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Messages - Carmel

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Yep, I remember you fact I think I was at your host home once and you were there too, which was strange because you were on a refresher but they still sent you to your own house.  Ill send you a PM, I have a question....

Open Free for All / Re: Dr. Phil
« on: February 02, 2009, 02:08:51 PM »
Dr. Phil is gross.

I watched the "E True Hollwood Story" about him one day.  The guys is nothing but the reeking leftovers of the 1980's pyramid marketing craze.  This guy doesnt know shit about shit.  Its a horrfic that this man has authority over anyone's mental status or circumstances.  I bet if the opportunity had been right...he'd have been the Director of a whole host of treatment centers and bullshit therapeutic businesses.


Open Free for All / Re: IS VIN DIESEL IN FACT GAY?
« on: January 30, 2009, 02:39:51 PM »
Fuck you for posting, and fuck you for not using smilies in your answer, oh.......and fuck Vin Diesel.  :twofinger:

Open Free for All / Re: IS VIN DIESEL IN FACT GAY?
« on: January 30, 2009, 09:42:53 AM »
The OP might have been lame....but what this thread has devolved into is worse.  Instead of bullshitting about Vin Diesel, its just a big fuck-you fest.......classy.

So hey, fuck yous guys!


Open Free for All / Re: IS VIN DIESEL IN FACT GAY?
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:44:24 AM »
I dunno that he's gay....but I do know he has a twin brother.  S o even if he is, you might still have a chance.

Open Free for All / Re: Feminism, The New Hormone Therapy
« on: January 28, 2009, 05:03:03 PM »
Im not trying to dissect the issue....I dont think its that complicated, I also dont think its un-PC to state that men and women are vastly different in many ways, i.e "man-like" and "women-like" regardless of who dictates the definition...there can be many definitions.  The fact is that regardless of the source of the stereotype, if a woman chooses to act like a man or the societal definition of a man, yet shuns men in general...I personally find that to be unbalanced...just like when I see men who behave like women and yet they treat them with disgust.  It has nothing to do with being gay either, so dont jump on me about that....I take zero issue with being gay.  

I just dont think its necessary to try and blur up the lines between our differences in order to accomodate people. Its like saying what is "hippo-like" and "bird-like", just because birds like to sit on the backs of hippos and pick bugs doesnt mean they are going to function well if they grow tusks...its sort of cop-out, to me anyways.

Open Free for All / Re: Feminism, The New Hormone Therapy
« on: January 28, 2009, 03:56:01 PM »
Of course society plays a part, the whole darn thing is pretty complex....I just think there are things women are really good at and that should be admired and respected, just as there are things men are really good at....its the admiration and respect that should be equal and complimentary...not the specifics of roles.  

I mean on a VERY fundamental level, its extremely important that men and women function opposingly, thats the entire concept behind balance.  I just fail to see anything wrong with that.  And it seems to me that Feminists in particular just have it all wrong, they all seem to hate men and while they are at it they seem to hate themselves too......they make it look like a big ass pity party rather than a female renaissance.  

I want to know why a vast majority of women who are lesbians try to dress, speak and behave like men.  Seriously, Im not being offensive, I am genuinely curious, because that seems all sorts of strange to me.  Like loving women but hating being one....I dont see what balance can come from that.  I think lesbians should be women AND lesbians.  Not pseudo-men.

Im an asshol-lio-lioliolio.....

Open Free for All / Feminism, The New Hormone Therapy
« on: January 28, 2009, 02:55:13 PM »
Why on earth would I want to be a man, when I can be a woman? ( Excluding all Trans-Gender issues here, this is a personal statement)

I dont like Feminism.  That may seem odd coming from a female, however I think feminism has decidedly weakend women on the whole, not strengthened them.  I dont want to be like a man, I dont want to be treated equal to a man, I dont want the same pay or ability to play sports as a man.  I want to be a WOMAN.  I want to be respected for what I am naturally, not how well I compare to the male model, cause let me tell ya folks....thats just not possible.  Not any more possible than a man giving birth. (And the guy who just gave birth wasnt a guy completely he still had his woman parts).

I am soft and thoughtful and nurturing, I am intelligent and respectful and supportive, I admire nature and balance and beauty and the incredibly important biological role bestowed upon me in this life.  Ill tear the eyes out of anyone or anything that threatens my family or my children or my freshly baked blueberry mufins.  I am a healer and a mystic and a scholar and I can change a tire when I need to but I prefer not to, thanks.

Women need to start finding out how to gain respect for what they are intristically, not what they can match above and beyond their gender.  Women are one half of the equation, one with two parts....the equation is useless if the two parts are the same.


Open Free for All / Ethics of Infertility and Engineered Multiples
« on: January 28, 2009, 02:34:38 PM »
Ive been reading about the litter of 8 that this woman just gave birth to, and I just need to express my thoughts on the whole fertility treatment thing and how I perceive that it effects us as a species.

I have had three children of my own, and I understand the importance of a woman wishing to beget her own natural offspring, however....I do feel that the level of entitlement women feel these days about whether or not its acceptable to force that particular issue has crossed way over several ethical boundaries...not to mention natural ones.

Firstly, women are generally not being responsible in listening to their natural body rhythms and addressing the issues of bearing children at a biologically optimal age.  Theres this new thing about waiting until they are 40 and at the brink of life-change before having the commitment necessary to share their lives with a child.  This has its own special circumstances in many ways Im sure, but I think its borne of a poor world climate on taking accountability.  Not to mention a horribly skewed idea called "feminism" which has been taken completely out of context (but thats another thread).

Secondly, once women do decide they wish to concieve, its often times very difficult due to 1) the consumption of chemical birth control for an inordinate amount of time, and 2) advanced age and stalling biological cues.  Enter the handy dandy fertility doctor.

I dont get the impression that fertility professionals are adequately guiding their clients in the ethical possibilities of extreme measures of conception and the resulting consequences, i.e. unnatural multiple births, fetal risk, maternal risk, and what I think is the most important issue...


We must consider the idea that there may be very valid REASONS why a particular woman cannot conceive or should not attempt to concieve at a given period in life, or if her body exhibits marked reluctance to do so.  Its also important to take into account the traits being passed on by less than optimal examples of humanity due to unfettered reproduction and sub-standard fetal completion.  What is the general level of health and vitality going to look like in 100 years after generations of forced conception and inadequate develoment?  I think that is a HUGE ethical consideration when talking about infertility.

I was just reading a womans posting on whether or not she felt society should have say in the limitations on multiple fetal conception from infertility treatment....and after a lengthy diatribe about the painful and horrific process she endured via fertility treatments and hormone therapy, she was incensed at the idea of "interferance" from an outside agenda.  What is it exactly that she thinks she's been doing all this time?

Put very simply, instead of wonder if we could make this a possibility, we are not even considering if we SHOULD.



Open Free for All / Re: Title for my Sue Scheff documentary
« on: January 02, 2009, 06:10:52 PM »
How about

PUREification: A Guide on Selling Your Teenager to the Highest Bidder.

Open Free for All / Re: this place is dead
« on: December 27, 2008, 02:49:32 PM »
Can I be retarded too? Just for a few days?


Open Free for All / Re: The consequences of not 'driving like a Christian'
« on: December 27, 2008, 02:44:24 PM »
It always makes me laugh when people say things like ...."And here all this time i thought he/she was a Christian" being Christian makes it all okay.

I dont believe in God because God wouldnt believe in him either.  God isnt that stupid.


Open Free for All / Re: Are you sober?
« on: December 27, 2008, 02:40:04 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Parents tend to assume people who went through programs deserved it for some reason, like all of you are a bunch of drug addicts or alcoholics or something with an axe to grind because they program failed you.

I was wondering how many of you remain sober for any significant amount of time? Are you addicted to any drugs? Do you like to remain "high" most of the day, or do you stay sober for the most part? Are you an alcoholic and like to stay wasted almost all the time?

Firstly,  there is no axe to grind because the program "failed" me....the program was never capable of not failing me...the program was a fundamental failure itself.  There is no such thing as a program based on these models that is anything other than a failure.

Secondly, define "sober".  I am not "sober" because I was never an addict to begin and probably a good 80-90 percent of the kids who ever went to the program. You dont give alot of choices here either.  High most of the day?  Drunk almost all the time?  Are you one of those people who still think pot is a gateway drug to hardcore heroin use?

Try this one on.....I have been "sober" all my life and continue to drink, smoke, and partake of the illicit substance from time to time.

Do you have kids? Do you feed them processed refined sugar all of the time or do you occasionally give them vegetables? Do you let them drink carbonated beverages daily that reduce their systems to the equivalent of formaldehyde over time or do you like the idea of saving your childrens health and vitality somewhat?

Drugs, sobriety, food, sex, automatic weapons....its all relative......YOU are asking the wrong questions.

Open Free for All / Re: Just some critical thoughts on "justice"
« on: December 12, 2008, 10:30:22 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Well, then, Carmel, what are you doing here?

If there is "no justice because there was no going back", why fight abusive problems at all? After all, the stuff already happened, right? Just let it roll over you and do nothing, right? If it continues on and other kids get their lives ruined because you did nothing, thats THEIR problem, right? After all there is no such thing as real justice, right?

"EVERYTHING in life can be a gift or a blessing if you have the guts to recognize it, thats real justice."

You go on do your "recognizing". Let OTHER people put their money where their mouth is.

I think this is very different, coming here.  I am admittedly not an activist, I share my thoughts and relate to other people who've been through what I have, and I support the idea of creating a future where kids dont have to endure what I did.  Thats not justice, thats prevention, there is a difference there.  I have not devoted a significant part of my life to protest or organize for this forums cause.......however if I can come here and talk about my experience so that others can get a clearer picture of what this industry is all about, I wouldnt call that "doing nothing because its THEIR problem".  You mistake my attitude completely, its not my intention to block out the bad things that have happened to me and pretend they dont exist.....I am aware of the existence of the loss of my daughter every single day, every moment, always.....but along with each moment of awareness comes a choice to sink or swim.  There is no amount of money or accountability from others in the world that would change that simple fact.

To me there is no real justice in the conventional sense because there can never be a complete reckoning.  You may receive a measure of satisfaction from holding others accountable, but that doesnt take away the damage done to you at the outset.....that STILL must be addressed, whether the "justice" has been served or not.  

These are things Ive realized in my personal experience, and it has been extremely freeing for me, I believe others should have the same opportunity.

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