
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) => Topic started by: CCM girl 1989 on January 24, 2006, 04:42:00 PM

Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 24, 2006, 04:42:00 PM
I'm totally serious. I really don't care which one of these places we stage it at??? I'm thinking it needs to be one that will get us the most attention. A state that allows us to protest...I'd hate to be much as I love the cuffs......I hate the cells. J/K I have had enough of that! Who would seriously consider doing this? I'm thinking sometime in March......???

I'd love to hear your thoughts! If anything it would be a great party!!!!!!  :wink:
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 25, 2006, 12:14:00 AM
Alright fine!!! But, it sounded fun! :smile:

We do need to make a stand. Sooner or later......... or else it will continue to just go on and on.

I'm not going to be old, and gray typing on this keyboard of all do need to do something!!!

Is it the money issue?

Taking the time off from real life?

Kids are suffering.

Think about it.

I'd like to have a commitment from 50 people. I'm not going to show up there all alone.

What are you doing in March????
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2006, 12:28:00 AM
Interesting idea.  I think most states/cities will allow protests and picketing if you follow their guidelines, which may include an application, staying in certain areas, signs complying with specific size regulations, etc.  Going to a Parent Seminar site might be effective.....
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 25, 2006, 12:35:00 AM
Hmmm.........interesting :smile: anybody out there want to share with me what the schedule is like for them in March? No WWASPies trying to fool me, I will check on dates, and times, and places!
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2006, 01:04:00 PM
Hey CCM, your idea is sound and should be very effective IMHO. Especially if it brings media attention to the issue. I don't have enough (any) money to travel all around the US going to protests and taking time off work, but they do hold parent seminars in a city fairly close to me, along with other cities around the country. I would most certainly show up for a protest of this. I'm sure the hotel's legitimate guests will be surprised they are sharing a hotel with a bunch of cult-LGAT-teen-jailers.

I will PM you sometime in the near future, as I don't want to discuss details on the board. I'm sure WWASP and other groups would love access to this information. If other people are willing to get serious, I am too. It's been long enough and these places are doing better than ever. I do think we need to keep in mind this board is browsed by "the other side" and they might use the counter-intelligence information to somehow disrupt the protest or even prevent it from happening. Unlikely, but a possibility.

Great idea CCM, keep it going!  :tup:  :tup:
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2006, 01:05:00 PM
Also I suggest posting this on the WWASP myspace group boards. Fornits does not have nearly the amount of ex-prisoners from WWASP as those groups seem to.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 25, 2006, 01:33:00 PM
I want to thank everyone for your interest....and I think it is a good idea to keep emailing me privately with suggestions on where to hold these protests. It would be good to keep the thread inform people that we are serious, and need their help.

I am sympathetic to the fact not everyone is rolling in $$$$$.....and it may be hard for everone to come up with the cash to do this. But, try and not think about that part of it!

We are here, because we want to make a difference in the world! And we can't do it by sitting at home or work just talking/typing about it.

I hope you all are having a beautiful day out there! And as your thinking about how great life is (because it is), think about all of those teens that are currently at WWASPS and other programs like it who can't leave, and go outside to take a brisk walk, and smell the freshness of the air, and to hear the sounds of life.

They are in desperate need of our help! I can't do it alone, and I look forward to the day when we can all come together, and make a difference.


CCM girl
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2006, 03:50:00 PM
I think this is a great idea. To bring a few hundred people into one of the small towns where WWASP has a facility and form a group of people who can help educate the community with signs and banners. It doesn?t necessarily have to be on the edge of the facility, just somewhere in town. We just need to be louder than the money coming from this twisted organization, and if us being present in these small towns is what it takes than I say we make it happen!
Post by: The Liger on January 25, 2006, 07:02:00 PM
It is a good idea.  Just two of the girls from VCA (where I went) protested outside the place about a year ago.  It made the Pensacola news, which was pretty big.  VCA is in a smaller town outside Pensacola called Jay.  Anyway, the story is all over the internet now.  Two days after the protest, a couple of girls were pulled.  

They did the protest during Thansgiving weekend, because they knew parents would be there.  If the place you want to protest has a graduation, you should maybe do it then.  Or, if you're set on March, maybe Easter weekend.  Whenever you think parents will be there.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 25, 2006, 11:14:00 PM
You all have great ideas..............and the one that I heard that was the best of them all was sent to me in a private email. I don't want to share it on here..........but if you are interested........let me know!

It's tough though, as much as I have been warned of them checking this site.......they can pretend to be whomever they want! They'd find out sooner or later I believe.

I love that there are those of you willing to come out and represent :smile:!!! Hey, it would be a good time! For a good cause too!!!!
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 26, 2006, 01:17:00 AM
I heard that there were a number of former WWASPS inmates that belonged to I joined! I think I am the oldest one there though?!!

Good times! Hahaha!!!! (

[ This Message was edited by: CCM girl 1989 on 2006-01-25 22:23 ][ This Message was edited by: CCM girl 1989 on 2006-01-30 08:20 ]
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 26, 2006, 03:01:00 PM
I want you to stage a protest where the parents will see it

Find out where theyre going for a seminar and stage a protest (or rent a convention hall near) where theyre going to have one.

Also, be as disruptive of the seminar as you POSSIBLY fucking can, especially with loud music  :lol:

It is fear that first brought Gods into the world.
--Gallus Petronius, 1st Century Roman courtier

Post by: 001010 on January 26, 2006, 03:06:00 PM
On 2006-01-25 22:17:00, CCM girl 1989 wrote:

"I heard that there were a number of former WWASPS inmates that belonged to I joined! I think I am the oldest one there though?!!

Good times! Hahaha!!!! (

Yes, they are from my wedding........sorry I did not have any more recent saved to disk!

[ This Message was edited by: CCM girl 1989 on 2006-01-25 22:23 ]"

No you're not.  :wave:


Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 27, 2006, 03:25:00 PM
Hello everyone!

With the technical difficulties yesterday with the site here I wasn't able to post.

I am talking to different people out there that have a lot of good ideas on where, and how to stage the protest.

I am thinking it might take a little more time then I thought to get things in order! I haven't decided if March will still be the best time?

I also believe that if the folks from WWASPS really want to find out where and when we are going to protest they will. So, I don't think we need to tip toe around. I think this should be a open discussion.

Besides, how are you supposted to get the word out, and get people involved if you aren't talking/advertising the protest? So, basically let you ideas be known!

I hope you guys had a great week, and that you have some fun things planned for the weekend! Please don't forget about the thousands of kids that are in these programs, who aren't as fortunate to have the same freedoms as us.

Take Care,

Post by: Anonymous on January 28, 2006, 12:27:00 AM
What are you protesting?  Being in a program?
CCMGirl - why wait so long - what's stopping you?  All I want you to do is SHOW UP and whatever happens, happens!  Aren't there enough people ready to do the same thing?  Seems like there would be based on what this forum says.
Post by: Anonymous on January 28, 2006, 08:04:00 AM
Of course there are, all that needs to be done is a little organizing. Obviously you have never participated in a protest, even a national rally with tens of thousands of protestors need organizing. Oh well, you learned something new today - be proud of yourself anon!  :wink:
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 30, 2006, 11:19:00 AM
Somebody told me that they had a parents seminar happening in San Jose, Ca. in April.

I will check it out to make sure it's happening, and get back to you all.
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 30, 2006, 11:32:00 AM
Hmm... if I could make it I'd LOVE to go.

So, just how far can you take lewd acts and loud music in a hotel or in a public area close enough for them to hear/see legally anyway?  :grin:

I got TONS of songs that would piss em off... fuwahhaha.

And, if I actually wanna be respectable for media attention, I could do that too. But Im still gonna want to cut loose after hours  :em:

All we ask is to be let alone.
-- Jefferson Davis (1808-1889): First Message to the Confederate Congress, March,1861.

Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2006, 11:44:00 AM
Join the Straight protesters Feb 25th in Tampa ( for details
Post by: BuzzKill on January 30, 2006, 11:45:00 AM
If I may interject here -
Pissing them off may not be the best way to approach this. I would suggest educating is a better option.
If you want these parents to understand what they are involved with, and what is happening to their kids - you need them to listen to you - and people tend to tune out those they are pissed off at.
Of corse, as Karen Lile experienced, attempting to educate them will piss most of them off - but there will always be those few who will listen and they may get the ear of a few more.
No one will listen if you come across as exactly what they are afraid their kids will become with out the program.

But protesting a seminar site is a pretty good idea.
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2006, 12:13:00 PM ... N=88387652 (
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 30, 2006, 12:18:00 PM
On 2006-01-30 09:13:00, Anonymous wrote:


That's great! It tells you where and when all these seminars are!!!! Who's close to San Jose, CA.?
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 30, 2006, 01:11:00 PM
On 2006-01-30 09:22:00, Exit Plan wrote:

"I'm in southern california, close to LA, but I might take the train up if I can take the time off and have the spare money. Depends when it is, etc., but I have my eye on this thread and I think it's a great idea.  :tup:  :tup:

A student burst into his office.  "Professor Stigler, I don't believe I deserve this F you've given me."  To which Stigler replied, "I agree, but unfortunately it is the lowest grade the University will allow me to award."
--Professor Stigler


Well, as it just so happens they'll be in Los Angeles 3/24/06 thru 3/26/06!

