
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 11:15:00 AM

Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 11:15:00 AM
Allow me to preface to say that Miller Newton is very much my adversary.  I was in a KIDS program and can never forget the sight, sound, nor smell of him and the wench he calls his wife.  I am not coming to the defense of this bastard, I am only asking a question of those in STRAIGHT to satisfy my own pesky curiousity.  

I have often wondered "why miller?" (and "why NOT Miller" is a very good answer!).  I understand his involvement in STRAIGHT and everything, but he was associated with KIDS for well over a decade after leaving STRAIGHT.  Those of you that personally remember and resent this asshole for his involvement in your program must be older than I, but I believe there are also a lot of ex-straights that never even knew what this guy looked like, nevermind is meglomaniacally and overtly abusive personality.  I am curious why those of you from STRAIGHT don't want to hang Sembler by his balls? Or even the director of your particular STRAIGHT?  I hate Miller simply because I KNEW him through and through and hated the fabric that comprised his existance.  Do some ex STRAIGHTs feel the same about Mel Sembler?  Was he has intimately involved in the day to day routine?  Do those of you that want to make a pinata out of the man, remember him?  Did he touch YOUR junk liberally?  Just curious, thanks in advance :nworthy:  for your reply, fuck you  ::both:: in advance if you decide to give me shit about this question, just asking...
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 11:48:00 AM
Why Miller? Because it's Miller-time. :lol:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Lost_Highway on August 09, 2005, 12:42:00 PM
I`m glad that I never crossed paths with the infamous Miller Newton because I`ve heard way too many horror stories about the man.

A Clockwork Orange Chris

Yahoo! Groups : straightcopouts
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Antigen on August 09, 2005, 12:46:00 PM
Who says anybody's laying off Sembler? But they are different types of men. No, Sembler was not involved w/ group in a hands on, day-to-day way like Virgil was. And Virgil WAS hands on in group for a couple of years. Even back then he showed a penchant for throwing girls around by the hair.

But Mel was always the power broker, money man, political climber, etc. In fact, as far as that goes, Betty is probably more dangerous that way than Mel. DFAF is her garden club, primarily. Mel is more involved in other Repugnican interests.

I suppose we could debate forever which one is more dangerous.

Never attempt to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 02:30:00 PM
Yes, I know that Sembler's head is and always will be on the chopping block, however when Newton was National Clinical Director of STRAIGHT, prior to 1984, only a handful of STRAIGHT facilities were open, others opened/closed long after Newton was no longer associated with STRAIGHT.  I do understand those from St. Pete that would see he and his wretched wife's mugs in the group room on a daily basis, however, I do not understand the hate from Boston, Dallas, Cinci, and Virginia Beach STRAIGHTs that never really involved Newton (nah, I understand the hate, it's justified), I just wonder if this old bastard has been scapegoated by a bandwagon of ex-STRAIGHTs that never even knew the dude.  For someone that was associated with a different program longer than he was involved with STRAIGHT he gets a lot of shit from ex-STRAIGHT teens, seemingly moreso than those that founded the program and allowed bullshit to occur long after Newton left STRAIGHT and started KIDS (to pound our asses in Jersey, Utah, Texas, and California).  
Have those of you NOT from St. Pete ever experienced his stench firsthand?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 02:57:00 PM
I personally don't mind where the hatred for the man comes from. He deserves every bad vibe out there.  He and his wife are the 2 sickest, meanest, most vile people I have ever known. If there is a bandwagon of hate, then let it lead right to his front door.  Act soon, before the bankruptcy courts decide it's not his front door anymore.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 03:37:00 PM
On 2005-08-09 11:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"He and his wife are the 2 sickest, meanest, most vile people I have ever known."

So you actually KNEW him and his hatred, I wonder how many have not ever met him yet attribute his name to the pain STRAIGHT caused.  Though he deserves the worst, I think there are many other minions of Mel that are even more deserving of a kick in the ass.  I am surprised that every suit from each of the STRAIGHTs still lurks and works  anonymously in the real world.  Many as teachers, principals, youth counselors, etc. I am sure....

Do a google search on Newton and you'll uncover dirt for sure...but what about the Clinical Director of the Boston STRAIGHT, of Texas, etc.  In my opinion, all those names should be listed at anonanon,, or SOMEWHERE, at the very least in a thread here so that their names are attached to the program vets they allowed to be fucked over for so long.  Newton is a fuck for sure, but Miller "Schmiller", there are many other fucks out there responsible for their deeds in STRAIGHT.  In KIDS Miller was the evil one, him and his wretched wife.  He was the one I would stare at day in and day out, he was the one that said personal things to me about my family that were LIES in a world of pseudo-honesty, he was the one that I witnessed physically abuse friends of mine, he was the one that evoked fear and intimidation into everyone that was cursed enough to be in his presence.  He was and is my adversary, but I continue to wonder why those from some STRAIGHTS feel the same?
It doesn't matter, just curious.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Dr. Miller Newton on August 09, 2005, 03:39:00 PM
Yes, I know. My office at SIBS will soon become my dwelling space. :wave:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Antigen on August 09, 2005, 04:27:00 PM
Well, I think for one thing, there are a few more ppl around here who actually knew him than you might suppose. And a couple of those are just a whole lot louder and more angry than some others. My only personal interaction w/ the sob was at my intake.

But there's another difference. Most of the former execs went back to their real lives when the program shut down or whenever they got the bum's rush. You can find them working as real estate brokers, educators or whatever. Sort of turns the stomach. But at least they're not qontinuing to perpatrate in quite the same way Virgil is. And now he has the audacity to call himself a priest and propose to council others on their spiritual issues. Fucker! That can't be good! If he had just walked away and gone back to the newspaper business or something, he probably wouldn't send up so many hackles. But, as he's demonstrated an obsession w/ fucking w/ people and every intention to continue till his dying breath, I think maybe that's why he warrants so much extra attention.

I do not find in orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature.
--Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President, author, scientist, architect, educator, and diplomat

Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Fr. Cassian on August 09, 2005, 05:08:00 PM
And now he has the audacity to call himself a priest and propose to council others on their spiritual issues.

I "call myself" a priest because I AM one! And I have always been highly qualified to counsel others -- I don't see why it should come as such a surprise that I'm continuing in my effort to help others deal with problems in their daily affairs.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 05:46:00 PM
I was livid when i read Lulu Corter's story, how he held her in Kids for THIRTEEN YEARS. And the other girl, I am sorry right now I can't remember her name, he held her for SIX YEARS. I was so livid I called around in New Jersey to see why the FUCK they had never locked him away in a dank dungeon. However, the NJ police, DAs, whoever I spoke with, were not very helpful, although one of them said that if there were any investigation on Miller Newton, they could not disclose that anyway. If you want to talk to me about this and think about what else we can do to stick it to New Jersey for their utter neglect of children and their failure to put an EXTREME CHILD ABUSER in prison, pm me at ex-prisoner.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 06:07:00 PM
On 2005-08-09 13:27:00, Antigen wrote:

"Well, I think for one thing, there are a few more ppl around here who actually knew him than you might suppose. And a couple of those are just a whole lot louder and more angry than some others. My only personal interaction w/ the sob was at my intake. But there's another difference. Most of the former execs went back to their real lives when the program shut down or whenever they got the bum's rush. You can find them working as real estate brokers, educators or whatever. Sort of turns the stomach. But at least they're not qontinuing to perpatrate in quite the same way Virgil is. And now he has the audacity to call himself a priest and propose to council others on their spiritual issues. Fucker! That can't be good! If he had just walked away and gone back to the newspaper business or something, he probably wouldn't send up so many hackles. But, as he's demonstrated an obsession w/ fucking w/ people and every intention to continue till his dying breath, I think maybe that's why he warrants so much extra attention."

I guess you are right, those from St. Pete from well over 20 years ago may remember him firsthand.  I just wonder if had a counterpart that was the equivilant to what he was in KIDS to those of you that were in STRAIGHT.  What is a cult without a meglomaniacal cult leader, anyway?  I am certain you all from STRAIGHT also had trauma inducing tyrants, your own personal version of Newton, that made the STRAIGHT experience hell.  Miller Newton was the quintessential asshole that perpetuated the madness on a daily basis in my program.  Personally speaking from someone that knew Miller Newton, worked next to him, and spent years hating him, I don't believe he got in the church business to "help" or fuck with people.  I think his current line of work is solely about personal redemption, he knows what he did wrong and I think he is struggling to right his wrong.  Good luck ya old fuck. :wave:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Don Smith on August 09, 2005, 06:36:00 PM
I do not understand the hate from Boston, Dallas, Cinci, and Virginia Beach STRAIGHTs that never really involved Newton

Ah but he WAS involved.  He was still the Program Director in St. Pete in 1981-1982 before the Cincy group left St. Pete.  Although his involvement with us became practically non existent he was part of forming the staff that would go on to 'lead' us in Cincinnati.

He did visit the Cincinnati building once that I know of. I was on third phase at the time.

Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 09, 2005, 07:50:00 PM
On 2005-08-09 11:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I personally don't mind where the hatred for the man comes from. He deserves every bad vibe out there.  He and his wife are the 2 sickest, meanest, most vile people I have ever known. If there is a bandwagon of hate, then let it lead right to his front door.  Act soon, before the bankruptcy courts decide it's not his front door anymore."
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 10, 2005, 09:16:00 AM
On 2005-08-09 15:36:00, Don Smith wrote:

Ah but he WAS involved.  He was still the Program Director in St. Pete in 1981-1982 before the Cincy group left St. Pete.  Although his involvement with us became practically non existent he was part of forming the staff that would go on to 'lead' us in Cincinnati.
He did visit the Cincinnati building once that I know of. I was on third phase at the time.

A-ha, so he did make a trip up to Cincy, that was the kind of info I was looking for, thanks Don.  

I wonder what other STRAIGHTS he made an appearance at...
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 10, 2005, 06:25:00 PM
On 2005-08-09 08:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Allow me to preface to say that Miller Newton is very much my adversary.  I was in a KIDS program and can never forget the sight, sound, nor smell of him and the wench he calls his wife.  I am not coming to the defense of this bastard, I am only asking a question of those in STRAIGHT to satisfy my own pesky curiousity.  

I have often wondered "why miller?" (and "why NOT Miller" is a very good answer!).  I understand his involvement in STRAIGHT and everything, but he was associated with KIDS for well over a decade after leaving STRAIGHT.  Those of you that personally remember and resent this asshole for his involvement in your program must be older than I, but I believe there are also a lot of ex-straights that never even knew what this guy looked like, nevermind is meglomaniacally and overtly abusive personality.  I am curious why those of you from STRAIGHT don't want to hang Sembler by his balls? Or even the director of your particular STRAIGHT?  I hate Miller simply because I KNEW him through and through and hated the fabric that comprised his existance.  Do some ex STRAIGHTs feel the same about Mel Sembler?  Was he has intimately involved in the day to day routine?  Do those of you that want to make a pinata out of the man, remember him?  Did he touch YOUR junk liberally?  Just curious, thanks in advance :nworthy:  for your reply, fuck you  ::both:: in advance if you decide to give me shit about this question, just asking..."

Virgil Miller Newton is one fucked-up, sadistic son of a bitch.  I had the horror of that sick shitbird running my life in a worse than your worst ever nightmare-bad-acid-trip  teen torture faccility in St. Petersburg.  He was seen in group frequently, most every day he would make an appearance to overlook the abuse sessions personally.  He had a "hands on" approach to his work, if ya know what I mean.  I hate that putrid slimeshit of a man and everything he stands for.  Perhaps he has attained symbolic status to a lot of his victims.  Sembler, although in the big picture organizationally and financially, was more of a faceless bureaucrat to the average inmate.  Kind of like Hitler, I don't think he ever actually visited a conceentration camp other than to attend open meetings when his spawn were subjected to the torture (proving that scum like  Sembler eat their young).  I could be wrong about that, maybe he walked into groups frequently to get his kicks before he had to fly to Australia or wherever.  I couldn't tell you how many times he was at the actual facilities, but it was never anywhere near the time Newton spent there.

If by "junk" you mean "brain", yes, Virgil touched my junk liberally.  Miller Newton was the Main Goon and Torturer In Chief at Straight, Inc., where he added his own personal kook pop-psychology doctrine to the daily regimen of abuse.  Like a drug-warring Dr. Mengele, he ran his own brand of pseudomedical and pseudopsychological pseudospirituality expiraments on unfortunate inmates frequently.  Woe to the Newcomer that Dr. Newton "took an interest in".  

Just my theory on why Virgil bashing seems more Sembler hate, or at least more intense.

By the way, I think that bad as Straight was, KIDS had to be worse.  No one ever got held in group for thirteen years at Straight.  Also, Virgil and Ruthie had no one to answer to other than their fuckwitted, conscienceless selves.  Given such power, Newton could continue his abuse for longer periods of time, and cultivate his personality cult more deeply.  I have asked here before if anybody was in both programs, and compare them, but having been subjected for thirteen months to the whims of the  psychotic child-abuser that ran both places, I think I can make a fairly accurate guess what KIDS was like.

Now give up some hate for Virgil........
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Don Smith on August 10, 2005, 06:59:00 PM
I wonder what other STRAIGHTS he made an appearance at...


Couldn't tell you for sure but it wouldn't suprise me if he visted them ALL.  I would what staffer got stuck putting him up for the night?

Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 10, 2005, 07:10:00 PM
On 2005-08-09 15:36:00, Don Smith wrote:

He did visit the Cincinnati building once that I know of. I was on third phase at the time.

What a shit-a-brick fest that must have been for the Cincy staffers, "Miller is coming, Miller is coming!!!!"
 :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:  :scared:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 10, 2005, 07:57:00 PM
 Personally speaking from someone that knew Miller Newton, worked next to him, and spent years hating him, I don't believe he got in the church business to "help" or fuck with people.  I think his current line of work is solely about personal redemption, he knows what he did wrong and I think he is struggling to right his wrong.  Good luck ya old fuck. :wave: "

I called him at (727)392-3437 to ask him if he cared to apologize to me for his role in Straight, but Ruthie hung up on me.  I don't think he's trying to redeem himself at all--- he has been the same arrogant prick whenever he's been in the public eye since, whether at his bankruptcy trial, his manner at the zoning hearing, or his mayoral campaign.  He is a megalamaniac beyond repair.  If he's trying to right his wrongs ( a futile attempt for someone as vile as he) he has yet to indicate it to his victims, and he has had ample opportunity.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 10, 2005, 10:46:00 PM
I have heard that Miller Newton's lawyer reads this site. Now THERE'S a Devil's Advocate for you.

Message to Miller Newton's lawyer:
Surely you have heard everything, you know the facts about the Lulu Corter case, and so on. How can you look yourself in the mirror every morning, knowing you are working FOR an extreme child abuser, and not against him? That is an evil contract you have signed. Helping a child abuser. What a damn shame, and a waste of anything good you were ever taught, or any ideals you once had.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 06:59:00 AM
On 2005-08-10 19:46:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I have heard that Miller Newton's lawyer reads this site. Now THERE'S a Devil's Advocate for you.

Message to Miller Newton's lawyer:

Surely you have heard everything, you know the facts about the Lulu Corter case, and so on. How can you look yourself in the mirror every morning, knowing you are working FOR an extreme child abuser, and not against him? That is an evil contract you have signed. Helping a child abuser. What a damn shame, and a waste of anything good you were ever taught, or any ideals you once had."

Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 09:36:00 AM
I called him at (727)392-3437 to ask him if he cared to apologize to me for his role in Straight, but Ruthie hung up on me.  I don't think he's trying to redeem himself at all--- he has been the same arrogant prick whenever he's been in the public eye since, whether at his bankruptcy trial, his manner at the zoning hearing, or his mayoral campaign.  He is a megalamaniac beyond repair.  If he's trying to right his wrongs ( a futile attempt for someone as vile as he) he has yet to indicate it to his victims, and he has had ample opportunity."

Of course he won't apologize to you on demand, we are druggies, remember?  It's all OUR fault.  In my opinion, his redemption is analagous to all those whom find religion behind prison bars.  He is not wanting to make "amends" to you personally, but I think he is attempting to show his worthless worth in another way, religion.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: linchpin on August 11, 2005, 12:29:00 PM
No my junk was not liberally touched...or even slightly touched.
 I guess my 12 year old ass wasnt attractive enough for "The Clinician"  :rofl:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 01:54:00 PM
He never touched your junk, but have you ever even seen the dude?  He never visited STRAIGHT Dallas as he was associated with KIDS at the time, correct?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 05:17:00 PM
On 2005-08-09 15:07:00, Anonymous wrote:

 I just wonder if had a counterpart that was the equivilant to what he was in KIDS to those of you that were in STRAIGHT.  What is a cult without a meglomaniacal cult leader, anyway?

Virgil was pretty much God and guru to the inmates of Straight and their families during his tenure as "Clinical Director".  I believe that the very personality cult he tried to foster around himself is one of the causes of his status as an icon of abuse at Straight.  Combine his naricissism with his acts of physical abuse against teens, particularly malnourished girls, and you've got a pretty viable candidate for a hated symbol of institutional child abuse.

Miller Newton was the quintessential asshole that perpetuated the madness on a daily basis in my program.

Without a doubt he had that role in Straight during his tenure there.  He added his own quack philosophy of drug-treatment to the torture already in place at Straight so that he could sell more copies of his books and gush about being a noted authority on teen drug treatment. Never mind the fact that his book is so obviously full of half-baked, ludicrous notions.

 I think his current line of work is solely about personal redemption, he knows what he did wrong and I think he is struggling to right his wrong.  Good luck ya old fuck. :wave: "

I think his new line of work is another way to satisfy his sick need to be deified by others.  According to the dogma of his particular sect of christianity, the priest actually becomes Christ during the communion ceremony.  What better way to reinforce his self-obsession and narcissism?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 06:37:00 PM
On 2005-08-10 15:25:00, Anonymous wrote:

  Miller Newton was the Main Goon and Torturer In Chief at Straight, Inc., where he added his own personal kook pop-psychology doctrine to the daily regimen of abuse.  Like a drug-warring Dr. Mengele, he ran his own brand of pseudomedical and pseudopsychological pseudospirituality expiraments on unfortunate inmates frequently.  

Yes! Mel Sembler=Hitler, Miller Newton=Dr. Mengele

He added his own quack philosophy of drug-treatment to the torture already in place at Straight so that he could sell more copies of his books and gush about being a noted authority on teen drug treatment. Never mind the fact that his book is so obviously full of half-baked, ludicrous notions.

Have you ever read "Gone Way Down" or any of his other crap?  It is SO ridiculous!  Full of Stepcult myths and toughlove fables, and a downright hatred for children.  How Miller Newton could pull off his impersonation of a drug treatment guru for adolescents is really amazing.  Lotsa gullible people out there. I guess P.T. Barnum was right.


"I personally don't mind where the hatred for the man comes from. He deserves every bad vibe out there. He and his wife are the 2 sickest, meanest, most vile people I have ever known. If there is a bandwagon of hate, then let it lead right to his front door. Act soon, before the bankruptcy courts decide it's not his front door anymore."

I've gotta agree with you--I have never in my life met anyone more deserving of hatred.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 06:47:00 PM
Granted Miller is a prick and a half, etc.

My question I guess is more of how much of a role he played in your particular STRAIGHT location, was he there to visit, to lead raps, to check in?  Was he just a name from a far that one could only mention whilst stating the chain of command so that you were not "talking behind backs"?  

His stench was a part of my daily life on a daily basis in KIDS.  There are many here that have much to say about him.  I started this thread to ask as I was curious to learn from others that were in STRAIGHT (and not KIDS) how affiliated he was with you and your particular versions of syn-op hell.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:01:00 PM
Then perhaps it's protest time again.

Anyone up for it?

Nice little cookout and rounds with meeting the neighbors?

Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:03:00 PM
He was a part of my daily life late in my program in St. Pete.  I had the unfortunate experience of being on a "7th step refresher" and was again exposed to the asshole from hell.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:05:00 PM
On 2005-08-11 17:01:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Then perhaps it's protest time again.

Anyone up for it?

Nice little cookout and rounds with meeting the neighbors?


Sure!  I'd show up for it.  When?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:08:00 PM
Pick a time

Maybe this weekend?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:09:00 PM
Next would be better.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:11:00 PM
That's ok with me

anyone else?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:11:00 PM
Let's call him and ask him when would be a convenient time for him...... ... forum=7&43 (
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:12:00 PM
Hey tell him well bring the beer if he can get the burgers. We'll just have a good old time talking about all our memories.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:13:00 PM
How many people show up at these things?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:16:00 PM
That all depends ...........

Hey, perhaps we could make a good photo op out of this. What would be a good idea? His house in the background with what in the foreground? What image would tell a thousand words?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:17:00 PM
Good question.  Maybe burning him in effigy while he's sitting in a blue chair.....
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:17:00 PM
what symbol represents child abuse?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:18:00 PM
No don't burn him, burn a child!
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:18:00 PM
Or a banner with the straight logo w/ a circle & line through it reading Just Say No to Abuse
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:19:00 PM
Good one!
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:19:00 PM
Maybe a banner w/ the names of ex-Straight & KIDS that have committed suicide?
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:21:00 PM
Damn I hate that old bastard.....
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:23:00 PM
Or one that reads: "Fr. Cassian = Child Abuser"
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:27:00 PM
how about a casket?

with the names of the suicides
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:29:00 PM
not a bad idea, casket and Say No to Abuse banner, would make a good photo op, maybe a sign saying Never Forget or something, read the names of suicides through a bullhorn....
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:30:00 PM
Martha Stewart has an ankle bracelet from the courts  

and this child abuser has none. Hopefully someday he will be on the national register and everyone will know how he harmed children.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:31:00 PM
Like 911,

We will have an official moment of silence and a reading of the names.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:32:00 PM
yeah, it's strange he doesn't have to register....I guess 'cause it's never beeen criminal court, just civil court.

But yeah, I'd be into it next Saturday---but we've probably blown that if his lawyer reads this forum.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:41:00 PM
no not really, they can't stop a peaceful demonstration.

Here is an idea, imagine this for a moment.

Just line us 6 or 8 blue chairs.

and then put a banner across the back that says.

We the survivors of your abuse will be watching you forever!  We will never forget.

It is our civic duty to inform the public who your are and what you have done.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:42:00 PM
I'm into it-----let's think about a date and get it together.  Got to run right now, but I'll keep next weekend open.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:49:00 PM
ok, let's see if there is anymore interest from others.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 11, 2005, 08:49:00 PM
cool--sounds like a plan!!
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 12, 2005, 08:18:00 PM
On 2005-08-10 15:25:00, Anonymous wrote:

Virgil Miller Newton is one fucked-up, sadistic son of a bitch.  I had the horror of that sick shitbird running my life in a worse than your worst ever nightmare-bad-acid-trip  teen torture faccility in St. Petersburg.  He was seen in group frequently, most every day he would make an appearance to overlook the abuse sessions personally.  He had a "hands on" approach to his work, if ya know what I mean.  I hate that putrid slimeshit of a man and everything he stands for.  Perhaps he has attained symbolic status to a lot of his victims.  Sembler, although in the big picture organizationally and financially, was more of a faceless bureaucrat to the average inmate.  Kind of like Hitler, I don't think he ever actually visited a conceentration camp other than to attend open meetings when his spawn were subjected to the torture (proving that scum like  Sembler eat their young).  I could be wrong about that, maybe he walked into groups frequently to get his kicks before he had to fly to Australia or wherever.  I couldn't tell you how many times he was at the actual facilities, but it was never anywhere near the time Newton spent there.

If by "junk" you mean "brain", yes, Virgil touched my junk liberally.  Miller Newton was the Main Goon and Torturer In Chief at Straight, Inc., where he added his own personal kook pop-psychology doctrine to the daily regimen of abuse.  Like a drug-warring Dr. Mengele, he ran his own brand of pseudomedical and pseudopsychological pseudospirituality expiraments on unfortunate inmates frequently.  Woe to the Newcomer that Dr. Newton "took an interest in".  

Just my theory on why Virgil bashing seems more Sembler hate, or at least more intense.

By the way, I think that bad as Straight was, KIDS had to be worse.  No one ever got held in group for thirteen years at Straight.  Also, Virgil and Ruthie had no one to answer to other than their fuckwitted, conscienceless selves.  Given such power, Newton could continue his abuse for longer periods of time, and cultivate his personality cult more deeply.  I have asked here before if anybody was in both programs, and compare them, but having been subjected for thirteen months to the whims of the  psychotic child-abuser that ran both places, I think I can make a fairly accurate guess what KIDS was like.

Now give up some hate for Virgil........"

To Virgil with HATE!!!! :flame:  :flame:  :flame:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2005, 01:14:00 AM
On 2005-08-11 09:29:00, linchpin wrote:

"No my junk was not liberally touched...or even slightly touched.

 I guess my 12 year old ass wasnt attractive enough for "The Clinician"  :rofl:

dude, your Hitler in the car thing is funny!

that is the third, bouncy Hitler parody gif i have seen. i'm gonna check out your source.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2005, 01:21:00 AM
Oh good, a protest - demonstration, rather, of our endless hatred! Let's spend a Saturday sitting across the street from the object of our hatred! Fun! More fun than the beach! More fun than a a pool party! More fun than sex in the hot FLorida sunshine with the insects buzzing high up in the trees!

Yippee! A "protest" to a eunuch!

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2005, 02:22:00 PM
On 2005-08-12 22:21:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Oh good, a protest - demonstration, rather, of our endless hatred! Let's spend a Saturday sitting across the street from the object of our hatred! Fun! More fun than the beach! More fun than a a pool party! More fun than sex in the hot FLorida sunshine with the insects buzzing high up in the trees!

Yippee! A "protest" to a eunuch!

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  "

Who's to say we can't have fun venting our hatred on this child abuser?  I think the idea of a BBQ and a few drinks was part of the notion.  Business and pleasure, y'know?  Demonstrating my endless hatred for Miller Newton, Newtonism, and all things Newton-related is great!!!
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 13, 2005, 07:46:00 PM
On 2005-08-13 11:22:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-08-12 22:21:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Oh good, a protest - demonstration, rather, of our endless hatred! Let's spend a Saturday sitting across the street from the object of our hatred! Fun! More fun than the beach! More fun than a a pool party! More fun than sex in the hot FLorida sunshine with the insects buzzing high up in the trees!

Yippee! A "protest" to a eunuch!

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  "

Who's to say we can't have fun venting our hatred on this child abuser?  I think the idea of a BBQ and a few drinks was part of the notion.  Business and pleasure, y'know?  Demonstrating my endless hatred for Miller Newton, Newtonism, and all things Newton-related is great!!!"

yeah, that and a buck twenty-five will get you a bottle of soda pop.  :roll:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: linchpin on August 14, 2005, 12:39:00 AM
On 2005-08-11 10:54:00, Anonymous wrote:

"He never touched your junk, but have you ever even seen the dude?  He never visited STRAIGHT Dallas as he was associated with KIDS at the time, correct?"

Nope, but I still never got my junk fondled by any exe staff...I feel kinda left out  :rofl:
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: gregg ritter on August 14, 2005, 06:40:00 AM
I meet Miller Newton in 1980 I 14 years old when that manipulting bastard force me to admit a drug problem that i did not have.If he is a man of the cloth now he should be able to admit his wrongs on the children he affected so horribly. I truely belive he is the only person i have ever wanted to kill with me own two hands. I'm now a grown man and not affaid of you so call me Miller if ever you want to meet. I'll show you what 25 years of rage feels like and remember I'm not a child anymore try your violence with me and you will wish you never meet me. For wife she is just as much a scum bag as you or worse. Ruth Ann was the biggest liar besides you but in closing here's my number BIG BOY call me if you have guts.678-409-3630
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: gregg ritter on August 14, 2005, 10:51:00 PM
I dealt with Miller Newton and his scumbag wife on a daily basis. A grown man beating children like a common bully. Using scare tactics on the parents that with out him there child would be destin for death. A self proclaimed demi god.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: gregg ritter on August 14, 2005, 11:20:00 PM
Something we have over looked is Millers son Mark was in straight before Miller was a self proclaimed expert. So what went wrong with Ruthie and Millers perfect family and being able to preach to everyone else.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Tampa survivor on August 14, 2005, 11:50:00 PM
Miller Newton and myself had a nice two year relationship where he used my parents, his son worked for my dad, and I got stuck in outrageously abusive situations for 2 years.  Bastard will NEVER BE FORGIVEN for stealing my family and leaving me screwed up.
I loved going to his sons wedding as a pulloff amongst all the 7 stepper.  NOT. I was dragged by my parents and had to shake that asshole and his wifes hand in a receiving line. the only good part was all those HOT Atkins sisters!!!  
He even had his son drive me to Atlanta when me and Bobby Ruggles were exiled from St Pete program.  They thought it was funny.  Ruth-ass laughed in exec rap in front of group about it.
YOU RED FACED BASTARD. Luray Harbor and that Pritchard boy are dead, and his abuse and family devisive tactics did that.
If you did not know him, you cannot understand what hearing him thunder from the back of rap did to us athe age of 14.
Greg, I have not even lurked here in some time.  I remember you.  Dark hair, kinda slight build at the time?  I have only bumped into a few people from our time.
Bill Hadley
St Pete & Atlanta
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on August 17, 2005, 07:14:00 AM
Miller Newton is truly a vile and disgusting man.  So is Ruthie.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on November 10, 2005, 03:13:00 AM
I'll sing "oh what a beautifull morning" again when that no good fuck is dead.
Title: Why Miller?
Post by: Anonymous on November 10, 2005, 10:33:00 AM
Miller Newton touched my junk liberally. He strapped me in to his Straightmobile and he
couldn't keep his offensive hands off of me. He was performing many red flag touches. I
couldnt believe what the fuck was going on. I told Miller Newton the city would not approve
of a millionaire touching an underage kid for free. Can you believe it? Miller Newton did all this. He picked me off the street, strapped my arms and legs down in the Straightmobile's passenger seat, and just wouldn't stop fondling my cock'n'balls.
They definately were red flag touches. The goddamn referee he had in the back seat kept on
raising up this red flag every time he touched my junk but did "Dr." Newton care? NO WAY! He
just kept on doing it. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on, indeed. I pleaded with
Miller Newton but to no avail. I told him the city would not approve of such a wealthy man
touching an underage kid like me (at the time I was 13) without at least compensating me for
the trauma and the use of my body as his own personal plaything.
This got to him, worrying about his image. he continued to fondle me, all the while ignoring
the referee's red flags. Then he drove the Straightmobile to my house and ejected the seat I was in! It was amazing. But surprisingly, after I woke up the next morning, my bank account had $150k in it!!! Can you believe it?????????????????????????