
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => The Troubled Teen Industry => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 30, 2005, 06:49:00 PM

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 30, 2005, 06:49:00 PM
I have a sister who is currently attending Peninsula Village and I am looking for anyone who attended that could tell me a little bit more about what went on there.  I have not gotten to talk to her and I am wondering how this could be theraputic.  It would be nice to hear from someone who could answer my questions.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2005, 05:31:00 PM
I attended peninsula village and i can tell you anything you want to know. Email me at
[email protected]
with any questions.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2005, 05:48:00 PM
Kelley, why wouldn't she be allowed to talk with her sister? What's the deal at Peninsula Village? Are communications with family member monitored or restricted?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2005, 05:54:00 PM
HEAL lists Peninsula Village as an abusive program:

"Peninsula Village in Tennessee is confirmedly an abusive behavior modification facility.  They are part of the Peninsula Behavioral Health family of services and we have firsthand accounts of abuse at Peninsula facilities.  Please click here for a report on the abuse at Peninsula.  They describe a 6-8 week orientation period or initial â??level or phaseâ?
Title: what PV is like
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2007, 10:23:16 PM
I have personally witnessed the repeated abuse of minors at the Peninsula Village facility and would be more than happy to testify or present evidence to this fact.    These behavior modification teen wilderness camps are a controversial excuse for therapy at best,they are also are exorbitantly expensive.  PV costs 500 dollars a night, more if they are "forced" to restrain you, or if you are in STU, the lock down unit. PV costs over a 150,000.00 a year, the kids in PV either have very good insurance or the state, your tax dollars, pay for them to be abused.  When I started to research PV I was amazed to discover how completely unqualified many of the daily staff is.  The job requirements to be a live in counselor are a high school education or a GED, associate degrees from community colleges are common   Out of the staff that PV shows on it's website, I don't believe I saw one member of the daily staff that actually lives with the kids.  Therefore, it is obvious that Peninsula Village turns an excellent yearly profit.    The purpose of this letter is to officially report and describe the abuses that I both witnessed and was subjected to, in the hopes that it will help the children still suffering under that nightmare.
 I  was in Peninsula Village almost two years from 96 to 98, both my parents and I feel that we were extremely misled as to what my treatment there would be like.  I was in the lock down unit for six months on arrival to the Village although I was cowed, completely subservient and did everything that they told me to. I was physically restrained on the first day in a hospital gown by at least 8 large adults for nothing more than pulling my arm away, it was an impulse reaction, when the large orderly woman dugs her nails purposefully into my arm.  I know  that this was purposeful, as I was sitting on the floor in the isolation room looking up at the staff member and I pulled away but only instantaneously as a sort off knee jerk reaction and not violently, she had hurt me. She then stepped back looked at me again and pressed the buzzer staff wears around their neck to signal a restraint.  There was absolutely no need to restrain me other than to prove a point, we can hurt you if we want to, which I don?t believe they are allowed to use restraining for.  I was already in the isolation room all she had to do was walk out and close the door, I also wasn?t at all violent or had even thought to be, I regarded her as a teacher or some other adult authority figure, you certainly do not react violently to a teacher. I was not in PV for any form of violence.  I wasn?t even defiant, mostly I was scared, crying and sitting on the floor of the isolation room in a ball.    This was after the intrusive body search and being woken up at 5:30 in the morning by three burly adults who escorted me to Tennessee, it was more like being kidnapped.
 While being restrained the Peninsula Village   staff applied excessive pressure, I couldn't breathe and kept repeating that I was choking, but they let no pressure off, I was bruised and sore the next day, the restraint went on for hours. I saw one girl with a nasty black eye which they said came from pressing her face into the floor, like that made it better. I saw other cases with bruised arms, wrists or legs. There is no doubt in my mind that they could have restrained my totally non-resistant sobbing 95 pound borderline anorexic teenage self between all 1400 pounds of the 8 of them without hurting me. I was not fighting at all, even at first, I was far too shocked. Each held a body part so it was not a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, the individual staff member meant to hurt us. They also kept restraining you long after any fight was gone and even if none was there in the first place. I remember girls being restrained for what seemed like all night, although  it was really only about three hours, maybe more. There was an isolation room in the lockdown unit, nice cold hard linoleum with cement underneath but they would restrain you anywhere, gravel, garden manure, wherever.
They used a straight jacket called a burrito. I can remember seeing one tough little state kid stuck in that thing for a day or more, they were leading her around. Other girls were strapped to a cot wrapped up in it, stuck full of thorzine and left to drool. There were about two restraints a week. I was once restrained because I couldn't stop crying , I really couldn't I would have stopped of course to avoided being restrained, I was about as resistant as a wet noodle and they still held me down choking for hours. They would restrain girls for nothing, for saying in group therapy, I don?t agree with that politely enough , or for sitting down on work detail saying that they felt sick and needed to rest.
 We were not allowed to look at or talk to the other girls and we had to ask for permission to do anything, move even, of course go to the bathroom and we had to tell them what it is we had to do, they stood outside the door and timed us. Group therapy was more like a denouncement session and began as soon as you were crying, that is later on the first day, after they had restrained you for a few hours and you were a broken puddle ready to confess to anything. I don't believe that many of the staff that actually lives with the girls on a daily basis is especially educated, perhaps some BA's and associate degrees, These are the one?s who actually deal with the children and run group therapy and restrain them. The lights were left on all the time, we slept in cubicles and were often woken by the staff patrolling , they were always standing over us. We were punished constantly, abuse was constant every second for those two years.
We had level systems, I never got beyond the first level although I was completely compliant. I don't think I was as willing to rip into my fellow prisoners as much they would have liked. Group therapy was a communist denouncement  experience, it was pure hell, and I am not exaggerating. They would find out your deepest darkest secrets and then browbeat you with them like you were disgusting dirt, we could say nothing to defend ourselves or we would face being PCId/ restrained. They liked sexual revelations and would ask you everything about them, specific details and more details, it was not appropriate, odd and used to induce shame.  You would confess to things you didn't do and then they would tell your family. Many of the girls were in there  for something that had happened to them, somewhere, I think the website, says the Village is an expert at helping abused girls. It was terrible to watch them torture some poor kid who was in there because she had been raped or molested. Many of the girls had been raped or molested, myself included, and to be held up to shame, ridicule and denouncement in relation to sex at a place that was supposed to help you with your experience was a pure nightmare.
They encourage the girls to pick on each other, to rip into  each other during group therapy so bullying is greatly encouraged, in fact the level system is based strongly on it. There  was desperation mentality, as we all struggled so hard to avoid being punished and they punished all of us together, I realize now that the punishments were arbitrary, no matter how hard we tried to avoid them they were still going to rain down on our heads. We would pretend to give feedback, their word for harassment and abuse, but how can you tear someone apart after listening to them scream all night while staff held their face into the floor.     There were also  frequent outbreaks of head lice while I was in STU.
 It seemed very odd that some of the girls were in a behavior modification facility at all and it was hard to tell how all this abuse was going to help them.  The treatment did not seem at all relevant to the problems the girls were having?  One of the girls was there for telling her parents that she was gay and that was really it. There were lots of anorexics, and  many had never used drugs or drank.  Worst of all some had done nothing other than get molested by a close relative, to the horror of their families.  The PV website says that PV is expert at helping girls deal with issues like rape and molestation.  I want to know whether or not the relative being accused was being investigated?  There was very limited contact with the outside world especially for girls who's families had signed them over.  It did not seem reasonable that these girls were treated as if they were being punished or were in jail for more serious offenses.  I thought too, that  a lot of the girls who were in for more serious things were acting out  more serious problems in their lives, like the kids who had unfit parents and were in foster care.  It is a very hard world out there for a teenage runaway with drug addict abusive parents.  One thirteen year old was in because her father had been murdered and the state thought the child might need help dealing with this, she had done nothing else.  There were kids who seemed to have chemical depression, meaning they seemed to be suffering from a biological problem, nothing they could help.  I didn't understand how someone with a medical problem who ate a bottle of pills in a cry for help could take responsibility for the fact that they had a chemical imbalance.  Some girls were good students, there were a certain amount of custody battles.
After the lock down unit with its cramped quarters and barred mesh covered windows for  months, we had the cabins and work detail. Work detail was exercise digging up stumps, cross sawing logs, mauling logs, building endless things under the constant abuse of the staff in the hot sun. I believe I was also suffering from sleep deprivation  because  we were  often woken up at two in the morning to go out to the log shed to  be shown how much wood still needed to be chop or for some other arbitrary reason, we also always woke up before dawn.  I used to fall asleep standing up, literally on a daily basis.  We  marched around in lines, or holding on to a rope, and there was still no talking or looking at the other girls, it was very lonely.   We had to haul around the Gott, a water jug that weighed so much your arms would feel like they were going to fall off and you'd want to vomit but if you dropped it you knew you were in worse trouble, we carried around many heavy things.   The cabins have no running water or bathrooms only porta johns.   They exercise you past the breaking point and then over a little, and then much more. It was torture, I can't emphasize that enough torture, we did this all day most days, unless we were in school or on shutdown. We had no free time, we weren't allowed to read or anything, everything was tightly scheduled and we would always miss our schedule and be punished although we tried in pure desperation to make them happy so they would stop. Our showers were timed, everything was timed.  Hygiene wasn?t that great and there was no makeup or jewelry or of course shaving your legs, only ugly work cloths.  I only mention this because it  is very dehumanizing for a young girl.  We had no free time whatsoever, I did not speak to another girl the entire time I was there, without staff permission, which was rare.  We weren't allowed to read, that was the worst for me because I love to read.  No books, how are you suppose to learn without being able to read.    
School was ok when you got to go, but it wasn't very organized and there was a lot of other stuff going on, we also only went half the week, so we could do more important things like dig stumps out of the ground, I guess. Most left with a GED, I think they really focused on GED training, which makes it hard to get into colleges, especially if when they ask for high school credits you list a behavior modification facility. Often if something came up, like we went on shutdown or were sent to STU, the lockdown unit, we would miss school all together. Once they had us sit in a circle with our backs to each other and stare at the wall for five months only to turn around for group therapy and to be escorted to the bathroom. We had no school for those five months and five months is a long time to sit in a circle starring at a wall only to turn around for a denouncement session.
 From all the restraining you are probably thinking that the girls were always acting up. I can not stress how completely not true this is. For the most part they were more like zombies than wild teenagers. I?ve done some research on prison camps and abuse and I don't believe there is a teenager girl out there that isn?t going to turn into a limp half dead dish rag in the face of no escape, constant abuse; mental, physical, emotional and sexual although not physically so, denouncement sessions, sleep deprivation, sadistic people four times her size watching her constantly and being drugged. The opposition I saw was closer to nervous breakdowns than defiance.  There was some defiance but it was only verbal protests of the abuse.  The girls crossed the staff at the Village in really sad to watch ways, like protesting the denouncement sessions, no my rape wasn?t my fault, or saying I can?t work anymore I feel sick or I can?t stop sobbing I?m trying but I cant stop, I?m just going to sit here and not move. I never saw really saw anyone physically fight back or even threaten too except by pulling away or as they were already being restrained try to pull away and this was usually accompanied by a very believable, remember I saw bruises, you are hurting me I can?t breath.  I never saw anything that posed as a danger to staff or the other girls but I sure as saw them restrain people a lot.  I also thought it odd that if the girls are so dangerous that they would have them marching around with hammers, saws, mauls, axes and other pretty dangerous things. The Village is very expensive costing about 400 to 700 dollars a night, they charge more when they are "forced" to restrain you or put you in STU, as this requires more work or something. Everyone in there had really good insurance or was a ward of the state.
  I forgot to add they, of course, won't let you talk to your parents except after I think it was six months for me, even then just by phone with a family therapist on conference call so if you break out of the party line and say ?please get me out it?s a nightmare? large orderlies can appear and march you back for more abusive indoctrination. They laugh at you when you say you want a lawyer. Your parents have of course been told you are a lying manipulator and not to believe you and that you just want to come home so you can go out with boys and smoke pot.  Kids wet the bed because they were too scared to ask to go to the bathroom at night, either that or all the abuse was manifesting in weird ways.  I wouldn't believe it except I lived it and I swear on my life everything I said is 150% true.
 I have lasting scars from this experience, I have nightmares almost every night, not always about the village just in general, that the world is a horrible place and all the scary fascist people are going to eat me and everything I care about and I'm going to be completely at there mercy. Besides the nightmares sometimes I shake uncontrollably it is very embarrassing and is not helpful at work or in school.   I have finally gotten over my overwhelming social anxiety enough that I don't care who sees me shake if it means I get a college degree and have a life of my own. The Village taught me nothing other than how to be cowed and subservient and to think it was ok when someone abuses me, I still am completely incapable of making eye contact with other human beings. The Village teaches you to give in to peer pressure and let your self be influenced by those around you even if they are going against what you think is ethical.  I can?t emphasize enough how bad Peninsula Village is.  I was amazed that we had no rights while in there. I asked to speak to a lawyer or someone from the outside, I heard girls ask to have the police called repeatedly, and they laughed at us. I am so serious I am not a happy camper!   Therapy at PV is a horrible lie.  They take abused girls and tell them that they deserve abuse. It's the daily mantra there, how everything is your fault, your rape, your parents problems, your anorexia, your life in foster care, the fact that you?re a slut, don?t forget that you are a disgusting alcoholic slut, I?m sorry I don?t know how to say that politely, it is not said politely there, even if your knowledge of either  thing is very limited or non existent. I never got to talk to another girl the entire time I was there, other than with asked permission and staff listening, even then it was just about mandatory things, like, put the piece of wood down here.   I can understand how you people are taken in by Peninsula Village, from the outside it looks ok, my parents trusted and had no idea that such things even exist in America, they believed as I did that it was a safe and caring program that would help their daughter like most school and health programs.  People don't believe that something this insane, this Gulag like would exist in America.   No-one sees it from the inside except the daily staff and the girls really and us they do so much to discredit and keep down that we do not believe anyone will believe us or care.  I feel as if I have just recently woken up from Peninsula Village?s nightmare and it has been seven + years. It is an evil, horrible place that should be shut down and they should  have any licensing stripped from them and be brought up on child abuse charges.
Title: Re: what PV is like
Post by: Froderik on January 20, 2007, 11:32:09 PM
Thank you for posting that.

It's good to see people have the courage to speak up about what goes on in these places!
Title: Any reason and an advise
Post by: Covergaard on January 21, 2007, 01:25:57 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have a sister who is currently attending Peninsula Village and I am looking for anyone who attended that could tell me a little bit more about what went on there.  I have not gotten to talk to her and I am wondering how this could be theraputic.  It would be nice to hear from someone who could answer my questions.

Why did she end up in such a place. Why did your parents make such a horrifying decision?

About the communication: Those persons who pays the bill is the one who gets the chance to talk to her over the phone with a therapist in the room. All others are cut off communicating with her. That is how their system is. The purpose is to let her know, that she is powerless and can not expect anyone to rescue her so she can break down faster.

Similar methods have been used against POW before. "You are official dead etc. No one knows that you are here."

I dont know how old your sister is, but she have for sure not received any kind of formal training being a POW.

So your sister is going through hell as we speak.

I would recommend you to buy the book written by Abigail Vona. Regardless of the commotion about her as a person, she paints a very exact picture about the place from a patients point of view. (My communication over myspace has confirmed that picture.)

I dont know how your family pattern is, so I dont know if you will be able to get her out before time (10-13 months). So when she comes out, expect to see a destroyed person. A person totally lacking the ability to live in a normal open world. A person, which is going to be very dependable of your help to shield her from even normal things here in life. Remember she must not even look at males her own age when she are allowed to look out of the windows at some point. Any thing normal as riding a bus of her own would be a challenge due to the presence of other passengers.

I have a suggestion: I know that they would try to burn the letters, but let her classmates and especially the so-called bad company all parents think their children have know where she is and get them to write letters both to the facility and her parents with "I know that you are a prisoner of conscience confined at PV. We are someone who thinks of you." Get them to write reader's letter to the local newpapers near PV with poems etc. stating the same message.

It would certainly start up some sense of guilt in your parents and it will be very annoying for the PV staff. They like to live in the dark.

I will think of your sister. Poor girl!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on January 21, 2007, 02:15:42 AM
I just read an interview by Abigail Vona, and she is definitely pro-program.
I'm sorry but I get grossed out when people support abuse. It's the "I was abused but it was for the better and saved my life" routine added with the "I would recommend this place to troubled kids" that just pisses me off to no end and make me feel a bit hopeless
Title: Re: what PV is like
Post by: psy on January 21, 2007, 02:21:06 AM
Quote from: ""mokara""
They encourage the girls to pick on each other, to rip into  each other during group therapy so bullying is greatly encouraged, in fact the level system is based strongly on it.
Like the soviet secret police, they used your peers as enforcement to enhance your feelings of hopelessness, making it more likely that you would give into the program.  There are a myriad of other reasons why they do this and I would assume by now you have figured out most of them.  You hit the nail on the head by comparing it to communist denouncements.
I believe I was also suffering from sleep deprivation
They did this for a reason.  When you are sleep deprived you are more suggesstable and less resitant to programming.
especially if when they ask for high school credits you list a behavior modification facility.
Yeah that can really fuck up your college opportunities.  Trust me on that one.  Try a shitty fly-by-night college to start off with and then transfer into  better and better schools.
I forgot to add they, of course, won't let you talk to your parents except after I think it was six months for me, even then just by phone with a family therapist on conference call so if you break out of the party line and say ?please get me out it?s a nightmare? large orderlies can appear and march you back for more abusive indoctrination.
This happens in almost every program.  It happened to me.
They laugh at you when you say you want a lawyer.
ditto.  They do this to make you feel utterly helpless.  When you lose hope in your parents, the police, and the law, the only "out" you see lies in the "following your program".  You can't break a person who still has hope.
Your parents have of course been told you are a lying manipulator and not to believe you and that you just want to come home so you can go out with boys and smoke pot.
ditto.  No doubt you were demonized to your parents.
I wouldn't believe it except I lived it
ditto.  The programs rely on the things they do appearing "unbelievable".  In essence, the more extreme they are in the treatment of kids, the safer they are(becuase nobody will believe their stories).  It's the same phenomenon the NAZIs relied on in their extermination of the Jews.
The Village teaches you to give in to peer pressure and let your self be influenced by those around you even if they are going against what you think is ethical.
ditto.  They didn't give a good god damn what you thought is ethical.  They wanted to change your beliefs, your very self, and they wouldn't let up until they had their way.
They take abused girls and tell them that they deserve abuse.
This is a common theme in program, often labeled as something like "taking responsibility" It's an est/lifespring doctrine element.  Did you have any workshops at PV (overnight, sleep deprived exercises with disclosure circles etc...)

They will keep on hounding you until you accept "responsibility" for absolutely everything that has ever happened to you.  The point is to force you to radically re-evaluate both who you are, and the details of your past.  It's pure and simply, brainwashing.  More accurately: brain-replacing.
I never got to talk to another girl the entire time I was there
They do this because people can often find support in like minded peers.  If they weren't able to isolate troublemakers, the "negativity" might spread.

I feel as if I have just recently woken up from Peninsula Village?s nightmare and it has been seven + years.
I wish i could tell you it will end.  I personally feel, in my own situation, it will last as long as the doors are open to the program i went to.
It is an evil, horrible place that should be shut down and they should  have any licensing stripped from them and be brought up on child abuse charges.

The only way that will happen is if people like you take action.  Contact ZenAgent, get in touch with him and his daughter(who was in PV).  Start planning and organizing.
Title: Most people can read between the lines
Post by: Covergaard on January 21, 2007, 03:12:08 AM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
I just read an interview by Abigail Vona, and she is definitely pro-program.
I'm sorry but I get grossed out when people support abuse. It's the "I was abused but it was for the better and saved my life" routine added with the "I would recommend this place to troubled kids" that just pisses me off to no end and make me feel a bit hopeless

Yes, she is pro-program. But people with just little compassion can read her book and think for them selves what kind of abuse this facility put on people.

She had a very dysfunctional family. Her mother used her as weapon against her father. Her father was not present in her life before, under and after the treatment. He was just paying. Every reader can see that it was family treatment that was called for, not just treatment of her. Did it fix the family - no way. It broke the family up and her father ended up with less money.

With all that page six stories about her relationship with the publisher etc. do you think that the treatment enabled her to maintain a relationship with anyone? Does it not prove that she still is looking for the fatherfigure, she never had? Frankly I think that she not to be healed until she gets a real treatment from someone who actually knows the job.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: try another castle on January 21, 2007, 04:47:04 AM
Many of the girls were in there for something that had happened to them, somewhere, I think the website, says the Village is an expert at helping abused girls. It was terrible to watch them torture some poor kid who was in there because she had been raped or molested. Many of the girls had been raped or molested, myself included, and to be held up to shame, ridicule and denouncement in relation to sex at a place that was supposed to help you with your experience was a pure nightmare.

 :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:

I don't know which is worse, a behavior mod place saying that they treat kids who have been sexually abused, or for a parent to send a kid away because they have been sexually abused.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2007, 10:41:21 AM
How about a behavior mod place sexually abusing kids?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: AtomicAnt on January 21, 2007, 01:07:55 PM
I cannot imagine Vona's book being at all useful. Her responses in the interview were so cliche, they could have come straight from staff. It is clear that she drank the kool-aid, wants to brag about it, and cash in on it. (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on January 21, 2007, 01:13:23 PM
How about a nice Hawaiian punch?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 21, 2007, 04:25:13 PM
Mokara, could you PM me, or use [email protected]?  I've posted your story on here before, and we're trying to get something done.  I've been trying to get a message to you since I first read the horror story you posted. Your account was the first thing my wife read about PV, you can imagine her reaction.

Abby Vona' book is a joke.  I don't mean to bash her, but she comes off as not being the sharpest knife in the drawer.  She never realized the treatment she got was illegal, unethical, and hellish brutal.  I don't know if anyone read the chapter of her newest book that was posted on MySpace, but she didn't seem to be doing well, PV's "treatment" didn't have any lasting effect in the real world.  She's still sober (she didn't have any real "addiction" to begin with) but look at how she got her book published.  She slept with a guy old enough to be her father, offered him fellatio for favors, and dropped him when the book was a done deal.
Title: Abigail Vona
Post by: Covergaard on January 21, 2007, 05:31:52 PM
I have leant my copy to a person which actually works with children in Denmark. First he did not believe that such a place could exist. (He is into improving the conditions for children in Russia. They have prisons for youth also, but their conditions actually looks like the conditions at TB before they did improve some of the due to pressure from Europe)

His verdict is: She believe that she is being treated while she describes horrors. I hope that no one can read her book and actually believe that the conditions in any way was justified.

You just dont treat people like that - period! In my country we believe that the social network surrounding a child is anything and everything. A childs needs to have contact with both parents and siblings. If the parents used the children as tools in a divorce, it is the parents which needs to be treated - not the children.

Abigail Vona certainly have some problems with relationships, but I it my claim that almost anyone would end up with such problems, if they are isolated 10-12 months from their social network during their adolescence. Yes the man she dated was old, but she never had a responsible father so she took one from the street herself.

Zen. Your daugher was hurt, but she was so lucky that she had someone that loved and cared for her. Imaging the damage they could have inflicted onto her, if she did not know that fact that you did all in your power to free her and was detained there for a full year.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on January 21, 2007, 05:51:32 PM
I feel bad for this lady and I know that the nature of these programs is that of thought reform. But I still find it unbelievable how some of these kids refuse to see their treatment as abusive.  When people like Abby Vona endorse this abusive treatment in books it only justifies abuse in the name of treatment, which is the last thing desperate parents need to hear. It's just so depressing knowing that some kids actually feel like they deserve this kind of horrible treatment, it's even worse when they promote it as something to consider for other kids...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Oz girl on January 21, 2007, 08:41:57 PM
Quote from: ""AtomicAnt""
I cannot imagine Vona's book being at all useful. Her responses in the interview were so cliche, they could have come straight from staff. It is clear that she drank the kool-aid, wants to brag about it, and cash in on it. (

i dunno. i like to read what any kid who has gone through this sort of system has to say. i think it provides a valuable insight into the mindset  that a program encourages.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 21, 2007, 10:33:40 PM
Quote from: ""Covergaard""

Abigail Vona certainly have some problems with relationships, but I it my claim that almost anyone would end up with such problems, if they are isolated 10-12 months from their social network during their adolescence. Yes the man she dated was old, but she never had a responsible father so she took one from the street herself.

I agree she has relationship problems, but starting a relationship with Doug Dechert seemed opportunistic.  They both knew the deal when it started, I believe, so Doug's venting seems excessive.

One of the PV counselors with a Livejournal blog said PV considered suing Vona but backed off, probably due to her pro-PV stance in interviews.  I'm skeptical of the sincerity of her endorsement, especially considering the PR machine that went to work on getting the book actually written and putting Abigail Vona's "bad girl" image out in a media blitz that essentially failed.  Jay Mcinnery was responsible for the book, and he has the common sense to put a spin on a sensational book to avert litigation.  McInnery had the connections, but the book never made the impact  they wanted.  I searched everywhere for a copy and found it at Borders in the children's section, maybe it was hard to classify.  It was too poorly written to be accepted as adult non-fiction, so I can understand it being thrown in the teen-angst section.

Abigail did have the "I deserve to be here" mentality, and that's sad.  I hate to think PV's environment was more stable than her home.  No one stopped to think what would happen after her sudden ejection from PV.  The book may seem like a "break" for her, but I think she was exploited and fucked over by McInerry as well as Dechert.  I worry what will happen to her now that the fifteen minutes of fame are about up.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2007, 10:49:03 PM
I searched everywhere for a copy and found it at Borders in the children's section

Hell fucking no.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 21, 2007, 11:55:12 PM
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penalty""
I searched everywhere for a copy and found it at Borders in the children's section

Hell fucking no.

Yeah, the next time I saw a copy was at Hastings in the "true crime" section.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on January 22, 2007, 11:34:30 AM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penalty""
I searched everywhere for a copy and found it at Borders in the children's section

Hell fucking no.

Yeah, the next time I saw a copy was at Hastings in the "true crime" section.

Actually Borders had it shelved properly in the (tiny) Young Adult non-fiction section but I had seen it at other bookstores in the True Crime section as well.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2007, 12:01:58 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Mokara, could you PM me, or use [email protected]?  I've posted your story on here before, and we're trying to get something done.  I've been trying to get a message to you since I first read the horror story you posted. Your account was the first thing my wife read about PV, you can imagine her reaction.

Abby Vona' book is a joke.  I don't mean to bash her, but she comes off as not being the sharpest knife in the drawer.  She never realized the treatment she got was illegal, unethical, and hellish brutal.  I don't know if anyone read the chapter of her newest book that was posted on MySpace, but she didn't seem to be doing well, PV's "treatment" didn't have any lasting effect in the real world.  She's still sober (she didn't have any real "addiction" to begin with) but look at how she got her book published.  She slept with a guy old enough to be her father, offered him fellatio for favors, and dropped him when the book was a done deal.

Why are you blaming her? Why not the older, sleazy publisher guy who slept with her and offered the publishing deal for a bj? And if she did do this, guess what? There are women out there doing this every day in many professions to get in, get promoted, etc. Does that make it right? NO.

Mental illness is a life long disease. I know, I have one. I have periods of doing great and periods of not so great. I take meds and I go to therapy. I was sexually abused. Taking responsibiity for the abuse doe not mean I caused it or asked for it. Far from it. It means that I accept that I was violated and can not change that. And rather than live in the misery and oh woe is me mentality, I decide that i have control over how it now effects me. It doesn't own me, I own it. And NO, I did not go to PV or any other behavior modification boot campt.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on March 05, 2007, 12:24:37 PM
She sought the guy out.  I agree she was used.  I also think she used him.  I never defended Dechert.  As I said, "I think she was exploited and fucked over by McInerry as well as Dechert. I worry what will happen to her now that the fifteen minutes of fame are about up."  So no, I don't blame her, but I find the whole thing a bit sordid.  He blasted her on his site, she cracks on him in interviews and her MySpace.  Also, the "BJ" did not get her the book deal, that was a later enticement.  Once again, I don't mean to bash her, I think she's going to have a rough time of it. So...?  If I'm aware that she was victimized, as I said earlier on, what's your point?  Best of luck to you and Abigail.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on March 06, 2007, 05:22:31 AM
Quote from: ""DBT4ME""
Why are you blaming her? Why not the older, sleazy publisher guy who slept with her and offered the publishing deal for a bj? And if she did do this, guess what? There are women out there doing this every day in many professions to get in, get promoted, etc. Does that make it right? NO.

Mental illness is a life long disease. I know, I have one. I have periods of doing great and periods of not so great. I take meds and I go to therapy. I was sexually abused. Taking responsibiity for the abuse doe not mean I caused it or asked for it. Far from it. It means that I accept that I was violated and can not change that. And rather than live in the misery and oh woe is me mentality, I decide that i have control over how it now effects me. It doesn't own me, I own it. And NO, I did not go to PV or any other behavior modification boot campt.

Thank you for this...whatever THIS is- other than illucid??????
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: RobertBruce on March 20, 2007, 04:06:48 PM
Title: PV hates gaylords
Post by: Kreflo on April 06, 2007, 09:38:59 AM
As I stated in the above thread they don't make any claims to treat homosexuality, but the new influx of Christian majority staffers certainly frown upon it and it is treated very aggressively in the Secure Treatment portion of the program.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2007, 05:50:17 PM
Quote from: ""DBT4ME""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Mokara, could you PM me, or use [email protected]?  I've posted your story on here before, and we're trying to get something done.  I've been trying to get a message to you since I first read the horror story you posted. Your account was the first thing my wife read about PV, you can imagine her reaction.

Abby Vona' book is a joke.  I don't mean to bash her, but she comes off as not being the sharpest knife in the drawer.  She never realized the treatment she got was illegal, unethical, and hellish brutal.  I don't know if anyone read the chapter of her newest book that was posted on MySpace, but she didn't seem to be doing well, PV's "treatment" didn't have any lasting effect in the real world.  She's still sober (she didn't have any real "addiction" to begin with) but look at how she got her book published.  She slept with a guy old enough to be her father, offered him fellatio for favors, and dropped him when the book was a done deal.

Why are you blaming her? Why not the older, sleazy publisher guy who slept with her and offered the publishing deal for a bj? And if she did do this, guess what? There are women out there doing this every day in many professions to get in, get promoted, etc. Does that make it right? NO.

Mental illness is a life long disease. I know, I have one. I have periods of doing great and periods of not so great. I take meds and I go to therapy. I was sexually abused. Taking responsibiity for the abuse doe not mean I caused it or asked for it. Far from it. It means that I accept that I was violated and can not change that. And rather than live in the misery and oh woe is me mentality, I decide that i have control over how it now effects me. It doesn't own me, I own it. And NO, I did not go to PV or any other behavior modification boot campt.

PERSONALLy i dont see how its the guys sounds like any other relationship turned sour with the fact she probably was borking him for a book deal thrown in......
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 07, 2007, 12:53:14 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""DBT4ME""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Mokara, could you PM me, or use [email protected]?  I've posted your story on here before, and we're trying to get something done.  I've been trying to get a message to you since I first read the horror story you posted. Your account was the first thing my wife read about PV, you can imagine her reaction.

Abby Vona' book is a joke.  I don't mean to bash her, but she comes off as not being the sharpest knife in the drawer.  She never realized the treatment she got was illegal, unethical, and hellish brutal.  I don't know if anyone read the chapter of her newest book that was posted on MySpace, but she didn't seem to be doing well, PV's "treatment" didn't have any lasting effect in the real world.  She's still sober (she didn't have any real "addiction" to begin with) but look at how she got her book published.  She slept with a guy old enough to be her father, offered him fellatio for favors, and dropped him when the book was a done deal.

Why are you blaming her? Why not the older, sleazy publisher guy who slept with her and offered the publishing deal for a bj? And if she did do this, guess what? There are women out there doing this every day in many professions to get in, get promoted, etc. Does that make it right? NO.

Mental illness is a life long disease. I know, I have one. I have periods of doing great and periods of not so great. I take meds and I go to therapy. I was sexually abused. Taking responsibiity for the abuse doe not mean I caused it or asked for it. Far from it. It means that I accept that I was violated and can not change that. And rather than live in the misery and oh woe is me mentality, I decide that i have control over how it now effects me. It doesn't own me, I own it. And NO, I did not go to PV or any other behavior modification boot campt.

PERSONALLy i dont see how its the guys sounds like any other relationship turned sour with the fact she probably was borking him for a book deal thrown in......

I thought they both knew the nature of the relationship, but after reading more about Abigail's behavior since the book, I believe she was practicing the manipulative skills PV taught her.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 07, 2007, 01:39:19 PM
Well, what I dont get is that her publishers describe her as barely can someone who is barely literate write a book?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 07, 2007, 01:50:14 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Well, what I dont get is that her publishers describe her as barely can someone who is barely literate write a book?

Abigail suffers from Dyslexia, and she's perfectly capable of telling a story, she needs help getting it to paper.  However, the book was ghostwritten by a grad student.  I've wondered how much of the book was toned down by the publisher's lawyers, since in the end the book has a positive spin for PV.  Peninsula Village did consider suing, but backed off because the attention didn't seem to be doing harm.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 07, 2007, 11:11:54 PM
I have dyslexia and dyslexia does not mean you can't read or write..thats illiteracy,a different issue

When something is ghostwritten it means that someone other than the "figurehead" on the book jacket does the writing (Im sure you know that)- like whencelebrities or politicians have  novels,"autobiographies" or books of "life lessons" ghostwritten. It sounds like pubisher is trying to capatilize off of a "personality" -a "bad girl" as they capatilze off the "personality"
 of politicians or clebrities. The books has a catchy hook- I was a hoodlum now Im good. Even though the "author" didnt acutaly write it can still be sold

This Abby person isnt even doing the actual writing. That PV or the publishers would try to capatilize on producing an "author" who hasnt actually written a book is gross

Consdidering that , the veracity of the experiences related is dubious
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 07, 2007, 11:40:24 PM
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
I have dyslexia and dyslexia does not mean you can't read or write..thats illiteracy,a different issue

When something is ghostwritten it means that someone other than the "figurehead" on the book jacket does the writing (Im sure you know that)- like whencelebrities or politicians have  novels,"autobiographies" or books of "life lessons" ghostwritten. It sounds like pubisher is trying to capatilize off of a "personality" -a "bad girl" as they capatilze off the "personality"
 of politicians or clebrities. The books has a catchy hook- I was a hoodlum now Im good. Even though the "author" didnt acutaly write it can still be sold

This Abby person isnt even doing the actual writing. That PV or the publishers would try to capatilize on producing an "author" who hasnt actually written a book is gross

Consdidering that , the veracity of the experiences related is dubious

Former Peninsula Village counselors have verified the story of the counselor being beaten for his car keys by two male patients who eloped in the guy's ride.  I found the story in the archives of a local Blount County newspaper in the Police briefs.

It is a sleazy exploitation book, and the "now I'm good" ending does not match up with Abigail's recent activities.  Abby is attractive, and her looks were used as a marketing tool.  "Bad Girl" is a misleading title, since she wasn't really that bad, in comparison to Andrew Klepper, Abigail's fellow PV alumnus, who sodomized a prostitute with a baseball bat and other items, then stole her cash and threatened her if she reported them.  No success story for Klepper after PV, he was arrested recently in Maryland for "pandering" in the company of another prostitute.  This second call girl probably doesn't know how close she came to being seriously harmed.  Klepper's book would be called "Warped, Fucked Up Boy"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 08, 2007, 01:05:54 AM
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penal""
I searched everywhere for a copy and found it at Borders in the children's section

Hell fucking no.

last year for my holocuast studies class, i did a report on joeseph mengele. One of the nooks for it came from the childrens section.

It seemed to be written for 8 year olds. It was oversized, very short, large print, had basic wording and a simplistic structure, adn lots of pictures....oh and it talked  about the medical experiemnts he conducted on children alot.
Like the "hunchbacked" boy whose curve was sawed off and then whom was sown to his little brother. Then the two boys lived like that sown together, crying, whimpering, their flesh stinking as it began to get infected and slough off......It went into great detail
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 08, 2007, 01:51:39 AM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
I have dyslexia and dyslexia does not mean you can't read or write..thats illiteracy,a different issue

When something is ghostwritten it means that someone other than the "figurehead" on the book jacket does the writing (Im sure you know that)- like whencelebrities or politicians have  novels,"autobiographies" or books of "life lessons" ghostwritten. It sounds like pubisher is trying to capatilize off of a "personality" -a "bad girl" as they capatilze off the "personality"
 of politicians or clebrities. The books has a catchy hook- I was a hoodlum now Im good. Even though the "author" didnt acutaly write it can still be sold

This Abby person isnt even doing the actual writing. That PV or the publishers would try to capatilize on producing an "author" who hasnt actually written a book is gross

Consdidering that , the veracity of the experiences related is dubious

Former Peninsula Village counselors have verified the story of the counselor being beaten for his car keys by two male patients who eloped in the guy's ride.  I found the story in the archives of a local Blount County newspaper in the Police briefs.

It is a sleazy exploitation book, and the "now I'm good" ending does not match up with Abigail's recent activities.  Abby is attractive, and her looks were used as a marketing tool.  "Bad Girl" is a misleading title, since she wasn't really that bad, in comparison to Andrew Klepper, Abigail's fellow PV alumnus, who sodomized a prostitute with a baseball bat and other items, then stole her cash and threatened her if she reported them.  No success story for Klepper after PV, he was arrested recently in Maryland for "pandering" in the company of another prostitute.  This second call girl probably doesn't know how close she came to being seriously harmed.  Klepper's book would be called "Warped, Fucked Up Boy"

Exactly, its an exploitation book and everyone gets exploited. The woman isnt literate. She didnt write the book.The book is not really her "voice" its a voice given to her by her ghostwriter and packaging firm meant to maximize earnings by reducing the story to the most palaptable cliche possible. The experiences are relayed without meaning or context for maximum sensationalism

She isnt literate and more importantly has been robbed of the thinking skills and nuance necessary to view her experience with sensitivity. She cannot provide insight into her experience and if she was deleted by the packaging firm
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on April 08, 2007, 12:54:17 PM
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
I have dyslexia and dyslexia does not mean you can't read or write..thats illiteracy,a different issue

When something is ghostwritten it means that someone other than the "figurehead" on the book jacket does the writing (Im sure you know that)- like whencelebrities or politicians have  novels,"autobiographies" or books of "life lessons" ghostwritten. It sounds like pubisher is trying to capatilize off of a "personality" -a "bad girl" as they capatilze off the "personality"
 of politicians or clebrities. The books has a catchy hook- I was a hoodlum now Im good. Even though the "author" didnt acutaly write it can still be sold

This Abby person isnt even doing the actual writing. That PV or the publishers would try to capatilize on producing an "author" who hasnt actually written a book is gross

Consdidering that , the veracity of the experiences related is dubious

During a meeting with several PV family therapists last July I inquired about Abby's book. There was a general concensus that they had "never heard of the book" and "knew nothing about it"
Title: Are we really that free
Post by: Anonymous on April 10, 2007, 02:49:47 AM
I am amazed at all of this, I lived it and I'm still amazed.  I just can't believe places like PV are allowed to exist.  I'm reading about the Civil Rights movement again and it reminds me of how the police acted.  There is no legal recourse, the legal recourse is the problem.  Also the parents of kids at PV are so often abusive.  As an adult I realize just how over the top my family is.  They are horribly abusive, no joke, they are very extreme and so abusive, to this day they are horrible people, I am not being mean, I love them, although I am starting to distance myself from having any feelings toward them other than those of an adult toward abusive people who have had and still do have far to much power over me.  they are very very abusive, and places like the village just allow very abusive parents to not only put you in a prison camp, like some third world country, but to discredit you for the future, so they can continue to abuse you and you will always be the one the law is against, this was very hard for me after leaving the Village at eighteen, practically, it is important, if your parent kicks you out and you try to get help from the authorities, you are the one at fault, my mother to this day threatens me with the police, even though I am a A B college student, who doesn't even drink.  My mother is very abusive and not all together rational, It is such an odd situation but I moved back home as an adult because I was  assaulted by a stranger in my apartment complex,  true I swear, and not unrealistic, I filed a police report, but nobody believes me anyway, so I moved home to finish college I have a year left, and to work in retail, so I make very little money and work very hard.  I don't do anything, I am very polite to my parents and I don't even drink much less do any drugs.  I work all the time.  My parents are very abusive, and i was put in PV for being molested at fourteen by a stalker. I was there for two years and my horrible parents were ok with this, my mother is very negative about me, last week she said i was a cat in heat, and at twelve i was asking for it, yes twelve because I bought a workout outfit and went out jogging in the morning with my friend, at twelve and i was catting and slinking along looking for a gangster? At twelve.  She is nuts and very abusive, she lacks all empathy and compassion.  She threatens me all the time with calling the police, I don't say or do anything, because i'm afraid of her, because she will, she will yell for days about nothing.  I don't say anything to her except perhaps this is abusive and out of proportion.  I say nothing to her at all, she will yell for a week the most horrible things you could say to me, often in the same line as the above, twelve year old cat and such.   Yesterday she threatened to call the police because I was moving a cage for my cats out onto the porch so they could enjoy the sun.  She didn't want me to argue with her about it. I wasn't but it was a preemptive threat.  The week before she screamed at me for a week again with horrible bizarre things, my grandmother wore a nightgown you could see her*&^ through.  My herb sachet in the bathroom was a &^%.  And if I say anything back to her, she threatens me with calling the police, she says the village said you were bi polar so we can have you committed. I'm not bi polar, I'm never manic, and I don't feel depressed in fits, or depressed at all, chemically I think I'm really sane otherwise this would be far too much.  I feel almost happy most the time, which is saying a lot considering where I am living. Of course she has all the power, I got angry once, once, and this situation is all the time, because my father would not help me move out and i don't make enough to otherwise, of course my parents are well off and driving around in a brand new Mercedes, and I threw a cloth and paper mache doll at the floor so my mother called the police.  I had to go to work and the cops told my parents that the could take me away right then, because I threw a cloth doll at the floor. Last week all the yelling, on her part, I was to scared to say anything, was because i used up all the cleaner for her steam cleaner, in the  upstairs closet, there was more downstairs and she yelled for a week, the most horrible abusive things she could think to say, and if I would so much as say stop, please don't empty my drawer on the floor, or that's horrible mom.  Please stop, this is abusive.  She'll be in the house five minutes and I'm crying.  Then the next day she'll buy you something be happy and fine, but again anything sets her off, and she polices everything I do.  Things like don't eat all of that, I don't want to have to hide it from you, and then she'll actually hide the chicken salad even though I am not eating an odd amount of chicken salad. She will correct me, and I'm a responsible adult, I was counting like seven times on one trip to the kitchen, put this here, don't put that there, there's no need to move that cup, even though the cup is just on the counter?   But they won't help me move out even though I could pay for most of it, they discourage it even.  It's like living under the Taliban, or in China.  Or a hundred years ago.  The sexual prejudice is amazing here, It's like all the bad examples from a Women’s Studies class except they believe them.   I haven't been on a date sense I moved home and I’m nice looking, I don't know any body in the area where my parents live, I'm completely isolated, I live of campus and I can't talk about this work for sure, i work in a book store. I'm trapped in some other horrible century and my parents are rich and very abusive and I have no recourse and they can do whatever within some reason they want to me.  Things can be sort of normal for periods of time and I'm so busy outside of home I can avoid but I very afraid and I am a ordinary person, and my life is terribly abusive and it should not be like this in this country today. I have post traumatic stress too, from being in the village for almost two years and being stalked and molest and my abusive family.  I shake when I talk about anything personal or sometimes just at all, and I have nightmares and I have trouble talking to people which leads me to be more isolated.  I know I have to move out, I'm looking for roommates, but from a sociological perspective the villages effects on the victims, and yes victims,  young girls, are as all encompassing as they would be under the Taliban, and there should be laws, lawyers something, I don't want to disappear again.  And when you read this I know you are not believing me you are thinking oh she must be nuts so they have a right, but I'm not and I’m desperately fighting for my life like someone in China by not pissing off the communist party or in South, where I live, not long ago, don't make that KKK guy mad. I read a lot about history and dictatorships and sexism and all sorts of interesting things.  I don't think we are really all that free and i think many aspects of this reality are abusive I know the Village and this situation is.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 10, 2007, 03:24:47 AM
I just re-read what I wrote and it sounds horrible.  I don't swear, I don't like gross nasty things.  I don't call things a &^%&^ I'm not nuts My mother really says stuff like the above, I don't say anything I don't swear also I'm pretty sensitive you all on this website say ugly things as well.  Abigail Vonn is young and she has no sane family, that has helped her grow up in a safe, ordinary and supportive way.  I think she is trying to replace that uncarring uninvolved jerk or a father of hers, we don't need any writings about bj's, see and again I have had to repeat other people's uglyness, to define what I see as a problem.  I think Abigail craves acceptance from her family so she wants to have drunk the koolaid.  Abigails situation ties into what I was saying about abusive families and girls out of the Village having no where to live really.  Some young women do have a father complex, after a place like the Village maybe he made her feel safe, until she figured out what he was about, gee lets think, how old was the bastard ugh.  Poor abigail, the Village is all about people who are older than you having power over you, perhaps sleeping, or more acuratlly replacing her family with an older guy, made her feel like the power was in the hands of someone who wouldn't put her in a prison camp, or maybe as in society throughout history, the power is in the hands of the old men and abigail, with desperation mentality really just need a place to live, historically there is much precident for this.
Title: nature of abuse in families
Post by: Anonymous on April 10, 2007, 02:19:55 PM
The odd thing about my family is they are not abusive all the time or even with any real reason.  I have found this to be the case with abusive people overall and something often overlooked. They are not green faced fanged hairy monsters, they are people and they have many different sides, With my mother something you would expect to set her off does nothing but some other little thing and she'll go completely nuts, and her behavior is pretty nuts.  The difficult aspect of abusive people is they are not abusive all the time.  The abusive husband had to be nice long enough for someone to marry him.  I get so sick of this psycho babble crap that says the women is in essence asking for it.  That is so backwards.  I have found that abusive people can be very nice for long periods of time and them wham you have the episode from hell on your hands.  You know you have to leave, but often resource issues come into play, and dr. jekle comes back with flowers. Families it is harder even because they are in fact your family and often there is so much denial.  No one wants to deal with such a serious problem as abuse so it gets ignored.  And the abusers of course do everything to make themselves feel better and like you disserved the abuse, no it wasn't out of proportion at all, and so on.  Abusive people do not introduce themselves as high I am bob the abusive husband, they if anything try extremely hard to hide their abuse behavior and justify their actions.  The village allows abusive parents to justify their actions completely, it preaches to the choir so totally, that my mother still is completely indoctrinated into their party line, although I have shown her accounts and tried to tell her what PV was really like, she is so determined not to have her comfy world view challenged she will literally stick her fingers in her ears and go lah lah lah i'm not listening if I try to tell her what the village was really like, she also immediately starts threatening.  But the days without abuse are the strangest and lull you into a false sense of security, or at least thinking you can handle it so you can take a full course load and actually finish college.  I try to give them no reason to be abusive but little things set them off, like using all the steam cleaner in the upstairs closet, or moving a cup.  Abusive people will never just let you be, my mother will not allow me to lock my door, and will scream and growl, yes she actually grows, about not having locked doors in her house if I do, this allows her to barge in and yell about random things whenever she pleases.  Again a few hours later she's sweetness and light, honey I bought you this, or look at this email hah hah, isn't that just cute, look what your dog did, two hours earlier she was threatening to give him away.  Which is horrible I love the dog and I got him because I was living in a not that great  neighborhood  where i was eventually assaulted.   I could mover out if I could convince my father to give me 400$ a month.  I plan to move out this summer as soon as my semester is over, and I am praying that he will help me, I am trying to look for a room mate but no one in the immediate vicinity is looking, I need to look harder.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 10, 2007, 02:43:41 PM
The funny thing about the calling the police thing is my mother uses it all the time, twice a week at least, and over nothing.  No you can't put the cat cage on the porch, you used up all the steam cleaner, don't lock this door, help me carry in groceries, don't talk back to me. I'm in my twenties, I don't talk back to her?  I would prefer not to talk to her at all, but she requires I eat dinner with them, and she like I said polices everything I do, I can't have an opinion, but she always asks for one, she loves to argue about politics, and will beat you up if you say you don't like george Bush.  She's always three steps from abuse.  She questions everything I do, why were you in the attic, what are you doing with that, in my house I'm going to make sure you don't ruin this house?  I'm very neat, I clean all the time, although she won't let me use the vacuum cleaner because she says I might break it? I have never broken any appliances?  My room is small so I have to clean or it gets too messy to move, if I don't put away one outfit that's it I can't walk.  She went through my things and threw away my herbs and essential oils?  She called a neighbor and told her I was going to poison her with them?  I was out walking my dog and I was being so careful with her we hadn't had an argument in a while, although she certainly said some unpleasant things.  I am frightened to go out because it will be a ordinary day and then I come home and she's on a rampage and then it's all just ordinary again.  But the police thing is horrible, she uses it all the time, and it never gets old because it's real and i have post traumatic stress and every time she says it I flinch and cry and she may as well have hit me,  It's a abusers dream, How horrible is that?
Title: Shakespeares sister
Post by: Anonymous on April 10, 2007, 03:01:56 PM
sometimes it seems so many people are abusive and stupid, I read the blogs here and I am amazed by some of them. Misogynist porn, I don't feel I should be writting on this blog anymore.  It is always good though to see what really is behind the faces of random folks, some are sane and rational and some it's just so ugly what they come up with, not to mention warped?  I was in the village, you need to do more research on the foster care system.  In reality, where the daughters of abusive crackheads live, when you get of the bus at the bus station god knows where, the first guy you meet is going to try to exploit you.  As a young women without any money or support base a very high percentage of men you meet are going to try and exploit you, non extreme, not the guy at the bus station, ordinary men will try to get you to have sex with them, by any means, usually coercion and alcohol or other drugs.  I am tired of these tabloid lurid accounts of prostitutes and drugs and go to hell.  Do you know the story by virginia woolf or Shakespears Sister?  It goes something like this, Shakespeare ran away as a teen to join the theater, it worked out well for him, he became Shakespeare, Shakespeares sister, of equal intelligence and merit, also ran away as a teen to join the theater, it did not work out as well for her, she was molested by the door man of the theater and died in childbirth and is now buried under the corner of too major London intersections.  No more sexist crap please the whole world isn't a gym locker room, sexual harassment is horrible people, I know I've had to deal with enough of it.  Have some empathy and higher thought you monkey minded sexist idiot.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 10, 2007, 03:11:18 PM
many men are molested too, so many people in social work and such are ignorant I have seen, History is the best way to learn about human nature, depressingly enough, look up 19th century boys schools in England and lets see how intelligent turning your child over to other people really is. Not to mention sexual harrassment.  Not to mention how well the education system has worked in the past. and how Shakespeare's sister isn't the only one molested by the door man.   I see so many things in this world in the media people that are so completly illogical or ignorant, A does not add up to B and = C.  It's like trying to reason with a ferret, or a pig, maybe a chicken, you explain something in a rational manner and you get beady little eyes and sexism or irrationality that only thinks to protest it's own neck, it is frightening.
Title: Re: Shakespeares sister
Post by: ZenAgent on April 10, 2007, 04:20:31 PM
Quote from: ""are we really that free""
Have some empathy and higher thought you monkey minded sexist idiot.

Who are you talking about?  You've really, really overshot the mark.  What "blogs" have offended you?  Men get molested, ask Jimmy Roy Bean's man-love friend "Keester" who says he dodges dicks all day...
Title: Re: Shake spear es ist er
Post by: stoodoodog on April 10, 2007, 07:18:50 PM
Quote from: ""are we really that free""
sometimes it seems so many people are abusive and stupid, I read the blogs here and I am amazed by some of them. Misogynist porn, I don't feel I should be writting on this blog anymore.  It is always good though to see what really is behind the faces of random folks, some are sane and rational and some it's just so ugly what they come up with, not to mention warped?  I was in the village, I want you to do more research on the foster care system.  In reality, where the daughters of abusive crackheads live, when you get of the bus at the bus station god knows where, the first guy you meet is going to try to exploit you.  As a young women without any money or support base a very high percentage of men you meet are going to try and exploit you, non extreme, not the guy at the bus station, ordinary men will try to get you to have sex with them, by any means, usually coercion and alcohol or other drugs.  I am tired of these tabloid lurid accounts of prostitutes and drugs and go to hell.  Do you know the story by virginia woolf or Shakespears Sister?  It goes something like this, Shakespeare ran away as a teen to join the theater, it worked out well for him, he became Shakespeare, Shakespeares sister, of equal intelligence and merit, also ran away as a teen to join the theater, it did not work out as well for her, she was molested by the door man of the theater and died in childbirth and is now buried under the corner of too major London intersections.  No more sexist crap please the whole world isn't a gym locker room, sexual harassment is horrible people, I know I've had to deal with enough of it.  Have some empathy and higher thought you monkey minded sexist idiot.

Again, borderline illucid, but thank you for this... whatever THIS is...

Is the above yet another sampling of PV's version of the MLA Formatting and Style Guide?
Title: please don't read the before post,fomat got chopped up?
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 03:08:13 PM
I think I was responding to the Abbie trading BJ's for something, I assume your male?  It's amazing how little many men seem to know about sexism or the prevalence of rape culture? Or to just accept it as ok.  What are your thoughts on the current media, do you know what a Misogynist is?  Also as for men being molested, many are, in one of the blogs on this website a man mentions he was.  After getting out of PV I had the same problem one of the gentle men on this site had, It was hard to get into colleges, I ended up getting into a small backwoods private liberal arts school, There was an active pederastic culture, look it up again please. some creepy college professor was forever trying to get you to go to a party with him or her and get you drunk.  I felt bad for the gay kids they were severely stalked, Believe it or not it's the complete truth, Just because you are ignorant of a situation does not mean it is not the case.  As children many men are molested, in college they were over eighteen, and usually too embarrassed to say anything, but you had to seriously watch your drink, and never take anything anyone gave you.  It also took a while for kids to figure out what the hell was up?  They were college professors after all you are supposed to be able to trust them and pederastic professors are not something one hears addressed much these days.    I am also very tired of having the people in the village described in a such a ridiculously lurid light.  Prostitutes and god knows what else?  When I was there, there were 2, two girls, in the entire eighteen months I was there that were foster kids with horrible parents who had gotten off at the wrong bus station, and had at some point traded sex for a place to stay. What was marriage until recently really, are you sure you aren't a PV plant?  It's a blog you know, sentence structure is not a big requirement and you call me crazy , which I have made clear is something of a pet peeve and therefore rather ironic, idiot, because I take offence at your locker room talk and then you go on to talk about, fighting off man dick, or something, and you say that all men who are molested are "man love Friends" and therefore gay?  How old are you, did you go to college, are you sure you are not a PV undereducated community college counselor, you sound a bit like one?  How you talk proves my point!  Many, most men are molested as children or as adolescents and they are at no way at fault.  But anyway I wanted to say the girls I was in the Village with were not some lurid "Bad Girls"  There were two that were foster kids that had had sex for money, but they were runaways.  All the rest did not have such tabloid problems, most were not on hard drugs,  another three or so I think had done more serious drugs, now this was in 1996-1998 so I don't know what now is like, but many were anorexics, thirteen year old who had eaten a bottle of aspirin, actually about ten aspirin because she was angry with her parents, one thirteen year old had written in her notebook she wished the school would blow up, her parents were getting a divorce, another her cousins had been molesting her and she told her aunt, who she lived with this was the case, and she threw her out so she move this neighbor guy who was a jerk so she went home and her aunt turned her over to the Village, the cousins had molested her for sure, and she was fifteen.  One or two ran off with boyfriends, one was smoking pot and told Christian parents she was gay, one she had told her family her grandfather had molested her.   One had slept with two boys at school and the who school was calling her a slut so she cut her wrist.  a handful of foster kids.   Cry for help girls too of course, cut wrists and such, that crossed into cutting.    I actually have not read abbie’s book “Bad Girl” yet because I am very busy with school and work and the last thing I need are flashbacks but I keep hearing  reference to prostitutes and some girl molesting someone, and I believe this is a misrepresentation, probably for lurid tabloid headline value.  I was there I remember, and what I say is true.  No one, when I was there, had molested anybody, but many of them had been molested and as a adult I have read and taken classes and children who are molested often molest other children, especially when they are young, it’s in the profile completely.  I think this is just another example of what happens when you put general uneducated “counselors”  in charge of  the psychology/ therapy of sexual abuse victims.  In the Village too much emphasis is placed on the girls fault, it’s the only emphasis and the girls act in context of their worlds.  And to turn “therapy”  into a group denouncement session, with community college graduates and other abused kids is insane and criminal.  There are many people in this world, good and bad and to turn such vulnerable girls over to the random hoard, you may as well turn them over to the Taliban.  There are many good people in this world and many horrible one’s.  Minors need to be protected from the horrible ones because they too young yet, and naive, I like to refer to teenagers as the toddlers of the adult world, to protect themselves.   But the Village like to play into stupid peoples prejudices toward the weak and ugly, like lurid hookers and such, but this is a lie.  The girls I was in with were not lurid they were just people.   As for the guy who was in PV that did something to a prostitute, like I said any group has all kinds in it, and that aspect is another problem with the teen behavior modification industry, it too often turns over the “therapy” to abuse by the other teens you are in with.  At the Village this manifests in the denouncement group therapy sessions, in other places the abuse is allowed to be more physical.   But I have to go do my homework now, and I am sorry about my lack punctuation  and such if my MLA format bothers you I am sorry but this is not a graded paper and I am busy, I get A’s and I am a senior, often I write late at night because I can’t sleep sorry, PV plant.  Be nice dear. WOmen don't like to be sexually harassed, fighting off dick and man love bob, is horrible and rude to the poor guy who was molested as a kid, empathy commpassion, walk in anothers shoes, think before you open your mouth if what you say sounds like rape, it does too, man love dick fighting, what is that, grow up.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 03:25:25 PM
I was simply annoyed to hear abigail called a whore repeatedly who sold herself to an older man and then it is described how she sold herself to get her book published,  and again your man love dodging dick comment proves my point, if you want to criticize  abigail don't do it on a sexual level please.
Title: sorry cranky
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 03:43:54 PM
I am very tired of having the people in the village described in a such a ridiculously lurid light.  Prostitutes and god knows what else?  When I was there, there were 2, two girls, in the entire eighteen months I was there that were foster kids with horrible parents who had gotten off at the wrong bus station, and had at some point traded sex for a place to stay, what was marriage until recently really, are you sure you aren't a PV plant?  It's a blog you know, sentence structure is not a big requirement and you call me crazy , which I have made clear is something of a pet peeve and therefore rather ironic, idiot, because I take offence at you locker room talk and then you go on to talk about, fighting off man dick, or something, and say that all men who are molested are "man love Friends" and therefore gay?  How old are you, did you go to college, are you sure you are not a PV undereducated community college counselor, you sound a bit like one?  How you talk proves my point!  Many, most men are molested as children or as adolescents and they are at no way at fault.  But anyway I wanted to say the girls I was in the Village with were not some lurid "Bad Girls"  There were two that were foster kids that had had sex for money, but they were runaways.  All the rest did not have such tabloid problems, most were not on drugs,  another two or three I think had done more serious drugs, now this was in 1996-1998 so I don't know what now is like, but many were anorexics, thirteen year old who had eaten a bottle of aspirin, actually about ten aspirin because she was angry with her parents, one thirteen year old had written in her notebook she wished the school would blow up, her parents were getting a divorce, another her cousins had been molesting her and she told her aunt, who she lived with this was the case, and she threw her out so she move this neighbor guy who was a jerk so she went home and her aunt turned her over to the Village, the cousins had molested her for sure, and she was fifteen.  One or two ran off with boyfriends, one was smoking pot and told Christian parents she was gay, one she had told her family her grandfather had molested her.   One had slept with two boys at school and the who school was calling her a slut so she cut her wrist.  a handful of foster kids.   Cry for help girls too of course, cut wrists and such, that crossed into cutting.    I actually have not read abbie’s book “Bad Girl” yet because I am very busy with school and work and the last thing I need are flashbacks but I keep hearing  reference to prostitutes and some girl molesting someone, and I believe this is a misrepresentation, probably for lurid tabloid headline value.  I was there I remember, and what I say is true.  No one, when I was there, had molested anybody, but many of them had been molested and as a adult I have read and taken classes and children who are molested often molest other children, especially when they are young, it’s in the profile completely.  I think this is just another example of what happens when you put general uneducated “counselors”  in charge of  the psychology/ therapy of sexual abuse victims.  In the Village too much emphasis is placed on the girls fault, it’s the only emphasis and the girls act in context of their worlds.  And to turn “therapy”  into a group denouncement session, with community college graduates and other abused kids is insane and criminal.  There are many people in this world, good and bad and to turn such vulnerable girls over to the random hoard, you may as well turn them over to the Taliban.  There are many good people in this world and many horrible one’s.  Minors need to be protected from the horrible ones because they too young yet, and naive, I like to refer to teenagers as the toddlers of the adult world, to protect themselves.   But the Village like to play into stupid peoples prejudices toward the weak and ugly, like lurid hookers and such, but this is a lie.  The girls I was in with were not lurid they were just people.   As for the guy who was in PV that did something to a prostitute, like I said any group has all kinds in it, and that aspect is another problem with the teen behavior modification industry, it too often turns over the “therapy” to abuse by the other teens you are in with.  At the Village this manifests in the denouncement group therapy sessions, in other places the abuse is allowed to be more physical.   But I have to go do my homework now, and I am sorry about my lack punctuation  and such if my MLA format bothers you I am sorry but this is not a graded paper and I am busy, I get A’s and I am a senior, often I write late at night because I can’t sleep sorry.  I am human you know? and I am very touchy abou these issues.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 03:54:03 PM
men who are molested are not gay! boys and adolescents are usually molested by men of course, but women and girls are usually molested by men, I didn't make the world I just live in it.  My close gay friend has as much trouble with creepy old men as I and other girl friends do. But I meant in no way to imply that male molestation victims are gay, for Christ's sake,  this is too stupid to waste anymore time on, you know what I am talking about it's real go find out for yourself do the research. :roll:  :flame:  I'm in a bad mood, and after reading all the blogs I really did come away with a strong impression that Abgail was being called a whore an inordinate amount,  I did not like the baseball bat story much either true or not.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 11, 2007, 04:11:21 PM should register yourself with Fornits, so you can clean up your duplicate postings, which kind of amount to a flood.  You certainly  provide ample proof that PV doesn't work.

The boy with the bat was from news reports, he was in the news quite a bit.  

I'll include your story in the e-mail I'm sending to the administrator of PV, I've had a major issue come up that he needs to address and correct.  Surely you want him to know your troubles.

If you want to discuss victimization, there are other boards for it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on April 11, 2007, 04:18:31 PM
I haven't read all of this but it seems that others are just saying she(Abigail) was taken advantage of.... You type a lot!

Do you still live with your mother? From your description she seems.... psychotic....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 04:40:29 PM
Are you threatening me with PV?  Are you crazy how horrible.  You must be a PV plant. You said men who are molested are gay and fight off man love,  What an earth, you must be a plant, What did I say about communist China. You are also very quick to respond?  I am right about Abigail being criticized sexually, and it being inappropriate.  Forget you, what are you going to do send the Gestapo after me, give me a break. Is it so irrational that a person who has been in PV would be touchy about sexual slurs.  How ironic, and how you prove my point?  :flame:  You are simply annoyed  I was not talking about you really, I have read everything on all the blogs about Abigail and PV, and sexual slurs are prevelant and they make me angry.  Until you have spent two years in a prison camp do not try to to boss the survivors of one, no one made you the leader here, share the space.  i am sorry if I embarrassed you, I am angry about PV and sexual prejudice really and have a sharper tongue than I mean too usually, I do not mean to take my annoyance out on you, you attacked me, and with a post about man love, it was your foot in your mouth, do not threaten me please that is just over the top.  I will be nicer, as I believe we are on the same side. Also I really wasn't talking about you, and you were right, this blog was not  bad really at all, but I am angry about sexism and Abigail is criticized  sexually, I think I read the baseball bat story out of context. I certainly stuck my foot in my mouth as well, but your responses have not been anything other than inappropriate and ironic.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 04:44:00 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 11, 2007, 04:49:39 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
Are you threatening me with PV?  Are you crazy how horrible.  You must be a PV plant. You said men who are molested are gay and fight off man love,  What an earth, you must be a plant, What did I say about communist China. You are also very quick to respond?  I am right about Abigail being criticized sexually, and it being inappropriate.  Forget you, what are you going to do send the Gestapo after me, give me a break. Is it so irrational that a person who has been in PV would be touchy about sexual slurs.  How ironic, and how you prove my point?  :flame:  You are simply annoyed  I was not talking about you really, I have read everything on all the blogs about Abigail and PV, and sexual slurs are prevelant and they make me angry.  Until you have spent two years in a prison camp do not try to to boss the survivors of one, no one made you the leader here, share the space.  i am sorry if I embarrassed you, I am angry about PV and sexual prejudice really and have a sharper tongue than I mean too usually, I do not mean to take my annoyance out on you, you attacked me, and with a post about man love, it was your foot in your mouth, do not threaten me please that is just over the top.  I will be nicer, as I believe we are on the same side. Also I really wasn't talking about you, and you were right, this blog was not  bad really at all, but I am angry about sexism and Abigail is criticized  sexually, I think I read the baseball bat story out of context. I certainly stuck my foot in my mouth as well, but your responses have not been anything other than inappropriate and ironic.

No!  Do you think they'll come get you?  It sounds like your experience was wretched and should be brought to their attention.

You take a lot of stuff out of context.  Relax and read a little more carefully.  If I make a generality like "There are a lot of ignorant and inbred- looking rednecks on the staff at PV", I'm not saying ALL of them are.   I would never say anything that mean, anyway.

Relax.  We're all on the same team, right?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 11, 2007, 07:47:45 PM
Zen, I'm just guessing, but I think she was talking about your saying you'd send her comments to PV.

Not Free, is that what set you off? I'm absolutely positive Zen wasn't trying to threaten you. He's all about shutting that place down. I think you're very upset and maybe taking things out of contact as Zen says. It's alright, b'lieve it!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 09:22:45 PM
YOU GUYS...i think "free" is ABAGAIL!!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 09:27:27 PM
ya know...."dyslexic" writing.....needs "help getting ideas across"....It adds up in terms of understanding the postings

 dont know that where the otherwise inexplicable anger comes from Im guessing......
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 11, 2007, 09:45:46 PM
I am sorry. wrong group I am railing at apparently. I apologize for my rudeness, The T.V. sets me off, as does thinking about the Village, It is terrible what looking at the world through such glasses can do to your expectations of people. I do live at home, I had an apartment but it was not very safe "affordable" and I work in retail and am trying to finish college, I am a senior I have a year left, so I need to be able to focus on school,  rather than making money.   I was actually assaulted, believe it or not, I filed a police report but my mother voices doubts, big surprise. I am moving out anyhow though, the current situation has just brought to light what life can be like for young people without a family support base or an abusive one, it makes it much harder to get from point A to B.  It will be almost good, I think, once I move out, as it has given me some helpful insight into family abuse.  Didn't mean to be mean or a jerk. I am certainly on the side of PV survivors and families.  :oops:  I have noticed though, that discussions of Abigails book seem to inevitable digress into a discussion of her sexual conduct with an older man, many of the blogs here have actually been very insightful and intelligent, of course some are defending her and, therefore, there must be a reason for such a defense,  Never give an angry stressed person a crappy old laptop.  I hope at least my rambling about what the others in PV were like is useful.  Again I get threatened a lot right now, telling PV on me was sadly misinterpreted.  Sorry  There are a lot of inbred and ignorant I don't know about the redneck part, I have met many ignorant inbred people in general, on the PV staff, and a few Nazis, maybe a few friends of MAO,  Stalin, Pol pot, all the horrible ugly people that have ever lived.  I don't like the PV staff and I know bad people exist, no excuses for abuse.  THey are pretty dumb and monkey minded too, I have weird reactions I think to things around the Village. If it has to do with the Village I'm mad. sorry,  You also insulted my MLA format and said I was not lucid.  I'm lucid, I'm just crabby.  You would be to if you were me, I did not mean to be horrible to nice folks.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on April 12, 2007, 03:52:39 PM
Quote from: ""Lucifer""

PV Staff would be VERY UNHAPPY if they knew this were posted on the internet. It is property of PV and is supposed to stay on the whiteboard at the little house.
Title: Not her
Post by: Covergaard on April 12, 2007, 04:43:38 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
YOU GUYS...i think "free" is ABAGAIL!!!!!

I don't think so. In her mail to me, she writes with shorter sentences.

Also she has work beside her study. If you are in town, you can see her work, while you enjoy a drink. (Don't expect me there. After what I have learned about foreign systems, I prefer to stay in Denmark for the rest of my days.)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 12, 2007, 05:32:57 PM
What, is she a cabaret singer?
Title: Hah Hah you are a sexist idiot
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 12:23:31 AM
I "work" while you drink?  Are you calling me a stripper, in response to saying the fact that discussion of PV inevitably turns to Abigail which inevitably turns to a discussion of Abigails sex life with an old guy which inevitably digress to sexual criticisms of Abigail which inevitably end up being sexist.  So you called me a stripper in response to drawing attention to sexism?  Isn’t that a bit ironic?  So women who are touchy about sexism must be strippers?  Is that convoluted chicken logic or what?  Right up there with she was asking for it, and she must like being abused.  I work in a book store idiot!  Is everyone on this blog male or what?  I can’t stand “stripper” culture as it is so over represented on American media.  Again I work in a BOOKSTORE, I am a freaking LIBRARIAN for Christ sakes, I thought I had misconstrued  the blogs and people writing on this site, but it appears not.  If you are talking about Abigail being a stripper “cabaret singer”.  Abigail was a nineteen year old out of a prison camp with a man old enough to be her father, I feel bad for strippers, that is a horribly ugly world, speaking of misogynistic crap.  Cut the nineteen year old fresh out of a prison camp some slack as far as weird situations go.  And just because I could write you a fun dissertation on the modern economic sex “slave” trade doesn’t mean I am one.  Go to the LIBRARY idiot and do some research.  I am assuming you already frequent strip clubs as you refer to drinking in one.  I thought I was mistaken, thank you for so aptly proving me right in my response to you, I feel much better now.  Sexist chicken brain. Your understanding of women’s rights is amazing, you would not refer to a black person as a cotton picker would you, please don’t refer to a college senior with a 3.4 GPA who works in a BOOK STORE, as someone that is there to fulfill your misogynistic sexual impulse, don't refer to Abigail that way either.  Again go look up misogynist, if there isn’t a picture of a stripper next to it, it is a faulty reference book.  Good God!!  your response was so sexist and cliché.  Nothing in what I wrote was sexual in the least, other than saying people luridly over sexualize the situations of the girls in the Village.  I don't know what you are imagining over there but we are all pretty normal looking over here and bland work clothes, no makeup, and unshaven legs are hardly Girls Gone Wild material, which is also in the reference book next to misogynistic.  So you don't like this women she insulted you, although I was not referring to you particularly, so you want to cast her as a women who is beneath you and accessible to sexual abuse, Freud says HMMM?  Hah Hah your a sexist idiot, and I just proved it, actually you proved it, thank you, I win.   Did I mention I want to go to law school.  Feminist bitches forever, did I mention you have really restored my faith in men not being extremely criminally dangerous and scary.  You were refering to me because it was about "working" too. Real nice come back with a sexual slur.  It would be funny if it were not so ugly and scary.  It's all around women too, you read my postings there was nothing about sex in them, sexism sure, but not anything that would make you think I was someone you could address in a sexual manner, but men always attack you with sex.
Title: Freud says HMMM?
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 12:39:25 AM
So you don't like this women she insulted you, although I was not referring to you particularly, so you want to cast her as a women who is beneath you and accessible to sexual abuse, Freud says HMMM?
Hah Hah you are sexist idiot, and I just proved it, actually you proved it, thank you, I win.  Did I mention I want to go to law school AND THAT i'M A COLLEGE SENIOR WITH A 3.4 GPA.  Feminist bitches forever,  you have really restored my faith in men not being extremely criminally dangerous and scary. AGAIN I WORK IN A BOOKSTORE, I'm a freaking LIBRARIAN for Christ sakes, I thought I had misconstrued  the blogs and people writing on this site, but it appears not. Good God!!  your response was so sexist and cliché, stupid men respond to everything with sexual attacks.  Nothing in what I wrote was sexual in the least, other than saying people luridly over sexualize the situations of the girls in the Village.  This could be why I haven't had a date in a long time, oh well better dateless than black and dating a racist.
and I thought I had misconstrued  the postings on this site, seriously, I wrote some personal stuff about my family problems and then I went back and reread the blogs backwards, up from where I had written, and having just said some personal things about family abuse, I was feeling touchy and I had thought later when I reread the blogs I had taken things out of context I guess not.  I apologized and everything and you come back with creepy sexual attacks.  See I should trust my first instinct.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 13, 2007, 12:43:30 AM
Wow, what a cool repsonse, you are clearly very well educated and passionate. But I dont think that is what coverguard meant..i doubt it That just doesnt make sense.
What covergurad meant is very hard to follow...i  think thats why Zen made that reponse about you being a cabaret singer just becasue its so they even have cabarets now adays?

so cover what did yuo mean?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 01:04:57 AM
the other people on this blog seem ok, I really didn't mean to be horribly rude, blogs always get so smutty and digress enormously.  Strip club guy, you I meant to be rude to, Good God. I think only people with relevant things to say about actual experiences from PV or in relation to teen abuse should write, no gossiping, the situation is far to serious for that, there are real teenagers in PV now, not to mention the rest of the foster care system and the juvenile justice system, a fifteen year old just hung himself in JuV, and he was in for something small.  Anyone out of the Village will tell you, while in the Village, if given the chance it might have been an option, PV is that bad.  One of the girls I was in will jumped out of a car on the highway on a return trip back to the Village, she had a broken hip and arm and was one big road burn.  That is not the reaction one has to a therapeutic environment?  Not to mention other teen behavioral modification facilities where many of the kids never see a judge or get to have a lawyer or anything.  There’s lot’s of relevant stuff.  Women and girls in bad situations are inevitably almost molested or raped, it is horrible for them to have to face sexual prejudice as well.  Perhaps people in Denmark or where ever you are from do not talk frankly about things like rape and molestation but women with an interest in sociology and women’s studies have to, as they are a so all encompassing fact in many ways.   You are male and do not have to deal as much with such things, suspend your own ego trip for a minute and have some empathy, I still not sure it comes with testosterone.
The drugs they give the kids are also relevant, has anyone looked any of them up.  It’s like a guide to poisons.  Lithium eats your liver, Adderall, the ADD medicine is an amphetamine!, Actually an amphetamine and that’s it, the stuff is a combination of amphetamine and dextro-amphetamine and ADD or ADHD is the one of the most common and rising psychiatric diagnosis for children and teens, look up Adderall and then go to the drug facts page.  Also pharmaceutical companies are allowed to send your doctor on fun Caribbean trips to learn about promoting their drugs, and they beat the girls in the Village for smoking pot!  Irony sucks. But I’m done, I have exams coming up, you can call me what you please I’m going to have a college degree, my life’s in under my control! Say what you please I’m tough.  And it make’s you look worse than me.  If we were anywhere i could sue you for sexual harassment though, you better believe I would in a heartbeat, some things, like sexual abuse, verbal or non women should not have to tolerate.  And yes sexual harassment, is sexual abuse.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 01:14:59 AM
seriously what did you mean by me "working where you drink"? If I misconstrued that I'll eat my hat.  Or I'll blame it on a language barrier.  Seriously I'm not usually an angry ranter I swear, maybe the ranting part, can I just go back and start over again, :roll:  :oops: I'm running away for exams week sorry sorry sorry.   :wink:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 01:37:55 AM
I know zen agent was asking about what covergaard, meant and was not saying anything rude, really I did not find the rest of the blogs bad after I read them in proper sequential order and such, covergaards wasn't bad, I was embarassed after I read them in order and didn't just pick out things as I skimed backwards, feeling defensive.  :oops:  That sounds random and dumb, but being human it's what I did.  
Seriously sorry, I don't talk to people about my problems with my family, I just thought it was relevant as far as where you go after a place like PV, and how PV empowers abusive families.  I was reading an interesting article in the New York Times about what happens to kids in the foster care system after they are droped by it at eighteen as well, they have it worse than me by far.  I swear I can be a non random angry feminist snotty kook, and in my normal life I'm not like this at all.  Perhaps it's the whole being honest and anonymous thing, I really never talk about anything, and I have to be so careful around here, sorry.  Vulnerability apparently makes me defensive, or something.  I read a lot too, don't know what happened here, brain fart or something, going to run away now God bless.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on April 13, 2007, 02:36:08 AM
Well don't feel bad about being frustrated or possibly reading something the wrong way. Say whatever you feel comfortable saying and don't worry about our perceptions or judgments. I'm sure you have lots to say and I'd like to hear it.  

This is fornits, speak your mind............
Title: It is not me who is judgemental
Post by: Covergaard on April 13, 2007, 05:07:48 AM
At no point have I written that I find being a topless dancer a second-rate job. It is a job - period. It is better than being unemployed.

In Denmark we have a lot of small places performing in what you will call off-off-off-broadway. The scene is suddenly moved among the spectators. You have to turn and twist your head to keep on with the play. Sometimes they have clothes on - sometimes not. Also Ballet have been performed by naked people on a very high level.

As I can understand, did Abigails collegemoney go to PV, so there was not very much left when she became 18. And regardless of the torment PV put her through, she went on and started on an education, where a lot of people would have given up. Education is not free, so she took a job. What is wrong with that?

In England they are discussing the long-term effect of Brat Camp 3, where the scene of abuse was Aspen Achievement Academy. Lydia - one of the girls is also a showdancer, another is pregnant at 17. Failures? No. Because the first one took on a job and the other one a huge responsibility. The only failure I can see, is the girl who could not take to return to society and asked to be locked up (Her mother sold her house so she could answer the daugthers request).

But what I can tell for sure is that PV is a failure, when it comes to placing children there, who has not committed a crime. Locking people up calls for a court and a sentence. It is inhumane to lock people up otherwise.

As for PV being a failure compared to stick convicted people there rather than a normal prison, you have to ask yourself if the person just released from PV is better prepared for society than a person from a prison. What kind of plan for returning to society does an prison offer in that state?

I can give an example. In Denmark it is about 37-45 percent of the entire prison population, who is released for 3 days in relationship with christmas. (We can not measure any increase in crimes because we do that.) How is it in Tennessee?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 02:24:26 PM
It's kind of bad in Tennessee.  Although your sex industry sounds much more charming.  Is abigail a stripper now, that would put the comment in context.  Today in my class we had a discussion about sexism, it was telling, we ended up talking about how a woman who is drunk can change her mind after the fact and get you arrested.  This is what the guys did with a discussion of sexism.  I asked, "well did she say no?" and "was she moving around much"  I think it's legally relevant.  As I understand it the woman has to either say no, or be pretty incapacitated, did you try to get her drunk, is also relevant.  Got to love the date where the guy keeps trying to get you to down shots of Giegermister. "Come on what are you a (*&(&", he bellows. Grunt.  but anyhoo.    And also how, thanks to the Duke rape case, women who report having been sexually assaulted more than once must be lying hookers.  I was in a five year relationship and the first guy I went out with afterwards tried to maul me, One date in five years, and the normal looking guy, mauls me when I tell him, "No, I'm not ready to kiss you yet."  Of course I must be a hooker right. Because I was assaulted as a teenager too, does it count when they just maul you and you get away, that's happened more than once too? Cute huh.  There is a lot of sexual prejudice in this country, the T.V. is rank with it.  Also oddly, but not really, many things on T.V. imply exotic dancers are cool and fun, not desperate and on drugs and therefore probably open to selling your kidney for fifty bucks.  Some of them are not going to land you a vat of ice I have heard, but it's a very bad industry, and strip clubs here, are on the side of the road.  In this town the strip club is actually called the Bus stop, because it's right next to the bus station.  How’s that for irony. The T.V. is very strange in this country, I have my doubts as to its legitimacy, has anyone else noticed a sort of dragnet bent towards portraying poor, or anyone less than the ubber ideal American, as toothless white trash with cops, I think it has it's pretty racist moments too. It almost tells stupid people what to say.  It certainly doesn't make you want to vote democrat. Lot's of anti drug stuff which is ok I suppose, as long as it is stated as such and not just propaganda.  I don't know what the hell is up with "stripper" culture on T.V.  I do know it makes hiring an exotic dancer seem ok, if you are a goofy frat boy, which, obviously from the Duke case, it is not.  The Duke case is big right now here.  It's amazing what people do with it, and if you were some girl who had been sexually assaulted, on a psych level it would not make you want to speak out about it.  There are still lots of things like, "well what were you doing alone with him"  I love that one, and of course "well you were drinking"  God forbid you smoked pot or something, then you really can't tell.  The T.V. totally keeps the sexual prejudices in firm place as well as all the working class folks in their jobs, can't be like drunk toothless bob, It's every channel seriously, maybe I'm just like those Gieco cavemen, which in itself has racist overtones, think real hard on social Darwinism.  I think it's just stupid white male culture, “I don't have to be PC“, "she didn't love me, but this stupid worthless sluty women who fullfills my fantasy of what that bitch I couldn't have was like, I can buy and abuse?" "With all my anger towards women overall or something?"  Maybe sex slaves are just fun.   not any real racism I hope.  I like the Geico commercial about women too, the one, " Or you can just get your spouse to do it,"  Very relevant considering the historical status of women, in stupid white male land. That bitch/ho was just using me. But the Gieco commercials are nothing I shouldn't even refer to them.  How to describe sexual prejudice, it's horrible, I wish you'all could just see it from my perspective.  The T.V. teaches prejudice of a bunch of sorts and how to please your misogynistic man of course.  I'm not picking on strippers I'm just saying it's a horrible industry and the women are desperate and desperate people are nuts.  I don't even want to think what their daily life must be like.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 02:38:10 PM
Did you actually say being a stripper is not a second rate job, good God?!  Are you insane or just completely disconnected from human suffering. Jesus Christ man.  What a whacked out thing to say.  Women really don't like being prostitutes you know?  It's scary to think that if I don't finish college that men like you are going to be higher up than me. I've worked in retail for a while, and the labor laws are really bad here too.  Locally there are no laws protecting how many days in a row you can work and how many hours you can work in a day.  The only protection is the famous forty hour work week, but the forty hour work week starts back over at 0 on Sunday and each work week stands alone, look it up, in my state they are bad.  Therefore, if you work in retail, which is open seven days a week, you can work far more than forty hours in a row and not get any overtime, or a day off.  While working a in a local department store, as the nice little shop girl, I worked ten days in a row, and twelve hours in one day, no lie, I swear. They also like to hire you as part time, so they can keep your wages low and not give you health benefits, then they work you thirty hours a week or more, so just under full time.  It's a cute trick.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 13, 2007, 03:12:08 PM
Why did you say "I work while you drink"?  He was talking about Abigail.  "Exotic dancer" is a better description than stripper, don't you agree?
Title: Jobs
Post by: Covergaard on April 13, 2007, 03:45:52 PM
Yes, I wrote that I don't find that kind of job second-rate. I don't finance it by watching it, but I can understand why women and men takes these jobs.

I worked for 7 years in a shop 40-50 hours per week(Computershop: Commodore C64, C128 etc. First generation PC's DOS 2.11 and higher). I saw a colleague die from a heart attack 2 meters from me 4 days before christmas (He had a wife and a child), another colleague quit his job and went home to a necktie party, a third one had a nervous breakdown. Dont tell me about how it is to work in a shop.

Several times the customers (parents) went berserk when our supplier did not deliver the christmas gifts for their children in time. Sometime we got beaten (No policereport. In Denmark we have a say: Money does not smell. A professional shop assistant should be able to close the deal regardless of how many insults etc. the customer had used during the buy.) Regardless of my experiences I dont think that being a shop-assistant is a second-rate job. It was a job, that I had to take, but it taught me things that I can use today.

Dancing for people is not sleeping with them. Good security can prevent them from being touched by their customers like I had to endure. Due to my size I only got hit twice during the seven years and they were quick to apologize when they realized what they had done in a heated moment.

The problem with your judgement toward the job of a stripper is that you think they sleep with the customers. Most of them don't in my country.

My CV (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 05:53:44 PM
I meant that the labor laws are bad, and retail is not a high paying or secure job, and the hours are long and demanding, there also is a revolving door hiring policy.  Working in retail I know too, you have to have nice clothes, although they don't pay you much, and look very clean cut and speak well.  Sales is something of an odd job choice for the abused as well, it's hard to talk to strangers.  Sales is hard in general.   My family is pretty well off.  I have that support, at least.
 I don't think strippers sleep with people, but I’m pretty sure the job itself is really extremely bad.  I’ve been in a strip club once out of curiosity and I was appalled, for some reason I thought the women were on a stage like at least a few feet from the men, but they were right on the floor practically, with all these horrible creepy guys.  My feet stuck to the floor and it looked like hell.  As a man I don’t think most guys know what it’s like to have to deal with sexual assault and advances and harassment.   The women are naked too, and look sick a lot of them. I felt very bad for those women, again I’m not sure testosterone and empathy mix.  The thought of someone being turned on by that situation is pretty horrible.  I don’t know how a girl, after going through the Village, could work in a place like a strip club and then go on to have a safe ordinary life.  I’m afraid she would have trouble breaking through all the sexual prejudice, I would advise her not to tell people, as well as the effects of years of psychological damage.   if you did not have other training, especially if you were out of a place like the village and started using drugs or something and were young it would be hard told hold down a retail job and if you didn’t have parents around to bail you out then what.  Men around you often think strip clubs are a far better idea as a job choice than they are in reality.  If some young woman was or is a stripper, I would say try don’t let me depress you, just don’t tell anyone and get on with your life, you can tell a few people maybe, but I have found with telling people about things like the Village, many peoples reactions are not what you would hope.  Just don’t let anyone get in the way of what you are doing unless they have a gun or something.  If they say something just keep walking, and unless they fire you just keep working, and with school get good grades and you are safe, otherwise you are meat right.  Isn’t that nice.  
 As for the nice clothes, just buy five long sleeve work shirts and some cargo pants, never say anything controversial  bland is good. Never swear, or do anything any one could cast you in a negative light about.  I guess if your on drugs it gets harder, it's hard enough to be at work early,  I believe many women in strip clubs on are serious drugs even if they were not when they started working at one. I don't mean to cast strippers in a negative light.  I just think strip clubs are much worse places for women to be in, much less to be in naked than your average  male seems to think.  It's a very serious world out there really when it comes down to it.   Especially as far as economics and sexism go.  I don't think strippers make very much money either, but I'm about done talking about strippers, speaking of ways things digress.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 07:14:53 PM
so Abigail is a stripper now, that's horrible.  I need to read the book, I have it but I know it will upset me so I keep  putting it off. On a positive, life can go on after hell note, this very nice, ordinary looking, thirty year old I was in school with had been a stripper and she had her degree and was marrying the physics professor, she was nice and doing fine and she talked about all sorts of weird stuff, like she didn't have to hide forever of anything.   She was a long ways out of it of course, and already had a college degree.  The physics professor was thirty five or so and she was thirty so that wasn't anything. So if anyone out of PV is working in a strip club don’t jump off a bridge or anything. Please.  Usually when you jump off a bridge you just break your hip or something and then you have chronic hip pain and can't stand and you loose your job and it just makes life that much worse.  There is so much beauty in life, nature and such, people I don't know about. Who cares about the jerks, There by the grace of God, who apparently isn't fair or an interventionist, go all of us.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 07:34:00 PM
on the other hand, out of the top five groups of people I would not want to have to spend fifteen minutes in a room with , strippers most likely would make the list, sorry, and considering this list would also probably include despotic dictators and a maurauding hoard or two that's not saying a lot for the charm of strippers. Some people out of any group are very nice others are scary as hell.  The entire sex industry is really bad I think and should be avoided if one does not want to be mugged. I feel bad for the nice ones. and I see how you could be there, it's not an easy world, especially out of the Village.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on April 13, 2007, 09:43:39 PM
I get your point about the environment strippers have to work in. It's not the best thing for a persons self confidence and like any job in the entertainment industry you get treated like you're only worth the amount of money you make for the boss.

You're probably right about men not understanding the situation in the way that a woman may, add the Village and you might as well be speaking in tongues to the devil. This issue is one that requires a willing voice and a receptive ear if any progress is to be made. I don't know how this all relates to Abigail... Has anyone spoken with her by any chance? I haven't read the book but most people have said that she tries to put a positive spin on the Village. The "it was bad but necessary" song and dance, polishing a turd perhaps. Still it maybe that she only needs a non-critical group of understanding people, who won't take advantage of her, in order to get past the mind fuckary.

Also, why do you post in triples?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 13, 2007, 09:47:02 PM
Once again though, I am sick of PV discussions turning to lurid tabloid t.v. crud.  Strippers and ho’s and such.  Again this promotes the prejudice P.V. would like to instill in people about the teens there.  Once again while I was in P.V. there were 2, two in the entire time that I was there, eighteen months or so, an average P.V. stay with good insurance, and they were foster kids, with no families and they had run away. two girls, out of all the girls in there.  Many of the girls had been molested and such.  There were instances of things that if you were really reaching and a fundamentalist nut case you could call them kind sort of like, which PV seemed to want to do, big surprise.  They like to make the girls sound "bad" so that they are discredited and there parents or the foster care system will leave them in for as long as possible so they make more money.  The money involved is very very relevant to everything PV does.  I was a public relations advertising major and PV is realpolitic public relations at it's worst.  Have you noticed how the T.V. also focuses on the same themes. Teenage ho's and such?  It's really creepy actually.  I have no idea what it means, All I could guess is lobbying perhaps? Covenant health must make a great deal of money,  Mel Sembler, he's got connections as do others, I think it simply represents the trend in the industry toward abuse and extortion, and the need to justify it.   P.V. cost’s 500 to 700$ a night per girl, that’s 182,000.00$ a year going with the 500$ rate.  Estimate in the undereducated low paid staff and that’s a very nice profit margin.  Ten million a year estimating low.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on April 14, 2007, 01:47:57 AM
I've noticed that many abusive programs focus on sex in one way or another. Is that just  another manifestation of the tactic types of thought reform?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 14, 2007, 02:48:36 AM
Because kids/teenagers are vulnerable to attacking that part of their psyche.

Shit, these days you can't masturbate without a fucking inquisition, much less have sex in any sort of healthy way until you're married  :roll: so what do you expect?

The humiliation and shame that you can create with attacking someone from that direction psychologically is pretty extreme. Hell, adults are vulnerable to it.... when they're free to run away instead of rebutting you. Imagine being a child... trapped in a program.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on April 14, 2007, 12:11:06 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Once again though, I am sick of PV discussions turning to lurid tabloid t.v. crud.  Strippers and ho’s and such.  Again this promotes the prejudice P.V. would like to instill in people about the teens there.  Once again while I was in P.V. there were 2, two in the entire time that I was there, eighteen months or so, an average P.V. stay with good insurance, and they were foster kids, with no families and they had run away. two girls, out of all the girls in there.  Many of the girls had been molested and such.  There were instances of things that if you were really reaching and a fundamentalist nut case you could call them kind sort of like, which PV seemed to want to do, big surprise.  They like to make the girls sound "bad" so that they are discredited and there parents or the foster care system will leave them in for as long as possible so they make more money.  The money involved is very very relevant to everything PV does.  I was a public relations advertising major and PV is realpolitic public relations at it's worst.  Have you noticed how the T.V. also focuses on the same themes. Teenage ho's and such?  It's really creepy actually.  I have no idea what it means, All I could guess is lobbying perhaps? Covenant health must make a great deal of money,  Mel Sembler, he's got connections as do others, I think it simply represents the trend in the industry toward abuse and extortion, and the need to justify it.   P.V. cost’s 500 to 700$ a night per girl, that’s 182,000.00$ a year going with the 500$ rate.  Estimate in the undereducated low paid staff and that’s a very nice profit margin.  Ten million a year estimating low.

A lot of that money probably goes toward paying for these quarterly propaganda packets. Printing up the Vision can be no cheap venture. (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 14, 2007, 12:25:48 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
 Ten million a year estimating low.

According to ZoomInfo's last data:  $13.7 million, staff of 325, credited to just Peninsula Village School, not Peninsula Behavioral Health.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 14, 2007, 09:05:41 PM
Sex, drugs, violence, abuse, etc. They focus on whatever it takes to break the kid down. We all know that.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 15, 2007, 04:49:08 AM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
I've noticed that many abusive programs focus on sex in one way or another. Is that just  another manifestation of the tactic types of thought reform?

It's a common program practice to find an exploitable weakness in a kid.  Richard Bradbury was pressured to reveal his sexual dirt (which he didn't have) while in STRAIGHT, and the relentless wearing away went on until Bradbury admitted to being abused by several local firemen.  He thought that was what they wanted to hear, but this exposed Bradbury's Achilles heel, and the STRAIGHT inquisitors went to work on him, telling him he must have wanted the abuse to happen, and they started calling him gay and much worse..  

Girls who have been raped are told it was their fault.  Kat from CAFETY's story of a counselor standing behind her and recounting the details of her sexual assault while playing the song that was playing during her attack is an example of sadistic torture, not therapy.  I remember reading Kat's account of that incident and feeling numb at first, then enraged.

Kids without drug problems will be assigned one. A young lady at Peninsula Village told me she was there for nothing more than extreme depression following the death of her mother.  She fought the lockdown level and was restrained continuously, in straitjackets bed nets,and chemical restraints.  A bed net fastens you to a bed, completely immobile, and if this young lady started to fall asleep, a staffer would kick the bed and say "this isn't rest time, you need to stay up and consider your actions" The staff continuously administered  Thorazine, Klonopine, and Halperidol to her.  During the mandatory AA meetings, this young lady said she wasn't into drugs or alcohol, her problem was the strain of losing her mom.  The staff said she was addicted to tranquilizers - the very tranquilizers they were giving her, drugs she had no experience with before the program.

My step-daughter had no real experience with drugs - she had drank beer once (which her biological father provided to her, her brother, and a friend of her brother.  Her brother and his friend ended up violently ill from the cheap brew, and since my stepdaughter only had three or four beers, she played nursemaid to the drunk-sick lads, cleaning up their vomit .)  She tried pot once (with her brother, again).  Other than her biological father providing alcohol to very young minors, such activity is normative adolescent behavior.

My stepdaughter had been prescribed Adderall for ADD a couple of years before being locked into PV, and the PV staff accused her of being addicted to the prescription, since they needed some dependency to force our girl to attend AA meetings.  

The one-size-fits-all treatment requires finding (or creating) an addiction, or turning a rape victim's ordeal into something the victim  encouraged and wanted.  That's the "break 'em down and build them up" policy.  The counselors need something, a weakness they can exploit, to wear-away the adolescents' self worth and esteem until they "break down" and admit anything, true or not.
Given the questionable educational backgrounds of many Peninsula Village staff, I wonder if they have the skills to "break (teens) down and build 'em back up". I have no doubt that some of the counselors possess the sadistic natures necessary to restrain, abuse, and isolate young patients until they're broken, but who's really trained to build them  up?  Some kids are far more clever than the staff, and they manipulate the counselors into believing they're progressing, and they get bumped up to cabins.

I talked with a young man in California on St. Patrick's day, a former PV patient who said he was celebrating Saint Patrick, even though St. Patrick wasn't Irish at all, but Greek.  I immediately liked him for his humor, intelligence, confidence, and his taste in good Punk and DC Core (The young man is a fan of my favorites, Dead Boys/Bad Brains, etc. We had a bond established when we realized we both held GG Allin and the Scumfucks in high regard)  The young man was taking time out from a party at his place to have some beers and talk to me about what could have been a downer for his festivities.  It didn't bring him down at all, he should be a motivational speaker to program survivors. He said he stayed sane knowing his real "family" of nomadic "bridge kids" who were extremely loyal to him would rush to PV and break him out if they knew he was being kept there.  It gave him hope, and PV 's behavior modification can't  work unless all hope is excised.

This young man left lockdown and entered a Clan reserved for the real "trouble boys", the ones who were extremely tough and difficult to reach..  He took pride in being a part of this clan, and told me that years before he arrived, it was this defiant Clan who built the cabins.  He hopes that when PV is finally exposed and sued out of existence, the cabins the Hawk Clan built will be left standing.

After leaving PV, the young man said he felt like a survivor, not a victim, because he easily manipulated the staff into believing he had no addiction and attended no AA meetings (although he did have a drug problem at the time) and they never managed to break him, despite restraints and consequences.  

Now the young man has a successful business in L.A., a nice apartment, a bubbly, funny  girlfriend, and he's turned PV's abuses into a positive, although PV wouldn't consider him a success story:  He has no fond memories of PV other than his Clan, and outsmarting the staff and clinicians by manipulating them.  After what he suffered at  PV, he says he "fears no man now,"   It pleases him to know he has everything the PV staff said he would never have in life...He turned a situation where he could easily have buckled and left PV feeling like a "victim",  into walking out feeling like a survivor.  His self worth and inner strength are not the result of Peninsula Village's manipulative program, they were honed and developed within himself to cripple Peninsula Village's efforts to "break" his spirit.

Believe your kids when they describe abuse, or at least demand a full explanation (discounting "manipulation of parental emotions") from the staff. If the program isn't forthcoming, get a guardian ad litem for your child to represent his interests.  The stories I hear coming out of PV all recount the same abuses, and these are young men and women who do not know each other and often attended at different times. If you discount mass hallucination, there's a pattern of abuse going on there that PV tries to discount as "manipulation".
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 15, 2007, 11:53:22 AM
The staff said she was addicted to tranquilizers - the very tranquilizers they were giving her, drugs she had no experience with before the program.

How the fuck...? That is so fucked up i don't know where to begin! How could they say that?!?!? Sorry...  I was in a bad program myself but I'm having a little trouble wrapping my brain around that one.. how could they be force-feeding her those drugs and then saying that in the same breath?? Unbelievable!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 15, 2007, 02:05:26 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
The staff said she was addicted to tranquilizers - the very tranquilizers they were giving her, drugs she had no experience with before the program.
How the fuck...? That is so fucked up i don't know where to begin! How could they say that?!?!? Sorry...  I was in a bad program myself but I'm having a little trouble wrapping my brain around that one.. how could they be force-feeding her those drugs and then saying that in the same breath?? Unbelievable!

They did the same thing with my child.  Here's the story of the  young lady who was "addicted" to PV's chemical restraints:

Peninsula Village = HeLL
My name I want to remain anonymous for now. I was sent to Peninsula Village back in Sept. 2004 Many things were horrible... just to name a few for now, because I do not want them to know who I am if they read this because I am working on trying to form a large lawsuit against them so yea but here are a few things I experienced there for about 6 months:
Being Physically restrained about twice daily on average where there was no reason for it whatsoever. An alarm kind of like a car alarm except much louder would be turned on and about 20 staff would come running into the unit and all basically jump me, throw me to the ground and sit on me to hold me down.... a few times they really hurt me.. I remember one instance in which they performed Xrays on my jaw and wrist from my restraint.
I would also be mechanically restrained when I "struggled" meaning when I was trying to escape my restraint because they were hurting me. I would be tied down to a bed and sometimes they would leave me there for hours or just about the whole day. If I had to go to the bathroom they would put a bedpan underneath me. disgusting. Also if I fell asleep they would come kick my bed and tell me to wake up. they said that being tied down was a punishment and not a treat of naptime. But it was a no wonder I was so tired. They had me way over medicated. I was put on Abilify for my agitation..Everytime they would restrain me, they would increase my dose. I was up to 120 Mg daily. But thats not all... when I was restrained they would give me large dose shots in my ass of Klonopin, Haldol, Thorazine, etc. They would make me so tired I could have slept for days.
`we had to eat on our beds, we didnt even get to sit at a table.
`bathroom times were on their terms... if we had to go when it was not bathroom break, we had to wait, and if it was a real emergency they would allow it but then you would get consequenced for it later on in consequence grooup. wHO ever thought of being consequenced for having to use the bathroom?
`we were not allowed to talk except in group therapy or if we raised our hand and were actually called on.
`You had to sit on your bed with your back up against the wall. If you got off your bed, you woukd be restrained.
`there were level systems which always made me feel bad about myself.
`when you were restrained they would strip you of your clothing and make you wear hospital gowns until you contracted to move up to wearing scrubs then contracting to wear your clothes.
` the first day i goit there I was restrained and in my restraint I vomitted and they made me lay in it. my face was covered in it for about 2 hours.
` In my stay there i must have been restrained over 60 times and they were all completely unnecessary.
`we were forced to participate in their AA or NA groups. i never had an addiction problem but they said I did. they said I liked tranqs. they were wrong, i never had one of them in me until I came to PV.
`i was forced to participate in Medicine wheel groups in which we had to learn and were tested on some kind of Native American Stuff.
`The director of my unit at the time was not licensed he was actually denied by the board of health so he was misrepresenting himself. He told me once, "if you think you are smart enough to get kicked out of here and escape it here you are wrong"
`I would not see my dad for weeks sometimes over a month.
`my family thrapy sessions would get taken away from me in which I could not talk to my dad much less see him
` if when i was talking to my dad and i tried to tell him how bad it was there they would end the family therapy session right there. they also told him I was incompetent and did not know what I was talking about when he heard me tell him about my bruises
` I was covered in bruises from the head down.
` that is all i am going to say for now.
the reason i was sent to PV was for PTSD from my mother passing away when i was 14. if i would cry about it, they told me I was attention seeking.
My PTSD worsened alot from being at PV. to this day I still have nghtmares and flashbacks from that place.
Please if you are thinking of sending your child there, take it from me, I have been there, there are much better places to go.
The one I got sent to from PV when i was kicked out in feb 05 was meridell in texas. now that is a wonderful place. i have nothing but good things to say about that place. But PV is the total opposite.

I'm trying to get this young lady some good legal representation to make PV answer for what is really some heinous abuse.  She needs  aggresive counsel, and like so many other people in her situation, counsel is almost unaffordable.  I've been trying to get the ACLU involved, or get some advice from Bazelon.  We need to help these kids, they just don't have the financial means to make PV answer for the criminal mistreatment they endured.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 15, 2007, 02:31:15 PM
Sorry if you've already answered this ZA, but how did your kid end up in PV? You don't seem like the type of person who'd fall for that sort of bullshit, so I'm curious.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 15, 2007, 06:16:35 PM
On behalf of that #800 gorilla....

a) why has nobody told the fucking authorities?

a1) if so, what did the authorities say back?

a2) did you go to the media?

b) lynch mobs?

b1) mobs utilizing other implements of destruction?

c) Posse of rednecks?

Come the hell on, man, this is fucking ridiculous. I can usually block this shit out so I dont want to choke slam everyone I see and go "You're not an american, you're a giant pussy! A few generations ago people would have given this shit some real mob justice!" but this just cant get out of my head.

Seriously, what the FUCK? Have they paid EVERYONE off in TN or has everyone just not considered doing this shit?

Go to the media! Go to the BBC if the USA refuses... for fucks sake, man, WTF?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 15, 2007, 06:35:48 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
A few generations ago people would have given this shit some real mob justice!"

The treatment of children gets progressively worse the further back in history you go. The trend would suggest that today's treatment will ultimately improve with time. Not that this is comfort to those who lived it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 15, 2007, 06:40:31 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
A few generations ago people would have given this shit some real mob justice!"

The treatment of children gets progressively worse the further back in history you go. The trend would suggest that today's treatment will ultimately improve with time. Not that this is comfort to those who lived it.

I mean if I told people theres some seedy place that is torturing, drugging and raping kids and brought photographs of it, people would do something about it.

Yanno, the real americans? Not the fat consumerists.

Yah, I know back then kids were often treated worse, but OTOH back then people "grew up" and moved out and had families in their fucking teens. We didnt have people over 13-14 living at home being treated like little kids!

My great grand parents were on their own and having my grandparents when they were fucking 14, man!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 15, 2007, 06:45:36 PM
That's the difference right there. In generations past, a teenaged kid who couldn't get along with their parents could join up w/ the military, take off for a land stake, simply take off and do what they wanted. That is now illegal. We all like to think we're doing something to save them having to make it on their own and we assume that that something is better than being on their own in the world. It's not!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 15, 2007, 06:56:21 PM
It's really easy to solve this problem. Give kids the same rights as adults. End of discussion. History does not provide the answers to this problem, because the problem sprang from the historical period that is being romanticized.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 15, 2007, 09:14:23 PM
I am really not picking on strippers, and you can get through life I think, wherever you are, I have friends who went to community college and got a two year certificate and are doing better than I am now really financially.  Rough patches after coming out of the Village are normal too for sure, college is hard, I study all the time and I had some classes i failed to start out, just don't give up.  I don't even drink now and haven't for years, not out of some program crap I just grew out of it.  I had a wild year or two about five years ago now.  School really requires all my time.   I study all the time, I would say go talk to the advisor at a community college, and don't tell anyone you don't know really well and trust really well anything, Don't give people you don't know very very well anything they can use against you.  Juicy gossip gets around, and many people can be so shallow and prejudice.  I'm not agreeing really with the way the world works, Although the information you get from college is great I find the system to be far too survival of the fittest with little compassion, color in the lines and all, don't get me started on high school, home schooling for sure!!!  I really have found it is so important to have a base that is completely yours!  Who knows if your boyfriend is going to be faithful or your parents nuts, or your roommate or whatever, if you have a way to support yourself by yourself, like certification in something, then you don't have to depend on other people.  I'm not saying other people can not be dependable just you have to know you can walk away and take care of yourself, that's what I'm working toward.  But college is hard and I study all the time, days and days, It's not fun, but if you just sit down and read it at least three times, make note cards and take at least three days to study, basically do it like your life depends on it, then it gets done.  It's all about having enough money to live and being safe and happy.  If everyone already knows your business than unless it looses you a job, which it can, or keeps you out of schools, which it also can, just ignore it although it sucks, and keep going, you can move when your through.  The hard thing about not being able to pay your bills and trying to finish school is who you have to depend on in the in between, again I'd compare it to other historically horrible times, African Americans in the 1930's south or something, people in Communist china.  Like climbing up a hill while people throw rocks at you, makes it harder.  I worked all day I'm to tired to punctuate.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 16, 2007, 01:02:20 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Sorry if you've already answered this ZA, but how did your kid end up in PV? You don't seem like the type of person who'd fall for that sort of bullshit, so I'm curious.

No, I'm not the parent who placed my girl in PV.  I'm actually her    step-father.  Long story condensed somewhat, my step-daughter (hereafter referred to as my daughter) got involved with her first real boyfriend, who was slightly older and a decent guy.  The time came for this boy  to go to college, and my daughter didn't deal with the separation well.  She skipped school occasionally to go visit him, much to the boyfriend's disapproval.  When it became obvious my daughter's grades were slipping and her unexcused absences earned a suspension, the boyfriend broke up with her.  Her mother and I were confused to say the least - our girl was an honor roll AP student, never any trouble at all.  She made one last trip to see her ex-boyfriend, and to make sure she came directly home her ex drove her back.

While our daughter was AWOL, my wife was forced to call her ex-husband, our girl's biological father and a troubled alcoholic/drug user who had been estranged from his daughter for several years.  When our daughter returned home, my wife told her to call her "dad" and let him know she was safe. Her gene donor flew off the handle, screaming and threatening her with Juvenile Detention.  Our daughter was so terrified by her father's threat of JD hall, she tried to overdose.

We called the biological father while in the hospital, and he showed up angry, seemingly unconcerned about his child's condition and spouting a plan to send the girl off to a "therapeutic boarding school" with the "unlimited (financial) resources" his wealthy family had offered him, and he was not going to entertain any discussion.  The outpatient clinic our daughter was moved to after the hospital had some unpleasant encounters with the bio-dad, and fearing an altercation, they neglected to inform him of his child's release date. We got our daughter back home, and the bio-dad became enraged and vengeful.  He fabricated ungodly allegations against my wife, and in the great state of Tennessee, hearsay evidence is enough to obtain an emergency custody order.  The order was signed on Friday, the father showed up Saturday morning with a Sheriff to enforce it, and whisked our sobbing, hysterical girl off to Maryland.  By law, there should have been an evidentiary hearing three days later with mother and daughter present to address the allegations and refute them.  No hearing occurred, and it wouldn't have been possible for our daughter to offer her testimony - the father had taken her out of state.  Taking the girl on a Saturday made it difficult to obtain good legal counsel, too, which was part of the plan.  (No one has ever addressed the total breach of legal procedure - my wife never had an evidentiary hearing to clear herself of the ludicrous accusations, and our daughter for all intents and purposes could have been legally kidnapped)

Absolutely illegal, I know, and we're still trying to figure out how my wife and daughter's civil rights got thrown out of the window.  Our girl ended up in Peninsula Village, a place that terrified her before she even arrived.  Phone sessions were all PV allowed at first, then my wife and daughter had a face-to-face therapy session.  As my wife was leaving, her daughter tried to break away from the counselors escorting her to run after her mother. She wasn't attempting to injure herself or another, or do great harm to property. The girl was assaulted and thrown face down on the ground and squatted on by five porcine counselors, one on each limb and the last one on her back.  My wife was horrified and enraged, and rather than follow the first instinct of fighting them, she got her camera and started photographing the insanity.  The staff obviously knew they were wrong and being documented, and started howling "She's got a camera!  She's got a camera!"

As a result of photographing the improper restraint (illegal assault, more like it), my wife was banned from seeing or talking to her daughter for six months.  During a conversation with PV's family therapist, my wife was told she had to stop posting negative comments about Peninsula Village on "CAFERTY"  (CAFETY) and anywhere else on the internet if she wanted to see her daughter again.  What happened to the first Amendment?  My wife told them to put that in writing for her.  We received these "guidelines", and surprise, they neglected to include the Internet ban.  Here are the "rules" PV expected my wife to follow.with my notes in bold:

1.   No cameras on the Peninsula Village campus.

Clinical reasoning: Patient confidentiality.
 Who's being protected? Our daughter or Peninsula Village?

2.   Any material received from Peninsula Village cannot be used in a slanderous or demeaning manner.
Rather nebulous, especially since the material they mention was the parent handbook available to all

Clinical reasoning: When staff and parents work together tremendous gains are made in the treatment process.

3.   Your actions and comments need to be supportive of the work Peninsula Village is doing with your daughter.  
Which is to say, you're forbidden to speak poorly of the program, anywhere or anytime

Clinical reasoning: When staff and parents work together tremendous gains are made in the treatment process.

4.   No negative direct or indirect collusion when it comes to the work between Peninsula Village and your daughter.
This is enigmatic, too.  Would consulting an attorney or an advocate group constitute "collusion"?

Clinical reasoning: When staff and parents work together tremendous gains are made in the treatment process.

5.   Any objections or disagreements with Peninsula Village should not be discussed In your daughter’s presence, but rather discussed openly with your family therapist.
Considering our daughter is 17, she has every right to know our concerns about PV's treatment.  Talking it over with the therapist would be a joke, and we were certainly going to reserve the right to take our concerns and problems to outside professional organizations for review.

Clinical reasoning: When staff and parents work together tremendous gains are made in the treatment process.

6.   After such requests are met and there is a demonstration of consistency on your end we will reassess your direct involvement in our work with your daughter.

It is hour hope that you will be able to be directly involved in the family therapy process and that we will be able to work together in the best interest of your daughter.

My wife agreed to these bogus terms, and she was still refused contact with her daughter.  We have a taped phone call of my wife assuring the PV therapist she would follow the guidelines, and the therapist replies, "Well, how can we be sure?"  How indeed, without giving her the chance?  Our attorney told us to forget it, PV had no intention of allowing my wife to be involved with treatment.  

We investigated Peninsula Village and Covenant Health from top to bottom, spending all-nighters on the computer, talking to advocates and sympathetic mental health care professionals.  We discovered Peninsula Village is one of the most abusive programs on U.S. soil, despite the JCAHO certification and SAC for the school.  Covenant Health money bought all the paper needed to deflect attention from a slipshod hellhole.  During this time, our daughter was kept in "shutdown" -  forced to sit on her bed for 6-8 hours at a time.  During the seven months she spent wrongly imprisoned in Peninsula Village, she never made it out of STU, the lowest and most severe level of Peninsula Village - the "Lockdown".
Three attorneys met in Nov.-Dec. -  my daughter's guardian ad litem, our attorney, and the biological father's attorney.  PV's treatment was deemed "ineffective" and needed to end.  Due to the biological father being investigated by the DCS for severe allegations regarding...revolting, vile, subhuman, abusive behavior ... I'll leave it at that, but there was no doubt our girl was coming home to us.  The  temporary custody order was declared null and void, along with the bullshit allegations against my wife.  Our girl was home 10 days before Christmas, and I got to see her for the first time in what seemed like years.  I have no children of my own, I love her so much and I couldn't believe we finally had her home  She's finishing high school with a 3.7 average, getting ready for Prom and preparing to head for college.  Not bad, considering Peninsula Village and her biological father had decided she was in need of a full two years in their rotten program since she was private pay, and PV does like to fill the coffers.

One last thing - the biological father's other choice for placement: Hidden Lake Academy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 16, 2007, 01:07:28 AM
Hey, zen, just bumping my uh...

"Did you go to the cops and media" question.


Or is this shush shush STFU niles lawsuit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 16, 2007, 02:52:41 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
On behalf of that #800 gorilla....

a) why has nobody told the fucking authorities?

Hey, Niles.  We can't ignore 800 lbs. of gorilla...

The Tennessee Mental Health Dep't made a trip to PV, and the investigator told us how little authority she has there:  she asked to see a restraint log, PV put the book in front of her.  The TMHD investigator noted they had one, but she wasn't allowed to open it and read.  Once again, nobody has any real jurisdiction over PV because it's a school, treatment center, lockdown facility, wilderness treatment facility and lockup for violent offenders charged as adults, as well as a non-profit organization.  JCAHO was notified as well - might as well have sent NATSAP.

Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
a1) if so, what did the authorities say back?

I guess that's above, except for the Blount County Sheriff's Department.  My wife called the Sheriff's office after watching her daughter be brutalized and asked the cop who answered to perform a welfare check, since PV hadn't returned calls to confirm whether her child was alright.  The deputy refused, saying PV has their own security, and the Sheriff's department would only respond if Peninsula Village reported an assault.  My wife asked for the deputy's name, and he refused at first, then gave one.  We're not sure if it was real, but I'm pretty sure my wife taped the call.  Later we found out it's against the law for cops to refuse to perform a welfare check on a minor suspected of being abused.  Small county, big Peninsula Behavioral Health money.

Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
a2) did you go to the media?

Local media is out of the question. The Knoxville Sentinel steers clear of slagging Peninsula Village because of Covenant Health, a Wal-Mart of health services.  Covenant sponsors the annual marathon, not to mention Covenant is the second biggest employer in Knoxville, employing over 8,000.

The other option is Metro Pulse, a seemingly liberal free weekly paper.  Not a chance there - in 1999(?), Metro Pulse published an ass-blistering front page expose of Peninsula Village.  Try to find it now - it has disappeared right out of their archives, out of existence.  If anyone can find it, I'd appreciate a copy.

I need to write a concise synopsis for John Gorenfeld or Maia Szalavitz, full of pictures and documents.  It might get their attention.

Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
b) lynch mobs?

I can try, but the local inbreds will defend their PV counselor jobs by surrounding a lynch mob and placing all across a log squealing, Deliverance style.  No man is going to take that route with me....

Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
b1) mobs utilizing other implements of destruction?

That might be successful, as long as the mob is carrying subpoenas, summonses, and search warrants.

Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
c) Posse of rednecks?

Rednecks tend to avoid conflicts with other Billy-Bobs, and PV is full of hilljacks with stagnant gene pools and unnatural banjo playing skills.

Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Come the hell on, man, this is fucking ridiculous. I can usually block this shit out so I dont want to choke slam everyone I see and go "You're not an american, you're a giant pussy! A few generations ago people would have given this shit some real mob justice!" but this just cant get out of my head.

Seriously, what the FUCK? Have they paid EVERYONE off in TN or has everyone just not considered doing this shit?

Go to the media! Go to the BBC if the USA refuses... for fucks sake, man, WTF? Come the hell on, man, this is fucking ridiculous. I can usually block this shit out so I dont want to choke slam everyone I see and go "You're not an american, you're a giant pussy! A few generations ago people would have given this shit some real mob justice!" but this just cant get out of my head.

My daughter accused me today of being "obsessed" with erasing PV from human memory.  I can't really explain why her mom and I NEED to do this.  The PV nightmares my daughter suffers are one reason...six months stolen from her last year of high of her face-down on the ground at STU, a victim of  an "improper" restraint (fucking assault of fat-asses)...

What happened in Court was a mockery.  Our girl was taken by an unbalanced drunk filled with hate and money doled out to him by his too-rich, clueless relatives...I would love to drag Covenant Health doing business as Peninsula Village into a court room, but after 7-8 months of legal bills, money's depleted...for now.  We have them on malpractice, over-medication, medical neglect, unlawful imprisonment, parental alienation, unlicensed clinicians, misrepresentation (accepting rapists/homicidal kids)

It's been four months since we got our daughter back, but I'm spoiling to move forward..  I've got one unexploded evidence bomb I've been sitting on, but I really don't know how much harm it will do when I use it.  I've decided the only way to decimate Peninsula Village is to link Covenant Health's ownership of it everywhere, make it an albatross to them.

I'm working on it, but I need a crew of wreckers and pros...I'm studying what happened to HLA, and I'm going to contact John Gorenfeld and Maia.  I've got an archive of abuses and crimes that should be to tempting.

The wife and I are doing all we can, Niles, but not many programs have the evil shysters and money of a Mega-Med like Covenant behind them.  Any suggestions on receptive media or legal counsel willing to review and advise would be appreciated.  I've got former PV kids who were abused and left wrecked looking to my wife and I for help, and we're trying.  So many lawyers in Knoxville don't want to touch a case against Covenant Health, so we need to find someone fearless and hellbent on doing the right thing.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 16, 2007, 03:00:46 AM
I guess we have to go "higher up" in terms of getting people to jump on this shit.

You tried to bug Montels producers? He did an ep on WWASPS I've seen syndicated a few times... he might have the balls to stand up again.

Also, I really think the BBC or other exo-national media is probably your best bet, unless you can get the Daily Show in on it.

Poor Jon, poor, poor Jon Stuart...  :-?

At any rate Im really having trouble blocking this shit out of my mind at work and just doing regular things, now. Living down the street from a Teen Challenge and living in REDNECK CENTRAL, FLORIDA can kind of do that to you.

 :o I also think Mr. Primate should show up in the office of some high ranking beaurocrat in Tennessee. Know names of people who need to have their desks pooped on?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 16, 2007, 03:05:50 AM
Excuse me, had to make this its own post:
My daughter accused me today of being "obsessed" with erasing PV from human memory.





Why are people so apathetic we're "obsessed" if we want to put an end to this, but those same people will get really, really pissed off if a individual rapes a child?

HELLO CALLING MR APE?? Or is this the Pink Elephant?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 16, 2007, 03:43:35 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Excuse me, had to make this its own post:
My daughter accused me today of being "obsessed" with erasing PV from human memory.





Why are people so apathetic we're "obsessed" if we want to put an end to this, but those same people will get really, really pissed off if a individual rapes a child?

HELLO CALLING MR APE?? Or is this the Pink Elephant?

The comment came from my daughter so recently sprung from PV,.and she worries about my all-night research and efforts. Considering her re-adjustment to school and making eye contact with the opposite sex, I know she tries not to think about PV. She will talk to advocates, though, and I think she wants to help in a clandestine way.

ME?  I'M "BIT"!  I can't stop.  I'm 40 years old, and I've never run up against such vicious evil (excluding Dubya).  I never knew these places existed until my family's run-in with this "industry". Nothing can stop us.

Hey, "obsessed" isn't that bad.  People I don't know or even care about have been referring to me as a "stalker", as well as crazy, because I found them while hunting PV information.  A word to the PV wise, and you to, Jimmy Pearce:  MySpace isn't private.  Everyone is entitled to a private life, but distance it far, far from your  professional life.   Bragging about on-job experience being worth more than legitimate education doesn't mean anything to me.  

Put it this way:  Dumb is locking your keys in your car.  What I've seen recently among "para-professionals" is not dumb, it's unethical.  If you had put more time into learning your chosen career in school, you would understand professional ethics.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 06:40:40 AM
I was reading the blogs again about PV, I like the one about the hyperactive kid, I don't believe in ADD, hyperactivity ok.  ADD is just a diagnosis they give kids who are not doing well in school.
It also annoys me that PV always gets billed as a mental institution or juvie.  I'm not nuts! I'm not even depressed, which considering is pretty good.  I have some post traumatic stress, and I know I do because there are symptoms that fit, but it's obvious to me I have post traumatic stress.  It's not like "your toe hurts, you must have bronchitis."  They want to fit everything in a neat package, and feed it expensive drugs that they are getting paid to give out , even if the label doesn't apply.
 I don't like how this country works for kids and teens, The school system is crap!  It's like a Pink Floyd song, "the machine" or something.  It was so strict but at the same time it was like living in a bad neighborhood.  It seemed too, if you reported abuse, you got in trouble so you didn't report it any more, not to mention the hazing you received from the other kids. I was sexually harassed like you wouldn't believe in high school.  Every morning at the crack of dawn, color in the lines, study study study, two three hours of homework after putting in a seven hour day already.  And you are always wrong, your teacher can be a total jerk, there are a few of them out there, but you are always wrong.  Is it any wonder kids don't want to go, rebel or start beating their heads against the wall.  I just had a sort of sit down strike, I didn't want to go, I thought it was all wrong, so they put me in a prison camp?  HMMMM?  Not an abusive family/ system at all.  I have seen such horrible abuse and stupid people and unfortunately/ fortunately I like history, I sometimes wonder if we can ever get beyond just the Nazi part of humanity?  Perhaps it's just a matter of damage control, What is most frightening, I find, is the face it wears. It's "banality", thank you hannah arrendet.  She wrote "the Banality of Evil" after the Nuerenburg trials, about Eichman.  It's all about how normal this horrible guy seemed, how normal in many ways he really was.  How, sitting behind a desk, knowing perfectly well what he was doing, he kills thousands.  She describes him as reminding her of a local police chief, just ordinary, not a monster in dress or speech, just a really normal almost nice seeming guy? No wild eyes and mouth foam?      
 I'm sick of being hit on by sixty year olds in the book store too, "thank you sir It's so appropriate for you to tell me I'm really hot and cute."  Kids become anorexic and smoke pot and whatever, many of them because their lives are horrible, mine was.  I think anorexia comes from issues of desperately wanting to control some aspect of your abusive life.  Like an animal in a cage chewing it's foot off.  The very high divorce rate among baby boomers, and the sheer immature viciousness in many of the divorces did not help their children much either.    
I like another post that also comes up when you type in abuse at Peninsula Village, it has nothing to do with PV really,  it's something from India's department of human services.  It's talks about a survey of kids taken to see how many report relatively serious abuse.  All told, verbal and physical, 89% of Indian children report being abused.  The essay says this is relevant because parents are so completely in control of the well being of their children, not to mention teachers and such.  There are wonderful teachers, but there are also total jerks.  I can't even tell people how abusive my mother can be, because what is the first thing an idiot shrink  is going to say, come on all PV people know, Why your mother must be crazy, so therefore, hereditarily you must be crazy, you both are Bi-polar.  "But I'm never manic?"  "no matter" "but I don't ever feel chemically depressed?"  Even when I'm sad it relates to pretty immediate stuff and it doesn't knock me out or anything. "I don't have patterned episodes of highs and low?"  No matter you have it any way, have some drug that eat your liver so you die at forty, painfully?"  I also have my doubts about Bi-polar disorder, PMS and teenage girl hormones but whatever.  I am moving to a damn New England farmhouse and home schooling my kids.   People, history tells us, can be very abusive.   My mother doesn't seem crazy to me, the throwing out my herbs and essential oils was a bit much, but I'm into Wicca and other random stuff.  Nothing scary, it's just an entertaining hobby.  But my mother takes offence to witchcraft, I think the poisoning comment she made was in regards to some belief witchcraft attracts evil or is evil or something?  She is very normal most of the time, almost, she's just abusive.  I certainly think abuse is a form of mental illness, but I'm not sure they have it pinpointed in the DSM very well.  I've been around many abusive people and I think a lack of ability to see life from the perspective of others, or to have empathy, is at least a symptom.  Abusive people tend to be cold in the face of things that would bother most folks.  I'm not abusive so I don't know, prejudice justifies abuse, my mom is pretty prejudice about a lot of things?  She is a strong upholder of the status quo, very nationalistic?   What disorder would you give about sixty percent of Germany, a very nice country, I have been there my best friend really was German, or half German actually, during the war?  Racists in the south?  I think she has that disorder? I love her too, and she is not "evil" it's not black and white, she can be kind sometimes, kinda sort of.  ok kind and empathetic actually maybe not, and I'm not just being mean, she doesn't do understanding, but she can be nice, and ordinary.  She can be happy?  I'm not sure that is the same thing as kindness. It's weird to write this because I usually just make excuses for her, no really I do, but in direct translation, WOW, she really isn't very nice?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 06:52:56 AM
I believe in hyperactivity but I don't know about prescribing amphetamines for it?  I know they came up with the idea in the 1930's or so, I think the eugenics program was still in place then, more good reading. I'm not sure ADD even exists, I know it's far to easy a diagnosis to get, you don't do well in school and there you go. School isn't fun, kids and teens are, just that, kids.  Also they have a lot of stress from else where, no one seems to take into account the context of these kids lives, it's all just the fourteen year old? Yeah sure.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 06:56:39 AM
I'm sorry the eugenics program was more or less in place till the civil rights movement late era, 1969 or so.  In fact you could argue, it is still in place in many ways.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 09:51:19 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm sorry the eugenics program was more or less in place till the civil rights movement late era, 1969 or so.  In fact you could argue, it is still in place in many ways.

You may wish to consider starting your own thread of bombastic rants that frequently stray off topic and seem hell bent to hurl insults towards the intelligence of the posting crowd here. Or, there are other threads here where you can talk about your college level studies, the books you read, and  contemporary political thought.
Hows about it?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 09:55:52 AM
Those are my favorite ones.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 16, 2007, 11:04:05 AM
Greetings, Not Free,

Quote from: ""we are not free""

It also annoys me that PV always gets billed as a mental institution or juvie.

You're absolutely right.  PV promotes itself as whatever the admissions staff thinks the parents want to hear.   You've got post traumatic stress disorder, like a lot of the young women who are sent to PV.  Should you be thrown into the milieu with court-ordered violent criminals?  No, because despite PV's claim to provide "individualized" treatment, they don't.  Let's say a young woman is at PV for depression and self esteem issues, and another is there for beating the hell out of her mother with a rifle butt for crack money.  Free, you're aware of the confrontation groups:  Who's more likely to call one, the insecure, depressed patient or the aggressive, violent one?  To further complicate matters, PV staff reward the patients who "call out" other patients for infractions, real or not.  

I read an interesting article on the causes of Deviant Peer Influence that said it's not the young patients fault the deviant peers hold sway, it's the fault of inexperienced young counselors.  A control study using older, better educated and experienced counselors significantly reduced incidents of aggressive peers exerting influence over the other patients.  With patients like Klepper the homerun kid, and especially the (I suppose) still present Dominic Harwanke, PV puts patients at great risk.  Dominic was arrested and tried as an adult for conspiring to commit mass murder - he's capable of influencing others to engage in acts of extreme violence.

Quote from: ""we are not free""
The very high divorce rate among baby boomers, and the sheer immature viciousness in many of the divorces did not help their children much either.

Well said, and something I've seen happen everywhere.  The kids become pawns, and after an extremely bitter divorce, the parent without custody is often waiting and watching like a vulture for an opportunity to attack the custodial parent's caregiving skills, maybe even snatch custody away.  Often, though, the vengeful parent only wants to hurt the ex and has no desire to have the child live with them.  Where do they send the unwanted child?  PV, ASPEN, Teen Challenge, or God forbid, Magnolia Christian Center.

Quote from: ""we are not free""
come on all PV people know, Why your mother must be crazy, so therefore, hereditarily you must be crazy, you both are Bi-polar.  "But I'm never manic?"  "no matter" "but I don't ever feel chemically depressed?

Absolutely.  Been there, heard that, it's done for convenience by the clinical staff, and in the case of divorced parents, the custodial parent will exaggerate wildly to vilify the other parent.

Not Free, I wish you would register as a member of Fornits so I could private message you.  I've spoken with a lot of former PV patients gathering information and stories.  Also, you might enjoy communicating with these young people, they can relate to what you went through better than almost anyone else.

I'd also like to ask some questions about your stay at PV and give you some info that might be useful to you.  I can't post any of it here, I'm afraid records and documents would start to "disappear" from PV's files if I did.

Good luck with exams, and remember to relax.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 12:02:28 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Absolutely illegal, I know, and we're still trying to figure out how my wife and daughter's civil rights got thrown out of the window. Our girl ended up in Peninsula Village, a place that terrified her before she even arrived. Phone sessions were all PV allowed at first, then my wife and daughter had a face-to-face therapy session. As my wife was leaving, her daughter tried to break away from the counselors escorting her to run after her mother. She wasn't attempting to injure herself or another, or do great harm to property. The girl was assaulted and thrown face down on the ground and squatted on by five porcine counselors, one on each limb and the last one on her back. My wife was horrified and enraged, and rather than follow the first instinct of fighting them, she got her camera and started photographing the insanity. The staff obviously knew they were wrong and being documented, and started howling "She's got a camera! She's got a camera!"

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

Words cannot express the hate. I'd like to see these people (and bio-dad too) die horrible deaths.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 01:03:34 PM
I think everyone should be careful of voicing too much anger in relation towards horrible death, The anger is understandable but things like horrible death wishes towards other can get you in trouble, never say such things in the ordinary world, they get you arrested obviously.  As for ranting, it is relevant ranting I think.  Your just mad because my posting expressed some of my anger and was rude. The eugenics era very much ties into places like PV, as the the juvie system in the fifties and on ward does as well.  Straight program and such later.  the attitudes of places like PV are inherited from former decades acceptance of them. I don't believe violence solves anything unless you are stunning a rapist or something, otherwise it just makes you look bad and gets you in trouble.  Also the nice random guy is always gets hurt, like me, knowing my luck with reality you'd deck me by accident, or maybe the other way around, I probably would just say something bitchy.  I’m not sure I’d do all that well in a fist fight.  I run fast.  A punching bag might help both of us, but not a live one, obviously. sorry not being rude, anger is there for all alumni.  I rant, as you can see, and I am an angry person in relation to PV.  I think the only good we can do though is by changing the attitudes, like the civil rights movement, getting your self arrested solves nothing, we would only give them food for their fire of stigma and stereotypes.  If we work to raise awareness and change laws, and peoples attitudes, help kids in foster care and such, then something might change.  It is a good cause, the abuse at places like PV should be archaic.   protest stuff is fun really, there are cool people and the reading is interesting.  Writers tend to be supportive.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 01:14:14 PM
Suppose someone (hypothetically speaking, of course) decided to devote their life to being a sort of anti-program ninja willing to assassinate some of these scumbags? What do you say to that? Nothing wrong with protesting etc, just as there's nothing wrong (aside from the possible objection to homicidal actions) with the ninja idea either. To each his own! Viva la resistance! :skull:

Oh and I'm not too worried about anyone "coming to get me." I'm ready for anyone who is stupid enough to try that.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 01:25:34 PM
It’s not a catch 22 at all, making you mad, so you sound so angry and then using your anger against you to promote the fact that you are a danger to society or something.  I never am rude to random people never. Sarcasm, no touchy bitchy person here. It’s not a catch 22 at all, making you mad, so you sound so angry and then using your anger against you to promote the fact that you are a danger to society or something.  I never am rude to random people, never. Sarcasm, no touchy bitchy person here.  There are dangers to society for certain, look at Virginia Tech, how horrible those poor people, but we don't make out any better with them than anybody I think.  Trouble from crazies on all sides.  people need to be careful not to give people like those at PV an excuse to use tragedy toward their own ends. people out of places like PV already have stigma.  Also places like PV are abusing people badly, some of whom may be dangerous, it seems like the likelihood of something like Virginia Tech happening there, might be higher than your normal school.  It's scary because when bullets fly everyone gets shot, I would not wish anything on the PV counselors, although I would not  dive into a river to save any of them either.  I want them to go to jail, honestly, and PV to be shut down.  I like what Mokara said about them giving all the teens axes and mauls and other weapons. It's insane and so dangerous for some poor little anorexic or foster kid thirteen year old whose dad died or something.  When I was in, I don't think they were taking violent offenders, we didn't have any, but it seems they are now.  I think it might be just because it's good publicity, if you have the base ball bat guys story to bring out for authorities, then everyone goes well ok then, got to beat that guy up.  Of course when he starts swinging an axe guess who gets hurt, me probably.  That's why so many kids are molested at the programs that have  extensive peer supervision.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 01:36:14 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 02:07:59 PM
Don't say such things!! they will get you in trouble!    The only way to keep yourself safe and others safe, is to promote a change in the laws,  I think its in religion somewhere that there is hope for all of us, maybe, even PV counselors, although I'm not rehabilitating the PV counselors, I'm not that nice,  maybe the PV counselor just needs a job.
Now a good ass kicking, I think you can voice a desire toward, although in reality I would not want to see that side of myself, violence is ugly and painful.  I would like the PV staff to go to jail, and PV to be shut down, with the rest of these places,  Also you would probably hit Zens daughter or me by accident, you are not a ninja, sorry.  Ninjas are cool but in the movies, T.V. and movies are fake. don't say such things to anyone!!  I know you are not serious, for God sakes, There was just another school shooting, I hate school shootings, I have a brother that age, and the parents look so horrible, it's horrible.  No horror, the laws can be changed by protest and things like the civil rights movement.  It really worked pretty well. I don't like horror. Peace and quiet and happy, safe people. With good jobs, no abuse.  If you feel angry just say I would like to punch him in the nose, for your own sake.  Also if we change things rather than just getting yourself arrested, for stating such stuff, then it's changed, it's all of them, all the goons, and the world is better.  The air is clearer for everyone, that is much more important than one fool, there will always be fools, it's just a matter of whether they are allowed to be abusive or not legally.  It's probably even better for the goons. Think black person in the south 1930’s and now.  Big change in air quality.  Really no horror, law does a great deal, this country is not perfect, but the gains we have made are great. No craziness no abuse, I have the worst trouble with random nuts, you alienate even me with such stuff, but I understand you are just being angry and don't mean anything, it's just there are so many crazy's. PV staff included, it's scary.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 02:15:11 PM
you need to pluck your eyebrows.  Don't get mad at me I hear you've been abused and it makes you mad.  I like the videos of people teaching rape victims karate or something, they say all sorts of stuff.   just don't talk like that to someone who doesn't realize that what you've gone through is about the same as the before mentioned. you have a right to be mad and all that psycho/shrink babble.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 16, 2007, 03:24:40 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
I have the worst trouble with random nuts, you alienate even me with such stuff, but I understand you are just being angry and don't mean anything, it's just there are so many crazy's. PV staff included, it's scary.

I think a couple of people around here can attest to the craziness of PV staff, the ones who are aware of an incident I won't post here.  It seems to be escalating publicly with no input from me, but the passive aggressive nature of this staff has caused them to wish a miserable life on me, and my family, I guess.  Misery is not isolated to individuals in families, it's felt by all.  My family is doing pretty well, though, and considering the events of the last year it's good to see smiles.

So yeah, I know about crazy PV staff.

As far as anger goes, it's an absolute necessity.  Joe Strummer said it best in "Clampdown":

Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
Dyou know that you can use it?

...And to these staffers who are losing self control:

You grow up and you calm down
You're working for the clampdown
You start wearing the blue and brown
You're working for the clampdown
So you got someone to boss around
It makes you feel big now
You drift until you brutalize
You made your first kill now
[/b] be careful with the brutalizing.  You're all working for a different type of Clampdown at PV, but the results are the same for the kids.  No man born with a living soul can be working for the clampdown

Get out of the behavior modification through brutality business.  All of you seem to have other talents, use them somewhere far away from the PV Clampdown.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 05:26:43 PM
look at the soviet union.  The U.S. and the Soviet Union were poised to destroy the world during the cold war. It was the Iron Curtain, big oppressive wall, super powerful, our strongest enemy.  What brings it down eventually?  Violence, hardly any really. Mickey Mouse, jean jackets, peaceful protests, and basically a lot of people being fed up with the system.  A sympathetic party head.  The passing of the old regime too.  It's crazy almost to think how horrible Stalin was and the Stasi and such, and how you could disappear in an instant, much worse than this situation really, and then it just crumbles because people decided they wanted something else, even the people in the party.  
I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to do to you what I just said I hated when people did, responded to unrelated things with, oh my god it’s the Unabomber. People do that to me too, it sucks. Voicing video game fantasies is completely normal and you have a right totally.  I love fighting games, big surprise.  I hear you completly, little mad myself. Sorry.   You think I can manage to alienate everyone in a week? You do have to be really careful though saying such things on a site like this, I guess, and I don’t think real violence does any good.  Again in the above situation, it might have ended the world.  It’s a little like PV staff breaking things down to build them back up, it’s hard to fix broken things, and humans seem to get overly involved with the breaking.  I really want better laws and understanding to protect teens.   I think America is a good place to try to get such changes made, over time, it will probably take a while.  I just hope I can find a nice place to live and such to wait it out, or I can afford one.  I think pharmaceutical companies give PV lots of money too?   I know there is some connection there, I will have to research it.  I feel sick at the Virginia tech shooting, It's so sad, I go to school with all these cute little kids, they start to look young after twenty four.  It's pisses me off.  I have a brother that age, and it's got even me calling nice people the Unabomber, so horrible. just scary. I am upset.  I hate PV too, how could you not after what they do to you.  Thanks for showing solidarity.  :oops:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 05:56:43 PM
I don't think PV staff has a lot of leeway as to what the program is like, they fire anybody else I guess? It's not them coming up with it, they may get corrupted.  You arrive and you have your prejudices, whatever going on, and you are given a way to act no options.  I guess they don't have to be sadistic, but are given a sadistic formula to follow I believe.  Like the Stanford experiment too though, unpleasant human nature at play?  I don't know.  It certainly would corrupt you and nice people would be horrified and leave, therefore the ones who like their jobs at PV and stay are probably inevitably abusive. Or maybe ex strippers?  They are only so educated and that would keep you working no matter what.  Very large strippers? joking of course.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on April 16, 2007, 07:26:46 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Rednecks tend to avoid conflicts with other Billy-Bobs, and PV is full of hilljacks with stagnant gene pools and unnatural banjo playing skills.

Right on about most of that Zen but truss me Billy Bob LOVE to get in your face  :wink:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 16, 2007, 07:28:35 PM
He meant they won't contradict or challenge EACHOTHER in situations like this.

Because redneck sees, redneck does. Kind of like monkeys.

But NOT apes.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 09:50:48 PM
My mother is being very nice normal this week? I love her, but a bad week jesus, it is strange how such things are, everything I said earlier is true, but so is a lot of other aspects.  life is not black and white? She almost seems ok but she is certainly rather heavy handed in many things and not much help or support as far as real life advice goes!  I love her, but it is best to move out ASAP and not get lured in by normalcy. It's always like this, she has a bad temper?  the things she does are just not ok though?  They are too much, then next week it's all roses.  It really is like I said, and then it's just all peachy?  so strange?  I am glad though, better roses than not.  I really am done talking for a while, I have taken up enough space, hope all are ok and well and PV gets in trouble.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 16, 2007, 09:57:09 PM
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Rednecks tend to avoid conflicts with other Billy-Bobs, and PV is full of hilljacks with stagnant gene pools and unnatural banjo playing skills.

Right on about most of that Zen but truss me Billy Bob LOVE to get in your face  :wink:

I think Kreflo was making a little peevee joke there.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 16, 2007, 10:52:35 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Rednecks tend to avoid conflicts with other Billy-Bobs, and PV is full of hilljacks with stagnant gene pools and unnatural banjo playing skills.

Right on about most of that Zen but truss me Billy Bob LOVE to get in your face  :wink:

I think Kreflo was making a little peevee joke there.

Yeah, I think there are some Billy Bobs and at least one Big Lurlene at PV willing to sacrifice a 4H club prize hog and a case of PBR  to the Great Horned One for a shot at me.

