
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Hyde Schools => Topic started by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 04:11:00 PM

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 04:11:00 PM
when i attended hyde a student teacher whos name i cannot remember was found to be sleeping with on of the female students, sneaking her into the guys dorm
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 04:27:00 PM
On 2006-01-22 13:11:00, Anonymous wrote:

"when i attended hyde a student teacher whos name i cannot remember was found to be sleeping with on of the female students, sneaking her into the guys dorm      

Confirmed bullshit.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 04:35:00 PM
On 2006-01-22 13:11:00, Anonymous wrote:

"when i attended hyde a student teacher whos name i cannot remember was found to be sleeping with on of the female students, sneaking her into the guys dorm      

This coming from an idiot who can't even spell for Christ's sakes! :lol:
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 05:08:00 PM
On 2006-01-22 13:27:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-01-22 13:11:00, Anonymous wrote:

"when i attended hyde a student teacher whos name i cannot remember was found to be sleeping with on of the female students, sneaking her into the guys dorm      


Confirmed bullshit."

How rude of you to make that comment.  How do you know it isn't true?  What is your position at the school?  I always give people the benefit of the doubt and from what I personally witnessed at Hyde school, I would not be surprised.  It also doesn't surprise me that someone who got an education from Hyde would not be able to spell.  The education at Hyde is absolutely not up to standards of other schools.  At what school do you find the school pulling kids out of class for days and weeks at a time as punishment.  How does a student who is struggling learn anything from not being in class?  This is what Hyde does.  They put you on 2-4 where you can't go to class and then you fall behind even more.

Grant it, maybe this person is simply spreading rumors, but who are you or I to say it wasn't true?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 05:16:00 PM
Oh fuck off..Dumb twat!  :wave:  :lol:
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 06:46:00 PM
i did not say the alligations were true and as far as spelling goes i didnt know i was being graded on my grammer and spelling this is a public forum for the purpose of spreading ppls knolidge not to improve ones spelling
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 22, 2006, 06:49:00 PM
On 2006-01-22 15:46:00, Anonymous wrote:

"i did not say the alligations were true and as far as spelling goes i didnt know i was being graded on my grammer and spelling this is a public forum for the purpose of spreading ppls knolidge not to improve ones spelling "

You're not, don't sweat it.  the dudes just an ass.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: StephenLong on January 25, 2006, 12:48:00 PM
Why do none of you tell us who you are? How can we make any judgement about such statements unless we know what your personal prejudices are?

Stephen Long
Hyde Sudent in the early 80's
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2006, 02:04:00 PM
On 2006-01-25 09:48:00, StephenLong wrote:

"Why do none of you tell us who you are? How can we make any judgement about such statements unless we know what your personal prejudices are?

Stephen Long

Hyde Sudent in the early 80's"

For me there's a simple explanation: I've heard too many stories about kids at Hyde being harrassed when their parents speak out against Hyde or challenge the school's administrators. That's not a risk I'm willing to take at this point; I have lots of reasons not to trust Hyde. I have to balance my concerns about possible mistreatment with my strong belief that people who are considering Hyde need to see these postings. I understand full disclosure would be preferable; I may do that later, but I can't take that risk now. In the meantime, I would encourage anyone who reads these posts to ask hard questions of Hyde staff, talk with parents of current/former students, assess the parents' credibility, and decide whether Hyde makes sense for their child. In my humble opinion, sending a child to Hyde is a serious risk in many, if not most, instances. I have little confidence in the school's ability to meet the needs of significant numbers of its students.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2006, 07:57:00 AM
A teacher, Mr T. had sex with a female student named Sabina while I was there. Absolutely true. Joe had sex with a female former student who had reached the age of majority, while he was still married.  Joe made a pass at my mother on a parents weekend. Did I mention his name was really Joe Smith? I kid. I love mormons.

Sid Smith
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2006, 08:56:00 AM
Sabina Fenner was HOT..HOT..HOT!!!
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2006, 09:45:00 AM
yes,  Sabina was a very attractive _young_ , under aged girl who was raped ( State of Maine definition) by a Hyde Faculty Member.

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2006, 02:34:00 PM
On 2006-03-04 06:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"yes,  Sabina was a very attractive _young_ , under aged girl who was raped ( State of Maine definition) by a Hyde Faculty Member.


Please tell us more about this Sabina incident.  What did her parents do?  How did the school handle it?  I wonder if the parents sued or if the school settled anything with them.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 04, 2006, 08:10:00 PM
Not much to tell, Mr T split with his wife.  Mrs T continued at the school for a while.  We were not privy to the details. Sabina was a very beatuiful girl.  I stopped in my tracks the first time I layed eyes on her.  It was more than physical beauty.  She exuded a sensuality not unlike Marylin Monroe in an unself contious way. ( please berate me for my spelling. The ghost of Sumner Hawley is with you)
  Can any one on this list confirm or deny the story of Joe and "Dream Weaver"  It is a sweet salatious story of an older Father figure and a young beauty under the sway of his charm. You go to the reunions and no one will talk about this stuff.  They are still afraid Henry is going to make them dig a ditch.

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 07:09:00 AM
First of all Sabina was 18 or almost 18 and had a relationship with Mr. T.  SHE WAS NOT RAPED!!  She knew exactly what she was doing.  Secondly. Mr. T and Mrs T did put some breathing room between themselves, but they are still together and doing extremely well.
Thirdly, Joe and Dream Weaver did have a relationship while that beauiful dancer was in college and Joe was divorced.  He got back together with his wife at the very end of her life to care for her while she died.
And your real name Sid Smith...because I don't remember anyone with that name.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 05:39:00 PM (

  19 in Maine my friend. Statutory rape, whether she was willing of not.  So in your view it was O.K. for Joe to have a relation with Dream Weaver?  Was it OK for him to make a pass at my Mom while there was a client provider relationship?

  BTW Sid is not my real name.  There was a Sid at Hyde.

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 06:20:00 PM
>>She knew exactly what she was doing.


 Are you Sabina? How do you know what her mental process was?  Did her parents know they were shelling out 7k (pre Jimmy Carter Dollars folks) a year to have their daughter schtuped by a man twice her age?

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 07:07:00 PM
Here's a curious thing ...

Google "abuse" on ( and you get one hit.

Is that one hit a discussion of the school's policies for handling allegations of abuse (sexual, physical, emotional)?


The one hit is a discussion of "alleged  sexual abuse" at _another_ prep school:

"Date: January 13, 2006
Subject: Private Schools and Public Purpose
 An article about St. Paul's School (SPS) in Concord, NH, in the January 2006 issue of Vanity Fair has sparked some spirited discussions among folks in the independent school world. "A Private School Affair," by SPS alum Alex Shoumatoff, delves into the multi-faceted air of scandal, peppered with hazing incidents as well as financial and alleged sexual abuse, which has clung to one of America's most prestigious boarding schools in recent years ..."

OK ... so does this discussion "spark" a "spirited discussion" of similar issues of scandal, hazing, and abuse (sexual and otherwise) at The Hyde School through the years?


