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Messages - egypt has pyramids

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Restraint Techinques
« on: January 17, 2007, 06:23:04 PM »
The kids need  help ridding themsleves of grungies...  ::drummer::

The Troubled Teen Industry / The Who
« on: January 17, 2007, 12:37:13 PM »
For all I know my dad could be out there just like you saying the same things. In fact, I am sure he is, not on the net, but in person he says things very similar to what you say. That's why it's hard to take you seriously, or believe what you say. Because I know my dad is full of shit, and speaks from his own need to believe the fantasy he paid good money for. Programs are not for kids, they are for parents.

Open Free for All / Rep Nancy Pelosi to close Border in June 2007
« on: January 17, 2007, 11:11:45 AM »
Yeah totally.. I worry more about car accidents than 'terrorism'. I was in Tel Aviv when two suicide bombers blew themselves on buses. I was shocked and when I found out I cried, but the Israelis taught me an important lesson.. life goes on. They are some strong people over there, to deal with that stuff and you should of seen us Americans.. we were wondering why they hadn't nuked the palis off the earth yet!  :rofl:

I agree with all the complaints though. No reason why people here should be paying for non citizens to get services. I fucking hate going to the ER and having to wait in line with a bunch of mexicans with a dozen kids who have the flu. It sucks. In high school a quarter of the kids didnt even go to english speaking english classes.. lol. I just can't wait for white people to become the minority in Cali.. then maybe we can see some of that affirmative action comin' our way? Yea right.. :rofl:

The dude who owned the restaurant I was talking about lost the contract the next year.. not because he was out bid .. no.. because it was a mexican who bid, and the priority goes to minority owned businesses.. say what now?!  :roll:

Open Free for All / Rep Nancy Pelosi to close Border in June 2007
« on: January 17, 2007, 10:15:45 AM »
Any of you ever live on or near the border?

Always lived in a border city, and for a couple years I lived within a couple miles of the border and regularly went hiking in the hills that the border patrol uses to find illegals. One time I was walking down the road and came across an illegal sitting on a rock right off the road, his leg was all fucked up, he had obviously taken a pretty bad fall. I don't speak spanish but I asked if he needed help and he said "no no.. immigracion" he was waiting for border patrol to pick him up and take him to the hospital, give him a meal and send him back so he could try again.

I had a job downtown and everyday I went twice to deliver prepackaged meals to the inmates at the INS jail in downtown federal prison in san diego. The restaurant I was working for had the govt contract to make like 300 lunches a couple times per day. I went over with a huge cart full of food and would see them bringing in busloads of new illegals all day long, holding them in this prison area, and then if they didnt committ some other crime they would just let them go or ship them back on a bus. But its not like they couldnt just get out and try again.

Americans are not rutheless savages and people know that the system is not going to murder them if they come across. I dont think that should change really. To be honest I really like mexicans for the most part and the poorer ones down in the shitty parts of mexico are the nicest people you will ever meet. Tijuana is a shithole and the mexican govt really needs to do more to help its people. The reason they come over here is becauset here is nothing over there for them but gutters and corruption and no jobs.

Building a wall isnt going to stop anybody. It will just make it more profitable for the coyotes and smugglers who are the real criminals here.

There is actually a labor shortage in this country right now if you take the time to study the numbers. One reason all the oranges got frozen on the trees is because there wasn't enough people to pick them. A quarter of the tomato harvest at a large farm here in so cal went rotten on the plants because there was nobody to pick it.

Its a complicated issue for sure.

But the border is bullshit, all it is is an economic barrier to keep the poor out and the rich in. I think its human to want to keep what is yours and not share or whatever.

I really dont think they are going to build the wall though. I think they will build it so it covers the city of san diego since development is going right up to the border these days, and push the immigrants out into the desert. Thats what theyve been doing for a while.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Restraint Techinques
« on: January 17, 2007, 07:28:25 AM »
That sounds a lot like the ASR video in the "who" thread that I watched the other day.

Let It Bleed / Stuff you've been dreaming about
« on: January 17, 2007, 07:12:17 AM »
Im in a forest, its familiar even though Ive never been there. There is a large, sprawled out motel complex, one story made of wood, definitely retro looking. Its up on top of a hill, at night and everything is dark. I have a big suite, with an upstairs even though its only one story from outside, it gets much bigger once you go inside. It looks like the entrance to splash mountain ride at disneyland, wood beams, older style.

My stuff is all around this room. I am gathering my stuff, trying to get my stuff together before the sun comes up. Because I have somewhere to go. I dont know where, but definitely got to get somewhere. Something is coming, I got to go. I got to find my stuff. Fast. Keep coming, there is no time to stop.

I find my car and have to drive. Driving is hard at night when you cant see. Someone is coming. Flying cloths high in the air now I am 13 thousand feet up doing repairs on a massive structure so high I dont know what to do.