Village idiots.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 16, 2007, 10:54:12 PM
Tell them an Arrogant intellectual would sacrafice a case of IPA and an imported car to get a chance to take a propane torch to their scrotum  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 17, 2007, 10:09:04 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Tell them an Arrogant intellectual would sacrafice a case of IPA and an imported car to get a chance to take a propane torch to their scrotum  :rofl:

Great Balls of Fire!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 17, 2007, 11:44:33 AM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
My mother is being very nice normal this week? I love her, but a bad week jesus, it is strange how such things are, everything I said earlier is true, but so is a lot of other aspects.  life is not black and white? She almost seems ok but she is certainly rather heavy handed in many things and not much help or support as far as real life advice goes!  I love her, but it is best to move out ASAP and not get lured in by normalcy. It's always like this, she has a bad temper?  the things she does are just not ok though?  They are too much, then next week it's all roses.  It really is like I said, and then it's just all peachy?  so strange?  I am glad though, better roses than not.  I really am done talking for a while, I have taken up enough space, hope all are ok and well and PV gets in trouble.

I'm glad things have been better.  You point out one of the major failings of programs like PV, they don't include the whole family in a treatment plan.  I'm sure many kids are glad to enter a program to escape hassles at home.  How many kids are sent for "treatment" when it's actually the parent(s) with the serious issues?  

Community based or Wraparound treatment is the best.  It takes the family dynamic into consideration and works with all members to find solutions for immediate problems and teaches skills to avoid falling back into the same habits.  PV will keep a child completely isolated from immediate family for an indefinite period. If the parents are divorced, PV might allow only one parent (the one footing the bill) to participate and dictate treatment based on that parent's own twisted agenda, with "family therapy" becoming a platform for the parent to malign the other parent.  I know it happens, first-hand.  Wraparound doesn't remove a child from the home or their normal routine, sparing them the trauma of being snatched away by a thug escort service, or a parent with a police escort.  

Unlike RTC's, Wraparound has been extensively evaluated through outcome studies and it's been found to be very effective.  RTC's like PV don't have independent outcome studies to back up their "successes".  In the 20+ years RTC's and WTF's have been operating under the radar, not one real independent study has been done.  Keith Russell's wilderness outcomes are a joke, he's so tightly wrapped-up in the industry he couldn't possibly be objective.  A negative outcome study would affect him financially, and everyone knows programees love money above all.

Mending Young Lives and Restoring Families Since 1986...that's PV's hook phrase.  What a joke.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 17, 2007, 08:51:20 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
I'm glad things have been better.  You point out one of the major failings of programs like PV, they don't include the whole family in a treatment plan.  I'm sure many kids are glad to enter a program to escape hassles at home.  How many kids are sent for "treatment" when it's actually the parent(s) with the serious issues?  

  PV will keep a child completely isolated from immediate family for an indefinite period. If the parents are divorced, PV might allow only one parent (the one footing the bill) to participate and dictate treatment based on that parent's own twisted agenda, with "family therapy" becoming a platform for the parent to malign the other parent.  

Mending Young Lives and Restoring Families Since 1986...that's PV's hook phrase.  What a joke.

Well put Mr. Agent. I have heard this story over and over about PV for many years and from a variety of sources.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on April 18, 2007, 05:23:46 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
I'm glad things have been better.  You point out one of the major failings of programs like PV, they don't include the whole family in a treatment plan.  I'm sure many kids are glad to enter a program to escape hassles at home.  How many kids are sent for "treatment" when it's actually the parent(s) with the serious issues?  

  PV will keep a child completely isolated from immediate family for an indefinite period. If the parents are divorced, PV might allow only one parent (the one footing the bill) to participate and dictate treatment based on that parent's own twisted agenda, with "family therapy" becoming a platform for the parent to malign the other parent.  

Mending Young Lives and Restoring Families Since 1986...that's PV's hook phrase.  What a joke.

Well put Mr. Agent. I have heard this story over and over about PV for many years and from a variety of sources.

I agree...well put.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2007, 03:29:18 PM
I told my father I needed to move out because I did not think living here was healthy for me and that I needed to gain more independence.  I told him that I needed four or three hundred and fifty dollars a month and that this really needed to be done for my well being and that it would work out fine, I have a steady good job, and have been doing well in college and I don't even drink.  He said no and yelled at me.  My mom also threw a big fit today because I used up all the small trash bags under the upstairs sink, there are more in the closet about five feet away, but they have to be in both places?  No one else, my father, seems to think this is odd, .  although it sure sounds odd in the retelling.  She of course got very ugly, and I said mom that is nuts, she hit me and scratched my hand?  She called me a bitch repeatedly and said that she would call the neighbors and tell them all I was Bi-polar so they would know what was wrong if they heard yelling?  Apparently a window was cracked when I said, "mom you are acting crazy and this is abusive?"  I swear I was just doing my homework, I had a test yesterday, a paper due next weeek and I have to work till midnight tonight?  I want to just finish college, if I move out I will not be able to take a full course load, but it is very abusive here?  She hit me. Do I call the police, it is so abusive, I want to but I can't, they hold all the cards and then where can I go, can I do something legally so they still have to pay for college and help me out some.  I can't stay here it is so extreme.  I am an adult so I don't think I have any legal rights that I know of.  I am very worried, this is not a joke or drama, I don't talk to anyone about this stuff, it isolates you really. It is my life and my parents are horrible and very abusive.  I was trying to tell my father about what these sexually harassing college kids were saying and about how they were talking about carring a gun or something, it was in relation to the school shootings, I was simply saying how hard it must be for teachers and everyone to figure out a line to draw as to what is dangerous and what is just talking, and I used as an example a conversation two boys were having about a varity of brutal sexual things and carrying weapons, I had overheard at college.  Certainly the school shoooter was an extreme case, as soon as he was stalking a couple of girls he should have been out, but even so.  My father got mad and responded with "well what were you doing there?"  Huh?  they have been saying that to me forever, it is their stock response to "mom the older boys in school say horrible things"  I got to class early dad, and the professor wasn't there yet.  It's not all the little *(&^* was asking for it by being there.  I liked how it put me in the wrong, even though I was only talking about how one sees a lot of odd things and it is hard to figure out which ones are a real threat and which are just uglyness.  But anyway I don't know what the hell to do?  I'm just going to keep going but I'm really scared,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2007, 03:36:22 PM
I moved back home when I was assaulted at my apartment building, too. It was a pretty basic assault too. my parents of course are horrible about it too, I was alone with him and such, which is one of the reasons he didn't get caught.  They were really harsh about it, although I didn't do anything bad really, it's not my fault the normal looking guy was really a rapist.  I got away from him, I ran away from him, so it's just an assault although it scared the hell out of me.  they are really horrible about it though.  It's all my fault and it cost them money and it was a failure on my part and such.  I feel trapped, at least if they don't do something horrible to me in a year I will be free?  It would be ok if my mother left me alone some but she harrasses me all day. again I went downstairs yesterday to get coffee and it was five nothing things, clean up those crumbs as I was literally reaching for a sponge
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 19, 2007, 08:39:33 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
I told my father I needed to move out because I did not think living here was healthy for me and that I needed to gain more independence.  I told him that I needed four or three hundred and fifty dollars a month and that this really needed to be done for my well being and that it would work out fine, I have a steady good job, and have been doing well in college and I don't even drink.  He said no and yelled at me.  My mom also threw a big fit today because I used up all the small trash bags under the upstairs sink, there are more in the closet about five feet away, but they have to be in both places?  No one else, my father, seems to think this is odd, .  although it sure sounds odd in the retelling.  She of course got very ugly, and I said mom that is nuts, she hit me and scratched my hand?  She called me a bitch repeatedly and said that she would call the neighbors and tell them all I was Bi-polar so they would know what was wrong if they heard yelling?  Apparently a window was cracked when I said, "mom you are acting crazy and this is abusive?"  I swear I was just doing my homework, I had a test yesterday, a paper due next weeek and I have to work till midnight tonight?  I want to just finish college, if I move out I will not be able to take a full course load, but it is very abusive here?  She hit me. Do I call the police

Oh I would.. I sooooo would.  Fuck em if they treat you like that.  Tape record em.  Keep the tapes, then one day make a bunch of copies and drop em on the doorsteps of all the neighbors on the block.  If your mom is gonna slander you, you might as well clear the issue up with proof.  And the next time that bitch hits you, call the cops and play the tape back...

it is so abusive, I want to but I can't, they hold all the cards and then where can I go, can I do something legally so they still have to pay for college and help me out some.

Yeah.  Sue them pennyless.  They deserve nothing less.. Probably a lot more from what you have described.

I can't stay here it is so extreme.  I am an adult so I don't think I have any legal rights that I know of.  I am very worried, this is not a joke or drama, I don't talk to anyone about this stuff, it isolates you really. It is my life and my parents are horrible and very abusive.  I was trying to tell my father about what these sexually harassing college kids were saying and about how they were talking about carring a gun or something, it was in relation to the school shootings, I was simply saying how hard it must be for teachers and everyone to figure out a line to draw as to what is dangerous and what is just talking, and I used as an example a conversation two boys were having about a varity of brutal sexual things and carrying weapons, I had overheard at college.  Certainly the school shoooter was an extreme case, as soon as he was stalking a couple of girls he should have been out, but even so.  My father got mad and responded with "well what were you doing there?"  Huh?  they have been saying that to me forever, it is their stock response to "mom the older boys in school say horrible things"  I got to class early dad, and the professor wasn't there yet.  It's not all the little *(&^* was asking for it by being there.

Ever listen to Tori Amos?  You'd like her.  download "me and a gun" and "icicle" among others...

I liked how it put me in the wrong, even though I was only talking about how one sees a lot of odd things and it is hard to figure out which ones are a real threat and which are just uglyness.  But anyway I don't know what the hell to do?  I'm just going to keep going but I'm really scared,

Contact a lawyer.  Sue your parents.  Leave them pennyless, Homeless, Jobless...  Hire a PI to follow them and make sure they don't ever get jobs.  make sure those tapes show up wherever they live... so your suffering follows them the rest of their lives.  If they need a nursing home... Find the most fucked up place imaginable, and leave em there to rot like they did to you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2007, 08:46:10 PM
Quote from: ""psy""
Contact a lawyer.  Sue your parents.  Leave them pennyless, Homeless, Jobless...  Hire a PI to follow them and make sure they don't ever get jobs.  make sure those tapes show up wherever they live... so your suffering follows them the rest of their lives.  If they need a nursing home... Find the most fucked up place imaginable, and leave em there to rot like they did to you.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2007, 11:16:37 PM
These do sound like unloving and possibly abusive parents.
But, this young woman has stated she has been out of PV since she was age 18, and that she is now age 24.  She has managed to become a senior in college, and has a job.
She seems willing to live in this situation, while trying to negotiate $300-$400 a month living-allowance from these parents in order to move out on her own.
Why not get a student loan for this last year of college, and get the hell out of this house?  There are other atlternatives---women move out of abusive situations every day.
This is a grown woman, not some teenager; who must to put up with this type of living situation.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on April 19, 2007, 11:39:19 PM
True, but getting out of an abusive home is not made easier with age. Going to school is hard and I have supportive family. I can't imagine going through school without a supportive base. Have faith free you'll get from under the psychos craziness.

Look at what wwasps does to 18 yr.olds (exit plans) and you'll get me...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 19, 2007, 11:45:42 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
These do sound like unloving and possibly abusive parents.
But, this young woman has stated she has been out of PV since she was age 18, and that she is now age 24.  She has managed to become a senior in college, and has a job.
She seems willing to live in this situation, while trying to negotiate $300-$400 a month living-allowance from these parents in order to move out on her own.
Why not get a student loan for this last year of college, and get the hell out of this house?  There are other atlternatives---women move out of abusive situations every day.
This is a grown woman, not some teenager; who must to put up with this type of living situation.

Alot of this depends on if her parents are still declaring her on their taxes. If they are then she is S.O.L. for student loans as her parent's income will be well above the acceptable level.

Personally I'm a bit aghast that a 24 year old senior in college is even asking these questions. Still I'm not going to slam her for her choices as I don't know her personal story. I would say that now would be the time to move on from her current situation. Would it be hard and potentially fraught with difficulties? Absolutely.. But far better than living in a home with a couple of nutbar parents.

I do believe the time has come for her to move on. Don't spend your time attempting to sue them, get even with them, confronting them, counseling with them, and trying to gather evidence on them. Just pick up what is yours and leave.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 19, 2007, 11:47:31 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
These do sound like unloving and possibly abusive parents.
But, this young woman has stated she has been out of PV since she was age 18, and that she is now age 24.  She has managed to become a senior in college, and has a job.
She seems willing to live in this situation, while trying to negotiate $300-$400 a month living-allowance from these parents in order to move out on her own.
Why not get a student loan for this last year of college, and get the hell out of this house?  There are other atlternatives---women move out of abusive situations every day.
This is a grown woman, not some teenager; who must to put up with this type of living situation.

unfortunetly its more complicted...people get stuck, and are vulnerable
Also,  Id recomend you move away. Find a freinds you can stay at or something.
Its just a bad relationship that needs to be ended at this point, there is nothing that can be done to fix it and parents should not dominate ones life even if you love them or they need you, or whatever else. You'll find things clear up
Also, are you on anti depressants? the reason Im asking this is I used to beon them and i found them very damaging they made me also stuck in a bad situation and they made my mind race.-but in a sad way too.
There is a future, but its not at home. You are better off moving out no matter what the drawbacks appear to be- beleive me I was there
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 19, 2007, 11:57:39 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
True, but getting out of an abusive home is not made easier with age. Going to school is hard and I have supportive family. I can't imagine going through school without a supportive base. Have faith free you'll get from under the psychos craziness.

Look at what wwasps does to 18 yr.olds (exit plans) and you'll get me...

yeah you sort of end up with like battered childs or wife dont think clearly, you are frightened..
you need to break away

also tsw it really isnt weird to support you kids into their 20s depending on if your famliy has money...i kid you not my cousin has  16,000 a month apartment. Another girl I know was given an estate. (oh the jelously)

Id do it for my kid if I had one, i think..but that isnt the issue its that this "family" is nuts and staying together will only make things worse. Moving away financially, emotionally is the only thing that can help...and your not trapped there- its a mental block not a fiancial I siad stay with a freind
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 06:56:18 AM
I really don't know anyone in the area my parents live?  I was engaged, so I lived with my fiance for four years.  When we broke it off, I moved into an apartment in an ok/ affordable neighborhood where I was assaulted.  Right after getting out of PV at eighteen, my mother was being her normal horrible self, and she kicked me out.  I moved in with a twenty seven year old who also wanted to get married. I had no where else to go and my parents gave me no money.  They were very supportive of me being with the twenty seven year old, my mother to this day says I broke his heart and such and he was the nicest quality person.  Now as an adult, still younger than him, I think it is sick and I don't see what a eighteen year old wife could possibly have to offer an adult?  When she kicked me out at eighteen, i had no car and the boyfriend left for work early so I had no way to get to my college classes.  I still need to retake a class from then to graduate, from the state school I had to transfer too.  I was going to an all womens private college but my father was such a bastard about the cost I had to transfer to the state school, which cost me time and credits.  It was implied that if I did I might get to move out but no luck.  
I can't live on campus beacause I am accepted as a continuing education adult student, probably because I have next to no highschool credits, I am afraid to list behavioral prison camp!!  I know literally no-one in the area my parents live, where I moved home too after being assaulted.  I am older then most of the kids in school and I don't talk about such things at work.  I live of campus and just go for classes, I work and go to school all the time.  I am simply going to start canvassing the area for potential roommates, they can't be worse than these.  My parents also gave me no money while I was living with fiance number two.  I get payed part time at work, so I get paid nothing and no health care, which my father bitches about all the time, even though I have given them over a thousand dollars sense Christmas.  I also still work about thirty hours a week.  I try to give them money but there is no change in their behavior.  I try to be nice, walk on eggshells and such, but they are still very abusive.  The only reason I moved home at all, assault or not is because my parents told me some big story about buying a condo to retire in that i could live in until they decided to move out of the house they have now.  It was a done deal, but of course got home, no condo.    If I want to finish in a year I have to go to school full time, or almost, and therefore, I can't afford to live.  I need a roommate ASAP, I think, then I could almost afford to live.  My parents again, have a brand new sixty thousand dollar Mercedes, we are hardly poor although the way my father acts, you would think we are destitute.  I've been reading a great book on brainwashing and wow do they ever use it in places like PV, my family is like the Soviet KGB what fun.  I am terrified of these people, and I already have post traumatic stress.  You know how you feel when you have butterflies in your stomach, I feel like that all the time.  I feel really scared all the time, I have this hollow feeling right between my rib cage, not some I am hollow inside melodrama, the feeling you get when you stand on the high dive and look down, It's a big ball of anxiety.  I can't sleep I have nightmares, so I am exhausted a lot and I have my psycho mother, bursting into my room to yell about trash bags, or everytime I go downstairs to eat picking at how I take the milk out of the fridge, I'm not exagerating, it's five things everytime I go down to get food. not normal nagging, it's violent and everytime I say anything it gets really violent. she stands really close to you too,  I'm neat too, so she has nothing to yell about but she does anyway, anyone you can find something if you look hard enough?  I have only stayed here because It thought I could put up with it till I graduated, but I forgot how horrible they are, I think we want to believe our family are good people, but I have realized  these people are not anything like good people, I am having trouble even seeing the good in them.  THis actully is good I feel less guilty, not because I want to, I was always ready to take all the guilt and have them be ok, but because they are so over the top even denial can't ignore them.  Interestingly too, and I am not nuts, my computer crashed! The exact same thing happened last time I tried to post stuff about PV.  For no reason, I don't down load music or anything.  It didn't even catch a virus it just crashed, it won't even turn on now, although it froze for a while, I have access to other computers though of course.  What does that mean? nothing I guess although it seems to much coincidence for it to have happened twice when I posted stuff about PV, over a period of time?  It doesn't crash for no reason any other time?  Is that possible? It can't be?  I would be careful though what I say anywhere, though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 07:07:58 AM
thank you all for bring so nice, it helps for sure.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: exhausted on April 20, 2007, 07:38:03 AM
I'm wondering whether you have an attachment disorder, or have become institutionalised in your own home? That wouldn't be a surprise as you've more than likely been taught that you are rubbish and need someone else to run your life for you.  :x

All that everyone else has said is sound advice, it's not easy to just up & leave when you've been made to feel you can't make it alone out there, that you are nothing without certain people - I have had this conversation before with someone else who really has had the confidence beat the hell out of them!

Can you join a lifekills course? An assertiveness course? it might give you just a little boost to realise your potential as a person who can live away independently - you are still being abused and I don't think you can see it

You'd probably find that living away from your parents will bring a healthier relationship between you.....I met this total nut job guy once who spoke to me about removing ALL negative influences from my life, even if it meant my mother, at the time I was thinking he was just out of his head on drugs (which he was) but then as time went on, I knew he was right on that particular point, the abuse has never gone away because it happened, I'll always carry it round with me, but I cope with it far better now .... if you can get away, you'll understand what i mean later on

Good luck!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 09:01:28 AM
Yet another case for the file labeled:

member of Covenant Health
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 20, 2007, 12:06:42 PM
triple postage.. urrrk.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 20, 2007, 12:07:24 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I really don't know anyone in the area my parents live?  I was engaged, so I lived with my fiance for four years.  When we broke it off, I moved into an apartment in an ok/ affordable neighborhood where I was assaulted.  Right after getting out of PV at eighteen, my mother was being her normal horrible self, and she kicked me out.  I moved in with a twenty seven year old who also wanted to get married. I had no where else to go and my parents gave me no money.  They were very supportive of me being with the twenty seven year old, my mother to this day says I broke his heart and such and he was the nicest quality person.  Now as an adult, still younger than him, I think it is sick and I don't see what a eighteen year old wife could possibly have to offer an adult?  When she kicked me out at eighteen, i had no car and the boyfriend left for work early so I had no way to get to my college classes.  I still need to retake a class from then to graduate, from the state school I had to transfer too.  I was going to an all womens private college but my father was such a bastard about the cost I had to transfer to the state school, which cost me time and credits.  It was implied that if I did I might get to move out but no luck.  
I can't live on campus beacause I am accepted as a continuing education adult student, probably because I have next to no highschool credits, I am afraid to list behavioral prison camp!!  I know literally no-one in the area my parents live, where I moved home too after being assaulted.  I am older then most of the kids in school and I don't talk about such things at work.  I live of campus and just go for classes, I work and go to school all the time.  I am simply going to start canvassing the area for potential roommates, they can't be worse than these.  My parents also gave me no money while I was living with fiance number two.  I get payed part time at work, so I get paid nothing and no health care, which my father bitches about all the time, even though I have given them over a thousand dollars sense Christmas.  I also still work about thirty hours a week.  I try to give them money but there is no change in their behavior.  I try to be nice, walk on eggshells and such, but they are still very abusive.  The only reason I moved home at all, assault or not is because my parents told me some big story about buying a condo to retire in that i could live in until they decided to move out of the house they have now.  It was a done deal, but of course got home, no condo.    If I want to finish in a year I have to go to school full time, or almost, and therefore, I can't afford to live.  I need a roommate ASAP, I think, then I could almost afford to live.  My parents again, have a brand new sixty thousand dollar Mercedes, we are hardly poor although the way my father acts, you would think we are destitute.  I've been reading a great book on brainwashing and wow do they ever use it in places like PV, my family is like the Soviet KGB what fun.  I am terrified of these people, and I already have post traumatic stress.  You know how you feel when you have butterflies in your stomach, I feel like that all the time.  I feel really scared all the time, I have this hollow feeling right between my rib cage, not some I am hollow inside melodrama, the feeling you get when you stand on the high dive and look down, It's a big ball of anxiety.  I can't sleep I have nightmares, so I am exhausted a lot and I have my psycho mother, bursting into my room to yell about trash bags, or everytime I go downstairs to eat picking at how I take the milk out of the fridge, I'm not exagerating, it's five things everytime I go down to get food. not normal nagging, it's violent and everytime I say anything it gets really violent. she stands really close to you too,  I'm neat too, so she has nothing to yell about but she does anyway, anyone you can find something if you look hard enough?  I have only stayed here because It thought I could put up with it till I graduated, but I forgot how horrible they are, I think we want to believe our family are good people, but I have realized  these people are not anything like good people, I am having trouble even seeing the good in them.  THis actully is good I feel less guilty, not because I want to, I was always ready to take all the guilt and have them be ok, but because they are so over the top even denial can't ignore them.  Interestingly too, and I am not nuts, my computer crashed! The exact same thing happened last time I tried to post stuff about PV.  For no reason, I don't down load music or anything.  It didn't even catch a virus it just crashed, it won't even turn on now, although it froze for a while, I have access to other computers though of course.  What does that mean? nothing I guess although it seems to much coincidence for it to have happened twice when I posted stuff about PV, over a period of time?  It doesn't crash for no reason any other time?  Is that possible? It can't be?  I would be careful though what I say anywhere, though.

I want you to know that what I'm about to post shouldn't be taken as a personal attack in anyway. Please take this into consideration when you read the following post.

It doesn't matter what your parents did. It doesn't matter what they are doing now. It doesn't matter what they have parked out in the driveway. It doesn't matter how many times you have been engaged, or what colleges you have gone to.

What matters is what you do from this point forward. If you aren't willing to remove yourself from those conditions then you are just as much to blame for what is going on as your parents. You are 24 years old, and it is time for you to cut the strings on your own. Every second you choose to remain living in those conditions is by your own decision as it has been for the last so many years.

Do what you need to do and do it quickly. Don't waste time being pissed off at mom or dad. Just get hell out of that place. If you can't afford to go to school then work two jobs for a year or two until you can. If you can't afford housing then get room mates. If you can't afford a car, then ride the bus. For every problem their is at least 1 immediate solution with more to come avaliable in the future.


Don't waste you time trying to get revenge.

Don't be arsed to waste time trying to sue your parents.

Don't bugger around with taking recordings.

Don't feel the need to prove to the world, or at least your neighborhood, what your parents are like.

Because none of that matters. What matters is how soon the front is gonna slap your ass on the way out of it for the very last time.

Don't walk out.. run at full speed and don't ever look back.

I'm going back on sick leave. Only by the power of insomnia do I make this post.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 20, 2007, 03:26:14 PM
I can give you the administrator of PV's e-mail address, tell him what's going on and demand a full refund post haste.  Everyone with a post-PV problem should flood the guy with their issues...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: exhausted on April 20, 2007, 03:59:29 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
I can give you the administrator of PV's e-mail address, tell him what's going on and demand a full refund post haste.  Everyone with a post-PV problem should flood the guy with their issues...
What would this achieve in your opinion Zen? Would he care? Would the programs stop abusing kids for money? Would it make ex program kids' issues go away?

This is not a criticism of your post (sorry i am finding I have to be so careful what i say at the moment) I am genuinely interested in your take on this
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 04:31:43 PM
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
I can give you the administrator of PV's e-mail address, tell him what's going on and demand a full refund post haste.  Everyone with a post-PV problem should flood the guy with their issues...
What would this achieve in your opinion Zen? Would he care? Would the programs stop abusing kids for money? Would it make ex program kids' issues go away?

This is not a criticism of your post (sorry i am finding I have to be so careful what i say at the moment) I am genuinely interested in your take on this

Hells no he wouldn't care, He is too busy spending money to make money. (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 20, 2007, 04:45:32 PM
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
I can give you the administrator of PV's e-mail address, tell him what's going on and demand a full refund post haste.  Everyone with a post-PV problem should flood the guy with their issues...
What would this achieve in your opinion Zen? Would he care? Would the programs stop abusing kids for money? Would it make ex program kids' issues go away?

This is not a criticism of your post (sorry i am finding I have to be so careful what i say at the moment) I am genuinely interested in your take on this

No, but it would take it to him in a way this banter doesn't.  This rabbiting about is pointless.

I don't see anything productive going on.  A lot of in-fighting and whining like a bunch of cats.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 07:20:16 PM
sure it's easy for you to say?  and I didn't post three times?  I taped my mother today, as I was in my room trying, for the love of God to finish a paper.    I recently gave my dad a thousand dollars to pay for health care and living, so I don't have much.   They pressured me so much, I thought they would be nicer if I did.  They, like most abusive people, can be almost nice for pretty long periods of time then wham. I only work thirty hours a week at the most.  I locked my door because she wouldn't leave me alone, and I have all the horrible things she was saying on tape, and she almost broke the lock, it's pulled away from the wall, and I opened it for her as soon as she yelled.  I will move out this summer for sure, obviously, although I am disapointed I won't be able to finish college in a year.  I asked for more hours, so I could move out, but now I'm afraid I won't have time to study for exams, especially with holy hell raining down on my head.  I get sick of people acting all macho, just work two jobs and go to college?  I'm not a robot.  I worked eight hours till midnight last night, I have final exams, papers and abuse is not that easy to get away from. I'm not saying I shouldn't have done a thing or two different, but that's a bit like saying, well what were you doing there you asked for it.  I didn't choose this situation and it's hard to get away from abuse.   I think I should have some legal rights here.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 20, 2007, 07:26:17 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I really don't know anyone in the area my parents live?  I was engaged, so I lived with my fiance for four years.  When we broke it off, I moved into an apartment in an ok/ affordable neighborhood where I was assaulted.  Right after getting out of PV at eighteen, my mother was being her normal horrible self, and she kicked me out.  I moved in with a twenty seven year old who also wanted to get married. I had no where else to go and my parents gave me no money.  They were very supportive of me being with the twenty seven year old, my mother to this day says I broke his heart and such and he was the nicest quality person.  Now as an adult, still younger than him, I think it is sick and I don't see what a eighteen year old wife could possibly have to offer an adult?  When she kicked me out at eighteen, i had no car and the boyfriend left for work early so I had no way to get to my college classes.  I still need to retake a class from then to graduate, from the state school I had to transfer too.  I was going to an all womens private college but my father was such a bastard about the cost I had to transfer to the state school, which cost me time and credits.  It was implied that if I did I might get to move out but no luck.  
I can't live on campus beacause I am accepted as a continuing education adult student, probably because I have next to no highschool credits, I am afraid to list behavioral prison camp!!  I know literally no-one in the area my parents live, where I moved home too after being assaulted.  I am older then most of the kids in school and I don't talk about such things at work.  I live of campus and just go for classes, I work and go to school all the time.  I am simply going to start canvassing the area for potential roommates, they can't be worse than these.  My parents also gave me no money while I was living with fiance number two.  I get payed part time at work, so I get paid nothing and no health care, which my father bitches about all the time, even though I have given them over a thousand dollars sense Christmas.  I also still work about thirty hours a week.  I try to give them money but there is no change in their behavior.  I try to be nice, walk on eggshells and such, but they are still very abusive.  The only reason I moved home at all, assault or not is because my parents told me some big story about buying a condo to retire in that i could live in until they decided to move out of the house they have now.  It was a done deal, but of course got home, no condo.    If I want to finish in a year I have to go to school full time, or almost, and therefore, I can't afford to live.  I need a roommate ASAP, I think, then I could almost afford to live.  My parents again, have a brand new sixty thousand dollar Mercedes, we are hardly poor although the way my father acts, you would think we are destitute.  I've been reading a great book on brainwashing and wow do they ever use it in places like PV, my family is like the Soviet KGB what fun.  I am terrified of these people, and I already have post traumatic stress.  You know how you feel when you have butterflies in your stomach, I feel like that all the time.  I feel really scared all the time, I have this hollow feeling right between my rib cage, not some I am hollow inside melodrama, the feeling you get when you stand on the high dive and look down, It's a big ball of anxiety.  I can't sleep I have nightmares, so I am exhausted a lot and I have my psycho mother, bursting into my room to yell about trash bags, or everytime I go downstairs to eat picking at how I take the milk out of the fridge, I'm not exagerating, it's five things everytime I go down to get food. not normal nagging, it's violent and everytime I say anything it gets really violent. she stands really close to you too,  I'm neat too, so she has nothing to yell about but she does anyway, anyone you can find something if you look hard enough?  I have only stayed here because It thought I could put up with it till I graduated, but I forgot how horrible they are, I think we want to believe our family are good people, but I have realized  these people are not anything like good people, I am having trouble even seeing the good in them.  THis actully is good I feel less guilty, not because I want to, I was always ready to take all the guilt and have them be ok, but because they are so over the top even denial can't ignore them.  Interestingly too, and I am not nuts, my computer crashed! The exact same thing happened last time I tried to post stuff about PV.  For no reason, I don't down load music or anything.  It didn't even catch a virus it just crashed, it won't even turn on now, although it froze for a while, I have access to other computers though of course.  What does that mean? nothing I guess although it seems to much coincidence for it to have happened twice when I posted stuff about PV, over a period of time?  It doesn't crash for no reason any other time?  Is that possible? It can't be?  I would be careful though what I say anywhere, though.

I want you to know that what I'm about to post shouldn't be taken as a personal attack in anyway. Please take this into consideration when you read the following post.

It doesn't matter what your parents did. It doesn't matter what they are doing now. It doesn't matter what they have parked out in the driveway. It doesn't matter how many times you have been engaged, or what colleges you have gone to.

What matters is what you do from this point forward. If you aren't willing to remove yourself from those conditions then you are just as much to blame for what is going on as your parents. You are 24 years old, and it is time for you to cut the strings on your own. Every second you choose to remain living in those conditions is by your own decision as it has been for the last so many years.

Do what I want you to do and do it quickly. Don't waste time being pissed off at mom or dad. Just get hell out of that place. If you can't afford to go to school then work two jobs for a year or two until you can. If you can't afford housing then get room mates. If you can't afford a car, then ride the bus. For every problem their is at least 1 immediate solution with more to come avaliable in the future.


Don't waste you time trying to get revenge.

Don't be arsed to waste time trying to sue your parents.

Don't bugger around with taking recordings.

Don't feel the need to prove to the world, or at least your neighborhood, what your parents are like.

Because none of that matters. What matters is how soon the front is gonna slap your ass on the way out of it for the very last time.

Don't walk out.. run at full speed and don't ever look back.

I'm going back on sick leave. Only by the power of insomnia do I make this post.

Again its a case of easier said than done. People get damaged. I think its clear by reading this girls writings that she has alot of issues. Mentally, she is not in place where she can simply cut the strings. And there are a lot of legitimate limitations on what she can do. People dont stay in miserable situations because they want to.
Its like exhausted said- getting institutionalized in your own home.

You know those kids that end up staying their entire lives in program its something like that.

However, leaving home is what is needed  or all these problems will just get worse. Run dont walk
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: exhausted on April 20, 2007, 07:28:07 PM
How did she break the lock if you opened it for her?

I do think your only option is to work every hour and do college, i know it sounds like a tough task but it can be done if you want it enough ... i was working a bar at night until 2 am, driving home, doing some Uni work, getting up and working from 8-1 the next morning, more Uni work, goin to evening college twice a week and looking after 4 kids and running a household, I still cooked every meal and kept the place spotless, okay i was fried as I did this for 3 years, I ended up suffering from exhaustion, but I got my degree at the end of it, it was worth it - you have the option of not having to clean up after kids and only looking out for yourself, really you need to move, do it tomorrow
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 07:29:45 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
sure it's easy for you to say?  and I didn't post three times?  I taped my mother today, as I was in my room trying, for the love of God to finish a paper.    I recently gave my dad a thousand dollars to pay for health care and living, so I don't have much.   They pressured me so much, I thought they would be nicer if I did.  They, like most abusive people, can be almost nice for pretty long periods of time then wham. I only work thirty hours a week at the most.  I locked my door because she wouldn't leave me alone, and I have all the horrible things she was saying on tape, and she almost broke the lock, it's pulled away from the wall, and I opened it for her as soon as she yelled.  I will move out this summer for sure, obviously, although I am disapointed I won't be able to finish college in a year.  I asked for more hours, so I could move out, but now I'm afraid I won't have time to study for exams, especially with holy hell raining down on my head.  I get sick of people acting all macho, just work two jobs and go to college?  I'm not a robot.  I worked eight hours till midnight last night, I have final exams, papers and abuse is not that easy to get away from. I'm not saying I shouldn't have done a thing or two different, but that's a bit like saying, well what were you doing there you asked for it.  I didn't choose this situation and it's hard to get away from abuse.   I think I should have some legal rights here.

No dearie... Move out now. I think what is being said is if you continue to tolerate it you are just as responsible for it. Perhaps you ought to consider putting off going to college for a year while working two jobs like was originally stated.

Like the other two said.. don't walk.. run.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 07:31:35 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
I can give you the administrator of PV's e-mail address, tell him what's going on and demand a full refund post haste.  Everyone with a post-PV problem should flood the guy with their issues...
What would this achieve in your opinion Zen? Would he care? Would the programs stop abusing kids for money? Would it make ex program kids' issues go away?

This is not a criticism of your post (sorry i am finding I have to be so careful what i say at the moment) I am genuinely interested in your take on this

No, but it would take it to him in a way this banter doesn't.  This rabbiting about is pointless.

I don't see anything productive going on.  A lot of in-fighting and whining like a bunch of cats.

Post it! I'll take it over to the 4chan's image board and have them do a bit of an email/phone troll on him. Not saying those lazy /b/tards will do it, but if you get them worked up enough they will do just about anything for good old fashioned internet asshattery.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 07:34:48 PM
also it's real easy for a guy to say just live anywhere, if I were male, i would still be living in my apartment in my ok/ crappy neighborhood. That set me back a whole semester; this is going to set me back even more. I'm never going to graduate.  I hate men, nobody tries to molest them.  With me it's everywhere. I can't even walk in the park without my mother telling me I'm asking for it, I got that on the tape today too, and it's not just what she says.   I was flashed in the park at 2:20 in the afternoon on a Tuesday, but I was asking for it according to mommy dearest.  So I was flashed and assaulted in one year, and I work in a library and go to college all the time, I'm not out drinking or something, then I would really be "asking for it".  This really makes me want to move into some "affordable" apartment again. The fun part is this world is so incredibly sexist and horrible, not to mention the Village way of thinking, sexual prejudice and such, that of course I must be lying or something.  I know I'm not though, I know everything I'm saying is true, for what it's worth.  I need a few nice girl roommates but I don't know anyone in this town and when you grab roommates from anywhere you get lots of fun stuff.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 07:40:07 PM
I really don't have any where to run to, Also running in the past just gets me stuck, out of the frying pan there are fires, bad apartments and nasty husbands.  you are right though, I need to not just go along and stay here, I have to move out as soon as the semester is over, sorry to be defensive.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 20, 2007, 07:48:58 PM
Life is a dangerous place. That is what makes it so interesting. You are in control of you. Be the woman the woman you want to be. If you think if I'm full of shit then say so. But don't sit around your parent's house expecting much of anything to happen.

I'm glad you are moving out at the end of the semester. I wouldn't worry about having to take time off from school. Lots of people do it for all sorts of reasons.

Moving on from this specific issue:

As much as I like dredging up people's personal lives I do believe that such rehashing of events only creates room for mockery. I suggest strongly that you consider taking the rest of this convo to private message. I say this as I've seen what happens to people in the past on the internet.  Just a word of caution.. again you are your own woman. If you want to tell me to get bent and to go stuff it up my ass then feel free to do that. Might even be theraputic for you.

I also suggest that we get the thread back on track to dealing with PV related issues. I know both Stoodog and Zen have worked hard in the past to keep this thread on track. I'd hate to see it come to a largish squabble fest.

ps. It is ok to feel afraid about moving out. The world is a dangerous place, but not so dangerous that you shouldn't make a break for freedom and beyond. You sound like a geniunely decent person who is willing to work hard. I don't believe for a minute that you won't finish college and move on in life. Just work hard, learn to network, and take care of those people who really do care about you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 07:51:45 PM
oh give me a break :roll: I am so sick of people, I walked eight miles through crude, it's heartless, you sound like a PV counselor,  stupid world, your being abused so your the one who gets the crap, give me a break.  It will get done but just give me a break, this is hell
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 07:54:06 PM
This young woman needs to get a grip.
The world is not full of  sexist men just lurking around waiting to grab her and do her harm.

And all this "recording of her mother" is just very strange behavior.
She's 24 years old.
Gonna live in someone's house--by age 24, she should know how to follow someone's rules.

Age 24: move yourself.  Figure out how to go to college on your own.  Colleges don't close.  Take one-class-at-a-time if you have to.

To put it simply:  GROW UP.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 08:03:29 PM
the only reason I'm posting here is that when mommy dearest calls the cops, because I locked her out when she was screaming, I want some record somewhere of what has been going on.  Not that it will do any good.  I also think it's relevant because, these are the parents who put their kids in PV, my mother is a nut case and abusive as all get go.  I swear I have done nothing here really, and I have this nightmare woman, with complete power over me, I'm bipolar, thanks village and I live in her house, and she's threatened me with both at least twice this week.  Again I'm not bipolar, I'm not even depressed, I just want to finish college.   She's built such a case, kind of like the one when my parents where talking about getting a divorce, where she said my dad hit her, and followed him around for days trying to get him to do so.  He never hit her, I was there, but she swears he did and she filed a police report?  I guess it shows what kind of structure people live under and where the laws go wrong.  I'm moving out though you are right.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 08:05:02 PM
I do not think it is fair to judge other people's realities, not having lived them yourself. Everyone wants other people to act on what they perceive as the right thing for them, in that specific time in their life. Or to put it simply, because it worked for them, they assume it will work for everyone else. This is kind of like program graduates. They think since they weren't abused in the program, everyone else will benefit from it. Take a minute and ask yourself if you have used this internet forum to vent your frustrations and were you really looking for judgment and advice or just a place that you know someone, anyone, will read it and possibly understand what you are going through. Besides, if we had our shit so together, why on earth would we be posting on fornits to begin with, obviously something is up, in some way.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 20, 2007, 08:10:42 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: ""Guest""
This young woman needs to get a grip.
The world is not full of  sexist men just lurking around waiting to grab her and do her harm.

And all this "recording of her mother" is just very strange behavior.
She's 24 years old.
Gonna live in someone's house--by age 24, she should know how to follow someone's rules.

Age 24: move yourself.  Figure out how to go to college on your own.  Colleges don't close.  Take one-class-at-a-time if you have to.

To put it simply:  GROW UP.

We Are Free, people are attacking you now becasue they in all likelihood ARE staff member from PV (its a guest eh) Im guessin  the who anne...

Normal people know people have difficulties and are undestanding.
Less than normal people are less so.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 20, 2007, 08:20:31 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I do not think it is fair to judge other people's realities, not having lived them yourself. Everyone wants other people to act on what they perceive as the right thing for them, in that specific time in their life. Or to put it simply, because it worked for them, they assume it will work for everyone else. This is kind of like program graduates. They think since they weren't abused in the program, everyone else will benefit from it. Take a minute and ask yourself if you have used this internet forum to vent your frustrations and were you really looking for judgment and advice or just a place that you know someone, anyone, will read it and possibly understand what you are going through. Besides, if we had our shit so together, why on earth would we be posting on fornits to begin with, obviously something is up, in some way.

exactly! if any of these folk bore they psyche so nakedly as this girl there would be plenty of things to hurt them with too.

Obviously this girl does need to move out its a horrible situation. But she has obviously had a horrible life and is weakened and having difficulty doing so. Obvuously she has serious issues.

I stayed at home post program BIG MISTAKE. The third biggest one of my life But I was manipulated by the threats of my father, I beleived I could put in an insane asylum at any moment, had serious illness, and was terrified sad in depair......I think its clear she needs to move out. but you can manage to get this info accross without demeaning her! its not that difficult if you have half a heart and half a brain or dont go by the program-"get real" with someone philosophy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 08:24:42 PM
She's abusive, ok, not just naggy like a normal mom, she's very abusive.  I don't care you all sound like pv people anyway, or people investigating PV or something.  Insurance fraud, right?  people are jerks, and I was assaulted and then flashed in under a year, it's scary, I've had other bad things happen with guys as well.  I try not to be paranoid then large naked guy pops out from behind a tree, scares you, you know? He was in between me and the car.  It was a nice afternoon.    Nobody has any heart. which just empowers abusive people.  That's reason people's children have no rights.  My mother hasn't worked in thirty years, she had a live in maid for many of them, she had a guy that brought the groceries to the house and she was an abusive horrible mother. If she divorced my dad today she is completely protected, I get kicked out at eighteen after being put in a prison camp and I have no rights.  Half the people earlier in this posting seem to think prostitution, I'm sorry strip clubs, I was told there is a difference, are an acceptable career choice for some girl out of PV.  They actually brainwash the teens in these programs, give me a break.   My mother is an adult, and has been all along, why doesn't she have to take any responsibility for any of her behavior, and why doesn't she have to work two jobs, live in a bad neighborhood and go to college while abusive people throw rocks at her?  Hmm because she married well?  I have to take responsibility for something that happened at fourteen while she was shopping, as an adult during exam week, ARGH.  I just have to finish this semester, then I can move out, I really wanted to take enough courses to graduate next year though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 08:33:33 PM
the world is full of sexist men waiting to grab you, are you male or just ugly?  That's as mean as I get, many men are very nice.  How old are you?  As a young women I get hit on all the time, the sexual harassment in the college, wow the way the kids talk, I know it is not meant to be violent against women but I hear all sorts of stuff, retelling stuff on the internet, the sexual harassment in high school was absolutely awful.  I am tired of not being believed you know? Men and women can be very sexually agressive, the guy at the park got on the one path back to the car and did stuff in my direction for a while, the cop asked what I was doing there alone, I am not making this crap up it's real.  I make seven twenty five an hour too, I don't have a lot of money.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 08:40:01 PM
Isn't this "girl" 24 years old?
She seems to want some advice, and she has been given advice; but continues to reject anything logical.
She's was in a very abusive situation at PV--no one doubts that for a minute.
But remaining in a home environment that is abusive, and prison-like is not necessary, or healthy. Trying to negotiate a living "allowance" from these parents appears to be a wasteless time of effort and energy.
This WOMAN (not girl) appears to be intelligent; and she could be self-sufficient--if she so chooses.
Only she can make the choice: remain in this abusive home situation, and try to graduate as planned---or move out, support herself, and put off graduation, if that is required.
It's her peace-of-mind and safety that is at risk; and only she can make this decision.
Good luck.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Karass on April 20, 2007, 08:41:26 PM
We are not free, you're obviously in a terrible situation and it's easy to understand why lots of people here will say run, don't walk, and get out now. The semester is over in what, about a month? If you are strong enough to block out your mother's b.s. and can see a brighter future just down the road, then I understand why you would stay there and tough it out until you get the credits you've worked so hard for since January.

Whatever college you're attending, aren't there lots of roommate referral resources -- online, kiosks, etc. -- where you might find a handful of potential roommates you can meet, talk to, screen, etc.? Yes you're taking a chance moving in with a stranger, but you're taking a bigger chance staying where you are, and I understand that you're not financially able to live alone in a "good" neighborhood.

You have been hurt by your experiences and your suffering induced by those who are supposed to love and protect you. I get it. But you seem strong, intelligent, and motivated. You can get yourself out of this abusive, psychotic hole that has been dug for you. You don't have to just put up with this shit.

In another month or so, I would like to see you change your id to "we are free." Good luck.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 20, 2007, 08:43:28 PM
How 'bout them Mets?  No, not 'bout that Alec Baldwin?  there's a real muthaferyer.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 08:45:05 PM
I tell my psyche because, this isn't my psyche, I am just here, I'm not my mother, or what she says or does to me.  I just am stuck and being abused, which I think is relevant to people out of the village.  I think half of these people are PV too for sure or something like them, blount county cops or something.  I like the guy who pops on, lets all make death threats, I want to be an assassin, give me a break.   I don't care, jerks will do with this what they will, and anyone else will see it for the reality it is.  Again I make seven twenty five an hour and I want to finish college next year and my mother is a complete abusive follow you around all day nutcase. Lot's of people in trouble like to write, I think it is a natural reaction, writing is good if it tells the truth and can maybe help someone else feeling trapped and alone.  I'm in school limbo, I can't work enough in any direction.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 20, 2007, 08:50:26 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
I can give you the administrator of PV's e-mail address, tell him what's going on and demand a full refund post haste.  Everyone with a post-PV problem should flood the guy with their issues...
What would this achieve in your opinion Zen? Would he care? Would the programs stop abusing kids for money? Would it make ex program kids' issues go away?

This is not a criticism of your post (sorry i am finding I have to be so careful what i say at the moment) I am genuinely interested in your take on this

No, but it would take it to him in a way this banter doesn't.  This rabbiting about is pointless.

I don't see anything productive going on.  A lot of in-fighting and whining like a bunch of cats.

Post it! I'll take it over to the 4chan's image board and have them do a bit of an email/phone troll on him. Not saying those lazy /b/tards will do it, but if you get them worked up enough they will do just about anything for good old fashioned internet asshattery.

Well, let the shattery commence!  I sent him a fairly civil e-mail, and would you believe?  He ignored me!  Cad...

Let's not post the individual account, but if ya go here (
and click on "clinical staff" you get the individual email addresses next to all those happy, smiley, abusive CHUD's.  The Big Man's at the top...tell him Zen Agent sends his wettest regards...thanks for the attempt, even if it doesn't catch fire...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 08:51:02 PM
Don't worry about me as far as bitching goes I can take it I am used to it. i know what to expect, I agree on roommates, I have a dog and two cats though but i will work around it.  My parents like to threaten the animals of course, I love them after all.  I also can bitch back although it might be a waist of space.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Karass on April 20, 2007, 08:58:28 PM
It's good to write...and vent. Not being a victim of PV or any other particular mindfuck institution, I can't directly relate to that aspect of your current predicament. But I can relate to abuse. And I understand the coping mechanisms. And I understand how much i personally can tolerate, and for how long and to what end, and I'm just asking you to ask yourself those questions.

You have worked hard for something that has an endpoint soon -- not the finish line, but more like finishing a lap. If it's important to you and at 7.25/hr you have no immediate options that look appealing, then see if you can find a way to survive the next month or so to achieve your short-term goal.

But for god's sake, start working on the next step. It's important for you to get out of there and be an adult on your own terms and you damn well know it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 20, 2007, 09:05:26 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Isn't this "girl" 24 years old?
She seems to want some advice, and she has been given advice; but continues to reject anything logical.
She's was in a very abusive situation at PV--no one doubts that for a minute.
But remaining in a home environment that is abusive, and prison-like is not necessary, or healthy. Trying to negotiate a living "allowance" from these parents appears to be a wasteless time of effort and energy.
This WOMAN (not girl) appears to be intelligent; and she could be self-sufficient--if she so chooses.
Only she can make the choice: remain in this abusive home situation, and try to graduate as planned---or move out, support herself, and put off graduation, if that is required.
It's her peace-of-mind and safety that is at risk; and only she can make this decision.
Good luck.

Girl is a common colloquial way to refer to people of the female gender whom are young. At my school they are reffered to as the "girls" dorms and everyone is over 18. At my job in which only young women work they are also called girls though only a few of them are under 18. Im sorry that makes you so angry.

That it does, that this GIRL does, strikes me as odd and makes me wonder about your own situation. If not staff, then just plain nutty?
Perhaps slow?

When people are in pain to the point they cant function my response is not to tell them what immature loosers they are- which seems to be yours. OOhh just cant get enough group can ya?

she has the equivalent of a physical sickness, combined with serious life obstaceles that prevent her from leaving

The whole POINT of this is that its NOT simply her choice as the point is her life has screwed her up to where she is damaged. Like a prostitute staying with a pimp- that sort of damage. When you live in an instittuion like PV and then with abusive parents your entire formative years that can do that to you.

thats kinda the point of this forum in case you havent noticed
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 09:11:28 PM
I dont think this girl needs to have everything thrown back in her face. Obviously we know her issues, because she told us, so of course she knows them to and of course wants to vent, talk about them and write about it so by throwing it back at her with harsh criticism about why she should be doing this or that seems very counterproductive. Has anyone taken advice from someone who confronts them in such an agressive way because I sure havent .
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 20, 2007, 09:13:03 PM
there is nothing I want more than to be independent and to not have to put up with being underneath and at the "mercy" of other people's whims or moods.  It's my main goal and why I want to finish school.  I know i have to leave here though as soon as the semester is over.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 20, 2007, 09:28:39 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
This young woman needs to get a grip.
The world is not full of  sexist men just lurking around waiting to grab her and do her harm.

And all this "recording of her mother" is just very strange behavior.

read a few pages back.  It was my suggestion

She's 24 years old.
Gonna live in someone's house--by age 24, she should know how to follow someone's rules.

Age 24: move yourself.  Figure out how to go to college on your own.  Colleges don't close.  Take one-class-at-a-time if you have to.

To put it simply:  GROW UP.

And that is fucked up to say... really fucked up.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 20, 2007, 09:39:41 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
there is nothing I want more than to be independent and to not have to put up with being underneath and at the "mercy" of other people's whims or moods.  It's my main goal and why I want to finish school.  I know i have to leave here though as soon as the semester is over.

can you pm me?  I'd like to share something bout my situation that is a bit similar to yours.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 07:29:23 AM
I think I did this all in a past life, prison camp siberia, check, married off to a twenty seven year old at eighteen, check.   abusive parents, oh but I had bound feet that life, check.  In India the mother inlaws set the daughter in laws on fire?  It's called bride burning?  Only in poor neighborhoods though, if the parents have money their children get to finish college.  As far as history goes this situation has much precident, I wish people would read more history, it's relevant, we tend to do the same things over and over again.  In many places, here, I think I am trying to prove, it is the same old trap.  It is also relevant for wives and abusive husbands, not sure about the prostututes and pimps, about sick of both as a reference point, see what TV does to you? By the way PV staff are a bunch of stupid, undereducated fakes, ignorant, ugly, disgusting monsterous nazi pigs, have a blessed day.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 09:39:34 AM
I was reading this interesting article in TIme magazine about how our maximum security prisons drive prisoners crazy, which doesn't help if they get out because they were already problematic people, This is mainly because the prisoners are deprived of the ability to tell what day it is, and left in hoods with sound blocking headphones and such.  Apparently disorientation and constant abuse, very handy for breaking someone down and known to cause unpleasant side effects, especially when the person comes home to an abusive family.  Drugs are good too, if you are the KGB.   I was also reading this great book about brainwashing, PV uses a lot of the techniques, many  of which were developed by unpleasant shrinks.  I'm not joking, it sounds loopy but go look up history of brainwashing its creepy but interesting, and relevant.  THere are many parrallels to PV. Drugging, constant, disorienting abuse, mantras of shame, and so on, being timed going to the bathroom?  Lights left on all the time, being thrown to the floor and sat on by eight porcine, good world zen, counsilors for hours, hours, while they choke on tears.  Everyone cries like children in there.   It's idiotic, PV pretends to help "trouble" youth and then it systematically abuses them, I think past the point put out in the Geneva convention, especially for non convicted, placed there by abusive parents people.   .  So basically PV is taking troubled youth, a few gay kids, molestation victims and a foster kid or two and abusing them to the point of brainwashing techniques, right down to the drugs and the constant disorienting harassment.  This is supposted to do what?  Make a chemically depressed teen who ate ten asprin better able to function in the world?  I think the strongest arguement for my complete sanity is what I live under and how I react to it.  I'm not even especially angry, I just want my life to be better, I work hard and want to finish college.  I don't yell at my mother I tape her, to show what is going on to protect myself, not that it will do any good. I want to move out but I know what is practical on all sides.  Like it really would be nice to be able to finish college , although I know the abuse here is too bad to ride it out.  But if you do take people with problems and torture them the liklihood of them becoming a danger to society is much higher.  I have had a few side effects myself, and I, as the person who is stuck in my head all the time,  am pretty sane.  Do they have a disorder where you put up with to much, I'm sure, your crazy if you do and crazy if you don't.  I think it is all just social control and money.  I hope the PV mafia doesn't come after me. I'm joking of course.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 10:22:22 AM
Again of course PV declared me bipolar, so there is nothing suspect there.  It's a little like the shady mechanic saying everything in your car needs to be fixed, also it keeps them from getting sued because it discredits the people suing.  Duh.  In communist China they used forced institutionalizations to keep dissidents under wraps as well.  Just thought I'd throw that out there.  I guess you guys are commies or something, stupid PV commies.  Also everyone these days is either, BI-polar or ADD. Slight exaggeration but damn, I was doing a report on the over prescribing of ADD and the amphetamine adderall and every person it seemed like at work, who I told what I was researching, was like, “I have ADD”, “Really me to”. The only three people I talked to all had it.  They work in a book store and read all the time too?  One guy had a masters degree, which he got before they put him on medication, He’s old and retired and he loves his ADD medicine because it makes him feel great.  Again ADD medicine is amphetamines, please don’t go get some, you don’t want that crack. Every one is not hyperactive, despite how much Shire would like you to believe so. Look it up.  There is a big advertisement for adderall today on the website, check it out it, wants to prescribe amphetamines to a nine year old, fricken hilariously horrible.  I’m not making it up please go look up adderall and see what is in it before you give it to a nine year old.  Lithium causes bladder control loss and destroys your liver.  Fun drugs, good times.  Irony thank you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 10:32:04 AM
The advertisement is under a subheading, "should ADD be treated with drugs?" or something up top, next to the picture of allissa milano, click on the heading,  please go to it, it is really funny.  It also does future marketing for PV like places.  I think PV gets money, a lot, much more than I make, from drug companies.  This stuff is big bucks.  It's horrible Zen couldn't get his case to stick, there is something really wrong here.  We really are not free, in many ways, I don't think.  Also I am really not writing because I care what the blog people think of me, oh no wah.  I am writing because i think it is relevant to reality and I have things to say about what I have seen.  No offence to people on this site, but I am trying to do something here, to draw a picture and make a point.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 21, 2007, 10:34:39 AM
Hey, I'm not trying to be mean, unpleasant, misogynistic, homophobic, or a PV "plant" (I'm a fern), all of which you've already called me, but if you would log in to Fornits, you could clean up these duplicate and triplicate posts.  It makes it more difficult to read your posts.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 10:39:10 AM
I was put in PV for being molested, at fourteen and reacting accordingly, not bi polar, I just acquired that once there,  They said it was because I was laughing and crying at once after being restrained.  I found the situation horribly ironic, I just realized I had woken up in fascist land, what can I say?  Could I take up anymore space here sorry, I will go away for a while, I believe I have certainly said my piece, I must be that unaturally self centered person that PV lists on their reasons to send your child away website.  It's really funny, clingyness is also a reason listed, and of course those dealing with being sexually abused.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 21, 2007, 10:41:36 AM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
.  It's horrible Zen couldn't get his case to stick, there is something really wrong here.  .

Who said anything about my "case"?  No one has discussed any case.

I'm alarmed by the contradictions in your posts, and the odd asides.  You knew Abigail Vona was a stripper without being told.  My "case" hasn't even been filed yet.  There's a lot of preparation, and we chilled for two months after my stepdaughter was released before Christmas.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 21, 2007, 10:42:12 AM
Now that was interesting.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 21, 2007, 11:08:26 AM
Hey Zen... did I see you authorized the /b/tards of 4chans to go after Peninsula Village? Sweet suffering christ.. if those lazy cock sniffers get off their little meme loving asses I feel sorry for PV, ok no I don't and I look forward to watching this play out. Those little bastards are hilarious. I'm telling you those kids don't play by any set of rules we would ever recognize. They just do their own damn thing and don't give much of a rat's ass.

You ought to see what they did to Hal Turner. LOLS.. that was epic.. they actually shut down his radio show.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 11:49:52 AM
why are you so crabby, you said you were putting together a case, and somewhere else yousaid you were having trouble, getting walls and such.  I am glad it is still in action, you need to sue PV, I think you might only have a year or so in TN. I didn't call you a PV plant some of the guests maybe, lets all make death threats guest says, uh huh :roll:  your the step dad of a girl that was in PV.  I already appologized for calling everyone sexist.  I think it has to do with post traumatic stress and the fact I've been assaulted, and delt with a lot of sexual harassment and other stuff.  Maybe why I haven't been dating, anyway, c oovergaurd said Abigail was a stripper in a round about way,  so I  thought he was talking about me and started railing about sexist men, then someone said no she really is a stripper and I said, how horrible and started railing about the nature of the sex industry in America and how it feeds off of vulnerable, abused girls.  Being brainwashing I'm sure helps too, Abigail did seem to have drunk the kool-aid.  I won't bitch at you any more promise, sorry.  I bitch therefore I am.  Funny I started this with why are you so crabby, hmmm
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 12:04:55 PM
some of the stuff on MSN's website was actually ok, And by the way you paternalistic dipshits, not you zen, I am not here because I have some disorder that likes abuse, like a prostitute with a pimp, I am here because of money, and school.  That's it.  I would much rather be elsewhere and if I could be and still in college as much as I want to be I would.  I rack my brain all day with ways to get out, kiss my crabby ass.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 21, 2007, 12:34:27 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Hey Zen... did I see you authorized the /b/tards of 4chans to go after Peninsula Village? Sweet suffering christ.. if those lazy cock sniffers get off their little meme loving asses I feel sorry for PV, ok no I don't and I look forward to watching this play out. Those little bastards are hilarious. I'm telling you those kids don't play by any set of rules we would ever recognize. They just do their own damn thing and don't give much of a rat's ass.

You ought to see what they did to Hal Turner. LOLS.. that was epic.. they actually shut down his radio show.

I've been trying to figure out what they get up to, but I take no responsibility for whatever sweet mayhem they might unleash. Oh, sweet mayhem...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 21, 2007, 12:36:27 PM
Sorry, We are not free.  If my paranoia had levels like Dubya's terrorist alerts, I'd be deep red.  Hell, I'd be blackwatch plaid.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 21, 2007, 12:45:05 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Hey Zen... did I see you authorized the /b/tards of 4chans to go after Peninsula Village? Sweet suffering christ.. if those lazy cock sniffers get off their little meme loving asses I feel sorry for PV, ok no I don't and I look forward to watching this play out. Those little bastards are hilarious. I'm telling you those kids don't play by any set of rules we would ever recognize. They just do their own damn thing and don't give much of a rat's ass.

You ought to see what they did to Hal Turner. LOLS.. that was epic.. they actually shut down his radio show.

I've been trying to figure out what they get up to, but I take no responsibility for whatever sweet mayhem they might unleash. Oh, sweet mayhem...

Lots and lots and lots of really fugged up porn probably. To the point where they can't even open their email accounts anymore. No idea really.. I've only heard of the aftermath.. never witnessed it myself. Be interesting to watch this if it does happen.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 21, 2007, 02:22:15 PM
PV clinician opens email...confronted with bukkake image...recognizes fellow clinician, three doors down the hall.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 06:24:06 PM
join the club on paranoia, post traumatic stress doesn't help any,  Has anyone read the book "The Blind Assassin" by Margaret Atwood, and no it's not about a real assassin  :roll: It's about a girl who gets put in an older version of PV to cover up the fact a family member molested her.  I must read for anyone out of PV, "A Handmaiden's Tale" also by Atwood, is very good too, watch out it will give you flash backs though.  When I was in PV one of the girls was in solely for telling her family her grandfather had molested her.  Nothing else, no drinking, drugs, depression, bad grades, nothing.  SHe of course awoke in the early morning, to a even more porcine collection crew, to be whisked off to the Village never to speak with a lawyer again?  How is that legal?  It is insane that these underage teens some of whom are thirteen, don't get to talk to anyone outside of these programs, where they can be held for years by maybe abusive parents.  It seems like these programs should be regulated somewhat, someone should get to see inside of them?  Zen you said the child protection agency can't even?  what was that?  I tried to report PV, to the ACLU, they said it's private we can only bother the government, I tried to report it to the cops, they did not respond to my very long email, I tried to report PV to the child protection agency, they told me PV was ok now they thought, a big lie, it sounds as bad if not worse almost.  How many times did they restrain the kid who was in for PTS because her mom died.   It  makes no sense that the child protection agency doesn't have free access to these places, some of the girls are foster kids.  I believe you though, I never saw any child protection people, they had foster care workers come for the highly organized, far away from where we lived, family therapy.  Some of the girls didn't have fit parents or anyone that would come see them.  It seems like if an underage teen says I am being abused I need to speak to someone outside of this facility, there should be a way for abuse to be reported and investigated.  There have already been nightmarish true stories of abuse and molestation at places like Straight, how on earth are these places so unregulated and unmonitered, Bethel Christian Academy, good God Almighty?  THese are not state Juvie halls, although I hear they could use some work to.  These are private schools/ behavioral whatever the hell they are, boot camps, modification, troubled teen institutions with work detail, and no running water?  These girls are/ we were completely isolated.  Why doesn't child protection stop by once in a while for an inspection?  What the hell is going on here?  You all didn't do anything to my computer because I was bitchy did you?  You couldn't have right, sure you can flood emails to PV director but you can't completely crash a computer.  It's totally dead, no signs of life, and I'm not just being paranoid the exact same thing happened last time I tried to post stuff about PV on another site, and was mailing all that stuff out to cops and TN child protection and such.  I think they might have my email, address, name oops. I had to give a name.  Talk about paranoia, but it is weird the computer crashed both times, in the same way and only when I post and try to cause trouble for PV.  coincidence?  It's freaky man.  I really am done waisting space, but I wanted to say that bit about the girl who was molested and how isolated the girls are, It makes no sense PV is not monitored at all, that none of these places are monitored at all. I always thought schools, anywhere minors were, had to be pretty well monitered.  Then wham I'm in PV and it's just me and PV scary fascist stupid deliverance staff.  I like the south sorry. I swear the computer is dead same as last time I tried to do anything about PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 08:37:11 PM
what I meant to say was PV staff are cruel, callous, shallow, brutal, selfish and greedy. They are stupid undereducated posers, glorified wal-mart workers, making a living out of abuse through a pretence of being professionals. Those with degrees come from a long line of evil shrinks and doctors, from Walter Freeman to the Nazis.  The girls in there should have a right to due process of law so they are protected from arbitrary abuse.  THey should also at least be allowed to read, so they can get into college.  If it was a three month program it's bad enough but no reading for years, in formative high school time, how are they supposed to keep up in school.  My professors work themselves up into a fury about Guantanamo, what about the thousands of kids here in the US, with no legal rights locked up in sham, poorly run prison camps who were kidnapped and taken away and never get to see anyone other than their guards who are milking them for profit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 08:46:13 PM
sorry know you wouldn't do anything to my computer, but it's totally crashed, same as last time.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 21, 2007, 08:50:43 PM
Try Mozilla for your browser. It is a much more stable internet platform, and also consider doing a virus scan.

AVG virus scanner is pretty good. Also get a free spyware scanner.. probably lots of crap on your system that needs a good rinse out.

So in rehash..

AVG antivirus.. Google search is your friend on that one.. program is free and it updates itself automatically.

Spyware scanner...

I use CC Cleaner periodically to clean out all the crud on my system, and I've quite the bit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 09:25:52 PM
Found this on another site, see they are from Wal-Mart, I thought they looked like it.  Sorry nice people who work at wal-mart.

Here are the requirements to be a PV counselor I took off the Covenant Health website job search:
Covenant Health Employment Services
Browse Careers
Hot Jobs
A single application suffices for all Covenant Health facilities, including our parent company, Fort Sanders Regional, Parkwest, Sevier, Loudoun, and Methodist Medical Center.


You only need to fill out one application, regardless of whether you are applying for more than one position.

Search Results

Page 1 of 1


Job Code: 17673


Department: Girl's Outdoor Program

Description: Full Time Position: Four days/ three nights.

Requirements: Social services degree preferred, but H.S. diploma with experience will be considered.

Duties: Work in the outdoor setting with patients in a residential facility. Provide safety, supervision and therapy to adolescents in our care. Need extreme flexibility with scheduling and extensive availability.

Covenant Health is committed to a safe and healthy work environment. Therefore, employment is subject to a successful background check and drug screen. Also, a credit check may be performed on applicable positions that deal with handling money. EOE

Education: High School Diploma/GED  

Here are the admission criteria for PV I took of the Peninsula Village website, obviously girls who are admitted after undergoing sexual abuse or a traumatic experience do not need to be tortured and have daily abusive therapy with counselors who may or may not have a high school diploma:

Admission Criteria Patients come to Peninsula Village with a wide range of problems, diagnoses and symptoms including, but not limited to the following:

Depression, Anxiety, and other Mood Disorders
Alcohol and/or drug abuse/dependency
Disordered conduct and oppositional behavior
Effects of traumatic experience
Disrespect of adult authority
Inability to tolerate frustration or boredom
Unhealthy self-centeredness
Unwillingness to adhere to conventional values/standards
Inability to behave independently and autonomously
Self-mutilation and/or other self-harming behaviors
Pattern of excessive passivity and clinging dependency in relationships
Eating disorders that are medically stable
Mood disorders
Behavioral disorders
Character pathologies
Difficulties in school environments
Sexual abuse issues

Exclusionary Criteria Peninsula Village is unable to help every adolescent. Some problems that we cannot treat are:

Intelligence below the average range (Full Scale IQ below 90)
History of fire setting and pyromania
Sexual Offenders / Sexual Disorders
History of chronic/severe physical aggression including use of weapons
Physical or medical condition that would hinder participation in vigorous, outdoor activities (diabetes, epilepsy)
Homicidal intent at time of admission
Psychotic Disorders
Pregnancy (females)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on April 21, 2007, 10:35:05 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
what I meant to say was PV staff are cruel, callous, shallow, brutal, selfish and greedy. They are stupid undereducated posers, glorified wal-mart workers, making a living out of abuse through a pretence of being professionals. Those with degrees come from a long line of evil shrinks and doctors, from Walter Freeman to the Nazis.  The girls in there should have a right to due process of law so they are protected from arbitrary abuse.  THey should also at least be allowed to read, so they can get into college.  If it was a three month program it's bad enough but no reading for years, in formative high school time, how are they supposed to keep up in school.  My professors work themselves up into a fury about Guantanamo, what about the thousands of kids here in the US, with no legal rights locked up in sham, poorly run prison camps who were kidnapped and taken away and never get to see anyone other than their guards who are milking them for profit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 10:41:50 PM
Here is the full prescribing information I took off the Adderall website, go look it up yourself if you do not believe me.    Why this is legal again I don't know but it seriously shakes my faith in the system we all put far to much trust in.  I think it is because they start the dosages out low and people feel good, more focused, but after years on this stuff the dosages get really high. Shire makes a mint too.  Nothing like sending little Johnny off to college with a big bottle of strong amphetamines.  Don't go get this stuff, it is total crack, it was all over college when I was nineteen, horrible nasty stuff.  Stay far away from it.  It's pretty ironic though isn't it, and scary, they give it to little kids most of whom are not even really hyperactive. Even for severely, can't sit still for five seconds you can tell right away kids, do you really want to give them amphetamines?  How is this even logical, I think they noticed it helped them focus some, back years ago, I give up, it's true though here is proof.  It annoys me people don't read the drug info, of want to see where their child lives, anyway.  
ADDERALL XR® is a once daily extended-release, single-entity amphetamine product. ADDERALL XR® combines the
neutral sulfate salts of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, with the dextro isomer of amphetamine saccharate and
d,l-amphetamine aspartate monohydrate. The ADDERALL XR® capsule contains two types of drug-containing beads
designed to give a double-pulsed delivery of amphetamines, which prolongs the release of amphetamine from
ADDERALL XR® compared to the conventional ADDERALL®(immediate-release) tablet formulation.
EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS: 5 mg 10 mg 15 mg 20 mg 25 mg 30 mg
Dextroamphetamine Saccharate 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Amphetamine Aspartate Monohydrate 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Dextroamphetamine Sulfate USP 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Amphetamine Sulfate USP 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Total amphetamine base equivalence 3.1 mg 6.3 mg 9.4 mg 12.5 mg 15.6 mg 18.8 mg
40, or 60 mg of ADDERALL XR® or placebo once daily in the morning for four weeks.
again don't take this stuff ever, it is horrible, can't sleep horrible.
I was reading somewhere else they have to drug the kids with other stuff to get them to sleep, duh.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 21, 2007, 10:47:52 PM
I was never diagnosed with ADD but I was friends with Johnny in college at nineteen.  Honestly I didn't do it much, it really isn't a very pleasant drug, He had a super strong dose, had been on riddalin for forever although I found him completely non hyperactive, he didn't take the Adderall all the time either, for obviouse reasons.  I was up for three days on one, and not very happy, total crappy crack being shoved/ forced down the throats of little kids.  It was bad enough I didn't even want it at nineteen out of a prison camp, stay away, I knew people who tool it all the time though
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2007, 12:17:23 PM
Do you want to hear my ADD story?  Probably not but I will tell it anyway.  After getting out of the Village I had no study skills.  I hadn't done homework really in years.  PV bills itself as Behavior Modification.  Behavioral therapy is supposed to teach your brain new better pathways to follow.  At PV I learned how to measure time in abuse and that no matter what that I would be abused, and of course, the ever useful, how to cross saw a log in fifteen minutes to avoid abuse I was going to get anyway.  All very helpful for school.  So anyway, I got out and had no study skills and was not doing well in college at nineteen.  I had little concept of it's due in a week and such, I also had a very defeatist attitude and again no study skills.  Again, I had not done homework in years.  There is no normal school structure, no papers to write at home, nothing.  We have school, but it is nothing like a normal school environment.  My mother saw an advertisement somewhere and decided I must be ADD, so she told the family doctor to talk to me about it next time I was in.  We discussed it, she said she couldn't be sure I was ADD, as I explained how I spent most of my free time reading and that I needed to talk to someone else, which I would not due out of fear.  Back in school I was studying for a test and I was complaining to my friend how I couldn't concentrate, he said I'm ADD and I've been on stuff for it since I was a kid, I don't take the medication all the time but it helps me study would you like one.  I thought well the doctor said I might be ADD lets see if this helps.  I wasn't having trouble studying because of ADD, I just had no study skills and my homework, like much of it in college, was dense boring rather difficult and there was a lot of it.  Anyway, actually two nights and one day later I was finally able, in tears to fall asleep, I had run around pretty nuttily for those two days, my boyfriend broke up with me, apparently showing up at his room at four in the morning wild eyed telling prison camp stories was a bit much.  I looked in the mirror and my eyes were like saucers and I I looked well like a crack head.  Again my friend did not take his ADD medication often and he was not hyperactive at all. Adderall, the medication, is also probably the most commonly prescribed ADD medication.  I think most people don't realize what it is because the doctor starts you out on a very small dosage, but over a year or two your tolerance goes up, especially if you have been on Adderal since you were nine, or something.  Anyway I feel guilty for telling people who may have drug problems about drugs, but when I though about it I figured the likelihood of them getting diagnosed with ADD was already so high, I had better issue a warning to steer far clear, it really is a horrible drug, and they give it to little kids.  When you come out of places like the Village with no preparation for school, the chance you are going to get diagnosed with ADD is very high, do not take the medication, it is a horrible drug and they are all stimulants except one and the one that is not has shown to cause suicidal thoughts in a great many of the test subjects, not what you are looking for in a drug that tinkers with brain chemistry.  Do not take these drugs, they are very very bad.  I went and looked up what was in the ADD medications and guess what I found, the drug info I posted up above.  Total crack, don't be a crack head,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2007, 12:36:17 PM
In the village to as I remember it, there were not many real drug problems, most girls had smoked pot maybe, drinking, a handful of more serious stuff, but they were hardly addicts, if they put you on a daily dose of amphetamines you sure will be an addict I suppose.  Again do not take this stuff, please, it is not cool or fun, it is crack.  If they try to put you on it, go print out the drug info to show them of the web site.   Alcohol was a big problem for the girls, not because they drank heavily but because it does not take much to get a teenage girl drunk, and alcohol and trouble go to together far to well.  Date rape, if you are a boy and you drink three or four drinks, because you are stupid and the room starts spinning you go in the back and pass out, for girls this does not work out as well,  AS an older adult that can go to bars, I always like the question “so who is going to drive home.”  DUI's are no joke,   do you know when you go to get a job, your entire police record pops up, even stuff that was dismissed, DUI does not look good.  My friend, and yes he really was a friend, had one cost him thousands of dollars, my parents friend lost his license, talk about huge pain and trouble.   One drunken fight and you have an assault charge.  Alcohol needs to be treated with great care I think.  It’s the number one way guys try to get you in bed, and they don’t care if you can’t move some of them, if anything if you go on the date and the guy is like “here have another, take a shot, smoke some pot,” smoking with drinking makes you more drunk, It is very easier to get drunker than you mean to as a young woman, tolerance is a iffy thing.  I think sometimes it depends on how much you ate that day or something, sometimes two drinks and I’m pretty drunk.   Alcohol, needs to be drunk very carefully!  With awareness of who is around you, in moderation and don’t let yourself get drunk it is dangerous.   PV likes to turn everyone into a drug addict, one way or another really.  Ironically enough.  The depressed fourteen year old who ate ten aspirin is an aspirin addict, give me a break.   Be really careful is all I'm saying and take good care of yourself, because you deserve it and other people won't always, when you find people that do really care about you, buy then pesents and tell them how great they are,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 22, 2007, 12:36:53 PM
Hey, some people don't react well to stimulants. Fine for them. But some of us really like our stimulants and they work for us. Maybe it's a couple 30 or 60 mg Adderall-XR's or maybe it's 3 pots of coffee a day, or caffeine pills during finals week, or share an 8ball with your friends. Whatever works for ya...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 22, 2007, 04:47:37 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
 PV likes to turn everyone into a drug addict, one way or another really.  Ironically enough.  The depressed fourteen year old who ate ten aspirin is an aspirin addict, give me a break.  

Absolutely.  You've probably read the story posted here about the young lady without a substance problem. She resisted PV completely, to the point she was restrained almost daily, and kept full of Thorazine, Klonopine and Halperidol.  When she was forced into the AA part of PV's program, she told them she had no addictions.  They said she was addicted to the very tranquilizers they were forcing into her, which she had never been exposed to before PV.

I think the need to establish an "addiction" is to get the patient to work the AA program, which is cult-like, and the 12 steps help to break a patient down.  The first step is, "We admit we are powerless over our lives", and what a great thing for a program with an agenda of breaking down a kid.

I quit drinking over ten years ago.  I tried AA, found it disgusting in most ways.  They use the same program logic: "If you leave here, you're going to end up dead".  I'm one of the few people to be encouraged to leave AA, I think.  When someone referred to a "recovering alcoholic", I asked "When are you finally going to be cured?"  Answer:  Death.  I made my own choice and walked out, and I've never touched alcohol again.  Do you refer to a former smoker as a "smoker"?  Why refer to a former alcoholic as an "alcoholic", even "recovering alcoholic"?  

I'm an alcoholic only if I'm putting alcohol into my system.  We put too many labels on people, why carry another one if you don't have to?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on April 22, 2007, 09:21:30 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""we are not free""
 PV likes to turn everyone into a drug addict, one way or another really.  Ironically enough.  The depressed fourteen year old who ate ten aspirin is an aspirin addict, give me a break.  

Absolutely.  You've probably read the story posted here about the young lady without a substance problem. She resisted PV completely, to the point she was restrained almost daily, and kept full of Thorazine, Klonopine and Halperidol.  When she was forced into the AA part of PV's program, she told them she had no addictions.  They said she was addicted to the very tranquilizers they were forcing into her, which she had never been exposed to before PV.

I think the need to establish an "addiction" is to get the patient to work the AA program, which is cult-like, and the 12 steps help to break a patient down.  The first step is, "We admit we are powerless over our lives", and what a great thing for a program with an agenda of breaking down a kid.

I quit drinking over ten years ago.  I tried AA, found it disgusting in most ways.  They use the same program logic: "If you leave here, you're going to end up dead".  I'm one of the few people to be encouraged to leave AA, I think.  When someone referred to a "recovering alcoholic", I asked "When are you finally going to be cured?"  Answer:  Death.  I made my own choice and walked out, and I've never touched alcohol again.  Do you refer to a former smoker as a "smoker"?  Why refer to a former alcoholic as an "alcoholic", even "recovering alcoholic"?  

I'm an alcoholic only if I'm putting alcohol into my system.  We put too many labels on people, why carry another one if you don't have to?

Now you have unleashed a f*cking fury.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 22, 2007, 10:32:47 PM
Quote from: ""stoodoodog""

Now you have unleashed a f*cking fury.

No, Stoo...I won't get into the debate about AA saving lives.  Some people need it, like one guy I knew who needed to attend three meetings a day.  It didn't sit well with me, I found the "powerless" label troublesome, along with the "Higher Power".  

Non-denominational as AA claims to be, there were plenty of reborn Fundamental Christians who had kicked the bottle and found the intoxicating bliss of spreading the word of Jesus, and they could be nasty if rebuked.

I could admit being powerless, but I wanted a solution to that problem. I wanted a normal life, not one filled with coffee-slamming, donut chomping meetings that started with a Serenity prayer and ended with the Lord's Prayer.  All that ritual was anathema to me.

I worked on my own and found what I needed inside, and as time passed I healed, and I regained control and "power".  I guess I self-hypnotized  - I can hang out with drinkers, but it's like watching them drink Arsenic - good for them if they can do it, but it's poison to me.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2007, 02:25:40 AM
when I said you guys are commies earlier, I was referring to what I had said about China using forced institutionalizations to get rid of annoying people.  I meant PV people were commies, as in those who work at or own PV are like the Chinese communist party because they also do the same thing.  I thought this might be funny because I assumed PV people are pretty conservative and conservatives traditionally don't like commies.  Bad joke. I was not referring to people writing on this post as commies certainly not zen, just thought I would clarify typo.  I just wrote a twenty one page paper on the Iraq war, I think I have post traumatic paper disorder. I really have been rather rude on this site, lot's of anti guy stuff, again this could be the problem with my love life. Hmmm?  sorry. you all are great God Bless, nice Buddha Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jesus God Bless.  Happy children and such, hope things improve for all those suffering.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 24, 2007, 09:53:21 AM
My professional advice is to get laid quickly.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on April 24, 2007, 10:24:29 AM
Free, have you contacted ISAC corporation or Heal-online? You should give them both an account of your time in PV if only to let others know that they are not alone.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2007, 10:27:06 AM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
My professional advice is to get laid quickly.

Is this the advice you give everyone or just those dealing with sexual abuse issues?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 24, 2007, 10:38:08 AM
Nah I normally tell them to get fucked up also.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2007, 10:43:53 AM
Great, you should package that up and sell it as an alternative to private programs, it sounds promising.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 24, 2007, 10:48:41 AM
Why a program? Do it at school under the bleachers. Worked for me in high school.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on April 24, 2007, 07:04:13 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Why a program? Do it at school under the bleachers. Worked for me in high school.

That big black SUV that hauls kids outta their beddie byes in the middle of the night and off to PV would just as happily pull up under the bleachers and grab the kid from there.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2007, 07:24:21 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Why a program? Do it at school under the bleachers. Worked for me in high school.

I had a job cleaning under bleachers and it made me puke every time I did it, you really did it down there? Yuck!

In my day we just ditched, and went somewhere a little more, clean.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2007, 10:11:03 PM
I want to say something about sexual harassment, groan right? well I thought I'd clarify something about it.  I must seem pretty paranoid about it and I don't want it to give any parents reading this the wrong impression.  I am paranoid about it because it can be very bad, especially in school environments.  I'll give an example.  I said a few days ago in college the kids, boys, were saying stuff that was both violent and sexual.  I'm sure this got dismissed because I can be so up in arms about sexism, this is an unfortunate side effect of many negative things, post traumatic stress type stuff.  You are angry and paranoid because something that bad happened, therefore no one believes you because you seem angry and paranoid.  Try telling people about the brainwashing prison camp in the backwoods of Tennessee :roll:
 I wanted to clarify for any parents that read this that don't know what sexual harassment is, or anybody, what I’m talking about.   I have a good immediate example too.  I don't like to repeat it as it sounds horrible but remember I am not the one coming up with this and I find it horrible.  Someone has CSI on in the other room right now, and they are saying far worse things, so I will simply report what I heard with no embarrassment.  
When your daughter says I am being sexually harassed, this is the kind of stuff she means, not “hey your butt looks good ha ha.”  
I was talking to these two boys during break from class, after a test, we were in the smoking area outside.  They had seemed like nice kids, they were both probably nineteen?  They had been polite enough.  At first they were talking about the Virginia Tech shooting, they immediately started talking about what they would have done differently.  They talked about carrying weapons to protect oneself, one guy pulled out a knife and the other guy pulled out two knives, to show they were well protected I guess.  The conversation turned to guns, and concealed carrying permits and who had one and who didn't.  It worried me because I had been feeling safer with this little stun key chain baton that was supposed to incapacitate an attacker, of course though some nutty guy would have a knife and probably a gun darn, I was thinking, duh.  Guns and nuts go together like alcohol and nuts, not everyone that has a gun is a nut but nuts probably do have one.
So then the guys, I saw as kids, the nineteen year olds look like kids to me now, started talking about stuff on the internet, they were talking to me too, we were in a conversation, my side was a lot more sane though, nodding and smiling and such.  Now again I don't want to repeat this, but this is sexual harassment ok, they were both talking to me to, and I felt cornered honestly.
The one guy starts telling a story about this guy having sex with a girl in Las Vegas, he was actually moving his pelvis and holding his hands like he, I guess, was holding on to a girls butt from the back, the story went on a little while too it seemed. This guy in Vegas was having sex and the doors in the hotel were a kind of glass that when you touched a button they became misted over but when you touched it again you could see through them, so he keeps touching the door while he is having sex so people can see through it and then can’t.  The final time he does it a security guard was there and he &^%& all over the glass.  I didn’t like this story much or the pelvic thrusts but I just nodded and smiled.  The other guy starts talking about seeing this thing on the internet where this guy tried to have *&^*&* sex with a girl and filmed it, there was &**& everywhere and the camera guy threw up and so did the guy, this story was much longer than the above sentence and very graphic.  I’m sorry to have to repeat this, even with editing but this is a reasonably ordinary form of sexual harassment. He also mention *&^* sex one other times in relation to his girlfriend, in a conversation, that started by talking about the test we had just taken?  This time was unrelated to the above story?  I have not talked to these kids much, and I look really ordinary, like everyone else in class, they were not singling me out.  I am not picking on men, or boys, I know very nice non before mentioned guys.  
I also know that this is what your daughter means when she says the boys say nasty things at school, or I’m being sexually harassed.
 I go to a good, not that easy to get into, state college.  These boys looked like nice, well dressed kids.  I don’t know what the hell they were thinking really but, this is the kind of stuff I heard in my small private high school pretty much on a daily basis too.  It really is constant. Often it is directed at a girl, not just jokes told around her, do you want to &*^&, we know you like to *&^*, for no reason.  I am always amazed when I hear someone say they must have a reason to sexually harass her and stuff.  This is not the case.
   This is very common and goes on all the time. Ask your daughter to tell you exactly what was said, do not yell at her, or tell her to avoid them, bullies won’t let you avoid them especially sexual ones.  It is hard for girls to report it, because often the abuse gets worse.  Actually listen to your daughter and don’t yell at her when you hear something you don't understand or don't want to hear.  Actually listen, let her finish, I think it is worse than it used to be when most parents went to school.  I think awareness classes and less tolerance needs to be had for sexual harassment in schools.  It's like it doesn't even exist, which means it is rampant.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 24, 2007, 10:32:51 PM
On a completely different note, throwing myself at the first nice, reasonably good looking, single guy, my age I meet doesn't sound like a bad idea.  I'm not picking on you guys with my definition of sexual harassment, get a date for the love of God, is not sexual harassment obviously.  Everyone, actually, says the same thing to me, and I'm talking like a lady here, but my friends at work tell me to jump the first nice guy I see, and they are women and I'm starting to agree with them, any way.  Describing filming a(*&(* sex would be sexual harassment, I'm sorry again to repeat that. But do you get now what he said? it really was as bad as it could be, think of the nastiest thing you could say really? But that is what sexual harassment is, and he used the word, he didn't say “butt” ok he said the word, and he talked about his poor girlfriend in relation to it, and he said he was thinking about getting a concealed carry permit.  I'm not a crazy alarmist, there really is a prison camp in the backwoods of Tennessee and in my nice good college, the above was said to me who doesn't even live on campus, so I’m not even around much to hear it?  That is what sexual harassment is, talk to your daughter about it, she is not blowing things out of proportion.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 24, 2007, 10:38:24 PM
Post your stats..... ME love you long time!


Nah for real. I think it would be normal that your perception of some men would be a bit rough. In fairness my perception of some women isn't all that nice either. Considering I've been in and out of a few third world countries and seen some pretty freaky things. This also goes hand in hand with my idea that certain members of my own sex ought to be taken out back and shot also.

Seems to me you are finally getting one foot in front of the other, and that is the most important thing.

Though fo' real.. Me luv you long time.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 12:37:08 AM
ok fergie fergie, what is that song, they like my lumps or humps or something, what the heck is a lump? I tend to see lumps as a negative when I look in the mirror.  The T.V./media will sexually harass your kids for you to of course. I think it's where a lot of the boys get it.   Susie Wong is a negative stereo type of Asian women to say the least, did you say you live in Korea? :roll:  I'm not a big fan of some women for sure.  People of any kind can be jerks or not.  Unpleasant men just tend to be bigger than me, PV counselors excluded, woman can be threatening in their own ways, I think it depends on what they can do to you?  If they can't fire me and my boyfriend isn't going to sleep with them I don't care.  Girls certainly bully other girls in school, or wherever.  I had this odd girl at work start spreading rumors about me although I barely knew her and had been perfectly nice. I don't know, humans can be unpleasant.  It is good to realize I think so you can choose to be around ones that don't cause you trouble and actually make you happy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 12:44:30 AM
I always get one foot in front of the other these days?  It is just a matter of getting along doing two things at once, college and work.  I get good grades and am well into it.  It doesn't help that my family is nuts, I can remember stuff from eleven and twelve that make the Alec Baldwin tape look like a walk in the park. Who are you exactly in relation to Fornits? Are you the moderator or something?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 01:03:25 AM
Three Springs Waygooking lost their moderating privileges after it was revealed he used to work for a program.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 01:06:27 AM
thats not true..he has been very upfront and helpful with admitting about what goes on in program...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 01:20:17 AM
Three Springs Waygooking posted a story about forcing a boy to push a rock with his face in the dirt and thinking it was funny.

The next day his moderating powers were gone.

Draw your own conclusions.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 01:52:19 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Three Springs Waygooking posted a story about forcing a boy to push a rock with his face in the dirt and thinking it was funny.

The next day his moderating powers were gone.

Draw your own conclusions.

Hows about you start a TSW bashing thread then and keep this one on the subject of PV??????? Maybe we are not free can join you there with her self centered rants that really have very little to do with Peninsula Village.
I don't think we are not free even went to PV. There really is very little indication here that she knows much about the program, and her refusal to get a username is downright sketchy. Maybe ms. we would like to take her bs to another thread as well. Thank you and goodnight.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 01:59:25 AM
Quote from: ""we are not impressed""
we would like to take her bs to another thread as well.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on April 25, 2007, 04:21:15 AM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
The one guy starts telling a story about this guy having sex with a girl in Las Vegas, he was actually moving his pelvis and holding his hands like he, I guess, was holding on to a girls butt from the back, the story went on a little while too it seemed. This guy in Vegas was having sex and the doors in the hotel were a kind of glass that when you touched a button they became misted over but when you touched it again you could see through them, so he keeps touching the door while he is having sex so people can see through it and then can’t.  The final time he does it a security guard was there and he &^%& all over the glass.  I didn’t like this story much or the pelvic thrusts but I just nodded and smiled.  The other guy starts talking about seeing this thing on the internet where this guy tried to have *&^*&* sex with a girl and filmed it, there was &**& everywhere and the camera guy threw up and so did the guy, this story was much longer than the above sentence and very graphic.  I’m sorry to have to repeat this, even with editing but this is a reasonably ordinary form of sexual harassment. He also mention *&^* sex one other times in relation to his girlfriend, in a conversation, that started by talking about the test we had just taken?  This time was unrelated to the above story?  I have not talked to these kids much, and I look really ordinary, like everyone else in class, they were not singling me out.  I am not picking on men, or boys, I know very nice non before mentioned guys.  


First of all, I am a feminist, I am the daughter of a feminist (who is also a professor of women's studies and feminist writing), and I am married to a feminist. Now then:

From what you have described of the situation in the post above, you were not experiencing sexual harassment at that time. The term "harassment" implies repetition of an unwanted act or refusal to desist when requested to do so. It also implies intent.

You described a situation in which you were a passive member of a conversation which wasn't even entirely directed towards you. You described only one instance of the offending comments, and you did not ask them to stop speaking about it - you smiled and nodded. The persons you were engaged in the conversation with had no way of knowing that you were uncomfortable. Albeit, the subject matter was obviously offensive to you, but that in and of itself is not sexual harassment. Inappropriate maybe, harassment - not even close. Two people carrying on a conversation about anal sex (is that what you were implying with your bizarre self-censorship?) with their girlfriends is not in any way harassing you.

Feel free to clarify if there was more to the story than you first described.


Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on April 25, 2007, 04:24:49 AM
Arg... double post. Fornits is acting up again.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 04:43:19 AM
No offense, but you are male, were a counselor and have never been in a program.  What right do you have to tell me, who was in PV for almost two years, how to try to communicate about PV.    
I don't think anyone in the royal "we" here has been in PV.  I certainly have, unfortunately.  Of course discussions of sexual harassment, being financially dependent on an abusive family while finishing school, admitting that your family is in fact abusive and trying to go from there, sexual abuse side effects, protecting oneself from abuse, drugs that places like PV give out that are deadly, the lying stigma PV casts on people to make money, economics young women out of PV and the evil sex industry, I didn’t bring that one up but because of things others said it seemed relevant, sexual prejudice and assault, drinking, what else?  Post traumatic stress, study and job skills, because you won’t have any coming out of PV. Defining why PV is such a horrible farce, maybe that is the aspect "we" don't like.  I don't think I make PV look like anything other than the idiotic hell hole it is.  Oh of course, the education requirements to be a counselor, or more accurately the lack of, Pellissippi State Community College forever.  Told you I had been in PV.  This is what I have encountered since leaving.  I think I am really done though, as I have actually said everything?  Of course discussing Abigail, the19 year olds, sex life with a geezer is so much more relevant, and of course me love you long time? that helps PV kids out a lot.  Can't stop bullying the program kids can you?  For the love of God please don't tell me what you have seen in foreign countries.  
The last thing I will say here, at least for a while, is don't blame yourself, I have tried to prove PV is stupid horrible bull.  Take everything in this world with a grain of salt, very few things can be taken without one.  People should not be so NAIVE, if you were under eighteen you have a right to be naive, but adults should have the sense to read the prescribing information and want to see where their child will live.   I feel a bit trampled on but I'm not guilty. I was fourteen and fifteen, for the love of God, when the things I was supposed to take responsibility for happened and I was being abused horribly on all levels.  Who wants victims of sexual abuse to take responsibility for the abuse? give me a break.  Situations are created by many angles, and all the people involved.  So many situations around you are often negative and will have a bad effect, PV being one of the worst case scenarios.  I really have said my bit, I'm writing to try and do some good, the pen is mightier than the sword they say right?  I hope everyone who was in PV will write something saying how bad it is and what it is like,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 05:11:23 AM
I nodded and smiled because I felt intimidated.  On the sexual harassment video at work certainly, sexual harassment is when you ask them to stop and they don't and such.  I guess you think extremely graphic sexual discussions, carrying weapons to class and talking about carrying a gun is not intimidating, sexually violent or scary at all?  To get a sexual harassment case to stick they do have to repeat the harassment after you have asked them to stop.  As an example of what I would consider sexual harassment I thought it was a good example.  It was very aggressive pointed at me, I was literally cornered, and even I felt afraid to say something.  It was as graphically sexual as you could get really.  Jokes that make you uncomfortable, do count as sexual harassment, go look it up.  Of course I would ask them to stop and if they continues I would report it.  I was honestly afraid of them some though?  I knew there would be backlash if I said "you should not tell that story to me, I found it intimidating and ugly. please don't again"   It's funny I've noticed this before, when you report sexual harassment or say something about it, often the girls around will defend the guys.  This happened at work when I told a guy I didn't think his joke about pimps and prostitutes, where the punch line was, him pretending to slap me and going, don't talk back to me ho" was appropriate.  The other girl defended him, and said it was a joke, and was rather rude afterwards.  They palled around a lot.
I think you are being naive, and you should learn to translate life more accurately.  In high school when I reported the daily extreme sexual harassment that I asked them repeatedly to stop, I was tormented by the girls in the school for the rest of the year.  The guys were popular.  Some people will do anything for acceptance.  You get a lot of crap when you speak out.  I think you are a bit of a fool.  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 05:39:31 AM
Rachel I read some of your other posts and you sound a bit like me.  Angry talkative and out of a prison camp.  you said you wanted to help inform people.  I think that's what I'm trying to do.  I have some problems with sexual abuse and such.  It makes me unfriendly toward men who tell graphic sexual jokes. It is a bit cathartic to actually get to talk about this stuff to in a place I'm not afraid of being beaten up literally.  I really do think I've said my piece, though.  I'm telling you the whole A*&^ conversation was over the top, I doubt you would have liked it much either.  If I was a kid who lived on campus with the two guys, who didn't know to say something or intimidated, it would have continued forever and probably gotten worse.  I know cause I was and it did, when it starts of like that it isn't going to get better.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 06:11:41 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Three Springs Waygooking posted a story about forcing a boy to push a rock with his face in the dirt and thinking it was funny.

The next day his moderating powers were gone.

Draw your own conclusions.

Hello loser, but obviously you weren't around for when he gave up his powers, because he didn't feel comfortable having them. He came out about the whole rock pushing thing when he first posted on fornits. His moderation powers are still active for the Question and Answer forum.

At least try to spin a better thread of bs when you slander someone.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 06:28:45 AM
I was too in the Village, does anyone else remember how happy everyone was in the summer when the guy finally came by with the septic truck to clean the porta johns.  Do you remember how hard it is to wake up a horrible PV conselor in the middle of the night to walk you out to the port potties?  If you woke them up they would give you hell the next day, no matter if the medication they had you on made you pee a lot.   We had no heat either of course, just a wood stove and no running water, just  that fricken evil gott.  I get flash backs from a water cooler, how sad is that.  The damn thing weighed like 800 pounds and we carried it everywhere.   I think you are odd, because you say I don't know what PV is like.  I could not make any of this stuff up if I tried, you just don't want me to make PV look bad maybe, it is stupid hell, very stupid irrational and bad.  No damn sense to any of it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 07:20:27 AM
Does Three Springs Waygooking  have anything to do with PV?  Does anyone else hate hospital gowns? I hate hospital gowns.  I really really hate hospital gowns, and being made to sleep on that damn cot in front of the counselor desk in a hospital gown, and made to sign in every what? fifteen minutes, ARGH.  The cubicals in PV have no front and the STU lockdown unit is small as hell, I still can't stand rooms with Plexiglas windows and heavy fire doors, I start looking for exits and moving toward them, and that carpeting and those group chairs.  Did you really mean to get me to start describing PV, I've already taken up like ten pages. Jesus.  They used to have a picture of the lock down unit on the PV website but they don't anymore because I guess it looked too brutal.  You can still find it buried back in a post somewhere. I was in there for like eight months, they sent me back. They say you are going to be in STU for a month or two, big lie.  I was pretty compliant too, I tried to please them and cried a lot, I felt like I had let my family down or something, so I needed to do well to fix things?  I felt like hell in PV to say the least.  It’s horrible what I did with the sexual abuse really, that’s what I did with it, but anyway.  They left the lights on in STU, they would turn a few lights down in the back, but in the front, towards the desk the damn fluorescents were blaring, ugh.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 07:56:55 AM
Every one who was in PV needs to post something, anything will do!! Just describe things or say above is true, write four pages, anything, the more stuff that gets posted the closer we get to shutting PV down!! Don't just read this and move on, log in with a fake email if you are scared, just write something!! You have one year to sue PV in TN, who needs a million dollars, get a lawyer!! Talk to a lawyer, they may take your case for free if they think they can win, which they should PV is a farce!! get to it!! Call the cops!! report PV to the child protection agency, even if they ignore you they can't ignore everyone!!  Does anyone remember sitting on those damn cubical beds all day asking permission to go to the bathroom and telling them what you had to do while they timed you?  Come on all PV people say something!!  I think it is good if people write a lot, the more the better, PV people need to post stuff!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 09:42:17 AM
I have one more girl I was in with story then I'm done.  A girl I was in with was a foster kid, her parents were drug users and the state gave her to her eighty year old Jehovah’s witness grandmother.  Grandmother said no birthdays, makeup, jewelry, boys, dating anything.  Grandmother could be pretty crazy, pretty elderly.  Girl was a good student and a star basketball player. Cute as can be.  She went over to the head of the boys basketball teams house, after school, his mom caught them making out, called grandmother, grandmother read her the riot act and turned her over to foster care, who put her in a group home where she got into a fight with another girl about something, the girl was picking on her and she was somewhat feisty.  She was an anger addict according to PV and went to AA meetings with the rest of us.  She did no drugs, didn't drink, got good grades, had lots of friends, and was a star on the school basket ball team. she was fifteen, the group home turned her over to PV because she was fighting because she had been picked on.  True story swear on my life, whole true story, Hardly a hardened criminal, "Bad Girl."  She was African American, too for what thats worth.  Very nice girl.  PV staff was mean as hell to her of course.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 25, 2007, 09:43:35 AM
Excellent idea!  Enough voices citing the abuses at PV will make it more attractive to an attorney, who would take the case on contigency if it's strong.

I'm interested in hearing more from the guys who were at PV.  I talked to two, one of them is doing very well now.  I asked him why I didn't hear more from the guys, and he point blank replied "A lot of them committed suicide, especially the kids who lived in Tennessee,"  Maybe because of PV's reputation in TN...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 25, 2007, 09:56:34 AM
I think I'll bitch at ginger and see and make her set up a forum just for Peninsula Village. Definitely this material needs more publicity than it is currently getting.

I'd also be interested in interviewing anyone, but I only do those down in my own forum where guests aren't allowed to post.

So its up to the participant.

If you want a PV forum go honk and squawk at ginger in the thread I will start in about two seconds up in the tech section.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on April 25, 2007, 12:16:38 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free""
,Defining why PV is such a horrible farce, maybe that is the aspect "we" don't like.  I don't think I make PV look like anything other than the idiotic hell hole it is.  Oh of course, the education requirements to be a counselor, or more accurately the lack of, Pellissippi State Community College forever.  Told you I had been in PV.

Pellissippi? Maybe back in your day, but Johnson Bible College educates more of the counselors these days...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 25, 2007, 01:30:39 PM
Nah, a GED's good enough to get you a gig at PV running therapy groups, according to the last counselor job listing I read.  Bad counselors are made, not born, too much education makes it difficult to get the program into the counselor.

I know a few Village idiots are reading this now, and I'd like to offer up a rather hale and hearty ::fuckoff:: to you gooners.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 25, 2007, 07:50:23 PM
I think you forget that in general, this industry really doesn't have what you would call a good counselor. Even in schools where they are using master's level therapists the group sessions still end up being conducted like a kangaroo court. PV more than likely has reduced its hiring standards to keep a sufficient level of staff. Other facilities have actually upped them to attempt to claim that their counseling staff all have at the minimum a bachelor's degree of some sort.

Does this prevent abuse?

ummm no.

What you have in the case of PV isn't anything much to do with education. It is all about culture. The culture of the place is rotten. Sick thinking has pervaded the very core of PV with the ideology that torturing children in their care is an acceptable form of treatment/bullshit. The exact same sort of thinking is played out to lesser or greater degrees at other facilities with staff that is educated to some degree more.

This again comes down to culture. Tough love really has grabbed America by the balls when college graduates have gotten it into their heads that it is the next best thing to peaches and cream.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 25, 2007, 08:19:01 PM
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""we are not free""
The one guy starts telling a story about this guy having sex with a girl in Las Vegas, he was actually moving his pelvis and holding his hands like he, I guess, was holding on to a girls butt from the back, the story went on a little while too it seemed. This guy in Vegas was having sex and the doors in the hotel were a kind of glass that when you touched a button they became misted over but when you touched it again you could see through them, so he keeps touching the door while he is having sex so people can see through it and then can’t.  The final time he does it a security guard was there and he &^%& all over the glass.  I didn’t like this story much or the pelvic thrusts but I just nodded and smiled.  The other guy starts talking about seeing this thing on the internet where this guy tried to have *&^*&* sex with a girl and filmed it, there was &**& everywhere and the camera guy threw up and so did the guy, this story was much longer than the above sentence and very graphic.  I’m sorry to have to repeat this, even with editing but this is a reasonably ordinary form of sexual harassment. He also mention *&^* sex one other times in relation to his girlfriend, in a conversation, that started by talking about the test we had just taken?  This time was unrelated to the above story?  I have not talked to these kids much, and I look really ordinary, like everyone else in class, they were not singling me out.  I am not picking on men, or boys, I know very nice non before mentioned guys.  


First of all, I am a feminist, I am the daughter of a feminist (who is also a professor of women's studies and feminist writing), and I am married to a feminist. Now then:

From what you have described of the situation in the post above, you were not experiencing sexual harassment at that time. The term "harassment" implies repetition of an unwanted act or refusal to desist when requested to do so. It also implies intent.

You described a situation in which you were a passive member of a conversation which wasn't even entirely directed towards you. You described only one instance of the offending comments, and you did not ask them to stop speaking about it - you smiled and nodded. The persons you were engaged in the conversation with had no way of knowing that you were uncomfortable. Albeit, the subject matter was obviously offensive to you, but that in and of itself is not sexual harassment. Inappropriate maybe, harassment - not even close. Two people carrying on a conversation about anal sex (is that what you were implying with your bizarre self-censorship?) with their girlfriends is not in any way harassing you.

Feel free to clarify if there was more to the story than you first described.



Well said.  I think "We are not free" has a little too high a threshold for what is considered sexual harsassment.  If she went around reporting stuff like that to staff, and she got people into trouble about it, I could understand why they would be pissed (and rightly so).  I'm guessing being abused, and being in PV is what caused her to be so sensitive...  Personally, I don't aggree that speech should ever be censored, no matter what.  You can't force people to be polite, and you can't force people to not offend you.  You're much better off saying, "hey, could you not talk about that, it hits home and makes me uncomfortable".  If they don't stop... FUCKING WALK AWAY!!!  There is nothing forcing you to be there, listening to them, and smiling as if you are entertained by their story (and then blame them for "harassing" you?!?!).  Bla bla bla.. You go on about males and a paternalistic society and bla bla bla...  If I can listen to such a story as a guy, and not be offended what makes you any different.  You want equality or superiority?  If you were telling that story, would I have a right to say "oh my god!  i'm being sexually harassed!!!"  As a guy, would anybody take me seriously.

Personally, I'm bi, and i really don't give a fuck about gender (what is so important about genetelia... it's what's inside that counts).  People are people and if you want to be seen as an equal, fucking act like one, and stop being so passive.  Don't try to censor others or you should expect a (rightly) hostile response.  If you're offended, say so. If you are really offended, tell they to go fuck themselves... or start telling a story about the details of Lorena Bobbit's escapade (something that would make most uncomfortable)...  Maybe they'll be intimidated.  You sure as hell won't have to worry about any of them wanting to fuck you...

Don't take this the wrong way but:  You need therapy... a lot of therapy...

Why me be so hostile?  Me no like censorship?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 25, 2007, 08:45:06 PM
Now, don't bee so harsh on We're Not Free. Unfortunately, what you're describing, WNF, is just exactly the line of bullshit the public schoolpeople tried to teach my daughter. I think we could probably hold a pretty interesting discussion about if and how much anti-sex, anti-male biogtry and propaganda contribute to all these school shooting sprees.

When my oldest started middle school, there was this boy who was just a little too friendly w/ the girls and couldn't take a hint. Probably his upbringing more than sadistic intent, but sometimes he pushed it so far the girl would cry. My kid told me this and wanted to know if she should report him for sexual harassment. I told her no, not just yet. Next time he messes w/ you, tell him to leave you alone and, if he doesn't back off, kick him hard in the balls and tell him again while you've got his undevoted attention. Not only will he leave you alone and all the other girls, nobody else will mess with you either. And that's just how it went down, too! If she had started a sexual harassment investigation the silly bastards who continually solicit complaints from unsuspecting little kids would only have humiliated everyone involved and put the kid, his rents and other affiliated ppl through some silly therapy. At the end of the day, he might have been the next school shooter. Instead, he just got a little more polite right quick and real cheap.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 25, 2007, 09:15:04 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Three Springs Waygooking posted a story about forcing a boy to push a rock with his face in the dirt and thinking it was funny.

The next day his moderating powers were gone.

Draw your own conclusions.

Uh... that's one way to go about it. Or you could ask the people involved. I done it, ok? I admit it. I not only yanked TSW's moderator status but, some time later, I even deleted every post he had every post he had made under that name. Man, I mean to tell you I was livid! Some of that shit was really, really good. I fucking HATE destroying good prose and thoughtful conversation. But, well, they were his words, he asked me to do it, I didn't have much choice.

I knew TSW was a former staffer just about as soon as he turned up. So is Dysfunction Junction. There have been a good many former staffers and even the occasional current staffer posting anon over the years. All are welcome. Fornits really isn't an exclusive club in any way. It's all about giving everyone enough rope to either hang themselves or haul something. Course, we don't mind them others who want to make rope swings over jello pools with it either.

Anyway, just catching up on this thread.... had to drop that in.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 25, 2007, 09:22:50 PM
Quote from: ""Antigen's Ghost""
Now, don't bee so harsh on We're Not Free. Unfortunately, what you're describing, WNF, is just exactly the line of bullshit the public schoolpeople tried to teach my daughter. I think we could probably hold a pretty interesting discussion about if and how much anti-sex, anti-male biogtry and propaganda contribute to all these school shooting sprees.

When my oldest started middle school, there was this boy who was just a little too friendly w/ the girls and couldn't take a hint. Probably his upbringing more than sadistic intent, but sometimes he pushed it so far the girl would cry. My kid told me this and wanted to know if she should report him for sexual harassment. I told her no, not just yet. Next time he messes w/ you, tell him to leave you alone and, if he doesn't back off, kick him hard in the balls and tell him again while you've got his undevoted attention. Not only will he leave you alone and all the other girls, nobody else will mess with you either. And that's just how it went down, too! If she had started a sexual harassment investigation the silly bastards who continually solicit complaints from unsuspecting little kids would only have humiliated everyone involved and put the kid, his rents and other affiliated ppl through some silly therapy. At the end of the day, he might have been the next school shooter. Instead, he just got a little more polite right quick and real cheap.

OH nOES A horny grade schooler????

Thing to remember about We aren't free is the context of the environment. She was in the Village of Evil, aka Pennicilin Villian, where confrontation was breathed, eaten, showered, swam, snorted, farted, burped, and squished into every part of the resident's existance.

Such hyper awareness of boundries is merely another part of the program. Now the difference between We aren't free and others may well be here intentions weren't to use the incidents to shine via confronting the negative behaviors of her fellow peers. Something tells me she might have believed confronting the behavior was just the right thing to do.

It can take some time to unwind the tension that TBS puts on a kid, staffer, or parent. In the kids place it requires them being able to intergrate into the world around them. In my own case I had to back off my absurd level of expectations of the people around me. Not sure what the parents have to do, maybe stop snorting ritalin?

Either way it is important to recognize that we aren't free has made a lot of progress in her "Deprogramization" efforts. Lets not shit on her hard work.

Yo! We aren't free! You are doing good so keep at it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2007, 09:26:35 PM
Raps, group, feedback. You leave the program, it doesn't leave you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 25, 2007, 11:17:47 PM
Was just talking with a friend about this thread and some of my horrid memories of coming out of the fog.

There was the time a fellow waitress bent down to straighten my sock for me. I'd started to notice that most of the staff were gay, so this freaked me the fuck out! I didn't know any appropriate way to respond, so I just stiffened up and said "Please don't touch me!" in such a way that it frightened the poor girl. I lost that job soon after.

Then there was the time I got a short pay check. Stormed over to the office and started screaming accusations and threats about ripping me off and... and... then realized I had forgotten to clock in one day. Fired on the spot.

Then there was the time I called the Broward County library looking for a copy of a radical, political self published book and gave that poor sob an earful about censorship and government control.

I basically had two modes; totally passive, submissive, obedient even and pissed the fuck off. No idea at ALL how to gage the veracity of whatever suspicions crossed my mind or how to deal peacefully and respectfully w/ conflict resolution.

God! I got bullied into several bad long term relationships just that way.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 02:30:33 AM
Quote from: ""Antigen's Ghost""
I basically had two modes; totally passive, submissive, obedient even and pissed the fuck off. No idea at ALL how to gage the veracity of whatever suspicions crossed my mind or how to deal peacefully and respectfully w/ conflict resolution.

God! I got bullied into several bad long term relationships just that way.

Sounds like me.

I wonder if we're made this way through parenting, or born this way, or something about society creates people like us, but I know it ain't just me.

It really sucks having only two modes, pussy and psycho, but at least where one fails the other usually works. The problem is sometimes the result I get isn't what I had intended  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 11:18:55 AM
The guys at college are not kids, they are nineteen or twenty, the stories they told were as graphic, sexual and pointed at me as you could get?  I think the kid you were talking about was a kid and probably just repeating things he got of TV.  Sexual harassment isn't a myth or paranoia.  I didn't drop the before mentioned example because it was one of long term sexual harassment, only an example of the kind of "jokes" that count as sexual harassment.  If it continued for days, as it often has, then it is worth reporting.  I went to high school in a small school.  At thirteen I ate lunch with the eighteen year olds.  I agree that the "jokes" should be pointed at you perhaps, these "jokes" were told to me?  This example was not a very good one, legally, but as far as the kind of stuff that is sexually harassing it is relevant.   Sexually aggressive behavior, in speech or action, is threatening, and it makes life horrible when you are a teen and have to deal with the C word every day, whether it is said to you, your friend or the entire room in the context of a "joke".  Sexual harassment, is real.  I can relate to the sock story though,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 11:38:55 AM
I also did not mean teens who are reported for sexual harassment should be beaten up or something.  I do think schools need to teach about sexual harassment, no kid should have to hear the Cu word everyday.  I don't think schools now do at all and kids get caught up in the crowd and repeat stuff they see in the media. I know in high school at fourteen or so, I heard "do you want to suck my bleep", at least three times a week, directed at me or another girl.  At fourteen I hadn't kissed a guy really yet, I was a geek.     There is also something of a difference, reacting to having someone touch your sock and reacting to being backed up against a wall, while a guy makes pelvis thrusts in your direction, talks about ejaculation while the other guy talks about a(*&(* sex?  That doesn't belong in schools or work, mainly because you have to be in those places.  I didn't say anything at the time because I felt threatened, also it is so common, saying something would do nothing except have people respond as you' all did.  
I like what you said about rage then wimpy though, rage them wimpy, I agree this is relevant to PST from programs.
 In the PV program, I felt more sexually harassed than I felt like I was taught to think it was bad and report it?  They make you feel like you deserve it. PV loves to beat you up in relation to sex, reminded me of lunch table conversations, "I know you would like too, I know you want to, Your just a little (*&(*& aren't you"  This is to a thirteen year old virgin, of course.  It was a small private school, middle school and high school was in the same buildings and eight graders ate lunch with high school kids, not a good system.  PV never said anything against sexual harassment that I remember.  This would be admitting that maybe some of the girls in there, who had suffered sexual abuse, actually had been victimized.  They were far more proponents of the "you deserved it school" and the "well what were you doing there" school.  Protestations like, "I had to go to school" were ignored with loud stupid party slogans, and more sexual harassment from staff, They wanted you to go into details about your molestation and such.  They love weird sexual details.  They like to make you describe being abused over and over again.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 11:41:37 AM
Yeah...another article on PV's homerun king, Andrew Klepper, with some interesting comments at the end.   Keep in mind, these comments were written before he violated his probation.  When the details of his latest arrest came out, it became clear he never had to honor the terms of his probation anyway.  Should he have been tried as an adult?  I don't know...  He did some planning that was very mature.  Ask the first escort he victimized whether she thinks justice was served. (

Rich little psychos run free...Times like this, I rely on faith in my personal Lord and Savior, the True Black Jesus, and Jack Daniels, Black as well.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 12:19:34 PM
hey, I think I went to high school with these kids! speaking of sexual harassment. could I be any more of a proponent of HOME SCHOOLING.  Throw the little thirteen year old girl to the wolves then yell at her when she "cry's wolf."  New england farmhouse, near the Canadian border, ten acres, a couple of great danes and an electric fence, I was imagining my dream home, and it had a moat, I was actually imagining myself digging the moat, and redirecting water form a nearby stream.  How's that for PTS? I started doing it as an exercise to help me fall asleep, I got it out of a book at work. needless to say I couldn't, I became far too involved with building the moat and surrounding the house with electric fencing.  
I know I compare all this stuff to communism and such, but at least we can speak about it in this country with out being arrested, I am praying.  Law can be good when it protects people
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 01:11:02 PM
Again I think they took this kid for public relations purposes, "look see they are bad enough to beat."  I feel really bad for the kids in group with him though, and I wouldn't want to be around him with an axe!!!  When I was in, I was not in with girls like above guy.  We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic.  We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type.  The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned.  Girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.  Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.  A party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops.  Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme?  a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.  thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody  and put her in PV.  thirteen year old ate some aspirin, two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.  Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!! Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.  The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and caused a fuss.  Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away.    Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp.  That really is most of them I can remember, oh chemical depression kid some cutting, dramatic little scratch things, no drugs, drinking anything.
So you see not really criminals?  I think the boys side is probably even worse than the girls, especially if they take people like the above guy!  Some of the boys though I'm sure are nice people really.  The girls I was in with were actually nice girls, I don't harbor bad feelings toward any of them, God bless them please!  I care about them.  They were good people even in the face of having PV try to force them to abuse others.  If there is a God they are not in the wrong in this situation and they acted well, and honorably.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 01:33:06 PM
WNF, I think you might be a lot more content with life if you could learn to stop obsessing about sex so much. Get some or don't get some, with a man, a woman, yourself or whatever. It doesn't make any difference to the rest of us. But I think your obsession with finding harassment in every word and action you observe around you is really unhealthy. There are people who can help you figure this out and learn to deal...just like there are people who can help you recover from PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 01:50:10 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
Again I think they took this kid for public relations purposes

Klepper?  Public relations?  No, I don't think so.  Maybe some Village idiot thought, taking him was based wholly on the fact he was private pay.  It was a monumental fucking failure in terms of "public relations", and PV tries to bury the fact the Hank Aaron of whoredom was there.  No, I'm not disrespecting that age-old profession, either, so please don't start...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 02:12:26 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
The guys at college are not kids, they are nineteen or twenty, the stories they told were as graphic, sexual and pointed at me as you could get?

I think if they wanted to boink you they would have avoided such behavior around you.

I think the kid you were talking about was a kid and probably just repeating things he got of TV.

it makes life horrible when you are a teen and have to deal with the C word every day, whether it is said to you, your friend or the entire room in the context of a "joke".

What's the C word?  Cunt?  Clit?  Cock? Cum?  Which one?  Oh me oh my... A college student says such a word in passing...  and it's harassment to you?!?!  That is fucking insane.

Threatening is relative.  So is offensive.  You ne.ed to go to and take a look around.  (PS: it was my ex-girlfriend's favorite site...  she introduced it to me...  Is that harassment?)  I get threatened when i see mushrooms.  I have a phobia of mushrooms.  If you throw me a mushroom at me, i will be terrified.  If you threaten to throw one at me, i will feel threatened.  I am so so so so glad i told them "i'm allergic" in program or they would have surely used that one on me.

Sexual harassment, is real.  I can relate to the sock story though,

Look... I may be being an asshole about this, but i think you might want to consider that you might just be a teeny tiny bit over-sensitive to this... to the point where it imposes unrealistic expectations on others.  You can't expect everybody else to know about your past automatically.  What?  Do you want a society where everybody is afraid speak, lest they offend somebody?  THAT fucking offends me.  I suggest you read Ray Bradbury's "Farenheit 451".  Fuck censorship.  It's a slippery slope, and before you know it, you'll be on the ass end of it.

Your parents, from what you have described... now they are abusive.  And PV was abusive...  But from the situations you describe about some guys telling stories around you?  no... that is not harassment...  Is the guy telling the story harassing the other guys?  answer that question.  What makes you so special.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 02:25:43 PM
Again, this is a 24 year old woman, who is listening to a bunch of teenage college guys talking.  If she doesn't like their manner of talking, or the sublject; she can walk away; and not listen.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 02:32:54 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
In the PV program, I felt more sexually harassed than I felt like I was taught to think it was bad and report it?  They make you feel like you deserve it. PV loves to beat you up in relation to sex, reminded me of lunch table conversations, "I know you would like too, I know you want to, Your just a little (*&(*& aren't you"

I heard that all the time in group, when they were calling girls out...  They never did it to the guys.  Promiscuity was expected from them.. Sure they were punished for sex in program, but they weren't blasted in group the same amount.  People were meant to feel that sex was dirty... That they were dirty because they had sex.  

This is to a thirteen year old virgin, of course.  It was a small private school, middle school and high school was in the same buildings and eight graders ate lunch with high school kids, not a good system.  PV never said anything against sexual harassment that I remember.  This would be admitting that maybe some of the girls in there, who had suffered sexual abuse, actually had been victimized.  They were far more proponents of the "you deserved it school" and the "well what were you doing there" school.

Yup:  "You ne.ed to take responsibillity and realize how your actions caused that to happen!"... I know it well.  It's beyond fucked up.  Then want to make the victim feel at blame.  It's so sick, and I feel sorry for anybody who had to go through it.  It's twisting a knife in the wound.

You can't predict the future, and as such, there was no way you could have known... and you did all that you could in the situation, with the knowledge you had.  You were a victim.  Fuck what program said.  I hope you realize the level of sick programs stoop to in this respect.  If you haven't talked to a shrink about what happened, i recommend you do.  Shit like that doesn't wear off easily.  If you PM me i'll tell you some things I was called out in group on regarding this same shit... and how they made me feel dirty.. impure... as if I am a sickness, a stain...  No I haven't been the same since.  I never was shy before.. I would go up to people and ask them out...  Being shy is one of the things I really can't forgive program for...   I wish I felt as comfortable as I used to, not worry about things, not be self-conscious...  have confidence in who I am...  Once they put doubt there, I'm not sure if it ever goes away.

I used to be really goth for a while, wear fishnet shirts.  skintight pvc... stuff like that.  I was proud of the way i looked.  After program... Long sleeved shirts, no shorts.  Afraid to show anybody who I look like.. afraid they will be repulsed...  Then I remembered what i believed before program:  why should I give a shit what others think about how I look.  If they are going to judge me on outward appearances, they're shallow assholes i really don't want to know anyway.

My therapy?  I did a nude self portrait for Drawing II... Several others did too in the class.  It let me feel more comfortable about my body, who I am, etc...  An unbelievable amount of anger came out during that project.  I'm fucking furious they made me care about what others think about my appearance.

Protestations like, "I had to go to school" were ignored with loud stupid party slogans, and more sexual harassment from staff, They wanted you to go into details about your molestation and such.  They love weird sexual details.  They like to make you describe being abused over and over again.

And I can understand how that can make you feel uncomfortable when you hear others talking about it.  It's too close to program.  Lots of things are for me too.  But try and force everybody else to change just to avoid offending you.  Most people are nice enough that you don't have to...  Confidence?  Do you have the confidence to say "guys, that's enough... k... just because.. k"  Program kinda encourages you not to speak out.  But you'll feel better if you learn to.  Take an acting class maybe...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 02:36:48 PM
Yeah, what IS the "C" word?  Is it "cretin"?  Because if it is, damn I've been verbally abusive to these motherfuckers I work with.  Just in case, I'll go back to calling them "cunts".
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 02:41:22 PM
ok then, I give up.  :roll: I hope the point was illustrated well for any parents reading this.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 02:54:21 PM
Gotcha!  I'll pass it on to the youngsters, once I figure out what the point was.  Not that they'll give a dead rat's blazing ass in hell, and they'll probably quote Burroughs to me:

"Never proffer sympathy to the mentally deranged, it is a bottomless fucking pit..."

They know more than most of us think.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 03:27:39 PM
I'm not deranged?  I didn't know that klepper was in PV so when I read something about prostitutes and baseball bats it scared me.  rat's ass is not sexual harassment but sexual harassment is real.  I don't like to hear girls at PV stereotyped, you are all pretty male and ignorant as far as such things go.  You said you are bi?  not you zen,   bi and gay friends I have had get sexually harassed a lot by guys.  everyone  says somewhat explicit things often too?  girl friends and I can get pretty raunchy when we talk, but is is not sexual harassment.  It is different when guys sexually harass my gay friend then when we say something gross? It has a bullying angle?  And of course a sexual one.  The point is if you speak out you get stupidity.   the difference is like two racist guys cornering a black guy and telling racist jokes, it is different then people joking or talking about sex.  In high school the sexual harassment was very sexually abusive, TV portrays many very sexist stereotypes of women, I am so sick of stereotyped ho's and strippers, for the love of God, on the TV.  C word is not ok to call the thirteen year old in school if you are seven teen?  again I think I was in high school with klepper?  There is a difference between that guy and a normal person saying fuck you or something.  By the way fuck you'all!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 03:34:23 PM
oh and I guess zen wasn't saying I was deranged, it was "Never proffer sympathy to the mentally deranged, it is a bottomless fucking pit..." got you.  I don't think people on here are deranged?  I get the same response from "normal" people, like teachers and most people really, it's the overall ideology.  My point was speak out and you get stupidity, fruit throwing and a mob?  Forget understanding, not everyone of course, it's a good percentage. though.  Black Jesus agrees with me :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 03:36:07 PM
I DIDN'T SAY YOU WERE DERANGED!  You are antagonistic and contradictory.  The "F" word is cool, but the "C" word makes you feel all "yucky", I guess.  

If I thought you were deranged, I wouldn't respond to you at all.

If you want to discuss the odd notion of a blue-eyed, fairhaired Jesus wandering around in the Middle East,(I wasn't making a joke) I'll be glad to discuss it with you at the proper forum, the "Free For All"!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 03:41:12 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I'm not deranged?  I didn't know that klepper was in PV so when I read something about prostitutes and baseball bats it scared me.  rat's ass is not sexual harassment but sexual harassment is real.  I don't like to hear girls at PV stereotyped, you are all pretty male and ignorant as far as such things go.

"pretty male and ignorant"  ... Well.. apparantly.. regarding me, you are quite "pretty female and ignorant".  because I don't like to hear GUYS stereotyped.  And yet you seem to do that a lot.... And I tried to be sympathetic in my last post.  You think we're all that different.  You're special... No.. We were all treated like shit and broken down to hate ourselves... regardless of method.

In high school the sexual harassment was very sexually abusive, TV portrays many very sexist stereotypes of women

And i'm fucking sick of the "playa" stereotype.  And i'm fucking sick of a lot of "this is what you should be... go buy this and that" on TV... so guess what: I TURN IT THE FUCK OFF!.. And i'm fucking sick of the category you place me in because of MY genitals.  YOU are sexist.

By the way fuck you'all!

Well the attitude is improving.  But can you say that to somebody to their face.  Can you tell a guy who offends you to "get a fucking life you loser?"...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 03:43:05 PM
again if I am paranoid I have a reason, I was  sexually abused so I got to spend two years in a prison camp being abused more about it, by PV's moronic goons, it's not a joke, you know.  It's about as bad as it could be really, sexual abuse, if I have side effects well duh? cut me some slack.  And don't tell me to get laid, come on now :roll: I was assaulted recently, I have the police report. :roll: a guy jumped out from behind a tree,actually he just stepped but anyway, completely naked and played with himself fro a while, about twenty five feet from me.  He had swim shorts on, so it was easy to become naked fast.  I was sitting studying for a history test with my dog at the local lake.  Is naked playing with himself guy ok too to you'all, or just cornering a girl from class and talking to her about ejaculation and A8&^ sex.        :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 03:46:46 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
again if I am paranoid I have a reason, I was  sexually abused so I got to spend two years in a prison camp being abused more about it, by PV's moronic goons, it's not a joke, you know.  It's about as bad as it could be really, sexual abuse, if I have side effects well duh? cut me some slack.  And don't tell me to get laid, come on now :roll: I was assaulted recently, I have the police report. :roll: a guy jumped out from behind a tree,actually he just stepped but anyway, completely naked and played with himself fro a while, about twenty five feet from me.  He had swim shorts on, so it was easy to become naked fast.  I was sitting studying for a history test with my dog at the local lake.  Is naked playing with himself guy ok too to you'all, or just cornering a girl from class and talking to her about ejaculation and A8&^ sex.        :roll:

Move.  Leave this freak infested area and find safer accomodations.  I've never known anyone to be trapped in such a terrible and perverse place. :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 03:51:26 PM
I don't think all men are violent or sexist or anything?  I am not stereotyping men, I do think most men don't understand what sexism and fear of sexual assault are like as a woman.  Again it's a little like a white guy telling a black one racism is nothing to worry about?  Sure from your perspective.  and cut me some slack. I'm not picking on you, are you a flasher, or some guy who corners people smaller than them and says sexual stuff to them? Ok then, it's not about you or all men?  I just don't think men know what my life being a women is all about?  I said people in this post seem as rational as anybody.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 03:52:28 PM
There's a difference between "deranged" and "obsessed." Maybe you're just obsessed...with sex, sexual harassment, sexual words, etc.  You also seem to be quite the misandrist (look that one up).

Help is available, probably not far from where you live. You might consider looking into that...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 04:00:48 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
again if I am paranoid I have a reason

Of course you do.  But realizing you are a little paranoid becuase of the shit you were put through is a good step.

And don't tell me to get laid

I wouldn't, and TSW sure wouldn't have had he known what you were in PV for.  He suggests that to everybody.  He did it in my PTSD thread.  It's his prescription for after program relief.  It's a joke.

come on now :roll: I was assaulted recently, I have the police report. :roll: a guy jumped out from behind a tree,actually he just stepped but anyway, completely naked and played with himself fro a while, about twenty five feet from me.  He had swim shorts on, so it was easy to become naked fast.  I was sitting studying for a history test with my dog at the local lake.  Is naked playing with himself guy ok too to you'all, or just cornering a girl from class and talking to her about ejaculation and A8&^ sex.        :roll:

Well...  It depends on the situation.  If he's cornering you alone, and you're notably uncomfortable (ie, not pretending to enjoy it to becuase you're worried about offending him or causing a scene) then yes.  It would be harassment (especially if you verbally expresssed discomfort).  If you appear to be interested, he might get the wrong idea.  In any case, it's pretty inappropriate, but he might not be socially adept enough to realize that, in which case he's not malicious either, and you should just express your discomfort.

Yes the guy jumping out was abusive.  If I was in your situation I would have probably cut it off (you misuse it, you lose it).
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 04:08:24 PM
I still say you need REAL luggage and a plane ticket out...then work on the PTSD, phobias, man-bashing, all the baggage you don't need.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 04:14:21 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I don't think all men are violent or sexist or anything?  I am not stereotyping men, I do think most men don't understand what sexism and fear of sexual assault are like as a woman.  Again it's a little like a white guy telling a black one racism is nothing to worry about?  Sure from your perspective.  and cut me some slack. I'm not picking on you, are you a flasher, or some guy who corners people smaller than them and says sexual stuff to them? Ok then, it's not about you or all men?  I just don't think men know what my life being a women is all about?  I said people in this post seem as rational as anybody.

Look.. I could go back and quote your posts where you rant against men, but I won't even bother.  It seems to me as if you are generalizing.  No I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but I do know that there is a big difference between demanding equality, and demanding compensation.  Take affirmative action for example.  That policy attempts to artificially provide a boost to black people, who have been oppressed by whites (and still are).  At the same time, it creates jealousy... At the same time, it implies blacks need help to be the same.  It becomes a crutch.  a leg up becomes a prosthesis, actually delaying the attainment of equality...

If you want to be treated the same as men, demand just that, and nothing more.  "Sexual harassment" as some women such as yourself seems to perceive it, exists partially because of the sexist notion that "you don't say those things around weemin.. it' ain't chivalrous".  Well some guys are offended by dirty jokes. My dad is one of them.  So he says when he feels uncomfortable about what is being said, and others respect that.  Or he leaves.  Don't expect to force change on others and get anything besides a cold shoulder.  Do you want everybody to be mumbling behind your back, afraid of you?  Do you want the world to live in fear of a stray word that could bring doom?  Or do you want people who respect you enough not to offend you... willingly being polite, and at the same time, not afraid to speak their mind if they feel they need to.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 04:18:32 PM
ohh more group feedback...

seriously, she has issues, lets lay off
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 04:20:03 PM
This is turning into a regular ol' group session. If the girl wants to rant, let her rant. If you can rant on fornits, where can ya these days? If you think she is mucking up the thread, start a new one and call it peninsula village 2, expecting people to read 200 pages is kind of expecting a lot anyways mine as well condense it down and all that.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 04:27:38 PM
Seriously, this woman is becoming very offensive and I'm starting to feel sexually harassed by her. She keeps talking about "*&^*&* sex" and I don't even know what kind of sex that is, but I'm pretty sure it makes me uncomfortable.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 04:29:18 PM
You and TheWho should hang out.
You both have similar hobby, making fun of program survivors on fornits.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 04:30:33 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Seriously, this woman is becoming very offensive and I'm starting to feel sexually harassed by her. She keeps talking about "*&^*&* sex" and I don't even know what kind of sex that is, but I'm pretty sure it makes me uncomfortable.

Now come on.. It's funny but it's not.  You can be damn sure she wasn't that way before PV.  Program really fucks with what is and is not normal.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 04:38:59 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You and TheWho should hang out.
You both have similar hobby, making fun of program survivors on fornits.

Not making fun of her, just pointing out the obvious. She needs compassion and probably some professional help after all she's been through. But lashing out at 50% of the population because of the actions of a few is not a great strategy for gaining sympathy or support.

I was once ripped off by a guy with blonde hair, but I don't hate all blonde-haired guys. If I did, I might decide I'm not quite right in the head and I'd probably go talk to someone about that.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 04:42:26 PM
The guy who jumped out at you with his dick in his hand needs and deserves as much help as you.  After all, you don't know what he's been through.  He doesn't seem to be wanting help, and neither do you.  People have offered to give you assistance in private so they can relate confidentially, and you have refused to sign in as a regular user of Fornits, and damn my eyes if you're not a regular.

So, at what point should we lose interest in this?

Back to PV...June 23-24 is the retreat for the honored alumni, and I'd like to crash the party.  I was thinking about getting air horns like the counselors use to signal a restraint in progress.  DYS says they're all set at different pitches to indicate the area.  I'd like to get one at every pitch and set them off chaotically in the night...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 04:43:28 PM
I am sure she had that beaten into her psyche for two years, dont you think? You assume she is posting here looking for sympathy and support, I think people rant for their own reasons to let it out, or maybe I am missing the sentence at the end of each of her posts asking for everyones advice and feedback? So what if you think someone needs help, ridiculing them and telling them over and over they are broken is not they most effective strategy in the world to get them to seek change or help in their life.  if this girl didn't tell you these things you wouldn't even know, she is obviously aware of what is going on in her life because she explains them to all of us. Its kind of like if a fat person goes online looking for advice on how to lose weight, or even if they just came on posting about what its like to live life as a fat person, do you just keep posting over and over (in your head the obvious solution) to stop eating you damn fattie? Is that the best way to go about it? I dont think so.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 04:46:57 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I am sure she had that beaten into her psyche for two years, dont you think? You assume she is posting here looking for sympathy and support, I think people rant for their own reasons to let it out, or maybe I am missing the sentence at the end of each of her posts asking for everyones advice and feedback? So what if you think someone needs help, ridiculing them and telling them over and over they are broken is not they most effective strategy in the world to get them to seek change or help in their life.  if this girl didn't tell you these things you wouldn't even know, she is obviously aware of what is going on in her life because she explains them to all of us. Its kind of like if a fat person goes online looking for advice on how to lose weight, or even if they just came on posting about what its like to live life as a fat person, do you just keep posting over and over (in your head the obvious solution) to stop eating you damn fattie? Is that the best way to go about it? I dont think so.

She has other forums for "ranting".
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 04:51:50 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Back to PV...June 23-24 is the retreat for the honored alumni, and I'd like to crash the party.  I was thinking about getting air horns like the counselors use to signal a restraint in progress.  DYS says they're all set at different pitches to indicate the area.  I'd like to get one at every pitch and set them off chaotically in the night...

Great idea, but of course now they'll be expecting you cause even among those shallow gene pool types there are a few who know how to read and know how to get to fornits.
Title: Re: what PV is like
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 04:53:09 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""
I have personally witnessed the repeated abuse of minors at the Peninsula Village facility and would be more than happy to testify or present evidence to this fact.    These behavior modification teen wilderness camps are a controversial excuse for therapy at best,they are also are exorbitantly expensive.  PV costs 500 dollars a night, more if they are "forced" to restrain you, or if you are in STU, the lock down unit. PV costs over a 150,000.00 a year, the kids in PV either have very good insurance or the state, your tax dollars, pay for them to be abused.  When I started to research PV I was amazed to discover how completely unqualified many of the daily staff is.  The job requirements to be a live in counselor are a high school education or a GED, associate degrees from community colleges are common   Out of the staff that PV shows on it's website, I don't believe I saw one member of the daily staff that actually lives with the kids.  Therefore, it is obvious that Peninsula Village turns an excellent yearly profit.    The purpose of this letter is to officially report and describe the abuses that I both witnessed and was subjected to, in the hopes that it will help the children still suffering under that nightmare.
 I  was in Peninsula Village almost two years from 96 to 98, both my parents and I feel that we were extremely misled as to what my treatment there would be like.  I was in the lock down unit for six months on arrival to the Village although I was cowed, completely subservient and did everything that they told me to. I was physically restrained on the first day in a hospital gown by at least 8 large adults for nothing more than pulling my arm away, it was an impulse reaction, when the large orderly woman dugs her nails purposefully into my arm.  I know  that this was purposeful, as I was sitting on the floor in the isolation room looking up at the staff member and I pulled away but only instantaneously as a sort off knee jerk reaction and not violently, she had hurt me. She then stepped back looked at me again and pressed the buzzer staff wears around their neck to signal a restraint.  There was absolutely no need to restrain me other than to prove a point, we can hurt you if we want to, which I don?t believe they are allowed to use restraining for.  I was already in the isolation room all she had to do was walk out and close the door, I also wasn?t at all violent or had even thought to be, I regarded her as a teacher or some other adult authority figure, you certainly do not react violently to a teacher. I was not in PV for any form of violence.  I wasn?t even defiant, mostly I was scared, crying and sitting on the floor of the isolation room in a ball.    This was after the intrusive body search and being woken up at 5:30 in the morning by three burly adults who escorted me to Tennessee, it was more like being kidnapped.
 While being restrained the Peninsula Village   staff applied excessive pressure, I couldn't breathe and kept repeating that I was choking, but they let no pressure off, I was bruised and sore the next day, the restraint went on for hours. I saw one girl with a nasty black eye which they said came from pressing her face into the floor, like that made it better. I saw other cases with bruised arms, wrists or legs. There is no doubt in my mind that they could have restrained my totally non-resistant sobbing 95 pound borderline anorexic teenage self between all 1400 pounds of the 8 of them without hurting me. I was not fighting at all, even at first, I was far too shocked. Each held a body part so it was not a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, the individual staff member meant to hurt us. They also kept restraining you long after any fight was gone and even if none was there in the first place. I remember girls being restrained for what seemed like all night, although  it was really only about three hours, maybe more. There was an isolation room in the lockdown unit, nice cold hard linoleum with cement underneath but they would restrain you anywhere, gravel, garden manure, wherever.
They used a straight jacket called a burrito. I can remember seeing one tough little state kid stuck in that thing for a day or more, they were leading her around. Other girls were strapped to a cot wrapped up in it, stuck full of thorzine and left to drool. There were about two restraints a week. I was once restrained because I couldn't stop crying , I really couldn't I would have stopped of course to avoided being restrained, I was about as resistant as a wet noodle and they still held me down choking for hours. They would restrain girls for nothing, for saying in group therapy, I don?t agree with that politely enough , or for sitting down on work detail saying that they felt sick and needed to rest.
 We were not allowed to look at or talk to the other girls and we had to ask for permission to do anything, move even, of course go to the bathroom and we had to tell them what it is we had to do, they stood outside the door and timed us. Group therapy was more like a denouncement session and began as soon as you were crying, that is later on the first day, after they had restrained you for a few hours and you were a broken puddle ready to confess to anything. I don't believe that many of the staff that actually lives with the girls on a daily basis is especially educated, perhaps some BA's and associate degrees, These are the one?s who actually deal with the children and run group therapy and restrain them. The lights were left on all the time, we slept in cubicles and were often woken by the staff patrolling , they were always standing over us. We were punished constantly, abuse was constant every second for those two years.
We had level systems, I never got beyond the first level although I was completely compliant. I don't think I was as willing to rip into my fellow prisoners as much they would have liked. Group therapy was a communist denouncement  experience, it was pure hell, and I am not exaggerating. They would find out your deepest darkest secrets and then browbeat you with them like you were disgusting dirt, we could say nothing to defend ourselves or we would face being PCId/ restrained. They liked sexual revelations and would ask you everything about them, specific details and more details, it was not appropriate, odd and used to induce shame.  You would confess to things you didn't do and then they would tell your family. Many of the girls were in there  for something that had happened to them, somewhere, I think the website, says the Village is an expert at helping abused girls. It was terrible to watch them torture some poor kid who was in there because she had been raped or molested. Many of the girls had been raped or molested, myself included, and to be held up to shame, ridicule and denouncement in relation to sex at a place that was supposed to help you with your experience was a pure nightmare.
They encourage the girls to pick on each other, to rip into  each other during group therapy so bullying is greatly encouraged, in fact the level system is based strongly on it. There  was desperation mentality, as we all struggled so hard to avoid being punished and they punished all of us together, I realize now that the punishments were arbitrary, no matter how hard we tried to avoid them they were still going to rain down on our heads. We would pretend to give feedback, their word for harassment and abuse, but how can you tear someone apart after listening to them scream all night while staff held their face into the floor.     There were also  frequent outbreaks of head lice while I was in STU.
 It seemed very odd that some of the girls were in a behavior modification facility at all and it was hard to tell how all this abuse was going to help them.  The treatment did not seem at all relevant to the problems the girls were having?  One of the girls was there for telling her parents that she was gay and that was really it. There were lots of anorexics, and  many had never used drugs or drank.  Worst of all some had done nothing other than get molested by a close relative, to the horror of their families.  The PV website says that PV is expert at helping girls deal with issues like rape and molestation.  I want to know whether or not the relative being accused was being investigated?  There was very limited contact with the outside world especially for girls who's families had signed them over.  It did not seem reasonable that these girls were treated as if they were being punished or were in jail for more serious offenses.  I thought too, that  a lot of the girls who were in for more serious things were acting out  more serious problems in their lives, like the kids who had unfit parents and were in foster care.  It is a very hard world out there for a teenage runaway with drug addict abusive parents.  One thirteen year old was in because her father had been murdered and the state thought the child might need help dealing with this, she had done nothing else.  There were kids who seemed to have chemical depression, meaning they seemed to be suffering from a biological problem, nothing they could help.  I didn't understand how someone with a medical problem who ate a bottle of pills in a cry for help could take responsibility for the fact that they had a chemical imbalance.  Some girls were good students, there were a certain amount of custody battles.
After the lock down unit with its cramped quarters and barred mesh covered windows for  months, we had the cabins and work detail. Work detail was exercise digging up stumps, cross sawing logs, mauling logs, building endless things under the constant abuse of the staff in the hot sun. I believe I was also suffering from sleep deprivation  because  we were  often woken up at two in the morning to go out to the log shed to  be shown how much wood still needed to be chop or for some other arbitrary reason, we also always woke up before dawn.  I used to fall asleep standing up, literally on a daily basis.  We  marched around in lines, or holding on to a rope, and there was still no talking or looking at the other girls, it was very lonely.   We had to haul around the Gott, a water jug that weighed so much your arms would feel like they were going to fall off and you'd want to vomit but if you dropped it you knew you were in worse trouble, we carried around many heavy things.   The cabins have no running water or bathrooms only porta johns.   They exercise you past the breaking point and then over a little, and then much more. It was torture, I can't emphasize that enough torture, we did this all day most days, unless we were in school or on shutdown. We had no free time, we weren't allowed to read or anything, everything was tightly scheduled and we would always miss our schedule and be punished although we tried in pure desperation to make them happy so they would stop. Our showers were timed, everything was timed.  Hygiene wasn?t that great and there was no makeup or jewelry or of course shaving your legs, only ugly work cloths.  I only mention this because it  is very dehumanizing for a young girl.  We had no free time whatsoever, I did not speak to another girl the entire time I was there, without staff permission, which was rare.  We weren't allowed to read, that was the worst for me because I love to read.  No books, how are you suppose to learn without being able to read.    
School was ok when you got to go, but it wasn't very organized and there was a lot of other stuff going on, we also only went half the week, so we could do more important things like dig stumps out of the ground, I guess. Most left with a GED, I think they really focused on GED training, which makes it hard to get into colleges, especially if when they ask for high school credits you list a behavior modification facility. Often if something came up, like we went on shutdown or were sent to STU, the lockdown unit, we would miss school all together. Once they had us sit in a circle with our backs to each other and stare at the wall for five months only to turn around for group therapy and to be escorted to the bathroom. We had no school for those five months and five months is a long time to sit in a circle starring at a wall only to turn around for a denouncement session.
 From all the restraining you are probably thinking that the girls were always acting up. I can not stress how completely not true this is. For the most part they were more like zombies than wild teenagers. I?ve done some research on prison camps and abuse and I don't believe there is a teenager girl out there that isn?t going to turn into a limp half dead dish rag in the face of no escape, constant abuse; mental, physical, emotional and sexual although not physically so, denouncement sessions, sleep deprivation, sadistic people four times her size watching her constantly and being drugged. The opposition I saw was closer to nervous breakdowns than defiance.  There was some defiance but it was only verbal protests of the abuse.  The girls crossed the staff at the Village in really sad to watch ways, like protesting the denouncement sessions, no my rape wasn?t my fault, or saying I can?t work anymore I feel sick or I can?t stop sobbing I?m trying but I cant stop, I?m just going to sit here and not move. I never saw really saw anyone physically fight back or even threaten too except by pulling away or as they were already being restrained try to pull away and this was usually accompanied by a very believable, remember I saw bruises, you are hurting me I can?t breath.  I never saw anything that posed as a danger to staff or the other girls but I sure as saw them restrain people a lot.  I also thought it odd that if the girls are so dangerous that they would have them marching around with hammers, saws, mauls, axes and other pretty dangerous things. The Village is very expensive costing about 400 to 700 dollars a night, they charge more when they are "forced" to restrain you or put you in STU, as this requires more work or something. Everyone in there had really good insurance or was a ward of the state.
  I forgot to add they, of course, won't let you talk to your parents except after I think it was six months for me, even then just by phone with a family therapist on conference call so if you break out of the party line and say ?please get me out it?s a nightmare? large orderlies can appear and march you back for more abusive indoctrination. They laugh at you when you say you want a lawyer. Your parents have of course been told you are a lying manipulator and not to believe you and that you just want to come home so you can go out with boys and smoke pot.  Kids wet the bed because they were too scared to ask to go to the bathroom at night, either that or all the abuse was manifesting in weird ways.  I wouldn't believe it except I lived it and I swear on my life everything I said is 150% true.
 I have lasting scars from this experience, I have nightmares almost every night, not always about the village just in general, that the world is a horrible place and all the scary fascist people are going to eat me and everything I care about and I'm going to be completely at there mercy. Besides the nightmares sometimes I shake uncontrollably it is very embarrassing and is not helpful at work or in school.   I have finally gotten over my overwhelming social anxiety enough that I don't care who sees me shake if it means I get a college degree and have a life of my own. The Village taught me nothing other than how to be cowed and subservient and to think it was ok when someone abuses me, I still am completely incapable of making eye contact with other human beings. The Village teaches you to give in to peer pressure and let your self be influenced by those around you even if they are going against what you think is ethical.  I can?t emphasize enough how bad Peninsula Village is.  I was amazed that we had no rights while in there. I asked to speak to a lawyer or someone from the outside, I heard girls ask to have the police called repeatedly, and they laughed at us. I am so serious I am not a happy camper!   Therapy at PV is a horrible lie.  They take abused girls and tell them that they deserve abuse. It's the daily mantra there, how everything is your fault, your rape, your parents problems, your anorexia, your life in foster care, the fact that you?re a slut, don?t forget that you are a disgusting alcoholic slut, I?m sorry I don?t know how to say that politely, it is not said politely there, even if your knowledge of either  thing is very limited or non existent. I never got to talk to another girl the entire time I was there, other than with asked permission and staff listening, even then it was just about mandatory things, like, put the piece of wood down here.   I can understand how you people are taken in by Peninsula Village, from the outside it looks ok, my parents trusted and had no idea that such things even exist in America, they believed as I did that it was a safe and caring program that would help their daughter like most school and health programs.  People don't believe that something this insane, this Gulag like would exist in America.   No-one sees it from the inside except the daily staff and the girls really and us they do so much to discredit and keep down that we do not believe anyone will believe us or care.  I feel as if I have just recently woken up from Peninsula Village?s nightmare and it has been seven + years. It is an evil, horrible place that should be shut down and they should  have any licensing stripped from them and be brought up on child abuse charges.

how about this rant, is this allowed?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 04:55:44 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Back to PV...June 23-24 is the retreat for the honored alumni, and I'd like to crash the party.  I was thinking about getting air horns like the counselors use to signal a restraint in progress.  DYS says they're all set at different pitches to indicate the area.  I'd like to get one at every pitch and set them off chaotically in the night...