It "sparks" a "spirited discussion" of Hyde's entry into the charter school business in New York. "The time has come for us to apply some deliberate and careful scrutiny to the altar we have constructed in the name of diversity. ... Despite our modest means, we have been able to found two public schools, assist in the operation of several others, and we have received tentative approval to open a charter school in Harlem next year. The charter school movement might just be a new frontier for some of America's most established private schools."

Hmmmm ... if St. Paul's School is apologizing for years of faculty abuse of students, and Hyde School isn't even investigating, let alone apologizing, then why exactly is it that we ought to enthusiastically endorse this charter school movement?

Here is the Boston Globe article about the incidents that touched off the Vanity Fair article:

"Prep school apologizes for faculty abuse of students
December 9, 2005

CONCORD, N.H. --Prestigious St. Paul's School has apologized for faculty abuse of students years ago and asked any victims who have not come forward to do so now.

"To the alumni who came forward, and to any others who may have been harmed, I want to apologize on behalf of the school," interim Rector William Matthews wrote in the school newsletter and a guest newspaper column this week.

Matthews also reached out to other victims.

"These stories, as difficult as they are to tell and to hear, are necessary steps in order to help individual and institutional healing, and further to help ensure what happened does not happen again," Matthews wrote Thursday in the Concord Monitor.

The article appeared a few days after early copies of an article in Vanity Fair's January edition began circulating. The article, by St. Paul's graduate Alex Shoumatoff, says a woman attending her 25th reunion in 2000 told classmates that a popular faculty member tried to sexually assault her when she was a senior. She said she fled.

Her experience, which she said she had never talked about before, prompted discussions that brought more alleged assaults and attempted assaults to light, Vanity Fair said.

The classmates, some alleged victims, some not, launched an e-mail campaign interviewing other alumni. They went to the administration that fall with allegations of abuse ranging from unwanted advances to sexual assault by 29 teachers during a half-century extending into the early 1990s, Shoumatoff wrote. A delegation presented the findings, which included firsthand, signed allegations, to then-Rector Craig Anderson and the trustees.

"They said, `This is ancient history. It could never happen now,'" Ursula Holloman, '75, told the magazine.

Holloman, a screenwriter in Los Angeles, said the administration showed interest in only one man, a retired teacher who was then still active in school affairs.

"The dead and long-departed teachers they didn't care about. They never asked for the list," Holloman said.

Anderson, since retired, denied the account.

"I never said the incidents were ancient history," he said. "I said, `We want to do everything our power to ensure that this never happens again."

Matthews did not immediately return a phone call and e-mail seeking an interview Friday afternoon. In his column, which did not characterize the abuse as sexual, he also said the 2000 report from graduates was treated "with the utmost seriousness."

St. Paul's "pursued its own investigation, notified the appropriate authorities and proceeded to address people and policy matters that have made St. Paul's a better place," he said.

A call to the Attorney General's office Friday afternoon was referred to the police. Police, coping with a snowstorm, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Matthews said the school took action against two school employees or former employees.

"No faculty members of concern have been part of the faculty for some time, either having died before the disclosures or been immediately barred from the campus afterward, in the case of two people," he wrote.

"I want to assure everyone that St. Paul's School is a very safe place for adolescents," he added.

Vanity Fair said the school instituted a zero-tolerance policy for sexual abuse in the early 1990s.

Founded in 1856, the school has about 515 students in grades 9-12. Its graduates include Sen. John Kerry, last year's Democratic presidential nominee, and FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Two years ago, The Wall Street Journal disclosed that Anderson, an Episcopal bishop, had salary and benefits totaling $524,000 a year, which shocked many parents and graduates.

The disclosure prompted an Internal Revenue Service review, which continues, and a decision by the charitable division of the New Hampshire Attorney General's office to review the school's finances until 2008. Anderson and the vice rector also took 10 percent pay cuts.

An executive-search firm is helping the school find a permanent rector for next fall. Vanity Fair said a job description circulated this fall calls for someone to lead "with absolute integrity, humility and transparency" and to "counter the effects of negative publicity and restore the school's external reputation."
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 09:09:00 PM
On 2006-03-05 04:09:00, Anonymous wrote:

"First of all Sabina was 18 or almost 18 and had a relationship with Mr. T.  SHE WAS NOT RAPED!!  She knew exactly what she was doing.  Secondly. Mr. T and Mrs T did put some breathing room between themselves, but they are still together and doing extremely well.

Thirdly, Joe and Dream Weaver did have a relationship while that beauiful dancer was in college and Joe was divorced.  He got back together with his wife at the very end of her life to care for her while she died.

And your real name Sid Smith...because I don't remember anyone with that name."

This defense sounds like someone from Hyde because it is a typical response.  Hyde doesn't know where to draw the ethical, and moral line.  Whether she was 16 or 18, doesn't matter.  Hyde was entrusted with her care.  Mr T was an authoritative figure who knew better.  This happens so often.  Priests, doctors, teachers!  We all know about how vulnerable some girls are especially those who have problems like many at Hyde.

As far as Joe, same thing.  He was an authoritative figure in this girls life and he took advantage of it. He is the head of the school and if this was setting a good example, then God help us all who go there!  If the apple doesn't fall far, then where does Malcolm fit into this?  

Check out the posts about Mr Dubinsky.  Same thing, but different years.  Sounds like the school hasn't changed at all.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 09:18:00 PM
It would be great if Sabina came to this board to let us know how she feels.  I bet she wouldn't feel so wonderful about being taken advantage of by an authoritative person who she trusted.  I also would be interested in knowing how the girl who Joe Gauld had an affair with, (allegedly) feels now that she is grown up.  Does anyone know how to get in touch with any of these girls?  Not that they would want to talk about it, but would be very interesting to see how they feel after the betrayal at such a young age.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 09:29:00 PM
On 2006-03-05 18:18:00, Anonymous wrote:

"It would be great if Sabina came to this board to let us know how she feels.  I bet she wouldn't feel so wonderful about being taken advantage of by an authoritative person who she trusted.  I also would be interested in knowing how the girl who Joe Gauld had an affair with, (allegedly) feels now that she is grown up.  Does anyone know how to get in touch with any of these girls?  Not that they would want to talk about it, but would be very interesting to see how they feel after the betrayal at such a young age."

I don't know Sabina who was taken advantage of by a teacher, or the girl involved with Joe Gauld, but I do know about the girl who was molested by Mr Dubinsky.  The school handled it the same way as they always do, hush, hush, get the family outta there!

I suppose this "great defender" of Hyde will say that these things happen and it is normal.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 10:34:00 PM
This Dubinsky would't be Larry who is also a Hyde graduate?

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2006, 11:17:00 PM
Yes, the same Larry Dubinsky who went to Hyde along with his wife Donna.  He was fired from the school after all the controversy with sexual harassment.  I heard that his wife Donna eventually divorced him and he is now working at a local store.  The only credentials he had to work at the school was that he was a former graduate.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 06, 2006, 01:42:00 AM
On 2006-03-05 20:17:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Yes, the same Larry Dubinsky who went to Hyde along with his wife Donna.  He was fired from the school after all the controversy with sexual harassment.  I heard that his wife Donna eventually divorced him and he is now working at a local store.  The only credentials he had to work at the school was that he was a former graduate."

