
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Shlee on September 01, 2006, 01:53:35 PM

Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Shlee on September 01, 2006, 01:53:35 PM
I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about either Project PATCH in Idaho, Cove Creek in North Carolina, Allen Christenbury, Jr aka Chris Christenbury ( He runs Cove Creek) or Tom and Bonnie Sanford (they started Project PATCH). Nobody really seems to have anything to say about them and I would like to hear if anybody has some info on them.
Title: DON'T Put me on the need to know list....
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2006, 03:36:17 PM (

A quick trip to the site says we are all better off NOT knowing too much about cove creek center- not to be confused with Cove Creek School also in NC.
The rabbi, puffing on his cigar looks well capable of administering some serious tough love in the traditional man-boy style.
Use your own judgement but if the pictures don't give you the creeps then question it....your judgement I mean.
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2006, 09:00:50 AM
Chris Christenbury learned his craft from one Bob Gluhareff who owned and operated Wellspring Academy in southern Virginia from about 1986 to 2003.  The school closed in 2003 and the investigations began.  After 3 long years, Bob Gluhareff was charged with 36 counts of several felonies and goes on trial in federal court in Roanoke Virginia next month.  
Chris was Bob Gluhareff's right hand man and worked for many years during that period at Wellspring, as did everyone else listed in the staff section of Cove Creek Center, except the resident "horse whisperer".  The numerous references to a "boarding school for at risk youth" and the "leadership academy" are all references to Wellspring.  Chris learned the model from Bob and defected, setting up his own little Wellspring, aka Cove Creek Center.  Bob was furious and forced Chris to send the following letter out or face legal consequences:

February 25,2003
Dear current and former Wellspring staff, students, families, and associated professionals:

One year ago, I left Wellspring Academy and Wellspring Institute of Leadership.  Just before my departure and after leaving Wellspring, I engaged in behavior which I regret;

Without authorization, I used names and addresses from Wellspring Academy's proprietary documents and sent letters and brochures to advertise my new business venture and solicit business for Cove Creek.

I do not have any license or any certification that would allow me to do any psychological or clinical counseling at Cove Creek Center.  Further, I was not and and currently am not supervised by a licensed clinician.

At Wellspring, I had a student help me develop my Cove Creek website, and I did this while I was still working at Wellspring.

Another student at Wellspring knew that I was developing a new business.  He was asked by me to keep it a secret from the staff at Wellspring.  This may have undermined the staff at Wellspring in the eyes of the students.

I have used Wellspring's proprietary information to build up Cove Creek, my new business, without regard to Wellspring
s rights and reputation.

There's a little more where Chris apologizes and expresses his regrets if he hurt Bob Gluhareff or Wellspring.  The letter is signed "Very truly yours,  Chris Christenbury"

Hope this helps.
Title: True
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2006, 11:58:42 AM
This is all so true. I was a witness to it. The boys fared no better there than Wellspring.
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2006, 02:20:58 PM
Wow.. too bad that letter isn't on their webpage front page. Still can't believe parents fall for this crap...


who would send their kid to this guy?

Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2006, 03:05:06 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Wow.. too bad that letter isn't on their webpage front page. Still can't believe parents fall for this crap...


who would send their kid to this guy?


Certainly not someone whose kid has a "problem" with tobacco!!!
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2006, 10:42:32 PM
My experience with Cove Creek Farm was not positive. It is a nightmare still to this day. First go to ( and click on Archives. Select news dating 8/21 to 8/25. Schroll down to Sheriff's report dating Aug 16 and read. If that doesn't convince you go to ( Click on District & Superior court Query. Type in Christenbury for Watauga county. That should convince you. As for everyone that reads this please send out everything you know about this man and his time at Wellsprings. If I knew half of this stuff about him I would have never sent my son there. Help save other kids. Post what you know.
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Shlee on September 05, 2006, 10:03:25 AM
Thank you so much everyone.  Keep it coming...
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Shlee on September 05, 2006, 10:32:19 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
My experience with Cove Creek Farm was not positive. It is a nightmare still to this day. First go to ( and click on Archives. Select news dating 8/21 to 8/25. Schroll down to Sheriff's report dating Aug 16 and read. If that doesn't convince you go to ( Click on District & Superior court Query. Type in Christenbury for Watauga county. That should convince you. As for everyone that reads this please send out everything you know about this man and his time at Wellsprings. If I knew half of this stuff about him I would have never sent my son there. Help save other kids. Post what you know.

