006, 11:36:21 AM
hey Carmel---wouldn't substituting marijuana instead of drinking be a lifestyle change?  I mean, the guy said to use it INSTEAD of drinking, which implies a lifestyle change, i.e. abstinance from alcohol.  Seems to me you have an axe to grind.  Whatever problems you and your husband have are lessened by his pot smoking.  If he didn't get high all day there is no way in hell he could tolerate a know-it-all like you.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Carmel on December 12, 2006, 02:16:43 PM
Quote from: ""Mr.Carmel's weed connect""
hey Carmel---wouldn't substituting marijuana instead of drinking be a lifestyle change?  I mean, the guy said to use it INSTEAD of drinking, which implies a lifestyle change, i.e. abstinance from alcohol.  Seems to me you have an axe to grind.  Whatever problems you and your husband have are lessened by his pot smoking.  If he didn't get high all day there is no way in hell he could tolerate a know-it-all like you.

Funny....I said it would be helpful for him to use pot instead of drinking too....but I dont suppose it matters that i continue to reiterate that.

I dont have any axe to grind...I havent negated anyone elses point of view, simply explianed my own and how they may differ.....I havent insulted anyone on this thread either.  Does your enlightenend state call for insults as a valid response to others?  Maybe i should start smoking if thats the case.  

You see an attack on pot, and thats just as much a reactionary response to someone like me as it is to seeing someone advocating the drug war.  You arent allowing for any middle ground, I am either with you or against you.  So I suppose i must be against you...its not enough to agree that marijuana is indeed a useful substance?  Do I have to be a zealot, or else be a frigid bitch?  

I apologize, but I fail to see rationale in that, whether it be on behalf of pot or anything else.  I never even made mention of my point of view about my husbands just automatically assumed it was negative and then insulted me about it.  

Would it make you feel better if I insulted back?

I dont know everything, and have yet to make such a fact i even made mention of the fact that I am only capable of workign through my own experience with things in realtion to others.  Just like everyone else in the world.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Carmel on December 12, 2006, 02:42:13 PM
Oh and one more thing....

I am sure this will infuriate weed advoctae to no end, but its worth making mention....

A symbiotic relationship between two organisms, ie humans and not a mutually beneficial realtionship.  We do indeed benefit from the cannabis as a symbiant....but in truth there is nothing that we as humans have offered evolutionary speaking to the existence of the Cannabis.  You might be just as accurate in calling us a "predator" to the plant as a symbiant.  Basically, we dont have a relationship with Cannabis thats any different from our relationship with tomatoes or corn, so I dont agree that its a valid attribute to the arguement that cannabis is a required constituent of homeostasis outside of what we consume not "special"....again, effective but not unique when described as a symbiant.

Our neuroreceptors are geared to accept all manner of chemical interactions in order for us to exhibit action and reaction physically or emotionally.  Sometimes the neurotransmitters can get screwey or overload the receptors, and a substance such as what you get when you smoke pot can indeed behave as a balancing force.....but certainly not always and every time for every person, no more than anything else.  The same thing is not always right for every person.

i would probably enjoy pot alot more if it effected me in the way that it does many of you.  I have been giving it opportunities to for the better part of 15 years and it simply does not effect me in the same way it does others.  i am okay with idea that this means that pot is not right for me.....but I would be irresponsible in thinking that there werent many others who reacted to it like me, and that it would be the wrong substance of choice for them too.  its not personal, just a different experience....therefore NOT omnipotent as you would have it be.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: 4Reagan2Youth0 on December 12, 2006, 05:44:04 PM
Quote from: ""Cassandra""


Well that looks pretty good..  But we'll let the Patriot decide..
OK P, taster test time..

BUDWEISER "the king"
Cassas bock choice..

and don't forget to wash her down with

Drink and enjoy, or don't drink and enjoy.
But either way enjoy..
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 13, 2006, 07:52:32 PM
Quote from: Mr.Carmel's weed connect
hey Carmel---wouldn't substituting marijuana instead of drinking be a lifestyle change?  I mean, the guy said to use it INSTEAD of drinking, which implies a lifestyle change, i.e. abstinance from alcohol.  Seems to me you have an axe to grind.  Whatever problems you and your husband have are lessened by his pot smoking.  If he didn't get high all day there is no way in hell he could tolerate a know-it-all like you.[/quote

Whoever  you are.... you're an asshole. Why would you even make a comment like that ? How unhappy are you that the only way for you to feel superior is to try and make someone else feel bad.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 13, 2006, 08:23:19 PM
What's your point?
Title: Re: Relationship Issues
Post by: Fr. Cassian on December 13, 2006, 09:12:21 PM
Quote from: ""thepatriot""
God why am I plagued with this shit.........I just can't share my SPACE with anyone.....WTF, I just want to take a deep breathe and have everything just don't get any better.  just drink more and more. I have to have a liver biopsy in Jan. Guess I am trying to drink myself to death...can you say "Leaving LasVegas! if your familiar with that movie. I don't undertand why I am sooooo haunted by this Straight shit.................FUCK I wish it would just go the fuck away...................................................................................

How about giving straight just one more chance, Patriot? I really think we could help you this time. Don't listen to drug-addled advice these "survivors" are attempting to shove down your throat; what they are telling you makes about as much sense as a gold-plated toilet. SIBS can help you, Patriot. It's now or never...
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2006, 06:16:59 PM
Quote from: ""Carmel""
Oh and one more thing....

I am sure this will infuriate weed advoctae to no end, but its worth making mention....

A symbiotic relationship between two organisms, ie humans and not a mutually beneficial realtionship.  We do indeed benefit from the cannabis as a symbiant....but in truth there is nothing that we as humans have offered evolutionary speaking to the existence of the Cannabis.  You might be just as accurate in calling us a "predator" to the plant as a symbiant.  Basically, we dont have a relationship with Cannabis thats any different from our relationship with tomatoes or corn, so I dont agree that its a valid attribute to the arguement that cannabis is a required constituent of homeostasis outside of what we consume not "special"....again, effective but not unique when described as a symbiant.

Our neuroreceptors are geared to accept all manner of chemical interactions in order for us to exhibit action and reaction physically or emotionally.  Sometimes the neurotransmitters can get screwey or overload the receptors, and a substance such as what you get when you smoke pot can indeed behave as a balancing force.....but certainly not always and every time for every person, no more than anything else.  The same thing is not always right for every person.

i would probably enjoy pot alot more if it effected me in the way that it does many of you.  I have been giving it opportunities to for the better part of 15 years and it simply does not effect me in the same way it does others.  i am okay with idea that this means that pot is not right for me.....but I would be irresponsible in thinking that there werent many others who reacted to it like me, and that it would be the wrong substance of choice for them too.  its not personal, just a different experience....therefore NOT omnipotent as you would have it be.

OK, OK, let's step back and take a deep (vaporized WEED-filled) breath.  

Carmel, I apologize if this discussion has somehow turned into a personal attack on you.  THat was not my intent, and I am sorry if that has been fueled by this discussion.  I like you, Carmel, you have an interesting perspective and are not afraid to speak your mind, even under intense opposition.  That's calleed character, Carmel, and it counts for a lot in my book.  Hats off and a few tokes of TBPITW to you.

ANyway, I have to point out that the cannabis species has most definitely benefited from it's association with mankind.  Check out a book called THe Botany Of Desire and you will read a much more in depth account than I can give here.  Basically, by cultivating and crossbredding, etc., we have introduced the cannabis plants to many environments it would never have made it to, and created many different strains.  THe total "cannabis biomass" is much greater than it would have had mankind not evolved receptors for the psychoactive component of the marijuana plant.  Perhaps that is the weed's evolutionary strategy, to glom onto the dominant species, thereby ensuring its survival.  Possibly, we are mere "hosts" for the WEED Overmind, franticly doing the bidding of a collective inteeligence for the cannabis species.  At any rate, the cannabis plant has appealed to humanity through many other uses, but it is the psychoactive component that gives it its special relationship with us.  

I would agree with you that there are certain unfortuneate cases, such as schizophrenics, who would probably gain no benefit from marijuana use, but the number of such cases is truly too small to be anything other than the exception that proves the rule.  As with other psychoactives, WEED is best used when set and setting are taken into consideration.  THe method of ingestion can also play a significant part in determining the nature of the experience.  I would suggest that perhaps you have never approached the WEED in the proper set and setting, but I don't know.  I do know that daily use of marijuana is not an abberation, or excessive amount.  It is a first class treatment for many of the ailment s associated with survivors of situations such as Straight, Inc.  That's all I'm saying.  Lifestyle changes, etc., etc., shareing feelings, getting to the root of the problem, eating healthy, exeercising, blah blah, yeah, of course theose are all good ideas, but tit is not always practical and many times people do want a quicker solution--one that marijuana could provide for them.  Once they have treated the primary symptoms with WEED, then, they can find out if these other lifestyle changes etc. will work for them, or not.  And if not, well, the WEED is always available , despite efforts to eradicate it.    

Again, I apologize if anything here turned into or fueled some of the personal attacks, which are completely uncool.  I think it's cool that you don't cave in under opposition, integrity like that is prertty rare.
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2006, 07:50:40 PM
Boy all this talk about WEED sure is making me want to smoke some...

Whoever invented the water pipe has my eternal respect.

Damn I love to smoke pot, I really do!
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Antigen on December 21, 2006, 01:20:00 AM
That's something I just haven't been doing enough of lately, that's for sure!
Title: Relationship Issues
Post by: Antigen on December 21, 2006, 01:49:42 AM
Quote from: ""420ALLDAY"" (