But, if you prefer to make it to San Jose that will be from 4-7-06 thru 4-9-06 at the Dolce Mansion.....check out this swanky place at: (

the semeinar will be held in the Edenvale Room which depending on how they have it arranged can hold up to 170-360 guests.
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 30, 2006, 04:33:00 PM
Id LOVE to make it, but Im stick in bo-dunk NC :sad:

Infidel: In New York, one who does not believe in the Christian religion; in Constantinople, one who does.
--Ambrose Bierce

Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2006, 04:45:00 PM

On 2006-01-30 13:33:00, Nihilanthic wrote:

"Id LOVE to make it, but Im stick in bo-dunk NC :smile:
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 30, 2006, 07:19:00 PM
Im not on parole...  :roll:  

Excepting drug activity for personal use or free
distribution from the sweep of the CSA would discourage the consumption of
lawful controlled substances.
acting US Solicitor General, Paul Clement; Ashcroft v. Raich

Post by: Anonymous on January 31, 2006, 06:17:00 AM
On 2006-01-30 16:19:00, Nihilanthic wrote:

"Im not on parole...  :roll:  

Excepting drug activity for personal use or free
distribution from the sweep of the CSA would discourage the consumption of
lawful controlled substances.
acting US Solicitor General, Paul Clement; Ashcroft v. Raich


Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail :???: - but hey, isn't she a grown woman???  Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself?  I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?
Post by: Anonymous on January 31, 2006, 09:44:00 AM

Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?

 :roll: You are the most immature, not-funny troll I've seen in a long time. If your going to troll, at least be entertaining - you are just stupid!
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 31, 2006, 11:25:00 AM
On 2006-01-30 16:19:00, Nihilanthic wrote:

"Im not on parole...  :roll:  

Excepting drug activity for personal use or free
distribution from the sweep of the CSA would discourage the consumption of
lawful controlled substances.
acting US Solicitor General, Paul Clement; Ashcroft v. Raich


I totally understand if you can't afford it. I am sure they will have a seminar coming to a location near you!

I'm kinda curious what kinds of representitives, and parents from Lifespring they'll have there. Do you think they will have security?
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 31, 2006, 12:19:00 PM
They probably dont as theyve never needed it - meek, compliant parents taht are being mindfucked already have no defences.

To get them to sit down through it requires having little to no will in the FIRST PLACE.

Besdies, if security does something regarding a peaceful protest, in LA... you think thats not gonna get media attention?  :em:

We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it - and stop there;  lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid.  She will never sit down on a hot stove-lid again---and that is well;  but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore.
Mark Twain

Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 31, 2006, 01:04:00 PM
Okay, how do these seminars work? I've done some reading up on them, and it seems to me like I want you to be enrolled in one of their Premeir Schools or some shit like that??? I am confused!

So, does that mean the teen comes with them not knowing what is in store for them, then they evaluate them, and recommend placement? Or, does it mean the kid happens to be on a home visit, and they attend the seminar together?

Does anybody happen to know, and can edjucate me on this? Thanks!!!
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 31, 2006, 03:41:00 PM
Thanks guys for all the info!

Anyway, do any of the grand poobah's show up for the seminars?
Post by: Antigen on January 31, 2006, 04:09:00 PM
As I understand it, parents w/ kids in the programs are required to finish a couple of seminars before they're allowed to do the one at the end w/ their kid. But they also have those militant parents and program grads who do them over and over cause they love it or who volunteer to assist the facilitators austensibly or just to stack the audience. Some of them also invite just regular folk who don't have kids or don't consider them troubled or any such.

But I hope someone w/ more direct knowledge will answer.

Infidel: In New York, one who does not believe in the Christian religion; in Constantinople, one who does.
--Ambrose Bierce

Post by: CCM girl 1989 on January 31, 2006, 04:22:00 PM ... =11#169383 (

BuzzKill was able to enlighten me, along with a ANON on the I Have Something To Say thread.

Hi anyway though  :wave:
Post by: Anonymous on January 31, 2006, 05:25:00 PM
On 2006-01-31 06:44:00, Anonymous wrote:


Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?

 :roll: You are the most immature, not-funny troll I've seen in a long time. If your going to troll, at least be entertaining - you are just stupid!   "

Ummm how so?  Was an honest question.  Seems odd that someone claims to have to pay to keep their mother out of jail.  

And yeah - at some point, isn't everyone expected to be responsible for themself??

So maybe the reason I was "not-funny" was because I wasn't trying to be.
Post by: Anonymous on January 31, 2006, 06:20:00 PM
Ummm how so?  Was an honest question.  Seems odd that someone claims to have to pay to keep their mother out of jail.  
And yeah - at some point, isn't everyone expected to be responsible for themself??

So maybe the reason I was "not-funny" was because I wasn't trying to be."

Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?


Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 06:32:00 AM
On 2006-01-31 15:20:00, Anonymous wrote:


Ummm how so?  Was an honest question.  Seems odd that someone claims to have to pay to keep their mother out of jail.  

And yeah - at some point, isn't everyone expected to be responsible for themself??

So maybe the reason I was "not-funny" was because I wasn't trying to be."

Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?





Wow!  What an intelligent, mature response!  I simply made an observation and asked a question.  I don't think it is all that unusual to question why a kid/young adult is responsible for their parent - especially when they claim to be having to pay to keep that parent out of jail.  And it isn't unusual to think that a parent would want their child/young adult to be able to grow up and have a life of their own.

I really can't imagine why you seem to take such offense to this.........and why you only seem capable of responding with nasty little barbs.
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 08:52:00 AM
I really can't imagine why you seem to take such offense to this.........and why you only seem capable of responding with nasty little barbs.


Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 08:58:00 AM
Wow! What an intelligent, mature response! I simply made an observation and asked a question. I don't think it is all that unusual to question why a kid/young adult is responsible for their parent - especially when they claim to be having to pay to keep that parent out of jail. And it isn't unusual to think that a parent would want their child/young adult to be able to grow up and have a life of their own.

I really can't imagine why you seem to take such offense to this.........and why you only seem capable of responding with nasty little barbs.

Huh? (http://http)
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 09:46:00 AM
On 2006-02-01 05:52:00, Anonymous wrote:


I really can't imagine why you seem to take such offense to this.........and why you only seem capable of responding with nasty little barbs.



I certainly hope that you guys can get this poster to join the protest.  I'm sure with their intelligence and skill at expression, they will certainly make a BIG impact on the parents, professionals, politicians, etc that I want you to influence to instigate any real change.

Hell - if anything, this kind of stupidity will encourage parents to sign their kids up - - - Now stop a minute and put yourself in the mindset of the parents.  You see someone who is disruptive, disrespectful, rude trying to convince you that the program you are hoping will save your child is really something "BAD".  Good god - they will RUN to sign the kid up, hoping that their kids will grow up and be the exact opposite of that behavior.

Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 10:09:00 AM


Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 10:11:00 AM
I certainly hope that you guys can get this poster to join the protest.


Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 10:12:00 AM
:rofl:  :lol:
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 10:16:00 AM
NC has airports.

What? Your parole officer won't let you leave the state?

Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?

Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?

Ummm how so? Was an honest question. Seems odd that someone claims to have to pay to keep their mother out of jail.

And yeah - at some point, isn't everyone expected to be responsible for themself??

So maybe the reason I was "not-funny" was because I wasn't trying to be.

Wow! What an intelligent, mature response! I simply made an observation and asked a question. I don't think it is all that unusual to question why a kid/young adult is responsible for their parent - especially when they claim to be having to pay to keep that parent out of jail. And it isn't unusual to think that a parent would want their child/young adult to be able to grow up and have a life of their own.

I really can't imagine why you seem to take such offense to this.........and why you only seem capable of responding with nasty little barbs.


I certainly hope that you guys can get this poster to join the protest. I'm sure with their intelligence and skill at expression, they will certainly make a BIG impact on the parents, professionals, politicians, etc that I want you to influence to instigate any real change.

Hell - if anything, this kind of stupidity will encourage parents to sign their kids up - - - Now stop a minute and put yourself in the mindset of the parents. You see someone who is disruptive, disrespectful, rude trying to convince you that the program you are hoping will save your child is really something "BAD". Good god - they will RUN to sign the kid up, hoping that their kids will grow up and be the exact opposite of that behavior.

:wstupid:  :lol:

Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 10:19:00 AM
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 01, 2006, 01:34:00 PM
What the heck is buttsecks?!! Sorry, the only thing it even comes close to sounding like is buttsex???? !!!! :cry2:
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 01:41:00 PM ... =buttsecks (

Enjoy! (

Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 01, 2006, 01:58:00 PM
Hmm..........can you put it in a sentence?
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 02:32:00 PM

NC has airports.

What? Your parole officer won't let you leave the state?

Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?

Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 04:26:00 PM
Classy....real classy.

Maybe you should present yourself as a product of the teen help industry.  THAT is sure to scare the parents.

(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 04:56:00 PM
On 2006-02-01 13:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Classy....real classy.

Maybe you should present yourself as a product of the teen help industry.  THAT is sure to scare the parents.

(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)"

(http:// Butsecks?
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2006, 05:05:00 PM
NC has airports.

What? Your parole officer won't let you leave the state?

Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?

Ummm how so? Was an honest question. Seems odd that someone claims to have to pay to keep their mother out of jail.

And yeah - at some point, isn't everyone expected to be responsible for themself??

So maybe the reason I was "not-funny" was because I wasn't trying to be.

Wow! What an intelligent, mature response! I simply made an observation and asked a question. I don't think it is all that unusual to question why a kid/young adult is responsible for their parent - especially when they claim to be having to pay to keep that parent out of jail. And it isn't unusual to think that a parent would want their child/young adult to be able to grow up and have a life of their own.

I really can't imagine why you seem to take such offense to this.........and why you only seem capable of responding with nasty little barbs.

I certainly hope that you guys can get this poster to join the protest. I'm sure with their intelligence and skill at expression, they will certainly make a BIG impact on the parents, professionals, politicians, etc that I want you to influence to instigate any real change.

Hell - if anything, this kind of stupidity will encourage parents to sign their kids up - - - Now stop a minute and put yourself in the mindset of the parents. You see someone who is disruptive, disrespectful, rude trying to convince you that the program you are hoping will save your child is really something "BAD". Good god - they will RUN to sign the kid up, hoping that their kids will grow up and be the exact opposite of that behavior.

Classy....real classy.

Maybe you should present yourself as a product of the teen help industry. THAT is sure to scare the parents.

(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)


Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 02, 2006, 12:40:00 AM
On 2006-02-01 13:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Classy....real classy.

Maybe you should present yourself as a product of the teen help industry.  THAT is sure to scare the parents.

(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)"

That's cool, no problema! I love fornits, but I hate the way people express themselves sometimes. What can you do?!! Sorry, there are a number of us though, that really do care! This is no private club, you'll get your occasional deuche bag!!!

Just for the record, I do have a sense of humor, but my patience for your disgusting crap is wearing thin.
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 02, 2006, 01:01:00 AM
My mom has cancer... working is a bitch when you have no thyroid anymore, and 150 millirems of Iodine-131 in your body to kill off the remanining camcer.

Also, yes, Id like some buttsechs  :em:

Our Bible reveals to us the character of our god with minute and remorseless exactness... It is perhaps the most damnatory biography that exists in print anywhere. It makes Nero an angel of light and leading by contrast.
--Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain", American author and humorist

Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 02, 2006, 01:49:00 AM
I'm soooo sorry to here about your Mom Niles.

Have all the buttsecks you want, but please NO MORE BUTT SECKS REFRENCES!

I can't take it!

Sending you a hug! Minus the buttsecks!

Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 08:18:00 AM
Our protest at the Holocaust Awards Dinner Feb 25, 2006 will be an anti hate group protest.

We will be protesting Mel and Betty Sembler who will be at the dinner.  They have supported and operted and promoted the hate goup Straight Inc and are quit possibly behind other organization like the Straight hate group as well.

Join us 4:30 pm est Feb 25 in Tampa, florida th weather is great.
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 08:24:00 AM
Well at least someone found an effective technique at making stupid program trolls shut up and leave.

I love how the anon keeps going on arguing with themselves, always having to get in the last word. Then they shift their posting from making fun of Niles mom, into ad-hominem attacks, and that didn't work. Now, you are calling people immature, troll? In my neck of the woods if you came up to someone's face and talked shit about their mom like you do, you would get one serious lessons in manners. Coward, you have to do your jabbing from behind the cloak of anonymous internet trolling. That speaks volumes about your character, or lack there of.

The most laughable part of this thread is this part:

I certainly hope that you guys can get this poster to join the protest. I'm sure with their intelligence and skill at expression, they will certainly make a BIG impact on the parents, professionals, politicians, etc that I want you to influence to instigate any real change.

Hell - if anything, this kind of stupidity will encourage parents to sign their kids up - - - Now stop a minute and put yourself in the mindset of the parents. You see someone who is disruptive, disrespectful, rude trying to convince you that the program you are hoping will save your child is really something "BAD". Good god - they will RUN to sign the kid up, hoping that their kids will grow up and be the exact opposite of that behavior.

"Classy....real classy.

Maybe you should present yourself as a product of the teen help industry. THAT is sure to scare the parents.

(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)" "

Since when are you so concerned about the kids being sent to programs?!?!

Your twisted logic has spun full circle and do you now realize what you are saying? You are saying YOU KNOW these programs are bad, and use that fact to try and guilt the poster you were 'arguing' with by saying their immature posts will lead to more kids being sent to the program! This is some of the funniest stuff I've read here.

Do you really think you can 'punish' the posters here by saying things like that? DO you really think YOU can guilt people here? FUCK YOU!

I don't think these posts were immature at all, they responded IN KIND to this type of immature, twisted logic spouting program troll we see all the time here.


(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)

Don't apologize to me you piece of shit. Don't patronize the survivors here with that kind of CRAP! You come here to start trouble and insult people's sick mothers -- if anything you need our PITY but we need NOTHING from you. We already received enough abuse in this lifetime from people JUST LIKE YOU.
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 08:58:00 AM
On 2006-02-02 05:24:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Well at least someone found an effective technique at making stupid program trolls shut up and leave.

I love how the anon keeps going on arguing with themselves, always having to get in the last word. Then they shift their posting from making fun of Niles mom, into ad-hominem attacks, and that didn't work. Now, you are calling people immature, troll? In my neck of the woods if you came up to someone's face and talked shit about their mom like you do, you would get one serious lessons in manners. Coward, you have to do your jabbing from behind the cloak of anonymous internet trolling. That speaks volumes about your character, or lack there of.

The most laughable part of this thread is this part:

I certainly hope that you guys can get this poster to join the protest. I'm sure with their intelligence and skill at expression, they will certainly make a BIG impact on the parents, professionals, politicians, etc that I want you to influence to instigate any real change.

Hell - if anything, this kind of stupidity will encourage parents to sign their kids up - - - Now stop a minute and put yourself in the mindset of the parents. You see someone who is disruptive, disrespectful, rude trying to convince you that the program you are hoping will save your child is really something "BAD". Good god - they will RUN to sign the kid up, hoping that their kids will grow up and be the exact opposite of that behavior.

"Classy....real classy.

Maybe you should present yourself as a product of the teen help industry. THAT is sure to scare the parents.

(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)" "

Since when are you so concerned about the kids being sent to programs?!?!

Your twisted logic has spun full circle and do you now realize what you are saying? You are saying YOU KNOW these programs are bad, and use that fact to try and guilt the poster you were 'arguing' with by saying their immature posts will lead to more kids being sent to the program! This is some of the funniest stuff I've read here.

Do you really think you can 'punish' the posters here by saying things like that? DO you really think YOU can guilt people here? FUCK YOU!

I don't think these posts were immature at all, they responded IN KIND to this type of immature, twisted logic spouting program troll we see all the time here.


(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)

Don't apologize to me you piece of shit. Don't patronize the survivors here with that kind of CRAP! You come here to start trouble and insult people's sick mothers -- if anything you need our PITY but we need NOTHING from you. We already received enough abuse in this lifetime from people JUST LIKE YOU. "

Wow - too amazing to believe.  I'll just point out a couple of things and then I am done with this.

There was NOTHING posted until recently about a sick mother.  And I still would say - what does "paying to keep the mother out of jail" and the mother being sick have to do with each other?  I also don't see where ANYONE has "made fun" of anyone's mother.

Some of your ramblings and conclusions are so illogical, I really can't make sense out of them. There were no attempts to "guilt" or "punish" - but just to point out that if you respond to honest questions with nothing more than rude, unrelated cracks, you aren't going to be seen as very intelligent and your message is likely to be dismissed.  It is obvious that there are a good number of people here that feel strongly about this and truly wish to make a difference. I would hope ANYONE that feel into that category would be open to at least listening and evaluating any feedback that might make their arguments and stands more effective.  

And yes - responding with multiple "buttsecks" is beyond tacky and immature, and not at all conducive to getting your message across.

And so far as the apology?  It must assuredly was NOT meant for you.  But if you wish, please feel free to continue to show your true self and post more "Buttsecks" and see how many times you find it necessary to use FUCK, SHIT, or ALL CAPS to express yourself.
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 09:16:00 AM
NC has airports.

What? Your parole officer won't let you leave the state?

Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?

Ummm how so? Was an honest question. Seems odd that someone claims to have to pay to keep their mother out of jail.

And yeah - at some point, isn't everyone expected to be responsible for themself??

So maybe the reason I was "not-funny" was because I wasn't trying to be.

Wow! What an intelligent, mature response! I simply made an observation and asked a question. I don't think it is all that unusual to question why a kid/young adult is responsible for their parent - especially when they claim to be having to pay to keep that parent out of jail. And it isn't unusual to think that a parent would want their child/young adult to be able to grow up and have a life of their own.

I really can't imagine why you seem to take such offense to this.........and why you only seem capable of responding with nasty little barbs.

I certainly hope that you guys can get this poster to join the protest. I'm sure with their intelligence and skill at expression, they will certainly make a BIG impact on the parents, professionals, politicians, etc that I want you to influence to instigate any real change.

Hell - if anything, this kind of stupidity will encourage parents to sign their kids up - - - Now stop a minute and put yourself in the mindset of the parents. You see someone who is disruptive, disrespectful, rude trying to convince you that the program you are hoping will save your child is really something "BAD". Good god - they will RUN to sign the kid up, hoping that their kids will grow up and be the exact opposite of that behavior.

Classy....real classy.

Maybe you should present yourself as a product of the teen help industry. THAT is sure to scare the parents.

(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)

Wow - too amazing to believe. I'll just point out a couple of things and then I am done with this.

There was NOTHING posted until recently about a sick mother. And I still would say - what does "paying to keep the mother out of jail" and the mother being sick have to do with each other? I also don't see where ANYONE has "made fun" of anyone's mother.

Some of your ramblings and conclusions are so illogical, I really can't make sense out of them. There were no attempts to "guilt" or "punish" - but just to point out that if you respond to honest questions with nothing more than rude, unrelated cracks, you aren't going to be seen as very intelligent and your message is likely to be dismissed. It is obvious that there are a good number of people here that feel strongly about this and truly wish to make a difference. I would hope ANYONE that feel into that category would be open to at least listening and evaluating any feedback that might make their arguments and stands more effective.

And yes - responding with multiple "buttsecks" is beyond tacky and immature, and not at all conducive to getting your message across.

And so far as the apology? It must assuredly was NOT meant for you. But if you wish, please feel free to continue to show your true self and post more "Buttsecks" and see how many times you find it necessary to use FUCK, SHIT, or ALL CAPS to express yourself.

:wstupid:  :wave:
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 09:21:00 AM
Wow - too amazing to believe. I'll just point out a couple of things and then I am done with this.

I don't believe you. You will be back. You can't fucking help yourself, you pathetic piece of trash. Why don't you head down to the chemo dept of your local hospital and start making fun of them... sounds right up your alley! Post again, we need some laughs.  You know you will. :lol:
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 09:21:00 AM
On 2006-02-02 06:16:00, Anonymous wrote:

NC has airports.

What? Your parole officer won't let you leave the state?


Not quite sure why you are having to pay to keep your mom out of jail - but hey, isn't she a grown woman??? Shouldn't she be expected to take care of herself? I mean, when do YOU get to have your life?


Ummm how so? Was an honest question. Seems odd that someone claims to have to pay to keep their mother out of jail.

And yeah - at some point, isn't everyone expected to be responsible for themself??

So maybe the reason I was "not-funny" was because I wasn't trying to be.


Wow! What an intelligent, mature response! I simply made an observation and asked a question. I don't think it is all that unusual to question why a kid/young adult is responsible for their parent - especially when they claim to be having to pay to keep that parent out of jail. And it isn't unusual to think that a parent would want their child/young adult to be able to grow up and have a life of their own.

I really can't imagine why you seem to take such offense to this.........and why you only seem capable of responding with nasty little barbs.


I certainly hope that you guys can get this poster to join the protest. I'm sure with their intelligence and skill at expression, they will certainly make a BIG impact on the parents, professionals, politicians, etc that I want you to influence to instigate any real change.

Hell - if anything, this kind of stupidity will encourage parents to sign their kids up - - - Now stop a minute and put yourself in the mindset of the parents. You see someone who is disruptive, disrespectful, rude trying to convince you that the program you are hoping will save your child is really something "BAD". Good god - they will RUN to sign the kid up, hoping that their kids will grow up and be the exact opposite of that behavior.


Classy....real classy.

Maybe you should present yourself as a product of the teen help industry. THAT is sure to scare the parents.

(Apologies to any reasonably normal people that went thru an abusive program)


Wow - too amazing to believe. I'll just point out a couple of things and then I am done with this.

There was NOTHING posted until recently about a sick mother. And I still would say - what does "paying to keep the mother out of jail" and the mother being sick have to do with each other? I also don't see where ANYONE has "made fun" of anyone's mother.

Some of your ramblings and conclusions are so illogical, I really can't make sense out of them. There were no attempts to "guilt" or "punish" - but just to point out that if you respond to honest questions with nothing more than rude, unrelated cracks, you aren't going to be seen as very intelligent and your message is likely to be dismissed. It is obvious that there are a good number of people here that feel strongly about this and truly wish to make a difference. I would hope ANYONE that feel into that category would be open to at least listening and evaluating any feedback that might make their arguments and stands more effective.

And yes - responding with multiple "buttsecks" is beyond tacky and immature, and not at all conducive to getting your message across.

And so far as the apology? It must assuredly was NOT meant for you. But if you wish, please feel free to continue to show your true self and post more "Buttsecks" and see how many times you find it necessary to use FUCK, SHIT, or ALL CAPS to express yourself.

:wstupid:  :wave: "

 :lol:  :lol: Keep the list going.. thats some funny shit!
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 09:24:00 AM
And yes - responding with multiple "buttsecks" is beyond tacky and immature, and not at all conducive to getting your message across.

Oh, cram it. If you were getting more buttsecks from your significant other (do you have one? I feel sorry for them) maybe you wouldn't be here making fun of sick old people and abuse survivors. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 09:36:00 AM
There was NOTHING posted until recently about a sick mother. And I still would say - what does "paying to keep the mother out of jail" and the mother being sick have to do with each other? I also don't see where ANYONE has "made fun" of anyone's mother.

I KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS, I'D RECOGNIZE THAT WRITING ANYWHERE!  :grin: If you guys only knew, you wouldn't take this troll so seriously. This is all so funny!!
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 09:47:00 AM

And so far as the apology? It must assuredly was NOT meant for you.

Uh... oh... no.. say it aint so.. im heartbroken. ::stab::

You support abusive programs. A lot of people's parents have apologized after the fact... and guess what, it changes NOTHING! You have nothing to contribute here but to troll with abusive comments because you miss your abusive program.
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 09:51:00 AM

Wow - too amazing to believe.

I say the same thing everyday about abusive, hate-filled program lovers such as yourself.

After meeting program freaks in the seminars I realized there were people like you out there -- hateful freaks of nature who need to take out their self-hatred on others.

Your hate group chooses to abuse children and then you come on here making fun of traumatized survivors and their mothers... you are scum.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 02, 2006, 11:57:00 AM
I just want to remind people about showing up at these seminars. There are a number of them going across the country. Please check this website to find the closest one near you. ... N=88387652 (

You can get your message out in any way you'd like, it doesn't have to be full blown protest, if you've had little time to prepare. You can merely show up with some basic facts, and important information, that these parents deserve to have. Information that I am sure these seminars will not want to provide them with.

It doesn't matter if you are just one person, or fifty + people. What matters, is that you are being heard. How are these parents to know, unless we tell them what really happens at these places?

You can count on me to be at the one in San Jose, CA. it's only 2 hours from me. I used to live in Palo Alto so I have plenty of friends that I can stay with there. My style of approach is going to be cool, and calm. I am there to edjucate, and to get through to parents, not to be outta control, and scream in their face.

Now, if they were to kick me out of the hotel, and off the grounds, well then I do need to get loud. How else would I be heard??? Anyway, if there are people in the San Jose area that would like to show up, great! But, if you can't make it I understand. The only people who have no excuse are the people who live in the area who come on sites, such as this, and type away saying how awful it is, and then don't do shit about it. Those people irritate me!

I personally think the most important day to show up in San Jose, is 4-7 which is a Friday. We are all busy people, but this truely is the most important day for obvious reasons (1st day of seminar).
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 05:59:00 PM
Ummmm, it's 2006, protests DON'T work.
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 07:10:00 PM
On 2006-02-02 14:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Ummmm, it's 2006, protests DON'T work."

Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2006, 08:03:00 PM
On 2006-02-02 08:57:00, CCM girl 1989 wrote:

"I just want to remind people about showing up at these seminars. There are a number of them going across the country. Please check this website to find the closest one near you. ... N=88387652 (

You can get your message out in any way you'd like, it doesn't have to be full blown protest, if you've had little time to prepare. You can merely show up with some basic facts, and important information, that these parents deserve to have. Information that I am sure these seminars will not want to provide them with.

It doesn't matter if you are just one person, or fifty + people. What matters, is that you are being heard. How are these parents to know, unless we tell them what really happens at these places?

You can count on me to be at the one in San Jose, CA. it's only 2 hours from me. I used to live in Palo Alto so I have plenty of friends that I can stay with there. My style of approach is going to be cool, and calm. I am there to edjucate, and to get through to parents, not to be outta control, and scream in their face.

Now, if they were to kick me out of the hotel, and off the grounds, well then I do need to get loud. How else would I be heard??? Anyway, if there are people in the San Jose area that would like to show up, great! But, if you can't make it I understand. The only people who have no excuse are the people who live in the area who come on sites, such as this, and type away saying how awful it is, and then don't do shit about it. Those people irritate me!

I personally think the most important day to show up in San Jose, is 4-7 which is a Friday. We are all busy people, but this truely is the most important day for obvious reasons (1st day of seminar).


:tup:  :tup:  

I hope your protest in San Jose goes well!
Post by: Antigen on February 02, 2006, 10:50:00 PM

Error Occurred While Processing Request  
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined, which is now "caller.ATTRIBUTES.seminartypeId+1", must be a syntactically valid variable name.  
The error occurred in W:Webspaceresadminpremier1parentsupportservices.comwwwincludesmoduleFormURL2Attributes.cfm: line 66
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Please try the following:
Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.
Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.

Browser   ***********
Remote Address   **.***.**.**
Date/Time   02-Feb-06 09:52 PM
Stack Trace (click to expand)  
at cfFormURL2Attributes2ecfm1986955089.runPage(W:Webspaceresadminpremier1parentsupportservices.comwwwincludesmoduleFormURL2Attributes.cfm:66) at cfApplication2ecfm2112643208.runPage(W:Webspaceresadminpremier1parentsupportservices.comwwwApplication.cfm:21) at cfApplication2ecfm1819381289.runPage(W:Webspaceresadminpremier1parentsupportservices.comwwwseminarsApplication.cfm:1)

coldfusion.runtime.CFPage$InvalidVariableNameException: Parameter 1 of function IsDefined, which is now "caller.ATTRIBUTES.seminartypeId+1", must be a syntactically valid variable name.
   at coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.IsDefined(
   at cfFormURL2Attributes2ecfm1986955089.runPage(W:Webspaceresadminpremier1parentsupportservices.comwwwincludesmoduleFormURL2Attributes.cfm:66)
   at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
   at coldfusion.filter.CFVariablesScopeFilter.invoke(
   at coldfusion.tagext.lang.ModuleTag.doStartTag(
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   at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
   at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
   at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag(
   at cfApplication2ecfm1819381289.runPage(W:Webspaceresadminpremier1parentsupportservices.comwwwseminarsApplication.cfm:1)
   at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
   at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
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   at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
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   at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(
   at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(

My guess? Their website developer is going to be up all damned night studying authentication for CF.


Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.
--Francois Marie Arouet "Voltaire", French author and playwright

fka ~ Antigen
Drug war POW  
Straight, Sarasota
`80 - `82
Why I Live at the PO[ This Message was edited by: Eudora on 2006-02-02 19:53 ]
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 03, 2006, 11:53:00 AM
What the ****???? What happened here? I've never seen stuff like that before?!!
Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2006, 12:24:00 PM
You can still get the schedule by going through the various links on the website. (
Post by: Antigen on February 03, 2006, 07:01:00 PM
Well, if it worked when you posted it and didn't work later, I would imagine the website admin inadvertantly fubared the page. My best guess is that they've lately and hastily decided to password protect that information as best they can, which is not necessarily all that good.

Ardent advocates of prohibition were obsessed by a zeal that bordered on fanaticism. They supported politicians who voted to outlaw liquor, no matter how much of it they privately consumed, and spurned politicians who voted against prohibition, no matter how sober they were personally.
Sen. Sam Ervin, Preserving The Constitution

Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2006, 07:57:00 PM
They probably get group rates and use the same hotels in each city often.  Look at the hotels and save the list, because then later you can call the hotel, say you want to book a room for seminar, and ask when the next date is.  Way too many people can access that info, I agree they can't protect it too well.  

Or, if you want, maybe make a "private" Myspace group in which at least one member must verify that they know you before you become a member.  Then the postings are more confidential and your plans will be a bit more of a surprise to WWASP, but the negative of course is that you reduce your advertising.
Post by: Antigen on February 04, 2006, 01:41:00 PM
I don't see the value at all of keeping a protest private. Who cares if WWASP is surprised or not? I think there's value in getting them to go ahead and be their paranoid, control freak selves right infront of the new and prospective inductees.

A government resting on the minority is an aristocracy, not a Republic, and could not be safe with a numerical and physical force against it, without a standing army, an enslaved press and a disarmed populace.
James Madison, The Federalist No. 46

Post by: Anonymous on February 04, 2006, 01:48:00 PM
It is kinda fun to watch them run around and get all freaked out about a couple of people carrying signs just off the property.  Hell, it was a BLAST watching what's-her-face (Loretta?) at SAFE completely flip out when we were there.  :lol:  Called the cops and DEMANDED that we leave even though we were on private property adjacent to SAFE and had the owner's permission.  Obviously we didn't have to leave.  The kids IN SAFE were definitely bolstered by our appearance.  A couple of them tried to run when they were being beltlooped out to the cars but were tackled by a couple of SAFE thugs.  At least they knew someone cared about what was happening to them inside there.  I would have LOVED to have seen that done during my incarceration!
Post by: Antigen on February 04, 2006, 06:36:00 PM
There are always other ways of getting the info, too. How in the world can they keep their customers effectively informed w/o letting damned near everyone know? Especially the recent/prospective inductees. Hiding the event info like they're up to no good is not receomended practice in any marketing course or how-to book I've ever seen.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

Post by: Nihilanthic on February 04, 2006, 09:03:00 PM
If someones getting tackled by goons and trying to run in that situation is there any legal possibility in trying to protject them or any reason to keep them there (or block the cars) and call the cops so the kids can get interviewed?

 :grin: assault and battery seems to be very illegal...

Arms in the hands of citizens [may] be used at individual private self-defense...
-- John Adams, (1788)

Post by: Anonymous on February 05, 2006, 10:44:00 AM
at least we have the freedom to protest WWASP.. I doubt they can do anything but complain to police. Maybe the hotel will kick you off the property.. who knows. That will be negative press for them, so whatever -- everyone can play their game, and we will see who wins.

off topic rant coming up..

check out what the federal govt. is doing at nationally telivised events, and other political gatherings... free speech zones.. oops.. i mean free speech JAILS! this is truly disgusting, and i hope this country does not continue down this road.

want to protest? get inside!!!



more pics : (

more info : (

US Constition - First Ammendment

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Me thinks our government is breaking the law.  ::blushing::

Post by: Anonymous on February 05, 2006, 11:10:00 PM
I would suggest that you not picket with signs and shout.  I think it would work better if all of you show up in regular dress and ask one family at a time to speak with each of you.  Sit civily at a table or stand in a hallway, don't make a scene, and speak your mind.  Be real, be sincere, ask them for just five minutes of their time.  Like the starfish poem, you can only save one at a time.  

I think WWASP will want you off of the property immediately, but especially if you've paid for a hotel room that night and aren't causing a scene, there won't be any grounds to remove you.  You can show your keys and do your business all weekend, talking to families on every break, etc.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 06, 2006, 06:20:00 AM
Here's the thing, you can only reach them in the very beginning. These seminars, get them sucked in. The parents, and kids go through this whole big emotional ordeal. I believe this is a great way for WWASPS to start off. It's very misleading though.

What I mean is that the majority of the childs experiences at one of WWASPS programs, is not these seminars! The seminars are such a small part of it.

But, for some reason parents are impressed while at seminars such as the one being held in San Jose, CA. 4-7 through 4-9 at Dolce Hayes Mansion in the Edenvale Room. Here's the current schedule:

Day 1 8:30am-9:00am registration
Day 1 9:00am-midnight
Day 2 9:00am-midnight
Day 3 8:30am-6:30pm

I understand why parents get sucked in. But, it's hard for me to explain. I think WWASPS gives their best performance in the beginning...........then it's all downhill from there.

Hey, it's all a bunch of crap to me, but the best crap they have to offer is in the very beginning!!! That's just my personal opinion.
Post by: Anonymous on February 06, 2006, 09:22:00 AM
I don't think trying to convince parents already wrapped up in the program would be very effective. How effective has it been here... explaining the truth to parents with a kid already in the program?

It seems much more effective to me, to inform parents who have not yet utilized a facility like WWASP -- and can be forewarned before even thinking about it. I think ignorance is the problem here, and that is where protesting might help.

Whether you inform the dozens of people driving by, talking to people on the street, or even a parent or two who has second thoughts about the seminars, it will be a start.

I just don't think it would be very effective trying to convince parents who already have their kid in the program. That is just asking for a confrontation. I'd let people come to you, rather than approach them... anwyays, thats my 2 cents, take it for what its worth! lol

I can't make this one, but sometime in the future I will. Thanks for starting this idea off CCM.
Post by: Anonymous on February 08, 2006, 09:35:00 AM
Can you E-mail me  [email protected]?
Post by: Labyrinth on February 08, 2006, 10:32:00 AM
Well I don't know if this will help...but they may want to talk to the discovery seminar..they asked us to interview a person, I mean people were grabbing whomever they could..usually in the lobby of the hotel, it happened on the second break for us, but if you are there at the right time they would be glad to talk to you..and if I would have had any information like what is posted here, I would have listened.  I was never a believer in what they attempted to teach anyway, I think it was because I have adult ADD..I forget way to easily. :lol:

Anyway..the hotel thing is the best place to be..the people stay in the lobbies after breaks and after midnight when its over just chatting together.  Most of these people when they hit focus..are pretty close and travel in groups.

I have more info but better not post yall

Zany fun. It was a first - even Ben Franklin never arranged for something like this, and he was full of himself.

John Gorenfeld

Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 08, 2006, 11:25:00 AM
That's all very helpful, thank you! To the person who wants me to email them....why don't you private message me first, and tell me whats on your mind.  :smile:
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 08, 2006, 10:41:00 PM
Hey guys!

I really need your help, and to show up in San Jose, Ca. 4-7 through 4-9. I am not sure if I will be able to be there the whole time??? The first day is the most important. If you are in the immediate 2 hour area I want you to be there!

I just got off the phone with Ken Kay. I asked him how he slept at night? He said he slept fine knowing that he's helped thousands of kids. No matter what I said.....he had no emotion........and finally got frusterated, and hung up on me.

The phone conversation lasted about 10 minutes, going back and forth.........and just the same shit we all read in the papers. What can I expect? What can we expect?

BTW....toward the end of the conversation, almost like it was an after thought, he brought up that WWASPS did not own or operate the 8 schools I mentioned.

During our conversation, he was working on his hot rod, and managed to electricute himself, I did let him know I was disappointed it wasn't at a higher voltage.....he didn't laugh at that one.

He did tell me though that I was obviousley not helped by the program, and that I was a sick individual.

Hmmm.........I haven't heard that from anyone since I was in that hell hole. Funny how it comes at me again when I talk to someone from that program. You see, that's how they treat the kids. Like something is wrong with them.

That's why I am here, that's why I'll remain.
[ This Message was edited by: CCM girl 1989 on 2006-02-08 19:42 ]
Post by: Anonymous on February 08, 2006, 11:58:00 PM
On 2006-02-08 19:41:00, CCM girl 1989 wrote:

"Hey guys!

I really need your help, and to show up in San Jose, Ca. 4-7 through 4-9. I am not sure if I will be able to be there the whole time??? The first day is the most important. If you are in the immediate 2 hour area I want you to be there!

I just got off the phone with Ken Kay. I asked him how he slept at night? He said he slept fine knowing that he's helped thousands of kids. No matter what I said.....he had no emotion........and finally got frusterated, and hung up on me.

The phone conversation lasted about 10 minutes, going back and forth.........and just the same shit we all read in the papers. What can I expect? What can we expect?

BTW....toward the end of the conversation, almost like it was an after thought, he brought up that WWASPS did not own or operate the 8 schools I mentioned.

During our conversation, he was working on his hot rod, and managed to electricute himself, I did let him know I was disappointed it wasn't at a higher voltage.....he didn't laugh at that one.

He did tell me though that I was obviousley not helped by the program, and that I was a sick individual.

Hmmm.........I haven't heard that from anyone since I was in that hell hole. Funny how it comes at me again when I talk to someone from that program. You see, that's how they treat the kids. Like something is wrong with them.

That's why I am here, that's why I'll I remain.

[ This Message was edited by: CCM girl 1989 on 2006-02-08 19:42 ]"

 :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:
Post by: Anonymous on February 09, 2006, 12:09:00 PM
CCM girl, just out of curiousity how old are you?  By the way it's absolutely ridiculous what you are trying to do, do you really think that parents who have sent their kids to the program will listen to you?  The best part is that it's very easy for us who have been saved by the programs to show up at all of the seminars that you do so that the parents can hear both sides of the story.  Who do you think they'll believe, the hundreds of us who say their lives were saved, or the few of you?

Post by: Anonymous on February 09, 2006, 12:32:00 PM
On 2006-02-09 09:09:00, Anonymous wrote:

"CCM girl, just out of curiousity how old are you?  By the way it's absolutely ridiculous what you are trying to do, do you really think that parents who have sent their kids to the program will listen to you?  The best part is that it's very easy for us who have been saved by the programs to show up at all of the seminars that you do so that the parents can hear both sides of the story.  Who do you think they'll believe, the hundreds of us who say their lives were saved, or the few of you?


I believe CCM girl, and if she told me the things she says here, I would NEVER put my child in a WWASP program, and/or pull them immediately. Perhaps you haven't seen the thousands of kids who belong to ANTI-WWASP internet groups at myspace and various other sites. Not to mention the dozens of websites. Do you really consider thousands of ex-prisoners, a few? When will you realize, you are in the minority?

[I dont even believe proudgrad is real graduate, they refuse to answer detailed questions and only pop in every once in a while to give CCM and others crap]
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2006, 03:56:00 PM
Who are you going to believe.  People that post negatives all over the websites (no telling how many are actually 1 person posing as 50) or hearing face to face the changes the kids AND parents have made for the better?  Go to the support  group meetings, go to the seminars.  It's funny that you think you would cause parents to pull their kids...unless they are looking for a reason and want to believe YOUR brainwashing.
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2006, 04:00:00 PM
On 2006-02-10 12:56:00, Anonymous wrote:

  It's funny that you think you would cause parents to pull their kids

Oh its happened already.  A few times in fact.  After the latest bootcamp death ... =9&start=0 ( hopefully more parents will wake the hell up.
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2006, 04:25:00 PM
unless they are looking for a reason and want to believe YOUR brainwashing

Yes, it's fornits who is brainwashing kids. How naive of me to think otherwise. :silly:

Personally I could care less if parents believe the kids who have been abused. It's their own mistake. Kids are out there posting their own experiences as a way to get through their own personal hell -- not many are in the pursuit of changing parents' minds. They are still suffering to much to do this. CCM is older, and wants to take action. I applaud that. You, come here to try and disuade her. Why?

You really think fornits is made up by one kid posting as hundreds of different usernames and anons -- all in the effort to defame WWASP's empire? And you talk about believability, eh? LOL

Go to the support group meetings, go to the seminars

I have had the pleasure of being physically and emotionally tortured by WWASP and don't need some parent telling me this didn't happen. You tell yourself that if it makes you feel better. Change reality, shift it to fit in with your own experience, it doesn't effect me.

I have no regrets, I am not vengeful. I will speak the truth however. I am not an apologist for an organization I know abuses children who are innocent of any reason to be treated the way they are.

Why are you here?
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2006, 04:38:00 PM
People that post negatives all over the websites (no telling how many are actually 1 person posing as 50)

Sorry to burst your delusional bubble. Since you seem to fool yourself into thinking that a large portion the kids who are jailed by WWASP support it for some reason, here's a myspace group recently created with over 325 kids in it already. It's called Anti-WWASP. Hard to dismiss them, each one has a picture, a story and something to say.

Anti-WWASP (http://

Still think it's all one disgruntled kid?

Well, if so, I have a list of various other groups and websites, well over a thousand ex-prisoners and growing daily. Once you are finished telling those 325 kids they are wrong, I'll give you another group you can take a crack at.

Most kids tortured at WWASP don't come to fornits. They hated the program and want nothing to do with program apologists such as yourself. Can you blame them?

By the way... let me know how many pro-wwasp alumni groups you find.  :wink:

The truth is coming out, and it doesn't look good for the child abusers!
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2006, 04:48:00 PM
Go to the support group meetings, go to the seminars. It's funny that you think you would cause parents to pull their kids

WWASP doesn't need any help scaring off rational and intelligent parents from their abuse-cult -- they do this all on their own.

Read this post, from a parent who recently attended a seminar, exactly as you suggest: ... t=0#171205 (

This "program" attempted to brainwash me in the X is definately programmed in a bad way..I have 5 other kids here all make good grades and are as dysfunctional as any other normal family. I made a mistake 2 years ago in listening to my son when he said he wanted to live with his dad. I had no idea he would send him to a brainwashing "cult". Thank you for the website, it has been very helpful.

Better get the buckets, your sinking fast.
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2006, 04:54:00 PM
It's funny that you think you would cause parents to pull their kids

Why do you think this is funny? Can you explain that please? I don't get it, and I don't like being left out on a joke.

The parent I quoted above did exactly as you suggested. They attended the seminar with an open mind, and that alarmed them enough to pull their kid. This seems perfectly logical to me. Unfettered trust of unqualified individuals with my loved one would seem  much stranger to me, but hey, thats me. I find none of this funny, however.

Here, another parent's view of the seminars. Enjoy.

I agree with you completely..I witnessed 3 of the numerous seminars, where they attempt to put you into a different state, and ask that you look at an imaginary photo album and tear out the ones of your mother for example and the times she hurt you then you put them in your chair and hit them with your fist...attempting to drive the "spirits" away. They do this repeatly with your father, sister, brother, etcc..this process lasts about 3 hours. In each of the Discovery and Focus seminar they last 12 hrs, ending at midnight, breaks are sometimes without 1 word..we were not allowed to. They drill in your heads that your children need to be with them and I want you to be concerned about your own program. They forced my son to say things that never happened..if he didnt he was not "working the program". I believe all of the schools under the WWASPs' wings are all under the same program..some are more harsher than others, some as such Tranquility bay even physically abuse the kids..they have post traumatic syndrome..afraid of being yanked out of their beds at 3 am to have their wrists wringed over and if anyone asks I think that this kind of program saves lives..I simply must say no..I think it kills the very spirit in children that gives them the "keys to success"...that was too funny.

Post URL: ... =10#171290 (

If anybody reading this wants a more in depth, detailed view of WWASP's seminars, this is an excellent write up. (
Post by: Anonymous on February 10, 2006, 06:50:00 PM
I took Transcendental Meditation.  Paid them $145 when I was in college and a young married--that was a huge amount of money to us then.

They had a great line of bullshit about how TM would improve your life, improve your ability to study by improving your ability to concentrate for long periods of time, keep you healthy and make you live up into triple digits of years.

Got you in the door for a week and immediately started trying to sell us alternative medicine products and a *three thousand* dollar upgraded version of TM, tried to get us to drop out of college and go to a place called Maharishi International University.  The place was a flaky puff place with no academics worth the name.  They had videos where all the women were in the kind of dresses you'd wear to somebody's wedding and all the men were in suits---there was something distinctly creepy about it.  I asked why they were all dressed that way and they tried to tell us that when people respected themselves more they wanted to dress that way.

Yeah, right.  Kids walking around a college campus want to be in suits, ties, and dresses that would look more appropriate on middle-aged church ladies.  Sure.

But they had a slick sell for their line of bull and they almost sucked me in with it.  They probably wouldn't have, but I'm still grateful to a college professor of mine who gave me a reality check and told me to ask them about accreditation and then, if they said it was, *check* to make sure it was the appropriate accreditation organization.  It was a very kind thing to do.

The times I've seen people talk parents out of WWASPS on Fornits it was just exactly the way my college professor put the nail in the coffin of my potential life wrecking mistake of getting sucked deeper into the TM cult.

We encourage parents to ask reasonable questions and do reasonable checks on their child's welfare.

Some children, like some adults, are dangerous to themselves or others and need to be in a facility.

Thing is, when parents ask reasonable questions, they usually realize that either their child needs something other than a facility *or* that if their child needs a facility, they need a facility that is not a WWASPS one.

It's WWASPS own fault, you know.  There's a market for humane RTC/boarding schools that are either voluntary and not lockdown (for kids that just need to get away) or are for the mentally ill children and treat them based on the medical model.  It would just be more work than seminar hokum and have lower profit margins.

Sending your kid to WWASPS is like buying a particle-board kitchen table and paying solid oak prices for it.  Except that particle board tables are an okay choice for some people, sometimes.

Dang, even if you can make a case a particular kid needs a facility--*WWASPS*?!  Talk about your bad choices.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 11, 2006, 12:26:00 PM
On 2006-02-09 09:09:00, Anonymous wrote:

"CCM girl, just out of curiousity how old are you?  By the way it's absolutely ridiculous what you are trying to do, do you really think that parents who have sent their kids to the program will listen to you?  The best part is that it's very easy for us who have been saved by the programs to show up at all of the seminars that you do so that the parents can hear both sides of the story.  Who do you think they'll believe, the hundreds of us who say their lives were saved, or the few of you?


I am in my 30's, and I am doing just fine. Except for one thing.....I came across WWASP on the internet about 5 months ago. I was very upset how they had grown in numbers, and when I had read what was still happening (and had even gotten worse since I had been there), I felt the need to start doing something about it.

It's hard since we are all very busy, but I would feel even more guilty then I already do, if I sat back and did nothing.

So, I am trying to do something. I am trying to get the truth out. Do I get something from doing this? Only the satisfaction that I am doing what is right.

I promise to write more, but I am swamped this weekend with a baby shower that I am having for my girlfriend tomorrow at the house. I will write more come monday.
Post by: Anonymous on February 11, 2006, 03:36:00 PM
Any posts that thank the program are always anonymous.  Some girl Loah Terra liked the program and is the only one I've ever seen post her name, school and dates so people can verify her existence.  "Proudgrad" is as anonymous as all the other WWASP trolls on here.  There aren't any pro-programmers here online, so what on earth makes you think that "hundreds" would show up to praise the program?  The End Institutionalized Child Abuse group is closing in on 1000 members, and Anti-WWASP has almost 400, plus all the posters on here.  CCMGirl, don't be dissuaded by the naysayers.  You go, girl!
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 11, 2006, 05:32:00 PM
It's too bad that we don't have a backer who could put some money towards a good cause.

My idea........would be to also have a meeting room at the hotel booked. That way, you could schedule a meeting that was free to all titled, "Things you should know before placing your child in treatment". Or something real catchy? That way, upon guest arrival at the hotel, you could put flyers under doors. You'd have it, let say from 7:00am-8:00am before their registration begins at 8:30am.

That way, I don't think there would be any chance of getting the boot!?!!

You're there legally, having your own meeting/confrence. What would they say to that?

I think everywhere they go, we should go. That way you kill two birds with one stone. Warn people, and edjucate people. Which means them not sending their kids there, and the word being spread of how truely awful these places are.
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2006, 09:45:00 PM (

I really don't get that ANY of you are upset with WWASPS schools.  It really seems you are angry, upset, feel victimized --- by your parents for loving you enough to give you the "gift" of getting out of your own way.  

Regular abuse?  What does that mean?  You weren't able to do what you wanted when you wanted?  Tell me more?  What exactly does regular abuse mean?  

I've heard more stories from educational consultants and competitive schools about abuse than I could ever hear from a former student(s)...
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2006, 09:49:00 PM
"...I've heard more stories from educational consultants and competitive schools about abuse than I could ever hear from a former student(s)..."

Educational Consultants get paid by behavior mod/residential programs to refer parents to that particular school.  WWASPS schools do not support educational consultants - that's why they post as former students or disgruntled parents on forums like this so parents won't choose aWWASPS school.  They want to get paid and they won't if the parents gets the right kind of help through one of the wwasps schools.

You can never tell if it's really a student/parent or an ed. con. posting can you?
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2006, 11:10:00 PM
I really don't get that ANY of you are upset with WWASPS schools. It really seems you are angry, upset, feel victimized --- by your parents for loving you enough to give you the "gift" of getting out of your own way.

Bored tonight huh? Anonymously trolling again, eh? :wstupid: You really think it's that hard to tell you are the same poster, over and over and over?

So, have you been through a WWASP program?

Yeah, thought so.  

Better luck with your trolling elsewhere. How pathetic you spend your time doing this...  :lol:

If you are really that bored, go to the where the WWASP alumni are. The thousands of kids who are in various anti-wwasp programs.

You are an anonymous troll, thousands of us out there are willing to put our face, our name with our story.

Why won't you?
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2006, 11:13:00 PM
that's why they post as former students or disgruntled parents on forums like this so parents won't choose aWWASPS school. They want to get paid and they won't if the parents gets the right kind of help through one of the wwasps schools.

You can never tell if it's really a student/parent or an ed. con. posting can you?


Seen the thousands of kids in anti-wwasp groups over at myspace,,, and various other alumni websites?

They must be consultants in disguise, eh?

You program trolls really think parents are stupid, huh? Maybe you are right, I mean, they are looking into WWASPS!  ::boycott::  :lol:
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2006, 11:15:00 PM
On 2006-02-11 14:32:00, CCM girl 1989 wrote:

"It's too bad that we don't have a backer who could put some money towards a good cause.

My idea........would be to also have a meeting room at the hotel booked. That way, you could schedule a meeting that was free to all titled, "Things you should know before placing your child in treatment". Or something real catchy? That way, upon guest arrival at the hotel, you could put flyers under doors. You'd have it, let say from 7:00am-8:00am before their registration begins at 8:30am.

That way, I don't think there would be any chance of getting the boot!?!!

You're there legally, having your own meeting/confrence. What would they say to that?

I think everywhere they go, we should go. That way you kill two birds with one stone. Warn people, and edjucate people. Which means them not sending their kids there, and the word being spread of how truely awful these places are."

I think that is a great idea. Organization is key, and the rest will build from there. I am definitely willing to contribute to a fund to support this type of action. It's obvious from this thread, the programmies are worried. They come here to disrupt, they must be worried.

Keep up the good work all!  :tup:  :tup:
Post by: Anonymous on February 12, 2006, 11:30:00 PM
Thank God for this wonderful forum. I was "googling" the name of my son's former program, Spring Creek Lodge School in Montana, and found this website. I sent my son to SCL a year ago and should have seen the writing on the wall sooner. His story is directly in line with all the other horrible accounts I've read here. SCL is most definitely an abusive school. If you are not willing to believe the kids, believe me and all the other parents speaking out. I went to discovery seminar and should have known then what type of people run WWASPS and why my son was in so much danger, both emotionally and phsyically. I pulled my son due to financial difficulties after a year, and he is so much worse off now than he ever was, it breaks my heart. We made a mistake. A huge, life-altering mistake and I implore all those walking down this path to reevaluate their decision. I know now WWASPS is not a proper treatment facility for a kid with special needs, which my son needed. The stories he tells me give me chills down my neck, and I don't want to believe them, but I know he is telling me the truth --- even though I want to pretend he is lying to me. I know my son, I know his eyes and he is being truthful. He was abused. Just pulling my son out before he was finished was difficult. In my opinion Spring Creek School runs itself like a cult. There is no treatment whatsoever, they simply watch the kids and hope they outgrow their behaviors. I didn't need to spend four thousand dollars a month to have someone babysit my kid and emotionally and physically harm them. This is not what I paid for, but it is what I received. I notice there are a couple pro-WWASP posters here, and please be aware of something. I called WWASP and asked them about fornits, and asked if so many kids and parents were unhappy, why had they not changed their ways. They told me they monitored this forum, and post regularly. I wouldn't be surprised if the pro-WWASP posts are from WWASP employees themselves. This sounds ridiculous, until you realize how insidious and crazed the WWASP staff are. I wish I had never heard the word WWASPS and should have known right away what kind of organization they were just from choosing a name like WWASP. I was wrong, and now my son will pay emotional costs for the remainder of his life. Luckily we can speak about it and we are doing better, but he is still angry, anxious and worried all the time. Now we are pursuing proper treatment and therapy and he is doing much better. I wish we had taken this route all along, because it is actually helping him. WWASPS made him worse, and besides losing out on his entire college fund, it is now taking more money out of pocket to pay for therapy to help him get over the PTSD he now suffers from due to being mistreated at Spring Creek School. I wish I had never heard of that place, that horrible, horrible place.  :sad:
Post by: BuzzKill on February 13, 2006, 11:47:00 AM
But of corse it is wwasp posting the pro program crap and pabulum! Nothing surprising about that at all! On occasion they even say who they are. Narvin has made a few appearances - and someone claiming to be Narvin's son. I have sometimes thought Joe was posting. And on occasion I have thought one of the anons sounded a lot like King Kay hiz own self.
That staff from SCL, or any other abusive WWASP warehouse, might post is to be expected.

Glad your son is home and that he is talking to you.

I'd like to talk to you myself sometime. Why not pick a name for yourself, resister, and fire me off a Private Message or Email?
Post by: Anonymous on February 13, 2006, 01:17:00 PM
On 2006-02-12 20:30:00, Anonymous wrote:

 I called WWASP and asked them about fornits, and asked if so many kids and parents were unhappy, why had they not changed their ways. They told me they monitored this forum, and post regularly. I wouldn't be surprised if the pro-WWASP posts are from WWASP employees themselves. This sounds ridiculous, until you realize how insidious and crazed the WWASP staff are.

Thanks so much for posting.  I hope your son is alright, I know its difficult to deprogram and decompress after what he's been through.

Most of us have known for a while that WWASPS people read and post here but its helps to hear that they admitted it to someone.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 13, 2006, 01:49:00 PM
It's pretty obvious to me that WWASPS staff post here. I personally could care less. I think it's great that they do this, because in order for them to post, they have to read what former students and parents have written about them.

Just as much as the owners think they can save families, by breaking the rebellious spirits of teenagers.........I think I can get in the minds of these staff who come on here to post, and hopefully get them to look at what their doing a little differently. A lot of staff that WWASPS hires has little to no schooling, and a lot of times come from small towns that have no other real job opportunities but working at a WWASP school.

So, if they can't break free of WWASP because they need to support a family, then I really hope that they might treat these kids with a little more kindness then the program would like them to.

That's all I can hope for until the day comes when these places are all shut down. It will come. The owners don't even know, but it will come. Just like the .com bust.........look what happened to the stock market......OUCH.........and look what is currently happening in California with the housing market.........???????

People always say don't worry, it's still great, blah blah blah! Then BAM!!!!! You get hit. I see the owners doing their best to patch a levy that is springing way to many leaks. It's on the verge of bursting, and will drown them all.

Who do you have to blame, but yourselves. You got too greedy. You lost sight of what was important to families. You thought you knew it all. You thought you had the answer to everyones problems. You don't. I don't think you ever did.
Post by: Anonymous on February 13, 2006, 03:47:00 PM
I sure hope you're right about them all going under. That will truly be a day of celebration for those of us who have been touched (directly or indirectly) by one of these fine programs!
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 13, 2006, 04:31:00 PM
I really don't get that ANY of you are upset with WWASPS schools.  It really seems you are angry, upset, feel victimized --- by your parents for loving you enough to give you the "gift" of getting out of your own way.  

Are you directing this comment towards me? Because, I get this strange feeling you are?!! So, let me just say this......I was and sometimes still am angry and upset with my parents for sending me away, and into the hands of WWASP schools where I did experience abuse. It was very traumatic, and even after 15 years the pain is still there.

Look, I am a great person! I admit that I did not go about getting released from CCM the "right way". Sorry, but after being at Heritage School in Provo Utah for 3 1/2 years being sent there when I was 12, and then being shipped from Heritage School directly to Cross Creek Manor for 9 months. It was no mystery, my parents had planned to keep me there until I was 18. Just so they could travel the world with no worries. Gee, thanks!

My therapist Dr. Goodwin knew this. We talked about it openly. I was like a dog chasing it's tail for so long, thinking if I do well enough my parents will someday take me home. They never did. The fact WWASP sat back collecting my parents money, and not forcing them to take me home, or put me in a more appropriate place, it was very frusterating for me.

I regret things I have done, that may have hurt people, and caused them big time headaches. But, do they regret what they did to me? Who knows, but I doubt it.

It's in my nature to be forgiving. I also have the ability to still love those who may have hurt me. But, I cannot sit back, and let this continue. These schools, and what's happening. It's horrible, and I can't tell you how much this has been on my mind these past few months.

It drives me crazy, and for those of you who I did hurt.......I never lied. I only did what I had to do to get away. I deserved to be released, and you know that. Blackmailing people was a one time thing for me. It killed me to do it. I still feel guilty, and horrible about it. But, there was no other options. It was the only way you'd let me leave.

There was a comment that was made a few posts back......with WWASPS you are getting a particle board kitchen table at a solid oak table price. This comment really sums up how I feel about WWASPS.
Post by: Anonymous on February 13, 2006, 06:25:00 PM
On 2006-02-12 18:49:00, Anonymous wrote:

""...I've heard more stories from educational consultants and competitive schools about abuse than I could ever hear from a former student(s)..."

Educational Consultants get paid by behavior mod/residential programs to refer parents to that particular school.  WWASPS schools do not support educational consultants - that's why they post as former students or disgruntled parents on forums like this so parents won't choose aWWASPS school.  They want to get paid and they won't if the parents gets the right kind of help through one of the wwasps schools.

You can never tell if it's really a student/parent or an ed. con. posting can you?




Yep, that's what it is. You figured us out! What a bunch of horse shit!!!!! You think we are from other programs/schools/RTC's that are trying to give WWASP a bad name, so they will come to our schools instead of theirs??? Are you fucking kidding me? You're an idiot.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 13, 2006, 06:33:00 PM
WWASP pays parents and anyone else interested thousands of dollars in cash or free months to recruit for them -- and nothing you say will change that fact. Spin the facts and your own logic all you want -- it changes nothing.
Post by: Anonymous on February 15, 2006, 10:22:00 PM
Nice pictures Miranda!

http://www.myspace.com45609944 (http://www.myspace.com45609944)

See you there......
Post by: Anonymous on February 15, 2006, 10:24:00 PM
On 2006-02-15 19:22:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Nice pictures Miranda!

http://www.myspace.com45609944 (http://www.myspace.com45609944)

See you there......


Your link is dead.

I don't think it's very appropriate to post people's pictures here without their permission. Is this what you are trying to do? Perhaps if you are, you should ask her permission first out of respect.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 15, 2006, 10:49:00 PM
Hahahahaha!!! You loser, not the link in the previous post! This is the one........ (

I have told everyone I am taking a break for a while from posting. But, I do want to remind people to seriously think about getting off your butts, and doing something!

I read something very interesting today, it was an account from that woman Karen who wrote about her experiences at the Discovery Seminars. I wish I had the link! I'll try, and find it! She'd be the perfect person to show up!
Post by: OKB4RMA on February 18, 2006, 06:13:00 PM
I didn't attend a WWASP school but would be willing to join in a protest as long as I'm not the only one there...I'm in the L.A. area and have alllll the free time in the world.

fill me in on the details as necessary.

Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 22, 2006, 09:36:00 PM
All the info is on here, check it out for yourself! Jump on board!!!!! ::armed::
Post by: Anonymous on February 23, 2006, 06:50:00 PM
There will be a protest in Tampa this Saturday
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 23, 2006, 07:02:00 PM
On 2006-02-23 15:50:00, Anonymous wrote:

"There will be a protest in Tampa this Saturday"

Protest for what?
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 23, 2006, 07:11:00 PM
On 2006-02-18 15:13:00, OKB4RMA wrote:

"I didn't attend a WWASP school but would be willing to join in a protest as long as I'm not the only one there...I'm in the L.A. area and have alllll the free time in the world.

fill me in on the details as necessary.


They are having one of their Premeir Seminars in L.A. March 24th through the 26th.

Location: L.A. Marriot (downtown)
Address: 333 Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, 90071  (seminar is held in the Concourse Ballroom which is on the 2nd floor)

Day 1 8:30am-9:00am registration
Day 1 9:00am-12:00am
Day 2 9:00am-12:00am
Day 3 8:30am-6:00pm
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 23, 2006, 07:14:00 PM (

This will give you times, and dates of the seminars.
Post by: OKB4RMA on February 23, 2006, 08:07:00 PM
Muchas Gracias.
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 23, 2006, 09:04:00 PM
No problema :smile: just don't get too crazy on them! It makes for good people watching.
Post by: Anonymous on February 24, 2006, 04:51:00 PM
come and protest saturday evening in Tampa Mel and Betty Sembler will be in attendance where we are proesting they are the ones behind all this non-sense
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on February 24, 2006, 06:00:00 PM
If I were in Florida, you know I would! Sounds like a good time. Let us know how it goes!
Post by: Anonymous on February 24, 2006, 07:47:00 PM
Pictures and video on ( after 8 pm Saturday night live updates 4:30 pm Saturday through 9 pm Saturday night
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 28, 2006, 11:05:00 PM
Discovery Times:

    Day 1: 8:30 am - 9:00 am (Registration)
    Day 1: 9:00 am - 12:00 am (Midnight)
    Day 2: 9:00 am - 12:00 am (Midnight)
    Day 3: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm

Click a Discovery date below to view the details or to register for the seminar:

    * Atlanta, GA
          o April 28, 2006 through April 30, 2006
Im in NC... anyone wanna fuck with them in april?  :wink:
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on March 01, 2006, 11:02:00 AM
Sorry Niles, I have a date with them 4/7 in San Jose.
Post by: Nihilanthic on March 01, 2006, 06:26:00 PM
Post by: CCM girl 1989 on March 01, 2006, 07:08:00 PM
Whatever, where are you when I need you on this Spring Creek Lodge thread!?!! Alex's family are a piece of work!
Post by: Anonymous on March 06, 2006, 04:28:00 PM
Just a friendly reminder!
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2007, 01:18:36 PM
hump.. oh no wait.. bump