
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: shopgirl2005 on January 12, 2006, 12:24:00 PM

Post by: shopgirl2005 on January 12, 2006, 12:24:00 PM
I'm still doing my research on therapeutic schools and the only tangible thing I found was from the NIH and the only talk about RTC and Hidden Lake is not one of those.

Usually from what I've learned RTC are residential treatments like Brown  Schools or so.

Hidden Lake seems to be accredited for therapeutic and academic purposes and please correct me (anyone) if I'm wrong.  

The program seems perfect for my son but I still have my doubts.  Some people say its ok but other on this forum no.

I currently have a list of parents of student who graduate from HLA and I intend to call all of them to ask them all kind of questions.

If someone has a good or bad experience with HLA please let me know.

I'm still searching for the best option for my son.
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2006, 12:44:00 PM
Have you read the HLA forum? ... 460#163908 (

As for accreditation, I want you to understand the difference between that and 'LICENSED'. ... rum=41&288 (

Their wilderness program- Ridge Creek is licensed and monitored by the state. HLA is not. They listed with the state as a 'traditional' boarding school.

You would be wrong to assume that there is an independent entity overseeing and scrutinizing the therapeutic aspect of the program. They are ACCREDITED by an agency which oversees academics- although my A/B son returned home 5 credits behind his peers.

There is much to read there, but you can cut your search time if you:
*Select WWF in the left column
*Type in a search term such as 'accreditation', 'restriction' 'license' etc
*Select the HLA forum from the drop down box
*Then Send

You might also read this forum: (
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 12:44:00 PM
The best thing to do is visit the school yourself, talk to parents and others who are familiar with the school, and ask around. Also, read all the documents before you sign them and ask questions if I want you to about what you are signing. This forum can have good information but it also has some who will distort the truth to make places sound like horrible deathtraps. Just follow your instincts and make sure you are comfortable with your decision. Sending your child to a school away from home is sometimes the best option, but sometimes its better closer to home, it will just depend on the individual case.
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 12:46:00 PM
HLA is not required to be licensed by the state based on the state's defination of their program. They are accredited by several agencies, which is something different, but the state does not require the school be "licensed". They are monitored by the Health Dept. for food quality, cleanliness, etc.
Post by: Troll Control on January 12, 2006, 01:01:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 09:46:00, Anonymous wrote:

"HLA is not required to be licensed by the state based on the state's defination of their program. They are accredited by several agencies, which is something different, but the state does not require the school be "licensed". They are monitored by the Health Dept. for food quality, cleanliness, etc. "

STEER CLEAR of HLA.  You would be making a huge mistake even considering this program.  They are NOT monitored or overseen by any agency.  They are accredited as a traditional boarding school and NOT licensed for mental health care.

Why would you even consider sending a kid in need of therapy to an unlicensed residential treatment center?  

Be sure to read up on HLA and the ongoing problems they have like failed health inspections (staff members reported maggots in the food), LGAT seminars, bizarre confrontational "therapy", forced labor as punishment, sleep deprivation, diet restriction, and many other abusive techniques on the watchlist of  

It has recently been reported by several residents that there have allegedly been multiple incidents of sexual relations between staff and children, including one administrative staff member reportedly "hooking up" with a resident (he was reportedly "fired" then quietly rehired and promoted after the girl left treatment).

There's simply too much to list in a short post, but please do use the search function on this site for information on this behavior modification center.

"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arnold Schopenhauer[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-26 15:14 ]
Post by: TheWho on January 12, 2006, 01:16:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 09:24:00, shopgirl2005 wrote:

"I'm still doing my research on therapeutic schools and the only tangible thing I found was from the NIH and the only talk about RTC and Hidden Lake is not one of those.

Usually from what I've learned RTC are residential treatments like Brown  Schools or so.

Hidden Lake seems to be accredited for therapeutic and academic purposes and please correct me (anyone) if I'm wrong.  

The program seems perfect for my son but I still have my doubts.  Some people say its ok but other on this forum no.

I currently have a list of parents of student who graduate from HLA and I intend to call all of them to ask them all kind of questions.

If someone has a good or bad experience with HLA please let me know.

I'm still searching for the best option for my son."

I've heard good things about HLA. The best advice is to call parents whos kids have finished the program and talk to them and have a list of questions ready.  Of course like any business they will not provide names of kids who did not do well, but hearing from parents who have had their kids home for awhile will give you a good idea on how they are doing.
Dont be discouraged by some of the horror stories, like someone else mentioned.  They are mostly kids posting who did not finish the program and are not doing very well, but do your research !!

