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Messages - laurabk

Pages: [1]
On 2005-05-01 13:50:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2005-05-01 13:24:00, laurabk wrote:

"when i was at cross creek, they would call you an addict even if you only smoked once. or if you didnt do drugs they would call you co-dependent and tell you to go to the aa/na meetings for that. what a joke"

And what would happen if you disagreed? Just simply refused to say that you were an addict?

From the bottom of any large organization looking up through the ranks, human greed and stupidity look a lot like a conspiracy.
--S. Gilbert


nothing, really. but then you wouldnt move up as fast in the program so i just let them tell me i was an addict. and if you tried to argue it, they'd say you're "not working" and in denial. and then you'd get shit on by the upper level girls in the group who would basically just reword what the family rep said.  and if your group doesnt like you, you're screwed because in order to move up in the program you have to be voted up by your group. like i said in my other post, these people feed on fear. thats how the whole place works. your so scared when you get there that you try to do anything you can to get out of there faster, and so eventually you just let them win. and thats when the brainwashing starts.

everybody call them and shout obscenities. we'll show them fuckers. haha

when i was at cross creek, they would call you an addict even if you only smoked once. or if you didnt do drugs they would call you co-dependent and tell you to go to the aa/na meetings for that. what a joke

The Troubled Teen Industry / cross creek manor
« on: April 30, 2005, 02:55:00 PM »
It's been about 2 years since I got out of that place and I still think about it every damn day. I remember the feelings I would wake up with everyday there... the worst feeling ever. I can't even describe it.. it was the most surreal feeling I've ever experienced. I felt like a caged animal.. constantly nervous and vulnerable. I was a total mess. Scared shitless of being dropped even when I knew I had done nothing "against the rules." It was ridiculous. I would almost have a heart attack waiting for my family rep and couselor to come to Group. This, in my opinion, IS emotional abuse. They knew damn well that I was scared and anxious and they loved it. They wanted me to be in a vulnerable frame of mind so they could twist around my thoughts into how they wanted me to think and act. I was only there for 4 months, thank god, but I went thru the Discovery and Focus seminars and I dont think I have EVER in my life been so scared. Literally shaking, holding back tears.. feeling completely out of control and confused. These people feed on fear and they need to be put in jail.

It's been about 2 years since I got out of that place and I still think about it every damn day. I remember the feelings I would wake up with everyday there... the worst feeling ever. I can't even describe it.. it was the most surreal feeling I've ever experienced. I felt like a caged animal.. constantly nervous and vulnerable. I was a total mess. Scared shitless of being dropped even when I knew I had done nothing "against the rules." It was ridiculous. I would almost have a heart attack waiting for my family rep and couselor to come to Group. This, in my opinion, IS emotional abuse. They knew damn well that I was scared and anxious and they loved it. They wanted me to be in a vulnerable frame of mind so they could twist around my thoughts into how they wanted me to think and act. I was only there for 4 months, thank god, but I went thru the Discovery and Focus seminars and I dont think I have EVER in my life been so scared. Literally shaking, holding back tears.. feeling completely out of control and confused. These people feed on fear and they need to be put in jail.

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