
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Elan School => Topic started by: Matt C. Hoffman on January 01, 2003, 05:29:00 PM

Title: Please do not confuse Kruglik with being an Indian
Post by: Matt C. Hoffman on January 01, 2003, 05:29:00 PM
It is demeaning to all native americans .

kruglik is of russian mongol decent .He is at best an american of russian mongolian decent .  

If he ever told you that he was an indian ,then he lied to your face . (Which in my opionin is exactly what he did on the witness stand,when asked if elan was a brutal place )
Title: Please do not confuse Kruglik with being an Indian
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2003, 05:36:00 AM
Marty did tell our house that he was an Indian and had alot of pride about it.I guess he is ashamed of being a Russian Mongoloid and tried passing himself off as an Indian.Marty is still an asshole no matter what he is.
He used to wear this symbolic feather when I attended Elan and told people that he was an Indian and that the chief of his tribe awarded it to him for some stupid reason.I cant beleive that dirty Russian Mongoloid would go that far and lie about himself.
I sure would love to take a trip up there in spit in his face,I hate that mother-fucker so much.