Good luck Shopgirl
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2006, 01:17:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 10:16:00, Anonymous wrote:

Dont be discouraged by some of the horror stories, like someone else mentioned.  They are mostly kids posting who did not finish the program and are not doing very well,

How the hell would you know?  A lot of the people that have posted here are graduates of HLA, former staff or grads of similar programs!  Don't go talking about shit that you have NO clue about.
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2006, 01:23:00 PM
HLA was a cake walk, you guys are fucking spineless pussies, bottom line.
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2006, 01:24:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 10:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

"HLA was a cake walk, you guys are fucking spineless pussies, bottom line."
This was my above post, and before you accuse, I'm not that fucking "short bus" guy, ok?
Post by: Troll Control on January 12, 2006, 02:15:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 10:16:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-01-12 09:24:00, shopgirl2005 wrote:

"I'm still doing my research on therapeutic schools and the only tangible thing I found was from the NIH and the only talk about RTC and Hidden Lake is not one of those.

Usually from what I've learned RTC are residential treatments like Brown  Schools or so.

Hidden Lake seems to be accredited for therapeutic and academic purposes and please correct me (anyone) if I'm wrong.  

The program seems perfect for my son but I still have my doubts.  Some people say its ok but other on this forum no.

I currently have a list of parents of student who graduate from HLA and I intend to call all of them to ask them all kind of questions.

If someone has a good or bad experience with HLA please let me know.

I'm still searching for the best option for my son."

I've heard good things about HLA. The best advice is to call parents whos kids have finished the program and talk to them and have a list of questions ready.  Of course like any business they will not provide names of kids who did not do well, but hearing from parents who have had their kids home for awhile will give you a good idea on how they are doing.

Dont be discouraged by some of the horror stories, like someone else mentioned.  They are mostly kids posting who did not finish the program and are not doing very well, but do your research !!

Good luck Shopgirl"

I take umbrage with this post.  I am an educated professional and was an employee of HLA.

I'm sorry, but if you think you can get the real story form parents of graduates, you are very mistaken.  Parents do not EVER see how the program works.  Before parents visit the kids who act out are taken away from the public areas of the campus, the campus is "G.I.'ed" by the kids to make it spotless and certain kids are hand picked to talk to the visitors.  Parents will NEVER see anything that wasn't made for their eyes.  This is a fact.  I know because I've seen it dozens of times.

Furthermore, HLA IS an RTC.  It is a facility where the kids LIVE full time (residential) and participate in the "program" (treatment) on the campus (center).  They can spin it however they like, but they are an unlicensed RTC (albeit in a bucolic setting).

Most of the former residents who post on here are quite successful in their lives today, but view the program as a harmful setback (they are immediately branded as "not doing well" because they feel the program harmed them).  They have educations, spouses and kids, just you and me.  I'm not sure how that reconciles with "not doing well."  Many are in fact graduates of the program.

I find it absolutely unbelievable that people who have no idea how the program works or what goes on behind closed doors fancy themselves "experts" on HLA because their kid went there and graduated.  The vast majority of former attendees feel HLA harmed them, but they cannot express this to their parents unless they want to get sent back or be branded a "failure."

The true failures here are the parents who sent their kids away to a behavior modification center to be "fixed" instead of offering them real help from professional therapists at home and the charlatans and hucksters pitching a bm center as a "school."

Shopgirl, if you are relying on parents of graduates instead of real research for your information, you're headed for a fall and so is your kid.  Check out for more information on "TBS's". (

"And yet a parent seeking help for a troubled teenager may run across dozens of for-profit organizations offering exactly this kind of treatment regimen at costs ranging from $2,000 to $8,000 per month. Using aggressive and sometimes deceptive sales practices, these therapeutic boarding schools (TBS), wilderness programs, and residential treatment centers (RTC) are a booming industry. One site,, collects news articles about the ?teen treatment industry? chronicling years of problems within these facilities."
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 03:18:00 PM
Yes, it is true that Dysfunction used to be an employee of Hidden Lake Academy. However, he was employed less than 1 year, and was there when it first opened, and when he left, the school had less than 30 students. He has no idea first hand what goes on there now. He has never seen any of the new buildings. He doesnt know any of the teachers. He doesnt know any of the counselors. There is some good advice on here. Check out all your options. Go visit the schools. See if some place closer to home is better suited for your child. But do not allow someone on here to make you feel guilty for seeking help for your child by looking at boarding facilities.
Post by: Troll Control on January 12, 2006, 04:02:00 PM
Again, not true.  You people cannot come up with a valid argument, so you result to ad hominem attacks to scuttle your criticisms.