Do any of you think Hyde is interested in improvement by understanding how many people they have hurt?  Do you think they are interested in hearing or reading about the harm they have caused? Is Joe or Malcolm Gauld capable of change?

I think it is beneficial for Hyde to understand that although they might have helped a handful with each graduating class, there are so many more that have not been helped as you can see from this website. We are hearing more and more people speak out about the lasting negative affect Hyde has had on their lives.  I for one feel ashamed. Ashamed that I allowed Hyde to push me into being a bully and a snitch.  I thought I was doing the right thing by following the program, but I now realize the harm I could have inflicted.

Yes there are some Hyde Followers but when looking at who they are there is a pattern. Many of them are former students and parents who need a religion or cult to function.  The few Hapa(alumni) parents who I know are either recovering addicts, completely dysfunctional, or emotionally crippled.  I now look back at the seminars and realize how each HAPA parent who facilitated them displayed very odd behavior.  Most were not functioning adults.  These are not people who have been HELPED by Hyde, but instead they are being HELD by Hyde.  Does this make sense to any of you?

Would love to hear how others feel about Hyde and about what I have expressed.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: FHS on March 06, 2006, 01:46:00 PM
On 2006-03-05 22:42:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Do any of you think Hyde is interested in improvement by understanding how many people they have hurt?  Do you think they are interested in hearing or reading about the harm they have caused? Is Joe or Malcolm Gauld capable of change?"

I don't think that they are capable of perceiving the incidents and emotions described on this website as "hurt" or "harm;" I think they tell themselves that these types of revelations are an expected and, in fact, healthy byproduct of Hyde's challenge to everyone to realize their best. I think they tell themselves that the complainants have sadly failed to respond with requisite character to the challenges that Hyde School has presented to them.

Therefore, I think that they see no reason to change in response to these revelations. To the contrary, I think they tell themselves it's everyone else (e.g., complaining former students, faculty, parents, the rest of society) that needs to change. For example, see Joe's letter to Hyde parents:

 (see ... 160#149627 ( )

"Isn't Hyde Ever Wrong?"

"Of course Hyde is sometimes wrong. ... However, I think the question implies that maybe the parent and not Hyde knows better about a given situation ... This question simply does not respect the role Hyde is supposed to play in the family structure.  Since kids-and their parents-have been far more immersed in this counter growth culture than has Hyde, Hyde can be far more objective about how to best address the true final judge on growth issues. We are in a better position than parents to determine a student's true best, and further we consider our commitment to help each student realize that best a sacred truth."

On 2006-03-05 22:42:00, Anonymous wrote:

"We are hearing more and more people speak out about the lasting negative affect Hyde has had on their lives. I for one feel ashamed. Ashamed that I allowed Hyde to push me into being a bully and a snitch. I thought I was doing the right thing by following the program, but I now realize the harm I could have inflicted ... Does this make sense to any of you? Would love to hear how others feel about Hyde and about what I have expressed."

What you expressed makes perfect sense to me.
It's far more pleasant for me to experience feelings of anger toward Hyde than it is to experience my feelings of shame. I, too, feel ashamed of having caused harm, or at least increasing the potential for harm, to students and parents. I, too, feel ashamed of having been in thrall of Hyde School. I've been carrying those feelings around with me for a long time.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Former Hyde Staffer
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on March 06, 2006, 02:07:00 PM
Wow! Your postings of Joe Gauld's letter about "Is Hyde Ever Wrong" says it all.  I have never seen that before, but after reading it there is no question in my mind that Hyde is not interested in change for themselves.

I feel such pain for the people on this board who have long lasting psychological effects from Hyde. I am like you, I feel more anger at myself for buying into the Hyde Program.  I have to take responsibility for putting myself in a position of allowing a group of people to con me into believing their teachings would cure all in the family! I see it so much more clearly now and am convinced that Hyde operate as a Cult.  All that one needs to do is to go to the Hyde website and look at their message board to know there is something very bizarre going on at these campuses.  They have insulated themselves into some kind strange commune  They all talk the same lingo, just like in a Cult.  It is spooky!  Wow, how did I ever get wrapped up in that?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2006, 11:37:00 PM
when did all of this happen, can i find her picture in the year book, and what is "mr t's full name?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2006, 10:53:00 AM
On 2006-04-21 20:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

"when did all of this happen, can i find her picture in the year book, and what is "mr t's full name?"

74 - 75  Mr T's name is posted else where perhaps in this thread.  I am not sure I can spell it correctly: Thurell?

In his defense, I would have to say she would have been very hard to resist.

Sue Doenym
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2006, 04:43:00 PM
On 2006-04-22 07:53:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-04-21 20:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

"when did all of this happen, can i find her picture in the year book, and what is "mr t's full name?"

74 - 75  Mr T's name is posted else where perhaps in this thread.  I am not sure I can spell it correctly: Thurell?

In his defense, I would have to say she would have been very hard to resist.

Sue Doenym"

Although you are posting your name, Sue, you have to be a guy because a woman would not joke about a man in a position of power taking advantage of a young girl.  I don't care how much she asked for it or said she wanted to do whatever it was, a teacher, principal, or whatever has a responsibility and duty to his job and to the kids, not to take advantage of them.  We are talking about young girls who have various psychological problems, some as simple as being raised without a father.  This type of girl needs good examples in her life, not to see that a man would take advantage of her.  

You have said a lot of good things on this board Sue, but you are off track when it comes to this.  I don't see anything funny at all about Joe Gauld having an affair with a student or Larry Dubinsky running around campus getting a quick feel, taking pictures of only pretty girls, taking them off for the night, etc.

Don't mean to sound so angry, but I hope you will give some consideration to how these girls might feel later in life and think about the trust that was broken.

Problem with Hyde is they don't take these things seriously.  The strictly think about how to cover their butts.  I read on one of the posts how there is once again another problem with a teacher, (the music teacher) being sexually inappropriate with another student.  Guess we won't hear about that one either until someone posts it on this board.  When will Hyde learn to screen their teachers better, pay them enough to get decent ones, and take appropriate action when one of them steps over the line?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2006, 09:44:00 AM

Although you are posting your name, Sue, you have to be a guy

I will confess to the ownership of a penis.  However I am in touch with my inner woman. She is a lesbian.  
I realized I was leaving my female voice when I posted that.  Good catch.

because a woman would not joke about a man in a position of power taking advantage of a young girl.

I was not joking. I remember her as a very beatiful and desirable young woman.  I have no idea how the relation happened.  I do know that if I was in Mr T's postion it would be a difficult decision. I know because I have been there myself, and had to make that call. I have been in a committed monogomous relation for over twenty years.  While I found the 15 year old in my personal temtation be very attactive, I had to decline her kind offer of sexual gratification.
 A great deal of male thought process occurs below the belt.

The power thing is real.  Most men do not realize the power aspect of these non-peer relations.  My Sig O does social work for a living and has sex offenders for clients.  I have been educated on the subject

I don't care how much she asked for it or said she wanted to do whatever it was, a teacher, principal, or whatever has a responsibility and duty to his job and to the kids, not to take advantage of them. We are talking about young girls who have various psychological problems, some as simple as being raised without a father. This type of girl needs good examples in her life, not to see that a man would take advantage of her.

No argument. Word, as the youngters say.

You have said a lot of good things on this board Sue, but you are off track when it comes to this. I don't see anything funny at all about Joe Gauld having an affair with a student or Larry Dubinsky running around campus getting a quick feel, taking pictures of only pretty girls, taking them off for the night, etc.

Thank you.  I try to be thoughful or funny or both at the same time.  The thing with Joe and A. vanH. was smarmy for the non-peer power aspect.

Don't mean to sound so angry, but I hope you will give some consideration to how these girls might feel later in life and think about the trust that was broken.

I absolutely know how they feel. I was brought up catholic.

Problem with Hyde is they don't take these things seriously. The strictly think about how to cover their butts. I read on one of the posts how there is once again another problem with a teacher, (the music teacher) being sexually inappropriate with another student. Guess we won't hear about that one either until someone posts it on this board. When will Hyde learn to screen their teachers better, pay them enough to get decent ones, and take appropriate action when one of them steps over the line?

I know very little about Hyde.  I will not defend the present incarnation of the same.  When I was there it work for me.  With that said it worked for me because of the things I learned dealing with the place, not because I got "it" as they used to say in E.S.T.. Some of the experiances were good, the summer program rowing the dorys the athletics were good for me.  I ski, ride mountain bike and fitness run.  I don't think I would be doing those things if I had not gone to Hyde.
I have talked to a couple of folks that were there when I was, off list.  They have told me of some really horrifing personal problems they had there. I flew under the radar when I was there. I never spoke in meetings.  I gave the bare minimum in seminars.  I never broke any of the rules.  So I was never the object of Joe's attention.

There you got me monologuing.

I got to bet back to work

A boy named sue
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2006, 01:56:00 PM
Sue, (funny name for a guy)

I do appreciate your response and you owning up to some of what you said.  It takes a big person to admit this.  By the way, I do like your sense of humor, just a little sensitive to Hyde's bad attitude about sexual abuse.

Would you mind posting your last post on here.  It comes out in purple and is hard to read.  Let me know if it is strictly my computer that sees it this way.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2006, 06:47:00 PM

Although you are posting your name, Sue, you have to be a guy

I will confess to the ownership of a penis. However I am in touch with my inner woman. She is a lesbian.
I realized I was leaving my female voice when I posted that. Good catch.

because a woman would not joke about a man in a position of power taking advantage of a young girl.

I was not joking. I remember her as a very beatiful and desirable young woman. I have no idea how the relation happened. I do know that if I was in Mr T's postion it would be a difficult decision. I know because I have been there myself, and had to make that call. I have been in a committed monogomous relation for over twenty years. While I found the 15 year old in my personal temtation be very attactive, I had to decline her kind offer of sexual gratification.
A great deal of male thought process occurs below the belt.

The power thing is real. Most men do not realize the power aspect of these non-peer relations. My Sig O does social work for a living and has sex offenders for clients. I have been educated on the subject

I don't care how much she asked for it or said she wanted to do whatever it was, a teacher, principal, or whatever has a responsibility and duty to his job and to the kids, not to take advantage of them. We are talking about young girls who have various psychological problems, some as simple as being raised without a father. This type of girl needs good examples in her life, not to see that a man would take advantage of her.

No argument. Word, as the youngters say.

You have said a lot of good things on this board Sue, but you are off track when it comes to this. I don't see anything funny at all about Joe Gauld having an affair with a student or Larry Dubinsky running around campus getting a quick feel, taking pictures of only pretty girls, taking them off for the night, etc.

Thank you. I try to be thoughful or funny or both at the same time. The thing with Joe and A. vanH. was smarmy for the non-peer power aspect.

Don't mean to sound so angry, but I hope you will give some consideration to how these girls might feel later in life and think about the trust that was broken.

I absolutely know how they feel. I was brought up catholic.

Problem with Hyde is they don't take these things seriously. The strictly think about how to cover their butts. I read on one of the posts how there is once again another problem with a teacher, (the music teacher) being sexually inappropriate with another student. Guess we won't hear about that one either until someone posts it on this board. When will Hyde learn to screen their teachers better, pay them enough to get decent ones, and take appropriate action when one of them steps over the line?

I know very little about Hyde. I will not defend the present incarnation of the same. When I was there it work for me. With that said it worked for me because of the things I learned dealing with the place, not because I got "it" as they used to say in E.S.T.. Some of the experiances were good, the summer program rowing the dorys the athletics were good for me. I ski, ride mountain bike and fitness run. I don't think I would be doing those things if I had not gone to Hyde.
I have talked to a couple of folks that were there when I was, off list. They have told me of some really horrifing personal problems they had there. I flew under the radar when I was there. I never spoke in meetings. I gave the bare minimum in seminars. I never broke any of the rules. So I was never the object of Joe's attention.

There you got me monologuing.

I got to bet back to work

A boy named sue
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2006, 06:48:00 PM
damn that did not come out right either

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 23, 2006, 07:16:00 PM
I will have to stop posting for a while and come back with another name how about "Kandy Darling" or "Andy Warhol"?  What do you think? (

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 10:36:00 PM
I was propositioned by the same teacher to whom "Sue" is referring, the one who ostensibly slept with another student whose parents then sued the school in the 1970's. Although I did not take him up on his offer, it was harmful and has remained with me for years. I never told my parents or anyone else at the school.

 I recall the student asking the dorm proctor for permission to go to his apartment in the New Dorm for math tutoring during study hall. This occurred repeatedly in the evening while his wife was at play practice in the Student Union.

The same teacher used to make a sexual joke with his math class about how his wife liked his "right angles." It was common knowledge.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 10:53:00 PM
On 2006-04-27 19:36:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I was propositioned by the same teacher to whom "Sue" is referring, the one who ostensibly slept with another student whose parents then sued the school in the 1970's. Although I did not take him up on his offer, it was harmful and has remained with me for years. I never told my parents or anyone else at the school.

 I recall the student asking the dorm proctor for permission to go to his apartment in the New Dorm for math tutoring during study hall. This occurred repeatedly in the evening while his wife was at play practice in the Student Union.

The same teacher used to make a sexual joke with his math class about how his wife liked his "right angles." It was common knowledge.


Thank you for being so honest about what happened to you at Hyde. Was Hyde or some of the staff aware that this Mr T was propositioning the female students? If they did know, did they take any action?  At what point did they take action?  Was Mr T at Hyde for very long?

Sorry for all the questions or asking you to relive what happened to you, but am very curious if Hyde has changed at all. I know they did not take the situation with Mr Dubinsky seriously even when several girls reported how uncomfortable he made them feel.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 11:27:00 PM
I cannot say how much the administrators knew about the teacher's behavior prior to the summer when he left the school after the girl's parents reported his sexual misconduct.

 I do know, however, that there were other inappropriate male comments made to girls about their bodies in general, and some girls were put on diets arbitarily. Seemed odd to have a male teacher weighing in all these teenage girls. The wrestlers taught the girls how to get their weight down for these weigh-ins by using laxatives. The weight loss was totally unsupervised. The teachers said to lose so many pounds and the girls were expected to do it with no guidance. They had to eat the same high starch food in the dining room as everyone else and weigh in once a week. After weighing in on a weekend morning, they headed to the dining room for french toast or pancakes with lots of syrup. Hyde was really good at teaching the binge-purge cycle.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 11:58:00 PM
Once, while walking up the wood steps going toward the back entrance of the mansion, I was in front of a particular male teacher, who is now deceased. Because of the nature of steps and his position behind me, he had full view of my rear end. This occassioned a rude comment from him to me about my body. I was horrified, humiliated, ashamed. This was years ago, and it still stings. I am not sure if anyone at the school at the time really thought this kind of comment was out of line. The damage that can do to an adolescent girl is very real and deep, especially when the comment comes from a teacher. When this teacher died, Laura Gauld wrote a glowing piece about him in some Hyde publication, about how wonderful his influence was on students and teachers. I was so sad when I read it. His influence on me was anything but wonderful.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2006, 12:17:00 AM
On 2006-04-27 20:58:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Once, while walking up the wood steps going toward the back entrance of the mansion, I was in front of a particular male teacher, who is now deceased. Because of the nature of steps and his position behind me, he had full view of my rear end. This occassioned a rude comment from him to me about my body. I was horrified, humiliated, ashamed. This was years ago, and it still stings. I am not sure if anyone at the school at the time really thought this kind of comment was out of line. The damage that can do to an adolescent girl is very real and deep, especially when the comment comes from a teacher. When this teacher died, Laura Gauld wrote a glowing piece about him in some Hyde publication, about how wonderful his influence was on students and teachers. I was so sad when I read it. His influence on me was anything but wonderful.


I read your post and I have feelings of sadness, (for you) anger, and resentment.  I had a similar experience at Hyde and it actually went a little further with the male teacher. Truth be told, a school cannot always monitor every single thing a teacher does throughout the day, but in my case the school absolutely knew and chose to ignore it, hoping I would go away.  There was never a doubt that many of the top administrators were aware of the innappropriate behavior of this staff member.  It makes me sick to hear that there was a pattern of this reaction by the school for years.  My feeling and the feelings of other students who went to school with me is that Hyde only cares about covering their butts when necessary.  

Don't be upset with yourself for remaining silent.  I didn't remain silent and it didn't make a difference. Those teachers who are still at Hyde School, and who know about these abuses and do nothing,(you know who you are) should be the ones who feel ashamed.  Ashamed that they allowed these things to go on, and ashamed that they live with this knowledge and still do nothing!

Thanks for sharing your story. I would love to know how you are doing now.  Are you still angry?  Do you still feel the betrayal that I do?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2006, 01:51:00 AM
I am sorry for your painful experiences at Hyde.

Yes, I still feel anger and betrayal, but wish I could let it go.

No, I do not feel I should have said anything, b/c it would only have been turned back on me somehow and wouldn't have helped anyone else.

Mostly, I am worried about teens who are still being hurt and who don't even know it, because they have bought into the place and the people as I did. I am sure there are some people who Hyde helps, but I can't see that as a justification for the level of harm done there. Of course, inappropriate behavior goes on at all schools to some extent. However, in my experience, we are talking about more than that with regard to the pernicious patterns of adult behaviors at Hyde.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2006, 05:32:00 AM
On 2006-04-27 22:51:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I am sorry for your painful experiences at Hyde.

Yes, I still feel anger and betrayal, but wish I could let it go.

No, I do not feel I should have said anything, b/c it would only have been turned back on me somehow and wouldn't have helped anyone else.

Mostly, I am worried about teens who are still being hurt and who don't even know it, because they have bought into the place and the people as I did. I am sure there are some people who Hyde helps, but I can't see that as a justification for the level of harm done there. Of course, inappropriate behavior goes on at all schools to some extent. However, in my experience, we are talking about more than that with regard to the pernicious patterns of adult behaviors at Hyde."

As the parent of a Hyde student I'm horrified to read all these accounts of staff misbehavior.  I too am distressed by the conduct of many people at Hyde.  When we signed up at the school I was optimistic about our child's future there.  Now I've learned that Hyde has a serious dark side and is very good at covering up.  I wish I had known all of this when we first looked at the school.  I hope other parents can learn from all these comments and avoid the mistake we made by joining Hyde School.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2006, 07:53:00 AM
these accts are from the 70's
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2006, 08:09:00 AM
On 2006-04-28 04:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"these accts are from the 70's"

No these acts are not from only the 70's, these acts continue to the 2000's.  Read back some of these posts and you will see.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2006, 10:11:00 AM
If they were isolated acts in the 70's, I don't think we would all be here writing about Hyde in this forum.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2006, 08:06:00 PM
On 2006-04-28 04:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"these accts are from the 70's"

I have no idea what happened at Hyde in the 1970s.  But I know very well about the more recent nightmares at Hyde (since 2000).  Anyone who thinks Hyde cleaned up its act after whatever happened in the 1970s is fooling himself.  If you take the time to read the many postings on this board you'll see that Hyde's bad stories continue.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: tommyfromhyde1 on April 29, 2006, 04:15:00 PM
On 2006-04-27 20:27:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I cannot say how much the administrators knew about the teacher's behavior prior to the summer when he left the school after the girl's parents reported his sexual misconduct.

 I do know, however, that there were other inappropriate male comments made to girls about their bodies in general, and some girls were put on diets arbitarily. Seemed odd to have a male teacher weighing in all these teenage girls. The wrestlers taught the girls how to get their weight down for these weigh-ins by using laxatives. The weight loss was totally unsupervised. The teachers said to lose so many pounds and the girls were expected to do it with no guidance. They had to eat the same high starch food in the dining room as everyone else and weigh in once a week. After weighing in on a weekend morning, they headed to the dining room for french toast or pancakes with lots of syrup. Hyde was really good at teaching the binge-purge cycle. "

I guess this is a bit off the sex topic but does anyone know if Hyde's still as obsessed about weight as they were in the '70s?

All religion is dumb. It's one big story they're feeding you so you'll  behave on Earth. If there is a god, then he's a prick.
--Howard Stern, American radio personality

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2006, 02:01:00 AM
On 2006-04-29 13:15:00, tommyfromhyde1 wrote:


On 2006-04-27 20:27:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I cannot say how much the administrators knew about the teacher's behavior prior to the summer when he left the school after the girl's parents reported his sexual misconduct.

 I do know, however, that there were other inappropriate male comments made to girls about their bodies in general, and some girls were put on diets arbitarily. Seemed odd to have a male teacher weighing in all these teenage girls. The wrestlers taught the girls how to get their weight down for these weigh-ins by using laxatives. The weight loss was totally unsupervised. The teachers said to lose so many pounds and the girls were expected to do it with no guidance. They had to eat the same high starch food in the dining room as everyone else and weigh in once a week. After weighing in on a weekend morning, they headed to the dining room for french toast or pancakes with lots of syrup. Hyde was really good at teaching the binge-purge cycle. "

I guess this is a bit off the sex topic but does anyone know if Hyde's still as obsessed about weight as they were in the '70s?

All religion is dumb. It's one big story they're feeding you so you'll  behave on Earth. If there is a god, then he's a prick.
--Howard Stern, American radio personality


When I was at Hyde in the early 2000's, they did not talk to us about weight.  It would be kind of funny if they did because the majority of female administrators are overweight.  Some are severely obese!
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: SLenders on May 06, 2006, 08:27:00 AM
YOu have no idea what your talking about you should probably stop speaking of Hyde like you know the place! And if you did have an exsperience you are ovbiously spiteful that you got put in your place and you cant handle it.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on May 06, 2006, 12:06:00 PM
On 2006-05-06 05:27:00, SLenders wrote:

"YOu have no idea what your talking about you should probably stop speaking of Hyde like you know the place! And if you did have an exsperience you are ovbiously spiteful that you got put in your place and you cant handle it."

Could you be more specific? What particular post are you talking about?  How do you know it not to be true?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on May 10, 2006, 05:07:00 PM
and your intelligent. you da maaaaaaaaaan!
what an idiot!
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on December 14, 2006, 06:19:28 PM
Quote from: "Guest"

On 2006-04-27 19:36:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I was propositioned by the same teacher to whom "Sue" is referring, the one who ostensibly slept with another student whose parents then sued the school in the 1970's. Although I did not take him up on his offer, it was harmful and has remained with me for years. I never told my parents or anyone else at the school...

Thank you for being so honest about what happened to you at Hyde. Was Hyde or some of the staff aware that this Mr T was propositioning the female students? If they did know, did they take any action?  At what point did they take action?  Was Mr T at Hyde for very long?

Sorry for all the questions or asking you to relive what happened to you, but am very curious if Hyde has changed at all. I know they did not take the situation with Mr Dubinsky seriously even when several girls reported how uncomfortable he made them feel.

At the time the original misconduct occurred (the rape), some 30 years ago, I overheard at least two conversations between faculty members that this had NOT been the first time that BT had tried to pull this behaviour off (although he had been unsuccessful on previous attempt).  Are we to understand that there are even MORE women out there abused by this predator?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on December 14, 2006, 09:55:13 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: ""Guest""

On 2006-04-27 19:36:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I was propositioned by the same teacher to whom "Sue" is referring, the one who ostensibly slept with another student whose parents then sued the school in the 1970's. Although I did not take him up on his offer, it was harmful and has remained with me for years. I never told my parents or anyone else at the school...

Thank you for being so honest about what happened to you at Hyde. Was Hyde or some of the staff aware that this Mr T was propositioning the female students? If they did know, did they take any action?  At what point did they take action?  Was Mr T at Hyde for very long?

Sorry for all the questions or asking you to relive what happened to you, but am very curious if Hyde has changed at all. I know they did not take the situation with Mr Dubinsky seriously even when several girls reported how uncomfortable he made them feel.

At the time the original misconduct occurred (the rape), some 30 years ago, I overheard at least two conversations between faculty members that this had NOT been the first time that BT had tried to pull this behaviour off (although he had been unsuccessful on previous attempt).  Are we to understand that there are even MORE women out there abused by this predator?

I saw him at the hyde 40th bday party.  Man the years have been bad to him.  He looked like he would have a hard time mounting a easy chair let alone a teen age girl.  His wife Lynn is still pretty spry and attractive tho.
Title: Earl Bigalow
Post by: mansion dweller on January 19, 2007, 02:45:38 PM
I am suprised that none has mentioned the most recent and most notable case of sexual misconduct at hyde,  In 2004 the very popular music teachers was fired because he had been having a relationship with a student  and had engaged in sexual activity  with this student while on a  school trip. They had one meeting to adress what had happend, and to announce that bigalow was not working at hyde my knowladge no leagal action was taken and many students ran into him in town afterwards.   it is also worth saying that many of the female student in his music classes were uneasy with him and thought that he was too close with a handful of the girls, of course nothing was done about it untill it was too late.

as a side note i dont believe we should be using psydonyms for sexual predators
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 19, 2007, 03:08:05 PM
Well, there you go!  ANOTHER one I'm not familiar with!  Just goes to show!  Thanks for enlightening/reminding us!

Again:  no legal action taken.

BTW, what do you mean by this:
as a side note i dont believe we should be using psydonyms for sexual predators
Title: Re: Earl Bigalow
Post by: Anonymous on January 19, 2007, 04:14:31 PM
Quote from: ""mansion dweller""
I am suprised that none has mentioned the most recent and most notable case of sexual misconduct at hyde,  In 2004 the very popular music teachers was fired because he had been having a relationship with a student  and had engaged in sexual activity  with this student while on a  school trip. They had one meeting to adress what had happend, and to announce that bigalow was not working at hyde my knowladge no leagal action was taken and many students ran into him in town afterwards.   it is also worth saying that many of the female student in his music classes were uneasy with him and thought that he was too close with a handful of the girls, of course nothing was done about it untill it was too late.

as a side note i dont believe we should be using psydonyms for sexual predators

On which campus did this occur?  What kind of publicity did it get?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 19, 2007, 04:44:03 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Well, there you go!  ANOTHER one I'm not familiar with!  Just goes to show!  Thanks for enlightening/reminding us!

Again:  no legal action taken.

BTW, what do you mean by this:
as a side note i dont believe we should be using psydonyms for sexual predators

I think they want to know who BT is. Do you want to tell them.  I would have to look up his last name. I know how to spell Bill

Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 19, 2007, 04:57:54 PM
Bob Thurrell
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 19, 2007, 05:29:04 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Bob Thurrell

"bob" where did I get "bill"  I still can spell thurrell.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on November 21, 2007, 07:16:47 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Once, while walking up the wood steps going toward the back entrance of the mansion, I was in front of a particular male teacher, who is now deceased. Because of the nature of steps and his position behind me, he had full view of my rear end. This occassioned a rude comment from him to me about my body. I was horrified, humiliated, ashamed. This was years ago, and it still stings. I am not sure if anyone at the school at the time really thought this kind of comment was out of line. The damage that can do to an adolescent girl is very real and deep, especially when the comment comes from a teacher. When this teacher died, Laura Gauld wrote a glowing piece about him in some Hyde publication, about how wonderful his influence was on students and teachers. I was so sad when I read it. His influence on me was anything but wonderful.