Great idea, but of course now they'll be expecting you cause even among those shallow gene pool types there are a few who know how to read and know how to get to fornits.

Considering I'm too old to be arrested for juvenile pranks, I gave that one up.
Title: Re: what PV is like
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 05:02:39 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

how about this rant, is this allowed?


Look, this person wants to use this as an affidavit, but it's not going to happen.  The only way this could be used is in a deposition, and the opposing counsel would rip her to pieces until she breaks down and loses it.  It could be good for the case, but bad for her.  Very bad.  

So, what should I do?  She wants to help, but do I put her through that?  If she wants to go through a grilling, she'll need to read the depositions from Mountain Park.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 05:21:29 PM
that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, It is not my fault racism against women is called sexism.  Martin Luther king and Gandhi are my hero's sorry, and jesus is ok too. I like Buddhism.  I thought you were makeing fun of me with the black jesus thing.  I think jesus was middle eastern and jewish? Martin luther king was black, and the idea and such.   I didn't want to say what had been said, but you all made fun  of me for not just saying it.  I found it horrible. F*&^^ you is not sexual harassment the C word is!! especially when it is directed about a woman or at a woman?  I don't need help, maybe to deal with abuse ok, but it is hard to get help out of a program, the program was supposed to be help.  I really was assaulted.
 Like I said about how I understand religion?  There is hope for us all somebody said?  I personally am not a saint, so I want to kick the flashers ass.  I have heard in psych classes, especially in children or adolescents, those who are molested as kids sometimes molest other kids?  The flasher was a big guy though, and I'm a nice looking young women, I don't think this had to do with him being abused as a child, I think it was just a guy who gets off on scaring women, he did as much as he thought he could get away with by flashing me.  Since the begining of time, men have raped women, I'm not standing in as the rapist's shrink sorry.  I'm sick of being told I'm nuts because I say sexism and sexual harassment and sexual violence against women, men too, especially boys, is a common thing!  I think some of you are from PV.  THis sounds like PV logic for sure!  I find help in my "black jesus" idea thank you, please don't make fun of it.  I'm not saying you should convert to buddhism or something, but the reading is peaceful and it makes me feel better.  And I don't hate men, at all, I think many men are very good people and wouldn't pull their swim trunks down when they noticed they were the only one around a young women and could probably get away with it.  I am going to repost the stories of the girls I was in with because I think it got lost in all this crap!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 05:30:21 PM
By the way, the similarity in prose style has been noted.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 05:31:39 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
F*&^^ you is not sexual harassment the C word is!! especially when it is directed about a woman or at a woman?

Still not clear on which C word that is exactly...

I personally am not a saint, so I want to kick the flashers ass.

You'd be doing society a favor.

I think it was just a guy who gets off on scaring women

I aggree.

sexism and sexual harassment and sexual violence against women, men too, especially boys, is a common thing!

I aggree.  Just not on what you think is sexual harassment (ie... ppl talking about sex in public, or saying whatever the C word is in public).  Have fun in your police state.

I think some of you are from PV.  THis sounds like PV logic for sure!

 :roll: MMkkay.  I'm gonna go play some ultra-violent video games now, wack off to some gay porn, and maybe sacrafice a few small animals to Baphomet like a good male should... You take care.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 05:32:47 PM
Play postal2 and you can do all at once.

Or, browse /b/ on 4chan!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 05:33:24 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
By the way, the similarity in prose style has been noted.

And punctuation.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 05:36:26 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Play postal2

Have it... good idea.  See ya guys later.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 05:37:12 PM
Post some screen shots of pissing on people after setting them on fire, ok?  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 05:37:50 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Post some screen shots of pissing on people after setting them on fire, ok?  :rofl:

now THAT'S sexual harassment!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 05:38:15 PM
O'she hates men, why dont u contact martin luther king-wait he's dead and if he wasnt he'd be concerned with ignorance not people's personal issues brought on by trauma

who cares if she has an official name ?what? is like a govt ID prooving something? look i got a name it doesnt prove anything..i could be staff 4 all u know

Listen We Are Free. I hav no trouble with the things u say, but trust me people are just gonna use them to hurt u.

I recomend you use the other thread set up for you and that could be a place for you to post seperately. Then this thread could be just 4 program pv specific stuff
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 05:40:32 PM
I was talking about sexual harassment at school, I  bleeped it out  *&^*& because it was horrible.  I thought sexual harassment was a relevant topic in relation to women and girls in and out of PV, many of the girls in PV have dealt with sexual abuse, talking about sexual abuse and harassment is not swearing :roll: I think a few of you are from PV, Zen you keep talking about the worst guy in PV which makes everyone else, the fourteen year old anorexic look bad, how did you know the other girl was trying to get an affidavit? It is very strange.  I said that in highschool at thirteen, in relation to sexual harassment the C word was used and you said it.  You are getting very agressive in attacking me, PV does public relations damage control I think?  Other people on fornits must know what dealing with sexual abuse and harassment are like, it does probaly make you bitchy and paranoid about it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  I don't hate men :roll: I don't think men understand sexism from a womans perspective, you all make yourselves look bad by saying such ridiculous things   WOmen should feel free to talk about such things with out being told they are at fault, "I must like sex, be obsessed with it" you say, because I am writing about sexual harassment and I gave an example with what was said bleeped out? Go to hell! You are abusive.  PV does public relations damage control I think, that is the best you could come up with?  That is so PV evil irrational stupid logic,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 05:43:32 PM
I am posting this again because I think it got lost in all the stupidity.
PV likes to make the teens sound as bad as possible so they seem to deserve the abuse, A few may be dangerous but this does not make what PV does any better, If anything it is one more example of PV's stupidity anmd negligence. PV has beat you down group therapy where other teens give the "feedback two times a day!." THis is not safe to have teens bullying other teens, they also give the teens axes and such to carry around and then push them past the breaking point, very very dangerous!! Survivng PV is actually a testimony to the sanity of most of the kids, although it certainly doesn't help ones "sanity".
Here is who I was in with! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge. We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic. We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type. The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned. Girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure. Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family. A party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops. Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem. thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV. thirteen year old ate some aspirin, two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch. Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!! Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something. The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and caused a fuss. Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away. Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember, oh chemical depression kid some cutting, dramatic little scratch things, no drugs, drinking anything.
So you see not really criminals, depression is not a crime, nor is being molested, in state care, and so on? The girls I was in with were actually nice girls, I don't harbor any bad feelings toward any of them. God bless them please! I care about them. They were good people even in the face of having PV try to force them to abuse others. If there is a God they are not in the wrong in this situation and they acted well, and honorably.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 05:45:50 PM
Speaking about sexual things in your presence is not abuse or harassment.

Directing it to you, when you tell them you don't want it, is.

Remember, guys have to go to girls, not the other way around...  :roll: that is one of my BIGGEST bitches about society right now. We gotta go to you, but if you dont want it, and dont indicate it, we get blamed. Its the way it is... sorry.

Also, wen you say "The C word" which is among MANY fucking C words, uh, wtf do you expect us to think?!?!?! Remember, you can just a freely walk away from the computer, or go to another website, as you can walk away from males speaking a word with a hard consonant at the start of it that sounds like "cuh".

I'm sorry I'm being short with you but its really freaking frustrating when you're being so unclear.

Anyway, if someone is giving you grief, you tell them to stop, and they continue, that is harassment. Having a conversation you happen to pick up on or walk into the presense of, is not.

And, uh, I'm done with this!
Title: who am I really& what is truth& did i leave my keys
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 05:52:16 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
By the way, the similarity in prose style has been noted.

what is this in reference to...a double identity?

this is kind of secret P.I game!
OK, guess who I really am! I am actually a regular here..anyone who guesses right is lead super detective..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 05:53:53 PM
::nails::  ::phone::  ::roflmao::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 06:00:18 PM
when I say unfit parents and in state care or semi in state care, I mean the parents were so unfit the state took the kid away but then gave them back kind of only to have to take them away again and so on. The child ended up living in both foster care sometimes and at home sometimes, when parents would sober up for a while, year or two.  Parents alcoholics, abusive, drug addicts, negligent and such, not just jerks.  I forgot the thirteen year old whos mother was an alcoholic and her father had been shot. Her baby sister was still living with alco mom, because she was little I guess, the state thought the thirteen year old needed help dealing with her fathers death?  She had done nothing else another case of PV helping abused girls.  
I'm not scared of you all either! Oh no not harassment never seen that before. You can't kill me, I've written who would be responsible everywhere.  You can't arrest me unless you plant something on me, hmm shouldn't give them ideas, Of course I can pass a drug test. People have freedom of speech in this country.
If you want to ask a girl out, ask the girl out, if you call her something ugly she's probably not going to want to go out with you. good lord that does not relate, if she says no, then it means no sorry, ask another girl?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 06:05:30 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Speaking about sexual things in your presence is not abuse or harassment.

Directing it to you, when you tell them you don't want it, is.

Remember, guys have to go to girls, not the other way around...  :roll: that is one of my BIGGEST bitches about society right now. We gotta go to you, but if you dont want it, and dont indicate it, we get blamed. Its the way it is... sorry.

Also, wen you say "The C word" which is among MANY fucking C words, uh, wtf do you expect us to think?!?!?! Remember, you can just a freely walk away from the computer, or go to another website, as you can walk away from males speaking a word with a hard consonant at the start of it that sounds like "cuh".

I'm sorry I'm being short with you but its really freaking frustrating when you're being so unclear.

Anyway, if someone is giving you grief, you tell them to stop, and they continue, that is harassment. Having a conversation you happen to pick up on or walk into the presense of, is not.

And, uh, I'm done with this!

What C word do you think she's talking about? Calliflower? Calaomine lotion..its pretty clear.

Duh, she can walk away from the computer so? The point being? Let her be upset at peoples responses. They are pretty harsh...Personally I see no reason why its necessary to be so harsh..I mean the point of this forumis that people get screwed up from being in places like PV..and so by following that logic....compassion? Ding Ding Ding!

She doesnt mean any harm lets all be....not that your all not very super nice people an all (except for that werid guest fella whom i suspect is one of the reg trolls, as he is so very very dumb)

but your all coming at this from like a angry politcal standpoint which is the wrong angle, ya know? She's not ruport murdoch

(except for that werid guest fella whom i suspect is one of the reg trolls, as he is so very very dumb)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 06:17:57 PM
I really am not picking on all men :roll: I like a lot of men, nice people and such, I want a revolution but I think a peaceful approach with civil disobedience is the way to get stuff done, I'm not going to be elbowed out by freshmen, at least a few of you can't drink in bars I'm guessing?  I'm just going to keep right on talking!
I am posting this again because I think it got lost in all the stupidity.
PV likes to make the teens sound as bad as possible so they seem to deserve the abuse, A few may be dangerous but this does not make what PV does any better, If anything it is one more example of PV's stupidity anmd negligence. PV has beat you down group therapy where other teens give the "feedback" two times a day!." THis is not safe to have teens bullying other teens, they also give the teens axes and such to carry around and then push them past the breaking point, very very dangerous!! Survivng PV is actually a testimony to the sanity of most of the kids, although it certainly doesn't help ones "sanity".
Here is who I was in with! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge.
-We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic.
 -We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype   sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type.
-The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned.
-15 year old girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her since five or so, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.
- Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.
-A party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops.
 Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.
-thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV.
-thirteen year old ate some aspirin,
--two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.
-Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV
-The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!!
-Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.
-The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and she caused a fuss a lot.
- 2 Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away.  They caught her in her own room at her parents house.
- Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember,
-oh chemical depression kid some cutting, dramatic little scratch things, no drugs, drinking anything.
So you see not really criminals, depression is not a crime, nor is being molested, in state care, and so on? The girls I was in with were actually nice girls, I don't harbor any bad feelings toward any of them. God bless them please! I care about them. They were good people even in the face of having PV try to force them to abuse others. If there is a God they are not in the wrong in this situation and they acted well, and honorably.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 08:13:47 PM
Bored, counselors?  On behalf of the kids at PV who would get their asses kicked for doing it... ::both::  ::fuckoff::

Klepper does not make the anorexic kid look bad.  It makes PV look bad for having him there.  THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE VIOLENT PSYCHOS MIXED IN WITH ANOREXICS! THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE VIOLENT PSYCHOS THERE AT ALL!

Free, you are what the goons would label Narcissistic. You are unbelievably self-centered.  You play every card in the book, too.  Racism, sexism, religion, you'll take any remark as offensive and reel off into incoherent ranting and raving.    You throw PV into the mix occasionally, but all you're doing is agitating, and seriously messed up or not, you are a troll.

What do you want to do about PV?  What you're ranting about is off the map.  No doubt this will wind you up and you'll spin like a top for pages.  

So...what is it that you want?  You want help?  Or do you want to put PV in a fucking legal straitjacket?  Anything other than the latter is out of place here.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 08:19:05 PM
Free, do me a favor.

Calm down, type slower, and seperate your thoughts and points and logical points apart from eachother with blank lines into "paragraphs" so I can follow what you say.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 08:22:46 PM
I view discussions of sexism, rape, molestation, harassment and other mostly womens issues as things that should not be viewed as taboo, like we live under the Taliban or something.   She said sexism, that has sex in it?  Huh? and the other people list expanitives I could  be talking about, It was cauliflower totally like he says, you knew what I was taliking about you went on to say it. :roll:   I edit *&^^ explanitives, because they sound so bad when you re write them, even though you are giving examples of things that are bad and not what you think or say.  
It's not saying the c word to the room, it's saying it to a woman or about a woman, it is still a pretty offensive term.  Sexism may begin with sex because it inevitably , historically it seems to have to do with the sexual oppression, repression and abuse of women.  sorry but that is what sexism is, economics come into play, if you look at marriage a hundred years ago it had a lot to do with sex and economics and women were not given any other outlets?  This has only so much to do with me?  It is as much about people I have known, please have some respect for all the girls in the Village and elsewhere and understand that you should let people talk without bothering them?  Do you have anything interesting about life to say?  Anything relevant to PV?  Otherwise you should not be here, I am the only one on here that was in PV? Sexism was a big problem in PV for women, I don't even think half of you know what sexual prejudice is.  It's when a woman says I was flashed or something and someone says, well what were you doing in the park alone and such.  
This is relevant to being in PV for me, and more than a couple of the other girls, because I was in PV because I was molested at fourteen, and then I got PV's crazy sexual prejudice for two years!  I am so used to being attacked about this stuff, I am an expert on it, I anaylize and read books on it.  Don't give me any more examples :roll: I speak out about it because I think it is important.  It is real, that is why I am like this, paranoid or not,  how could I not be paraniod? If you were one of the girls in PV for being molested you would think the same thing.  
Your responses are terrible and I am saddened by them, have some empathy. Please think first before you say stuff back, I am not attacking men, the tv is mysogynistic in a lot of ways, women are often portrayed as stupid available prostitutes, annoying but there for sex?  That would be mysogynistic, strippers, girls gone wild, all mysogynistic.  Baseball bat guy, mysogynistic, ok.  I didn't say you were, I just read baseball bat story out of context. sorry, I like men, I love my brother, he's male?  I know lot's of nice men?
Any way I don't care, I am tough, people try to shut you up by being cruel in relation to what personal things you have to say, I don't think what I have to say is all that personal to me.
I am somewhat distanced from it, it is relevant, many relevant things are personal.  
Dealing with an abusive family, and I love my family and they can be nice, but I have the tape to remind me of how they can be at other times for no reason, this is the stuff that most girls out of PV deal with I thinK?
Loving your family but they are the ones who put you in PV, and they are often not easy to live with, and can be abusive.
Sexism, womens issues, also a big thing in and out of PV? Dealing with abuse. I'm not going to say what kind of abuse any more because it is hard enough without the nasty responses.
I am sorry if I seem to pick on men, but think a little, I have good reason to be a bit touchy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 08:25:51 PM
I believe those guys were talking about global warming until they saw you coming, then started throwing the "C" word around to be sure you'd move on.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 08:32:02 PM
Before it starts:   I've got an agenda, and that's obvious. I don't give a good goddamn if you think I'm a bastard or not.  Your agenda is not so clear.  A social crusade is okay, we're a little more focused on one fucking issue than you seem to be.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 08:40:53 PM
Zen, I think for her sake we should chill.

I can't even make heads or tails of what she is trying to say!

She strikes me as a very hurt young lady who doesn't know quite how to enumerate and communicate what shes feeling or has to say. And you know what?

Shes just as entitled to... not share it at all! This isn't group!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 08:46:01 PM
You know, I tried that...if you look back, way back in this thread, you'll see a lot of people tried that.  She wants nothing but confrontation, and sympathy or offers of consultation are ignored, or misinterpreted and attacked, and it's not the place.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 08:49:03 PM
She needs help, or at the very least a sit down, I M H O. Im not a therapist.

And, uh, from me to you, free, please use "paragraphs" to seperate your stuff so I can make sense of it. its hard to read!

And, another thing from me to you.. men might have pissed you off, but we're not the men who have hurt you, and we don't deserve it. We (zen and I) have been trying to help others for quite a while... myself at least 3 years so far *sigh* and more than one of the kids I've helped to get out of a program were, infact, female.

So, please sperate the real enemies from the projected ones? I realize how programish some of this might sound, but FFS, we're not your enemies.

I'd also recommend finding a REAL therapist, or some kind of activity that is cathartic for you to vent out.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 08:49:08 PM
You are right about the violent psychos being mixed in with the anorexics making PV look bad.

What i say is relevant. I was in PV. I make PV look bad!  I have read what I posted and it is fine?  It makes PV look bad.
You are odd zen?  You should not come back with PV slogans, what was it that was self centered? When I posted stories about all the other girls, proving how they were not criminals or juvenile delinquents?  
I am unsure about you? You may be from PV, you pretend to flick PV off but you came back with a party slogan.

Why should you care if you noticed correlations, in whose story?  Why would this be a bad thing? what are you attacking me for?  How did you know about the affidavit?  
I may have gotten off on the wrong foot with you. I confused your post about klepper, i just saw baseball bat guy story and I was already mad, sorry to have been rude.  
you post stuff against PV and I will too.  I don't talk about myself except in relation to PV.  You should not discredit me if you want to cause trouble for PV, we are on the same side, I don't mean to do such to you.  I will only post things that will cause trouble for PV.

Light bright boy, unless you were in PV or have something to say about how bad programs are or PV is, go away. Again if you want to ask a girl out just ask her? Don't call her anything nasty, if she says no ask another girl, that has nothing to do with sexual harassment.  You are right about the spaces though, all this might get a little long otherwise.  talkative I may be, but of course I am, I really really don't like PV and it did years of nasty things to me and other nice people I liked and I was silenced all that time about it.
I got a thing or two to say about PV ok!

If the rape victim want's to talk about how crappy rapists are let them? duh.    
How about you leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone, we can both go about what we are doing.   I'm writing this stuff to get it out there, not to have it commented on? PV is bad, can we stay with that theme.  It is bad because it beats up on girls who deal with bad sexual harassment in school everyday and blames them for it.
PV is bad because it beats up on rape and molestation victims, here is how prevelant rape and molestation are.
PV is bad because it blames the girls for things that happened to them.  
I guess what I'm trying to say is PV id bad because it empowers abusive families.
I have a theme and it is PV is bad because, I only can go with what I know ok?
Zen what the hell are you doing?
Find something to say about PV, like it is bad because.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 08:54:19 PM
I am posting this again because I think it got lost in all the stupidity.
PV likes to make the teens sound as bad as possible so they seem to deserve the abuse, A few may be dangerous but this does not make what PV does any better, If anything it is one more example of PV's stupidity anmd negligence. PV has beat you down group therapy where other teens give the "feedback" two times a day!." THis is not safe to have teens bullying other teens, they also give the teens axes and such to carry around and then push them past the breaking point, very very dangerous!! Survivng PV is actually a testimony to the sanity of most of the kids, although it certainly doesn't help ones "sanity".
Here is who I was in with! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge.
-We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic.
-We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type.
-The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned.
-15 year old girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her since five or so, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.
- Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.
-A party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops.
Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.
-thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV.
-thirteen year old ate some aspirin,
--two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.
-Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV
-The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!!
-Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.
-The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and she caused a fuss a lot.
- 2 Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away. They caught her in her own room at her parents house.
- Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember,
-oh chemical depression kid some cutting, dramatic little scratch things, no drugs, drinking anything.
So you see not really criminals, depression is not a crime, nor is being molested, in state care, and so on? The girls I was in with were actually nice girls, I don't harbor any bad feelings toward any of them. God bless them please! I care about them. They were good people even in the face of having PV try to force them to abuse others. If there is a God they are not in the wrong in this situation and they acted well, and honorably.

You guys really sound like you are from PV.
I am very clear, sexism is bad and it is certainly everywhere?  
Why are you attacking me
I didn't attack you?
You are acting very strange.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 08:55:49 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
You are right about the violent psychos being mixed in with the anorexics making PV look bad.

Thats very true.

Quote from: ""free we are not""
What i say is relevant. I was in PV. I make PV look bad!  I have read what I posted and it is fine?  It makes PV look bad.
You are odd zen?  You should not come back with PV slogans, what was it that was self centered? When I posted stories about all the other girls, proving how they were not criminals or juvenile delinquents?  
I am unsure about you? You may be from PV, you pretend to flick PV off but you came back with a party slogan.

Not in a way that is your fault, you make PV look horrible. Making someone as clearly pissed off and unable to communicate as you are (no offence, and no intended humiliation...) is a horrible thing to do in the name of treatment, or any reason at all.

Quote from: ""free we are not""
Why should you care if you noticed correlations, in whose story?  Why would this be a bad thing? what are you attacking me for?  How did you know about the affidavit?  
I may have gotten off on the wrong foot with you. I confused your post about klepper, i just saw baseball bat guy story and I was already mad, sorry to have been rude.  
you post stuff against PV and I will too.  I don't talk about myself except in relation to PV.  You should not discredit me if you want to cause trouble for PV, we are on the same side, I don't mean to do such to you.  I will only post things that will cause trouble for PV.

Nothing to say here, but I'm not ommitting that paragraph...

Quote from: ""free we are not""
Light bright boy, unless you were in PV or have something to say about how bad programs are or PV is, go away. Again if you want to ask a girl out just ask her? Don't call her anything nasty, if she says no ask another girl, that has nothing to do with sexual harassment.  You are right about the spaces though, all this might get a little long otherwise.  talkative I may be, but of course I am, I really really don't like PV and it did years of nasty things to me and other nice people I liked and I was silenced all that time about it.
I got a thing or two to say about PV ok!

Free, please.
I'm against ALL programs that hurt people, or any institution that kidnaps people, convinces them they have problems, or makes up problems, then 'fixes' them by hurting them and abusing them for a long time. I've been at this three years and I'm not about to let a place this horrible get away from my attention becuase you feel you have some ownership of it. There are a lot of people abused who weren't you... plus you don't get to designate who gets to care about it or not.

Quote from: ""free we are not""
If the rape victim want's to talk about how crappy rapists are let them? duh.    
How about you leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone, we can both go about what we are doing.   I'm writing this stuff to get it out there, not to have it commented on? PV is bad, can we stay with that theme.  It is bad because it beats up on girls who deal with bad sexual harassment in school everyday and blames them for it.
PV is bad because it beats up on rape and molestation victims, here is how prevelant rape and molestation are.
PV is bad because it blames the girls for things that happened to them.  
I guess what I'm trying to say is PV id bad because it empowers abusive families.
I have a theme and it is PV is bad because, I only can go with what I know ok?
Zen what the hell are you doing?
Find something to say about PV, like it is bad because.

Not quite sure how this is supposed to be spaced out so I'll leave it alone...

I want you to chill out a bit and make posts easier to wrap your head around. You come across as if you are ranting. Not that you don't have a lot to rant about, but if it is hard to digest, then someone will just say you're "crazy" and disregard what you have to say. Or, worse, throw you in some psych ward if you do it around the wrong people.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 08:58:52 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 08:59:52 PM
I view discussions of sexism, rape, molestation, harassment and other mostly womens issues as things that should not be viewed as taboo, like we live under the Taliban or something. She said sexism, that has sex in it? Huh? and the other people list expanitives I could be talking about, It was cauliflower totally like he says, you knew what I was taliking about you went on to say it.  I edit *&^^ explanitives, because they sound so bad when you re write them, even though you are giving examples of things that are bad and not what you think or say.
It's not saying the c word to the room, it's saying it to a woman or about a woman, it is still a pretty offensive term. Sexism may begin with sex because it inevitably , historically it seems to have to do with the sexual oppression, repression and abuse of women. sorry but that is what sexism is, economics come into play, if you look at marriage a hundred years ago it had a lot to do with sex and economics and women were not given any other outlets? This has only so much to do with me? It is as much about people I have known, please have some respect for all the girls in the Village and elsewhere and understand that you should let people talk without bothering them? Do you have anything interesting about life to say? Anything relevant to PV? Otherwise you should not be here, I am the only one on here that was in PV? Sexism was a big problem in PV for women, I don't even think half of you know what sexual prejudice is. It's when a woman says I was flashed or something and someone says, well what were you doing in the park alone and such.
This is relevant to being in PV for me, and more than a couple of the other girls, because I was in PV because I was molested at fourteen, and then I got PV's crazy sexual prejudice for two years! I am so used to being attacked about this stuff, I am an expert on it, I anaylize and read books on it. Don't give me any more examples  I speak out about it because I think it is important. It is real, that is why I am like this, paranoid or not, how could I not be paraniod? If you were one of the girls in PV for being molested you would think the same thing.
Your responses are terrible and I am saddened by them, have some empathy. Please think first before you say stuff back, I am not attacking men, the tv is mysogynistic in a lot of ways, women are often portrayed as stupid available prostitutes, annoying but there for sex? That would be mysogynistic, strippers, girls gone wild, all mysogynistic. Baseball bat guy, mysogynistic, ok. I didn't say you were, I just read baseball bat story out of context. sorry, I like men, I love my brother, he's male? I know lot's of nice men?
Any way I don't care, I am tough, people try to shut you up by being cruel in relation to what personal things you have to say, I don't think what I have to say is all that personal to me.
I am somewhat distanced from it, it is relevant, many relevant things are personal.
Dealing with an abusive family, and I love my family and they can be nice, but I have the tape to remind me of how they can be at other times for no reason, this is the stuff that most girls out of PV deal with I thinK?
Loving your family but they are the ones who put you in PV, and they are often not easy to live with, and can be abusive.
Sexism, womens issues, also a big thing in and out of PV? Dealing with abuse. I'm not going to say what kind of abuse any more because it is hard enough without the nasty responses.
I am sorry if I seem to pick on men, but think a little, I have good reason to be a bit touchy.

you come back to this posting with what?  Why are you being such jerks?  Were you in a program light bright boy?  
stop attacking me you little bastard.
how dare you?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 09:02:13 PM
I'm not attacking you.

I am saying you're clearly hurt becuase of what they did and lashing out, and what you post is hard to make sense of becuase it seems just to be a slammed-together pile of thoughts and feelings and outbursts.

Its hard to read!

Please take the time to break things up into paragraphs so it is easier to read, ok?

Another thing I'm saying is you shouldn't put off the few people who know about this shit that are willing to help, if not for your sake than for other people who are being abused in PV and the thousand or so other programs like it right this second while you're bitching about me on a forum.

For fucks sake..  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 09:05:50 PM
"Light bright boy"?  What the...Niles, tread easily.  I don't even know what you said to trigger all that.  You're trying to be sympathetic, gets wearisome, for you, I mean.  It'll make your head hurt.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 09:07:53 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
"Light bright boy"?  What the...Niles, tread easily.  I don't even know what you said to trigger all that.  You're trying to be sympathetic, gets wearisome.

She's hurt, defensive, distrustful, trying to vent, trying to speak, needs to be listened to, and unable to calm down to communicate. And she's got a good reason!

Guess why she's like that? Yep, PV.

Its not our fault, but its not HER fault either. I think we know not to blame the victim here.

I'm not taking it personally, Im just trying to get her to chill, communicate a little better, and tell me from her real enemy. If she has to beat me up on the internet first, so be it, e-bruises aren't so bad.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:11:51 PM
kiss my ass
 the stuff you all have said to me in the last couple posts has been horrible
i posted something about sexual harassment because it was a pretty common theme in the village, as was sexual abuse and molestation and such  
how dare you come back with such stupid ugly things in relation to some poor woman being strong enough to be honest in the hopes of protecting other girls.  
if it were not for my big mouth your daughter might still be in PV Zen, i'm sorry i didn't recognize you at first. my life is not easy, blessings like me come with curses.
you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 09:13:43 PM
Free, at least because Zen is our best bet for taking out PV, you need to calm the hell down.

Another thing is that if you're hurt, you want to lash back. SAME FOR US!

And WE did not hurt you, PV did. We're trying to help!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 09:19:26 PM
It's okay, Free.  Let's get back to square one:  We're all on the same side.  No need to bash away at each other, we've been bashed enough.  We're survivors, parents and former patients alike.  Let's work together.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 26, 2007, 09:21:13 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Free, at least because Zen is our best bet for taking out PV, I want you to calm the hell down.

Another thing is that if you're hurt, you want to lash back. SAME FOR US!

And WE did not hurt you, PV did. We're trying to help!

Ok Doc Phil time to take a pill and chill.

Look people.. This thread is about PV. Not sexual harrassment or anything else.

Perhaps we all ought to stop making assumptions about what PV did or didn't do to Free We Are Not, or attempting to ascertain her motivations. I know I've tried to in the past, and have given up simply because by nature people are unpredictable.

Free We Are Not:

There is an entire forum here for you to post on. I'd like you to feel comfortable discussing whatever you want on any of those forums. This specific thread is in regards to PV as you well know. So would you be willing to answer some of my questions about your time in the Village?

Nothing brutal, no Doc Phil Wannabe baloney.. just basic questions about PV and the quality of life that you have experienced.

Thanks.. TSW
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 09:24:06 PM
Hey now, Dr. Phil would blame her, not blame the actual cause of this shit (PV) and just try to get her to calm down so she can communicate a little better.

But yeah, we should keep it to the topic, IMHO. But, again, she can post what she wants, where she wants, becuase shes fucking free to do that on fornits.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 26, 2007, 09:25:05 PM
On second thought after reading back a few pages.. I'm going to exit this thread quietly. You all have fun.

good luck to everyone on this.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on April 26, 2007, 09:27:34 PM
WANF, Nihilanthic, Zen, TSW-Thanks for the last four posts...I hope everything will work out here. I hated the pitch it was reaching.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:28:08 PM
Light bright boy, is the little green, milkshake that looks like a light bright.
GO Back and read what light brights twelve year old adolescent, idiot little boy brain has been writing on this site?
lets light them on fire and pee on them he says
I'm defensive?  everyone started beating me up because I said something about sexual harassment
everyone just wants to sexually harass the girls around them without feeling guilty I think. or something, what is is about feminism that makes stupid men so angry?
I haven't attacked you guys at all recently.  I think I scared the Danish guy off, but he thought strip clubs were a nice career choice for women.
I'm perfectly coheriant you just don't like what I have to say.

 All of you all ought to be ashamed of your stupid selves.
You sound a hell of a lot like PV!!  How dare you
again what the hell is wrong with spending my time, trying to defend the girls in PV from stereotypes and stigma.
If I stepped on your toes I'm sorry,
kiss my ass you stupid little dipshit.  Again, were you in a program? are you female? have you ever been sexually assaulted or harassed?  
If not, you have no right to say anything to me about any of the above things.  
Just like a PV personor a sexist guy, I say something about sexism or PV so I must be crazy.  
You all are from PV for sure if you don't stop this now!
 What I posted about the other girls ans stigma is important can we get back to the issue at hand and not beat up on me?
It's pretty counter productive.
Did I insult your favorite girlfriend the girls gone wild video?  Sorry Nihilanthic
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:34:40 PM
of course if I was really coherent I would have spelled it right but anyway. Back to pissing PV off. here is the list of nice girls I was in with again. Not juvenile delinquents yes that was a jab, but you have been bitchy.
What part of my story about being abused and then being abused somemore makes one bitchy too do you all not get.
Leave me alone about it already, Jesus.
I really am not picking on all men  I like a lot of men, nice people and such, I want a revolution but I think a peaceful approach with civil disobedience is the way to get stuff done, I'm not going to be elbowed out by freshmen, at least a few of you can't drink in bars I'm guessing? I'm just going to keep right on talking!
I am posting this again because I think it got lost in all the stupidity.
PV likes to make the teens sound as bad as possible so they seem to deserve the abuse, A few may be dangerous but this does not make what PV does any better, If anything it is one more example of PV's stupidity anmd negligence. PV has beat you down group therapy where other teens give the "feedback" two times a day!." THis is not safe to have teens bullying other teens, they also give the teens axes and such to carry around and then push them past the breaking point, very very dangerous!! Survivng PV is actually a testimony to the sanity of most of the kids, although it certainly doesn't help ones "sanity".
Here is who I was in with! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge.
-We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic.
-We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type.
-The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned.
-15 year old girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her since five or so, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.
- Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.
-A party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops.
Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.
-thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV.
-thirteen year old ate some aspirin,
--two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.
-Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV
-The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!!
-Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.
-The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and she caused a fuss a lot.
- 2 Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away. They caught her in her own room at her parents house.
- Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember,
-oh chemical depression kid some cutting, dramatic little scratch things, no drugs, drinking anything.
So you see not really criminals, depression is not a crime, nor is being molested, in state care, and so on? The girls I was in with were actually nice girls, I don't harbor any bad feelings toward any of them. God bless them please! I care about them. They were good people even in the face of having PV try to force them to abuse others. If there is a God they are not in the wrong in this situation and they acted well, and honorably.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 09:35:23 PM
What's sad is the actual truth behind my sexuality is Im pretty kinky and a sexual dominant at that... sorry Im worse than what you think I am  :rofl:

But you are basically using a rehashed "those typical men" style broad-sweep insult against me. Im not like most men, I'm quite a bit worse in a few ways! Except, well, the people I do that with really really want me to, and when they say "no", no does mean no.

Just thought you should know that.

Also, I'm 22, and thats "ignignockt" from ATHF... remember when some people hid lite brites of them around boston and they said it was a terrorist ploy? Thats why I used it... just a quiet little protest against Boston's bullshit.

Also, just FYI, in postal 2 you CAN set people (or yourself) on fire and the only way to put someone (or yourself) out is to urinate unless there is a body of water nearby. Unfortuantely, most people tend to remember you urinating on them moreso than the fact that you saved their life and run away screaming or try to hit you, so its a waste of time, but still fucking hilarious.

Why? Because doing absurd shit in a video game is a safe way to vent things you can't do IRL.

Also, the reason we "beat you up" over the sexual harassment thing is because you were really unclear about everything in the way you said it. What you say is not organized, its discoherant, and comes across more like a rant than anything thats.. well, organized and easy to take in and read.

I really wish you would do it slower and try to organize your thoughts a little better, because it would make communication a LOT easier.

And finally, real feminism does not make men angry. Saying men are bad or women are better than men does, because not only is it not true, but we can kick your ass anyway, so its stupid. But in all seriousness, chill out, we're here to help whether you approve or not.

And, uh, finally, nobody here thinks PV girls are sluts or trashy or w/e. We don't beleive their program line. And, if you forgot, Zen's kid in PV that he saved WAS A GIRL.

No, Im male, and no, I have never been in a program, but that doesn't make me less valid of an advocate. It does mean that you can't blame all men for everything a few males did, and you can't go putting off the people you have to communicate this to to stop what a program does... becuase they weren't in a program.

Most people were never in programs. Almost all of the people who can stop them... were not in programs either.

All I want you to do is chill out, stop blaming us, find a healthier way to vent (for your OWN sake.... for fucks sake) speak clearly, and in a more organized way so we can read your posts without taking 15 minutes to re-read it and try to organize it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:39:33 PM
Hey Free, I'm just coming in fresh on this and reading what's been going on.. It's so sad to see how misogyny is used as a direct weapon, especially on young girls in a supposedly 'official' context after they've been wounded psychologically/physically.  All I can say as another girl concerned about you is that I hope you can use your experience to help out other women and make a change in the world, you have a lot of fire and passion in your words, and I can tell you honestly that Nihil cares DEEPLY about you and about helping. He is probably one of the most empathetic and dedicated people I have known, not infallible but he is patient and kind when shown the same patience and kindness..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:47:54 PM
Quote from: ""geekchik""
Hey Free, I'm just coming in fresh on this and reading what's been going on.. It's so sad to see how misogyny is used as a direct weapon, especially on young girls in a supposedly 'official' context after they've been wounded psychologically/physically.  All I can say as another girl concerned about you is that I hope you can use your experience to help out other women and make a change in the world, you have a lot of fire and passion in your words, and I can tell you honestly that Nihil cares DEEPLY about you and about helping. He is probably one of the most empathetic and dedicated people I have known, not infallible but he is patient and kind when shown the same patience and kindness..

Argh, and I didn't mean to sound like a clone or puppet of him. My AIM is sqrrlgeekchik if you want proof..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:50:32 PM
I meant you moron, that PV likes to cast the girls and guys in a stigmatized light so that people think what PV does is ok,  not the ignorance you came up with.
Thank you for bragging about your kinky sex life, and it is so great that you stop when they say no? I am very impressed you are a truly enlightened male.  I'm just going to keep reposting the thing about the girls in PV until you stop posting about things that  have nothing to do with PV or life in relation to PV
Again half at least of the girls in their were in because of sexual abuse issues.  Please what part of this are you not getting.  
I'm asking you to stop now!  OK jesus.  I didn't think using the C word repeatedly, all of you, a few posts back was great or rambling on about sex not in a productive way, I say sexual harassment is bad and out there so I get the C word six times, and you talking about your sex life, and someone else tells me to get laid.
and this proves what and who right here?
 If you read this read this read what was said.
Let's just stop this now and get on with relevant PV stuff.
Again I am not talking about you'all, I am refering to the flasher guy and so on. Jesus.  Not all men are one, I hope?
It's creepy ok.
You all are a bit defensive about this I would say.  
I don't know whats going on at your end but I really wasn't talking about you
and you have no right to attack me.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:54:39 PM
again what part of it is one of these horrible facilities that bills itself as a place to help the victims of molestation then beats the hell out of them, do you not get?  OK duh.  Common rub two brain cells together and see what you get? HMMMM me maybe.  
stop being so nasty and try to understand where i, who actually was in PV is coming from.
this is supposed to be a place to post things relevant to PV
I was only rude to you after a whole bunch of rudeness from you!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 09:56:28 PM
I meant you moron, that PV likes to cast the girls and guys in a stigmatized light so that people think what PV does is ok

LOTS of programs do that! That is nothing new. They also do it to boys, but in different ways, usually... but this is standard program M.O.

My shit about my sexlife is that Im just trying to tell you I'm NOT what you think I am, and its actually about what SHE wants... please stop blaming all men for what a few men did to you, ok?

Oh, and... please realize if you dont communicate clearly, we dont know what the hell you're saying, and "C word" in a forum as obscene as this is really, really, really annoying. Say it already, damn!

Also, because of how jarbled your posts are, we didnt know it was about a stalker, we thought it was all about some "c-word" that you wouldn't define  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 09:58:19 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
again what part of it is one of these horrible facilities that bills itself as a place to help the victims of molestation then beats the hell out of them, do you not get?  OK duh.  Common rub two brain cells together and see what you get? HMMMM me maybe.  
stop being so nasty and try to understand where i, who actually was in PV is coming from.
this is supposed to be a place to post things relevant to PV
I was only rude to you after a whole bunch of rudeness from you!

Uhhh we KNOW THAT.

We don't need you to come in as the self-appointed mouthpiece of pissed off feminists to tell us that. ALL PROGRAMS DO THAT. PV isn't alone in doing this, and you're not the only victim either.

I knew about programs doing that shit before you were even in PV!

So, uh, why are you sharing this? We know programs take advantage of sexually abused girls, and we know the shit they say to justify it is not true.... why are you rehashing it?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:58:20 PM
I've been reviewing the posts and can't find the part where she "blames all men", what post triggered this response exactly?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 09:59:04 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I've been reviewing the posts and can't find the part where she "blames all men", what post triggered this response exactly?

Its the best I can make out from her discoherant posts, gimme a break!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:59:37 PM
This thread is fucked. Moving on to Peninsula Village 2.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 09:59:51 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
So, uh, why are you sharing this? We know programs take advantage of sexually abused girls, and we know the shit they say to justify it is not true.... why are you rehashing it?

This is a discussion forum for survivors to talk about their experiences in abusive programs, isn't it obvious?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:00:13 PM
we ran across this dudes bud growin in the middle of nowhere, but it was totally nasty, not worth a cunt hair. we woulda been better off smokin cauliflower leaves. and then jake starts itchin like crazy and he's like fuck this cocksucker is growin his stash in a fucking poison ivy patch and were all just scratchin and thinking fuck we could use some calamine lotion. so much for free weed. weed is never free.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 10:01:47 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I was talking about sexual harassment at school, I  bleeped it out  *&^*& because it was horrible.

Yes...  It's apparantly so horrible you can't repeat it here...

WOmen should feel free to talk about such things with out being told they are at fault, "I must like sex, be obsessed with it"

I don't think anybody said you liked it.  I think Guest said you were obsessed with it.  As in terrified of it.  As in sex-o-phobia.  Take for example this mysterious C word that you can't seem to repeat.  I can't think of any C word that is, by itself, sexual harassment.  If you are referring to "cunt"... well.  People call people dicks far more often i think.  Again.. Double standard.

you say, because I am writing about sexual harassment and I gave an example with what was said bleeped out? Go to hell! You are abusive.  PV does public relations damage control I think, that is the best you could come up with?  That is so PV evil irrational stupid logic,

Oh geez... i'm PV staff.  That's funny.  Yeah.. Go check out my website sometime.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 10:05:32 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
when I say unfit parents and in state care or semi in state care, I mean the parents were so unfit the state took the kid away but then gave them back kind of only to have to take them away again and so on. The child ended up living in both foster care sometimes and at home sometimes, when parents would sober up for a while, year or two.  Parents alcoholics, abusive, drug addicts, negligent and such, not just jerks.  I forgot the thirteen year old whos mother was an alcoholic and her father had been shot. Her baby sister was still living with alco mom, because she was little I guess, the state thought the thirteen year old needed help dealing with her fathers death?  She had done nothing else another case of PV helping abused girls.  
I'm not scared of you all either! Oh no not harassment never seen that before. You can't kill me, I've written who would be responsible everywhere.  You can't arrest me unless you plant something on me, hmm shouldn't give them ideas, Of course I can pass a drug test.

Nobody is out to kill you.  At least not here.  Um.. I think you're just a wee bit paranoid.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:06:22 PM
This thread is fucked. Move on people.  Stop going back and forth with her about it all. You only are adding to it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 10:07:44 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I really am not picking on all men :roll: I like a lot of men, nice people and such, I want a revolution but I think a peaceful approach with civil disobedience is the way to get stuff done, I'm not going to be elbowed out by freshmen, at least a few of you can't drink in bars I'm guessing?  I'm just going to keep right on talking!

Um.. I'm 24.  Zen is ... well zen is old.  Niles is... well he's in his 20s.  I don't think anybody here is under the drinking age.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:16:31 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
This thread is fucked. Move on people.  Stop going back and forth with her about it all. You only are adding to it.

Too bad your not a moderatir you could close it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 10:20:16 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I view discussions of sexism, rape, molestation, harassment and other mostly womens issues as things that should not be viewed as taboo, like we live under the Taliban or something.   She said sexism, that has sex in it?  Huh? and the other people list expanitives I could  be talking about, It was cauliflower totally like he says, you knew what I was taliking about you went on to say it. :roll:   I edit *&^^ explanitives, because they sound so bad when you re write them, even though you are giving examples of things that are bad and not what you think or say.

Well fair enough.  Just understand nobody else will know what the fuck you are talking about.

It's not saying the c word to the room, it's saying it to a woman or about a woman, it is still a pretty offensive term.  Sexism may begin with sex because it inevitably , historically it seems to have to do with the sexual oppression, repression and abuse of women.  sorry but that is what sexism is, economics come into play, if you look at marriage a hundred years ago it had a lot to do with sex and economics and women were not given any other outlets?  This has only so much to do with me?  It is as much about people I have known, please have some respect for all the girls in the Village and elsewhere and understand that you should let people talk without bothering them?  Do you have anything interesting about life to say?  Anything relevant to PV?  Otherwise you should not be here, I am the only one on here that was in PV? Sexism was a big problem in PV for women, I don't even think half of you know what sexual prejudice is.  It's when a woman says I was flashed or something and someone says, well what were you doing in the park alone and such.  
This is relevant to being in PV for me, and more than a couple of the other girls, because I was in PV because I was molested at fourteen, and then I got PV's crazy sexual prejudice for two years!  I am so used to being attacked about this stuff, I am an expert on it, I anaylize and read books on it.  Don't give me any more examples :roll: I speak out about it because I think it is important.  It is real, that is why I am like this, paranoid or not,  how could I not be paraniod? If you were one of the girls in PV for being molested you would think the same thing.  
Your responses are terrible and I am saddened by them, have some empathy. Please think first before you say stuff back, I am not attacking men

But you hold a double standard...  You think women are the victims always.  Well.  historically they have been.  i aggree with your description of history, and you were a victim.  I think I made that clear.  You are misinterpreting almost everything I say.  I think the deck is definately stacked against women.  however, at the same time, like I said, you don't gain equality through things like overly-sensitive censorship.

the tv is mysogynistic in a lot of ways, women are often portrayed as stupid available prostitutes, annoying but there for sex?

I aggree.  I don't watch TV for reasons like that (but a bit more general).

I am sorry if I seem to pick on men, but think a little, I have good reason to be a bit touchy.

You're right.  You have reason.  It doesn't justify it. But i can understand your reasons for doing it.  Likewise, I think many of the responses you've gotten here have been overly harsh, or at least insensitive.  Probably myself included.  I wish you would PM me so I could explain a bit more.  but Hey... If you don't feel like it.  Fine.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 10:21:08 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
This thread is fucked. Move on people.  Stop going back and forth with her about it all. You only are adding to it.

we'll get a mod to fork it later.  somewhere around page ... well whenver this started.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:23:12 PM
Rampant talking out of group , I thought that was welcome here? Group is getting angry though?!!  :x  :x
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 10:23:25 PM
Peace. I found out what I wanted, nasty as I had to be to find out.  Free, be cool, no one's against you.  Bye.

And I'm 40, dammit.  Old is what you make it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:25:17 PM
thank you, i really just want to post stuff about PV. I didn't mean to call you Nihilanthic a moron but you made me angry,  
I like video games?
I was hard on the ninja guy because you have to be careful I think saying anything that could be seen as a threat, especially me because PV might know who I am
plus I am an advocate of peace and happy people and such, maybe you have to fight to get to peace I don't know, sometimes.
But i think writing and other stuff within laws is the most effective way obviously.
I can understand anger for sure
video games are fun.
I'm into wicca and stuff, but I'm a good witch and all, I prefer shinto Buddhist christian but whatever.  I can make a mean seaweed, sulfer zit cream.  Don't know about Baphomet, I know who he is but i don't think you should sacrifice things to him. obviously
I like nice things, having dealt with so much ugliness makes you really stay toward not scary nice stuff?  I get all sorts of crap about the religious stuff, people don't get it.
I think people should have happy, fun healthy sex lives, between two consenting people that care about each other or at least both know what the expectations or lack of are.  I don't think people should feel ashamed about sex and I don't think relationships should be abusive.  I think everyone should be completely consenting and no lying to get a girl or guy in bed with you.  You should say up front what you are looking for.
Other than that let the boinking go on in happiness and prosperity
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual talk and such not normal sex stuff between consenting people, to get it to stick in court you have to tell the person you don't like what they are saying Jesus :roll:  
stop attacking me
sexual abuse, harassment, rape all of this stuff has nothing to do with normal happy sex? Normal happy sex is good, the above is very very bad. Ok do you get me now? You came back with all this stuff about pretty normal sex, what you do by yourself is your own damn business, don't tell me about it either. but I do think people should not be taught shame
they should be protected from abuse of course thought but the two things have nothing to do with each other.
I have had a normal love life, I am really busy right now.  Guys ask me out, but no one I've been interested in?  I should say yes to the next nice seeming guy.
I honestly think taking it slow is wise because god knows what you are going to get, for guys or girls, if you take it to fast.  Next thing you know your married, or they are living with you?  Did I agree to this, but anyway?  I was the last guest too, so I don't get accused of anything I just forgot to write my name.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 10:33:24 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
YI'm writing this stuff to get it out there, not to have it commented on? PV is bad, can we stay with that theme.  It is bad because it beats up on girls who deal with bad sexual harassment in school everyday and blames them for it.

Fair enough, but you hurt your hypothetical case by not being willing to state frankly what was said, without ^&^&$(#*$)%.  or "C" words.  At the same time, you talk about how horrible it is to hear those things around college, and how often you hear them.  Hypothetically, if I were a lawyer on PV's side, I would have a jolly old time blasting you in court, portraying you as a loony over-sensitive drama-queen who gets off on being the center of attention, seeing "harassment" everywhere.  You follow?  Nobody besides you, or I, or anybody else who was in program, knows, or cares that you are this way as a result of PV.  At the same time, we aren't making the decisions here, and we aren't your audience.  If you want to speak to the parents, great!  But consider what they are likely to believe, and leave out things that may be true, but are less likely to be believed.  There is lots of shit that happened at Benchmark that I leave out becuase A: it's too embarrassing, and B: because many of the things wouldn't be believed, and would take away credibility from my overall argument.  Besides, what i've said publicly is bad enough.  There is also the issue of confidence.  People's stories that I could tell, i often don't publicly, becuase I'm not sure if they are ready to speak out, and I'm not going to call them out when they're not ready.  That's why i suggested PMing me.  K.  There was a girl who was in a very similar situation to yours at Benchmark.  If I were to elaborate, publicly, it would be immediately clear who I was talking about and that would not be right, considering her issues were very personal and sensitive.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:36:58 PM
Well fuck me black jesus! who woulda thought a PV survivor could be the most effective troll ever on fornits and totally destroy such a long and useful thread?!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:39:04 PM
all right that's it, you all are ridiculous, this is supposed to be about PV,  At least two people on here are probably PV staff, not psych guy.
Zen why did you have to know that exactly?  
why would you be so unpleasant to find that out.  
That is not a very nice tactic
what does any of this have to do with PV?
I posted stuff about how the girls in PV are not juvenile delinquents?
I'm sorry if you all sound young?
Anyone not writing about PV go away.
I am paranoid because PV/ covenant health has a lot of money and connections, and I don't feel like getting arrested for having a tail light out or something ok?  Or beaten up by some random goon ok?  I am scared of PV understandably.  Those people would kick my ass very fast if they  could.  
I am sorry if you disagree about what I considers sexual harassment.
It's not a big deal, and has nothing to do with PV
what the hell was that weed post? you are just bogging down anything good said in stupidity.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:41:12 PM
I really am not picking on all men  I like a lot of men, nice people and such, I want a revolution but I think a peaceful approach with civil disobedience is the way to get stuff done, I'm not going to be elbowed out by freshmen, at least a few of you can't drink in bars I'm guessing? I'm just going to keep right on talking!
I am posting this again because I think it got lost in all the stupidity.
PV likes to make the teens sound as bad as possible so they seem to deserve the abuse, A few may be dangerous but this does not make what PV does any better, If anything it is one more example of PV's stupidity anmd negligence. PV has beat you down group therapy where other teens give the "feedback" two times a day!." THis is not safe to have teens bullying other teens, they also give the teens axes and such to carry around and then push them past the breaking point, very very dangerous!! Survivng PV is actually a testimony to the sanity of most of the kids, although it certainly doesn't help ones "sanity".
Here is who I was in with! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge.
-We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic.
-We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type.
-The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned.
-15 year old girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her since five or so, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.
- Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.
-A party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops.
Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.
-thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV.
-thirteen year old ate some aspirin,
--two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.
-Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV
-The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!!
-Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.
-The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and she caused a fuss a lot.
- 2 Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away. They caught her in her own room at her parents house.
- Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember,
-oh chemical depression kid some cutting, dramatic little scratch things, no drugs, drinking anything.
So you see not really criminals, depression is not a crime, nor is being molested, in state care, and so on? The girls I was in with were actually nice girls, I don't harbor any bad feelings toward any of them. God bless them please! I care about them. They were good people even in the face of having PV try to force them to abuse others. If there is a God they are not in the wrong in this situation and they acted well, and honorably.
what are you guys doing? I am on your side?  I want to stop these places?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 10:43:56 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
thank you, i really just want to post stuff about PV. I didn't mean to call you Nihilanthic a moron but you made me angry,  
I like video games?
I was hard on the ninja guy because you have to be careful I think saying anything that could be seen as a threat, especially me because PV might know who I am
plus I am an advocate of peace and happy people and such, maybe you have to fight to get to peace I don't know, sometimes.
But i think writing and other stuff within laws is the most effective way obviously.
I can understand anger for sure
video games are fun.
I'm into wicca and stuff, but I'm a good witch and all, I prefer shinto Buddhist christian but whatever.  I can make a mean seaweed, sulfer zit cream.  Don't know about Baphomet, I know who he is but i don't think you should sacrifice things to him.

Baphomet is some figure in thelemic magick...  and a lot of other stuff like satanism...  not a nice figure. (http://  That was a total joke, as was the gay porn.. the only thing real in that statement was the video games.  I was also into wicca at one point  (one reason my parents were freaked out, besides being bi)...  that's what got me sent to program.  Religion, sexuality, and politics.  Mostly, though, it was sexuality.

I like nice things, having dealt with so much ugliness makes you really stay toward not scary nice stuff?  I get all sorts of crap about the religious stuff, people don't get it.
I think people should have happy, fun healthy sex lives, between two consenting people that care about each other or at least both know what the expectations or lack of are.  I don't think people should feel ashamed about sex and I don't think relationships should be abusive.  I think everyone should be completely consenting and no lying to get a girl or guy in bed with you.  You should say up front what you are looking for.
Other than that let the boinking go on in happiness and prosperity
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual talk and such not normal sex stuff between consenting people, to get it to stick in court you have to tell the person you don't like what they are saying Jesus :roll:

My point is... which you don't seem to get... In this day and age, when everything is kosher to talk about pretty much, how  is somebody supposed to know you're upset unless you tell them.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 26, 2007, 10:44:43 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
all right that's it, you all are ridiculous, this is supposed to be about PV,  At least two people on here are probably PV staff, not psych guy.
Zen why did you have to know that exactly?  
why would you be so unpleasant to find that out.  
That is not a very nice tactic
what does any of this have to do with PV?
I posted stuff about how the girls in PV are not juvenile delinquents?
I'm sorry if you all sound young?
Anyone not writing about PV go away.
I am paranoid because PV/ covenant health has a lot of money and connections, and I don't feel like getting arrested for having a tail light out or something ok?  Or beaten up by some random goon ok?  I am scared of PV understandably.  Those people would kick my ass very fast if they  could.  
I am sorry if you disagree about what I considers sexual harassment.
It's not a big deal, and has nothing to do with PV
what the hell was that weed post? you are just bogging down anything good said in stupidity.

I'm sorry, Free.  I'll only answer those questions via private message.  I've edited some posts to get rid of what I thought was too much info anyway.  I've emailed you about this already.  Log in and we'll discuss it, but this is too much of a circus.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on April 26, 2007, 10:46:24 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Well fuck me black jesus! who woulda thought a PV survivor could be the most effective troll ever on fornits and totally destroy such a long and useful thread?!

black jesus don't do no fuggin, but Stagger Lee he a different story.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2007, 10:49:51 PM
I want to say something about sexual harassment, groan right? well I thought I'd clarify something about it. I must seem pretty paranoid about it and I don't want it to give any parents reading this the wrong impression.
I am paranoid about it because it can be very bad, especially in school environments. I'll give an example. I said a few days ago in college the kids, boys, were saying stuff that was both violent and sexual. I'm sure this got dismissed because I can be so up in arms about sexism, this is an unfortunate side effect of many negative things, post traumatic stress type stuff.
You are angry and paranoid because something that bad happened, therefore no one believes you because you seem angry and paranoid. Try telling people about the brainwashing prison camp in the backwoods of Tennessee  
I wanted to clarify for any parents that read this that don't know what sexual harassment is, or anybody, what I’m talking about. I have a good immediate example too. I don't like to repeat it as it sounds horrible but remember I am not the one coming up with this and I find it horrible. Someone has CSI on in the other room right now, and they are saying far worse things, so I will simply report what I heard with no embarrassment.
When your daughter says I am being sexually harassed, this is the kind of stuff she means, not “hey your butt looks good ha ha.”
I was talking to these two boys during break from class, after a test, we were in the smoking area outside. They had seemed like nice kids, they were both probably nineteen? They had been polite enough. At first they were talking about the Virginia Tech shooting, they immediately started talking about what they would have done differently. They talked about carrying weapons to protect oneself, one guy pulled out a knife and the other guy pulled out two knives, to show they were well protected I guess. The conversation turned to guns, and concealed carrying permits and who had one and who didn't. It worried me because I had been feeling safer with this little stun key chain baton that was supposed to incapacitate an attacker, of course though some nutty guy would have a knife and probably a gun darn, I was thinking, duh. Guns and nuts go together like alcohol and nuts, not everyone that has a gun is a nut but nuts probably do have one.
So then the guys, I saw as kids, the nineteen year olds look like kids to me now, started talking about stuff on the internet, they were talking to me too, we were in a conversation, my side was a lot more sane though, nodding and smiling and such. Now again I don't want to repeat this, but this is sexual harassment ok, they were both talking to me to, and I felt cornered honestly.
The one guy starts telling a story about this guy having sex with a girl in Las Vegas, he was actually moving his pelvis and holding his hands like he, I guess, was holding on to a girls butt from the back, the story went on a little while too it seemed. This guy in Vegas was having sex and the doors in the hotel were a kind of glass that when you touched a button they became misted over but when you touched it again you could see through them, so he keeps touching the door while he is having sex so people can see through it and then can’t. The final time he does it a security guard was there and he &^%& all over the glass. I didn’t like this story much or the pelvic thrusts but I just nodded and smiled. The other guy starts talking about seeing this thing on the internet where this guy tried to have *&^*&* sex with a girl and filmed it, there was &**& everywhere and the camera guy threw up and so did the guy, this story was much longer than the above sentence and very graphic. I’m sorry to have to repeat this, even with editing but this is a reasonably ordinary form of sexual harassment. He also mention *&^* sex one other times in relation to his girlfriend, in a conversation, that started by talking about the test we had just taken? This time was unrelated to the above story? I have not talked to these kids much, and I look really ordinary, like everyone else in class, they were not singling me out. I am not picking on men, or boys, I know very nice non before mentioned guys.
I also know that this is what your daughter means when she says the boys say nasty things at school, or I’m being sexually harassed.
I go to a good, not that easy to get into, state college. These boys looked like nice, well dressed kids. I don’t know what the hell they were thinking really but, this is the kind of stuff I heard in my small private high school pretty much on a daily basis too. It really is constant. Often it is directed at a girl, not just jokes told around her, do you want to &*^&, we know you like to *&^*, for no reason. I am always amazed when I hear someone say they must have a reason to sexually harass her and stuff. This is not the case.
This is very common and goes on all the time. Ask your daughter to tell you exactly what was said, do not yell at her, or tell her to avoid them, bullies won’t let you avoid them especially sexual ones. It is hard for girls to report it, because often the abuse gets worse. Actually listen to your daughter and don’t yell at her when you hear something you don't understand or don't want to hear. Actually listen, let her finish, I think it is worse than it used to be when most parents went to school. I think awareness classes and less tolerance needs to be had for sexual harassment in schools. It's like it doesn't even exist, which means it is rampant.
This is what I wrote in relation to sexual harassment.  Thinking some parents might be looking up PV, and so I wanted to say something that might help their daughter out Ok?  Also sexism is kind of like racism?  it's an ism and telling racist joke you can't do but a sexist one and I get beat uP?
I was trying to make parents and people see that PV blames the girls for real problems they have. Like having to hear before mentioned stuff at school.  Perhaps a bit randomn bu not much or anything so everyone started beating up on me
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 10:49:58 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I am paranoid because PV/ covenant health has a lot of money and connections, and I don't feel like getting arrested for having a tail light out or something ok?  Or beaten up by some random goon ok?  I am scared of PV understandably.  Those people would kick my ass very fast if they  could.

You might be right.  So train in self defense.  But Zen is most definatlely NOT PV staff.  K.  I realize it's pointless to say "you gotta trust somebody, sometime" becuase i've been there. (still there really), but the practical aspect of this is: you gotta work together if you're gonna take out the program.

I am sorry if you disagree about what I considers sexual harassment.
It's not a big deal, and has nothing to do with PV
what the hell was that weed post? you are just bogging down anything good said in stupidity.

Hmm.. You didn't catch the many C words used in that post did you?  Nobody still has any idea what that is...

so pick a number

1. cunt
2. clit
3. cock
4. cum
5. other
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 26, 2007, 10:52:10 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 26, 2007, 11:01:58 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I want to say something about sexual harassment, groan right? well I thought I'd clarify something about it. I must seem pretty paranoid about it and I don't want it to give any parents reading this the wrong impression.
I am paranoid about it because it can be very bad, especially in school environments. I'll give an example. I said a few days ago in college the kids, boys, were saying stuff that was both violent and sexual. I'm sure this got dismissed because I can be so up in arms about sexism, this is an unfortunate side effect of many negative things, post traumatic stress type stuff.
You are angry and paranoid because something that bad happened, therefore no one believes you because you seem angry and paranoid. Try telling people about the brainwashing prison camp in the backwoods of Tennessee  
I wanted to clarify for any parents that read this that don't know what sexual harassment is, or anybody, what I’m talking about. I have a good immediate example too. I don't like to repeat it as it sounds horrible but remember I am not the one coming up with this and I find it horrible. Someone has CSI on in the other room right now, and they are saying far worse things, so I will simply report what I heard with no embarrassment.
When your daughter says I am being sexually harassed, this is the kind of stuff she means, not “hey your butt looks good ha ha.”
I was talking to these two boys during break from class, after a test, we were in the smoking area outside. They had seemed like nice kids, they were both probably nineteen? They had been polite enough. At first they were talking about the Virginia Tech shooting, they immediately started talking about what they would have done differently. They talked about carrying weapons to protect oneself, one guy pulled out a knife and the other guy pulled out two knives, to show they were well protected I guess. The conversation turned to guns, and concealed carrying permits and who had one and who didn't. It worried me because I had been feeling safer with this little stun key chain baton that was supposed to incapacitate an attacker, of course though some nutty guy would have a knife and probably a gun darn, I was thinking, duh. Guns and nuts go together like alcohol and nuts, not everyone that has a gun is a nut but nuts probably do have one.

Shit.  I'm armed all the time, and even my dad was talking about what he would have done in the VA tech situation.  It's not that uncommon.

So then the guys, I saw as kids, the nineteen year olds look like kids to me now, started talking about stuff on the internet, they were talking to me too, we were in a conversation, my side was a lot more sane though, nodding and smiling and such. Now again I don't want to repeat this, but this is sexual harassment ok, they were both talking to me to, and I felt cornered honestly.
The one guy starts telling a story about this guy having sex with a girl in Las Vegas, he was actually moving his pelvis and holding his hands like he, I guess, was holding on to a girls butt from the back, the story went on a little while too it seemed. This guy in Vegas was having sex and the doors in the hotel were a kind of glass that when you touched a button they became misted over but when you touched it again you could see through them, so he keeps touching the door while he is having sex so people can see through it and then can’t. The final time he does it a security guard was there and he &^%& all over the glass. I didn’t like this story much or the pelvic thrusts but I just nodded and smiled. The other guy starts talking about seeing this thing on the internet where this guy tried to have *&^*&* sex with a girl and filmed it, there was &**& everywhere and the camera guy threw up and so did the guy, this story was much longer than the above sentence and very graphic. I’m sorry to have to repeat this, even with editing but this is a reasonably ordinary form of sexual harassment. He also mention *&^* sex one other times in relation to his girlfriend, in a conversation, that started by talking about the test we had just taken? This time was unrelated to the above story? I have not talked to these kids much, and I look really ordinary, like everyone else in class, they were not singling me out. I am not picking on men, or boys, I know very nice non before mentioned guys.

That is NOT sexual harassment.  Again.  If I was a nasty PV Lawyer, I'd simply let you hang yourself with examples of "harassment" like that.

I also know that this is what your daughter means when she says the boys say nasty things at school, or I’m being sexually harassed.
I go to a good, not that easy to get into, state college. These boys looked like nice, well dressed kids. I don’t know what the hell they were thinking really but, this is the kind of stuff I heard in my small private high school pretty much on a daily basis too. It really is constant. Often it is directed at a girl, not just jokes told around her, do you want to &*^&, we know you like to *&^*, for no reason. I am always amazed when I hear someone say they must have a reason to sexually harass her and stuff. This is not the case.

Well that sounds like that is bordering on harassment, but what is the relationship between the people...  are they close?  do they know each-other.  Did they hook up at a party sometime, or were they mutually flirting...  Is it ever directed at you?

This is very common and goes on all the time. Ask your daughter to tell you exactly what was said, do not yell at her, or tell her to avoid them, bullies won’t let you avoid them especially sexual ones. It is hard for girls to report it, because often the abuse gets worse. Actually listen to your daughter and don’t yell at her when you hear something you don't understand or don't want to hear. Actually listen, let her finish, I think it is worse than it used to be when most parents went to school. I think awareness classes and less tolerance needs to be had for sexual harassment in schools. It's like it doesn't even exist, which means it is rampant.

K...  I politely disagree.  It's already too far.

This is what I wrote in relation to sexual harassment.  Thinking some parents might be looking up PV, and so I wanted to say something that might help their daughter out Ok?  Also sexism is kind of like racism?  it's an ism and telling racist joke you can't do but a sexist one and I get beat uP?

I see you giving examples of stories about sex... but they are not sexist.  Now if I was to tell a joke with a punchline revolving around a womens place in the kitchen... well that would be sexist.  In any case.  It's speech.  It may offend you, but you can always walk away.  It is my constitutional right, if I want, to tell racist jokes, to be a neo-nazi, to wear a swastika.  etc etc...  why should it be off limits to tell a sexist joke?  Are you trying to force people to be polite.  It's crazy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:09:57 AM
what is your issue with trying to tell parents not to blame their daughters for everything.  That when they say they are being sexually harassed they probably are?  That they should listen to them and not beat up on them or send them off to a place like PV?  
It had nothing to do with you, it wasn't about you. That was my point .  
I was trying to help PV girls.
What is your issue with this?  You are probably not a sexually harassing guy? None of your defending all men as not sexually harassing helps people in PV at all? Or your right to say all sorts of stuff? That is irelevant here and not the place for it?
Some men are sexually harassing, many are not?  I tend to view sexual harassment as agressive sexual attention, that is somewhat violent? It should be repeated for you to report it, this is true?
The point of this is to post stuff about PV, not what you think is or isn't ok or whatever.
This thread doesn't have anything to do with you really? unless you want to say stuff about how bad programs are.  
this thread pops up when you type in Peninsula village on search engines?
that is what I am trying to do with this stuff, I'm not talking to you? ok
sexual harassment is real?  
My example was just a quick immediate one, bad enough for parents to look at and go "huh I guess there is something wrong here" again I was trying to show people that girls in PV live in the context of their lives, that they have other things they are dealing with?  PV takes a lot of girls who's parents or the state think they need "help" with being abused, maybe they have some Taliban issues I don't know?  Maybe they just really believe the girl needs therapy for it and believe PV's lies.  Some of the girls had become somewhat self destructive in the face or it, pills eaten and such?  I just wanted to maybe get parents on their daughters side, rather than dismissing what they say.
 It was true and happened last week so I'd thought I'd use it as an example?
It wasn't a debate class issue, sexual harassment is real and common. this may or may not have been a good example, from your perspective but I thought it suited the aside I was trying to do, saying many girls in PV were the victims of abuse and such, not criminals.

and again there is a difference between cornering some kid and sexually harassing them and telling a joke.
the situation at school, could be a toss up in the retelling I suppose, but I felt threatened and cornered and what they were saying was over the top and pretty violent agressive, unwanted and sexual, the knives  were a bit much too, most sexual harassment is repeated.

As a woman you have to worry about sexual assault.  I have been assaulted and flashed in the last year? through no fault of my own.  guys do not have to worry about this, they walk around the state park in the afternoon without having to worry about being assaulted, as I girl I was just badly flashed at the state park. and then people asked me what I was doing there alone? So I felt bad about myself in relation to it?
I think you have problems with this issue on your own side, I don't know what they did to you but I'm sure it was bad? we need to be careful to not only just speak from what ever we having going on? I do that obviously?
When I said a million years ago here, that the blogs were misogynistic I was not talking about Fornits
I was talking about, I was angry too, my parents had been a lot that day, and I was talking about how girls in PV always get cast as BAD Girls or Ho's and they are not, I will post the girls I was in with again because it is relevant.  I had not gone to any of the other fornits sites at that point. and I was upset at the stigma and stereotypes I feel keep places like PV up and running?  I was probably reading from my own mind into a lot of this?  I had also read the baseball bat guys story out of context and upside down, I already apologized for this?  Issues of aggressive and unwanted, often violent male attention, again how I define sexual harassment and other stuff, and it should be repeated to report ok, are a big problem that the very young teenage girls have in PV.  I am very defensive about it sorry.  And yes you should tell them to go away sixteen times but they won't and threaten you and your family and browbeat you and anyway.  So yes it should be repeated, and it should be over time and such. Although iguess that's a definition of stalking of harassment, rape and flashing happen all of a sudden often, and so of we go again.  Again it was a quick point, ok example, with a purpose, thank you for killing it.  The idea was in the right place.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:17:50 AM
you really are not getting this, can I use again the example of a white guy telling a black one what racism is like? I am not using racism it is just an apt comparison?
didn't any one ever corner you as a kid and say sexual stuff to you?  guess not, come on you were in a program right?
you can;t tell really sexually explicit jokes around people if they don't want you to at work or school.  There are laws for a reason.
Wasn't there a movie with Michel Pfieffer in a coal mine or something.  You really are not getting this?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 27, 2007, 12:31:41 AM
We're Not Free, I'm sorry your parents are sadistic, neglectful assholes. I know how that can be. They should have listened to you and given you some guidance. When I was a little kid, I got picked on and bullied a lot. Never told an adult. It was usually best not to or they might pay some attention. In my house, that was not usually a good thing. But when I started getting into trouble for fighting, my dad started taking me out target shooting and teaching me how to load bullets and make home made weapons. This sounds crazy, I know, but bear with me. There are damned good reasons why they called him Crazy Mac. In all that time we spent together w/ the dogs and sometimes a friend or two of his or mine, he told a lot of damned stories! Around that time, it seems to me they were storries about times he'd fought and times he'd talked his way out of a fight, friends who fought and then made up.. His philosophy was something like this, know that you can kill just about anything that presents a threat. Once you're over that mortal fear, you can think more clearly about whether you'd really want to and ways to avoid it. After awhile, I wasn't afraid of the bullies anymore and I just heckled them back.

Whether you got that from your family or not, it's still the same. That's what you have to learn to do for yourself. I understand being scared of these fuckers. But I honestly don't think they have any significant support in your area.Wouldn't put it past em for a minute, but they lack practical ability, don't they?

Now, one of those stories you describe sounds a whole lot like something a friend of mine sent to me. I told him I'd had a bad day and to send me something funny. He sent me that. It wasn't all that funny.... well, a little, owing to the author's writing style but I'm guessing that got lost in the translation. But that's what my friend thought was funny. Sometimes, it's the thought that counts.

And no one can say from this side of the keyboard what these kids intent is. I guess you're fairly obvious, if not outright vocal, about your views. Maybe they're heckling you because of it? I don't know. If so, the best response is probably to just call them morons and walk off.
That's some really good advice Psy gave you. Take a self defense course or martial arts or something.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:33:11 AM
I also did not mean teens who are reported for sexual harassment should be beaten up or something. I do think schools need to teach about sexual harassment, no kid should have to hear the Cu word everyday.
 I don't think schools now do at all and kids get caught up in the crowd and repeat stuff they see in the media.
I know in high school at fourteen or so, I heard "do you want to suck my bleep", at least three times a week, directed at me or another girl. At fourteen I hadn't kissed a guy really yet, I was a geek.
There is also something of a difference, reacting to having someone touch your sock and reacting to being backed up against a wall, while a guy makes pelvis thrusts in your direction, talks about ejaculation while the other guy talks about a(*&(* sex? This is the true example I gave, of what I would consider sexual harassment?  that everyone got all up in arem about?That doesn't belong in schools or work, mainly because you have to be in those places. I didn't say anything at the time because I felt threatened, also it is so common, saying something would do nothing except have people respond as you' all did.
I like what you said about rage then wimpy though, rage them wimpy, I agree this is relevant to PST from programs.

In the PV program, I felt more sexually harassed than I felt like I was taught to think it was bad and report it? They make you feel like you deserve it. PV loves to beat you up in relation to sex, reminded me of lunch table conversations, "I know you would like too, I know you want to, Your just a little (*&(*& aren't you" This is to a thirteen year old virgin, of course. It was a small private school, middle school and high school was in the same buildings and eight graders ate lunch with high school kids, not a good system. PV never said anything against sexual harassment that I remember. This would be admitting that maybe some of the girls in there, who had suffered sexual abuse, actually had been victimized. They were far more proponents of the "you deserved it school" and the "well what were you doing there" school. Protestations like, "I had to go to school" were ignored with loud stupid party slogans, and more sexual harassment from staff, They wanted you to go into details about your molestation and such. They like to make you describe being abused and then beat you up with it?

I posted this and you guys got all mad, how could this be more relevant to PV?   THe sexual harassment was really bad in my high school, and it was directed at me, what the hell do you think "do you want to suck my (&&*" said to a thirteen year old is by a seventeen year old is. A funny joke?  We were not friends? it was not a joke it was a direct question really?  Give me a break?  
Zen what the hell were you trying to find out by being an ass?
It's true if were not for women like me ranting you would have never found out what PV was like in the first place.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:44:41 AM
ok please stop using the C word you idiot, it was the first one on the list? jesus? what are you doing would someone like a moderator say something? Psych go to hell you stupid little idiot,  leave me alone ok.  What does PV have to do with you anyway?   I give up you all are really ignorant about this stuff.  stop abusing other people?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:02:57 AM

Oh, hell, those fucking C-Words!  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:06:03 AM
Here is who I was in with! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge.
-We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic.
-We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type.
-The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned.
-15 year old girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her since five or so, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.
- Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.
-A party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops.
Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.
-thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV.
-thirteen year old ate some aspirin,
--two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.
-Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV
-The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!!
-Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.
-The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and she caused a fuss a lot.
- 2 Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away. They caught her in her own room at her parents house.
- Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember,
-oh chemical depression kid some cutting, dramatic little scratch things, no drugs, drinking anything.
So you see not really criminals, depression is not a crime, nor is being molested, in state care, and so on? The girls I was in with were actually nice girls, I don't harbor any bad feelings toward any of them. God bless them please! I care about them. They were good people even in the face of having PV try to force them to abuse others. If there is a God they are not in the wrong in this situation and they acted well, and honorably.
No wonder the girls I was in with don't post stuff , at least we are anonomous I hope? They probably are afraid of reactions like these.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:08:24 AM
Here is who I was in with! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge.
-We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic.
-We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type.
-The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned.
-15 year old girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her since five or so, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.
- Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.
-A party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops.
Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.
-thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV.
-thirteen year old ate some aspirin,
--two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.
-Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV
-The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!!
-Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.
-The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and she caused a fuss a lot.
- 2 Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away. They caught her in her own room at her parents house.
- Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember,
-oh chemical depression kid some cutting, dramatic little scratch things, no drugs, drinking anything.
So you see not really criminals, depression is not a crime, nor is being molested, in state care, and so on? The girls I was in with were actually nice girls, I don't harbor any bad feelings toward any of them. God bless them please! I care about them. They were good people even in the face of having PV try to force them to abuse others. If there is a God they are not in the wrong in this situation and they acted well, and honorably.
No wonder the girls I was in with don't post stuff , at least we are anonomous I hope? They probably are afraid of reactions like these.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:09:13 AM
God poor girls out of PV, it is so horrible really
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:14:56 AM
ok I kind of like the hick and the giant chicken?  don't get the canary. the pope and birth control I hear, again for the love of god, what the hell!  don't get me started on the morning after pill, in my state schools are not allowed to talk about birth control at all.  Even if someone asks, like the nurse they can't answer or they get in trouble.  it's abstinance only mostly with a little science.  say the C word one more time and I'm making a voodoo doll of you and sticking pins in unpleasant places, back off and scram if you have nothing to do with PV.  How do you post pictures I want to post a picture of STU they took off the web page.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:17:42 AM
could you be just a little more sensitive though,  :cry:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:29:00 AM
quote="ZenAgent"]Peace. I found out what I wanted, nasty as I had to be to find out.  Free, be cool, no one's against you.  Bye.

And I'm 40, dammit.  Old is what you make it.[/quote]

congratulations on your well used nastiness! such an admirable 40 year old picking on a messed up 24 year old, messed up from the place you are so upset about...

so I guess its good to get out of PV and be agasint it, or even be fucked up from it as it gives credence to your upcoming lawsuit, but not if you have to deal with alot of unspaced paragraphs  :cry2:

to all the men crying abou this girls picking on your a man and get over it LAY OFF
she's not self centered shes troubled -yuck-i could easilty say your self centered for only wanting to use this thread for your puroposes!
Did i menation puke?if not, puke
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:38:27 AM
I Have alot of trouble beleiving anyone whose not a 5 year old being confused about what the c word is. Like the N-word, even if there are other words that might start with the letter N its pretty fucking obvious, so stop with the faux naivite "i dont see color just the human being" crap to proove whatever points ya fellas go on about

anyhoo its nice break to have somone whose not pro program to thread gang bang.(not anti male with that comment, love the men)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 05:36:02 AM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Bored, counselors?  On behalf of the kids at PV who would get their asses kicked for doing it... ::both::  ::fuckoff::

Klepper does not make the anorexic kid look bad.  It makes PV look bad for having him there.  THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE VIOLENT PSYCHOS MIXED IN WITH ANOREXICS! THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE VIOLENT PSYCHOS THERE AT ALL!

Free, you are what the goons would label Narcissistic. You are unbelievably self-centered.  You play every card in the book, too.  Racism, sexism, religion, you'll take any remark as offensive and reel off into incoherent ranting and raving.    You throw PV into the mix occasionally, but all you're doing is agitating, and seriously messed up or not, you are a troll.

What do you want to do about PV?  What you're ranting about is off the map.  No doubt this will wind you up and you'll spin like a top for pages.  

So...what is it that you want?  You want help?  Or do you want to put PV in a fucking legal straitjacket?  Anything other than the latter is out of place here.

Ooh unqualified medical opinions motivated by your private agenda !!! May i interest you in a job at penninsula villiage?

Yeah, beat her down for not doin what u say!!!!
She's a self centered horrible person....for using an internet forum to discuss things you dont want to discuss...
and of course its all about YOUR desires, and it doesnt matter how cruely you express that truth becasue people who interfere with what you want dont matter?

I havent seen her say one nasty thing to anyone here, maybe your the shitty self centered person? Or at least the narsisistic pot calling the traumatized kettle black.

This could be your daughter so pull your head out of your ass (I hate using cliches but i could think of no other way to express this as clearly)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 08:33:43 AM
you guys got so vicious because I said it is not acceptable to talk to random women like the before mentioned example.  Everyone said they can tell jokes and such.  These were really bad jokes, violent, degrading to women, and very explicitly over the top sexual?
  I guess what you are saying is if they were saying it to each other and I was just there then it is ok,  I hear that this does make a difference somewhat?  At least for this one isolated example.  
I don't think guys should talk like this at school or work, even to each other, if there are women around.  I don't think you are allowed at work or school to tell such explicit jokes?  But if it was talking between two guys then it's pretty explicit but not as bad?  If you go to the lunch room and hear three such jokes, it creates a hostile place to be as a teenage girl, even if it is directed at you or not?  It's locker room talk, you tell racist jokes around other racists not black people, then it's harassment.
I hear jokes about sex can be fine and funny, the examples I gave, are not really fine or funny?  They were violent, degrading to women, nasty and as explicit as you could get?
In this example both jokes were told directly to me.  I was in a very polite, I had done nothing to antagonize them, with the guys? The guy mentioned a story this internet guy told was funny, it was completely out of context too, and I said naively "what guy what story"?  Not expecting the story I got, I was still unsure of how to react at the first story so when the other guy said I know a guy too, I stupidly said "what guy what story" to the second guy too.  So they both were talking directly too me, telling me the cool funny stories they heard on the internet?
they were also standing about 2 1/2 feeet away from me, pelvic thrusting and all and I was leaning against a wall with one on each side.
SO it was directed at me and it was pretty over the top for random things you say to strange women in class with you?
I don't mind jokes about sex?
 was what was said even a joke? It made no sense. read it again.
I shortened it,
At the time the story went on for five minutes.      
I'm not arguing your right to tell jokes about sex.
in work and school though, legally there are limits and should be.
This wasn't a joke and it wasn't between two friends of the same gender, or two friends at all, it was two random guys telling a woman really explicit stories for no reason out side of a college class?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 08:46:26 AM
I am also really tired of people telling me to train in self defense,
it's people coming up with solutions for problems that are not that solvable,
also it's a little like, your scared you do something, pretty program. You take responsibility for your life?  I weigh like 115 pounds?
If the guy has a gun then what,
state park in the south, every guy has a gun,
my hopes would be, when I yelled, two guys with guns would show up and one would be nice?  Do i get a gun, i don't want a gun? Not to walk my dog?  :roll: I'm exaggerating somewhat with the gun joke? but  the likelihood of random crazy being armed very high.  I'm not against guns.  I know a lot of nice sane people, like friends parents and stuff, who have them.
But the guy that attacks you might have a gun.
Everyone thinks about defending themselves.
 Last two times I was assaulted I got away?  I think my self defense is ok, I can't stop naked guy from jumping out from behind a tree though, that's out of my jurisdiction.  And if he is armed,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 08:59:53 AM
If you are tired of hearing about it why keep giving them material to work with? I've asked them to drop it and they haven't yet. This puts the burden on yourself. Focus on PV and stop being a raging little bitch to people like Zen Agent who has been instrumental in bringing PV's bs to the attention of the wider world.

You keep this up honey and you are going to be doing it all alone. Again.. Stop being a bitch and alienating everyone. You are only helping PV more at the moment than you are hurting it with all your shit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:02:41 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
If you are tired of hearing about it why keep giving them material to work with? I've asked them to drop it and they haven't yet. This puts the burden on yourself. Focus on PV and stop being a raging little bitch to people like Zen Agent who has been instrumental in bringing PV's bs to the attention of the wider world.

You keep this up honey and you are going to be doing it all alone. Again.. Stop being a bitch and alienating everyone. You are only helping PV more at the moment than you are hurting it with all your shit.

what a bunch of bullshit.  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:22:01 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
If you are tired of hearing about it why keep giving them material to work with? I've asked them to drop it and they haven't yet. This puts the burden on yourself. Focus on PV and stop being a raging little bitch to people like Zen Agent who has been instrumental in bringing PV's bs to the attention of the wider world.

You keep this up honey and you are going to be doing it all alone. Again.. Stop being a bitch and alienating everyone. You are only helping PV more at the moment than you are hurting it with all your shit.

what a bunch of bullshit.  :roll:

Still playing the bitch are you?

Maybe you should start showing some proof that you are who you say you are? I'm wondering if you aren't some clever ass PV troll playing the survivor to try and sow havoc in our ranks.

Come on you little bitch lets see some proof for a change rather than you bullshit. Or you don't have anything better than page after page of rants about the word "cunt"?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:32:13 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Still playing the bitch are you?...
Come on you little bitch

you seem like a nice person.  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:39:25 AM
Did you call me a bitch and use the C word? how ironic.  
I didn't rant about the C word you abusive disgusting little dip shit.  Zen yelled at me for no reason?  I posted something about sexual harassment and everyone started beating up on me.  
You sound like you are from PV
Anther good example of why you should not send your child to PV, if this is PV do you see what they are like,
if this is not PV do you want this stupid little Nazi piglet giving "therapy" to your child?
I only mentioned the C word as something that is sexually harassing in high school, as an example so parents could see it is not all their girls fault.
You stupid little Nazi pig,
abusive ugly little monster,
you rapist little boy
how dare you, talk to another person like that  
I don't care about you, you simply prove my point
It is not the evil thing I do?
It was done to me.
I was not directing anything at Zen or you?
It was just an example for parents to show what sexual harassment and bullying are like.
Thank you for so graphically helping me to prove my point.
How horribly miserably disgustingly ironic you all are.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:46:38 AM
nice person? he sounds like your typical rapist bully,
I didn't say anything about anyone
I gave an example because girls in PV have dealt with sexual abuse harassment and such and PV beats the hell out of them about it.
So all these people started defending sexual harassment?
It had nothing to do with anything.
again it was an example I gave because girls in PV have dealt with sexual abuse and harassment and such and PV acts like a bunch of Nazi pigs, not a term I use lightly, and beats the hell out of them about it.
I think above guest is from PV, they sound just like them.
People asked for more examples of sexual harassment so I said getting called the c word in highschool at thirteen by a seventeen year old.
Oh my God, abuse rains down?
What the hell are you fools doing
I wasn't talking about you,  
Talk about evil irony?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:49:00 AM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
Did you call me a bitch and use the C word? how ironic.  
I didn't rant about the C word you abusive disgusting little dip shit.  Zen yelled at me for no reason?  I posted something about sexual harassment and everyone started beating up on me.  
You sound like you are from PV
Anther good example of why you should not send your child to PV, if this is PV do you see what they are like,
if this is not PV do you want this stupid little Nazi piglet giving "therapy" to your child?
I only mentioned the C word as something that is sexually harassing in high school, as an example so parents could see it is not all their girls fault.
You stupid little Nazi pig,
abusive ugly little monster,
you rapist little boy
how dare you, talk to another person like that  
I don't care about you, you simply prove my point
It is not the evil thing I do?
It was done to me.
I was not directing anything at Zen or you?
It was just an example for parents to show what sexual harassment and bullying are like.
Thank you for so graphically helping me to prove my point.
How horribly miserably disgustingly ironic you all are.

Actually I think most people tried to be pretty nice to you. I won't comment on the last two posts with the name calling, but given the level of animosity on this thread I can why people are starting to lose patience with you. No doubt your continued antagonistic attitude has played a part in this loss of patience. You have come up on this forum and called several contributing members all sorts of names. Still most people are pretty forgiving so I wouldn't feel all is lost.

 I wouldn't make it a point to get wrapped up in Internet drama. It has caused more good causes to go down the crapper than its helped. Just stick to the facts and don't worry about going around in circles with people.

Perhaps when you swallowed some of your own pride you might consider apologizing. If you already have then great.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:49:02 AM
Here is who I was in with! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge.

We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic;

We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type;

The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned;

Girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.

Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.

A seventeen year old party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops. Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.

thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV.

thirteen year old ate some aspirin,

two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.

Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV

The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!!

Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.

The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and caused a fuss often, not violent just stubborn upset stuff.

Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away. the last time she ran away from foster care, straight home, and they caught her in her bedroom. She always ran home.

Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember, oh chemical depression kid some
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:50:27 AM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
nice person? he sounds like your typical rapist bully,
I didn't say anything about anyone
I gave an example because girls in PV have dealt with sexual abuse harassment and such and PV beats the hell out of them about it.
So all these people started defending sexual harassment?
It had nothing to do with anything.
again it was an example I gave because girls in PV have dealt with sexual abuse and harassment and such and PV acts like a bunch of Nazi pigs, not a term I use lightly, and beats the hell out of them about it.
I think above guest is from PV, they sound just like them.
People asked for more examples of sexual harassment so I said getting called the c word in highschool at thirteen by a seventeen year old.
Oh my God, abuse rains down?
What the hell are you fools doing
I wasn't talking about you,  
Talk about evil irony?

Irony? No.. Reality. Get over it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:51:09 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Perhaps when you swallowed some of your own pride you might consider apologizing. If you already have then great.

keep shoveling the bullshit.  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:54:45 AM
I have been pretty patient, go back and read what was written here? Guest, are you the same one who just called me a little bitch and said come on you little bitch?  and then used the C word, go to hell. and unless you have something productive to write about PV get off the thread.  This isn't some twelve year old debate personality issue thing.  It is about helping people in PV.
on the other hand hello PV Nazis,  :lol: hah hah hah hah
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:57:00 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""

Perhaps when you swallowed some of your own pride you might consider apologizing. If you already have then great.

keep shoveling the bullshit.  :roll:

I think these guests are all the same person. MPD anyone?

Free if I were you I'd start ignoring all of them and just posting about your experiences. Someone here is having fun at your expense.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:10:13 AM
I'm going with at least a few of them are PV,
 they want to see if I am mokara too I think?   :roll:
 I don't know why Zen keeps refering to it then he uses PV tactic's to see if I'll say it if he makes me mad?
I did a lot to start this ok, I've worked hard on this, and I think it's done some good for people, and I don't deserve abuse for it, whether you agree with everything I say or not.
I don't know mess with PV and you get a bunch of weird crap.
This sounds paranoid, and it is, but both guys who assaulted me,
flasher and apartment guy looked like, well ok what do you think they looked like?
large white, very fit? buff big guys, buzz cut, kahki pants white T-shirt, very very clean cut, pink and sparkly, so clean cut,  looked like they worked out, maybe starting a neck roll? sorry sorry just joking?  the apartment guy said he was ex military and had been in Bosnia and Japan, not picking on military just random?
They looked alike, at first I was scared it was the same guy, the second one was plumper though?
again paranoid, see what researching the soviet union, and the civil rights movement and china and stuff will do to you.
You think PV could have hired them to scare me, maybe hoping it would send me into a spin or something, and I'd fail all my classes, the first guy I withdrew from college?  
again I think they know who I am/
again paranoid but there is human precedent?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:15:12 AM
It is odd to be attacked twice in the same year, by large clean shaven white guys with crew cuts and my computer is dead as can be, it won't even turn on.  I'm blaming it on PTS ok, that doesn't mean everything I say is paranoia, thanks.  Damn catch 22
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:19:14 AM
Ok ,there are about 6 guests here posting. I said something a  while back about having compassion and not being egocentrically unaware of the bigger picture & realize this girl is troubled.

No one has MPD some pro PV type person is being sadistic and some regulars who should no better though are great people are not behaving up to their usual standards. This is an internet forum. We are all more obnoxious here as we hide behind our computers myself included. And guest who keeps slamming her, this is juvenile, I agree. So why dont you bow out?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 27, 2007, 10:20:23 AM
Hey.. I know I said I was bowing out of this thread. However, I wanted to let you know something free we are not.

The internet is full of insecure assholes, at times I've been one of them. Try not to take them seriously. You know as well as I do that your information can put a big dent in the side of PV. That is the most important thing.

For everyone one young man or woman you help keep out of Peninsula Village you already know what you will be saving them. So please keep up the informative posts about what goes on at that place, and perhaps try to remember the old rule of thumb that goes like this:

Opinions are like assholes... Everyone has at least one...

Best thing to do about assholes are to ignore them. Keep going with your crusade young lady. So far you are off to a promising start.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 27, 2007, 10:22:31 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Ok ,there are about 6 guests here posting. I said something a  while back about having compassion and not being egocentrically unaware of the bigger picture & realize this girl is troubled.

No one has MPD some pro PV type person is being sadistic and some regulars who should no better though are great people are not behaving up to their usual standards. This is an internet forum. We are all more obnoxious here as we hide behind our computers myself included. And guest who keeps slamming her, this is juvenile, I agree. So why dont you bow out?

^^^ Wut anon said...^^^^^^
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:27:46 AM
read the whole thread guest who thinks its all one guest, you will get a good idea of who is saying what and why.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:37:15 AM
what is your issue with trying to tell parents not to blame their daughters for everything. That when they say they are being sexually harassed they probably are? That they should listen to them and not beat up on them or send them off to a place like PV?
It had nothing to do with you, it wasn't about you. That was my point .
I was trying to help PV girls.
What is your issue with this? You are probably not a sexually harassing guy? None of your defending all men as not sexually harassing helps people in PV at all? Or your right to say all sorts of stuff? That is irelevant here and not the place for it?
Some men are sexually harassing, many are not? I tend to view sexual harassment as agressive sexual attention, that is somewhat violent? It should be repeated for you to report it, this is true?
The point of this is to post stuff about PV, not what you think is or isn't ok or whatever.
This thread doesn't have anything to do with you really? unless you want to say stuff about how bad programs are.
this thread pops up when you type in Peninsula village on search engines?
that is what I am trying to do with this stuff, I'm not talking to you? ok
sexual harassment is real?
My example was just a quick immediate one, bad enough for parents to look at and go "huh I guess there is something wrong here" again I was trying to show people that girls in PV live in the context of their lives, that they have other things they are dealing with? PV takes a lot of girls who's parents or the state think they need "help" with being abused, maybe they have some Taliban issues I don't know? Maybe they just really believe the girl needs therapy for it and believe PV's lies. Some of the girls had become somewhat self destructive in the face or it, pills eaten and such? I just wanted to maybe get parents on their daughters side, rather than dismissing what they say.
It was true and happened last week so I'd thought I'd use it as an example?
It wasn't a debate class issue, sexual harassment is real and common. this may or may not have been a good example, from your perspective but I thought it suited the aside I was trying to do, saying many girls in PV were the victims of abuse and such, not criminals.

and again there is a difference between cornering some kid and sexually harassing them and telling a joke.
the situation at school, could be a toss up in the retelling I suppose, but I felt threatened and cornered and what they were saying was over the top and pretty violent agressive, unwanted and sexual, the knives were a bit much too, most sexual harassment is repeated.

As a woman you have to worry about sexual assault. I have been assaulted and flashed in the last year? through no fault of my own. guys do not have to worry about this, they walk around the state park in the afternoon without having to worry about being assaulted, as I girl I was just badly flashed at the state park. and then people asked me what I was doing there alone? So I felt bad about myself in relation to it?
I think you have problems with this issue on your own side, I don't know what they did to you but I'm sure it was bad? we need to be careful to not only just speak from what ever we having going on? I do that obviously?
When I said a million years ago here, that the blogs were misogynistic I was not talking about Fornits
I was talking about, I was angry too, my parents had been a lot that day, and I was talking about how girls in PV always get cast as BAD Girls or Ho's and they are not, I will post the girls I was in with again because it is relevant. I had not gone to any of the other fornits sites at that point. and I was upset at the stigma and stereotypes I feel keep places like PV up and running? I was probably reading from my own mind into a lot of this? I had also read the baseball bat guys story out of context and upside down, I already apologized for this? Issues of aggressive and unwanted, often violent male attention, again how I define sexual harassment and other stuff, and it should be repeated to report ok, are a big problem that the very young teenage girls have in PV. I am very defensive about it sorry. And yes you should tell them to go away sixteen times but they won't and threaten you and your family and browbeat you and anyway. So yes it should be repeated, and it should be over time and such. Although iguess that's a definition of stalking of harassment, rape and flashing happen all of a sudden often, and so of we go again. Again it was a quick point, ok example
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:11:10 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
read the whole thread guest who thinks its all one guest, you will get a good idea of who is saying what and why.

You could be right. It gets confusing after awhile :P
I think I know who you are anyway, Malcolm? :exclaim:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:01:27 PM
"free we are not" is a pv staffer trying to shut down this thread that hurts there business.

Camel toe pie, Camel's Hoof, Cave, Cha-cha, Chatte, Cheebye, Choach/Choachee, Chocho, Choncha, Choot, Choochi, Cock dock, Cock Gobbler, Cock holster, Cock Wallet, Cock warmer, Cockpit
Cock squeezer, Cockhole, Cocksocket, Cooch, Coochie-snorcher, Coose, Cooter, Cooz/Cooze/Coozie, Concha, Cona, Coño, Crab-hole, Cream collector, Cum tunnel, Cunt
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:12:34 PM
I think maybe some of the guys pretty immediate and extreme angry up in arms reactions to saying stuff about sexual harassment and women’s issues, might have to do with how the programs treat guys?
The programs love to use sexuality against vulnerable adolescents.
With the girls they make them feel like they deserved the abuse.
With the guys they probably cast them as abusers, some?
Makr them feel like they are sick and oversexed of something?
Telling you your a stalker because you called your girlfriend six times the week you broke up and yelled at her,
everyone has done that, myself included, and while you shouldn't probably, you are not a stalker.
Now if you call her six times a week for six months, she tells you repeatedly to go away and you threaten her, and the relationship was a month long one or she agreed to go out with you once maybe, yes your are probably a stalker.  
The program made everyone feel like the guy jumping out naked from behind a tree, playing with himself. Sorry, even the girls
I can imagine that to the boys this would be a main theme program sexual abuse would take?  Your normal sexuality is bad and deviant and a "sin" and such :roll:
I'm sorry I didn't think of this when I called you what the program probably told you you are, which you are certainly not, and if you are I'm sure the program abuse is didn't help.
The program takes normal adolescent sexuality male and female and makes it out to be perverted and horrible.  I really think this is what is going on here.
I think you heard what I said out of context and took it personally.
I certainly do this?  
Please understand I was not talking about you, and you are not whatever ugliness the program tries to infest your poor head with.
reactions are subconscious often I find.  
I didn't know anyone pro program enough to be sadistic from the village?
 Pro program kids usually just wanted family acceptance and had been taught to take all the blame and shame onto themselves.  I don't think anyone I was in with was pro program really enough to be horrible.  Again the girls I was in with were good people, oddly enough. really they were really good in relation to what PV tried to do to them, not an evil sadistic one in the bunch, believe or not.  occasionally grouchy?  Having the crap kicked out of you all the time whether you were all that pro program, good or not really doesn't help win support,
If PV could have suspended its sadism long enough to make sense it might have gotten more converts?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:19:12 PM
Again thanks for defining sexual harassment for me? and showing the context many teenage girls get to go to school in, excuse me while I go have a high school flash back ugh.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:23:28 PM
again though if the program tells you sex and stuff related to it, your sexuality, is bad and a sin, you might get up in arms about your right to do whatever you damn well please in relation to it.
And this could get over the top?
sexual bullying? is sexual harassment really I guess.
I don't know I give up, you are being somewhat sexually bullying here though?  If you don't mind?
 It's like trying to communicate in the monkey house but anyway.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:34:12 PM
sexually abused kids and adolescents often abuse others? especially those abused as kids?  It's in all the text books?  
I'm not saying anything horrible about those who were abused,
many do not of course, but if the abuse is around you when you are very young, you repeat it sometimes without understanding what is being done? this is very common with early adolescents who have been abused as children.
 This is according to my psych book and case study book?
So sexual harassment is like one big catching ball where everyone gets abused,
with verbal sexual abuse it seems it would be very catching?
Program sexually abuses kids, psychologically, turns them over to other sexually abused kids for abuse,
teaching them to abuse each other,
and this is going to turn out well how?
Again no offence to those out there, but none of the girls I was in PV had this problem?  
But I read a very good story on HEAL under Straight about it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:40:45 PM
The person in the Straight story was female so I am not picking on men.  And I heard according to Abigail, one of the girls she was in with had this problem, it sounds sensational and horrible
 but it is a well known issue among those abused as children
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:44:17 PM
I'm not talking about you all either sorry.  I was thinking about program abuse, sorry and sexual harassment
 Sexual harssment  is everywhere in schools, it is like the air you breathe, how could everyone not be effected.
The guys are sexually harassed too,
they almost have to participete or be abused themselves?
Is it fun to think about women in relation to the words you just used?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 12:57:11 PM
And where is zen now, immature old bastard taunting a girl who's obviously not well.  he's probably the reason his daughter went to peninsula anyway.  he was spying on counselors myspace pages and stalking, now hje doesnt like it, does he?  His daughter wo9uld probably rather be at pv anyway than haveing to live withan asshole like him. Again,where is he, I guess he's stalking counselors again.  Just stay away, ok?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:15:36 PM
Are you from PV or what?  Could you be any more obvious.

I'm plenty well you sadistic pig
hope you rot in hell, your heading there if there is a God
Damn Karma police.

“stay away” at least you are obvious
Guest, you just said "come on you little bitch" and used the C word in relation to me on the internet,
then blatantly announced you are from PV
What the hell do you think "stay away" means?
That was really smart

Nobody else would tell Zen to stay away
I got a bit bitchy about feminism
I'm a tad touchy after what you monsters put me through
I was rude to Zen and called him sexist.  It was a stupid and embarrassing misunderstanding  I read something he wrote about that psychotic boy you have in there with all the others
out of context, I didn't know who he was so I thought it was just some person talking about something random
without knowing that he actually was trying to talk about how PV gives dangerous kids axes, and lets them beat up on nice kids?    
It was a misunderstanding?
You are stupid and obvious and if you want to not get PV in trouble and look bad you should not say "come on you little bitch" and use the C word in relation to me. Duh
It is amazing that with morons like you behind the wheel PV didn't get shut down years ago
It's amazing how much stupidity and abuse people allow.
Please keep threatening me, I will call the cops you know?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:27:39 PM
The counselor who Zen was stalking?  
He was hardly stalking I think he just typed in Peninsula Village on Myspace.
The fool counselor woman had pictures of herself and other young women in bondage.  S&M lesbian stuff, pretty graphic.
 Her standing over some other girl in leather bondage gear with the girl holding on to her leg looking up at her pleadingly while she looks down in disdain.  
Both are in bondage under wear and there are whips and handcuffs, all girls handcuffed, everywhere.
 Poor Zen wants to research Peninsula village, like any parent and what pops up.
 Sadistic S&M lesbian counselor, who went to Pellissippi Community college I think.
 You really wanted to bring the MySpace sites up?
damn stupid sadistic fools.
There were a bunch of lesbian S&M soft porn shots, I think she had to clean it up, it was still bad last time I went.  
The whole theme of the website was she was a S&M photographer as well and she would do your wedding or something.
Pretty kinky?
Lesbian S&M photographer that is totally who you want as a PV counselor
I really didn't mean to be bitchy to Zen. sorry
I was bitchy first for what it is worth
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 01:36:21 PM
I am very well thank you,
see how they try to make you out to be crazy
It's the main weapon
You all just illustrate, draw a nice clear picture
tell it better than I could,
of the things I trying to get across
thank you for your help
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on April 27, 2007, 03:43:36 PM
Just thought I'd throw this out there, but cunt is one of my favourite words...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 27, 2007, 03:47:27 PM
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Just thought I'd throw this out there, but cunt is one of my favourite words...

Well I like both dick and cunt.  both are good.  What's inside is what matters to me.  whether a person has a dick or a cunt doesn't matter to me...  dick cunt... dick dick cunt cunt..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 03:52:41 PM
seriously?   :roll:  You are joking I know?
How about when a guy says it about a girl?  I give up.
 it was a post about high school girls being abused for being abused give me a break already :roll:  
You guys have been doing this for hours?
It is not words about sex. or sex in general.  
There is sex and there is sexual abuse.
Like the difference between rape and normal happy sex?
 There is a big difference.
But sexual bullying now that is totally ok.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 27, 2007, 04:01:49 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""

Absolutely.  and I'm pretty sure Rachael is too.

How about when a guy says it about a girl?

Howabout the word "dick"

How about when a girl says it about a guy?

Is that ok?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 06:32:05 PM
I think this thread is on c... c... cuh... ccc....

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:33:20 PM
Look you abusive stupid little pig, your the crack head,
has anything you have said made any damn sense?
I have a lot to say because I was in PV.
I never get to talk about anything real ever.
I'm smart I guess I read all the time
I can't talk about this stuff anywhere
I also have a lap top and I type really fast
thank you 25 page papers, I just wrote one thank you
and temp typing jobs  
I have so much to say because
I never get to talk honestly
I never get to talk at all
I'll guess I'll just go back to suffering in silence.
 you stupid sexually harassing little bastard
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 09:40:02 PM
Excuse me?

You're the one incoherantly ranting about things that piss you off for no reason except because you feel you have to rehash what we've known before you ever showed up to grace you with your touchy presence...?

Stop snapping and calm the fuck down, and realize, THIS IS THE INTERNET.

And WE can say what WE want to say on this forum if WE fucking want to. You can't barge in and push your shit on us and start telling us what to do! If you don't like it, leave!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:42:59 PM
I've noticed the counselors from PV look like they're waiting for a casting call from "Deliverance 2".  Inbred, slackjawed, Confederate flag waving hill-goons. It's time to start posting their pictures.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 09:55:58 PM
They don't show any of the counselors on the PV website and they are camera shy, they only show family therapists and others that don't live with the kids and they see once every six weeks maybe.
Light bright, do you have anything to do with PV.  
If I write a lot it's ok, I have PTS from this place what is you issue with it.
you just didn't like what I said about sexual harassment.
I'm trying to do something here, what the hell is your stupid ass doing?

I'm more articulate and coherent than you for sure,
you sound like a sixteen year old Bevis, sorry but you do
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 10:04:06 PM
You are not articulate or coherant, you rant about things that are already well known and understood, and you shove your personal shit down everyone's throat.

I can understand if you have PTSD, but ranting about it and being a er, BITCH about it isn't helping anyone, either!

We know PV is fucked up, we're trying to do something about, and we don't think sexual harassment is ok! However, the way you explained it to was so so garbled and hard to follow we didn't really know what the fuck you were talking about becuase its more like you screaming and ranting incoherantly than anything else.

I've been here and trying to stop this shit for three years. Three years ago you didn't know this shit existed. Lay off and get a grip.

I've done a lot of things, some I can talk about, some I can't.

Like, oh, I dunno, helping to write ( , talking to journalists, talking to program parents, getting program kids out of programs, warning kids, warning parents, going to my local school system, and basically tirelessly telling everyone I can about this whenever I can, every chance I get.

I've done plenty about it, and I'm hardly stupid. You're a pissed off, abused person who'se lashing out (not that you don't have a good reason to, though) and basically pissing off EVERYONE and putting EVERYONE off, and making... damn near EVERYONE mad at you becuase you're giving US flack for what someone ELSE did to you, even if we've been trying to stop it before we even met you!

So, again, shut up, calm down, type clearly, do NOT blame us for what we're trying to fucking STOP, and don't try to make a rule for fornits. Fornits has no rules. We say what we want.

You can either accept that, or leave, your choice.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:07:19 PM
Sorry, I'm late to group tonight, what did I miss?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 10:19:10 PM
Cuntgirl can't shut the fuck up.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:21:02 PM
::T:: just avoid the thread if you don't like it, geeeeez
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:27:06 PM

I would like your help in relation to the Peninsula Village thread.  It has gotten out of hand.  The point of the thread is for survivors and families to post stories that relate to PV and life after and around.    I posted something a few weeks ago about my family because I was really stressed and upset.   The thread is supposed to provide support and info about PV in the hopes of getting things done in relation to it.  I posted a bunch of stuff because I have a lot to say in relation to PV, I was in it for two years, and can't stand the place.  I have also been rather pressured, I am afraid I said personal stuff and it is being used to attack me, pretty viciously.

 I posted something about sexual harassment in schools, and about how many of the girls were in PV for being sexually abused.  Somehow this dissolved into explicit sexual harassment.  I was called a little bitch, the C word was used repeatedly and many variations of it .  Over all it has dissolved into a mess.  
I am also feeling threaten by what is being said.   Plus I think PV staff is also using the thread in a threatening manner.
This is in response to me trying to post something about how girls in PV were often sexually harassed in school.

Please can we take the thread down, I feel threatened and it is doing no good.

I wrote a lot of the stuff on there as did Zen agent and I'm sure he would agree with me?  Everything else is not by PV survivors, just random peanut gallery.

When people type in PV they shouldn't have young guys calling some girl the C word in eight variations pop up, or me stressed about my family.

Please Please delete this one and start a new one!! Please, go read it, it is horrible.

It starts right about where the C word gets used, not by me.

I feel threatened.  And new people keep commenting on what I said about sexual harassment and I wrote stuff about sexual abuse too and I am really upset worried and uncomfortable.  Please do something! , take it down anyway though it is an ugly mess.  And not good to have pop up when people type in PV. Again I feel threatened and it has nothing to do with PV, and it makes everyone look bad.

could we start another thread about peninsula village? this one is really horrible and i don't want it to pop up when people type in peninsula village.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 10:30:30 PM
I'm fine with people discussing this, I'm fine with people telling us what was done, but I am not OK with someone disrupting EVERYTHING becuase they have to attack and cretique everyone here and derail the entire thread!

This is about PV, not about free's bitchfest about men and the word cunt.

NO CENSORSHIP!  ::boycott:: ::boycott:: ::boycott::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:30:57 PM
if you call me c*&^*^girl than yes I might not like it. and I might be rude to you?
anything I said was in response to your whatever you are doing?
Also I'm the only one on here that was actually in PV.
If you want to talk about something other than PV why don't you go somewhere else.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:32:11 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I'm fine with people discussing this, I'm fine with people telling us what was done, but I am not OK with someone disrupting EVERYTHING becuase they have to attack and cretique everyone here and derail the entire thread!

This is about PV, not about free's bitchfest about men and the word cunt.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:32:46 PM
I would like your help in relation to the Peninsula Village thread.  It has gotten out of hand.  The point of the thread is for survivors and families to post stories that relate to PV and life after and around.  I'm "mokara" and "we are not free."  I posted something a few weeks ago about my family because I was really stressed and upset.  I also posted stuff last year that I think has helped bring PV survivors and their families out of the woodwork.  The thread is supposed to provide support and info about PV in the hopes of getting things done in relation to it.  I posted a bunch of stuff because I have a lot to say in relation to PV, I was in it for two years, and can't stand the place.  I have also been rather pressured, I am afraid I said personal stuff and it is being used to attack me, pretty viciously.

 I posted something about sexual harassment in schools, and about how many of the girls were in PV for being sexually abused, myself included.  Somehow this dissolved into explicit sexual harassment.  I was called a little bitch, the C word was used repeatedly and many variations of it .  Over all it has dissolved into a mess.  I am also feeling threaten by what is being said.  I was told to get laid, and again the C word has been used repeatedly in many variations, Plus I think PV staff is also using the thread in a threatening manner. This is in response to me trying to post something about how girls in PV were often sexually harassed in school.

Please can we take the thread down, I feel threatened and it is doing no good.

I wrote a lot of the stuff on there as did Zen agent and I'm sure he would agree with me?  Everything else is not by PV survivors, just random peanut gallery.

When people type in PV they shouldn't have young guys calling some girl the C word in eight variations pop up, or me stressed about my family.

I also don't want PV to threaten me and I'm afraid i said something that makes it obvious who I am.  And I think it might discredit Zen and me in any legal case! This is not what Fornits is for of course, please help.    

All the useful stuff Zen and I moved to another thread. Please Please delete this one and start a new one!! Please, go read it, it is horrible.

It starts right about where the C word gets used, not by me.

I feel threatened.  And new people keep commenting on what I said about sexual harassment and I wrote stuff about sexual abuse too and I am really upset worried and uncomfortable.  Please do something!   I will have Zen email you too, I hope, take it down anyway though it is an ugly mess.  And not good to have pop up when people type in PV. Again I feel threatened and it has nothing to do with PV, and it makes everyone look bad.

Thank you mokara and we are not free

could we start another thread about peninsula village? this one is really horrible and i don't want it to pop up when people type in peninsula village.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 10:34:20 PM
I can't BELIEVE I'm saying this...

...but this thread isn't about PV right now.

It's about you!  :roll: OH GOD THE WORLD COMES TO AN END.

Ugh. Spewing your personal shit at us like a reversed version of "group" is not healthy for you, or for us, and you wont shut the fuck up about sexual harassment, "men", "cunt", and... other bullshit that you won't fucking shut up and drop!

You're derailing the entire thread and turning into the center of attention. Congrats, you are fornits first attention whore/troll in the past arbitrary period of time since TheWho.

If you really need to talk about your shit, go to a shrink, don't keep pissing off everyone out there who'se trying to get rid of PV, whether or not you approve of it.

Get it?

Also, if you don't like it... LEAVE. Fornits will NOT be censored for you. If you don't like how we speak, too bad.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:37:23 PM
when did I say anything about all men or you?  I posted something about sexual harassment in schools, and about how many of the girls were in PV for being sexually abused, . Somehow this dissolved into explicit sexual harassment. I was called a little bitch, the C word was used repeatedly and many variations of it . Over all it has dissolved into a mess. I am also feeling threaten by what is being said. again the C word has been used repeatedly in many variations, Plus I think PV staff is also using the thread in a threatening manner. This is in response to me trying to post something about how girls in PV were often sexually harassed in school.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 10:40:21 PM





Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 10:41:56 PM
zen if you would agree with me that this post should be stopped now and deleted, would you mind emailing wwf@fornits and kelly@fornits?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 10:42:59 PM
You ARE new aren't you?

I bet you're a troll, too.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:08:28 PM
didn't critique you?  I just was doing my own thing.  
you attacked me? You pulled my sexual harassment story apart. said I was unsympathetic to the flasher? and said every variation of the C word you could possibly come up with
and I'm incoherent or dramatic?
what are you doing?
I didn't say anything to you,
as soon as you were polite kind of I was polite back and then it was of into you be a jerk again?
I was busy pasting stuff about the girls I was in with in PV and the meaning of unfit parents and such and your ranting about something? and posting pictures of captain Picard?  and I don't relate to PV.  you are such a crack head, twelve year old.
and I'm only saying that because you are full of it,
what are you doing?
Don't you know how rude you are?
I pasted something talking about how the girls I was in with many of them were in for sexual abuse and you come back with this crap?
How dare you, what happens when one of those girls looks up PV and she sees her story, told in an anonomous way and instead of people around being supportive.
there is all this horrible abusive crap?
your a little pig, think for God sakes.
I am ashamed i even posted anything.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:10:26 PM
If you could talk about what you say you're talking about without giving me the stock-feminist insults, grief over "the C-word", and other bullshit, and not making it a discoherant rant, nobody would get ticked off at you.

Its not that I don't understand why you are defensive, it's that this isn't the place for it!

But, hey, you call me a pig, I'll call you a cunt, ok?

Go away, or play nice... ok, cunt?  :D
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:12:29 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
If you could talk about what you say you're talking about without giving me the stock-feminist insults, grief over "the C-word", and other bullshit, and not making it a discoherant rant, nobody would get ticked off at you.

Its not that I don't understand why you are defensive, it's that this isn't the place for it!

But, hey, you call me a pig, I'll call you a cunt, ok?

Go away, or play nice... ok, cunt?  :D

Nice to meet ya Kettle, black much?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:12:56 PM
you called me the C word ten pages ago,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:14:19 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""






Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:15:30 PM
I didn't come out of nowhere attacking her, bud. I got annoyed at her attentionwhoring this thread into the same thread-hell TheWho often drags threads into, and her man-bashing and discoherant ranting.

I tried saying calm down and talk coherantly without the garble, the... fluff, and the uh... well, ranting and venting that makes it hard to see what shes talking about, and she ignored me.

So now I'm dealing with her sensitivity to the word cunt and her stock femininst insults and kind of beside myself why she's giving it to us, and not the people who actually hurt her, especially when we're trying to help.

Then I just got fed up because I don't have to put up with it and I wish she'd go away, and I figure if I say CUNT enough, she'll leave.



Go find a shrink, jesus.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:16:36 PM
I didn't post anything personal about the girls, just that they were not delinquents most of them were in for other stuff, anorexia, being abused, state kids and such.  But still it's psychologically damaging, I think a pig or two in here is from PV.  
One is an adjective, the other I'm not sure about?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:19:30 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
didn't critique you?  I just was doing my own thing.  
you attacked me? You pulled my sexual harassment story apart. said I was unsympathetic to the flasher? and said every variation of the C word you could possibly come up with
and I'm incoherent or dramatic?
what are you doing?
I didn't say anything to you,
as soon as you were polite kind of I was polite back and then it was of into you be a jerk again?
I was busy pasting stuff about the girls I was in with in PV and the meaning of unfit parents and such and your ranting about something? and posting pictures of captain Picard?  and I don't relate to PV.  you are such a crack head, twelve year old.
and I'm only saying that because you are full of it,
what are you doing?
Don't you know how rude you are?
I pasted something talking about how the girls I was in with many of them were in for sexual abuse and you come back with this crap?
How dare you, what happens when one of those girls looks up PV and she sees her story, told in an anonomous way and instead of people around being supportive.
there is all this horrible abusive crap?
your a little pig, think for God sakes.
I am ashamed i even posted anything.

ones who have not EXPERIENCED the abuse and torment you have and many others have really don't know their ass from their face.  Yet they try to act like they do.  No one realizes the effects abuse has on a person or a psyche if they have not experienced it.  Period.  

You do what you gotta do! This should be a place you can come to fight abuse, gain support and not be judged or attacked especially when it's based on ignorance and immaturity.  You endured through this struggle not all who are spatting BS on this board did. So they should lay the FUCK OFF.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:20:48 PM
Well, I'm sure there are some PV people here trying to pull damage control and keep tabs on what we're saying. Most programs seem to do taht... "the industry" has watched fornits for years.

Roybean was doing damage control because of MCC or w/e that programs magnolia name is.

But at any rate, if she had just fucking talked about what she set out to talk about without attacking, insulting, and going OMG C WORD!!!11 and giving us weird unrelated stories about sexual harassment that really werent sexual harassment and publically spewing her shit instead of going to a shrink or a friend or a NON PUBLIC PLACE about it... we woudln't be here.

Free, here is some advice:


Also, if you cant handle it, GO AWAY. Stop being so fucking combative at everyone, while you're at it.

Also, not everything is as you see it. I know you're hurt, but whoever spoonfed you the feminazi bullshit that makes you say stock insults like "pig" and "omg dun say C-word" etc really just pisses us off, and makes people who MIGHT care turn away becuase of your ranting and raving getting in the way of the actual issue... what PV is doing.

Or, in other words... shut up, you stupid cunt.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:22:19 PM
oh and please. i beg you. call me a cunt. So when i see you I will have another reason to kick your FUCKING ASS.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:24:04 PM
ok, cunt!

shut up, cunt.

go do some pushups, cunt.

Go take some "women's self defence" classes while youre at it and all the MEN who are actually hitting eachother and getting in shape and learning to fight laugh at your yelling and I AM WOMAN HAEAR ME ROAAAAAR knees to the groin that wouldnt' even work against a determined attacker.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Go take a fucking midol, take OFF the shoes, and make some MAN a pie, ok?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:24:36 PM
IN a program that would be called the break down process.. finding out what hurts and scares someone and keep repeating it...  :-?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:26:46 PM
Uh, no, she came in and told us DONT SAY THAT so we did.

She's doing the group in reverse. She makes us mad at her then gives us ammo to use against her.

Basically, shes being a very willing LOLCOW. mooooooooooo ( <-
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:28:09 PM






Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:30:30 PM




Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:30:52 PM

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:32:21 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""








I already know the pain of the migraine I'm getting from your panty bunched whining
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:34:55 PM
Hey, if I'm sensitive and nice for the next 3 posts, will that get me in your pants?   :wink:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:37:27 PM










Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:41:34 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Hey, if I'm sensitive and nice for the next 3 posts, will that get me in your pants?   :wink:

oh like i believe that shit

trying to get out o fthe ass beating you deserve

if you apologize and start acting civil I might believe it but if you start that shit again I will kick your ass down the road so hard fcking takumi will be shocked at your awesome new drift techinque
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 27, 2007, 11:43:05 PM
I would just like ask how old everyone  is whom is replying to WANF.I am going guess about 7? Cause everything over that would make you a pretty pathetic bunch. The girl is troubled and therefore you should LAY OFF. If she is not troubled and is really a plant as you say than you should equally LAY OFF

So the question is, if there is no real reason why you should be responding as she is either is either helpless or dishonest, then what is it about your pscyhe that is getting off on this back on forth?

If the girl has an issue with the C-word than why delibertely post it? Even if you think this is irattional why be sadistic? When I was in program there was a girl who had an irrational phobia of bells. . All her "positive peers" went around rounding up bells clanging them and laughing while surrounding her. Is this really what you aspire to?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:43:13 PM
I just wanted to know so I could see if your dick is bigger than the average dykes or not  ::bigsmilebounce::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:43:13 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""












Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:43:33 PM
tits or gtfo
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:47:27 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I just wanted to know so I could see if your dick is bigger than the average dykes or not  ::bigsmilebounce::





Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:49:28 PM


Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:49:45 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I just wanted to know so I could see if your dick is bigger than the average dykes or not  ::bigsmilebounce::





Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:53:13 PM
okay fuck you i don't need caps lock

i don't have to sink to your fucking level just to talk to you and make you believe i'm serious

i just got off the phone with Sgt. Smith and he says the minimum fine is at least 400 dollars and you'll be spending some time in jail for interstate threats and harassment

so you' better fucking apologize and shape up or this will be REAL SERIOUS BUSINESS
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 27, 2007, 11:55:28 PM
Excuse me?

Interstate threats? You threatened me with violence, I said I'd like to find out how big your dick was.

I don't know who you are or where you are, I hardly made an actionable threat. You on the other hand had some sort of vore-fetish comment involving me, a volvo, and sticking your head up my ass and eating out my prostate and replacing it with a dog's womb.

Also, thank you for making posts that are easier to read!  :wave:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 27, 2007, 11:58:03 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
okay fuck you i don't need caps lock

i don't have to sink to your fucking level just to talk to you and make you believe i'm serious

i just got off the phone with Sgt. Smith and he says the minimum fine is at least 400 dollars and you'll be spending some time in jail for interstate threats and harassment

so you' better fucking apologize and shape up or this will be REAL SERIOUS BUSINESS

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 27, 2007, 11:58:53 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I just wanted to know so I could see if your dick is bigger than the average dykes or not  ::bigsmilebounce::

R u asking me that? Thats too pointless to resond to so Im just gonna reiterate:

I would just like ask how old everyone is whom is replying to WANF.I am going guess about 7? Cause everything over that would make you a pretty pathetic bunch. The girl is troubled and therefore you should LAY OFF. If she is not troubled and is really a plant as you say than you should equally LAY OFF

So the question is, if there is no real reason why you should be responding as she is either is either helpless or dishonest, then what is it about your pscyhe that is getting off on this back on forth?

If the girl has an issue with the C-word than why delibertely post it? Even if you think this is irattional why be sadistic? When I was in program there was a girl who had an irrational phobia of bells. . All her "positive peers" went around rounding up bells clanging them and laughing while surrounding her. Is this really what you aspire to?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:00:29 AM
I'm also notifying the ACLU, GLAAD, RBDETT, and EFF
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 28, 2007, 12:00:44 AM
You dont seem to get that on fornits we don't censor anything for anyone, anytime, ever.


Guilt riddled program parents... too bad. Program kid who comes out and thinks everyone is her enemy and she has to lash out and be a Cu... cu.. CUNT and a bitch to us? She's gonna get her natural consequence... the people she pissed off will lash back!

No, not a program "consequence" (a punishment) not being stood up before group, not being restrained or drugged or busted down a level, if she pisses us off we'll yell back, god dammit, because we're just as free as she is.

If she can't stand it, she can leave!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 12:01:48 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Uh, no, she came in and told us DONT SAY THAT so we did.

She's doing the group in reverse. She makes us mad at her then gives us ammo to use against her.

Basically, shes being a very willing LOLCOW. mooooooooooo ( <-

So you feel a great deal of anger at her, and she has given you ammo from her personal life which will be most painful and you are using it agaisnt her.

Do you remind yourself of anyone right now?
Perhaps you are attracted to survivors for the wrong reasons?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:04:13 AM
i hope you fucking eat a tree at 70mph

and answer my prayers
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:05:25 AM
Quote from: "sick of child torture girl"
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I just wanted to know so I could see if your dick is bigger than the average dykes or not  ::bigsmilebounce::

R u asking me that? Thats too pointless to resond to so Im just gonna reiterate:

I would just like ask how old everyone is whom is replying to WANF.I am going guess about 7? Cause, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute, just sit right there,
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Startin' makin' trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one lil fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in bel Air'

I begged and pleaded with her day after day,
But she packed my suite case and send me on my way.
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
I put my Walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.

First class, yo this is bad,
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.
Is this what the people of Bel-Air Living like?
Hmmmmm this might be alright.

But wait I hear the pricey booze, wine all that
Is Bel-Air the type of place they send this cool cat?
I don't think so; I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air

Well, the plane landed and when I came out
There was a dude who looked like a cop and yelled my name out
I ain't trying to get arrested, I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightening, disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say this cab is rare
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 28, 2007, 12:06:40 AM
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Uh, no, she came in and told us DONT SAY THAT so we did.

She's doing the group in reverse. She makes us mad at her then gives us ammo to use against her.

Basically, shes being a very willing LOLCOW. mooooooooooo ( <-

So you feel a great deal of anger at her, and she has given you ammo from her personal life which will be most painful and you are using it agaisnt her.

Do you remind yourself of anyone right now?
Perhaps you are attracted to survivors for the wrong reasons?

No, no, no....

She comes in, walking in swinging, guns a blazin, pissed off at everyone and everything, giving us flack, and shit, drama-queening it all the hell up and then some, and tells us specifically what not to say as if she has ownership of what we're doing and why we do it and fornits and this thread.

Uh, NO. She doesn't.

Nor do I feel a "Great deal of anger at her". I feel annoyed, like she should shut up, and now a bit of laugther at the absurdity of threatening to tear out my prostate... and that she needs to just shut up and leave us alone if she can't post without blaming men and spewing femininist bullshit.

I'm also not the only other person who typed "cunt" in "her thread" either, btw.

I can understand your POV... but shes being a dramaqueen right now, period. As horrible as what was done to her is, she has no right to be a bitch. And being such a drama queen is going to make it look WORSE for us, and undermine us and anything we have to say, and discredit our advocatsy.

That is very much NOT COOL.

I do love your hypocritical ploy in insinuating that Im being a programmie right now, though. Good flame!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:09:15 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:19:01 AM
some body please make this horrible thread go away,
Although if I was trying to tell parents that sexual harassment is really bad and everywhere
and that when their daughter comes to them about it they should be understanding because it is probably pretty bad,
I think the point was really really made,
Again I want to be home schooled ok,
I am leaving and not coming back
and I didn't say to you don't say that
I said that as an example of sexual harassment in high school
you kind of just prove my point
although this was supposed to be a PV survivors thread,
about PV stuff
Also at least two of these people are PV staff
do you really want these people in charge of your kid?
Also light bright guy you were never in a program correct?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:22:01 AM
what I meant to say was PV staff are cruel, callous, shallow, brutal, selfish and greedy. They are stupid undereducated posers, glorified wal-mart workers, making a living out of abuse through a pretence of being professionals. Those with degrees come from a long line of evil shrinks and doctors, from Walter Freeman to the Nazis. The girls in there should have a right to due process of law so they are protected from arbitrary abuse. THey should also at least be allowed to read, so they can get into college. If it was a three month program it's bad enough but no reading for years, in formative high school time, how are they supposed to keep up in school. My professors work themselves up into a fury about Guantanamo, what about the thousands of kids here in the US, with no legal rights locked up in sham, poorly run prison camps who were kidnapped and taken away and never get to see anyone other than their guards who are milking them for profit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 28, 2007, 12:22:24 AM

We know what they do, but you're acting like the self appointed savior of teeange girls here, or something.

And no, I'm not a program survivor. Im one of the few advocates who actually care... who was never in a program! You know what else?

Its really hard for people who WERE in programs to be listened to, becuase the program just says they were fucked up and needed help and are pissed about it... and say they're crazy, and use antics such as yours in this thread to validate what they say.

I'm sorry you don't realize that and probably WONT realize that until you get all the anger out of you, but again, get a competent shrink to help you out. Seriously. Its not healthy disclosing all your shit on the internet.

This isn't group.

And chewing on my prostate won't solve anything, either, I'm afraid.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:26:19 AM
again a few of these people are PV staff for sure,
and they are mad I think?
That was not me dear!  
no offence but I (&*&( edit everything out
I live in the South the Baptists would get me if I didn't
go away you weird little man
you try to discredit me as you say I shouldn't discredit myself?
again I am so done with this.
this site is so dumb
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 28, 2007, 12:29:00 AM
I live in the south... and no, the baptists wont get you, they dont get on the internet.

Talking about this is one thing, but ranting on and on about feminism, the c-word, "pigs", and always saying "girls" but not some sort of pronoun for BOTH genders in PV paints you to be a ranting, raving, feminazi.

I doubt you are.

But the thing is, your posts are so hard to sort through and you're so obviously emotional and pissed off, that you yourself can be easily discredited, and you can discredit US too.

But yeah, talk about PV, fine. Take over a thread, tell us what we can and can't do, insult us, and make it all about the GIRLS in PV instead of EVERY CHILD in PV, and you're going to tick us off. Everyone else is just ignoring you... and I think I should too for your own sake.

And, just so you don't forget:




Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:37:19 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""





who the fuck are YOU to be telling anyone what to do. someone's therapist? I think you need your own. or some FUCKING PERSPECTIVE!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:38:37 AM

It will end when everyone shuts the FUCK UP!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:39:30 AM
You should try this. Maybe you won't get raeped so easily next time.


Fuck captcha.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 12:42:10 AM
Well if your point was in driving away a survivor who was doing nothing to harm anyone youve suceeded! :D

If your point was to get rid of an irksome plant that could have been effected by simply ignoring her and  without possibly demeaning someone whose been demeaned forever.

So, what was the point of this. To gang up & throw rocks at someone who annoys you? To have a mini thread gang bang agasint someone whose clearly cant defend themselves?

You so rock! Brave advocates unite!  :D
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 12:47:20 AM
Also, you fellas have been arguing with someone who has been IMPERSONATING WANF  :P

Brave AND intelligant advocates unite!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:49:28 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 12:58:33 AM
Advocates who are brave and inteligent AND who have a slow enough social calender to have the time hunt down creatively sadistic htmls UNITE!!!  :D
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 01:15:14 AM
Jenny, you never talk to me anymore. Leave the simple minded folk to their infantile and sisyphean ramblings and call me. You're gonna catch fool if you stay here too long. Note the incronguity increases at the same rate the number of posts. Quick! Get out! Call me!

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 28, 2007, 01:54:44 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm also notifying the ACLU, GLAAD, RBDETT, and EFF

All of them will take niles' side if you really want to bother with this.  She threatened violence, all niles did before that was call her a cunt.  and quite frankly, she deserved it after treating him like that, not to mention everybody else who was trying to be sympathetic to her.  Read the whole thread before commenting.

so let me state for the first time:  WANF:  You are a cunt!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 02:04:55 AM
you are arguing with someone who is  PARODYING, "we are not free"

and if not, u r picking on someone who is unbalanced. Really wanna go that route?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on April 28, 2007, 02:09:09 AM
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
you are arguing with someone who is  PARODYING, "we are not free"

and if not, u r picking on someone who is unbalanced. Really wanna go that route?

Oh read the whole thread starting from around page 18 or 20.  Do you know for a fact that the WANF we've been talking to is an imposter?  She's been acting pretty consistantly, and nobody before you has claimed this.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 28, 2007, 02:31:24 AM
No, I think maybe we got took. I'm not sure, but it seems so. LOL Shit!

What's the morality lesson, don't take yourself so damned seriously?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 03:15:28 AM
yes there is someone making fun of her. Using her fears and exagerating them to mock her- its satire. Its also really obvious and poorly done satire. The problem is as everyone is a gues it gets confusing.
We Are Not Free is well spoken even if she does have fears that seem unreasonable to you. She is also soft and says something then aplogoizes..You know the way a well meaning& kind though wounded  person would act. The other peroson is very crude and insultng.
In fact i think its the guy who put her down from the start pretending to be her. I have to say how disapointed I am in the so called advocates for this. I think u have driven her off as well and she didnt deserve that...and youve lost a valuable ally.

Thats what i suspect- a person imitating her
are there numerous Ip numbers going on antigen?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on April 28, 2007, 03:18:44 AM

Few tips for ya -  You're not getting any IPs, you're not going to see anyone outed or 'stood up before group' for giving her grief.

I understand she's troubled, but she can't take it out on random people... period. You stir the pot, the shit stinks!

P.S. biting out my prostate through my asshole has got to be one of the most original things I've EVER heard... and kudos from getting it from a college chick feminazi  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 03:53:28 AM
I don’t need tips, thanks. Im not trying to get IPs, im not ad ware. I want to know if there are different IPs as then we would know for sure if someone is mocking her.

You have been arguing with a PARODY, Nihls- a troll as u say. This has been fueled not only by unnecessary sadism but unnecessary GULIBILITY

She is a PV survivor whom has issues relating to it. She has relayed her personal fears. Does it really matter to you if she is too harsh on men? Is your ego really that weak? Is it so terrible if she related her "personal shit"? No harm is meant in this so why be as nasty as possible to someone whom is helpless & kind? She was called deranged, ridiculous, and made fun of becasue she had some fears u disagree with-or mostly- that her IMPERSONATOR had  Things degenerated into a  purposefully cruel- as -possible joy fest with pictures of vaginas with pins through them saying "do this to your vagina and you wont be raped next time"

and other remarks that would be most hurtful knowing her PERSONAL ISSUES.

 And its pretty sad for the "advocates" to involve themselves in this sorta thing-or anyone who strives for something higher than being a 9 year old bully coming across someone they find "weird" and vulnerable!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 28, 2007, 08:07:37 AM
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
Thats what i suspect- a person imitating her
are there numerous Ip numbers going on antigen?

I don't know. It's really hard for me to track anymore. I can't search by IP, I'd have to take each post and check them individually.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 08:37:58 AM
I am sorry. wrong group I am railing at apparently. I apologize for my rudeness, The T.V. sets me off, as does thinking about the Village, It is terrible what looking at the world through such glasses can do to your expectations of people. I do live at home, I had an apartment but it was not very safe "affordable" and I work in retail and am trying to finish college, I am a senior I have a year left, so I need to be able to focus on school, rather than making money. I was actually assaulted, believe it or not, I filed a police report but my mother voices doubts, big surprise. I am moving out anyhow though, the current situation has just brought to light what life can be like for young people without a family support base or an abusive one, it makes it much harder to get from point A to B. It will be almost good, I think, once I move out, as it has given me some helpful insight into family abuse. Didn't mean to be mean or a jerk. I am certainly on the side of PV survivors and families.  I have noticed though, that discussions of Abigails book seem to inevitable digress into a discussion of her sexual conduct with an older man, many of the blogs here have actually been very insightful and intelligent, of course some are defending her and, therefore, there must be a reason for such a defense, Never give an angry stressed person a crappy old laptop. I hope at least my rambling about what the others in PV were like is useful. Again I get threatened a lot right now, telling PV on me was sadly misinterpreted. Sorry There are a lot of inbred and ignorant I don't know about the redneck part, I have met many ignorant inbred people in general, on the PV staff, and a few Nazis, maybe a few friends of MAO, Stalin, Pol pot, all the horrible ugly people that have ever lived. I don't like the PV staff and I know bad people exist, no excuses for abuse. THey are pretty dumb and monkey minded too, I have weird reactions I think to things around the Village. If it has to do with the Village I'm mad. sorry, You also insulted my MLA format and said I was not lucid. I'm lucid, I'm just crabby. You would be to if you were me, I did not mean to be horrible to nice folks.

then u have this post






Antigen can u check if these are the same IP # ? If they are....ill put pins through MY vag
(i actually recognize the poster i think-& its sad whom it is)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 28, 2007, 11:00:44 AM






Classy little gems those are.

You may want to get the exact post numbers for ginger if you want her to look at the IP. However, given that this is an unmoderated forum what is it you are attempting to achieve? In reality while I think it is disgusting that someone is claiming to be someone else for the sheer purpose of causing trouble I also recognize this all could have been avoid had WANF simply gotten a user account.

To be honest Ginger I'd be a bit annoyed if you got involved in this officially. It relieves the majority of the posters on this thread from their responsibilities of acting like grown adults.

Still its your forum ginger so you go do what you think is right.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 11:06:51 AM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
I also recognize this all could have been avoid had WANF simply gotten a user account. right.

It all comes back to her doesnt it? Go read Niles post, in his paragraph long explanations of how WANF "pissed him off" or other such nonsense trying to explain why he keeps posting, according to you guys, this is all her fault. This isn't about WANF, survivors post anonymous for very OBVIOUS reasons, duh??? Maybe they are tired of a group of people DEMANDING information, change, proof that you are real(lol), or not a plant (lol). Nobody owes you people anything,, no proof, no nothing, why cant you guys get that? And not to mention ironic that you both have your own forums to play around in and complmain about one thread? Or that you asked Ginger to delete all your posts and say for her to get involved here and delete WANF is somehow wrong and going to piss you off? Jesus christ, this forum is too much sometimes.  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 11:11:41 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
I also recognize this all could have been avoid had WANF simply gotten a user account. right.

I think you will find that comment is in reference to the person imitating WANF.

Still keep drawing your own wild assumptions. It makes for good entertainment.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on April 28, 2007, 11:14:12 AM
The one who posted in "All caps" sounds like "Luke Stevens"........  Remember him?

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 11:58:00 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
I also recognize this all could have been avoid had WANF simply gotten a user account. right.

I think you will find that comment is in reference to the person imitating WANF.

Still keep drawing your own wild assumptions. It makes for good entertainment.

only a twisted sadist would find this thread funny.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 12:01:21 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""

Classy little gems those are.

You may want to get the exact post numbers for ginger if you want her to look at the IP. However, given that this is an unmoderated forum what is it you are attempting to achieve? In reality while I think it is disgusting that someone is claiming to be someone else for the sheer purpose of causing trouble I also recognize this all could have been avoid had WANF simply gotten a user account.

To be honest Ginger I'd be a bit annoyed if you got involved in this officially. It relieves the majority of the posters on this thread from their responsibilities of acting like grown adults.

Still its your forum ginger so you go do what you think is right.
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
I also recognize this all could have been avoid had WANF simply gotten a user account. right.

It all comes back to her doesnt it? Go read Niles post, in his paragraph long explanations of how WANF "pissed him off" or other such nonsense trying to explain why he keeps posting, according to you guys, this is all her fault. This isn't about WANF, survivors post anonymous for very OBVIOUS reasons, duh??? Maybe they are tired of a group of people DEMANDING information, change, proof that you are real(lol), or not a plant (lol). Nobody owes you people anything,, no proof, no nothing, why cant you guys get that? And not to mention ironic that you both have your own forums to play around in and complmain about one thread? Or that you asked Ginger to delete all your posts and say for her to get involved here and delete WANF is somehow wrong and going to piss you off? Jesus christ, this forum is too much sometimes.  :roll:

Yeah, you litterally have your own forum which you moderate to your personal customizations. You asked the modertor (Ginger?) to delete all your postings and she was ready to do so until you changed your mind....can u really feel comfortable fowarding strict adherance to that ideology?

What I'm tryint to prove should be obvious as I specifically have ellucidated. I WANT TO PROVE THAT THE PEOPLE THE REGULARS HAVE BEEN ARGUING WITH IS NOT WE ARE FREE.
They have been "taking on" a mockery of we are not free.

Hopefully in doing so WANF will have some vindication and perhaps the regulars will apologize? for being not just cruel but for being suckers?

It would be interesting to find out who exactly it is as I have my suspisions..i dont think luke, Im guessing Zen (supergross) but I wouldnt ask the moderator to give away that much info and embarass whomever it is..even though using IP numbers to out posers for who they really are has been done plently o' times....something so provocative would probably be off-limits to do  to a regular i suspect. O' political connections! they function on every level of society :roll:  :D

i guess im gettin paranoid cause now Im even imaginin cover-ups following this train of thought ::jawdrop::

I'd just like to know if they are different please? for WATF
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 12:10:59 PM
You asked the modertor (Ginger?) to delete all your postings and she was ready to do so until you changed your mind....can u really feel comfortable fowarding strict adherance to that ideology?

She did delete his thousands of posts, actually. The couple hundred he has now are new one's he's made since remaking his name. That's why I find it so ironic he would 'be offended' if Ginger deleted WANF's posts. All those posts TSW made, long ranting ones, about all the abuse he endured(?) and dished out, poof, gone with a flick of the mouse. I suspect those posts are gone for the same reason WANF wants hers gone, which makes it all the more strange that he would not be more understanding. He knows more than anyone those posts can come back and be used against you, but his are conveniently gone, and wants everyone else's to stay. You get a second chance to reinvent yourself on this forum and conveniently leave our your emotional rants and admissions, but don't want someone else to be allowed the same? Oh the irony TSW..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 12:44:16 PM
one was posted at april 11 2007 9 45
one was posted at april 27 2007 11 37
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 28, 2007, 05:27:43 PM
I wasn't aware that WANF wanted to delete her posts. If she wants that it is well within her rights to ask to do so. It was a difficult task for ginger to delete my last account, and I won't speculate to the difficulty of deleting WANF's posts.

I'm not in favor of moderation of this thread. It does exist in an unmoderated forum. Nor amd I keen on Ginger handing out IP number information or outting the identity of guests. My posts were deleted for a reason having very little to do with Fornits, but please keep attempting to draw you own off base conclusions. Maybe one day you might figure out who the second shooter on the grassy mound in also.

Again, I'm hoping Ginger chooses not to get into the IP detective game. Given her lack of response I suspect that may be her exact decision.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2007, 06:17:59 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
but please keep attempting to draw you own off base conclusions. Maybe one day you might figure out who the second shooter on the grassy mound in also.


Alot of this depends on if her parents are still declaring her on their taxes. If they are then she is S.O.L. for student loans as her parent's income will be well above the acceptable level.

Personally I'm a bit aghast that a 24 year old senior in college is even asking these questions. Still I'm not going to slam her for her choices as I don't know her personal story. I would say that now would be the time to move on from her current situation. Would it be hard and potentially fraught with difficulties? Absolutely.. But far better than living in a home with a couple of nutbar parents.

I do believe the time has come for her to move on. Don't spend your time attempting to sue them, get even with them, confronting them, counseling with them, and trying to gather evidence on them. Just pick up what is yours and leave.


what were you saying about drawing conclusions on other people's lives?  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 08:05:02 PM
ok for me this isnt about TSW..i think he's actually been pretty nice on this thread

id just like to establish that someone was mocking her so she can have some vindication

are te numbers IP #s different antigen?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 28, 2007, 08:09:41 PM
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
ok for me this isnt about TSW..i think he's actually been pretty nice on this thread

id just like to establish that someone was mocking her so she can have some vindication

are te numbers IP #s different antigen?

Thank you Sick of child torture girl. Though looking the thread over I haven't seen one instance of WANF stating someone in imitating her. Or did she?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: sick of child torture girl on April 28, 2007, 08:14:21 PM
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
ok for me this isnt about TSW..i think he's actually been pretty nice on this thread

id just like to establish that someone was mocking her so she can have some vindication

are te numbers IP #s different antigen?

Thank you Sick of child torture girl. Though looking the thread over I haven't seen one instance of WANF stating someone in imitating her. Or did she?

Yes youve been fine, the others not so fine.
If you go back you can read where she says "that wasnt me dear" can also see the obvious difference in writing styles
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 28, 2007, 08:48:21 PM
Gotcha. I have to say I'm a bit curious myself.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on April 29, 2007, 03:50:44 PM
I'm only skimming through this and bouncing around other threads. No, I'm not going to go all net detective. No need. It's pretty obvious we all got trolled. WTF!

WNF, hope you're alright w/ all this. Troll, I hope you know what you're getting into w/ Niles.  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2007, 08:33:19 PM
hey, that really wasn't me dear.  It says guest not  we are not free.
Honestly out of all the things on here I found those posts the scariest.
 they were worse than light brights, well whatever the hell you would call what light bright has been doing.  
They were really scary.  
I think most of this stuff is from PV staff or somebody?
THe example of sexual harassment I gave, was so sexual harassment, it wasn't even a joke?
 Jokes have a punch line and a point, those were just horrible stories told by two young men for no reason to a girl they cornered outside of a college class.
There is no excuse for any of this.
These are the people who will be giving "group therapy" to your child.
If your child gets into trouble now, what do you think they will be like after two years of the above?
at least a few of the more obscene folks on here are PV staff for sure. The whole pattern is most familiar.
If your child is depressed what do you think they will be like after two years of the above?
There is something very odd and wrong with all of this, to say the least.
Again for PV staff, the first sign of violence that appears in my life I am calling the police and blaming you.
This thread and a few other things should be more than enough proof.
I think disgusting guest was PV staff, what an earth are you talking about it could be me?!
That makes me more angry than anything
the person is GUEST
most of these disgusting sadistic fools are PV people for sure,

About PV again
PV creates a situation that can not win.
They take troubled or teens with troubles, like the girl who's mom died, and place them in a not very big room with large sadistic staff members.
They make the teens sit on small cot beds for
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on April 29, 2007, 08:53:28 PM
Free, Please please get a user account.. it gives you so much more control over your content.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2007, 09:12:01 PM
To finish my thought. no matter what
PV creates a situation that can't win.
It's like the Stanford Prison experiment on crack
You take troubled teens or teens with troubles,
 both really PV is certainly "trouble"
you take undereducated staff
put them in a small room with metal doors and plexi glass windows
tell the staff to beat up on them to break them down
teach peers to look down on other peers and help break them down
don't let the teen get off their bed
read books
move without permission
go to the bathroom
give them anything to do but stare at the wall and be beat up on
not for a month but for SIX months, EIGHT months
I was in STU for EIGHT months all told
and let the staff "restrain" the teens anytime the teens sneeze funny while being abused?
As anyone who has taken any psychology classes will tell you
this is a recipe for horror, hell, and abuse
they will tell you this actually is the text book recipe for horror hell and abuse.
Nobody else is posting as me.
A GUEST posted a bunch of obscene horror and you all said it might be me?
you just want me to give you my email address so you can track me or do something to my computer like email me porn or something
you said that was done to another guy
I'm not stupid and I'm done with this site
I can only take so much
thank's for proving my point better than I could
Get you teen out of PV now and foster care get your kids out of PV now!! Please
These people are PV staff many of them for sure, I recognize the tactics.
Anyone can get a user name on this site
There would be no reason for people out of a program to act like this.
Get your teen out of PV now!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2007, 09:35:49 PM
They don't let you go outside at all while in STU, the only time you get out is to go downstairs in the same building to the nurses office.
other than that no outside at all.
In the last two weeks before you go out, all of a sudden they make you do work detail with the group you are going to join
so after sitting on a bed for SIX months you suddenly have to do back breaking work detail
In the hot sun on a bunch of horrible drugs
you cross saw logs and carry around really heavy things
do a million push ups, the staff can make you do as many push ups as they please, which is a lot of push ups
It is torture, not anything but pure sadistic torture.
If you say "I feel sick please let me rest"
they restrain you, if you stop working
I want to post a picture of STU i found but I don't know how to post pictures,
I think you can find it on other sites, PV website took it down because it looks to bad.
Also do you see why teenage girls hesitate to report sexual harassment?
If you report it the above is the kind of abuse you get in school
and you are a social outcast, not what you want as a teenager male or female.  
Lice are common in STU there are outbreaks all the time.  
They make you comb them out of each others hair
the kids from group homes bring them in
 you can very rarely to NEVER really speak to the other girls,
You have to ask staff permission to ask them to do anything work related.
But if you show kindness or difference to another girl
they put you on ten feet and you are not allowed to come within ten feet of each other
This is hard to do in a small cabin and you are punished consequenced if you fail
because everything bad that has ever happened to you was a consequence of your actions.  
If anything horrible pops up and says it is me, it is not
I am not a fool or sick
I think this stuff is disgusting hell, everything wrong with this poor world.
like rawanda or something poor people, I only want to help and help and to make it better please
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 29, 2007, 09:52:23 PM
Here is who I was in with again! Hardly hardened criminals or Bad Girls! Again I swear everything I say here is true, to the best of my knowledge.

We had the anorexic pianist, who's mom was an alcoholic;

We had the anorexic overachiever asian girl, not a stereotype sorry, but she was, I think she had chemical depression, sad for no reason type;

The state kid with good grades on the basketball team with Jehovah's witness grandma, before mentioned;

15 year old girl who lived with aunt and cousins had been molesting her since she was six or so, also no drug use at all. Aunt kicked her out when she told her she had been molested by her sons, nineteen year old neighbor guy took her in, she ran home, aunt turned her over to PV through state. Cousins molesting her for sure.

Molestation case with pregnancy, that was a cute story, abusive family.

A seventeen year old party girl someone had told Ruffee's were cool and she woke up naked on a school playground to cops. Again do we notice a sexual abuse theme? a lot of the girls, it was the main problem.

thirteen year old, divorce situation, wasn't doing well in school, had written some odd stuff in diary, father seized custody and put her in PV.

thirteen year old ate some aspirin,

two state kids who had run away and ran the gauntlet, the "prostitutes" ones story ended with her having the crude kicked out of her and being left in a ditch.

Girl grandfather had molested, parents put in PV

The gay occasional pot smoker with Christian parents, don't come out to the Christians!!

Seventeen year old rich cocaine dealer kind of, in college all ready, an arts school, very very pretty, some old rich guy had gotten her into it, she thought she was cool or something.

The state kid, didn't do any drugs, fourteen I believe, they restrained ALL the TIME, and left in the straight jacket, had already been there like two years, she was normal just had unfit parents and ran away and caused a fuss often, not violent just stubborn upset stuff.

Kids with semi unfit parents who had run away from them and foster care, the one would run home then run back to foster care, so they both reported her as a run away. the last time she ran away from foster care, straight home, and they caught her in her bedroom. She always ran home.

Another ran away to boyfriends, in foster care unfit parents, she liked Danzig and was practicing witch craft. Danzig is bad but should not be enough to get you put in a prison camp. That really is most of them I can remember, oh chemical depression kid some cutting, I really liked that girl honestly, I really hope she's ok

Again the girls I was in PV with were good people, especially in the face of what PV tried to turn them into, trying to reward them for abusing each other.
THey behaved very well and honorably

PV was not very good at winning people over, they were far to caught up in abusing, when you are abused no matter what, it doesn't make people all that likely to buy in,

Not one of the girls I was in with were anything other than nice people, though, PV staff those kind of jobs atract and keep a certain kind of person.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 10:54:31 AM
to add real fast
the girl who's cousins had been molesting her,was 15.
her cousins had been molesting her since she was five or six.
Again other wise she was a well behaved teen, and she was a complete doll really, sweet as can be.  tall very pretty bit gawky, in love with dale eirnhart jr, is that his name?  total doll, sweety
deserved a loving happy family. not her fault at all. very nice kid and a total kid!  
the other molestation case with pregnancy, girl was fourteen when it happened.  fourteen, and they were as sadistic to her as anybody, how's that for hell? the guy was an adult, not two teens, and a total scary abusive nut, scared the hell out of her. reminded me of the recent kidnapping of that boy? it was horrible because the PV staff used the same tactics of fear and such really, poor girl
african american girl with elderly grandmother, good grades no drugs was 15, also a total doll, very sweet, nice girl!!
foster care girl who ran away to live with boyfriend was 17, and she was a very nice girl too, the boyfriend was nice as well,
she married him after she got out I think, they drank aand bit smoked some pot and listened to Danzig, I'm imagining a hairy nice metal head guy?
the gay girl was very cute with big glasses, again just told her parents she was gay and was smoking pot, good grades, normal nice kid.  I think she was really gay? looked a bit like it?  fifteen little girl, she was short with a bit of a baby face

13 year old dad had been shot, also cute as can be and such a kid, 13 of course, i think i said she was 14 but she was 13, little kid, had done nothing little red haired girl, very sweet

again when I say unfit parents it means parents were so unfit the state took the child away, sometimes the state would give the child back depending on state of drug use, alcoholism and so on in family,
parents were negligent, alcoholics, drug users, in trouble with law, and so on
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 12:07:56 PM
according to a statistics book at the book store where i work,
the number one way women office workers die,
from none health related causes
is by stalker, ex boyfriend, husband, random male crazy.
higher than car crashes
which is the next highest way women office workers die.
i bet you know at least one women right now that is being stalked
my thirty year old successful, bit snooby manager
has a guy that comes in, he's well dressed, when he sees her car in the parking lot
i asked her about him
she said 'tell him i'm not here!"
"he's one of those"
i said "does he call six times a week"
she says "more like six times a day!"
I said "why don't you call the police"
she said "I'm afraid"
this is my thirty year old successful manager at a book store with a college degree in art and design
she is smart tough and she scares me, some!
but she is too scared to report this guy?
some men will simply try to brow beat a woman into doing what they want.
It is a very common problem, at least three or more girls I was in with had it
it is time to stop blaming women and young girls for sexual harassment, abuse, stalking and any other form of violence done to them!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 12:26:54 PM
most men are not dangerous.  
about 5% of the population would do something maybe
2% to 3% probably to will.
I think women the % is the same as far as crime goes although not the same crime just violent crime?
if you meet a hundred people in a day
then you have met 5 that might and 2 or 3 that probably will
predator types seek out the vulnerable that won't report them or can't report them
places like PV and the attitudes they promote help predators.
Also PV is not big on bible thumping really
religion was not mentioned.
they don't really want to let you read the bible, but they can't really not let you read it.  
they only let me read it once in a while really?
I read the whole thing though.
I was there for a while and I read fast.
it's interesting
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 12:27:51 PM
most men are not dangerous.  
about 5% of the population would do something maybe
2% to 3% probably to will.
I think women the % is the same as far as crime goes although
not the same crime just violent crime?
if you meet a hundred people in a day
then you have met 5 that might and 2 or 3 that probably will
predator types seek out the vulnerable that won't report them or can't report them
places like PV and the attitudes they promote help predators.
Also PV is not big on bible thumping really
religion was not mentioned.
they don't really want to let you read the bible, but they can't really not let you read it.  
they only let me read it once in a while really?
I read the whole thing though.
I was there for a while and I read fast.
it's interesting
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on April 30, 2007, 12:35:38 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
Also PV is not big on bible thumping really
religion was not mentioned.
they don't really want to let you read the bible, but they can't really not let you read it.  
they only let me read it once in a while really?
I read the whole thing though.
I was there for a while and I read fast.
it's interesting

What about that pseudo- New Age-Native American Medicine Wheel hoobajoob?  I read that some Native Americans found PV's use of it repugnant.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 12:36:51 PM
most young teenage boys don't realize they are being sexually harassing or know where the line is or even if there is a line
the talk is so common in media and in schools that kids simply get sucked in and repeat what is around them
they are not bad kids.
sexual harassment tends toward bullying, not just talking,
 talking can be bullying, even without intent
talking is everywhere and it is hard for teens especially boys not to do it.  bathroom humor is big and as adolescents hits it crosses over into sex.  
many teens girls and guy often swear and say things that may shock a parent, this is normal, don't think your kid is horrible just because they repeat what is acceptable to their social group
they are not bad simply immersed in it, young and ignorant
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 12:47:21 PM
ridiculous and horrible. something for parents?
 a farce like so much at PV,
and a very small part of our real lives.
everything at PV is so random and disorganized it seems.
pieced together, not thought out practically,
it basically is simply glued together by fear of abuse
the whole damn mess is just that a mess,
with "disciplined" broken down girls
abuse with a shoddy Camp Tacondaroga veneer
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 12:48:56 PM
ironic, I read "bury my heart at wounded knee" last summer
very horribly ironic,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 08:11:42 PM
thats a beautiful book
you should also watch a movie caled rabbit proof fence.
its also institutional abuse of the indeginous population of australia.

its really beautiful
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2007, 10:06:01 PM
i was reading something yesterday about aboriginals on Tasmania, crazy coincidence.
 it was very sad, there is this book at work called Forgotten  History, it all is very sad it seems, people only want to remember the nice things,
PV needs to make the kids in there look as bad as possible,
it keeps them in business,
no criminals, bad girls and sensational lurid tabloid headlines, no business.
this applies other places as well maybe?
it has in the past, no criminals no need for the police state?
I'm sorry, no advertised fear of criminals, no money for a police state?
I have not found the police, sorry I know their jobs are hard, to be very helpful.  
Of course there is plenty of crime as it is, but in real situations, what is the adage?
always there when you don't need them, never there when you do and not very helpful and supportive when you do.  
cops seem often like the collection crew to me, and our system does seem to treat people as if they are guilty until proven innocent not the other way around.
If you are accused of something or arrested on suspicion, you are suddenly in the belly of the beast and it chews on you for a bit till you can get due process of law,
anything to do with the law costs a great deal of money  
I'm a political science law and justice major, and a senior so I get to see a lot of this stuff
I was reading about California outsourcing prisons and how they seem to be actually encouraging repeat offenders,
rehabilitation and such has become less of a focus
the companies are also lobbying for harsher sentences as well!
the longer prisoners are in and the harsher the sentences the more state money they get.  it was in the Wall Street Journal.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2007, 11:28:06 AM
You can look up other ex PV people on MySpace.  
very nice and normal, it says a lot about how "BAD" the people in there really are
The teens in PV really are pretty ordinary nice teens most of them
the ones that are not probably won't benefit from all the abuse either.
teens are supposed to be somewhat odd, since when did we start abusing the odd?
Odd creative depressed, artistic and so on  
It is great to see how well many of the kids do in spite of PV
My self included, It certainly has had a bad effect on me
but I feel good about myself and I am doing great in college
I also am almost done, one more year
how fine the ex PV teens on Myspace are is testament to how sane and rational these kids really are
It is Myspace after all, the sites tend to be somewhat honest
PV staff probably got read the riot act about posting anything odd after bondage counselors site, PV was aware of it and she had to clean it up
it says that if PV tried to work with them on a more rational level than abuse abuse and more abuse
the teens are perfectly capable of being helped
they seem to get out of PV, and basically have to fix themselves while dealing with the additional trauma of having been in PV
I know I just keep going and deal with it and now I'm finally getting somewhere
if the kids were half as bad or as troubled as PV tries to make them out to be they would not be able to handle everything so well, or handle it at all
I wonder if the post traumatic stress has kicked in yet,
it actually took me a few years to start having bad nightmares?
At first I just had unexplained migraines  

Some of the staff is on Myspace, I think bondage counselor took her site down couldn't find it.  It was there though, ISAC had it listed
they look smaller than I remember them?
some of the staff appears to be in college, Johnston Bible college,
I wonder what kind of college that is?   Do they teach in biology class that the world started in biblical times?  seriously?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2007, 12:09:10 PM
If any of the reasons PV gives for teens to be in there are true
Their way of handling them, senseless arbitrary abuse, is completely irrational
PV makes teens with depression want to stay as far away from psychiatrists as humanly possible
It makes abuse victims feel as if they deserved the abuse and then it abuses them more
If a teen has problems with anger and aggression, it would certainly make them more aggressive?
It would make non aggressive teens aggressive and angry?  If you corner something and poke it with a stick it tends to lash out to try and get away.
Places like PV belong back in the eugenics era or the late 60’s when we still had an apartheid in this country.
Most of the teens on Myspace look like they partied some, maybe let their grades slip?
Perhaps they were dealing badly with life issues?  So we put them in a prison camp to be abused horribly for a year or two and take away all their civil liberties?
Again this way of dealing with minors is unacceptable, archaic, irrational, abusive and so on.
Again these prison camps for teens are leftovers from those happier before mentioned times, we have special education in schools, we don’t put kids with cerebral palsy in horrific institutions any more.
The teens in PV are nice normal teens, who somehow found the glitch, the evil loophole in the system that leads back to a stupid hell we are taught to believe we have left behind.  
I think far more attention needs to be paid to the reality of what is going on here and how it ties in to other angles, like the foster care system and the juvenile justice system.
If you know it’s out there it’s a little like being a kid and sex, it goes over your head then the next thing you know you realize it really is out there!
Don’t forget to recognize it and look!!
And don’t forget to remember the nice cute kids on Myspace are the real people stuck in these places, not the people the media would like you to believe.
The Wall Street Journal, a few years ago, recomended investing in "troubled teen camps" because they make so much overhead money.  
I was out west traveling and two of the little had ones
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2007, 03:04:02 PM
And just in case anyone from PV see's this and comes on with their slimey spy like behaviors I hope you read this

EAAAAAT SHIT. I am livng well, I own my own fucking bussiness, I have my own place, I have a kick ass girlfriend whom I love dearly, still have relationships with all my friends you said did not give a shit about me.... I still drink like a fucking fish and tomarrow Iam going to DISNEYLAND to stay at the GRAND CALIFORNIAN HOTEL paid by the money I made even though you FUCKED over my education, YOU GUYS ARE GOING DOWN... IAM LUCKY THAT YOUR PSYCOLOGICAL BRAINWASHING DID NOT PHASE ME BUT YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR ALL THE LIVES YOU MANGLED, AND JUST YOU WAIT... IF YOU THOUGHT I GAVE YOU HELL WHEN I WAS A PATIENT YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET... IAM GONNA SHOW YOU THE TRUE DEFINITION OF DEFIANT YOU SOCIOPATHIC, COMMUNISTIC, SELF RIGHTIOUS,, UNDERQUALIFIED NAZI'S.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on May 01, 2007, 07:04:06 PM
Exactly!  A high and heart-felt extended middle finger to the oppressors!  Angry, staffers?  You don't even have the right to be.  Yet.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 01, 2007, 07:27:42 PM
Ya know... I should probably say this as guest but I have a strict policy against posting anon unless I am going to suggest something Illegal...  SO:

Take this as constructive criticism:  

You have a lot of important things to say about your experiences, but as you write them down, in a stream of consciousness manner... nobody is going to understand or read all of it.  A lot of it is repeated, sentences are fragmented, punctuation is misused to confusing effect? This is not to say you should change what you say...  but you might want to re-consider how you say it if you want anybody to listen.  You might have more responses if people could read your posts (without sifting through fragmented ideas and large brain-to-text dumps.)

Here's what I suggest: write it all down for yourself, then organize it so somebody _else_ can understand it...  Otherwise, you're just writing a journal in public, and while there are times and places for that, if you want to speak out against them, it is helpful to do so clearly.

PS:  Sorry for calling your impersonator a cunt.

PPS:  If you had asked me kindly, to avoid such language in your presence, i just might.  That is all I was suggesting you try and do, rather than cry foul first.  That's all, and let's leave it at that (we'll probably disagree, but I am against censoring speech for any reason whatsoever... ever.  Voluntarily being polite is entirely another matter, and it results in no harsh feelings).
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2007, 08:36:41 PM
I was refering to the 50's era in relation to treatment of the handicapped or "delinquents",  
before the 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  
eugenics era is interesting, caught up many ordinary people  
sorry apartheid ended in late 60's
 yes I know 1964 Civil Rights Act but laws and reality don't always add up,
it was greatly ignored in the south where i live until later.
affirmative action in schools around here is interesting,
I am unsure what to think of it,
facts always have many sides positive and negative
 the schools stayed segregated in  many places till late 60's early 70's.  also later it could be argued
Busing put a lot of the problems on kids and teens both black and white, stuck them right in the middle of it
It is certainly important to be aware of hiring practices and school acceptance in relation to race and such?  
to keep records statistics to notice problems  
if you have something to say about PV, were you in PV?
Please post something about your experiences!
the more people telling the truth about PV the better
I am ignoring you psych because it was far too odd of you to come back with program party line?
And please I did not say that to start an arguement,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 01, 2007, 08:58:36 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I am ignoring you psych because it was far too odd of you to come back with program party line?

Well you can think I'm a staffer.

Oh.  yes.. i work for PV...  That is clearly evident by the website I created (see the sig) in an attempt to do, with Benchmark, what you are failing to do right now with your incoherent and repetitive rants: shut down a program.  You dishonor the suffering your friends went through by representing their suffering in such a haphazard manner.

You can have this thread you have appropriated.  Keep talking to yourself, and you will accomplish nothing.  Forget I even tried to offer some advice.

And it's "psy" not "psych"..

Show some respect if you expect others to do the same for you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on May 01, 2007, 09:42:45 PM
Free, the easiest way to tell if someone is a trolling staffer or not is to check their status:  Are they a registered Fornits poster, and how often have they posted.  Click on their profile, and read their posts.  You'll be able to tell who's spouting program rubbish and who isn't, which is another reason you should register.  If you still don't want to register, that's fine, too, we know you now.  Can you reply to the last email I sent, I'd like to see what you think of the idea.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2007, 09:43:58 PM
no offense but criticizing me doesn't help close down PV either.
I don't make program kids look bad.
 I type a lot but PTS is a good excuse for that?
 I am in college so I read and am reasonably articulate.
I don't swear, which parents tend to approve of.
 I don't drink or do drugs, I get good grades in college.
People could skim or skip half of what I say it makes no difference.  
then what pops up, abuse and pornography?
People railing on the south, which I like and live in and am very fond of really.
Or calling PV staff fat, which is mean and not helpful, I know many very nice pretty plump people with far larger chests than me, that were in PV and it probably doesn't help them to hear such slurs.
If you are from a program, irrelevant arguments about the nature of sexual harassment that dissolve into the pictures and insults that other people ended up throwing around here, do not make program kids look good to parents.
Sexual harassment is a big problem for a lot of the girls in PV and it is not just "jokes" it's sexual bullying :roll: that often leads to worse abuse
Also what person out of a program, other than a very sick one, would use program insults.  
"You are just being dramatic" is a program staple as is self centeredness.  
the girl they put in the bed net mentions it.
 and posting non related pictures of abuse and porn is not self centered, and talking about maybe if you did this they would not have raped you?  
what in the name of fascist hell is that?  
It was all very program, and odd as hell?  
It seems that people who were not in a program or can't keep it above a level that parents might actually respond too, are not doing anything good either.  
Psy I don't think you are PV staff but you have a very program way of arguing?
I did not insult you or men I simply said men don't understand the fear of assault the way women do.
there is something very odd about all of this,
I was reading a bunch of posts here and there, and there is something odd in general
when someone from a program posts something often it seems they are attacked about random things like spelling?  
who cares about spelling if it is legible, and the other lines they are attacked in are also very very program.
what other survivor would attack another survivor about spelling, or call them self centered, or dramatic.
 this is program lingo, it’s even on the PV website,
I heard it all sixteen million times a day, they say it to everyone?
There is a lot of money, interests that these programs are defending?
it would seem rational that they would go to sites such as this to protect their interests and to hound survivors away from posting
these sites pop up when you type in the names of the various programs, and they are easy to register with or just post
I post statistics about how many women die from assault and it is irrelevant ranting?  
I post about the history of the industry and it is irrelevant ranting
I post about the abuse at PV and how most of the girls were nice relatively normal teens.
I think Zen agent is a cop researching PV maybe? because I know of at least two families that reported PV, I also called the police about it, insurance fraud is no joke
Good lord I bitched at a cop, sorry sorry sorry. It wasn’t personal just in general mad at the way girls out of PV get stigmatized,  
I post about PV blaming abuse victims for the abuse they suffered and it is less relevant than you calling me the c word and dramatic?
I post about funding for PV, and other places and state lobbying and the promotion of stereotypes in relation to big money
And pharmaceutical companies also giving money to PV and PV providing them with big business, and this is irrelevant?    
It is true and pretty relevant and coherent.  Do you understand me?
Money money abuse abuse money stigma money abuse?  Does that sum it up for you because I’m done ranting I think.
I also post about the horrible practices at PV and what a farce therapy is there, and so on
I also collect stories by other survivors from other places and post them here, and this is irrelevant how?
of course I also emailed all the PV survivors on MySpace and asked them to post as well.
that is irrelevant too though I'm sure
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on May 01, 2007, 09:51:07 PM
Give it up Psy and move on.

Free We are Not please get a user account!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2007, 09:59:00 PM
ok psy I read your site,
I had actually gone to it a day or two ago, and you sound just like me only male.  
that's not an insult, you just don't have any focus on womens issues on your site, probably because you are not female?
many of the girls I was in PV with either had been assaulted or were in for being assaulted?

many told really severe stories of sexual harassment bullying, not hah hah, jokes, with a punch line, a guy walks into a bar and such, just bullying,some guy corners you and says sexual stuff,

not swearing, i used to swear all the time, got out of the habit now that I'm older and work all the time, it's frowned upon in the book store.

my only point with all of it is girls get blamed for sexual assault and abuse at the Village which is one of the worst things, in spite of all the other horrors.  and that the girls are the victims and teaching them it is their fault is the worst thing you can do, as is breaking them down and abusing them in relation to it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2007, 10:05:20 PM
didn't you used to be a counselor,
I don't like your bear he looks aggressive, and a hell of a lot like a counselor running in to restrain someone?
Hmmm, it's not just a bit rude and intimidating to people out of a program.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on May 01, 2007, 10:08:30 PM
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

No, Free, I'm about as far from being a cop as you can get.  You should know that.  I stay away from the cops, I get an allergic rash around them.  I get a bad case of handcuffs around my wrists.

Email me. I'd rather talk about lawyers, even though they're only slightly above cops in the food chain.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 01, 2007, 10:08:59 PM
I agree guys have their own issues.
they get abused on different levels and such and have to be different things in society
in some ways they have it as bad if not worse,
I think life cuts women more slack sometimes
women are percieved as gentle and men as more criminal
I can understand in relation to this stigma i have seen
why maybe at least the less horrific responses of the guys on here might have occured
I was responding to how women are stigmatized and they were responding to how men are?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 01, 2007, 10:14:52 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
If you are from a program, irrelevant arguments about the nature of sexual harassment that dissolve into the pictures and insults that other people ended up throwing around here, do not make program kids look good to parents.

K.  Your definition of "sexual harassment" is important if you wish people to believe you when you talk about what went on at PV. You wouldn't want them to think that the worst of it was staff members saying "the C word" around you.  It was much worse than that, so why discuss sexual harassment in a college setting (which you were discussing, which I disagreed with).

Sexual harassment is a big problem for a lot of the girls in PV and it is not just "jokes" it's sexual bullying :roll: that often leads to worse abuse
Also what person out of a program, other than a very sick one, would use program insults.

Where?  Program insults?

"You are just being dramatic" is a program staple as is self centeredness.  
the girl they put in the bed net mentions it.
 and posting non related pictures of abuse and porn is not self centered, and talking about maybe if you did this they would not have raped you?  
what in the name of fascist hell is that?  
It was all very program, and odd as hell?

I never said you were being dramatic (or at least I don't remembers saying recently, if at all).  All I argued was that you should find a better example (not the college one about the guy cumming on the window).  That photo somebody posted was really fucked up, I agree.

It seems that people who were not in a program or can't keep it above a level that parents might actually respond too, are not doing anything good either.  
Psy I don't think you are PV staff but you have a very program way of arguing?

maybe I do.  If I could remember more of who I was before program maybe I could see that more clearly.  Then again.. You didn't want to have me attack you in group.

I did not insult you or men I simply said men don't understand the fear of assault the way women do.
there is something very odd about all of this,
I was reading a bunch of posts here and there, and there is something odd in general
when someone from a program posts something often it seems they are attacked about random things like spelling?  
who cares about spelling if it is legible

Whoever has to read it, but spelling is not the issue as i see it.  for example: You use question marks incorrectly, and to me, it throws me off as to whether a sentence is a question, or a statement.  My guess is you write as you "hear", and put question marks where they "sound" right.  Regardless of why, it is still difficult to understand.

This is not an attack, I simply want to understand what you have to say better...  and maybe suggest a few ways you can help reach more people.  Spelling, grammar and formatting may not matter to you (becuase you know what you mean), but when you mean to communicate something important, it helps to do it so in a manner everybody can understand.

and the other lines they are attacked in are also very very program.
what other survivor would attack another survivor about spelling, or call them self centered, or dramatic.
 this is program lingo, it’s even on the PV website,
I heard it all sixteen million times a day, they say it to everyone?
There is a lot of money, interests that these programs are defending?
it would seem rational that they would go to sites such as this to protect their interests and to hound survivors away from posting

I am NOT trying to hound you.  I am trying to HELP you reach a wider audience.  I KNOW how hard it is to believe that anybody wants to help, and i DON'T expect you to believe me.

these sites pop up when you type in the names of the various programs, and they are easy to register with or just post
I post statistics about how many women die from assault and it is irrelevant ranting?  
I post about the history of the industry and it is irrelevant ranting
I post about the abuse at PV and how most of the girls were nice relatively normal teens.
I think Zen agent is a cop researching PV maybe? because I know of at least two families that reported PV, I also called the police about it, insurance fraud is no joke
Good lord I bitched at a cop, sorry sorry sorry. It wasn’t personal just in general mad at the way girls out of PV get stigmatized,  
I post about PV blaming abuse victims for the abuse they suffered and it is less relevant than you calling me the c word and dramatic?
I post about funding for PV, and other places and state lobbying and the promotion of stereotypes in relation to big money
And pharmaceutical companies also giving money to PV and PV providing them with big business, and this is irrelevant?    
It is true and pretty relevant and coherent.  Do you understand me?
Money money abuse abuse money stigma money abuse?  Does that sum it up for you because I’m done ranting I think.

It does sum it up.  It most certainly does all come down to money...  "the love of money..."  It does make sense, and I aggree with you on 99% of what you write (only Zen ain't a cop).

I also post about the horrible practices at PV and what a farce therapy is there, and so on
I also collect stories by other survivors from other places and post them here, and this is irrelevant how?
of course I also emailed all the PV survivors on MySpace and asked them to post as well.
that is irrelevant too though I'm sure

It's not.  All I was saying is that you might want to make your posts a little easier for most people to read, Among other reasons: a lot of parents will discount you, or ignore you, for things as petty as spelling and grammar.  They may be assholes, but their kids are those who suffer ultimately, and to help them, you have to reach the assholes.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 01, 2007, 10:29:53 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I agree guys have their own issues.
they get abused on different levels and such and have to be different things in society
in some ways they have it as bad if not worse,
I think life cuts women more slack sometimes
women are percieved as gentle and men as more criminal
I can understand in relation to this stigma i have seen
why maybe at least the less horrific responses of the guys on here might have occured
I was responding to how women are stigmatized and they were responding to how men are?

I think women get it a lot worse actually.  The glass cieling is no illusion (no pun intended).  Now guys who aren't quite normal (ie, gay or bi)...  They get the ass end of the stick (or the stick in.... nevermind).  They have to be in the closet if they are to succeed, and it's popular to discrimiate against them, even accepted (take constitutional amendments for example)  Lesbians, on the other hand, are "funny" as most people seem them as "Ellen" characters.  Or they are the objects of voyeuristic sexual desire.

By and large, women are treated better (ie. with an undue amount of respect), but on the other hand, expected to be passive, docile, subservient, etc...  At the same time, you were brought up thinking "well, i'm a nice lady-like lady who doesn't say naughty words", while your male counterparts are encouraged to take part in "locker-room talk" (just not around the ladies).  Take the "cigar club" example...  A bunch of high-up executives are afraid of letting women into their little club since they would have to _tone down the offensive language_...  More of it stems from the idea that "you don't say certain things about women"...  Well, personally, I would fight than accept a passive role, having somebody protect me (from myself).  You want to know what I see as equality?  Locker-room talk with both sexes participating, and nobody feeling ashamed.  You want equality? that's it.  Feel free to disagree. Just figured I might explain why I jumped on you about censorship.  in my opinion, it does nothing but keep equality far far away.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 02, 2007, 01:05:40 AM
yes I'm trying to figure out where the total lack of rights in relation to PV and other programs fit, i know in general,  with the whole political science major and such, give me another year and maybe i'll have it organized,
I don't like what the things I would call sexually harassing say about women, you know?  
it's like if someone said all guys were stupid and only there to service man in a sex, cleaning function, then went on to describe the sex function and maybe some of the cleaning.
It's insulting, like a minstrel show or something,
 I'm not playing the race card it is simply something of an apt comparison.
 It portrays women as dumb and a sexual body part?
or as sexually promiscuous and bad and stupid in relation to the role, which ironically they are being cast into?
it helps promote violence against women too,
first they dehumanize you then they can do what they want to you.
history tells us racism leads to violence against whatever group is looked down on,  
As long as explicit stuff doesn't degrade anyone it's ok I guess,
i don't know. again girlfriends and other friends and I can get pretty explicit but it is different?
 I do know that some guys like to corner you and start talking about sex pretty explicitly and bullying you with it and such?
this is probably a better example of sexual harassment  
I thought the guys outside of class were pretty close to this?  
the stories were not even jokes and they had to tell them to me just then why? and I was pretty cornered, also the women were like props to be abused ? not humans.
I agree on the rest of your insite.  
It's weird to look at the different ways people interact and look at other groups and people
I don't like sexually explicit stuff too much i think because I find it ugly. and somewhat threatening
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 02, 2007, 01:38:00 AM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
yes I'm trying to figure out where the total lack of rights in relation to PV and other programs fit, i know in general,  with the whole political science major and such, give me another year and maybe i'll have it organized,
I don't like what the things I would call sexually harassing say about women, you know?  
it's like if someone said all guys were stupid and only there to service man in a sex, cleaning function, then went on to describe the sex function and maybe some of the cleaning.
It's insulting, like a minstrel show or something,
 I'm not playing the race card it is simply something of an apt comparison.
 It portrays women as dumb and a sexual body part?
or as sexually promiscuous and bad and stupid in relation to the role, which ironically they are being cast into?
it helps promote violence against women too,
first they dehumanize you then they can do what they want to you.
history tells us racism leads to violence against whatever group is looked down on,  
As long as explicit stuff doesn't degrade anyone it's ok I guess,
i don't know. again girlfriends and other friends and I can get pretty explicit but it is different?

Only gender.  Should it matter?  It doesn't to me.  I think it's silly.

I do know that some guys like to corner you and start talking about sex pretty explicitly and bullying you with it and such?
this is probably a better example of sexual harassment  
I thought the guys outside of class were pretty close to this?  
the stories were not even jokes and they had to tell them to me just then why? and I was pretty cornered, also the women were like props to be abused ? not humans.
I agree on the rest of your insite.  
It's weird to look at the different ways people interact and look at other groups and people
I don't like sexually explicit stuff too much i think because I find it ugly. and somewhat threatening

I think your second example falls within what most people would deem sexual harassment.  If you corner a person, and there is nobody around, and you're not actively participating... yeah.  I see what you're saying and I aggree.  Otherwise...  Well if you find something ugly, if you tell them, most people are more than willing to be polite and refrain from talking about such things around you.

I can understand the shame.  Lots of girls, and even guys in the program I was in found sex threatening... some had issues going in... all had issues going out.  How they handled varied.  Some became shy and isolated in shame...  Others became promiscuous.  It didn't matter because either way, it was just an outward reflection of the shame that program gave them.  Take for example A girl who was raped by her father...  Well they can't very well confront the father, and lose the money... But what they can do is make her feel like she is responsible, help her to "take responsibility" for her "part in it"...  It's disgusting.  

After program, i think a lot of people found it threatening.  Sex was dirty, and more than that, we were told that if we got into relationships, it would drag us down into relapse, and we would surely die...  With me, at least, it's been a huge hit to my self-confidence and willingness to ask somebody out.  I want to... i just can't do it.  I don't want to have to explain why i recoil, what I went through.  It takes too long, and it ends up with me having to explain why I was sent there... And some girls, well they say "oh ... well that's nice... see ya".  Can I blame em?  I mean... I was in a program, if being Bi doesn't put em off (because it means i must be turning gay, and I must have secret partners), program will.  Should I care, if people are to judge me for being who I am?  NO.. and I never did before, and I was never ashamed before.  But they make you ashaimed of who you are, what happened to you...

It doesn't matter what happened it's all your fault (according to program).  It's a demand for purity...

Here... this might help you understand a little as to why they did much of what they did (http://  I highly... highly, recommend reading that.

In case you haven't seen it before, it's the 8 elements common to all programs.  It helps to explain why they did what they did, and how.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on May 02, 2007, 07:55:38 AM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
yes I'm trying to figure out where the total lack of rights in relation to PV and other programs fit, i know in general,  with the whole political science major and such, give me another year and maybe i'll have it organized,

Free, there are several people working very hard on that topic right now. You could be of great assistance  to them for the PV part of it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 02, 2007, 10:50:31 AM
one of the things i remember most about PV is how arbitrary the abuse was?  
To this day I still have no idea why my group went on shut down, where we sat in a circle for four or five months and were only allowed to get up to go to the porta johns?
We were functioning pretty well as I remember it
I think they would do stuff to keep us off balance, part of the break them down never build them back up thing.
don't teach them study skills or life skills, only that anything they feel they have earned can be taken away at a seconds notice with abuse.
they liked to give people levels then just one day take them away
punishments were really arbitrary, we would work really hard but they would still act like we had done very badly and punish us?
It was without meaning, the abuse was just constant?
I remember the little basketball player with the elderly grandmother, who I spent all day with, slept four feet from and listened to talk in group.  They decided she was going to be the one abused that week and took away all her levels, she had like one, although she never did anything and worked hard, most people did not get very high on the levels, and made her wear shoes without shoelaces and accused her of wanting to run away and were horrible, even more so than usual, to her.
again i lived 24/7 with this girl and it was all bunk  
another girl, was a higher level, they took away her levels and beat her up about it for no reason.
It was formula, they give you something, make a big deal about it, then say "your not working your therapy" and take it away, making you cry and feel bad about yourself.
they would do this throughout the program,
 every week it was someone.  I think it's just the formula to keep everyone miserable  
it was effective, everyone was pretty miserable
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 02, 2007, 10:56:33 AM
again i really don't think sex is bad or dirty or anything,
I think sex is fine in relation to people who care about each other or who don't but agree to it?  this has nothing to do with sex.
rape or abuse, and nice happy sex between two consenting people are completely different things.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 02, 2007, 11:23:46 AM
ZEN, if you don't mind?
 what did the lawyer say about PV?  
Why is it legal, I know parents have such rights over children
but how is the level of abuse legal
and the separating teens from parents and so on?
and not letting them speak to police or social workers?
there have to be a few problems with PV?
and all of these places
it seems like you could get them simply on misrepresentation
they pretend to help kids with depression, anorexia, or those who have been abused
then they basically just beat them down emotionally for a year or more.
I don't understand how places like Provo Canyon are not having their pants sued off, forced marches and drinking river water?  
I was in PV otherwise I would not believe it because we are taught to believe that it easy to sue
I was traveling and two of the towns I traveled through had these types of "behavior modification" bootcamp  places.
there are a lot of them it seems,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 11:49:43 AM
since i think someone said something about girls in PV being like Paris Hilton, not true, at least when I was in.  
It jogged an ironic memory though
we all have heard how Nicole Riche stopped her car on the highway?
when I was PV in 97 or so, the director/head of the girls side, was this rather masculine woman, who bore a marked resemblance to John Wayne, sorry, but she did.
This is again true, it was in Knoxville papers and on the radio
falls in the strange ironic wow but true category
they called all the girls together for a group to explain it
somebody else in from that time back me up?
I am not sure what her credentials were but it played out that this woman was an alcoholic
one day she got completely drunk, and decided to go for a drive on the highway,
being drunk she stopped her car on the exit ramp of the expressway and was arrested
she had to take "responsibility" for her drunken driving,
I believe she caused a crash by stopping on the exit ramp
and she then resigned
i swear again this story is true
I probably shouldn't tell it because it sounds too ironic and coincidental
but it's true I swear, it was in knoxville papers and on the radio
pretty ironic huh?
I’ll try to find a newspaper article about it or something.
It’s funny but peoples parents tend to be worse alcoholics than the kids are and to get more DUI’s I have found, but no of course it’s all just the teens,
Those little Paris Hiltons  :roll:
life tends to not be so clear cut maybe?
a friend of mine was also sent to a program and his mother was a raging alcoholic, always drunk
she used to drive with a beer.
nice middle class family.  she was really crazy too, always yelling and she would try to get us to take vodka shots with her then yell at him for drinking or something. raging alcoholic
this woman looked like john wayne, not nicole richie
people are not stereotypes and one dimensional
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 11:58:58 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 01:04:02 PM
Do you want to hear a joke
since you seem to think I’m going to get you in trouble for telling jokes?
This cowboy in Montana is driving down the road.
 He see’s a sign.
 It says Lobster tail and beer
the cowboy says “Lord Almighty, Three of my favorite things!”
now this is a dumb joke and women are referred to as tail
but who cares really, it’s a joke and it’s almost funny
this is a joke
the horror you all posted earlier, not a joke?
You seem to have jokes and sexual harassment confused
I like South Park?  It’s funny,
There is some stuff that is too much but it’s not sexual harassment
Now if you are that kid that, repeats the same line from South Park over and over again and laughs, like “fart” huh huh huh and then says it again “fart” huh huh huh.
Please stop, it’s really annoying
Sexual harassment has to do with sex.
It’s sexual stories, often completely non funny stories, often that degrade women
Often told in a pretty threatening or bullying way, sexual slurs insults, relating everything back to sex that degrades women and so on?  Usually pretty graphic?
Basically a guy tells you what they want to do to you but can’t without being arrested?  
It’s a little like being flashed?
And once again, I am a librarian, a senior,
 I don’t do anything, drink much even,
 I’ll have a beer or two or a mixed drink if I go out or want to relax?
So therefore, although of course the fact that I even feel the need to say this is sexual prejudice in its own right,
I am not asking for the harassment, it just is there!
I don’t think tail degrades women too much,
I don’t know, I don’t find this joke threatening?
Maybe I’m actually pretty non alarmist?
If it doesn’t scare me I don’t care?
I think cowboy lobster and beer doesn’t sound like a bad thing either?
Nothing like a nice tan guy with a horse, but anyway.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 01:05:24 PM
An attractive woman gets pulled over for speeding and figures that she will rely on her charms to spare her from getting ticketed like she always has in the past. Much to her chagrin, she discovers that the officer is not a vulnerable creature of the male species, but a smokin' hot blonde chick... Not only THAT -- she also realizes that she left her driver's license at home!

"What the hell am I gonna do now?" she asks herself...

Well the cop asks to see her license and registration, and the hapless woman replies, "Sure...hold on.." and hands over her wallet with a compact mirror opened up inside of it. The blonde officer looks at it and says, "Go ahead, I didn't realize you were a cop..."
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 03:28:03 PM
i just saw a picture of garth brooks, never mind on the dating cowboys.  
 now those guys in Broke Back Mountain were hot?
I think I just want a ranch in Montana
can I hire cute buff tan shirtless ranch hands?
Is that sexist?
there is this calendar at work, actually I think it’s firemen
now the stuff that was said a few pages back,
sexual harassment for sure.
that's a funny thing about women too,
yes this picks on men
we take pregnant friends to male review shows for baby showers
you all the exotic dance clubs are like the eighth court of hell?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 03:55:37 PM
then again if I met Garth Brooks
and he was really nice to small children and animals
and he had that horse I was talking about earlier
then I would probably go out with him?
I think he is a nice person and does a lot of charity work and such
I think I was thinking of this old western movie I was watching last week
the guy kind of looked like James Dean totally hot. anyway
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 03:58:54 PM
Hmm.. Anything else on your mind today?  :D
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 04:12:52 PM
yes actually,
I'm a political science law and justice major, so we get to research local crime statistics and do stuff with local authorities?
It seems to me that local cops around here spend a lot of time picking up the same four hundred or so basically homeless people, alcoholics and drug addicts, keeping them for a while then letting them go?
this costs the state and the police an untold amount of money and time?  
Almost all of the before mentioned people are pretty much homeless and alcoholics and drug users?
not a lot gets done for them?
they seem to get endlessly recycled through the lower levels of the criminal justice system.  which seems dangerous, expensive and non productive?
I wonder if it would not be perhaps better to address that it is the same few hundred people and that  they do have these specific problems, drug use, alcoholism and homelessness and go from there.
It isn't good for the police I don't believe either
the police waist enormous amounts of time on them?  
I just thought it was interesting that it is the same group of a few hundred people, probably up to the thousands in bigger cities?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 04:50:53 PM
Our tax dollars at work?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Deborah on May 03, 2007, 05:05:01 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
they seem to get endlessly recycled through the lower levels of the criminal justice system.  which seems dangerous, expensive and non productive?

Why not take all that tax payer money and create a shelter, a place they can sleep, eat, shower. Guess that would just be too damn humane a solution.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 03, 2007, 05:14:33 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I like South Park?  It’s funny,

Ever watch "Drawn Together"? :D

You should.  You'd like it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 05:26:43 PM
Instead the homeless adult alcoholic drug users, many of whom have schizophrenia or something, just end up doing short ugly jail sentences,
that screw them up more
then they are released with no money, back out on to the streets to use serious drugs and drink to alleviate the pain, they were already alcoholics and serious drug users to begin with
they live on the street next to my college downtown and don't have much to live or work for so they get arrested and reprocessed again
people in this demographic really make up the great majority of arrests, time and money spent

It's a little like the Village,
enormous amounts of state money are spent on foster kids, to put them in PV, even though most have done nothing, the state puts kids who have been molested or a relative dies or something in PV because PV bills itself as a place to “help” the abused
but instead of it being a sensible program that helps them with job or life skills, it's abusive and only sets them up to have more problems, rather than teaching them how to go to the community college and get a EMS certification or something.
the kids at PV it's worse because they are bright very young teens, many of whom are in for something that happened to them,
who it would be much easier teach sound life skills to and help find good jobs.
Instead they spend 150,000.00 or more of tax dollars to have them beat up on and "broken down" and basically "mangle" them rather than help them, while PV makes a mint
Psy said something about affirmative action, that is why I said the schools did not become desegregated around here till the early 70's even though Brown vs. Board of education was in 1954
Busing was a lot of stress for everyone though?  
even now some schools are not desegregated really and schools in poorer areas do not get as much funding, which is certainly bad
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 05:36:39 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
Instead the homeless adult alcoholic drug users, many of whom have schizophrenia or something, just end up doing short ugly jail sentences,
that screw them up more
then they are released with no money, back out on to the streets to use serious drugs and drink to alleviate the pain, they were already alcoholics and serious drug users to begin with
they live on the street next to my college downtown and don't have much to live or work for so they get arrested and reprocessed again
people in this demographic really make up the great majority of arrests, time and money spent

What town you in, free?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 05:36:39 PM
I still like the "Simpson’s" and "Futurama".  
"Drawn together" is too much for me but some of it I have seen was funny
I'm old and a chick
I still like "Kid's in the Hall" with the Canadians and
"Absolutely Fabulous"
"South Park" is just funny gross or not, it's not about women so it is not sexual harassment?
It has to follow the about women and degrading criteria.
for me it has to be threatening
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 05:38:24 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I still like the "Simpson’s"

::seg:: ::seg:: ::seg::  Me too!  :rofl: :tup:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 05:44:45 PM
It's actually a mostly middle class small city in the south?  
It matters where you live in relation to size and such but it's the same in most smaller cities I think, from looking at statistics and moving around.
Most cities in the U.S., not LA or Philadelphia or New York or something are about the same I think in this respect?
I'm not sure, I think some states have better programs in place than others.
I don't know we have only done my state in college, which is in the South.
But i am pretty sure it is the same many places?
where do you live?
Is it a big city or suburb or town?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 05:50:45 PM
I spent most of my life in and around the city..

Now I'm out nearer to the sticks...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 05:51:00 PM
I'm not picking on the South again
I think it is the same everywhere
for small cities
up North too, although I have not lived or studied up north
It's hard not to pick on where you live
I have many things i really like about here?
But everything bad happens to you where you live wherever you are
there is good and bad
I was traveling and the small cities I traveled through seemed the same as here
I know here they reprocess the same people over and over again
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 03, 2007, 05:51:46 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
It's actually a mostly middle class small city in the south?  
It matters where you live in relation to size and such but it's the same in most smaller cities I think, from looking at statistics and moving around.
Most cities in the U.S., not LA or Philadelphia or New York or something are about the same I think in this respect?
I'm not sure, I think some states have better programs in place than others.
I don't know we have only done my state in college, which is in the South.
But i am pretty sure it is the same many places?
where do you live?
Is it a big city or suburb or town?

Fairfax, VA.... Pretty high-middle class... New suburbs (custom townhouses).  Wegmans nearby.  Manassas is a shithole though, as are a few other places nearby.

Ps:  I used to watch Simpsons a lot...  Great show.  I quit the TV though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 05:54:47 PM
Big cities it would seem there would be much more of the demographic that just gets reprocessed, wasting money and such
Things to fix this would have to be done on a larger, really larger scale
I want to take some sociology classes but it's not required at this point
maybe I could take some additional courses afte I am done for extra certification?  
I don't know, I'll get a book
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 05:59:35 PM
that is near Washington isn't it?
Washington is such a cool city.
I love the museums
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 03, 2007, 06:06:13 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
that is near Washington isn't it?
Washington is such a cool city.
I love the museums

Yes it's near Babylon...

DC is a swamp.  A cesspool.  It stinks of corruption.

Museums ... nothing compared to NYC.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 06:47:29 PM
I found this in my school book,
1998 case Faragher v. City of Boca Raton
involved sexual harassment in the work place
and the Supreme Court developed its ruling in the context
of the antidiscrimination provisions in the Civil Rights Act of 1964
so it's not playing the race card it relates enough that the Supreme Court uses it as precedent
I would love to go to New York
the Guggenheim has a great website
DC is really hard to drive around!!
I got stuck on the freeway
I couldn't change lanes
there were too many cars and they were going to fast
and they wouldn't let me in!
Damn northerners
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 07:04:27 PM
And what about the supreme court using the 14th amendment to to block the recount in Bush v. Gore?
pretty crazy stuff
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 07:12:07 PM
THe layout of DC was a Masonic design intended to confuse the enemy.
{A lot of our (and their) bigwigs back then belonged}
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2007, 07:41:17 PM
I saw that on the History channel
I saw this thing on real ghosts on the Discovery channel
where this ladies basement was hypothetically possessed by the devil.  It was very misleading on the Discovery channel
seemed like it should be on Sci Fi
I can just see someone’s mom exorcising their teenager, puts us back three hundred years.
although I'm not against the occasional exorcism especially for teens
I watched it though it was entertaining, which is probably why they have that on rather then the life of John Adams or something
there is lot's of interesting History though, they shouldn't need to go for campy tabloid stuff?  Although I love a good ghost story?
the Masons are a real club?  they have a chapter here and there are always cop cars parked outside?  weird man?  
I love History very entertaining, humans are crazy
I wasn't picking on cops, I've met nice cops
the one in the park where I was flashed made me mad
the large people at PV like to pretend they are cops,
makes you distrust them
It's not the cops fault that they have to catch the same homeless alcoholics over and over again
I'm sure they love having to deal with pant less guy on a drinking binge, poor guys.
and what if pant less guy has a gun or something
people are nuts
i would not want to be the one they call when they start acting up
some cops are great and others are not I guess
like any group?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 03, 2007, 07:50:11 PM
Yes like any group, I suppose.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on May 03, 2007, 09:07:24 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I can just see someone’s mom exorcising their teenager, puts us back three hundred years.

When my mother tried to divorce my father way back when I was a kid, he had her forcibly exorcised as she must have been possessed to want to leave him.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 04, 2007, 12:15:37 AM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
THe layout of DC was a Masonic design intended to confuse the enemy.
{A lot of our (and their) bigwigs back then belonged}

You run in the right pattern around dc and you can summon things... It's on my todo list.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 04, 2007, 12:16:45 AM
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I can just see someone’s mom exorcising their teenager, puts us back three hundred years.

When my mother tried to divorce my mother way back when I was a kid, he had her forcibly exorcised as she must have been possessed to want to leave him.

Yeah... she must have have been crazy.  :lol:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on May 04, 2007, 12:54:06 AM
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I can just see someone’s mom exorcising their teenager, puts us back three hundred years.

When my mother tried to divorce my mother way back when I was a kid, he had her forcibly exorcised as she must have been possessed to want to leave him.

Yeah... she must have have been crazy.  :lol:

hehe.... actually, she was trying to divorce my father  :oops:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 04, 2007, 12:56:03 AM
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""free we are not""
I can just see someone’s mom exorcising their teenager, puts us back three hundred years.

When my mother tried to divorce my mother way back when I was a kid, he had her forcibly exorcised as she must have been possessed to want to leave him.

Yeah... she must have have been crazy.  :lol:

hehe.... actually, she was trying to divorce my father  :oops:

Well I got that part... Otherwise you wouldn't be here :P

same sex marriage.... they would have exorcised the lot of you!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 05, 2007, 11:45:20 AM
yesterday my mother decided to tell me this big long pointed story about 12 year olds and oral sex?  it was horrible. apparently the maid and her had been discussing it, got to love old fashioned Catholics.
 Her new theme seems to be one of a sort of original sin concept.  no matter how young they are, they are still ho's.  Or some crap?
I was fourteen when I was molested?  I had my first kiss in the same year!  the guy who molested me was 23.  he told me he was 17, went to a different school and asked me out.  I said ok maybe then he proceeded to stalk me, hit me and threaten my family.  He threw me into a wall at a friends house and I had to get stitches in my head, which my parents paid for and I came home covered in blood.   I brought the guy home the first week after he asked me out, because he was already acting weird and I didn't know what to do and my parents liked him!  how is that for crazy, from a 14 year olds point of view maybe he was 17 ok, I thought he was and I still thought that was too old! From an adults point of view there was no way he was 17.  I think I had made my mother mad about other stuff and she was teaching me a lesson, no joke! I'm pretty sure on some level that was what was going on!  It was if your going to do something there are consequences.  It's how she views sex?   I tried to break up with him every time I saw him, again I had agreed to go out with him like once or twice, but he would threaten browbeat and show up everywhere I was.  I didn't know what a stalker was at 14, and he looked normal to me?  I certainly didn't like him. but I guess it's all just original sin because I bought a workout outfit at the country club that was tight at twelve and went jogging in the city in the morning with my friend?  So I was asking for it?  
Anyway from a nice shrink good college book point of view, if a child as young as twelve is acting overly sexualized, the traditional response is something or someone is messing with it.  12 year olds don't know their ass from their elbow, they are getting it elsewhere, like TV, or they are being molested by an older person.
I wasn't being molested at twelve so all they have on me is I bought a workout outfit, which are all too tight by my mothers standards.
Did your dad really have your mom excorcised when she tried to leave him?  I'd believe it.  Does anyone else think the world is crazy and feel like they live a hundred or more years ago?
oh well if all our ancestors had to live under it, and a bunch of Chinese and Russian people, then I can too?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on May 05, 2007, 11:59:38 AM
That's fucked up...

Yeah, they get you coming & going (haha) with the "premarital sex is a no-no" thing...

"It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on May 06, 2007, 08:09:11 PM
I found TSW's new PeeVee thread to be quite enlightening. (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on May 06, 2007, 08:19:24 PM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
yesterday my mother decided to tell me this big long pointed story about 12 year olds and oral sex?  it was horrible. apparently the maid and her had been discussing it, got to love old fashioned Catholics.
 Her new theme seems to be one of a sort of original sin concept.  no matter how young they are, they are still ho's.  Or some crap?
I was fourteen when I was molested?  I had my first kiss in the same year!  the guy who molested me was 23.  he told me he was 17, went to a different school and asked me out.  I said ok maybe then he proceeded to stalk me, hit me and threaten my family.  He threw me into a wall at a friends house and I had to get stitches in my head, which my parents paid for and I came home covered in blood.   I brought the guy home the first week after he asked me out, because he was already acting weird and I didn't know what to do and my parents liked him!  how is that for crazy, from a 14 year olds point of view maybe he was 17 ok, I thought he was and I still thought that was too old! From an adults point of view there was no way he was 17.  I think I had made my mother mad about other stuff and she was teaching me a lesson, no joke! I'm pretty sure on some level that was what was going on!  It was if your going to do something there are consequences.  It's how she views sex?   I tried to break up with him every time I saw him, again I had agreed to go out with him like once or twice, but he would threaten browbeat and show up everywhere I was.  I didn't know what a stalker was at 14, and he looked normal to me?  I certainly didn't like him. but I guess it's all just original sin because I bought a workout outfit at the country club that was tight at twelve and went jogging in the city in the morning with my friend?  So I was asking for it?  
Anyway from a nice shrink good college book point of view, if a child as young as twelve is acting overly sexualized, the traditional response is something or someone is messing with it.  12 year olds don't know their ass from their elbow, they are getting it elsewhere, like TV, or they are being molested by an older person.
I wasn't being molested at twelve so all they have on me is I bought a workout outfit, which are all too tight by my mothers standards.
Did your dad really have your mom excorcised when she tried to leave him?  I'd believe it.  Does anyone else think the world is crazy and feel like they live a hundred or more years ago?
oh well if all our ancestors had to live under it, and a bunch of Chinese and Russian people, then I can too?

Wow.. I'm at a lost for words after reading this one.  :(

Please tell me you still plan to move out at the end of the semester.... please... please... please...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 07, 2007, 05:35:01 PM
uh oh, cause I'm pretty well adjusted despite all this.
 I just took my last final and I am getting an A or a high B across the board.
I had to teach myself how to study, get good grades in college, and not give in to post traumatic stress and drink or anything else.  Thank you PV, crippled and still walking well
I love my mom, and despite such stuff as the above, i just try to get along the best i can.
 I tell her mom that's not ok or I just let it go.
I am moving out don't worry!
I think honestly perhaps I should try not to love her much,
I am so used to it by now, I feel pretty cool towards her.
They do have a good side?  I am not being wimpy,
I plan to have a very surface relationship as soon as I can with them,
I’m not sure as an adult I want them around any children I have too often, although it breaks my heart to say so,
 I know they are not very good for me?
I know where I am and I just leave it alone?
I do everything I can to make life safe for me and my pets here?
 It's funny PV likes to say all the kids in there are something, depressed bipolar ADD whatever, but again I am never chemically depressed, or hyper?
I have certainly known people with chemical depression and I don't have it,
they can't get out of bed or are sad for no reason?
I'm reasonably happy despite all of this.
I think it is a testament to how sane and chemically well aligned I am, yes that's irony,
how are people with a chemical imbalance supposed to take responsibility for depression but anyway,
 that I get very good grades, try to make this as good a place as it can be, do very well at work, my boss is very happy with me, and don't do any drugs or drink in excess.  
This is not an easy place to be.  
I think I am a strong person.  I have a lot of hope for the future, and I can see the good even in my parents.  I’m still not allowed to use the vacuum cleaner, because I might break it?  But whatever.
Again as the person who lives closest to me, there are no mood swings, it’s the same basic pretty upbeat despite everything throughout.
and I have a lot of everything throughout.
If you are crabby one day or stressed that doesn’t give you a chemical imbalance, it seems like being human is crazy these days, it could be arguable that many humans are crazy

I think moving back home has really opened my eyes as to a big problem
Basically the problem is our society places too much faith in the family unit as a safe support base
The kids in PV in foster care or semi in foster care
Actually most of the kids in PV, were good examples of how parents are simply humans and humans can be eight shades of crazy.  
The girls in PV, although their stories might sound pretty strange, if you met them, go to Myspace and type in PV, they were actually a really nice ordinary seeming bunch of teens
teens and children don’t have enough protection under the law and far too much faith is placed on the family unit as a safe entity
more should be done through schools to help kids who are being abused and this includes emotional abuse too, and to teach about emotional abuse and how to handle it.
I think schools need to lay off younger kids as well, they are children not business men,
the point is to teach them, keep them safe and happy, and prepare them for life
not to make them feel as if they are dumb or there is something wrong with them because they can't keep up with all the homework in middle school,
no one should have so much homework, at such a young age that they are behind.
they are kids, there is something sick about that
I don't trust other people very much to make good decisions for me
I read a lot of history and humans probably shouldn't have too much power over other humans,
I don't like how Darwinist and competitive schools are, it shouldn’t be a win or else situation in middle school, although it really ends up being so
they should be supportive and make kids want to learn
more needs to be done to address this  
I know in my school, in my life no one once ever mentioned emotional abuse and yelling as a form of abuse
or asked even what kind of home I had,
do your parents yell all the time and such
blame is too often put on the child,
because they fall behind in school or something.
I think that is an ugly cycle for adolescents and it makes them very vulnerable to abuse else where in society
If they are in trouble in school for bad grades they become more vulnerable to basically jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.
It makes a young child who is being abused at home feel bad about themselves to say the least, to not be doing well in school.
It is very damaging
more focus needs to be placed on the adults around children and not on the children.  
they are children after all.  
places like PV really draw  focus to how bad it can get when allowed or encouraged to do so,
there is much historical precedent for this but nobody ever believes the kids, it just ends up being all their fault.
Minors face a lot of peer abuse too, and I’m not all that trusting of the school system
There is something warped about some of it I think
I think that a lot more needs to be done to protect minors from abuse.
it lacks compassion, fun and maybe a little peace and love :roll:
I guess that’s my evil plan to save the world :roll:
right now I want to go to the beach and read a good book though
thaks for telling me to tape my mom
it has made me feel more secure, she sounds like, well like she is on the tape.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 07, 2007, 05:55:21 PM
I know my parents are abusive too.
I'm not looking for their support anymore.
they are what they are,
what was so hard is getting to be an old enough and mature enough adult to really see it from this angle.
they can't hurt me much any more?
they certainly try though, which is uncomfortable
I know what is real here.
They are just people, like any others, hopefully not all others?
I love them because they are my parents
but I am my own person and they are nuts and I disagree with their way of looking at the world totally and I know how bad it has been for me.  i plan to just walk away,
Buddhism really does help you keep your temper and I think I get some results with meditation, no that's not a hippie euphemism,
I just find the fact that it is a beautiful day outside and the sky is full of stars and such very supportive?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 07, 2007, 06:16:49 PM
wow i was pretty hard on the guys at the begining of this post?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 07, 2007, 07:06:09 PM
But on the other hand about page sixty the sexual harassment gets really bad.  
the sexual harassment doesn't seem to have anything to do with the before stuff on my part, different people and such, they should not say such things, to say the least.
didn't mean too cause trouble, I'm really touchy and angry about sexism and PV.  
i was out of line the first couple of posts.
my mother had been following me around for a week yelling and saying above horrible things, it was also exam week, I had a huge paper due and again a week of the above makes anyone a bit angry.  Also I could't just leave the house, what I normally due, because I had to write a twenty some page paper, while having above things said to me.
I really need to move out, and am working on it.  
there is nothing I can do to avoid abuse here, i have tried and it is still this bad.
Title: ?
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2007, 12:40:48 AM
Errr what is this thread about again?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on May 09, 2007, 03:27:19 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
But on the other hand about page sixty the sexual harassment gets really bad.  
the sexual harassment doesn't seem to have anything to do with the before stuff on my part, different people and such, they should not say such things, to say the least.
didn't mean too cause trouble, I'm really touchy and angry about sexism and PV.  
i was out of line the first couple of posts.
my mother had been following me around for a week yelling and saying above horrible things, it was also exam week, I had a huge paper due and again a week of the above makes anyone a bit angry.  Also I could't just leave the house, what I normally due, because I had to write a twenty some page paper, while having above things said to me.
I really need to move out, and am working on it.  
there is nothing I can do to avoid abuse here, i have tried and it is still this bad.

Your parents are fucking crazy.  Not you.  See if you can handle it for just a little more.  it's almost over.

Try going to starbucks or somethign to do your work.. or the library.  It's what I do when my parents are being annoying...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 10, 2007, 01:10:53 PM
I found this in Time magazine.  It's a full page advertisement for a bipolar disorder drug, what a farce.  To quote the add,
Abilify may work by adjusting dopamine activity instead of completely blocking it and by adjusting serotonin activity.  
However, the exact way any medicine for bipolar disorder works is unknown.  

Huh doesn't sound they really know what the hell this drug does, kinda like prescribing amphetamines for ADD.  
It goes on to say Abilify can cause tardive dyskinsia, how’s that for no big deal!

what the hell is this crap?  obviously it is a very serious drug, yet so many people are on it that they feel the need to advertise in Time?  I think I’ll do some research on aripiprazole,
Aripiprazole is what is actually in Abilify,
there are other telling side effects, like don’t operate heavy machinery among others I recognize as making this a nasty.  
Lithium is really bad for your kidneys and liver

I have another horrible story about this ugliness.  
My old roommate, Courtney, yes real person, comes from a pretty dysfunctional family.
 Her father left when she was four and uses drugs.
 Her mom made a career out of marrying rich guys, she’s on her second beside Courtney’s dad.  Courtney had strange stories about partying with her parents in Mexico and dating her 40 something year old parents friend at 16 with her mom right there and encouraging it.  
Great family.
 Anyway Courtney had some issues but as the person who unfortunately shared an apartment with her for a year and a half,
I never saw any ADD behavior or any manic or depressed episodes,
supposedly people with bipolar disorder, become extremely manic and even hallucinate, then they crash into a depressed state.  Both of these states are supposed to last over two weeks.
It is believed to be caused by the brain not regulating serotonin and dopamine properly, instead releasing them all at once causing a person to have a similar reaction almost to drugs like cocaine.  The person is supposed to feel animated and high, then become depressed for a good period of time. Again these episodes are supposed to last two weeks or more.
 They have this random thing called, mixed episodes, that I think are just like hyperactivity and ADD, an excuse to sell more drugs and to give an easy label to not easily labeled problems, like Courtney’s dad left when she was four and her mom was a jerk.
For all you stupid folks out there ADD is hyperactivity without the hyperactivity, huh?  
A long time ago there was hyperactivity and some shrink in the 1930’s or so found that severely hyperactive kids, a real problem, calmed down some when given a low dose of amphetamines.
Over the next 60 years this has evolved into kids that get bad grades having ADD,
essentially hyperactivity without the hyperactivity and giving these kids amphetamines too.
This is how, according to the Adderall website, a fun and interesting place to research,
1 in 10 school age children has ADD.    
In Courtney I saw a person with environmental problems.  We met in college, she was a pain in the rear roommate.  
I ran in to Courtney a little while back, Courtney had a bit of a drug and drinking problem, again she seemed to be environmentally upset, that’s why I moved out, years ago now.  Well I ran into her last year and we hung out.  
She of course pulled out a big bottle of Adderall the ADD amphetamine and Clonazepam, for Bipolar disorder.
 She had told the doctor she was ADD to get the Adderall amphetamine because it was all over college campuses and she already had a minor drug problem.
  The doctor shrink told her she was Bipolar as well and put her on Clonazepam.  
She now snorts Adderall the amphetamine all the time, and takes it on a daily basis,
and she takes Clonazepam in the same way.  
I went out with her a few times a year or more ago, but I finally stopped returning calls because I didn’t feel like being offered Clonezepam and crushed up Adderall, which is what going out with her included,
I am worried about her, but I couldn’t bring myself to call her and when I did the number had been changed.
So here we have a person with a drug problem and the idiot shrink gives them an almost free endless cheap supply of amphetamines and clonazepam?
She’s is not Bipolar, or ADD.  I lived with her for a year and a half.  
I saw no signs of any chemical imbalance, what these drugs are supposed to treat.  
It seems like the fact that drugs are supposed to treat a chemical imbalance gets forgotten a lot in all the drug pushing!!  
I know I shouldn’t tell people here this. Do not get this crack!!!  They are giving Adderall to little kids though,
this is the kind of horror that goes on.  
It makes me so angry,
Courtney had issues when I knew her but the last time I saw her she seemed like a drug addict, again she takes the drugs the shrink gave her every day or more
Just another person maimed by this nightmare of an industry.  

I was reading what I wrote a ways back
I think I said something about the Soviet Union falling in relation to Mickey Mouse and jean jackets, this sounds dumb and simplified when I re read it.
I think I was just trying to say that the Soviet Union fell because people wanted it to fall as opposed to it being attacked from the outside.
I think people being allowed to organize opened flood gates, especially in the block countries  All I know really, is it is amazing how peacefully comparatively it fell,
 It says a lot as to what war brings about in relation to more peaceful evolution I guess.  
I don’t think Mickey Mouse really had anything to do with it, more a wish for an end to abuses of power, and economic hardship and such.
There were jean jackets I know though and the Scorpions right?

Bipolar, ADD and Depression are all really common diagnosis.  So many people I know are one or the other, or at one time or another have been put on drugs for one of the above.  Especially for teens!  
I think this is horrible, these drugs are deadly, many of them and most people do not have any sort of chemical disorder.  
Again too, as a woman, hormones are no joke!
 I probably shouldn’t go here but when I start my period, the same day, I notice noticeable chemical mood things,  and I also notice that I start my period that day!!
What does this say about the average teenage girl in relation to a mood swing disorder?  
Hmmmmm Teenage girls are supposed to have mood swings.  I’m not just saying this, other women must know this too.
I have gotten teary at a commercial on the day I start my period.  
And it is because of my period, it is the same day it starts, no strange coincidence there, and that’s the only time I have noticed any mood swings!    
I am not making this up.   There is something there.  
If you asked your average person to describe a teenage girl, mood swings might come up.  ADD they give you when you have problems in school, or behavior, especially boys because they tend to be more animated and act out physically!!

These disorders are being over prescribed and over medicated with dangerous snake oil drugs.
I don’t know why this is happening, I used to trust the FDA too but you can’t ok, I know for sure, have seen it myself, you can’t.  
this is wrong and sick and needs to be stopped!!      
Also if you have a family like mine who likes to keep order at all cost
or a strict somewhat abusive or nutty family
or you are a teenager and reacting to something that happened to you,  crying or carrying on is enought to get you a disorder
of course if your family is like mine or abusive you have far more logical reason to be carrying on!
that good old catch 22, you react because you have a problem and they blame you for reacting to having a problem and then you really have a problem
It's the truth, not to compare everything back to history but this is real
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 10, 2007, 01:20:55 PM
Here is the drug info I got of the Adderall web site again
I'm not nuts damn it, they really are giving amphetamines to kids

ADDERALL XR® is a once daily extended-release, single-entity amphetamine
product. ADDERALL XR® combines the neutral sulfate salts of dextroamphetamine
and amphetamine, with the dextro isomer of amphetamine saccharate and d,lamphetamine
aspartate monohydrate. The ADDERALL XR® capsule contains two
types of drug-containing beads designed to give a double-pulsed delivery of
amphetamines, which prolongs the release of amphetamine from ADDERALL XR®
compared to the conventional ADDERALL® (immediate-release) tablet formulation.
EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS: 5 mg 10 mg 15 mg 20 mg 25 mg 30 mg
Dextroamphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Amphetamine Aspartate 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Dextroamphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Sulfate USP
Amphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Sulfate USP
Total amphetamine base
equivalence 3.1 mg 6.3 mg 9.4 mg 12.5 mg 15.6 mg 18.8 mg
Inactive Ingredients and Colors: The inactive ingredients in ADDERALL XR®
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 10, 2007, 02:13:12 PM
for anyone who looks at this and goes "Huh? free drugs"  Don't, these drugs are not free.   you do not want to mess with this world.  It is very bad, like most drug worlds I would guess.  You can loose custody battles based on this stuff, be locked up. You are basically declaring yourself crazy or a drug addict.  This is the world that puts people in places like PV.  Stay far away very far away.  
Next thing you know your parents are using it as a threat if you break out of the perfect suburban country club veneer.  It’s an efficient way to keep you daughter in line.  My parents don't have any wish to help of course, If they actually believed any of this crap they would want me to go to a shrink or something.   They just use it whenever I argue with them.  Or talk back when they are abusive.
It's a threat to keep me in line nothing more and they know it.
No joke, not fun.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 10, 2007, 02:59:42 PM
For those already caught up in this mess, as many reading this must be, do not tell your shrink you are ADD or something to get these drugs!  do not, for the love of god, give them anything else to use against you!!!  If anything if you are not hyperactive or seem to have a real chemical imbalance tell you doctor this!  there are many life problems that are pretty normal really, life is kinda nuts, that don't have anything to do with easy labels.
Learning to avoid situations that are dangerous, being able to separate dangerous situations from what seems cool is far more helpful than drugs.  Learning study skills is good too.  If you just hack away at the books, you eventually get somewhere, don't take failure as an option, do your work first then party?  You can get through it if you just keep going and avoid trouble and learn to identify trouble?  Of course trouble just comes and kidnaps you for a while sometimes which will put you behind, but study skills still help you get back on your feet.
The shrinks were bad about this stuff in the fifties and sixties too.  I'll get a book and report back.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 11, 2007, 03:26:25 PM
did anyone catch the cover of The New York Times yesterday?  
You can find the article I'm talking about by going to New York Times online and typing in Abilify under search.
I thought it was a cool coincidence that what I was talking about day before yesterday made the cover!
It’s a great article about how big pharmo is paying shrinks to prescribe dangerous antipsychotic drugs for a vast variety of problems that the drugs have not been approved for.
Apparently Abilify, the drug I keep seeing advertised in Time for Bipolar disorder, is one such drug!!
 Psychiatrists are apparently allowed creativity in prescribing medications.  
This gives pharmaceutical companies leeway, an in, to market serious drugs for older easy to recognize problems, such as schizophrenia, to a whole new market of people.

Like 12 year old Anya, described in the Times article, who developed an eating disorder so the doctor put her on Risperdal.  
 Anya’s shrink was being paid to promote atypical antipsychotic drugs by the company that makes Risperdal.  
He put Anya on such a serious drug, not for its usual benefits, but because of its side effect of weight gain??!!!!
These drugs are pure poison, causing tardive dyskinesia and a slew of other ugly side effects that people are not being told about.
Anya developed a crippling knot in her back and now has to have injections to unclench her back muscles.  This causes her serious pain.  
When her mother took her to the Mayo Clinic, they took her off the Risperdal for anorexia.

Her shrink worked at the University of Minnesota.  
Minnesota is one of the few states that require records to be kept of drug company payments to doctors, some doctors were paid into the hundred of thousands.  
I wonder how much Peninsula Village is paid to prescribe dangerous drugs to adolescents?

When you read the Time advertisement for Abilify it is really misleading, it says,
“You’ve been up and down with mood swings, you want to move forward. Maybe Abilify can help.”  
So basically the advertisement implies, I have taken Public Relations classes, and recognize this.  
They understate the problem to include a wider audience, those with mood swings?  
But the drug they are pushing is for schizophrenia originally?

As a person PV gave Bipolar disorder, I know these diagnosis are too broad.
Kind of like hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder.  
I think the term ADHD was developed to describe people with hyperactivity, a noticeable problem, somewhat like Turrets (spelling?) Syndrome.  
Now according to the Adderall website, 1 in 10 children and adults have ADD.
ADD is used to include those that are not hyperactive but still have trouble focusing on their homework.
Two college age kids I work with at the book store supposedly have it and one 65 year old with a graduate degree he earned many years before ADD was ever heard of
The 65 year old loves his ADD medication though, as it makes him feel more energetic,
 you think?
All three of these people love to read,  
the college kids are not animated or move around a lot, they simply didn’t always get good grades.
They are not on any medication for ADD now, as their parents do not want them on drugs.
I don’t have mood swings, I’m pretty much the same through out.  I have never hallucinated anything? Never heard anything that wasn’t there and so on.  
I don’t need to be put on atypical antipsychotics for mood swings I don’t have.
 prescribed by a doctors that’s  being paid a mint to push them on me.
I’m sure these drugs would get me high,
but I don’t want to get high and I don’t want to be a drug addict!  

I have about had it with the psychiatric industry.  
When one starts to research the industry in the United States for the last 150 years, it is hard not to come to the conclusion that the whole mess is a nightmare.
It needs to be brought up on Human Rights Violations in The Hague, that way people would have the sense to not be too trusting of it.
I have taken a few psych classes, easiest A and B’s I have ever gotten
It’s the saddest excuse for a science. shrinks do not deserve to be called doctors.
Easiest way to become a doctor.  A pseudo science at best.

I was reading Freud’s "Interpretation of Dreams" yesterday at work, with case studies applying it.
We all know about Freud right, the father of psychology?
Freud was a cocaine addict, cocaine was a new import from South America and Freud was a enormous proponent of its uses as a wonder drug.
He took it himself in large amounts,
He later came out saying perhaps it wasn’t such a great thing after all.
Freud also slept with a good many of his female patients, and was an overbearing ass.
Just what you need as a vulnerable woman, an overbearing father figure shrink that tries to sleep with you.  
No irony with the Electra Oedipus thing.  
Feud was a sick crazy man.  
Read some of his stuff, total over sexed nut case.
When someone says it is very Freudian, it means it relates everything back to sex
One of the young guys on a Cafety Website keeps referring to his "therapist" as "the rapist" and we will leave it at that.
In the forward of “Interpretation of Dreams” these Freudian shrinks were analyzing a recurring dream a seven year old had about being attacked by a lobster
The child had recently gotten back from a trip to a beach, where she had seen lobsters for the first time. If one thinks about it, lobsters do look a bit like giant tarantulas and might scare a child
The interesting thing about it was that it turned out the child was deathly allergic to lobsters and would have gone into anaphylactic shock if she had eaten one
This was dismissed as mere irony, not perhaps something biological and interesting, by the Freudian shrinks
And of course the lobster was a sexual symbol to the seven year old?  I suppose if you remove all the legs or something.  
 It actually got worse than that but I’m not repeating it because it sounds too crazy,
go read some Freud for your self.
My final impression was that these Freudian shrinks needed to be kept far away from all children and probably most adults.

It reminded me of my lobster joke,
I told that joke because I was trying to think of an example of a joke, to show the difference between a goofy slightly sexist sexual joke that is no big deal, and sexual harassment.
I’m a pretty serious person so I couldn’t think of any jokes.
Fortunately my grandfather emailed that joke to my mother, who emailed it to me.
So I got the lobster and the cowboy joke from my grandfather, who had emailed it to me that day.
No latent sexual content there!

I really wish everyone would research the history of the psychiatric industry
It is not pretty, again Human Rights Violations worthy of a big trial at The Hague.
I have a quick personal story I have collected about past abuse

The first one is horrific.
 My friends grandmother was raped by three men in her kitchen one afternoon  
The men all went to jail, the situation was well documented
My friends grandmother began suffering from pretty serious depression as a result of the rape
She fell into the evil clutches of the psychiatric industry
 They drugged her with a bunch of odd things, my friend says her mother remembers her being a guinea pig for anti depressants that were like Abilify, probably far more serious
This is again for depression after being sexually assaulted by three men in her kitchen  
 She had no other problems, and was a vibrant, fun intelligent woman
After a few years in the clutches of the evil psychiatric industry my friend’s grandmother became mildly retarded.
My friends mother and she have no idea what caused her grandmother to go from being a perfectly normal intelligent woman to being mildly retarded in the course of a few years.
Her grandmother’s death report said there was scaring on her brain?
Of course they still do electro shock for depression to this day.
Such an enlightened way to help a woman dealing with being raped.

I got my grades back today, A’s across the board.  I have a 3.7 GPA feels great!
Post by: Kreflo on May 12, 2007, 02:52:47 AM
It has been said before, I am going to say it again.

                                    member of Covenant Health
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2007, 09:39:18 PM
i'm many years out of PV.  the first few years were not great.
I still have post traumatic stress and this causes me to have trouble sleeping and such
out of PV I had no study skills, I hadn't done real homework in years.
PV practically killed me no exaggeration
everything I have done, I have done in spite of PV, which I despise and would equate with a disgusting evil prison camp
out of PV i flunked out of college, which I am still paying for
although I get straight A's now
It is very hard to maintain good grades at a young age after an experience like PV
It broke my spirit for many years.
Only through the wisdom and experience I have gained as an adult, was I able to combat the evil done by PV.
I think PV is a nightmare and should be brought up on child abuse charges, ASAP
I plan to do everything I can in my life to change the laws so places like PV are no longer out there
I had to teach myself study and life skills.  
PV taught me no useful ones, other than the world can be horrible and will abuse you stupidly if it can.
I don't plan to let it, although sometimes it will anyway of course.  As an adult, many years later, I do well in school now
I was reading a book in the book store about one of the Lost Boys in Sudan whose entire family was killed.
He does well in college now, many years later,
can this be attributed to his earlier experiences?
I feel that PV has crippled me and through my own character and hard work I have over come somewhat what has been done to me.

I thought I'd add a note on my friend’s story about her grandmother
My friend’s grandmother was an upper middle class house wife, with three children and a loving husband
She was attacked in her kitchen while her children were in school and her husband was at work
She was in no way at fault
So basically what I am saying is she wasn't asking for it
It was a horrible crime,
the woman was a nice ordinary suburban 50's housewife
for the longest time no one told her children that she had been assaulted and that this was what had caused the sudden change in their mother.
The men went to jail of course, it was simply a crime
The family was too afraid of the stigma that went with sexual assault, even though the woman was in no way at fault
this caused a great deal of anguish to the children
just another example of our enlightened psychiatric system at work

If you want to start researching why the psychiatric community should be brought up on human rights abuse charges
type in my Lobotomy
Howard Dully's story under NPR should come up.
researching the eugenics era is also good
As Fanny Lou Hammer, civil rights activist and the original person who was
“sick and tired of being sick and tired” put it, her
 “Mississippi appendectomy”
Kinda makes you think when you turn on the TV and it’s stereotyped white trash and black people, who don’t know who the father is
Or when you hear about welfare reform in relation to women who keep having kids to get more welfare?  
Eugenics era was big on sterilization, it really is an interesting topic to research, easy to do
just type it in under search

There is another interesting article in Time magazine
This one is called “How to keep kids in school”
According to the article 1 in 3 high school kids nationally drops out
They focused on a few kids
One girls story says she
 “started fading in eighth grade, when her grandmother who had raised her died”  She doesn’t know her mother and isn’t close to her dad.  She lived sometimes with her aunt, sometimes with a boyfriend and sometimes she had no place to go?
She says she was a good student until her grandmother passed away.
This story reminded me of some of the girls in PV
Why does this basic orphan, in the most affluent country in the world, have no place to go?
Another girls family became homeless.
Again how are those without homes supposed to finish school?

The story is hopeful, but it angers me to see these kids falling between the cracks
It angered me to see them abused by PV so horribly too, to say the least.
Kreflo did you mean you were a member of Covenant Health?
that is a bit odd please explain?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on May 13, 2007, 09:52:09 PM
Hi free we are not.

How is everything going with school?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 13, 2007, 10:16:17 PM
working and waiting to start summer classes
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on May 13, 2007, 10:21:19 PM
Good and I hope you find some time to have a bit of fun this summer. School/work/psychotic parents can take a toll. Try to get in a few days holiday if you can manage.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on May 14, 2007, 08:50:47 AM
Quote from: ""free we are not""
Kreflo did you mean you were a member of Covenant Health?that is a bit odd please explain?

Hells no I am not a member of Covenant Health, but Peninsula Village is owned by Peninsula Behavioral Health which is owned by Covenant Health.
Word on the street is Covenant Health doesn't even know what goes on at PV-not really anyway.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 14, 2007, 02:13:06 PM
I want to summarize what I said about the drugs they give to people
Basically, many of the BIpolar disorder drugs are more serious drugs remarketed.
others, such as Lithium, are very bad for your liver
the ADD drugs are stimulants or amphetamines
both of these disorders are pretty easy to get!
unless you are very hyperactive or seem to have the disorder that probably bipolar disorder was originally describing,
a severe chemical imbalance, be extremely wary of these drugs.
they are drugs and have long term very bad side effects.
most people on these drugs do not need them.
most people, look at the Time magazine advertisement  
with mood swings, or who can't focus on boring homework, are not in need of amphetamines or atypical antipsychotics!

another friends grandmother, her grandfather called in the shrink when she started to show signs of menopause.
it took far too long and quite a few doctors to work through it.
teenage hormones are no joke
hormones in general are not
poor teenagers are going through a lot of fun changes
perhaps more needs to be looked into in this department
rather then declaring them crazy for mood swings

Chemical depression is different from depression caused by something bad happening.
I know, I've had bad things happen, and I have spent time/ lived with those who are chemically depressed
They are different things
I think maybe serious bad experiences could kick in a kind of chemical depression, but chemically depressed people have a different chemical problem.
Just like a person with diabetes or something,
they feel sick and do not deserve to be abused!
After living with anorexics for a long time,
I think they have control issues?
This could be a generalization
but it seemed to me that they felt powerless a lot
and that anorexia gave them a feeling of power and being in control
of course then they lost control over that too
There were a lot of feelings of inadequacy I saw as well
not being good enough to make mom or dad stay, or stay together
not being pretty enough, we are never ever pretty enough
how could we be?
not being made out of plastic and airbrushed
and even if you are one of the few like some idealized woman
you are still never perfect and it still doesn't mean the person/people you care about will care about you as much as you want or need them too
husbands/ boyfriends still are not faithful and such
pretty girls get far to much attention sometimes too
I think a lot of them felt inadequate in relation too school as well couldn't do well enough.
not to pick on our over pressurized school system
but I lived with these girls and not being successful enough in school was a big part of it.
Again teens are over pressurized
the school system needs to lay off them and actually teach them
no offense but a lot of the kids I go to school with are ignorant as all get go,
yet some how they just put in the daily grind hours to get through the busy work and not offend the multitude of strange adults you have to deal with
these kids seem to all dress alike?  
I had one explain the necessity of blending to me, in most survival of the fittest Machiavellian terms.
she was very smart really, although she hadn't the faintest idea what the Ottoman empire was, or Machiavelli for that matter?
it's nice to know what we teach our kids in school these days
teens deal with a lot of other issues
sexual advances, drinking, sexual harassment, bullying
I have a high IQ and always did well on tests
but I found the pressure to keep up with the daily hours of homework too much
especially on top of parents fighting and such
In sixth grade I had a few HOURS of homework every night
and if I didn't do all of it my teachers would call my mother
who would become very abusive in relation to it
I went to a difficult private school
but between the constant fighting of my parents and the pressure to be perfect/do well in school
it makes you feel horrible
especially if you really almost can't do as well as they require of you
in sixth grade, with my crazy family,
I did not have the homework skills to keep up
and no one was helping me with it.
I think if someone had sat down with me often and said
"what do you have to do tonight?"
"see here, it looks overwhelming, but if you just start here you will get it done."
Instead I just felt horribly overwhelmed and as if I couldn't do it.
This feeling took me years to overcome
even though I score high on standardized tests and such
I think this feeling of being unable to control your life and being inadequate and abused at such a young age, leads to anorexia.
Most of the anorexics, I remember had that combination,
Of high stress family problems and either problems in school or feeling inadequate in school
I think the situation I described leads to drug use and sexual abuse as well
I know the pressure in school, in middle school, for Christ’s sake, was enormous
I love to read,
I am pretty self educated and I do great in college now
I don’t think there was any reason to be beating me up over grades and making me feel horrible about myself in middle school  
Anorexia is either too much pressure, where the child feels bad about themselves and like they can’t control their life.
This is what I saw in the anorexics and in my own flirtations with it

Again my kids, I might take in strays too, if I have time and money, maybe the state will pay me
I’m buying a New England farm house near the Canadian border with a moat and a few great danes, and they are going to be home schooled
No horrific sexual harassment everyday, only books, a good math tutor, plenty of outside time and maybe some horses.
I’ll stick a micro chip in their shoe and let the Great Danes baby sit as teenagers,
Great Danes are really nice dogs, very wimpy and sweet for their enormous size
My kids are going to know what the Ottoman empire was and they are not going to be chewing their own foot off in a cage because their lives are poisonous too them.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 14, 2007, 02:40:52 PM
Argh, I was just researching Bipolar disorder.  
It makes me mad that they prescribe it to people that are not Bipolar
it sounds pretty obvious, easy to diagnose
I don't crash into depressive episodes?
Isolate myself
nor am I manic and run around like I'm on drugs.
look it up, it aggravates me that the drug companies are pushing it as a diagnosis for mood swings, again please refer to the TIME magazine advertisement, there is one in every issue
or the other advertisements you see on like MSN's home page
this is not some, maybe you have it,
because you act like a normal human, and therefore are not always like a commercial for a perfect preppy human
I'm pretty normal as far as humans go, especially these days
I know I'm stuck on this planet with a bunch of humans and they are way crazier than me
also I don't have manic episodes, or depressed ones?
On rare occasions yelling at the parents, who are a lot to take, is not a manic episode, it is a natural reaction to the fact that they are obnoxious often.
I'm even pretty good about that.
Doctors and evil places like PV, need to stop giving out diagnosis to people who are not ADD or Bipolar. ARGHHH
You can go look up Bipolar disorder online
simply type in Bipolar disorder under Google
people with it sound pretty extreme
and a bit out of control,
like I think it would be next to impossible for a person with actual Bipolar disorder to live my life
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on May 14, 2007, 07:14:55 PM
Hi, Free.  I've tried to email you, did you get the last couple I sent?  I'd like to ask your permission to use your description of your time at PV and the details you shared about the other girls in a very important meeting coming up soon.  None of your writing will be published or in any way printed, I'd just like to use some of it in a presentation to a group of people who need to hear it.  I'll email you again with the details, you'll be very happy to know who's going to be listening to your story.  Your PV experience is so disturbing and hits hard emotionally.  Let me know here or by email, because I won't use your work without your permission.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on May 16, 2007, 02:58:29 PM
i would not mind at all letting you use my story.
anything to stop PV
I'll email back to you
sorry about the crabbyness, exam week and yelling mom cause too much stress.
I think I came down a bit hard on teachers and such.
I had wonderful teachers as a child and the books we read in school really helped foster a love of reading.
I had other teachers that were not very nice people at all.
They are humans and you have to deal with a lot of them as a kid.
Post by: Kreflo on May 20, 2007, 12:13:02 PM
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
It has been said before, I am going to say it again.

                                    member of Covenant Health

One more time
Title: Institutionalized abuse
Post by: Anonymous on June 16, 2007, 10:22:27 PM
I don't like south park any more, I hadn't watched it in a while too busy and then I caught the Paris Hilton episode with slave guy.  The Simpsons has gotton lame too, I give up on TV.
The media teaches us to degrade women as sluts, prostitutes and such, and also to treat women that way and of course, then to rape and molest them as dehumanized sex objects.

 Once something is dehumanized, I'm sorry someone, and the abuse is institutionalized, I mean the over all institution, as in your society, says it is ok and the right form of action, holy ugly hell breaks loose much of the time.  
It helps if you are encouraged or forced even to abuse the other group, such as in war time or you will loose your job or be shamed in the society if you don’t partake in the horror.  Civilians in war get caught up in the racism and the right/need to kill the enemy and it becomes ok to do horrible things to them.  
Usually you are told the proper way to interrogate and treat prisoners with little choice allowed in the immediate situation, then, once being acceptably cruel, guards and interrogators are often  encouraged to be  creative.
 People doing the abuse often  get a certain amount of respect for their jobs, advancement in their prospective armies or bureaucracies.  Everyone around the abusers in their small societies or in the overall one even, usually supports the abuse.  
Often abuseres feel too far in to get out.  
Often the group thinking is so strong they view what they are doing as ok because everyone around them supports them, and we say teens give in to peer pressure!  Hannah Arendet discusses this when addressing Eichmann’s role in the holocaust, he didn’t even hate Jews really, he just kind of was in it because he wanted to be part of the movers and the shakers and everyone else around him supported and was doing it.
This is the formula from college I borrowed from classes.  It works really well when applied to PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 16, 2007, 10:43:21 PM
sorry about the strange commas,  I think we skipped punctuation at the village.  I can pull them off for papers but with random stuff there gets to be a lot of them in odd places. I need a book,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on June 16, 2007, 10:54:23 PM
don't worry about it free i'm going to make this the 1st fornits no punctiuation or anything day... cause today it is more about saying what you have to say than how you say it... so you keep talking and we will keep listening...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2007, 06:53:04 PM
Do remember how I said a while back how so many people I work with at the book store have been told they are ADD and on drugs for it?
One of the people was this great guy in his sixties.
He was really nice, smart and had a degree he earned a long time before the doctor told him he was ADD.  
Again this is a book store and most of these people love to read, but anyway.
This gentlemen seemed really healthy, fun and happy.
His general practitioner had told him he had ADD just a few years ago.
He was on Adderall though, which he thought helped him a lot.
He described it as a wonder drug.
It made him feel so much more alert, focused and awake.
The guy was in his sixties after all and we do work in retail.
No wonder he felt tired and a bit unfocused.  
Otherwise the guy was thin, trim, rosy cheeked and all that.
Looked healthier than me, really.
Adderall was the amphetamine again.
This nice healthy looking guy just had a heart attack and died in his sleep.  
I don't know what his medical history was, but I do know he looked in better shape than most people.
If the Adderall were to have a bad effect on older people, a heart attack might be the way you go.
Really sad though, he was such a nice man and he had a big family and such.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on June 19, 2007, 08:06:16 PM
Quote from: ""free not!""
Do remember how I said a while back how so many people I work with at the book store have been told they are ADD and on drugs for it?
One of the people was this great guy in his sixties.
He was really nice, smart and had a degree he earned a long time before the doctor told him he was ADD.  
Again this is a book store and most of these people love to read, but anyway.
This gentlemen seemed really healthy, fun and happy.
His general practitioner had told him he had ADD just a few years ago.
He was on Adderall though, which he thought helped him a lot.
He described it as a wonder drug.
It made him feel so much more alert, focused and awake.
The guy was in his sixties after all and we do work in retail.
No wonder he felt tired and a bit unfocused.  
Otherwise the guy was thin, trim, rosy cheeked and all that.
Looked healthier than me, really.
Adderall was the amphetamine again.
This nice healthy looking guy just had a heart attack and died in his sleep.  
I don't know what his medical history was, but I do know he looked in better shape than most people.
If the Adderall were to have a bad effect on older people, a heart attack might be the way you go.
Really sad though, he was such a nice man and he had a big family and such.

I have ADHD.  I take Aderall.  It's not really my choice.  Even though I know from experience that Cannabis Sativa works better for me, the government says I can't put that in my body.  Lord knows pot is a gateway drug.  Why. If I smoked pot, i might just start doing meth the next day... Oopps.  The government already has me doing meth.  Technically, given the amount of time I have been taking it (and the normal, prescribed dosage) i am not psysically dependant on amphetamines to think.  Nobody told me when I was put on it that it would change my brain chemistry to make it impossible to think without... But oh dear... With the side effects of Cannabis... who knows what could happen if I was taking that instead ?!?!?

In case you can't tell, I'm kinda bitter.  I sometimes feel like I've been treated like a labrat.  If I stop taking prozac, I go crazy.  I get angry for no reason, yell at people...  Is that behavior suppressed by Prozac?  Was it there before?  Who knows...  The fact of the matter is that in order to live my life, and have a decent job, I have to take what is prescribed to me.  If I didn't, If I chose what I know works, and has no side effects for me, I would become a criminal.  I would be precluded from getting a job.  Given that the initial motivation for Cannabis's prohibition revolved around prejudice towards minorities (fear), I see that little has changed.  Prohibition is simply a legal means with which to oppress minorities while making a buck selling "legal" dope (tested and approved by those you can "trust").
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 19, 2007, 08:09:21 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on June 19, 2007, 09:05:33 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

We don't talk about the 601 here. PM me if you want to discuss it. I'll be at the dock on Saturday but don't haul up in that idiotic PW again.
Title: Maybe you are angry for a reason psy?
Post by: Anonymous on June 23, 2007, 11:09:38 PM
psy, do you think you could be angry for a reason?
like it's normal for you to be angry.
In political science, law stuff they have what they call the reasonable person test,
It's something like, if you stick a pin in someone’s leg they jump.
I think we are all pretty much full of pins at this point and it is therefore natural to be a bit angry?
If you are being abused anger and sadness are a reasonable response.
Also if you work in retail like me, it is also normal for you to be angry
last year I worked at a department store as a sales girl,
the 40hr work week doesn't count if you are in sales because the time clock starts back over at 0 on Saturday whether you have had a day off or not.  The stores are open 7 days a week of course.
According to the local labor laws here, there is no limit to the amount of hours in a day they can have you work or how many days in a row.
the forty hour week, inside of the Sunday to Saturday work week is it.
the longest succession of days in a row I worked was eleven, eight hour days
the longest hours in a row I worked was 12.  
I made eight dollars an hour!
look up labor laws in a variety of southern states, just type in labor laws in Mississippi or something, see what comes up.
not making it up, and no eyerolls please, it's no joke, I have my pay slips.
It was horrible really.
The store moved enormous amounts of clothes, all made in places with cheap labor, South America, Bangladesh, China and stuff.
They would move them pretty quickly, and have these amazing sales.
50% off of 50% clearance rack days, basically selling stuff for ten dollars and under even to pull people in and move more cheap clothes.
I don't think they paid much for the clothes really.
It was a nice well known department store too, had to be well dressed and super polite, no windows though of course.
I had health care, no vision coverage though, and I need glasses.
but as soon as I went back to school they cut my pay back by fifty cents and kicked me off the health care,
like the day I went back to school they called me into the office and made me sign something.
I thought ok, I need time to go to school so I'll work twenty ++ hours a week, if you work over thirty you are supposed to be eligible for health care.
of course they immediately pushed me back up over thirty hours a week, but no health care,
when I complained nicely they cut my hours back to two days a week,
as punishment I guess,
then right back over thirty hours a week again.
And people ask me why I have to live at home?
maybe because the department stores have no labor laws
What makes me mad, is how hard i work and how, because I can't support myself, people still treat me like there is something wrong with me, like I am lazy or something.
The book store is better, but barely really
I was hired as part time, I thought six hour days, so I can go to school, four days out of the week, twenty some hours.
instead, I've worked thirty two hours a week eight hour days.  
they only schedule you eight hour days
I make 7.25 an hr.
I work one less day then full time.
With no healthcare
I get to do the grunt work too, working the cash register.
I'm a really good sales person so i sell all these membership cards,
but no commission or anything of course.
Also, management style basically consists of implying you could be replaced at any minute.
There a lot of assistant managers who take out some of their stress on you.
I have one guy who times me in the restroom!
I hate being timed in the restroom, it’s embarrassing and rather degrading.
It's not like I spend a lot of time in the bathroom either, but whatever.
At least there are windows.
I work very hard too, I keep my temper and don’t talk back
If you stand up for your self.
Or put your foot down nicely about hours, like saying “I have school” or “this is exam week I can’t work thirty two hours anymore” they get bitchy and come down hard on you and get threatening about your job security.
They won’t fire me though because I am always there and I work hard and do my job well.
I’ve worked at this job for a year or so now and I worked at the department store that long too.  
It is what it is, and all that.
also psy, if you are on a low dose of amphetamines all the time
I also think it is normal to be angry?  I don’t think I could keep my temper on drugs, honestly.
Years ago, like six years or more even ago I took my friends ADD Adderall medicine and it was really really strong stuff, it’s amphetamines, I think one of their side effects is anger?
Maybe you are medicating problems that are being cause by medication and your anger that the medication and the industry is corrupt and horrible?
A catch 22 again.
how old are you psy, just curious?  I think you said but I forgot.
It's not an easy world and a lot of stuff is pretty corrupt really,
especially when it comes to money.
It always has been, history says so.
No one believes me because we've all been taught that modern times are so perfect, we have evolved past all the pretty recent ugly stuff.
the mills and factories in my area were really bad until 1970 or so.
like really bad, apartide bad and all that.
it's weird to think that people in other times too, no body would believe them either.
that's the worst part people not seeing it.
there is a good book called,  
"Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America"
by Barbara Ehrenreich
It supports what I have seen
Again I know what I have seen, so I am absolutely positive I am right.
At least I have that.
All this stuff is real and has been for a long time.
we learn about it in college, research supports it, history too.
many people I think are just ignorant, prejudice and unempathetic really.
stupid may come into play too, and pretty illiterate. books are good for seeing things from other peoples perspectives better.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 23, 2007, 11:33:43 PM
but on a different more important and newsworthy note hey guess what!!  Elwood the worlds ugliest dog just won a thousand dollars.  
and MSN news has great advice on what to do if your wife asks the hottie next door to move in!  :roll:
it's annoying when you know whats really going on to see what counts for news these days.
Still defending your right to call women the C word psy?  
I get hit on a lot a work too.
I hate getting hit on at work.
and I know this will get responses like what does this have to do with the troubled teen industry.
it relates some at least.
it shows how people get trapped I guess?
and what really makes up daily life for many people.
and where you end up if you can't finish college or get into colleges,
or what is around you in general.
the indusrty that is supposed to help you not use drugs, wants to give you a daily does of a combination of two different kinds of amphetamines1
parents why don't you try one of you childs adderalls.
see what you morons are subjecting your kid to everyday.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2007, 12:19:16 AM
i called the cops on my mom.  three weeks ago or so.
she was threatening me as always.
i wasn't doing anything.  I never do anything
I don't drink i don't go out on dates or party
i don't do any drugs
I just work and go to school
she decided to lay down the law.
she was reading me the riot act,
if you say anything to me I'll call the police, I'll kick you out
this is my house
i won't have you break things in my house, you ruin everything you touch, you better not break the washing machine,
are you putting those dishes in the dishwasher, don't put them in like that.
She went on vacation for two weeks to my grandparents,
nothings been broken,  I can actually get food and do my dishes without being in fear for my life.
interestingly my health problems cleared up too.  
strange huh?
again I'm really neat, I clean up after her sometimes.
I’m actually a nice person, I swear, I’m trying really hard.
so she was reading me the riot act.
the worst thing I have said to her, after much provocation in the last six months or more, was this isn't a Nazi dictatorship, and that's moronic!
no your a *^*^ or anything.
I of course, was a cat in heat at fourteen when I was stalked and molested by an adult, while being abused by her.
and worse, the things she says are way over the top.
so she says you can't call me a moron or a Nazi or abusive I will call the police and tell them your Bi polar and have you committed and arrested and kicked out and they will send your dog to the meat factory,
actually she didn't say anything about the dog and the meat factory.  
and I said, annoyed as hell, well you act like it sometimes.
so I didn't call her anything i just responded to her threats by saying, your threatening proves my point, actually I said
"well you act like it sometimes,"
which she does, she's horribly abusive and threatening and so on.
And all I've said to her in the last six months or more is the above, when provoked severly.
so she halls off and decks me, not a light smack
she clobbers me.
I'm already crying and feeling really scared and threatened.
so I called the police.
cop shows up,  male I'm sorry but he has a neck role is young white big and super Southern.
I talked to him he says , it's their house
your over eighteen, you can go sleep in the Walmart parking lot,
no joke he said the walmart parking lot?
again I am a pretty well dressed female college student.
I'm sure I would fare very well in the Walmart parking lot?
basically it is fine for white ladies with Mercedes to beat their daughters.
if I had hit her though, where do you think I would be?
She talks to the cops says, she's bipolar and said something mean to me so I smacked her.
cop leaves.
so again I make 7.25 an hour and live in an abusive family and need to go to school full time next year.
i feel like I live a hundred years ago, or at least in eighties Japan.
bad labor laws, glass ceiling for women, more good research topics.
but worse I guess.      

i called the cops on my mom.  three weeks ago or so.
she was threatening me as always.
i wasn't doing anything.  I never do anything
I don't drink i don't go out on dates or party
i don't do any drugs
I just work and go to school
she decided to lay down the law.
she was reading me the riot act,
if you say anything to me I'll call the police, I'll kick you out
this is my house
you ruin everything you touch, you better not break the washing machine,
are you putting those dishes in the dishwasher, don't put them in like that.
She went on vacation for two weeks to my grandparents,
 I can actually get food and do my dishes without being in fear for my life.
interestingly my health problems cleared up too.  
strange huh?
again I'm really neat, I clean up after her sometimes.
I’m actually a nice person, I swear, I’m trying really hard.
so she was reading me the riot act.
the worst thing I have said to her, after much provocation
in the last six months or more, was this isn't a Nazi dictatorship, and that's moronic!
no your a *^*^ or anything.
I of course, was a cat in heat at fourteen when I was stalked and molested by an adult, while being abused by her.
and worse, the things she says are way over the top.
so she says you can't call me a moron or a Nazi or abusive I will call the police and tell them your Bi polar and have you committed and arrested and kicked out and they will send your dog to the meat factory,
actually she didn't say anything about the dog and the meat factory.  
and I said, annoyed as hell, well you act like it sometimes.
so I didn't call her anything i just responded to her threats by saying, your threatening proves my point, actually I said
"well you act like it sometimes,"
which she does, she's horribly abusive and threatening and so on.
And all I've said to her in the last six months or more is the above,
when provoked severely.
so she halls off and decks me, not a light smack
she clobbers me.
I'm already crying and feeling really scared and threatened.
so I called the police.
cop shows up,  male, I'm sorry but he has a neck role, is young white big tall and super Southern.
I talked to him he says , it's their house
your over eighteen, you can go sleep in the Walmart parking lot,
no joke he said the walmart parking lot?
again I am a pretty well dressed female college student.
I'm sure I would fare very well in the Walmart parking lot?
basically it is fine for white ladies with Mercedes to beat their daughters.
if I had hit her though, where do you think I would be?
She talks to the cops says, she's bipolar and said something mean to me so I smacked her.
cop leaves.
so again I make 7.25 an hour and live in an abusive family and need to go to school full time next year.
i feel like I live a hundred years ago, or at least in eighties Japan.
 more good research topics.
but worse I guess.      

again I have her on tape trying to rip the door off the hinges, and calling me a twelve year old slut, and me going mom please I'm trying to study for exams.
again I don't go out or do anything, or drink or anything.
she's not here and everything is going great, everything is neat, and nice and peaceful, and I feel fine.
my dad and I aren't fighting.  
Again I'm really not bipolar.
i'm never manic or depressed.
I'm pretty much the same throughout
honestly I do get a bit emotional when I have my period, but I actually have my period.  Probably more than I should say, but it's the truth and i think it is relevant to teenage girls and women and stuff.
there are women's studies books about female hormones in relation to reproduction cycles and how stupid men don't understand them.
do know in the late 19th and early twentieth century they used to prescribe morphine for PMS and other female problems, like recovering from pregnancy.  Nothing like a woman with post natal deression on morphine I'm sure :roll: .
Heroine, was actually developed by the Bayer aspirin company to "save" women from Morphine addiction so many were addicted.  
of course heroine doesn't cure morphine addiction,
thanks pharmaceutical companies.
again you can look it up.  
also for god sakes, if I can't even have PMS around here without it being dangerous this is a bad place.
I only mention it because it does cause problems
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2007, 12:58:16 AM
what are your thoughts on gay rights? or bi sexual rights?  
i was in with a girl at PV, little girl, fourteen fifteen or so
who was in for being gay and that was it.
i think she had smoked pot like a couple times?
if that.
she was a nice girl
it seems so horrible that kids can get put away in internment camps basically for being gay
no wonder your angry,
you really have a right to be.
I think you should try to get off the adderall.
it can't be good for you
hope life goes better for you god bless
god likes gay people too I'm sure of it,
i don't think god likes racists
i think abusing people is the only real sin.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2007, 12:03:40 PM
again about the things my mom says.
they are nuts!
my story is really pretty simple
at fourteen I started a new school and started hanging around with the wrong crowd at school, they drank and such and were older
I wanted to be cool and  was starting to rebel
mom was crazy as always, and there was a lot of pressure at home
I hadn't kissed a boy yet
at twelve I had bought a work out outfit at the country club that was tight and gone jogging with my friend?  
my mom tells this story repeatedly, with reference to prancing and slinking and how I charged the outfit to her account?
basically mine is a very simple story,
what happens to fourteen year olds with abusive parents
who fall in with a crowd that parties and drinks in a big city.
i was fourteen and I was there
what happened to me was horrific
and the way my mother acts is horrific
but being molested by a stalker because you are a vulnerable very young girl, is what it is too.
I was there it was horrible and I have scars from it I know, but I also know it doesn't make me a horrible person.
I'd be more than willing to forgive my mother in relation to it too.
and I do think she was just as responsible as me
I told her everything and brought the guy home right away, because he scared me
again he was a stalker and I spent most of the time trying to get away from him and he would browbeat, and hit me, wait outside my apartment for a day or two, and be everywhere I was
again I was fourteen and I hadn't the faintest idea what a stalker was
I have a picture from that time my family took on Christmas or some holiday, and I have an obvious fat lip and a black eye!
he threw me into a wall and I came home covered in blood and had to get stitches, which my parents had to pay for
at the same time I was really rebelling, i had shoplifted and was trying to find a job so I could move out of my parents house and such,
at fourteen :roll:
I ran away to a friends house for a bit and wasn't doing well in school
again though, if my mother acts this way now that I'm an adult and basically do nothing and minding my own business
at that age she was really abusive
I was really trying to get away from her
but again I love my mother and denial is a strong force.
but her parenting skills consisted and consist of abuse.
so if your child is rebelling
talk to them about drinking and sexual abuse in relation to young girls.
If they are being stalked, call the police.
a loving supportive place to be helps.
high school for me was dangerous and abusive as well.
the sexual harassment was horrible, refer back to about page forty or so on this post for examples
there is a really enlightening sexual harassment discussion on this post
teens are reacting to real problems in their lives often and they don't understand the dangers of drinking and such
they just want to be cool and act like adults and have a fun exciting party
they really don't know
as a girl the dangers are basically sexual abuse
tell your kids about reality,
i don't think a lot of adult know the first thing about reality in many ways  

again about the things my mom says.
they are nuts!
my story is really pretty simple
at fourteen I started a new school and started hanging around with the wrong crowd at school, they drank and such and were older
I wanted to be cool and  was starting to rebel
mom was crazy as always, and there was a lot of pressure at home
I hadn't kissed a boy yet
at twelve I had bought a work out outfit at the country club that was tight and gone jogging with my friend?  
my mom tells this story repeatedly, with reference to prancing and slinking and how I charged the outfit to her account?
basically mine is a very simple story,
what happens to fourteen year olds with abusive parents
who fall in with a crowd that parties and drinks in a big city.
i was fourteen and I was there
what happened to me was horrific
and the way my mother acts is horrific
but being molested by a stalker because you are a vulnerable very young girl, is what it is too.
I was there it was horrible and I have scars from it I know, but I also know it doesn't make me a horrible person.
I'd be more than willing to forgive my mother in relation to it too.
and I do think she was just as responsible as me
I told her everything and brought the guy home right away, because he scared me, i had kind of sort of agreed to go out with him once
then we were married until i died or something
again he was a stalker and I spent most of the time trying to get away from him and he would browbeat, and hit me, wait outside my apartment for a day or two, and be everywhere I was
again I was fourteen and I hadn't the faintest idea what a stalker was
I have a picture from that time my family took on Christmas or some holiday, and I have an obvious fat lip and a black eye!
he threw me into a wall and I came home covered in blood and had to get stitches, which my parents had to pay for
at the same time I was really rebelling, i had shoplifted and was trying to find a job so I could move out of my parents house and such,
at fourteen :roll:
I ran away to a friends house for a bit and wasn't doing well in school
again though, if my mother acts this way now that I'm an adult and basically do nothing and minding my own business
at that age she was really abusive
I was really trying to get away from her
but again I love my mother and denial is a strong force.
but her parenting skills consisted and consist of abuse.
so if your child is rebelling
talk to them about drinking and sexual abuse in relation to young girls.
If they are being stalked, call the police.
a loving supportive place to be helps.
high school for me was dangerous and abusive as well.
the sexual harassment was horrible, refer back to about page forty or so on this post for examples
there is a really enlightening sexual harassment discussion on this post
teens are reacting to real problems in their lives often and they don't understand the dangers of drinking and such
they just want to be cool and act like adults and have a fun exciting party
they really don't know
as a girl the dangers are basically sexual abuse
tell your kids about reality,
i don't think a lot of adults know the first thing about reality in many ways  

also the Village has parenting skills a lot like my mother
abusive insane and such
like finds like
so I think a lot of the kids coming out of the Village are probably dealing with being abused and made to feel guilty in relation to sex worthy of the Spanish inquisition,
most likely after being sexually abused one way or another while being naive vulnerable adolescents
there's a healthy combination for a well adjusted adult
anyway you have been abused and you ran the gauntlet through
inquisitors red guards and red necks
congratulations and welcome to the harsh world of history and reality.
take good care of your self,
don't ever believe their lies
your probably relatively normal
in an abusive relationship you can always tell the abuser, they are the one who never apologizes and never analyses what they do in relation to perhaps it was wrong and I should change something?
The abused is always in a state of self doubt.  
take good care of yourself
don’t take all the blame on yourself
recognize what in A led to B which was bad and hurt you and try to change it
 the Village was real and horribly abusive
so was the other stuff that happened.
try to see it at face value and not to let it emotionally abuse you
be careful too, a lot of people lie about their real intentions
usually what you see and believe is correct,
people will try to tell you otherwise but you should trust your instincts,
instincts are those feelings underneath what you want to believe and what the person you have them about is telling you
try not to give the bastards at the Village power over you and all that.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2007, 12:04:21 PM
again about the things my mom says.
they are nuts!
my story is really pretty simple
at fourteen I started a new school and started hanging around with the wrong crowd at school, they drank and such and were older
I wanted to be cool and  was starting to rebel
mom was crazy as always, and there was a lot of pressure at home
I hadn't kissed a boy yet
at twelve I had bought a work out outfit at the country club that was tight and gone jogging with my friend?  
my mom tells this story repeatedly, with reference to prancing and slinking and how I charged the outfit to her account?
basically mine is a very simple story,
what happens to fourteen year olds with abusive parents
who fall in with a crowd that parties and drinks in a big city.
i was fourteen and I was there
what happened to me was horrific
and the way my mother acts is horrific
but being molested by a stalker because you are a vulnerable very young girl, is what it is too.
I was there it was horrible and I have scars from it I know, but I also know it doesn't make me a horrible person.
I'd be more than willing to forgive my mother in relation to it too.
and I do think she was just as responsible as me
I told her everything and brought the guy home right away, because he scared me
again he was a stalker and I spent most of the time trying to get away from him and he would browbeat, and hit me, wait outside my apartment for a day or two, and be everywhere I was
again I was fourteen and I hadn't the faintest idea what a stalker was
I have a picture from that time my family took on Christmas or some holiday, and I have an obvious fat lip and a black eye!
he threw me into a wall and I came home covered in blood and had to get stitches, which my parents had to pay for
at the same time I was really rebelling, i had shoplifted and was trying to find a job so I could move out of my parents house and such,
at fourteen :roll:
I ran away to a friends house for a bit and wasn't doing well in school
again though, if my mother acts this way now that I'm an adult and basically do nothing and minding my own business
at that age she was really abusive
I was really trying to get away from her
but again I love my mother and denial is a strong force.
but her parenting skills consisted and consist of abuse.
so if your child is rebelling
talk to them about drinking and sexual abuse in relation to young girls.
If they are being stalked, call the police.
a loving supportive place to be helps.
high school for me was dangerous and abusive as well.
the sexual harassment was horrible, refer back to about page forty or so on this post for examples
there is a really enlightening sexual harassment discussion on this post
teens are reacting to real problems in their lives often and they don't understand the dangers of drinking and such
they just want to be cool and act like adults and have a fun exciting party
they really don't know
as a girl the dangers are basically sexual abuse
tell your kids about reality,
i don't think a lot of adult know the first thing about reality in many ways  

again about the things my mom says.
they are nuts!
my story is really pretty simple
at fourteen I started a new school and started hanging around with the wrong crowd at school, they drank and such and were older
I wanted to be cool and  was starting to rebel
mom was crazy as always, and there was a lot of pressure at home
I hadn't kissed a boy yet
at twelve I had bought a work out outfit at the country club that was tight and gone jogging with my friend?  
my mom tells this story repeatedly, with reference to prancing and slinking and how I charged the outfit to her account?
basically mine is a very simple story,
what happens to fourteen year olds with abusive parents
who fall in with a crowd that parties and drinks in a big city.
i was fourteen and I was there
what happened to me was horrific
and the way my mother acts is horrific
but being molested by a stalker because you are a vulnerable very young girl, is what it is too.
I was there it was horrible and I have scars from it I know, but I also know it doesn't make me a horrible person.
I'd be more than willing to forgive my mother in relation to it too.
and I do think she was just as responsible as me
I told her everything and brought the guy home right away, because he scared me, i had kind of sort of agreed to go out with him once
then we were married until i died or something
again he was a stalker and I spent most of the time trying to get away from him and he would browbeat, and hit me, wait outside my apartment for a day or two, and be everywhere I was
again I was fourteen and I hadn't the faintest idea what a stalker was
I have a picture from that time my family took on Christmas or some holiday, and I have an obvious fat lip and a black eye!
he threw me into a wall and I came home covered in blood and had to get stitches, which my parents had to pay for
at the same time I was really rebelling, i had shoplifted and was trying to find a job so I could move out of my parents house and such,
at fourteen :roll:
I ran away to a friends house for a bit and wasn't doing well in school
again though, if my mother acts this way now that I'm an adult and basically do nothing and minding my own business
at that age she was really abusive
I was really trying to get away from her
but again I love my mother and denial is a strong force.
but her parenting skills consisted and consist of abuse.
so if your child is rebelling
talk to them about drinking and sexual abuse in relation to young girls.
If they are being stalked, call the police.
a loving supportive place to be helps.
high school for me was dangerous and abusive as well.
the sexual harassment was horrible, refer back to about page forty or so on this post for examples
there is a really enlightening sexual harassment discussion on this post
teens are reacting to real problems in their lives often and they don't understand the dangers of drinking and such
they just want to be cool and act like adults and have a fun exciting party
they really don't know
as a girl the dangers are basically sexual abuse
tell your kids about reality,
i don't think a lot of adults know the first thing about reality in many ways  

also the Village has parenting skills a lot like my mother
abusive insane and such
like finds like
so I think a lot of the kids coming out of the Village are probably dealing with being abused and made to feel guilty in relation to sex worthy of the Spanish inquisition,
most likely after being sexually abused one way or another while being naive vulnerable adolescents
there's a healthy combination for a well adjusted adult
anyway you have been abused and you ran the gauntlet through
inquisitors red guards and red necks
congratulations and welcome to the harsh world of history and reality.
take good care of your self,
don't ever believe their lies
your probably relatively normal
in an abusive relationship you can always tell the abuser, they are the one who never apologizes and never analyses what they do in relation to perhaps it was wrong and I should change something?
The abused is always in a state of self doubt.  
take good care of yourself
don’t take all the blame on yourself
recognize what in A led to B which was bad and hurt you and try to change it
 the Village was real and horribly abusive
so was the other stuff that happened.
try to see it at face value and not to let it emotionally abuse you
be careful too, a lot of people lie about their real intentions
usually what you see and believe is correct,
people will try to tell you otherwise but you should trust your instincts,
instincts are those feelings underneath what you want to believe and what the person you have them about is telling you
try not to give the bastards at the Village power over you and all that.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2007, 12:18:17 PM
i'm sorry I started a new school in eighth grade.
i didn't get involved with anything in eighth grade though.
again I had my fist kiss in ninth grade.
it was a weird private school
the eighth graders ate lunch with the high school kids,
not a good thing
when i was thirteen i ate lunch with eighteen year olds
the sexual harassment was really bad.
and of course no adult did anything about it
I reported it and was ostracized and the popular girls would leave hate mail in my locker
ahh high school, got to love it.
i think it was a little like being in the Mafia or maybe a cult?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 24, 2007, 05:56:49 PM
also the stalker told me he went to a different school and was seventeen
it turned out he was well over eighteen, in his early twenties
i didn't know and believed him about being seventeen,
also he wouldn't go away, the definition of a stalker
i brought him home right away again, because I wanted my mom to do something or to at least see what she had to say
he, from an adults perspective, was not seventeen by a long shot!
also I think it is still illegal for a fourteen year old to date a seventeen year old?  
It is certainly illegal to stalk and beat up on a fourteen year old
as it is to intimidate them and so on.  
i was really naive, i had no idea that men often are very sexually aggressive, to the point of extremely dangerous.  
I thought "do you want to go out with me" meant to a movie or something.
I broke up with him pretty much every time I saw him,
Go research stalkers, please
He was a stalker
my parents are like abusive people every where,
they are not horrible all the time completely
but the when it does hit the fan it is very bad.
the rest of the time can lull you into a false sense of security/denial something.
I also simply wish they would stop beating up on me years later for no reason when it is nothing but counter productive
i was so young! i didn't know anything
it seems horrible that i still have to be abused about this as an adult
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on June 25, 2007, 02:51:57 PM
You are talking about the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 03:14:49 PM
don't be stupid it's the truth.
research the foster care system
type in abuse in the foster care system
while you drive through the country in the South,
count all the trailers you see
not the nice ones either
rose colored glasses are stupid
think about things in relation to reality and economics.
cost of living and how much someone who makes 7 or 8 dollars an hour really makes.
I work for a big corporate book store, I should make more money
I worked in a nice big department store, I'm sure you've been to it
Underneath the pretty packaging is a made in China or Bangladesh label
it's a different world than you want to believe or have been told to believe
in many places,
people know this!
they are not as stupid as you would like them to be!
go look up ADDERALL, go to the prescribing info page
I already copied and pasted it on this site.
so many young people are supposedly ADD
I was in PV
it really is like I say
the research is easy to do and it supports what I say!
It's a cute little circle, do you see?
A catch 22, you say, "your corrupt"
they say "your crazy"
ADD or Bi polar or something.

I live in my family?  
You don't read a whole lot of history do you?
It's real, I've spent a lot time proving it to myself.  
Sometimes fools like you won't let you believe your own eyes.
It's always been like this?  
research labor laws in southern states?
Go get a job in a southern department store as a young women without a college degree.

It's all true.  there is something odd about you?  
why would a legitimate person on this site be such an idiot
and an abusive one at that.
sounds like PV to me
thanks again for proving my points.
you guys give great examples.  

I talk about prejudice and sexuality in relation to women
it's hardly a new topic or especially nuts.
it comes up in college a lot.
economics certainly come into play in relation to the place of women in relation to sex and marriage
the working poor and all that.
if your husband or family is abusive, it makes it a lot harder to get away if you live in a state with horrible labor laws,
where you work many days over the five day work week
and get payed 7 or 8 dollars an hour?
It's the truth it's all the truth I was there.  
its corrupt as hell  

I hate how women always seem to be the ones that end up being sexually abused either by the rapist or by the prejudice society.  
prejudice lets women be raped or abused by sadists
hiding behind Christian values, like the Village.  
no man knows what it's like to feel afraid as they walk down a path by themselves in a state park
or to feel guilty for walking down a path by themselves in a state park
it is interesting how such "Christians," like the ones in the Village
seem to like the most lurid sexual stories.
they are half way between the bondage counselor, those were some cute pictures on her MySpace page
and Puritans.  
sadists hiding it behind Christianity.
dangerouse creatures.  
it's amazing how such people can seem to forget the whole
do unto others thing, and only keep psychotic prejudice

the rapists depend on it I think, the prejudice of the society  
it keeps women from telling, especially young vulnerable teens.
women really do face prejudice in relation to being sexually abused.
trusting stupid young naive girls especially
how can you expect such a young girl to know anything about the dangers of sexual predators, or sex in general?
society teaches us to be trusting and nice
and smile and agree and do as we are told.
drinking is dangerous,
we should teach young girls to be more careful
or they may get caught between rapists and Focus on the Family or something
I believe in God and that Christ was a incarnation of the holy spirit and all that,
and what did they do to the holy spirit?, they crucified it.
great :roll: that's appropriate
I think God's more on the kids sides then PVs for sure!

I know what PV is, they are really dangerous creatures.
like the KKK or something
I've seen them, they are monsters and they terrify me
they would do something horrible to me if they could I am sure
they do horrible things every day
but I can't stand to think of them abusing some kid right now, you know?
I can't stand to think of someone under that!
It's so ugly the prejudice!
DO you see what I am trying to say
it's the prejudice on top of the constant abuse and all the rest of the horror.
It's horror.

Why is freedom hell?
I'm simply talking about the freedom to get payed enough for working myself into exhaustion to pay my bills and buy a nice litte house
where I can put in a garden and let my cat's outside?
I think that's freedom.
to make enough money to be beholden to myself,
so if things don't work out I'll be able to walk away and keep myself safe.
I'm not looking for anything extreme, really that's it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 03:29:29 PM
Well I can't understand
Anything about you
Help you if I can
What can I do

Here's your new home
That's where you must be
In the institution
'Cause you're so lazy

But if you must act up
Again & again
'Cause everybody knows
You're a hopeless problem

You sound like you're sick
You look like you're sick too
You sound like you're sick
You sound like you're sick
You look like you're sick too
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 03:33:44 PM
i went to the beach.
and am actually in a great mood
I got an B+ in my summer classes.
sorry if I sound serious, but it's the truth and it's a serious topic
I think I'm going to minor in social work if I can.
I have some pretty hands on experience with it and all that.

Dear PV, since terrifyingly, i know you probably read this,
you could try having some compassion
why don't you let the kids read?  
it would help them get through college and such, so they can break out of the whole cycle of poverty thing?
they are a captive audience certainly
I'd bet they would find they all suddenly loved reading
there is a lot of reading in college
it would really probably help them
let them read fun stuff too
so they don't come to hate it because they associate it with you
job skills and study skills training might also be a good idea
you basically just break them and then let them put themselves back together as best they can,
while they are dealing with god knows what and trying to learn, often by themselves, about life and how to navigate it?
you could have less sadistic fun and leach perhaps just a little less money off of them,
or at least do some tiny bit of good to justify some of the tax dollars you are stealing?
At least perhaps to a judge you might someday have to meet?
perhaps people like me would feel less inclined to spend their hard earned free time trying to stop your abuse,
because they feel like they have to do something.
If you were a little less sadistic?
just a thought
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 03:46:24 PM
well that's interesting
I'm not lazy!!
I get A's I had a 3.7 GPA last semester and I work on average 32 hours a week, in retail, and it's very busy and I stand the whole time
It's not my fault the minimum wage is so low!!
your just PV and pissed
hah hah hah hah hah
i bet i cost you vampires some blood
I feel good thinking about the teens whose parents look up PV and see all the stuff I posted and the stuff other people posted
i helped organize some of them
I feel better thinking about how those parents didn't send their teen to be abused by you
I did some good this last year, what the hell did you do?
throw some foster kid to the floor and sit on them for hours till they choked on their vomit and came up covered in bruises,
your fat face all flushed and sweaty with happiness?
disgusting creature, I watched the way you people act
to little girls in hospital gowns.
did you denounce some foster kid trying to deal with sexual abuse
you are so sick you can't even see what you do
some rose colored glasses are beyond belief
again though, your post says much about what PV is.  
and you sound just like PV
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 04:11:44 PM
how do you know how i look?
if you come near me i'm suing!
I'm done now though
i've said everything there is to be said I think?
I don't feel like having something planted on me or something
Of course I'd past a drug test
but from the belly of the beast who's to know
I think there are more things like the Village perhaps in this country
I certainly know the Village is real
I'm sure you could cause me some trouble if you knew who I was
I'm sure I'd get out with all charges dropped
but I don't want to be hassled
I'm sure it would cost me time money and a very unpleasant day or two
the process is the punishment much of the time
it is what they teach us in my Law and Justice classes
seems to go against the guilty untill proven innocent civil liberty but what do I know
I really am done.
I've said my peice and done some good
hopefully others will take the tourch
I'm afraid of you honestly
I think you are incredibly dangerous and I'm done
it stresses me out to much
please change and God bless to all PV survivors
and be careful take care of yourself
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 04:55:16 PM
It takes a Village to raise a lunatic
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 06:26:46 PM
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
It has been said before, I am going to say it again.

                                    member of Covenant Health

One more time

and this time from the inside
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 07:48:36 PM
why is Liberty not freedom?
that's sounds like PV logic to me
isn't that pretty much central to American democracy? :roll:
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

sorry about the fat counselor comment
not very sensitive considering all the body issues in the Village
myself included and all
most women have them I think really
PV people make me angry

I don't really think PV can do anything to me
I think they would have done it already if they could?
that's not a challenge please!

the process really is the punishment in a lot of legal cases
it's from my law classes
they arrest you knowing that they can’t get a conviction
or that it's just a small misdemeanor  
but the process of getting arrested is so unpleasant, expensive and time consuming
that it is a good deterrent,
of course this basically entails punishing people, pretty severely, for a short period of time without having had them go to trial
cops also have a great deal of discretion in making an arrest and they exercise it
this leads a big opening for prejudices and such
but I don’t think PV has any connections to the police really
although PV is well connected to the State of Tennessee
so it is worrisome
I don’t know, all of this is scary
they can't just arrest me though
my family can go for a long time without being abusive
they have nice moments
if you are careful
and I'm used to living in this situation
I think I can reason with them
i know they won't do anything if I am careful
I'm going to finish college
i don't sound crazy?  

I'm not narcissistic either
that unhealthy self centeredness
what the hell is that  :roll:
Is that a medical term?
Basically PV can take anyone who's parents are nuts enough to want to send them there
I really did do a lot for all this
I posted over a year ago now
and that set Zen off, and helped warn him as to what PV was like
so they started asking questions and took pictures of PV staff restraining his daughter because she wanted to run back to her mom
and then it seemed like lots of people came out of the woodwork
there was some stuff before about PV
but I think Zen and I did get it rolling
i think Zen contacted a lot of them
I emailed a few
so I did do a lot to help PV people I guess
and I feel good about it
still waiting on the good karma though,  

what joey wrote is pretty creepy
I look sick?
How do you know how I look
Very threatening too
And pretty obviously PV
I don’t know, it’s all really scary really
The whole damn lot of it
But I make 7 dollars and hour and need to finish school
What can I do, except ignore it and keep going
i honestly wish I could move to another state
somewhere up north far away from tennessee
I'm scared that what PV might say might be seen as truth?
They have the cards in that department
if somewhere like PV says she's bi polar or something
I would guess it would be taken at face value by local police
I don't know it sounds far fetched but it all worries me
it scares me
my mother can't be wrong about anything ever
and she has a very bad temper
PV told her I'm Bi polar, which again I'm not
I live in my head
I'm never manic or depressed
I'm tired sometimes?
that's about it
and she can be abusive
so she uses it against me whenever I make her mad
even though I do my best usually to not make her mad
It's a pretty trapped existence honestly
but I really want to finish school
and even if I dropped out and worked full time
I don't think I would make enough to live

I only say the above  in defense of every one really
I feel like I am in danger here
but I can't afford to get out of it

really i think it's all just threats
sure the people are malevolent as hell
but they can't legally do anything
my mother loves me
somewhere underneath her very forceful temperment
my father loves me too
and really doesn't want to have to pay for it
I'll be so glad though to eventually get out of this
it's real life for sure
I really am not going to post anymore
I think I have done any good I can
and I feel that this is dangerous and stressful as well
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 07:59:44 PM
i suppose too
it is so much less lazy to abuse foster kids horribly
for millions of dollars?
or a counselor, for nothing really I'd guess
yes you are a real hard working American
more like a leach
who steals insurance money and tax dollars

Why don't you get a more honest job, or at least one that doesn't make you a monster
and then you can have the nerve to call someone else lazy
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 08:02:15 PM
i suppose too
it is so much less lazy to abuse foster kids horribly
for millions of dollars?
or a counselor, for nothing really I'd guess
yes you are a real hard working American
more like a leach
who steals insurance money and tax dollars

Why don't you get a more honest job, or at least one that doesn't make you a monster
and then you can have the nerve to call someone else lazy
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 08:35:09 PM
i posted as mokara last year
it really got the ball rolling
of course Abigail wrote a book about it
so there is that documentation too

it took me how many years to do this?
things that happen to you when you are young have an odd way of popping up years later when you start to process them better and not just run from them

so it isn't too nuts to think PV might be pissed
this internet thing is relatively new forum
so any way I'm not totally nuts and paranoid
I'm sure PV wants Mokara's head on a pole outside their gates and all that
I've been rather cagey about it
Honestly PV scares the hell out of me
baiting your demons is probably not the best thing for Post traumatic stress
I just felt like something needed to be done
and now something is
and I think I will stop for my peace of mind
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 08:37:50 PM
I'm going to try to get other organizations involved too
ACLU wasn't any help
neither was child protection
probably should stop baiting those demons now
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 11:21:04 PM
I really did work eleven days in a row at the department store
And I worked twelve hours in one day
The eleven days was the most extreme time and unusual
Seven to eight was not really unusual though
About once a month
I would be asked to work well over the five day work week
the eleven days were proof of how understaffed they were
and how they overworked the staff they did have
the only other full time employee’s brother, who she was taking care of, had died of liver cancer
all the other employees were part time,
although they worked closer to full time schedules
my manager had planned a vacation at the same time as the other employees brother happened to die and I was the only one there to pick up the days
some overtime would have been nice, but as the clock starts back over at zero on Sunday, whether you have had a day off or not, you don’t work over the forty hour work week
I was actually told to go home half way through my eleventh day because I would have gone into overtime, they never ever pay you overtime
They tell you to go home if you work over the forty hour work week
Which is the only way you get over time
This just means you have to work forty hours between Sunday and Saturday because on Saturday the clock starts back over at zero whether you have had a day off or not
Thought I’d repeat that again
the day I worked twelve hours, was the day after Thanksgiving super sale day,
they had us come in at 4:30am and instead of letting us go home at say 1:00pm they kept us till 5:00pm
there were many times I worked over the normal eight hour work day
this is normal for salaried employees at desk jobs of course
but any job where you stand the whole time, it is tiring

the store makes a great deal of money, as does the one where I work now
they tell us what there sales are and such and they do great
It’s just another way to keep costs low.
It was really tiring
It was a physically demanding job,
I worked in a busy section of the women’s clothing department
we moved tons literally of clothes,  
Again all the clothes are made overseas in places South America or China
they mark the stuff down till they are practically giving it away
And they move a lot of clothes that way
The store was always really crammed
You could barely walk for all the racks
People would complain, people in wheel chairs forget it
No way through
Management allowed for no standing around
And they are quite harsh about it
They are understaffed so you are constantly really busy
And you get barked at a lot
No matter how hard you work
Again management style is basically we can replace you at anytime
Retail jobs too there is always some hidden situation
where you are required to come in early to do markdowns
or stay till 2 in the morning doing inventory
I worked at Bath & Body Works and every month or so we had to do floor sets
Floor sets required us to rearrange everything in the store to change with the seasons
There are a lot of seasons at Bath & Body Works
About two a month it seemed like
So we would have to stay till two am to do it
It used to make me really nervous coming home at night because I lived alone then
My job now, I don’t get out till midnight
which leaves me tired of course
It’s depressing I guess to think that all the fun stuff at Bath & Body Works is set by exhausted college students getting paid 6.50 dollars and hour
who risk being mugged in the parking lot
But it’s even more depressing to think about the sweat shops in Guatemala or China where most of what you are wearing is made.
So anyway I’m not exaggerating
i think this how they get a lot of the staff at PV honestly
I'm not making excuses for them
I'm just saying
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 03, 2007, 11:31:32 PM
I got this off the State Department of Labor's website
for those who live under a rock
the Department of Labor is a state agency
it just has a catchy name
rather like Child Protection Services
it backs up what I said
I've written to a bunch of local representative about it but no one has written me back hmmmm?  I wonder why?

There are no wage and hour laws that limit the amount of hours that a person 18 years of age or older can work either by the day, week, or number of days in a row, or that require breaks for employees 16 years of age or older.
And an employer is free to adjust the hours of its employees regardless of what the employees are scheduled to work.
For example: To avoid having to pay time and one-half overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek that is Sunday thru Saturday, an employer could adjust the hours of an employee who has already worked 34 hours by the end of a Thursday by requiring that the employee work only 6 hours on Friday and not work on Saturday at all regardless if the schedule had called for this employee to work 8 hours on Friday and Saturday.
Also, this may be done regardless if the employee agreed to this or not. An employer can make the scheduling or rescheduling of its employees hours worked as a condition of employment.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 03, 2007, 11:47:47 PM
Or just put the person on a salary rather than an hourly pay schedule. That way you can work them as long as you want. I put in about 80 to 100 hours a week at Three Springs.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 04, 2007, 12:19:46 PM
Happy Independence Day, Free.  You're right, your Mokara posting was the the first report on PV with detailed descriptions my wife read.  She was so upset and close to being physically ill from reading half of it, she had to stop and asked me to read it.  I thought she was being weird, nothing could be that bad, but damn if I didn't have a cold, sick feeling after reading your report.

Then the other survivors started speaking up.  PV would like to have quite a few heads on pikes in front of STU.  I wouldn't let PV worry you.  If they were that thuggish, I wouldn't be around anymore.  They know we've crept around the facility grounds, I think a PV security cam caught me urinating on one of the buildings.  That act was a display of my regard for Peninsula Village.

Buzzkill and DieYuppieScum have both mentioned something recently that's really insightful - these programs only succeed when they take all hope away from a kid.  I guess the programs operate like Dante's Inferno.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 04, 2007, 09:32:10 PM
They know we've crept around the facility grounds, I think a PV security cam caught me urinating on one of the buildings. That act was a display of my regard for Peninsula Village.

Dude... I lol'd...  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 06, 2007, 01:53:31 PM
i know i said I'd stop but life keeps tossing me interesting stuff!
I went to my doctors yesterday to pick up a prescription
there was a flyer at the desk for
"Attention: Pharmaceutical Representatives"
I thought this was telling and funny

to quote

"Attention: Pharmaceutical Representatives

In order to best meet the needs of our patients and maintain a smooth work environment, we have recently changed out policy for pharmaceutical representives visits.

We will be happy to accommodate up to five pharmaceutical representatives per day on:
Tuesday-Friday, between the hours of 2PM-4PM.
We cannot have any visits on Monday.
For further detail on your product with the physician, you may still contuinue to schedule lunch meetings on Tuesday thru Friday with our dispensary Technician.

We appreciate your willingness to work with us and trust you will understand the need for this change in policy."

I thought it was funny too, that while I was there the woman next to me was a pharmaceutical rep. and she had this enormous bag of samples and was very much in the way.
It is also telling because I have noticed my doctor tends to recommend the new improved medication over the old ones I always used.  This is annoying because my healthcare is limited and does not cover the new medications.  I've had to go back to my doctor multiple times to get different prescriptions worked out based on this.  Also the new improved medicines seem to always have odd side effects.  I went in for PTS and anxiety so my doctor put me on the new and improved different version of Zoloft.  It's not Zoloft and I don't think it is made by the same company.  It made me feel very odd and my fingers went numb!  When I went back and told her this she said, "many people describe this."  It made me feel unpleasantly high honestly, and I had to work!  Not a fun day.  I won't even tell you what the new and improved medicines for stomach problems do.  Also, no offence to my doctor, but she always seems to be very hurried, they seemed to take much more time with me when i had my parents expensive insurance.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 06, 2007, 03:31:12 PM
'Unpleasantly high", huh?  Lemme make a note: "Get new, improved, fake Zoloft tomorrow..."  

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 06, 2007, 05:25:08 PM
help keep the drug pushers off the streets - hook them up with a phamaceutical company and call them a drug rep - legitimate them - no more standing on a street corner at all hours avoiding the cops while trying to work! rest assured you'd be pushing something fda approved not cut with whatever cheap cleaning agent the so called chemist from the hood has round his house at the time - nobody need that crap! where's the good stuff anyway - i want my mdma the clean way!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 08, 2007, 01:41:39 AM
i wish I could live on campus.  I just thought about that, because I'm always complaining about how I have to work for chump change and go to school so I can't afford to move out, you all probably think why doesn't she live on campus.
 i didn't explain that i'm accepted as an adult 23+ student rather then your average student so the option to live in the ordinary dorms was not given to me.  I have two cats i love dearly too.  I should talk to them any way.  I think they may have adult housing near campus, for married students or something.  I really should ask.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2007, 03:42:32 PM
really though,
the people who should feel best about what good they have done in the past year are those that maintain websites such as this one that give survivors a forum to discuss the abuse they indured!

they really have done the most good by far, thank you

also as far as my family life goes,
it is certainly bad at times but if you think about it, it is not that unusual in context of reality and history.
While everything I said has been true, there are long intervals between abusive situations usually.  
In general the mindset around here is one of the hardest things,
ie. you were abused as a very young teen because of, "interject sexual slur" or something
but as for history, if you look at it, this has been the teaching tool and a major control factor in relation to the place of women forever.
the abuse is by no means as bad as it could be and is avoidable usually
there isn't really an argument as toward right or wrong here,
it is more simply a situation of conflict abuse avoidance.
looked at from the perspective of say a woman in a 19th century household,
my situation was probably very common, in many countries it is still probably the norm,
It is not an abnormal situation I think is what I am trying to say.
It has much precedent, and many people have gotten through it or lived under it.
As an American I have tended to try to talk through things here,
to address problems and try to work through them in a "therapeutic" manner.  
THis is TV psychology anyway.  Real psychology, the Village has taught me, is very different.
From the perspective of a 19th century woman, talking through things would have most likely not come up.
You simply live and make the best of it and avoid abuse if possible.  
I don't try to help my parents see where there is abuse, this just makes them angry.  
I simply try to avoid that abuse.
we all watch too much Lifetime and have therefore come away with TV psychology admiring and demanding that an abused person get away immediately.
without understanding, from the perspective of that 19th century woman or PV survivor, where the hell was she to go?
marriage or prostitution were the usual options in the 19th century.  
Running away without planning never did any good.
taking the time to perhaps start a small business, or enroll in the one college that would take her,  
while this perhaps entailed living where she had always lived for a while longer, it certainly was a safer and a more rewarding path in the long term.  
I at least can finish college and avoid abuse for another year.  
And thank god, it isn't the 19th century,
I'm sure there will be a few instances of abuse, but who cares what my parents think or say?
It's past the point of being hurtful.  I just am worried as to if I am in any danger?
I don’t think I am if I am careful and don’t argue with them.
They are free I guess to look at the world as horribly as they please.  
my mother got back from vacation in a good mood, and life around here has been much better.
basically what I am saying is that I am fine.  
It is a  psychologically abusive place,
but it is manageable.
I have lived here this long, and done very well in school, although it always seems to get abusive around exam week which is hard.
this is not what I want it to be, none of life is really what I want it to be.
I figured that out a little while ago.  
It's not an ideal, it is simply what it is and you have to interact with it according to what it is.  
I can't change it here but I can work within it to get out of it
as far as all the sisters throughout history, space and time go, I should have some DNA that helps me through this.

Also as people have survived under such situations for forever and a day, this is not a dangerous situation.  
This is not some tabloid news crap, women rarely throughout time, people always like to act like your going to go postal if you complain, this is bull.  
Historically such situations are very rare really, while women living under men or families that use sexual prejudice is extremely common.
so anyway that is just another oppressive tool.  
to keep complaining to a minimum and to allow abuse.

Do you like your job?  Can you just tell your boss to go to hell and quit?  
No more can I tell my parents what I really think about how they view the world, and walk away.
It’s real life, I don’t have enough money and I need to finish college and I am accepted as an adult so I can’t live on campus.  
I’m glad I get to go to college at all, I’ve spent a great deal of time trying to get accepted to various Universities, usually only to be rejected because of my high school credits, or lack thereof, from PV.
But again while everything I have said is true, my parents are just people,
Certainly you must also have family members like them?  
they are able to be worked around if not reasoned with.
they are a mixed bag and I love them.  
they can be nice, it's hard to reconcile what else goes on sometimes.
Anyway it is simply a place to live and despite the horrible things I have talked about here, it is endurable until I finish school or can find some roommates, who aren't worse then my parents.
A lot of roommates really are worse then my parent
I said I liked Candide a lot.  this is why
the world as I have seen it, is out of the frying pan into the fire.
i'm building my own damn fire and I'm going to have a college degree so people can't do stuff to me and I can walk away if they get too nuts!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 10, 2007, 04:06:49 PM
i guess somewhere in my head, I see PV staff going,
"she's addicted to abuse."
Like I like to be abused on some strange level or something.
people out of PV get what I'm saying here, although it probably sounds nuts to any one else.
it's just what PV does to you, idiotic slurs equivalent to
"she was asking for it."
that damn Jenny Jones school of psychology.
I could hear the argument, I am used to and acclimated to abuse and therefore have a higher tolerance for it, but that's about it.
Also PV certainly contributed to this.
I hate being abused.  I am very much against it.  I wrack my brain trying to figure out how I can afford to move out of here.
I am also poor, overworked, underpaid and trying to finish school.
It's not that bad here much of the time, although I think I have given you all a nice slice of why it is bad some of the time.

also this is pretty relevant to teens,
my family has always been like this.  
now you all tell me to move out, to stop abusing myself and such.
would you say the same thing to a teen?  
I think the teen should report the abuse,
although both ways of dealing might land them in PV.
moving out as a teen is running away
and reporting it could also certainly land you in PV.
what should teens in abusive families like mine do?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 11, 2007, 03:11:54 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""
i guess somewhere in my head, I see PV staff going, "she's addicted to abuse."

If that's the case, they must be addicted to inflicting abuse, because they provide it in quantities guaranteed to lead to an overdose.

Quote from: ""mokara""
also this is pretty relevant to teens,
my family has always been like this.  
now you all tell me to move out, to stop abusing myself and such.
would you say the same thing to a teen?  
I think the teen should report the abuse,
although both ways of dealing might land them in PV.
moving out as a teen is running away
and reporting it could also certainly land you in PV.
what should teens in abusive families like mine do?

There's no easy answer to that, I wish there were.  I can't remember if you've talked about it, but do you see a counselor at all?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 12, 2007, 06:26:26 PM
Have PV survivors formed any type of support group?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 12, 2007, 06:33:38 PM
guess somewhere in my head, I see PV staff going,
"she's addicted to abuse."
Like I like to be abused on some strange level or something.

This is straight out of the textbook abuse fantasy, that the victim secretly wants it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 12, 2007, 11:12:18 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Have PV survivors formed any type of support group?

No, not yet.  PV's policies make it very hard for the kids to stay in contact after they leave.  The former students end up isolated.
Title: I have mailed a little around
Post by: Covergaard on July 13, 2007, 01:40:15 PM
And I got a person so make a myspace group:

The url can be seen on the Peninsula Village page the webpage I host: ... illage.htm (
Title: need to know?
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 13, 2007, 09:41:43 PM
i went to PV.. i can tell ya what you need to know... alot of my stuff I have posted on the cafety site... im jerseychick on there
Title: some of my postings on the Cafety site
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 13, 2007, 10:12:51 PM
sounds like from McGregors philosophy,
PV staff would definetely fall under Theory X rather than Theory Y

Theory X
assumes that workers are basically lazy, error-prone, and extrinsically motivated by money
they need simple tasks, close monitering, and incentives to work harder

Theory Y
assumes that, given challenge and freedom, workers are intrisically motivated to achieve self esteem and to demonstrate their competence and creativity.

hmm just another random but important thought....
Jersey Gurl

Money making ignoramouses is what PV staff is. Obviously they are so oblivious and ignorant as to what professionalism is. They try to speak so highly of themselves, yet their actions are sabotaging them. I wish a psychiatric evaluation could be done on them. The facades they try to put up about being this big shot, immaculate treatment facility, is so obvious to those who can read between the lines, are completely false.
They are immature as well and in a way demented. I mean where do people get off snickering and cackling at those in need of real medical and therapeutic attention. Are their patients just their entertainment? how could any of the staff there "love their job"? unless of course they are sick in their own ways.
Maybe the snickering and crude remarks about their patients is really them transferring their own feelings onto innocent victims of their abuses.
The restraints are how they get out their anger. I mean come on, at the drop of a hat for no reason, boom... their goes a patient onto the floor. The pressure applied is very strong. Its almost as if they are trying to squeeze out their issues going on in their unstable and sick minds. Kind of transference again except on a physical level.
Like the opposite of self mutilation. self mutilation is a way of escaping from dealing with negative emotions. Staff on the other hand, basically in a way, each restraint is like another cut onto their arm.
I know for myself, if I worked one day at Peninsula, or any of these horrid RTCs, I wouldnt be able to live with myself. These people who are the staff there, claim to love their job. What person in their RIGHT mind would love the job they have? I dont know... something just doesnt seem right with that whole issue.
are their lives simply that pathetic? or is their a much deeper issue here?
Like i mentioned briefly before, what ever happened to Personell Psychology?
Personell Psychology for those that do not know, is:
a subfield of industrial organiztional psych. that focuses on employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, appraisal, and development.

sounds like this "psychiatric treatment facility" should work on their own "psychological issues, first starting in their "professinal work enviroment" and second maybe with themselves

just a thought.

I found it.. in the introduction handbook

" Many times parents feel angry, anxious, sad, and even guilty, not sure if they have made the right decision. be prepared that your adolescent is aware of these feelings and either consciously or unconsciously may attempt to arouse feelings of guilt and anxiety. there are some typical ways that adolescents attempt to do this.
The most obvious example of this attempt is the full frontal guilt attack. ""why did you put me here? you do not care about me. If you take me out of here I will do anything, I have realized I was wrong, please give me one more chance. Ill Kill myself if you dont take me out of here"" these attempts directly attack your feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for your child.
The second attempt is more subtle and involves your adolescent misinforming, lying, or telling half truths to raise feelings of guilt and anxiety. Typical examples include: "" My therapist told me it was your fault I am here. The staff does not know what they are doing.""
The third example is an attempt to exploit normal parental concerns regarding an adolescents safety. Examples include;"" they are not feeding me. Staff makes fun of me. My peer is a violent psycho. Compared to other kids here my problems are not that serious""
Do not let these attempts to make you feel guilty work. As long as your child believes that he/she might escape responsibility he or she will not change. Often adolescents are actually terrified of change and their oppositional and defiant behavior is a way of avoiding dealing with the painful aspects of their lives. So of course they are going to continue to try to avoid responsibility and introspection. "

that came straight from the introduction to PV guide given to parents.
sounds to me like a desperate attempt to trun parents against their own children in order to rake in the money for them to wipe their sorry excuse for lifes asses.
Those are pretty powerful lines of manipulation dont you think? sounds like Peninsula themselves are trying to make their pathetic attempts to convince you work for THEIR advantage.
Sounds like uh..what they used to call "Splitting" telling you one thing and them the other.
Staff ridicules you constantly, yet they are telling parents right there in black and white that if their adolescent is telling them this, that it is just an " attempt to directly ATTACK the parents feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for their child."
PV should have learned that they should get their story straight and quit the lies because lies always come back to bite you in the fuckin ass.

PV also states that they cannot admit anyone with an IQ below 85
Sorry but most staff dont seem to be much over that themselves.

They cannot admit anyone who is diagnosed with psychosis.
They are Psychotic for thinking they can get away with this shit

They seem to prey on the vulnerable teens who have issues such as:

---Depression or mood disorder

The approach on this issue seems to be HIGHLY increasing it, also gives staff a reason to laugh if you cry or try to talk about it

---Drug or alcohol abuse

Pudgeboy Pegler fiends these types of issues. I think he gets off on it. The pound by pound perv

---Oppositional beahvior or conduct problems

Defy their bullshit, theyll tie you to a bed

---Effects of traumatic experiences

Ah, this one, they do a great job of making your trauma disappear and bring on a new one. Trauma=PV

---Self endangering or self injurious behavior

They have a great rating of helping increase such behavior

---Out of control behavior and the ability to accept adult authority

Open your mouth, your done.

Yours Truly

Jersey Gurl

My admission day to the village, from the beginning i knew i was in for a wild ride. It started with being escorted to the Village. I arrived in Knoxville and had one of those bad gut instinction feelings. I knew before I walked in this was not going to be pleasant. I was taken to the nurses station where I met with a nurse and then was brought up to STU now known as GAAU ((girls admission and assessment unit)). the place in itself is depressing. You walk through the doorways of hell. I was shoved into a metal chair in front of the staffs desk. I signed my life away. when i went to ask a question, i was shut down. then they said that I needed to be strip searched. my immediate reaction was fuck you you pervs. They led me into the bathroom where I had to strip all of my clothing except my underwear. Then they told me to pull my underwear to the side, bend over and cough to see if i was hiding anything in a territory that was private. I was crying and was told to quit being dramatic. I sat my practically naked ass on the cold floor when they told me to stand up, strip completley and take a shower in which the shower stall had half of a shower curtain. they told me it was to moniter me. this shocked me. i had never had anyone monitor my shower time. so i told them to go fuck themselves. with that i guess it infuriated them and two of the staff grabbed me by the arms and led me straight into the time out room. the room was bare. i had seen this shit in the movies but never actually experienced one. little did i know that that would become very familiar. I was told to sit with my back against the wall and not to talk. i needed to think about my actions. i was panic sticken. my anxiety was going through the roof. I threw up all over the floor in there which i was later made to clean up. then they asked me awhile later if i was willing to cooperate. i shrugged my shoulders and they showed me to my cubicle aka my bed. I was told once again to sit up straight with my legs crossed and not to look at anyone. If i could not follow this i would be escorted back to time out.
Well I was exhausted, so i leaned over onto my elbow. Some fat chick who was a patient and apparently one of the "trusted" saw me do this. she asked for permission to confront the new girl for laying down. I was like uh so what?! she was granted permission and she called a group. everyone stood. i was shocked i didnt know these robot patients were able to move. everyone was like a zombie. I didnt stand, for lack of this phenomenon not being explained to me. i was barked at the stand whenever group is called.
she confronted me and said thats all. everyone sat back down simultaneously. Drones i tell you.
Later on, i didnt give a shit so i laid down. fuck that fat bitch.
Staff came over and grabbed me by the arms and escorted me to the time out cubicle this time instead of the room because apparently the room was occupied. I was told to sit there not move and not talk and to stare at the wall of the cubicle. Well after awhile of sitting there, they gave me my meal which i ate on the floor. when i finished eating i stood up to go back to my coffin of a bed. Next thing I knew, I was grabbed, kicked in the back of the knees and fell to the floor. an extremely loud, obnoxious alarm went off. I was panic sticken worse than ever. what the hell is happening??? down on the ground I lay, face down with people sitting on me holding me down. one or two holding my legs, one on each arm, one sitting on my lower back, and one holding my head down when i tried to lift it up to breathe. I thought i was going to die. Felt my lungs collapsing. Still in shock, I vommitted once again. my face shoved back into it. ugh. What seemed like forever, they then picked me up, about 10 people. they carried me like some animal back into the forbidden time out room. i was stripped of my clothes by the staff and then dressed into hospital gowns with old blood stains on them. this is all while still being held down. later on, i was released and sent back to my bed. then there was group. i had to introduce myself and tell why i was in gowns. i had no idea why i was so i made some shit up.
later on there were showers and then some other sort of groups. i was told to make my bed just like every one elses. i didnt know what the standards for intricate bed making were so i made it like i did at home. i was yelled and criticised for that by some 23 year old counselor. finally after other bullshit, we went to sleep. if only i had been aware that bed time was the only semi peaceful time i would experience for the next 6 months.

what a day what a day
Jersey Gurl

Mind control.. its how these fuckers get away with what they do.. first, breaking the barrier of the parents who are worried sick about their troubled teen.. I dream about being able to do something like hacking in to find out when admit request information is made and then quickly send out a packet of info of my own thats not bullshit... Corruption is what is killing this world. Everything is so corrupt now a days... I live in Jersey, so you dont have to explain corruption to me. The whole state and its government here is totally corrupt. All of our tax dollars and homeland security money go to the mafia. The real Tony Sopranos.
Im getting off subject here dont get me started on corruption here either.
Saying right in the handbook sent to parents it says that dont fall into your childs manipulation trap. They are going to tell you how horrible it is here at the Village. They might tell you that other patients are much worse off then they are and that this place is terrible....HMM i find that interesting to put in the Welcome to PV Hell handbook. Take it and shove it farther than anything has ever gone.
People who dont believe in the corruption and manipulation in facilities like this and others, are blind to reality. Of course when they have you speak to former patients parents, they are only going to tell you great things about PV. How much it helped and how it completely turned their childs life around. Im sure those "actors" are paid off well by Covenant Health. All they see in potential victims...cough...i mean patients, are $$$$ dollar signs $$$$
lets see how long we can pull this off they are saying to themselves I am sure.
Like they truly give a shit about the kids there. THey could care less. Its just another 9-5 job. Like look at one counselor whos name I wont mention. She is a counselor at PV and had websites with highly disturbing images on them that she calls her art and expression with photography.
i dont know but if this is someones hobby who is one of the counselors supposed to be helping societys "troubled" youth, then my god.
real smart also to post it up on the internet... it was not hard to find at all.
im not saying that people cant have their own weird fantasies and shit, god knows i do in other ways, but for a PV counselor to post it on the internet is first of all stupid to do for her own sake, proves lack of maturity, shows how well PV looks into who they hire. what ever happened to personell psychology when considering someone for a position? how unprofessinal on their part and also its not like we are talking about hiring someone to work the day shift at a 7-11.
This is supposedly a highly accredited treatment center.
I mean when I was employed at a local medical center, the screening proccess was very specific and difficult to get in to be able to work there. I went through lots of interviews and background checks and personality tests, drug screenings, etc before I was hired. I was just a patient transporter. These people are the ones "caring for" your troubled teens.
Maybe Im old fashioned and believe in carefully screening an individual before hiring them.

Also no one ever seems to want to answer any questions that you may have. It was told to me when I was at PV that every time I was restrained or my medication changed, that my father would be informed about it. I asked him about that and he said they would call once in a blue moon to relay the message.
Like I said before I also requested to report a grievance that I had, which was about my bruises and physical pain. Some lady who I have no idea who she was came and met with me awhile later.
there is no such word in PVs vocabulary such as privacy. It is completely invaded and is taken away from you. For instance and I know this is a nasty subject but it seems important, when you had your period, and you used the bathroom, you had to wrap up your used feminine product and then show it out the stall door before you could flush your toilet. That is just fuckin wrong man.
Our bathroom times were on their terms to and timed. Before you went into the bathroom you had to hold up either one finger for urinating, two fingers for shitting, and some weird hand gesture if you needed to also change your feminie hygiene product. Jeez I dont know but being timed on your time to piss or whatever you needed to do, thats just flat out fucking ridiculous.
you had 1 minute to pee, 2 minutes for #2 and an extra 30 seconds if you needed to change.
god damn.
haha i dont know it just makes me laugh when i think about some of this bullshit because thats what it truly is. BULLSHIT

I think this is enough for the minute, I have to go to the bathroom and I now am so thankful to have the priveledge of not being timed. hahaha

sorry for the grossness but it is important

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/13 00:25
Jersey Gurl
Title: more of my postings
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 13, 2007, 10:16:41 PM
former PV patients will get this sarcasm:

((raises hand waiting to be called upon))
((Everyone Stands))
Group I would like to confront Peninsula Village of being the scum of the earth
Thats all
((Everyone sits back down on their beds)))
((Leader records the confront later to be discussed in consequence group))

Leader: ((raises hand waits to be called upon)
may I have permission to ask the group to come to the day room for consequence group?

Horrid staff member:
You may

the group is informed to go to the dayroom for consequence group
sitting with their heads down, staff member enters the circle of chairs and leader asks to begin consequence group.
Consequence group begins.
heads rise from staring at the floor and Leader reads off the confronts and group is to decide an appropriate consequence for each confront.
When PVs confront is brought up the consequence has been decided after a vote. the results are:


Jersey Gurlthe amount of damage this place has caused is unbelieveable.
GED or High school graduates working as counselors, must be a good gig for them. Undereducated to understand the "troubled ones" issues. Bunch of horse shit.
malpractice issues.. scum
abuse and cruelty... intolerable
breaking the rules of clients rights... who would pay 100.000 to be made to be more fucked up than ever?
Sounds like great therapy to me.
meal restrictions are rediculous... the low cholestorol diet, the finger food diet... haha that one always made me laugh espcially since this one chick who was on finger food restriction, cut her arm with a broken chicken bone. that was a classic.
I have to admit that being tied down to a bed all day and into the hours of the night.. i think that was the worst case of boredom I ever had... what is a chick to do when you cant even change seating positions or get a drink or much less piss is a frikin toilet and not a bedpan?
having meals fed to you like your an animal. staff would spoon feed me while im tied down. what fun.
should have spit it right in their faces. damn. wish i thought of that sooner.
I did manage to get them a few times tho. I put up a few good fights when a restraint was in my path.
Funny I had a nightmare the other night about PV. I was back there wanting to leave so badly. Somehow in my dream, i beat the undereducated staff to a pile of worthless waste, grabbed the keys, and got out. what fun that night of sleep was. HAHAHAH
Maybe Im sick but i dont give a shit, so are they.
the fuckkers are goin down.

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/12 14:50
Jersey Gurl

There is something that really just bugs the shit out of me... Peninsula Village is to treat adolescents with depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders, etc.
Now maybe Im old fashioned but these issues are where we need to help sufferers by helping them gain self confidence. PV breaks you down to a mere nothing. For example, before I went into PV I had extreme anxeity and depression issues. My mother passed away at a crucial age of 14 years old for me. I thought everyone in my High School here in Jersey didnt understand, that they were laughing at me and thought of me as some psychotic chick.
PV seemed to try and VERIFY that more than help me build my self confidence back up. I was told that I always blame others and do not look at myself. when on the contrary, I was always blaming myself and hated who I was. Breaking me down to that mere nothing, did the reverse of "mending my life and restoring my family". It fucked it up even more. I can remember feeling so low when I was there because not only was I depressed, but they helped me to feel like shit.
I do not think that people realize what all goes on there, but from a former patient, Ill tell you. I will keep coming back and posting more.

Truly Yours
Jersey Gurl

PV tends to beat the "truth" out of you. Always saying.. I know there is more than that that you need to tell the group. Fuck that. Bitchboy McLain can kiss my ass.
Pegler I kicked in the balls, literally, during a restraint.
He told me I had an addiction to sedatives. I threw it back in his face saying that I never touched one until I came to PV.
It cost over 8500 a month to stay there. Maybe its just me but I could have better used that money to go on a cruise or something nice. Im sure McLain and Pegler and all of them are living the life of luxury. Well, not for long. I dont give a shit, Ill fight em till the day I die. Like I said, Karmas a bitch and so am I.
We need to stand up for ourselves, and for the rest of the youth out there in a quest to bring this shit to an end. Fuck em. And fuck their bullshit.
Jersey Gurl

PV in my OPINION.. is a money sucking corrupt company that takes advantage of parents who are extremely worried about their youths and uses that to keep the patients a coming. They want to manipulate parents by saying how wonderful they are, when from a past patients point of view, they are totally full of shit. They dont follow their guideline criteria for admissions and they dont know how to treat adolescents with depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders. They always are telling you each time that you open your mouth that you are attention seeking and the consequences come up. They say that you have addiction problems even if you do not and they brainwash your parents or legal guardians into believing that when you tell them how terrible it is there that you are being manipulative and not responding properly to treatment.
I remember when I was there, I wanted to report a grievance that I felt I had about how I was being treated. Some illegitimate lady came to talk to me, and later on I had to process it in group. It was decided that I was in denial and that I needed to focus on how I am not taking responsibility for my actions.
My actions?!?? what about them taking responsibility for their actions?!?!?!
who is with me?
Jersey Gurl

Karmas a bitch and so am I when it comes to these RTC asses. Im not afraid of em. Multibillion dollar companies? Take that and shove it. I will not back down, I will fight these pricks till I die. They wont intimidate me, they dont scare me. wanna send a hit out on me or some shit? it will come back to them. These mamalukes want to try and scare us out of putting them in their place. Well, they tried to "put me in my Place" and now its time to fight back. Whatever they say or do to me, I no longer live in fear. Im a pissed off victim. Screw em. Watch out were coming. At least I am.. WHos with me?

If we settle for nothing now, we will always settle for nothing.

There is no shelter here. The frontline is everywhere. they wanna fight, im ready.

We have got what it takes.. Renegades is what we are.. So once again who is with me?!?


Yea man, lets do it. Im not scared of any RTC pansies.
Title: who is with me
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 13, 2007, 10:25:44 PM
lets get these pricks to the point where theyre shitting their pants... like i said, they didnt scare, intimidate me whatsoever when i was there.. even when they were tying me down or pinning me to the ground covering me in bruises, i still screamed at em to go fuck themselves. Now, Ill scream it from the rooftops, for everyone to hear.


Im standing at the frontline, waiting for you.
Title: ?
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 13, 2007, 10:49:46 PM
anyone have feedback???
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on July 14, 2007, 08:35:20 AM
Thanks for posting, I got a question.... Outside of the STU I've heard that kids were forced to perform manual labor, I don't remember the specifics but could you elaborate on that. Was it described as a work therapy program?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 14, 2007, 10:02:44 AM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Thanks for posting, I got a question.... Outside of the STU I've heard that kids were forced to perform manual labor, I don't remember the specifics but could you elaborate on that. Was it described as a work therapy program?

i never got outside of the admission unit... they kicked me out after 6 months.. but in the parent guidebook one of their criteria for patients they cannot admit is that
"physical problems that would interfere with vigorous physical activity"
Title: PV Q and A
Post by: stoodoodog on July 14, 2007, 10:26:57 AM
Have you checked out the PV Q and A thread under Facilities? Here is the link- (

Thanks for posting your story.
Title: GAAU
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 14, 2007, 10:28:22 AM
Some basic rules of admission unit

1. no moving about unit without permission
2. your child may not journal. they need to learn to express feelings verbally.
3. beds must be left neat and tidy when an adolescent gets up off of it to attend an activity.
4. staff should be addressed as Mr., Mrs., or Dr. or "yes ma'me"
5. Do not speak without permission

Number 1 and 5 blow my mind still to this day

also calling one mr, mrs, dr, or yes ma'me annoys me. those are things u say when u have respect for someone and I certainly have zero respect.

Bitches should have respected their patients

Cuz now one of is here, Im going to expose all that I can.

And now they cant use TCI shit on me.

Im wild. haha.
Bring it bitches :flame:
Title: Re: PV Q and A
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 14, 2007, 10:30:34 AM
Quote from: ""stoodoodog""
Have you checked out the PV Q and A thread under Facilities? Here is the link- (

Thanks for posting your story.

Ugh PV sleazy scums
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 15, 2007, 04:02:54 PM
Hey, Settle, I'm glad you came on to tell your story.  Some people may not be aware they've read a little of it already.  I'll get the IM going Monday, I sent you a message about the partying this weekend.  

Definitely check out TSW's thread on PV in Facility questions and answers.  He's Dan the Chainsaw Man, as well. I sent you a more in-depth message about TSW, check it out.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 17, 2007, 02:29:03 AM


Today we strike back. This is open shot of what is to becomes something better.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 17, 2007, 02:31:03 AM


It's on now.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 17, 2007, 02:34:27 AM
HELLL YEA!!!!! thats some serious swordfish action there!! haha... together, we will bring the scums to view of the world... may they burn eternally in hell!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2007, 01:58:46 AM
I wrote something a while back about how we seem to expect people to just walk out in all abusive relationships like it’s TV or something.
I wasn't talking about abuse with a boyfriend or marriage
In those instances you have to get away because there is inevitably sexual abuse involved
I was thinking more in relation to abusive situations you can’t always avoid, like a really bad boss, or being overworked and underpaid, or having a horrible teacher or parent
You often can’t just speak your mind and get away from that person
look at your average teen in an emotionally abusive family.
One of my motto’s in life is to avoid jerks, but some jerks you have to put up with
I think much abuse happens because of monetary situations,
With women with abusive husbands and boyfriends
I think they stay with them for a while at least for two reasons,
One is simply money and not having the resources to afford to live safely and happily on their own.
with a long term boyfriend, especially when younger, resources get mixed up and it represents moving into a more unsafe neighborhood or something.
 In marriages there is alimony but still often, unlike TV, not everyone has a million dollars to split up and when there are kids involved it is hard to go from a nice house and neighborhood to a small condo or something without dad, who mom has said was abusive.
I’m reading this book “Crazy Salad” by Nora Ephron, about women’s rights in the seventies.
It has some interesting stuff about how prevalent abuse in marriages or with boyfriends is.
Again, in the statistics book from work, the number one way female office workers die of non health related causes is by husband, boyfriend or stalker.
That’s pretty telling I think.
You would think it would be car crashes or something but nope.      
I think the other reason women stay in an abusive relationship is because the people lie and perhaps believe themselves to not be as abusive as they really are.
If you point out abuse it is inevitably denied and turned around on you
The women believes somewhere that the guy is a good person, and likes, loves and trusts him
We can’t read each others minds, all we have to go on is what we see and this is most likely going to be denied.
It’s like that lame song we have all heard eight million times on the radio, “your no good”
It basically shows the point when the person realizes the abusive spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend sure, is not the person they pretended to be to earn your trust and that they really are no good, dangerous and abusive.
Although as far as that abusive girlfriend goes, the number one way male officer workers die is not by ex girlfriend, wife or girl stalker, Fatal Attraction aside because we know how the media never distorts things
In a non physically abusive relationship the line here can be even more difficult.
If there is a lot of yelling, “we were fighting” and “you made me yell at you” and so on.
If you suspect them of being unfaithful “you are paranoid.”
Often the women just wants things to be ok so they accept the lies until they are forced not to,
 ie the secretary girlfriend calls.
Abusive people are notoriously hard to get rid of too, they don’t leave without more abuse, so I guess I found three reasons that women don’t just run off to the tropics with the cabaña boy or something.  
Money, they are lied too and want to believe the person they care about isn’t an abuser, and abusive men are notoriously hard to get away from and you just might end up one of the before mentioned statistics.
Therefore, in the case of an abusive boyfriend or husband you really have to get away
I don’t think this is easy either though
In the case of a bad boss of scary parents,
Depending on how livable it is, finishing college is more important.

I read the work detail question.
We did it two or three days out of the week
It was back breaking
We carried around an enormous Gott that was our water supply in the cabins because they have no running water, everywhere.
We cross sawed logs with an actual old fashion cross saw and were timed and punished.
It’s really hard to cross saw a log with an old fashioned cross saw.  We also mauled wood and dug stumps out of the ground.  We did this a whole hell of a lot.
We had to cut enough firewood for the winter because the cabins have no electricity only a woodstove.    
We had quotas which were ridiculously high, and we would be punished if we did not meet them
If you stopped working saying you were tired and felt ill you were consequenced or restrained.
We built things as well, and put in a big garden.
This was hard because the garden area was a mile or so away so we had to carry all the gardening tools and wheelbarrow full of manure and such out there.
We dug up stumps and did all the grounds maintenance.
On weekends, when we weren’t doing our normal forced labor schedule
We would clean everything,
Again we had no free time to read or relax or sleep in or any of that normal stuff.
we were made to exercise as consequences all the time, there are a lot of consequences in a day at the Village.  Pushups a lot, over a hundred a day at least, on a good day.
I, a thin small boned girl had back muscles, pronounced scary back and neck muscles,
In between all this digging stumps out of the ground, turning over garden beds with pick axes, this was not your mothers gardening, and working like a roofer for no money, they had my group build a two story work shed building and tar and lay shingles in July, they had us do aerobics.
Really hyper nonstop aerobics for two hours until you felt sick as hell.
the aerobic were on weekends.  
They wouldn’t let us go to sleep after working like this all day until we finished all our consequence pushups, I can remember standing against a wall with my knees bent till I fell over at like midnight.  I also remember having to do 200 pushups before bed, and I hadn’t even done anything.  Staff was just picking on me.
I was pretty cowed throughout, because I didn’t want to be abused.
The exercise hurt like hell. It was torture and they used it as such.  
I was really really really exhausted the entire time there.
I used to fall asleep standing up and as soon as I sat down and I would get in all sorts of trouble for it.  
Cleaning was top to toe carry all the mattresses outside scrub down the entire floor, cleaning, every weekend.
Everything is timed of course, getting from point A to B, with a wheelbarrow full of tools and manure or roofing tiles, or wood and so on.
It was really hard work and they made it as unpleasant as possible.
It wasn’t work therapy it was just work detail and it was horrible and abusive and it hurt like hell.
we were covered in dirt and sweat.

also when i say I was stalked i was really stalked.
if I had just liked some kid then I would say I just liked some kid
it's hard for teens they are young and lonely and sex happens.
"The Heart is a Lonely hunter" is a great book about this, and the truth I think.
 if the guy was a nice person well then it would be a different story,
but he wasn't.  It was out cold stalking.  I think I would prefer honestly for it to have simply been a case of two kids,
what I dealt with was pure horror.
I can't believe I had to defend being abused to PV pigs.
there is a lot sexual abuse of young teens, teens in general that goes on.
I really think PV staff are evil monsters. Forced labor camps in America with Nazi thugs
Bob Pegler with his ropes course certification from the community college.

Jersey Girl I hope you kicked that pig in the nuts really hard.
What you wrote was great.
Just a question, what are your thoughts on suing PV?
Somebody needs to do it.
Zen what happened to your case?
What PV does can’t be legal, it isn’t legal.
You can’t present yourself as a place to help kids dealing with PTS or depression, anorexia, effects of trauma, sexual abuse, life in foster care and so on and then run a prison camp?
It’s illegal, they can be sued on all sorts of levels.
I don’t care if its been over a year, people out of PV have long term PTS effects.  
I’m thinking about talking to a lawyer, and I think every survivor of PV should too.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2007, 02:18:40 AM
in the summer we worked all week, with exercise and cleaning on the weekends.
it was work detail, school sleep.
and we went to school half the school week, with no homework, or
very very rarely homework.
and it wasn't anything like real homework.
read a chapter in Light in the Forest or something.
one of the boys referred to that book, which is far below the reading level for a highschooler.
I read maybe two books the entire time I was there.
we could only read assigned school books and the bible.  
I think that was my only homework.
also I'm somewhat athletic. like I like outdoorsy stuff
this was just forced labor.
I never had problems with exercise and I managed to do it in PV
Perhaps it was the fear of being restrained.
but it was hell,
we exercised all the time, it's all we did,
it's not like we had real therapy or anything.
just group denouncement twice a day.
walking to lunch was exercise, we had to carry all this crap,
the damn gott
i had huge neck muscles for Christs sake
Also do you see how it might be hard to function in a normal school after coming out.
normal kids out in the real world were allowed to read and had homework and don't flinch when you touch them.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 18, 2007, 02:20:02 AM
mokara, im totally with ya here. im working on doing everything possible to bring the PV scum moneysuckers abuses to what they should be.

PM if you want to.

Im here for ya.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 18, 2007, 02:26:04 AM
did I mention the hours of weekend aerobics, so it was work detail during the week, and aerobics from hell and super cleaning on the weekends.
with a little bit of school thrown in.
Title: My G-O-B
Post by: Kreflo on July 18, 2007, 07:10:01 AM
PeeVee has posted the latest version of the Village Vision. ... 202007.pdf (

Pathetic really, to think so much of the money paid out by desperate, gullible parents really goes into marketing and miatas. Lovely glossy pictures and LOTS of subversive propaganda. Great stories about former patients who turn their lives around to become________________. You will find the answer on page 9, but those of us familiar with the old program mentality already know the answer. Read all about roosters in the hen house on page 2 and check out the plate of field greens on page 4. Healthy selections served up with a side of shit. My favorite section? The end where PV begs for mo money, mo money, mo money.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 18, 2007, 10:14:08 AM
Time to take it to them hard. Cut off that cheese flow and covent health will consider the profitability of the their  duckfarm null and void.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 18, 2007, 11:58:41 AM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
Time to take it to them hard. Cut off that cheese flow and covent health will consider the profitability of the their  duckfarm null and void.

Hell, yeah.  Take it to them hard and publicly.  Covenant Health likes to look good in the Knoxville press, sponsoring marathons and charitable events.  They don't want the negative PR that will come from having a connection to a child abusive duck farm rife with shit-spawned health crises.

Title: Re: My G-O-B
Post by: stoodoodog on July 18, 2007, 12:31:51 PM
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
PeeVee has posted the latest version of the Village Vision. ... 202007.pdf (

Pathetic really, to think so much of the money paid out by desperate, gullible parents really goes into marketing and miatas. Lovely glossy pictures and LOTS of subversive propaganda. Great stories about former patients who turn their lives around to become________________. You will find the answer on page 9, but those of us familiar with the old program mentality already know the answer. Read all about roosters in the hen house on page 2 and check out the plate of field greens on page 4. Healthy selections served up with a side of shit. My favorite section? The end where PV begs for mo money, mo money, mo money.

That does look like a very expensive marketing tool and I find it deeply disturbing. It could really fool a lot of people including as you mention, the desperate and gullible parents of wayward teens.
 I think my child would have mowed down several counselors to get to the plate of salad they show on page 4. I have only heard stories of bloody chicken, wormy apples and mushy veggies.
What do you mean by roosters in the hen house?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 19, 2007, 12:58:46 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on July 19, 2007, 03:47:51 PM
After checking out the latest edition of the Vision, I went back and read the old Village Visions including the hard copies I have in my file. What is the disclaimer that is used in the media? Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental-something along those lines...(insert places along with people for PV)

It appears as though PV spends an enormous amount of money on recruiting patients, pr and marketing and cuts corners when it comes to treatment. Is this a common practice among programs?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2007, 10:58:14 PM
PV brochure isn't all that great.  Somebody took an Adobe InDesign class.  
Big deal I could make that brochure in under a week with software.
 Adobe is cool.  It's cut and paste off the internet.  
The software costs over a hundred dollars. oooooo aaaaaa.  
not a huge expense considering.
I like how they list new family therapists and juggle them around like family therapists really live with the kids and see them more then once in a while when they are behaving.
you don't get family therapy unless you are "behaving."
they also talk about recently acquiring two new doctors.
 It's a weird news letter really,
I wonder why they reintroduce us to Bob Pegler, with his certification in ropes course and addiction.
It's almost like they are trying to prove they at least have some qualified staff and that Bobs certifications do count for something.
of course there are no daily counselors in the news letter as always.
the whole bit about PST and the effects of trauma and how they focus on the kids having been abused and such is so weird.
what liars!
the staff members account is just warped.

Jersey girl you were in PV recently, so was Zen's daughter.
It's exactly the same as it always has been
there is no therapy

the guy in the picture with his fist raised toward the girl is more how PV operates.  
Yet they have the nerve to talk about the neurological impact on people of long term abuse.  
What purpose could their denouncement therapy with staff members we don’t see anywhere on the websites, serve?
 How is abusing abuse victims going to help them.
How dare they.  
Then they go on to mention some kid on Meth or something, the big bad scary drug,
when most of the kids in there haven’t tried anything more then pot.
When I was in there were four or so girls the entire time, who had done more serious drugs,  
the rest had at worse smoked pot.    

PV is not what it pretends to be.  Everything I said is true as is what Jerseygirl and all the rest posted as well.
In reality PV puts kids in a pretty small room and sits them on cots and wont let them move without permission.
Then it torments them for months.
Has therapy denouncement sessions with goons with a high school diploma or GED.
Then work detail with a school with no homework.
I don’t think I saw anything once of what you could call kindness compassion empathy, from any of the staff towards any of the teens while I was in there.
And this is to some foster kid with no family who didn’t do anything other than get in a fight at a group home, or the little thirteen year old who’s father had been shot and because of newsletters like this one the state thought she needed a safer more understanding place to live then with alcoholic mom.
I saw them restrain the little foster kid a lot for hours for no good reason with staff standing around cracking jokes.    
What really goes on in PV is just like everyone here has described.
If the police were to go into PV today and question a few kids randomly, they would all say the exact same thing everyone on here has been saying, I am sure.
Please somebody go in and interview a few of the kids in PV randomly.

PV brochure isn't all that great.  
Somebody took an Adobe InDesign class.  
Big deal I could make that brochure in under a week with software.
 Adobe is cool.  It's cut and paste off the internet.  
The software costs over a hundred dollars. oooooo aaaaaa.  
not a huge expense considering.
I like how they list new family therapists and juggle around older employees the ones that have degrees.
Even the family therapists have been “placed in new roles.”
like family therapists really live with the kids and see them more then once in a while when they are behaving.  you don't get family therapy unless you are "behaving.”
One of the therapists got her degrees from Johnston's bible college.
PV certainly has a sort of renounce your shameful sins theme, self flagellation thing.  
It's a weird news letter really,
I wonder why they reintroduce us to Bob Pegler, with his certification in ropes course and addiction.
It's almost like they are trying to prove they at least have some qualified staff and that Bobs certifications do count for something.
of course there are no daily counselors in the news letter as always.

the whole bit about PST and the effects of trauma and how they focus on the kids having been abused and such is so weird.
what liars!
the staff members account is just warped.

Jersey girl you were in PV recently, so was Zen's daughter.
It's exactly the same as it always has been
there is no therapy

the guy in the picture with his fist raised toward the girl is more how PV operates.  
Yet they have the nerve to talk about the neurological impact on people of long term abuse.  
What purpose could their denouncement therapy with staff members we don’t see anywhere on the websites, serve?
 How is abusing abuse victims going to help them.
How dare they.  
Then they go on to mention some kid on Meth or something, the big bad scary drug,
when most of the kids in there haven’t tried anything more then pot.
When I was in there were four or so girls the entire time, who had done more serious drugs,  
the rest had at worse smoked pot.    

PV is not what it pretends to be.  Everything I said is true as is what Jerseygirl said and all the rest posted as well.
In reality PV puts kids in a pretty small room and sits them on cots and wont let them move without permission.
Then it torments them for months.
Has therapy denouncement sessions with goons with a high school diploma or GED.
Then work detail
with a school with no homework.
I don’t think I saw anything once of what you could call kindness compassion empathy, from any of the staff towards any of the teens while I was in there.
And this is to some foster kid with no family who didn’t do anything other than get in a fight at a group home,
or the little thirteen year old who’s father had been shot and because of newsletters like this one the state thought she needed a safer more understanding place to live then with alcoholic mom.
I saw them restrain the little foster kid a lot for hours for no good reason with staff standing around cracking jokes.    
What really goes on in PV is just like everyone here has described.
If the police were to go into PV today and question a few kids randomly, they would all say the exact same thing everyone on here has been saying, I am sure.
Please somebody go in and interview a few of the kids in PV randomly.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 20, 2007, 11:15:28 PM
I like how they list new family therapists and juggle around older employees the ones that have degrees.
Even the family therapists have been “placed in new roles.”

the new healthy diet thing is pretty damn funny too.
what a pile of distraction.
It seems bogus when you look at it right, like from having lived the truth.
but damn are they some creepy people

every alumni here says the same thing.
that has to count for something

PV is really bad.
they won't let you read
there is no homework
there is no electricity or running water
we have porta potties.
we got to go to school half the school week
and we got no free time
when we went on Shutdown we didn't go to school for five months
there is nonstop hard physical labor on strong guinea pig drugs
PV staff are psychotic and abusive.
has anyone mentioned the GYN exam they give girls like the second or third day in?
this is after restraining you and so one.
it was really traumatic.
they do it to all the girls like the third day and staff are there and such
not very nice for those dealing with abuse.
they announce to the entire group as to the results of your tests.
there was one foster kid with an STD and they announced it to everyone.
and made her go over it and over it and over it again.
poor thing.
the higher ups in PV know too,
there is a sort of horrible very simplistic abusive formula that PV follows to keep order really I think
it certainly isn't therapy
Abigails book captures it as do the rest of stuff written about PV
it is far more abuse and control then anything even slightly like therapy
It's a prison camp a real live prison camp.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 21, 2007, 03:00:55 AM
this is one of my posts from the myspace group on PV (
check it out if you have a chance

thats just the thing...they break people down to a mere nothing...
If someone has clinical depression, PTSD, Anxiety, etc
they dont need to be beat down anymore..they need to be built back up. Make them feeel good rather than worse... breaking people down is for criminals or someone with antisocial traits, so they might realize what they are doing wrong. But PVs admission criteria is that they help depression, Post traumatic, anxiety, and things of that nature. they claim not to admit anyone violent or homicidal.
So they contradict their admission criteria with the fucked up methods they use to "treat" their patients.

I believe every patient has been hurt by Peninsula. Whether they still support them or not is the difference between alumni.
Those who support PV, there is something called learned helplessness. Sort of like Stockholm Syndrome.
Look it up. Tell me if you agree.
Those who fight PV, were really actually the strong ones who did not let Peninsula take their identity and values hostage
Title: Kat Ricker, "The Mighty Kat"
Post by: ZenAgent on July 22, 2007, 12:58:31 AM
Since we have a growing number of  PV survivors on Fornits now, spanning from the late '90's to the present, I'd like to re-post  excerpts from Kat Ricker's excellent paper The Crime of Being A Teenager[/b].  This is an insightful work, one of the first I read on the troubled teen industry.  On first read it hit home, but as time passes and I return to it, I see what a concise look at the origin and nature of teen programs Kat's essay is.

A word of encouragement to Mokara, our man in Venice Beach DYS, the mysterious informant Kreflo, and SettleForNothing...PV is getting itchy, long-timers are leaving, and the Hand of Fate - the Stark Fist of Removal - is winding up to pimp-slap PV into a coma.  The sword of Damocles is hanging over their heads...who's got some wire cutters?

Settle, you've been like a shot of adrenaline, and I want to thank you again.  We've been friends for a while, you were great support when my wife and I were struggling to get our daughter home and afterwards, too.  You got through some tough times, and I know thinking about PV stirs up the memories and old anger.  You've focused it, though, and you're becoming the hardest working lady in activism.  

Here's an excerpt from Kat Ricker's The Crime of Being A Teenager[/b].
(Emphasis added by ZA):


There is no way these programs can blame aberrant employees, because this is systemic.
The staffers are as much products of the programs as the incarcerated teens in their
Where do these employees come from? A quick, random visit to program websites shows
that most are constantly looking for “field staff”, and most do not ask for degrees in
psychology, medicine, nor any college education at all.
[/b] An ad for a Utah-based program
posted on Oregon Craigslist just last month asked only for “primitive living skills”, while
promising the most rewarding job of your life. North Star hired Bacon’s counselors
literally off the street by men who pulled over in a pick-up truck and offered them a job
taking kids camping for a few weeks.
As in any industry, workers move from business to business within it. Twenty-six year-
old Eric Henry was among those convicted of child abuse and neglect in Bacon’s death.
He was ordered not to work for similar programs for nine months, yet six months later, he
was on staff at Sage Walk. The next year, he was on staff at Obsidian Trails.
But more acceptable hiring policies do not guarantee improvement. Recently, the nation
has been riveted by the televised, videotaped deadly beating of 14 year-old Martin Lee
Anderson, just hours after he was admitted – not into a private program, but a
government one – Bay County Sheriff's Office Boot Camp. A nurse took the boy’s pulse
as guards beat him for 90 minutes, long after his body had gone limp. Documents show
the punching, kicking and pressure-point techniques the guards used were routine. Lee’s
second autopsy showed that he died of suffocation; the guards held their hands over his
mouth and forced him to inhale ammonia sticks to keep him conscious (which finally
failed). Staff regularly used these sticks to force teens to keep exercising (Miami Herald,
coverage ongoing since January 2006).


While the sadistic sociopath may well find his way onto program staffs, most arguably
sadistic staffers are made, not hired. “If you can’t beat them, join them” is a cliché for a
reason - these systems are designed so that the only way to survive the abuse is to
become an abuser. Programs are full of staff that “graduated” the program
[/b], and some put
deviating staffers back into the program as patients, until they’re fixed.
Judge K. L. McIff ruled that the North Star program was “fraught with a desensitizing
mentality” which contributed to the death of Aaron Bacon. This mentality is critical to
these operations, and it is systematically created. Staffers are conditioned to see their
prisoners as less than human: they have done bad things, deserve to be punished, and will
“manipulate” staffers in order to escape their deserved punishment.
[/b] So staffers disregard
any cry for help or complaint of pain. That’s why Bacon, whom his fellow captives
recognized as seriously ill, was accused of faking, right through his death. That’s why 12
year-old Mikey Wiltsie was accused of “playing possum” when he claimed he couldn’t
breathe, and his 320-pound counselor crushed his 65-pound body to death (Eckerd Youth
Alternatives, 2000). That’s why the body of 15 year-old Erica Harvey lied dead for 45
minutes after dehydration and heat stroke killed her – because the counselors thought she
was “faking it” (Catherine Freer Wilderness Program, 2002).
It is difficult for most of us to understand the mindset of the people in charge at these
programs. How can you tell a girl held 13 years, as Lulu Corter was, who’s gnawing a
hole in her arm, to go ahead and hurt herself? How can you insist she face her sexual
predator and take responsibility for her pre-pubescent molestation, tell her she is obsessed
with sex, stand over her on the toilet and dictate the number of times she may wipe? How
can you tease a 15 year-old girl like Michelle Sutton, moments before she went blind and
died of dehydration, that her parched white mouth makes her look like she’s been eating
marshmallows? How can you force a remarkably intelligent and peacemaking boy like 16
year-old Aaron Bacon to hike without pants after he repeatedly loses control of his
bowels from a perforated ulcer; how can you take away his blanket in freezing
temperatures, deny him food for days on end, laugh and tell him he’s faking it when he
collapses again and again; how can you mock him while his head beats the window of the
pick-up in the final, gruesome moments of his young life? How, for that matter, can you
convince someone who’s never abused drugs, alcohol, food or sex to confess to all these
perversions and more, under the verbal assault of scores of peers, and how can you
convince this victim and parents that this “treatment” saved the person’s life?

By brainwashing.


To explain thought coercion in teen treatment programs, Maia Szalavitz outlines the work
of professor Robert Jay Lifton in her book Help at Any Cost. Lifton was the first
Westerner to classify mind-control methods, after interviewing prison survivors of
Chinese prison camps from the 1940s and ‘50s. At the risk of oversimplification, the
system works like this – to extreme degrees: subject people to constant surveillance;
control their environment (induce sleep and food deprivation, restrict communication);
exhaust them; break them down physically and psychologically; elicit confessions (real
or invented); and finally reprogram their life perspective via “mystical manipulation”:
convince them that everything in their lives has led them to this program
(there are no coincidences), and that the program represents THE ultimate power of good in the universe
(so that any means justify the ends).
It is no accident that these programs have continued for decades and produce both people
who swear it’s the best thing that ever happened to them and people who refuse to talk
about it at all, and it is no accident that survivors who end up in court typically come with
genuine diagnoses of depression and post-traumatic stress.
[/b] These are the outcomes this
system produces, and there are no studies on the effectiveness – nor the longterm effects
– of these “therapy” programs.
From a 1999 expose series by Lou Kilzer, Donna Burke sued WWASPS affiliate Teen
Help, alleging that the Tranquility Bay subjected her sons to "the most sadistic and
unwarranted physical and psychological abuse. ... Both are changed from the wonderful,
spontaneous young men they were before Tranquility Bay into robotic victims, afraid of
any authority figure," the suit says. "They have lost their individuality, their spirits are
broken, and their characters ruined. Instead of independent men, they are afraid, haunted
by nightmares, subject to panic attacks and refuse to go anywhere near a beach." (Read
Desperate Measures in the Denver Rocky Mountain News, http://www.denver- (http://www.denver-)


There is no eery resemblance here to the abuse perpetrated on prisoners of war; it’s the
same thing. These program founders aren’t inventing the wheel. They are following
established methods of brainwashing and torture. These are techniques of military
interrogations, including American forces torturing Muslim prisoners today; insane
asylums a century ago; drug rehabilitation programs, beginning with rehab-turned-church
Synanon in the ‘60s and ‘70s; and in every successful cult, religious and/or commercial.
Beginning in the 1970s with Straight, then KIDS, SAFE, numerous derivatives, to
today’s corporate giant WWASPS/Teen Help, the troubled-teen industry is just the latest
face on the movement to psychically destroy people and reprogram them into compliant
subjects devoid of critical thinking.
The difference in this cycle of institutionalized thought coercion is considerably easy to
manage, and profit margins are huge. While cults typically have targeted adults, juveniles
have no rights. The profit is earned up front, fees are set high, overhead and staff costs
are low. And anything goes, from marketing – typically programs have pretty names and
advertise teens doing fun activities in idyllic settings, like a vacation – to the treatment
itself, done in secret, without any legal interference. The occasional court challenge from
scarred survivors is generally settled out of court for exuberant sums, and when programs
are forced to shut down and people ordered out of the industry, they simply reopen and
change names. The day after Straight Inc. was forced to close, SAFE opened, with the
same model, the same building, and the same staff (See Help at Any Cost for details).
It’s difficult to know how many programs are operating in the U.S. Some programs have
religious themes (Mormon is common), some disciplinary, others drug rehabilitation, and
more. Since the linking of Straight, Inc. with the War on Drugs in the 1980s proved so
successful, programs have addressed whatever problems society deems most frightening
– at the moment, ADD, ADHD, and sexual promiscuity, for example.
What this amounts to is a cult industry gone wild. Without governmental oversight, it has
managed to slip through legal challenges time and time again, and is burgeoning with
What is most sickening about this suffering is how unnecessary it is. People are paying
for their children to be institutionalized. And whether they are obviously tortured or not,
what does it say about a society that accepts the kidnapping and incarceration of its
children, who are not yet fully formed, and who have committed no crime?

I'm posting these excerpts because I'd like for PV survivors (and any other program survivors) to read it over and tell me how Kat's observations relate to your experiences at PV or any other cesspit.  I don't want to post what I think, because it doesn't matter - you guys lived through it and know how programs function in a way that I (thank God) never will.

A few of you spent time in other programs, either before or after PV.  How did they compare to the pricey and "highly successful, widely respected" pit of gastrointestinal virulence, Penicillin Villi?

Please read Kat's article in it's entirety here: (   Also, check out her web page ( , Kat's a Renaissance woman.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 22, 2007, 01:41:28 AM
Zen, I want to thank you for all of your help as well. You were the one who introduced me to all of this stuff. Before we met, I thought PV was just a nightmare that would never go away. I thought that there was nothing that could be done. you have helped me so much, and i want to thank you.
It means a lot to me. As far as PV is concerned, i will work my ass off until their worst nightmares are their fantasies. I wont stop until then.
It is time now for PV to shut the fuck up. I think we have heard enough from them. I know I have and I know  you have,
Once again thank you for your support. You kick ass.
And we are going to toast some PV booty.


THose bitches...



All you PV motherfuckers are just that, piles of shit, the shit that I scrape off my shoe, wrapping up your pansy asses in motherfucking ugly ass wrapping paper.

Steve, if your reading this, BRING IT
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 22, 2007, 08:26:23 AM
No.. We are going to take it right to him. Steve can go fuck himself sideways.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 22, 2007, 05:41:43 PM
Yeah, posting "bring it" and "take it to him" about Steve on Fornits is cool, and I'm sure he's reading it and wondering what he's supposed to bring, or is the party coming to him?  Why don't you send it directly to the guy, he's offered an invitation:

My email is [email protected], and my direct phone number (865) 970-1246. I personally will respond to each phone call and email message.[/b]

Damn, it's right there in PV's Summer of Love 2007: A Psychedelic Village Vision.  That's right...listen at ya, Steve, it's time to turn on, tune in, and drop out.  Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair and a paisley Posey straitjacket if you wanna make the scene at PV's Meds, Restraints and Tough Love Fest '07

The Music:

Wendy and the White Trash Whiplash Crew
The Peg-la Maniacs
Jibson and McPunkfunkle
P-V Funk and the Nutha'Shit Connection
MC E. Coli and DJ Ass-Splash
Porta-John Mire
Thora Zine & The Butt-Stickers
Steve Petty and The Bank Breakers

Dig it...For one night only...

"(Nothin' to do in) A-S-T-U"[/i],  "Crotch-hold Man" and "In The Slav'ry"[/b].

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 22, 2007, 06:08:38 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Yeah, posting "bring it" and "take it to him" about Steve on Fornits is cool, and I'm sure he's reading it and wondering what he's supposed to bring, or is the party coming to him?  Why don't you send it directly to the guy, he's offered an invitation:

My email is [email protected], and my direct phone number (865) 970-1246. I personally will respond to each phone call and email message.[/b]

Damn, it's right there in PV's Summer of Love 2007: A Psychedelic Village Vision.  That's right...listen at ya, Steve, it's time to turn on, tune in, and drop out.  Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair and a paisley Posey straitjacket if you wanna make the scene at PV's Meds, Restraints and Tough Love Fest '07

The Music:

Wendy and the White Trash Whiplash Crew
The Peg-la Maniacs
Jibson and McPunkfunkle
P-V Funk and the Nutha'Shit Connection
MC E. Coli and DJ Ass-Splash
Porta-John Mire
Thora Zine & The Butt-Stickers
Steve Petty and The Bank Breakers

Dig it...For one night only...

"(Nothin' to do in) A-S-T-U"[/i],  "Crotch-hold Man" and "In The Slav'ry"[/b].

Zen, i gotta hand it to you man... i love it,.. haha i almost fell off my chair im laughing so hard.... yea... i say lets invite Steve to be our VIP guest!

haha you win the medal of PV BASH today.
Congrats there buddy.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2007, 11:14:40 PM
we woke up very early at PV.
I believe 5:45am
we didn't get to bed till late often
so certainly not a full eight hours of sleep.
and they would wake us up sometimes to be drug out to the wood shed to be shown how much wood we still needed to chop or something random.

If you asked the staff to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night,  the porta potties are a good twenty feet from the cabin, you were sure to have an unpleasant day.  
this is additionally cruel as many of the medications have peeing often as a side effect.

they would with hold anything other then basic foods,
no condiments and such,
as punishment for not meeting work quotas.
we rarely had desert because of this, it was a big deal when we did.
I don't think we cared all that much but staff hyped it up and browbeat us with it.  

They very much encouraged us to become angry and look down on peers that they were picking on.
They punish the entire group for the actions of each individual and try to breed as much anger towards the individual “responsible” as possible.
I’m reading The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.  
It is about the Gulags in Russia and there are weird parallels, for real.  
I guess a prison camp is a prison camp.
Fortunately they were not trying to kill us in PV, although I honestly think they would not mind any if we did ourselves in after the fact.  
A very good reason not too!  

But things like the ridiculously high work quotas and the constant work,
Fortunately we had food but even the using of food as a reward for meeting work quotas is the same.  
Of course in a real Gulag its all food not just condiments?  
A bit more serious certainly.  
But still, who comes up with such things?  
I don't think it is an appropriate way to treat anorexics either, food as a reward, probably not good, especially tied in with abusing them and making them work past the point of all sense.
The turning peers on each other, the brainwashing slogans, being watched and harrassed constantly and so on were all mentioned in the book though.
I think I know where some of the guards reincarnated too or something.
It’s very creepy.  

Of course there is no comparison really in the long run,
Certainly the intent and the horrible aspects of human nature are there , but at least we had food, warm clothes and they couldn’t just bury us in the backyard.
What is scary is seeing how it played out so similarly, with the difference being there were some laws keeping them from basically killing us.  
It's a bit like realizing you looked real evil in the face.
I suppose I already knew that.

I thought what you posted from Kat Ricker's The Crime of Being a Teenager was  great Zen.
It really says a lot  

Of course again in PV you are not allowed to speak to the other girls without staff permission. which is very rarely given for anything other then work related conversation.
you get into a great deal of trouble for supposedly trying to communicate nonverbally with peers as well.
eye contact is frowned upon and likely to get you a consequnce
If you seem to show too much compassion or a friendship seems to be developing you are put on ten feet and not allowed to even look at that person.
Also you must stay ten feet away from them at all times.
this is a difficult thing to do in a small cabin and you are sure to be consequenced constantly because of it.

If a boys group passes by, which isn't that common, and you happen to glance up you are also consequenced.

they like to give out levels and take them away again on whim.
again there are some very odd parallels to the prison camps in the book.  The weird mess with your head things are pretty similar.
and the constant hard labor.

Again we had no free time, we worked and we went to school half the school week with no homework.
weekends we cleaned and did aerobics and wrote our ridiculous schedules.
we didn't really write them, merely organized the endless tasks we had to do each week.
everything was so tightly crammed into the day that we were constantly trying to cram everything we had to do on the schedule in and get it done on time.
this is why we went to bed late often,
also we would have to finish consequences.
everything is timed and the times we were given to do things in were too short and therefore we would inevitably go over giving staff a reason to be abusive.
it was incredibly nerve wracking for someone who was already dealing with being abused.
like the girl in the PV brochure flinching from the shadowy man with his fist raised.
about the same.
it was incredibly nerve wracking period.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2007, 11:32:51 PM
I am really glad to see your postings.  
what you wrote was great and I agree totally with what you have too say.

I’m thinking we could maybe send out a complaint about PV to Tennessee legislators,
I wonder if we could get people around PV more aware of what goes on there.
there are neighborhoods the kids tromp through with their wheelbarrows.
I always wondered if people looked out their windows and thought
"what the hell is that?"  
Or maybe we could get in touch with more human rights organizations?
Has anyone talked to a lawyer recently?
I’m sure we could sue for long term damages.
as you said  

" PVs admission criteria is that they help depression, Post traumatic, anxiety, and things of that nature. they claim not to admit anyone violent or homicidal.
So they contradict their admission criteria with the fucked up methods they use to "treat" their patients."

this is very true
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 22, 2007, 11:37:03 PM
eye contact in general wasn't allowed, not just with members of the opposite sex.
you would get into a great deal of trouble for seeming to try to communicate non verbally, even for something so little as a glance.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 22, 2007, 11:43:44 PM
hey mokara great posts.. i never made it to the cabins but i can back you up on what you said from knowing the rules of them...
PM me.. i would like to talk to you.

best regards
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 22, 2007, 11:49:02 PM
PV seems alot like the amityville horror.... you lose your mind when your there and when youre out and away from there, you are remarkably better...
 i found my last focus sheet from PV today,
my focus was goodbye goodluck..
My response written on it in a 10 second version, said
"I am so full of emotion, right now, which i have not felt in a long time and it is nice to feel again!" Good bye PV.

So Like i said  PV is much like Amityville..
I didnt feel anything except when i found out i was leaving...finally....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 23, 2007, 01:23:15 AM
PV is pretty demonic.
it's scary what some people do in such situations
i don't get it
PV was hell on earth for sure
and they were all just so evil really
why go about things like that?
they were never kind, even to some little kid who didn't do anything.

again the book I'm reading is really scary,
it's like the worst case scenario ten fold
It's horrible to think such things happened to people
and really scary to find parallels in places like PV, solid parallels.
It's like some of the mind set is there but fortunately it can't play out to its full horror and I mean full horror.    
in the case of Gulags, I think it got unbelievably ugly because it was backed up and enforced by the state and there were no laws protecting against such horror.
state sanctioned abuse of prisoners, without anything to balance it out?
the whole scenario PV sets up is a very very bad one
it is a really bad place.  
again agree entirely on the Amityville horror thing.

I just don't get why people get carried away with cruelty, do staff narc on each other?
Like if one of them is actually nice and doesn’t torment the prisoners enough do they loose their jobs?  
Do they get written up for it?
I'd be happy to PM you
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 01:11:03 AM
I had another weird telling thing happen to me
It makes me mad honestly
I was in a minor car accident
It was major enough that my car was totaled, but I wasn’t hurt and neither was the other driver
It wasn’t my fault
I was driving down the highway doing the speed limit when all of a sudden this little teenage girl, in her brand new car with temporary tags, runs right through a stop sign and speeds right out in front of me.
 I slammed on the breaks and swerved but couldn’t avoid her
She wasn’t drunk or high, just a goofy inexperience driver.
Other people saw the accident and the cop took a report so insurance will cover everything.
Everyone was ok.
I had a few bruises and my mom made me go to the doctor.

I show the doctor my bruised knee, she took chest ex rays, because the airbag hit me in the chest pretty hard, nothing was broken.
I was stiff from tensing up before the crash and sore too of course.
So the doctor says I’ll give you something to relax the muscles, I said ok
She says do you need anything for pain, I said probably not really, maybe a little
 So here is the horrible part, she gives me a prescription for
FORTY Vicodin!!
FORTY and 30 muscle relaxers.
For a car accident with minor bruising and nothing broken!!
This is the same family doctor who had the notice out front that they could only accept FIVE visits from pharmaceutical reps a day!  
They have like six doctors, and it is in an affluent neighborhood,
great business.

Also she is the same doctor who told me I had PTS.
She was very quick with the PTS diagnosis too, I
told her I had been attacked at my apartment building and had had some other stressful things happen in my life and that I felt anxious and had trouble sleeping sometimes with bad dreams.
That’s it and bam I have PTS.
It seems like there should be a PTS scale or something too.
Like I was watching this thing on soldiers coming back from Iraq,
people returning from war, where they have been shot at on a daily basis and had to kill people should have like a 10++ on the PTS scale.
I probably have a 5 or 6.
 Somebody who was attacked but got away ok, probably a bit less.
But now its just quick label it, medicate it and every one gets the same label.

But how irresponsible is it to give a person you just diagnosed with PTS forty morphine based pills?  What the hell is she thinking?
I know I’m going to throw the things away because I barely drink because I don't really like being drunk.
I know I love life and am doing great and have a good future ahead of me, but she doesn’t know me that well.
Did I make her mad or something.
I thought they stopped this kind of crap back in the early 20th century
We always read about how they gave out morphine for everything a hundred years ago, not now.
It was a minor car accident, I had a bruised knee, I went to work two days after.
My mom had serious surgery and they gave her thirty vicodin and she threw most of them away
I’m not in any pain now, five days later.
Again I told her I was stiff, my parents told me not to play down any pain I was in incase something cropped up later and the insurance had to pay for it.
But I told her I was more or less fine, a bit stiff and sore with a bruised knee, but again I could touch my toes and turn my neck I told her without much pain.
I knew it probably wasn’t going to get any worse.

When she said do you need something for the pain or muscle stiffness I thought she would give me a prescription for like five of something in a low dose, and I told her I didn’t think I really needed anything for pain.
Muscle stiffness, maybe four days worth of something.

Why FORTY Vicodin?
 If I took one everyday it would take me a month and a half to get through them all and I would be addicted to morphine?  
They are a high dosage too? 5-500, whatever that means.
All I know is I took one and I was really high and I felt sick!
She told me to take them!!
It the doctor you know?  In the words of Jersey girl fuck doctors,
can’t trust anybody these days.
This happened Wednesday.  
It really is amazing and just like I described.
I wouldn’t make something that dumb up!!  It’s outrageous.
My mom saw the prescription too.
She was like FORTY!!!! They didn’t give me that many when I had serious surgery.
I’m going to throw out the pills but I’ll keep the bottle as proof.
I took one when I got home because she told me to and I was totally out of it.
I’m going to throw the damn things away.  
I don’t need them.  The bruises have even faded already.
Again nothing was broken or even sprained, she took ex rays of my chest and I told her that I wasn’t in much pain.
She made me touch my toes and stuff and turn around and I did it all fine with out any real pain.
I just told her I was stiff and a bit sore and that is it.

What the hell is going on!!  I turned on the TV and a stock market report was on and the lead in was about how the pharmaceutical companies are leading the market and doing very well.

I watched this thing on Iraq on supper cable that my parents have and it was totally different from what you see on basic cable news.
For one there was no mention of Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan,
Who the hell is Lindsey Lohan anyway?
Isn’t there a war going on?
One big distraction it seems like to me.

I swear this is true, what the hell is going on??!!!
What doctor gives out enough morphine to turn someone into a drug addict for a minor car accident, a bruised knee and a stiff neck!!  
This isn't doctor Nick from the Simpsons either, this is my familys clinic. the doctors are supposed to be good, or at least not trying to kill people!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 24, 2007, 01:59:17 AM
the amount I'm supposed to take in a day is really high too!!
I'm supposed to take the muscle relaxent Cyclobenzaprine 3 times a day!!!!  and the Vicodin once every 6 hours!!!
I took one of each when I got home from the doctors, spacing them out over an hour, and I still got sick to my stomach and was totally high!!
I don't like being high!! I felt bad and weird. I couldn't read, even.
I think the dosages are too high for my weight or something!!
I think I would be dead if I took the amount she prescribed in one day!!!
I swear I'm not making this up!!
What the hell is going on.  
Is this woman trying to kill me??
I'm getting a new doctor!!!!
and I'm going to throw this crap out tomorrow
I don't need it for sure anymore,
I feel just fine, again I had a bruised knee and some muscle soreness.
I didn't play it up either, I told her I felt ok!!
it's just strange!!!  I swear it is true though.
It doesn't even say take till not needed or something on the bottle.
it's muscle soreness, I don't need 70 pills, all told?
it's gone already!!!!
honestly excedrin would have probably done the trick.
I really didn't make it out to be anything other than it was either.
just some bruises and soreness,
it's so very weird
I'm sure you all will think I'm nuts, but I'm not, it happened just like I said
I'm getting a new doctor!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 04:21:24 PM
I want society to recognize that women in high schools and everywhere are subject to sexual abuse in one form or another, sexual harassment certainly  counts.  
Girls and women should not have to face sexual prejudice because of this.  
Women are handicapped by being the objects of male sexual desire.  
Men can walk alone through the state park on a nice day without feeling afraid or guilty.
You are asking for it of course, being stupid, by walking alone if you are a women.
This sounds extreme but see, if something happens to you at a park when walking alone if at least two people don't ask you why you were alone.
Also there is a feeling of doing something wrong, I find, that comes with feeling afraid when walking alone.
 example, "I'm being so stupid," like it is your fault you feel afraid walkng alone  

I don't see sexual harassment addressed anywhere, instead I see it encouraged on TV.  
Simply put, men are rarely sexually abused and women often are.
Young girls do not expect abusive male sexual attention to be as common as it is.
How could they, we do not address the reality clearly in our society.  
If anything society promotes the dehumanization and sexual abuse of women.
Most men are not abusive towards women and are great people.
A percentage though is not great and very dangerous.

I think at work, that I make less money then almost all the men there.
I think this is because my boss perceives me as sweet, polite and a little shy and therefore able to be used.
By paying women in somewhat traditional female jobs, shop girl and waitress for example, so much less then a living wage women are left even more open to sexual abuse. .  
I'm a huge advocate for raising the minimum wage, not by 25cents either, to a living wage, perhaps a whole 9 dollars an hour for strenuous, stand on your feet all day jobs.

women are, therefore,  dependent on family, spouse, boyfriend and sometimes other women.  
basically they are kept in traditional sexist roles by being unable to afford to get out of them.
Also women are then forced to live in "affordable" housing, and therefore even more subject to abuse.
As women often come with children, they are also affected.
In my bad neighborhood, there were lots of nice women with kids, often single parents.
Women also, because of this, can end up being sexually exploited in places like strip clubs, which are not a fun party, instead they are dark dirty miserable places where women are dance naked to afford to be able to live in bad neighborhoods with their kids.  
Women living in "affordable" neighborhoods will eventually most likely be sexually assaulted in one form or another.

People are very warped in their thinking in relation to poverty and women.
 For example everyone tells me just to move out, in relation to my family.
 How can I, when simply the amount of money I make does not add up to the amount of money I need to live!!
This is not a matter of laziness, or a psychological issue, I have learned defeatism.
Certainly defeatism can be learned but it is because you make 7 dollars and hour and the money simply does not add up. that defeatism is learned.
Defeatism is learned in places like The Village, that teach you no matter how hard you try, you will still be abused horribly without compassion or sense.
I’m sure slaves and sweatshop workers have a bit of a defeatist attitude, but no one says to them, Stop exploiting yourself.
The teens in the Village can’t leave. You don’t think they think about leaving all the time?
I can’t quit my job and go live in a hut in the woods?
I have to finish college so I can be independent one day, therefore I am trapped in a low paying part time job, where they try to work me as many hours as they can for as little pay as possible.
Defeatism is also learned, by the attitudes of the people around you.
Nothing is more demoralizing then to work till you are sick and yet have people tell you you are lazy and good for nothing because you are still poor or dependent on others.
The attitude that it is the fault of the person working so hard for so little, is so ingrained in society and you hear it so much that you tend to become defeatist,
 no one understands even when you show them how the numbers and opportunities simply don’t add up.
People seem to believe the slogans themselves, they are so well ingrained in American society as to be all around them.
I am at least going to finish  college.  There are a bunch of ways out of the poverty of working as a shop girl or waitress or something similar, I know how about as a receptionist!!!
But it is true that there are opportunities, at the same time though it is not easy and the facts are as they are, no matter what people have fooled themselves into believing.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 04:36:13 PM
::soapbox::  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:23:21 PM
Rot in hell, you disgusting stupid worthless excuse for a pig
next life I hope you get reincarnated as a 14 year old girl in a really bad neighborhood
Actually i just hope you get hit by a truck and drug for a mile
People like you have been the problem since the beginning of time.  
idiots with bellow 90 IQ's who can barely think enough to grunt bully exploit and rob the people around them,
who follow the status quo so completely because it feels so good to belong.  
 You are the racist Southerner during Jim Crow,
the guy that always goes along with what everyone around them says.
are you young poor and female?
perhaps you are just ignorant, and too stupid to hear things from someone elses perspective.
have you ever worked as a shop girl or waitress in a state with bad labor laws?
have you ever spent time in a prison camp for being molested at fourteen  
have you ever lived in a bad neighborhood as a young women because it's the only place you could afford to live.
I write this stuff because I live it, and it is relevant to adult survivors of places like PV.
It is hard to get into colleges out of PV, I've had to juggle schools, trading up as I go along.
the same thing with neighborhoods, I moved home because some neighbor attacked me.
It's hard to do well in school as an eighteen year old who hasn't had homework or been allowed to read in almost two years.
Or as some abused kid who is just out of PV's Nazi farce.
and it's true and wrong and damn straight I'll soap box about it.
I curse you with being raped, you pig.
Is this one of those little idiots that reacted to my comments about sexual harassment with a bunch of sick filth, reminding me once again why sexual harassment in schools is no joke!!
It is wrong to sexually harass women to such a violent and extreme degree.
I don't mean saying, "what's up cutey, or even nice ass".
who cares about crap like that.
some of us have real problems.
like sleeping with a knife under our pillow because the guy across the way in the apartment complex keeps leaving creepy very sexual notes on your car, my friend at work is dealing with this now.

Or lets see, are you one of the PV people?
then you really are the wonderful KKK Nazi element sadly there in every society.
Your not the guy that just goes along you’re the guy that does it.
You’re the active party member,
It’s true, I was there, I know what goes on in PV.
You abuse horribly little girls, in for anorexia? for being foster kids or what?
So you can make a great big profit!!  Or the stupid underpaid staff, what are their motivations?
And you have the nerve to even walk around, to look other people in the eye?
With what you do?  
your no better then the worst monster in prison right now
you are a disgusting leach
you are the heart of darkness, quoting somewhat racist books is always such a nice thing!!
sure its great insight into psychology and how
the actions of the abuser create a horror that even they can’t escape.  They are the brutes, the abuser, they are the horror, not the “dark” continent.
Referring to Conrad quotes a ways back.  

I really only write this because it’s true
I’m not some professor.  
I’m a young women, professors say this kind of stuff because it’s true

I saw five rebel flags when driving to the beach
In my town in the late 60's a big billboard said Welcome to Klan country, like it or leave it.
I am very interested in Civil Disobedience and the Civil rights movement and read a lot about it.
I think you are ignorant or if you are from PV just plain evil
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:32:58 PM
I really hate it when people dismiss or downplay what I have to say when I try and report abusive situations and tell the truth.
It's a little like PV, "stop telling stories," or  "playing the victim."  
It's a very party line response actually hmmmm?
it is the party line response???

I love the playing the victim one, this was always to some sobbing foster kid talking about being molested at five or something, no joke.  
It was simply the party line.
PV has a very basic way of dealing with the teens and they stick to it.
I believe it is what the staff is trained in and its all the undereducated idiotic red neck goons know how to do.
It always digresses into "stop victimizing yourself"
idiotic bullies, as the girl crys and crys while being smashed into the floor.
None of it makes any sense.  they have a script and its all they know how to do or are allowed to do.
It again inevitable just turns into adults bullying teens horribly.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:33:11 PM
My diseased prick bleeds for you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:36:54 PM
I wish there was a soap box, a big demonstration
somewhere to join such a thing
protests on the scale of the late 60's
anything to break up this horrible social structure.
to stop the abuse at places like PV
it is a forum of protest I am trying to do here
and it's true
everything I say is so true
I'm not writing about the weather for a reason.
and your response is stupid
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:38:19 PM
I hate you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:40:43 PM
thanks for proving my point about stupid sick little sexually harassing males
I bet I could kick your ass you little twerp and stomp on your diseased prick while at it
why do men like you always end up talking about their penises?  
and why do they always insult women on a sexual level?  
why does everything have to do with body parts in a graphic, sexual and disgusting twisted way?
seriously what is with that?
I hate you more, trust me
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:43:24 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:46:27 PM
why does everything have to do with body parts in a graphic, sexual and disgusting twisted way?
seriously what is with that?
I hate you more, trust me
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:47:35 PM
and why do they always insult women on a sexual level?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:48:12 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
My diseased prick bleeds for you.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:49:52 PM
so the diseased prick comment was funny huh?
and we use the media to justify this?
you all get very hostile at any mention of sexual harassment
why does everything have to do with body parts in a graphic, sexual and disgusting twisted way?
seriously what is with that?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:52:56 PM
Enough from you about hair-assment already! Humor can help to strengthen analytical and other higher order thinking skills, you dumb cunt!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 05:56:45 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
so the diseased prick comment was funny huh?

Yep, it was fucking hilarious!  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 06:06:52 PM
Quote from: ""STFU!""
Humor can help to strengthen analytical and other higher order thinking skills, you dumb cunt!

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 07:17:56 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
It has been said before, I am going to say it again.

                                    member of Covenant Health

One more time

and this time from the inside

for the record
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 08:48:22 PM
so it is one of those little idiots that reacted to my comments about sexual harassment with a bunch of sick filth, reminding me once again why sexual harassment in schools is no joke!!
It is wrong to sexually harass women to such a violent and extreme degree.

it still wouldn't surprise me if you were PV, at all.
PV is much the same, abusive and ugly
as always you prove my point
again why does everything have to do with sex or a body part in a disgusting sexual way?
it doesn't say anything good about you you know?
you sound like horror, rape and so on.
it says a lot about rape culture for sure.
do you want to be that?

In high school it was always like this, conversations and such.
it wasn't just crude humor
teenagers swear and tell dirty jokes and so on.
it was violent and very very sexual.

If you are psy come on man, really.
if you were bi sexual didn't you get to hear all the really scary gay jokes?
all my gay friends did?
it's different then swearing or whatever.
it's really violent sexual and so on.

I was going to say sorry for bitting your head off,
I just get really annoyed when I try to tell the truth and talk about situations, like I have my pay stubs, I work really hard and don't make any money, and someone comes back with some party line bullshit
stop whining or something
I'm not whining, It's all true.
stop whining is what they tell the kid five minutes before he dies of heat stroke in places like PV.
I've known other wise nice guys who can get pretty ugly with the constant sexual stuff.
again I'm not talking about jokes or swearing like a sailor
everybody does that,
I mean when it's meant to bully and it basically follows the pattern of verbal sexual assault.
There is something to be said about how if everyone around you is doing it and acts like it is the way to go it has a great influence on people
I've done things where later I'm like I didn't want to do that,
 If I had thought about I would have realized it was wrong,
but everyone around me was pushing for it so you get to thinking it's the right way of going about something.
collective thinking has been the cause of all sorts of horror.

I don't know who you are, if you are some guy, come on man.
if you are PV are you allowed to say such things online?
you can be tracked you know, especially if law suits start poping up.
the Whole Foods CEO just got into trouble.
do you really want to have it come out you called somebody the above?
i was going to say sorry for wishing you would be hit by a truck, but now in the words of the Sex Pistols, "I'm pissed destroy"

Then again in the words of the short monk guy in Th Fifth Element, which is on right now and I'm going to go watch,
"Evil Begets Evil, violence leads to more violence"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 27, 2007, 09:14:59 PM
of course the stupid C word is crazy?
If you are some random person you should really be ashamed of your self!
Isn't that what the programs tell people?

How dare you come onto a site for program survivors and sexually harass them and use the same arguments against them that the programs do?
Were you in a program or are you just some stupid kid, how old are you? that thinks it's cool to chat on these sites.

again I hope someone hits you with a truck,
you don't know the first thing about any of this stuff.
how dare you say anything to me,
stupid sexist little pig.

Again in the words of the Sex Pistols "I'm Pissed Destroy"
then again though, I'm afraid too many of my fellow anarchists would be you,
as I am sure they would be,
and therefore I am pretty sure anarchy wouldn't work.        
anarchists are idealists
i spent too many years dealing with idiotic disgusting violent humans like you to be.
no comment on the occasional labor riot.
i'm joking of course, historical reference
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Deborah on July 28, 2007, 01:55:33 AM
What is this in reference to?

the Whole Foods CEO just got into trouble.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 28, 2007, 05:49:08 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""

if you are PV are you allowed to say such things online?
you can be tracked you know, especially if law suits start poping up.

Actually, we've wondered about you.  Whenever a new person posts about PV, you come roaring out of nowhere.  Coincidence, or an attempt to scare PV survivors from discussing the place?  Because really, your posts are  rarely relevant, yet you make a stretch to get PV in them.  And they are kind of creepy.  

Then there's your refusal to register on Fornits.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 28, 2007, 06:21:06 PM
the CEO of Whole Foods was posting all this stuff about Whole Foods competitor right before Whole Foods tried to by them out.
the Fed started investigating the buy out because the buy out was challenged,
 it was feared Whole Foods would have a monopoly on the granola grocery organic food industry.
THe CEO is in trouble
as for the feeling scared and guilty walking alone in the state park or living alone,
I don't anymore much.  
I got a self defense video, a tazer and super pepper spray
Also got a good sized dog.
I would suggest more then pepper spray, my friend pepper sprayed her ex who was trying to cut her tires with a knife and he ran around for a good fifteen minutes really pissed.  
Interestingly she also got into trouble for pepper spraying him even though he was dumb enough to mention in the police report that he was waving a kitchen knife around and trying to cut her tires.
She had already left when the cops showed up so the cops only heard his side of the story and put out a warrant for her.
He told the police he was trying to keep her from leaving him?
like that made it ok to try and cut her tires,
she was arrested, and had a fun night in lockup
for pepper spraying her idiot ex who was waving a knife.
The case was thrown out of course, once it got to court.
Of course she got to spend the night in jail,
 even though the police report stated clearly the boyfriend saying
"I had a knife and was trying to cut her tires to keep her from leaving"

another great example of the system helping abusive family members abuse their victims.
I know this sounds like Jerry Springer, but actually the guy had a good job and was well liked and was so good really at making people think he was a nice person that the cops accepted his story despite the admittance of waving a knife.
the best part I thought was how they released her, out of jail into his custody.  
He beat up on her for two weeks after, she was too scared to call the police, naturally.  
Finally she contacted people and was able to find a new place to live.
So anyway pepper spray doesn't work,
 It's amazing too how much resistance you seem to get when talking about perhaps doing more then just walking around without any real protection as a women.
People tend to act like you shouldn't be worried about it, or they say stuff like I'm tough I can fight them off.
sure like hell, it comes down to a basic law of 250 pounds versus 120
not going to happen, or it is going to be a close call, like it was with me and the guy at the apartment.
so anyway, they make really small high quality affordable hand held tazers,      
the above women was nice in college and working and so on, not a partier or a heavy drinker and had all her teeth.  The boyfriend was a professional

She rarely talks about the above she says because the police made her feel so bad in relation to it and she’s afraid of the prejudice that comes with such stories.
Great huh, abused women afraid of talking about being abused because the cops made her feel like white trash and she’s afraid of being perceived that way.
Keeping the abusers in business and the victims silenced.
I was one of the people she called, so I got to see the whole mess.
I went to court with her and such.  

who the hell are you?  
how would I scare off PV survivors?
PV survivors seem to agree with what I reported?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 28, 2007, 06:27:16 PM
Keeping the abusers in business and the victims silenced.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 28, 2007, 09:49:22 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""
Keeping the abusers in business and the victims silenced.

im confused to the max rite now i havent been on here much in the past few days...what is going on??
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 28, 2007, 10:17:53 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""
Keeping the abusers in business and the victims silenced.

That is what you're up to!  I knew it!  Now you admit it!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 28, 2007, 10:34:29 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""mokara""
Keeping the abusers in business and the victims silenced.

That is what you're up to!  I knew it!  Now you admit it!

someone please help get me unconfused what is this business with Mokara going on?

Maybe I need sleep or something...but im lost...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 28, 2007, 10:51:21 PM
most guys that would try to do something to you are rational enough that they don't want to go to jail
therefore they are not going to just grab someone unless they feel like they can't be caught easily,
its actually is pretty hard to catch someone if they just attack a random person,
If there is nothing to connect them to the person attacked, then they could be anyone
but most guys don't want to go to jail so they will try to coerce the women rather then just grab her
they try to get her to go somewhere alone with them, get her to drink or use drugs, smoke pot or something.
try to get her to make out with them
they are not above putting something in a drink or throwing a big fit if the women won't make out with them or if she starts to leave, it tends to set them off
I would guess they wait around in clubs and bars and stuff looking for the most drunk and vulnerable women.
the point is to have the women confused and ashamed so she won't report it.
this really applies to young women who are naive and easier to manipulate and girls who don't want anyone to know they were talked into drinking or smoking pot or something.
Never go to a party or anywhere alone with a guy.
leave immediatly if he invited you to a party but then there are only a few people there.
dates are hard because you tend to be alone with them somewhat, never let them talk you into leaving your car somewhere and just taking theirs, this is important too in relation if they start drinking.
Sexual predators tend to use coerecion and abuse

Never drink too much in anything other then what you are sure is a really safe situation
date rape is far more common then just being attacked by a stranger
most women at least know the rapist somewhat
don't expect the best out of guys, don't think he's not going to do anything, he can't there are laws.  
sometimes they will anyway.
Never trust anyone you don't know really well to have your best interests in mind, or even to be sane enough to not do something dangerous.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 28, 2007, 10:58:32 PM
I trust no one until proven to be trustworthy...Also can someone help me understand a lil better what the frenzy is on Mokara?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 28, 2007, 11:15:45 PM
this strange teenage boy sounding creepy little twerp starts sexually harassing me everytime I try and talk about womens issues
they are relevant I think because most of the girls I was in PV with were dealing with such things and I'm really sick of the prejudice women face in relation to sexism, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and that kind of bullying.
PV totally supports that prejudice and it pisses me off.
I think people need to realize how bad sexual harrassment in high schools and in general can get.
I'm not talking about swearing, which I do myself often enough
I mean really creepy sexually explicit bullying?

Jersey Girl do you know what I'm talking about?
In my high school it was all time, "do you want to insert sexual act in most graphic explicit way?"  all the time, you know? for no reason, like when I was thirteen before i'd ever kissed a guy?

I think it is important too that people realize that there are sexual predators, and that a lot of them  really look for vulnerable women and girls.
that was one of the most evil things about PV I thought, how they support prejudice towards the victims of sexual abuse and beat up girls, make them feel like everything is there fault.  When really sexual predators are really really common, as is extreme sexual harassment.
They wouldn't even address sexual harrassment or bullying and a lot of the girls were really being bullied.

I wrote something about sexual harassment being bad like on pg 35 and all these little sounding boys started getting really graphic and sexually harassing.
It's ironic, at least they prove my point better then I could
go to page 36 it gets really ugly

I just get sick thinking about how PV tells very young teenage girls how everything that happens to them is all their fault.
It's not, you live in the world you didn't create it.
they don't teach them to feel good about themselves and protect themselves from sexual abuse, they only tell them they deserve it.

the guest person is just some random little jackass,
either that or a PV counsilor
 they haven't been in PV or anything, just some chatroom idiot
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 28, 2007, 11:42:33 PM
Just reading this and have to pipe in.

I am sorry that you have to be abused here in addition to the abuse you incurred at PV.  Just remember, you have to the power to ignore it, and how it affects you.  Don't let it, and keep speaking out on the subject.  This has gone on for years in every venue, not just PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 28, 2007, 11:48:44 PM
thank you,
it actually makes me feel kinda bad.
i wish they wouldn't do it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 28, 2007, 11:57:43 PM
yes i can see where you come from...
im not putting you down or anything i was just confused as to what this rubbish was all about with the diseased prick and all that nonsense...
I have not been on here in a few days and just wanted to get the straight story... although, i guess you never know what the straight story is on the internet, but yea... thats all i was trying to say... is what the hell?? lol
hang in there and stay strong
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 11:32:07 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 11:59:56 AM
LISTEN.  I have no idea who is posting the juvenile sexual crap, and I don't really care.  Let me run this by you again:  you refuse to register as a Fornits user, and that makes me suspicious.  You've resorted to posting other peoples' stories from the internet, and nothing you've posted is unique, it's cut-and-paste from other accounts.  

Your feminist rants are sophomoric and you resort to attacking males, so you're no better than your perceived "oppressors".  

Again, this is about PV, don't use this as a forum for your hatred of males and try to tie it to PV in some nebulous way.

No, I don't trust you and I think you do more harm than good.  You did register on CAFETY, maybe Kat will check your ISP address and we'll at least verify a location.  I'll bet it's real damn close to PV.  

Any sexual harassment in here?  No.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 12:03:29 PM
Go fuck yourself, you wacky bitch!!!!!!!!!   ::lala::  ::phone::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 12:21:28 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
LISTEN.  I have no idea who is posting the juvenile sexual crap, and I don't really care.  Let me run this by you again:  you refuse to register as a Fornits user, and that makes me suspicious.  You've resorted to posting other peoples' stories from the internet, and nothing you've posted is unique, it's cut-and-paste from other accounts.  

Your feminist rants are sophomoric and you resort to attacking males, so you're no better than your perceived "oppressors".  

Again, this is about PV, don't use this as a forum for your hatred of males and try to tie it to PV in some nebulous way.

No, I don't trust you and I think you do more harm than good.  You did register on CAFETY, maybe Kat will check your ISP address and we'll at least verify a location.  I'll bet it's real damn close to PV.  

Any sexual harassment in here?  No.

 ::soapbox::  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 12:22:41 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
LISTEN.  I have no idea who is posting the juvenile sexual crap, and I don't really care.  Let me run this by you again:  you refuse to register as a Fornits user, and that makes me suspicious.  You've resorted to posting other peoples' stories from the internet, and nothing you've posted is unique, it's cut-and-paste from other accounts.  

Your feminist rants are sophomoric and you resort to attacking males, so you're no better than your perceived "oppressors".  

Again, this is about PV, don't use this as a forum for your hatred of males and try to tie it to PV in some nebulous way.

No, I don't trust you and I think you do more harm than good.  You did register on CAFETY, maybe Kat will check your ISP address and we'll at least verify a location.  I'll bet it's real damn close to PV.  

Any sexual harassment in here?  No.

 ::soapbox::  :roll:

Nice try, but that (obviously) wasn't mokara..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 12:26:25 PM
Yeah...and she's playing a game and making a lot of you look like suckers.  I'll bet mokara and her fellow PV staff buddies are laughing hard.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 12:29:43 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Yeah...and she's playing a game and making a lot of you look like suckers.  I'll bet mokara and her fellow PV staff buddies are laughing hard.

Are you kiddin' me? Do you really think that loopy wack-job is up to something like that? I seriously doubt it.... She's just kinda fucked in the head is all...pffft.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 12:32:18 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Yeah...and she's playing a game and making a lot of you look like suckers.  I'll bet mokara and her fellow PV staff buddies are laughing hard.

You sound more paranoid than SHE does.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 12:37:38 PM
You both sound like the same person.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 12:40:47 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You both sound like the same person.

Hey you're pretty fuckin' good there, Sherlock...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 29, 2007, 01:28:23 PM
it does seem strange that most posts are not relevant to what is being discussed... ive been going back and reading alot of them. i do admit it is strange...... i dont know....
if you are from PV, i must admit i am very disappointed. but nothing shocks me much anymore....
erggggg :question:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 02:32:20 PM
Anyone who's dealt with PV knows you can't be paranoid enough.  Mokara offers to PM people - how?  She can't she's not registered.  The cyclic nature of her posts follows the schedule of a PV counselor, four days living there, three off.

If I confirm you work at PV, mokara, I'll use it against your employers and they'll be pretty pissed at you, I'm sure.  

Anyone who thinks PV staff wouldn't be dumb enough to pull a stunt like "mokara" doesn't know PV staff too well.  They are dumbasses.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 29, 2007, 02:38:32 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 02:47:59 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Anyone who's dealt with PV knows you can't be paranoid enough.  Mokara offers to PM people - how?  She can't she's not registered.  The cyclic nature of her posts follows the schedule of a PV counselor, four days living there, three off.

If I confirm you work at PV, mokara, I'll use it against your employers and they'll be pretty pissed at you, I'm sure.  

Anyone who thinks PV staff wouldn't be dumb enough to pull a stunt like "mokara" doesn't know PV staff too well.  They are dumbasses.


Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 03:49:18 PM
Your dad has some slick headgear, chief.  I'll bet you have aluminum foil underwear on.

Obviously the psycho troll is on the defensive.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 06:33:43 PM
it is odd
I say something like PV tells girls who have been abused that it is all their fault and some random guest comes on and says I'm crazy or starts sexually harassing me really badly.
Or I talk about low paying jobs and trying to get into college out of PV
Or abusive families or spouses and boyfriends
or how common sexual abuse and harassment is and how it effects the girls in PV alot, and how prejudice and warped our society is in relation to recognizing this and how society even goes so far as to support the abuse of women both through the media's portrayal of women and through the sexual prejudice they face when trying to report abuse.  
It's worse for teenagers because they tend to get blamed for drinking or smoking pot or something even though using drugs or alcohol to make a girl more vulnerable really is the oldest trick in the book.

I think they are staff some of them
otherwise why come back so viciously?
You should have seen what they said about pg 36 or so,
it's horrible and I was trying to be nice and understanding.
I've had it with them at this point,
 which is why I might seem a bit harsh in my responses.
i really tried at first and they called me the C word repeatedly and posted pictures that were really bad and said something about if I did (*&(*& perhaps no one would rape me and so on
really really horrible stuff.
I think it is PV staff or just some guy?  
I don't know, they don't sign in either

I don't sign in because I'm afraid of being shot by random PV staff or something. Or having someone poison my dog or something?
You know PV staff are really scary people.
or having someone show up at my door and cart me off somewhere.
I know legally they can't do anything but I equate PV staff with your  typical insane KKK person, so I'm not so sure the fear of the law, basic rational behavior would make sure I was safe.  
PV staff are evil insane pigs high on power and abuse, last time I trusted someone not to do anything because the law would not allow it, it didn't turn out that well.
Legally I have given my name to a few people so my story would have credibility,
I am not afraid to say what i said here in court,

In fact I plan to contact a lawyer this next week,
Jersey Girl you should do the same.  
I have PTS because of PV and it needs to be held accountable and perhaps made to stop continuing the abuse
hopefully all PV survivors will contact a lawyer
you records from before you were eighteen are sealed, so you are safe,  
PV can not drag out all your personal secrets before the court to brow beat you with.
simply put PV promises to Help teens deal with being abused and instead runs a prison camp and abuses the teens horribly.
contact a lawyer, you can still sue for long term damages  

Also Guest I don't know who you are and I don't want you to know my name and address, speaking of stalkers and creepy sexually harassing guys,
 about pg 36 on this forum I became really happy that i didn't give my name or email address.
that was super sick stuff, especially to post on a forum about a place that takes teens dealing with sexual abuse and then abuses them more in relation to it.
I don't know if you should be giving out your name and address either.
I'm sane and pretty calm and all, but bullying and sexually harassing people with PTS from being sexually abused might not be the safest thing to do.
A little like setting off fire crackers near the Vietnam Vet and shouting diddi Mao.
I'm fortunately not an insane six foot three guy with a gun who when he looks up your name happens to live only two towns over from you, but I'm sure he's out there and probably on this site
Men are often sexually abused as children too, there are crazy women as well,
just saying anonymity probably keeps everyone safe on this site.  Your stupid ass too.
there are crazy people out there unfortunatly,
don't poke the sleeping humans is really good advise, I've found.
If I have to be so careful law of averages says, you should be careful too.
I don't know who you are and I'm very non violent, I might smack you honestly and I certainly wouldn't stalk you, but trust me there are people out there that would and this is probably not a good site to sexually harass the abused.
Just saying

I am sure though after being on this site for a while that some of these people are PV staff.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 29, 2007, 09:05:44 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""

I am sure though after being on this site for a while that some of these people are PV staff.

You spout an incredible amount of unfocused, meaningless crap before getting to your point.  You've thrown in Mao and enough useless noise to make the mind reel.

The reason I don't sign in?  I don't want you showing up on my doorstep...staff.

Enough of your noise. "I am woman, hear me bitch"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 29, 2007, 09:08:27 PM
Mokara the anon who you are arguing with isn't a staff member, but a survivor much like yourself.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 29, 2007, 09:59:52 PM
Heh.. i get all rambunctious when i think about destroying PV.... mwahahahah ::roflmao::  ::lala::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 29, 2007, 10:07:36 PM
errr kay.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 12:54:48 AM
hey Waygookin weren't you a counselor for real?
Waygookin was a counselor for a wilderness program until he decided to turn from the dark side and join the cause

he was also a mediator on Fornits until he had his privileges taken away because he told a story about laughing at a kid while they were being shoved into the dirt or something.
this came out many many posts ago

i've been nice to him up till now, but he can piss off
he's weird and obnoxious
He's a bit of a bossy jerk,
that counselor mentality I'm sure.
he lives in Korea i think and
his thoughts on women and sexual abuse are,
"They should get laid"
and of course for those Asian girls "Me love you long time"
direct quotes from page 30 something
He's bossy and overbearing and a bit of an ass
He is also always on and likes to control everything
he's not a mediator just can't give up trying to control program people

He doesn't post anything about PV because he has nothing to say, or about anything that relates to programs or helping survivors or anything.
He's just pushy and bossy and involved in what everyone else is doing
his screen picture for the longest time was this eight hundred pound cartoon bear stomping his way toward something with this great counselor expression on his face,  
It was pretty creepy considering it bore a marked resemblance to a counselor running into restrain and control somebody
Waygookin always runs into the conversation and throws his weight around, not in a very pleasant manner either
once a counselor always a counselor

As for Guest being from PV,
If you aren't, then testify you jack ass.
what the hell does Mr. Penis have to do with PV
I'm sure there are sites for that kind of crap, like with other guys who think it's funny, a forum on PV isn't it
I haven't heard Guest say one thing about PV
I am obviously not PV as I'm the one who posted one of the first accounts describing PV as what it really is
also no one from PV would accuse PV of abusing the victims of sexual abuse and telling them to take responsibility for it.
or tell the reality of PV as starkly as it really is,
or tell all PV survivors to get a lawyer and sue ASAP.

either you are young and I've annoyed you and the best thing you can come back with is "I know you are but what am I" or you are stupid PV staff.
either way who gives a damn say something about PV please
or something about programs or how they handicap you in the future
did you have trouble getting in to colleges post PV?
what was your PV experiences?
what do you do for a living?
I probably shouldn't bitch about being underpaid and overworked and dealing with being afraid of being assaulted, but I kind wish someone else in my life would talk about it.
I was hoping for some solidarity,
I thought other women on here, or guys, would have experienced and seen similar things.
I thought it was a place to Testify, I love Rage Against the Machine, you think?
Not to bicker or pick on me and sexually harass me for what I had to say.

Plus if Guest is male how dare he say anything to me about feeling afraid at my apartment or being sexually harassed, assaulted or the prejudice you face trying to report it.
How the hell does he know.
It's relevant because i would guess half of the girls in or out of PV had the same problems.

what are the kind of problems that guys face.
Don't tell me how it feels to be me.
tell me whats going on with you.
certainly don't pick on me because you don't like what i have to say when i tell you what i go through.
it's rude as hell,
it's like you say to someone it really makes me mad when somebody does whatever, and it's really bad too and that person instead of saying I hear you or guess what happens to me, they say
you stupid C word you need to get laid.
do you see why I think your a pig?
t's really nasty like PV bad is all I'm saying.
who the hell calls people the C word and says "If you did this you wouldn't have been assaulted" in as bad as you can get explicit terms.
what the hell would possess you to do such a thing.
are you that stupid and just mean.
that's over the top abusive.
Again I don't think Guest was in PV, they haven't said anything about it.
if they were, I hope it wasn't them that said the really nasty stuff.
Mr penis I'm willing to ignore, maybe
say something about PV or about life in relation to PV,
like where do you work now?
What effect did or does being in PV have on you now.

Again people are put in these programs because they were sexually abused a lot of them, it is really bad to post sexually harassing stuff on a site that is for survivors of such things.
On the PV website it says under admissions criteria those dealing with sexual abuse or other trauma.
there are foster kids who were abused

It's like going on a rape support chatroom or one for the adult survivors of molestation and posting MR. Penis and "that they wouldn't have been molested if the had sewn their *(&(*& shut,
 with a picture of a sewn together womens body part

This was again posted about pg 36
are you a serial killer or something?
 that's the worst thing i've seen in a long time.

Someone else also posted a poem,
"You look sick, you act sick and we are going to put you in an institution"
It's back on page something.

and I'm paranoid to think some of the more abusive people on here might be PV?  You think?  

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it might be a duck
How do you know how I look,  
you sound like serial killers, again a picture of a womens mutilated private part, in close up?
I might call the cops on you if you post things that bad and scary.
I'm still freaked out about that.

Second there really are people on Fornits that have been badly abused.
You get some adult guy who was molested in Foster care and then got to spend three years in somewhere like or worse then PV, the Foster kids spend a lot longer in programs because the state pays, who is an alcoholic trying to cope with PTS and you say something that bad to him.
He looks up your email or name and he's at your door ready to rip you limb from limb.
it's like walking into a biker bar and saying all bikers are something
pretty much not a great idea
you can't do everything you see on TV you know, you really are not Super Man.
I'm telling you the truth, life is dangerous.
i wouldn't mess with that guy and I'm sure he really is on Fornits somewhere,
 it's mean as hell and you shouldn't torment the survivors of abuse on a website set up to support them.
I'd be more pissed at you for driving the poor alcoholic guy who was in a program into an assault charge, otherwise I hope he wrings your scrawny kneck.  
It's common human decency and then if that doesn't do anything for you it's just stupid not to mention sick, threatening and mean as hell
who the hell sexually harasses abuse victims
Again a mutilated womens privates in close up?
how horrible and creepy and disgusting is that.
on a site that is supposed to support abuse victims.  
and you want me to sign in and give out my name and email address, when people are threatening me and posting pictures of mutilated womens private parts.

Not very smart are we, a lot like an abusive prison camp mentality,
beat it into submission, don't even have enough sense to not be so bad that their isn't a chance in hell the person is actually going to do what you want
just try to strong arm them into it, as extremely as you please?
If you are PV you better stop making such horrific threats,
"I look sick"?  Like you know how I look? and "your going to put me in an institution?"
 This was in a poem someone posted a ways back to me.
"a mulilated womens privates" up close, as bad as it could be,
that's about pg 36 or so.

I'm not stupid,
I don't know who the hell you are, some psycho little nutcase guy or PV but I am sure as hell not going to give you any way to find me.

Again a close up of a sewn together womens private part with the caption maybe if you did this they couldn't rape you?and you repeatedly try to browbeat me into signing in
I don't know who the hell you are but perhaps you need to look at how extreme you are and if you aren't a serial killer maybe you need to not post pictures like that and threaten women to such an extreme.
it really effects how you come accross.
its not funny.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 12:56:05 AM
hey Waygookin weren't you a counselor for real?
Waygookin was a counselor for a wilderness program until he decided to turn from the dark side and join the cause

he was also a mediator on Fornits until he had his privileges taken away because he told a story about laughing at a kid while they were being shoved into the dirt or something.
this came out many many posts ago

i've been nice to him up till now, but he can piss off
he's weird and obnoxious
He's a bit of a bossy jerk,
that counselor mentality I'm sure.
he lives in Korea i think and
his thoughts on women and sexual abuse are,
"They should get laid"
and of course for those Asian girls "Me love you long time"
direct quotes from page 30 something
He's bossy and overbearing and a bit of an ass
He is also always on and likes to control everything
he's not a mediator just can't give up trying to control program people

He doesn't post anything about PV because he has nothing to say, or about anything that relates to programs or helping survivors or anything.
He's just pushy and bossy and involved in what everyone else is doing
his screen picture for the longest time was this eight hundred pound cartoon bear stomping his way toward something with this great counselor expression on his face,  
It was pretty creepy considering it bore a marked resemblance to a counselor running into restrain and control somebody
Waygookin always runs into the conversation and throws his weight around, not in a very pleasant manner either
once a counselor always a counselor

As for Guest being from PV,
If you aren't, then testify you jack ass.
what the hell does Mr. Penis have to do with PV
I'm sure there are sites for that kind of crap, like with other guys who think it's funny, a forum on PV isn't it
I haven't heard Guest say one thing about PV
I am obviously not PV as I'm the one who posted one of the first accounts describing PV as what it really is
also no one from PV would accuse PV of abusing the victims of sexual abuse and telling them to take responsibility for it.
or tell the reality of PV as starkly as it really is,
or tell all PV survivors to get a lawyer and sue ASAP.

either you are young and I've annoyed you and the best thing you can come back with is "I know you are but what am I" or you are stupid PV staff.
either way who gives a damn say something about PV please
or something about programs or how they handicap you in the future
did you have trouble getting in to colleges post PV?
what was your PV experiences?
what do you do for a living?
I probably shouldn't bitch about being underpaid and overworked and dealing with being afraid of being assaulted, but I kind wish someone else in my life would talk about it.
I was hoping for some solidarity,
I thought other women on here, or guys, would have experienced and seen similar things.
I thought it was a place to Testify, I love Rage Against the Machine, you think?
Not to bicker or pick on me and sexually harass me for what I had to say.

Plus if Guest is male how dare he say anything to me about feeling afraid at my apartment or being sexually harassed, assaulted or the prejudice you face trying to report it.
How the hell does he know.
It's relevant because i would guess half of the girls in or out of PV had the same problems.

what are the kind of problems that guys face.
Don't tell me how it feels to be me.
tell me whats going on with you.
certainly don't pick on me because you don't like what i have to say when i tell you what i go through.
it's rude as hell,
it's like you say to someone it really makes me mad when somebody does whatever, and it's really bad too and that person instead of saying I hear you or guess what happens to me, they say
you stupid C word you need to get laid.
do you see why I think your a pig?
t's really nasty like PV bad is all I'm saying.
who the hell calls people the C word and says "If you did this you wouldn't have been assaulted" in as bad as you can get explicit terms.
what the hell would possess you to do such a thing.
are you that stupid and just mean.
that's over the top abusive.
Again I don't think Guest was in PV, they haven't said anything about it.
if they were, I hope it wasn't them that said the really nasty stuff.
Mr penis I'm willing to ignore, maybe
say something about PV or about life in relation to PV,
like where do you work now?
What effect did or does being in PV have on you now.

Again people are put in these programs because they were sexually abused a lot of them, it is really bad to post sexually harassing stuff on a site that is for survivors of such things.
On the PV website it says under admissions criteria those dealing with sexual abuse or other trauma.
there are foster kids who were abused

It's like going on a rape support chatroom or one for the adult survivors of molestation and posting MR. Penis and "that they wouldn't have been molested if the had sewn their *(&(*& shut,
 with a picture of a sewn together womens body part

This was again posted about pg 36
are you a serial killer or something?
 that's the worst thing i've seen in a long time.

Someone else also posted a poem,
"You look sick, you act sick and we are going to put you in an institution"
It's back on page something.

and I'm paranoid to think some of the more abusive people on here might be PV?  You think?  

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it might be a duck
How do you know how I look,  
you sound like serial killers, again a picture of a womens mutilated private part, in close up?
I might call the cops on you if you post things that bad and scary.
I'm still freaked out about that.

Second there really are people on Fornits that have been badly abused.
You get some adult guy who was molested in Foster care and then got to spend three years in somewhere like or worse then PV, the Foster kids spend a lot longer in programs because the state pays, who is an alcoholic trying to cope with PTS and you say something that bad to him.
He looks up your email or name and he's at your door ready to rip you limb from limb.
it's like walking into a biker bar and saying all bikers are something
pretty much not a great idea
you can't do everything you see on TV you know, you really are not Super Man.
I'm telling you the truth, life is dangerous.
i wouldn't mess with that guy and I'm sure he really is on Fornits somewhere,
 it's mean as hell and you shouldn't torment the survivors of abuse on a website set up to support them.
I'd be more pissed at you for driving the poor alcoholic guy who was in a program into an assault charge, otherwise I hope he wrings your scrawny kneck.  
It's common human decency and then if that doesn't do anything for you it's just stupid not to mention sick, threatening and mean as hell
who the hell sexually harasses abuse victims
Again a mutilated womens privates in close up?
how horrible and creepy and disgusting is that.
on a site that is supposed to support abuse victims.  
and you want me to sign in and give out my name and email address, when people are threatening me and posting pictures of mutilated womens private parts.

Not very smart are we, a lot like an abusive prison camp mentality,
beat it into submission, don't even have enough sense to not be so bad that their isn't a chance in hell the person is actually going to do what you want
just try to strong arm them into it, as extremely as you please?
If you are PV you better stop making such horrific threats,
"I look sick"?  Like you know how I look? and "your going to put me in an institution?"
 This was in a poem someone posted a ways back to me.
"a mulilated womens privates" up close, as bad as it could be,
that's about pg 36 or so.

I'm not stupid,
I don't know who the hell you are, some psycho little nutcase guy or PV but I am sure as hell not going to give you any way to find me.

Again a close up of a sewn together womens private part with the caption maybe if you did this they couldn't rape you?and you repeatedly try to browbeat me into signing in
I don't know who the hell you are but perhaps you need to look at how extreme you are and if you aren't a serial killer maybe you need to not post pictures like that and threaten women to such an extreme.
it really effects how you come accross.
its not funny.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:02:24 AM
It's like going on a rape support chatroom or one for the adult survivors of molestation and posting MR. Penis and
"that they wouldn't have been molested if the had sewn their *(&(*& shut,
with a picture of a sewn together womens body part"

This was again posted about pg 36
are you a serial killer or something?
that's the worst thing i've seen in a long time.

Someone else also posted a poem,
"You look sick, you act sick and we are going to put you in an institution"
It's back on page something.
and I'm paranoid to think some of the more abusive people on here might be PV? You think?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 01:08:00 AM
Mokara, how fuckin dare you bad mouth TSW.. I think that is extremely low of you... He is my friend and I have alot of respect for him, so i suggest you quit it right now going on about him like that. You are wrong. He is a GOOD GUY. Not every fucking guy on the earth is a scumbag. Not saying that some are not, but TSW for one, IS NOT.
Quit the fuckin bullshit. He pisses you off? Well you have seriously pissed me off...
Your just as guilty if your bad mouthing someone else.
We dont all agree with what others say, but you have no right to talk shit about someone. Especially if you dont know shit about it. I happen to know TSW and I will back him up.
So once again, Knock off the fuckiin bullshit.
Its one thing to post your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Its a total fuckin other thing to put down someone else on here, without proof, good cause, and knowing what the hell you are talking about.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:12:30 AM
hey Jersey girl be careful about giving out any personal information I think.
It really has gotten pretty scary and weird
I don't know if it's just chat room weirdness or something else
I don't think PV can do anything at least not legally but PV cousilors aren't the most rational non abusive people out there,
I'm putting them about on the same level as bad ex husband with gun.  
I would like to email you and talk and such, you said you had a MYSpace account?
I'll write you for sure sometime this week,
i hope you are well and life is treating you better. going to bed now
It would be nice to chat with a girl who's been through PV too
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 01:17:54 AM
hey Waygookin weren't you a counselor for real?
Waygookin was a counselor for a wilderness program until he decided to turn from the dark side and join the cause

he was also a mediator on Fornits until he had his privileges taken away because he told a story about laughing at a kid while they were being shoved into the dirt or something.
this came out many many posts ago

i've been nice to him up till now, but he can piss off
he's weird and obnoxious
He's a bit of a bossy jerk,
that counselor mentality I'm sure.
he lives in Korea i think and
his thoughts on women and sexual abuse are,
"They should get laid"
and of course for those Asian girls "Me love you long time"
direct quotes from page 30 something
He's bossy and overbearing and a bit of an ass
He is also always on and likes to control everything
he's not a mediator just can't give up trying to control program people

He doesn't post anything about PV because he has nothing to say, or about anything that relates to programs or helping survivors or anything.
He's just pushy and bossy and involved in what everyone else is doing
his screen picture for the longest time was this eight hundred pound cartoon bear stomping his way toward something with this great counselor expression on his face,
It was pretty creepy considering it bore a marked resemblance to a counselor running into restrain and control somebody
Waygookin always runs into the conversation and throws his weight around, not in a very pleasant manner either
once a counselor always a counselor

This post is epic.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 01:19:04 AM
One more thing Mokara or whoever the fuck you are.... Seems to me in MY OPINION... that you think all men are scum. Women are weak and vulnerable, we need to be protected. Well, only if that is the way a woman chooses to be, meaning viewed as weak, vulnerable, highly prone to being abused, and unable to defend themselves, that is not everyone. Myself for one, will never let a man, woman, whoever, take control of me. Id kill them first. Yes in PV i had no choice, but that was different. I am not one who is defenseless. Most people who know me, know not to fuck with me. Not saying im some hardcore bitch, matter of fact those who treat me with respect, I treat like gold to the best of my ability. THose Who FUCK with Me, like PV, and any other motherfucker, Im going to make them pay one way or the other.
We as women, need to stand up for ourselves and not sit and sulk with the fact that we were born female.
No matter what sex we are, we can either choose to allow ourselves to continue to be walked over and seen as weak, or we can stand up, tall and proud, with fists raised.

And once again, Leave TSW alone.

But think about what i just wrote. In all my power, I will never allow a motherfucker to walk over me like some doormat. Everyday is a good day to die, if ur fighting for whats right.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 01:21:05 AM
Quote from: ""SettleForNothingLess""
One more thing Mokara or whoever the fuck you are.... Seems to me in MY OPINION... that you think all men are scum. Women are weak and vulnerable, we need to be protected. Well, only if that is the way a woman chooses to be, meaning viewed as weak, vulnerable, highly prone to being abused, and unable to defend themselves, that is not everyone. Myself for one, will never let a man, woman, whoever, take control of me. Id kill them first. Yes in PV i had no choice, but that was different. I am not one who is defenseless. Most people who know me, know not to fuck with me. Not saying im some hardcore bitch, matter of fact those who treat me with respect, I treat like gold to the best of my ability. THose Who FUCK with Me, like PV, and any other motherfucker, Im going to make them pay one way or the other.
We as women, need to stand up for ourselves and not sit and sulk with the fact that we were born female.
No matter what sex we are, we can either choose to allow ourselves to continue to be walked over and seen as weak, or we can stand up, tall and proud, with fists raised.

But think about what i just wrote. In all my power, I will never allow a motherfucker to walk over me like some doormat. Everyday is a good day to die, if ur fighting for whats right.

Even more epic.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:26:44 AM
how do you know him?  Doesn't he live in Korea, he used to be a counsilor
a lot of the people on this thread have been weird, no offense.
have you just talked to him through Fornits or on the phone
please explain
he told me to get laid, he's in everything and I don't know him?
he just sort off jumps in and comments on what I have to say
like I'm not looking for random comments by some guy who I don't know and who wasn't in PV and who tells me to get laid?
did you see the bear, it looked like PV staff running in to save the day?
PTS paranoid says what?
but he is bossy, who the hell is he anyway?
seriously have you talked to him on the phone and do you know him?
i've talked to him online now for a while and he's bossy
I kind of just expected to post here and have other people post their experiences.
instead i get comments and sexual stuff and hardly anyone else ever posts stuff about PV they just yell at me
and did you see the picture of the womens private part sewn shut?
it was horrible and there has been a bunch of really threatening stuff.
it's just confusing.
i've been ignoring it and just posting stuff
like how bad a lot of the medications they give out in PV are for you, and how common abuse of women is and how hard it is to get into colleges and so on
just stuff that I see that i think makes PV look as bad as they really are  

i don't spend a lot of time in chat rooms but when I do it always seems random and weird. with lots of sexual stuff and people are always so nasty really,  problems with anonimity I guess.
again though how do you know Waygookin?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 02:02:06 AM
he is a good friend of mine.. i know him well... that is all i am going to say about it on here..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:12:20 AM
if you can tell from my posts I'm not exactly a wimp
I'm not the one who perceives women as sex objects to be molested or sweet and nice and vulnerable delicate little flowers.
My boss see's women like that I think, and me, mainly because I get fired if I'm not polite and nice and places like PV make you feel so bad about sticking up for yourself you feel like your going to be restrained every time you do.
if I get fired i can't use the place I've worked for the last year as a reference, and I won't have any money,
without any money I am really vulnerable.
i told my boss i needed a raise and basically just put it politely on the line, it is my boss after all, and he threatened me with loosing my job for the next two weeks.  I work at a big bookstore too, it shouldn't be this bad.
I've had it with it and I'm going to start looking for a better paying job or at least one where I don't have to work such long hours for such little pay.
I sure can type fast.

I honestly feel sorry for the the guy that trys to do something to me at this point,
not only do i know all the legal ways to throw the book at the bastard and boy will I be sure too,
no chance of it going unreported put it that way,
 between the tazer, the dog, pepper spray and a couple pocket knives he's not going to be in good shape.
also I'll make sure he goes to jail and stays there.
of course if he has a gun I'm still in big trouble
and it happens, there are really crazy guys out there, not all guys,
but it happens.
i was flashed at the park on a wednesday afternoon and attacked by a neighbor both pretty badly in under a year.
that says most guys don't attack you but you meet a lot of people in a year
apparently about two a year will
I fought the one guy off and the other guy was bare ass naked and played with himself for a good fifteen minutes and I couldn't do anything because he was on the one path back to my car and there was water on one side and swap on the other.
I had the dog a knife and pepper spray but of course my cell phone was in my car.
It was a nice normal park too, I was studying for a test

If anything the advice i give on this site empowers women.
it tells clearly how society and sexist men treat women and what to do about it and how to keep yourself safe in relation to it.
otherwise women feel alone and don't report stuff or they get beaten down and shut up.  
you have to know how to handle the laws in relation to sexism and abuse and what to expect, then you can navigate your way through.
half the time people seem to think in a different reality then they live in.

as for being poor, i work my ass off, i get really good grades
and I tell people to fight this fucked up system every way they can without hurting themselves.

I spoke up about PV when no one else had
and I have been threatened and had pictures of womens body parts with the caption "if you did this perhaps they wouldn't try to rape you"
posted under it.
Are you saying for the millionth time that women who are abused are at fault?
like my friend with the boyfriend she pepper sprayed and she got arrested?
She's at fault?
how old are you? give me a break
If you don't make a lot of money it is hard for women to get away from abusive husbands or boyfriends.
they don't stick around because they want too.
the other option isn't moving into a nice apartment at the beach usually.
If you recognize that women are often abused by men in one form or another, which they are, I've had sociology classes on it, then you can do things to fix and help the causes of abuse.
look at history and society all over the world?
Did we miss foot binding?  do you think this was an option for those women
in the 19th century women couldn't inherit property, on marriage everything they owned became their husbands, adultery was illegal because it involved a mans property his wife, A husband was allowed to beat his wife within some reason, like he couldn't kill her. there was no birth control and women had eight kids.  This wasn’t the fun choice of the women, but it dictated most of their lives.
It’s like saying slaves were wimpy for not fighting back more, they were kept down by violence abuse and social structure.
The guy with the more modern gun wins?

if you act like the women is being week and that is why she is being abused then you are in fact blaming the victim and it doesn't do anything to help her get away from abuse.

You know if you hit someone, threaten someone, use violence of any form whatsoever really in our society, you can be arrested and sued.
guys fighting in a bar with other dumb guys get assault charges.
sure you can defend yourself against a guy that's attacking you but even then, look at my friend who was arrested for pepper spraying her ex who had a knife.
Again how do you know three springs and who are you exactly?
are you Jersey girl or not?
not that i'm looking I thought you were the same person but i don't know you have a different name.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:23:06 AM
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:12 pm    Post subject: some of my postings on the Cafety site  

sounds like from McGregors philosophy,
PV staff would definetely fall under Theory X rather than Theory Y

Theory X
assumes that workers are basically lazy, error-prone, and extrinsically motivated by money
they need simple tasks, close monitering, and incentives to work harder

Theory Y
assumes that, given challenge and freedom, workers are intrisically motivated to achieve self esteem and to demonstrate their competence and creativity.

hmm just another random but important thought....

Jersey Gurl

Money making ignoramouses is what PV staff is. Obviously they are so oblivious and ignorant as to what professionalism is. They try to speak so highly of themselves, yet their actions are sabotaging them. I wish a psychiatric evaluation could be done on them. The facades they try to put up about being this big shot, immaculate treatment facility, is so obvious to those who can read between the lines, are completely false.
They are immature as well and in a way demented. I mean where do people get off snickering and cackling at those in need of real medical and therapeutic attention. Are their patients just their entertainment? how could any of the staff there "love their job"? unless of course they are sick in their own ways.
Maybe the snickering and crude remarks about their patients is really them transferring their own feelings onto innocent victims of their abuses.
The restraints are how they get out their anger. I mean come on, at the drop of a hat for no reason, boom... their goes a patient onto the floor. The pressure applied is very strong. Its almost as if they are trying to squeeze out their issues going on in their unstable and sick minds. Kind of transference again except on a physical level.
Like the opposite of self mutilation. self mutilation is a way of escaping from dealing with negative emotions. Staff on the other hand, basically in a way, each restraint is like another cut onto their arm.
I know for myself, if I worked one day at Peninsula, or any of these horrid RTCs, I wouldnt be able to live with myself. These people who are the staff there, claim to love their job. What person in their RIGHT mind would love the job they have? I dont know... something just doesnt seem right with that whole issue.
are their lives simply that pathetic? or is their a much deeper issue here?
Like i mentioned briefly before, what ever happened to Personell Psychology?
Personell Psychology for those that do not know, is:
a subfield of industrial organiztional psych. that focuses on employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, appraisal, and development.

sounds like this "psychiatric treatment facility" should work on their own "psychological issues, first starting in their "professinal work enviroment" and second maybe with themselves

just a thought.

I found it.. in the introduction handbook

" Many times parents feel angry, anxious, sad, and even guilty, not sure if they have made the right decision. be prepared that your adolescent is aware of these feelings and either consciously or unconsciously may attempt to arouse feelings of guilt and anxiety. there are some typical ways that adolescents attempt to do this.
The most obvious example of this attempt is the full frontal guilt attack. ""why did you put me here? you do not care about me. If you take me out of here I will do anything, I have realized I was wrong, please give me one more chance. Ill Kill myself if you dont take me out of here"" these attempts directly attack your feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for your child.
The second attempt is more subtle and involves your adolescent misinforming, lying, or telling half truths to raise feelings of guilt and anxiety. Typical examples include: "" My therapist told me it was your fault I am here. The staff does not know what they are doing.""
The third example is an attempt to exploit normal parental concerns regarding an adolescents safety. Examples include;"" they are not feeding me. Staff makes fun of me. My peer is a violent psycho. Compared to other kids here my problems are not that serious""
Do not let these attempts to make you feel guilty work. As long as your child believes that he/she might escape responsibility he or she will not change. Often adolescents are actually terrified of change and their oppositional and defiant behavior is a way of avoiding dealing with the painful aspects of their lives. So of course they are going to continue to try to avoid responsibility and introspection. "

that came straight from the introduction to PV guide given to parents.
sounds to me like a desperate attempt to trun parents against their own children in order to rake in the money for them to wipe their sorry excuse for lifes asses.
Those are pretty powerful lines of manipulation dont you think? sounds like Peninsula themselves are trying to make their pathetic attempts to convince you work for THEIR advantage.
Sounds like uh..what they used to call "Splitting" telling you one thing and them the other.
Staff ridicules you constantly, yet they are telling parents right there in black and white that if their adolescent is telling them this, that it is just an " attempt to directly ATTACK the parents feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for their child."
PV should have learned that they should get their story straight and quit the lies because lies always come back to bite you in the fuckin ass.

PV also states that they cannot admit anyone with an IQ below 85
Sorry but most staff dont seem to be much over that themselves.

They cannot admit anyone who is diagnosed with psychosis.
They are Psychotic for thinking they can get away with this shit

They seem to prey on the vulnerable teens who have issues such as:

---Depression or mood disorder

The approach on this issue seems to be HIGHLY increasing it, also gives staff a reason to laugh if you cry or try to talk about it

---Drug or alcohol abuse

Pudgeboy Pegler fiends these types of issues. I think he gets off on it. The pound by pound perv

---Oppositional beahvior or conduct problems

Defy their bullshit, theyll tie you to a bed

---Effects of traumatic experiences

Ah, this one, they do a great job of making your trauma disappear and bring on a new one. Trauma=PV

---Self endangering or self injurious behavior

They have a great rating of helping increase such behavior

---Out of control behavior and the ability to accept adult authority

Open your mouth, your done.

Yours Truly

Jersey Gurl

My admission day to the village, from the beginning i knew i was in for a wild ride. It started with being escorted to the Village. I arrived in Knoxville and had one of those bad gut instinction feelings. I knew before I walked in this was not going to be pleasant. I was taken to the nurses station where I met with a nurse and then was brought up to STU now known as GAAU ((girls admission and assessment unit)). the place in itself is depressing. You walk through the doorways of hell. I was shoved into a metal chair in front of the staffs desk. I signed my life away. when i went to ask a question, i was shut down. then they said that I needed to be strip searched. my immediate reaction was fuck you you pervs. They led me into the bathroom where I had to strip all of my clothing except my underwear. Then they told me to pull my underwear to the side, bend over and cough to see if i was hiding anything in a territory that was private. I was crying and was told to quit being dramatic. I sat my practically naked ass on the cold floor when they told me to stand up, strip completley and take a shower in which the shower stall had half of a shower curtain. they told me it was to moniter me. this shocked me. i had never had anyone monitor my shower time. so i told them to go fuck themselves. with that i guess it infuriated them and two of the staff grabbed me by the arms and led me straight into the time out room. the room was bare. i had seen this shit in the movies but never actually experienced one. little did i know that that would become very familiar. I was told to sit with my back against the wall and not to talk. i needed to think about my actions. i was panic sticken. my anxiety was going through the roof. I threw up all over the floor in there which i was later made to clean up. then they asked me awhile later if i was willing to cooperate. i shrugged my shoulders and they showed me to my cubicle aka my bed. I was told once again to sit up straight with my legs crossed and not to look at anyone. If i could not follow this i would be escorted back to time out.
Well I was exhausted, so i leaned over onto my elbow. Some fat chick who was a patient and apparently one of the "trusted" saw me do this. she asked for permission to confront the new girl for laying down. I was like uh so what?! she was granted permission and she called a group. everyone stood. i was shocked i didnt know these robot patients were able to move. everyone was like a zombie. I didnt stand, for lack of this phenomenon not being explained to me. i was barked at the stand whenever group is called.
she confronted me and said thats all. everyone sat back down simultaneously. Drones i tell you.
Later on, i didnt give a shit so i laid down. fuck that fat bitch.
Staff came over and grabbed me by the arms and escorted me to the time out cubicle this time instead of the room because apparently the room was occupied. I was told to sit there not move and not talk and to stare at the wall of the cubicle. Well after awhile of sitting there, they gave me my meal which i ate on the floor. when i finished eating i stood up to go back to my coffin of a bed. Next thing I knew, I was grabbed, kicked in the back of the knees and fell to the floor. an extremely loud, obnoxious alarm went off. I was panic sticken worse than ever. what the hell is happening??? down on the ground I lay, face down with people sitting on me holding me down. one or two holding my legs, one on each arm, one sitting on my lower back, and one holding my head down when i tried to lift it up to breathe. I thought i was going to die. Felt my lungs collapsing. Still in shock, I vommitted once again. my face shoved back into it. ugh. What seemed like forever, they then picked me up, about 10 people. they carried me like some animal back into the forbidden time out room. i was stripped of my clothes by the staff and then dressed into hospital gowns with old blood stains on them. this is all while still being held down. later on, i was released and sent back to my bed. then there was group. i had to introduce myself and tell why i was in gowns. i had no idea why i was so i made some shit up.
later on there were showers and then some other sort of groups. i was told to make my bed just like every one elses. i didnt know what the standards for intricate bed making were so i made it like i did at home. i was yelled and criticised for that by some 23 year old counselor. finally after other bullshit, we went to sleep. if only i had been aware that bed time was the only semi peaceful time i would experience for the next 6 months.

what a day what a day

Jersey Gurl

Mind control.. its how these fuckers get away with what they do.. first, breaking the barrier of the parents who are worried sick about their troubled teen.. I dream about being able to do something like hacking in to find out when admit request information is made and then quickly send out a packet of info of my own thats not bullshit... Corruption is what is killing this world. Everything is so corrupt now a days... I live in Jersey, so you dont have to explain corruption to me. The whole state and its government here is totally corrupt. All of our tax dollars and homeland security money go to the mafia. The real Tony Sopranos.
Im getting off subject here dont get me started on corruption here either.
Saying right in the handbook sent to parents it says that dont fall into your childs manipulation trap. They are going to tell you how horrible it is here at the Village. They might tell you that other patients are much worse off then they are and that this place is terrible....HMM i find that interesting to put in the Welcome to PV Hell handbook. Take it and shove it farther than anything has ever gone.
People who dont believe in the corruption and manipulation in facilities like this and others, are blind to reality. Of course when they have you speak to former patients parents, they are only going to tell you great things about PV. How much it helped and how it completely turned their childs life around. Im sure those "actors" are paid off well by Covenant Health. All they see in potential victims...cough...i mean patients, are $$$$ dollar signs $$$$
lets see how long we can pull this off they are saying to themselves I am sure.
Like they truly give a shit about the kids there. THey could care less. Its just another 9-5 job. Like look at one counselor whos name I wont mention. She is a counselor at PV and had websites with highly disturbing images on them that she calls her art and expression with photography.
i dont know but if this is someones hobby who is one of the counselors supposed to be helping societys "troubled" youth, then my god.
real smart also to post it up on the internet... it was not hard to find at all.
im not saying that people cant have their own weird fantasies and shit, god knows i do in other ways, but for a PV counselor to post it on the internet is first of all stupid to do for her own sake, proves lack of maturity, shows how well PV looks into who they hire. what ever happened to personell psychology when considering someone for a position? how unprofessinal on their part and also its not like we are talking about hiring someone to work the day shift at a 7-11.
This is supposedly a highly accredited treatment center.
I mean when I was employed at a local medical center, the screening proccess was very specific and difficult to get in to be able to work there. I went through lots of interviews and background checks and personality tests, drug screenings, etc before I was hired. I was just a patient transporter. These people are the ones "caring for" your troubled teens.
Maybe Im old fashioned and believe in carefully screening an individual before hiring them.

Also no one ever seems to want to answer any questions that you may have. It was told to me when I was at PV that every time I was restrained or my medication changed, that my father would be informed about it. I asked him about that and he said they would call once in a blue moon to relay the message.
Like I said before I also requested to report a grievance that I had, which was about my bruises and physical pain. Some lady who I have no idea who she was came and met with me awhile later.
there is no such word in PVs vocabulary such as privacy. It is completely invaded and is taken away from you. For instance and I know this is a nasty subject but it seems important, when you had your period, and you used the bathroom, you had to wrap up your used feminine product and then show it out the stall door before you could flush your toilet. That is just fuckin wrong man.
Our bathroom times were on their terms to and timed. Before you went into the bathroom you had to hold up either one finger for urinating, two fingers for shitting, and some weird hand gesture if you needed to also change your feminie hygiene product. Jeez I dont know but being timed on your time to piss or whatever you needed to do, thats just flat out fucking ridiculous.
you had 1 minute to pee, 2 minutes for #2 and an extra 30 seconds if you needed to change.
god damn.
haha i dont know it just makes me laugh when i think about some of this bullshit because thats what it truly is. BULLSHIT

I think this is enough for the minute, I have to go to the bathroom and I now am so thankful to have the priveledge of not being timed. hahaha

sorry for the grossness but it is important

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/13 00:25

Jersey Gurl
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 02:40:27 AM
Yes it is me.. and just me alone... I am not blaming the victim.. I have had alot of shit happen to me too. But most people on here besides the stupid trolls, are hear for just that reason. We have had bad experiences. I am not saying that it is the victims fault. But in my cases, I try not to see myself as a victim anymore. I look at myself as a survivor who is now more enabled to kick some ass. If I was to choose to sit here and sulk, which at times I would much rather do, I would get no where in my work. Sure I have issues. Truth is most people do. Its just what people decide to broadcast. If I chose to, I could go on for days about all of the awful things that have happened to me. But Im no one special here, Im just me. Instead of posting about my issues on here, I work on them in therapy and such. I deem it inappropriate on my part to post it all on here. I will however post stories that I feel might help fight this troubled teen bullshit. Not for my sake of getting it all out, but for the kids sakes who are in PV and other places right now. If you really do want to help with this, on this thread, stick to PV and Program related stuff.. The other issues, I think should go into a different thread. Because if there is a parent sitting on here reading the PV thread and sees all the random threads, they might lose interest in keeping on reading it. So I am not telling you not to post on here, but maybe start another thread for non strictly PV stuff. The whole point of this thread is supposed to be to help inform about Peninsula Village.
If you would like, I will start another thread, or you can do so, a thread for posting anything you feel needs to be posted, however is not PV related. If we all really want to make an effort here to make people aware of Peninsulas bullshit, we need to stick to the topic. THe random posts, not just yours, but the random posts, tend to draw attention away from the thread and not towards it.
Im sorry if I got bitter before, Im just very frustrated with all I just explained here. I dont want the thread here to become a lost case, its important to stick to the subject on this here.
If you want to make other posts, that is fine, please just open a new thread, and post all you want. But the stuff on here should remain PV related.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:41:00 AM
In the words of Jersey chick
Open your mouth, your done.[/quote]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 02:43:13 AM
I am not going to allow you to get to me.. I tried being nice.. I am not going to fight... this is stupid.... Just consider my last post.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:45:48 AM
it tells clearly how society and sexist men treat women and what to do about it and how to keep yourself safe in relation to it.
otherwise women feel alone and don't report stuff or they get beaten down and shut up.
 you sound like three springs
again the guy was a counselor, and he told me to get laid
not saying he's satan just an overbearing ass, who's probably sexually harassed a women, goes to a strip once in a while and feminism makes him a little uncomfortable
I'm glad you don't want to be an enabler Jersey Chick but unless you are planning to give me a lot of money kiss my poverty stricken overworked underpaid  stuck abused ass
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 02:47:38 AM
Quote from: ""mokara""
In the words of Jersey chick
Open your mouth, your done.

and no, if you read the post above yours here, you will maybe grasp what I am trying to say.
THis is a PV thread to make PV known for what they do and how they really operate.. Posts should stay strictly related to PV information. I never said dont post anymore, I just suggested opening another thread for that.
Thats all I am going to say anymore on this issue...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:48:14 AM
if you can tell from my posts I'm not exactly a wimp
I'm not the one who perceives women as sex objects to be molested or sweet and nice and vulnerable delicate little flowers.
My boss see's women like that I think, and me, mainly because I get fired if I'm not polite and nice and places like PV make you feel so bad about sticking up for yourself you feel like your going to be restrained every time you do.
if I get fired i can't use the place I've worked for the last year as a reference, and I won't have any money,
without any money I am really vulnerable.
i told my boss i needed a raise and basically just put it politely on the line, it is my boss after all, and he threatened me with loosing my job for the next two weeks. I work at a big bookstore too, it shouldn't be this bad.
I've had it with it and I'm going to start looking for a better paying job or at least one where I don't have to work such long hours for such little pay.
I sure can type fast.

I honestly feel sorry for the the guy that trys to do something to me at this point,
not only do i know all the legal ways to throw the book at the bastard and boy will I be sure too,
no chance of it going unreported put it that way,
between the tazer, the dog, pepper spray and a couple pocket knives he's not going to be in good shape.
also I'll make sure he goes to jail and stays there.
of course if he has a gun I'm still in big trouble
and it happens, there are really crazy guys out there, not all guys,
but it happens.
i was flashed at the park on a wednesday afternoon and attacked by a neighbor both pretty badly in under a year.
that says most guys don't attack you but you meet a lot of people in a year
apparently about two a year will
I fought the one guy off and the other guy was bare ass naked and played with himself for a good fifteen minutes and I couldn't do anything because he was on the one path back to my car and there was water on one side and swap on the other.
I had the dog a knife and pepper spray but of course my cell phone was in my car.
It was a nice normal park too, I was studying for a test

If anything the advice i give on this site empowers women.
it tells clearly how society and sexist men treat women and what to do about it and how to keep yourself safe in relation to it.
otherwise women feel alone and don't report stuff or they get beaten down and shut up.
you have to know how to handle the laws in relation to sexism and abuse and what to expect, then you can navigate your way through.
half the time people seem to think in a different reality then they live in.

as for being poor, i work my ass off, i get really good grades
and I tell people to fight this fucked up system every way they can without hurting themselves.

I spoke up about PV when no one else had
and I have been threatened and had pictures of womens body parts with the caption "if you did this perhaps they wouldn't try to rape you"
posted under it.
Are you saying for the millionth time that women who are abused are at fault?
like my friend with the boyfriend she pepper sprayed and she got arrested?
She's at fault?
how old are you? give me a break
If you don't make a lot of money it is hard for women to get away from abusive husbands or boyfriends.
they don't stick around because they want too.
the other option isn't moving into a nice apartment at the beach usually.
If you recognize that women are often abused by men in one form or another, which they are, I've had sociology classes on it, then you can do things to fix and help the causes of abuse.
look at history and society all over the world?
Did we miss foot binding? do you think this was an option for those women
in the 19th century women couldn't inherit property, on marriage everything they owned became their husbands, adultery was illegal because it involved a mans property his wife, A husband was allowed to beat his wife within some reason, like he couldn't kill her. there was no birth control and women had eight kids. This wasn’t the fun choice of the women, but it dictated most of their lives.
It’s like saying slaves were wimpy for not fighting back more, they were kept down by violence abuse and social structure.
The guy with the more modern gun wins?

if you act like the women is being weak and that is why she is being abused then you are in fact blaming the victim and it doesn't do anything to help her get away from abuse.

You know if you hit someone, threaten someone, use violence of any form whatsoever really in our society, you can be arrested and sued.
guys fighting in a bar with other dumb guys get assault charges.
sure you can defend yourself against a guy that's attacking you but even then, look at my friend who was arrested for pepper spraying her ex who had a knife.

I reposted your story because it seemed relevant
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 02:52:49 AM
what the hell does me giving you fuckin money have to do with this??? POST all NON PV INFO on a seperate thread on here... the posts that are non pv related, draw people away from the thread. if you really are so ademate about exposing PV and helping the kids out and the parents gather information then you would take what I suggested into consideration instead of blowing it off....
I am not trying to attack you, god damn, all I am trying to do is say that this thread should stick to PENINSULA VILLAGE INFO.
THe other stuff is important too, if that is what you feel strongly about, then by all means, post it, just not in this thread.
Are you trying to draw away the peoples attention to PV? I would hope not... Think about it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 03:04:33 AM
a lot of thanks i get for starting this mess.
no one had posted anything before i did a year ago
Zen might not have  known what PV was like

I post about relevant stuff otherwise women feel alone and don't report stuff or they get beaten down and shut up.
my life sucks, I work hard and get paid nothing for it, my family is abusive and I can't afford to get away from them, even though i  work hard and I can't afford to move out because i have to finish college
I have a year left of college and I don't  to make enough money to move out.
I have no moral support and my life is pretty abusive, my mother's thoughts on why I was stalked and molested at fourteen are "I was like a cat in heat."
again I was stalked and molested.
all the stuff i post i have seen and I am still in shock from
the ADD medicine is an amphetamine?
they arrest women who are being abused by their boyfriends for pepper spraying them, and release them into the custody of the boyfriend so they can abuse them more?
They have prison camps in America for anorexics, foster kids and abuse victims.
there aren't any real labor laws in my state and they can ask me to work 9 days ++ in a row for eight dollars an hour?
I've dealt with everything at this point without anyone to talk to or understand.
I thought people who had also been in PV might
thanks a fucking lot.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 03:11:41 AM
it all relates to PV too,
Are you saying for the millionth time that women who are abused are at fault?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 03:41:05 AM
no i never said that and i dont believe that for a second.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 03:45:59 AM
your pretty damn bossy too?
it's pretty relevant I think
after getting out of PV my parents still viewed everything as all my fault

perhaps if I can show parents and survivors that they don't exist in a vacume and that it isn't all their fault, there are a lot of factors at play. then life will be better for them and they will face less abuse then I did coming out of PV.
otherwise it's just like more PV thinking.
Fornits is a website that is supposed to help survivors and parents deal with being survivors
Parents seem to like to blame their kids for everything, the teens have to take responsibility for the state of the damn world
If people recognize that girls and women face a lot of sexual abuse in a variety of way, sexual harassment and so on then perhaps the they will be safer from it
or not get blamed for it like they are at PV and as I was.
I have found this blaming of the victim to be really bad,
i was abused and i am still always made to feel completely at fault
what PV did in relation to it is just horrific.

I get sick of people acting like peoples problems are all their fault always
that's bull shit, often things happen to you
and the only thing you can do is try to protect yourself from them
even then they sometimes happen.

just repost your story if you feel like it is getting lost.
it probably will anyway, so just repost it
zen posts stuff daily
once addicted survivors seem to check it often
to have a forum in which to write about abuse at PV
seems to have a cathartic effect,
you came back pretty quickly
everything important is on Cafety too
your account is great.
it reminds me of stuff that I had blocked somewhere,
it really goes into detail it's excellent it totally will help
If you type in just Peninsula Village a lot of this stuff doesn't pop up
like this site doesn't
another organizations site does though and I didn't see your story so you should probably give it to them.
I posted all sorts of stuff about the drugs they give out at PV that's burried underneath a bunch of crap
the over prescription of medications is really relevant,
PV I'm sure get's a lot of money from drug companies.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 04:00:30 AM
perhaps if I can show parents and survivors that they don't exist in a vacuum and that it isn't all their fault, there are a lot of factors at play. then life will be better for them and they will face less abuse then I did coming out of PV.
and if they actually recognize where the real problems lie then perhaps they can actually deal with them.
 a big problem with PV is that it doesn't deal with any of the things going on in the teens lives, like they are in foster care or something
it just tells the teens they are responsible for being in foster care? or for being molested?
so you have this abused teenager feeling like they deserve abuse and in my life it just resulted in my being abused more,
i would try to speak out about the abuse and no one would believe me and i would be abused for speaking out and then you get sort of self destructive and drink to much or something and get in trouble and then their is more abuse.
you can't get into colleges, you have no where to live?
you have no study skills because you haven't done homework or read a book for years?
i ended up engaged to a twenty eight year old at eighteen, until I ran off on him.
My mother to this day says he was a great guy and I should have married him and I broke his heart.
I just consider it more sexual abuse because twenty eight is way too old to be with an eighteen year old.
My mother kicked me out and i had no where to live.
he wanted to settle down in suburbia and have kids.
Jersey girl do you remember if they went to school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the cabins or Tuesday and Thursday?
I think it was Tuesday and Thursday but i wanted to make sure?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 04:01:28 AM
oh im sure PV makes loads off of the drugs as they do everything else. they are scammers to the max. i am sorry if i came across harshly before. I apologize. I have been abused too and I do not think at all that it is the victims fault. Please know that.
I guess I am just at a loss for what else to do at the moment in the fight against PV. They fucked my life up pretty damn well.
Im sorry if I offended you, i have a lot going on too. There is so much bullshit out there, and I get so frustrated sometimes, i feel like ripping my  hair out. Just keep your chin up, stay strong, and know that you are not alone. I know it can feel like that a lot, I feel that way too alot, but your not alone.. ok?

Stay Strong.

Sorry if I was being pissy earlier... its also 4 am now and im way past tired... bleh... i never seem to sleep anymore
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 04:07:33 AM
Elvis has entered the building.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 04:17:26 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Elvis has entered the building.

OMG really!?!? hahaha

umm what the hell??
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 04:19:34 AM
mokara to be honest, i dont remember the school schedule.. wish i could remember but right now my eyes are about to fall right out of my skull.. im wiped yet i still cant sleep... if i can remember ill let you know.... right now i hardly know my own name... lol
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 04:25:02 AM
what you posted really is great, please repost it all
you can just copy and paste i'm sure you know that
I didn't mean to push stuff out of the way
I don't think I have anything left to say really
of course I said that a while ago then i see something in the newspaper about shrinks prescribing really strong drugs for something they aren't supposed to be used for,
or I go to my doctor and there is a notice at the desk that says we can only accept FIVE pharmaceutical representatives in a day, they can still arrange lunches with doctors though?  FIVE in a day

have you thought about suing?
like what you just said sounds like pretty basic PTS stuff.
I can't sleep either, frustration check.
I'm going to contact a medical malpractice lawyer tomorrow and see what they have to say.  Usually they are paid pro bono, if you win, and they won’t take the case unless they think they can win.
I'd be glad to testify, or sign a statement, which would be more likely.
PV causes severe long term effects
I shake, like trembling I can't control, when I talk about anything real or personal, or even when I'm nervous.
I used to be really outgoing now I can't make eye contact and I'm fearful around people, I get really anxious.
I have nightmares all the time, more nights then not.
Your records from when you were underage are completely sealed, PV can't pull out all your deep dark secrets you confessed to under torture to beat you up with.
PV misrepresents itself, you said it a while back, costs 500+ a night
they say they are a place to help kids dealing with abuse, instead they are a prison camp. daily staff can have a high school diploma or GED.
we only go to school half the week, no school in the summer, they don't let you read and you have no homework or free time.
i'll tell you if the lawyer thought there was a case.
it really does affect your ability to function to say the least.
not sleeping properly causes all sorts of havoc with work and such.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on July 30, 2007, 10:49:29 AM
Quote from: ""SettleForNothingLess""
If you would like, I will start another thread, or you can do so, a thread for posting anything you feel needs to be posted, however is not PV related. If we all really want to make an effort here to make people aware of Peninsulas bullshit, we need to stick to the topic. THe random posts, not just yours, but the random posts, tend to draw attention away from the thread and not towards it.
Im sorry if I got bitter before, Im just very frustrated with all I just explained here. I dont want the thread here to become a lost case, its important to stick to the subject on this here.
If you want to make other posts, that is fine, please just open a new thread, and post all you want. But the stuff on here should remain PV related.
No? (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 11:42:04 AM
Alright, mokara.  There's doubt about your authenticity, and we can put it to rest.  I've emailed with the person who wrote the original mokara account, to discuss turning it into an affidavit.

I emailed one sentence to her a few minutes ago, with the subject "message".  Post the line I sent, and no one will doubt you.  If I get a reply from the young lady asking me what the hell I'm talking about, we've got a problem, huh?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 11:48:13 AM
Curious and curiouser.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 12:17:49 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 12:52:28 PM
i think you guys are all cops investigating insurance fraud at PV or something
hence the attitude and the stories

when I first came on this site after a year you were all sitting around gossiping like a bunch of old women about Abigails book and her sex life
it was very relevant sure :roll:
she was dumb as a box of rocks, she gave BJ's to have it published
she was a stripper/ exotic dancer
which I didn't know so it just sounded like you were insulting her

as a women out of PV it pissed me off to hear a desperate abused eighteen year olds "relationship" with some old geezer discussed like that
At least Abigail managed to get a book published that documents what PV does.
again she was eighteen or nineteen fresh out of a prison camp and the guy was what ?
in his late forties?
pretty much going with the sexual explotation of abused girls without resources theme on that one.

PV instills in you desperation, leaves you with not very good job skills, and PTS
like what you were doing with this site before I got back on here was sooo much more relevant, and I'm a drama queen?

I think you bossy old men just have to run the show.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 01:01:04 PM
Preach it sister!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:04:07 PM
of course saying the desperate abused girl fresh out of a prison camp is a dumb slut is the appropriate way to use a PV survivors site?
pretty much going with the sexual exploitation of abused girls without resources theme on that one.
and the prejudice that keeps the sexual exploitation of abused women and girls going.  
I don't think that’s what you all meant but it sounded like truck drivers meet a high school lunch table.
dumb slut, and sanctimonious hippie chimes in, we should not judge our dumb slut neighbor, dumb slut heh heh heh.
and again this is so much better then what I post?
yes of course  :rofl: I'm not the same loud rambling person through out who bashes society sexism and PV as a evil Nazi farce
because that's what all people who support PV say?  
you guys are adolescent
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:05:06 PM
LOVE the Oprah pic!!!!

 ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:12:18 PM
why should you boycott Cafety?
you guys confuse me
again it's like truck drivers meet a high school lunch table.
and again what you post is usually something like MR. Penis
Zen gets good stuff together
never seen threesprings do more then be involved in what others are doing on this thread
a great percentage of the site is full of "Love the Oprah picture," Mr. penis and chatting.
I wouldn't say anything but again this is so much better then what I post?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:16:47 PM
Look harder..

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 01:23:22 PM
Agent Zen from the insurance fraud police here...The investigation is snagged!  Dammit, Oprah, I need an expose!  Quit praying and start filming!

Um...I get the jumping through hoops reference, but it was a simple request that hasn't been met yet.  Mokara, have you checked your email?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:27:36 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:30:06 PM
you guys act like what I post has no relevance to PV
i think it does because kids are in pV because they come from homes like mine and face the same problems I do: getting into colleges out of PV, dealing with abuse, staying in school even though they haven't done homework in years, working in low paying jobs, feeling like crap and having PTS and not drinking or imploding or exploding.
dealing with where to live out of PV, where to work?  
it's all a big context.
many of the girls i was in PV with came from semi abusive to really abusive families, mine is no walk in the park
I thought perhaps by showing the context of PV survivors lives then I could help dispell some of the prejudice and stupidity
like PV allows abusive families to lock up and isolate their teens without them being able to speak to a lawyer or the police.
Like the girl who was in for saying her grandfather molested her?
the kids in foster care haven't done anything half of them, run away from semi unfit parent to semi unfit foster care and back again?
If I can prove that, the ADD drug is an amphetamine cocktail
it doesn't say much for the industry that supports and pays for PV
A lot of teens actually live under what I'm living now as an adult, because I am an adult it gives me better insight into the dynamics of being stuck in an abusive family
Teens can't go anywhere, they can't just move out, if they try to they end up in places like PV
It's something to think about at least.

I read your account threesprings and it's great
perhaps you could just leave me alone though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 01:31:43 PM
Brother Zen!

You just need to lose yourself in the power and love of Jesus! Let Jesus take away your pain! Let Jesus take that burden off your shoulders! Let Jesus cure your hemorrhoids!

But first Brother Zen you got to let the love of Jesus into your heart! You got have faith in the LORD almighty! You've got to be a believer in the power of Jesus!

Do you believe in the power of Jesus Brother Zen?

Do you believe in the power of the Lord Brother Zen?

Do you believe in discounts at the nearest Waffle House for a Texas Cheese steak sandwich Brother Zen?

Jesus can get you those discounts at Waffle House! Jesus can lift that burden off your shoulders! Jesus can hold your tweeter when you are to drunk to do it yourself so you don't piss all over your own face! Jesus can cure all your pains!

YOU JUST have to believe in the power and love of Jesus!


(also priority access to Jesus granted on confirmation of a small donation)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 01:39:41 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""

I read your account threesprings and it's great
perhaps you could just leave me alone though.

I want you to understand where I am coming from. I hadn't posted on your thread for more than a few words until a couple of pages ago. In that post I merely warned you that the people you thought were staff in fact are survivors like yourself.

The person posting Mr. Penisface isn't me, but I'm pretty sure I know who it is. He survived the program he was sent to, and has for some reason taken offense to you. You might want to wonder what you've done to piss off a fellow survivor so much they've chosen to attack you.

Now you can go ahead and think whatever you want about me. But get this straight, I'm going to post in any thread I feel the  need to post in at any time of the day or night. Don't get the idea that you even have a clue that you think you know me, or what I think about your postings.

If you don't like me posting on this thread.. tough shit.. get used to it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 01:55:59 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 02:14:46 PM
It PAYS to believe in JESUS!  I got muh hands on the monitor and I can FEEL the power...I can hear a voice saying "Hey kids"...come forward, Sir, and get SANCTIFIED!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 02:17:27 PM
I think the sanctified part might cost extra.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:18:28 PM
Mokara was the name of this underage Thai hooker I had a twirl with!
And when I say twirl, I do mean twirl!
They had me lay down on a table on my back and then they spread-eagled me to it...
When they finished securing the ropes, mokara sat down in this basket....
The basket had a hole cut in the bottom of it, as I soon found out...
Four women held the basket up, and they sat mokara right down right on my cock!
Then they began walking around in a circle, moving the basket (as well as mokara's tight little pussy) along with it!
I have never felt anything like this ever!! It was truly amazing!!!

I am not a PV staff member.....or am I?  :question:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:22:13 PM
If I worship and adore pussy, does this make me a feminist??
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:24:15 PM
Quote from: ""Thai Lover""
Mokara was the name of this underage Thai hooker I had a twirl with!
And when I say twirl, I do mean twirl!
They had me lay down on a table on my back and then they spread-eagled me to it...
When they finished securing the ropes, mokara sat down in this basket....
The basket had a hole cut in the bottom of it, as I soon found out...
Four women held the basket up, and they sat mokara right down right on my cock!
Then they began walking around in a circle, moving the basket (as well as mokara's tight little pussy) along with it!
I have never felt anything like this ever!! It was truly amazing!!!

I am not a PV staff member.....or am I?  :question:  :rofl:

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:38:04 PM
I agree that Good Charlotte should be looked down on in disgust but while the raping angels sounds funny out of context,
in context it just says how accepting we are of rape as funny and not as something serious
also I don't think Mr. Penis is die yuppie scum because Mr Penis has been posting stuff since March and die yuppie scum has not.

again though threesprings who died and made you boss?
Your not a mediator anymore you know, also your site you told us to go to was posted last week and the only other posting I saw was on the site was from June of this year.

I pulled this off the other site  you directed us too,
what is this?  
it's pretty chipper, and convoluted.
"I had individual therapy once a week",   she then goes on to say...
"not every girl in the cabin had individual therapy. i guess the treatment team would decide who would benefit the most from it. it lasted an hour in the admissions building."

when we saw the psychiatrist, we all met him together in a group. we talked about our medications and our issues briefly in front of the other patients. you weren't ever "alone" with the dr. or in his office. in STU you meet with the psychiatrist upon admission to be evaluated. I was tested on STU with inkblots and some other test. not every girl had that done either.

the treatment team consisted of the day to day staff, the psychiatrist, the psychologist, addiction specialist, family therapist and individual therapist if you had one. they were the deciding factor in everything about your treatment."  

OK so basically they are telling the truth about PV, ie this person supposedly had individual therapy once a week, "But not everyone does?" so their asses are covered.

It doesn't say how often you actually see the real shrink, but it does say it only happens in group, and "Once when you first come in"  

I remember group therapy once every two months maybe less with real therapist in group therapy
I had no individual therapy, and don't remember individual therapy with anyone, I remember a girl without anyone to come to family therapy meeting with the family therapist in a sort of therapy like thing?
I think some of the foster kids had individual therapy once in a while.

"the treatment team" is an odd phrase coming from a PV survivor.
I'm guessing the addiction specialist is Bob Pegler, may his soul rot in hell forever amen, who if we refer to PV's web site, has no college degree but he is certified and in ropes courses too.
and it's an odd post, kind of sounds funny,

so these kids don't see a real therapist more then once in a while and in a group?  Some have individual therapy, why not all of them?
Meanwhile there are restraints daily and abuse and all sorts of chaos.
The perscription prescribing medical doctor, they see once on arrival and then once in a great while, I saw him once every six months.  
Yet these people this girl never sees? and to whom there are many more distracting things going on around, she still thinks to refer to these anamorphous all powerful, non existent people.  
Who again she rarely sees and she admits to this, by their proper treatment PV name, and to present the fact that she really doesn't see these people very often in a round about and perfectly PV ass covering way?      
It's an odd post, most of them come on railing and so on
Die Yuppie scums first post sounded like a real person, I'll find it and repost it.  
This guy I don't know.

Also as an ex public relations major, I changed to law and social work, I've been biting my tongue, but die yuppie scum please get your finger out of your nose.
 It's a website parents are supposed to see and take their kids out of PV because of.
It creates the impression your a punk teen that needs to be beaten.
I can understand how this makes you defiant, but it's like court, you wear a suit and try not to cuss at the judge then go out and get drunk later
You sounded different on Cafety too, no talk about Tom Sawyer on there?

You described the cabins as "just like Tom Sawyer"
Huh?  so the guy that want's to rape angels, makes Tom Sawyer references?
you are one weird dude, I've known people who would say the one thing and perhaps elementary school teachers that would say the other, but not together in the same person?
Restraints once in a while?
It was like everyday, boys side too.
In STU we never get to go outside. They brought food to us, we ate on are beds, and if they were messing with you and you were on suicide watch, although being in PV tended to push the suicidal over the edge, you had to eat with your hands or a plastic spork, in a hospital gown sitting from of the nurses desk signing in every 15 minutes.
Did I tell you all about the girl that jumped out of her parents car on a return trip to the Village.
The had released her and she had gone out with a guy and had been caught drinking, her whole school was tormenting her because she had gone to a party and drank to much and ended up sleeping with a guy who told everyone about it.  
This happened like twice, so she was the school slut and they sexually harassed her to death, she got in a fight I think.  
So anyway she got out of PV and was drinking and went out with a guy so her parents were bringing her back to PV.
She knew where she was going so this, non suicidal sixteen year old girl jumps out of a car going down the highway rather then return to PV.
She had a broken hip and I think collar bone, and was one big scrape.
Her parents, may they rot in hell forever amen, brought her to the hospital and then right back to PV.  The girl is willing to jump out of a car rather then return to the place and her parents turn her, still unable to walk, she had casts and such,  over to PV.
It’s like a horror movie!!

I'm going to do a post comparison, on one side normal posts on the other ones I find odd,  then you can see what I'm talking about.

Again the cabins are "just like Tom Sawyer?"
and again you alls posts are so much more relevant?
Threesprings if you want to find Jesus at the waffle house more power to you.
but again this is more relevant then how teen girls face sexual abuse and social stigma because of it?
Again why are we boycotting Cafety?

again PV for sure now.
I used to live overseas and no one but PV would know that
they also have my name because I sent a complaint out to Covenant health before I realized that Covenant Health owns PV and makes money off of it rather then they are just affiliated with it
I was hoping to discredit PV to their associates

i have said nothing on this site about living overseas.
Mokara was the type of orchid I have on my desk.
so people, this is what PV staff is like, and probably high level PV staff, for sure.
how else would they know I lived over seas.
they have been making overseas jokes since pretty early on too.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:45:19 PM
::blah::  ::lala::  ::phone::  ::T::  ::phone::  ::phone::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:45:29 PM

so people, this is what PV staff is like, and probably high level PV staff, for sure.
how else would they know I lived over seas.
they have been making overseas jokes since pretty early on too.
and I didn't sign in again as mokara so they didn't go and do research on my screen name?
I think mokaras are somewhat obscure orchids?
For the longest time I was posting under the name we are not free and then free.
I said nothing about living overseas I was careful not to because the first overses joke came a long time ago.
Fuck you you Nazi pigs. your all going to hell
stop trying to fuck with the sites it makes no difference anyway
they are still posted
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:47:26 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""
again PV for sure now.
I used to live overseas and no one but PV would know that
they also have my name because I sent a complaint out to Covenant health before I realized that Covenant Health owns PV and makes money off of it rather then they are just affiliated with it
I was hoping to discredit PV to their associates

i have said nothing on this site about living overseas.
Mokara was the type of orchid I have on my desk.
so people, this is what PV staff is like, and probably high level PV staff, for sure.
how else would they know I lived over seas.
they have been making overseas jokes since pretty early on too.

Stupid fucking paranoid bitch...  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 02:48:21 PM
Maybe you missed the bigger picture. I was never the boss in the first place.

I gave up my admin powers because I got tired of people asking me to check IP addresses for them, and was getting the itch to use them in ways they shouldn't be used. I'm still a moderator on my own facilities forum.

Am I boss?


And I never was.

Are you going to answer Zen's question yet? Because right now most of the known world is thinking you are a fake.

Personally I think you are the real deal, just not working with a full six pack.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:49:55 PM
I think mokaras are somewhat obscure orchids?

Right- which google readily revealed..duh...  :roll:

You can stop being afraid of your own shadow now...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 02:53:56 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
Personally I think you are the real deal, just not working with a full six pack.

It pains me to say this but......I agree with TSW.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 02:57:22 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""

so people, this is what PV staff is like, and probably high level PV staff, for sure.
how else would they know I lived over seas.
they have been making overseas jokes since pretty early on too.
and I didn't sign in again as mokara so they didn't go and do research on my screen name?
I think mokaras are somewhat obscure orchids?
For the longest time I was posting under the name we are not free and then free.
I said nothing about living overseas I was careful not to because the first overses joke came a long time ago.
Fuck you you Nazi pigs. your all going to hell
stop trying to fuck with the sites it makes no difference anyway
they are still posted

Yeah...What, you going to file a defamation lawsuit?

Yes, a mokara is an orchid.  Why did you pick the name if...oh, enough.  You didn't respond to the email I sent because you're not the same person.  I should have done this a long time ago.  You're a fraud.  Are you going to say I work for PV, too?  Mention my name around that shitpit, you'll see how many friends I have there.  They'd like to castrate me.

Which counselor are you?  You got a MySpace?  

You're a joke.  You stole someone else's identity and had a bit of a hoot at everyone's expense.  

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 02:58:35 PM
Threesprings if you want to find Jesus at the waffle house more power to you.
but again this is more relevant then how teen girls face sexual abuse and social stigma because of it?
Again why are we boycotting Cafety?

Teen boys don't suffer the same sort of stigma and shame when they are attacked and molested?

Perhaps I don't limit my view of what a victim of sexual abuse is to one specific gender? I'm an equal opportunity sexual offender hater, and its ok with me if you march em all out back and start shooting sex offenders for no matter who they molest whether it be boy or girl.

I was molested by my own mother over 19 years ago. If I had a chance to shoot the bitch in the head I would have taken it.

Does it mean I'm going to entertain your long disjointed ramblings that takes a hieroglyphics expert to untangle?

Not a chance on that.

If you want a legit conversation with those around you start making some sense for a change.


The very fact that you are disputing another person's interpretation of the events they endured shows a callous disregard for their feelings. It almost feels like you are calling them a liar for not living up to your expectations.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 03:03:41 PM
oh I'm sorry the above disgusting description of rape and the picture of a womens mutilated private parts and mister penis poping up every time i try to say something kind of made the women with PTS from being assaulted feel afraid.  Who are then GUEST?  If you aren't PV.

found this on Cafety Zen posted it there I think from cafety administration.

Please remember that predators sometimes go on these websites and pretend to sympathize with teenagers in an effort to gain trust, particularly because the teens are and have been victims. Just always be aware and never have outside contact with them. I think the "private messages" function can be dangerous.

Please be careful.

Let me warn anyone attempting to victimize young people on this forum: private messages are in no way secure, and the admin can track the source of a PM should a complaint or concern arise. Also, the admin can determine if someone is making unfounded accusations in an attempt to smear the name of another poster. Too often, industry people "troll" forums like this in order to disrupt and intimidate people whose postings might sway prospective paying parents from placing a child in their program.

Otherwise, private messages are exchanged between members to relay information they can't post, exchange e-mail addresses, discuss potential trouble on the forums, etc. On a completely different forum I received PM's from a person wanting information about Peninsula Village, pushing for information about my step daughter and personal details I would never divulge. The replies I sent were vague, and eventually the person grew impatient and careless, revealing their identity as a PV employee. I never heard from them again, I assume they realized the mistake. So, private messages in general are a good thing, but use common sense if you reply. My advice is, if you don't know or trust the person you should either ignore the message or return some probing questions.

We did have a person posting on CAFETY who turned out to be engaging in inappropriate dialogue with minors on MySpace and various other sites on the internet. He posted on here as judgeroybean. He's Jimmy Pearce, Director of Quality Assurance at Magnolia Christian Center, an obviously Christian-based program for young men that employs corporal punishment in disciplining the "students".

So, use common sense with the private message function. Any parent with children posting accounts on the forums should warn them to be careful about the private messages they receive from unknown individuals and don't tell them anything without conferring first. There are unscrupulous teen industry insiders who would take advantage of information given to them, and even worse scum with the vilest of intentions lurking on the internet.

Also so orchids make you think of raping prostitutes?
what the hell, what do bunny rabbits make you think off?
again why does everything always turn to body parts, sexual harassment, depictions of rape and sexual slurs. Georgia O'keefe aside,
damn it now you have me looking at my orchid all wrong,
i'm really glad I don't live in your head, i just can't imagine thinking about things like that all the time
I remember thinking that in high school
again you sound like the high school lunch table
I called people on here bossy, an old woman and foul mouthed.
 disgusting pig came up after things like the above
hardly reason to to sound like a rapist serial killer.
your one sick SOB for sure, maybe Bob Pegler?

I didn't say men are never molested, I said men are molested a lot less then women
I also said boys are often molested, especially in Foster care.
I am sorry about your experiance that must have been horrible
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 03:06:47 PM
I have no damn clue what you just said.

I give up.. Good night.

I'll try to weed through your mess of a post later.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 03:20:36 PM
hey threesprings if you want me to like you better, or are bothered because I said you get on my nerves
perhaps you could comment on the raping asian prostitutes post?
like you just ignored that, like you ignored all the other crap
like the female privates sewn shut and the C word repeatedly
and all the other horrific stuff
you calmly over look that, breeze right over it and calmly call me convoluted and crazy,
at least i don't look at flowers and think about raping prostitutes,
would rather be in my convoluted head for sure.

no so you over look the horrific stuff,
maybe some denial left over from wanting to be accepted by a male peer group.  Must fit in with the other men, it doesn't mean anything.
must not let horrific locker room talk have any effect on me because otherwise they won't like me and will beat up on me.
what the hell
you've been calling me crazy and making odd jokes since day one.
and I'm supposed to think your supper great
I don't even know who you are,
you were a counsilor and you are on this site a lot harassing me
I don't think you have any connection to PV
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 03:27:47 PM
Got my email yet?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 03:37:15 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""
hey threesprings if you want me to like you better, or are bothered because I said you get on my nerves
perhaps you could comment on the raping asian prostitutes post?
like you just ignored that, like you ignored all the other crap
like the female privates sewn shut and the C word repeatedly
and all the other horrific stuff
you calmly over look that, breeze right over it and calmly call me convoluted and crazy,
at least i don't look at flowers and think about raping prostitutes,
would rather be in my convoluted head for sure.

no so you over look the horrific stuff,
maybe some denial left over from wanting to be accepted by a male peer group.  Must fit in with the other men, it doesn't mean anything.
must not let horrific locker room talk have any effect on me because otherwise they won't like me and will beat up on me.
what the hell
you've been calling me crazy and making odd jokes since day one.
and I'm supposed to think your supper great
I don't even know who you are,
you were a counsilor and you are on this site a lot harassing me
I don't think you have any connection to PV

Sweetie, if you're for real then you need to stop, take a breath and take some time to look over these forums because you really don't have a clue as to what's going on.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 04:39:51 PM
Is this girl on meds?  These ramblings seem almost delusional.  Or is it just me?  Not being rude here, just trying to figure out where this thread came from, where it's been, and where it's going.  It's out there.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 04:47:49 PM
Trying to sort it out now...Here's an email from the person I know as mokara:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:12 AM

Subject: Re: affidavit for PV sounds great

Hi Kxxxx,
    X.X. here, I am sorry I did not respond sooner but I have been busy with work and school.  I would be more than happy to help you.  I think turning my HEAL story into an affidavit sounds lovely!  Just email me back as to what I need to do.
Thanks, XX

I'm fairly adept at recognizing writing styles, and there is a noticeable difference in tone and formatting.  Also, the person above is not exactly cowering in fear of PV or contact with strangers.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 04:57:44 PM
Have to agree somewhat.  This whole thread is baffling.  She sounds like she's very likely a little messed up.  Possibly not living in reality.  I mean it appears she's had some abuse, or at least that's what I am feeling.  But I think it's gone beyond anyone here helping her.  Just my take.  Very scary.  Have you had any other email conversations with her?

I know that if this were my daughter, that these ramblings would make me stand up and take some notice that my daughter appears to need some clincal psyc. help, not a program, and one would assume from these posts that she certainly didn't belong in a program in the first place.  Even scarier.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 05:12:05 PM
I just got a reply to my email...but, not from our poster here, it looks like.  Let me confirm.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 05:25:45 PM
Well, i just got thru reading all of todays posts... GOD DAMN.... haha.. this is ridiculous... Mokara, I believe im going to call Identity Theft on you.  :P  You seem to have stolen someones identity here.
You seem to feel like you run this thread.. telling TSW if he wants you to like him better... yelling at everyone....
GOD... who do you think you are? it is more like PV Staff in the way YOU are talking and presenting yourself... who knows maybe you are a PV staffer who read the real MOkaRa Postings and decided to take over.. thats why you wont register.. or reveal anything... and you tend to beat around the bush to answering any questions...
Just that one silly little thing you said about someone wanting you to like them better... that sounds a little narcissistic to me... Using phrases like you think your the boss or something... Sounds very PV staff like....
This is my opinion... i have a god damn right to it and dont tell me anything different... god, if i find out one day who you are and if you are PV... haha....

Like i was saying, this is my OPINION and these are MY THOUGHTS.... you nor anyone else can deny them. we each have our own views... so dont go putting words in my mouth like you did last nite saying that i think that it is the victims fault and all that complete bullshit.

No One is the Boss here. Not even you. I know you might like to think that and for us to kiss your ass, but sorry, i dont kiss anyones ass, id much rather kick it.

Also why wont you answer Zen?? what the fuck is that all about miss mokara? huh? thats just proving this isnt who you claim to be... your the real FRAUD here... thats how I see it....
Grab a needle with some Klonopin and get ready to stick me, cuz i sure as hell am not going to back down..No one is gonna boss me around and or say shit about my friends on here..... Take your faux orchid and shove it.x
You dont like me or what i have to say, tough fucking shit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 30, 2007, 05:30:45 PM
I think Mokara is a PV undercover Op... sucks for PV that they suck at hiding it... that they cant stay undercover... must be the low IQ that PV staff range in...
Note to Mokara: dont go applying to the CIA anytime soon.... ahahaha :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 05:44:26 PM
"Cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from your door"
is this the quote you meant Zen?

anyway sorry I bit everyones head off
I think Guest here is interjecting nasty things that get me a riled
again the stuff about pg 36 really upset me and Mr. Penis face and
the C word gets me swinging
it was pretty threatening and posted by Guest of course
I'm not the most trusting individual, also I think most men are somewhat sexist without realizing it, the TV is for sure I think
I'm sure you all would love to watch TV with me and have me point out all the sexism?

no offence I'm sure everyone considers women equals and such but there is a culture toward not translating things as what they really mean,
look at the F word, I say you say it we all say it
but do we translate it for what it is?
When I'm mad I don't mean to  say sex you?
that's not much of an insult really?
more like a well wishing probably many people would think
or it sucks?  
where do we really think that came from sadly enough?
I say it without even thinking about it
I think I'm refering to bad gravity, sure.
little kids say it on TV.
It's a cultural thing.
I'm not saying we should all stop saying that sucks, lets stick with bad gravity, but it escalates and I think a lot of people don't really translate what they said

Guest you can go what? rott in hell?
did you miss the really nasty threats a ways back.
I didn't post those things, they were said to me

sorry to be insulting but if someone said to you
"you look crazy and we will put you in an institution"
or if you do this "mutilated womens body part"
perhaps you wouldn't be raped?
or the susie wong posting last page?
you'd be insulting too
I didn't post that stuff, like hell I would!!!!!
Just some threatening Guest.
I think it's pretty easy to see who are trolls here.
why doesn't anyone else who isn't a troll comment on the violent sexual post last page?
Zen you have a daughter, threesprings come on
everyone just criticizes me
sure i'm an outspoken bitchy feminist pain in the ass but someone older and "wiser" tell guest to go sex himself

And threesprings you are bossy, I had this same fight with my friend in fifth grade.
you say "I'll try to weed through your mess of a post later."
why do you have to weed through my post, what does my post have to do with you?
you jump in and start making comments about what I write
I write about A typical womens studies class kind of stuff.
It has a lot to do with how the girls are percieved at PV and why society lets them be abused.
also how they are treated at PV
Jesus come on
what the hell does it have to do with you?
why are you in charge of weeding through and regulationg my post,
you aren't a moderator.
you started criticizing me many many posts ago
nothing I have to say is relevant, I'm nutty, "Me love you long time" huh?
your pushy and you throw your weight around.
mix that up with Guest calling me the C word, violent threatening posts and Guest threatening me and calling me crazy, the poor survivor with PTS is all sorts of freaked out.
so you say I'll weed through your posts later, all bossy and annoyed because I bit your head off, which annoys me then guest says, she's crazy and should be committed and on drugs,
and my head spins around and I spit pea soup

please just leave me to post in peace
it waists more space with this uglyness
i'm done and will behave if you all do
I'll try not to yell at everyone because of something Guest posts
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 06:59:27 PM
It is.  Sorry.  I apologize for wondering, but your posts don't sound like the same person.  

I wish you had answered the earlier emails I sent.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 30, 2007, 07:08:35 PM
PV is recruiting from Christian land.  From MySpace:

hey, ian, this might be kinda weird but i read your message and i don't know how you are with teenage guys, but i work at peninsula village and it's basically for kids who are "behaviorally challenged" and it's an outdoor program.. these guys def. need some awesome influences, the pay is not bad either.  you can get paid to sleep out in the cabins so that would give you some time away from jbc also.. it's an amazing job and sounded a little like something you might be interested in?!? just an idea.. lemme know.

Posted by Katie on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 10:28 AM
[Reply to this]

JBC=Johnson Bible College, where a lot of the current counselors are from.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 08:16:46 PM
If you didn't get on and counter that, you're less of a man.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 08:18:34 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
If you didn't get on and counter that, you're less of a man.

Your MOM is less of a man......bitch!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 08:45:48 PM
jesus says beat foster kids I guess?
anyway, i think I sound the same throughout?
I've been the same since I got on here?
remember my defense of Abigail, strippers and other exploited women and railing against something can't remember what,
probably sexist society, it's usually what I rail about.
Abusive families able to lock their kids away?
Evil prison camps for foster kids and so on.
oh I know sexual predators, sexual harassment and how society and PV blame the victims of abuse and abuse them more.

Mokara sounds like me too I think, she is me so she should.
long winded, lots to say, types fast
fabulous, very nice looking, articulate and nice to small children and animals?
it was a year ago perhaps I was less loud then or something.
don't know
anyway everyone on here has been abused it seems like    
my life is a bit horrific, die yuppie scum was in pV, Jersey girl lost her mom and was in PV, Zen's daughter just got out of a prison camp, threesprings had some trauma sounds like too, perhaps we should all be a little less confrontational, present company included,  with each other and try compassion and being nice to each other and such
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 08:49:02 PM
cause I'm not pushy either or bossy and I never throw my weight around  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 08:54:59 PM
To Paul M Crider been a long time. How are you. what a crazy time we had of it. the world is difficult. everyone around us was nuts. we of course were perfect at least i was you were a sexist unsupportive ass. I know you've matured, as i have. I simply learned people are nuts. For some reason I think you are not as much of a jerk, although you gave me little rational reason to think so. I was horrible too, but you upset me and I had already had a hard time of it. A little bit of calm understanding compassion would have been fun and probably more productive than the idiotic sexist stupidity your twenty year old self came up with. Everything I did was simply in response to your overbearing sexism, which is true I was head over heals for you. You were probably just using me, and all my so called friends. Isn't life great, from prison camp to you and all those wackos. I wasn't all that attractive I don't think, it was something of an awkward stage. I look like a model now, it's amazing how vain writing ex's can make you, I do though so hah, like I'm not just saying that. You should have called by now to say the least. Ok though the point of this, you are still out there I wonder how you are when I am in trouble I think of you because I have a sad habit of hanging onto the idea that you care. In reality if your are anything less than the ideal fifteen minutes in a room with you should take care of this. I have finally learned to see what is infront of me on many levels. Many levels are interesting are they not? email me at [email protected] pandect is a complete code of laws I'm a political science major now, if the email doesn't work call my parents house in cary, you find the number online I'm not leaving it on here. It's under my name in cary NC or just my last name. Leave a message and I will call you back, if you are afraid my parents don't like you then pretend you are someone from Barnes & Nobles. I work there say you are Bill Carter from Barnes & Nobles and you want me to call you back about 2007 tax forms. Or better yet say you are Bill Carter from City Bank and I owe you money right now and to call you back at your number. My parents love to tell me about things like that, and they don't get as much chance these days. i can't call you i want to but then i just can't I can't talk to you parents they probably think I'm something, mine think you are a punk. Probably shouldn't have talked to my mom about you, so if you have called that's why I didn't hear of it. Please call, I miss you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 08:55:56 PM
again though did you all miss the susie wong post?
what the hell was that?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 09:04:49 PM
Quote from: ""free mokara""
again though did you all miss the susie wong post?
what the hell was that?

That there is what I believe is a letter you wrote... Not very good at this game now are we Mokara?

You are full of secrets.. but they are not so secret as u think they are.. So quit while your ahead, leave, go back to your insane world crazy bitch.

Games over.. you lose!!!!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 09:06:18 PM
Quote from: ""free mokara""
again though did you all miss the susie wong post?
what the hell was that?

That there is what I believe is a letter you wrote... Not very good at this game now are we Mokara?

You are full of secrets.. but they are not so secret as u think they are.. So quit while your ahead, leave, go back to your insane world crazy bitch.

Games over.. you lose!!!!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 09:26:18 PM
what the hell is that?
 No joke you psychotic stalking pigs?
I am calling the cops!!
No wonder my computer crashed
I knew you knew who I was!!
and i knew you weren't just random people!
How did you get that, are you monitering my email?
I wrote that Palu Crider thing, after a few glasses of wine look for some old boyfriend from college like years ago on a people search.
No joke I am calling the cops.  
I will not be stalked by you!
are you the cops? you can't do that you know
I knew it, I swear fucking statsi.
do you know anything about the white guys with buzz cuts that keep exposing themselves to me?
why are you, how are you reading my random email and why do you bother?

I wrote that Paul Crider thing like eight months ago and emailed it to a people search site.
like before I posted it before I posted anything as Free on this site
How the hell did you get it?
it's under his name?

oh my God
I knew there was something screwed up about this.
I knew it, but Jesus
My computer crashed twice
who the hell are you?
Oh my God
If you come near me i'm calling the cops.
I'm calling the cops anyway
how did you get that!!!
oh my God,

it's a tacky letter huh?
he hasn't called, you think?
see what drinking does to you?
calling old boyfriends sexist online totally wins friends and influences people

Here is my email from like a year ago that you just posted,
I'm being so paranoid but where the hell did you get that?
are you some computer hacker person.
can you do that, I'm impressed?
Where did you get this!!

"To Paul M Crider been a long time. How are you. what a crazy time we had of it. the world is difficult. everyone around us was nuts. we of course were perfect at least i was you were a sexist unsupportive ass. I know you've matured, as i have. I simply learned people are nuts. For some reason I think you are not as much of a jerk, although you gave me little rational reason to think so. I was horrible too, but you upset me and I had already had a hard time of it. A little bit of calm understanding compassion would have been fun and probably more productive than the idiotic sexist stupidity your twenty year old self came up with. Everything I did was simply in response to your overbearing sexism, which is true I was head over heals for you. You were probably just using me, and all my so called friends. Isn't life great, from prison camp to you and all those wackos. I wasn't all that attractive I don't think, it was something of an awkward stage. I look like a model now, it's amazing how vain writing ex's can make you, I do though so hah, like I'm not just saying that. You should have called by now to say the least. Ok though the point of this, you are still out there I wonder how you are when I am in trouble I think of you because I have a sad habit of hanging onto the idea that you care. In reality if your are anything less than the ideal fifteen minutes in a room with you should take care of this. I have finally learned to see what is infront of me on many levels. Many levels are interesting are they not? email me at *(&(*&(* is a complete code of laws I'm a political science major now, if the email doesn't work call my parents house in cary, you find the number online I'm not leaving it on here. It's under my name in (*&(*&  (&&* or just my last name. Leave a message and I will call you back, if you are afraid my parents don't like you then pretend you are someone from Barnes & Nobles. I work there say you are Bill Carter from Barnes & Nobles and you want me to call you back about 2007 tax forms. Or better yet say you are Bill Carter from City Bank and I owe you money right now and to call you back at your number. My parents love to tell me about things like that, and they don't get as much chance these days. i can't call you i want to but then i just can't I can't talk to you parents they probably think I'm something, mine think you are a punk. Probably shouldn't have talked to my mom about you, so if you have called that's why I didn't hear of it. Please call, I miss you."

Oh my God
I wrote that!! sorry to say like a year ago, after a couple glasses of wine.
It was on my computer, I think I emailed it to a people search site under his name eight months ago?
how the hell did you find that?
it's under his name, how do you know my name?
how would you know to search  that one random search,
there are a lot of people search sites.
how would you know to look for one thing I posted under his name months ago?

there is no way you guys could get that?
Oh my God
who the fuck are you people?
I thought it was all just weird,
please talk to me, what the hell!!
who are you?
just give me a riddle or something?

Zen do you know anything about this, how about Jersey Chick.
you can't right? what do you think?
this person just posted an email I sent that's probably one of the dumber more personal ones, see how bad I am anyway.
I swear that I sent like a year ago?
where the hell did that come from?
I emailed a year ago!!!  to a reunium site.
It's sad not crazy? maybe a bit drunk.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 09:35:48 PM
Mokara... please take this advice very seriously...

Step away from your keyboard and get a few hours sleep.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 09:40:26 PM
I love history, books and travel. I’ve lived a bunch of places, overseas too. People scare me so don’t email me unless you are not stupid or dangerous, don‘t email me anyway seriously don't email me. I’m somewhat drunk and felt like looking up an old boyfriend, that’s why I signed up for this thing. I’m a pretty boring person these days, I work all the time in a book store and go to college. I’m a senior and I want to go to grad school or law school. I just moved back to North Carolina from Colorado, I also took a semester in New Mexico north of Santa Fe in the mountains. The Rockies are really amazing.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 09:50:20 PM
Mokara you don't need to defend yourself over your email with your ex-boyfriend. I can't even keep track over the silly emails I've sent my ex-girlfriends in the past.

NO one is free from that one. We all do it, or have done it, or will do it in the future.

Personally I'm torn here. I want to out the survivor who is trolling you, but on the other hand I promised another person I'd respect his privacy.

The only thing I can suggest is you should consider getting some sleep  and really think hard about what is going on here.

And yes I agree the Rocky Mountains are beautiful. My personal favorite is the back country of Alabama in the fall. The trees all change color and the scenery is beyond description. Another treasured place of mine is the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. I took a back packing trip there with my geology class in high school.  Spent 9 days or so half frozen to death and hungry, but the views were unbelievable.

Like I say Mokara step back, get some sleep, and try to relax some.

To the anon..

Please back off.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 11:21:19 PM
ok three springs. both of those posts are not from this site.
the first is from an email I sent to a site about eight months ago?
after i first posted as Mokara and long before I posted as Free
therefore it is very strange that Guest was able to have it pop up here? The site I sent it to is a really random people search and the email is listed under the guys name, not mine.
It's NOT like under my name on Reunion,
it's a random site under the guys name, and I posted it like 8 months ago
It's like a message board for people looking for people

I am glad to find out that someone is watching my personal business, like my email? pretty closely and has been for at least eight months at least
it seems to be my lot in life to be stalked
I also think it is interesting that you threesprings seem to know who Guest is that posted.
I have found you odd since the beginning and therefore I suspect you know what is going on.
your responses have  seemed to be calculated to stop me from posting?
they were just odd, someone out of a program on a site to help program survivors would not respond as you do I don't think?

I had suspicion but now that Guest posts my personal emails from months and months ago, I know that there is something going on.
I suspect it naturally has to do with PV?
how they are able to read my email from months ago I don't know?
It is very very strange.
at least you know then I am not lying.
I am amazed by this though.
I can not think of a rational explanation, which is why I dismissed suspicions before now.
I never thought it would be as extreme as for someone to be able to post my personal emails from almost a year ago?

If I must figure out what an earth is going on?
I would say I don't know
are you from the cable company?  I was always afraid some techie geek could read my email?
but from a year ago, i don't even have that on my computer?
of course my computer crashed as soon as I came on this site again.
Are you the PV Mafia?  they have money?
can private investigators do such things?
I have already contacted a lawyer, the fact that I've been so badly sexually harassed, sealed records of an underage minor have been addressed. and you seem to have my private emails they may be interested in hearing about
I see you know where I lived before moving home and before that.
I didn't even give my name out then? I am very careful about giving out my name?
not to mention my private emails from a year ago?that is some hard core research!!
It's not like we have your email address.
It's like we can read your mail and we know where you live and where you've lived before.I am amazed!!
If you are the police perhaps, I think survivors of anywhere, like a hospital or school whatever are allowed to post stuff about being survivors on a website for survivors.
You have always seemed very gung ho about making threats and stuff?
I remember saying jeez that's horrible I am against such violence many times, and then you browbeat me and harassed me about it.
Like I am ok with normal stuff but it was so extreme as to be obvious.
You said lets make death threats, lets plan to crash PV's reunion with maltive cocktails or something?
Like it didn't seem like jokes.
I don't think police have the right to go to websites set up to help survivors of abuse deal with abuse and harass them and to try to incriminate them?

I thought it seemed like cops but I thought then it is still relevant it is good they are investigating PV.
But then I forgot about it because I'm really not paranoid and it seemed silly.
but then my personal email popped up from a year ago?
and you all have never stopped threatening me and being very odd
How on earth did you get that if you are not police and even police they can't read your email, from a year ago?  Under my old boyfriends name?

If you are police I am sorry but you should not be conducting an investigation this way.
You should not sexually harass ordinary survivors of programs on a website like this.
you have harassed me since day one
at least now you make it so obvious there is no question
and game over for me?
If  police or private investigators are stalking me and breaking the law, you are not allowed to refer to where I lived as an underage teen, that information is sealed, police are not above the law, then it is better to know this.
I'm sure the police here will be happy to hear about it as will the lawyer.
I am sure they will like to see the horrific threats and postings that have been on here, the mutilated women’s body part i think is the worse.

How dare you threaten me to such an extreme!!!
I assume that PV called the police about the nasty things being said about them on private sites for program survivors.
It's like rapists being allowed to call the police because their victims are chatting online on a rape support website.
I am sure the lawyer will be very happy to see how PV has continued to threaten survivors and to such a degree!!!
If PV goons, some private investigator can track my email from eight months ago, don't you think the local police can here?

You have threatened me with rape, murder, blackmail, like we know your secrets you had best shut up, and you have the nerve to act like the law is on your side?
that PV is a fine upstanding organization?
again you threatened me with rape murder, mutilation and black mail.
Unless you are the mob, and even then what are you going to do, kill me, like that won't be obvious?
Try to frame me, I said yes PV needs to have it's reunion crashed?
you ended up threatening me with mutilation rape, murder and blackmail.
I don't think I'm the incriminated one here.
I would like for you to tell me who you really are and what you are trying to do here.
If you are investigating PV I am sorry I treated this site like a chat room for program survivors I did not realize what was going on and you all started yelling at me.
please tell me what is going on how did you get my personal email and information you can email me since you seem to have it already. although I would be afraid to open it as it might have horrific porn or a virus.
Again I know you are threatening me and watching what I do and I plan to contact the police and I don't like to be stalked, If you are the police you are not allowed to do the things you have done here.
again you threatened me with mutilation and rape and murder.
I talked about civil disobediance
I would like some answers please
I will discuss this with the lawyer and the police.
I will not be threatened or stalked

Threesprings once again you do not address the important part of the post you just harrass me.
Which you have been doing from the start
i could care less about the content of my email
it is silly and harmless, i'm not a twelve year old with a crush.
it is nothing
what was important was that it was from my private emails from a year ago
what do you have to say about that?
no one on this site knows who I am
I never signed in, never gave out my email
you have threesprings have made personal comments about my personal information from the start.
Not just personal information but where I lived as a teen.which no one but PV would know.
so therefore, this is either police and PV, and they should be ashamed of themselves, or maybe a private investigator and PV?
And I am calling the local police here and I am calling a lawyer
you are the one who has made horrific threats, again MUTILATION!!
I should have known you were PV I should have recognized how sick it was. and you pretend to be above the law and the survivors are at fault!!
Survivors are sick and dangerous?
like hell,
Fornits is for all survivors of programs to help them deal with the horrible abuse they suffered.  ANd you come on a site set up to help abuse victims deal with abuse and threaten them, browbeat them, threaten them with rape and mutilation.
:flame:  :flame:  :flame:
I will have you arrested, I will have you sued
there are laws to protect people from evil like you

Three springs you knew where I had lived as a teenager from like the second time I posted, no one but PV would know that.
no random person on this site would make specific snide comments about where i lived as a teen unless they were PV or working with them.

By the way those records are sealed and I am sure the lawyer will love to see the posts on here.
PV obviously stalking, strong arming and threatening survivors on a site set up for them to talk about the abuse they endured and help them recover.
If you do anything I will have you arrested. You can't threaten me with rape and mutilation?
thats enough right there to have you arressted.
if you try to do anything physically to me I will have you arrested, and you will get to spend the rest of your life in jail.
which I'm sure is hell on earth, have fun.
I am not a fool or someone who will put up with being victimized
Who are you going to balckmail me with, my job I can't stand my job, i'll sue you pants off if you start releasing my personal infomation as a minor out to random people?
I follow the laws, you have to too, PV is not above them.
You can't threaten people with rape and mutilation
you are very sick and I am calling the police.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 11:29:59 PM
three springs your website seems pretty pieced together and all the archives are from this month or the last. Duh duh duh duh
like whatever your job is I could do it better.
I would have gotten me to sign in the first day
not that you care anyway because someone is reading my emails from a year ago and posting them but what the fuck ever.
can't do anything but try and bully things into doing what you want
 again how the hell did someone get my personal tacky email to an ex boyfriend from a year ago?
I think your job is to bully people huh?
who the hell what the hell.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 30, 2007, 11:50:26 PM
Quote from: ""mokara""
three springs your website seems pretty pieced together and all the archives are from this month or the last. Duh duh duh duh
like whatever your job is I could do it better.
I would have gotten me to sign in the first day
not that you care anyway because someone is reading my emails from a year ago and posting them but what the fuck ever.
can't do anything but try and bully things into doing what you want
 again how the hell did someone get my personal tacky email to an ex boyfriend from a year ago?
I think your job is to bully people huh?
who the hell what the hell.

WTF are you going on about now? Are you saying I'm the one that is posting your emails?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 11:54:43 PM
by the way I'm not really full of secrets.
I'm kinda a talker if you haven't noticed and live a pretty clean life.
I don't have a husband to send letters too, unless you plant something in my car, which doesn't seem that far fetched anymore as you have my random email from a year ago?

also when comparing my experiences to other people, they get less weird letters, they are flashed or attacked by large white men with buzz cuts less, their computers don't crash as much, random people in chat rooms don't seem to know their secrets from high school.
they don't get hate mail and aren't stalked as much,  

I thought I have bad luck?
Now I think PV mafia is after me.
I'm still joking of course.
again I talk a lot, the hate letters were because I was in this pro gay play in college in a little Southern town.
Aparently I attract large clean cut naked white stalkers too
If someone was going to kill me they probably would have done so already, like when I lived alone
the guy with a buzz cut is just silly.

Certainly other people don't have their private drunken emails from a year ago suddenly pop up on a post!! though
how could anyone get that?
I am impressed whoever got that email is like Bill Gates
I couldn't even find the ex boyfriends phone number?
how could PV get that. I give up
if your the FBI can I have a job? mine sucks
i want to be like one of those movie people
this might applie to the mob too but probably not.

Again though how did you get my email?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 30, 2007, 11:56:45 PM
no but how did they get my email from a year ago?
common somebody just tell me what is up? please
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:11:29 AM
I'm jussa blin' ol' nigguh tryin' t' find his way..I don' know nuthin' 'bout NUTHIN', mokara. Jus' be sho' y' look over y' shouldah once in a while is all...they been watchin' you a long time now...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:22:28 AM
if your the FBI investigating PV for insurance fraud
 I apologize and I'm going to go away now
sorry sorry sorry, please nail those bastards
you can't have me audited because i have no money
again I don't see any way any normal person on this site could have gotten my private drunken email to an ex boyfriend from eight months ago and posted it here
I'm not crazy It's right there
you can all see it too, right
what they hell?
like I couldn't find that email if I wanted too.
do you have my diary too, I kept my diary on my computer for the longest time.
I types fast, jesus. ugh
fortunately I have an incredibly boring life,
I haven't smoked a joint in years. Haven't been out on a date
all the private stuff is old.
I think there was that dream where I was running with the wolves,
it must have been the full moon. anyway
wolves are cool, you know those blankets they sell at the flea markets, like they are tacky but I always secretly want one.
I'm joking of course, kind of
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:53:03 AM
whatever there is no way
that's nuts
I figured it out maybe, interestingly enough
there was no great conspiracy, darn all those movies watched for nothing.
about twenty minute before the email was posted I emailed Zen back
Zen is the only person I have had any contact with by email,
he seemed legitimate kind of, because he was the father of a PV survivor
he told me they were trying to get a lawsuit together
what an asshole, if it weren't for my posts he wouldn't even know what PV was like.
So anyway I emailed him back because I thought he was safe
On the other hand though how the hell did Zen find an ancient email to my boyfriend and re post it?
I give up, this whole site is creepy as hell, some support for survivors of programs,
your welcome Zen for letting you know what the prison camp your daughter was in was like.
But know your ego gets hurt  :cry2:  :cry2: and you have to go for the jugular, just like a man.
I still don't believe it's the mob or the FBI, police or aliens, naked men with buzz cuts aside
Whoever posted the rape and mutilation stuff need serious help and if that was just meant to scare me off it's worse.
Using the fear of sexual assault against a survivor of abuse is pretty damn low.
If I have something to say you better damn well believe I'm going to post it here anyway.
PV knows who I am anyway
they aren't the mob, nasty for sure and evil,
but America does have some laws
They can't send the collection squad out to get me for nothing,
or have me jumped by some goon.
I'm not going to let you make me all nutty
thanks a lot three springs and Zen
a bunch of stupid good old boys, you are acting like
Also posting my personal info and threatening me really really low.
You again just prove what I was saying about people don't even realize how bad they get.

Zen if you don't have any part of this, which i didn't think you would otherwise I wouldn't have returned your email.
You post a bunch of great stuff and you sound like some bodies dad
if I made you mad that is no excuse
I would like a response thank you
Stupid jerk, I should have known youve said some weird things throughout too.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:53:57 AM
whatever there is no way
that's nuts
I figured it out maybe, interestingly enough
there was no great conspiracy, darn all those movies watched for nothing.
about twenty minute before the email was posted I emailed Zen back
Zen is the only person I have had any contact with by email,
he seemed legitimate kind of, because he was the father of a PV survivor
he told me they were trying to get a lawsuit together
what an asshole, if it weren't for my posts he wouldn't even know what PV was like.
So anyway I emailed him back because I thought he was safe
On the other hand though how the hell did Zen find an ancient email to my boyfriend and re post it?
I give up, this whole site is creepy as hell, some support for survivors of programs,
your welcome Zen for letting you know what the prison camp your daughter was in was like.
But know your ego gets hurt  :cry2:  :cry2: and you have to go for the jugular, just like a man.
I still don't believe it's the mob or the FBI, police or aliens, naked men with buzz cuts aside
Whoever posted the rape and mutilation stuff need serious help and if that was just meant to scare me off it's worse.
Using the fear of sexual assault against a survivor of abuse is pretty damn low.
If I have something to say you better damn well believe I'm going to post it here anyway.
PV knows who I am anyway
they aren't the mob, nasty for sure and evil,
but America does have some laws
They can't send the collection squad out to get me for nothing,
or have me jumped by some goon.
I'm not going to let you make me all nutty
thanks a lot three springs and Zen
a bunch of stupid good old boys, you are acting like
Also posting my personal info and threatening me really really low.
You again just prove what I was saying about people don't even realize how bad they get.

Zen if you don't have any part of this, which i didn't think you would otherwise I wouldn't have returned your email.
You post a bunch of great stuff and you sound like some bodies dad
if I made you mad that is no excuse
I would like a response thank you
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 31, 2007, 01:00:06 AM
Mokara... Dont go saying shit about Zen either... He is also my friend and I suggest you just quit sayin shit now... Just shut up about others... Zen is a great guy...
You seem to be the fuckin screwball...

Watch out for the FBI people on here... Wouldnt want them to find things out that you dont want us to know anymore would ya?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:06:33 AM
::bangin::  ::troll::

You are not GOD... so quit acting like you are.. no one is gonna bow down and kiss your feet.
Dont worry your not paranoid, being paranoid is the fear of the unreal. THis is REAL.

Enjoy your five minutes of fame when y ::troll::  ::troll:: our bullshit is exposed. :flame:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:28:44 AM
Ok why won't one person say one thing about the damn email
like where the hell did the email come from
Jersey Girl if you went on line and there was an old letter you wrote to a boyfriend
like where did it come from?
I don't give a fuck what you stupid nasty assholes know about me, this is so wrong
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 31, 2007, 01:31:39 AM
I would think the CIA is after my ass... or some hitman sending me warning signals...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 31, 2007, 01:33:50 AM
also i mite think it is my psycho ex sending me a warning... my exs have known to be nuts so i wouldnt be suprised
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:35:00 AM
sorry about Zen but i emailed him because he asked me to and suddenly my personal info pops up like twenty minutes later.
Coincidence, it seems a bit suspect you think.

Insurance fraud is no joke, do you know how much money PV makes?
stupid bitch
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on July 31, 2007, 01:37:01 AM
My God!!! Can someone give me a quick recap on what has transpired in this thread?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 31, 2007, 01:37:13 AM
are you calling me a stupid bitch or PV?

And Zens not one to do something like that
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 31, 2007, 01:37:46 AM
We cool now?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:38:07 AM
No one is even sure. We think someone might have been kidnapped by aliens though.

Also a few pages back we had an Elvis sighting.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:38:55 AM
you know I'm the one who started posting on this site and I was nothing but nice to you.
Why are you beating up on me
did you see the raping the asian women post?
i still think you cops or PV or something.
PV calls the cops when they notice people posting stuff about them
i don't know
where did my old email come from?
why again are you beating up on me Jersey girl?
I was nothing but nice to you?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 31, 2007, 01:44:52 AM
i dont like the fact that you are beating up on my friends... thats why... its wrong... and if i say nothing, im just as guilty.

if you would stop with that, it woulld be appreciated. I didnt have any issues with you until you starting talking shit about TSW and Zen
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:45:51 AM
All my personal infomation popped up, no offense, but right after I emailed Zen.
No one else has any of my information I haven't given out my name or email or anything.
Now if just my personal info popped up I'd probably blame Zen forever
But a cheesy drunken email i sent to this guy from college also popped up.
I sent the email, like a year ago?
So not only do they know who I am they can read my email from a year ago?
I don't know.
It set the paranioa off for a bit but I've calmed down and i'm going to go and see if that email can be found anywhere else?
I don't know all I know is it's threatening and next to all the other really horrible posts, scary.  
you all are really nasty though I think
like how does it always seem to turn into a brawl just saying,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:47:33 AM
how come no one says anything to the guy that posts the raping Asian women thing.
I say threesprings is interferring and bossy and I have staff ready to restrain me.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on July 31, 2007, 01:50:46 AM
I don't know what happened here today but I think everyone should back away from the keyboard and take a break. It truly seems like madness has broken lose.

mokara? What's going on it seems like you've let some post get to you and now you're accusing people, that I doubt wish to harm you, of trying to hurt you in some way. Zen and Jersey Gurl are not your enemies, I'm pretty sure about that.

Don't let the folks posting all of this weird sexual stuff get to you.... Beyond that I don't know what is going on but just relax ok? Use PM's if you feel threatened posting out in the open, just don't let what some people say or do drive you crazy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:52:53 AM
Did I tell you all about the girl that jumped out of her parents car on a return trip to the Village.
The had released her and she had gone out with a guy and had been caught drinking, her whole school was tormenting her because she had gone to a party and drank to much and ended up sleeping with a guy who told everyone about it.
This happened like twice, so she was the school slut and they sexually harassed her to death, she got in a fight I think.
So anyway she got out of PV and was drinking and went out with a guy so her parents were bringing her back to PV.
She knew where she was going so this, non suicidal sixteen year old girl jumps out of a car going down the highway rather then return to PV.
She had a broken hip and I think collar bone, and was one big scrape.
Her parents, may they rot in hell forever amen, brought her to the hospital and then right back to PV. The girl is willing to jump out of a car rather then return to the place and her parents turn her, still unable to walk, she had casts and such, over to PV.
It’s like a horror movie!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 31, 2007, 01:55:51 AM
what an asshole, if it weren't for my posts he wouldn't even know what PV was like.
So anyway I emailed him back because I thought he was safe
On the other hand though how the hell did Zen find an ancient email to my boyfriend and re post it?
I give up, this whole site is creepy as hell, some support for survivors of programs,
your welcome Zen for letting you know what the prison camp your daughter was in was like.
But know your ego gets hurt  :cry2:  :cry2: and you have to go for the jugular, just like a man.

that there seems nasty too and that came from you... Zen never did anything wrong... What gives you the right to attack whomever you choose and when someone disagrees... then eveyrone ELSE excluding yourself are the nasty ones..
Im not one to agree with beating up on someone unless they have really done something totally out of line and disrespectful, cruel, etc.
But it seemed to me that you come on here, think you have the right to attack anyone whom you feel like attacking, and then when myself or someone else confronts you about it, you call us all nasty fucks basically.
THat is FuCkEd Up DudE
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 31, 2007, 02:01:38 AM
Mokara, I thought we were cool on this.  I thought this was over and done with.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:19:26 AM
again All my personal infomation popped up, no offense,  right after I emailed Zen.

No one else has any of my information I haven't given out my name or email or anything.
Now if just my personal info popped up I'd probably blame Zen forever
I only emailed Zen because I trusted him and thought he was who he said he was, he seems like the person he says he is
But a cheesy drunken email i sent to this guy from college also popped up.
I sent the email, like a year ago?
So not only do they know who I am they can read my email from a year ago?
I don't know.
Jersey Girl would you please tell me why you have the banner up
"boycott Cafety?"

I went on Zaba search, where I posted that drunken letter to my ex boyfriend from years ago.
and  it pops up, so it could be found,
of course it pops up under his name not mine?
so I don't know how anyone on here could find it.
not knowing the name of my ex from college
it's actually really sad, i need to get that down Jesus
oh well no one would think to look up his name but him right?
probably thinks I'm stalking him, how embarassing
and now I'm looking him up under the people search
it looks like a better one then the others, poor guy
so the white guys with buzz cuts are random whew.
no aliens that's good
It just scared me to see this thing I vaguely remember writing pop up
you know, next to all my personal info
and the violent susie wong stuff
I lived overseas
If its out there in the internet though I guess it could be found
again did you see the Asian women stuff it was pretty bad.
It just freaked me out to see all my personal info pop up right after I emailed Zen
this site just pisses me off
read back over it
I'm all happy and polite then someone
usually Guest comes on and says something nasty and then I get all mad and say something nasty and someone else gets mad and everyone starts swinging
Jersey Girl you came in swinging too
we'd all be great in a bar I'm sure
Guests posts violent creepy stuff and so on

sorry Zen I'm just not very trusting, which is why I haven't responded to emails, then I give someone my email and the next post my name and where I live pops up, next to a personal drunken email I wrote

excuse me for being a bit freaked out,
that was me you just quoted too, just mad about my info
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 31, 2007, 02:23:17 AM
about the boycott cafety... read the thread of mine "NYRA annualmeeting.. was today
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:23:26 AM
I'm going to bed now and
I think I'll just post on Cafety under PV is a money making scam
this ones too much for me, have bad nerves

sorry you all
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:26:50 AM
you all have been total dicks now that I look at it again, and you probably posted my info
jerks i'm done with this crap
I don't like being threatened
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 31, 2007, 02:31:23 AM
Quote from: ""mokara""
sorry Zen I'm just not very trusting, which is why I haven't responded to emails, then I give someone my email and the next post my name and where I live pops up, next to a personal drunken email I wrote

excuse me for being a bit freaked out,
that was me you just quoted too, just mad about my info

Mokara, I've had your email address since February.  None of those postings looked very personal either, and they came from public internet sites, whatever a Zaba is, I guess it's public.

Best not to drink and post on the internet, ask Lindsay Lohan.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:40:03 AM
hey I found out how they got the drunken email
feel better now
duh duh duh duh anyway
if you go on Zaba and type in my email address it pops up
isn't that nice and easy
ok so who has my email address?
Lets see PV, or actually Covenant Health because I mailed it to them along with my complaint about PV?
and I tell other people to do their research anyway.
Zen has it, I gave it to Ginger on this site and Threesprings always talks about talking to her, so he probably has it too
ok so it could be anybody and the letters easy to find :roll:  :roll:
anyway then
and the buzz cuts aren't organized thank God.
still think I'm done with this site
I came on here for support honestly and to talk to other survivors
instead it's like a bad episode of the real world
I'm threatened, harassed, flashed, called crazy,
people are insensitive jerks and my personal info's posted
that's great I'm going to bed
it's much like the rest of the damn world
Big suprise
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:53:41 AM
hey I like my drunken email,
he loves me and he's going to email me and we are going to get married buy horses and live by the beach ok
I was just freaked to see this personal thing I barely remember writing pop up along with some pretty nasty threats and my personal info.
there has been some pretty nasty and insensitive stuff on this sight
like I wrote about feeling trapped by my job and dealing with being abused over all and people just came back with nastyness
Get laid you sound crazy
I said something about sexual harassment in school being a problem for girls in PV and it immediately digresses into a defense of sexual harassment and swearing and free speech with of course all the guys swear roundly and use the C word repeatedly
like that has to do with sexual harassment at all or is relevant to girls that are being sexually  bullied in school
and they got really vicious and sexually harassing when i tried to talk about sexual harassment for real as a bad thing.
i don't know I'm done all the important stuff got lost ages ago
it's a waste of time
too many regulars I think on Fornits who treat this PV posting like their normal play station chat room
not a place to discuss real stuff like in relation to programs or stuff like sexual abuse anorexia bullying, social stigma in relation to PV and so on
how to make finances meet and get into college
how not to get date raped when your young and drunk
important stuff not the high school lunch table.
don't call me Lindsey Lohan Zen and off we go again
Title: PV
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 08:23:56 AM
I have seen a sporadic and curious posting on this thread from time to time and I finally understand it.
        DAMAGE brought to us by PENINSULA VILLAGE

            the damage that keeps on damaging

I am sorry for mokara, and all others who have suffered at the hands of    Peninsula Village.

      member of Covenant Health[/i]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 10:38:33 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
No one is even sure. We think someone might have been kidnapped by aliens though.

Also a few pages back we had an Elvis sighting.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 11:28:17 AM
I can't believe the way this thread has changed directions so many times.

Mokara, do you have several personalities?  Mokara...Mokara Free...Free Mokara.  This is just getting to be a joke.

Does anyone believe she is for real?  I agree with Zen, doesn't sound like the same person posting all the time.  Maybe the different personalities?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 11:35:19 AM
Quote from: Guest

Does anyone believe she is for real?  /quote]

Title: Re: PV
Post by: Rachael on July 31, 2007, 11:35:20 AM
Quote from: ""Guy Grande""
I have seen a sporadic and curious posting on this thread from time to time and I finally understand it.
        DAMAGE brought to us by PENINSULA VILLAGE

            the damage that keeps on damaging

I am sorry for mokara, and all others who have suffered at the hands of    Peninsula Village.


Agreed. I can't see how anyone could possibly take offense to anything Mokara says. She is so obviously.... hurt, deeply, deeply hurt. Whether her problems surfaced only after PV or have long been there, she shouldn't have been there and it clearly helped muddle her mind a little. How can you have anything but compassion for her?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 11:37:28 AM
Quote from: ""mokara""
how come no one says anything to the guy that posts the raping Asian women thing.
I say threesprings is interferring and bossy and I have staff ready to restrain me.

You're quite obsessed with this 'raping asian women' stuff.  WTF?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 11:41:00 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from:

You're quite obsessed with this Mokara.  WTF?[/quote
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 11:44:10 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You're quite obsessed with this Mokara.  WTF?

Really?  This is the first time I've read or responded to this thread.  This is the first I've heard of Mokara.  I was wondering what the obsession with the raping of asian women was.  What's the big deal?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 11:44:37 AM
Dead horse.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 11:45:33 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on July 31, 2007, 11:46:16 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 11:49:59 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Exit Plan why are yu fucking with Mokara aneyway? what did she do to yu?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 11:54:28 AM
What makes you think Exit Plan (whoever that is) is on this thread?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 11:58:04 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""

Exit Plan why are yu fucking with Mokara aneyway? what did she do to yu?

I don't know....made him/her listen to her paranoid feminist rants?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on July 31, 2007, 11:58:11 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I can't believe the way this thread has changed directions so many times.

Mokara, do you have several personalities?  Mokara...Mokara Free...Free Mokara.  This is just getting to be a joke.

Does anyone believe she is for real?  I agree with Zen, doesn't sound like the same person posting all the time.  Maybe the different personalities?

Yes, I believe she is for real, and Zen just verified that she is the person he knows. And I'm fairly certain that mokara, mokara free, free mokara, we are not free, free we are not (any I'm forgetting?) are all the same person posting.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 11:58:48 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:02:07 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 12:03:26 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

What's YOUR problem?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:07:10 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

why u attack mokara aneway? whut the fuck she du to yu exit plan?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 12:10:17 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""

why u attack mokara aneway? whut the fuck she du to yu exit plan?

I'm not EP, fucktard. You type like shit, and it seems intentional.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:11:40 PM
Not yu Ganja.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 12:14:28 PM
So what is it that makes you think this "Exit Plan" person is on this thread?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:15:08 PM
Damn, what the hell is going on?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:15:25 PM
A simple IP check can confirm it. Give me a second.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:18:48 PM
I won't confirm or deny if Exit Plan has been posting on this thread. I will say its pretty fucking sad so far.

I will say that is appears that the majority of the anon attacks have come from a regular poster, and not a program supporter either.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:20:02 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
A simple IP check can confirm it. Give me a second.

Since when do people go around checking IPs here?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 12:21:11 PM
Why do you keep calling me Froderick?  :roll:

And what's so bloody sad about it? The last few days of this thread is SHIT anyway.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:23:51 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
A simple IP check can confirm it. Give me a second.

Since when do people go around checking IPs here?

Since the day you get made a moderator, or you are kind enough to post in said moderators forum that allows him to follow your post count.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:24:26 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
I won't confirm or deny if Exit Plan has been posting on this thread. I will say its pretty fucking sad so far.

I will say that is appears that the majority of the anon attacks have come from a regular poster, and not a program supporter either.

Didn't this say something else a few minutes ago?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:24:27 PM
Quote from: ""mokara free""

Mokara sounds like me too I think, she is me so she should.
long winded, lots to say, types fast
fabulous, very nice looking, articulate and nice to small children and animals?

More than one, I think.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:24:41 PM
Quote from: ""Ganja""
Why do you keep calling me Froderick?  :roll:

And what's so bloody sad about it? The last few days of this thread is SHIT anyway.

Wouldn't know.. are you froderick? If not my bad.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:25:19 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
A simple IP check can confirm it. Give me a second.

Since when do people go around checking IPs here?

Since the day you get made a moderator, or you are kind enough to post in said moderators forum that allows him to follow your post count.

Hmmm. That used to be a big no-no.  Shame.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:27:45 PM
No what used to be a no no is revealing who the anon is.

I haven't done that.

Nor will I.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:29:16 PM
TSW is mad because I trolled him and he lost friends because of his wrong assumptions and outbursts. How sad for you TSW.

If you really could check IP's , which you can't, you'd know I am the guest who has been defending Mokara against your disgusting attacks since page 20 or something, since back the Cunt incident.

This thread is an example of why survivors should never post on fornits to begin  with.

Your lame attempt to pin blame on me for the attacks, while I have been the only guest defending this girl, is laughable.

We all know what's in our hearts, and I can live with myself and sleep just fine.

I have NEVER abused a kid in my life. The only people I troll on fornits are program parents and program staff

I stopped trolling you because I was informed my assumptions about you were incorrect. Obviously I was WRONGLy informed.

If you want to start the troll war back up I'm game. So be it then, I got plenty of ammunition too TSW.

Link up IPS in this thread, go ahead and see the only posts i"ve made in this thread the last few days were:

the jumping through hoop picture
and smiley faces

and exit plan is not a name it is a abusive function of programs so I lalugh when people call me that.

nice try to turn this into a therade about me though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:30:29 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
No what used to be a no no is revealing who the anon is.

I haven't done that.

Nor will I.

No, before you arrived here even threatening to "check IPs" wasn't tolerated.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:31:44 PM
Well if it isn't you great. I'm not going to confirm or deny it. I do know who it is. I'll leave it to you to clear your good name on your own.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:32:33 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
No what used to be a no no is revealing who the anon is.

I haven't done that.

Nor will I.

No, before you arrived here even threatening to "check IPs" wasn't tolerated.

I didn't threaten. I just went and did it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:32:44 PM
Which one are you talking to?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:33:26 PM
Quote from: ""oreos""

If you really could check IP's , which you can't,

True or not?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:33:42 PM
Lemme check.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:35:02 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
Lemme check.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:35:12 PM
The one on the left.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:36:45 PM
Wow.  Are we gonna end up with a Battle of the Trolls?

duhn duhn DUHNNNNNNN
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 31, 2007, 12:38:45 PM
Quote from: ""oreos""

I have NEVER abused a kid in my life. The only people I troll on fornits are program parents and program staff

the jumping through hoop picture
and smiley faces

That was you, huh?  So...I'm an abusive program parent, and you felt morally inclined to fuck with me? I understand now.  You're right, I picked the most hellish program imaginable, I spent hours slaving over lit looking for the right shithole.  I paid an edcon to find the Black Hole of Tennessee, and she nailed it.  So, criticize me...You're good at it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:41:08 PM
Not really I'll say it again. I know who is doing it. I won't confirm or deny if its Exit Plan. That is his own deal. I owe him no favors. He is right he trolled me, and so why should I care about helping him?

Though... I'd be inclined to suggest that believing him wouldn't be to bad of an idea.

And please.. survivor kids troll fornits all the time. Just ask Muldoon he is behind about half of the trolls on the damn forums.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:42:07 PM
I have a sister who is currently attending Peninsula Village and I am looking for anyone who attended that could tell me a little bit more about what went on there. I have not gotten to talk to her and I am wondering how this could be theraputic. It would be nice to hear from someone who could answer my questions.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:43:57 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""oreos""

I have NEVER abused a kid in my life. The only people I troll on fornits are program parents and program staff

the jumping through hoop picture
and smiley faces

That was you, huh?  So...I'm an abusive program parent, and you felt morally inclined to fuck with me? I understand now.  You're right, I picked the most hellish program imaginable, I spent hours slaving over lit looking for the right shithole.  I paid an edcon to find the Black Hole of Tennessee, and she nailed it.  So, criticize me...You're good at it.

You got all that from a picture? If you took it directed solely at you then so be it. It represents THIS WHOL FUCKING THREAD. That you guys can't see that is what makes fornits so insane.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on July 31, 2007, 12:45:21 PM
Quote from: ""oreos""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""oreos""

I have NEVER abused a kid in my life. The only people I troll on fornits are program parents and program staff

the jumping through hoop picture
and smiley faces

That was you, huh?  So...I'm an abusive program parent, and you felt morally inclined to fuck with me? I understand now.  You're right, I picked the most hellish program imaginable, I spent hours slaving over lit looking for the right shithole.  I paid an edcon to find the Black Hole of Tennessee, and she nailed it.  So, criticize me...You're good at it.

You got all that from a picture? If you took it directed solely at you then so be it. It represents THIS WHOL FUCKING THREAD. That you guys can't see that is what makes fornits so insane.

Yeah, I got a real clear picture.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 12:46:43 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have a sister who is currently attending Peninsula Village and I am looking for anyone who attended that could tell me a little bit more about what went on there. I have not gotten to talk to her and I am wondering how this could be theraputic. It would be nice to hear from someone who could answer my questions.

This fucking thread is horseshit. A new one should be started.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:46:50 PM
As have I from watching this thread transpire.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:47:22 PM
Well some asshole certainly took a lot joy making Mokara jump through hoops.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 12:48:41 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
Well some asshole certainly took a lot joy making Mokara jump through hoops.

Are you referring to Zen?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:50:13 PM

BTW.. in about 5 hours I'm going to STBPITW.

or however it is you all say it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 12:51:27 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""

BTW.. in about 5 hours I'm going to STBPITW.

Who, then?

Enjoy... Me too, in about 1-2 hours.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:54:46 PM
The anon trolling the thread.

Not Zen/Santa Claus/Scooby Doo or anyone else.

Damn hard to score good weed in Korea, but I have a buddy coming back from Thailand and Korean airport security is about as tight as an asshole at Gay pride march.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 12:54:53 PM
I am the one who left Mokara a nice post, I am Mummie.  Who ever is posting as a troll trying to make it sound like me can fuck off.

I have nothing against Mokara.  Moreover, I have some deep concern.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 12:57:08 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I am the one who left Mokara a nice post, I am Mummie.  Who ever is posting as a troll trying to make it sound like me can fuck off.

I have nothing against Mokara.  Moreover, I have some deep concern.

Yeah Mokara doesn't exactly stand out as a poster child for the effectiveness of the quality care provided by the good people of Penicillin Villain.

On the other hand if you read her posts carefully you will see pretty clearly she hates the place with a passion. There can be no mistaking her for some sort of staff plant/programmie supporter.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:00:06 PM
TSW I sugguest you recheck you ISP, cause it's not me, but I think I know who it is.  What's the matter Izzy, pissed off that I gave your emails to Psy?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:03:36 PM
I also wanted to add, that I "really" think she needs some help.  NOT mean't to be mean, but as a concerned mother myself.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:08:37 PM
See it's me!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:08:37 PM
Quote from: ""Thai Lover""
Mokara was the name of this underage Thai hooker I had a twirl with!
And when I say twirl, I do mean twirl!
They had me lay down on a table on my back and then they spread-eagled me to it...
When they finished securing the ropes, mokara sat down in this basket....
The basket had a hole cut in the bottom of it, as I soon found out...
Four women held the basket up, and they sat mokara right down right on my cock!
Then they began walking around in a circle, moving the basket (as well as mokara's tight little pussy) along with it!
I have never felt anything like this ever!! It was truly amazing!!!

 :o  :o  :o  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:09:34 PM
Quote from: ""I Luv 'Tang!""
If I worship and adore pussy, does this make me a feminist??

::bwahaha:: ::bwahaha2::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:11:09 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
TSW I sugguest you recheck you ISP, cause it's not me, but I think I know who it is.  What's the matter Izzy, pissed off that I gave your emails to Psy?

Well if this is Oreo speaking, as I won't bother confirming or denying on your behalf, I don't need to recheck the IP.

I know who is doing it.

I just won't take any effort to help you. If in fact you are Oreo.

If not.. trust me.. it isn't Isabelle.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:12:27 PM
I'm out of here.

I wish people would have a little compassion for this woman. I know I've heckled her before and I regret it.

You all have a fun night.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:13:07 PM
Nope that wasn't me, but it's good to know you still love me.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:13:20 PM
No, that was me posting about izzy.  I should have rephrased that.  I think it's Izzy.  But I do have a Boston T. called Oreo Cookie, and one called Graham cracker
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:16:02 PM
Quote from: ""oreos""
Nope that wasn't me, but it's good to know you still love me.

J... you know I got mad love for your crazy mixed up ass. You are the only man for me.

To gay! OH NOes.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:16:18 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
I think it's Izzy.

Doubt it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:18:35 PM
Well she has every reason to be pissed off at me.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:19:35 PM
Ah fuck it.. Let's just blame it all on Izzy anyway.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:19:40 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Well she has every reason to be pissed off at me.

That's great, but was "she" trolling you? No....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:23:45 PM
Appently, because after my posts as guests, I was not exit plan, or who ever else, and since I posted as guest, which I am going to try and refrain from doing in the future, I am open, and so is everyone, to anyone posing.  Yes!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:25:04 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Appently, because after my posts as guests, I was not exit plan, or who ever else, and since I posted as guest, which I am going to try and refrain from doing in the future, I am open, and so is everyone, to anyone posing.  Yes!

BTW... did you pick up your son yet?

and when are going to post those pictures of Cinnamon Hill?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:28:02 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Appently, because after my posts as guests, I was not exit plan, or who ever else, and since I posted as guest, which I am going to try and refrain from doing in the future, I am open, and so is everyone, to anyone posing.  Yes!

Hmm... so if she didn't know it was you, what makes you think it was her doing it? Do you think before you start throwing around accusations? Not that I give a shit about Izzy, I just don't like to see unfounded accusations getting flung around about makes the guests here (or whoever) look like fools... know what I mean?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:28:55 PM
Still with him.  He thinks he wants to stay up here for three more weeks while we are in Italy, he may just stay permanently and go to school at Dixie State College.  He has a couple of friends he can room with.  It's still up the air.

I am thinking of sending them to Psy via email to post because I am not that computer savy to do it here, unless I can email to myself, send them to Photobucket and then copy and paste them here?  Is that the easiest way to do it?

How did you know about the photos?  I forgot, did I post that?  I also have video of Sorensons that I forgot about.  I want to send those too.  There are 3, 1 minute or 30 second takes on my cell phone, one with a staff member, but can't remember who he is.  God, looking back at those now, that place looks like a real shithole.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:29:13 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:29:46 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:31:24 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Still with him.  He thinks he wants to stay up here for three more weeks while we are in Italy, he may just stay permanently and go to school at Dixie State College.  He has a couple of friends he can room with.  It's still up the air.

I am thinking of sending them to Psy via email to post because I am not that computer savy to do it here, unless I can email to myself, send them to Photobucket and then copy and paste them here?  Is that the easiest way to do it?

How did you know about the photos?  I forgot, did I post that?  I also have video of Sorensons that I forgot about.  I want to send those too.  There are 3, 1 minute or 30 second takes on my cell phone, one with a staff member, but can't remember who he is.  God, looking back at those now, that place looks like a real shithole.

email them all to me. I'll get them hosted and posted for you.

[email protected]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:32:44 PM
It's pretty obvious who certain people are by there posts.  Others are really good at copying, which I know she's done, and she knows who I am, not that I care what you think either.  I just don't like being accused of being someone other than who I am.  And if you read, she has a lot to be pissed off at me for.  Also, she's done it to me in the past, and frankly that pisses ME off!  Sorry you don't like that, and it sounds like you ARE coming to her defense.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:33:18 PM
Cool TS,  I will do that in just a few.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:34:31 PM

the troll isn't Isabelle.

Now please send me that video footage and pictures. I'll get them up in a day or so.

I'll probably host the video on youtube and post the pictures on a special little deal I have that is independent of photobucket.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:35:36 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
It's pretty obvious who certain people are by there posts.  Others are really good at copying, which I know she's done, and she knows who I am, not that I care what you think either.  I just don't like being accused of being someone other than who I am.  And if you read, she has a lot to be pissed off at me for.  Also, she's done it to me in the past, and frankly that pisses ME off!  Sorry you don't like that, and it sounds like you ARE coming to her defense.

You seem rather self-absorbed, and somewhat paranoid like our friend mokara. Maybe she's done it in the past, but it sounds like you're jumping the gun a little here. Fuck off for saying I'm coming to that whore's defense, you piece of shit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:37:30 PM
OOO kay.. I'm taking my exit of this thread.

Time for a few hours of sleep. You all have  nice day/night or whatever it is you are having.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:37:36 PM
Who the fuck are you, "mummie"? Some program parent, probably? I'm a program SURVIVOR. Shove it up your ass, dumbshit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:44:19 PM
Mummie, you are leaving your son in a PROGRAM while you run off on some vacation to ITALY?

You are a piece of shit.
This is what?  this boy's 5th program?
Tranquility Bay, Sorensons Ranch, Red Rock Canyon.
Care to name the other 2 programs you locked this kid up in?

And what was it you called yourself? A "concerned mother?"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:45:33 PM
TS, just sent you 3 videos of Sorensons, one pic of Sinhills, I think I took more, but can't find them.  Maybe they are on my daughters camera.  She's not home, but will ask when she gets here.  I also have some of RR.

Let me know if you got them.
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:47:01 PM
What a fucking retard.. I clearly state that I'm no fan of Izzy's, but you still have the gall to say that it sounds like I'm "coming to her defense" when I made the point that unfounded accusations make people look like idiots.... Nice job, asswipe. Crawl back into your tomb.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:47:59 PM
You idiot, he's staying with his friends if he stays, his choice.  And Guest, nice try schmuck, I am not Guest1.  Why don't you post who the hell you are.  As far as I can tell, you are the Troll asshole.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:50:31 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
You idiot, he's staying with his friends if he stays, his choice.

Hmm... what "friends"? His program "friends"?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:52:08 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
TS, just sent you 3 videos of Sorensons, one pic of Sinhills, I think I took more, but can't find them.  Maybe they are on my daughters camera.  She's not home, but will ask when she gets here.  I also have some of RR.

Let me know if you got them.

Nothing yet. Did you sent them to [email protected]  ?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:52:11 PM
I am not going to say yes or no to the program friends thing.  What are you thinking about?  I have met one of his program friends and his mom, and alright, yes he is one, the other friend is a long time family friend of mine and her son.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:52:58 PM
Answer MUMMIE DEAREST, what other two programs did you lock this kid up in?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:53:32 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
I am not going to say yes or no to the program friends thing.  What are you thinking about?

Well then, we know the answer.  You're seriously going to leave him with a bunch of brainwashed idiots?  Come on!  I thought you had learned a thing or two.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 01:53:55 PM
Maybe it is just me, but I suspect that the program friends would be more likely to be good little program parrots. Might as well be like he never got out of the program in the first place.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:54:22 PM
Notice I am ignoring you Troll!  I have already stated here where I have placed my kid.  Go back and read if you are so inclined to do so.  Otherwise you are alone in this conversation.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:54:36 PM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
Maybe it is just me, but I suspect that the program friends would be more likely to be good little program parrots. Might as well be like he never got out of the program in the first place.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:54:47 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:55:08 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Notice I am ignoring you Troll!  I have already stated here where I have placed my kid.  Go back and read if you are so inclined to do so.  Otherwise you are alone in this conversation.

No he's not. :wave:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 01:56:17 PM
TS, I was kind of thinking that too.  Like I said, still feeling this out.  I am trying to talk him into coming home, but he seems hell bent on staying, I can email you privately why.  I am not posting it here because I apparently have some troll who apparently is out for fun at my families expense, and I am not going to do that here.
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 01:56:50 PM
Quote from: ""Ganja""
What a fucking retard.. I clearly state that I'm no fan of Izzy's, but you still have the gall to say that it sounds like I'm "coming to her defense" when I made the point that unfounded accusations make people look like idiots.... Nice job, asswipe. Crawl back into your tomb.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 01:58:05 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
TS, I was kind of thinking that too.  Like I said, still feeling this out.  I am trying to talk him into coming home, but he seems hell bent on staying, I can email you privately why.  I am not posting it here because I apparently have some troll who apparently is out for fun at my families expense, and I am not going to do that here.

I can't speak for Ganja but there's nothing fun about your kid still being surrounded by program freaks.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 02:00:21 PM
Stupid cunt! I hope he strangles you in your fucking SLEEP one day!! You'd deserve it!!!!

You really need to back off.  If my son heard you calling me those names he'd probably kill you.  I am not your enemy, nor did I place you in a program.  I suggest you direct that anger at your parents.  I am letting my son make his own choices.  He's a big boy, 6 foot 2, and an adult in a week.  If you don't like his choices, get pissed off at him.  Now that's the end of this bashing me.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:02:36 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Stupid cunt! I hope he strangles you in your fucking SLEEP one day!! You'd deserve it!!!!

You really need to back off.  If my son heard you calling me those names he'd probably kill you.  I am not your enemy, nor did I place you in a program.  I suggest you direct that anger at your parents.  I am letting my son make his own choices.  He's a big boy, 6 foot 2, and an adult in a week.  If you don't like his choices, get pissed off at him.  Now that's the end of this bashing me.

He's probably so fucked in the head from being in, what, 5 different programs?!?!?!  My god woman.  Get a grip.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:06:16 PM
Scary thought, if this boy will be 18, an adult shortly.  Will MUMMIE DEAREST be choosing one of these ADULT PROGRAMS for him next?
This kid had better watch out; Pillar of Hope or one of these programs may be where he makes his next group of "friends."
This MUMMIE seems obsessed with enrolling her son into programs!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 02:18:21 PM
Listen Guest, you FA (edited because I shouldn't have let someone get to me) , what did I just say?  Can you read, or are you just stupid? It's asshole (keeping this part) liar/trouble makers like you that create a problem here on Fornits.  

Our family has already been traumatized enough, and here you are, who ever you fucking are, attacking me, just like Izzy does with her Whitmore blogs.  Pack your bags and take a trip, just get off this board where you obviously don't belong.  You're probably the same asshole whose been attacking Mokara.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:26:46 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
You're probably the same asshole whose been attacking Mokara.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 02:30:25 PM
Pillar of Hope or one of these programs may be where he makes his next group of "friends."

You selling this program too?  Is that why you posted the name?  Seems you like to do that quite a bit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:32:02 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
You selling this program too?  Is that why you posted the name?  Seems you like to do that quite a bit.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Mummie on July 31, 2007, 02:33:17 PM
So the little  :) Ganja is because you are Guest?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:38:11 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
Listen Guest, you fuckin asshole, what did I just say?  Can you read, or are you just stupid? It's asshole liar/trouble makers like you that create a problem here on Fornits.  

Our family has already been traumatized enough, and here you are, who ever you fucking are, attacking me, just like Izzy does with her Whitmore blogs.  Pack your bags and take a trip, just get off this board where you obviously don't belong.  You're probably the same asshole whose been attacking Mokara.

Listen Mummie, you fucking CUNT!  What did WE just say??  Can you read or are you just stupid?  It's PARENTS that ship their kids off the 5 FUCKING DIFFERENT PROGRAMS that create a NEED for Fornits!!!!

Your family has been traumatized by YOUR ACTIONS!!!  You're being attacked because you're still seeking out a way to control your son.

I don't belong on this board????????  I don't???  Get the fuck outta here!!!  I survived two fucking years of a program and then somehow raised kids without having to resort to shipping them off to strangers to "fix" them.  YOU are the one who doesn't belong.  Get the fuck out you sniveling little bitch!!

 ::fuckoff::  ::both::  ::fuckoff::  ::both::  ::unhappy::  ::armed::  ::bangin::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:40:52 PM
Quote from: ""Mummie""
So the little  :) Ganja is because you are Guest?

What? You really ARE pretty thick.....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:42:11 PM
Quote from: ""Ganja""
Quote from: ""Mummie""
So the little  :) Ganja is because you are Guest?
What? You really ARE pretty thick.....

I was just thinking the same thing.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:42:31 PM
You are the one who shipped your kid off to 5 programs Guest.  Why don't you post who the hell you are.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:43:23 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You are the one who shipped your kid off to 5 programs Guest.  Why don't you post who the hell you are.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:44:21 PM
And follow the posts, funny how Guest is following Ganja around and posting to confirm themselves, who happen to be the same person.  Any thick person can figure that out.  Your gigs up.  Nice try.

Gotta go asshole, going to the movies with my son, which is much better than catching you in a trap.  Have fun chewing off your own foot. :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:44:58 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
You are the one who shipped your kid off to 5 programs Guest.  Why don't you post who the hell you are.

What???  Neither of any of my kids has ever been to a program.  I survived two years of one.  What the fuck is wrong with you?  Wow.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:47:46 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
And follow the posts, funny how Guest is following Ganja around and posting to confirm themselves, who happen to be the same person.  Any thick person can figure that out.  Your gigs up.  Nice try.

Yeah that has to be true, doesn't it?  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:48:54 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
And follow the posts, funny how Guest is following Ganja around and posting to confirm themselves, who happen to be the same person.  Any thick person can figure that out.  Your gigs up.  Nice try.

Gotta go asshole, going to the movies with my son, which is much better than catching you in a trap.  Have fun chewing off your own foot. :rofl:

Actually I've known Ganja for a few years now.  Wake up darlin'!!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Ganja on July 31, 2007, 02:49:38 PM
Hmm... you have? PM me..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on July 31, 2007, 02:52:55 PM
Huh... some days this forum just gets weird. That and certain program parents just get more freaking brain dead.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:55:03 PM
Maybe later....leaving to go home right now.  It'll come to ya.  Haven't been around in a few months, just popped in last week to see what was new.

 ::bandit::  :smokin:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 02:56:02 PM
Hmm.  Now who calls people "Darlin"?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 04:13:30 PM
you fucking CUNT
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 31, 2007, 05:11:51 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have a sister who is currently attending Peninsula Village and I am looking for anyone who attended that could tell me a little bit more about what went on there.  I have not gotten to talk to her and I am wondering how this could be theraputic.  It would be nice to hear from someone who could answer my questions.

Anybody recognize that ?  Yeah, its OP question.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on July 31, 2007, 05:51:28 PM
Talk about gettin a lil off topic..  the past fews days are reaking of havoc on here...
Title: Re: PV
Post by: hanzomon4 on July 31, 2007, 06:31:22 PM
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""Guy Grande""
I have seen a sporadic and curious posting on this thread from time to time and I finally understand it.
        DAMAGE brought to us by PENINSULA VILLAGE

            the damage that keeps on damaging

I am sorry for mokara, and all others who have suffered at the hands of    Peninsula Village.


Agreed. I can't see how anyone could possibly take offense to anything Mokara says. She is so obviously.... hurt, deeply, deeply hurt. Whether her problems surfaced only after PV or have long been there, she shouldn't have been there and it clearly helped muddle her mind a little. How can you have anything but compassion for her?

Title: Re: PV
Post by: nimdA on July 31, 2007, 09:21:22 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""Guy Grande""
I have seen a sporadic and curious posting on this thread from time to time and I finally understand it.
        DAMAGE brought to us by PENINSULA VILLAGE

            the damage that keeps on damaging

I am sorry for mokara, and all others who have suffered at the hands of    Peninsula Village.


Agreed. I can't see how anyone could possibly take offense to anything Mokara says. She is so obviously.... hurt, deeply, deeply hurt. Whether her problems surfaced only after PV or have long been there, she shouldn't have been there and it clearly helped muddle her mind a little. How can you have anything but compassion for her?


Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 01:25:26 AM
Hey Jersey Girl just want to say sorry for biting your head off.
The last thing I would want to is be ugly to another survivor especially one who had the guts to speak out and went through as much as you did, God or good luck or your own strong spirit and brains bless and I hope you have a great life.
Zen sorry too, you did a whole lot, interviewing people and finding out info.  I’m sorry to have given you grief after all you have done and been through.

I probably do sound like I’m on a soap box out off the context of my life, but to me everything I say I’ve sadly lived. I just haven’t figured out how to put it on paper yet so people get it and I don’t sound like they need to take away my megaphone.
I’m pretty frustrated as you all can probably see, and angry
I sort of have to be a door mat in my life or I get threatened badly by my family or fired.
I'm about done with it, sure I can't say anything to my family but I can find a better job.
It creates some bottled up anger I guess, I never go on chat rooms so I’m not used to them.
I think some of the stuff I wrote made me feel vulnerable and I was mad when the responses to what I wrote weren’t what I wanted.

I know too with myself sometimes when some one says something I take it more personally than it was meant, probably PTS from abuse really,
Like the Lindsey Lohan comment, that wasn’t about me really,
no offense to Lindsey but I don’t get the feeling she’s much of a writer or you know? But of course already feeling touchy and criticized I get all sarcastic and take it as an insult.
I think some of the guys on this site did that with my sexual harassment comments, like I take things out of context all the time.

All I’m saying is the abuse people have suffered makes them touchy.  
Again though it wasn’t about any one on here, I was talking about the really severe sexual bullying girls and guys actually often face in high school and else where.
I’ll post stuff on here if I feel like its relevant.  

I didn’t mean to bad mouth guys, I know lots of really nice great guys who tell dirty jokes and swear, they aren’t threatening and it isn’t sexual bullying?  I know that the boys in programs need just as much help in dispelling prejudices about them as the girls.
I also see how some of the stuff I have said could be taken against teenage guys, a lot of them like South Park I think.  
No comment on males and bathroom humor.
I only know the girls perspective.  
I wasn't talking about any of the guys on here.  
Again trust me PTS makes you take thing personally even when they don't really mean the same thing.  

I got defensive about Abigail because I feel sorry for the girl and she’s so young really and the guy was so old, and I get sick of people looking at people with the prejudice I see else where like TV.  
She’s just a person, only out of a prison camp and without much support.
She’ll probably get it together once she implodes, her working in a strip club is a really bad thing, I think.  
Like she could die and I’m sure she faces even more really really bad abuse.
Strip clubs, I’ve been in one once, but I’ve met women who worked in one, two girls in one of my community college classes, one of the women I worked with at a nice up market restaurant, are really really bad and abusive too, especially for some eighteen, nineteen year old girl out of PV.
No offense but I do think people should try to be more compassionate and not just joke offhand.  Everyone talks about sex and peoples sex lives all the time, but I wish everyone, myself included sometimes would look at life as it really is.
Like Abigail is really young and I think she’s being used and exploited and while I might have gossiped about it, when I look at it from the outside it seemed to promote prejudice.
But trust me I talk the same way and I shouldn’t have come in all combative just said the above nicely and I think everyone would have probably agreed on some level and things would have been more positive and constructive.
That’s it.  Thanks for giving out my personal info, real happy about that, that was just low and dangerous,
oh I don't like her let's put her in danger?  
Pretty damn wrong and you should feel bad.
and the Mr. Penis guy needs to look at things from someone else perspective once in a while.  
I know we’re all teenage boys or men or whatever and South Parks funny and all, which it is sometimes, but it’s scary when directed at someone and threatening and try to see how people really are and feel in a situation and not just come back in anger or with the first thing that pops in your head.  Myself included.
I think most of us probably are on the same side, at least about PV.

I'm rereading Virginia Woolfs A Room of One's Own again, it's the one with that whole Shakespeare's sister thing.  
 And I'm not just I'm makeing snooty book references, which I do because I don't want people to think PV people are idiots.  
everyone's good at something, please don't make me do Calculus or long division.
It's a really good short essay about feminism.  very empowering.  like it's really good, much better then my rambling
Feminism's no joke.  
Neither is getting payed 7.25 an hour for working 32hrs a week at Barnes & Nobles.  just saying
or being put in a prison camp, or being attacked and flashed and living with my parents or with my ex or in my neighborhood, or my whole dangerous scary stupid life.

as for all the rest of this chat room crap it's always the same,
this is why I remember I don't go on them
we always have the perve and of course the twelve year old boy,
it's a chat room so everyone is anonymous and therefore much ruder and more open then they would be in real life, which makes everyone angry and even ruder.
I have a theory that a lot of people are pretty angry anyway and it tends to come out in chat rooms.
on Fornits I see a lot of paranioa too,
your the troll you didn't say what i wanted to hear,
no your the troll and so on back and forth forever,
then on Fornits you have the real trolls too just to add to the mayhem
nothing like program survivors with PTS in a chat room probably with some program people.
it's kind of horrifyingly interesting really.
but  tiring and i'm done being bothered by it.
if I find any more good relevant stuff about PV or the industry I'll post otherwise it's a waste of time stress and energy
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on August 02, 2007, 01:27:20 AM
Mokara I'm glad to see you back. Thanks for being here and speaking up.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 01:44:19 AM
hi threesprings, sorry, you said that before I remember,
water under the bridge.
lets go from here

did I mention it's hard to get into colleges out of PV?
ike they don't really want to take kids out of a behavioral modification facility and if you don't list it they want to know where are those two years of high school credits ?

Also how hard it is to do normal college homework, even when you test pretty high?
Alough as for tests, it's so fair to penalize kids who's lives are in as much unheaval as a lot of the kids in PV's have been.  
some of the Foster kids especially had been sent here and there and all over the damn place, with school not playing a really big part.
sometomes it seems like the people in charge get all fat headed and are more worried about their little power trips then the teens lives on a practical level.
and then PV won't allow them to read or have books?
and they go to school half the school week?
and miss months of school because they are on shut down and staring at a wall?
we had the full three months of summer of course with no school, just work detail 7 days a week with no free time?
and no homework or writing papers?
how the hell are you supposed to be able to do well in college at eighteen if you haven't been to school the full school week, can't write a paper, and haven't been allowed to read?
not to mention abused and beaten down and had psychotic undereducated adults mess with your head 24 7.
just saying, you can call me crazy if you please.
I think i'm lucid, I guess all crazy people do,
damn it stop calling me that you jerks
undermining my credability and confidence does what to help kids in PV?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 02, 2007, 01:56:10 AM
Quote from: ""mokara free""
Neither is getting payed 7.25 an hour for working 32hrs a week at Barnes & Nobles.

Forget CAFETY, boycott Barnes & Noble!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on August 02, 2007, 02:05:39 AM
hi threesprings, sorry, you said that before I remember,
water under the bridge.
lets go from here

Young lady.. you are full of win tonight.

Though you bring up a question I've tried to ask to another person about PV's ed program.

Is it worth while or a useless waste of time?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on August 02, 2007, 02:12:59 AM
never mind I just answered my own question when I read your post carefully.

PV education is about as good as the porta crappers they had you all use.

You know mokara if you want to post in a forum without getting trolled you are more than welcome to post in my facilities forum.

There are no guests allowed in Facilities to prevent trolling from happening.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 02:32:09 AM
i'll try to keep the personal sagas to a minimum too.
but they relate some of them I think
like when I called the police because my mother hit me?
or how she threatens me with something like PV if I step out of line at all
"I'll call the police and tell them PV said your Bi polar?"  
If I talk back to her or say
"mother your view that I was molested as a 14 year old virgin, by an abusive stalking scary adult, because I was a &%^$&%$, direct quote, and it's all my fault is a bit extreme, much, wrong and there were certainly many factors at play?"
like the large scary man you did nothing about?  

I think this sadly enough true scenario, is pretty telling somehow as to what really goes on in some program familys, and in life in general

I'm not saying they make me wear a full burka,
how does one spell burka?
or bind my feet
or threaten to have me committed or arrested if I do anything other then what they want, and I don't do much, I don't drink, use drugs, go out in the evening?
 Oh wait they do do that.
my parents are dictators,
I basically get very good grades,school is my ticket out of here, and work.
or if I try to tell them why wanting me to bind my feet is wrong and perhaps how we should go about ruling my life some other way?

and how I can't get away from this because i need to finish college and I make 7.25 and hr working at Barnes & Nobles.
I am simply trying to point out how ignorant and hypocritical the point of view is that allows PV to isolate teens from police and lawyers and places them with no outside contact under PV at the will of parents.
And how hypocritical and ignorant the system is that accepts the girls as unquestionably at fault when hello history here people
you know all those thousands and thousands of years of people behaving  badly,
the reason we usually have checks and balances on the behavior of random people who open a prison camp in the mountains of appalachia for large profit.
just saying it's damn ignorant and I think my saga illustrates this well

I refer to history because it proves this, that humans need checks on their behavior otherwise they open prison camps in the backwoods of appalachia, create exploitative work systems, somewhere in between NC cotton mills and slavery, and build gulags, WWII, the apartied, need I ramble on?
 do we need to look at the marriage laws of the 14th century?  they involved arranged marriages and beatings if the girl did not comply or the 19th century.  

All I'm saying is everything PV would defend itself with is stupid and we are all stupid and playing with a different deck of cards then reality for buying any of its prejudice.

the only thing that PV could defend itself rationally with is allowing the girls to be interviewed by the police.

SOME ONE OUT OF PV FOR UNDER A YEAR, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! CALL THE POLICE, REPORT THE ABUSE AND SAY YOU WILL HAVE AN INVESTIGATION.  Some one needs to interview those teen.  Didn't Zen call them, and they said they could only investigate reports of assault on a damn staff member, damn appalachian networking!  Did his daughter call and report the abuse after she got out?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 02:50:17 AM
I think what I'm saying is a lot of kids in PV don't have great home lives, and Foster care sucks,
i still want to know why all the Foster kids and group home kids came in with lice?
they can't stop lice in group homes and foster care,
once again what century is this?
they would make us  brush each others hair with lice combs every time there was an out break and there was an outbreak every time a new foster kid came in, it was a bit much.
so the whole, "the teens and kids are completely at fault and freaks or juvenile delinquents," not to mention many of them are in for nothing more then depression? or some mood disorder of anorexia or like the website said “effects of traumatic experience,” is ridiculous.  
Also a pretty dumb crappy argument from the people who are supposed to provide therapy for them”  

Has anybody done any research into the ancient to recent history of the juvenile justice system, foster care and until the Disabilities Act in the 70's, treatment of those with handicaps,
Jesus talk about people behaving badly.
I think we look at the sterilized version of life to much, and accept that things that never have really been great, to horrible, are now just peachy.
Of course the guy selling the crap says it's good, duh.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 06:53:55 AM
again too teenagers can't get away from their families,
where are they going to go?
if they run away they are in great trouble?
from both the system and other abusive adults,
like men or women that would sexually exploit or molest them.
their parents are it, until they are 18
and a 18 year old needs parents and support too, for sure.
what if a teacher is abusive,
why can't a teacher be abusive?
they are just people, out of all of them, one your child has probably is somewhat?  
History and books tell us that in hindsight many of them have been.
Look up 19th century English boys schools
Or what if they are being bullied very badly in school?
or the kids in school drink and use drugs?
what if home is dangerous and school is dangerous
what if your parents are alcoholics or  drug addicts?
do you tell your abusive parents?
Do the abusive parents listen or just blame you and abuse you more?
do you get yourself moved to a group home, with the lice?
or put in a foster home?
what do you do?  
there is no where to go to avoid abuse,
everyone abusing you always tells you your aren't being abused and it's your fault.
and these kids are just supposed to know enough to get good grades,  avoid the pressures to drink and have sex,
and you don't think your average girl in high school isn't under a lot of pressure to have sex?
think again, but if she does?
of course she's not lonely or desperate for care and affection.
then what?
what can they do?

All I’m saying is too many adults have too much power without enough balance over too many underage inexperienced kids, and the kids are being abused in general and then they react to the abuse by acting out and they are abused more.
The burden of proof lies with the teens and the adults are always in power.
Humans abuse other humans when they have too much power over them
It’s not just the adults or the teens, it’s just people overall
 some schools the teens are neck deep in sexual harassment, drinking, pressure to have sex, minor drug use and bullying and if your kid comes home with stories about any of the above be thankful they are telling you and believe them because it’s the truth.
Kids really want to belong in their peer group, it’s a very powerful influence, and they don’t have any idea why it’s dangerous.  
Home schooling kids in trouble really might work,
Getting them away from the peer group is really important too
I don’t think all the surface crap we are supposed to worry or judge people for makes any damn sense. And teens reject that kind of teaching
Oh my God they drank it’s a sin, no they simply drank something because they were told it would make them cool.  There is no sin there, there is only some danger because drinking impairs your ability to function and be aware of what’s going on around you.
 It makes you vulnerable.  This really applies with alcohol and pot at the same time.
Also teens are ridiculous light weights.
they might be molested or date raped? Or driving drunk.
The problem is the danger and if it has a negative outcome,
The real problems of a situation
That’s why abstinence only sex ed is so annoying to say the least.
It’s also pretty ignorant as to the world around the kids, we have the Puritans doing the sex ed and Sex in the City and everything else everywhere else
It sounds fine from the outside, ok no sex for little jimmy or jill, sounds nice and clean and like some made up 1950’s organized
Also the abstinence only teaching is warped.
they get this weird creepy crap that of course teens are going to reject and then get in more trouble
Once again not above using abuse, stigma and prejudice as a teaching tool
my favorite part is when they pull all the petals off a rose and tell kids “they are a thorny stem with nothing left to give their partners? If they have sex before marriage”
The school nurse in NC isn’t allowed to talk about or answer questions about contraception?
What about abusive relationships, like when some jack ass you barely like and vice versa tries to pressure you to have sex with him?  What about the negative outcomes of unprotected sex?
Again women in the eighteen hundreds had like ten kids half of whom died.  
I’m sorry that’s scary and not very hopeful but it’s true.
It’s damn catch 22 you run off and are abused because your in an abusive situation so they abuse you more.

Some schools are fine, but there will be lots of signs if the situation isn’t ok.
Then getting the teen out of the situation might help a lot.
Situations I have found are really hard to get away from though,
they actually have to get why it’s dangerous and agree to it themselves,
or they will just do it anyway.
School, getting a good job when you’re an adult, getting through college.
Is the most important thing really, all ego issues who gives a damn.
Are they in danger, explain why to them and help them get a good job.
Real estate, insurance sales person, contractor, electrician? Nurse, I don’t know something and help and support too,
if they aren’t going to do the whole BS BA thing.
It’s hard and I love to read. Like some people it might just not be their thing.
Recognize too the teen lives in context, if they say a teachers a jerk, they might be a jerk.
Fight on their side sometimes, and believe and support them
Don’t leave them to navigate adults and the rest of the world on their own while they are yelled at without any advice, don’t drive them out into it. Listen too them.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 08:02:21 AM
i guess all i'm saying is what matters more then smacking a kid around to learn them not to drink or something
is teaching them to be a safe adult in relation to alcohol and other stuff.
alcohols not evil, sex isn't evil, although it can be dangerous.

THe way sex is handled, and always has been is pretty crappy though,
sex is biologically based, teens and other humans can't help it.  
It's the way we are made.
so we beat them up over it, real fair and sane.
and the teens are crazy? and like abusing them in relation to sex isn't going to breed a bunch of people with weird issues.

i think schools sometimes are so weird too, like they beat up on some seventh grader for not turning in their homework?
beating up on them is going to do what good?
mom and dad are getting a divorce or something, mom found out about the secretary and it's hit the fan, total 24 7 nut house?
the kid tests ok and reads and does all the math?
harassing the kids, making them go through the meetings in the office, the shame, the constant parental pressure, the telephone calls and so on.
putting them on ritalin or adderall the amphetamine?
so they have some "disorder" now, not to mention a drug habit.
this is really going to help the kid get through high school, or become a successful adult?
in the long run or the near future is all this adult bureaucratic crude going to do anything more then endanger the child and therefore make them less likely to become a successful adult?
or even to survive adolescents sometimes?
a twelve year old isn't a business man, why does it have to turn in all this homework everyday or else it's abused?
i think that's a horrible system,
what are we teaching them, not to question authority, and a Puritan work ethic?
and if you buck the crappy system?

You have, taken right of PV's admission criteria,

"Disordered conduct and oppositional behavior
Disrespect of adult authority
Unhealthy self-centeredness
Unwillingness to adhere to conventional values/standards
Inability to behave independently and autonomously"

and this isn't kind of like Communism meets bad Darwin for preteens how?  why does communism seem to turn into darwinism is another question maybe?  

I'm still trying to figure out what the "Inability to behave independently" bit is about.
I'm guessing it was thrown in for good measure for those parents who are annoyed with the needyness of their child for attention and affection.
Self centered impatient busy emotionally distant adults want less needy more "stoic" a word of my mothers, children?
Just do it, never thought I'd hate the Nike slogan, but sometimes they don't Just do it?
I'm amazed some teens survived the toddler years, do kids, just do anything? young humans are pretty dependent overall.

sorry to have taken up all this space rambling away, some of it is relevant, maybe?
sorry, I won't write anything for a bit.  I think I've said everything there is possibly to say twice at this point.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 08:23:35 AM
all I'm saying is most of the cutters in PV, I'm guessing above situation.
have you ever been stuck in a house with a women who just found out her husbands been cheating on her?
years later she's still screaming all the time?
if you couldn't get away from that, you'd be nawing your foot off too.

and there is too much pressure in the schools,
smart kids are getting "left behind" because of it.
they beat wonderful, intelligent creative kids up because they don't jump through hoops and do all the idiotic busy work.
this senseless competative hyperactive pressure causes anorexia too, as does the other aspects of life just discussed like bullying.
it also leads kids to run off and reject what teaching is there to keep them safe, then they are molested and abused more.
when you think about it, what intelligent creative person isn't going to have problems with days and days in government issue, cinder block rooms, at the mercy of a slew of underpaid overworked random adults.

I think the entire environment is poisoning the kids.
the way they act is how a normal living creature acts when it's stuck in a cage and being abused. just saying, look up how your average animal acts in a cage, and how your average teen with problems acts and see if from a rat in a maze perspective there aren't similarities

Not every teen has the same level of stress too, some are better suited for what we demand without any deterance from them.
humans are pretty tough, but I think they show signs of stress.
i think the stuff in PV looks a lot like pretty severe stress reactions
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 08:25:48 AM
not all schools are bad either.
I know of really great schools, some are though for sure
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on August 02, 2007, 10:46:15 AM
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
never mind I just answered my own question when I read your post carefully.

PV education is about as good as the porta crappers they had you all use.

You know mokara if you want to post in a forum without getting trolled you are more than welcome to post in my facilities forum.

There are no guests allowed in Facilities to prevent trolling from happening.

My daughter at least found education time to be a welcome reprieve from the rest of the program. She felt like the quality of the education was poor, but the teachers were kinder than staff and time spent learning was time much better spent than time sitting on your bed.
She recently ran into one of the teachers she had at PV. She knew him before she went there because he was a popular substitute in her regular school. She said when she first saw him there she was happy  to see a familiar face, but later felt disappointed because she thought he should be somewhere much better than PV. She was very happy when he told her he was no longer working there.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 02, 2007, 10:50:43 AM
Quote from: ""mokara free""
All I’m saying is too many adults have too much power without enough balance over too many underage inexperienced kids, and the kids are being abused in general and then they react to the abuse by acting out and they are abused more.


and there is too much pressure in the schools,
smart kids are getting "left behind" because of it.
they beat wonderful, intelligent creative kids up because they don't jump through hoops and do all the idiotic busy work.

True...and...true! ... chool.html (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 02, 2007, 11:04:57 AM
She was very happy when he told her he was no longer working there.

Get him to testify, if not in your case, then before the GAO.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2007, 05:47:02 PM
i also found the teachers to be nicer, although talk about blinders people!
I really liked my one teacher,
of course I never was able to speak to them without staff right there.
I think the thing with the school was the kids only get to go when they are behaving/brainwashed very well.
Other wise no school, like I said we were on shut down for five months in the spring and we didn't get to go to school, sometimes we did do school work sitting in our little circle with our backs to each other.
Most of the time we just stared at the wall with staff watching very closely.
So the teachers only see the girls marched in, they sit quietly and marched out.
there were very seldom restraints in the school.
most of the time the girls were just glad to get to sit down and to get to read something.
PV is pretty careful about isolating the teens,
This is also why the girls can't talk to their parents except after months over the phone with staff right there ready to hang up if they say "Help"
or why they read your mail and you are also not allowed to send out any mail for a month or two.
or why girls really spend an average of at least three or four months in STU on arrival and then are sent back at any problems.
I spent six months all told in STU and I was pretty compliant.
Again they restrained me for not being able to stop crying, I wasn't howling either and I was having some nervous reaction to all the abuse
I really couldn't stop
Some of the staff seemed like they might be human underneath all the PV influence, but the criteria PV uses turned all of them into abusers.
Ont of the nicer ones was the one who had me restrained for crying.
there were more sadistic ones but they all got pretty sadistic.
I think it's real easy to tell some one else to work without doing the work yourself.
sure crossaw this log in 15 minutes sounds ok
watching it you can't feel how much it hurts,
especially when it's the fourth log that day
also it never mattered if we did it all great anyway,
staff still always punished us.
I think it was the criteria, that break them down thing
to never be built back up
THis wasn't like the military either, military people have some free time and can read
this was a whole different ball park
please Stoodoodog could you please tell me if your daughter went to scool in the cabin MON WED and Friday or TUE THursday.
I think I know but i want to double check
thank you
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 03, 2007, 06:44:39 PM
sorry too about the JFK assassination scare posts
felt pretty dumb once I found the letter on Zaba under my email address
Zen didn't give out my personal info for sure
he's done a great deal, didn’t mean to bad mouth him
contacting people, researching and such
and is obviously who he says he is, that's why I emailed him at all in the first place
It just freaked me out to see this old thing to an ex boyfriend I barely remember posting
I really was flashed and attacked by two different guys for no reason too, in under a year,
like i didn't know them, both with buzz cuts in less then a year
one at the park and the other at my apartment
I really don't see how they could be connected of course
one was in state the other out, and they both were really random
they just kinda looked alike?
anyway though it freaked me out, if you notice i'm not so crazy as to not go and find out how they found the email immediately and then stop with the JFK assassination line of reasoning.  
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2007, 07:45:35 PM
Since we have a growing number of PV survivors on Fornits now, spanning from the late '90's to the present, I'd like to re-post excerpts from Kat Ricker's excellent paper The Crime of Being A Teenager. This is an insightful work, one of the first I read on the troubled teen industry. On first read it hit home, but as time passes and I return to it, I see what a concise look at the origin and nature of teen programs Kat's essay is.

A word of encouragement to Mokara, our man in Venice Beach DYS, the mysterious informant Kreflo, and SettleForNothing...PV is getting itchy, long-timers are leaving, and the Hand of Fate - the Stark Fist of Removal - is winding up to pimp-slap PV into a coma. The sword of Damocles is hanging over their heads...who's got some wire cutters?

Settle, you've been like a shot of adrenaline, and I want to thank you again. We've been friends for a while, you were great support when my wife and I were struggling to get our daughter home and afterwards, too. You got through some tough times, and I know thinking about PV stirs up the memories and old anger. You've focused it, though, and you're becoming the hardest working lady in activism.

Here's an excerpt from Kat Ricker's The Crime of Being A Teenager.
(Emphasis added by ZA):


There is no way these programs can blame aberrant employees, because this is systemic.
The staffers are as much products of the programs as the incarcerated teens in their
Where do these employees come from? A quick, random visit to program websites shows
that most are constantly looking for “field staff”, and most do not ask for degrees in
psychology, medicine, nor any college education at all. An ad for a Utah-based program
posted on Oregon Craigslist just last month asked only for “primitive living skills”, while
promising the most rewarding job of your life. North Star hired Bacon’s counselors
literally off the street by men who pulled over in a pick-up truck and offered them a job
taking kids camping for a few weeks.
As in any industry, workers move from business to business within it. Twenty-six year-
old Eric Henry was among those convicted of child abuse and neglect in Bacon’s death.
He was ordered not to work for similar programs for nine months, yet six months later, he
was on staff at Sage Walk. The next year, he was on staff at Obsidian Trails.
But more acceptable hiring policies do not guarantee improvement. Recently, the nation
has been riveted by the televised, videotaped deadly beating of 14 year-old Martin Lee
Anderson, just hours after he was admitted – not into a private program, but a
government one – Bay County Sheriff's Office Boot Camp. A nurse took the boy’s pulse
as guards beat him for 90 minutes, long after his body had gone limp. Documents show
the punching, kicking and pressure-point techniques the guards used were routine. Lee’s
second autopsy showed that he died of suffocation; the guards held their hands over his
mouth and forced him to inhale ammonia sticks to keep him conscious (which finally
failed). Staff regularly used these sticks to force teens to keep exercising (Miami Herald,
coverage ongoing since January 2006).


While the sadistic sociopath may well find his way onto program staffs, most arguably
sadistic staffers are made, not hired. “If you can’t beat them, join them” is a cliché for a
reason - these systems are designed so that the only way to survive the abuse is to
become an abuser. Programs are full of staff that “graduated” the program, and some put
deviating staffers back into the program as patients, until they’re fixed.
Judge K. L. McIff ruled that the North Star program was “fraught with a desensitizing
mentality” which contributed to the death of Aaron Bacon. This mentality is critical to
these operations, and it is systematically created. Staffers are conditioned to see their
prisoners as less than human: they have done bad things, deserve to be punished, and will
“manipulate” staffers in order to escape their deserved punishment. So staffers disregard
any cry for help or complaint of pain. That’s why Bacon, whom his fellow captives
recognized as seriously ill, was accused of faking, right through his death. That’s why 12
year-old Mikey Wiltsie was accused of “playing possum” when he claimed he couldn’t
breathe, and his 320-pound counselor crushed his 65-pound body to death (Eckerd Youth
Alternatives, 2000). That’s why the body of 15 year-old Erica Harvey lied dead for 45
minutes after dehydration and heat stroke killed her – because the counselors thought she
was “faking it” (Catherine Freer Wilderness Program, 2002).
It is difficult for most of us to understand the mindset of the people in charge at these
programs. How can you tell a girl held 13 years, as Lulu Corter was, who’s gnawing a
hole in her arm, to go ahead and hurt herself? How can you insist she face her sexual
predator and take responsibility for her pre-pubescent molestation, tell her she is obsessed
with sex, stand over her on the toilet and dictate the number of times she may wipe? How
can you tease a 15 year-old girl like Michelle Sutton, moments before she went blind and
died of dehydration, that her parched white mouth makes her look like she’s been eating
marshmallows? How can you force a remarkably intelligent and peacemaking boy like 16
year-old Aaron Bacon to hike without pants after he repeatedly loses control of his
bowels from a perforated ulcer; how can you take away his blanket in freezing
temperatures, deny him food for days on end, laugh and tell him he’s faking it when he
collapses again and again; how can you mock him while his head beats the window of the
pick-up in the final, gruesome moments of his young life? How, for that matter, can you
convince someone who’s never abused drugs, alcohol, food or sex to confess to all these
perversions and more, under the verbal assault of scores of peers, and how can you
convince this victim and parents that this “treatment” saved the person’s life?

By brainwashing.


To explain thought coercion in teen treatment programs, Maia Szalavitz outlines the work
of professor Robert Jay Lifton in her book Help at Any Cost. Lifton was the first
Westerner to classify mind-control methods, after interviewing prison survivors of
Chinese prison camps from the 1940s and ‘50s. At the risk of oversimplification, the
system works like this – to extreme degrees: subject people to constant surveillance;
control their environment (induce sleep and food deprivation, restrict communication);
exhaust them; break them down physically and psychologically; elicit confessions (real
or invented); and finally reprogram their life perspective via “mystical manipulation”:
convince them that everything in their lives has led them to this program
(there are no coincidences), and that the program represents THE ultimate power of good in the universe
(so that any means justify the ends).
It is no accident that these programs have continued for decades and produce both people
who swear it’s the best thing that ever happened to them and people who refuse to talk
about it at all, and it is no accident that survivors who end up in court typically come with
genuine diagnoses of depression and post-traumatic stress. These are the outcomes this
system produces, and there are no studies on the effectiveness – nor the longterm effects
– of these “therapy” programs.
From a 1999 expose series by Lou Kilzer, Donna Burke sued WWASPS affiliate Teen
Help, alleging that the Tranquility Bay subjected her sons to "the most sadistic and
unwarranted physical and psychological abuse. ... Both are changed from the wonderful,
spontaneous young men they were before Tranquility Bay into robotic victims, afraid of
any authority figure," the suit says. "They have lost their individuality, their spirits are
broken, and their characters ruined. Instead of independent men, they are afraid, haunted
by nightmares, subject to panic attacks and refuse to go anywhere near a beach." (Read
Desperate Measures in the Denver Rocky Mountain News, http://www.denver- (http://www.denver-)


There is no eery resemblance here to the abuse perpetrated on prisoners of war; it’s the
same thing. These program founders aren’t inventing the wheel. They are following
established methods of brainwashing and torture. These are techniques of military
interrogations, including American forces torturing Muslim prisoners today; insane
asylums a century ago; drug rehabilitation programs, beginning with rehab-turned-church
Synanon in the ‘60s and ‘70s; and in every successful cult, religious and/or commercial.
Beginning in the 1970s with Straight, then KIDS, SAFE, numerous derivatives, to
today’s corporate giant WWASPS/Teen Help, the troubled-teen industry is just the latest
face on the movement to psychically destroy people and reprogram them into compliant
subjects devoid of critical thinking.
The difference in this cycle of institutionalized thought coercion is considerably easy to
manage, and profit margins are huge. While cults typically have targeted adults, juveniles
have no rights. The profit is earned up front, fees are set high, overhead and staff costs
are low. And anything goes, from marketing – typically programs have pretty names and
advertise teens doing fun activities in idyllic settings, like a vacation – to the treatment
itself, done in secret, without any legal interference. The occasional court challenge from
scarred survivors is generally settled out of court for exuberant sums, and when programs
are forced to shut down and people ordered out of the industry, they simply reopen and
change names. The day after Straight Inc. was forced to close, SAFE opened, with the
same model, the same building, and the same staff (See Help at Any Cost for details).
It’s difficult to know how many programs are operating in the U.S. Some programs have
religious themes (Mormon is common), some disciplinary, others drug rehabilitation, and
more. Since the linking of Straight, Inc. with the War on Drugs in the 1980s proved so
successful, programs have addressed whatever problems society deems most frightening
– at the moment, ADD, ADHD, and sexual promiscuity, for example.
What this amounts to is a cult industry gone wild. Without governmental oversight, it has
managed to slip through legal challenges time and time again, and is burgeoning with
What is most sickening about this suffering is how unnecessary it is. People are paying
for their children to be institutionalized. And whether they are obviously tortured or not,
what does it say about a society that accepts the kidnapping and incarceration of its
children, who are not yet fully formed, and who have committed no crime?

I'm posting these excerpts because I'd like for PV survivors (and any other program survivors) to read it over and tell me how Kat's observations relate to your experiences at PV or any other cesspit. I don't want to post what I think, because it doesn't matter - you guys lived through it and know how programs function in a way that I (thank God) never will.

A few of you spent time in other programs, either before or after PV. How did they compare to the pricey and "highly successful, widely respected" pit of gastrointestinal virulence, Penicillin Villi?

Please read Kat's article in it's entirety here: ( Also, check out her web page ( , Kat's a Renaissance woman.
"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on August 04, 2007, 07:58:00 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Settle, you've been like a shot of adrenaline, and I want to thank you again. We've been friends for a while, you were great support when my wife and I were struggling to get our daughter home and afterwards, too. You got through some tough times, and I know thinking about PV stirs up the memories and old anger. You've focused it, though, and you're becoming the hardest working lady in activism.

"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing,

Thank you my friend.. Ive been taking a few days off.. trying to recollect and refocus... When I get so sucked in, I tend to lose my focus, so Im taking a little breather for a few, but I will be back to post some shit that hopefully has some powerful movement. Hope all is well. if anything is needed, please let me know. Im here, I still read new posts, im just taking a lil breather before coming back into action. I want to make sure my focuses are clear.


Always here.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2007, 11:07:48 PM
Money making ignoramouses is what PV staff is. Obviously they are so oblivious and ignorant as to what professionalism is. They try to speak so highly of themselves, yet their actions are sabotaging them. I wish a psychiatric evaluation could be done on them. The facades they try to put up about being this big shot, immaculate treatment facility, is so obvious to those who can read between the lines, are completely false.
They are immature as well and in a way demented. I mean where do people get off snickering and cackling at those in need of real medical and therapeutic attention. Are their patients just their entertainment? how could any of the staff there "love their job"? unless of course they are sick in their own ways.
Maybe the snickering and crude remarks about their patients is really them transferring their own feelings onto innocent victims of their abuses.
The restraints are how they get out their anger. I mean come on, at the drop of a hat for no reason, boom... their goes a patient onto the floor. The pressure applied is very strong. Its almost as if they are trying to squeeze out their issues going on in their unstable and sick minds. Kind of transference again except on a physical level.
Like the opposite of self mutilation. self mutilation is a way of escaping from dealing with negative emotions. Staff on the other hand, basically in a way, each restraint is like another cut onto their arm.
I know for myself, if I worked one day at Peninsula, or any of these horrid RTCs, I wouldnt be able to live with myself. These people who are the staff there, claim to love their job. What person in their RIGHT mind would love the job they have? I dont know... something just doesnt seem right with that whole issue.
are their lives simply that pathetic? or is their a much deeper issue here?
Like i mentioned briefly before, what ever happened to Personell Psychology?
Personell Psychology for those that do not know, is:
a subfield of industrial organiztional psych. that focuses on employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, appraisal, and development.

sounds like this "psychiatric treatment facility" should work on their own "psychological issues, first starting in their "professinal work enviroment" and second maybe with themselves

just a thought.

I found it.. in the introduction handbook

" Many times parents feel angry, anxious, sad, and even guilty, not sure if they have made the right decision. be prepared that your adolescent is aware of these feelings and either consciously or unconsciously may attempt to arouse feelings of guilt and anxiety. there are some typical ways that adolescents attempt to do this.
The most obvious example of this attempt is the full frontal guilt attack. ""why did you put me here? you do not care about me. If you take me out of here I will do anything, I have realized I was wrong, please give me one more chance. Ill Kill myself if you dont take me out of here"" these attempts directly attack your feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for your child.
The second attempt is more subtle and involves your adolescent misinforming, lying, or telling half truths to raise feelings of guilt and anxiety. Typical examples include: "" My therapist told me it was your fault I am here. The staff does not know what they are doing.""
The third example is an attempt to exploit normal parental concerns regarding an adolescents safety. Examples include;"" they are not feeding me. Staff makes fun of me. My peer is a violent psycho. Compared to other kids here my problems are not that serious""
Do not let these attempts to make you feel guilty work. As long as your child believes that he/she might escape responsibility he or she will not change. Often adolescents are actually terrified of change and their oppositional and defiant behavior is a way of avoiding dealing with the painful aspects of their lives. So of course they are going to continue to try to avoid responsibility and introspection. "

that came straight from the introduction to PV guide given to parents.
sounds to me like a desperate attempt to trun parents against their own children in order to rake in the money for them to wipe their sorry excuse for lifes asses.
Those are pretty powerful lines of manipulation dont you think? sounds like Peninsula themselves are trying to make their pathetic attempts to convince you work for THEIR advantage.
Sounds like uh..what they used to call "Splitting" telling you one thing and them the other.
Staff ridicules you constantly, yet they are telling parents right there in black and white that if their adolescent is telling them this, that it is just an " attempt to directly ATTACK the parents feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for their child."
PV should have learned that they should get their story straight and quit the lies because lies always come back to bite you in the fuckin ass.

PV also states that they cannot admit anyone with an IQ below 85
Sorry but most staff dont seem to be much over that themselves.

They cannot admit anyone who is diagnosed with psychosis.
They are Psychotic for thinking they can get away with this shit

They seem to prey on the vulnerable teens who have issues such as:

---Depression or mood disorder

The approach on this issue seems to be HIGHLY increasing it, also gives staff a reason to laugh if you cry or try to talk about it

---Drug or alcohol abuse

Pudgeboy Pegler fiends these types of issues. I think he gets off on it. The pound by pound perv

---Oppositional beahvior or conduct problems

Defy their bullshit, theyll tie you to a bed

---Effects of traumatic experiences

Ah, this one, they do a great job of making your trauma disappear and bring on a new one. Trauma=PV

---Self endangering or self injurious behavior

They have a great rating of helping increase such behavior

---Out of control behavior and the ability to accept adult authority

Open your mouth, your done.

Yours Truly

Jersey Gurl

My admission day to the village, from the beginning i knew i was in for a wild ride. It started with being escorted to the Village. I arrived in Knoxville and had one of those bad gut instinction feelings. I knew before I walked in this was not going to be pleasant. I was taken to the nurses station where I met with a nurse and then was brought up to STU now known as GAAU ((girls admission and assessment unit)). the place in itself is depressing. You walk through the doorways of hell. I was shoved into a metal chair in front of the staffs desk. I signed my life away. when i went to ask a question, i was shut down. then they said that I needed to be strip searched. my immediate reaction was fuck you you pervs. They led me into the bathroom where I had to strip all of my clothing except my underwear. Then they told me to pull my underwear to the side, bend over and cough to see if i was hiding anything in a territory that was private. I was crying and was told to quit being dramatic. I sat my practically naked ass on the cold floor when they told me to stand up, strip completley and take a shower in which the shower stall had half of a shower curtain. they told me it was to moniter me. this shocked me. i had never had anyone monitor my shower time. so i told them to go fuck themselves. with that i guess it infuriated them and two of the staff grabbed me by the arms and led me straight into the time out room. the room was bare. i had seen this shit in the movies but never actually experienced one. little did i know that that would become very familiar. I was told to sit with my back against the wall and not to talk. i needed to think about my actions. i was panic sticken. my anxiety was going through the roof. I threw up all over the floor in there which i was later made to clean up. then they asked me awhile later if i was willing to cooperate. i shrugged my shoulders and they showed me to my cubicle aka my bed. I was told once again to sit up straight with my legs crossed and not to look at anyone. If i could not follow this i would be escorted back to time out.
Well I was exhausted, so i leaned over onto my elbow. Some fat chick who was a patient and apparently one of the "trusted" saw me do this. she asked for permission to confront the new girl for laying down. I was like uh so what?! she was granted permission and she called a group. everyone stood. i was shocked i didnt know these robot patients were able to move. everyone was like a zombie. I didnt stand, for lack of this phenomenon not being explained to me. i was barked at the stand whenever group is called.
she confronted me and said thats all. everyone sat back down simultaneously. Drones i tell you.
Later on, i didnt give a shit so i laid down. fuck that fat bitch.
Staff came over and grabbed me by the arms and escorted me to the time out cubicle this time instead of the room because apparently the room was occupied. I was told to sit there not move and not talk and to stare at the wall of the cubicle. Well after awhile of sitting there, they gave me my meal which i ate on the floor. when i finished eating i stood up to go back to my coffin of a bed. Next thing I knew, I was grabbed, kicked in the back of the knees and fell to the floor. an extremely loud, obnoxious alarm went off. I was panic sticken worse than ever. what the hell is happening??? down on the ground I lay, face down with people sitting on me holding me down. one or two holding my legs, one on each arm, one sitting on my lower back, and one holding my head down when i tried to lift it up to breathe. I thought i was going to die. Felt my lungs collapsing. Still in shock, I vommitted once again. my face shoved back into it. ugh. What seemed like forever, they then picked me up, about 10 people. they carried me like some animal back into the forbidden time out room. i was stripped of my clothes by the staff and then dressed into hospital gowns with old blood stains on them. this is all while still being held down. later on, i was released and sent back to my bed. then there was group. i had to introduce myself and tell why i was in gowns. i had no idea why i was so i made some shit up.
later on there were showers and then some other sort of groups. i was told to make my bed just like every one elses. i didnt know what the standards for intricate bed making were so i made it like i did at home. i was yelled and criticised for that by some 23 year old counselor. finally after other bullshit, we went to sleep. if only i had been aware that bed time was the only semi peaceful time i would experience for the next 6 months.

what a day what a day

Jersey Gurl

Mind control.. its how these fuckers get away with what they do.. first, breaking the barrier of the parents who are worried sick about their troubled teen.. I dream about being able to do something like hacking in to find out when admit request information is made and then quickly send out a packet of info of my own thats not bullshit... Corruption is what is killing this world. Everything is so corrupt now a days... I live in Jersey, so you dont have to explain corruption to me. The whole state and its government here is totally corrupt. All of our tax dollars and homeland security money go to the mafia. The real Tony Sopranos.
Im getting off subject here dont get me started on corruption here either.
Saying right in the handbook sent to parents it says that dont fall into your childs manipulation trap. They are going to tell you how horrible it is here at the Village. They might tell you that other patients are much worse off then they are and that this place is terrible....HMM i find that interesting to put in the Welcome to PV Hell handbook. Take it and shove it farther than anything has ever gone.
People who dont believe in the corruption and manipulation in facilities like this and others, are blind to reality. Of course when they have you speak to former patients parents, they are only going to tell you great things about PV. How much it helped and how it completely turned their childs life around. Im sure those "actors" are paid off well by Covenant Health. All they see in potential victims...cough...i mean patients, are $$$$ dollar signs $$$$
lets see how long we can pull this off they are saying to themselves I am sure.
Like they truly give a shit about the kids there. THey could care less. Its just another 9-5 job. Like look at one counselor whos name I wont mention. She is a counselor at PV and had websites with highly disturbing images on them that she calls her art and expression with photography.
i dont know but if this is someones hobby who is one of the counselors supposed to be helping societys "troubled" youth, then my god.
real smart also to post it up on the internet... it was not hard to find at all.
im not saying that people cant have their own weird fantasies and shit, god knows i do in other ways, but for a PV counselor to post it on the internet is first of all stupid to do for her own sake, proves lack of maturity, shows how well PV looks into who they hire. what ever happened to personell psychology when considering someone for a position? how unprofessinal on their part and also its not like we are talking about hiring someone to work the day shift at a 7-11.
This is supposedly a highly accredited treatment center.
I mean when I was employed at a local medical center, the screening proccess was very specific and difficult to get in to be able to work there. I went through lots of interviews and background checks and personality tests, drug screenings, etc before I was hired. I was just a patient transporter. These people are the ones "caring for" your troubled teens.
Maybe Im old fashioned and believe in carefully screening an individual before hiring them.

Also no one ever seems to want to answer any questions that you may have. It was told to me when I was at PV that every time I was restrained or my medication changed, that my father would be informed about it. I asked him about that and he said they would call once in a blue moon to relay the message.
Like I said before I also requested to report a grievance that I had, which was about my bruises and physical pain. Some lady who I have no idea who she was came and met with me awhile later.
there is no such word in PVs vocabulary such as privacy. It is completely invaded and is taken away from you. For instance and I know this is a nasty subject but it seems important, when you had your period, and you used the bathroom, you had to wrap up your used feminine product and then show it out the stall door before you could flush your toilet. That is just fuckin wrong man.
Our bathroom times were on their terms to and timed. Before you went into the bathroom you had to hold up either one finger for urinating, two fingers for shitting, and some weird hand gesture if you needed to also change your feminie hygiene product. Jeez I dont know but being timed on your time to piss or whatever you needed to do, thats just flat out fucking ridiculous.
you had 1 minute to pee, 2 minutes for #2 and an extra 30 seconds if you needed to change.
god damn.
haha i dont know it just makes me laugh when i think about some of this bullshit because thats what it truly is. BULLSHIT

I think this is enough for the minute, I have to go to the bathroom and I now am so thankful to have the priveledge of not being timed. hahaha

sorry for the grossness but it is important

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/13 00:25

Jersey Gurl
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Organized Malcontent

Joined: 06 Jul 2007
Posts: 109
Location: The AssKickers State of Jersey
 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:16 pm    Post subject: more of my postings  

former PV patients will get this sarcasm:

((raises hand waiting to be called upon))
((Everyone Stands))
Group I would like to confront Peninsula Village of being the scum of the earth
Thats all
((Everyone sits back down on their beds)))
((Leader records the confront later to be discussed in consequence group))

Leader: ((raises hand waits to be called upon)
may I have permission to ask the group to come to the day room for consequence group?

Horrid staff member:
You may

the group is informed to go to the dayroom for consequence group
sitting with their heads down, staff member enters the circle of chairs and leader asks to begin consequence group.
Consequence group begins.
heads rise from staring at the floor and Leader reads off the confronts and group is to decide an appropriate consequence for each confront.
When PVs confront is brought up the consequence has been decided after a vote. the results are:


Jersey Gurlthe amount of damage this place has caused is unbelieveable.
GED or High school graduates working as counselors, must be a good gig for them. Undereducated to understand the "troubled ones" issues. Bunch of horse shit.
malpractice issues.. scum
abuse and cruelty... intolerable
breaking the rules of clients rights... who would pay 100.000 to be made to be more fucked up than ever?
Sounds like great therapy to me.
meal restrictions are rediculous... the low cholestorol diet, the finger food diet... haha that one always made me laugh espcially since this one chick who was on finger food restriction, cut her arm with a broken chicken bone. that was a classic.
I have to admit that being tied down to a bed all day and into the hours of the night.. i think that was the worst case of boredom I ever had... what is a chick to do when you cant even change seating positions or get a drink or much less piss is a frikin toilet and not a bedpan?
having meals fed to you like your an animal. staff would spoon feed me while im tied down. what fun.
should have spit it right in their faces. damn. wish i thought of that sooner.
I did manage to get them a few times tho. I put up a few good fights when a restraint was in my path.
Funny I had a nightmare the other night about PV. I was back there wanting to leave so badly. Somehow in my dream, i beat the undereducated staff to a pile of worthless waste, grabbed the keys, and got out. what fun that night of sleep was. HAHAHAH
Maybe Im sick but i dont give a shit, so are they.
the fuckkers are goin down.

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/12 14:50

Jersey Gurl

There is something that really just bugs the shit out of me... Peninsula Village is to treat adolescents with depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders, etc.
Now maybe Im old fashioned but these issues are where we need to help sufferers by helping them gain self confidence. PV breaks you down to a mere nothing. For example, before I went into PV I had extreme anxeity and depression issues. My mother passed away at a crucial age of 14 years old for me. I thought everyone in my High School here in Jersey didnt understand, that they were laughing at me and thought of me as some psychotic chick.
PV seemed to try and VERIFY that more than help me build my self confidence back up. I was told that I always blame others and do not look at myself. when on the contrary, I was always blaming myself and hated who I was. Breaking me down to that mere nothing, did the reverse of "mending my life and restoring my family". It fucked it up even more. I can remember feeling so low when I was there because not only was I depressed, but they helped me to feel like shit.
I do not think that people realize what all goes on there, but from a former patient, Ill tell you. I will keep coming back and posting more.

Truly Yours

Jersey Gurl

PV tends to beat the "truth" out of you. Always saying.. I know there is more than that that you need to tell the group. Fuck that. Bitchboy McLain can kiss my ass.
Pegler I kicked in the balls, literally, during a restraint.
He told me I had an addiction to sedatives. I threw it back in his face saying that I never touched one until I came to PV.
It cost over 8500 a month to stay there. Maybe its just me but I could have better used that money to go on a cruise or something nice. Im sure McLain and Pegler and all of them are living the life of luxury. Well, not for long. I dont give a shit, Ill fight em till the day I die. Like I said, Karmas a bitch and so am I.
We need to stand up for ourselves, and for the rest of the youth out there in a quest to bring this shit to an end. Fuck em. And fuck their bullshit.

Jersey Gurl

PV in my OPINION.. is a money sucking corrupt company that takes advantage of parents who are extremely worried about their youths and uses that to keep the patients a coming. They want to manipulate parents by saying how wonderful they are, when from a past patients point of view, they are totally full of shit. They dont follow their guideline criteria for admissions and they dont know how to treat adolescents with depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders. They always are telling you each time that you open your mouth that you are attention seeking and the consequences come up. They say that you have addiction problems even if you do not and they brainwash your parents or legal guardians into believing that when you tell them how terrible it is there that you are being manipulative and not responding properly to treatment.
I remember when I was there, I wanted to report a grievance that I felt I had about how I was being treated. Some illegitimate lady came to talk to me, and later on I had to process it in group. It was decided that I was in denial and that I needed to focus on how I am not taking responsibility for my actions.
My actions?!?? what about them taking responsibility for their actions?!?!?!
who is with me?

Jersey Gurl

Karmas a bitch and so am I when it comes to these RTC asses. Im not afraid of em. Multibillion dollar companies? Take that and shove it. I will not back down, I will fight these pricks till I die. They wont intimidate me, they dont scare me. wanna send a hit out on me or some shit? it will come back to them. These mamalukes want to try and scare us out of putting them in their place. Well, they tried to "put me in my Place" and now its time to fight back. Whatever they say or do to me, I no longer live in fear. Im a pissed off victim. Screw em. Watch out were coming. At least I am.. WHos with me?

If we settle for nothing now, we will always settle for nothing.

There is no shelter here. The frontline is everywhere. they wanna fight, im ready.

We have got what it takes.. Renegades is what we are.. So once again who is with me?!?

Yea man, lets do it. Im not scared of any RTC pansies.
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Organized Malcontent

Joined: 06 Jul 2007
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Location: The AssKickers State of Jersey
 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:25 pm    Post subject: who is with me  

lets get these pricks to the point where theyre shitting their pants... like i said, they didnt scare, intimidate me whatsoever when i was there.. even when they were tying me down or pinning me to the ground covering me in bruises, i still screamed at em to go fuck themselves. Now, Ill scream it from the rooftops, for everyone to hear.


Im standing at the frontline, waiting for you.
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Organized Malcontent

Joined: 06 Jul 2007
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Location: The AssKickers State of Jersey
 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:49 pm    Post subject: ?  

anyone have feedback???
Yours Truly,
Jersey Gurl
Rompere i coglioni a qualcuno
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on August 04, 2007, 11:11:50 PM
Thank you... Sorry I havent posted much lately... I needed to take  a break and get some sleep before I lost my mind.. thank you for reposting my stuff
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2007, 11:22:53 PM
Found this on another site, this is so true, thought I would post it over here too, someother girl posted it, so glad to see people posting!

Staff expects the "truth". They don't want you to tell "stories". They want you to take "responsibility for your actions". Then they expect the group to confront you and help get the "truth" out of you. The problem is "the truth" is never good enough.

For example, before I went to PV I had tried pot one time (and didn't like it), and had more than one beer on one occasion. I should probably add that I come from a small town and most of the kids in my group of friends are very sheltered. Really, all through high school our idea of fun was going to someone's house, watching a movie (very rarely one over a PG-13 rating) ordering pizza, drinking soda until someone got gas, and giggling and laughing a lot about it.

Staff did not want to hear that I tried pot once and drank beer one time. I could tell that story again and again and be accused of lying. However if I had said I was a heavy pot user, and an alcoholic crack head prostitute, they might have accepted that as the truth and maybe I would have been able to advance in the program.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2007, 11:24:23 PM
this site can get pretty nasty for sure
I think I'm done with it
it really is too stressful
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on August 04, 2007, 11:26:01 PM
yes I have seen that post... And it is so true... THe "truth" is never good enough. Maybe because PV knows deep down that they are the ones fulllll of shittt, not the innocent patients.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 04, 2007, 11:30:33 PM
Here is the drug info I got of the Adderall web site again
Adderall is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for ADD

See I'm not nuts damn it, they really are giving amphetamines to kids

ADDERALL XR® is a once daily extended-release, single-entity amphetamine
product. ADDERALL XR® combines the neutral sulfate salts of dextroamphetamine
and amphetamine, with the dextro isomer of amphetamine saccharate and d,lamphetamine
aspartate monohydrate. The ADDERALL XR® capsule contains two
types of drug-containing beads designed to give a double-pulsed delivery of
amphetamines, which prolongs the release of amphetamine from ADDERALL XR®
compared to the conventional ADDERALL® (immediate-release) tablet formulation.
EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS: 5 mg 10 mg 15 mg 20 mg 25 mg 30 mg
Dextroamphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Amphetamine Aspartate 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Dextroamphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Sulfate USP
Amphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Sulfate USP
Total amphetamine base
equivalence 3.1 mg 6.3 mg 9.4 mg 12.5 mg 15.6 mg 18.8 mg
Inactive Ingredients and Colors: The inactive ingredients in ADDERALL XR®
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: nimdA on August 05, 2007, 12:35:47 AM
Well they do call it kiddie crack for a reason.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on August 05, 2007, 12:50:19 AM
yea they do....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2007, 06:28:43 PM
Sounds pretty damn CRAZY in here!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2007, 06:49:08 PM
Adderral, the new drug!  Yah, tried putting my kid on that shit too!  It's really great for studying late nights, that's about it.   College kids love to buy this shit from your kids too.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2007, 07:37:30 PM
This thread has been read 25,000 times.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 06, 2007, 07:38:43 PM
Well almost, just wanted to see the page change
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on August 07, 2007, 08:45:26 PM
::both:: 25,000 TIMES?  Hi, PV!  Bet ya hate us.  

Hey, PV B+D nutter - I think they added this for you: ::whip::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2007, 01:20:50 PM
its not crazy, you just don't know
i can hear you that it sounds unreal but it is true and easy to prove
go to the adderall website
type in Adderall under google
then go to the prescribing info on the website
it's in small print, as is most prescribing info, magnify it and there you have proved it. they are prescribing amphetamines for kids with ADD
I don't know how this is legal
i also used to have faith in the FDA
when some one first told me that all the cracked out looking college kids were really just abusing the ADD medication which was an amphetamine
I thought "What! sure  "
but then I went and looked it up and it's right there
Adderall isn't that new either, it's been around for a while now
the website is interesting, please go check it out before you say anything
there are a lot of bugs under the rock I've found in the pharmaceutical and psychiatric business.
not to mention foster care or juvenile justice.
historically speaking, its probably one of the industries with the worst record of really horrific abuse.
I guess that's why stuff like this exists up until now and is allowed
it's a left over from not too distant history
We all have heard the whole "Mothers little helper" thing right?, from the 50's and 60's?
and in the 19th century they gave out morphine for everything
the eugenics era is also a really good research topic
before the IDEA Disabilities Act in  1975's the treatment of the retarded or anyone with a handicap was often appalling in state programs
Foster kids or children of adults who were drug addicts, criminals or prostitutes or even immigrants, because of the language barrier, often got lumped in with the retarded because they hadn't had proper schooling and did poorly on standardized tests
this is a very bad world I think and it needs to get more awareness
it's an interesting way to spend an afternoon,
I need to organize some of the research I've done better as well and maybe get back to this site with it.
because i just have so much time to write you all a research paper
if you type in eugenics era a lot of good stuff pops up
researching older asylums, abuse in foster care and the juvenile justice system, NPR has a great article called My Lobotomy Howard Dully's Journey. Just type in NPR Howard Dully
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 08, 2007, 01:28:51 PM
it's not just "older" institutions either
for example the eugenics based homes for the retarded, which were appalling, were horrific up till the 70's
I have a picture by Jack Dykinga from one of the "State Schools for the Mentally Retarded"
I googled "Jack Dykinga state school for the mentally retarded"
and the first line is the picture
go see for yourself!
the picture was taken in 1970!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 08, 2007, 03:10:51 PM
Interesting, disturbing stuff there, free...
Title: Fornits Wiki
Post by: Covergaard on August 10, 2007, 01:28:57 PM
Peninsula Village (http:// on Fornits build on the info from secreprisonsforteens (http://

I am working to solve the problem with references. Something is different than Wikipedia.

Should we add the Q/A tread on the discussion page?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 02:53:41 PM
sorry I yelled at you Covergaard,
i didn't know Abigail really was a stripper now.
with out knowing that,
i thought you were just calling her one which is pretty offensive.  
poor abigail though, i guess i got touchy about it because i was in pv so i know the desperation mentality it puts you in
i still think she's young and being exploited all over the place.
I hope she makes it long enough to get out
the late teens and very early twenties are pretty hard out of PV
they were hard for me,

you have the after effects of so much abuse at pv and then the after effects of whatever put you in pv, but you are still too young to process it all very well or to be independent of the people that put you in PV, either the parents or the kinds of peer groups.
it tends to just hurt and you react,

I would guess alcohol or drug problems are very common in those years in PV survivors
I'm so glad to be older now and better able to deal with the trauma effectively, and to be closer to a degree and basically to just having it together and feeling better.

the three years right out of PV were no fun
It's really important to learn too, that other people will try to exploit you, more or less extremely.
look at PV, they are certainly exploiting the kids there
once you figure out how to protect yourself and that you need to protect yourself from exploitative people
and you stop taking drugs that release all your endorphins at once,
so you act stupid then crash into the depths of chemical depression
I personally did not have any problems stopping any drug use, which is ironic considering PV acts like if you inhaled once you have to go to NA meetings forever.
It's been years now and I never even think about it.
they sound exhausting to me? Maybe because I'm so busy, I'm already exhausted, but even drinking, which I used to do a lot, as a way to alter how I felt and to feel excited or cool and so on, I have no interest in.
I'll have a glass of wine or a mixed drink or beer once in a while.
again it doesn't do much for me and it makes it hard to function the next day and I have too much to do.
But any way I think Abigail is in the desperation drug use phase of getting out of PV, and hopefully she'll pull out of it.

It really does get better once you get your self away from abusive people and mellow out.  It helps once you start succeeding in some aspect of society too, no matter how much crap you still get.
Like when you get practically desperate as opposed to self destructively so, and work really hard and start getting good grades.
Sure people still throw stones at you but you get used to it and it becomes a matter of pride really to get through it anyway and to not let the bastards knock you down or off your track.  
I don’t agree with the way the world works but I’m going to survive in it and I have a right too!

I'm not giving a DARE speech either, I'm just stating what happened to me with drugs and drinking.
I just grew out of them really, I think the same thing happened to a lot of baby boomers, they went from hippie to IBM' ers.
A girl in one of my classes used to be a stripper and she was marrying the physics professor and liked to quilt.
Yes quilt?!
people are not stereo types like TV says, they are just people
I still think strip clubs and the sex industry are really horrible things,
I'm simply saying that Abigail is still just a person
Right now I think she's in a bad place though, like she could die and it is certainly adding to the PTS, poor girl
I think that she is in a dangerous world and I hope she gets out ok!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 18, 2007, 02:55:32 PM
You ever see that Pamela Anderson Roast on Comedy Central??

It's fucking hilarious!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 03:12:23 PM
oh come on :roll:
your average half dead desperate abused women or girl in a strip club has nothing to do with that  millionaire barbie doll who's breasts change size every few months.
 I 'm not saying either that some strippers are not obnoxious or scary  
I don't know, the entire sex industry scares the hell out of me, and it would scare you too if you were a women.
Any group of people, especially taking into consideration the bad neighborhood factor, like I don't know why a bad neighborhood is more dangerous exactly, i think there is a class on it at college, it just is.
So a higher precentage of strippers are dangerous then say soccer moms?

But it's a little like saying a group of people are drunks, like Russians or Irish, or Brits, those soccer hooligans, and so on.
Basically it's a stereo type that applies in general,
all groups of people drink too much, many in the group do not?
every family has at least one alcoholic.
If you live in a bad neighborhood are you more likely to become dangerous?
 women in the sex industry might be its own category because they are being very very abused and the horror they face in their lives creates a whole different structure?  
the way men view the sex industry and the women in it, not to mention the media and it's promotion of it, I think is one of the most graphic examples of prejudice in our society today.
it's a little like saying prejudice in Nazi Germany didn't lead to violence against Jews.
monkey see and monkey do.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 18, 2007, 03:24:54 PM
the media blurs the lines between sex industry workers, who the media says are there to be abusively sexualized and who are stupid and barely human, so much that it has become one of the main ways the media portrays women.
Which really is dangerous, like I said, when people believe some prejudice they often act on it.
And if  media “stripper cultureâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Covergaard on August 18, 2007, 03:25:51 PM
Quote from: ""free mokara""
sorry I yelled at you Covergaard,
i didn't know Abigail really was a stripper now.
with out knowing that,
i thought you were just calling her one which is pretty offensive.  


I'm simply saying that Abigail is still just a person
Right now I think she's in a bad place though, like she could die and it is certainly adding to the PTS, poor girl
I think that she is in a dangerous world and I hope she gets out ok!

I think that she is focusing on her art again.

I have recently written about art with her on Myspace and the lasted pictures from her Europe trip do show a person who have matured. I regard her as a person who was caught up in a bad situation, which very little support from her home (divorce, sister with illness, living alone with her brother in their own house etc.).

So she went to PV, but they did not fix her. What would have fixed her without paying PV the money, would have been for her parents to forget their divorce problems in a hurry and set some boundaries. Parents, who have divorced need to set aside some of their own pains and stop using their children as tools in war against new partners (step-moms, step-dads).

Her mother used her as a tool and caused her father to leave his children in a house of their own just popping in from time to time. That is not parenting. In fact it is a case for the authorities and in Denmark close to a crime (neglect).

She would have made it in the same pace or even faster without PV, but with local counselling.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 18, 2007, 04:14:49 PM
Quote from: ""free mokara""
oh come on :roll:
your average half dead desperate abused women or girl in a strip club has nothing to do with that  millionaire barbie doll who's breasts change size every few months.

Hey...shit...the point was that it was FUNNY... as in humor? Ok?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on August 18, 2007, 08:18:23 PM
The Southeast Asian sex industry, imo, is one of the most perverted and disturbing in the world. No shit there I was just the other day running through the rice fields of Ang Jung Ri about 3 or 4 kilometers from Camp Humphreys here in Korea when I turned a corner and found myself in a 5 square block red light district. This is a district of nothing but wall to wall prostitutes who stand in sliding glass doors trying to get customers.

Pretty bizarre shit and ironically that one area doesn't even really cater to American soldiers. The American GIs tend to go elsewhere as they will more than likely get caught by their own military police if they are found in that area. So what fuels the industry?

Koreans and other South East Asian immigrant workers.

If you go a few stops up from Camp Humphrey's on the number 1 train line to Songtan you will find the entertainment district right out front of Osan Airforce base. Same deal as Camp Humphreys a thriving sex industry has flourished. I hate going there as a posse of hookers nearly rapes you getting off the subway. About once a month I used to go to Songtan to practice learning Russian from a bartender at a bar called the Lion's Den. The girl that worked there told me some stories about the sex trade that are pretty rough.

One example was her own story. She only works at the Lion's Den because two air force boys bought out her contract. She used to work a few blocks down at another bar as a hooker/waitress. Turns out she was lured to Korea on the promise of a good paying modeling job. Once she got here she was beaten up and threatened with death if she didn't do what her pimp wanted her to do. The two Air Force dudes paid off her contract to the tune of like 4000 bucks and she went and got a job at the Lion's Den. Whatever arrangement she has with the Air Force guys she has never elaborated on and I'm hesitant to ask about it.

Her story is pretty common in Korea. Worst though are the girls from the Phillipines and other South East Asian countries. You see here in Korea if a Russian girl ends up dead in the gutter that might raise some questions. But a Fillipino or some other South East Asia girl would be considered racially inferior and as is such the Korean authorities wouldn't bother to much with investigating one of them showing up dead. For the Russian girls they normally manage to escape back to Russian. For the South East Asians they normally end up dead unless they can't find away to escape.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 10:15:28 PM
yeah it's scary
I wish people would wake up more just in general
it's amazing the police don't do more about it you know?
i don't know I really wonder if there are any sociology classes on it?
i've read articles about philipino women being told by companies that they are going overseas to work as maids.
this is also a common thing.  usually the women live with families and work for them, the women even pay the companies, only to find that once they are out of their countries that they have been sold to brothels.
there they are beaten into submission,
there was a special on TV about a Russian women in Turkey too.  
If I remember right she ran away and the cops turned her back over to her handlers.

it's hard in general when people won't face the facts.
I see so much good in this world, but there is a lot of horror too
nothing can get done when people don't recognize reality and where the danger is?
how can a society fix something when peoples attitudes are such that they wont even see it.
like strip clubs in the US
like it's all over TV, there are a few in every town
but people don’t recognize it for what it is.

I think this really applies to all areas of violence against women.
it's so unfair really, any area of women and sex is subject to sexual prejudice, even if, such as in the instance of rape, the women is completely not at fault.
we all have heard of women being stoned to death and such for being raped?
there are just these attitudes in people
that keep violence against women in place

I don't want to use my parents as an example but
they are a good one
they have very defined lines of sexual prejudice
things like, "What were you doing in the park alone"
at 2:30 in the afternoon, with my dog
I called them right away when I was attacked at my apartment, and they were really horrible, “we don't believe you? What did you do? How much money is this going to cost us. You have to get rid of your pets"  
This is to a women that was just attacked by a random terrifying stranger, this was the gist of the phone conversation right after.
you say give up the only creatures that you can depend on and really love?!  
their attitude was so bad i ended up not reporting the assault till later and they never caught the guy.
they made me feel like I had done something and yelled at me
they refuse to believe anything they don't want to
and will cut you off pretty abusively if you say something they don't like

For example, PV, I know what PV was like and have tried repeatedly to tell them, they refuse to believe me
they are so bad even as to make snide comments about Bi polar disorder and taking medication and so on.
like they haven't understood anything,
if i come back with print outs of peoples stories out of PV or other programs, or with the drug prescribing info, which tells you what is really in these drugs, or with the flier from my doctors office stating they can only accept FIVE visits from pharmaceutical representatives in one day.

I show them stuff about Bi polar disorder, like how it's a chemical imbalance problem and how the person has to show signs of real chemical depression and mania, neither of which i do.  And that the place, PV, that said I was Bi polar is completely corrupt, and that the drugs cause liver failure at 35 and tardive disease
and that according to the Adderall, which is an amphetamine, website 1 in 10 children have ADD!

it doesn't matter, it's a little like the sometimes racism that pops up when they hang around the country club too much
it has something to do with growing up in the 50's I think?

it's just horrible though, it's like trying to tell your family that the Nazis are really bad guys and having them cut you off and say I don't want to hear such negativity, and then having to listen to them swallow all the propaganda and sometimes turn it on you.
It makes one feel most insecure.

it's an apt comparison too, for anyone out of a program.
it's sometimes annoying when someone throws in Nazi references
but considering what these programs are like it applies
it also applies to the sex industry
there are bad people in the world and they are certainly in these two places

it's just horrible they won't believe me
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 20, 2007, 10:37:40 PM
I've never really been into going to strip clubs...
I have good friends who like to partonize them though.
And sure, I've been to them, but it was always someone else's idea to go.
It's just not my thing...and never has been.
There's very little romance involved in a thing like that.

Notice I'm posting in the mokara line-for-line style.
(I figure I might as well post like this from now on when replying to one of your posts.)

I once went out with a girl who became a dominatrix / stripper while we were together.
We met on my front steps in the ghetto where I used to live, she was walking her dog.
He was a German shepherd she had named "Blue."
She was really hot, a black amazon, but kind of a bitch to deal with day-in day-out.
It got old after some months and we split up, and she moved somewhere else.
She was one hell of a woman though.. a great lay, with a good sense of humor.
I heard that she eventually got out of 'the industry.'
Good for her.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 10:40:51 PM
the abuse was just so bad you know? i would like some support.
I had to transfer out of my nice private women’s college to the public university because my father yelled so much about money last year.
 my semester this year cost 2100.00, that's it.  
The womens college was 10000.00 a semester.
 It's been an ordeal and put me behind.  
Instead of some kind of thanks,
 I had to do all this crap, to get things to transfer and eat about a ton of humble pie
I also didn't get to take as many classes as i wanted last year  because my father and mother got really nasty and started beating me up about how I had to work more, so I did.
apparently I have it so great here

SO basically I did everything he wanted me too, and did it pretty nicely, I gave him 1500.00 at christmas and another 800. a bit later.  
i worked my ass off and changed schools, which is hard considering my high school credits are from a program and what happens this week
 my father throws a big fit about the 2100.00 tuition and not working 32hrs a week for 7 an hour at Barnes & Nobles.
i want to take full time classes this semester so  can actually graduate some time soon.
i posted on another page all the crap i had to go through to get into the  affordable state school with high school credits from PV
even with three years of high grades in college.

my mom is her same old charming self.
i figured it out, she never stops talking, and she allows no one else to talk
i don't think i've ever finished a complete sentence around my mother, for real.  
you get three words out and that's it she's talking right over you
heaven forbid you say something she doesn't like or disagrees with

i'm not exaggerating at all, it's really pronounced.
i think she is the most self centered human being alive
it's like it's painful for her to listen to someone else talk
it can be anything, third word
i don't think I've ever finished a sentence around her
the best thing I've learned is to just not say anything and nod and smile and agree with her.

it's horrible though, because there is no conversation
i know it sounds cliche but i wish they would listen once in a while
and of course not be none stop overbearing and in your face
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 10:50:20 PM
Tell both of them to dive off a cliff and eat shit. It sounds like you could pay your own way through college if you tried.

If they ask why, tell them Fornits made you do it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 20, 2007, 11:03:57 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Tell both of them to dive off a cliff and eat shit.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 20, 2007, 11:52:53 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
I've never really been into going to strip clubs...
I have good friends who like to partonize them though.
And sure, I've been to them, but it was always someone else's idea to go.
It's just not my thing...and never has been.
There's very little romance involved in a thing like that.

I hear you.  What's the point of the strip club?  You go, pay $10 a drink, pay an exorbitant amount for a lap dance from a woman who considers you a subhuman, and you still go home and end up beating the bishop.  I mean, shit, for ten dollars you can get a whole six pack of Black Label, a tube of lube and a rented copy of "Caught From Behind, XII".  Drink the Black, watch the anal intrusions and choke your Cheney, before heading off to bed with your money intact.  

I did know this hair-trigger premature ejaculator who said a lap dance was well worth the money to him, he got the bonus plan.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on August 21, 2007, 12:40:19 AM
Hahahahaha awesome! black label  eh? I haven't seen that brand of beer in years. Used to be Pabst Blue Ribbon when I was a wee lad. Or some crap called lucky's lager.

Hey Mokara seriously though bear in mind as much as it sucks now you will be graduating. On that day just remember to turn around on the podium after they give your diploma and extend both your middle fingers to your parents.

Yeah you have to suck shit on occasion whilst going through college its part of the deal. I went to a state college and still got whined at for tution. Of course my deal was probably a little different considering I was almost expelled three times for various crimes against humanity.  One of my rugby buddies actually was expelled for blowing up a pumpkin with an M-80 on the pool table in his dorm.
Title: Thanks WWTSWD
Post by: stoodoodog on August 21, 2007, 09:31:45 AM
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""
Hahahahaha awesome! black label  eh? I haven't seen that brand of beer in years. Used to be Pabst Blue Ribbon when I was a wee lad. Or some crap called lucky's lager.

Last weekend I was talking to my husband and I was trying to remember the name of the beer that had the little concentration type puzzles on the lids.
It has been frustrating this past year when my memory suddenly fails me for important things like that....THANKS PV.
Please don't accuse me of not staying of topic?

PS The snot of a seven year old is like nectar of the Gods to a parent with a teenager
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on August 21, 2007, 11:45:16 AM
BTW what is the fornit's tradition for the 69th post???
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 04:53:29 PM
I know i said this before but
babara ehrenreich's book
Nickel & Dimed
On (not) getting by in America

is the best book ever written
it's just so true
wonder if i could get my father to read it
i maybe then he would stop calling me a communist when i say i work in a sweat shop for 7 dollars an hour
is it communist to say we need a higher minimum wage because working in unskilled jobs, even nice one's like department stores, is brutal?
forget waitressing or house keeper.  
i waitressed and it was scary, it was at the very nice restaurant across the street from my parents expensive neighborhood.
but the sexual harassment was really bad and one of the other women i worked with moonlighted at a strip club, i think as a prostitute
she didn't dance, i don't know
this one guy kept cornering me in the pantry and brushing up against me while he leered.
i just thought it was weird that my parents and all their snooty Mercedes driving friends were eating food that a prostitute had put all the condiments on, she didn't wear gloves.
i got mad and quit, i hated it, it was painful
 i think the whole stupid communist thing is just a blind these days
it's propaganda so that companies don't have to pay their help a reasonable wage like more then 6 7 or 8 dollars an hour
 and stupid people swallow it and  cut you off with  the propaganda
and the slaves keep working and all that
it's true too
if someone disagrees with me they should do an experiment like Barbara did,
go get a unskilled level job, waitress, department store clerk, house keeper, selling appliances somewhere, i sold them at Sears, grocery store clerk,
Do it for more then a summer, and try to make ends meet with it

these are the kind of jobs places like PV prepare teens for, with the horrific abuse and the no books and going to school half the school week sometimes.
Again I just transferred out of a 10000. a semester private college to an affordable State college,
At my fathers very heavy handed insistence
It was really really hard to get into the State school, even with three years of good college grades.
Even now I’m in some special program,
they don’t want  a GED student from a behavioral modification program!
Many of the kids out of PV can’t afford to pay their way into a small private liberal arts school for the above price a semester
if you don't believe me go try it your damn self

i'm not a communist, I love Ayn Rand
We the Living is also the best book ever written
it's about a young women trying to make ends meet after the Communists take over Russia
I love it because i find total parallels to my life in the good old capitalist USA
six in one half dozen in the other, it's just what people do and have always done
if there are not good laws to protect people from being exploited, as 19th century mill workers, or Greek and roman slaves, share croppers, Victorian house servants, ordinary people in Mao's Great Leap Forward,

humans exploit other humans unless the laws keep them from doing so
and in America today people without college educations are being exploited very badly
7 dollars an hour is a joke! and a horrible one
it's the companies really
they make a bunch of money and have ties to legislators
they are the sponsors on TV and they feed people a bunch of propaganda to spout
the McCarthy era is still alive and well i have found when i talk about how bad i have seen this aspect of society to be.
and i'm not making it up
like Barbara Ehrenreich i am living it
i make 7 dollars an hour at Barnes & Noble
i have to live with my abusive family so i can finish college, so i don't always have to live in this,
i have worked these kinds of jobs for years now
and like so much of my life you don't know how horrible it is to live under this and have people not believe you and find fault with you because of it.
that's the worst aspect of it, to work so hard you are sick and to be treated like you are lazy because of it
I just wish they would believe me and listen to me
It’s everything , they don’t believe me about anything and it’s so hard
My parents are so callous too
The last ten years of my life have been horrific
Sexual abuse at 14 and 15, he went away and came back, like all good stalkers,
and PV
and then they kicked me out at 18 and drove me over to this 28 years olds house I had dated a few times,
he wanted to be more serious, I didn’t have a car
My mother wanted me to marry him? It was all nice and great in her eyes.
I balked at the thought of it,
 I consider it more parent sanctioned sexual abuse.
They gave me no money when I moved  out again at 21 and not being able to make ends meet working was one of the main reasons  the overbearing yelling horror of a fiancé moved in.
He was decent at pretending to not be too horrible, at least enough of them time
He was kind of like my family
Horribly abusive, and overbearing,
then sweet kind of and they buy you things you don‘t ask for,
then hold the things they bought you,
small things hardly diamonds or anything, roses or something,
over your head,
You ungrateful wench and such
I think he had that thing, he was older too, 28, where he liked women who were vulnerable in society because he could sort of own them?
I think my manager at work has a bit of it too.
So any way my life has been horrific abuse, mental physical emotional and sexual
For the last ten years
It has been really bad and I wish my family would believe me, listen to me and help me with it,
And of course stop abusing me
How do you explain abuse to the abusers?

again too
i don't like abuse
i hate abuse
i spent every time i saw the stalker trying to break it off with him
he was threatening browbeating and physically abusive i was afraid
and i was 14 i didn't know what the hell a stalker was
i brought him home the first week
and my mother liked him?
i don't know what the hell was going on there
i think it was punishment for rebelling against her
i found a picture of him not long ago
he was not 17 by a long shot
sure to fool a 14 year old ok,
again agreed to go to a movie with him
not to be his till an untimely death
but to an adult there was no way he was 17
even 17 is too old to date a 14 year old!
he was a man, facial hair and solid build, he looks like his hair line is starting to receed, i'm guessing 25
as an adult i would have taken one look at him and called the police.
why wouldn't my mother have done something
he came to the house because i wouldn't go out because i was afraid of him and banged on the door and my mother was there and we just hid till he went away?
i think it's denial mixed with abuse or something?
what the hell, i'm scared of these people
and they are so tempermental
i never know what to expect
but i have no money and i don't make any money
should i go on welfare till i finish college
can i go on welfare
my dad told me too
again we live in one of the more expensive country club neighborhoods and they drive a mercedes
and i gave him a lot of the money i made last year
and cut my classes back so i could work more
and i don't cost very much
he gets very upset about the grocery bill
my dads getting pretty weird about money

i guess it's being retired or something
i don't know
i was understanding about transfering to the State school and
it was hard but i did it and i felt good about it
like it was the right thing to do
i was trying to be reasonable and work with them
all that happened is it's just the same as before
he still is just as nasty about the money
i have nothing to show for working last year except a long painful year
i just feel like the rugs going to be pulled out from under me
im taking a full course load this semester
and it's done and paid for
i have to
i don't want to work in retail for ever
i'm not sure i could
it doesn't pay enough to live
i'm just scared of living here

Survivors of torture and abuse all of it
It is real
I need something
I am afraid
How uncompassionate they are
Abusive I have endured and taken
All of it
Why can’t they understand
I need peace caring
To be listened to
I am alone
Have been abused
I am abused
What ca n I do
Be careful
On a tightrope
Agree always with them
I feel them they want to hurt me
Hatred am I right
Or just fearful
They push me out
To him
On a whim
Always so ready
She talks and talks
Interrupting me every third word
With what she thinks about
what I have to say  
I am pitying myself
In a party
Do something about it
In response to anything I say
I don’t like complaining
Everyone has PTS
I haven’t finished  a sentence around her
In years
Never disagree
The prison camp and the rapes
And the man that took me in
Understand I am abused
To her it is ok
He’s nice
Counting pennies
More abuse
Never talking only yelling
I have no money
I am owned by you
I dream of running
Or men trying to rape me
of your abuse
I was a slut
Like a cat in heat
At 14
You let him rape me
How can I make you see
The abuser
How horrible this abuse is
It has been horror
You know this
You alone know how bad it has been
The facts in all their nightmarish horror
How can you not show me some understanding
You horror
So you will beat it out of me again, my sadness
At the after shock of what I’ve endured
Please admit and accept
For once what I have endured and be kind
I wish I could lock my door
I am afraid to ask
Last time she practically broke it down
Snarling her temper
My god, the next day
She is happy
Always talking
In my face bobbing
What are you doing
Touching my hair
Reaching around me
Standing on top of me
I open my mouth
I am corrected
I say three words
I am interrupted
I have side effects
I can’t sleep
I have horrible dreams
I am exhausted
My life has been non stop horror
Stress and pain
What I have endured is not normal
Since 14 or 9
When you fought like madmen all the time
then you buy me something
Talk and talk
Cheerfully singing
Chatter that never stops but edged like razor wire
What are you doing
Don’t put that there
I am alone completely
Isolated in my abuse
With him and with you
And the rapist
And the place you put me

I can pay my way through college?
what the fuck?
give me a break
and how am i supposed to do this
making 7 dollars an hour?
and going to school full time?
i applied for financial aid and didn't get any
my father makes too much money
i don't get you people
and enough with the macho conversations about prostitutes and strippers and such
as always you prove my point
we have stupid macho male bullshit
and the American way of hard work
pays for everything
poor people are just lazy
fuck you jackasses
if we added all of you up we might have the intelligence of a box of rocks
and i get of topic  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 05:22:17 PM
when my parents kicked me out at 18 too
they really kicked me out
my mother literally shoved me out the door
and started throwing things after me
i had yelled at her
because she was being her usual abusive self
and said something horrible as i was getting breakfast
and getting ready to go to work at a pet store
my dad tried to let me back in and she called the police
PV way over empowered my mother
and she told the police my father had hit her and shoved her
and i had to leave
then my dad drove me over to the 28 year olds house
who i'd been out with a few times
i didn't have a car
My mother really liked this guy
he seemed to be in love with me
wanted to get married
it was nuts.
i was taking a class at the university where i am enrolled now
and i ended up failing it because i was eighteen, out of a prison camp
i had no car,
and my parents had kicked me out to live with and marry a grown man
that was the big part, i had no car, although the rest certainly contributed
and i had been doing well in the class untill then
and if anyone says anything about taking a bus I'm going to be really mad and write them off as a complete idiot.
to this day my mother says i broke Jeremys heart
and i'm so horrible and so on
how's that for one hell of a family
of course if i had a daughter i would have said he's to old
instead my mother told me a bunch of stories about how she dated old people in college
and tried to pawn me off on the guy

Also with the class i failed when i was eighteen,
the university lets you take one or two classes without being enrolled,
the plan was if i did well i could perhaps apply for formal admittance

instead now, years later, when i've taken three years of college elsewhere, the damn class i failed when i was eighteen, brought down my grade point average at the school and caused all sorts of trouble when transferring from the womens college
it seems like colleges should have a sorry i was being married off to an adult by my insane family clause? or at least an abusive situation one
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 21, 2007, 05:26:06 PM
Quote from: ""free thinks you all are f""
and enough with the macho conversations about prostitutes and strippers and such
as always you prove my point
we have stupid macho male bullshit
and the American way of hard work
pays for everything
poor people are just lazy
fuck you jackasses
if we added all of you up we might have the intelligence of a box of rocks
and i get of topic

Hey, some women are into showing off their bodies and making $ at that.
And I say more power to them so long as they're into it.
Prostitution is legal in other countries.

I don't think anyone here said "poor people are just lazy."
That was quite a hyperbole you made there. ^
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 05:31:52 PM
and yes my mother told the police my father hit her
she's done this a couple times
he hadn't hit her
she was shoving him away from the door
she's pretty physical
once a cab company called the police on my family too
because i was calling a cab
and somebody hit me
i think my father
and there was all this yelling
my family doesn't communicate very well
i think my dad didn't want me to go out when i was 21 or so
and i think he was right actually
but i was an adult by then
and of course hitting me and screaming at me
did nothing but make me run right away
you know?
again we live in a house not a trailer
and thats just more prejudice
as you can see people with mercedes anyway
and people in trailers are usually working poor maybe
i don't know
i hate republicans
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 05:39:12 PM
they said i can work and live and pay my way through college
like hell i've tried
back a ways i got all these posts too about how i needed to go to school and work two jobs
and move out and pay my 500 a month rent while doing all this
i'm exhausted already
and i have PTS so i can't sleep at night, i'm exhausted

 read the Nickel and DImed book
these jobs are no joke
and i give up trying to reason
i know what i live in
i don't think women are strippers because they like it
i think that is a male fantasy
and college is full time job
i find that pretty warped honestly
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 05:42:22 PM
who are you people any way
just curiouse
everyone tried to get me to sign in
i'm pretty clear about who i am
why don't people introduce themselves
like what program you were in
or are you just interested and why?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on August 21, 2007, 05:45:45 PM
A lot of us do.  What do you want to know?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 21, 2007, 05:48:08 PM
Quote from: ""free mokara""
read the Nickel and DImed book
these jobs are no joke
and i give up trying to reason
i know what i live in
i don't think women are strippers because they like it
i think that is a male fantasy
and college is full time job
i find that pretty warped honestly

I've heard of that book somewhere a long time ago; I'd like to check it out.
Never give up, you've only just begun to fight. :)
I think some women get off on it, certainly not all of them, though.
No, stripping isn't for everyone.
But you know, lots of jobs suck...and a lot of times no one has a gun to their heads making them strip.
And if I were a woman, I might pick stripping over being a waitress or's fast money!
College does not have to be a full time job unless you take too many courses at once.
Plenty of people work their way through it...I'm sure you know this.
You find what pretty warped? Stripping?
(I'm assuming that's what you were referring to.)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 21, 2007, 05:54:17 PM
Quote from: ""free mokara""
who are you people any way
just curiouse
everyone tried to get me to sign in
i'm pretty clear about who i am
why don't people introduce themselves
like what program you were in
or are you just interested and why?

My name is Froderick Frankenstein.
Straight Inc., early 80's.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 06:16:32 PM
women are prostitutes because they are poor
i think
and once they are prositutes they end up using hard drugs and drinking
and they become nuts i guess by the nature of the situation

strippers are pretty much prostitutes too
they don't wear anything I'm sure you know
like they are naked and about an inch away from a bunch of disgusting men
i went in a strip club once years ago on a guy friends birthday
it wasn't my idea, and i was shocked that they were naked, see through G string doesn't count as clothes
and that the stage was not at least five feet away instead right there
also these stripper waitress women practically attacked us, like three springs said they were really sexually agressive
my and the other girl there bolted after a few minutes
the guys, charming gentlemen that they were stayed
I think what you take as wanting to be a stripper is really just shame at being looked down on in the society
i think it makes them competative and agressive
and over sexualized,
and the fact that they are being sexually exploited and it's whats all around them?
if you were a stripper in you average seedy hell hole by the side of US 70
the only other people that would accept you would be those in the same society?
plus all the pigs around them encourage them to be that way and don't allow anything else
enough about strippers
i can't stand the whole thing
and they are everywhere these days it seems

i don't like you all much
and you are like hecklers
i don't write this stuff because of you
i write it inspite of you
it has a purpose
like i know a lot of women and girls out of PV are going through the same things
and I'm not going to let some sexually harassing pig shut me up
and telling the truth is the only way anything can get said properly
and i don't care although i hate to think of the way you all think
what are you doing on this site anyway
do you have anything to do with PV
how dare you take this site for survivors and come on here with your disgusting crap
i think your just trying to drive me and other people off
acting like some sexually harassing pig and i'm saying some personal stuff
to try and help people
and you talk about women wanting to be strippers, and your dating a black amazon stripper
and regaling everyone with stories about the red light district
you sound like a bunch of stupid macho teen age boys
i hate men like you
your a bunch a warped sick stupid racist sexist fucks
your like a bunch of racists sitting around telling stupid black people jokes
it's just the same
like a bunch of animals posturing
i am not ashamed
i can't believe anyone would be ugly enough to talk to some person on a site for survivors of abuse out of programs the way that people talk on here
i'm trying to lower the suicide rate out of PV by letting people know the truth and that they aren't alone
you sound like some drunk  macho smuck in a bar
if i was trying to prove what i say about the world is true
the crap on this site certainly illustrates my point better then i could
although i can't think
 that it is anything more then depressing
thanks for reaffirming my world view
the way you think is wrong. like i said your as bad as a bunch of racists

men like you try to silence women talking about how bad things like date rape and sexism and sexual harassment and all the sexual abuse that women face are
i'm not going to be shut up by some sexually threatening pig
rot in hell you disgusting morons.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 06:26:24 PM
sorry i yelled at you
but guys always do that you know?
like it's always i dated some black amozon but she was a bit much for the living room and so on.
bravado or something
it's macho

and i've tried to work and go to school part time and thats why it's taken me this long to get 3 years done
also the problem is i can't move out
because i don't make enough money
even if i do work full time
i've tried to find better jobs too
i can't seem to get out of the department store clerk thing
i'm touchy because this stuff is personal
i'm just angry though
and it's true and i think it is relevant to other people going through similiar things
it's real
like i feel like it's relevant because its real
and everyone in my life won't let me tell the truth
i have to pretend and nod and smile and not tell the truth
and i'm sick of it
i think the truth is relevant
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 21, 2007, 06:30:30 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
I've never really been into going to strip clubs...
I have good friends who like to partonize them though.
And sure, I've been to them, but it was always someone else's idea to go.
It's just not my thing...and never has been.
There's very little romance involved in a thing like that.

Notice I'm posting in the mokara line-for-line style.
(I figure I might as well post like this from now on when replying to one of your posts.)

I once went out with a girl who became a dominatrix / stripper while we were together.
We met on my front steps in the ghetto where I used to live, she was walking her dog.
He was a German shepherd she had named "Blue."
She was really hot, a black amazon, but kind of a bitch to deal with day-in day-out.
It got old after some months and we split up, and she moved somewhere else.
She was one hell of a woman though.. a great lay, with a good sense of humor.
I heard that she eventually got out of 'the industry.'
Good for her.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 21, 2007, 06:34:43 PM
Sorry if you think this post^ was meant to try to silence you or something; it wasn't.

And I said there's very little romance involved in it, and good for her for getting out of that profession.

How is that "macho"?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 06:40:29 PM
fine sorry
the stuff i post ends up being personal
by the nature of what it's about
and it makes me angry
the poem was about my mother and the abuse here
i don't know why i added it
i wrote it last night
now that i re read it I'm embarrassed by it
i think i'm just really afraid that i have to live here
for another year
i hope i can find some girl roommates or something
i'm pretty isolated
the books all say that post traumatic stress does that
it just makes me uncomfortable
and i really don't like talking about rape and such
on a forum like this
because it gets really ugly, the forum
 like a while back it was really ugly
i don't know
but because what this forum is about
like PV and abuse and such it seems relevant
im stressed like i said and angry
i've had to deal with a lot in my life
right now I'm just afraid because i'm still stuck here and i think i'm stuck for another year
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 06:47:07 PM
sorry you've always been nice
again i feel like what i say is relevant and needs to be said
because it's real and the truth
but then it seems too personal
also i write sometimes when things in my family get bad
so i'm angry or emotional and that's why i write
and then i read them later and I am embarassed
because they are too personal
but at the same time i remember the other girls in PV
and i know that they went through similiar things?
sorry if you go back to page like 96
you'll see why i'm touchy
and yes that was the gist of what you said
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 06:47:35 PM
sorry you've always been nice
again i feel like what i say is relevant and needs to be said
because it's real and the truth
but then it seems too personal
also i write sometimes when things in my family get bad
so i'm angry or emotional and that's why i write
and then i read them later and I am embarassed
because they are too personal
but at the same time i remember the other girls in PV
and i know that they went through similiar things?
sorry if you go back to page like 96
you'll see why i'm touchy
and yes that was the gist of what you said
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 06:47:55 PM
sorry you've always been nice
again i feel like what i say is relevant and needs to be said
because it's real and the truth
but then it seems too personal
also i write sometimes when things in my family get bad
so i'm angry or emotional and that's why i write
and then i read them later and I am embarassed
because they are too personal
but at the same time i remember the other girls in PV
and i know that they went through similiar things?
sorry if you go back to page like 96
you'll see why i'm touchy
and yes that was the gist of what you said sorry
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 21, 2007, 06:49:31 PM
I'll have to chk it out later...
feel free to throw up a link to pg 96 if you want..
(it's many clicks away...i forget how to do it in the address bar)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on August 21, 2007, 06:50:54 PM
I honestly don't mean this in a hurtful manner, but you're posts are extremely difficult to follow.  They're incredibly disorganized and rambling.  Maybe if you slowed down a bit and tried to organize your thoughts a little more it would help.

Smoke a bowl, relax.  Take the dog for a walk or go watch the sunset somewhere.  PTSD is a bitch.  It's easy to let all this overtake your life.  It's easy to get obsessed with it.  Just slaw down a little and take your time.  It won't be like this forever.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 08:17:43 PM
your right it's only another a year and maybe less hopefully
i think i'm just looking at it from the perspective of
oh my God it's another year of this.
at least i'm almost there
i'm kind of freaking out, if you can't tell
my mom and i were arguing
again oh my god another year of this
i start school very soon so i won't have time to freak any more
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 21, 2007, 08:43:43 PM
you know why this sounds convoluted i think
it's because it's real
i was reading what i wrote about my mom calling the cops because she said my dad hit her but she was kicking me out
and he didn't hit her but another time the cab company called the cops because he did hit me
like that is convoluted as hell
if i were going to write a short story or something i wouldn't tell it like that, but that's what happened pretty much to the letter
so the truth is convoluted i guess is what i'm saying here
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on August 21, 2007, 09:24:37 PM
Quote from: ""free free""
your right it's only another a year and maybe less hopefully
i think i'm just looking at it from the perspective of
oh my God it's another year of this.
at least i'm almost there
i'm kind of freaking out, if you can't tell
my mom and i were arguing
again oh my god another year of this
i start school very soon so i won't have time to freak any more

Quote from: ""free free""
you know why this sounds convoluted i think
it's because it's real
i was reading what i wrote about my mom calling the cops because she said my dad hit her but she was kicking me out
and he didn't hit her but another time the cab company called the cops because he did hit me
like that is convoluted as hell
if i were going to write a short story or something i wouldn't tell it like that, but that's what happened pretty much to the letter
so the truth is convoluted i guess is what i'm saying here

I know, and I know how hard it is when you begin to sort through all this.  I think when I said it was overwhelming, that might have been an understatement.  I was in a fog for about 4 years after beginning to deal with this.  To quote an often used phrase around here, I had no idea how deep the rabbit hole went.    

The good news is, you're in good company.  The majority of us have been through a program, some recently and for some of us geezers it's been 25 years.    As I said before, slow down.  Smoke a bowl or two if you need to.  Make sure you do things that will take your mind off of this shit every once in a while.  Don't spend all your waking moments on this.  I know it's easy to say that.  I was obsessed with finding out every piece of information I could about what happened to me.  That's OK, but remember that you DO have a life now and they can't take it away anymore.

Here's a few links that were really helpful to me. ( ( ( ( (

Hope this helps.


Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 22, 2007, 08:38:47 AM
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
Just slaw down a little and take your time.  It won't be like this forever.

I'm more of a potato salad kinda guy.. but perhaps that's good advice for mokara.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 22, 2007, 02:44:48 PM
i think things got all wrong on this site when i tried to talk about sexual harassment in schools and on the TV and how it has a bad effect on young women
guys started to defend their right to talk like a bunch of swearing guys i guess?
i don't know i don't blame men or boys for talking that way, it's so common as to be abnormal if you don't.
i swear all the time, but men get very graphic about sex in normal conversation
i know that because everyone does it and it's just the way people talk, it's not reflective on their character.
people came back with all this stuff about free speech
and how i just want to "exterminate those brutes" or something
although that line out of "the Heart of Darkness" i always thought it meant that he wanted to exterminate the horror of the whole situation, slavery and all and what the situation turned him into?
I didn't think it applied, or at least very broadly to a conversation about sexual harassment,
i guess i get wanting to exterminate the horror on some level in general
and what it's done to you? and no the book isn't rascist, i had just re read it and it is an excellent story but it leaves you with an uneasy feeling?
i didn't like everyone making fun or "black jesus" and calling me Opra, spelling? although honestly what really pissed me off was all the really nasty stuff, like the picture of the womens mutilated privates and such back on pg 40 or so
if you poke a dog in the eye with a stick it might start swinging somewhat randomly?

i think everyone on this site knows that words can be abusive?
if I'm talking to a guy or a group of guys and they start saying really graphic sexual stuff, it scares me
i think this is because of what I've dealt with

in general though i think this trend in society towards saying really graphic sexual stuff on the TV at like 4 in the afternoon or just in general in conversation is not a good thing

I don't think most men mean it this way, I think it's just a joking way of talking, but there is a reason that there are sexual harassment laws in the work place.
like it's illegal for a man to tell jokes that are graphically sexual at work even if they are not directed at a women
it's because it makes a threatening, even if it is not meant that way, environment and it tends to demean women as sex objects
totally demean them, much worse then Barbie,
I'm still traumatized by her chest size, mine don't look like that,
 oh my God?

I compare it to racism because it fits
A couple years ago i started to translate or take the things i heard in life at face value, which i don't think a lot of people do
i didn't used too
so like you say something but you don't really think about what it means?
or you meet someone and you just think they are a great person and don't really see whats really there?
but in relation to racism, things that would qualify legally at work as sexual harassment are basically just like racist jokes.
they dehumanize women, they tend to talk about men in macho sexual roles? they are often threatening to women.
i can see that people are just joking and being silly and talking like everyone talks, but a lot of this stuff is scary if you look at it from my perspective.
also if I say something, like I have a right to, like that's threatening to me, then the sexual harassment gets really bad because people defend pretty violently their right to talk how they please.
Which i can understand I also, i defend my right to talk how i please but
it's pretty agressive? and it seems to put women in a place
much like racism would

as a women there is nothing more hurtful a man could abuse you with verbally with then really explicit sexual stuff
and when people just talk like that all the time, it is always the first form of verbal abuse that comes up?
again i think it relates to racism,
it has similiar elements, i don't think people like to hear that because they don't think of themselves as racist or sexist
typical sexually harassing talk also seems to tie into rape when translated directly, it just does
just listen to it and take it at face value
rape is the ultimit form of violence and domination over women
explicit sexual harassment always follows the patterns of rape

it describes body parts and sexual acts, and women as lower sexual beings like prostitutes or slutz often comes up,
this form of talking has become  so normal and mainstream
it's on TV all the time, it's just the vernacular
people just talk like it, it's like saying fuck you
like i don't think about what that means?

not that long ago around here i think racism was probably the same?
except i think typical sexual talk is even more accepted
like the F word, i say it all the time,
i'm late for work "explicit loveless sex" drop something on my foot same thing, i'm probably not going to stop either,  
we all grew up in it and it's all around us and we just do it
we don't translate it directly
I'm sorry I'm not picking on anyone in particular
i've yelled at every guy on here, probably out of context?
about this
but the reason I may seem over the top about it and am probably yelling at the wrong crowd, is because if you look at it from my perspective it is really bad and it is every where
and it scares me?  

hey psy I read on the other PV post what you said about the way programs make you tell all your experiences so they can reinterpret them for you.  that is so true!  it's it exactly.  
the worst part of it is they are so abusive about their reinterpretation but that is exactly what they do.  
they get you to tell each experiance and then they browbeat you into believing what they want you to about it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on August 22, 2007, 02:52:38 PM
Quote from: ""free free""
I don't think most men mean it this way, I think it's just a joking way of talking, but there is a reason that there are sexual harassment laws in the work place.
like it's illegal for a man to tell jokes that are graphically sexual at work even if they are not directed at a women
it's because it makes a threatening, even if it is not meant that way, environment and it tends to demean women as sex objects
totally demean them, much worse then Barbie,
I'm still traumatized by her chest size, mine don't look like that,
oh my God?
Yes, some people tend to use it (the trend in humor you mentioned) as a license to be blatant pigs and sexually harass women. Not so cool.

I compare it to racism because it fits

Yep, sexism & racism seem to go hand in hand...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on August 22, 2007, 05:00:04 PM

Oooh-wheee...Not only does PV shit on your kid (almost literally), they'll rape your wallet while they're at it.  A local mental healther said PV wants a $17,000 deposit up front, non-returnable, and that's before they'll even talk insurance with you.  Is this greed, or scrambling for bucks to keep the doors open?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on August 22, 2007, 07:20:27 PM
PV been falling on hard time after getting into some deep shit from the mens with the mens.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on August 23, 2007, 09:17:32 AM
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
PV been falling on hard time after getting into some deep sh*t from the mens with the mens.

mens with the mens????
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on August 23, 2007, 10:14:56 AM
yo.. I just gotta fucking say.. Fuck PV.

Mokara I just want you to know. You never fuycking once deserved any inch of abuse from anyone. Not fuyckiing pv.. no your fucking parents. None of those rat shit eating bastards should have had the right to beat youy down as a person.

Woman.. you have my total and unconditional respect. You are a fucking hero in this shit. I call it shit because the word choco creme pie just doesn't seem to fit very fucking well.

god bless you mokara for you bravey.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 23, 2007, 04:10:39 PM
thanks i appreciate it
really i read the other post you put together with milkblood
and heart to heart scandal
it's so nice to see other survivors posting
it really says a lot
and milkblood says we went to school only on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
I knew it, i just didn't want to say till i was sure
it seems weird you know?
like why wouldn't they have them go to school at least mon, wed, friday?
if a parent did that, there are truancy laws.
i really hope all the new survivors out sue, right away
i didn't mean to pick on you guys
i think a real shrink would probably have something to say about this
as soon as I write something personal I get angry?
it doesn't help that a couple Guests a while back got really ugly
which made it worse
hugs all around
i don't care about swearing at all
only sex and women related stuff

I'm feeling better, sorry about the last few posts
i love my family but they are so weird
school started so that's good
i think i know how to deal with them
it's less that they are evil
they are just weird
i think my mom had a tough time growing up
and she doesn't live in the same reality as the rest of us really
she's not crazy, just, it's like she can't see the bad in anything?
and when she does she see's like really scary horrible bad?
again she had a tough time growing up and I think that is what is going on
like i guess she really did think the very old looking stalker was
just nice and cute
i can remember her saying he was very handsome?
again i have the picture, it is a grown man.
not some one who should be following a 14 year old around
any normal mother woulds have called the police right away!
that is how i finally got rid of him, i threatened him with them
i don't think it was purposeful, is what i'm saying though
i think she gets upset and won't let me talk about anything
because it makes her feel bad,
it's like she has happy happy, everything's fine but there is this side where under the rug she knows bad things or horror exist she's just so deep in denial it can't?

it's a fun household
maybe I could get the family a good shrink
or at least myself one?
the problem is though of course
after PV
Shrinks scare the hell out of me
and i avoid them like the plague that some of them are
it's probably wise to get one that isn't scary though just as backup?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 23, 2007, 05:31:25 PM
oh also, about the cost of PV
my parents paid none of it
the insurance company paid for everything!!

i know if they had to pay that much to put me there,
there is no way i would have gone.
so anyway you know those really high insurance rates,
blame PV
most everyone was there on insurance or a ward of the state

there is a new Wikipedia post about PV
it kind of annoys me!
it makes the kids in there all sound like delinquents
or cop killers, like that one boy,
i hate that story
it is just so sad for everyone
it's amazing really if you think about it that more stuff like that doesn't happen out of PV
i think it doesn't because most of the kids they take
 really don't have mental problems,
nobody i was in with had anything worse then chemical depression
they don't want anyone too hard to handle
everyone i was in with was totally sane, with a couple with chemical depression

I hold PV very responsible for the death of that cop and for the ruined life of that boy.
it is just such a horrific case
but it is the only one like that i know of?
it seems unfair to say my 15 year old cabin mate foster kid, who was a good student played on the basketball team, and was put in PV because she go in a fight with some bully at her group home?
or the girl who was in because she told her family her grandfather had molested her,
 or the one who was in because her cousins had,
 or the anorexic pianist, or the 13 year old girl who was in because her father had been shot and nothing else,  or the 13 year old who’s parents were in a custody battle and she had written a bunch of weird gothic poetry and died her hair black, or the girl who ate ten asprin because she was angry about something
or the one in for telling her parents she was gay
it seems unfair to have everyone painted as a dangerous cop killer,
none of these kids were delinquents or cop killers?
or dangerous or even drug users
last time i checked being molested wasn't a sign of insanity,
or being in foster care because your parents are drug users
or getting into trouble with a boy, this is all just reflective of some insane born again shame filled abusive application of reality and sex that there should be laws against, especially considering that as a women there are a lot of sexual predators
it really is the oldest story in the book,
And the whole statutory rape thing,
like with the poor girl who's cousins had been molesting her since she was 5 and she told her aunt and she threw her out,
and a neighbor took her in for a week till she ran home after he molested her.
she was 15,
statutory rape laws were in general completely ignored in PV,
 forget in general,
They were just ignored!!!

i remember that the cousins, a police report had been filed about but i don't think much was happening with it,
the aunt, her guardian had put her in PV and the state was paying.
but what about the neighbor, he was an adult.
most of the foster kids, actually i think almost all of them, were in PV for running away from abusive families, or group homes
and considering the stories and the lice coming from the group homes, it was hard to blame them
a lot of them were semi in foster care, because mom or dad would sober up once in a while, so they were shuttled back and forth anyway

the stigma out of a place like PV is one of the worst things about it and one of the most unfounded.  
I have found, out of any bunch there are always a few!
this applies to college professors and priests too!
if you open a place for troubled youth, foster kids and kids with mood disorders, like depression and then torture them beyond the Geneva convention,
your going to get one of two that can't handle it
chemical depression is no joke
those poor people feel horrible all the time
they have a medical problem
i've known people with it, as have all PV survivors, and most people
chemical depressive people can't get out of bed in the morning and feel horrible because of a chemical imbalance
the way PV treats teens is just so bad
it's a little like soldiers with PTS i think?
it's such a mess, PV creates
there is another post about a girl who died out of PV of a drug overdose
her overdose sounded a lot like suicide
Zen you said the suicide rate was pretty high out of PV?
i'm sure the attempted misery rate is pretty high too.
it's just so sad to think of all the suffering PV causes
you really can't take abuse victims and kids with chemical depression and such and then torture them and have it turn out well
it's a testament to how sane most of the kids are that they pull through it all, they certainly have been given more to deal with then is right,

i think there was one or two kids at my college over the last few years who shot some one,
 i know one guy did in a drunken brawl
I guess what I'm saying is considering that PV TORTURES people,
many of whom who have already been abused very badly,
 one out of a thousand is pretty reasonable odds as far as that boy goes.
i think it's telling how these "dangerous" or "crazy" teens are given mauls and axes and then tortured 24 7 and yet we have no instances of any one swinging one?
instead the worst they do usually is come out or PV, start using drugs, even if they had not before.
i had smoked some pot and drank before PV nothing else and many of the girls had done no drugs at all.
and then they "accidentally" quietly overdose at nineteen or twenty
i think this is a lot more reflective of how PV survivors deal,
 by themselves, with no support and nothing but blame and shame and probably more abuse and prejudice heaped on them,
with the TORTURE they endured at PV and else where.
How do you think Abigail feels about herself? really

I really hate the prejudice that these kids face after having been tortured
To add insult to injury to injury and insult
They do not disserve it and it is an evil farce and also a frightening in/ reason that might give more sadistic creeps in the industry a way to torture them even more later.
Or even a way PV could abuse them again, by saying they are dangerous.
That’s why I would always caution people on this site to be careful they say nothing that could even be construed as they are a danger to themselves.
How horrible is that!!!! Some poor teen out of PV can’t even talk about being depressed about it too honestly
they can't even talk about it to older survivors who have been through being out and still young and in pain and could help them with it.

these poor kids can't even get the help they need because then the pigs can come and take them away?  

like I said some of the kids in there were in for writing gothic poetry about death and saying they were feeling sad!!
the people involved in the running and profiting from places like PV are horrific abusers and they should be viewed as very dangerous
Not the victims of the abuse, who 99 % of the time are no threat to anyone.
It is not their fault they have been abused horribly and therefore are most likely going to have some side effects.
We don’t act like rape victims are dangerous but they are certainly in a position where they need support, and most kids out of PV either are actual rape victims or comparable psychologically because of what PV has done to them.
Of course being out of PV is a little like being a rape victim under the Taliban, where people stone you for it,
PV really needs to be shut down!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on August 23, 2007, 08:40:30 PM
I always would have thought insurance companies would be a bit more critical of spending money on places like PV.

In a sense it sure makes it easier to ignore allegations of abuse if you aren't the one paying for it though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 24, 2007, 01:00:04 PM
You know I was reading the site about the girl who overdosed again and it was a bit odd
It says she came out of PV,
Was in NA and the people in NA were jerks
So she quietly went behind their backs and demurely overdosed on Meth Amphetamine?
I don’t know but as I imagine it
I don’t think overdosing on amphetamines is something that is done quietly?
It’s a bit odd

Did any one read the other post, put out by PV, about the girl who was on Meth?
It's on one of the PV sites, one of those happy survivor stories, that you never see anywhere but on their site.
"I'm a happy survivor because if I say I'm not I'll be restrained on chicken wire."
What is with all the Meth stuff!
I think it’s a trigger word.
Like WMD’s and terrorist, you use them together,
like those manipulative evil bastards at PV would,
and even the Democrats are willing to go to war in Iraq.

When I was in PV, sure it was a few years back, but no one had even heard of Meth, much less done it.
Like I said there were maybe three or four girls who had tried more serious drugs I was in with.
 Many had no drug problems at all.
A far more common scene at PV was watching them try and convince the thirteen year old who had eaten ten aspirin, real person of course, who had stolen and drunk three beers from her parents and ended up barfing and bawling from them, that she was an alcoholic.
They made her go to AA meetings?
She had eaten ten aspirin,
and had been acting pretty much like a thirteen year old.
Crying a lot, yelling,
seemed like she had a pretty bad case of teenage girl hormones.
Her parents were rather creepy,  very religious
I’m not picking on the religious
I pray often and believe God and Jesus are great and all that
But some religious people are scary
Like fundamentalist Muslims or Christians, or Puritans, or the Inquisition
I can remember PV staff browbeating this kid, “How many beers did you drink? Was it two or three?â€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 24, 2007, 02:11:56 PM
i read what i wrote again
honestly because i thought oh no what if I showed some emotion
then PV can say I'm crazy and have me taken away
that sounds paranoid but people out of PV will get me
Instead I think I didn't get my point across about how extremely crappy and sweat shop like unskilled jobs in the US are.
I am not some little rich kid
my parents can't really afford their Mercedes and my father counts all the pennies on the grocery bill
I went to the ten thousand dollar a semester Womens college for one semester, then my father threw a fit and I had to transfer
they have helped me out here and there
when they kicked me out at 18 they did not, nor did they at 21
the other years of college, I took at a very affordable State school out in Colorado where I was living with the fiancé.
I moved home because I was living in the ghetto basically, after the fiancé and I broke up, and I was attacked by a nutcase
My parents were helping me live in the ghetto, but they would not help me move out of it after being attacked
i have waitressed, worked at a large Southern Department store, labor laws in the south are no joke, actually they are a joke,
i have worked in boutiques for spare change
as a coffee shop girl
sold large appliances
worked in a grocery store
worked for a caterer
worked for Bath & Body Works
and now I work at Barnes & Nobles
these sound like nice ok jobs, right?
they are not,
you make next to no money and you work very hard, and are very tired because of it
6 to 8 dollars an hr if you work full time you make 8
the hours are long, good 8 hr days even part time at B &N
they hire you as part time but they want you to work 32 hrs a week
they push your schedule up and call you to come in extra and they are unpleasant about it if you say you can't
they want to hire you for part time pay with no health care but work you as many hrs as they can
I make 7 dollars an hr at B & N
I basically just run the cash register
i wait on three hundred or so people
you are never allowed to sit down
if there is a lull they immediately ask you to do something else
there are a lot of assistant managers, and some of them are weird
one guy times me in the bathroom
yes just like PV!
I work from 4 to 12 usually
I worked last year at a department store
I'm not going into labor laws in the south but they are bad,
so any way
it really is a very crappy job, and very tiring
you stand the whole time for eight hrs
and I have run the damn gauntlet of unskilled jobs at this point
and was attacked in the ghetto
i know the foster kids out of PV have it a lot worse
but still I've gotten the damn t-shirt and know what I'm talking about
and i will always vote Democrat forever and ever amen
because republicans are slave owning sons of satan
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 24, 2007, 02:13:18 PM
i read what i wrote again
honestly because i thought oh no what if I showed some emotion
then PV can say I'm crazy and have me taken away
that sounds paranoid but people out of PV will get me
Instead I think I didn't get my point across about how extremely crappy and sweat shop like unskilled jobs in the US are.
I am not some little rich kid
my parents can't really afford their Mercedes and my father counts all the pennies on the grocery bill
I went to the ten thousand dollar a semester Womens college for one semester, then my father threw a fit and I had to transfer
they have helped me out here and there
when they kicked me out at 18 they did not, nor did they at 21
the other years of college, I took at a very affordable State school out in Colorado where I was living with the fiancé.
I moved home because I was living in the ghetto basically, after the fiancé and I broke up, and I was attacked by a nutcase
My parents were helping me live in the ghetto, but they would not help me move out of it after being attacked
i have waitressed, worked at a large Southern Department store, labor laws in the south are no joke, actually they are a joke,
i have worked in boutiques for spare change
as a coffee shop girl
sold large appliances
worked in a grocery store
worked for a caterer
worked for Bath & Body Works
and now I work at Barnes & Nobles
these sound like nice ok jobs, right?
they are not,
you make next to no money and you work very hard, and are very tired because of it
6 to 8 dollars an hr if you work full time you make 8
the hours are long, good 8 hr days even part time at B &N
they hire you as part time but they want you to work 32 hrs a week
they push your schedule up and call you to come in extra and they are unpleasant about it if you say you can't
they want to hire you for part time pay with no health care but work you as many hrs as they can
I make 7 dollars an hr at B & N
I basically just run the cash register
i wait on three hundred or so people
you are never allowed to sit down
if there is a lull they immediately ask you to do something else
there are a lot of assistant managers, and some of them are weird
one guy times me in the bathroom
yes just like PV!
I work from 4 to 12 usually
I worked last year at a department store
I'm not going into labor laws in the south but they are bad,
so any way
it really is a very crappy job, and very tiring
you stand the whole time for eight hrs
and I have run the damn gauntlet of unskilled jobs at this point
and was attacked in the ghetto
i know the foster kids out of PV have it a lot worse
but still I've gotten the damn t-shirt and know what I'm talking about
and i will always vote Democrat forever and ever amen
because republicans are slave owning sons of satan
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 24, 2007, 02:29:22 PM
i had a lot of trouble getting into the State school in Colorado too
i was refused at many other schools
and the one i was finally accepted in was a long ways from where i lived
and i had to take a year at this small private school.
and  do the community college thing
and the state school that accepted me was the most ghetto one
and it hadn't even been a part of the state school system until very recently
even, now like I said, i am having a lot of trouble transferring to the State school near my parents house, and i got a 3.7 GPA last semester!!
and have three years of good grades completed!!
they probably want to know why I have been to so many different colleges!!!
all the schools funnel me into special programs too, like adult commuter,
so i can't live on campus!!
even now I can take as many classes as I like but i am not accepted formally.
it's a big stressful horrible hassle, put it that way!!
i should be accepted formally next semester. I really really hope
at least i can take a full course load!!!!!
they will probably accept me the semester I graduate formally!!
all this crap put me behind too, for sure!
an it's pretty depressing to get turned down and sent here and turned down some more.

the ten thousand dollar a semester womens college took me no questions asked, more or less, i was still a commuter of course.
but who has ten thousand dollars to spend a semester?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 24, 2007, 04:05:39 PM
i was joking about the republicans
i know many very nice republicans politics aside
i just don't think they work in retail
I really do think we need a higher minimum/ living wage
people work really hard!
it would help with poverty and all the problems that go with it
national companies like B&N or department stores
make such a rip off mount of money with paying the help so little
and all the clothes are made in China of course too
I know i sell stuff on ebay and I buy it from a very nice chinese lady then remake it and sell it for a great profit.
same concept
we wouldn't need welfare if  the jobs i just described kept long term full time help and paid them a living wage?
it's like abortion, we have birth control and the morning after pill
it shouldn't even be an issue
we have evolved past it and all that?
nothing for the born agains to beat up on people for
sex ed should teach sex safety and what your body mass means in relation to how much you can drink!
Which isn’t much as a teenage girl.
I saw this thing on TV about an "alcoholic" teenage girl
it was so dumb and wrong
this little girl was swigging away on this bottle of whiskey or something
there was like a fourth of this big bottle left
all the parents and friends were all concerned, like the OC?
Give me a break
the girl was walking around , stumbling
if a teenage 100 pound girl drank that much whiskey she would be blacked out!!,
choking on her own vomit in the emergency room having her stomach pumped!!
two or three shots i bet she's barfing, the rooms spinning and she‘s blacked out!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 24, 2007, 04:30:55 PM
Quote from: ""free free""
it's like abortion, we have birth control and the morning after pill
it shouldn't even be an issue
we have evolved past it and all that?

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Megalomania on August 24, 2007, 06:27:01 PM
Quote from: ""free free""
And this other guy in his forties, who was a janitor where a friend worked, it was rumored, it was a crappy place to be a janitor and they didn't pay him much, it was sad though because he had kids, and he was so very very creepy!!

Your right, the pay wasn't too good at that place. Sorry I gave you the creeps, I didn't mean no harm.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 25, 2007, 01:30:33 PM
A friend of mine went in this Barnes and Noble?
and this girl came over to help him and
he asked for Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer?
She called him a sexist pig and cursed at him
for reading a book that used the "C" word so much and
threw a Frappucino at him.  

About PV.  It sucks, okay?

Then there was this other guy in Barnes and Noble who worked as a janitor?  and the same girl kept looking at him, giving him the creeps.  
She said he looked like an old pimp?  One who exploited women and
had to be a sexist pig, and he deserved to be cleaning up the Frappucino she
threw in the other sexist pig's mean face?

PV smelled like a sexist pig, okay?

Then a nun went into the Barnes and Noble, and the same girl poured a venti of steaming fresh brew down the back of her habit?  For being submissive to the will of the sexist pigs who rule the church.  Then she called her the C word.  Twice.

PV?  Oh yeah.  It sucked?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 25, 2007, 02:57:36 PM
Quote from: ""Freebee and the C word""
A friend of mine went in this Barnes and Noble?
and this girl came over to help him and
he asked for Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer?
She called him a sexist pig and cursed at him
for reading a book that used the "C" word so much and
threw a Frappucino at him.  

About PV.  It sucks, okay?

Then there was this other guy in Barnes and Noble who worked as a janitor?  and the same girl kept looking at him, giving him the creeps.  
She said he looked like an old pimp?  One who exploited women and
had to be a sexist pig, and he deserved to be cleaning up the Frappucino she
threw in the other sexist pig's mean face?

PV smelled like a sexist pig, okay?

Then a nun went into the Barnes and Noble, and the same girl poured a venti of steaming fresh brew down the back of her habit?  For being submissive to the will of the sexist pigs who rule the church.  Then she called her the C word.  Twice.

PV?  Oh yeah.  It sucked?

 :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on August 25, 2007, 06:22:59 PM
I'm staying out of barnes and noble for awhile.   :o
Title: Re: PV
Post by: Anonymous on August 27, 2007, 01:02:06 PM
Quote from: ""nimdA""
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""Guy Grande""
I have seen a sporadic and curious posting on this thread from time to time and I finally understand it.
        DAMAGE brought to us by PENINSULA VILLAGE

            the damage that keeps on damaging

I am sorry for mokara, and all others who have suffered at the hands of    Peninsula Village.


Agreed. I can't see how anyone could possibly take offense to anything Mokara says. She is so obviously.... hurt, deeply, deeply hurt. Whether her problems surfaced only after PV or have long been there, she shouldn't have been there and it clearly helped muddle her mind a little. How can you have anything but compassion for her?


Title: A Useful link
Post by: Anonymous on August 29, 2007, 10:19:48 AM (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on August 29, 2007, 06:50:22 PM
That's some nice information.  Kreflo, you may be outta work if people follow Hanzomon's recommendations.

Better pick up the want ads or go to craigslist, or something, my brutha.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on August 29, 2007, 08:18:54 PM
I ain't got to do nothin peckerwood. My momma take care of me.
Next time we meet down on the dock don't be leaving your Viceroy ciggament butts all around. Staff already lookin at me kinda sideways.
Title: Re: A Useful link
Post by: stoodoodog on August 31, 2007, 09:16:07 AM
Quote from: ""ExPVlover""

That is useful... I hope Mokara/Free and some of the other PV survivors will see it.
Thanks hanzomon!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2007, 12:41:19 PM
You do have a point about the creepy janitor on meth story
I was pointing out how PV promotes prejudice
and uses it, to justify the abuse they commit
I was also stating though, that none of the teenage girls I was in with
had even heard of the drug, this was a few years back
and many/ most of the teenage girls we are talking about here,
for a specific purpose, i.e. pointing out what unscrupulous
means PV uses to rob and abuse people ,
had never even used drugs
or if they had it was confined to drinking and smoking the occasional joint.
But again though you have a  point,

Basically I was talking about how PV uses stupid prejudice as a justification and then as abusive therapy
And then what did I do?
I basically repeated the prejudice toward adult recovering or drug users
By portraying this guy as the A typical TV stereo type of a degenerate meth user,
the way I put it he was practically drooling and foaming at the mouth
Sorry, you are correct I did in fact just show signs of the prejudice way of thinking that I was in fact trying to combat.  It’s always pretty creepy when you see how it’s gotten into your brain too
It also says how powerful the brainwashing in the media is in this direction.
I am by nature and nurture pretty sympathetic but instead I am spouting the party line
I think this is true of humans in general really
Also, since I have more or less been a janitor I don’t know what I am getting high and mighty about!  This guy was a real person, but so are people from every walk of life and there are always a few.

As for the sex ed, abortion, birth control and welfare comment.
What I meant was
If we raised the minimum wage and made sure the 40 hr work week actually applied, even to those who work through Sat. + Sun.
basically so large corporations have to pay their workers a living, reasonable wage, rather then treating them like mill workers or share croppers.
Then the whole welfare debate would become a bit of an obsolete, or at least take on a new dynamic
Basically I think corporations are ripping people off and tax dollars are paying the welfare for it
But you don’t hear this side of things discussed that often from the hyper tabloid television perspective
Rather like your tax dollars being spent on PV for the foster kids, it’s stupid, abusive and mob like, with out rational logical sense and it costs a lot of tax money
and it's like history, basically as always
I'm saying we still live in the damn dark ages in a lot of ways, Like PV!!!
And I compared this to abortion because we have birth control and even the morning after pill,
Basically we should have evolved as a society past these issues
If people are worried about teenagers having sex
Then they should teach them sex safety and things like drinking in relation to your body mass
Not have such a life altering thing as unplanned pregnancy act as the consequence of a teen having sex,  I think that is nothing but stupid and abusive, not to mention ridiculously unsafe!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2007, 12:45:18 PM
what do you guys think about getting a real estate license,  
that might be good job skill advice to give someone out of PV?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2007, 11:30:33 AM
Quote from: ""free free""
what do you guys think about getting a real estate license,  
that might be good job skill advice to give someone out of PV?

Are we talking about someone out of the confines of PV or someone out of a job AT PV?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on September 01, 2007, 02:05:18 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""free free""
what do you guys think about getting a real estate license,  
that might be good job skill advice to give someone out of PV?

Are we talking about someone out of the confines of PV or someone out of a job AT PV?

I think Free means the staff seeking employment upon dismissal.  Selling time-shares might be more in-line with their experience, since they're good at getting people to buy a lot of air.

Free, I was wondering if you would speak to somebody very important about what happened to you at PV, and the things you saw going on there.  Believe me when I say it's something you've been wanting to do, and you and I have talked about doing in the past.  Some of the stories of other kids placed at PV are of great importance now, and I think this would be your chance to share your experience there with a group who want to help us do what we've discussed in regard to PV.

If you want to speak with these people, email me or post a message here and I'll send you a phone number and the name of the person in charge.  These people are very sympathetic and understand the difficulty in describing the abuse you experienced and the resultant PTSD.  They'll be very patient and kind.  JerseyGurl is going to speak with them next week, and your information would be invaluable to them, since you spent such a long time in PV.  This group can actually DO something about all this...

It might be very therapeutic and purging, too.  It made me feel pretty optimistic about karmic justice finally being meted out to PV.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2007, 02:52:47 PM
Quote from: ""Freebee and the C word""
A friend of mine went in this Barnes and Noble?
and this girl came over to help him and
he asked for Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer?
She called him a sexist pig and cursed at him
for reading a book that used the "C" word so much and
threw a Frappucino at him.  

About PV.  It sucks, okay?

Then there was this other guy in Barnes and Noble who worked as a janitor?  and the same girl kept looking at him, giving him the creeps.  
She said he looked like an old pimp?  One who exploited women and
had to be a sexist pig, and he deserved to be cleaning up the Frappucino she
threw in the other sexist pig's mean face?

PV smelled like a sexist pig, okay?

Then a nun went into the Barnes and Noble, and the same girl poured a venti of steaming fresh brew down the back of her habit?  For being submissive to the will of the sexist pigs who rule the church.  Then she called her the C word.  Twice.

PV?  Oh yeah.  It sucked?

::rocker:: Is it a 'bad thing' that I find this VERY entertaining? ::rocker::
My bi-polar neice works@Barnes&Noble :exclaim:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2007, 04:35:32 PM
ok PV person guest.
i supose intelligence and anger are now a sign of Bi polar disorder
if you spent two years almost in that horrific nightmare of a place
you would be angry too
i can't tell you how horrible the things i have endured are?
it's like a POW is all I can say or someone dealing with long term abuse
oh wait i am someone dealing with long term abuse
PV is an evil evil place
it really is the Nazi element that is sadly there in all societies
the sexual harassment on here has been really bad too
for example free be and the C word,
that sounds like an allegory for rape to me
and pig is the only word i an think of that shows my disgust clearly
so give me a break
don't threaten me
i have not threatened anyone on here
why would a survivor threaten another survivor anyway?
it is very odd in general

i will talk to anyone that will try to shut PV down and combat this horrific aspect of society that is legally allowed to exist in our country
i am not very trusting but i will do what i can
please post the number
again like I said
in the south where I live in 1950 most people were somewhat racist  
now most people are not
all I am saying is that in 50 years
prejudice, horror, and abusive circustances for ordinary people
have changed a great deal
therefore, what survivors have endured is no worse then what
 they did and eventually evil scam artist criminals
who are making millions off of abuse
will be stopped by legal means

PV is evil it promotes prejudice
it tries to call people crazy and uses sexual slurs
that's how it works
so lets see what is said above
I am crazy and "a free be and the C word"
because I said something about sexual harassment
in high schools being bad

there are other odd things about this site to I thought
like on another PV thread
someone went and researched Milkblood, another PV survivor,
and posted all the information they could find about the poor girl
that's not safe and why would a legitamite person do that?
are we trying to have survivors stalked or harassed by PV?

PV is very very evil and abusive
they are sick sadistic people
they are not stupid enough maybe to do anything illegal
but it is not safe or a nice thing to do to post peoples personal info
especally without asking them about it first
it is very odd and I have noticed right off the bat
how odd this site is
for certain some of these people are PV
they have the same way of doing things.
really they are like PV
PV is not professional, as all survivor stories have proven
they are sexually harassing and verbally abusive
all PV survivors have mentioned
verbal or emotional sexaul abuse in PV
and just the entire scenerio
PV is bullying and agressive and
they are stupid  make little rational sense
PV is conferentational and abusive
and it looks very familiar to me
and again last time I checked being molested by an adult
who stalked and threatened you at 14  
is not a sign of any sort of disorder
thank you again for illustrating
far better then I could by simply explaining it
how abusive people use "disorders"
to label people they want to abuse for any variety of reasons
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 01, 2007, 04:51:11 PM
hey i read what i wrote, i didn't mean we should teach teens drinking
only that they should be taught that they really can't  drink that much without getting incapacitated?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on September 01, 2007, 04:56:00 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Freebee and the C word""
A friend of mine went in this Barnes and Noble?
and this girl came over to help him and
he asked for Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer?
She called him a sexist pig and cursed at him
for reading a book that used the "C" word so much and
threw a Frappucino at him.  

About PV.  It sucks, okay?

Then there was this other guy in Barnes and Noble who worked as a janitor?  and the same girl kept looking at him, giving him the creeps.  
She said he looked like an old pimp?  One who exploited women and
had to be a sexist pig, and he deserved to be cleaning up the Frappucino she
threw in the other sexist pig's mean face?

PV smelled like a sexist pig, okay?

Then a nun went into the Barnes and Noble, and the same girl poured a venti of steaming fresh brew down the back of her habit?  For being submissive to the will of the sexist pigs who rule the church.  Then she called her the C word.  Twice.

PV?  Oh yeah.  It sucked?

::rocker:: Is it a 'bad thing' that I find this VERY entertaining? ::rocker::
My bi-polar neice works@Barnes&Noble :exclaim:

I was cheering for you  Sorry for the wrong impression.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on September 01, 2007, 05:14:13 PM
Quote from: ""free the innocent""

i will talk to anyone that will try to shut PV down and combat this horrific aspect of society that is legally allowed to exist in our country
i am not very trusting but i will do what i can
please post the number
again like I said

I can't post it, unfortunately, but I'll send it to you.  Keep in mind it can't be posted for now, unless when I speak with the..."people" on Tuesday they give a thumbs up on it.  I would imagine they want some control over how much input they get for now.
Title: ExPVlover
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on September 01, 2007, 07:30:17 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""free free""
I don't think most men mean it this way, I think it's just a joking way of talking, but there is a reason that there are sexual harassment laws in the work place.
like it's illegal for a man to tell jokes that are graphically sexual at work even if they are not directed at a women
it's because it makes a threatening, even if it is not meant that way, environment and it tends to demean women as sex objects
totally demean them, much worse then Barbie,
I'm still traumatized by her chest size, mine don't look like that,
oh my God?
Yes, some people tend to use it (the trend in humor you mentioned) as a license to be blatant pigs and sexually harass women. Not so cool.

I compare it to racism because it fits
Yep, sexism & racism seem to go hand in hand...

That's 'cause it's ALL just plain prejudice.
Title: Re: ExPVlover
Post by: Froderik on September 01, 2007, 08:23:12 PM
Quote from: ""3xsaSeedling""
That's 'cause it's ALL just plain prejudice.

Yes, indeed.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 12:40:17 AM
I really did work eleven days in a row at the department store
And I worked twelve hours in one day
The eleven days was the most extreme time and unusual
Seven to eight was not really unusual though
About once a month
I would be asked to work well over the five day work week
the eleven days were proof of how understaffed they were
and how they overworked the staff they did have
the only other full time employee�s brother, who she was taking care of, had died of liver cancer
all the other employees were part time,
although they worked closer to full time schedules
my manager had planned a vacation at the same time as the other employees brother happened to die and I was the only one there to pick up the days
some overtime would have been nice, but as the clock starts back over at zero on Sunday, whether you have had a day off or not, you don�t work over the forty hour work week
I was actually told to go home half way through my eleventh day because I would have gone into overtime, they never ever pay you overtime
They tell you to go home if you work over the forty hour work week
Which is the only way you get over time
This just means you have to work forty hours between Sunday and Saturday because on Saturday the clock starts back over at zero whether you have had a day off or not
Thought I�d repeat that again
the day I worked twelve hours, was the day after Thanksgiving super sale day,
they had us come in at 4:30am and instead of letting us go home at say 1:00pm they kept us till 5:00pm
there were many times I worked over the normal eight hour work day
this is normal for salaried employees at desk jobs of course
but any job where you stand the whole time, it is tiring

the store makes a great deal of money, as does the one where I work now
they tell us what there sales are and such and they do great
It�s just another way to keep costs low.
It was really tiring
It was a physically demanding job,
I worked in a busy section of the women�s clothing department
we moved tons literally of clothes,
Again all the clothes are made overseas in places South America or China
they mark the stuff down till they are practically giving it away
And they move a lot of clothes that way
The store was always really crammed
You could barely walk for all the racks
People would complain, people in wheel chairs forget it
No way through
Management allowed for no standing around
And they are quite harsh about it
They are understaffed so you are constantly really busy
And you get barked at a lot
No matter how hard you work
Again management style is basically we can replace you at anytime
Retail jobs too there is always some hidden situation
where you are required to come in early to do markdowns
or stay till 2 in the morning doing inventory
I worked at Bath & Body Works and every month or so we had to do floor sets
Floor sets required us to rearrange everything in the store to change with the seasons
There are a lot of seasons at Bath & Body Works
About two a month it seemed like
So we would have to stay till two am to do it
It used to make me really nervous coming home at night because I lived alone then
My job now, I don�t get out till midnight
which leaves me tired of course
It�s depressing I guess to think that all the fun stuff at Bath & Body Works is set by exhausted college students getting paid 6.50 dollars and hour
who risk being mugged in the parking lot
But it�s even more depressing to think about the sweat shops in Guatemala or China where most of what you are wearing is made.
So anyway I�m not exaggerating
I got this off the NC State Department of Labor's website
for those who live under a rock
the Department of Labor is a state agency
it just has a catchy name
rather like Child Protection Services
it backs up what I said
I've written to a bunch of local representative about it but no one has written me back hmmmm? I wonder why?

There are no wage and hour laws that limit the amount of hours that a person 18 years of age or older can work either by the day, week, or number of days in a row, or that require breaks for employees 16 years of age or older.
And an employer is free to adjust the hours of its employees regardless of what the employees are scheduled to work.
For example: To avoid having to pay time and one-half overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek that is Sunday thru Saturday, an employer could adjust the hours of an employee who has already worked 34 hours by the end of a Thursday by requiring that the employee work only 6 hours on Friday and not work on Saturday at all regardless if the schedule had called for this employee to work 8 hours on Friday and Saturday.
Also, this may be done regardless if the employee agreed to this or not. An employer can make the scheduling or rescheduling of its employees hours worked as a condition of employment.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 12:43:16 AM
Do remember how I said a while back how so many people I work with at the book store have been told they are ADD and on drugs for it?
One of the people was this great guy in his sixties.
He was really nice, smart and had a degree he earned a long time before the doctor told him he was ADD.
Again this is a book store and most of these people love to read, but anyway.
This gentlemen seemed really healthy, fun and happy.
His general practitioner had told him he had ADD just a few years ago.
He was on Adderall though, which he thought helped him a lot.
He described it as a wonder drug.
It made him feel so much more alert, focused and awake.
The guy was in his sixties after all and we do work in retail.
No wonder he felt tired and a bit unfocused.
Otherwise the guy was thin, trim, rosy cheeked and all that.
Looked healthier than me, really.
Adderall was the amphetamine again.
This nice healthy looking guy just had a heart attack and died in his sleep.
I don't know what his medical history was, but I do know he looked in better shape than most people.
If the Adderall were to have a bad effect on older people, a heart attack might be the way you go.
Really sad though, he was such a nice man and he had a big family and such.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 03:57:01 PM
there are two things
first off a while back someone said something about wanting to take out heads of programs or something and I quiped back about peaceful protest and all that
I don't think people reading this understood what was going on there
I am, like most victims of horrific abuse, terrified of my abuser PV
do any of the other survivors have the dreams where they are running away from them often?
therefore, when I saw someone post something like that I thought that they were PV
trying to incriminate people,  
 this is normal I think especially in such an unpleasant forum as this one where you might actually encounter the monsters
I don't know if it is good for me really to do this,
but I know it is not easy
it also is hard not to take the opportunity to tell that monster what you think of them and that they can't get you any more,
 also to take the opportunity to tell others what monsters they are!

If you say something though, understandably enough, like I wish the guy who raped me was dead
this is a normal response from those who have been horrificly abused
But if someone out of a program says something like that
they can be seen as a danger to themselves or others and they can come get you
that is what i was thinking ok
otherwise i would not have been so insensitive in my response
I am sorry in my PTS and terror of PV I miss read the situation
but if you are a survivor of a program or of something horrible then of course you feel that way just don't tell anyone or they can come get you, how about that!

Also I think some people on here are confused as to my reality
I am a victim of horrific abuse
I am not some little college student spouting feminist rants as hearsay
i have to think though,
given the level of sexual violence I HAVE faced,
like it has happened
I was there I know how it works
and I am trying to tell you about it,
that perhaps those sophmoric little,
you made them little
they are talking rather loudly as I see it,
college girls
are also coming from a place of sexual violence
perhaps they have also seen some of it and that is why they relate to it
certainly feminism has done some good in the society

the stuff I write about is true
it happened to me
all of it ok
i've even omitted a lot of stuff because I have enough trouble getting people to believe this much
like my female college advisor, who was the director of our school play
I was a theater and communications major to start
who had us put on the "Rocky Horror Picture show"
which sounds ok out of context
but we were all up in front of the whole school in underwear talking about sex and swingers
which we didn't really get
and my then female college professor started sleeping with my 19 year old friend
which we thought ok I guess,
we study the Greeks and Romans a lot
like Sapho what ever,
no matter the women was 40
so then it comes out, that my college advisor has my 19 year old friend sleeping with her and her 40 year old boyfriend?
the women used to do this strange hit on you in a very intimidating manner thing?
and she had me infront of the whole school in my underwear talking about swingers
in our school play

or do you want to hear about a typical date years ago
when I was a 19 year old dating
since i am just spouting feminist crap
and i don't have any facts or meaning
and this isn't true or my life
a guy from college asks me to a party
he lives in a big house across from campus
with roomates, but isn't a frat boy
i would have normally taken a roomate of my own
but the roommates and I are fighting because
the guy I have been dating
the roommate keeps trying to jump him
and jump him means how it sounds
she comes out in a jacket and underwear and sits in his lap
true story got to love roomates
so the date guy
it's a big party I go alone
there are many people, some I know
and a keg
i drink beer all night slowly so I'm pretty tipsy
we are in the dining room
and I'm drunk and half asleep really
and he wants to make out
I'm mad at the guy I really like who the roommate flirts with so
I'm ok with making out with him
but he's trying to stick his hand up my dress
he want's me to have sex with him
he keeps trying to get me to go up stairs with him
and he's getting really nasty
like overbearing and bitchy
and there are other people there and he's trying to take off my top or something
and i'm not that drunk?
 I start to sober up
he's doing everything really overbearing and forceful to get me to sleep with him
and I'm like what is this the first date
and your going to browbeat me into sex
boy am I glad we didn't take shots
but I didn't say that
I'm just like I'm going to go get something to drink in the kitchen
like coffee
so I come back soberish
and he tries to get me to have sex with him a few more times
and it's early morning by then and all of a sudden he's not nice at all any more
in fact he's nasty and mean because he realizes I'm not going to sleep with him that night
and he gets really mean and bitchy and I drink the rest of my coffee and drive home
and this is a guy who I'm in college with, just another college kid
and this is a true story
I don't know what it means
I think it means I'm glad I didn't take shots?

but the guy was weird as hell
and I've had that happen a couple + times as a younger girl dating
It was exactly like I said too
I find life is so odd it's best just to tell it like it is and not embelish
you can't embelish as weird as reality is
and I'm not picking on men either
as perhaps my swinging greek love professor story illustrates
the female roommate who hit on the guy I like
also came on to me pretty aggressivly a few times
I also know very nice gay people
i still can't figure out if she was gay or what?
so any way there are creepy ones in every genus
again all true
i'm not giving an opinion here
i'm just telling you first person what i saw
But the guy again
what is up with that
why does he have to throw a stupid fit and try to stomp his stupid foot
and browbeat me into sleeping  with him right then
like why not wait a month or two?
if he kept at it
I was a drunk college kid
why act like a agressive nut ball?
and put your self in danger, of being accused of something like rape or assault?
it seems like rational rubbing two brain cells together
would beat out trying to bully a girl into it right then
guessing some of them not big on rational sense
it's amazing they get away with it
like the guy in my apartment building who attacked me
I thought he's not going to do anything
he will be afraid of going to jail
but he wasn't!

because you are not in my shoes
you don't know
I'm not arguing politics here?
I am telling you about my life
I live this every fucking day ok

and I am sorry if I sound clean cut and sweet
perhaps it is the influence of living with my mother,
for whom her 50's upbringing is alive and well
or that i am trying to combat the prejudice that people out of programs like PV face
I know how it feels to be looked down on ok?
and treated like you are disgusting dirt
I know how prejudice feels
I am trying to be as clean cut as possible so people don't look down on me and dismiss what I have to say
would you like me to swear like a sailor?
I can and do on occasion?
of course not in any sexually harassing way
because sexual bullying and hate speech
make life hard and frightening for me
and I hate them
because i hate being abused and scared

I don't know who the hell you think I am
but really I'm not exactly some sweet little late sixties collegate
with her panties in a bunch
not to mention those women changed a lot
for the better hippies rock and all that
I like how she is a stupid little women somewhat sexualized
with big eyes like prey who is kind of wimpy
I'm not stupid
like I know where danger is in life
and do I seem like someone who is wimpy?
as I tell the truth exactly like I have seen it?
despite threats and really nasty stuff?

I would like to leave you with one more story
it is the story of my fiance and the gun
my fiance went out and bought a gun
a few months before I left him
Now everyone liked my fiance
and treated him like everything he did was just great and normal
I'm always crazy and a bitch or something though
but everybody thought he was golden and charming
he had a good job,
he was apple pie
and love puppies kittens and his mom

but he spent 500.00 on a glock big heavy hand gun
don't know why
i was annoyed he spent that much money on it
because he was always yealling at me about money
but denial is not a river in egypt and
i just thought it was a hobby thing?
that's how everyone else treated it
like my mother when I told her
she reacted about the same to stories of his heavy drinking
and screaming at me all night
and belligerently arguing with everything I said
all the time
I think it seemed normal, because to me
that level of abuse and stress kind of is normal
I just sort of kept going?
but boy did he play with that gun a lot
how often do you need to clean a gun
twice a week at least I'm sure
he played this game where he ran around and shot people all the time too
it was an ok game
but it was the general atmosphere
and i might be "crazy"
and people like him and my parents use it to keep me in line

here is an example of a weekend with him
I would wake up late because we had been up really late
it's hard to sleep when someone is finishing off a twelve pack and a six pack
probably the second one or two that week
so any way I would wake up and he would already be up
because he didn't seem to suffer from hang overs as much
his drinking was never addressed as anything abnormal
except by me on occasion
like stop yelling at me your drunk
and when I finally did just put my foot down, i had been saying what was going on for a while, you drink and yell too much
but when I finally said and I'd already moved out
ok you drink too much and you yell at me when you drink and unless you stop that's it
he tried to get hard core abusive revenge
he picked up the first creepy women he met and slept with her
and went on and on about how great she was
and then just terrorized me for a while
it was so bad I'm not even going there
he was always overbearing
but he was also very attentive and loving?
in a really abusive way

but the average weekend
i would want to go for a walk in the mountains because we lived in beautiful Colorado
and he would get the gun, the stupid glock big hand gun
I asked him if he needed a license for it and he said no
and we would get out of the car walk for a bit
he would shoot a few clips out of the gun
it's legal in the national parks there
he would be talking and nice the whole time
all very normal
i didn't love him?
or even like him
but he was like my family  
like he was the only person I really knew?
it was my home?
I wanted to like him and I wanted it to be ok.

so any way  
i'm not some little girl repeating
the democrat party line
my feminist teacher instilled in me
everything I write i have lived
and it is hard for me to talk about it
I'm sorry if don't go any where alone with him
sounds sophmoric to you
but to me it would have saved me a lot of trouble
I'm also not against guns
i plan to buy myself a 40 acre ranch in Colorado
and hunt elk to keep my grocery bill down
I also want great danes and an electric fence

I just don't like the gun in the hands of my fiance
as he cleans it for the third time that week near my head
in a threatening manner
do we see the difference and how I'm not the one responsible for politisizing and generalizing here
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 04:20:44 PM
ps i am apologizing for sounding like a jackass again when whomever that person was expressed very ordinary really anger at PV
I thought he was PV trying to trap me so they could come and get me
PTS says what
this isn't as crazy as it sounds
people out of PV will tell you
danger to you self or others
even in a amorphous manner and
that's it they can fuck with you for a unpleasant while
i use the word unpleasant too
as a coping thing
to describe complete horror ok

i also really really hate it when people tell me I'm dangerous or crazy as an excuse to abuse me
while they act both dangerous and crazy
and clean a gun near my head
or abuse foster kids horribly
and so on
it's oh so much fun to be treated like the uni bomber
even if you really are a clean cut non bearded crazy eyed white upper middle class girl.
poor bearded crazied eyed people
i might be a little crazy eyed but anyway
programs tend to do that to you
i also really am nice to puppies and kittens and love my mom inspite of all this
don't even get me started on the dog and kitten holocaust at the pound
again though grr I'll kick your ass,
except as i am smart enough to not want an assault charge, and I find posturing stupid
I won't
it's fun to to live in a society that equates strength with being able to afford to take care of yourself
while you make seven dollars an hour working your ass off
live with unpleasant relatives
and try to finish college
i'm sorry and i understand this prejudice and I hate it ok
sorry i thought it was a PV trap

again i hear you, bi polar disorder commercials make me hopping mad
and i start railing at being treated like the uni bomber
while people clean guns near my head
and kill puppies and kittens and foster kids
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 05:09:29 PM
hey i really don't feel that clean cut,
 is what i was saying too
i try to be, and i pull it off ok
but i don't feel like i do really?
i know i'm not the uni bomber
but people can mess with your head
as to making you feel like that is how you are seen
like let's see, PV treates you like you are the uni bomber?
 and it kind of gets stuck in your head
like i know i'm not, i'm just afraid that's how people see me?
again PTS says what?
and i don't even have facial hair
is all i was saying
i'm not picking on people that do, have facial hair
i think i was going back to how men probably face more of this then women do
and i clean up ok but i still feel the effects of that prejudice?

as for anyone on here that is PV
which some of you people are for sure
your monsters and you should be put in jail
for the horror you enflict on people
eventually people like you will have to find a new profession
wow that makes me as a survivor feel so much better
let's see,
most likely PV staff will never go to jail
of face any monetary punishment
the high level jerks will probably eventually
but every one else
will just fade away and get a new JOB!!!
great, justice is so not a farce in general
at least eventually laws perhaps will change
not to be cynical really
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 05:15:52 PM
i'm just thinking maybe i called one of the foster kids the uni bomber by accident because i thought they were PV
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 02, 2007, 05:22:48 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
hey i really don't feel that clean cut,
 is what i was saying too
i try to be, and i pull it off ok
but i don't feel like i do really?
i know i'm not the uni bomber
but people can mess with your head
as to making you feel like that is how you are seen
like let's see, PV treates you like you are the uni bomber?
 and it kind of gets stuck in your head
like i know i'm not, i'm just afraid that's how people see me?
again PTS says what?
and i don't even have facial hair
is all i was saying
i'm not picking on people that do, have facial hair
i think i was going back to how men probably face more of this then women do
and i clean up ok but i still feel the effects of that prejudice?

"It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
(i forget who said this)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 05:22:49 PM
a lot of the people on here
are total pigs though
in fact all of it really has made no sense and been
so stupid and nasty and abusive
much like the rest of reality
probably PV for sure
or who cares
I'm done with this
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 05:25:00 PM
thanks Froderik
i didn't mean you
you actually make sense
i posted the above before i read what you said
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 02, 2007, 05:27:44 PM
Quote from: ""free has to do homework!""
i posted the above before i read what you said

...I know..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 05:29:10 PM
agree with my whole heart
a great deal of society is sick
I think that's why i relate stuff to the civil rights movement
because it was that way then too
like it's so engrained in society
I think only something like that could change anything?
plus hippies look like they are having fun! and my life is not very much fun
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 05:47:57 PM
Quote from: ""free you are stupid jerks""
a lot of the people on here
are total pigs though
in fact all of it really has made no sense and been
so stupid and nasty and abusive
much like the rest of reality
probably PV for sure
or who cares
I'm done with this

A lot of the people on here
are pretty cool and insightful though
reality is what you make it
life is abusive
just like PV and the rest
you'll find what you're looking for
whatever that is
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 09:04:27 PM
yes this is true
and i said that
but some of them have been
really nasty
have you read some of the stuff
come on now
it was really bad
i am sorry in general to those who are nice
i have seen on other threads too and this one
everyone on here fights like a bunch of old women

this is a bit of a traumatic thing for me really
i am afraid of PV amd some things on this site have been frightening
I was being all nice with the above stuff I wrote
and I didn't want to be wimpy
a lot of the stuff on here has not been ok
and like hell I'm going to just be like
oh it's ok
fuck that
some things on here are bullying and really ugly
 but most people have not been
but anyway
 i wasn't picking on drinkers either
with my scary ex story
i've known very decent drinkers
and have been a bit of one myself
but i don't think alcohol added to a crappy personality
helps much
it's not that great with stress sometimes too

i don't mean  that  
there isn't a lot of good in life either
and i am actually a pretty happy person, in spite of all this

of course a thread about PV might end up looking a bit like a war zone
it's the nature of the beast and all that

i was joking too about the elk and homestead in the Rockies
although elk burgers are good
and have you  seen an elk, they are huge
you could eat one elk for a year, they are every where too
i would be sure to thank the spirit of the elk though of course
in the proper Native American ceremony
and I don't think i would know how to turn an elk into a burger?
and elk can be pretty fierce so i would probably just get trampled
they get very pissy during mating season
you also can get land for cheap in the middle of nowhere
and Colorado is very pretty
i don't really think 40 acres and an electric fence are the way to go
i have to say the fiance being with me at the time might have contributed to the idea

i can cross saw a log after all
i have had good survivalist lumber jack training
of course we only went to school on tuesdays and thursdays at PV
so i had plenty of time to learn homesteading skills
like tree chopping and stump digging
any way
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 09:39:59 PM
when i say treating people like they are the uni bomber
i really just mean like they are crazy or dangerous
terrorist would be a better word perhaps
or how about colombine if we want to illustrate the point painfully
or Virginia Tech, or a meth addict or a whore
or a cutter, i like it when PV says that in their little bio
which pops up when you type in peninsula village
under google
PV takes cutters and sexual abuse
not even those who have been sexually abused
cutter, it sounds like something from a Stephen King novel
a degenerate freak or delinquent or something?

uni bomber is like unpleasant as a descriptive term for horror
it trys to make it bearable
it's horrible because
i am not crazy or dangerous
i am nice ask my dog or cat
I'm also rather nice looking and i tend to feel good about myself

it's how PV makes these teens out to be
i do my best to make things better for myself and those around me
and i did when i was in PV too
despite what they tried to make us think and turn us into
and how they tried to make us treat each other
and i don't have any symptoms of Bi polar disorder
which is a pretty damn general disorder over all
do you feel happy sometimes?
do you feel sad?
is how they are billing it now
that's not what it is
people with Bi polar disorder have chemical depression
which I don't have
there there bodies don't regulate serotonin properly
they release all the endorphins and such at once
causing a drug like happyness mood swing
and then the people crash into chemical depression
that is what the disorder is
not a way for pharmo companies to make a buck
and any disorder PV gives you is bogus anyway
at worst though the drugs they give for it are just drugs
another friend years ago had them and they were
very nice drugs
it's like the "Valley of the Dolls" or something  :roll:

it's pretty interesting that i would come on a site
to expose how horrific PV is
 and what do I get? the exact prejudice
that PV very obviously promotes
perhaps we can figure out who the real jerks on this site are
isn't that just lovely
PV those evil Nazi pigs
gives you a very vague disorder
so they can abuse you more when you try to expose their
monsterous abuse
I'm sorry i was in a great mood
I went to the park and walked the dog
but I come on this site and I am so angry and I feel afraid
PV is just so evil
how dare they those monsters
this is no joke
PV is no joke
it's not funny hah hah
lets all be friends or chatty or teasing or what ever
PV is hell and a money making scam
and that's all that matters on this site
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 09:58:57 PM
Quote from: "free free"
yes this is true
and i said that
but some of them have been
really nasty
have you read some of the stuff
come on now
it was really bad
i am sorry in general to those who are nice
i have seen on other threads too and this one
everyone on here fights like a bunch of old women

Welcome to the real world my young friend.

this is a bit of a traumatic thing for me really
i am afraid of PV amd some things on this site have been frightening

Uh huh.  As it has been for all of us.

I was being all nice with the above stuff I wrote
and I didn't want to be wimpy
a lot of the stuff on here has not been ok
and like hell I'm going to just be like
oh it's ok
fuck that
some things on here are bullying and really ugly

Yeah, so? Some are not.  Why not focus on them?

but most people have not been
but anyway
 i wasn't picking on drinkers either
with my scary ex story
i've known very decent drinkers
and have been a bit of one myself
but i don't think alcohol added to a crappy personality
helps much
it's not that great with stress sometimes too

Uh yeah, not sure where you're going with this, but ok.

i don't mean  that  
there isn't a lot of good in life either
and i am actually a pretty happy person, in spite of all this

of course a thread about PV might end up looking a bit like a war zone
it's the nature of the beast and all that

i was joking too about the elk and homestead in the Rockies
although elk burgers are good
and have you  seen an elk, they are huge
you could eat one elk for a year, they are every where too
i would be sure to thank the spirit of the elk though of course
in the proper Native American ceremony
and I don't think i would know how to turn an elk into a burger?
and elk can be pretty fierce so i would probably just get trampled
they get very pissy during mating season
you also can get land for cheap in the middle of nowhere
and Colorado is very pretty
i don't really think 40 acres and an electric fence are the way to go
i have to say the fiance being with me at the time might have contributed to the idea

i can cross saw a log after all
i have had good survivalist lumber jack training
of course we only went to school on tuesdays and thursdays at PV
so i had plenty of time to learn homesteading skills
like tree chopping and stump digging
any way

Good for you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 10:26:43 PM
i'm really done too
for one thing i have homework
but i really am a nice normal young women
who does nothing but work and go to school
and who really is nice to small children and animals
and who is honestly freaking herself out
by exposing PV and looking for sort of support for the abuse?
on a site that PV is going to read
like there are a lot of sites to help abused women cope
this just scares me
this is pretty horrible if you think about it

i kind of thought that,
what i have been through might help other survivors
the ordeal doesn't end after PV
I think it has ended for me almost?
like I'll be out of college before too long
there is no way I would ever end up in another abusive relationship
I'm an adult thank God
and i know what the hell is going on around me now
so any way I'm ok and I know it
i've run the gauntlet
i know what the hell is up and I'm doing great
i'm pretty much out
i think i wanted to write this before i was completely out and forgot or blocked how bad it was and is for foster kids and those working minimum wage and in abusive relationships with families or guys

so any way this has done me some good
like i helped stop the abuser maybe
 and they can be stopped!!
or at least exposed
so i got to tell my truth
nothing feels worse somehow then to be being abused and to have no one believe you and to tell you what you are going through isn't happening
or your fault and then slur you
 lots of people out of PV are posting stuff now
 and i hope it will do some kids in and out of PV some good
i don't know
all i know is I'm done
i'm going to the other nice site I found
for the survivors of abuse and trauma
where I'm not baiting sadistic Nazi PV people
this scares me and i don't need it

 God bless all you PV survivors
you have been through hell
and you are right
everything PV told you about yourself is wrong
all the abuse you endured was wrong
and take care of yourself and be careful!
and never give up
there is so much good in this world and you deserve it
and don't let them get to you
also post your story then go to a site for the
adult survivors of child abuse or sexual abuse
or abuse and trauma over all
it's a lot more understanding
not scary and kind is good

thank you for your help and for posting Jersey Gurl and Zen and
Milk blood and everyone
sorry if i was freaking out
i'm mad as hell at abusers
dukeing it out on here with scary PV staff isn't helping me feel less afraid though
it's hard not to do this, because I like to write
and I'm just so angry at the abuse I have endured
but it's not good for me
so again this is scary and PV is very scary and evil and i need not scary
so i'm done with it
god bless
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 10:37:19 PM
Quote from: ""free free""
i'm really done too
for one thing i have homework
but i really am a nice normal young women
who does nothing but work and go to school
and who really is nice to small children and animals
and who is honestly freaking herself out
by exposing PV and looking for sort of support for the abuse?
on a site that PV is going to read
like there are a lot of sites to help abused women cope
this just scares me
this is pretty horrible if you think about it

I believe that.  No one said any different that I remember.

i kind of thought that,
what i have been through might help other survivors
the ordeal doesn't end after PV
I think it has ended for me almost?

Yes, did anyone say different?

like I'll be out of college before too long
there is no way I would ever end up in another abusive relationship
I'm an adult thank God
and i know what the hell is going on around me now
so any way I'm ok and I know it
i've run the gauntlet
i know what the hell is up and I'm doing great
i'm pretty much out
i think i wanted to write this before i was completely out and forgot or blocked how bad it was and is for foster kids and those working minimum wage and in abusive relationships with families or guys


so any way this has done me some good
like i helped stop the abuser maybe
 and they can be stopped!!
or at least exposed
so i got to tell my truth
nothing feels worse somehow then to be being abused and to have no one believe you and to tell you what you are going through isn't happening
or your fault and then slur you

I agree.  Its terrible.
lots of people out of PV are posting stuff now
 and i hope it will do some kids in and out of PV some good
i don't know
all i know is I'm done
i'm going to the other nice site I found
for the survivors of abuse and trauma
where I'm not baiting sadistic Nazi PV people
this scares me and i don't need it

What is scaring you so badly here?

God bless all you PV survivors
you have been through hell
and you are right
everything PV told you about yourself is wrong
all the abuse you endured was wrong
and take care of yourself and be careful!
and never give up
there is so much good in this world and you deserve it
and don't let them get to you
also post your story then go to a site for the
adult survivors of child abuse or sexual abuse
or abuse and trauma over all
it's a lot more understanding
not scary and kind is good

Sage advice.

thank you for your help and for posting Jersey Gurl and Zen and
Milk blood and everyone
sorry if i was freaking out
i'm mad as hell at abusers
dukeing it out on here with scary PV staff isn't helping me feel less afraid though
it's hard not to do this, because I like to write
and I'm just so angry at the abuse I have endured
but it's not good for me
so again this is scary and PV is very scary and evil and i need not scary
so i'm done with it
god bless

I'm not sure what you mean by all that, but good luck.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 10:40:12 PM
again i'm not picking on Fornits
I'm picking on PV
and yes I agree the real world has a bunch of wackos
thank god i know that now and can avoid them
or if they are aggressive call the cops and run really fast

but this is a site PV probably reads
and some of the stuff on here
and on Cafety has obviously been from PV
so I'm not going to do this any more because
it is scary as hell
and it is probably only good so far for an abuse victim
to be able to say exactly what she thinks about the abuser
and have it pop up under the abusers name on the internet
so anyway this is a great thing in a lot of ways

but PV is scary as hell and I never want to have any contact  of any sort with any horror of a human being that is connected to staff at PV
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 10:44:46 PM
Quote from: ""free free""
again i'm not picking on Fornits
I'm picking on PV
and yes I agree the real world has a bunch of wackos
thank god i know that now and can avoid them
or if they are aggressive call the cops and run really fast

but this is a site PV probably reads
and some of the stuff on here
and on Cafety has obviously been from PV
so I'm not going to do this any more because
it is scary as hell
and it is probably only good so far for an abuse victim
to be able to say exactly what she thinks about the abuser
and have it pop up under the abusers name on the internet
so anyway this is a great thing in a lot of ways

but PV is scary as hell and I never want to have any contact  of any sort with any horror of a human being that is connected to staff at PV

I understand that but you're really ok.  There may be PV staff here, but they can't hurt you anymore.  They don't have the power that they made you believe they had.  Outside of their closed little world, they're meaningless.  Don't let them steal any more from you than they already have.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 02, 2007, 11:10:12 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""free free""
again i'm not picking on Fornits
I'm picking on PV
and yes I agree the real world has a bunch of wackos
thank god i know that now and can avoid them
or if they are aggressive call the cops and run really fast

but this is a site PV probably reads
and some of the stuff on here
and on Cafety has obviously been from PV
so I'm not going to do this any more because
it is scary as hell
and it is probably only good so far for an abuse victim
to be able to say exactly what she thinks about the abuser
and have it pop up under the abusers name on the internet
so anyway this is a great thing in a lot of ways

but PV is scary as hell and I never want to have any contact  of any sort with any horror of a human being that is connected to staff at PV

I understand that but you're really ok.  There may be PV staff here, but they can't hurt you anymore.  They don't have the power that they made you believe they had.  Outside of their closed little world, they're meaningless.  Don't let them steal any more from you than they already have.

Preach, you're now the monster in their closet
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 11:11:44 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 02, 2007, 11:55:42 PM
hey final thought
things around my house have gotten better
like my parents are being very supportive of me going to school full time
and they are all excited and nice about my ebay business
i love my parents, i'm not expecting miracles
just a safe place to live till i finsh school or find non naked roommates
and they are not black or white
i think i may have gotten through to them some
words really do help and change things
if i make another civil rights movement reference about that sorry
violence is nothing but horror and hurts you and is pointless
words appeal to the good that is there
i don't know that this applies everywhere
sometimes people can't be reasoned with
and you should run away very fast and call the cops
but don't let it get to you
and the pen is mightier then the sword in our society for sure
waving swords gets you in trouble fast
unless you are PV or my ex, then apparently abuse and weapons are societally acceptable? i don't know
hey PV if you want to see the light
and stop beating the kids
I'm sure God would be happy
haven't you ever been an awkward bullied abused teenager, at all?
do they grow you guys in a lab somewhere fully formed?
a little compassion and light in a program so devoid of it
like books or music or kindness and rest time from trauma and work detail
it can't do any harm and you hardly would have gone soft on them
also might make suing you harder, so never mind beat the kids and make them millionaires like who ever is on top of the food chain there is
If you are a PV higher up or connected and in denial,
like a family therapist or teacher
for god sakes, what the hell do you think is going on!
blinders jesus amen

hey and schools make kids feel stupid even when they are not!!
which is bad and also should be stopped
and schools are boring and tedious and teachers make you jump through hoops for no reason and teach you very little and you have to do all the research and teach your self
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2007, 12:02:00 AM
again and some rest time from trauma and work detail
more then two days of school a week and being allowed to read might be a good idea too
Title: Re: PV
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2007, 09:54:15 AM
Quote from: ""YoungMan Grande""
Quote from: ""nimdA""
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""Guy Grande""
I have seen a sporadic and curious posting on this thread from time to time and I finally understand it.
        DAMAGE brought to us by PENINSULA VILLAGE

            the damage that keeps on damaging

I am sorry for mokara, and all others who have suffered at the hands of    Peninsula Village.


Agreed. I can't see how anyone could possibly take offense to anything Mokara says. She is so obviously.... hurt, deeply, deeply hurt. Whether her problems surfaced only after PV or have long been there, she shouldn't have been there and it clearly helped muddle her mind a little. How can you have anything but compassion for her?



Yah, OK, I will be the one to say it again even tho YoungMan put it to the infinity already.

        the damage that keeps on DAMAGING
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2007, 12:26:20 PM
hey final final thought
i didn't mean to pick on gay people
generalization is wrong
everybody is an individual
all groups of individuals
have some dangerous people
i know very great wonderful got to love them gay people
that are a great asset to the human race and
nice to small children and animal
this applies to straight men and women too!!
some are jerks

i think i need to join a labor union
is it true that northern states have something called l a b o r u n i o n S?
what is this strange beast
oh i know those things that we are taught are the norm in America
like equality and protection from abuse by the law huh.
again anyone that doesn't believe me
under the NC department of labor search type
the forty hour work week
OR THE NUMBER OF DAYS IN A ROW it is legal to work
one of those two searches
turns up what I posted about how the forty hour work week starts back over at zero whether you have had a day off or not
it's a little like poligamy in Utah
i don't think any one is over seeing it
states rights man

or prison camps for anorexics in the Appalachian mountains of Tennessee
where they are allowed no books or free time
and go to school two days a week
it gets weird out here in the hinter lands
again how does one join a labor union?
i know the history some
Howard Zinn's "The People's History of the United States"
is very good
but what good does it do me now?

and yes i am picking on the Hinterlands!
and NC really isn't that out here
but is sure feels like it!
at least legally, their laws are bad
otherwise it's a pretty state
around here though labor laws are COMMUNIST!
Say that with a country club southern drawl please
come on "Communist"
again people
turn over the rock
it's like oh my god
there are bugs!

go to google search and type in abuse
read all the prompts that pop up
abused women or abuse in foster care
it makes you question the health of the legal system
not only do the abusers not
 get punished, the abused often do
 it's quite a world
people really need to be more careful
and pay attention

and for gods sakes
never ever ever trust the guy who owns stock in something
Jesus :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2007, 02:00:37 PM
and for the love of god
never ever ever trust the guy who owns stock in something
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2007, 02:07:03 PM
Capitalist Pigs!!!

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2007, 02:54:48 PM
Quote from: ""free free""
Jesus :roll:

Jesus?  Yeah, fo' sho' I know that busta.  He come up in muh bar last Friday night with twelve other niggas, lookin' to start some ill shit.  I told him, "Jesus, last time you come in, you had that dead muthaferyer Lazarus rollin' with you and I kicked you out with a quickness.  Miracle or not, that ugly retarded zombie bastid still be stankin' like a vulture's wet dream,"

Jesus said he and the fellas gonna keep it real on the Kosher tip, ain't no thang.  Then that gangsta thug Judas start signifyin' and clownin', pushin' J.C. fo' a miracle.   Next thang I know, Jesus done turned all tha water in tha urinals, tha sit-down twalets and the sinks into WINE.  Customers quit buyin' muh booze and started lappin' it outta the twalets and urinals, like a bunch of damn dawgs.

Jesus ever show his ass in here again with that non-workin', broke-dick posse of his again, He'll be needin' to perform one hella big miracle to get my foot outta his hairy ass.  Word to the mutha, I'm for REAL, G.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 03, 2007, 04:13:53 PM
ok that was just stupid and gross
although you know whats weird, i have a very vivid memory of watching this pair of big fat midnight blue black buzzards that lived on the lawn outside of STU sort of waddling around with their ugly heads
i remeber watching them out the window
through the mesh wire and plexi glass,
which is of course forbidden, looking out the window,
 they were there a lot
a great mascot for PV
i've read that buzzards are not birds of good omen
i saw three bluebirds yesterday so i am thinking luck is good

but about problems in foster care and the legal system again
and real life is weird
in other ways the legal system is pretty soft on people
like adults, or real hard core drug users and such
nothing against them although it does effect their kids and such
but like we all know of instances of repeat 40 + year old offenders

and they are threatened with  five years
then they get a year or six months at the most
and these people have been caught with Meth and burglary
and public disturbance and drunkenness and extortion
and so on and they are adults
and i don't really care what they do with them to tell you the truth
as long as they aren't violent criminals,
actually i don't want to see them abused for certain either!

I do think if they have kids they really should be more careful with them
you think?
but it doesn't balance out or make any sense!
it seems just random!
 on the other hand we have some kid with PTSD because their mom died
or someone who was molested, or the anorexic or the foster kid of the above adult who was molested by some crack head the parent has sleeping on the couch
and it's a real crack head not just your roommates friend that smokes pot and eats your chicken salad out of the fridge
but those kids end up in PV?
for two years without any trial?
or the girl who got drunk and slept with some guy in high school and he told everyone and everyone calls her a slut?
and we lock her up at the whim of her parents and don't allow her to talk to a lawyer or the police for two years?
and tell her she's a drug addict, which she isn't?
and treat her like she is dirt and a danger and horrible and she has to be in AA forever or she will die huh?
 and she's locked up for two years!!
in PV with no running water and porta johns and prison sadistic staff
and work detail and no school most of the time
or reading? or free time?
what the hell
and these girls are treated like the dead beat meth head parents?
while the dead beat meth head parents are treated like it's not that bad

i know of an instance where this insane hard core drug addicted man was given sole custody of a six year old by the court, even though he only owned a truck that i think was a girlfriends?
and this was forty something year old man and he moved the child out of state and didn't send him to school
and the judge couldn't do anything because he was out of state
he died, the man not the boy, after a year of a drug overdose and liver failure.

and I'm not picking on people  
i think real alcoholism and drug addiction, not i smoked but didn't inhale, is a disease
but why do these young kids get all this abuse and prejudice
while the adults get very little?
it's so screwy
i think it's because the adults don't have insurance that will pay
a hundred thousand plus a year to have them beaten or druged
and it is fun to fuck with people and steel their money if you are a sadist
loot and plunder and staff posts pictures of themselves in skimpy underwear standing over doe eyed looking girls that are tied up in strange positions
i liked the one on that female staff members MySpace page where the one women was handcuffed in next to nothing and holding on the the other, the staff members, leg looking up at her pleadingly while she looked down on her in disdain with a whip.
adults who break the laws go through the justice system that is state owned so there is that accountability
teens get out sourced to who the hell knows who,
private companies that make a great big profit off of them and their concerned or abusive families  
and probably own stock in the ADD drug companies.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 04, 2007, 11:40:49 PM
women are really normal people
and no part of any of the sexually harassing sick shit that has been used in a very threatening manner on this site has been in any way ok
women disserve the right to basically just exist as living beings
with out having to deal with being treated like they are some objectified sex object who wants sexual violence
this is how sexual harassment treats people
if you really think about how you act or what you say means
it is beyond bad
you are as bad as the programs
these attitudes are as bad as reality gets I think
they are just another form of sexual violence
that is all too common

it is not ok to treat women as in relation to sex with every other thing you say
it is so abusive and just wrong
you are as bad as the programs

If you are just young and repeating what is on TV and around you and cool
it's not fucking cool
it's violent and threatening and it sounds like rape
you should think about what worthless sick hypocrites
you are,
you are abusers too

at least again though you have illustrated the kind of sexual violence
young teens, male and female face every day in schools and neighborhoods and in programs
i am still pretty sure at least a good percentage of those sexually harassing are program staff
this kind of sexual harassment was really common in my high school and colleges though too so
it represents both

the neighborhood i moved into would have been just fine
and there were a lot of kids, nice women and men in them
if attitudes like the ones on here weren't there to face you as you tried to go to work and school
I am a normal human being
i look like everyone else
 and dress like every one else
again I haven't been on a date in two years
i wear old lady work clothes half the time because it's good for work and bureaucracies
i look like someone in the grocery store

if you guys are pervs looking for young abused girls out of programs
you know they don't let them shave their legs right?
it's not "Girl Interrupted"
we wear work clothes and there's no makeup
do you really know what your average woman looks like
after a five minute shower and no beauty products
in flannel
it's like the alcoholic John Wayne look alike very noticeably butch female directors fantasy,
the one who was the head of the girls side when I was in years ago
and had to resign when she was arrested driving not slightly drunk but totally plastered,
Even my father noticed she was very  masculine and he never notices anything.

it's great as at least one of the very nice 15 year old girls i was in with was in for telling her parents she was gay and that was really it
that poor girl had done  nothing else
no anorexia or suicidal poetry or aspirin eating or stalking guys or bullying schoolmates, or foster care
just she was gay

sexual harassment acts and treats women like everything is porn
women are not porn  
they are not stupid worthless, low class over sexed whatever’s that want to be abused and full fill your fantasy
that is how sexual harassment and rape treats women
and when i think about it how programs treat them UGHH shudder

i hate to break it to you guys but
porn stars are not even porn stars
they pay them and abuse them
they don't really think that
it's the porn star party line, like Welcome to Wal-Mart, or I'm fine and have a nice day duh?

women are hardly Paris Hilton, a big drunken party girl
who's asking for it by partying panty less,
hows that for one fucking stereotype
I'm sure you think Paris really wants you, she is after all asking for it
and you try reporting a date rape where you were drinking!
and what they hell is the media doing
holding her up as a morality tale  
and something to be used as porn
what message is that?
and why is it on CNN all the time

sexual harassment can certainly be a very effective form of sexual violence, and that is all it has been used on here as
that is why there are supposed to be laws about it
like you can't sexually harass little kids,
or say stuff to them that is so obscene it would land you on the sexual predator list if you said it too them at the park
I've seen stuff on basic cable at 4pm that is so obscene it basically does of course
only in the last couple of years really too
sex is one thing, most of it goes over kids heads
but it's over the top on TV now, if you are not deaf or dumb you are immersed in it

today on Savage Nation, which is on a lot here,
on normal radio at noon the guy said Muslims are like cockroaches
 i was like can you say that?
and Time puts Imus on the front like
 oh my god Imus said something and acts like that's a big deal!!?
what Imus said was probably the most light thing I've heard this week
although I'm not condoning it
i'm just not buying the media acting like concerned citizen!
what the hell? it's the emperors new clothes or something.

Those posting the really sick shit on this site are disgusting abusive pigs with your behavior
think about what you do, if you want program staff too think about what they do
if you are not program staff
i think most likely you are!

in defense of real life and real stories
and real women
I've been on one date in 6 years and the guy attacked me
there's a police report
i was with my ex for four years and completely faithful
i moved away twice  from my ex
both to be closer to the schools I could get into
the first time i was also living off campus and i felt very unsafe
i was again alone in the affordable neighborhood
so after getting very good grades and being very happy with the school
i decided,
the school was pretty far away, like a thousand + miles from my parents
that I didn't want to live there again
if you could have seen the little house I lived in you would understand
it was really scary
which i why i got the dog
 but it was still terrifying

my ex looked like every one else too
that was one of the things that made him able to get away with a lot
he dressed ok and had a normal intelligent looking ordinary face
and was pretty articulate
so he didn't have anything that made him look like a STEREOTYPE
like on TV, i think he was smart enough not too
like the uni bomber or a wife beater or trailer trash or something
i didn't make the prejudice
he never hit me until the last time I left
he had a good job
and we lived in a nice neighborhood
he was also seven years older then me
it was like a home?
he was good at hiding how mean he was
but in my gut i always knew
it's a little scary to realize
how bad he really was
he would just yell
a lot, any way
i thought he was a friend really
i tried to love him but his personality got in the way

so what I'm saying women are not the ridiculous sick abusive stereotype that sexual harassment promotes
and think about what the fuck you are saying means
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 05, 2007, 05:04:48 AM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
If you are just young and repeating what is on TV and around you and cool
it's not fucking cool
it's violent and threatening and it sounds like rape
you should think about what worthless sick hypocrites
you are,
you are abusers too

But Mokara, why criticize young people for responding to what is on TV? I agree that it's not fucking cool, but I think you're shooting at the wrong people here. When a teenage boy turns on the TV and gets a big hard on from scantily clad babes on MTV/VH1/Sitcoms or whatever show is boosting it's ratings with a little more T&A, is it the teenage boy's fault? Shit, that's simple biology.

sexual harassment acts and treats women like everything is porn
women are not porn  
they are not stupid worthless, low class over sexed whatever’s that want to be abused and full fill your fantasy
that is how sexual harassment and rape treats women

Women are not porn, but half-naked women in erotic visual poses are pretty close to porn (soft core anyway). And that's what's on normal TV. Nevermind how easy it is for any 12-year old to go online and find videos of hardcore sex acts.

women are hardly Paris Hilton, a big drunken party girl
who's asking for it by partying panty less,
hows that for one fucking stereotype
I'm sure you think Paris really wants you, she is after all asking for it
and you try reporting a date rape where you were drinking!
and what they hell is the media doing
holding her up as a morality tale  
and something to be used as porn
what message is that?
and why is it on CNN all the time

Ratings baby, just ratings. Paris may look dumb and slutty, but she knows how the media works and she knows how to use her god-given assets to milk the system for every dollar she can.

Lust does not equal rape. Just because you might own something I want too doesn't mean I'm going to break into your apartment and steal it from you. Most people do have boundaries that they don't cross.[/i]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 05, 2007, 06:21:47 AM
Still, while these barbie-doll bimbos like Paris and *sproing* Pam Anderson (with her monstrous silicone tits that look like they could shoot bullets at you) may be arousing etc, these stereotypes can be somewhat irritating after a while. There is so much more to feminine beauty that could be appreciated if you think about it...

But as much as I may look at it that way, I'm 100% against censorship.

Ratings, though....yes indeed; we get what we ask for, don't we?

It says something about us...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2007, 05:05:34 AM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Ratings, though....yes indeed; we get what we ask for, don't we?
It says something about us...

and PV rates right into the negative numbers.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2007, 02:04:52 PM
hey but what about how the TV seems to use the women it also holds up as pretty violent, there to be sexually abused, stereotypes
also as sort of evil morality tales?

like so much on TV seems to be sort of an allegory
like a sunday hell fire and brimstone sermon on women of loose morals as prostitutes and how they deserve it
and/ or with the women as dehumanized stupid nasty mean subhuman’s
there for sex that nobody has to think twice about as people
it also seems to justify using them for sex

have you seen the new Black Eyed Peas video?
with the dreaded Fergie ferge
it's like a minstrel show
didn't they do that "where is the love" song?
wow, i think they are all on crack now!
"I sho'w do like those dirty guys" Fergie says in the new video,
 "I can't stay on my divan I'm twitching my ass all over the place,
 all these guys are low class scary minority stereotypes
so I haven't had sex in 15 whole minutes"
the, " if I take you home will you love me" video?
watch it, it's horrible

the Native American guy is the best one I think
when they pan into his face
oh my god
he's the A typical stereotype of your drunken rapist Indian/mexican
it's horrible
I think that the people programming the TV
hang out in a really nasty country club and are neo con republican
you know  those friends parents you go out to dinner with
at the local "Scottish inn" theme restaurant
and they immediately start on the black people jokes
true story of course, i'm not smart enough to make it up
life makes me sound smart because it gives me good material
not every one at the "Scottish inn" is racist either
but racism and sexism
like sexual harassment are catching

I just moved back from the South West and you hear a lot of such prejudice still      
and it's terrible, the Indian or and Hispanic people are very nice
normal people and they don't look like that at all
there is a very large community in the South West
many of the Hispanics have been there since the 16 hundreds
and the Indians since 20,000 BC
and it's a bit hard to tell who is who
every body seems to have intermarried, as people do
and there are lots of Spanish German Irish English Indian people running around
that share great culture
and nobody looks like that stereotype

the Indians don't look like that stereo type at all
they look a bit Asian, have high cheek bones and rather round faces
and have great jewelry and textiles

in my crappy neighborhood in the South west
the two people I was afraid of
were this giant bullying white guy with a even larger pit-bull
the pit-bull was ok though,
my dog is a duffus and he jumps on other dogs and he might have tried to eat him, but the huge pit bull just looked at him rather superiorly and sniffed,
my dog is a wimp too,
i went to the pound to get a guard dog and i took home the one that gave me the most  wimpy get me the hell out of hear wimper wimper face
he's the nerdy duffus likes to climb mountains dog
he barks ok and can run fast

but the guy!
he was not ok
he replaced a nice Hispanic couple who lived down stairs from me
when they moved out
the guy was like eight feet tall and five feet wide
why did he need a huge pit-bull, he was intimidating enough?
and there was no avoiding him,
every time I walked buy
in my work clothes that would have almost been acceptable in Iran
 he said "hey lets have sex?"
he would actually say "lets watch a movie, you look hot"
but it was palatably implied
he had this pretty, very nice little plump girl friend too

and the guy who attacked me,
was ubber clean cut, khaki pants nice shirt,
dark blond buzz cut
and blue eyes
he looked so normal
it's just so stupid and wrong
and you are right
how can you blame the kids or men even?
when it is like a mantra
it gets in the culture
and maybe the TV represents the prejudices of nasty CEO's
for all sorts of reasons,
like I said i really don't think you should ever ever ever trust the guy who owns stock in something

I don’t think censorship is the answer
But legally there are laws about sexual harassment and hate speech
And for good reason
i can't rember what they are exactly now, they got lost in my
Latin homework

Also I articulated some of the prejudices that people face
and that programs literally beat into them day after day all day and night
Like calling them the uni bomber, remember I’m using uni bomber like unpleasant to describe horrible prejudice and abusive indoctrination, because it makes it easier for me  
Fortunately nobody calls me the uni bomber any more
Except my family occasionally, if I start complaining about sexism on TV or something
Nobody wants to hear me go on and on and on about life?
Huh I wonder why
But it’s almost like a tool of social control
And it is there
I also am older and far too aware of this stuff
And I have work to do
So I am very clean cut and I am a small girl with a nice likable face
i'm not very threatening really, put it that way
Who is articulate and who’s family drives a Mercedes
So I am from a back round where I clean up well

Also school is certainly interesting
It is interesting to look at it not as some one neck deep in it
Very good people watching
There is a bunch of stuff going on
The kids are very young and cute too
You have to feel for them
I could write a book about it

But like my Latin class
I have never had Latin before
And my teacher throws a great deal of stuff at us
It’s hard put it that way
And easy to get discouraged
And the girl I sit next to
Had five years of it in high school
The class certainly seems to be catered more to her
Of course those out of programs
Or in foster care did not have five years of Latin in high school

 my grandfather actually worked for NASA
I have a very good memory
and a pretty high IQ
despite how badly I did in middle school!
In middle school, the reason my homework wasn’t turned in on time,
Very honestly was because I was reading a most of the adult classics in the library
At like 12,
 I work in a bookstore now, although I get in trouble for looking at books in the bookstore!
 No reading at all in the book store!
 if you glance at the newspaper during a lull at Barnes & Noble after waiting on 300 customers, they yell at you and find some stupid pointless task for you to do
But I work at a bookstore and I read half of the classics when I was twelve
They fascinated me, they were just so good?
I really like books, they say the stuff that no body else will or does, but that you know.
But anyway so I’m pretty smart with a good memory and i have the stupid paper to prove it
And I couldn’t stand school
It made me feel stupid
And I have high IQ
And most people I think are pretty smart, at least in some pretty big way?
But the Latin
I’m getting it, but it’s like it’s supposed to be a IQ Darwin test rather then us learning it, i swear they make it hard and dense as mud pies!
jumping through hoops!
I have to teach myself everything,
and organize it properly to teach myself
my teacher reminds me of the Wizard of OZ
"pay no attention to the Latin behind the curtain"
I almost like the guy too, but it seems like he's not very connected to the fact that not everyone had Latin in high school recently?