Not only was I there for more than a year, I lived on campus, wrote the employee manual, wrote the policy and procedure manual, gave staff training on policy and procedure, ran groups, ran restrictions and personally know several current employees.

This is how HLA handles criticism: atttack the messenger.  Nice try, but again, not true.
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 04:48:00 PM
I stand by my original statement. You were there less than 1 year because you started at Hidden Lake in July/Aug 1994 and were already at Daytop in 1995.
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 04:59:00 PM
Copied and pasted from the Daytop forum:

Dysfunction Junction
Frequent poster

Joined: 2005-03-06
Posts: 729  Abusive Cult?
Posted: 2005-03-19 10:56:00  
 Don't worry. We haven't lost track of the "young lady." If you go back and read this thread you'll see she suffered as a resident of Daytop and subsequently as a caregiver (MSW) in a broken-down system, and is now looking for a new career. Funny how we all arrive at the same point, isn't it?

You left in Feb. '95, huh? I started at the ADU in early '95, so I guess we just missed one another. I worked with Mike Clifford, George Weisenburger and Hendrick Toney (not sure if the last name's right) who were ALL great guys.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well in your current endeavors.

If I am doing the math correctly, July 1994 to Early 1995 would be around 8 or 9 months at Hidden Lake Academy.
Post by: Troll Control on January 12, 2006, 06:08:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 13:48:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I stand by my original statement. You were there less than 1 year because you started at Hidden Lake in July/Aug 1994 and were already at Daytop in 1995."

I actually started at HLA right after my 24th birthday in 1994 shortly after moving to GA and at Daytop just after my 25th birthday, so that would be the end of May 1995.  So, it was about one year and a few weeks I suppose.

Regardless, the fact remains that you don't even know me or anything about me other than what I have posted on this board.

Why don't you stick to the topic at hand like why does HLA allegedly allow people to work there after they've had sex with their minor patients?  Or why does HLA take court ordered kids but lie to parents and say they don't?  Or how exactly does HLA cure homosexuality?  Or how does millieu control benefit children?  Or why does HLA illegally use forced labor to improve the campus as punishment?  Or why does HLA strip search children when they tell parents they don't?  Or why does HLA use confrontation and call it group therapy?  Or why does HLA not have a contact for grievances in violation of its accreditation?  Or why does HLA use Lifespring large group awareness seminars that have been completely discredited over twenty years ago?  Or what are your credentials to comment on HLA's program or policy?  Or why does HLA illegally accept children in violation of the ICPC?

Start by answering these questions and I'll post the next set when you're done.


"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arnold Schopenhauer[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-12 16:46 ][ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-26 15:26 ]
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 07:53:00 PM
The first employee was hired in July, 1994. You were not the first employee. The employees that followed that were hired before doors opened the day after Labor Day 1994 were hired between July 15th, 1994 and August 28, 1994. So, once again, Dysfunction, you are not being totally truthful. If you started at Daytop in May, 1995 you could not have been employed at Hidden Lake Academy more than 9-10 months at the very most.
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 07:55:00 PM
Oh but I do know you and I know you didn't work there as long as you say you did on this board

Post by: Troll Control on January 12, 2006, 08:00:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 16:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The first employee was hired in July, 1994. You were not the first employee. The employees that followed that were hired before doors opened the day after Labor Day 1994 were hired between July 15th, 1994 and August 28, 1994. So, once again, Dysfunction, you are not being totally truthful. If you started at Daytop in May, 1995 you could not have been employed at Hidden Lake Academy more than 9-10 months at the very most."

Now the story is changing.  I knew it would.  8 or 9, 9 or 10...  Who's counting?  What's it going to be next time?

I'm not the one changing my story.  You are, sweetie.

How about answering those questions?  What's the problem?  Are you allergic to the truth?
Post by: Troll Control on January 12, 2006, 08:08:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 16:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Oh but I do know you and I know you didn't work there as long as you say you did on this board

 :wink: "

No, you don't know me.  You've never met me.

If you have documentation, post it.  If not, well, you're just full of it, now aren't you?

Don't forget what I told you on the other threads about posting anonymously, Suzie!  

