
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Elan School => Topic started by: Chris Virag on December 19, 2002, 07:16:00 PM

Title: Elan Seven Reunion 98-01
Post by: Chris Virag on December 19, 2002, 07:16:00 PM
Would it be a good idea for elan alummni to have reunions with eachother or not. I cannot come up with a decision on this one. On one hand if you were "fortunate" to go to the heart of Maine this was your high school life, like it was mine. No proms,no pep rallys, no yearbooks, etc. We are forced to accept the fact that our high school life was different. But your peers were your peers and everyone that went through that place probably would like to see old faces again. not all mind you but some.
Title: Elan Seven Reunion 98-01
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2002, 08:04:00 AM
Any reunion would be great.But it would be better if everyone got together and pissed and shit all over Marty Kruglik.This mother fucker deserves it.
Title: Elan Seven Reunion 98-01
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2002, 10:35:00 AM
Hey Chris why dont you try posting on the other Elan sites you might have more luck on them.... :grin:
Title: Elan Seven Reunion 98-01
Post by: davbetz on January 11, 2003, 08:04:00 AM
I find it rather ammusing that this place was even reffered to as a school. In my experience, school was secondary, unless you didn't do your homework and had to wear a dunce cap. time after time, I wasn't allowed to go to school, because I had to P.O. dinks in the corner.and when I was able to go, the education was so substandard,it made Captain Kangaroo look like rocket science. Also, how were students suppose to learn, when it was all they could do to stay awake (school was at night) after GI'ing floors and hitting the pan all day?

Being a street cop, witnessing the tragedy firsthand, I've become
convinced that drug prohibition -- not drugs themselves -- are driving the HIV epidemic and the systemic crime that has swamped our criminal justice systems.
--Vancouver Police Const. Gil Puder

[ This Message was edited by: davbetz on 2003-01-11 05:14 ]