
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 26, 2006, 09:36:24 PM

Title: Don't Forget to View the Fornits Reading List
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2006, 09:36:24 PM
It includes themes like:

America is almost Nazi Germany
Victimless crimes should be legalized (drugs, prostitution, gambling)
The war on drugs should be ended.

Fornits represents true American values!
Title: Ok I just have to respond to this BS
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2006, 09:50:36 PM
This has nothing to do with HLA so Ill bite....and respond.....Mr. not so anonymous insult the memory of Hunter S. Thompson by using his name in this fashion. And where do you think you have anyting in common withi F. Lee Bailey??? Hahaha thats a good one. Hunter may have been quite unstable emotionally, but was a genius writer and very creative mind. And as far as Im concerned we arent that far off from a Nazi-like government pattern. People's private personal lives are the governments business, people are guilty until proven (?) innocent, and the drug war sure is lining the pockets of quite a few politicians, not to mention the oil business pockets. Our constitution is being completely destroyed and nobody in our senate or house seems to give a flying rats ass and quite frankly, its pissing me off. Am I a disgruntled American? you bet I am. Its time America belonged to its citizens and time that the criminals (Yes I said criminals) in our current administration are called on the carpet for their crimes against "we" the people. And for the record I am neither Democrat or Republican. I'm an American. And Im ready for a change.
Title: Don't Forget to View the Fornits Reading List
Post by: RobertBruce on October 26, 2006, 10:41:34 PM
Again any time you'd like to provide a basis for your claim I'm more than willing to listen. Until then youre just bloviating.
Title: Re: Ok I just have to respond to this BS
Post by: Deborah on October 26, 2006, 11:47:12 PM
Quote from: ""SH""
This has nothing to do with HLA so Ill bite....and respond.....Mr. not so anonymous insult the memory of Hunter S. Thompson by using his name in this fashion. And where do you think you have anyting in common withi F. Lee Bailey??? Hahaha thats a good one. Hunter may have been quite unstable emotionally, but was a genius writer and very creative mind. And as far as Im concerned we arent that far off from a Nazi-like government pattern. People's private personal lives are the governments business, people are guilty until proven (?) innocent, and the drug war sure is lining the pockets of quite a few politicians, not to mention the oil business pockets. Our constitution is being completely destroyed and nobody in our senate or house seems to give a flying rats ass and quite frankly, its pissing me off. Am I a disgruntled American? you bet I am. Its time America belonged to its citizens and time that the criminals (Yes I said criminals) in our current administration are called on the carpet for their crimes against "we" the people. And for the record I am neither Democrat or Republican. I'm an American. And Im ready for a change.

You go girl. Looky there. Just goes to show, if you look hard enough you'll find you have something in common with just about anyone.
Thank god a program never got hold of Hunter!!
Title: Don't Forget to View the Fornits Reading List
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2006, 07:27:54 AM
On this issue I must side with Robert and Deborah.  This reading list is not significant.  One of two things probably happened to generate it.

1) Some marketing troll was looking for a place to market books and assumed that individuals dedicated to this site would not only enjoy literature debasing the education system and the troubled child industry, but would also l support legalized gambling, drugs, and prostitution.  Anyone could mistake contributors here as paranoid, drug-using, conspiracy fanatics.

2) The webmaster of Fornits hand picked books that closely align with their own beliefs and values and these provide more insight into these individuals than anything they could post here.

It has to be the first explaination any reasonable person could make that mistake.
Title: Don't Forget to View the Fornits Reading List
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2006, 07:32:15 AM
Anyone up for a good game of Who Killed Kennedy?

How about Where in the World is Area 51?