
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: 85 Day Jerk on October 24, 2006, 01:56:37 PM

Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: 85 Day Jerk on October 24, 2006, 01:56:37 PM
Well I'll be rollin down the highway doing 90, but it won't be on a motorcycle.  As far as I know I have everything buttoned up and taken care of and an extra supply of meds until I work my way into the Tennessee Mental Health Community.

It has been a real pain in the butt having to break down everything and box it up, but by the grace of god, there is only a strong cold front happening and absolutely zero chance of precipitation.  I am still debating whether or not to take my piece of crap kayak along or not.  I should be completely moved in and unpacked by Halloween.

It looks like I may even attend the Memorial Service for the Virginia program if all goes well.  It should prove interesting to finally meet people that I have only known electronically.  It would be nice if folks could cease and dissist with all the name bashing and bad mouthing of people that they don't even know.  There are a few posters in the forum that I don't particularly care for, so I just do the mature thing, I ignore them, or I simply quit making posts until the forum gets it's shit back together.  I am sorry that I have'nt been the old Jerk that everyone came to know and love, but this place became far to hateful and retarted awhile back so I just stopped giving a shit.

For all the people who are still kind of new to this stuff, good luck.  This is an awful lot to take in and it is normal if you feel your head spin by the experience of all those memories coming back.  There are even those of you who think you are in danger of going crazy.
Well, what's so fucking terrible about that?  Can you remember the first time you ever jumped off of a swingset?  You had know idea what would happen, you just did it.  It was fucking great too was'nt it?  Jumping off that swing was crazy, but you did it and nothing bad happened and even if you did skin your knee, or tear your clothes, or lose a shoe, it was worth it.   Don't worry what people think so much.  It's what I think of that dude who could shed 40 pounds that looks back at me every time that I shave that matters, everything else is just background noise that lets me know I am awake and not dreaming all this shit up.         see ya later,   no longer in St. Pete, Bob
Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: Anonymous on October 25, 2006, 01:23:05 AM
good luck on that trip. do you have a "I brake for Children Fleeing from Abusive Drug Re-Habs" bumper sticker to "wear" on your way up? It'd be a great eyecatcher for kids ridin in the cars and vans on the highway...

Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: starry-eyed pirate on October 25, 2006, 05:06:21 PM
I have several of those stickers but only fly one on my conga drum.  The rest are sittin in a stack on my dining room table.  I worry that people won't get the reference and take it the wrong way.  As cynical as people can be, they might think you're just a sick ol' man lookin' to pick up drugged out, teenage runaways to have your way with.  I mean, I appreciate the sentiment 'n' all but...I just think that sticker should be re-worded somehow.

Good luck Bob.
Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: starry-eyed pirate on October 25, 2006, 05:09:18 PM
I have several of those stickers but only fly one on my conga drum.  The rest are sittin in a stack on my dining room table.  I worry that people won't get the reference and take it the wrong way.  As cynical as people can be, they might think you're just a sick ol' man lookin' to pick up drugged out, teenage runaways to have your way with.  I mean, I appreciate the sentiment 'n' all but...I just think that sticker should be re-worded somehow.

Good luck Bob.  I hope to meet you at the VA memorial.
Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: Valhalla on October 25, 2006, 05:39:35 PM
Hope it all goes well for you.  It would be great if you could make it to the VA Memorial.

And the only bumper sticker I ever had, with the exception of a few 'dancing bears' was...'My other car is a broom'.
Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: Froderik on October 25, 2006, 08:03:45 PM
My bumper sticker says AAA.
Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: Antigen on October 25, 2006, 11:08:55 PM
I might make one for the Honda; "What was the question?"
Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: 001010 on October 27, 2006, 10:59:07 AM
Happy trails, DJ.  :D
Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: Anonymous on December 27, 2006, 05:28:00 PM
Here's the thread where you said you were moving to Tennessee, Bob.
Title: "Cuz When da Lawd Git Ready, You Got to Move"
Post by: Anonymous on December 28, 2006, 02:44:33 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Here's the thread where you said you were moving to Tennessee, Bob.

You mean Bob's in on it too?  

 :rofl:  :rofl: