
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Aspen Education Group => Topic started by: Covergaard on November 14, 2006, 02:43:25 PM

Title: Aspen expansions into Europe
Post by: Covergaard on November 14, 2006, 02:43:25 PM
After Redcliff declined to make a second season. They had to hold themselves back and use a more respectful tone, when they addressed the students. The painful  technique, they use to get "sitters" up and walk was not suitable for Television. (

So TwentyTwenty television went to Aspen Group and the sadistic television viewers saw children in the stones circles at TurnAbout Ranch (But not Wayne "wrestling" with the female students.). They also saw Lucy with her wrist twisted for almost an hour according to the speaker in the program at Aspen Achievement Academy.

Aspen also hosted the American version and now a family version which made remarkble results. (A mother pulled her family out due to the harsh conditions and another pair of parents pulled their daughter out because they had seen what the staff in such programs would be able to do.).

Source: (

Now they are expanding across Europe: (

What can we do about that? I wrote to a watch organisation in Denmark yesterday, but I also need to address similar organisations in Netherland and Germany. Are there anyone from these countries present here?
Title: Aspen expansions into Europe
Post by: Oz girl on November 14, 2006, 05:20:44 PM
Are you able to get in touch with each countries respective Social Services dept? At least this way some kind of welfare authorities have been alerted.