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Messages - tommyfromhyde1

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Hyde Schools / hyde edit emails?
« on: January 19, 2006, 02:44:00 PM »
Are you referring to the kid who posted as larry61122 ?

All penalties for drug users should be dropped...Making drug abuse a crime is useless and even dangerous...Every year we seize more and more drugs but the quantity available still increases...Police are losing the drug battle worldwide.

--Raymond Kendall ~ Secretary General of Interpol 1994

Hyde Schools / Any HYDE STAFFERS willing to post?
« on: January 10, 2006, 03:19:00 PM »
On 2006-01-08 14:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I am both a Hyde graduate and former faculty member, having finished my teaching stint at Bath nearly ten years ago.  I agree with many of your reactions about the "round peg in a square hole" syndrome.  I often felt misunderstood and tortured both mentally and physically as a student.  Nonetheless, I did believe that the school made me confront many of my insecurities and fears.  Compared to Hyde, college was a breeze and after going to graduate school I accepted a teaching position at Hyde.  Essentially, I did so hoping that I could make a difference in the lives of kids (and learn proper teaching techniques in the process).  

In terms of the quality of academic instruction at Hyde, no one can claim that the school puts academics first.  Although I did work alongside a few excellent educators, most were not well versed in their subject areas.  Sadly, this did not make much of a difference since the schedule at Hyde was so "seminar" and "sports-centered" that there was little time to teach.  Moreover, many of my colleagues looked forward to these scenarios so that they would not have to teach.  

Hyde truly is not for everyone.  Unfortunately, kids do not often get to make the decisions as to where they will attend school.  Parents often put their sons or daughters in a place like Hyde because they want them "fixed".  My recommendation for all prospective families is for you to do your  homework.  Ask good questions.  If you want a strenuous academic environment, then Hyde may not be the place for you.


The academics might be weak but I actually had trouble keeping up with my schoolwork because I was so tired all the time because of sports practices. Did anyone else have the same problem at Hyde? Before I get dismissed for griping about mandatory sports, Hyde's attitude was "it wasn't a good practice if nobody puked".

There is something feeble and contemptible about a man who cannot face life without the help of comfortable myths.
--Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, educator, mathemetician, and social critic

Hyde Schools / Hyde is definately reading this board
« on: December 10, 2005, 03:51:00 PM »
On 2005-12-08 15:02:00, Hyde's Attorney wrote:

"Tommy, what years did you spend in the great Hyde School?"

Less than a year. I was sent in the middle of Summer School in Aug. 1976 and then ran away Jan. 1977 when it was pretty clear that I'd be put on 2-4.

There is no devil and no hell. Thy soul will be dead even sooner than thy body: fear therefore nothing any more.
--Freidrich Nietzsche, German philosopher

Hyde Schools / Hyde is definately reading this board
« on: December 08, 2005, 04:31:00 PM »
On 2005-12-07 14:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

"what year was Hyde School founded?"


Life may have no meaning.  Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove.' target='_new'>Ashleigh Brilliant

Hyde Schools / Help! A close friend mother is about to get sent to Hyde...
« on: December 08, 2005, 04:30:00 PM »
On 2005-12-07 07:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Really? I figured that if you blatently say you won't go there and you have no problems in the interview, it would just look like you need to go there all the more. I'm going to e-mail his mother and warn her about Hyde, and use reviews from this forum as evidence that she's making a mistake. By the way, are there any other sites similiar to this one where past students/parents share stories on a forum? Thanks


I don't know about this guy's mom, but such a warning could backfire if she has a taste for Hyde's brand of abuse. Depends on how angry she is at him.

The legislature is to society as a physician is to the patient. If a physician ignored side effects of medications like today's legislators ignore the side effects of their legislation, the physician would be accused of malpractice. I accuse today's legislators (with rare exception) of legislative malpractice. Many of the ills that are so obvious in our society are a direct result of previous legislation. Their solution? More laws!
-- John A. Bennett, DO

Hyde Schools / Hyde is definately reading this board
« on: December 02, 2005, 02:54:00 PM »
There are other schools and programs that market like this. WWASP, acording to what I've seen on the 'net, PAYS parents for referals. And I think that in this respect scAmway is a better metaphor than the Hare Krishnas.

say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile.
--Kurt Vonnegut, American author

Hyde Schools / follow-up questions on Hyde School
« on: December 01, 2005, 03:57:00 PM »
No. He just thinks he is.

Vain are the thousand creeds that move men's hearts, unutterably vain, worthless as wither'd weeds.
--Emily Bronte

Hyde Schools / Hyde School Chat Room
« on: December 01, 2005, 01:11:00 PM »
I agree with Lars that it's not wise to focus on Joe's personal wealth. Maybe it's true that he's getting rich but that's not where he lives. Joe, ladies and gentlemen, is very much a drinker of his own Kool-Aid. What's more important to remember about the money is that the money itself is a brainwashing tool (at least for the parents). After all, the more money that you've given to Joe, the more likely that you're going to stay committed to Hyde, throw your kid out on the street if he runs, etc.

When he [Califano] claims that the voters of Arizona and California did not know what they were voting for when they supported the two initiatives, he reminds me of the way Serbia's President Slobodan Milosevic reacted to recent election results in that country.
-- George Soros -- Sunday, February 2 1997; Page C01 The Washington Post

Hyde Schools / Former students - Our worst experiences
« on: November 27, 2005, 04:20:00 PM »
Sorry, that last was me. forgot to log in

Redemption: Deliverance of sinners from the penalty of their sins through the murder of their deity against whom they sinned.
--Ambrose Bierce

« on: November 26, 2005, 02:38:00 PM »
Actualy, I don't remember that one because I was on cross country that fall. I did get sharked though. The worst thing about the sports was that by the time study hall came around, just before lights out, I was just totally drained. My studies suffered horribly because of it.

Here's freedom to him who would read;
Here's freedom to him who would write;

None ever feared that the truth should be heard,

But them that the truth would indict.

--author unknown (circa 1914)

« on: November 26, 2005, 02:07:00 PM »
On 2005-11-26 10:52:00, Lars wrote:

"And while we're on the topic, I also recall a couple of faculty members getting in my face in a very threatening way, as if they were going to assault me (Don MacMillan & Gary Kent).  Totally inappropriate.  It wouldn't suprise me to find out that stuff like that still happens.

As for Joe G.?  He's a drunken (I smelled it on his breath several times) egomaniac bully.  F%^k him and the horse he rode in on!


Lars, when I was there it went further than that. There was a very steep hill from the mansion down to the student union which was covered with ice from October on. One time I was walking down this hill and picking my way down very slowly and carefully to avoid falling. Mr. Milton, the dean, came up behind me and shoved me from behind, (I wasn't moving fast enough to suit him), and sent me sprawling on my face. He then accused me of falling on purpose.

Step 1. We came to understand that the government is powerless over people's private use of drugs and that the War on Drugs was making the government's life unmanageable.

--Scott Tillinghast

Let It Bleed / My neighbor is a fucking snitch
« on: November 22, 2005, 04:14:00 PM »
On 2005-11-06 19:13:00, Lars wrote:

"As a criminal defense lawyer who handles a lot of drug cases, I can tell you that most people get nailed because they didn't know that they have a right to say no to searches.  Most people think that if the cops are going to search anyway, they're better off cooperating.  WRONG!!!  When you consent, you waive the right to challenge the search and get the evidence suppressed when the matter goes to court and hamstring your attorney.  Always say no.

Don't consent to a search.

Now Lars, doesn't representing drug defendants violate some sort of Hyde "ethic"? (snark snark)
Like brother's

Revelation indeed had no weight with me.
--Benjamin Franklin, American Founding Father, author, and inventor

Mission Mountain School / MMS in the news
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:24:00 PM »
A good sidebar too.

Fear believes--courage doubts. Fear falls up the earth and prays--- courage stands erect and thinks. Fear is barbarism---courage is civilization. Fear believes in witchcraft, devils and ghosts. Fear is religion, courage is science.
--Robert G. Ingersoll, American politician and lecturer

Open Free for All / The Birth of Soft Torture
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:18:00 PM »
Wasn't George H.W. Director of Central Intelligence before he was VP?

There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.
--George Washington

The Seed Discussion Forum / Out of Wak and others
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:06:00 PM »
I know this is an old link but does this sound a little like the Seed? (with a little Russian sadism of course).

I'm glad some people have that faith. I don't have that faith. If there is a God, a caring God, then we have to figure he's done an extraordinary job of making a very cruel world.
--Dave Matthews, South African rock musician

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