Did you forget about granddaddy long enough to post all day?  Really thoughtful of you to leave him alone with a brain tumor so you can get your posts up.  What kind of woman neglects a 102 year old bed ridden man with a brain tumor to play silly games on the internet?

How about an answer to those questions, li'l miss know-it-all?
Post by: TheWho on January 12, 2006, 09:07:00 PM
Dysfunction -- Sounds like you are caught in a lie over on this thread too, you have been busy.
Post by: juniper2 on January 12, 2006, 09:09:00 PM
Please do not send your child to HLA...I know there seems like no other alternatives, but they
are there....Go to links that are safe and not
under any scrutiny for child abuse....Ask for help at ISACCORP.Net for alternatives....It is so
important that the school allow you continuous
dialogue with your child...THat it is not run like a secret society...Look to the State for
references,(Attorney Generals Office), be sure of
their accreditation....Most important, do not take
their advertising or parent handbook as gospel..
Remember, visiting a school, is like visiting
a concentration camp...You honestly only see
what they wish or create....
Please take care in making this decision...
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 09:47:00 PM
Dysfunction I just now read this thread....I have been at work and at the hospital after work. I just got home a little bit ago. I posted on your other thread about how sick it is to accuse me of lying about my family's illnesses. Please go harass someone else for a change, I have no patience for people like you right now.
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 12, 2006, 10:03:00 PM
It is clear that Mr. Dysfunction Junction did not work at this school for over a year based on the cut and pasted post from earlier
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2006, 11:38:00 PM
8, 9, 10 months, a year. What does it matter. He is certainly a reputable poster with inside knowledge of the program and how the industry works, in general. What's that got to do with the questions posed? Nada!!!

Suzanne- the one posting all day (from work perhaps?)- worked there a few months and hasn't had contact since 2000, her words, yet she attempts to present herself as an authority. ... =40#147261 ( ... 100#147942 (

She posted those anonymously, something she frequently did after being held 'ACCOUNTABLE'.
She may even admit to it. SHH? Up for being ethical tonight? Ever post here from work???

Fact: by her own admission she knows nothing about the program currently and little to nothing when she did. She has some unknown vested interest in defending the program- perhaps because her parents and ex-husband worked there- and void of 'facts' for debating, she resorts to attacks on individuals (witness this thread) and is highly skilled at diverting the course of discussion... like making how many specific months someone worked there the issue, instead of the questions posed.

:roll: Suzanne, give it up dear. Take care of your family. I truly hope they all do well. Doesn't mean I have to like or respect you. Don't confuse the two. Having sick family doesn't entitle you to respect here.
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2006, 11:45:00 PM
On 2006-01-12 20:38:00, Anonymous wrote:


8, 9, 10 months, a year. What does it matter. He is certainly a reputable poster with inside knowledge of the program and how the industry works, in general. What's that got to do with the questions posed? Nada!!!

Suzanne- the one posting all day (from work perhaps?)- worked there a few months and hasn't had contact since 2000, her words, yet she attempts to present herself as an authority. ... =40#147261 ( ... 100#147942 (

She posted those anonymously, something she frequently did after being held 'ACCOUNTABLE'.

She may even admit to it. SHH? Up for being ethical tonight? Ever post here from work???

Fact: by her own admission she knows nothing about the program currently and little to nothing when she did. She has some unknown vested interest in defending the program- perhaps because her parents and ex-husband worked there- and void of 'facts' for debating, she resorts to attacks on individuals (witness this thread) and is highly skilled at diverting the course of discussion... like making how many specific months someone worked there the issue, instead of the questions posed.

:roll: Suzanne, give it up dear. Take care of your family. I truly hope they all do well. Doesn't mean I have to like or respect you. Don't confuse the two. Having sick family doesn't entitle you to respect here.

 :nworthy:  Ah, some sanity.   I just read this thread and have been following the HLA forum for a while now, although I got frustrated at the deception, diversion tactics and overall babyness that the discussions degenerated into.
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2006, 12:06:00 AM
If you're a parent and feel frustrated by this, best move along. It is the basic MO. Manipulate, out-right lie, divert, avoid, ignore...Unless of course you never question anything and toe the line. Challenge them on anything and you may be asked to remove your child... for a price of course. Some number of months tuition? Don't pay all tuition up front unless you're prepared to be screwed if you change your mind.
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2006, 12:39:00 AM
doesn't matter what 'degree' someone has, what price you pay. when someone offers to 'fix' your kid, but requires you to sever contact; you should run like a scared jackrabbit.

you'll have more contact if they land in juvie, and recidivism for programs is no better. best they learn how the 'real' world works. a stretch in juvie may be just what the doctor ordered, for putting things in perspective real quick like. and you won't have to re-fi the homestead.
Post by: Troll Control on January 13, 2006, 08:33:00 AM
On 2006-01-12 18:07:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Dysfunction -- Sounds like you are caught in a lie over on this thread too, you have been busy."

Feel free to document anything you say about me.  I assure you that you cannot.

Unfortunately, the woman who has been posting false information about me has no evidence whatsoever to support her propositions.  In addition, she doesn't know me, has never met me, has never worked with me, did not work at HLA when I did, and has already admitted to all of this on another forum.

I can see that a factually challenged person like yourself would need to grasp at straws like this to try to defend yourself regarding your suspect credibility (you have been proven to be a liar about several easily verifiable statements you made on the ASR thread - documentation was provided), but you're hitching your wagon to star that shines pretty dimly I'm afraid.

Look at the links provided, in Suzanne's own words, that show she has already admitted several times that she never met me, does not know anything about me (other than what I have posted), never worked in the HLA program (by her own admission, she was a part-time envelope stuffer working from home sending progress reports to probation officers - proving, by the way that HLA does accept mandated children) and has never even seen a Realizations group or a seminar.

Again, ma'am, please read up before you stick your foot in your mouth...again.
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 13, 2006, 08:45:00 AM
I think the point was that Dysfunction Junction was misrepresenting himself by saying he was there over a year, when he was not
Post by: Troll Control on January 13, 2006, 08:50:00 AM
On 2006-01-12 18:07:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Dysfunction -- Sounds like you are caught in a lie over on this thread too, you have been busy."

Feel free to document anything you say about me.  I assure you that you cannot.

Unfortunately, the woman who has been posting false information about me has no evidence whatsoever to support her propositions.  In addition, she doesn't know me, has never met me, has never worked with me, did not work at HLA when I did, and has already admitted to all of this on another forum.

I can see that a factually challenged person like yourself would need to grasp at straws like this to try to defend yourself regarding your suspect credibility (you have been proven to be a liar about several easily verifiable statements you made on the ASR thread - documentation was provided), but you're hitching your wagon to star that shines pretty dimly I'm afraid.

Look at the links provided, in Suzanne's own words, that show she has already admitted several times that she never met me, does not know anything about me (other than what I have posted), never worked in the HLA program (by her own admission, she was a part-time envelope stuffer working from home sending progress reports to probation officers - proving, by the way that HLA does accept mandated children) and has never even seen a Realizations group or a seminar.

Again, ma'am, please read up before you stick your foot in your mouth...again.
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 13, 2006, 10:33:00 AM
Please Note: Posts are being deleted. There was one above this one that is gone now
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2006, 10:42:00 AM
Uh-oh. Better call the forum police.  ::boycott::  :lol:
Post by: Troll Control on January 13, 2006, 10:49:00 AM
On 2006-01-13 05:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I think the point was that Dysfunction Junction was misrepresenting himself by saying he was there over a year, when he was not"

Once more, not true.  Your saying it doesn't make it so.  Provide proof with documentation.

I have absolutely no reason to lie.  What I say stands on its own merit.  I have yet to see a single shifty-eyed baghead make a single response (even one that's not true) to the points I have made about HLA's program.

Care to answer any of these?

Why does HLA allegedly allow people to work there after they've had sex with their minor patients?

Or why does HLA take court ordered kids but lie to parents and say they don't?

Or how exactly does HLA cure homosexuality?

Or how does millieu control benefit children?

Or why does HLA illegally use forced labor to improve the campus as punishment?

Or why does HLA strip search children when they tell parents they don't?

Or why does HLA use confrontation and call it group therapy?

Or why does HLA not have a contact for grievances in violation of its accreditation?

Or why does HLA use Lifespring large group awareness seminars that have been completely discredited over twenty years ago?

Or what are your credentials to comment on HLA's program or policy?

Or why does HLA illegally accept children in violation of the ICPC?

