
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: AdamWasInYorbaLinda on November 30, 2002, 12:08:00 PM

Title: 15 months of my life...
Post by: AdamWasInYorbaLinda on November 30, 2002, 12:08:00 PM
15 months of my life were spent in Straight. I was in California then sent to Dallas when it closed down, then to Michigan. It has been 11 years since I left the program. I left one week before my 18th birthday when my mother realized I was going to leave anyway as soon as I was 18.

I have NEVER done a search on Straight or tried to find out info on it or the people I was there with till now. I have the strangest feeling inside me reading all this. I am just SHOCKED to KNOW now that there are other people out there who went through what I did. To know that it was NOT a LONG awful nightmare. After seeing that pic of the blue chair on one of the pages I just found I think I am gonna go puke. I honestly am speachless right now that I have found others who were there. Part of me REALLY thought it was a nightmare. My memories of being there have been blocked for years.

I really don't know what else to say...

Adam Goldstein

[ This Message was edited by: AdamWasInYorbaLinda on 2002-12-03 11:16 ]
Title: 15 months of my life...
Post by: Anonymous on November 30, 2002, 05:34:00 PM
Yup, I am sill in CA and still in shock!
Title: 15 months of my life...
Post by: kosmonaut on December 03, 2002, 01:13:00 PM
Hey Adam, welcome to the board.  It's true, we were all there and it all really happened.  Stick around and share your thoughts.
Title: 15 months of my life...
Post by: marika708 on December 03, 2002, 01:19:00 PM
Amazing isn't it?  You'll find alot of supportive people here, and alot of good information that really helps (at least it did me) get a perspective on what you went through.  There is also a great group at Yahoo that you can join.  

Welcome and best wishes,
Title: 15 months of my life...
Post by: Anonymous on December 05, 2002, 03:28:00 PM
Hey bro. Don't let it throw ya. It was just our lot. Sucks though.  
 Something kinda funny,
 I split from MI when I was already graduated and about half-way through "afterscare".  I did a few "wrongs" and thought for sure I was going to get  "sat back in group".   I spent 2 horrified hours waiting to be put in a choke-hold but they never brought it up. So I walked out of that building facing forward ,straight to my truck , got in and drove as far as I could away from there until I hit water at Newport beach O.C. It still took a good while before I believed I was safe. When ever a van pulled up too fast , I took off running. All my bro's thought I was mental...well if they only knew. I ended up living in Huntington Beach* for 10 years right around the corner from another Straight I didn't even know existed. And my worst nightmare oldcomer was there from MI. on staff. That fucker woulda came and got me if he knew I was there! He probably fucked with you while you were in. E-me and we will T.B.B. in private (lol). I even ran into one of my newcomers that escaped from MI in H.B. at a party , and I had to burn one with him to convince him I wasn't there to take him back.
  Hope to hear from ya.   ([email protected])

  * Which is ironic because it turns out that I have a 50/50 chance of get the genetic disorder : Huntington's Disease. My brother and father who both lived there with me a while ended up getting

    Later.......2Dogs :wave: