
General Interest => Tacitus' Realm => Topic started by: Anonymous on January 04, 2006, 08:53:00 PM

Title: Sharon Ailing
Post by: Anonymous on January 04, 2006, 08:53:00 PM
The Bulldozer, The Butcher of Sabra, is on his last leg at last. But will any good come of it? Will there be any peace following his demise?
Title: Sharon Ailing
Post by: Anonymous on January 04, 2006, 10:01:00 PM
Eh. The Israeli public will have a very decisive vote come March. Either left-wing socialist give-away-land for peace party, or Netanyahu's - I'll attack Iran if I'm elected and keep the settlements at any cost - right wing faction.  Sharon's Kadima - middle of the road party - was based on Sharon's personality. The polling suggests over 60% intended on voting for him, even with scandals left and right recently. This is a huge turn of events in Israeli politics, possibly a historic moment. Let the political circus begin!

I hope this does not ruin any chance for peace, if there ever was a chance to begin with. I saw Sharon speak in person once, he is a very portly fellow, and speaks with the softest voice.