Maybe you can take a few moments to answer these for the parents looking to understand HLA's program.  Or, more than likely, you won't.  You haven't answered a single question like these in over two years.  Why start now, right?  :roll:

"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arnold Schopenhauer[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-26 15:25 ]
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 13, 2006, 10:15:00 PM
The proof , Steve, is that you were not the first employee hired and he wasnt hired until July of 1994. So therefore you are lying about being there more than a year to make it sound as if you were more important than you actually were, and by the way, you werent that important.
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2006, 11:19:00 PM
Suzanne, worked there a few months and hasn't had contact since 2000, her words, yet she attempts to present herself as an authority. ... =40#147261 ( ... 100#147942 (
Post by: Troll Control on January 14, 2006, 10:35:00 AM
On 2006-01-13 19:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The proof , Steve, is that you were not the first employee hired and he wasnt hired until July of 1994. So therefore you are lying about being there more than a year to make it sound as if you were more important than you actually were, and by the way, you werent that important."

Please post your proof.  Your "word" means nothing.  If "proof" is an anonymous poster saying something on a message board, then it has been "proven" beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a "fat, ugly whore."  You'll have to provide something better than the worthless word of an anonymous baghead.

Again, you don't know me, never met me, never worked with me and never worked in HLA's program.

Show some documentation or quit beating your dead horse.

By the way, I'm waiting for answers to these questions:

Why does HLA allegedly allow people to work there after they've had sex with their minor patients?

Or why does HLA take court ordered kids but lie to parents and say they don't?

Or how exactly does HLA cure homosexuality?

Or how does millieu control benefit children?

Or why does HLA illegally use forced labor to improve the campus as punishment?

Or why does HLA strip search children when they tell parents they don't?

Or why does HLA use confrontation and call it group therapy?

Or why does HLA not have a contact for grievances in violation of its accreditation?

Or why does HLA use Lifespring large group awareness seminars that have been completely discredited over twenty years ago?

Or what are your credentials to comment on HLA's program or policy?

Or why does HLA illegally accept children in violation of the ICPC?

Why won't you answer these questions, Suzanne?  I thought you knew about what goes on at HLA?

"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arnold Schopenhauer[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-26 15:23 ]
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 14, 2006, 11:47:00 AM
You have no idea whether or not I know you. I in fact, have met you. I, in fact, know when you started at Hidden Lake. I, in fact, know quite a bit about you. And, I happen to know you are lying about being employed more than a year. What proof would you like Steve? A scanned copy of your employment file from the office? Your word would mean nothing either if you went only by physical proof and not by someone's word would it not? You cant have it both ways Steve. The fact remains, you lied about your length of employment to make yourself look more important.
Post by: Troll Control on January 14, 2006, 11:52:00 AM
On 2006-01-14 08:47:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You have no idea whether or not I know you. I in fact, have met you. I, in fact, know when you started at Hidden Lake. I, in fact, know quite a bit about you. And, I happen to know you are lying about being employed more than a year. What proof would you like Steve? A scanned copy of your employment file from the office? Your word would mean nothing either if you went only by physical proof and not by someone's word would it not? You cant have it both ways Steve. The fact remains, you lied about your length of employment to make yourself look more important."

You have never met me, do not know me, did not work at HLA with me and just keep saying the same bunk over and over.

Please do provide a scanned copy of my employment record (For the official record, I do not consent to the release of any of my personal information).  

That will make a GREAT lawsuit.  Probably the first of many.

BTW, I think grampa fell out of bed.  You might want to check on that.

"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arnold Schopenhauer[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-14 09:00 ]
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 14, 2006, 11:57:00 AM
You dont know who I am

You dont know whether you know me or not

I have met you

I do know when you started

I dont have your employment record. I was being sarcastic dumbass

You lied about your length of employment. If you want others to believe you why dont you post YOUR PROOF
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2006, 12:02:00 PM
Suzanne, worked there a few months and hasn't had contact since 2000, her words, yet she attempts to present herself as an authority. Just wasting bandwidth and distracting from the discussion. ... =40#147261 ( ... 100#147942 (
Post by: Troll Control on January 14, 2006, 12:03:00 PM
On 2006-01-14 08:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You dont know who I am

You dont know whether you know me or not

I have met you

I do know when you started

I dont have your employment record. I was being sarcastic dumbass

You lied about your length of employment. If you want others to believe you why dont you post YOUR PROOF"
Ahhhh, finally SOME truth.  No employment record.  More hot air.

Can you answer those questions yet?

People have been waiting for your answer for some time now.

I'll refresh your memory, since you seem to be stuck in the '90s.

Why does HLA allegedly allow people to work there after they've had sex with their minor patients?