To whoever this was, I would appreciate it if you would PM me so I could hear your story.  Thank you in advance.
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Anonymous on September 05, 2006, 11:29:08 AM
Do you have any links to this man or this program? Going through an experience like this dosen't allow you to trust to many people.
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Shlee on September 05, 2006, 12:11:23 PM
Actually, no.  I'm a volunteer for ISAAC and I'm researching these programs.  I completely understand how hard it is to trust someone after going through something like that.  Even though I didn't, my boyfriend did (WWASPS, topic: Spring Creek Lodge, the one with like 1000 posts.)  I'm very dedicated to stopping these places or atleast educating as many people as I can about the horrors that are experienced at them.  
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Anonymous on September 05, 2006, 05:48:11 PM
Can I contact you through your my space?
Title: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Shlee on September 06, 2006, 06:36:06 PM
That would probably be the best way...
Title: "Rabbi" Chris Christenbury
Post by: Anonymous on June 07, 2007, 12:19:39 PM
I can tell you exactly what the "Rabbi" is up to. He is running Cove Creek Farm and Academy. He's renting a farm house and, until recently, he was living in a log cabin across the creek from the farmhouse. But he decided that it was too expensive for him. He also decided he would rather live in the small house next door to farm house. It didn't bother him at all to approach the landlord (Glenn Henson) of the small house and make a deal. It didn't bother either of them to displace the woman who had rented that small house for 7 years. This woman had to pack up what had been her home and find a place to move with her 3 dogs because of the greediness of the "Good Rabbi" and Glenn Hensopn. In case you aren't familiar with the cost of housing in Watauga County - it's an expensive place to live. Not very easy for a working class person to find a house that's affordable and allows dogs in a community full of 2nd home owners and retirees. Currently, this woman has all of her belongings in a storage unit and is renting 2 rooms from a kind farmer who took pity on yet another person who's life was completely disrupted by the greed and corruption of the "Good Rabbi" and Glenn Henson.
Title: Re: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Oscar on January 17, 2009, 05:15:47 AM

There is no need for Project Patch (http:// to fly under the radar.

They have level systems and timeout rooms where youth are placed for 24 hours until they break down.

We have been able to locate their ranch (http:// Their webpage has the student manual up and there is a video on Myspace about them.

A datasheet will be up soon, but we have not been able to find any survivor groups. Could we get some help please?
Title: Former staff member arrested
Post by: Oscar on May 11, 2010, 08:47:24 AM
Man accused of lewd conduct with teen worked in youth facility (http://, by Nishi Gupta, KTVB, December 15, 2009

NewsChannel 7 has learned a Boise man accused of having sex with a teen worked as a supervisor at a home for troubled kids.
Ryan VanHook, 33, was arrested Sunday for lewd conduct and for letting a runaway teen stay with him.  He was arraigned Monday in Ada County, and that's when his story became public.  Now we're learning a little bit more about the man who police say housed a runaway teen without her parent's permission.
Seventeen-year-old Emily Allen, a friend of the alleged victim, was sent to Project PATCH in Garden Valley over the summer.   It's a facility for kids with behavior problems where up to 40 kids can stay on site.  That's how she says she met Ryan VanHook, a dorm supervisor.
"He was a very fun guy, someone you wanted to be around," said Emily Allen.
Allen says VanHook took special interest in her and her 16-year-old friend.
"He was so friendly and she was always speaking well of him, how much she adored him and how fond of her he was," said Allen.
In an e-mail, Project PATCH's director says VanHook began working in June but resigned on Nov. 28 to take another job.  The 28th is the same day investigators believe the alleged abuse began at VanHook’s home in Boise.
“I want to say that I'm shocked at the whole situation, but like I said I'm just not. I almost saw it coming," Allen said.
"As a mother your job is to protect your child. I sent her over there with all faith they were going to watch over her and protect her," Pebbles Allen-Gentilman said.
Allen's mother pulled her child out of Project PATCH weeks before Van Hook's arrest, and later learned of other violations that she passed on to the state health department, which licensed Project PATCH.  Her complaint launched an investigation in November.
The state found some minor problems, but no complaints about VanHook surfaced when kids and staff members were interviewed.
"There was no, nothing came out of that that would make one suspect there was inappropriate sexual contact being made at that facility," Tom Shanahan of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare said.
Project PATCH says it is cooperating with police but can not discuss details because of the investigation.  The state tells us VanHook had to pass a criminal history check to be working there.
Police say the 16-year-old girl was found Saturday and is now home with her family.  E-mails sent to her family for comment were not returned.
VanHook is currently being held at the Ada County Jail on a $50,000 bond.  He has a preliminary hearing next Monday.

Wiki page was updated.
Title: Boise man accused of having sex with runaway teen
Post by: Ursus on May 11, 2010, 10:02:27 AM
Some earlier articles clarify the background of this case a bit more:

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

Boise man accused of having sex with runaway teen (http://
Posted on December 14, 2009 at 2:58 PM
Updated Tuesday, Dec 15 at 6:10 AM


BOISE -- A 16-year-old girl is back home and the Boise man she is accused of running away with is in the Ada County Jail.

Ryan Vanhook, 33, is charged with sexual battery of a minor and providing shelter to a runaway.

The girl is from Garden Valley and is back with her family.

Boise Police and Boise County deputies believe Vanhook helped the girl leave her home in Boise County on Nov. 28.  She was found Dec. 12.

Investigators say Vanhook sheltered girl at his home in Boise. The alleged abuse is believed to have occurred there.

© 2009-2010 King Broadcasting Company, a subsidiary of Belo Corp.
Title: Man suspected of sexually assaulting runaway
Post by: Ursus on May 12, 2010, 01:53:11 PM
Man suspected of sexually assaulting runaway (http://
By KBCI Web Staff
Story Created: Dec 14, 2009 at 3:31 PM MDT · Story Updated: Dec 14, 2009 at 5:35 PM MDT


BOISE - A Boise man has been arrested after he allegedly sexually assaulted a teen runaway.

Authorities say Ryan VanHook, 33, helped the teen girl leave her home in Boise County in late November. Investigators say VanHook sheltered the teen at his home in Boise. She was found Dec. 12.

Sheriff Ben Roeber said the teen, who ran away from her Garden Valley home, has been returned safely to her family. 2News has learned the girl's identity, but is not publishing it because she's a minor and an alleged victim of abuse.

The alleged sexual abuse occurred in Boise, authorities say.

Copyright © 2010 Fisher Communications, Inc.
Title: Project PATCH, missing teen
Post by: Ursus on May 14, 2010, 11:28:56 PM
Some info on the girl:

Name: Hailey Eliott (http://

Date of Birth: 11/24/1993
Date Missing: 11/28/2009
Age at time of disappearance: 16
City Missing From: Garden Valley/Boise
State Missing From: Idaho
Gender: Female
Race: White/Hispanic
Height: 5 ft 4 in
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Hair (other): Short
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Complexion: Light olive

Identifying Characteristics: Old piercing scars on lower lip, piercing scar on outer edge of right eyebrow

Clothing: Grey sweatshirt, jeans, sneakers or light brown Uggs, with orange backpack

Jewelry: None known

Circumstances of Disappearance: Hailey was last seen in Garden Valley, Idaho on 11/28/09. She was spotted on surveillance tape at Chevron on Hwy 55 just South of Marsing, Idaho at 11:45pm Sunday 11/29/09. She left with a white man, mid to late 30's with muttonchop sideburns, 5'9" to 6' tall, heavyset, with camouflage cap. He was driving a black or dark blue Chevy truck with brush guard in front which obscured the view of the license plate.

Investigative Agency: Boise County Sheriff
Agency Phone: (208) 392-4411
Investigative Case #: 2009-04142
Title: Project PATCH, Web Sleuths thread
Post by: Ursus on May 15, 2010, 12:04:24 AM
There are a couple of things about this case that don't completely add up. For one thing, there was virtually NO mainstream media coverage of this girl having gone missing until after she was found.

This despite the fact that this girl's mom is a deejay at a local radio station in Boise, ID. It would have been ooooh sooooo easy to broadcast pertinent details. Like the fact that she left from Project Patch, and not some regular high school. Or that the description of her having accepted a ride from some poor schmuck caught on a convenience store camera was completely false (see "Circumstances of Disappearance" in my previous post).

It almost seems as if this girl's parents wanted to keep the fact that Hailey ran away ... as quiet as possible.

The folks at Web Sleuths figured it out eventually, though. At least the part about her being enrolled at Project Patch. If you read their thread on Hailey Elliot (http:// through from start to finish, ya can't help but be struck by the number of times people bring up ... how very odd it is, that there is simply nooooo media coverage.

Here are some select comments:

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

Idaho4Groenes · 12-06-2009, 03:07 AM
momtective · 12-06-2009, 05:17 PM
elepher50 · 12-06-2009, 05:41 PM
momtective · 12-06-2009, 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by darlin gal
Why is every thinking she was in boarding school? Her mom didn't mention that...that I know of.

I don't know the exact temps of when she went missing. The weather undergound lists the high on the 28th at 37 and low at 28.

She was wearing a hoodie and a coat.
I'm not necessarily thinking she was a student in boarding school. I'm asking for clarification as to whether she was or was not.
If she was then that would certainly explain why she would be at/in school the Saturday following Thanksgiving.
My understanding is that she had been at a school event, now around here there are no school events the Saturday following Thanksgiving...there is no school and the day prior to and the 3 days following Thanksgiving are considered family time...most people take trips to visit family or they host family from out of I'm just looking for clarification as to whether she went to boarding school. If she did go to boarding school why wasn't she with her family for the Holidays?[/list]
tfrohning · 12-06-2009, 06:17 PM
KaylynnCouture · 12-06-2009, 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by LogicalMinds
Ok...I asked about a "boarding" school...or I also thought maybe a "girls school" type a home for girls...cause the wording is just so odd on the original information

says she "ran away from school"?? now what does that mean??

Honestly I have seen so many missing person cases where the reporting is simply horrible...I guess newspapers are dead or dying in this country along with journalism

who...what...where ...why...when....none of that apparently matters

why isn't the info out there??

for the person who is in touch with this poor mom...even though it is hard, I think that she needs to get accurate information out there..

where was Hailey?? who was she with? when..what time?? who last saw her?
what was she "like" (happy, sad, excited, mad)
what happened recently (ie, new boyfriend....busy on chat rooms...troubles or??)

the info that she "ran away from school" is just...not useful IMHO

it does sound like she ran away from a boarding school...or a "home" for girls or something
All great questions.

I found a home for troubled teens (that looks to be a boarding school, honestly) in Garden Valley called Project Patch ( ( Maybe she attended there?[/list]
KaylynnCouture · 12-06-2009, 08:09 PM
Hailey is presumed to be with an older male, heading through Nevada. My husband is driving the route stopping at all the truck stops asking to look at security tapes so we can hopefully come up with a vehicle description soon. THANK YOU[/list]
LogicalMinds · 12-06-2009, 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by KaylynnCouture
All great questions.

I found a home for troubled teens (that looks to be a boarding school, honestly) in Garden Valley called Project Patch ( ( Maybe she attended there?
Thanks...that sort of "school" was honestly my first thought...

cause ..."ran away from school"??

usually kids run away from "home' right?

I also notice that she has a "grown in" piercing in her eyebrow and lip..
young to have that (where I live would need parental permission, I don't know about Idaho)....I also thought that maybe a "home for girls" would not permit them to keep their piercings in so that might be why re-grown/closed piercing?

and...I am NOT trying to sound racist here, just being honest..I also thought that she looked Native American....and I (*think) sometimes they go to boarding schools in the vast far west don't they? If they are from a small Native American town/reservation they go to high school in a boarding school?

NOw...I don't know...I am not not Native American and I have only been to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Arizona....the "west" and the "heartland" frighten me the same way gators and crazy nuts in the sun frighten people in other parts of the country LOL

I just think of vast spaces and places...where people might go to high school in a boarding school...?? miles and miles with no one far from the ocean...huge mountains....wild territory....scares me <grin>

also this says that Hailey is "Hispanic">> she might well be...but her last name is very "anglo" /British...and the mom's last name is not Hispanic...?
So far no word on the dad...

She might be Hispanic...or Native American...cause obviously a LOT of "Hispanic" people are from Mexico/South America and decendents of the indiginous peoples that lived there

I think I also got this idea in my head from reading some of the sad tales here of "First Nation" (Canadian) girls gone missing....and I think one of them was going to some boarding type school ??

so that was my first thought here

which of course...the lack of real info ...let me go on thinking

who...who in the world wrote this "information" report??

so lacking in detail...let's hope some media coverage will come
thanks for the emails...I fired off a letter to each asking them to cover this

I wonder IF there is some valid reason that they know of for her to "run away from school"?? That might be the reason there is so little news

thanks for letting me put these ideas out there....I hope that no one takes offense...and I am very happy to be corrected as I don't know much about the "west" or the "heartland"[/list]
West · 12-06-2009, 09:22 PM
Title: Re: Project PATCH, Web Sleuths thread
Post by: Ursus on May 15, 2010, 02:16:25 PM
Once Hailey was found, her mother posted this cryptic message (http:// in the aforementioned thread:

Haileysmom · 12-21-2009, 05:35 PM
Title: Boise man charged with felony sexual battery...
Post by: Ursus on May 24, 2010, 02:16:03 PM
Okay, one more. It turns out that this version is the only article which mentions Ryan Van Hook's middle name. And yeah, I'd venture that the local press has been remarkably reticent with certain facts about this case...

-------------- • -------------- • --------------
Boise man charged with felony sexual battery in connection with runaway case (http://
Published: 12/14/09

Ryan Leland Vanhook, 33,

Ryan Leland Van Hook, 33, of Boise, was booked into the Ada County Jail Sunday on charges of felony sexual battery of a minor child 16 to 17 years old and misdemeanor providing shelter to runaway children.

A 16-year-old Garden Valley girl who police say had been with Van Hook was returned home to her mother's care Sunday, Boise County Sheriff Ben Roeber said Monday.

Roeber said the case is still under investigation, and the case involves possible crimes committed in both the city of Boise and Boise County.

Boise Police and Boise County deputies believe Van Hook helped the teen girl leave her home in Boise County Nov. 28. She was found Saturday.

Investigators believe Van Hook sheltered the teen at his home in Boise, and that's where they believe the alleged abuse occurred.

# #
Title: Man accused of lewd conduct with teen worked in youth facili
Post by: Ursus on July 30, 2010, 07:01:12 PM
I believe this may be a repeat of an earlier article, but it was posted later so... just in case...

-------------- • -------------- • --------------
Man accused of lewd conduct with teen worked in youth facility (http://

Posted on December 16, 2009 at 9:47 AM


GARDEN VALLEY --  A Boise man accused of having sex with a teen worked as a supervisor at a home for troubled kids.

Ryan VanHook, 33, was arrested Sunday for lewd conduct and for letting a runaway teen stay with him.  He was arraigned Monday in Ada County, and that's when his story became public.  Now we're learning a little bit more about the man who police say housed a runaway teen without her parent's permission.

Seventeen-year-old Emily Allen, a friend of the alleged victim, was sent to Project PATCH in Garden Valley over the summer.   It's a facility for kids with behavior problems where up to 40 kids can stay on site.  That's how she says she met Ryan VanHook, a dorm supervisor.

"He was a very fun guy, someone you wanted to be around," said Emily Allen.

Allen says VanHook took special interest in her and her 16-year-old friend.

"He was so friendly and she was always speaking well of him, how much she adored him and how fond of her he was," said Allen.

In an e-mail, Project PATCH's director says VanHook began working in June but resigned on Nov. 28 to take another job.  The 28th is the same day investigators believe the alleged abuse began at VanHook’s home in Boise.

“I want to say that I'm shocked at the whole situation, but like I said I'm just not. I almost saw it coming," Allen said.

"As a mother your job is to protect your child. I sent her over there with all faith they were going to watch over her and protect her," Pebbles Allen-Gentilman said.

Allen's mother pulled her child out of Project PATCH weeks before Van Hook's arrest, and later learned of other violations that she passed on to the state health department, which licensed Project PATCH.  Her complaint launched an investigation in November.

The state found some minor problems, but no complaints about VanHook surfaced when kids and staff members were interviewed.

"There was no, nothing came out of that that would make one suspect there was inappropriate sexual contact being made at that facility," Tom Shanahan of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare said.

Project PATCH says it is cooperating with police but can not discuss details because of the investigation.  The state tells us VanHook had to pass a criminal history check to be working there.

Police say the 16-year-old girl was found Saturday and is now home with her family.  E-mails sent to her family for comment were not returned.

VanHook is currently being held at the Ada County Jail on a $50,000 bond.  He has a preliminary hearing next Monday.

© 2009-2010 Northwest Cable News, Inc., a subsidiary of Belo Corp.
Title: Ryan VanHook arrest, police news release
Post by: Ursus on July 31, 2010, 01:04:50 AM
For the record, from the Boise, Idaho, police blotter:

-------------- • -------------- • --------------

Boise Police Department News Release (http://

December 14, 2009

Boise Police, working closely with Boise County Sheriff's Deputies, have arrested a man accused of helping a teenage girl leave her home, sheltering her, and sexually assaulting her.

Arrested: Ryan L. VanHook, 33, Boise
Charges: Providing shelter to a runaway (m), Sexual Battery of a minor child 16 to 17 years of age (F)

Boise Police and Boise County Deputies believe the suspect helped the teen girl leave her home in Boise County Nov. 28, 2009. She was found Dec. 12th. Investigators believe the suspect sheltered the teen at his home in Boise. The alleged abuse occurred in Boise City.

The suspect VanHook was arrested Sunday evening at a Boise County home by Boise County Deputies.

This case remains under investigation. Further inquiries should be directed to Ada County Court records.

Title: Boise man who had sex with runaway girl gets 20 years
Post by: Ursus on August 03, 2010, 02:40:32 PM
Boise man who had sex with runaway girl gets 20 years (http://
Posted on April 9, 2010 at 5:02 PM
Updated Saturday, Apr 10 at 1:42 PM

Ryan Vanhook

BOISE -- A Boise man who supervised troubled kids is going to prison for having sex with a teenage runaway.

Ryan Van Hook, 33, was sentenced Friday to 20 years in prison.  He can seek parole after 10 years.

Van Hook worked at Project Patch in Garden Valley, but had resigned before being arrested last December on a charge of sexual battery.

At that time, police said they found a 16-year-old runaway living at his house without her parents' permission.  The girl is back with her family.

© 2009-2010 King Broadcasting Company, a subsidiary of Belo Corp.
Title: Re: Project PATCH
Post by: Ursus on August 04, 2010, 03:34:48 PM
There is more here than meets the eye.

I would venture that both Project Patch and Hailey's mom, a local radio personality, each strove to squelch excessive news coverage of this case. Each for their own reasons.

Ryan VanHook wasn't just an ordinary man off the street, who happened to like kids, and who hence became a "dorm supervisor" at a facility for troubled adolescents.
Title: Re: Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
Post by: Whooter on August 04, 2010, 03:46:22 PM
There is just no stopping these people.  Even with proper background checks these guys get into the system whether it be public or private.  Makes you want to just home-school your kids.

Title: Ryan VanHook = dirtmonkey29
Post by: Ursus on August 04, 2010, 09:13:09 PM
A couple of posts from the aforementioned thread (http:// on Web Sleuths:

Originally posted (http:// on 12-20-2009, 11:11 PM · #233
Quote from: "LadyL"
Quote from: "LadyL"
ok, google dirtmonkey29

youtube videos etc.

is it him?
I suspect it is b/c on another person's webpage, I found links to 'friend's' pages and both Project Patch & Dirtmonkey Films were listed

kinda coincidinky

also, when I googled his name, dirtmonkeys came up

if it's him, he has 3 kids, two girls & a boy
the pics in the videos definitely look like the booking pic we've seen
Originally posted (http:// on 12-20-2009, 11:17 PM · #234
Quote from: "LadyL"
scratch suspicion
definitely him IMO, now that I see that person who has linked to dirtmonkeys & Project Patch has the same last name as two of the dorm directors at PP...
Title: Re: Boise man who had sex with runaway girl gets 20 years
Post by: SUCK IT on August 04, 2010, 09:28:31 PM
Quote from: "Ursus"
police said they found a 16-year-old runaway living at his house without her parents' permission.  The girl is back with her family.

Hey maybe that teenage girl listened to the advice of Pile, Niles and Dysfunction to run away from home? This is a reality check for the people giving bad advice!
Title: Re: Boise man who had sex with runaway girl gets 20 years
Post by: Ursus on August 04, 2010, 10:14:55 PM
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
Quote from: "KTVB.COM"
...police said they found a 16-year-old runaway living at his house without her parents' permission.  The girl is back with her family.
Hey maybe that teenage girl listened to the advice of Pile, Niles and Dysfunction to run away from home? This is a reality check for the people giving bad advice!
It is my understanding that she didn't run away from home.

Title: Re: Boise man who had sex with runaway girl gets 20 years
Post by: DannyB II on August 04, 2010, 10:56:40 PM
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
Quote from: "KTVB.COM"
...police said they found a 16-year-old runaway living at his house without her parents' permission.  The girl is back with her family.
Hey maybe that teenage girl listened to the advice of Pile, Niles and Dysfunction to run away from home? This is a reality check for the people giving bad advice!
It is my understanding that she didn't run away from home.

    She ran away from the program...
    to the domicile of her former dorm supervisor...
    who mysteriously resigned from said program...
    on the very same day.

But ya have to admit, she still ran away. Remember what your buddies said Ursus, it doesn't matter why, run, anything is better then going to a program. In her mind she found something better. Just following your advice Ursus or was it your buddies advice that you endorsed through your silence.
Title: Re: Boise man who had sex with runaway girl gets 20 years
Post by: Ursus on August 04, 2010, 11:30:43 PM
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
Quote from: "KTVB.COM"
...police said they found a 16-year-old runaway living at his house without her parents' permission.  The girl is back with her family.
Hey maybe that teenage girl listened to the advice of Pile, Niles and Dysfunction to run away from home? This is a reality check for the people giving bad advice!
It is my understanding that she didn't run away from home.

    She ran away from the program...
    to the domicile of her former dorm supervisor...
    who mysteriously resigned from said program...
    on the very same day.
But ya have to admit, she still ran away. Remember what your buddies said Ursus, it doesn't matter why, run, anything is better then going to a program. In her mind she found something better. Just following your advice Ursus or was it your buddies advice that you endorsed through your silence.
:rofl:  And all that ... means what, Danny? That if I'm not able to, or simply choose not to, respond to each and every post that is posted here on a daily basis, it automatically means that I "endorse" it?

Put the tin hat down, boy. Methinks you're a wee bit ... obsessed!
Title: Re: Boise man who had sex with runaway girl gets 20 years
Post by: DannyB II on August 04, 2010, 11:37:55 PM
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
Quote from: "KTVB.COM"
...police said they found a 16-year-old runaway living at his house without her parents' permission.  The girl is back with her family.
Hey maybe that teenage girl listened to the advice of Pile, Niles and Dysfunction to run away from home? This is a reality check for the people giving bad advice!
It is my understanding that she didn't run away from home.

    She ran away from the program...
    to the domicile of her former dorm supervisor...
    who mysteriously resigned from said program...
    on the very same day.
But ya have to admit, she still ran away. Remember what your buddies said Ursus, it doesn't matter why, run, anything is better then going to a program. In her mind she found something better. Just following your advice Ursus or was it your buddies advice that you endorsed through your silence.
:rofl:  And all that ... means what, Danny? That if I'm not able to, or simply choose not to, respond to each and every post that is posted here on a daily basis, it automatically means that I "endorse" it?

Put the tin hat down, boy. Methinks you're a wee bit ... obsessed!

