
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy => Topic started by: Anonymous on April 12, 2006, 05:46:00 PM

Post by: Anonymous on April 12, 2006, 05:46:00 PM
First let me say that what is about to be reported are documents that can be verified...
It is understandable that many professionals
feel Fornits has a credibility problem because of the 'nut' cases that frequently post on this site...However, if you weed through the 'nut' cases, you will find many dedicated professional
people who have given freely of themselves to assure the human dignity and rights of children..

The following written exchanges speak for themselves..I hope your outrage makes it to the Gov. Of Georgia himself...Lord, knows, no one
in the States regulatory agencies will help..
*Please note, names have been omitted to protect
the innocent as well the guilty parties..

To those who have risked everthing, given everyhting they had for the truth to come out..
thank you on behalf of the children left behind..

Posted: 2006-03-02 05:47
Clark Poole has just resigned from HLA. He was in the admissions dept'for 6 years and finally had all he could take. Here is his notice of resignation with a series of emails that led to it. He sent this out to consultants after he resigned, and deleted the names of the students for privacy reasons, but everybody here knows who they are, and there are many more just like tb Buccellato will take in anybody who has the money. He is scum. Post it if want to. Everybody here hates the damn place except those ass-kissers clc Buccellato. The favorite slogan among staff is Burn Baby Burn.

From: Nicole Fuglsang
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 12:57 PM
To: Christy Jones; John McMillon; Josh Watson; Clarke Poole
Cc: Nicole Fuglsang
Subject: HLA Student Profile.....
Please give a brief summary of the student you feel is a good fit for HLA. I want to make sure Admissions and the counseling department are on the same page. J
Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC
Director of Public Relations/Admissions
phone (706) 867-1720
fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 3:44 PM
To: Nicole Fuglsang; Christy Jones; John McMillon; Josh Watson
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
One whose parents can afford the tuition.

From: Nicole Fuglsang
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 3:48 PM
To: Clarke Poole; Christy Jones; John McMillon; Josh Watson
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
This is not the standard we want to set!
Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC
Director of Public Relations/Admissions
phone (706) 867-1720
fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 3:48 PM
To: Nicole Fuglsang; Christy Jones; John McMillon; Josh Watson
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
There are ideals, and there is reality.

From: Nicole Fuglsang
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 4:01 PM
To: Clarke Poole
Cc: Nicole Fuglsang
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
Clarke, make sure all your potential students are reviewed by me before forwarding them on to Len.
Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC
Director of Public Relations/Admissions
phone (706) 867-1720
fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 4:01 PM
To: Nicole Fuglsang
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
I'll be glad to, Nicole; but lets be real. Len and Len alone sets the standards for admission to HLA. It really doesn't matter much what we or Counseling think. It's his call, plain and simple.

From: Nicole Fuglsang
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 5:28 PM
To: Clarke Poole
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
You are either part of the Team or you are not. You chose. There are standards whether you use them or not.
If you are having bad day or have become frustrated please forward your emails to me directly instead of sharing your negativity with all around you.
I wouldn?t take a student profile to Len that I didn?t think was appropriate or borderline appropriate, it would be a waste of his time.
He trusts his staff maybe he is putting to much trust in you if you feel you do not need to follow the standards for the type of student that is appropriate for HLA.
Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC
Director of Public Relations/Admissions
phone (706) 867-1720
fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:17 AM
To: Nicole Fuglsang
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
Nicole... this deserves a thoughtful reply, and this morning I have a tour that should arrive at any moment followed by a move-in this afternoon. There is also some follow-up with the 4 move-ins I have scheduled for the rest of the week, but between now and then I will reply and we should certainly get together.

From: Nicole Fuglsang
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:05 AM
To: Clarke Poole
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
I would love to meet with you Clarke and discuss your concerns.
Also, do you have copies for all the files for Fridays move-in?s or do you still need some from RCI?
Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC
Director of Public Relations/Admissions
phone (706) 867-1720
fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:50 AM
To: Nicole Fuglsang
Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....
Let me first acknowledge that I responded inaccurately to your initial request for a student profile summary of applicants deemed appropriate for admission to HLA. You asked for my opinion on appropriateness, and I responded, somewhat but not altogether facetiously, with what I see as the official view of appropriateness.
To be absolutely clear on this, I have no lack of confidence in my ability to submit appropriate applicants for approval. In fact, based on some of the acceptances I've seen in the last year or so, I am confident that my opinions on acceptances would have been far less problematic than how some of the official acceptances turned out. This might be due to the fact that my focus would be solely on the appropriateness of the student for this school, rather than concerns based on finances or consultant politics.
There is a fairly long list of students whose appropriateness I have questioned, especially in the last year or so. To point to just a few, let's look at (Jane Doe 1), (John Doe 1), and (John Doe 2).
(Jane Doe 1) had trouble here from the beginning, with most of her incidents involving violence. Finally, she was complicit in an elopement that culminated in the physical, and, by all indications, sexual assault on another student who was hospitalized for several days due to her physical injuries, especially internal injuries in the pelvic area. Then, rather than being dismissed immediately, she remained enrolled here for another month. The educational consultant who referred her to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 1).

(John Doe 1) came here with a very troubling history and equally troubling psychological evaluation. He was constantly involved in trouble including physical assaults on other students. He finally attacked and threatened to kill another student and the on-call clinical staff was called to evaluate him. She determined he was not only sincere but determined to actually try to kill the other student, and signed the order to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. He did not return to Hidden Lake. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was its owner, Len Buccellato.

Finally, we have (John Doe 2). Why in the name of Heaven this boy was ever even considered for admission to Hidden Lake is beyond me. He should have been in a padded cell in a psychiatric prison, and we knew it going in. It's difficult to distinguish his psychological evaluation, which was done by Len Buccellato and Brad Carpenter, from that of Hannibal Lecter's. Yet, in spite of first hand knowledge that this boy was not only totally inappropriate but dangerous, he was approved for admission and attended for a full year, interspersed with hospitalizations, until withdrawn by his parents. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 2).

As an aside to this disgraceful episode with (John Doe 2), I took a call several months ago from (Consultant 3) an educational consultant in Miami. She had received from us a copy of Lakeside Reflections, in which was a photo of (John Doe 2). A month before (John Doe 2)?s family contacted (Consultant 2) for help in finding placement, they had called on (Consultant 3) at her office. She had, quite sensibly, recommended only RTC's for (John Doe 2), but there was his picture in Lakeside Reflections, a Hidden Lake student. In her excited (foreign) accent, she said "Clarke! My God, Clarke! This boy is a student there? Oh my God!" At least I was able to tell her he was no longer enrolled, but I was unable to give her a reason as to why he had ever been accepted in the first place without opening an ethical can of worms, so I feigned ignorance.

There are others, of course, who were known from the beginning to be inappropriate for placement, and I'll be glad to go into them with you, but I'm sure you are starting to get the point. Len has repeatedly said to me and everyone else who has ever worked in this department that "we do not do well with dysthymic kids", yet I have never seen a dysthymic kid not accepted for admission. If we know we do poorly with them, why accept them? At least they are not a danger to others, but they do little for our retention rate, which currently stands at 40% for the Peer Groups graduating in May (assuming none of the few who remain are withdrawn between now and then).

This brings us back to your question about my being or not being a part of the team. Just for clarification, you stated "You chose", indicating I have already made my decision, and the implication was that I had chosen to not be a part of the team. Perhaps you meant to say "choose", but perhaps not. I have, in fact, chosen, but not in the sense that you imply. As I said in an e-mail to you and Len several months ago, every comment and observation I have made as an HLA employee has been made with the intention of calling to management's attention practices that I believe are detrimental to the reputation and longevity of Hidden Lake Academy, as well as the safety and therapeutic well being of its students. Also as I pointed out, every time I do so I am reprimanded. I have a long list of such occurrences archived which I'll be glad to share with you and with others, should that be necessary. I am trying to be a member of this team, but I am not an automaton or a sheep. I have views and opinions which I am qualified by education and experience to express. No one has to like them or act on them, and obviously no one ever has; but I still feel compelled to state them, even if it puts my job in jeopardy, especially if I believe they involve ethical compromises and issues of student safety.

I'll be glad to meet with you and with Len to discuss these and all other issues that are of concern to you; and when we do so, I will go into a longer list of concerns of my own. I would appreciate a response to the issues I have raised here in response to your question regarding my commitment to this school, and my competence in evaluating applicants.
Clarke Poole

From: Nicole Fuglsang
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:37 PM
To: Clarke Poole
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
While we will address the majority of this email not on email? I wanted to make one comment?.
This whole topic came about because of the comment you made that an appropriate student is ?one whose parents can afford the tuition?.
It was interesting to see that of the three families you discussed two were provided with significant financial aid because their families could not afford the HLA tuition.
Doesn?t really fit with your statement.
Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC
Director of Public Relations/Admissions
phone (706) 867-1720
fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:39 PM
To: Nicole Fuglsang
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
As I noted in my response below, that comment was partially in jest. It has no bearing on the description of the students' appropriateness for this school. I'll be glad to meet with you at any time.

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 2:02 PM
To: Nicole Fuglsang
Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....
I have reviewed my notes for these families and I see nothing to indicate that any of them requested one cent of financial aid. May I ask the source of your information and also ask you to check this out yourself? As I indicated, it still has no bearing on anything, but I want to make sure we each have all our facts right before we go into a meeting.

From: Nicole Fuglsang
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 2:08 PM
To: Clarke Poole
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
I know because I was a part of the approval process while they were at RCI and then moved on to HLA.
I know for a fact the level of aid they were getting at RCI & HLA as I worked with both families directly.
I am the source of this information.
Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC
Director of Public Relations/Admissions
phone (706) 867-1720
fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Sat 2/25/2006 9:57 PM
To: Nicole Fuglsang; Bill Gray Jr.; Len Buccellato; John McMillon; John McMillon; David Reifenberger; David Jordan; Mark Keith; Christy Jones
Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....
I can understand precisely why you said you do not want to continue to address my concerns over student safety and unethical practices on e-mail. However, there are several final points I want to make for the record.

(1) You stated with total certainty that two of the students referred to below received "significant financial aid because their families could not afford the HLA tuition." Upon my questioning the accuracy and veracity of your statement, you also said "I know because I was a part of the approval process while they were at RCI and then moved on to HLA. I know for a fact the level of aid they were getting at RCI & HLA as I worked with both families directly. I am the source of this information." The adamancy with which you state your position is compelling. However, it is totally false.

I went to Bill Gray's office at 4:30 Friday afternoon and asked him to personally check the financial records for the three students in question as a means to help me refresh my memory. He did so in my presence. None of these students received one cent of financial aid. (Jane Doe 1)?s family received the Ridge Creek rebate the first month she attended Hidden Lake Academy, rather than the third month as is normally the case. However, the amount of tuition paid by her family was exactly the same as any other family. There was no financial aid requested or granted to any of these three families, period. This raises the question in my mind as to why you so steadfastly insisted that you were right in spite of my urging you to check your facts.

The whole business of financial aid was, of course, a red herring designed to deflect the focus away from the point of my letter: that the safety of Hidden Lake Academy students is being compromised by the improper and unethical admission of totally inappropriate and dangerous students. As I noted, it had nothing whatsoever to do with the concerns I had raised. Just for the record, (John Doe 2)?s psychological evaluation, conducted and signed by Len Buccellato, includes a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder, Pedophilia, and Personality Disorder with Antisocial Features. I am still waiting for your response as to why this boy, as well as the others, was approved by Len Buccellato to attend Hidden Lake Academy.

(2) You are the Director of Public Relations for both Hidden Lake Academy and Ridge Creek, as well as Director of Admissions for both institutions. In this job, you are the public face and voice of both programs. It would stand to reason that we would want in this very important position someone whose integrity is above reproach, since you speak for both programs. The fact that you intentionally attempted to mislead, obfuscate, and deflect rather than address honestly my concerns regarding student safety and ethical placement is, in my opinion, an insult not just to me, but to everyone in either of these schools, students and staff alike, as well as the parents of students and the educational consultants who they hired to assist with placement.

On January 31, 2006, you sent out a notice to all staff, and perhaps others outside HLA, that the "new student riding program will be completely operational by February 1st, 2006". It was obvious to all with eyes that this was impossible, since it was nothing more than a small area of scraped dirt the day before. I sent a reply to you stating "This is exactly what gets us in trouble with parents and consultants." I never received a reply. The "riding program" is still in exactly the same shape as it was the day you sent the announcement... no horses, no program.

If this approach to "public relations" is condoned by management, then it is no wonder we are constantly losing both students and staff. It is wrong, dishonest, and shameful.

(3) I am still waiting for answers to the questions I raised with you regarding admissions policy. In my capacity as senior admissions coordinator, I have an ethical responsibility to the parents and educational consultants with whom I work to be able to assure them that their children and clients are safe in this environment and properly placed here according to their needs and our ability to successfully address those needs. I am requesting a face-to-face meeting with you and with Len Buccellato to assure me that policy will be changed and those crucial issues properly addressed. I am also requesting that David Reifenberger, Director of Human Resources, also be present. Unless I am granted this meeting and in it given personal assurances by Len Buccellato that these concerns and others that I intend to raise will be immediately and honestly addressed, I have no choice but to tender my resignation in accordance with proceedures proscribed in the HLA Employee Handbook effective at close of business on March 15, 2006.

I am copying Len Buccellato, owner of HLA; Bill Grey, Director of Operations, HLA; John McMillon and Christy Jones, Director and Associate Director of Counseling for HLA, respectively, who you copied on your original e-mail; David Reifenberger, Director of Human Resources; David Jordan, Director of Counseling for Ridge Creek; and Mark Keith, Director of Operations for Ridge Creek.
Clarke Poole

From: Nicole Fuglsang
Sent: Sun 2/26/2006 9:37 AM
To: Clarke Poole
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
We will meet Monday to discuss your concerns.
Again, email is not the appropriate place for this conversation as things are easily misconstrued. It concerns me that you are so willing to slander those around to try to prove your point. I understand that you are frustrated and apparently angry but is unprofessional to continue this email banter. It seems as though you just want to do this to get what you "think" in writing.

As to your statement below.... I expressed my understanding of the situation. If it was wrong I will correct it. Jumping to the conclusion that I "intentionally attempted to mislead, obfuscate, and deflect rather than address honestly my concerns regarding student safety and ethical." is completely false, slanderous and is absolutely insulting. Again email is not the place for this conversation as thoughts and tone of an email may be misconstrued. We will meet on Monday to discuss your concerns.

From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Sun 2/26/2006 10:12 AM
To: Nicole Fuglsang
Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....
For the record, Nicole, the definition of "slander" is to utter a false report. Unlike your e-mails, mine contain only facts which I or anyone else can verify. I will be in my office by 8:30 tomorrow morning, and I will be ready to meet with you and the two others at that time.

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2006-04-12 20:58 ]
Post by: Anonymous on April 12, 2006, 06:12:00 PM
ATLANTA. GA. 30328
Phone 770-394-5050 Fax 770-730-0998

Dear HLA Parents,
Due to the fact that so many parents have inquired regarding my departure from HLA, I see no reason to withhold the truth. Two months ago, HLA hired another psychiatrist, to "Help share the load and give parents a choice". Which I thought was an excellent decision. Very quickly HLA started having her see many of the students I had been treating without informing me or having me discuss the case with her. This was frequently done in the guise of quoting me as asking for a "second opinion" even in most cases where I had worked closely with the parents and the student was doing excellent. As of yet, the new psychiatrist still has made no attempt to contact me even to say hello. My guess is HLA has strongly discouraged this contact.
As time went on, no new students were assigned to me. On several occasions 1 specifically asked both the HR director (who never returned my calls), and the CFO if I would be replaced. I was told on several occasions that 1 definitely was to be staying Only after some pressing and pointing out the odd behavior on the part of HLA did the assistant head counselor state in fact, I was being "phased out". Keeping in mind that HLA is a small community. I can hardly believe that these events were simply an oversight or a communicat: jn issue.
I believe this deceptive process which HLA had chosen is highly unethical and clearly is not in the student's or parent's best interest in any way. Therefore, by their actions, HLA has assumed total responsibility for any student under my care and has the complete task of their continued care whether it is to transport them to my office or have the new psychiatrist conduct a complete evaluation and continued treatment. As is clearly evident, the transition could have been ridiculously easy, professional, and effective if HLA had simply been open and forthright regarding their intentions.
I hope you can appreciate my actions and current position in not being able to work effectively in such an environment. I was saddened to quickly leave under such circumstances. I can only hope that HLA keeps their new pool cleaner than they did their relationship with me. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. 1 very much enjoyed working with you and your child and hope I was of help. Thank you.
V   ~~
Post by: juniper2 on April 12, 2006, 11:37:00 PM
Now, I would like an explanation of how you perceive HLA to be An "Academic Boarding School?"
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 04:26:00 AM

Sounds like Mr.Poole is the kind of person HLA staff *should* be filled with - like he really cares about what he is doing and who he is doing it for - the kids.

I hope we hear more from him, he is very well spoken. I like how he canned Nicole when she tried to snow him with bullshit.

This guy does his homework!
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 04:28:00 AM
Also sounds like Clarke Poole would told Q & Q where to stick it, as reported earlier.
Good Man.
Post by: Troll Control on April 13, 2006, 08:07:00 AM
Just for the record, I didn't post this, so don't bother sending me demand letters.

I would like to confirm though, that this is verbatim what I have read and what was sent to Ed Cons (and I think some parents, too).

This is an extremely valuable reference for parents to read.  The policies are hideous.  The treatment a professional receives for doing the right thing by the children is appalling.

HLA and anyone who does business with them (including sending your child there) should be ashamed.  This is tragic and, unfortunately, not isolated.  This just happens to be public, but this episode has been run before - only the evidence was successfully repressed by SLAPP suits and "confidentiality agreements."

Wake up, people.
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 09:10:00 AM
Thank you to whoever posted that information.  Slowly but surely the picture is becoming clear.

Who was the psychiatrist and when did that happen?
Post by: Troll Control on April 13, 2006, 10:00:00 AM
I believe this deceptive process which HLA had chosen is highly unethical and clearly is not in the student's or parent's best interest in any way.

Are they going to pull a "Clarke Poole" on this therapist, too?  

The normal course of action is to sue the ever-lovin'-hell out of anyone who tries to carry out their duties professionally and ethically.

How many carreer professionals need to educate the public before people stop buying this product?  These are not isolated incidents, parents.  Events like this don't happen in a vacuum.
Post by: Troll Control on April 13, 2006, 10:08:00 AM
I was called a liar and other viscious epithets when I reported that these events transpired.  HLA staffers flooded this site with lies and insults, but, once again, I was right on the money with this information.

Every thing I have said about these incidents has been objectively and factually verified.  Obviously the sources at HLA who "leak" this information are far more credible that the management who consistently denies that these events ever happened.

Jane Doe 1) had trouble here from the beginning, with most of her incidents involving violence. Finally, she was complicit in an elopement that culminated in the physical, and, by all indications, sexual assault on another student who was hospitalized for several days due to her physical injuries, especially internal injuries in the pelvic area. Then, rather than being dismissed immediately, she remained enrolled here for another month. The educational consultant who referred her to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 1).

(John Doe 1) came here with a very troubling history and equally troubling psychological evaluation. He was constantly involved in trouble including physical assaults on other students. He finally attacked and threatened to kill another student and the on-call clinical staff was called to evaluate him. She determined he was not only sincere but determined to actually try to kill the other student, and signed the order to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. He did not return to Hidden Lake. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was its owner, Len Buccellato.

Finally, we have (John Doe 2). Why in the name of Heaven this boy was ever even considered for admission to Hidden Lake is beyond me. He should have been in a padded cell in a psychiatric prison, and we knew it going in. It's difficult to distinguish his psychological evaluation, which was done by Len Buccellato and Brad Carpenter, from that of Hannibal Lecter's. Yet, in spite of first hand knowledge that this boy was not only totally inappropriate but dangerous, he was approved for admission and attended for a full year, interspersed with hospitalizations, until withdrawn by his parents. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 2).

If you want to know how this place operates, just follow the money.  It all becomes quite clear at that point.

We are beyond denials now.  Why won't HLA offer a credible explanation for these egregious unprofessional behaviors?
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 10:15:00 AM
On 2006-04-13 07:08:00, Dysfunction Junction wrote:

Why won't HLA offer a credible explanation for these egregious unprofessional behaviors?

Because it's much easier to try and deflect the attention away from the real issues.  They have no credible answers so they attack you and anyone else that doesn't give glowing testimonials for HLA.  What else do they have?  The facts are coming to light and proving DJ and the others to be spot on and that sends them into panic mode and damage control.

Main Entry: ad ho·mi·nem
Pronunciation: (')ad-'hä-m&-"nem, -n&m
Function: adjective
Etymology: New Latin, literally, to the person
1 : appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
2 : marked by an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 10:33:00 AM
The Psychiatrist had no other option, but to send this letter to parents...He, too cared what happened to the children..Also, he needed to 'cover' himself should something go terribly wrong...The events above happened after he had left..I believe he left in May. Bucci wanted the
pyschotropic meds. and amount of students on them lowered..Horwitz would not do it, he took
an oath,and said it would be a disaster and one that he could not take responsibilty for...
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 10:33:00 AM
Any HLA people care to address the first and second posts in this thread?
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 10:35:00 AM
I hope Mr. Poole took lots of documentation with him when he left HLA. When parents wake up, and realize what happened to their children in this facility--they will certainly need this man in their corner when they file a lawsuit.
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 10:36:00 AM
Dr.Ray Horwitz..
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 10:57:00 AM
As long as lawsuits are filed out of Lumpkin
County, they will have a chance...Bucci reaches far past there, too.  Judge Stone is not the one to be receiving any cases...It has to be in Federal court to have a chance and in order to do that one has to claim over 75,000. in damages.
which with the tuition and could get there..But, then one has the practicality of it all...
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 11:00:00 AM
Not to worry about Mr.Poole...He is a bright man..and he has a lot of people willing to help him...not just to stand behind him, but next to him...He deserves that much...He could have turned his head..He did not...
Post by: juniper2 on April 13, 2006, 12:58:00 PM
I find it really eerie that the school is operating now, students and parents, in the dark..manipulated, by fear...differents fears, but fears all the same...sad state of affairs..
Post by: odie on April 13, 2006, 01:36:00 PM
Was anyone else outraged that one of those emails said they accepted a kid that was diagnosed with pedophillia yet was allowed to live with unsuspecting kids? I mean WTF is wrong with these people???? Did they notify anyone that a sexual predator was living there? Since they aren't a treatment program I'd assume they have an obligation to the community both legally and morally. Or did they lock this kid up in a box and hope nobody would ever find out?

From the bottom of any large organization looking up through the ranks, human greed and stupidity look a lot like a conspiracy.
--S. Gilbert

Post by: juniper2 on April 13, 2006, 01:38:00 PM
Welcome to Bucci's world..THey will take anyone with the money....
Post by: Troll Control on April 13, 2006, 01:41:00 PM
On 2006-04-13 10:36:00, odie wrote:

"Was anyone else outraged that one of those emails said they accepted a kid that was diagnosed with pedophillia yet was allowed to live with unsuspecting kids? I mean WTF is wrong with these people???? Did they notify anyone that a sexual predator was living there? Since they aren't a treatment program I'd assume they have an obligation to the community both legally and morally. Or did they lock this kid up in a box and hope nobody would ever find out?

From the bottom of any large organization looking up through the ranks, human greed and stupidity look a lot like a conspiracy.
--S. Gilbert


Yes, Odie.  Many of us were.  This is a simply inexplicable lack of judgement.