Anyone know who this former teacher is?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Ursus on November 23, 2007, 09:28:07 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Once, while walking up the wood steps going toward the back entrance of the mansion, I was in front of a particular male teacher, who is now deceased. Because of the nature of steps and his position behind me, he had full view of my rear end. This occassioned a rude comment from him to me about my body. I was horrified, humiliated, ashamed. This was years ago, and it still stings. I am not sure if anyone at the school at the time really thought this kind of comment was out of line. The damage that can do to an adolescent girl is very real and deep, especially when the comment comes from a teacher. When this teacher died, Laura Gauld wrote a glowing piece about him in some Hyde publication, about how wonderful his influence was on students and teachers. I was so sad when I read it. His influence on me was anything but wonderful.
Anyone know who this former teacher is?

Off the top of my head, two possible candidates come to mind -- as far as being dead and also having "a glowing piece" written about them in a Hyde publication goes...  Both men were very popular, generally more so with the male students.  

... Which kind of brings to the fore just how some teacher could get away with commenting on a female student's rear end in the first place.  But then, we are talking about Hyde, prime climate for abetting and even encouraging that kind of intrusive judgment...  

Who knows whether that teacher would have even thought to make such a remark in a different school environment.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 09:55:58 PM
not like u can complain to ur parents or any1 else there
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on December 02, 2007, 08:04:42 AM
Butt-fuckers always tryin to run my world..
Title: Re: Earl Bigalow
Post by: Anonymous on December 14, 2007, 09:13:47 PM
Quote from: ""mansion dweller""
I am suprised that none has mentioned the most recent and most notable case of sexual misconduct at hyde,  In 2004 the very popular music teachers was fired because he had been having a relationship with a student  and had engaged in sexual activity  with this student while on a  school trip. They had one meeting to adress what had happend, and to announce that bigalow was not working at hyde my knowladge no leagal action was taken and many students ran into him in town afterwards.   it is also worth saying that many of the female student in his music classes were uneasy with him and thought that he was too close with a handful of the girls, of course nothing was done about it untill it was too late.

as a side note i dont believe we should be using psydonyms for sexual predators

Very surprised about Mr Bigolow. I remember he left very quickly and out of the blue.  The parents must have put a lot of pressure on the school or filed suit because Hyde does not take these things very seriously. Shoot, when Dubinsky molested the girl Hyde continued to allow him on campus and around the female students. Dubinsky was invited to have his wedding on campus and to this day is welcome back to look for new prey
Title: Re: Earl Bigelow
Post by: Ursus on December 14, 2007, 11:53:32 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""mansion dweller""
I am suprised that none has mentioned the most recent and most notable case of sexual misconduct at hyde,  In 2004 the very popular music teachers was fired because he had been having a relationship with a student and had engaged in sexual activity with this student while on a school trip. They had one meeting to adress what had happend, and to announce that bigalow was not working at hyde my knowladge no leagal action was taken and many students ran into him in town afterwards.   it is also worth saying that many of the female student in his music classes were uneasy with him and thought that he was too close with a handful of the girls, of course nothing was done about it untill it was too late.

as a side note i dont believe we should be using psydonyms for sexual predators
Very surprised about Mr Bigolow. I remember he left very quickly and out of the blue.  The parents must have put a lot of pressure on the school or filed suit because Hyde does not take these things very seriously. Shoot, when Dubinsky molested the girl Hyde continued to allow him on campus and around the female students. Dubinsky was invited to have his wedding on campus and to this day is welcome back to look for new prey

I must admit I have no knowledge of how the chips fell in the Bigelow situation.  It wouldn't surprise me, however, if I were to learn that Hyde never even bothered to inform the student's parents, after all was said and done.  Perhaps the student did not inform her parents either; perhaps she was too ashamed, after all the grilling and insinuations that Hyde put her through in the aftermath.  'Tis probably a most egregious and cynical perspective on my part, but... well, there it is.

As to the dissimilar treatment of these two pedophiles, my guess is that Bigelow was more expendable than Dubinsky was.  Dubinsky was also a former student, and was then  or previously the Dean of Students, so Hyde had a vested interest in having him be seen as a "success story."  And they had the quandary of dealing with his wife also being a teacher there, along with three of his kids enrolled at the time (I might be wrong about the exact number of them).  Disruption of that little apple cart was a mess they probably were hoping to avoid.  

You are right, they don't take these situations very seriously, at least from the standpoint of the effects on the students involved, let alone the message it sends to the rest of the student body.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Ursus on January 10, 2008, 09:11:26 AM
Hyde School really has a problem with boundary issues.  The sexual transgressions that occur there are just the most obvious manifestation of that.  But it is really across the board, in pretty much every area of human development.  That goes for staff as well as students.  There is no respect for anyone's autonomy there, unless you're one of the Gaulds or their inner circle.

They might allow you some leeway, especially in the beginning, to give you the illusion that you are a free agent.  But if you don't start heading in the direction they want you to, they'll come down on you, and put those psychological screws to the task.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 10, 2008, 11:31:32 AM
Well, they don't do ever one like they did your family.  There is a price for disloyalty.  They had to make an example otherwise they may have been a mutiny on the HMS NationalCommittment.  Come on now "take your job seriously,not yourself"
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Ursus on January 10, 2008, 12:55:58 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Well, they don't do ever one like they did your family.  There is a price for disloyalty.  They had to make an example otherwise they may have been a mutiny on the HMS NationalCommittment.  Come on now "take your job seriously,not yourself"

Are you talking about my family?  We were but fleas as far as impact on National Commitment was concerned.  Whose family really had any impact on National Commitment, eh?  

Or are there just too many typos, maybe I don't really understand what you are referring to, sorry...
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 10, 2008, 01:32:37 PM
Don't be coy.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Ursus on January 10, 2008, 02:05:29 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Don't be coy.

Interesting.  Does this family even know they were ostracized and prepped for the sacrificial platter in the interest of protecting Hyde's reputation?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 10, 2008, 07:15:18 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
They had to make an example otherwise they may have been a mutiny on the HMS NationalCommittment.

What is the HMS National commitment? What was so bad there may been a mutiny?
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Ursus on January 11, 2008, 05:20:34 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
They had to make an example otherwise they may have been a mutiny on the HMS NationalCommittment.
What is the HMS National commitment? What was so bad there may been a mutiny?

"National Commitment" was Hyde School's dream of changing the face, not to mention the guts, of the American educational system.  Not sure what Guest meant by mutiny since most everyone at that time was either brainwashed or cowed into silence by those that were.  Errant folk who would not partake from that goblet were either rousted out with great fanfare and humiliation, or managed to slink away quietly with some of their sanity still intact.Cult groups may often claim to be imbued with a higher sense of purpose.  They portray themselves as members of an elite—the vanguard of a social or spiritual movement with a mystical imperative, "the pursuit of which must supersede all considerations of decency or of immediate human welfare."

From:  Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, p422, by R.J. Lifton. New York: Norton (1961).[/list]
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2008, 10:05:01 PM
Dont forget the traveling road show Americas Spirit that went along with it for publicitys sake.  Just how many rules, laws, ethical boundaries and kids educations and futures were thrown out for NC/AS?  Nice if you were in sync with Hyde.  Not all were.

captcha:  fits McCaffrey
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2008, 07:13:51 AM
Gee Whiz,

  AS was a great opportunity for us kids and to spread the work about the awesome experience families can have at Hyde.
Title: sexual misconduct
Post by: Joseph W. Gauld on January 13, 2008, 11:25:40 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Gee Whiz,

AS was a great opportunity for us kids and to spread the work about the awesome experience families can have at Hyde.

I thank you, my good friend, fer yer words of support and wisdom!  I'm not "Mr. Gee Whiz," but I yam The Man, and The WIZ, when it comes to changing kids fer the better and giving them the chance of a lifetime to explore their destiny of unique potential, or a potentially unique destiny, or uniquely potential destiny, or whatever... I can't keep track of how we are selling it half the time.  Those words don't mean a piss-poor weasley squat anyway, but they sure do SOUND good!! Har-de-har har har!!!

I sure 'nuff thought "America's Spirit" was gonna take me to Broadway at the time!  It were my chance to SHINE!!  Talk about an expanded audience fer me to strut my stuff, har har!!

Always thinkin' of "How to Get Rich and Influence People,"
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator
Title: Re: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2008, 02:09:42 PM
Quote from: "Joseph W. Gauld"
Quote from: "Guest"
Gee Whiz,

AS was a great opportunity for us kids and to spread the work about the awesome experience families can have at Hyde.
I thank you, my good friend, fer yer words of support and wisdom!  I'm not "Mr. Gee Whiz," but I yam The Man, and The WIZ, when it comes to changing kids fer the better and giving them the chance of a lifetime to explore their destiny of unique potential, or a potentially unique destiny, or uniquely potential destiny, or whatever... I can't keep track of how we are selling it half the time.  Those words don't mean a piss-poor weasley squat anyway, but they sure do SOUND good!! Har-de-har har har!!!

I sure 'nuff thought "America's Spirit" was gonna take me to Broadway at the time!  It were my chance to SHINE!!  Talk about an expanded audience fer me to strut my stuff, har har!!

Always thinkin' of "How to Get Rich and Influence People,"
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

  But Joe you WERE on Broadway.  Have you forgot the fantastic show at the Circle in the Square.  You were magnificent!
Title: Re: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2008, 04:42:51 PM
Quote from: "Sinq O'phant"
Quote from: "Joseph W. Gauld"
Quote from: "Guest"
Gee Whiz,

AS was a great opportunity for us kids and to spread the work about the awesome experience families can have at Hyde.
I thank you, my good friend, fer yer words of support and wisdom!  I'm not "Mr. Gee Whiz," but I yam The Man, and The WIZ, when it comes to changing kids fer the better and giving them the chance of a lifetime to explore their destiny of unique potential, or a potentially unique destiny, or uniquely potential destiny, or whatever... I can't keep track of how we are selling it half the time.  Those words don't mean a piss-poor weasley squat anyway, but they sure do SOUND good!! Har-de-har har har!!!

I sure 'nuff thought "America's Spirit" was gonna take me to Broadway at the time!  It were my chance to SHINE!!  Talk about an expanded audience fer me to strut my stuff, har har!!

Always thinkin' of "How to Get Rich and Influence People,"
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

  But Joe you WERE on Broadway.  Have you forgot the fantastic show at the Circle in the Square.  You were magnificent!

Awww Hunnee...  I think he meant right on 42nd Street!
Title: Re: sexual misconduct
Post by: Joseph W. Gauld on January 15, 2008, 05:09:04 PM
I jes wanna say that that ACT was in no small way INSTRUMENTAL in my later squiring of that perky youngun Miss Andrea VH, pardon my punning, har-de-har har har!!! A man of my virility is ALWAYS the star of ANY show!!

Stretchin' more than my vocal chords,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator
Title: Re: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2008, 04:12:06 PM
Quote from: "Joseph W. Gauld"
I jes wanna say that that ACT was in no small way INSTRUMENTAL in my later squiring of that perky youngun Miss Andrea VH, pardon my punning, har-de-har har har!!! A man of my virility is ALWAYS the star of ANY show!!

Stretchin' more than my vocal chords,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

But did you practice your Brother's Keeper then, Joey G? Fucking your former student with the whole school knowing, that wasn't good. And poor Blanche, still wearing your wedding ring. But it is okay for YOU to do it, right? You were teaching her some more character.
Title: Re: sexual misconduct
Post by: Joseph W. Gauld on February 03, 2008, 08:18:44 PM
I say, Guest, ya really oughter "dig deeper" and talk to my main man Lee Mortenson 'bout what it really means ta be a flesh and red blooded all-around American MAN. The guy really knows his stuff. That's why he and his wifey #4 have got the job of being Hyde's National HAPA Coordinators, har har!! Penis Power builds some damn good character!!

When I was in my younger years, a good stiff rod rightly placed shut up most of the squawkin'.

Bearing witness to Penis Powah!!
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator
Title: Re: sexual misconduct
Post by: Anonymous on February 19, 2008, 06:55:16 PM
if she were at Hyde, this would never have come out. ... er_charged (
Title: Re: sexual misconduct
Post by: Ursus on February 21, 2008, 12:44:49 PM
Article expanded out for posterity's sake...

Interesting that she apparently is a minister's daughter. Why does it seem that ideological rigidity, and staff taking sexual advantage of students, appear to go hand in hand?

Former teacher sentenced in sex case (http://
By KATRINA A. GOGGINS, Associated Press Writer

LAURENS, S.C. - A former middle school teacher was sent to prison for six years Tuesday for having sexual encounters with five teenage boys. Authorities said Allenna Ward, 24, met 14- and 15-year-old boys at the school where she taught as well as at a motel, a park and behind a restaurant.

"I apologize from the depths of my heart," Ward said in court.

Police began investigating last year after school officials found a note believed to have been written by Ward to one of the boys. Some of the victims were students at Bell Street Middle School in Clinton, where Ward taught. She was fired about a year ago.

Ward pleaded guilty in September to three counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor and three lewd acts on a minor.

Forensic psychiatrist Donna Schwartz-Watts said Ward is not a pedophile, but rather a childlike victim suffering from personality disorders and a repressed childhood. Schwartz-Watts said the minister's daughter lived a sheltered life but really was a "free spirit" who never got a chance to break away from her family.

Prosecutors painted Ward's crimes in a harsher light and said she violated the trust that parents place in teachers.

Some of the victims' families attended the sentencing but did not speak during the court hearing.

"I just feel like justice has been served," the sister of one victim said after the hearing. "We're just glad that it's all over."

The Associated Press does not normally identify victims of sexual crimes.

Ward's lawyer Donald Hocker cited the psychiatric testimony in asking for home imprisonment for his client. Hocker said Ward will be vulnerable to physical and emotional abuse at the hands of other prisoners.

"It's an awful case with awful consequences, but Allenna Ward is not an awful woman," Hocker said in court. He declined to speak to a reporter after the hearing.

Ward was sentenced to 15 years in prison for each lewd act count, but the punishments were suspended to six years. She also was sentenced to six years on each second-degree criminal sexual conduct count. The sentences are to run concurrently.