Or why does HLA take court ordered kids but lie to parents and say they don't?

Or how exactly does HLA cure homosexuality?

Or how does millieu control benefit children?

Or why does HLA illegally use forced labor to improve the campus as punishment?

Or why does HLA strip search children when they tell parents they don't?

Or why does HLA use confrontation and call it group therapy?

Or why does HLA not have a contact for grievances in violation of its accreditation?

Or why does HLA use Lifespring large group awareness seminars that have been completely discredited over twenty years ago?

Or what are your credentials to comment on HLA's program or policy?

Or why does HLA illegally accept children in violation of the ICPC?

Thanks again.

"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arnold Schopenhauer[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-26 15:22 ]
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 14, 2006, 12:34:00 PM
Show your proof of your length of employment Mr. Junction. I am curious now
Post by: Troll Control on January 14, 2006, 12:40:00 PM
On 2006-01-14 09:34:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Show your proof of your length of employment Mr. Junction. I am curious now"

Look, I've played this game with Suzanne for a year now.  She's nuts.  She has no idea what she's talking about and she's obsessed with me.

It's not my burden or problem.  Anyone who knows me knows or worked with me knows how long I was there.  I have to repeat myself for thousandth time: she doesn't know me, never met me, didn't work at HLA until two years after I left, and worked from her home as a part-time envelope stuffer mailing progress reports to probation officers.

I'm sorry, but I just don't go posting my personal information because a baghead told me to.  

Why don't you post your name and address?  Or even get a username?  And you think I'm going to post my personal information for you nut jobs?

Why don't you stick to the topic at hand?

Let me help you:

Why does HLA allegedly allow people to work there after they've had sex with their minor patients?

Or why does HLA take court ordered kids but lie to parents and say they don't?

Or how exactly does HLA cure homosexuality?

Or how does millieu control benefit children?

Or why does HLA illegally use forced labor to improve the campus as punishment?

Or why does HLA strip search children when they tell parents they don't?

Or why does HLA use confrontation and call it group therapy?

Or why does HLA not have a contact for grievances in violation of its accreditation?

Or why does HLA use Lifespring large group awareness seminars that have been completely discredited over twenty years ago?

Or what are your credentials to comment on HLA's program or policy?

Or why does HLA illegally accept children in violation of the ICPC?

Still waiting...

"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arnold Schopenhauer[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-14 09:47 ][ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-26 15:21 ]
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2006, 12:57:00 PM
I'm sorry, but I just don't go posting my personal information because a baghead told me to.>>>

now DJ, you gotta 'work your program'. you know the rules.  :rofl:
Post by: Troll Control on January 14, 2006, 01:33:00 PM
On 2006-01-14 09:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I'm sorry, but I just don't go posting my personal information because a baghead told me to.>>>

now DJ, you gotta 'work your program'. you know the rules.  :rofl:  


I'm workin' it.  It just ain't the same program.

Seriously though, these folks try to treat me as if I'm some scared kid that can be pushed around.  I've been flamed, degraded, derided, defamed, harrassed, threatened, you name it.

I recently had threatening phone calls to my house in the middle of the night from a tip-traced line in Dahlonega, GA.  My wife was failrly freaked out, and rightfully so.  

Something these people are going to have to realize sooner or later is that I can't be sued, threatened, harrassed, intimidated or otherwise pushed off my position and if you fuck around with my family, you'd better be prepared to pay heavy in blood and treasure.  I ain't no daisy.

The facts are what they are.  HLA is an unlicensed RTC masquerading as a "traditional boarding school," and there's nothing short of obeying the law and treating the kids right that's going to make me stop jumping up and down and screaming about it.

There ARE some good people working there, I know that.  I admire Len a great deal also for how he has built his business (business, not program).  It's nothing short of phenominal when you look at what we started with there.  

That being said, there has to be some measure of accountability, reason and sanity when dealing with young, fragile, developing minds.  It would go a long way in my book if HLA just quit being so defensive and entrenched in denial about the real, palpable problems with their "program" (which doesn't work) and staff (that don't help) and put some of those remarkable profits into getting these kids some real help for their real problems.

I don't want to break anyone's ricebowl.  That isn't going to happen anyway.  Nobody is going to be "brought to justice" or any other silly notion like that.  I just want to see these poor kids get what they need and deserve, and it isn't happening right now.  And I'm not going to stop talking about it and reporting it to the proper authorities until it does happen.
Post by: Anonymous on January 14, 2006, 01:36:00 PM
On 2006-01-14 09:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I'm sorry, but I just don't go posting my personal information because a baghead told me to.>>>

now DJ, you gotta 'work your program'. you know the rules.  :rofl:  


Answer these questions!!


On 2006-01-14 10:25:00, Anonymous

Why does HLA allow people to work there after they've had sex with their minor patients?

Or why does HLA take court ordered kids but lie to parents and say they don't?

Or how exactly does HLA cure homosexuality?

Or how does millieu control benefit children?

Or why does HLA illegally use forced labor to improve the campus as punishment?

Or why does HLA strip search children when they tell parents they don't?

Or why does HLA use confrontation and call it group therapy?

Or why does HLA not have a contact for grievances in violation of its accreditation?

Or why does HLA use Lifespring large group awareness seminars that have been completely discredited over twenty years ago?

Or what are your credentials to comment on HLA's program or policy?

Or why does HLA illegally accept children in violation of the ICPC?

Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 14, 2006, 05:08:00 PM
How do you know the calls were from Dahlonega Ga? what was the number?
Post by: Troll Control on January 14, 2006, 05:21:00 PM
On 2006-01-14 14:08:00, Anonymous wrote:

"How do you know the calls were from Dahlonega Ga? what was the number?"

Because after the fisrt one I called the State Police and had them tip-trace the call.

After two more calls, they had what they needed.  I'm just waiting for an arrest to be made at this point.  I'll post the results of the investigation when I get them.

I sincerely hope that whoever this sick bastard is gets hit hard with a felony.
Post by: Troll Control on January 14, 2006, 08:04:00 PM
This doesn't surprise me.  They lied about a lot of things and got really nasty when we questioned them.  Then they kept our money when we pulled our kid.  I would look somewhere else.
Post by: SHH Anon Classics on January 14, 2006, 10:26:00 PM
Check your contract that you signed when you enrolled your child. There are provisions for when full tuition is not reimbursed. This is why you should always read what you are signing.
Post by: Anonymous on January 15, 2006, 04:44:00 AM
On 2006-01-14 19:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Check your contract that you signed when you enrolled your child. There are provisions for when full tuition is not reimbursed. This is why you should always read what you are signing."

Go look up breach of contract asshole.
Post by: Troll Control on January 15, 2006, 08:09:00 AM
On 2006-01-15 01:44:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-01-14 19:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Check your contract that you signed when you enrolled your child. There are provisions for when full tuition is not reimbursed. This is why you should always read what you are signing."

Go look up breach of contract asshole."

Good advice.  Probably could have stated it a little more eloquently though.

I guess some parents are just so relieved to get their kids out of there that these things become afterthoughts.
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2006, 10:12:00 AM
After 1 phone call you were able to call the state police and have a trace run? Damn you must be a real special person or a long winded bullshit artist!  :eek:
Post by: Troll Control on January 20, 2006, 10:27:00 AM

On 2006-01-20 07:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"After 1 phone call you were able to call the state police and have a trace run? Damn you must be a real special person or a long winded bullshit artist!  :roll:
Post by: Troll Control on January 20, 2006, 10:39:00 AM
On 2006-01-14 08:57:00, SHH Anon Classics wrote:

"You dont know who I am

You dont know whether you know me or not

I have met you

I do know when you started

I dont have your employment record. I was being sarcastic dumbass

You lied about your length of employment. If you want others to believe you why dont you post YOUR PROOF"

Ahhh, yes.  This certainly is a classic.

"You don't know who I am."  Hilarious.

"I have met you."  Have you now?

Why lie, Suzanne?  You know you didn't work at HLA until several years after I left.  You have admitted in other posts (under your username) that you, in fact, never met me.  

Why would you lie to the people who read this board?  Are you trying to assassinate my character?  What you have accomplished is a complete and utter character suicide, darlin'.  You've done yourself in with your fabrications and posing as others.  Your credibility is completely destroyed.  Why would anyone ever believe a single thing you say about anything?

Just further proof of what I've been saying all along:  This lady is a liar and will try to hurt people who call her out, but is too much of a coward to do it directly.  

Suzanne, you are probably the biggest liar and  most pathetic person on this entire forum.  Very sad.

What I can't figure out is why you feel the need to lie about everything.

"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arnold Schopenhauer[ This Message was edited by: Dysfunction Junction on 2006-01-20 07:42 ]