Its all pretty scary and its hard to tell real from not. My dreams are weird.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Procrastination Thread
« on: January 17, 2007, 07:05:28 AM »
I dont really know what I should be doing.. sleeping I guess. I fell asleep yesterday and slept all day for some reason and now I am definitely not tired and just waiting for the sun to come up so I can say, hello sun, how are you today? Burning bright as usual I see, what a wonderful sight indeed.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Intimacy and dissociation
« on: January 17, 2007, 07:02:51 AM »
I remember during the first seminar I went to there was a brother and sister. They finally started admitting to incest and for some reason this was a good thing and they were the most popular kids in the whole seminar... yeah, they gave themselves completely to the facilitator and parents. Because fuck, they ripped them UP hardcorde! I hope they were lying but I don't think they were. Yeah I noticed when girls admitted to sex stuff they rubbed that in their faces too. How parents can think this shit helps is beyond me. WAY beyond me. Were there ever parents at your guys workshops? THere were a dozen parents present at our seminars staffing them. Ignorant my ass.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Intimacy and dissociation
« on: January 17, 2007, 06:53:19 AM »
Quote from: ""try another castle""

Although, lord, were we made to feel bad about sex.


Thats crazy.. was that a part of the seminars/workshops things? Luckily 'sex' was never an issue of mine and it never came up and isnt really a part of my whole program experience.. god man, thats fucked up!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Please remind me...
« on: January 17, 2007, 06:49:07 AM »
Yeah she is my twin sister. By the time I came home she had run off with her boyfriend, who she is still married to and they have a five year old daughter. She ran away too just like me and started a new family... I don't blame her.

A few weeks later I ended up on the street with no place to go and she let me stay in her apartment for a couple months until I had somewhere to go. She helped me a lot.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Intimacy and dissociation
« on: January 17, 2007, 06:46:03 AM »
So who got laid while in a program?
What sucks so much about SCL was that the boys and girls were completely seperated, we didn't even get to look at each other. The program I was in before that was also just for boys, even though it was a lot more open than a wwasps program. But during my stays at two other kinds of programs, we all intermingled, and I think it made it a lot more easy.
At SCL the sexual environment was non existant. Jerking it was a punishable offense and we all slept in an open room with a dude sitting in the middle no further than 10 feet at all times from us while we slept. So the only time to mess around really was in the shower, and those were timed... if you were lucky you got 4 minutes. A friend of mine had managed to tear out a small wallet sized picture of some girl from a magazine somewhere, and he hid it in his stuff. That was a big deal, he would show it around at night like it was something special, but I guess it was at the time.
Psych hospitals were a whole other deal. Girls galore, after lights out it we had so much fun sneaking around to each others rooms.  :oops:
Good times.
Well.. not at SCL or the other programs that keep the sexes apart.. that shit sucks.

Let's talk about the weather... / FUCK!!!!
« on: January 17, 2007, 06:33:25 AM »
Crunchy grass in SD too.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Please remind me...
« on: January 17, 2007, 05:57:35 AM »
I just made it easy and don't talk to my parents much anymore. I gave it a few shots over the past several years, but it's not working out. I think some people were not made to be around each other and since both me and my mom self destruced while living with my dad at different times by ourselves I think he has more than a little to do with the bad vibe we all get when together. I spent my whole childhood dreaming of getting away and now they call me up asking me to come home and visit and I just laugh.. like, don't you know why I was running away all those times? I wasn't fucking around!

Its funny cuz my dad still thinks it was all good. I remember the day I came home I came off the airplane and my sister started crying she said later because I looked like shit. My dad tried to give me a hug and I pushed him off. I have never felt the same toward him since coming off that plane. I don't like people who pretend to love you, it disgusts me actually. So when we got home to the house I unpacked my stuff, pet the cats and sat down and played the piano something I hadn't done in over a year and it felt good. But then I went out in the family room and I asked my dad why he sent me away to freaks. I asked if he knew that I was locked up in the isolation room for a month and he said yes he knew, because he had to pay extra each night I was there. Luckily my sister was there, I was so angry but she was able to talk to me and tell me that yes, I was right and he was wrong and she was saying she kept trying to tell him to bring me home the whole time. She also said she sent a bunch of letters but I never got any. I was gone from his house within a week after coming home and never lived with him again. To this day he thinks it was all good and saved my life and I was a psychotic, bipolar freak who needed to be caged and drugged like a wild animal.

My mom had been absent from my world since I was six. But I did get a letter to her when I was getting near 18 but then my dad and everyone else lied to me and told me not to contact her because the FBI would get involved. I believed them at the time because my reality was pretty warped from the experience. So I never did contact my mom. She is way more fragile than me so I didn't want the FBI to get involved like the kept telling me because I knew she would hate me if I brought her that kind of trouble. I think they knew me well enough to manipulate me is what was actually happening. So my mom was totally not a part of my teenage experience, I did send her a few letters from programs, but never asked her to come pick me up directly. I already knew the answer to that so I didn't bother, she wouldn't/couldn't do something like that. But I did talk to her about my experience afterwards and she is a lot more open. She is philosophical and fun to talk to, but is super depressed and has a bunch of mental problems and is just a drain on your energy. Its weird to wake up one day as an adult adn realize that you are 100 more times sane than both youre parents combined. I grew up thinking white was black and up was down and now I am doing my best to correct that on my own.

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