The fact is that HLA DOES accept severely disturbed kids and some who are sexual predators.

The environment there is very dangerous due to the inappropriateness of their admission criteria (as Clarke said "if they can pay the tuition" they're in).
Post by: juniper2 on April 13, 2006, 01:45:00 PM
Like you and everyone else, we are outraged..Please copy your outrage to the Governor....
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 01:51:00 PM
On 2006-04-13 10:36:00, odie wrote:

"Was anyone else outraged that one of those emails said they accepted a kid that was diagnosed with pedophillia yet was allowed to live with unsuspecting kids? I mean WTF is wrong with these people???? Did they notify anyone that a sexual predator was living there? Since they aren't a treatment program I'd assume they have an obligation to the community both legally and morally. Or did they lock this kid up in a box and hope nobody would ever find out?

From the bottom of any large organization looking up through the ranks, human greed and stupidity look a lot like a conspiracy.
--S. Gilbert


I actually read that 3 times.  Pedophilia!!  And was it that kid or another that Clarke refers to as having tried to kill another kid.

So we have a pedophile and an attempted murderer at HLA.

And my son was dismissed one month before graduation for engaging in a "violent" act which was acknowledged by many former HLA staff to be a very benign form of horseplay in the boys dorm which has been going on for years and during which no one gets hurt.
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 02:12:00 PM
I'll ask any HLA people care to address the first two posts in this thread?
Post by: Troll Control on April 13, 2006, 02:13:00 PM
From: Clarke Poole
Sent: Sat 2/25/2006 9:57 PM
To: Nicole Fuglsang; Bill Gray Jr.; Len Buccellato; John McMillon; John McMillon; David Reifenberger; David Jordan; Mark Keith; Christy Jones
Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....
I can understand precisely why you said you do not want to continue to address my concerns over student safety and unethical practices on e-mail. However, there are several final points I want to make for the record.

(1) You stated with total certainty that two of the students referred to below received "significant financial aid because their families could not afford the HLA tuition." Upon my questioning the accuracy and veracity of your statement, you also said "I know because I was a part of the approval process while they were at RCI and then moved on to HLA. I know for a fact the level of aid they were getting at RCI & HLA as I worked with both families directly. I am the source of this information." The adamancy with which you state your position is compelling. However, it is totally false.

I went to Bill Gray's office at 4:30 Friday afternoon and asked him to personally check the financial records for the three students in question as a means to help me refresh my memory. He did so in my presence. None of these students received one cent of financial aid. (Jane Doe 1)?s family received the Ridge Creek rebate the first month she attended Hidden Lake Academy, rather than the third month as is normally the case. However, the amount of tuition paid by her family was exactly the same as any other family. There was no financial aid requested or granted to any of these three families, period. This raises the question in my mind as to why you so steadfastly insisted that you were right in spite of my urging you to check your facts.

The whole business of financial aid was, of course, a red herring designed to deflect the focus away from the point of my letter: that the safety of Hidden Lake Academy students is being compromised by the improper and unethical admission of totally inappropriate and dangerous students. As I noted, it had nothing whatsoever to do with the concerns I had raised. Just for the record, (John Doe 2)?s psychological evaluation, conducted and signed by Len Buccellato, includes a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder, Pedophilia, and Personality Disorder with Antisocial Features. I am still waiting for your response as to why this boy, as well as the others, was approved by Len Buccellato to attend Hidden Lake Academy.

(2) You are the Director of Public Relations for both Hidden Lake Academy and Ridge Creek, as well as Director of Admissions for both institutions. In this job, you are the public face and voice of both programs. It would stand to reason that we would want in this very important position someone whose integrity is above reproach, since you speak for both programs. The fact that you intentionally attempted to mislead, obfuscate, and deflect rather than address honestly my concerns regarding student safety and ethical placement is, in my opinion, an insult not just to me, but to everyone in either of these schools, students and staff alike, as well as the parents of students and the educational consultants who they hired to assist with placement.

On January 31, 2006, you sent out a notice to all staff, and perhaps others outside HLA, that the "new student riding program will be completely operational by February 1st, 2006". It was obvious to all with eyes that this was impossible, since it was nothing more than a small area of scraped dirt the day before. I sent a reply to you stating "This is exactly what gets us in trouble with parents and consultants." I never received a reply. The "riding program" is still in exactly the same shape as it was the day you sent the announcement... no horses, no program.

If this approach to "public relations" is condoned by management, then it is no wonder we are constantly losing both students and staff. It is wrong, dishonest, and shameful.

Man, he gave Nicole a dose of reality.

It just goes to show that Nicole (who trolls this board, BTW) and people like her will say anything to make a buck or to avoid responsibility for wrongdoing.

Parents, these are the people caring for your children.  Is this the type of behavior you want modeled?  Can you be sure your kid isn't bunking with a sociopath, psychotic or pedophile?

Is any of it worth the risk?
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2006, 02:26:00 PM
On 2006-04-13 11:13:00, Dysfunction Junction wrote:

It just goes to show that Nicole (who trolls this board, BTW)

I had suspected this.  Interesting.
Post by: Troll Control on April 13, 2006, 02:54:00 PM
Just for the record, (John Doe 2)?s psychological evaluation, conducted and signed by Len Buccellato, includes a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder, Pedophilia, and Personality Disorder with Antisocial Features. I am still waiting for your response as to why this boy, as well as the others, was approved by Len Buccellato to attend Hidden Lake Academy.

I just wanted to make it crystal clear that this dangerous boy was admitted by the ultimate authority at the facility.  This can't be poo-pooed or blamed on subordinates.
Post by: Anonymous on April 14, 2006, 08:51:00 AM
Post by: Anonymous on April 14, 2006, 10:15:00 AM
On 2006-04-13 11:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I'll ask any HLA people care to address the first two posts in this thread?"

Guess not huh?  How's the equine program coming along now?  What about the chapel?

Post by: Troll Control on April 14, 2006, 02:52:00 PM
John Doe 1) came here with a very troubling history and equally troubling psychological evaluation. He was constantly involved in trouble including physical assaults on other students. He finally attacked and threatened to kill another student and the on-call clinical staff was called to evaluate him. She determined he was not only sincere but determined to actually try to kill the other student, and signed the order to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. He did not return to Hidden Lake. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was its owner, Len Buccellato.

Amazing.   ::noway::
Post by: Troll Control on April 15, 2006, 07:39:00 PM
On 2006-04-13 07:08:00, Dysfunction Junction wrote:

"I was called a liar and other viscious epithets when I reported that these events transpired.  HLA staffers flooded this site with lies and insults, but, once again, I was right on the money with this information.

Every thing I have said about these incidents has been objectively and factually verified.  Obviously the sources at HLA who "leak" this information are far more credible that the management who consistently denies that these events ever happened.


Jane Doe 1) had trouble here from the beginning, with most of her incidents involving violence. Finally, she was complicit in an elopement that culminated in the physical, and, by all indications, sexual assault on another student who was hospitalized for several days due to her physical injuries, especially internal injuries in the pelvic area. Then, rather than being dismissed immediately, she remained enrolled here for another month. The educational consultant who referred her to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 1).

(John Doe 1) came here with a very troubling history and equally troubling psychological evaluation. He was constantly involved in trouble including physical assaults on other students. He finally attacked and threatened to kill another student and the on-call clinical staff was called to evaluate him. She determined he was not only sincere but determined to actually try to kill the other student, and signed the order to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. He did not return to Hidden Lake. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was its owner, Len Buccellato.

Finally, we have (John Doe 2). Why in the name of Heaven this boy was ever even considered for admission to Hidden Lake is beyond me. He should have been in a padded cell in a psychiatric prison, and we knew it going in. It's difficult to distinguish his psychological evaluation, which was done by Len Buccellato and Brad Carpenter, from that of Hannibal Lecter's. Yet, in spite of first hand knowledge that this boy was not only totally inappropriate but dangerous, he was approved for admission and attended for a full year, interspersed with hospitalizations, until withdrawn by his parents. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 2).

If you want to know how this place operates, just follow the money.  It all becomes quite clear at that point.

We are beyond denials now.  Why won't HLA offer a credible explanation for these egregious unprofessional behaviors?

I can't believe how bad this looks...
Post by: juniper2 on April 15, 2006, 09:01:00 PM
Yes it looks bad, it is worse....
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2006, 04:57:00 PM
On 2006-04-14 07:15:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-04-13 11:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I'll ask any HLA people care to address the first two posts in this thread?"

Guess not huh?  How's the equine program coming along now?  What about the chapel?


Boy they were all over this forum a couple weeks back trying to discredit and scare anyone who dared question their tactics or expose their lies.  Where'd they all go?  They were so anxious to defend themselves then but now that actual proof of their bullshit is posted they're nowhere to be found.
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2006, 06:11:00 PM
Not ot worry, they are scrambling like rats in their holes, trying to figure out how to come out of this smelling like a rose...
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2006, 11:28:00 PM
Smelling like a rose?  I doubt it!  They don't understand that the GOOD folks of Lumpkin County REALLY understand what's happening.  Why do you think the Mountain Brook "Juvie Justice Hall" has wobbled? We are not a bunch of ignorant mountain rednecks!  (Unfortunately we do have to put up with some, usually on pay day at Wal-Mart...). I'm a firm believer that what goes around, comes around...and this "Merry-Go-Round" hasn't stopped turning yet!  God is a God of Mercy, but also of Justice...and maybe some of us just have to wait.  God's timing is perfect...look up KAIROS in the dictionary...Chronos is OUR time but KAIROS is GOD's time.  The evil men do will be "rewarded", believe me!  You know the Bible states that "...whosoever harms one of My little ones, it would be better that a millstone be tied around their neck and they be cast into the sea."  Bide your time my dears, and see if the Episcopalian who tends to sponsor a New Age bent "residential school" doesn't eventually get a "reward"! Ciao!
Post by: juniper2 on April 16, 2006, 11:52:00 PM
Who are you? are you a resident of Dahlonega?
Do the people really know what is going on?
We are told they care more about their pocket books and town revenues than the children..Nice to hear if that wasn't so.
Post by: Deborah on April 17, 2006, 12:26:00 AM
On 2006-04-16 20:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Why do you think the Mountain Brook "Juvie Justice Hall" has wobbled?"

I suspected as much about that facility. Can you speak more about it? For adjudicated youth? Contracts involved?
What are the locals primary complaints?
Thanks for posting.
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2006, 01:25:00 AM
On 2006-04-14 07:15:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-04-13 11:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I'll ask any HLA people care to address the first two posts in this thread?"

Guess not huh?  How's the equine program coming along now?  What about the chapel?


I have no new news regarding the Chapel but I was looking over some old Lakeside Reflections and I found one dated July 2000.

"Hidden Lake Academy kicked off it's chapel fundraising campaign this month with a mailout to parents of current and former HLA students, along with other supporters of the school.
... To date, Hidden Lake has received a total of $75,000 toward the $950,000 needed for the new chapel, and has been promised an additional $10,000 for every $100,000 that is raised. The school hopes to raise the necessary funds to proceed with construction by the first of next year. "

It goes on to talk about how you can make tax-deductible donations and to thank people who have already donated.

So if they started Fundraising in July 2000 how much do they have now?
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2006, 01:41:00 AM
probably enough for golden parachutes if they have to close down suddenly
Post by: Troll Control on April 17, 2006, 08:18:00 AM
On 2006-04-14 11:52:00, Anonymous wrote:


John Doe 1) came here with a very troubling history and equally troubling psychological evaluation. He was constantly involved in trouble including physical assaults on other students. He finally attacked and threatened to kill another student and the on-call clinical staff was called to evaluate him. She determined he was not only sincere but determined to actually try to kill the other student, and signed the order to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. He did not return to Hidden Lake. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was its owner, Len Buccellato.

Amazing.   ::noway:: "

It is amazing.  It is also an incredible derreliction of duty and unethical to its very core.
Post by: Troll Control on April 18, 2006, 11:04:00 AM
On 2006-04-13 07:08:00, Dysfunction Junction wrote:

"I was called a liar and other viscious epithets when I reported that these events transpired.  HLA staffers flooded this site with lies and insults, but, once again, I was right on the money with this information.

Every thing I have said about these incidents has been objectively and factually verified.  Obviously the sources at HLA who "leak" this information are far more credible that the management who consistently denies that these events ever happened.


Jane Doe 1) had trouble here from the beginning, with most of her incidents involving violence. Finally, she was complicit in an elopement that culminated in the physical, and, by all indications, sexual assault on another student who was hospitalized for several days due to her physical injuries, especially internal injuries in the pelvic area. Then, rather than being dismissed immediately, she remained enrolled here for another month. The educational consultant who referred her to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 1).

(John Doe 1) came here with a very troubling history and equally troubling psychological evaluation. He was constantly involved in trouble including physical assaults on other students. He finally attacked and threatened to kill another student and the on-call clinical staff was called to evaluate him. She determined he was not only sincere but determined to actually try to kill the other student, and signed the order to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. He did not return to Hidden Lake. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was its owner, Len Buccellato.

Finally, we have (John Doe 2). Why in the name of Heaven this boy was ever even considered for admission to Hidden Lake is beyond me. He should have been in a padded cell in a psychiatric prison, and we knew it going in. It's difficult to distinguish his psychological evaluation, which was done by Len Buccellato and Brad Carpenter, from that of Hannibal Lecter's. Yet, in spite of first hand knowledge that this boy was not only totally inappropriate but dangerous, he was approved for admission and attended for a full year, interspersed with hospitalizations, until withdrawn by his parents. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 2).

If you want to know how this place operates, just follow the money.  It all becomes quite clear at that point.

We are beyond denials now.  Why won't HLA offer a credible explanation for these egregious unprofessional behaviors?"

Parents should be demanding answers to these questions.  They need answering.
Post by: Anonymous on April 18, 2006, 11:54:00 AM
On 2006-04-13 11:13:00, Dysfunction Junction wrote:


From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Sat 2/25/2006 9:57 PM

To: Nicole Fuglsang; Bill Gray Jr.; Len Buccellato; John McMillon; John McMillon; David Reifenberger; David Jordan; Mark Keith; Christy Jones

Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....


I can understand precisely why you said you do not want to continue to address my concerns over student safety and unethical practices on e-mail. However, there are several final points I want to make for the record.

(1) You stated with total certainty that two of the students referred to below received "significant financial aid because their families could not afford the HLA tuition." Upon my questioning the accuracy and veracity of your statement, you also said "I know because I was a part of the approval process while they were at RCI and then moved on to HLA. I know for a fact the level of aid they were getting at RCI & HLA as I worked with both families directly. I am the source of this information." The adamancy with which you state your position is compelling. However, it is totally false.

I went to Bill Gray's office at 4:30 Friday afternoon and asked him to personally check the financial records for the three students in question as a means to help me refresh my memory. He did so in my presence. None of these students received one cent of financial aid. (Jane Doe 1)?s family received the Ridge Creek rebate the first month she attended Hidden Lake Academy, rather than the third month as is normally the case. However, the amount of tuition paid by her family was exactly the same as any other family. There was no financial aid requested or granted to any of these three families, period. This raises the question in my mind as to why you so steadfastly insisted that you were right in spite of my urging you to check your facts.

The whole business of financial aid was, of course, a red herring designed to deflect the focus away from the point of my letter: that the safety of Hidden Lake Academy students is being compromised by the improper and unethical admission of totally inappropriate and dangerous students. As I noted, it had nothing whatsoever to do with the concerns I had raised. Just for the record, (John Doe 2)?s psychological evaluation, conducted and signed by Len Buccellato, includes a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder, Pedophilia, and Personality Disorder with Antisocial Features. I am still waiting for your response as to why this boy, as well as the others, was approved by Len Buccellato to attend Hidden Lake Academy.

(2) You are the Director of Public Relations for both Hidden Lake Academy and Ridge Creek, as well as Director of Admissions for both institutions. In this job, you are the public face and voice of both programs. It would stand to reason that we would want in this very important position someone whose integrity is above reproach, since you speak for both programs. The fact that you intentionally attempted to mislead, obfuscate, and deflect rather than address honestly my concerns regarding student safety and ethical placement is, in my opinion, an insult not just to me, but to everyone in either of these schools, students and staff alike, as well as the parents of students and the educational consultants who they hired to assist with placement.

On January 31, 2006, you sent out a notice to all staff, and perhaps others outside HLA, that the "new student riding program will be completely operational by February 1st, 2006". It was obvious to all with eyes that this was impossible, since it was nothing more than a small area of scraped dirt the day before. I sent a reply to you stating "This is exactly what gets us in trouble with parents and consultants." I never received a reply. The "riding program" is still in exactly the same shape as it was the day you sent the announcement... no horses, no program.

If this approach to "public relations" is condoned by management, then it is no wonder we are constantly losing both students and staff. It is wrong, dishonest, and shameful.

Man, he gave Nicole a dose of reality.

It just goes to show that Nicole (who trolls this board, BTW) and people like her will say anything to make a buck or to avoid responsibility for wrongdoing.

Parents, these are the people caring for your children.  Is this the type of behavior you want modeled?  Can you be sure your kid isn't bunking with a sociopath, psychotic or pedophile?

Is any of it worth the risk?


What kills me is that, according to the HLA website, THIS CHICK HAS A CHILD.  Seriously??  Would she EVER subject her child to this environment?
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2006, 01:45:00 AM
Off the subject, but hear tell Judge Stone is to retire....vacancy shall be up for grabs...I am sure the lobbying for 'friend' to take his place
is in the works...
Post by: Troll Control on April 20, 2006, 03:43:00 PM
Can anyone at HLA please explain a few things?

-Why is HLA (non-profit) providing funds for the development of MBA that is solely in the owner's name and FOR PROFIT?  Isn't that illegal?

-Why are HLA students being used as free (slave) labor to develop the MBA property?  This is illegal and violates ORS and SACS rules.

-Why does HLA claim to have a "riding program" when the horses live in a "renovated" chicken coop on the MBA property and HLA students have no access to riding?

-How does non-profit HLA provide all-expenses-paid trips for Ed Cons to visit the MBA property when they can't provide benefits or overtime for their employees and can't pay their bills?  Is it true that HLa recently bounced checks for as little as $100.00?

Post by: juniper2 on April 20, 2006, 08:02:00 PM
DJ  can you post where you found it is a violation of ORS and SACS especiallly?
Post by: Deborah on April 20, 2006, 09:42:00 PM
For RCFs
Under Discipline and Behavior Management
(b) The following forms of discipline shall not be used:*
1. Assignment of excessive or unreasonable work tasks that are not related to the
resident's misbehavior;* (

Under Child Care Services
(c) Children shall not be held solely responsible for the accomplishments of any work
activity of the institution such as food preparation, laundering, housekeeping, or facility
maintenance. Children shall not be considered substitutes for employed staff.* (

Nothing specific at SACS. All state regs I've read include that rule to prevent programs from using kids as labor. Unfortunately it happens everyday- look at all the farm/ranch programs where kids are tending livestock and building fences and outbuilding or mucking stalls.

Anyone who is interested should read the Nonpublic School Standards for Accreditation 2004 ... ic2004.pdf (
3.3 The school complies with all applicable statutes and governmental regulations.

4.2 The income from all regular sources is sufficient to support all regular expenditures and to assure the continuity and stability of services.

5.8 Counseling services and library/media services are under the leadership of legally qualified personnel.
These services are aligned with the school?s mission, beliefs and goals.
Note: All administrative and teaching employees meet the legal qualifications of the state in which employed, or have either a state credential, meet regional accrediting standards, meet national or federal standards or regulations, or a portfolio of educational and professional accomplishments that reveals they are fully qualified to perform the duties assigned to them in the school.

6.2 Student services are provided and meet laws and regulations as appropriate in the areas of health,counseling, nutrition, safety, co-curricular, and transportation.

6.3 The school program provides counseling services that meet the needs of students.

9.4 The school?s advertising and promotional materials reflect accurate information about the school?s programs and accomplishments.

9.6 Follow-up studies are conducted of graduates and other former students, and the resulting data are shared with staff to help in determining the effectiveness of school programs.

9.7 The school has a well-defined, published admission process including criteria upon which admission decisions are made.

9.8 Those wishing to enroll in the school are clearly informed of the mission, beliefs, and goals, the nature and extent of educational programs and services available, the expectations of students for satisfactory performance and/or graduation, and tuition, fees, and financial expectations.

9.9 The school accepts students for whom there is a reasonable expectation of success from the program.

10.6 The curriculum relies on sound learning principles and provides a balance of educational
experiences, including academic, fine arts, and physical education based on knowledge of human
growth and development.

10.7 The school designs and employs instructional strategies and activities that accommodate diverse
learning styles and are research-based and reflective of best practice.

10.8 Instructional time is allocated and protected to support student learning.

10.9 The school provides an average of 25 hours of planned learning activities per week.

11.1 The school and its program emphasize elements of citizenship and conduct that include honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, responsibility, citizenship, self-discipline, and respect for others.

13.2 In boarding schools, provisions are made for healthy relationships with adults in loco parentis, for student privacy, for recreation, and for religious practice as appropriate.

13.4 Measures are taken to ensure a wholesome atmosphere, a proper diet, supervised study, recreation, and a healthy balance between leisure time and school activities.
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2006, 09:52:00 PM
Deborah- who gives a shit?
Post by: Deborah on April 20, 2006, 10:24:00 PM
On 2006-04-20 18:52:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Deborah- who gives a shit?"

Looking for DJ? Go flip some burgers troll.
If it's not interesting to you, you certainly can go back to the Carlbrook thread and hail the vertues of Boreding Schools.
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2006, 10:30:00 PM
I heard that Bucci has the children and staff working for his benefit all over the place..
mountain brook, his homes, family homes, etc.
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2006, 10:36:00 PM
ohhh I bet parents would JUST DIE if they heard that. :eek:
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2006, 10:37:00 PM
Way to go Debrohah
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2006, 10:41:00 PM

On 2006-04-20 19:24:00, Deborah wrote:


On 2006-04-20 18:52:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Deborah- who gives a shit?"

Looking for DJ? Go flip some burgers troll.

If it's not interesting to you, you certainly can go back to the Carlbrook thread and hail the vertues of Boreding Schools.


Nice spelling. Could you give me some fries with that?
Post by: Deborah on April 20, 2006, 11:35:00 PM
Biggy size, dear?
Boreding- not a typo.
Post by: juniper2 on April 20, 2006, 11:42:00 PM
Too funny!
Post by: RobertBruce on April 21, 2006, 12:20:00 AM

This puppet is so thrown off by the absolute slap in the face this information is to his cult he doesnt even attempt to address the issue.

Instead he tries to focus on spelling errors that do not exist.

You retards make this to easy, thanks.
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2006, 10:15:00 AM
On 2006-04-20 18:52:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Deborah- who gives a shit?"

The kids under their control give a shit.
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2006, 12:24:00 PM
"You retards make this so easy"...

Wow, such a profound statement!
Post by: Troll Control on April 22, 2006, 09:19:00 AM
On 2006-04-21 09:24:00, Anonymous wrote:

""You retards make this so easy"...

Wow, such a profound statement!"

Things a little slow on the Carlbrook thread, troll?
Post by: RobertBruce on April 23, 2006, 02:24:00 AM
On 2006-04-21 09:24:00, Anonymous wrote:

""You retards make this so easy"...

Wow, such a profound statement!"

I try to keep it simple for you puppet. I know you can't handle the big words.
Post by: Troll Control on April 23, 2006, 10:48:00 AM
On 2006-04-20 18:42:00, Deborah wrote:

"For RCFs

Under Discipline and Behavior Management

(b) The following forms of discipline shall not be used:*

1. Assignment of excessive or unreasonable work tasks that are not related to the

resident's misbehavior;* (

Under Child Care Services

(c) Children shall not be held solely responsible for the accomplishments of any work

activity of the institution such as food preparation, laundering, housekeeping, or facility

maintenance. Children shall not be considered substitutes for employed staff.* (

Nothing specific at SACS. All state regs I've read include that rule to prevent programs from using kids as labor. Unfortunately it happens everyday- look at all the farm/ranch programs where kids are tending livestock and building fences and outbuilding or mucking stalls.

Anyone who is interested should read the Nonpublic School Standards for Accreditation 2004 ... ic2004.pdf (


3.3 The school complies with all applicable statutes and governmental regulations.

4.2 The income from all regular sources is sufficient to support all regular expenditures and to assure the continuity and stability of services.

5.8 Counseling services and library/media services are under the leadership of legally qualified personnel.

These services are aligned with the school?s mission, beliefs and goals.

Note: All administrative and teaching employees meet the legal qualifications of the state in which employed, or have either a state credential, meet regional accrediting standards, meet national or federal standards or regulations, or a portfolio of educational and professional accomplishments that reveals they are fully qualified to perform the duties assigned to them in the school.

6.2 Student services are provided and meet laws and regulations as appropriate in the areas of health,counseling, nutrition, safety, co-curricular, and transportation.

6.3 The school program provides counseling services that meet the needs of students.

9.4 The school?s advertising and promotional materials reflect accurate information about the school?s programs and accomplishments.

9.6 Follow-up studies are conducted of graduates and other former students, and the resulting data are shared with staff to help in determining the effectiveness of school programs.

9.7 The school has a well-defined, published admission process including criteria upon which admission decisions are made.

9.8 Those wishing to enroll in the school are clearly informed of the mission, beliefs, and goals, the nature and extent of educational programs and services available, the expectations of students for satisfactory performance and/or graduation, and tuition, fees, and financial expectations.

9.9 The school accepts students for whom there is a reasonable expectation of success from the program.

10.6 The curriculum relies on sound learning principles and provides a balance of educational

experiences, including academic, fine arts, and physical education based on knowledge of human

growth and development.

10.7 The school designs and employs instructional strategies and activities that accommodate diverse

learning styles and are research-based and reflective of best practice.

10.8 Instructional time is allocated and protected to support student learning.

10.9 The school provides an average of 25 hours of planned learning activities per week.

11.1 The school and its program emphasize elements of citizenship and conduct that include honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, responsibility, citizenship, self-discipline, and respect for others.

13.2 In boarding schools, provisions are made for healthy relationships with adults in loco parentis, for student privacy, for recreation, and for religious practice as appropriate.

13.4 Measures are taken to ensure a wholesome atmosphere, a proper diet, supervised study, recreation, and a healthy balance between leisure time and school activities.


Thanks, Deborah.

Putting children to work for the financial benefit of the facility is illegal and should not be tolerated by any parents whose children reside there.

We can do what we can to raise the awareness level, but parents must take charge of their children's treatment.  It's hard to imagine, but these folks are asleep at the wheel when it comes to protecting their own.
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2006, 10:17:00 PM
Apparently, the counselors
told parents that the girls and boys were separated into two groups for "FALL-OUT" for 7,
yes, 7 hours...because of the Hazing and Assaults
in the boys make a statement..Hello??
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2006, 11:04:00 AM
The students had a 7 hour realizations recently due to a new students actions on campus.  Will this ever stop?
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2006, 11:07:00 AM
No, 7 hour reals because of the altercations
in the boys dorms...
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2006, 12:12:00 PM
Realizations are the group therapy sessions that we all had to do, which sometimes included being iterrogated for several hours on the actions of ourselves or other students,  at some points this included students who where acting up being taken to the bathrooms and strip searched for no apparent reason other than to get them to talk which i believe would qualify as some form of sexual harrasment.  It also can include PT and shit like that.  Not all reals are that servere though, only the ones where they want information about some kids acting up.

Oh and on another note, i know for a fact that none of the labor conditions we where under during restrictions would even come remotely close to meeting OSHA standards for safety, we werent given proper safety equipment and where sometimes forced to do work that was well beyond the limits of being physically safe for certain individuals. (i.e. people being forced to lift extreemely heavy loads and having to work a very long time without access to water and at some points not even being allowed to sit down for long periods of time.)
Post by: juniper2 on April 26, 2006, 12:29:00 PM
Last Post..please PM me.
Post by: Lacey on April 27, 2006, 03:24:00 PM
does anyone know when this stuff happened? The rape / assault / attempted murder I keep hearing about on here? I'm just curious. The worst thing that happened when I was there was the girl who hung herself in the closet. A counselor quit over that. One of mine actually. But I never heard anything about the rapes and stuff...
Post by: Deborah on April 27, 2006, 03:42:00 PM
On 2006-04-27 12:24:00, Lacey wrote:

"does anyone know when this stuff happened? The rape / assault / attempted murder I keep hearing about on here? I'm just curious. The worst thing that happened when I was there was the girl who hung herself in the closet. A counselor quit over that. One of mine actually. But I never heard anything about the rapes and stuff..."

Welcome Lacey.
I assume the girl survived? Why did the counselor quit? What was that experience like for you, if you don't mind sharing?

Re: the rape, you can read more here: ... t=0#186055 (

Also, click 'Search WWF" in the left column. Type in the search word 'rape', or whatever, then select the HLA forum to search.
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 09:31:00 PM
On 2006-04-27 12:42:00, Deborah wrote:


On 2006-04-27 12:24:00, Lacey wrote:

"does anyone know when this stuff happened? The rape / assault / attempted murder I keep hearing about on here? I'm just curious. The worst thing that happened when I was there was the girl who hung herself in the closet. A counselor quit over that. One of mine actually. But I never heard anything about the rapes and stuff..."

Welcome Lacey.

I assume the girl survived? Why did the counselor quit? What was that experience like for you, if you don't mind sharing?

Re: the rape, you can read more here: ... t=0#186055 (

Also, click 'Search WWF" in the left column. Type in the search word 'rape', or whatever, then select the HLA forum to search. "

Thanks for the tip. Sorry, quite new to this site.

Anyway. Yes the girl survived, although i do believe she had long term brain damage, but that could just be hearsay. I wasn't actually present on-campus when it happened, it was during Winter break. We were coming back from the airport, and a staff who I was very close with had a very disturbed look to him, so I asked him what was going on. He then told me that a girl there had hung herself in the closet while we were gone. If i remember correctly, all her other room mates were gone on break and during a period between school and a meal she hung herself in her closet. The staff who told me and my counselor were the ones that found her, and got her down. From what he told me, there was no pulse nor breathing. He preformed CPR and recussated (SP?) her and she was airlifted to the airport. I never saw her again.

The counselor left for a few days, understandably so, to take a few days off and get herself together. She came back for a few days, but I remember in reals that she wasnt the same. She was really shaken up by what she'd seen. Another counselor had been training with ours, and soon fully replaced her, months before our graduation.

What got to me was that in my earlier months at Hidden Lake, a very disturbed young man was admitted to HLA 2 peer groups ahead of me. There was not one inch of his arms not covered in SERIOUS scarring. Not little attention scrapes like some kids had, but massive, unsettling obviously not very old scars. He was in a room with 3 other older boys like this girl was, and when they all went on break, he cut himself so horribly in the night, and covered the walls with his blood, writing things like "I love God" and upside down crosses. He was never seen again either.  I thought they would have learned way back then, but I guess I was giving them way too much credit.

I know some of my responses are long-winded and I apologize, but its nice to have a place to explain and talk some of the things out that were denied for so long. We weren't even aloud to tell our parents on our once a week phone calls (mine which were NEVER taken off counselor calls, the whole 22 months i was there, only 3 other kids in the history of HLA ever had to do that) until they sent out a mass letter to the parents about it.

Happy to answer any more questions.
Post by: Lacey on April 27, 2006, 09:33:00 PM
Sorry, that was me above, obviously.
Post by: kid_thorazine on April 27, 2006, 09:43:00 PM
On 2006-04-27 18:31:00, Anonymous wrote:

What got to me was that in my earlier months at Hidden Lake, a very disturbed young man was admitted to HLA 2 peer groups ahead of me. There was not one inch of his arms not covered in SERIOUS scarring. Not little attention scrapes like some kids had, but massive, unsettling obviously not very old scars. He was in a room with 3 other older boys like this girl was, and when they all went on break, he cut himself so horribly in the night, and covered the walls with his blood, writing things like "I love God" and upside down crosses. He was never seen again either.  I thought they would have learned way back then, but I guess I was giving them way too much credit.

Ah yes I remember that guy, he was a pretty cool kid actually, but yeah he had some serious problems, I actually saw the room when it had blood all over the walls because he did it at night and everyone in that dorm new about it before the staff could do any damage control so to speak.  I dont remmeber if it was Charles Cates or Greg Lindsay that was headmaster at the time but whichever one of them it was they all made us meet in the lodge so they could downplay the whole thing as much as possible, they said his wounds where entirely superficial which i kinda doubt because it seemed like he bled pretty heavily considering that his sheet where completely soaked in blood and there where blood splatter marks on the ceiling, i remmeber the image of that room very clearly.  It was quite disturbing, but of course the headmaster and Mike Witherspoon made it seem like it was pretty much nothing.
Post by: Lacey on April 27, 2006, 09:50:00 PM
It was Greg Lindsey at the time. And yeah, he was a really neat guy... Just definitely needed a serious amount of supervision, which HLA is absolutely inadequate of giving. I mean they didnt even have him on the widely respected "Clean Air" (sleeping in a sleeping bag in the hall of the dorm on the floor because they couldnt trust you to be in your own room.)I mean come on. Those trusty night staff can handle anything, right?
Post by: Deborah on April 27, 2006, 10:10:00 PM
Not to worry about being 'long winded'. It's very informative and helpful to others.

In terms of the monitored phone calls, my son was there 20 months (against my wishes) and we never had an unmonitored call. Lindsey was the HM then.
I rarely got a call after I reported Ridge Creek for operating an unlicensed wilderness program, which was about the last six months he was there, and was told that my calls would be monitored indefinitely. Very lucky for them that their facility was 1,000 miles away...

They had him lined up to go to Gould Academy upon graduation, when the light finally came on for his dad and he pulled him two months early.

Was your incoming/outgoing mail censored?

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2006-04-27 19:26 ]
Post by: kid_thorazine on April 27, 2006, 10:37:00 PM
all of our mail was censored, or at least read.  I wonder if they knew that its illegal to open other peoples mail.  I know i wrote several letters and e-mails to my parents that where returned to me for being innapropriate because i wrote about some of the not so great things that happened there.
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 10:56:00 PM
I cant think of a time they deliberately doctored or altered a letter that was sent, however after a while they didnt have to. After not too long you learned. If you wanted contact with your parents at all, you simply didn't mention anything negative or truthful about Hidden Lake. At that point, just having those 10-15 minute phone calls were more important.

And Deborah, did your child have monitered phone calls or conference calls with the counselor? Theres a difference. All students had monitered calls, however the students still physically held the phone, and a staff was just in the room listening to our end. In conference calls, which i was on my entire stay there, you went to the counselors office and the parent was put on speaker phone and the counselors sat by your side. If anything was said they didn't approve of, they could immediately jump in, and most times answered questions my parents asked me, themselves, before I had a chance to respond.
Post by: Deborah on April 27, 2006, 11:03:00 PM
Apparently the attempted suicide was mentioned before but it was never divulged that she hung herself. ... forum=41&3 (
Post by: Deborah on April 27, 2006, 11:18:00 PM
***"I cant think of a time they deliberately doctored or altered a letter that was sent, however after a while they didnt have to. After not too long you learned. If you wanted contact with your parents at all, you simply didn't mention anything negative or truthful about Hidden Lake. At that point, just having those 10-15 minute phone calls were more important."

Yeh, 'conditioning' the kid and their parent. How could a child report abuse? How would their parent ever know?
***And Deborah, did your child have monitered phone calls or conference calls with the counselor? Theres a difference. All students had monitered calls, however the students still physically held the phone, and a staff was just in the room listening to our end. In conference calls, which i was on my entire stay there, you went to the counselors office and the parent was put on speaker phone and the counselors sat by your side. If anything was said they didn't approve of, they could immediately jump in, and most times answered questions my parents asked me, themselves, before I had a chance to respond.

We had both. What sickening feelings this brings up!! If we were talking about anything that was real or family stuff the 'counselor' would interrupt and ask my son if he wanted to tell me about his therapuetic accomplishments for the week, or some such. Never had an uninterrupted conversation. Often times I'd ask my son a question and the counselor would start to answer. I'd ask him to let me son answer. Needlessly to say, I was not their favorite parent. I also had one of his counselors violate my confidence, which I have written about here. Then put my son on restrictions for 'manipulating' me. ... rum=41&201 (
Post by: Lacey on April 28, 2006, 08:27:00 AM
yeah hehe that post looks exceedingly familiar. :smile:  

oh yeah and the last anon post was me.
Post by: Troll Control on May 03, 2006, 11:09:00 AM
On 2006-04-26 08:07:00, Anonymous wrote:

"No, 7 hour reals because of the altercations

in the boys dorms..."

but it's an "academics only" boarding school.  how do they do all day therapy groups?  sounds a bit fishy (as well as completely unecessary).

altercations?  isn't it a "safe" and "supervised" environment?
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2006, 07:19:00 PM
I have been advised that Charles Cates sent
another letter out to parents stating that the nurse "left"..and they are looking to replace her.  A liitle late HLA..Shouldn't you have replaced her before firing her???Dah!

Also, apparently water line broke for 3 days
and the children had no showers or toilets again
for those days...I guess they just used the "wood-line"....Did they charge parents to transport their children to bathrooms in the woods....?What did the young ladies do on their mensrtual cycle?? Is there an up-charge for them?
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2006, 08:53:00 PM
water line

was it because a contractor first cut a small water line and then a second MAIN was sliced

why would the main contractor not release drawings as where lines were at for non-payment ????????
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2006, 09:24:00 PM
Is it true that HLA parents are going to have to pay for their childs'phone calls?  Parents beware,if there is a possible way to charge you for calling the school, Buccellato may find it..
Post by: Deborah on May 03, 2006, 11:32:00 PM
On 2006-05-03 18:24:00, Anonymous wrote:


Is it true that HLA parents are going to have to pay for their childs'phone calls?  Parents beware,if there is a possible way to charge you for calling the school, Buccellato may find it..


Huh? You mean charge for the "counselors" time to "monitor" the call?
Post by: juniper2 on May 03, 2006, 11:51:00 PM
Rumor has it,they are saying, parents must pay for the actual calls to home from their child...
Post by: Deborah on May 04, 2006, 08:17:00 AM
On 2006-05-03 20:51:00, juniper2 wrote:

"Rumor has it,they are saying, parents must pay for the actual calls to home from their child...


Still confused about what exactly that means. I always paid for the calls. They were first "collect" calls, then on a calling card, which was misused twice. No explanation, apology, or reimbursement.
Post by: juniper2 on May 04, 2006, 10:49:00 AM
Calls were not paid for, for the last few years..
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2006, 12:08:00 PM
This is how it used to be done there in the old days.  All calls to parents from children were collect calls.
Post by: Lacey on May 04, 2006, 01:27:00 PM
On 2006-05-03 17:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"water line

was it because a contractor first cut a small water line and then a second MAIN was sliced

why would the main contractor not release drawings as where lines were at for non-payment ????????"

I doubt it had anything to with construction or anything. During my stay there we lost water in the summer time just about once a month. No toilets, no showers, sinks... It was a normal occurance. Dont know why it happened. The water would come out brown for a little bit, then not at all. I'm sure Kid_Thorazine remembers too.
Post by: RobertBruce on May 04, 2006, 01:45:00 PM
Oh yes.
Post by: Anonymous on May 04, 2006, 01:54:00 PM
do the telephone companies kick back a percentage to lenny?
Post by: juniper2 on May 04, 2006, 01:56:00 PM
I think that may be going a little too far..However, HLA can sell phone cards and make money on them...
Post by: RobertBruce on May 04, 2006, 02:25:00 PM
During my time phone calls were ALWAYS made collect. HLA never paid for them.
Post by: kid_thorazine on May 04, 2006, 07:30:00 PM
On 2006-05-04 10:27:00, Lacey wrote:


On 2006-05-03 17:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"water line

was it because a contractor first cut a small water line and then a second MAIN was sliced

why would the main contractor not release drawings as where lines were at for non-payment ????????"

I doubt it had anything to with construction or anything. During my stay there we lost water in the summer time just about once a month. No toilets, no showers, sinks... It was a normal occurance. Dont know why it happened. The water would come out brown for a little bit, then not at all. I'm sure Kid_Thorazine remembers too."

Yep i remmeber not being able to take showers on weekends, and having to use the portapotty that the construction company that was working on the academic building used.  The usual excuse was that either the pump was broken or the well had dreid up.
Post by: Troll Control on May 04, 2006, 07:33:00 PM
Showers are "extra."  :roll:
Post by: RobertBruce on May 04, 2006, 09:02:00 PM
As is soap. Ask about our great new towel service! Im sure you'll find it quite reasonable.
Post by: Deborah on May 06, 2006, 11:36:00 AM
On 2006-04-18 22:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Off the subject, but hear tell Judge Stone is to retire....vacancy shall be up for grabs...I am sure the lobbying for 'friend' to take his place

is in the works..."

Hometown man running for Enotah judgeship
Lumpkin County native Richard Hayden Stancil has announced his candidacy to fill the seat of retiring Judge Hugh Stone in the Enotah Judicial Circuit. The circuit includes Lumpkin, Towns, Union and White counties.

"This is a position that I seek after much thought and prayer and in consultation with friends, public officials and attorneys throughout the Enotah Judicial Circuit," Stancil said. "I made the decision to run because I believe I will do a good and a fair job."

The judgeship is a nonpartisan race and Stancil said he welcomes "the support of Republicans, Democrats and Independents throughout our circuit, and will represent all people equally without any personal agenda."

Stancil has been practicing law for 24 years. He is currently employed by Richard H. Stancil, P.C., a general practice law firm. The firm represents clients whose interests range from real estate, health care, 501(c)(3) charities and nonprofit corporations (including representation of state and national charities) and banking and commercial development.

Stancil specializes in serious criminal felony representation, real estate and development, and litigation involving real property.

He also has experience in state and local government, having served as attorney, executive assistant and press secretary for Gov. Joe Frank Harris.  

Stancil is currently city attorney for the City of Hiawassee, where he resides with his wife, Robbie.

Stancil graduated with honors from Lumpkin County High School and North Georgia College & State University. His parents, Jean and Hayden Stancil, and numerous relatives still reside in Lumpkin County.

Stancil is establishing campaign committees for each of the four counties served by the Enotah Circuit. For more information, contact Lumpkin's committee at 706-864-4118 or Rick Stancil at 706-864-0495. ... tancil.txt (
Post by: juniper2 on May 06, 2006, 12:34:00 PM
Reportedly,there is a woman that is friends with Lenny B. that would like the Judgeship..We will see who Lenny B. starts to lobby for...
Post by: Troll Control on May 08, 2006, 08:30:00 AM
On 2006-04-13 10:36:00, odie wrote:

"Was anyone else outraged that one of those emails said they accepted a kid that was diagnosed with pedophillia yet was allowed to live with unsuspecting kids? I mean WTF is wrong with these people???? Did they notify anyone that a sexual predator was living there? Since they aren't a treatment program I'd assume they have an obligation to the community both legally and morally. Or did they lock this kid up in a box and hope nobody would ever find out?

From the bottom of any large organization looking up through the ranks, human greed and stupidity look a lot like a conspiracy.
--S. Gilbert


They sure as hell HOPED nobody would find out.  Now it's part of the public record that they admit pedophiles, rapists and violent criminals.
Post by: Troll Control on May 10, 2006, 10:47:00 AM
On 2006-05-08 05:30:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-04-13 10:36:00, odie wrote:

"Was anyone else outraged that one of those emails said they accepted a kid that was diagnosed with pedophillia yet was allowed to live with unsuspecting kids? I mean WTF is wrong with these people???? Did they notify anyone that a sexual predator was living there? Since they aren't a treatment program I'd assume they have an obligation to the community both legally and morally. Or did they lock this kid up in a box and hope nobody would ever find out?

From the bottom of any large organization looking up through the ranks, human greed and stupidity look a lot like a conspiracy.
--S. Gilbert


They sure as hell HOPED nobody would find out.  Now it's part of the public record that they admit pedophiles, rapists and violent criminals."

Any way you cut it up it's a private jail.  The jailhouse mentality runs deep there.  From the kids right up through the management.
Post by: RobertBruce on May 10, 2006, 11:49:00 AM
Always has been.
Post by: Anonymous on July 17, 2006, 05:32:58 PM
i remember that fucker......we were on restrictions one time and ort kept on shining the flashlight in his face and he would try and swat it away like it was bug and this shit went on for like 20 minutes it was the funniest shit in the world........was nebody on restrictions when he was refusing and everybody on restrictions started throwing rocks at him? haha diaz got stoned
heh... i also remember the time he went after D with a pick axe... yeah, that didn't work out too well for him.
hahahahah yeah exactly.. i'll never forgot when i think it was Morgan Moss hung himself over his closet door with a braided leather belt... it was in the first room on the left when you walked in the side of the dorm we always came in through.. i was in there talking to Justin (dont remember his last name) and we hear him choking a bit, and didnt bother to look over cuz we were fucking with a laptop or something and when we finally did look over the kid was looking like bluish purple and his head was all bloated and pale and shit... we walked down to the common room and told the staff that was there.. they ran down and un hung him and he went to that mental hospital the next day... definatly a highlight!
I remember when AL, I think it was, mabye it was TP, tried choking himself with his belt from his robe, he tied it around the door and sat down. THat one kid from dan katzs peer group was in there watching him, and didn't say anything.
Click Here

Has anyone heard from caroline basset. I know she was supposed to go back as a counsler at one point but i am not sure.
back as a counselor... wow... i remember when her and Jesse disappeared for a day to have sex on a blanket in the woods hgahahah
i remember you.. but dont recall which dorm we were room mates in.. maybe dorm 1 in the room all the way on the left ??? they moved me around because of other peoples safety "concerns" so i lived in 5, then the old 2, then 1, then new 2 (or whatever the "nice and new" dorm was), then back to 1, with many nights in a bag on the porch thrown in the mix... how's everything for you these days ?
and i still wonder if that big huge black guy "D" ever noticed that he was missing a butterfly knife and some other random shit like granola bars and shit out of his backpack.... i still have that knife around here somewhere hahahahah .. i also wonder that if he did notice, weather he would have told the staff there or not... cuz he totally would have been fired for having it in his bag in the first place ... lol
i guess you have so little control over anything while you are there, the fact that you can control other peoples (staff's) emotions by getting them mad and shit made people feel powerful or something "theraputic" like that... ;)
staples used to let me lead cals, i got a sadistic pleasure out of making people like morgan moss run hills.
he (Aaron Kanner) did always randomly without warning pop into Erica and I's dorm room... He totally flirted with all the girls. He let Erica and I do whatever we wanted. I was the pitchure on the girls first softeball team and we got away with some shit i know he learned better later on not to do. At the time his wife was pregnant, you could just tell things werent going well for him.
Ok, I AM Tricia and this didnt happen! Just to set the record straight. But i do remember a time when he told me, "You will make some man very happy some day." That was a little strange for sure.
Title: "Intervention Program"???
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2006, 01:03:50 AM
Is that just another 'Secret"??
Post by: Troll Control on September 14, 2006, 06:38:29 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
First let me say that what is about to be reported are documents that can be verified...

It is understandable that many professionals

feel Fornits has a credibility problem because of the 'nut' cases that frequently post on this site...However, if you weed through the 'nut' cases, you will find many dedicated professional

people who have given freely of themselves to assure the human dignity and rights of children..

The following written exchanges speak for themselves..I hope your outrage makes it to the Gov. Of Georgia himself...Lord, knows, no one

in the States regulatory agencies will help..

*Please note, names have been omitted to protect

the innocent as well the guilty parties..

To those who have risked everthing, given everyhting they had for the truth to come out..

thank you on behalf of the children left behind..

Posted: 2006-03-02 05:47

Clark Poole has just resigned from HLA. He was in the admissions dept'for 6 years and finally had all he could take. Here is his notice of resignation with a series of emails that led to it. He sent this out to consultants after he resigned, and deleted the names of the students for privacy reasons, but everybody here knows who they are, and there are many more just like tb Buccellato will take in anybody who has the money. He is scum. Post it if want to. Everybody here hates the damn place except those ass-kissers clc Buccellato. The favorite slogan among staff is Burn Baby Burn.

From: Nicole Fuglsang

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 12:57 PM

To: Christy Jones; John McMillon; Josh Watson; Clarke Poole

Cc: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: HLA Student Profile.....

Please give a brief summary of the student you feel is a good fit for HLA. I want to make sure Admissions and the counseling department are on the same page. J



Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC

Director of Public Relations/Admissions

phone (706) 867-1720

fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 3:44 PM

To: Nicole Fuglsang; Christy Jones; John McMillon; Josh Watson

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

One whose parents can afford the tuition.

From: Nicole Fuglsang

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 3:48 PM

To: Clarke Poole; Christy Jones; John McMillon; Josh Watson

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

This is not the standard we want to set!


Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC

Director of Public Relations/Admissions

phone (706) 867-1720

fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 3:48 PM

To: Nicole Fuglsang; Christy Jones; John McMillon; Josh Watson

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

There are ideals, and there is reality.

From: Nicole Fuglsang

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 4:01 PM

To: Clarke Poole

Cc: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

Clarke, make sure all your potential students are reviewed by me before forwarding them on to Len.


Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC

Director of Public Relations/Admissions

phone (706) 867-1720

fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 4:01 PM

To: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

I'll be glad to, Nicole; but lets be real. Len and Len alone sets the standards for admission to HLA. It really doesn't matter much what we or Counseling think. It's his call, plain and simple.

From: Nicole Fuglsang

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 5:28 PM

To: Clarke Poole

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....


You are either part of the Team or you are not. You chose. There are standards whether you use them or not.

If you are having bad day or have become frustrated please forward your emails to me directly instead of sharing your negativity with all around you.

I wouldn?t take a student profile to Len that I didn?t think was appropriate or borderline appropriate, it would be a waste of his time.

He trusts his staff maybe he is putting to much trust in you if you feel you do not need to follow the standards for the type of student that is appropriate for HLA.


Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC

Director of Public Relations/Admissions

phone (706) 867-1720

fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:17 AM

To: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

Nicole... this deserves a thoughtful reply, and this morning I have a tour that should arrive at any moment followed by a move-in this afternoon. There is also some follow-up with the 4 move-ins I have scheduled for the rest of the week, but between now and then I will reply and we should certainly get together.

From: Nicole Fuglsang

Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:05 AM

To: Clarke Poole

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

I would love to meet with you Clarke and discuss your concerns.

Also, do you have copies for all the files for Fridays move-in?s or do you still need some from RCI?


Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC

Director of Public Relations/Admissions

phone (706) 867-1720

fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:50 AM

To: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....


Let me first acknowledge that I responded inaccurately to your initial request for a student profile summary of applicants deemed appropriate for admission to HLA. You asked for my opinion on appropriateness, and I responded, somewhat but not altogether facetiously, with what I see as the official view of appropriateness.

To be absolutely clear on this, I have no lack of confidence in my ability to submit appropriate applicants for approval. In fact, based on some of the acceptances I've seen in the last year or so, I am confident that my opinions on acceptances would have been far less problematic than how some of the official acceptances turned out. This might be due to the fact that my focus would be solely on the appropriateness of the student for this school, rather than concerns based on finances or consultant politics.

There is a fairly long list of students whose appropriateness I have questioned, especially in the last year or so. To point to just a few, let's look at (Jane Doe 1), (John Doe 1), and (John Doe 2).

(Jane Doe 1) had trouble here from the beginning, with most of her incidents involving violence. Finally, she was complicit in an elopement that culminated in the physical, and, by all indications, sexual assault on another student who was hospitalized for several days due to her physical injuries, especially internal injuries in the pelvic area. Then, rather than being dismissed immediately, she remained enrolled here for another month. The educational consultant who referred her to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 1).

(John Doe 1) came here with a very troubling history and equally troubling psychological evaluation. He was constantly involved in trouble including physical assaults on other students. He finally attacked and threatened to kill another student and the on-call clinical staff was called to evaluate him. She determined he was not only sincere but determined to actually try to kill the other student, and signed the order to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. He did not return to Hidden Lake. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was its owner, Len Buccellato.

Finally, we have (John Doe 2). Why in the name of Heaven this boy was ever even considered for admission to Hidden Lake is beyond me. He should have been in a padded cell in a psychiatric prison, and we knew it going in. It's difficult to distinguish his psychological evaluation, which was done by Len Buccellato and Brad Carpenter, from that of Hannibal Lecter's. Yet, in spite of first hand knowledge that this boy was not only totally inappropriate but dangerous, he was approved for admission and attended for a full year, interspersed with hospitalizations, until withdrawn by his parents. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 2).

As an aside to this disgraceful episode with (John Doe 2), I took a call several months ago from (Consultant 3) an educational consultant in Miami. She had received from us a copy of Lakeside Reflections, in which was a photo of (John Doe 2). A month before (John Doe 2)?s family contacted (Consultant 2) for help in finding placement, they had called on (Consultant 3) at her office. She had, quite sensibly, recommended only RTC's for (John Doe 2), but there was his picture in Lakeside Reflections, a Hidden Lake student. In her excited (foreign) accent, she said "Clarke! My God, Clarke! This boy is a student there? Oh my God!" At least I was able to tell her he was no longer enrolled, but I was unable to give her a reason as to why he had ever been accepted in the first place without opening an ethical can of worms, so I feigned ignorance.

There are others, of course, who were known from the beginning to be inappropriate for placement, and I'll be glad to go into them with you, but I'm sure you are starting to get the point. Len has repeatedly said to me and everyone else who has ever worked in this department that "we do not do well with dysthymic kids", yet I have never seen a dysthymic kid not accepted for admission. If we know we do poorly with them, why accept them? At least they are not a danger to others, but they do little for our retention rate, which currently stands at 40% for the Peer Groups graduating in May (assuming none of the few who remain are withdrawn between now and then).

This brings us back to your question about my being or not being a part of the team. Just for clarification, you stated "You chose", indicating I have already made my decision, and the implication was that I had chosen to not be a part of the team. Perhaps you meant to say "choose", but perhaps not. I have, in fact, chosen, but not in the sense that you imply. As I said in an e-mail to you and Len several months ago, every comment and observation I have made as an HLA employee has been made with the intention of calling to management's attention practices that I believe are detrimental to the reputation and longevity of Hidden Lake Academy, as well as the safety and therapeutic well being of its students. Also as I pointed out, every time I do so I am reprimanded. I have a long list of such occurrences archived which I'll be glad to share with you and with others, should that be necessary. I am trying to be a member of this team, but I am not an automaton or a sheep. I have views and opinions which I am qualified by education and experience to express. No one has to like them or act on them, and obviously no one ever has; but I still feel compelled to state them, even if it puts my job in jeopardy, especially if I believe they involve ethical compromises and issues of student safety.

I'll be glad to meet with you and with Len to discuss these and all other issues that are of concern to you; and when we do so, I will go into a longer list of concerns of my own. I would appreciate a response to the issues I have raised here in response to your question regarding my commitment to this school, and my competence in evaluating applicants.


Clarke Poole

From: Nicole Fuglsang

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:37 PM

To: Clarke Poole

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

While we will address the majority of this email not on email? I wanted to make one comment?.

This whole topic came about because of the comment you made that an appropriate student is ?one whose parents can afford the tuition?.

It was interesting to see that of the three families you discussed two were provided with significant financial aid because their families could not afford the HLA tuition.

Doesn?t really fit with your statement.


Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC

Director of Public Relations/Admissions

phone (706) 867-1720

fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 1:39 PM

To: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

As I noted in my response below, that comment was partially in jest. It has no bearing on the description of the students' appropriateness for this school. I'll be glad to meet with you at any time.

From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 2:02 PM

To: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....

I have reviewed my notes for these families and I see nothing to indicate that any of them requested one cent of financial aid. May I ask the source of your information and also ask you to check this out yourself? As I indicated, it still has no bearing on anything, but I want to make sure we each have all our facts right before we go into a meeting.

From: Nicole Fuglsang

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 2:08 PM

To: Clarke Poole

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

I know because I was a part of the approval process while they were at RCI and then moved on to HLA.

I know for a fact the level of aid they were getting at RCI & HLA as I worked with both families directly.

I am the source of this information.


Nicole Fuglsang, MA, NCC, LPC

Director of Public Relations/Admissions

phone (706) 867-1720

fax (706) 864-5826

From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Sat 2/25/2006 9:57 PM

To: Nicole Fuglsang; Bill Gray Jr.; Len Buccellato; John McMillon; John McMillon; David Reifenberger; David Jordan; Mark Keith; Christy Jones

Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....


I can understand precisely why you said you do not want to continue to address my concerns over student safety and unethical practices on e-mail. However, there are several final points I want to make for the record.

(1) You stated with total certainty that two of the students referred to below received "significant financial aid because their families could not afford the HLA tuition." Upon my questioning the accuracy and veracity of your statement, you also said "I know because I was a part of the approval process while they were at RCI and then moved on to HLA. I know for a fact the level of aid they were getting at RCI & HLA as I worked with both families directly. I am the source of this information." The adamancy with which you state your position is compelling. However, it is totally false.

I went to Bill Gray's office at 4:30 Friday afternoon and asked him to personally check the financial records for the three students in question as a means to help me refresh my memory. He did so in my presence. None of these students received one cent of financial aid. (Jane Doe 1)?s family received the Ridge Creek rebate the first month she attended Hidden Lake Academy, rather than the third month as is normally the case. However, the amount of tuition paid by her family was exactly the same as any other family. There was no financial aid requested or granted to any of these three families, period. This raises the question in my mind as to why you so steadfastly insisted that you were right in spite of my urging you to check your facts.

The whole business of financial aid was, of course, a red herring designed to deflect the focus away from the point of my letter: that the safety of Hidden Lake Academy students is being compromised by the improper and unethical admission of totally inappropriate and dangerous students. As I noted, it had nothing whatsoever to do with the concerns I had raised. Just for the record, (John Doe 2)?s psychological evaluation, conducted and signed by Len Buccellato, includes a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder, Pedophilia, and Personality Disorder with Antisocial Features. I am still waiting for your response as to why this boy, as well as the others, was approved by Len Buccellato to attend Hidden Lake Academy.

(2) You are the Director of Public Relations for both Hidden Lake Academy and Ridge Creek, as well as Director of Admissions for both institutions. In this job, you are the public face and voice of both programs. It would stand to reason that we would want in this very important position someone whose integrity is above reproach, since you speak for both programs. The fact that you intentionally attempted to mislead, obfuscate, and deflect rather than address honestly my concerns regarding student safety and ethical placement is, in my opinion, an insult not just to me, but to everyone in either of these schools, students and staff alike, as well as the parents of students and the educational consultants who they hired to assist with placement.

On January 31, 2006, you sent out a notice to all staff, and perhaps others outside HLA, that the "new student riding program will be completely operational by February 1st, 2006". It was obvious to all with eyes that this was impossible, since it was nothing more than a small area of scraped dirt the day before. I sent a reply to you stating "This is exactly what gets us in trouble with parents and consultants." I never received a reply. The "riding program" is still in exactly the same shape as it was the day you sent the announcement... no horses, no program.

If this approach to "public relations" is condoned by management, then it is no wonder we are constantly losing both students and staff. It is wrong, dishonest, and shameful.

(3) I am still waiting for answers to the questions I raised with you regarding admissions policy. In my capacity as senior admissions coordinator, I have an ethical responsibility to the parents and educational consultants with whom I work to be able to assure them that their children and clients are safe in this environment and properly placed here according to their needs and our ability to successfully address those needs. I am requesting a face-to-face meeting with you and with Len Buccellato to assure me that policy will be changed and those crucial issues properly addressed. I am also requesting that David Reifenberger, Director of Human Resources, also be present. Unless I am granted this meeting and in it given personal assurances by Len Buccellato that these concerns and others that I intend to raise will be immediately and honestly addressed, I have no choice but to tender my resignation in accordance with proceedures proscribed in the HLA Employee Handbook effective at close of business on March 15, 2006.

I am copying Len Buccellato, owner of HLA; Bill Grey, Director of Operations, HLA; John McMillon and Christy Jones, Director and Associate Director of Counseling for HLA, respectively, who you copied on your original e-mail; David Reifenberger, Director of Human Resources; David Jordan, Director of Counseling for Ridge Creek; and Mark Keith, Director of Operations for Ridge Creek.


Clarke Poole

From: Nicole Fuglsang

Sent: Sun 2/26/2006 9:37 AM

To: Clarke Poole

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....


We will meet Monday to discuss your concerns.

Again, email is not the appropriate place for this conversation as things are easily misconstrued. It concerns me that you are so willing to slander those around to try to prove your point. I understand that you are frustrated and apparently angry but is unprofessional to continue this email banter. It seems as though you just want to do this to get what you "think" in writing.

As to your statement below.... I expressed my understanding of the situation. If it was wrong I will correct it. Jumping to the conclusion that I "intentionally attempted to mislead, obfuscate, and deflect rather than address honestly my concerns regarding student safety and ethical." is completely false, slanderous and is absolutely insulting. Again email is not the place for this conversation as thoughts and tone of an email may be misconstrued. We will meet on Monday to discuss your concerns.


From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Sun 2/26/2006 10:12 AM

To: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: RE: HLA Student Profile.....

For the record, Nicole, the definition of "slander" is to utter a false report. Unlike your e-mails, mine contain only facts which I or anyone else can verify. I will be in my office by 8:30 tomorrow morning, and I will be ready to meet with you and the two others at that time.

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2006-04-12 20:58 ]

This turns out to be a central piece of evidence.  Again,Nicole, I'd like to thank you once more for being so incredibly dim-witted as to provide this key evidence against yourself and your employer.  This is priceless.
Post by: Antigen on August 20, 2007, 11:34:26 AM
Post by: Anne Bonney on August 20, 2007, 06:08:09 PM
I'm so glad you bumped this.  This is the one I was looking for the other day.  The search function wasn't worked out yet, so I couldn't find it.

This is the shit they won't be able to run from or deflect attention away from
Post by: Anne Bonney on August 20, 2007, 07:21:50 PM
From: Clarke Poole

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 9:50 AM

To: Nicole Fuglsang

Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....


Let me first acknowledge that I responded inaccurately to your initial request for a student profile summary of applicants deemed appropriate for admission to HLA. You asked for my opinion on appropriateness, and I responded, somewhat but not altogether facetiously, with what I see as the official view of appropriateness.

To be absolutely clear on this, I have no lack of confidence in my ability to submit appropriate applicants for approval. In fact, based on some of the acceptances I've seen in the last year or so, I am confident that my opinions on acceptances would have been far less problematic than how some of the official acceptances turned out. This might be due to the fact that my focus would be solely on the appropriateness of the student for this school, rather than concerns based on finances or consultant politics.

There is a fairly long list of students whose appropriateness I have questioned, especially in the last year or so. To point to just a few, let's look at (Jane Doe 1), (John Doe 1), and (John Doe 2).

(Jane Doe 1)  here's that sexual assault  had trouble here from the beginning, with most of her incidents involving violence. Finally, she was complicit in an elopement that culminated in the physical, and, by all indications, sexual assault on another student who was hospitalized for several days due to her physical injuries, especially internal injuries in the pelvic area. Then, rather than being dismissed immediately, she remained enrolled here for another month. The educational consultant who referred her to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 1).

(John Doe 1) came here with a very troubling history and equally troubling psychological evaluation. He was constantly involved in trouble including physical assaults on other students. He finally attacked and threatened to kill another student and the on-call clinical staff was called to evaluate him. She determined he was not only sincere but determined to actually try to kill the other student, and signed the order to have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. He did not return to Hidden Lake. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was its owner, Len Buccellato.

Finally, we have (John Doe 2). Why in the name of Heaven this boy was ever even considered for admission to Hidden Lake is beyond me. He should have been in a padded cell in a psychiatric prison, and we knew it going in. It's difficult to distinguish his psychological evaluation, which was done by Len Buccellato and Brad Carpenter, from that of Hannibal Lecter's. Yet, in spite of first hand knowledge that this boy was not only totally inappropriate but dangerous, he was approved for admission and attended for a full year, interspersed with hospitalizations, until withdrawn by his parents. The educational consultant who referred him to Hidden Lake was (Consultant 2).

As an aside to this disgraceful episode with (John Doe 2), I took a call several months ago from (Consultant 3) an educational consultant in Miami. She had received from us a copy of Lakeside Reflections, in which was a photo of (John Doe 2). A month before (John Doe 2)?s family contacted (Consultant 2) for help in finding placement, they had called on (Consultant 3) at her office. She had, quite sensibly, recommended only RTC's for (John Doe 2), but there was his picture in Lakeside Reflections, a Hidden Lake student. In her excited (foreign) accent, she said "Clarke! My God, Clarke! This boy is a student there? Oh my God!" At least I was able to tell her he was no longer enrolled, but I was unable to give her a reason as to why he had ever been accepted in the first place without opening an ethical can of worms, so I feigned ignorance.

There are others, of course, who were known from the beginning to be inappropriate for placement, and I'll be glad to go into them with you, but I'm sure you are starting to get the point. Len has repeatedly said to me and everyone else who has ever worked in this department that "we do not do well with dysthymic kids", yet I have never seen a dysthymic kid not accepted for admission. If we know we do poorly with them, why accept them? At least they are not a danger to others, but they do little for our retention rate, which currently stands at 40% for the Peer Groups graduating in May (assuming none of the few who remain are withdrawn between now and then).

This brings us back to your question about my being or not being a part of the team. Just for clarification, you stated "You chose", indicating I have already made my decision, and the implication was that I had chosen to not be a part of the team. Perhaps you meant to say "choose", but perhaps not. I have, in fact, chosen, but not in the sense that you imply. As I said in an e-mail to you and Len several months ago, every comment and observation I have made as an HLA employee has been made with the intention of calling to management's attention practices that I believe are detrimental to the reputation and longevity of Hidden Lake Academy, as well as the safety and therapeutic well being of its students. Also as I pointed out, every time I do so I am reprimanded. I have a long list of such occurrences archived which I'll be glad to share with you and with others, should that be necessary. I am trying to be a member of this team, but I am not an automaton or a sheep. I have views and opinions which I am qualified by education and experience to express. No one has to like them or act on them, and obviously no one ever has; but I still feel compelled to state them, even if it puts my job in jeopardy, especially if I believe they involve ethical compromises and issues of student safety.

I'll be glad to meet with you and with Len to discuss these and all other issues that are of concern to you; and when we do so, I will go into a longer list of concerns of my own. I would appreciate a response to the issues I have raised here in response to your question regarding my commitment to this school, and my competence in evaluating applicants.


Clarke Poole


To: Nicole Fuglsang; Bill Gray Jr.; Len Buccellato; John McMillon; John McMillon; David Reifenberger; David Jordan; Mark Keith; Christy Jones

Subject: FW: HLA Student Profile.....


I can understand precisely why you said you do not want to continue to address my concerns over student safety and unethical practices on e-mail. However, there are several final points I want to make for the record.

(1) You stated with total certainty that two of the students referred to below received "significant financial aid because their families could not afford the HLA tuition." Upon my questioning the accuracy and veracity of your statement, you also said "I know because I was a part of the approval process while they were at RCI and then moved on to HLA. I know for a fact the level of aid they were getting at RCI & HLA as I worked with both families directly. I am the source of this information." The adamancy with which you state your position is compelling. However, it is totally false.

I went to Bill Gray's office at 4:30 Friday afternoon and asked him to personally check the financial records for the three students in question as a means to help me refresh my memory. He did so in my presence. None of these students received one cent of financial aid. (Jane Doe 1)?s family received the Ridge Creek rebate the first month she attended Hidden Lake Academy, rather than the third month as is normally the case. However, the amount of tuition paid by her family was exactly the same as any other family. There was no financial aid requested or granted to any of these three families, period. This raises the question in my mind as to why you so steadfastly insisted that you were right in spite of my urging you to check your facts.

The whole business of financial aid was, of course, a red herring designed to deflect the focus away from the point of my letter: that the safety of Hidden Lake Academy students is being compromised by the improper and unethical admission of totally inappropriate and dangerous students. As I noted, it had nothing whatsoever to do with the concerns I had raised. Just for the record, (John Doe 2)?s psychological evaluation, conducted and signed by Len Buccellato, includes a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder, Pedophilia, and Personality Disorder with Antisocial Features. I am still waiting for your response as to why this boy, as well as the others, was approved by Len Buccellato to attend Hidden Lake Academy.

(2) You are the Director of Public Relations for both Hidden Lake Academy and Ridge Creek, as well as Director of Admissions for both institutions. In this job, you are the public face and voice of both programs. It would stand to reason that we would want in this very important position someone whose integrity is above reproach, since you speak for both programs. The fact that you intentionally attempted to mislead, obfuscate, and deflect rather than address honestly my concerns regarding student safety and ethical placement is, in my opinion, an insult not just to me, but to everyone in either of these schools, students and staff alike, as well as the parents of students and the educational consultants who they hired to assist with placement.

On January 31, 2006, you sent out a notice to all staff, and perhaps others outside HLA, that the "new student riding program will be completely operational by February 1st, 2006". It was obvious to all with eyes that this was impossible, since it was nothing more than a small area of scraped dirt the day before. I sent a reply to you stating "This is exactly what gets us in trouble with parents and consultants." I never received a reply. The "riding program" is still in exactly the same shape as it was the day you sent the announcement... no horses, no program.

If this approach to "public relations" is condoned by management, then it is no wonder we are constantly losing both students and staff. It is wrong, dishonest, and shameful.

(3) I am still waiting for answers to the questions I raised with you regarding admissions policy. In my capacity as senior admissions coordinator, I have an ethical responsibility to the parents and educational consultants with whom I work to be able to assure them that their children and clients are safe in this environment and properly placed here according to their needs and our ability to successfully address those needs. I am requesting a face-to-face meeting with you and with Len Buccellato to assure me that policy will be changed and those crucial issues properly addressed. I am also requesting that David Reifenberger, Director of Human Resources, also be present. Unless I am granted this meeting and in it given personal assurances by Len Buccellato that these concerns and others that I intend to raise will be immediately and honestly addressed, I have no choice but to tender my resignation in accordance with proceedures proscribed in the HLA Employee Handbook effective at close of business on March 15, 2006.

I am copying Len Buccellato, owner of HLA; Bill Grey, Director of Operations, HLA; John McMillon and Christy Jones, Director and Associate Director of Counseling for HLA, respectively, who you copied on your original e-mail; David Reifenberger, Director of Human Resources; David Jordan, Director of Counseling for Ridge Creek; and Mark Keith, Director of Operations for Ridge Creek.


Clarke Poole