Ursus please....there is not one person here that does not believe you endorsed that whole farce through your silence. Ursus, the post and copy man that comments on everything, who can't wait to obfuscate someones positive post.
Ursus you are now, "The Last Man Standing". Your due was coming.
Title: Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Post by: Joel on August 04, 2010, 11:38:37 PM
Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Title: Ryan VanHook: YouTube user "dirtmonkey29"
Post by: Ursus on August 04, 2010, 11:40:07 PM
Quote from: "Ursus"
A couple of posts from the aforementioned thread (http:// on Web Sleuths:

    Originally posted (http:// on 12-20-2009, 11:11 PM · #233
    Quote from: "LadyL"
    Quote from: "LadyL"
    ok, google dirtmonkey29

    youtube videos etc.

    is it him?
    I suspect it is b/c on another person's webpage, I found links to 'friend's' pages and both Project Patch & Dirtmonkey Films were listed

    kinda coincidinky

    also, when I googled his name, dirtmonkeys came up

    if it's him, he has 3 kids, two girls & a boy
    the pics in the videos definitely look like the booking pic we've seen
    Originally posted (http:// on 12-20-2009, 11:17 PM · #234
    Quote from: "LadyL"
    scratch suspicion
    definitely him IMO, now that I see that person who has linked to dirtmonkeys & Project Patch has the same last name as two of the dorm directors at PP...
    YouTube user dirtmonkey29 (http:// has uploaded four clips:

    I found two of these before I found the Web Sleuths thread; #s 1 and 4, IIRC... At the time, I thought it must be another Ryan VanHook, maybe even a kid.

    After I found said WS thread, I found clip #3: "My Awesome Kids!"... --> WATCH IT. As LadyL from Web Sleuths says, it definitely looks like the same guy as in the booking shots (see above news articles).
    Title: Ryan VanHook a Seventh Day Adventist pastor?
    Post by: Ursus on August 13, 2010, 10:15:44 PM
    Is Ryan VanHook a Seventh Day Adventist pastor?

    Below is a Comments thread which no longer exists, but which I luckily managed to re-find. Fwix is a search function which is still in beta. I'm not fully certain as to what it actually searches; it would appear to be localized news articles.

    Back a while ago, one could comment on the various news articles that would come up on such a search. This was separate from commenting on the actual article itself. I'm not sure whether these comments expire, or whether they've disabled this particular function, or just this particular set of comments. At any rate... these comments (below) no longer appear for a current Fwix search for the same terms.

    The first coupla comments in this thread seem to be missing; the first (remaining) comment is clearly in reply to another comment or two. I'm not sure whether I've just been unable to find them (doubtful), or whether some posters have chosen to delete their comments (more likely).

    LINK (http:// for cache from Jun 15, 2010 02:18:38 GMT...

    -------------- • -------------- • --------------

    • Boise Idaho News posted news to Crime
    Boise man suspected of sexually assaulting teen runaway (http://
    Authorities say Ryan VanHook, 33, helped the teen girl leave her home in Boise County in late November. Investigators say VanHook sheltered the teen at his home in Boise. She...

    182 days ago ·  Reply ·  Like[/list]

    Grant  replied 111 days ago
    Keither  replied 102 days ago
    Grant  replied 102 days ago
    cameron  replied 58 days ago
    Stephen  replied 52 days ago

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    Title: Project PATCH: SDA-supporting ministry?
    Post by: Ursus on August 15, 2010, 12:05:40 AM
    Project Patch is listed as an "Adventist-Supporting Ministry" on Morningside SDA Church's webpage of Adventists Links (http://

    I can see why they wouldn't be too happy 'bout news circulating 'round ... that one of their own pastors was involved in this...
    Title: Ryan VanHook - ZoomInfo
    Post by: Ursus on August 15, 2010, 02:50:07 PM
    Some data on ZoomInfo:

    -------------- • -------------- • --------------

    Ryan VanHook (http://
    Grass Valley church

    Employment History

    Title: peoplefinders data for Ryan VanHook
    Post by: Ursus on August 17, 2010, 04:15:34 PM
    Ryan Leland Vanhook (http://
    Known Addresses
    Title: Ryan VanHook: YouTube user "rvanhook29"
    Post by: Ursus on October 09, 2010, 05:28:50 PM
    Here's another, earlier YouTube account for Ryan VanHook under the name of rvanhook29 (http://, also with four clips:

    The first clip above is the exact same clip as clip #2 in the dirtmonky29 collection above (http://