
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore => Topic started by: Anonymous on July 04, 2005, 01:22:00 PM

Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 04, 2005, 01:22:00 PM
The Queen of Mean will try to blame the Whitmore Kids for any abuse that happened there.

But it will not wash!
None of these kids took it upon themeselves to hurt each other, EVER!!!!

They did what they did because they were instructed to do so by the Sudweeks. And they knew if they did not do what they were ordered to do, THEN THEY WERE NEXT!

Read the postings by these former students.
It is obvious what was going on at the Whitmore.
The authorities will not punish any of the kids, and will not let the Sudweeks use these kids any longer.
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 04, 2005, 01:33:00 PM
The parents of Anneliese and Rob should be outraged! They paid for their children to be receiving educational benefits and therapy at Whitmore Academy. Postings make it obvious that these kids were used by the Sudweeks to punish other students on a regular basis. These two students should not be held accountable in any manner, BUT the Sudweeks should be held accountable for using these two students in such a way!
The anguish of Rob and Anneliese is evident, and the Sudweeks's use of these students to beat up others kids should be addressed by every agency in the State of Utah  that has any control over Whitmore Academy.
The parents of these two students should demand a full refund of every penny they paid they Sudweeks, plus damages suffered by their kids in civil court!
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 04, 2005, 02:53:00 PM
HEY.....CHERYL physically touched JOEY.....two of the criminal complaints identify her putting her HANDS, or feet on JOEY...........she can't hide...........civil complaints tomorrow my love.....sOOn......lolllllooollooool
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 04, 2005, 03:11:00 PM
Think Queen of Mean  ::bangin:: might have a "relapse" of her so-called stroke? Try for the "Oh, I can't be in court, I'm sick...." like she did up in Canada for the animal abuse trial? But then, up in Canada, Markie Boy was willing to stand in for her...hmmmmmmm That might not work this time. ::mecry::
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 05, 2005, 02:09:00 AM
you people are talking about something that I can definately vouche for that you dont know this time. Cheryl did not attend the thing in canada because she was dealing with a brain tumor. My god, please, if you want to be understood to a point, then understand the one simple fact of she was too sick to attend. She was in and out of the hospital. You guys are sick people if you comment about something that is in God's hands. (and dont come back with a smart comment..i can bet you i already know what someone is going to say.) hence, dont let yourself be predictable you BITCHES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 05, 2005, 09:19:00 AM
Stories, Tales, more stories.
Heard she's had some TERRIBLBE accident, and that the hero Mark saved her from drowning in the lake after a plane crash!
NOW--it's a brain tumor. Oh, well.
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 05, 2005, 09:25:00 AM
We will all just form a Prayer Chain that The Queen of Mean ::bangin:: will just be very very healthy and not miss one little court appearance, and not waste and of Juab County taxpayer's money with any missed court dates.
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 05, 2005, 10:05:00 AM
Now who would be "predictable" and wonder why all the Queen of Mean ::bangin:: AKA GORILLA'S health problems revolve around the "brain," when everyone knows she's highly lacking in that department? Any problems with her brain should be very small and insignificant one would think.
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 06, 2005, 09:44:00 AM
None of the kids at Whitmore should be blamed for anything. Most of them only ganged up on each other because they were ordered to by the Sudweeks and everyone knows that. And IF any kid took it upon him or herself to hit some other kid, then it was the Sudweeks's job to supervise these kids and not allow any fighting what-so-ever. Period.
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 06, 2005, 04:10:00 PM
On 2005-07-06 06:44:00, Anonymous wrote:

"None of the kids at Whitmore should be blamed for anything. Most of them only ganged up on each other because they were ordered to by the Sudweeks and everyone knows that. And IF any kid took it upon him or herself to hit some other kid, then it was the Sudweeks's job to supervise these kids and not allow any fighting what-so-ever. Period."

AMEN ... if anybody should be held responsible it's the GROWNUPS running this place.

Whose watching the grownups?
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: mikeymouse on July 07, 2005, 12:33:00 AM
::unhappy:: yo anonymous your a little bitch and I know your Annalese, remember the big fat bitch who always ate all the food whenever you cooked the food at whitmore, no wonder y u got so fat, holler at your boy Mikey Mouse.
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: mikeymouse on July 07, 2005, 12:37:00 AM
also how the fuck would you know about the joey incident I was in the room when she was with him so you better keep your fuckin mouth shut. Oh yea one more thing that kid could of made it there if it hadn't been for that faggot who lives right behind the mansion saying "Hey kid want something to drink.
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 12:45:00 AM
ANOTHER "MOUSE" speaking out for Whitmore!!.
There must be something to all this "mice speak."
First Caitlyn the Mickeymouse...
Wonder if it has anything to do with the RODENT PROBLEM reported by the health inspectors? Rodent droppings all over the MANSION in the food, all over the floors, even in the dresser drawers? Perhaps this is the new MASCOT of this fine Whitmore Academic Boarding School??
The Whitmore Rats?
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 01:26:00 AM
Mickey: What room were you in with Cheryl and Joey, and what happened in that room?
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Tha Truth on July 07, 2005, 03:51:00 AM
Well Mike, the anonymous "little bitch" you're gunning so pointlessly is certainly not me. As you can tell, I have a user name and I always post under it. I have nothing to hide and your childish insults don't work on grown folks honey. If you're thinking that I'm intimidated, you're wrong. You forget that I actually know you and you're really not as hard as you're trying desparately to sound. I have no reason to fear anyone but God, only he can judge me. When you get your shit together and figure out just who the hell you're talking to why don't YOU holla at ME. Please believe I have better things to do than chase little rodents around in my spare time.
(by the way, that short for 'Anneliese', just in case you were still confused Mikey)

"Tha truth will find you out"[ This Message was edited by: Tha Truth on 2005-07-07 00:54 ]
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 09:53:00 AM
Is this the same "Mike" that just ran away from Whitmore and is now back in the loving FAMILY?
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2005, 09:59:00 AM
If this is the same kid that ran away and has been returned to the Whitmore: Guess he must be having to PROVE he really is a loyal Suds' follower. Lashing out at a former student is par to the course. But pointing guns and knives, now that is strange and scary, especially in a situation where the owner is already charged with abuse. What the hell IS going on at this Whit place?
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 01:10:00 AM
:smokin:  hey whats up first of I would like to say I am not sorry about anything I said, and anonymous im not a "sud's follower" I just stick up for what I believe in, and mikeymouse was my nickname if you actually went to whitmore. So if you would be so kind and to tell me who you are, that would be great :grin:
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 01:11:00 AM
oh yea one more thing onle annalese knows who I am so go ahead and get your resources I don't give a fuck
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 02:12:00 AM
MIKE!! hey buddy!! (its sarah)
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 02:12:00 AM
ohh i just read this..that wasnt me posting up there
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2005, 02:13:00 AM
On 2005-07-07 23:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"MIKE!! hey buddy!! (its sarah)"

On 2005-07-07 23:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"ohh i just read this..that wasnt me posting up there"

just makin sure yall ppl kno that wasnt me posting..i just read this and wanted to say hey to mike!  -sarah
Title: Cheryl Sudweek's Defense? Queen of Mean will try to blame ou
Post by: mikeymouse on July 08, 2005, 03:54:00 AM
what up when did u get back home send me an e-mail