I don’t know?
I’m an adult too, with good study skills
I can just see how kids get lost in it.
i got lost in it when i was their age
Especially with all the other stuff going on
Like I think the dorms might be a bit nutty
Just from observing
I hope they all hang in there!
They really are cute, I like the one’s that kind of look like my dog the best,
with that wimpy over whelmed look!
If I scratch one behind the ears they will probably think I’m nuts.
Maybe it’s some motherly complex that is kicking in, wow mid life crisis.

on another note
women can be mean as hell too
i am not saying as a feminist all women are saints
look at PV staff
those are some mean mean mean bitches!
but i don't think that because women are just like every other group
with many dangerous Nazi nutballs
that it justifies sexual harassment in any way?
or that that even relates in any way
other then if humans feel threatened they tend to get meaner
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2007, 02:17:59 PM
there is ok stuff on tv too
just too much porn and puritan influence?
and macho CEO's i don't know what is wrong with it i give up!
it's like a car wreck though can't look away
what the hell is it?

people who have not been blessed with perfect skin, there are good antibiotics for that I know, or a good metabolism
or whatever, or those Ukranian scottish people, I have some large hairy relatives,  
like there probably is some guy that looks like that guy in the video and he has four kids and is also nice to small children and animals
and the clean cut guy attacks me!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on September 06, 2007, 07:55:44 PM
::both::  tap tap im here again
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2007, 08:23:59 PM
Quote from: ""SettleForNothingLess""
::both::  tap tap im here again


Can we get a little coherency here?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 06, 2007, 09:50:20 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""SettleForNothingLess""
::both::  tap tap im here again


Can we get a little coherency here?

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 07, 2007, 02:06:16 AM
Quote from: ""SettleForNothingLess""
::both::  tap tap im here again

She returns, all bow down to the queen  :lol:

Hey check out this post Filing a Complaint with the State of Tennessee (http://
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:27:56 AM
Hazomon sweetie you were never in a program were you?
this isn't post traumatic stress issue for you
just a hobby right?
although i suppose you must be mad at something
or you just want to be cool?
and again you are too young to drink legally in a bar,
 I'm thinking you said
how about you butt out then? when talking about things that don't really have much to do with you

i've been picking too much on the church people i think too
my family went to church a few times years ago
and no body thumped any bibles about women of loose morals
i think the minister was a woman and it was pretty mellow
with a lot of ordinary people
i'm guessing birth control and gay relatives would have been fine
"do unto others" seemed to be a theme
i've personally known a couple weird church people
but two of them were like 80

i really think there might be something to the ratings thing?
although hell yes those same people/ companies own stock in everything
they want to get every one stirred up for some money related reason
or maybe it just reflects the sick minds of a creepy old bastard or few
and their creepy little yes men

my mom, she seems to think there is going to be a Muslim shooter at my school, almost direct quote from yesterday.
any post traumatic stress folks out there
watch your police record
they check it all the time now
misdemeanors that were thrown out pop up!
felonies ok maybe but, the time the cop caught you with rolling papers!
or you swung at some guy at the bar at 19
that's just nuts
but it's true
i went and looked mine up
everything pops up and everything i have was thrown out
but there it is, drug paraphernalia, sounds like i had a crack pipe!
horrible and they check it for jobs at like Wal-Mart.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:32:47 AM
ok though hanzomon
 the filing the report in the state of Tennessee thing is a great idea
why don't you cut and paste it over here?
somebody should put it on Cafety too
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 11:39:04 AM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
Hazomon sweetie you were never in a program were you?
this isn't post traumatic stress issue for you
just a hobby right?
although i suppose you must be mad at something
or you just want to be cool?
and again you are too young to drink legally in a bar,
 I'm thinking you said
how about you butt out then? when talking about things that don't really have much to do with you

What are you talking about?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:40:44 AM
This information is for all wanting to file a complaint with the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities. If you were abused in a program in Tennessee you should file a complaint, at the least it will be on record and investigated. This may not get a program shutdown but it does get the word out to the State and robs them of the "we didn't know" excuse once the shit hits the fan.

Call 1-866-777-1250
You will need the name of the program and your complaint, that's basically it
The State will log your complaint and contact the inspector for that facility who will investigate the complaint. The complaint may be forwarded to another Agency when appropriate
You will need to call back for updated information about your complaint or they may call you depending on what happens

I don't believe that the complaint will be given a special number or code you could use when checking the status of the complaint. So when you make your complaint ask again how you check the status of the complaint

Even if your program is not licensed the State will still investigate to determine if the program is operating illegally. I would assume that they could also check to see if a program is licensed inappropriately.

Now for parents checking out Programs in Tennessee, you can call a number to checkout complaints filed against a facility by calling a different number.

Call 865-594-6551 and ask about the program
The complaints will not be logged with specifics. They are just listed under the type of complaint like 3 critical incidents or whatever. Still useful but not specific

Again this won't bring down a program but it's a step. The more people that file official complaints, the better the step.

p.s, I have the official rules and regulations programs in Tennessee have to follow. I Made some easier to read edits of these rules that focus on client rights and rules regarding isolation and restraint. I'll upload these whenever I figure out how and post a download link. With this information you can check to see if any specific rules were broken in regards to your rights.

EDIT: Download the Tennessee rules and regulations here. The edited documents cover Client Rights and Isolation and Restraint. The unedited documents contain the same rules and regulations mentioned above as well as the rules and regulations that govern Patient-Resident Work programs and Personnel Conduct towards Patient-Residents

Hah hah I stole your work Hanzomon you annoying little bastard
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:43:58 AM
hanzomon told me he is 20 i think
and was never in a program he is just interested in the subject
therefore 20 year old guys who were never in a program
i'm not sure really know what the hell it's like and  have a big right to say much about it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 11:55:40 AM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
hanzomon told me he is 20 i think
and was never in a program he is just interested in the subject
therefore 20 year old guys who were never in a program
i'm not sure really know what the hell it's like and  have a big right to say much about it

Yeah, you're right.  We should shun and turn away anyone who's interested if they haven't been through a program.  

Uh huh.

Damn!  Isn't that what a lot of us are trying to do?  Get people who have no connection to this interested in it?  Aren't we trying to make the general public aware of what goes on inside these places?  Why would you turn someone away just because they haven't been through it.  Do you have to have been in a concentration camp to understand that what Hitler did was wrong and want to do something to help?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on September 07, 2007, 12:22:30 PM
::rocker:: GO ANNE

Dear Guest,
I've been 'in program'.  It was a LONG time ago, more difficult to deal w/now than decades ago; although that's real easy to say.  
My issues pale in comparison to most and I was 'in program'.  W/the Original recovering alcoholic, ex-stand-up-comic.
ANYONE who contributes matters.  Some of the wisest remarks come from NON-initiated.
Did ya 'get it' yet?
And if hanzomon4 is only 20, I'm impressed!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 12:49:13 PM
What do people mean when they type "we"?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 12:52:55 PM
Depends on who you're asking.  In this case, I meant we in the sense of victims of this industry.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 07:24:36 PM
that is what i meant as well.
like the people still suffering in PV
and under the after effects of the industry
did i tell Hanzamon that i hated him?
or did i simply say a 20 year old guy
who has never been in a program
might not understand, or get what i am saying
he's has probably never worked a full time job for more then six months
or lived alone as a woman in a bad neighborhood
or had any one larger and scarier then him hit on him
Free speech is a wonderful thing
cornering your neighbor on her way to work and propositioning her everytime she goes by in work clothes, or basically verbally raping your class or dorm mates
not ok also not legal, you can't threaten random people
and since the TV and normal 101.1 FM radio at 12:30 pm are kind of unavoidable
it's like hate speech wherever you go
it's just hate speech that I can't stand
it's no fun to be threatened sexually as a women
i don't want guys to say stuff like that to me it sounds like a description of rape?
and it's additionally pretty scary for people who deal with having been sexually abused as a kid.  duh come on now think about it
now those pictures I can handle
i used to watch south park all the time
i just didn't like the episode with Paris Hilton
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 07:33:56 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
that is what i meant as well.
like the people still suffering in PV
and under the after effects of the industry
did i tell Hanzamon that i hated him?
or did i simply say a 20 year old guy
who has never been in a program
might not understand, or get what i am saying
he's has probably never worked a full time job for more then six months

No, you didn't say you hated him but you were pretty nasty for no reason.

or lived alone as a woman in a bad neighborhood
or had any one larger and scarier then him hit on him
Free speech is a wonderful thing
cornering your neighbor on her way to work and propositioning her everytime she goes by in work clothes, or basically verbally raping your class or dorm mates
not ok also not legal, you can't threaten random people

Where did he threaten you?

and since the TV and normal 101.1 FM radio at 12:30 pm are kind of unavoidable  :question:  :question:  (You can turn it off)
it's like hate speech wherever you go
it's just hate speech that I can't stand
it's no fun to be threatened sexually as a women
i don't want guys to say stuff like that to me it sounds like a description of rape?
and it's additionally pretty scary for people who deal with having been sexually abused as a kid.  duh come on now think about it
now those pictures I can handle
i used to watch south park all the time
i just didn't like the episode with Paris Hilton

Woah, woah woah.  Slow down.   You're not alone.  Many of us here have been through what you have so you're in good company, but you're painting everyone with a pretty broad brush there.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 07:37:42 PM
if it describes sexual acts in a threatening way
or it treats all women like they are porn it's hate speech
and sexual harassment
it's hard to draw a clear line
people describe sexual acts all the time
hence my use of fuck, i mean i say it when I'm mad
everyone talks about sex, who gives a fuck

i m pretty much concerned about seriouse things with a bad effect
so I'm going with verbal sexual bullying
or it treats women like they are porn,  
if it does that then it is sexist and sexually harassing
and it is a bad thing because it hurts women
and promotes violence against them
if racism was on TV a lot, wouldn't you encounter a lot more of it?
Hate speech gets rolling and the next thing you know you got Nazi's
ok jesus :roll:
i'm not a twenty year old guy
people sexually harasse me
i doubt anyone sexually harasses you
your acting like an insensitive twelve year old
why don't you stick with things you know
How is your life treating you?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 08:19:07 PM
finally i'm really just worried about sexual violence against women
verbal or otherwise, that makes it harder for them to get through their lives
verbal sexual bullying is very common
and it is no fun or joke
Pamela Anderson with her flotation device boobs
I can't care too much about as long as the TV doesn't graphically show her being sexually assaulted at 4 in the afternoon or something.
it really is like a minstrel show sometimes
and others, it's just too much on basic cable
little kids watch TV in the after noon and the shows are horrible
what about shows like Maury and Jerry Springer?
I saw this skit on MAD TV at 4pm, right after everyone gets out of school, called
Sex Toy Story, and it had a talking blow up doll with her mouth in a O,
a talking rear end, and two talking vibrators,
do I need to go on?
If I repeat some of the worst ones on basic cable before 11 pm, you would think I was sick. How about on Talk Soup, in the morning the guy was talking about a respected older women’s big slappy (*&(*&, only he didn’t edit it and he made a sound.
On that crime show with the red haired lady, a dead hooker was murdered with her privates mutilated, and they showed it at like 9pm!

i never thought i would be on this side of this argument but if it
shows graphic violence against women, teaches sexual harassment and sexual violence
or if it sounds like it's describing sexual assault, not ok
honestly I can’t believe I’m getting this much of a hassle about this on here
 give me a break!
 have you seen some of the stuff that has been posted on here?
 It’s not fucking free speech it’s threats of sexual violence.
We had the raping asian women post, that was as horrific and graphic as it could be, do I have to go back and repost all of it so you will see,
this isn’t a don’t ban “Catcher in the Ryeâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 08:28:05 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
finally i'm really just worried about sexual violence against women
verbal or otherwise, that makes it harder for them to get through their lives
verbal sexual bullying is very common
and it is no fun or joke
Pamela Anderson with her flotation device boobs
I can't care too much about as long as the TV doesn't graphically show her being sexually assaulted at 4 in the afternoon or something.
it really is like a minstrel show sometimes
and others, it's just too much on basic cable
little kids watch TV in the after noon and the shows are horrible
what about shows like Maury and Jerry Springer?
I saw this skit on MAD TV at 4pm, right after everyone gets out of school, called
Sex Toy Story, and it had a talking blow up doll with her mouth in a O,
a talking rear end, and two talking vibrators,
do I need to go on?

So what are you saying?  You can change the channel, turn it off, go for a walk, whatever.  You don't have to watch it.  And parents should be monitoring what they're kids are exposed to.  If they're going to use the TV as a babysitter, whose fault is that?  The shows or the parents?

If I repeat some of the worst ones on basic cable before 11 pm, you would think I was sick. How about on Talk Soup, in the morning the guy was talking about a respected older women’s big slappy (*&(*&, only he didn’t edit it and he made a sound.
On that crime show with the red haired lady, a dead hooker was murdered with her privates mutilated, and they showed it at like 9pm!

So What???  I love the Soup!

i never thought i would be on this side of this argument but if it
shows graphic violence against women, teaches sexual harassment and sexual violence
or if it sounds like it's describing sexual assault, not ok
honestly I can’t believe I’m getting this much of a hassle about this on here
 give me a break!

Give me a break.  You sound like you're advocating censorship.  And wtf did any of this have to do with Hanzo?

have you seen some of the stuff that has been posted on here?
 It’s not fucking free speech it’s threats of sexual violence.
We had the raping asian women post, that was as horrific and graphic as it could be, do I have to go back and repost all of it so you will see,

Welcome to the big bad world

this isn’t a don’t ban “Catcher in the Ryeâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 08:35:02 PM
i don't like you all much
and you are like hecklers
i don't write this stuff because of you
i write it inspite of you
it has a purpose
like i know a lot of women and girls out of PV are going through the same things
and I'm not going to let some sexually harassing pig shut me up
and telling the truth is the only way anything can get said properly
and i don't care although i hate to think of the way you all think
what are you doing on this site anyway
do you have anything to do with PV
how dare you take this site for survivors and come on here with your disgusting crap
i think your just trying to drive me and other people off
acting like some sexually harassing pig and i'm saying some personal stuff
to try and help people
and you talk about women wanting to be strippers, and your dating a black amazon stripper
and regaling everyone with stories about the red light district
you sound like a bunch of stupid macho teen age boys
i hate men like you
your a bunch a warped sick stupid racist sexist fucks
your like a bunch of racists sitting around telling stupid black people jokes
it's just the same
like a bunch of animals posturing
i am not ashamed
i can't believe anyone would be ugly enough to talk to some person on a site for survivors of abuse out of programs the way that people talk on here
i'm trying to lower the suicide rate out of PV by letting people know the truth and that they aren't alone
you sound like some drunk macho smuck in a bar
if i was trying to prove what i say about the world is true
the crap on this site certainly illustrates my point better then i could
although i can't think
that it is anything more then depressing
thanks for reaffirming my world view
the way you think is wrong. like i said your as bad as a bunch of racists

men like you try to silence women talking about how bad things like date rape and sexism and sexual harassment and all the sexual abuse that women face are
i'm not going to be shut up by some sexually threatening pig
rot in hell you disgusting morons.
you are not who you are supposed to be
i can tell
if you go on a site to help people with abuse they don't act like this
and the same stupid assholes are on here all the time
you are staff no doubt
why else would no one be even sane
like ok sometimes sexual bullying is bad
or huh it does seem to make sense that
those who were abused as kids would hate sexual harassment
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 08:41:53 PM
i hate you worthless idiotic program staff pigs!
hell has a special place for people like you
you have been sexually harassing me horribly
and I've just been talking about life and programs
every other word out of most every one on here's mouth
has been something about women as sex objects
and i am like naively saying yes women as sex objects is very bad
you act just like PROGRAM STAFF
everything out of your mouths is a sexual slur

everything about you is like program staff
how fucking dare you worthless evil human beings
there really is a special place in hell for monsters like you
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 08:42:03 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
i don't like you all much
and you are like hecklers
i don't write this stuff because of you
i write it inspite of you
it has a purpose
like i know a lot of women and girls out of PV are going through the same things
and I'm not going to let some sexually harassing pig shut me up

Who is sexually harassing you here?

and telling the truth is the only way anything can get said properly
and i don't care although i hate to think of the way you all think
what are you doing on this site anyway
do you have anything to do with PV

No, if you'd ever bother to read anything other people write, you might know a little more about us.

how dare you take this site for survivors and come on here with your disgusting crap
i think your just trying to drive me and other people off
acting like some sexually harassing pig and i'm saying some personal stuff
to try and help people
and you talk about women wanting to be strippers, and your dating a black amazon stripper
and regaling everyone with stories about the red light district
you sound like a bunch of stupid macho teen age boys
i hate men like you

What are you talking about?  Gooky's follies?  

your a bunch a warped sick stupid racist sexist fucks
your like a bunch of racists sitting around telling stupid black people jokes
it's just the same
like a bunch of animals posturing
i am not ashamed
i can't believe anyone would be ugly enough to talk to some person on a site for survivors of abuse out of programs the way that people talk on here

Who has harassed you here?

i'm trying to lower the suicide rate out of PV by letting people know the truth and that they aren't alone
you sound like some drunk macho smuck in a bar
if i was trying to prove what i say about the world is true
the crap on this site certainly illustrates my point better then i could
although i can't think
that it is anything more then depressing
thanks for reaffirming my world view
the way you think is wrong. like i said your as bad as a bunch of racists

And you're starting to sound like a reformed smoker.

men like you try to silence women talking about how bad things like date rape and sexism and sexual harassment and all the sexual abuse that women face are
i'm not going to be shut up by some sexually threatening pig
rot in hell you disgusting morons.
you are not who you are supposed to be
i can tell
if you go on a site to help people with abuse they don't act like this
and the same stupid assholes are on here all the time
you are staff no doubt
why else would no one be even sane
like ok sometimes sexual bullying is bad
or huh it does seem to make sense that
those who were abused as kids would hate sexual harassment

From what I've seen, people have been nothing but kind and patient with you.  what have "we" done that's so horrible?  Who, specifically, has harassed you here?  Certainly not Hanzo
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 08:43:40 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
i hate you worthless idiotic program staff pigs!
hell has a special place for people like you
you have been sexually harassing me horribly
and I've just been talking about life and programs
every other word out of most every one on here's mouth
has been something about women as sex objects
and i am like naively saying yes women as sex objects is very bad
you act just like PROGRAM STAFF
everything out of your mouths is a sexual slur

everything about you is like program staff
how fucking dare you worthless evil human beings
there really is a special place in hell for monsters like you

Broad brush my dear, broad brush.  

I hope you find some peace.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 08:44:48 PM
go back to any page and see what pops up
any page and it's so obviouse you have to be a stupid program staff bitch not to see it
and "we" is everyone still suffering in PV or in general because of idiots or monsters
fuck you abusive pigs
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 09:04:54 PM
I've been suffering with the damage for over 20 years now.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 07, 2007, 10:41:51 PM
It's up at Cafety as well...

I'm 21 not 20 and I don't take your jabs personally free. I can never know, truly know, what it's like to be abused but I have a heart and compassion. I do what I do because I'm passionate about ending this and bring whatever justice and validation to survivors I can possibly bring. I think you folks sometimes underestimate your power to inspire others like me, but I've said it before and I'll say it again you got more allies then you know.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 07, 2007, 11:06:47 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
and you talk about women wanting to be strippers, and your dating a black amazon stripper
and regaling everyone with stories about the red light district
you sound like a bunch of stupid macho teen age boys
i hate men like you
your a bunch a warped sick stupid racist sexist fucks
your like a bunch of racists sitting around telling stupid black people jokes
it's just the same
like a bunch of animals posturing
i am not ashamed
i can't believe anyone would be ugly enough to talk to some person on a site for survivors of abuse out of programs the way that people talk on here

I was only trying to get a lil' conversation going with you, you self-absorbed CUNT.

Oh what's the matter, the 'C' word offend you?

Now I think I know why people ended up posting the disgusting shit that they did in reply to you, because of asinine shit like this!

How dare you call me a sexist or a racist! You don't fucking know me, you presumptuous little bitch!

I survived Straight in the early 80's. I TOLD you that already, get the fucking clay outta your ears!

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 07, 2007, 11:10:46 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
i hate you worthless idiotic program staff pigs!
hell has a special place for people like you
you have been sexually harassing me horribly
and I've just been talking about life and programs
every other word out of most every one on here's mouth
has been something about women as sex objects
and i am like naively saying yes women as sex objects is very bad
you act just like PROGRAM STAFF
everything out of your mouths is a sexual slur

everything about you is like program staff
how fucking dare you worthless evil human beings
there really is a special place in hell for monsters like you

You have some real issues... go take your fucking meds!!!!!!!!! ::both::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:10:58 PM
Hmm... who else on this forum likes to rant with bullshit?

Mokara and Who should get married.

Match made in Heaven*!

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:11:02 PM

Well isn't that special.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 07, 2007, 11:14:43 PM
My thoughts EXACTLY -- the CHURCH LADY!! ::bwahaha::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:23:58 PM
How fun. Cross-generational group time.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 07, 2007, 11:25:31 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
How fun. Cross-generational group time.

Whatever.... :roll:
I guess you're 'above it all,' huh?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:26:58 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
and you talk about women wanting to be strippers, and your dating a black amazon stripper
and regaling everyone with stories about the red light district
you sound like a bunch of stupid macho teen age boys
i hate men like you
your a bunch a warped sick stupid racist sexist fucks
your like a bunch of racists sitting around telling stupid black people jokes
it's just the same
like a bunch of animals posturing
i am not ashamed
i can't believe anyone would be ugly enough to talk to some person on a site for survivors of abuse out of programs the way that people talk on here
I was only trying to get a lil' conversation going with you, you self-absorbed CUNT.

Oh what's the matter, the 'C' word offend you?

Now I think I know why people ended up posting the disgusting shit that they did in reply to you, because of asinine shit like this!

How dare you call me a sexist or a racist! You don't fucking know me, you presumptuous little bitch!

I survived Straight in the early 80's. I TOLD you that already, get the fucking clay outta your ears!


You are sexist and racist.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 07, 2007, 11:28:40 PM
And I care what you think because.... ?

Why don't you log in or say who you are?

C'mon, coward...I dare you!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:29:51 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
i hate you worthless idiotic program staff pigs!
hell has a special place for people like you
you have been sexually harassing me horribly
and I've just been talking about life and programs
every other word out of most every one on here's mouth
has been something about women as sex objects
and i am like naively saying yes women as sex objects is very bad
you act just like PROGRAM STAFF
everything out of your mouths is a sexual slur

everything about you is like program staff
how fucking dare you worthless evil human beings
there really is a special place in hell for monsters like you
You have some real issues... go take your fucking meds!!!!!!!!! ::both::

I'd say you have some issues of your own there, son.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 07, 2007, 11:31:02 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'd say you have some issues of your own there, son.

Predictable and lame response. Who are you, cuntbag?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 07, 2007, 11:34:32 PM
C'mon, out yourself you fucking coward.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Negro Observer on September 07, 2007, 11:36:58 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'd say you have some issues of your own there, son.
Predictable and lame response. Who are you, cuntbag?

 :o  :o  :o
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 07, 2007, 11:38:07 PM
Quit clowning around, Observer...I know it's not you! :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 07, 2007, 11:39:08 PM
Damn.  People say I get worked up.

Let it go man.  It ain't no thing.

Nope.  It ain't me.  Check.  

"I just" sparked one.

puff puff pass

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Negro Observer on September 07, 2007, 11:49:17 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quit clowning around, Observer...I know it's not you! :rofl:

of course it's not wasn't implying it was. now die honky.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 07, 2007, 11:53:09 PM
you know i just went back and read some of the earlier posts
this is stupid all of it
all i can say is everything i wrote really is true
and i am a normal person really
i should be more careful of what i say and how it sounds
but it is the truth
i just know the prejudice the real horrible world looks at things with
all i can say is i hate this
i came on here, honestly because my family was scaring me
and I wanted some other people out of programs to talk about stuff with
i am a nice ordinary person
I don't talk to anyone about being in a program
or about anything
how can I?
i am afraid too
but i just know it is all so wrong
i really don't do anything
there is just so much stuff
i am a 25 year old woman
i work and go to school
there should be no "reason" anything should have happened to me
i know that i didn't diserve any of it

i also know everything I have seen is true
i really was just walking in the park in jeans and a T-shirt
and living alone quietly in a neighborhood i could afford
i really was kicked out with my mother calling the cops on my father at 18
and i don't give give fuck, and fuck you stupid people
it's a holocaust and as always and i have to watch my language
1950's fools
anyone who would put their child in PV anyway needs their head examined
or put their child on Adderall, the ADD medication
who doesn't read the prescribing info?!
or want to see where their child lives
or even talk to them without giant butch goons standing there
what the hell do you think is going on!
they are really butch too
i'm not picking on gay people
sexual predators gravitate toward
places they can work though?
is that clear enough for you?
and like that counsilors MySpace page clearly depicted
some women like other women in bondage in their underwear
looking up at them in doe eyed submissive fear
is that too horrible for your sensibilities?
you people watch TV all the time
another thing i love about my mother
she can be watching the most horrible thing on TV.
write down all the really gross graphic words used in one crime show episode sometime.
but i say something about reality and its like
shock and horror and oh my God
or they don't believe me
or act like it's ok and no big deal, or best of all my fault
that actually is the progression of what happens when I say anything around here.

perhaps i just shouldn't talk about it
or figure out how to put it better
the truth really is nuts though and sad
and i am afraid of it
i know what PV does is evil
and thank god, you guys, that other people have come out and said the same things about PV
the people out of PV all say the same thing
so what i said about PV is true
then when I tell my parents I really was attacked by the only guy I went on a date with in five years, which i think is why i won't go out on any dates, it is also true!
some of what i wrote here seems so stupid as i re read it
i just hope it doesn't help promote any prejudice
the girls i was in PV with really were normal people
i shouldn't have said anything else
nobody is anything other then ugly and horrible about this stuff
i wish people would believe me
i shouldn't have started talking about everthing
i don't know though
a war zone is a war zone
abusive situations are a little like a war zone
i think the world in general is a bit like one sometimes
unless you have a good amount of money and nice understanding family,
my stories all fit into the reality of that somehow
when i read other people's stuff they have written on different sites about abuse my stories are not so uncommon
i don't know, predatory people look for situations in which people are vulnerable,
vulnerable, like living or walking alone as a young woman or girl
wow it's so much fun to be a young girl
i'm sorry if some of the stuff i said sounds extreme or horrible
if you notice most of it, like all of it, was something I was repeating that someone else said to me, like my mom, or some sexual harassment

 I was reading what I wrote about page 20 something about people who have been sexually abused as kids sometimes sexually abuse other younger kids, and it sounded terrible
this was not the case with anyone in PV at all!!
with no one in PV this was the case!
i had been reading about kids in foster care though and so many of them were sexually abused, either by parents or foster parents or other kids,
and these programs, of which PV is only one, puts the kids in charge of each other a lot!
like we only had therapy with each other in a group, and we had to confront each other all the time and we were never allowed to be compassionate
and greatly encouraged to be mean as hell to each other
so in the programs where the kids are put in charge of each other even more then PV
there are many reports of sexual abuse
I was trying to point out how you really shouldn't put kids in charge of each other and and encourage them to be abusive and then expect such things not to happen.

i also tried badly to relate it to sexual harassment
and how catching that is and how everyone is being verbally sexually abused really.
sexual harassment is no joke
but i think it all just ended up sounding crazy and horrible

thank you so much Jersey gurl for posting and milkblood and others
for posting
PV feeds off of people that have been abused
it's like those buzzards

Everything I have said really is true
other wise i wouldn't say it like it makes sense expecting it to
try to read it like a report of somebody in a war zone or something
it makes more sense that way
or go read other peoples war stories first,
type in abuse and such online and then come back and read this horrible ramble
maybe i really do need some nice shrink to help me deal with it all
are there nice shrinks?
or do you all think they have been indoctrinated?
I'm terrified of them now
at least other people will post stuff now
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Energizer Bunny on September 07, 2007, 11:55:59 PM
Quote from: ""are we really that free?""
i wish people would believe me

i believe you. fwiw.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 08, 2007, 12:03:38 AM
Nobody's telling you not to talk about it, but when you start calling decent people racist and sexist, you're going to get a reaction.  You write volumes and expect us to keep up with it, yet you obviously don't read about other people's experiences.   I think you'd not only find that you're not alone, but maybe even pick up a few things about how some of us have tried to deal with it.  

Most of us here have been through a program.  I would venture to say that a great majority of the women survivors are also sexual abuse victims, myself included.  We understand and most of us do care.  It's a harsh world out there, believe me, I know.  I have no idea if there are specifically PV staff here or not.  There are staff from other programs that come here.  Some have 'seen the light' and are now fighting to stop the torture, some haven't.  They have no power over you anymore.  You're giving them way to much influence over you.  Write what you want, ignore the people that truly offend you, but don't be so quick to judge either.  We've been where you are.

Slow down, take a breath.  Smoke a bowl or have a glass of wine.  Relax and do some reading.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 12:17:15 AM
wow that's horrible
do you guys have anything to do with PV?
like i am a young woman out of a program
i'm trying to tell my damn war story
in peace, and i've been pretty damn decent
and like always in life
there are creepy sexually harassing guys
there to comment on everything I say or do

and i feel like
i shouldn't be saying anything,
i shouldn't be putting myself in this position
i'm making myself vulnerable to it
and then I go back and read everything I wrote
all afraid, when fuck that
I am not putting myself in some position
you creepy fucks are harassing me and breathing down my neck
I'm talking about my abusive family and the program and your telling stories about sleeping with strippers heehee, all macho
psy  and hanzamon are defending their right to use the C word,
and calling me a dumb crazy C word if i say anything about it
and i'm naively going on about the exploitation of vulnerable women
how do you think this makes me feel?
as a young women, fuck you pig
i didn't do anything here
you all did plenty
your doing it, not me
you are making this site a dangerous place to be
some where a nice girl shouldn't be, irony there people.
i'm not a nice or bad girl,
i'm just a woman who is here, talking about what she has seen
don't you see that, you do this?

i think i've been pretty nice on this site really
of course i'm angry
i have said nothing that mean to anyone up till now
but I've had it
and i will never come on here again
i don't need this crap

and if you have a child in PV get them out there this instant you idiots
this is reality people get a clue, for the love of god
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 12:23:06 AM
sorry anne bonney, i don't really expect any one to read what i write
i just am under a lot of pressure and i have seen all this stuff
and i think i'm doing some good by writing it
but i read it and i am not
because i think someone else must be going through the same things
so I'll write it down and maybe then people will believe it?
i'm done with it though
what good is it doing?
i just sound crazy and nobody will believe me
and everyone on here calls me crazy and the c word
so I'm pissed and it's horrible
and done with it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 08, 2007, 12:26:21 AM
We believe you!  Jesus Fucking Christ!  We believe you!   Seriously, calm down.  Take a breath.  By all means write.  Write to your heart's content, but sit back and read some too.  There's some good shit and even better people here.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 04:34:19 PM
To try and clarify some of the things I wrote quickly in case they seem to conflict
I thought I might have sounded odd or false when I re read what I have written
It is sometimes easy to misconstrue what people are saying
I am not sure if I explained everything well or perhaps I explained it too clearly
Without explaining properly

1 st off I got a 3.7 GPA last semester and a 3.4 GPA at the college before the one I am in now.  I am pretty proud of the 3.7 last semester.
I just worked in between post traumatic stress nausea and family craziness and work,
like hell was after me.

 Also in Boulder Colorado, where the fiancé and I lived, the strip club really is right next to the bus station, I was not just repeating something I saw on a Life time movie.
 The damn place is even called the Bus Stop! I assume this is to imply that they have a fresh crop of 18 year old girls right out of Kansas, or something.

I think I blended two girls I was in PV with together too by accident
Like the girl who had slept with two guys and the whole school was tormenting her had not cut her wrist, this was the girl who had also jumped out of a car rather then be brought back to the Village, and broke a hip and a collar bone.
I was only in STU with her for a month or two and I blended her story with another girls
She had not cut her wrist she simply was being bullied in school horribly

My family honestly, everything I said they said is completely true
I re read my first entry, which I honestly just wrote because it was all breaking over my head like a hail storm,
Could you look at it as bunker writing?
Also I am just embarrassed about repeating what my mother said in the first post
It’s just embarrassing
In my defense it was happening right then and I think I was having a reaction to it
I sound like I am seven and being abused?
I really don’t sound like that normally and I’m really not that weird
Abuse is horrible
My mothers stories of a revealing jogging out fit at twelve are ridiculous
I was a normal innocent twelve year old!
I didn’t have my first kiss till I was 14
I kissed a guy for the first time and was brutally stalked, threatened with all sorts of violence, beaten up, and molested by an adult in the same year
What my mother said just sounds so horrible in the retelling
But it is true, I have her on tape
I’m sorry how it sounds I didn’t say it?

So anyway I’m sorry if the truth sounds strange,
It doesn’t make it any less true
Talking about sexual abuse as a bad thing doesn’t mean that the woman is a woman of loose morals? Irony again please.  
Such things don’t happen to nice girls and nice girls certainly don’t talk about rape
Oh my God
Things here are ok for a war zone right now
I just don’t say anything real or controversial and nod and smile
And I clean a lot?
It’s a place to live till I can move out
Where I can study a lot!
Studying a lot, and the time to do it for a very many hours, is very very important to getting through college.

As a theme though
Don’t sexualize women in general!!!
Sex is fine, guys like women ok,
But women are people and not there in relation to sex.
There is so much sexual pressure on women and girls
And you tend to get blamed for talking about it, which empowers the creeps even more
And it is not the woman’s fault she is sexually harassed on her way to work or walking the dog or what ever
Women are not sex objects they are just people
And it has a bad effect on women to be treated that way
You think?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 04:50:27 PM
Talking about sexual abuse as a bad thing doesn’t mean that the woman is a woman of loose morals? Irony again please.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 05:01:57 PM
also I was not talking about my father or family with the racism at the Scottish inn theme restaurant story, in case, heaven forbid he ever reads this, we have a Scottish themed country club, so it could be misconstrued
that actually happened again with a real live friend of mines parents when we went out to eat for the first time, they were really extreme too
i do have some suspicions about the country club though and the catching nature of prejudice
when someone who loves ray charles and james brown  on occasion after a long day at the country club seems to have picked up some bad behaviors, you wonder about where they are hanging out
i worry you know?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 05:28:10 PM
also this site is not ok and i'm leaving
just thought i'd kick a dead horse a few more times before i did
sexist assholes :flame: your sick dangerous and abusive
so i'm getting the hell away from here
how dare you though,
how dare you do this with a site for the survivors of PV!
it's sick as hell, bastards
god of martin luther king, buddha and dogs bless everyone else
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 08, 2007, 06:38:46 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
also this site is not ok and i'm leaving

How many times is that now that you've said this? :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on September 08, 2007, 08:06:09 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
also this site is not ok and i'm leaving
How many times is that now that you've said this? :rofl:

oyyy seeems like in my break from this Fornits bullshit, everythaaaang is still the same.... What happened to the title of this thread"?  PENINSULA VILLAGE???????
hmmm.,,.,.,.  im going back to the casino... lol...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 09:47:38 PM
hey i also said something about strippers and soccer moms both doing yoga and pilates and hitting on my boyfriend
i was not correct and i would like to correct that as well
i did not mean soccer moms, I meant young yuppie women in bars in Boulder Colorado
not soccer moms, soccer moms are ok
sorry again for any confusion
and god bless with the God of butterflies and kittens and jesus
sorry, ommmmmm go toward the light but not in a suicidal religous sense
sorry again i bit your head off again Zen
you sound like someones typical older dad guy
i was just pissed because i re read what i wrote about my fun filled family life and it embarrassed me
never ever write when holy hell is raining down on your head!
expecting holy hell not to make you look bad and crazy
this is true too, trust me
people are always like, What the hell are you talking about?
a prison camp in the back woods of Tennessee for anorexics and foster kids?  But there there it is.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 09:51:09 PM
that was me too above just thought free liberty sounded cool
somebody, i'm not nuts damn it
get those kids out of PV now!!!!!
i'm going to work on this from a different angle for a while.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 09:59:23 PM
hey i didn't mean i was talking about Zen when i posted the above above above either
about sexist jerks  and so on, this isn't making it better is it?
but i wasn't, i was talking about all the other stuff on here that's horrific
and i was apologizing for getting off on the wrong foot with Zen who really is the father of a program survivor and perfectly normal sorry
i probably embarassed him, i didn't mean too
 :oops: sorry Zen you've done a lot
i never go on blogs so new format for me
perhaps i am pushing church lady at this point
some of the stuff on here though, scary and nasty as hell
i give up :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 08, 2007, 10:08:57 PM
Quote from: ""SettleForNothingLess""
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
also this site is not ok and i'm leaving
How many times is that now that you've said this? :rofl:

oyyy seeems like in my break from this Fornits bullshit, everythaaaang is still the same.... What happened to the title of this thread"?  PENINSULA VILLAGE???????
hmmm.,,.,.,.  im going back to the casino... lol...

You GO, Jersey girl!! :lol:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 10:48:43 PM
You know re reading the stuff I wrote I’m suddenly scared again
I always do this
I just go along you know?
Things will be ok for a while then it hits the fan?
At least no body here drinks heavily?
My parents sound nuts, but they are not really
They are just abusive sometimes
They have bad tempers
It all seems irrational so I ignore it

No way they would do anything? But they have repeatedly
But I get lulled into a false sense of complacency, because days pass and life goes on
you know?
But it’s like the fiancé, time goes by and it seems kinda normal and I’m busy
Next thing you know it’ severe trauma
Like PV trauma
I have saved about three thousand dollars? Maybe a bit less?
So at least I can live somewhere till I make enough working or something?
I’m not going to use it to move out now though while things are ok, because then it will just be gone, if I could find roommates I would move
I need to work on that
This is really not good i don’t think
but i really am done with this site
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 08, 2007, 10:55:43 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free liberty""
You know re reading the stuff I wrote I’m suddenly scared again
I always do this
I just go along you know?
Things will be ok for a while then it hits the fan?
At least no body here drinks heavily?

Uh oh.  Strike two.  I drink, smoke ganja and various other pleasurable substances when it strikes my fancy.

My parents sound nuts, but they are not really
They are just abusive sometimes
They have bad tempers
It all seems irrational so I ignore it

No way they would do anything? But they have repeatedly

What do you mean?

But I get lulled into a false sense of complacency, because days pass and life goes on
you know?
But it’s like the fiancé, time goes by and it seems kinda normal and I’m busy
Next thing you know it’ severe trauma
Like PV trauma
I have saved about three thousand dollars? Maybe a bit less?
So at least I can live somewhere till I make enough working or something?
I’m not going to use it to move out now though while things are ok, because then it will just be gone, if I could find roommates I would move
I need to work on that
This is really not good i don’t think
but i really am done with this site

Yeah, so we've heard.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2007, 11:14:56 PM
hey froderik i wasn't really picking on you specifically with that thoroughly pissed post
i had posted that a ways back and i was getting annoyed again with the level of general crap on this site
so i reposted it
you just happened to be the only one  talking about strippers and ho's in an obnoxious manner at the point i first posted it, so it seemed to be refering directly to you
your Pamila Anderson fetish is your own deal, talk about it to other guys  
 talking about it to a woman trying  to talk about abuse
is rude and insensitive, you think?
i'm not liking  your response at all
and i'm not trying to develop a drug problem sorry
if i wanted one I'd just go talk to a shrink anyway
your stressed and have PTS drink and smoke something
sure that ends well

the stuff on this site has been really ugly
and finally finally finally i am done and done
sorry anne bonney if you are nice but this is page hundred and something and i'm worn down and pissed
fun stuff good times
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 08, 2007, 11:25:43 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
hey froderik i wasn't really picking on you specifically with that thoroughly pissed post
i had posted that a ways back and i was getting annoyed again with the level of general crap on this site
so i reposted it
you just happened to be the only one  talking about strippers and ho's in an obnoxious manner at the point i first posted it, so it seemed to be refering directly to you
your Pamila Anderson fetish is your own deal, talk about it to other guys

Hey, don't leave us out.  Girls like to diss about Pammy just as much as the guys. We just might have a different viewpoint of her.
talking about it to a woman trying  to talk about abuse
is rude and insensitive, you think?
i'm not liking  your response at all
and i'm not trying to develop a drug problem sorry
if i wanted one I'd just go talk to a shrink anyway
your stressed and have PTS drink and smoke something
sure that ends well

Actually, I smoke to deal with the PTSD.  Its helped more than any of the damn drugs the docs had me on.  No side effects, all the benefit.

the stuff on this site has been really ugly
and finally finally finally i am done and done
sorry anne bonney if you are nice but this is page hundred and something and i'm worn down and pissed
fun stuff good times

don't apologize to me hon.  You're fine.  Just chill out a little and breathe.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 08, 2007, 11:43:25 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Still, while these barbie-doll bimbos like Paris and *sproing* Pam Anderson (with her monstrous silicone tits that look like they could shoot bullets at you) may be arousing etc, these stereotypes can be somewhat irritating after a while. There is so much more to feminine beauty that could be appreciated if you think about it...

But as much as I may look at it that way, I'm 100% against censorship.

Ratings, though....yes indeed; we get what we ask for, don't we?

It says something about us...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 08, 2007, 11:47:48 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Still, while these barbie-doll bimbos like Paris and *sproing* Pam Anderson (with her monstrous silicone tits that look like they could shoot bullets at you) may be arousing etc, these stereotypes can be somewhat irritating after a while. There is so much more to feminine beauty that could be appreciated if you think about it...

But as much as I may look at it that way, I'm 100% against censorship.

Ratings, though....yes indeed; we get what we ask for, don't we?

It says something about us...

Yep.  If she'd read anything that anyone else wrote she might not see us as being so evil.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on September 09, 2007, 02:43:29 AM
Hey I R free just saying hi from here in Thailand.

Take those 3 bones and go traveling is my suggestion.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 07:30:09 AM
wow i also can not believe i said Abigail might have had a father complex
when she slept with that old geezer.
how embarrassing never ever say the cliché thing
in response to anything
how stupid!  and nasty
when i thought about it really
i'm guessing it was matter of doing whatever it took to get the hell away from the family that  put her in PV or something along those lines
nobody but some one who was in PV can understand the level of desperation to get away from PV it puts in you
great example pretty normal 16 year old jumps out of a moving car rather then return,
there were a lot of hunger strikes, not just from the anorexic kids
it was like a girl would get in their with a problem, like anorexia or mild depression and it would be completely aggravated by being there
next thing you know they are a sobbing beaten down puddle in a hospital gown on a cot in front of staffs desk with sheer desperation in their eyes
i don't know if it's the constant restrains, the complete lack of personal privacy, complete lack ha ha ha ha bitter laughter
try complete invasion of with abuse
but it was pure hell,
i could see how it could happen for sure, I'm guessing she drank heavily
18 is so young and pretty stupid!  and the guy was  50  
that's just sexual abuse of a desperate young girl with no where to go
i hate how we treat immature adults or just kids like they are adults
PV is so bad about this,  
don't get me started on how statutory rape laws are ignored completely
in PV
i think who ever Abigail has around her now
she needs to find some people to help her out that don't try and sexually exploit her.
good luck with that one as a young women
everything PV does to you just sets a young women up to be abused later
it isolates them and does everything it can to undermine their confidence, hah ha hah bitter laugh again, confidence ha ha ha
it tells her she is worthless and deserving of horrific abuse
and makes them desperate as hell
three springs i hope you get sick and die and i mean it
about that voodoo doll and the pins in unpleasant places, you think I'm joking right? voodoo the last resource of the horrifically abused. they say anger adds effect
overbearing bullying stupid digusting pig, once a program counsilor always one
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 07:47:15 AM
thrings springs worthless pile of stupid pig shit that you are?
how do we know you are not a counselor
you sound and act a lot like them
aren't you supposed to be in the military
do you like to make americas armed forces look like a bunch of stupid goons, with no respect for women as people, your views are more like those of a marauding rapist militia then the professional army?
Man has there been a lot of stupid ball rearanging on this site
you sound like an overbearing sexist jackass
or a program staff member
do they pay you to come on here?
or do you just like to harass  and intimidate "vulnerable" program women
like when you were a counsilor?
you are on here all the time and you don't have any PTS issues
or a personal connection to PV?
why are you here then?
and you go away for three days and then come back like a staff member
and you are just a belligerent stupid asshole
do we need your pointless comments on everything i, a female survivor of this  progam, saysfucking pig, rot in hell your heading there anyway
i really fucking hate you
and i'm really damn sure your a counsilor
monster rapist Nazi horror
fucking stupid disgusting criminal
staff members are the scum you scrape off of sewage
they are child molesting monsters
PV staff are as sick and as insane as people get, they are the monsters
not the girls PV staff abuses
you are everything that has ever been wrong with this world
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on September 09, 2007, 08:05:34 AM
:lol:  :lol:

You are good for a few laughs luv. Get back on your meds.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 08:29:05 AM
"The suicide rate climbed 18 per cent from 2003 to 2004 for Americans under age 20, from 1,737 deaths to 1,985. Most suicides occurred in older teens, according to the data - the most current to date from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "

i found this on another Fornits site
ok so out of 300,000million Americans?  
we have how many million people under the age of 20
you do the math I don't do math if i can help it
but there were only 1500 to 2000. deaths from suicide in a year in the
entire US, for those under 20! in 2003

and people and the media act like it's an epidemic!
more teens die from car accidents in two counties then from suicide across the country!
but a teen can't sneeze funny without being told they might be suicidal.
this data says very very very few teens are actually suicidal
and the  what .0003% that are, probably do have some real health problem like schizophrenia and hard core depression
like the Virginia Tech guy, that guy was screaming crazy as hell
but he gets to stalk a couple people and purchase weapons
the kids at Columbine had an army trunk full of assault rifles, and grenades under their bed at their parents house!
and they were filming themselves talking about planning the murders and playing with their trunk full of weapons
and some 13 year old kid who writes in their i wish the school would blow up and I wish those who bully me at school would die ends up in a prison camp for years with no trial
and this isn't mob justice on fear stupidity and paranoia?
like from what i read, most real suicidal people seem to have a  somewhat specific health problem, or they are older and have money or health problems
i always thought this
most kids are just angry or upset about something
or goths, teens are still young
they might be reacting to something, many times pretty bad,
 but they have very very little real intent
the 19 year olds are probably just Abigail out of her relationship with the 50 year old or other program kids
i'm sorry three springs but comments like a Korean chick with a southern accent are too weird for me not to get suspicious. you all is a very useful word, what else do you call people?  what do people up north say?
you guys, you? can't remember
and anyone can pull pictures of Korea off of the internet
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 08:34:28 AM
the elderly i think are the group who kills themself a lot and men between thirty and 50? women attempt more, when their husband cheats on them with somebody or something.  the elderly do it because they are sick and in pain and often alone
why don't we lock up the elderly depressed people and restrain them! they are as about as dangerous as those girls
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 08:35:30 AM
I'm going to kill myself if you keep making posts like this. ^
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 08:45:25 AM
Hey baby you're a sweet young thing,
Still tied to Mommy's apron strings,
I don't even dare to ask your age,
It's enough to know you're here backstage,
You're Jailbait, and I just can't wait,
Jailbait baby come on

One look baby, all I need,
My decision made at lightning speed,
I don't even want to know your name,
It's enough to know you feel the same,
You're Jailbait, and I just can't wait,
Jailbait baby come on

Hey babe you know you look so fine,
Send shivers up and down my spine,
I don't care about our different ages,
I'm an open book with well thumbed pages,
You're Jailbait, and I just can't wait,
Jailbait baby come on
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 08:59:38 AM
that was calm three springs you must have actually been on vacation
maybe you are not staff
 korean people with southern accents rock!
your asain comments sound personal to me ok. i also used to live overseas
again i am trying to avoid the narcotics
they tend to make you feel good but then like crap and have bad side effects, and you do more of them because you feel like crap and they make you feel better because you feel like crap because of them,
 and if you have a big bottle of high quality mellowish ones, not the ADD crap adderall, the bi polar ones that start in C and end in pine, it's hard not to get hooked on them!
it's true that's how drugs work
so i am avoiding the free supply of drugs that don't do anything but get you high.  i really am not pushing them, drugs have nasty side effects. fucking with you brain chemestry is the best idea ever
not to mention who needs kidneys. this goes for drinking and pill eating
you hear that children!  you need your liver!
but not the drugs your doctor gives you
do you know what lithium does to your liver?
it literally kills you. i'll find an article about it
all of this stuff is horrible for your health to say the least
an PV pushes suicide somehow!
and then hands people bottles of pills
suicide is such a focus there, and they make everyone out to be suicidal even if they are not
and with the .0003% suicide rate i don't  think any of them really are
but if you make it enough of a theme and then abuse a teen horribly then give them a big bottle of something that starts in C and ends on pine
for bi polar "mood swing" disorder
bi polar mood swing disorder in translation is the person was standing in the kitchen sobing going
"why are you abusing me , why why why
are there prison camps in Appalachia arggggg"
it's not a mood swing it's sense clawing it's way up through denial
so they put them on quieting drugs
and the 19 year old abuse victim out of PV over doses on their medication
great advice there dear
to become one of the .0003%
pretty much a problem created by the indusrtry i would say
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 09:17:06 AM
i meant clonazepam klonopine ? i think they are called
yes i don't want a big bottle of them really
submit obey submit obey
i give up who cares give me drugs
damn it throw some amphetamines in there while your at it
i have ADD too probably right?
submit obey submit obey
fucking Valley of the dolls
death in a bottle
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 09:21:13 AM
that's nice Lemmy
we know I'm old ugly fat  and hairy right with zits
with years and years of pent up feminist rage and a lot of knives and tazers
the guy never goes to jail at PV that's the point just the 15 year old foster kid anyway
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 09:23:28 AM
that's nice Lemmy
we know I'm old ugly fat  and hairy right with zits right?
with years and years of pent up feminist rage and a lot of knives and tazers and if you kill me I'll come back from the grave and haunt you with feminist rants till you eat a big bottle of adderall and your head explodes
the guy never goes to jail at PV that's the point just the 15 year old foster kid anyway
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 09:40:57 AM
i'm just thinking too
really crazy people, like schizophrenics and such
i see them wandering around all the the time
and how often do you hear about them hurting somebody either?
just  go down town there are a bunch of them
it's all just hype is what i'm saying
and it is not at all reflective of reality
also nobody seems to care about them, i guess they don't have insurance
so nobody gets any money
they just closed down the state institution and kicked all the real crazy folks out,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 09:45:30 AM
I'm gonna say somethin' to you
I don't care how you feel
You just don't realize
You got yourself a good deal
She's nineteen years old
And got ways just like a baby child
Nothin' I can do to please her
To make this young woman feel satisfied
I'm gonna say this to you
I don't care if you get mad
You about the prettiest little girl
That I ever had
She's nineteen years old
And got ways just like a baby child
Nothin' I can do to please her
To make this young woman feel satisfied
(What kind of woman is that?)
Can't ask her where she's going
She tells me where she's been
She starts a conversation
That don't have no end
She's nineteen years old
And got ways just like a baby child
Nothin' I can do to please her
Whoah, yeah!
Whoah, yeah!
Whoah, yeah!
To make this young woman feel satisfied
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 09:51:32 AM
creepy asshole what did i say about the voodoo doll
you think i'm kidding?
am i talking to you pig?!!  is it my fault your mind works in twisted ways    sexually harassing asshole
fuck off and die painfully
 sexual harassment as a strong arm tactic is so fucking cute
rot in hell
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 09:59:08 AM
Love that young stuff!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 10:27:51 AM
young stuff is for the castration of rapists,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 10:30:29 AM
Gotta love that hot young 'tang!!  :rofl:
Title: Back to the Topic
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 10:34:38 AM
PV is part of a similar corporate structure, but on a smaller scale. Recent comments from Covenant Health President and CEO TONY SPEZIA indicate that he has no REAL idea of what goes on at PV.
Indeed a recent claim by Steve Petty, director of admissions for PV that restraints are used "very infrequently" indicate HE has no REAL idea of what goes on at PV either.

From another thread. ... highlight= (

This is it in a nutshell: "making money for the stockholder." But really, mostly, for the movers and shakers at the top of the heap. All these companies buying and selling each other, transactions constantly going on. Discussions, negotiations, emails, paper changing hands. It's making money for a select few, with virtually zero connection to what is actually going on down in the real world, where there are tangibles such as body parts, blood, tears, smells, lives in limbo, and real authentic souls, with hopes and dreams mostly never realized...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 09, 2007, 10:48:42 AM
You have a good point....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 11:12:22 AM
this is true i think we so rarely saw higher level staff
never anyone like steve perry.  
maybe once or twice at some PV function,
we were all cleaned up and eating ice cream
i do know that i'm not buying ignorance
sure they never come to STU or the cabins but
he has to know what is going on?
i m not buying ignorance
it's right there
i remeber looking at the higher ups, the two times i saw them and thinking, who the hell are you?
they look so normal and human almost
we never saw them
i think they probably just like to pick up a pay check
they certainly never work with the kids
also even middle higher ups, we saw once in a great while
most/ all of life in PV is with daily staff and guys like Bob Pegler or that horrible male nurse.
no one oversees them?  
they have to file reports and such?
i don't know
i can't see how any of it is legal, i can't believe that Health and Human services, and Foster care never stop by to see what the hell goes on!
they never visit STU or the cabins, do they visit at all?
It's just like here have a foster kid and some money, she was sexually abused or her father died. and then they don't even bother to look in on the place where they put them? huh
nobody oversees these places?
but they don't,
staff never stoped beating us for a week because the department of human services inspector was coming by?  
that is what i was so amazed by
and why they get away with so much
no books? free time?  school two days a week?
porta pottys, and no running water
 i was there so i know it's true
maybe foster care thinks that these places are being overseen
like they probably talk to Steve Perry!
but they never see where the teens live
or interview them  
foster kids talk to a social worker in family therapy once in a while, but it is like the rest of family therapy, on PV's time to schedule, and to not schedule if they are not spouting the party line
you think it would just be like the health inspecter
any bugs under this rock? cockroaches in the kitchen, are you hiring illegals and beating up on them, no good. carry on.
but it's not
never saw any body from outside of PV that stopped in to make sure everything was above the board
hell even from inside Covenant health nobody

i also thought that those suicide rates that i found on another Fornits site sounded a bit  low so i went and looked them up
here is what I found under the search
"suicide rates teens Centers for disease control and prevention"

"In 2004, suicide was the third leading cause of death among youths and young adults aged 10--24 years in the United States, accounting for 4,599 deaths"
this Center for disease Control article includes up till 24 year olds and is for a different year.
but I know this number is real
it is still low.
please tell me how to get to the other article
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 11:20:58 AM
third leading cause of death :roll:
with 5000 10-24 year olds, out of millions
what are the other causes, lets see
natural causes, and car crashes hmmm
how the hell else are they going to die? stalkers?
That's the number one way female office workers die, stalker or ex.
how else is there to die?
fatal accident, aren't those natural causes?
drug overdose? Isn't that suicide?
i knew people didn't die that often
 TV and the media are like death this and death that
oh they commit suicide, what drama

I've known of a lot of stuff to happen but death is a rarity unless by health problem or age.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 03:10:00 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
this is true i think we so rarely saw higher level staff
never anyone like steve perry.  

I always wondered what happened to him after he left Journey.  It figures he'd end up at PV, the squealy, high-pitched weeny boy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 03:26:42 PM
what was Journey?  
three springs i didn't mean  to be horrible
but i told you all six times at least enough  with the damn guy talk
it didn't seem like the place for it
just think about it
i say statutory rape of foster kids is a bad thing and you all say
"I love that hot young tang?"
and you expect me not to be angry scared and pissed off by that?
stupid sick fucks
come on give me a break
if you can prove your really in Korea, somehow
i'll send you some cookies or something
I still think Steve Perry's on here
A women out of a program says
"programs should recognize that LAWS like statutory rape exist, and that the 15 year old really is not asking for it"
and the chorus comes back with
"i'm well thumbing your book"
so sexual slurs and implications that by talking about abuse
the women is asking for it.  
nice really nice
sounds like steve perry the weeny logic to me

he knows eveything that goes on of course
he just doesn't get his hands dirty and the teens never see him
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 05:45:09 PM
ok re reading this sites crap
what a bunch of scary pigs
got to be staff most of them!
fuck apologizing
I'm not going to be shut up!!!!
got got got to be staff
although men do the same thing anytime you try and talk about sexism, especially sexual harassment
assholes fuck the fruit and cookie basket, i'm back to castration
I'm really not going to be shut up!
that's my point on here
i"m not a fucking sucker for punishment,  I'm just really pissed!
my point is to say important things that people always seem to try and shut you up in relation too
like you can't make ends meet and get away from an abusive family working minimum wage and going to college
abuse has long term side effects like terrifying nightmares and that  people out of programs diserve monetary compensation!
Women and girls are sexually exploited and any program in place to help them should recognize this and it's not all the teens fault
and that places like PV, that make a enormous amount of money off of abuse and therefore hype the kids as worse then they are.
and that PV is a nightmare and Communist China and the holocaust exist and existed and we should not trust people so much
the only thing that keeps a lot of people from robbing others blind and doing terrible things to them is that they can't for fear of laws
i think this is all staff bullshit otherwise why all the sexually harassing crap?
my family is terrifying ok,
i repeat stuff my mom said about me as a preteen because it is over the top abusive.  
it's like repeating any war story.  
i would have never expected some monsterous pig to do something horrible with that on a site for survivors!
again fuck the fruit basket going with castration
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 06:00:03 PM
you know what really sucks
staff can do what they want on such sites and then just go,
"well it's crazy people out of a program talking, whatever do you expect"
who ever you pigs are you make PV people look bad
the actual suvivors, like Jersey Gurl she's smart as a tack
and Milkblood sounds a sweet as can be
DieYuppieScum makes Tom Sawyer references, and some about nose picking but that's men for you!
Hearttoheart scandel sounded nice and very normal too
what the hell happened to that thread anyway?
with Hearttoheartscandal getting restrained on chicken wire for throwing a tissue box!
they torture the girl and she gets restrained for throwing a tissue box because she wanted to go home with her mom!
and they restrain her on chicken wire, and she starts blacking out and bleeding everywhere.  that was a great thread, where did it go?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 07:53:39 PM
Quote from: ""free hates you!""
you know what really sucks

Yep, the mouths of young females!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2007, 08:00:35 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""free hates you!""
you know what really sucks
Yep, the mouths of young females!

 :rofl:  :rofl:  ::nod::  ::bwahaha::  ::bwahaha2::  :nworthy:  :rofl:  :wave:  ::rocker::  :silly:   :smokin:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 03:39:21 PM
I really really really really hate PV staff
I really really really hate shrinks too
have you read any Freud?
the father of psychology?
that is the sickest most warped human being next to Hitler ever
Jung is ok, but way damn out there
i ve taken psych classes and they are barely medicine
easiest A I ever got
Freud relates everything back to sex, everything, little kids and going to the bathroom, all have to do with sex
honestly the guy was an insane pervert
sick and twisted as hell
Freud should have never been allowed near anyone
especially women and children
he was a coccain addict too
coccain was a new drug and Freud decided it was a wonder drug
after a good long while of doing it and giving out to his patients he decided it wasn't so great after all
he also slept with a great many of his female patients
anyone who can read freud and not go this guy was sick and insane
is sick and insane
Freud is an infestation in society, look how I refered to poor Abigail as having a father complex
he's something for disgusting people who think they are smart to spout at dinner parties
all of this stuff is very easy to find go research it

you all are PV staff for sure
otherwise why grill me?
very nice sexually harassing me and making sexual implications
so that i appear discredited
that is so PV, it really really is
pig child molesting nazi monsters.
i'm not the one with the horrible Karma here
i'm going to have a nice safe peaceful life
with sane non warped people
who treat life and others with good common sense and don't follow a guy who believes all of life comes down to an Oedipus complex
disgusting rapist child molesting monster Nazi pigs
again about those voodoo dolls
you creatures are the devils of this world
without things like you it would be a great place
and i didn't dehumanize you
you dehumanized yourselves by what you do at PV
you are vultures and leeches
you are worse then worthless you are Nazis
you know what you are, you live in your head
you feed off of abused children  
you should go to jail for what you do!
and if there is any justice in this world people create, someday you will

somebody go in and interview every girl in STU right now!
PV is not a state unto itself
where Steve Perry and Bob Pegler get to watch their victims suffer
they are like that Dungeon Master guy that they just arrested
keeping some 16 year old girl locked in his basement
and torturing her for fun
think about what the theme has been on here?
young girls like abuse
what did the dungeon master guy say when they caught him?
what do they always say, those kind of sick monsters?
they like it or they diserve it!
that is also easy to find documented everywhere.

PV is not it's own country.  we have multipe accounts of serious abuse
someone interview those girls, and see where they actually live
you shouldn't be able to isolate teenage young women and boys
so completely and hold them prisoner!
without trail and any contact whatsoever with the outside world!
if sexual abuse comes up in this account
it is because sexual abuse is a very very very common form of abuse
i said the things i did on this site
because i found them so ridiculously abusive, a freshmen in highschool or seventh grader is not responsible for being molested by an adult who beat her up so badly she had to get stiches and still has scars!
i was using it as an example of abuse
i thought that ordinary people would look at that and simply go that is ridiculous and abusive, and that it showed, because it is the truth,
the true horrific nature of abuse
instead I get sexual slurs?
you people are monsters, sick child molesting Nazi pig monsters
and you should all go to jail

somebody go into PV, and see what goes on there
for the love of God
PV is not a foreign country
you can't just buy forty acres and set up your own prison camp country
to "help" abuse victims
and then torture them!  
that place is a torturers dream
someone just get a court order and go interview the teens
and see where they live!!!!
Jesus Christ, of course horrific things are going to happen if people just let them, places like PV have to have really strict oversite
otherwise you just get a bunch of Nazis abusing abuse victims
it's happened almost every time with such situations
its a sad fact of human nature
abusers gravitate toward or create places they can abuse
i don't want anything more to do with any of this for a while
come on people,
i am going outside where there are flowers and blue sky and no monsters
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 03:43:49 PM
PV is not it's own country. we have multipe accounts of serious abuse
someone interview those girls, and see where they actually live
you shouldn't be able to isolate teenage young women and boys
so completely and hold them prisoner!
without trail and any contact whatsoever with the outside world!
if sexual abuse comes up in this account
it is because sexual abuse is a very very very common form of abuse
i said the things i did on this site
because i found them so ridiculously abusive, a freshmen in highschool or seventh grader is not responsible for being molested by an adult who beat her up so badly she had to get stiches and still has scars!
i was using it as an example of abuse
i thought that ordinary people would look at that and simply go that is ridiculous and abusive, and that it showed, because it is the truth,
the true horrific nature of abuse
instead I get sexual slurs?
you people are monsters, sick child molesting Nazi pig monsters
and you should all go to jail

somebody go into PV, and see what goes on there
for the love of God
PV is not a foreign country
you can't just buy forty acres and set up your own prison camp country
to "help" abuse victims
and then torture them!
that place is a torturers dream
someone just get a court order and go interview the teens
and see where they live!!!!
Jesus Christ, of course horrific things are going to happen if people just let them, places like PV have to have really strict oversite
otherwise you just get a bunch of Nazis abusing abuse victims
it's happened almost every time with such situations
its a sad fact of human nature
abusers gravitate toward or create places they can abuse
i don't want anything more to do with any of this for a while
come on people,
i am going outside where there are flowers and blue sky and no monsters
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 03:45:15 PM
PV is not it's own country. we have multipe accounts of serious abuse
someone interview those girls, and see where they actually live
you shouldn't be able to isolate teenage young women and boys
so completely and hold them prisoner!
without trail and any contact whatsoever with the outside world!
if sexual abuse comes up in this account
it is because sexual abuse is a very very very common form of abuse
i said the things i did on this site
because i found them so ridiculously abusive, a freshmen in highschool or seventh grader is not responsible for being molested by an adult who beat her up so badly she had to get stiches and still has scars!
i was using it as an example of abuse
i thought that ordinary people would look at that and simply go that is ridiculous and abusive, and that it showed, because it is the truth,
the true horrific nature of abuse
instead I get sexual slurs?
you people are monsters, sick child molesting Nazi pig monsters
and you should all go to jail

somebody go into PV, and see what goes on there
for the love of God
PV is not a foreign country
you can't just buy forty acres and set up your own prison camp country
to "help" abuse victims
and then torture them!
that place is a torturers dream
someone just get a court order and go interview the teens
and see where they live!!!!
Jesus Christ, of course horrific things are going to happen if people just let them, places like PV have to have really strict oversite
otherwise you just get a bunch of Nazis abusing abuse victims
it's happened almost every time with such situations
its a sad fact of human nature
abusers gravitate toward or create places they can abuse
i don't want anything more to do with any of this for a while
come on people, i hate men too and the TV
i am going outside where there are flowers and blue sky and no monsters
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 04:05:48 PM
and PV has no right to call itself Behavioral therapy
behavioral therapy involves rewarding good behaviors and punishing bad
like i said psychology is not rocket science
it also involves training the brain to work in new more positive ways
they have proven in studies that long term serious abuse does not train your brain to do anything good!
and PV doesn't reward good behavior and punish bad
it just beats the teens up like some abusive drunken parent
which is who they are getting away from in the first place half the time
abusing people is not therapy  :roll:  :flame:
they don't ever reward you fro good behavior
they abuse you horrifically no matter how hard you try :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :flame:  :flame:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :P  :P  :P
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 04:07:08 PM
i'm happy because you are being exposed monsters
go get molested in jail where you belong for your crimes
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 10, 2007, 04:26:05 PM
Young teacher, the subject
Of schoolgirl fantasy
She wants him so badly
Knows what she wants to be
Inside her there's longing
This girl's an open page
Book marking - she's so close now
This girl is half his age

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me

Her friends are so jealous
You know how bad girls get
Sometimes it's not so easy
To be the teacher's pet
Temptation, frustration
So bad it makes him cry
Wet bus stop, she's waiting
His car is warm and dry

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me

Loose talk in the classroom
To hurt they try and try
Strong words in the staffroom
The accusations fly
It's no use, he sees her
He starts to shake and cough
Just like the old man in
That book by Nabakov

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 10, 2007, 11:31:15 PM
Quote from: ""Sting""
Young teacher, the subject
Of schoolgirl fantasy
She wants him so badly
Knows what she wants to be
Inside her there's longing
This girl's an open page
Book marking - she's so close now
This girl is half his age

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me

Her friends are so jealous
You know how bad girls get
Sometimes it's not so easy
To be the teacher's pet
Temptation, frustration
So bad it makes him cry
Wet bus stop, she's waiting
His car is warm and dry

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me

Loose talk in the classroom
To hurt they try and try
Strong words in the staffroom
The accusations fly
It's no use, he sees her
He starts to shake and cough
Just like the old man in
That book by Nabakov

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me

 ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: milkblood on September 10, 2007, 11:47:59 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 11, 2007, 12:27:11 AM
On a more realistic note
A neighbors daughters science teacher just had to resign for getting caught video taping the girls changing into bathing suits for a science experiment
do you remember most of your high school teachers?
Not Sting
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 11, 2007, 12:34:48 AM
on another note, an old boyfriend from 20 or so's
father was caught video taping him in the bathroom
speaking of weed Anne Bonney
that kid had weed that smelled like juicy fruit
i'm not sure how I feel about weed
i fell out of the habit
i guess it's like alcohol but actually better for you really
in moderation perhaps,
when i was younger, now i don't get drunk really?  like i don't drink very much now but if I did it doesn't seem to have the same effect on me as it did as a kid
as a kid three drinks and i was drunk and add a joint and i was really drunk
just think kids should keep that in mind so nothing happens to them
Hi milk blood watch out this thread is weird
hope life is treating you well
i have to go to bed, have class in the morning
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on September 11, 2007, 12:36:55 AM
I had some really cool teachers in high school. Mr. Green my 9th grade science teacher taught us some cool stuff with magnesium. Mrs. Bowden my 10th grade civics teacher actually demanded we do work. The jocks hated her.

Had a few other good ones.

funny though.. the crappy ones I can't seem to remember their names with the exception of one.

Mr. Moore.. this asshat is still the High school football coach and all around loser. How many young men who have forsaken their chance at a decent education and their future health on the grid iron to sate this asshole's ego is beyond me.

the rest of the crappy ones I just can't remember.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 11, 2007, 12:40:55 AM
Quote from: ""free wants PV staff in ja""
On a more realistic note
A neighbors daughters science teacher just had to resign for getting caught video taping the girls changing into bathing suits for a science experiment
do you remember most of your high school teachers?
Not Sting

Yep.  I remember him getting fired for assaulting about 5 or 6 of us.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 11, 2007, 12:44:41 AM
Quote from: ""free says PV is hell""
on another note, an old boyfriend from 20 or so's
father was caught video taping him in the bathroom
speaking of weed Anne Bonney
that kid had weed that smelled like juicy fruit
i'm not sure how I feel about weed
i fell out of the habit
i guess it's like alcohol but actually better for you really
in moderation perhaps,
when i was younger, now i don't get drunk really?  like i don't drink very much now but if I did it doesn't seem to have the same effect on me as it did as a kid
as a kid three drinks and i was drunk and add a joint and i was really drunk
just think kids should keep that in mind so nothing happens to them
Hi milk blood watch out this thread is weird
hope life is treating you well
i have to go to bed, have class in the morning

Yep, that's because PV/Straight and all the others lie and tell everyone they're an alcoholic, addicted and will DIE if they leave.

don't believe the hype.  The vast, VAST.....I repeat majority of kids grow out of the behaviors that are scaring the shit out of their parents.

Did I mention vast?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on September 11, 2007, 12:46:58 AM

Please repeat the word vast several more times for emphasis.

That is all.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 11, 2007, 12:52:41 AM

I really mean it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Karass on September 11, 2007, 06:31:18 AM
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""
I had some really cool teachers in high school.

I had a chemistry teacher who let a few kids make N2O -- and sample it -- in his classroom after school one day. That same year I had a biology teacher who allowed a few pot plants to be grown in class --- from student-supplied seeds of course -- during the part of the semester when we studied botany. There were times where hallways and even classrooms had the aroma of freshly smoked weed. Not often, but at least a few times a semester. In between classes, dozens of kids stepped outside to the designated student smoking area to have a quick smoke before running off to their next class. The vice principal routinely monitored the smoking area in between classes to try to make sure students were only smoking cigarettes -- he wasn't too successful at enforcing that.

Yes, I had several cool teachers in high school, and they were somehow allowed to tolerate quite a lot. In spite of all the weirdness of the 70s, it was a great time to be in high school.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Oz girl on September 11, 2007, 07:49:02 AM
Wow. That was a seriously laidback school you attended!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on September 11, 2007, 07:54:58 AM
I bet they even learned things there.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 11, 2007, 09:24:40 AM
Karass- in what city, state did you attend school?

I wish I had been sent to the Experimental High School (in Baltimore, MD) instead of Straight Inc.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Karass on September 11, 2007, 01:14:06 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Karass- in what city, state did you attend school?

It was (still is) a public high school in one of the northwest suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. The school district had a lot of money, although the demographics of the students were an odd mix of urban lower middle class, nouveu riche upper middle class and a few farm kids.

Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""
I bet they even learned things there.

Damn right. They had some incredibly talented, credentialed and well-paid teachers. Despite what I wrote before -- stuff that would horrify parents today (and back then too, if the parents knew the whole truth) -- most of the kids I graduated with went on to college, even most of the stoners.

There are lots of measures of success, but since we Americans tend to focus on careers and money, I'll go there. Among the couple dozen people I have kept track of through mutual friends, several are doctors, a couple are high powered lawyers, a few are engineers, and a few are business owners or executives. One of the most interesting is a guy who was a stoner and a dealer in high school. He was near the top of the list of people we all thought of as "most likely to end up in prison," but now he's a multi-millionaire (all on legit businesses, AFAIK). But even most of those doctors, lawyers, business execs, etc. were people who broke a few laws back in their teen years and even got caught in some cases.

It's weird and scary to me to think of what would've happened to all of us if we had been born a decade or two later. Programs, jail, etc. Hell, even the cops were cooler back then. There were a few times I was out with friends and ended up in an unpleasant encounter with the cops. Sometimes they just took the weed, gave us a lecture and sent us on our way. If they really wanted to teach us a lesson, they called our parents and told them to pick us up at the police station.

I don't recall anyone ever being arrested. I don't recall more than a few physical altercations on campus in 4 years there. No weapons, no metal detectors at the door, none of that crap that is so common today. And the vast majority of us grew out of the teen rebellion stuff and turned out just fine.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 11, 2007, 01:19:05 PM
Quote from: ""Karass""
And the majority of us grew out of the teen rebellion stuff and turned out just fine.

Told ya!

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on September 11, 2007, 01:49:48 PM
Quote from: ""free wants you in jail""
i am going outside where there are flowers and blue sky and no monsters

If you don't mind, I'm going to borrow this quote. I really liked it. Somehow expresses what I'm feeling these days quite eloquently.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on September 13, 2007, 12:54:35 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on September 13, 2007, 12:54:56 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on September 13, 2007, 04:51:21 PM
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""

Please repeat the word vast several more times for emphasis.

That is all.

I have never conformed w/the norm;  however vast the majority may be, I still don't quite fit.  

Where does that 'blanket' leave people like me who are 'wandering' in our own way?

And I have all my windows open, lots of fresh air and the beautiful afternoon's not helping enough.

'theMonsters' keep finding me...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on September 13, 2007, 09:22:49 PM
Quote from: ""3xsaSeedling""
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""

Please repeat the word vast several more times for emphasis.

That is all.
I have never conformed w/the norm;  however vast the majority may be, I still don't quite fit.  

Where does that 'blanket' leave people like me who are 'wandering' in our own way?

And I have all my windows open, lots of fresh air and the beautiful afternoon's not helping enough.

'theMonsters' keep finding me...

Try locking your children in the basement. That might keep the little monsters away. Throw a playstation, some mountain dew, candy, and a few games down their and flee at top speed.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2007, 11:26:21 PM
hey i went back and read everything since the beginning of the posts
I came to one conclusion
this site has a lot of PV or other program staff on it
no doubts at all
it makes sense of course
no business wants bad publicity on the internet

so for all you parents out there
this is what PV therapy is like
a great deal of it
it has the exact pattern and themes
the real deal
it was just so much fun to play decoy,
actually it was not especially fun
and it took me far too long to figure it all out completely
but duh, they are about as subtle as a hole in your head
PV staff are not very good at anything other then bullying
the nature of the job i think attracts that type personality
notice a sexual theme too?
i told you they verbally sexually abuse the kids in PV!

but i think in the long run it's good
so every one will get to see
what the teens there are going through

It is totally PV staff on this site for certainno doubts about it
for sure, PV staff
are they not cute charming creatures!?
so there, you get to meet the monsters first hand
say hello to the nice parents PV staff
I think you are more exposed on here then you usually are
hah hah hah hah hah

sorry about my self doubting and tough posturing toward the last few posts,  the influence of others has an effect
and the excessive use of the F word
i didn't want to seem wimpy or for censorship
i'm not the church lady i'm not I'm not
i really am not
but yes for certain,
go back and read from the beginning or so
many of these ugly characters are PV staff

thanks guys for illustrating so clearly what me and other survivors have been trying to report
examples are always good
a picture is worth a thousand words

you really are not the brightest critters out there are you??
hah hah hah hah hah hah  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

again a lot of these people are PV staff!!!!!
it's all exactly what they do
no doubts at all any more
PV staff is dumb as a box of rocks
and abusive as hell
they practically say it on at least a couple posts.
just go back and read  
it really really really really is PV staff!!!!!
man are they stupid!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on September 13, 2007, 11:35:43 PM
hey free check out the PV video
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 13, 2007, 11:38:50 PM
Yeah Mokara, there may be staff here, but we're[/b] here too, remember?  Other survivors. Most of us have been through what you have and understand how hurt you've been.

Once again, slow down.  Read a little.  Follow some of the links that other survivors have provided to you.  If there is someone in particular you feel you could talk to, Private Message them.  There are people here who care about what happened  then and what you're going through now.

I wish you peace girl.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2007, 11:40:01 PM
how do i find the PV video
this does sound interesting
how are you?  i hope life is treating well!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on September 14, 2007, 05:53:09 PM
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""
Quote from: ""3xsaSeedling""
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""

Please repeat the word vast several more times for emphasis.

That is all.
I have never conformed w/the norm;  however vast the majority may be, I still don't quite fit.  

Where does that 'blanket' leave people like me who are 'wandering' in our own way?

And I have all my windows open, lots of fresh air and the beautiful
afternoon's not helping enough.

'theMonsters' keep finding me...

Try locking your children in the basement. That might keep the little monsters away. Throw a playstation, some mountain dew, candy, and a few games down their and flee at top speed.

I wasn't referring to my kids...  They lock me in the basement when I get out of control.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 03:42:07 PM
I wanted to say something really quickly about different schools
It may have seemed like I came down on schools pretty harshly
This was not the point I wished to make
My family moved a lot when I was a kid
And because of this I got to experience many different school situations
Lucky me
What this showed me though was what a difference a good caring safe school can make
As opposed to what I would call a toxic one
As a teen and child growing up, I would find at one school I would be happy and doing very well and the kids around me seemed healthy and there were not any problems with drinking or sexual harassment or bullying
Another school, the teachers were nasty as a hell and there were problems with bullying and sexual harassment or drinking and such that were not addressed
Because of this experience again I think I was able to contrast the different situations
Like I said at one school I would be happy and doing well
At another I would not be doing well and I did not want to be there at all and many dangerous things happened to me
I will say I did actually have more positive experiences at your average American suburban public school.  
I learned a lot and the negative factors, such as bullying were pretty low and my teachers were caring and non abusive, this may have just been those schools though.
even year to year might make a difference
a different group of adults is a big change  
I think what I cam away thinking from this is that different attitudes held by schools make a big difference as to the health of the students

Also I am afraid I seemed anti gay or bisexual
I am not so, if you took all the bisexuals out of the arts since the beginning of human  history, we would loose a large percentage of great artists
I also know many wonderful gay and lesbian people
I do think that gays, lesbians or bisexuals are just like straight men and women
There are those that are sexually aggressive and there are those that are not fun to be stuck in a room with
I think the percentages for straight men and women are the same as those for gay people
I do think though, that people need to be aware that just because someone is of the same sex as a person does not mean they could not be sexually dangerous
I also think places like PV attract those with abusive tendencies
For example that PV counselor who’s MySpace page depicted many pictures of women in bondage,
this was not just one or two pictures with some one in fuzzy handcuffs holding a whip or something silly,
this was many pictures depicting a specific sort of  sexual situation,  The counselor is a lesbian bondage photographer
Unfortunately the woman removed her more graphic site and now only people she allows can access her remaining site
If you go to the prompt listed under one of the first postings on Cafety though, you can still go to her MySpace page, although you can’t view her photography,
Her quote that is still up, is pretty telling though
“The camera will make you Godâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on September 18, 2007, 04:25:31 PM
Mokara, you asked to help in bringing PV to answer for their abuses.  Would you call the Tennessee Dep't of Mental Health?  Call here, or email this investigator:  Julie Ann Cox, 865-594-2821. email: [email protected]

Let them know what happened to you, and what you saw happening there, it would be invaluable.  Thanks.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on September 18, 2007, 04:51:04 PM
the PV video is under the thread of that name... check it out
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on September 18, 2007, 04:51:45 PM
Mokara, Ive been greeat how abut yoou?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 07:59:30 PM
Hey too
One of my favorite teachers in elementary school was the really nice music and theater teacher
He was gay and had been with the school for forever and a day
He had a husband all though I don’t suppose a legal church one
And they had been together for forever and a day
And the husband also worked for the public school system
That guy was the nicest most fun teacher ever
It seems funny that the church is against gay marriage
Doesn’t the church want everyone to settle down and behave themselves
No late hours and cute guys and such, just American gothic?
Seems like they should want everyone married off  

I've been good,
I have a Latin class this semester
because i'm political science and it's horrible
did you know that all the endings of the words change in Latin depending on all sorts of strange things.
my heads going to explode I swear, ARGH
i thought it would be easy because it's a Romance language
never take it unless it is required or you already had it somewhere
also i found this blue topaz designer bracelet on ebay for $20.00
i love ebay, you should check out the cheap jewlery
they have the same stuff as department stores only for so much better prices,
family is behaving some what
I've been cleaning a lot, it seems to be good PR, it's hard to yell at someone who just cleaned a bathroom
hey i'm sorry about any misunderstandings Zen
I was rereading over all the stuff that we and everyone posted
and i think we kicked some ass!!
i'm sure this will do some good
way to go everyone!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 08:12:03 PM
in my defense too
i limit myself to one under 25.00 item on ebay a month
it's about all i spend money on short of necessities
i hope life is treating everyone well on here?
I wonder if anything is happening to PV?
I will certainly file a complaint Zen
i just wish someone would tell us if anything happens
like social services goes in and starts interviewing the teens and such
oh well i guess we will just have to wait and see if somebody posts something, hey anyone that knows anything
let us know please
also any people who were in PV that haven't posted an account of their experiences, please do so!
it doesn't have to be long,
i know people are busy and not everyone is on the computer all the time, i have a bunch of online classes, so i'm here anyway
it is important that as many accounts as possible are collected
file a complaint too with the above people too, i will asap
thanks everyone and good work!!
you guys are great people!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 18, 2007, 08:28:20 PM
You're one of my favorites here Free/Moraka and I'm glad you're doing well  ::dove::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 18, 2007, 08:30:27 PM
hey i found the PV video
very cool!  
sorry about wasting space with my ebay habit
but Settlefornothingless you have to check out the jewelry
try smoky quartz bracelets they are so nice and so under 20.00!!
what is the deal with that Doctor Adam McLain?  
he was not there when i was
he has some licensing issues I see from the video?
what is the dirt on him exactly?
at least he's not drunk and parking on the express way I guess !
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on September 18, 2007, 08:56:05 PM
McLain...When the roll is called up yonder, he WON'T be there.  Thanks for filing a complaint, Mokara.  We'll get PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 19, 2007, 01:11:08 AM
Hey also,
I did not want to seem anti military
Because I said the two guys who attacked me were white clean cut and had buzz cuts
and the one guy said he had been in Bosnia and Japan
I don’t think they were military
I think they were that type that pretends to be military for some warped reason
Kinda like a lot of the PV staff,
this has been mentioned a couple times
I think Dieyuppiescum had a quote about counselor Todd Roberts that was pretty telling
Something like, stop trying to act like you were in the military you never were?
None of the staff had actually ever been in the military, of course, I don’t think.
I have a cousin who’s been on several tours in Iraq already,
 he’s very professional and serious and a very nice person,
My dad’s best friend from college is career military and he’s the nicest human
 a great influence on my dad
my grandfather is career air force
creepy men who impersonate military and attack random women or beat up on foster kids
not military and a whole different scenario
the flasher was far too fat to be in the military anyway
 perhaps dishonorable discharge for being dangerous

also again anyone who was in PV please post something!
You don’t have to say anything personal
In fact it’s probably better if you don’t
No comment on my long personal embarrassing ramble
Just post an anonymous account of what PV was like
Nothing about yourself or why you were in there.  
Don’t log in or give anyone your email
Under Cafety’s log in just give a fake email
It works fine.  

yes i am certain God wants nothing to do with PV staff
and can you blame her, it
but do we have specific dirt on McLain?
thank you hanzomon4
i like most humans respond well to compliments
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 01:34:55 PM
i think i figured it out
teens need to be told the risk of what ever it is they are doing
i actually got the idea off some army guy on TV talking about hurricanes
but it seemed a good strategy
teaching people how to assess the risk factors, and making people aware of the risk factors?
teens don't understand really why what they do is dangerous
and parents and other adults are often vague
there is a lot of yelling too, and moralizing
which alienates teens and they get upset and they run right out and do whatever you tell them not to,
or what other people, who don't have their best interests in hand, want them to do
i guess maybe just talking to them calmly about the real dangers of drinking and drugs and sex and such, like sexual predators,
 teach them about life?
teens want to be cool and have fun and go to a party
they are really naive, they want to be in love or have a crush
basically teens are still kids
they can be reasoned with though, maybe
i find children hard to reason with
but while childish they are not stupid and they tend to reject weirdness
like PV, you can't abuse someone horribly and then expect them to really take to heart what you said
it just alienates them and hurts them
and they run right out and drink or do drugs or something
the teens are not purposely being bad
the are just inexperienced and in over their heads
so any way risk assessment and then awareness explained in a clear and calm manner?
listen as well of course, keep yelling to  a minimum.
this works for homework too, i think a lot of teens need someone to sit down with them and teach them study skills
i think they tend to get overwhelmed and then they feel like they can't do the work,
if you can teach them they can do the work and how,
they start to feel better about themselves
the pressure around school lets up
and they start to be less self destructive or reactive

also what is with the damn Brittany Spears crap on every TV channel
why is it always the women on TV that are acting over sexualized and stupid?
it's like a morality tale
are there not male child stars behaving badly?
men are just as bad as women by far
why are only women depicted this way on the TV?
and who the hell is Brittany Spears anyway?
or Lindsey Lohan?  she was in a couple b kids movies?
why are these people on CNN?
are there no other stars, that are actually stars,
I'm sorry being a teeny bopper pop person does not make you anyone?
why all this focus on these few stars?
 it's on every other damn channel with a definite morality bent,
Is this the case outside of the bible belt as well?
here in the bible belt it is really obvious!

Also according to a science elective I have to take at the state school I transferred too,  the ancient history of medicine.
 the Greeks since 350 BC had a very effective birth control
They used a plant called Silphium as a contraceptive, it basically does the same thing modern birth control does.  
This was apparently 90% or so effective!
Silphium was used elsewhere since 700 BC .

Also juniper berry is a pretty effective uterine spasmodic and Native Americans used it as a contraceptive,
don’t take it internally, that’s not how they used it,
get someone over eighteen to buy the morning after pill,
 this is ancient medicine!  
They also used it as a morning after pill because it causes uterine spasms
Therefore, we have had effective birth control since 700 BC,
God does not want people who can’t afford them or who are children themselves having children as punishment for sex,
this is Taliban thinking people
And poor women, as always they are the ones getting stoned
Teaching sex safety in a scientific and medically related way,
simply keeps young women from being abused
prejudice in relation to sex and underage teens is horrible
i think God is in life, not some old white guy looking down on it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 01:48:38 PM
also just in general birth control is a good thing!!
i didn't mean underage people should be having sex
i just meant don't go drink a bunch of Juniper Berry tea
and make yourself sick if someone did have unprotected sex :roll:
again ancient medicine, we have modern totally effective birth control methods now.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 02:02:24 PM
also silphium has plants that have similiar names
and look like it that are toxic
again modern medicine
all I'm saying is forget politics
young women and reproduction can get down right ancient history like
actually some ancient history is more healthy and safe
teens should be taught the  A = B factor of sex and reproduction?
and not be abused in relation to it  
and no focus on the family sex ed in high schools
i think they go out and drink and have sex
because of focus on the family sex ed
it is that weird!!  hell i would!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 05:48:25 PM
also i have said this else where, i think i am pretty religious
but i am not traditionally religious
think more hippie Buddhist than bible belt Christian
i really do believe in God, although i guess i would have to say instead
 i have encountered God in my life I'm just not sure I believe in it?
 i think humans screw religion up and have for a very long time
i am interested in religion, i read about it and such

but if i want to be close to God i find it a lot better to go outside on a clear night or on a beautiful day then to follow something humans came up with
things tend to get lost in translation
and from being filtered through all us idiots
there is a lot of good stuff in religious texts and the history of them all is fascinating, in general i am interested in religions, and I have respect for them, some peoples interpretations i'm not sure about
the Koran says nothing about the burkha of course,
only that women and men should be modest in dress
Also the first part of the Koran has the same prophets as the Torah and the Old testament, and they think that Jesus was a prophet like Muhammad
How can three religions that share the same religious texts fight as much as these three have with each other over the years?
people are lovely creatures
i do have some investment in the existence of god after all
 i'm pretty religious anyway, a lot of people who have been through hard stuff become more religious, i don't know why
for one thing i think God is supportive and when faced with real difficult stuff there is some strong feeling of support?
it could be a reaction to severe stress, i don't know?
i think there is a lot of pretty nasty stuff in this world too though
i'm against abuse?
i think the best way is the way with the most light and peace involved?
I tend to try and organize my life in relation to this now.  
Being human this does not always work, mistakes are made and all that.
I don’t know what the hell is going on, only that there is a whole lot of something?
I do have a certain amount of faith
In the words of the bible belt though,
This is all just the work of satan/ PV
I’m joking of course
i'm perhaps being too hard on the bible belt?
i don't know my family moved here ten years ago and we are not born again or anything
they are all over the country too,
Focus on the Family had it's head quarters in southern Colorado and the schools there had the abstinence only sex ed, here in NC in many counties the school nurse can't even answer questions about birth control methods?
i don't know what the hell the problem is
i do know i have seen prejudices?
  perhaps someone else has more insight into what the hell is going on?
My family has some pretty ancient prejudices too, ancient like the 1950’s and 60’s
Basically their parents generation, and like I said we went to mellow church
With a female minister
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 05:57:45 PM
anyway i didn't want people to think i was playing some card with the religion thing i really am pretty religious
would you like me to say something controversial and alienate everyone now?
how about why isn't there a commandment
"thou shall not rape"
we have "thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife"
but no "thou shall not rape"
if a women had gone to the mountain top
and received some sort of divine inspiration
that might have come up!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 06:07:16 PM
also i'm not religious in a suicide bomber way
thank you
that's cute too, can't even be into philosophy and religion any more
you might be a terrorist :roll:
got to love gross mob minded generalizations
go toward the light but not in a suicidal way ommmmmmmm
as a religious person though i do think there are a lot of unpeaceful and abusive influences depicted in the media and else where?
like all the Jerry Springer and Brittany Spears crap is bad for everyone in a spiritual sense
people need to mellow out and there need to be more music video on MTV and VH1,
i think they just want us all to sign up for super cable by showing nothing but horrible reality shows.
there are more music videos on super cable
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 07:08:17 PM
has anyone noticed too how much smiting there is in the Old testament
in PV the only thing they would let me read was the bible so i read it a couple times, i think
but in the old testament there is all this smiting
it's good smiting too,
i tended to agree with it,
especially while in PV
lot's of smote those bastards that rob and oppress widows and orphans and such
if you randomly pick it up and read it when pissed off about something
it is somewhat satisfying
it goes on later of course to say turn the other cheek
so it balances out well
it's a big old book with a long long history of translation
i don't think people should take it at face value exactly
a lot of it actually is the history of the Jewish people
i think it reflects humans in relation to life and God
as well as the word of God
i totally hear some of the moralizing,
i agree it is really unpleasant when you walk into a room or city and strange people seem like they want to "know you" in the biblical sense
in reading it, it makes more sense then the Christian channel on the TV for damn sure.

also when i say i'm kinda Buddhist, so are all the yuppies and i said the strippers too right, ugh strippers and yuppies, really i find both pretty unpleasant :roll:
i'm a bit like that commercial with the guy from Kung Fu, kane?
i love that commercial
where all the random cool stuff off of ebay brings him inner peace
it's going to be a lot of lives before enlightenment
i'm just hoping to reincarnate somewhere nice with good metabolism, perfect skin and a photographic memory ommmmmmm
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 07:27:03 PM
what about Mary Magdalene too right?
i know archetypes of women are always Madonna, mother or prostitute
and this isn't good, kinda like Disney movies and corsets :roll:
she was smart and cooler then the male disciples though
it's a compassionate view, maybe the ancient holy people were just smart enough to recognize that this is something that happens to women
or they wanted to reform prostitutes with love or something, don't know :roll:
i really don't think what people do with religion and what is really there is at all accurate.
a lot of religion too really does say there is hope for all of us if you try to live a happier more peaceful nicer to others sort of life and
i wasn't talking about women in relation to sex :roll:
 i was thinking really bad people, like abusers?
i personally just want them arrested though,
 so they can't abuse anyone else.  
the bible has sexist parts for sure, so do all things written by men
if you look at it historically sexism has always been there, and it's a very very obviouse pattern to human behavior
Again to refer to my Ancient Medicine course, Aristotle thought women were imperfect men who couldn't purify sperm!
basically women were incubators, while men contained the ability to translate the potential to produce children by turning blood into sperm
no offense to the guy but he must not have ever taken apart the ovary part of a plant, they look a lot like female ovaries
 he was very smart else where of course
smart men seem to be stupid in relation to women.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 07:34:15 PM
when i said reincarnate i meant when i'm 90
first off i really don't want to go through adolescents again anytime soon
and now that i'm an adult i want to stick it out and cause as much good trouble as possible
your going to have to pry me off this planet, put it that way
I'm not going anywhere
and i'm going to finish my political science degree and start on sociology
so i can cause trouble in a organized and useful manner
now if i can only find someone to pay me for it
actually there are many paths i could go with my degree that would involve being able to afford to live
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 07:50:18 PM
i hate evil shrinks, that reads wrong
i never wanted to reincarnate immediately, as a teen either
although predators and PV, that horrific archaic scam, certainly seemed to be trying to pry me off of the planet,
i hold on pretty well though
i can't say everything in perfect order Jesus
as a teen i loved life, i was just too trusting and naive
i thought god was in his heaven and all things would be ok
and that people were inherently good and if you were nice to them they would be nice back
boy did that play out badly
 I still love life, evil monsters, abuse and bad information aside

and I’m stronger and smarter then I ever was
like I said I’m going to be 90 and protesting out side of the
Supreme Court with purple hair, a big hat and even bigger jewelery
kiss my ancient old lady ass you warped greedy sick bastards
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 10:02:29 PM
hey again, i've said this before
just because i have at some point defended women in some form of sex industry
and I said that i'm really really sick of seeing women on TV portrayed that way
does not mean i have ever had any connection to any such industry :roll:
why i feel the need to say this i think is really sexist and horrible
some woman says what you said was wrong and the sex industry is a bad place for foster kids and other abuse victims
and so she must be related to it, i hate PV and i hate sexism
i work in a book store, my family has enough money and i'm almost done with college, i am afraid of men and relationships i think,
i haven't been in one in a while
i've been in a strip club once because i was curious and it was horrible

i personally have found strippers, when i have had the misfortune to incounter them horrible company  i'm sorry if that is not PC
i think this is because they are abused horribly sexually for money and the are usually on a lot of hard drugs and desperate
they are scary people
the whole scenareo scares me
that's why i can't stand to have it plastered all over the TV like it's a good idea or cool or an appropriate way to treat women
i'm not Abigail, poor girl, i re read that in some post a million years back
you all just pissed me off because you were talking about her exchanging oral sex for a book deal, not a nice way to refer to any woman,
much less a 19 year old as an adult, no comment on Clinton
did you know that Monica was 21?  how horrible is that
i don't care if he has an affair but at least with a 35 year old,
the president treats young women like sex objects to be abused, great.
but most people in or out of PV don't have any connections to such things
did any one look up PV under Myspace
I shouldn't probably be directing people to PV survivors personal information
but those are really nice normal looking people most of them
PV likes to make everyone sound lurid and promote prejudice
the vast majority, like 90%, are pretty normal
i wish you could meet the girls i was in with
some 13 year old foster kid who's father was shot and moms an alcoholic
or the somewhat anorexic pianist, she was not even chemically depressed
her mother was an alcoholic who left the family and i think she was just having some trouble dealing
or some nice bright kid who had some chemical depression maybe
i think a lot of them were just dealing with stress
a few might have actually had a medical problem
there were very few that had tried harder drugs?
foster kids who just really didn't have homes?
these were normal people
and the ones  that had a medical problem like chemical depression,
they don't need prejudice and abuse on top of it
many of the kids really had just fallen foul of the system in weird ways
bad grades, and then pressure and then some reacting to the pressure?
oh my god they smoked pot?
or drank and had sex without really meaning to?
  or being gay, like the one girl
or being molested, there were a lot that had been molested and that is what they were in for and that was really it.
PV says it "helps" those dealing with abuse or post traumatic stress
places like PV and shrinks are a self promoting industry
i know life can be horrible and people have a bad time of things
PV should not be allowed, we still live in the damn dark ages is all i'm saying
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 11:16:00 PM
look up Peninsula Village School on Myspace instead
otherwise you can't find anyone really
there are some counselors
boy are the counselors religious  :roll:
all hard core Christians of course
I don't know where in the bible it says smash a nice girl who kinda sort of attempted suicide into chicken wire until she bleeds, because she wanted to be with her mom? and then strap an orphan to a cot in mechanical restrains for a few hours with a bed pan and give her a ridiculous amounts of thorazine?
Nazis are not good Christians
it says love your neighbor and help widows and orphans
not abuse them horribly, time them in the bathroom, deprive them of sleep, make them do back breaking work detail and allow them no music or reading materials and then throw them on the ground and suffocate them till they need ex rays if they cry too much three times a week for hours?
or only let them go to high school two days out of the week?
what the hell is up with these people, that doesn't make any sense?
how do they get the above from some nice incarnation of the holy spirit
that a bunch of assholes murdered?
i know religion has been used for such things for forever but it's just stupid and i don't get it
did these people miss history?  
like we don't do that with religion any more in America
time tested abusive human behavior has proved,
go look up the Spanish inquisition, the Puritans, the catholic and protestant wars, religion in the fifties in the bible belt, medieval popes, the Crusades, did you know the Crusaders burned most of Constantinople when it was still Christian!  
people are abusive and nuts and
they have used religion far too many times to justify it
you all are going to hell if you believe in such a place
hah hah your going to hell abusive ugly stupid nazis

i think PV religious PV counselors are really really prejudice and they grew up under a really really prejudice rock?  
it's a rarified throwback of a world?
I don’t know I give up, I see it but it makes no rational sense
counselors, you know what really goes on in PV
what the hell are you thinking?
that's not ok, Jesus

abuse is bad, God does not want you to abuse foster children
looking down on and abusing people horrifically is bad
if you just responded to a job application get out of there before you damn you soul to hell for all eternity
i'm joking it's funny though hah hah
your going to hell, because God isn't an idiot and finds you horrible and wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole

In PV when i was there, there were a lot of girls who were in for kinda sort of suicide attempts
Many of the girls did not seem to be especially chemically depressed
 or chemically depressed at all
there was always a bunch of other stuff going on
divorces, parent's were nuts, guy issues like they drank, not all the time, just they drank and had sex once and he broke up with her and told everyone
or just guy issues, bullying, all sorts of stuff
relatives dying, sexual abuse
bad grades, did you know Japanese teens off themselves in droves in relation to grades?
 it's a big deal as a teen
the schools are really pressurized, you don't turn in your homework for a week or two and you have everyone calling the house,
 they drag you down to the counselors, they make you go to the shrink
your crazy you have ADD because you were busy for those two weeks and didn't do your homework
it's a big stupid pointless abusive deal.

Why we base an adults future on their ability to jump through hoops at eleven or fifteen I don’t know
It’s more crap as far as I can tell
At my age with three years of college done, with high grades
I still get administrative people wanting to know what my grades were ten years ago
What do I say?  I’m sorry I was being molested by a horrifically abusive adult
And my parents put me in a prison camp in the Appalachian bible belt where I was only allowed to go to school two days a week
It’s ridiculous, it puts you behind too,
you have to apply way ahead of the start of the semester
And if something happens, you miss semesters
And it’s so hard to get into affordable colleges out of PV,
it’s wrong, and then they tell you go somewhere else and do well and we will let you in
and you do and they still don’t
it’s ridiculous we are told that everyone gets an opportunity for a college education in America
then  we make it so that colleges are not very accessible to down right blocked to those who had pretty ordinary problems growing up,
 sorry problems with sex or sexual abuse as a young girl,
 is the oldest story in the book and one of the most horrible in relation to prejudice
college should be accessible to everyone who is able to do the work
and quickly, i shouldn't have to wait six months to go to school,
especially if I'm not going to live on campus
or even worse i shouldn't have to wait for six months to find out if I'm going to be allowed to go to school
or have to deal with prejudice southern people from the fifties
who get to decide whether or not i get to have an education
I have encountered so much in my life that is archaic as hell

but back to the kinda sort of suicide attempts
the girls usually had some reason
they weren't depressed or really suicidal they were just dealing dramatically or badly with something
they were really crys for help?
like I'm angry hurt upset because
and they usually had pretty good becauses
like Jersey Gurl, i don't think she attempted suicide, but her mother died
that might depress you some
again these were pretty mild suicide attempts
they ate ten aspirin? cut one wrist kind of.  there was a little bit of blood
i'm not exaggerating, there were a lot of really non drug using not chemically depressed normal teens in PV
in the 90's, when i was growing up, death and drama were in
throw in some abuse and the kids rebelled, suicide was cool
the were not really suicidal :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 20, 2007, 11:36:41 PM
some kids just rebel too
oh my good gracious God
they run off party drink some smoke pot
try a drug or two
they are not damned forever or criminals
they are just teens rebelling
i'm not condoning it i'm just saying it happens
oh my god
but a lot of the girls in PV were pretty suburban and there weren't any real drugs to rebel with or something
i think they could usually find pot  
PV trys and trys to get the kids to admit to more drug use
everything is a drug too, it's almost funny
how many asprin do you take, do you abuse your prosac
you can't abuse prosac it makes you feel ill if you take more then one :roll:
it's also pretty ironic considering how many pills and hard drugs PV puts the kids on, but whatever
all i'm saying is the girls i was in PV with were pretty normal teens, even the foster kids were pretty normal although some of them had worse experiences do to the fact that they didn't have families and foster care seemed to include head lice for some reason
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 10:17:58 AM
Quote from: ""we are not free free""
or being molested, there were a lot that had been molested and that is what they were in for and that was really it.

This seems to be a somewhat common thing..kid gets molested and ends up in a program. Talk about adding insult to injury!

And if the kid tries to talk about what happened, the program fuckheads insist that they "talk about themselves" and "focus on their problems" instead?!!?!?  :flame:

What the fuck is the matter with these people?!?!?!?!?!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 01:52:00 PM
Hey I figured out what is wrong with the TV
It’s Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp
He’s old, crabby and he owns everything
Including Fox News
He’s also known for tabloid crap
Duh, did he manage to buy out The Wall Street Journal, or not?
He really does own everything, all the annoying stuff
From American Idol down
Stupid crabby old man
In the late 90’s the FCC did a whole deregulation thing
That allowed tycoons, like Rupert, to get monopolies on air time
Lets see, now when did I start noticing a trend toward real nastiness on TV?
The late 90’s, oh well at least he’s old and won’t last much longer
I don’t know if his son will be much better though
glad to have that figured out
i kinda knew that anyway
it really sucks when someones crabby ancient grandfather gets to pick the programing
i loved my Pop Pop but that was one venomous old guy
i think it has to do with being old sick and afraid of dying?
i don't know, i don't know why the ancient are angry
i hope my grandfather went to the light and all that
probably bitching the entire way about black people and loose women on the TV, sorry but you know the type

i actually love frou frou, especially when i can get it for next to no money because it is being made in a sweatshop somewhere by half dead Chinese people.  And then sold by overworked and exhausted, ridiculously underpaid shop girls who get oogled by the likes of rupert murdoch and his son, like me.
i deserve my frou frou from china from the sooper clearance rack because i work in a sweatshop too!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 02:08:33 PM
wasn't The Wall Street Journal the one that ran an article about how these
teen behavioral modification work camps are a good thing to invest money in?
I think it was them
huh?  I wonder if these guys hang out with people who own stock in pharmo companies, huh?  
You think!?
so it really does come down to who is making money off of everything and what they want or think in relation to their own nasty little personalities and pockets
well that's nothing new
the 19'th century tycoons were highly entertaining this way
in a horrible our mansions are built on piles of bodies sort of way
at least the Biltmore is open to the public and fun to visit now

hey if you guys like swords, i see your little logo at the bottom
i actually have a couple
my family used to live in Japan when i was a kid
so i love all things artistic and Japanese
ebay has nice swords
i think Ryumon are really pretty good
and Furubushidoo is cheap and made properly
everything should be metal you know
and they are supposed to be forged and such
don't play with them too much
they are sharp but lovely really
i want a wedding Kimono too but i can't afford one yet
they are 200 + even on ebay
Asian history and art stuff is just so lovely
also swords are protective and fierce
i used mine for a protection spell
i didn't do anything odd with it
just proper herbs and oils
with a prayer for protection
i don't know if it worked or not but it looks nice
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 02:34:16 PM
i didn't buy a full size sword either of course, just a tanto.
i think a giant hand forged samurai sword arriving in the mail
might have been a bit much for my mother
it is pretty though, i bought a Furibushido and it's proper looking?
i wouldn't spend a bunch of money on one with out researching them really well, i researched them some but i got mine for very cheap,
researching them is interesting and it makes you feel cultured and tough or something
i was really just showing off, i don't know much
it's amazing to find how much cheaper you can get stuff else where then in the department stores or the first shop online you go to
i buy jewelery from China for under ten dollars that is being sold in the department stores for over a hundred
it is much better to get the same thing for less, also you can resell the stuff you buy for more too sometimes!
i probably shouldn't be talking about the coolness of researching ancient weaponry on here considering
i think the key is ancient weaponry  :roll:
you all put up the cheesy samuria sword pictures
as something of a snob i felt the need to respond to them
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 02:40:37 PM
the depressed should probably not play with swords
sorry bad duh
i don't play irresponsibly with mine
but i'm an adult and not depressed
sorry no swords, even small ones, for anyone out of PV for many years, sorry
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 10:41:07 PM
but back to the kinda sort of suicide attempts
the girls usually had some reason
they weren't depressed or really suicidal they were just dealing dramatically or badly with something
they were really crys for help?
like I'm angry hurt upset because
and they usually had pretty good becauses
like Jersey Gurl, i don't think she attempted suicide, but her mother died
that might depress you some
again these were pretty mild suicide attempts
they ate ten aspirin? cut one wrist kind of. there was a little bit of blood
i'm not exaggerating, there were a lot of really non drug using not chemically depressed normal teens in PV
in the 90's, when i was growing up, death and drama were in
throw in some abuse and the kids rebelled, suicide was cool
they were not really suicidal  

also Rupert Murdoch really is the emperor i don't know who darth vader is
 maybe dick cheney?
i think i want to princess Leigh, anyway
it really is rupert murdoch and a couple other companies
and the FCC deregulation act in the late 90's
damn old republicans, at least they don't sleep with the 21 year old interns, just the pages

when researching PV on MySpace it's a bit hard to find people
you get all these people from the Balkin peninsula or something
if you keep just going down the list till page nine you get about 12 or so
i think one might actually seem depressed
the rest are really ordinary, they are very tame for Myspace i think

there are counselors too
it is interesting to notice how both counselors on there do not have a college education,

to quote the Latin I've been studying all day
Immodica et mala onerare creat insaniam

immoderate excess and evil oppression create insanity
some people just have chemical depression too
they are not three headed monsters who are going to go on a shooting spree :roll:
they just have a health problem that makes them feel bad
they can't help it, and they shouldn't be beaten up over it
PV is idiotic on so many levels
not to mention a scam
the PV counselor on my space is also a school bus driver
from Texas
without a college education
i wonder how much they pay him, and the other young woman
who loves Jesus and has a high school Diploma
good for her, obviously no one put her in a prison camp
and only let her go to school two days a week
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 11:42:02 PM
hey it's not just Fox and Rupert Murdoch
if you type in Who owns What Media
you get the columbia journalism review
and you can search all of the major media corporations
it's the 1996 telecommunications act too
not that deregulation FCC thing
i hate PV a lot
why don't the counselors have college degree's
argh stupid scam
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 21, 2007, 11:47:05 PM
News Release - Friday, January 10, 2003
 Home | Press
Greens Oppose FCC Deregulation.
MEDIA RELEASE Friday, January 10, 2003

Nancy Allen, Media Coordinator, 207-326-4576, [email protected] (http://mailto:[email protected])
Holly Hart, Co-Chair of the Platform Committee, (319) 337-7341, [email protected]


FCC scheme to allow media monopolies would damage the American public's access to open and diverse news, information, and entertainment.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Media Committee of the Green Party of the United States, expressing the concerns of Greens and millions of other Americans, has sent a letter urging the Federal Communications Commission to reconsider deregulation of media.

"FCC Chair Michael Powell's plan to ease restrictions on media ownership will severely damage the public's access to news and information," said Holly Hart, Iowa Green, co-chair of the Green Party's Platform Committee, and author of the letter. "Democracy requires a free press -- news and opinions from lots of different sources with various viewpoints and biases. This FCC ruling would allow a few giant media conglomerates to swallow up telephone networks, small newspapers, and TV and radio stations. The only news and entertainment we'll have is what gets approved by AOL Time Warner, Viacom, Disney, Fox, and a few others."

Greens note the damage that has already been done by the 1996 Telecommunications Act, signed by Clinton, which weakened rules prohibiting a community's lone local newspaper to be owned by the same corporation that owns local TV and radio stations.

"Imagine a town in which the only opinions one could find on TV, radio, or in the newspaper might be those of Rush Limbaugh," said Jo Chamberlain, a California Green and member of the party's national Steering Committee.  

Apologists for deregulation say that the Internet provides a sufficient variety of news, information, and opinion, enough to relax restrictions on other media. But the Internet itself faces a parallel threat, since broadband requires the use of cable (DSL) lines, which are already too expensive for millions of Americans -- many of whom still can't afford to go on line even through basic phone-line service or still lack basic computer skills. In March 2002, the Bush Administration allowed cable companies to lock out rival broadband providers, consolidating monopolies in most markets.  

"High-speed Internet access is rapidly becoming the property of two companies, AOL Time Warner and Verizon, giving them the license to raise prices at will and to hinder access to certain web sites," said Mark Dunlea, Chair of the Green Party of New York State, cofounder of the Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center, and author of 'The Cable TV Omission: A Performance Audit of the NYS Commission on Cable Television.'  

"Ceding control our broadcast media to a few big corporations is exactly the sort of obscenity the FCC is supposed to keep off the air," added Santa Monica, CA, Mayor pro tem Kevin McKeown, a former disk jockey and radio news anchor. "The reason for historic strict anti-monopoly regulation of radio and TV is that the airwaves belong to the people, and broad diversity of on-air voices must be preserved in the spirit of the First Amendment."

The telecommunications industry contributed over $33 million, including $11.5 million from TV and radio stations and $4.7 million from cable TV, in campaign contributions to Democrats and Republicans in the 2002 election cycle.

"Viacom, Fox, and the other media giants are lobbying intensely in favor of deregulation," said Kirstin Marr, Public Relations Liaison for the Colorado Green Party. "Now is the time for all Americans who care about free and open access to information to speak up. That goes double for those of us who've taken positions against the war on Iraq or in favor of national health insurance, who've blown the whistle on toxic dumping or global warming, or espoused ideas contrary to what we're shown on the evening network news."
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 03:27:59 AM
Why why why all of this?  It is wrong
I sit in a tiny room
With strange people with no windows
It’s like a box
The school needs funding
it’s the only accessible state college around
So the room it’s nine feet by ten
And there are 15 people in it
How do we all fit?
There’s an old man in strange green pants
The class is like a riddle
Where he proves his intelligence
And whether your IQ is high enough to be allowed to exist
And it’s so close he gets to observe us
Very carefully, I am tired, is it drugs?
I worked till midnight
I teach myself
The kids are all clean cut and had it in high school
The only kind they let in

It’s been a while since high school for me
Who are you to tell me anything
Why don’t I listen to you and then you listen to me
Always someone is over me looking down
And I am expected to jump through hoops and wag my tail
This should be an impersonal experience  
the same room at my parents house
My father resents my cost
I was married off at fourteen raped again
And at eighteen and again at 21
The schools I hate the schools
I was expelled at 11 for not doing my homework, I’m smart
I read half the library in seventh grade
The parent creatures were behaving oddly that season
It was distracting
It’s hard to relate to them
They are strange fish
I get A’s because I have too
I can but it’s hard not to resent the people who abused you
The schools beat me so I ran out and was raped
The parents beat me too
At eleven in the private school they insisted I go to
Because the public school where we moved had poor people and blacks

I hate everything that all this crap stands for
It is wrong in every fucking way
It has to change
I don’t care it’s day in and day out of this empty abusive tabloid
Dragging the human spirit through the trash
Like the devil it hates people it seems
On every channel we look so ugly, like jerry springer

My gulag those people with their zombie eyes
No compassion nothing
How do they do it the abusers?
Look at a sobbing child and beat them?
In the prison camp
The real prison camp
For two years
Where you left me, where you put me
Because I was molested at fourteen
To help me, to punish me
I deserved it, they told me over again
Like a cat in heat they, you tell me now
And this isn’t a nightmare?
Work detail and being timed in the bathroom
Denouncement sessions,
Hadn’t I been punished enough
Punishing is one thing
Gulags are another
For two years
How can I explain the horror
of that place
How strong I am
But I will not be made into something I know is so wrong
Never insidious soul sucking leeches
I know what you are

Are there other people like me
Every where I look all I see is commercials
And Brittany Spears, asking for it that little slut
In music and art a voice a real voice at least
A real face, and clothes
Not the uniform that everyone around me wears
What is going on? Who are you people
What happened
And I look down and I’m dressed just like them
What do you want
I can’t tell you reality as it is not here
You wouldn’t believe me
The Taliban would stone me for it
And Rupert Murdoch’s diddi Mao cult
Of brainwashed good Germans
The truth is in what is there
I said as much as I could
I told you as much as I could of the truth of what I have seen
We are playing with monsters here kiddies
There is great danger, people are being abused so badly
They could die
They won’t die probably most of them
It’s hard to kill someone, when you can’t just do so
People want to live
In the words of Anne Frank
There is so much beauty in this world   
I can’t say this
They have fixed it
If you just say it
This is wrong I hate this
You are, this is abusive
Then like all abusers
You are dangerous and they won’t let you exist
The doors will be closed and I won’t be able to go to school
And worse, it is bad I think
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 03:35:53 AM
i am not dangerous either
because you have done horrible things to me
i am more sane then most i know
i am just here
i am fine and strong
and pretty damn well
i feel ok  i think, it has an effect on us on a level we don't really see perhaps
the family is being nice now
i don't know why
who said there was any reason to many things
i'll get through this and change it
with words and art someday
like a good person
there really is so much good in this world
i just hate to see it hurt
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 03:48:05 AM
life is what it is
i really am fine
i can't help what has been done to me
i am an adult now
i can protect myself
as a child i could not
i will finish school
i don't think schools are great infallible institutions
sorry i'm sick of spouting the party line
you start doing it without thinking about it
i think everything i've encountered needs a hell of a lot of work

i am just tired of not being able to tell the truth
while the truth kicks you in the gut
then goes
oh you said i kicked you in the gut
you must be depressed or something
and it's like no
i just don't like being kicked in the gut
when your not kicking me i feel fine
i even feel moderately ok when being kicked
i think i've gotten acclimated to it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 04:11:26 AM
what i my meant by you can't just say it was
you can't just say
this school needs more funding
everyone should be given a chance at a college education
why is this room so small and where are the windows
you need to explain that more clearly and we don't need the sarcasm
i have had many very good teachers as well
or how about no i don't want to work nine days in a row without over time
or i want some time off
i would like to be able to afford to live if i'm going to work this hard
or it wasn't my fault i was molested at 14 by a adult
or that peninsula village is a horrific prison camp
where i was abused horribly
basically PV are those same people who at different times in history have run other prison camps elsewhere
they would just take people out back and shoot them if they could
PV is a really bad place and the people there are horrible
they want those kids as screwed up as possible
because they make money off of it like leeches
the public colleges need to not be so elitist
an adult student with years of good grades should be able to just take classes when they need to.
it's another archiac system education should be readily available to everyone
and all  the tabloid sex sells prejudice on the TV
is just as deadly
i was not hinting at some dramatic something :roll: fucking sick shrinks
my life inspite of all this is really pretty ok
hell i have a roof over my head, food and high speed internet access
my parents have done horrible things and are sometimes abusive
but so are a lot of things in life
they also can be nice, i can't figure them out
what i am saying is that this system we live under is bad for a lot of people
there are many abusive situations, that laws really need to do something about,
like a limit to how many days in a row you can work in this state
or oversite, some fricken oversite on privately run prison camps for teenagers  

PV is ubber bad
PV is a Nazi prison camp
with a couple laws regulating it, like you can't kill them or break anything
if you drive them to jumping out of moving cars that's great
then they really seem nuts
and i'm not talking about me

i'm talking about the girl who actually jumped out of a moving car to avoid being brought back to PV
PV is a evil place

what i'm saying is you can't just say
this is not what i want
basically that's it
you can't even say
I don't like it when people say sexually harassing things
like you C word
in general you are not allowed freedom of choice or speech or living
you are owned by money and society and what is forced on you
if you don't do as you are told you are very severly punished
my adolescents case in point
basically i don't think we are free at all
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 04:39:34 AM
i thank you, do to pretty damn well balanced chemicals, feel fine
not sad not super happy just ok
i know this because i live in me and i know how i feel  
 i am just here and working to get out of here

i have dealt with this stuff for many years
it's dealt with i am fine in relation to it
i just think it needs to be said
people need to know what PV is like
and all the rest of the ways poverty abuse and prejudice can play out
in my case behind what is a well dressed exterior
i don't look poor or like i'm dealing with abuse but it's still there even if it's nicely hidden in a proper package
or i am married off or hiding behind my family
again i don't want to be poor and i work hard
i just am anyway
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 01:04:39 PM
Also it may seem like my life has all this pressure
It actually is pretty peaceful and easy right now
I cut my hours back at work
Because I’m taking 16 credits
My mother is being nice and keeps buying me things
Which, like what I said to the kid that called me the C word repeatedly
being human I respond well to compliments and small presents
But I basically just do a lot of homework and walk my dog in the nice early fall weather
i got an A+, actual A+’s on both of the projects I’ve turned in so far
so life is ok right now
one of the  things I’ve noticed most about life
is how normalcy and abuse coexist very well
and how you get used to both and just live almost happily in them
at college many of my professors are great
a lot of the class rooms are very small though
my Latin class is just ridiculous
I think I’m a bit Closter phobic, probably thanks to the 7 or so months in STU
but I have had many classes in rooms smaller then your average high school classroom
also some of the dorms are not very safe looking
I don’t think dorms are that great in general
They kinda work,
 one of the dorms is across the street from the university
So it’s right on the party strip down town street
With all the bars and crack heads and winos
I’m not exaggerating there are a lot of them
The doors to the dorm rooms open out onto outdoor walk ways
And it looks like a crappy motel
There are newer dorms, I think they should just stop using that one
It looks dangerous
Or at least only have large members of the football team live there
They don’t though
I can’t help but cringe seeing these cute little college girls go up to their rooms
It’s is really right on the street next a dive bar

They have to email us when ever a crime happens
And there was a shooting out side of a bar
By non school related people two weeks age
And a couple armed robberies of college kids  last spring,
The guys were obviously crack heads, like I said there are a lot of them
That street gets pretty wild after 10 pm
But who robs college kids? They have what 20 dollars at the most
the one time the kid ran and the guy shot after him
it seems to be the same guy too

I don’t know if they have adult dorms
I hope they separate the 18 year olds from the 25 year olds
And I’m against co ed dorms
Anyway I don’t know why we give all our tax dollars to BlackWater
When we could make the local public university modern and accessible

The state needs to buy out the really run down apartment complexes too
That are right across from the school in a bunch of places
And rebuild them with University and school stuff
The apartment complexes are really bad
People are so weird too, it’s like they don’t see them
I think people who have never dealt with being attacked or abused somehow
Have really thick rose colored glasses
They want to believe in school spirit and stuff
They are right there, right across from the administration building is one of the most ghetto apartment complexes I’ve ever seen, crack heads milling about and such
I think the public university needs a lot more funding and a lot of work to make it safer and more accessible to everyone
Not just cute kids with nice families from suburbia
This is the state capital and all
Not everyone is from suburbia and life happens
Everyone needs a fair chance at a college education
I was researching the lives of factory workers in China
Speaking of crappy dormitories
It’s really interesting

Also I just started my period today
Thanks for sharing I know
Or well that explains the bitchiness lets make bitch with PMS jokes
But that’s not why I’m mentioning it
I actually have painful periods, I’m on medication for it
I also get moody and a bit odd
I know this is related to my periods because it happens immediately before or while I have it
Again I am sure thank you for sharing too much info
And I hate men who say oh she’s talking back to me must be PMS
but who cares about the fools
 I mention this because with diagnosis like depression or bi polar disorder
I think in adolescent girls and women
Female hormonal changes are often miss diagnosed
In the industries zeal  
I know  as a woman who lives in herself, there are emotional changes that occur around your periods,
 this varies from woman to woman too a lot.
I really really think that PMS and adolescent female hormone changes are getting miss diagnosed all over the place
 Post natal depression is certainly no joke, neither is menopause
I have been around women with both and there are noticeable mood and physical symptoms and changes.  Other people know this too
menopause really is no joke
and these are real womens health situations
it's real, real doctors know this
that's why they put menoposal women on estrogen and such

I was not actually expelled at eleven for not doing my homework
Just suspended, and nobody taught me any damn study skills
They all just attacked me like a bunch of insane chickens
Really it was like mean wet hens
My parents were going through their
Two year long fight all the damn time
We are getting a divorce
We are not getting a divorce thing
My mother thought my father had cheated on her
And we were moving again even though we had just moved a year and a half ago
Also the school required a lot more homework then I was used to in sixth grade
I think I had at least two hours a night
I don’t know it might have just seemed like a lot
Because I didn’t think I could do it

i wish i could take and post pictures of the apartment buildings next to the university, they are so  run down and scary really
maybe i will
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on September 22, 2007, 04:24:45 PM
Pssst! (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 07:54:23 PM
When I said I was suspended in sixth grade
Let me tell the story really quickly
i hadn’t been keeping up with my homework and they were hassling me about it pretty horribly,
 I don’t know why no one just  sat me down and said
“how are you doing your homework?â€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 08:32:28 PM
hey i'm sorry i have picked on the south a bit here
i don't think it's the South
i really like NC it's beautiful and it has all sorts of nice cultural things
i think the TV portrays southern people badly too
have you noticed?  
Brittany Spears case in point, and it's totally wrong
the area i live in is actually nice, modern and safe
there are a lot of people from all over the world here too
and it's mellow, it is suburban, so it is boring
like a lot of places i have seen driving around the US
there are smaller towns were there is not as much industry
so it is hard for people to always find jobs
that was the same out west too
like i said i think that people have the same problem i do
you get a "good" job at the department store or something
and it doesn't pay enough
i think the problem i described with my college
is probably a common one everywhere
the school  really does need renovation
and so many of the class rooms are small
and it is the only accessible state school in the city
adults can't just move to a different town you know
and it is right next to some of the worst neighborhoods in town
the state really should buy out the crack houses accross from the admissions building, they moved the admissions building this semester
i wonder why?  
hiring born agains to beat the foster kids happens everywhere
like in Colorado and Florida and New York
i have met New Jersey hard core born agains
i think the TV promotes stereotypes in general
i do think it is a pretty red state in some ways here
perhaps i am just stuck in  the mindset of living with my older parents
there are some elements that make you feel like you died and went to the preppy 50's, i think that's just NC though
the smoky mountains are beautiful and have all sorts of good stuff
blue grass is great
when talking about PV it just makes me mad
sorry to promote stereotypes
there are lot's of programs not in the smoky mountains
there are a great many non stupid cool normal people from TN
PV just hires uneducated goons
all the programs do
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 08:36:43 PM
goons have never been known for high IQ's
i just hate how TV treats everyone like they are stupid
they really are not
it seems like if you go to a open mike night at the local bar or something
the average guy on guitar is better then 90% of the crap on TV
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 08:48:02 PM
I guess i was just adressing some of the prejudices i see about the south
let's see it's poorer and more backwards then the north?
i said you all, because i've lived here a while
and people started being nasty about it
the TV has some prejudice this way now that i think about it huh?
i like it here, i live here, so i use whats in front of me
there is plenty to bitch about most places
life and humans are problematic
at least there are great beaches here
there really is cool stuff too
and like i said half of my material is my family
and they are from Pennsylvania
more funding for stuff like schools rather then private war contractors
is good over all
down town areas get pretty run down?  
our down town is weird
it has really nice next to really run down
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 09:15:03 PM
i know a lot of people around here
work as contractors or in other related fields
they do well i think
of course these are not traditional female roles
i know of a woman who owns a cabinet installation business and does well
where I live is actually pretty effluent
there are a lot of companies here so plenty of money
all most all cities I have been to, the down town is like the one here
if not more so
I’m not picking on people without a college education either
I learn as much from books and the internet
I swear school is a distraction some of the time
like Latin, political science and law or not
i'm not going to use this
I was just socking it to PV
Because they charge people like they are going to get expert care
And then they just have any yahoo goon given free reign
Hell I’d be a much better counselor
So would most people,
PV wants an abusive situation though so it gets a specific type of stupid goon
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 09:38:10 PM
hey the little thread about the attention whore thing
fuck you pig
i'm not saying this stuff because it's all about me
i'm saying it because i think it's all about everyone
like a lot of people have to try and get into the damn affordable state colleges
or work in a department store
or have to put up with sexism and porn on every other TV channel
and Brittany Spears as a tabloid sex sells morality tale
people are stupid get them riled
Barnum Bailey freak show school of marketing
run by sick old farts
i lived this stuff and considering it's been like a boot on my head
i think it's fucking relevant
our system sucks if you are poor or fell through the cracks
or work in a department store
or are female
or work in a Chinese factory
ten hour days suck, i know because I've worked them too
i watch TV and it's prejudice and status quo
with a tabloid and stoning thrown in
I'm just responding to it
if i have to put up with whats on TV which is really Communist bad
 then i can tell the truth as i have seen it
Its really fucking wrong ok
PV is a horrible prison camp
the TV is owned by ratings whores
who think that poisoning peoples minds with complete shit
is good for everyone
it's propaganda and prejudice and it influences people
i'm talking about what you don't hear talked about
but what effects a lot of people
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 09:48:27 PM
hey psy should i bring my samuria sword to go attack the programs
with "ammo" what kind of "ammo"
give me a break
i'm joking of course, protest and lobbying and such not a bad idea
are you being odd or what
it still sounds like fishing
lets go attack them as hit men with "ammo"
and you are bi and like Tori Amos huh?  
sure  :roll:
what is with all the golf club and we like Republicans advertisments
on here now?
are you guys just being silly or what
who the hell likes Republicans
out of a program, Democrats are not great but they are better then Republicans
stop fucking with me assholes
who made you the god of fornits?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 09:50:51 PM
The voices in your head don't post here.

(The voices in my head, on the other hand, do.)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 09:59:18 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
hey psy should i bring my samuria sword to go attack the programs
with "ammo" what kind of "ammo"
give me a break
i'm joking of course, protest and lobbying and such not a bad idea
are you being odd or what
it still sounds like fishing
lets go attack them as hit men with "ammo"
and you are bi and like Tori Amos huh?  
sure  :roll:
what is with all the golf club and we like Republicans advertisments
on here now?
are you guys just being silly or what
who the hell likes Republicans
out of a program, Democrats are not great but they are better then Republicans
stop fucking with me assholes
who made you the god of fornits?

The ads are random, just report the ones that you know don't belong on fornits, like ads for programs. Psy is cool so I don't get why you're trying to pick on him and what he's doing, he never did anything to you. But whatever, no one is fucking with you free. Peace, love, and Soullllllll.....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 10:08:56 PM
he pissed me off
all these stupid assholes pissed me off
he called me the C word like six times and them defended his right to
as free speech
a bunch of stupid men were defending their macho right to talk about Pamela Anderson's big boobs and strippers as women who just like to shake their asses and that was the nice stuff
it's not my fault you guys are insensitive adolescent crotch grabbing macho idiots
and you brought your locker room talk onto a site where surviors of PV, many of whom have dealt with sexual abuse are going to go
i can't stand any of you assholes and i don't give a fuck
ok fine psy "ammo" sounds like "ammo" as in ordinary protest which is a great idea
stop posting little banners about free speech and attention whores
it's obnoxious.
macho idiot
Tori Amos would kick your ass right now
hey guest your a stupid pig rot in hell  :flame:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 10:18:37 PM
are there ever really advertisements for programs on here?
if so tell me that is funny
i wasn't talking about out side advertisements
i was talking about the banners that the Fornits people put up
like the crappy sword one because i said no we should not talk about becoming ninja assassins
i have tried to relate too and apologize
or the free speech one because i said sexual bullying is bad in high schools
or golf clubs and we love republicans because i was bitching about both
they are fornits banners because i pissed off the high school boys and the adults who are acting like them
poor assholes
a lot of the people on here have been pretty suspect too
it's hard to tell who is staff and who is just being an ass
like Guest is probably staff
it has that real staff belligerent stupid anger behind it and the right theme
but it could just be some chat room asshole defending his right to talk like a pig
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 10:21:23 PM
I did a search and psy only used the C word in reference to someone else in another thread, totally unrelated to this one. Unless you got a link I'm thinking you got the wrong poster, but whatever free. Try to have some fun and go look at something that makes you smile, K? Don't want you to be down and pissed all the time free.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 10:23:49 PM
Quote from: ""we are not liber""
are there ever really advertisements for programs on here?
if so tell me that is funny
i wasn't talking about out side advertisements
i was talking about the banners that the Fornits people put up
like the crappy sword one because i said no we should not talk about becoming ninja assassins
i have tried to relate too and apologize
or the free speech one because i said sexual bullying is bad in high schools
or golf clubs and we love republicans because i was bitching about both
they are fornits banners because i pissed off the high school boys and the adults who are acting like them
poor assholes
a lot of the people on here have been pretty suspect too
it's hard to tell who is staff and who is just being an ass
like Guest is probably staff
it has that real staff belligerent stupid anger behind it and the right theme
but it could just be some chat room asshole defending his right to talk like a pig

Those things at the bottom of threads are ads too....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 10:49:20 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
I did a search and psy only used the C word in reference to someone else in another thread, totally unrelated to this one. Unless you got a link I'm thinking you got the wrong poster, but whatever free. Try to have some fun and go look at something that makes you smile, K? Don't want you to be down and pissed all the time free.

Unless he edited the post, I believe he did use it on this thread...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 11:10:20 PM
Page 48 of this thread:

Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm also notifying the ACLU, GLAAD, RBDETT, and EFF

All of them will take niles' side if you really want to bother with this.  She threatened violence, all niles did before that was call her a cunt.  and quite frankly, she deserved it after treating him like that, not to mention everybody else who was trying to be sympathetic to her.  Read the whole thread before commenting.

so let me state for the first time:  WANF:  You are a cunt!

I'm not doing this to bust Psy's agates.  Not at all.  At the time, the discussion was becoming inane and Psy is a supporter of freedom of speech, righteously so.  They're only words, Free, uttered by angry people  when frustrated.  Yes, PV used harsh verbal techniques, but Niles and Psy weren't trying to break you down, only point out the bit of hypocrisy you were showing.  You used quite a bit of harsh language when provoked, but showed an odd, prudish aversion to one word:  Cunt.  There it is, not directed at anyone, it only sits there.  Not a prime time word, but still only a word.  Please, don't try to force your verbal prejudices onto others.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on September 22, 2007, 11:12:15 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Page 48 of this thread:

Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm also notifying the ACLU, GLAAD, RBDETT, and EFF

All of them will take niles' side if you really want to bother with this.  She threatened violence, all niles did before that was call her a cunt.  and quite frankly, she deserved it after treating him like that, not to mention everybody else who was trying to be sympathetic to her.  Read the whole thread before commenting.

so let me state for the first time:  WANF:  You are a cunt!

I'm not doing this to bust Psy's agates.  Not at all.  At the time, the discussion was becoming inane and Psy is a supporter of freedom of speech, righteously so.  They're only words, Free, uttered by angry people  when frustrated.  Yes, PV used harsh verbal techniques, but Niles and Psy weren't trying to break you down, only point out the bit of hypocrisy you were showing.  You used quite a bit of harsh language when provoked, but showed an odd, prudish aversion to one word:  Cunt.  There it is, not directed at anyone, it only sits there.  Not a prime time word, but still only a word.  Please, don't try to force your verbal prejudices onto others.

I stand corrected
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 11:30:34 PM
oh grow up
i did not say anything about free speech
i was talking about sexual harassment in high school
not swearing  :roll:
in high school and in general in life
for the millionth time
some men like to corner you and say sexual stuff to you
in reality as a woman men will sometimes be sexually agressive
that is why rape is against the law
it happens sexual violence against women happens
just because you have not experienced it as a man
does not mean it does not happen
so some guys are verbally sexually abusive
they can get away with it a lot more then they can jumping some woman or girl  :roll:
it's not freedom of speech you annoying children
it's a form of verbal sexual assault
hazamon are you not nihilanthic?
i got you two mixed up
if you are not i am sorry
i think i mixed you up with him
but any way i'll hold out the peace pipe
when every guy on here says it's not appropriate to refer to women as sex objects all the damn time out of context

and when someone talks about sexual harassment
it's not your issue don't start cussing them out with the words they just said they were attacked with
because you think your for something you obviously don't know the first thing about
jesus think damn it and grow up
if you were some really short skinny guy and some eight foot tall three feet wide guy cornered you and started hitting on you and describing sexual acts then calling you derogatory names in relation to sex when you tried to get away from him
guess what, you'd be talking about it as something that was bad too
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 22, 2007, 11:41:07 PM
and the Fornits banners are Fornits banners
they always have Fornits stuff posted on them
like books to read and such that relate to Fornits
duh and of course your posting them
i pissed you off
stop acting like a bunch of idiots
i'm right ok
women are just like you, kind of
at least it would be annoying if people were always talking about men as "strippers" or "trading BJ's for favors"
it's like racism women are normal people
men do it without thinking about it but it's insulting
and kind of threatening especially, if like a lot of women,
you've had to deal with violence and prejudice in relation to being a woman
don't talk about women as sex objects and lower life forms
in an extreme way, i mean sex objects
some i could care less, but real stuff it's really bad
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 23, 2007, 12:57:50 AM
::alieneyesa::  ::huh:: ::bangin:: ::argue:: :wave:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 23, 2007, 04:04:33 PM
all i'm saying is everything i've said here is true
you want the truth, hah you can't handle the truth
hah hah hah
it's true though
and i'm sorry if it scares people
it scares me too
that's the point
i'm so sick of telling the truth without rose colored glasses
and people going oh my god that's horrible
she must be crazy :roll:
if you haven't noticed
what scary thing have i done in any of my stories?
i told my teacher in sixth grade that she was a bad teacher?
or i said to my fiance of four years
"please don't yell at me all the time, you drink a lot"  "I'm going to move out of suburbia into the ghetto, because it's all that i can afford if you don't stop?"
in PV i was restrained rarely because i did exactly as i was told
and tried to make life ok for myself and everyone
i'm not the one doing horrible things
perhaps i am angry in the retelling
but guess what you'd be angry too if you were me
everthing i've said is true
and plenty of other PV people have backed me up
it's not my fault my fiance bought a gun
i was scared of the damn thing and didn't like to touch it
because in my life, which from the outside looks clean and ok
I've had to deal with real abuse
this  does not make me an abuser or dangerouse  :roll:
of course abuse victims are angry
what makes this scary is
anyone who has been in PV
or in other abusive situations will tell you
there is not rational sense to what PV does
and for some reason they get away with their farce of a program
PV is a scam
a horrific scam that would use any excuse to abuse people
so that they can continue to abuse horribly vulnerable kids
for large amounts of money
i'm just afraid of PV trying to say those that speak out about them and other real aspects of life out of their nightmare
are dangerous
this is not true but PV would do it in a heartbeat
that's what their whole scam is based on
the kids need to go to school more then two days a week, and do homework
they don't even have real therapy
just group with random goons who need a paycheck
the staff needs to be educated properly
and not just someone off the street they don't have to pay too much
it's snake oil sales
of course i am angry
if you notice though what the hell have i done?
i write about it
oh my God
PV comes down simply to LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY
PV is a bad scam
wake up people
PV wants to make the kids there look as bad or crazy as possible
so that they don't get sued and so they can abusively shut up
any of those that complain later
of course program people are angry
of course kids molested in foster care are angry
of course girls that were molested are angry that PV allowed them to be isolated and beat them down so badly they never reported it
or when they did, they were told there wasn't enough evidence or something
there are statatory rape laws
there are laws about how many days minors should be in school
and free time and not having to be timed in the bathroom
and allowed books besides the bible
PV is evil and they should all go to jail
where the hell is the oversite!!!
i am going to work my entire life to get more oversite and change all the abusive things i have seen
i don't care if no one believes me or thinks i'm nuts
i know it's real
PV likes to work too, based on how shocked peoples middle class sensibilities and rose colored glasses are at the real nature of poverty and abuse
you write down something difficult that happened and you see how it just sounds on paper, compare it too with what you were fooling yourself into thinking at the time
the truth is not always what we want it to be

i have lost a great deal of faith in our system
it's not my fault i was abused
and i'm not a danger to myself or others because PV abused me?
of course i'm pissed, how warped is that
i have a lot of love for this world
i have a lot of love in general
my voice is my weapon, it's more powerful to change minds then to hurt them
i am against violence and always have been, i do not resort to it
it's part of my religion somehow
speaking out about the truth of what you have seen
and the violence THAT HAS BEEN DONE TO YOU
is peaceful protest, plus i like words
and i'm a much better writter then fighter
of course people out of PV sound angry
abuse makes people mad

what PV does is violent and dangerous and abusive
i just know how PV works
it's a scam and they don't care about any tactics they use
they are violent and abusive and dangerouse
not those teens in or out of PV
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 23, 2007, 04:20:35 PM
violence really is stupid too
that's the whole point of peaceful protest and civil disobedience
if you do anything dumb you last about five minutes
then you are a criminal and places like PV can eat you
if you just fight with words and laws and within the law,
you can keep fighting till your 80
if a system is at all healthy then you are allowed free speech
there is a difference between free speech and racism and sexism
it is a very interesting topic to discuss though
and in my ethics classes and such it comes up
where does the line get drawn as far as things like sexual harassment and hate speech and freedom of speech
the laws state no sexual harassment in the work place
but i would have to research if there have been any cases against the media
can you sue the media for sexual harassment?
i wrote a letter to the FCC about it but they were evasive
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 23, 2007, 05:51:39 PM
you know that paper my stupid 6th grade teacher had said i plagiarized
i hadn't of course
i just read all the time and had a better grasp of the English language then she thought
i did because i didn't always turn in my homework
it was kind of an adult subject too
i suppose you could give National Lampoons credit for the general idea
it was about the time my father accidentally checked us into a dive motel in Paris because it looked nice in the brochure and he was trying to save money
my mother had a fit of course
i had fun writing the thing but i hadn't consulted any books about it
all the words were my own organized in a funny way by me
i also failed PE in 8th grade
my face broke out and i would wear makeup to cover it
so i had swimming in the morning and i didn't want to swim because i was embarrassed about my skin
the PE teacher was this large blonde Viking of a man beard and all
and he gave me such a hard time
i would just tell him i didn't feel well
or couldn't swim for personal reasons and then go read on the bleachers
but i failed PE because of it
I also failed art
because we were making these clay pots
and i got interested in it
and my teacher wanted this specific nice neat clay pot
and mine got creative and i fiddled with it too much and it fell apart in the kiln so she gave me an F
in art in 8th grade
it was this big deal, this stupid clay pot :roll:    
i was such a failure in middle school  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 23, 2007, 06:47:22 PM
Quote from: ""we are not liber""
he pissed me off
all these stupid assholes pissed me off
he called me the C word like six times and them defended his right to
as free speech
a bunch of stupid men were defending their macho right to talk about Pamela Anderson's big boobs and strippers as women who just like to shake their asses and that was the nice stuff
it's not my fault you guys are insensitive adolescent crotch grabbing macho idiots
and you brought your locker room talk onto a site where surviors of PV, many of whom have dealt with sexual abuse are going to go
i can't stand any of you assholes and i don't give a fuck
ok fine psy "ammo" sounds like "ammo" as in ordinary protest which is a great idea
stop posting little banners about free speech and attention whores
it's obnoxious.
macho idiot
Tori Amos would kick your ass right now
hey guest your a stupid pig rot in hell  :flame:

Again, slow down and try reading some of what other people have written, but thoroughly.  You seem to read one sentence, get pissed off and then respond.  There are so many of us here who really feel your pain and get what you're saying but you've got to slow down and give us a chance.  Give yourself a chance to read what others have gone through.   You'll find that nothing you've been writing about is unique.  We've all been through it and are right here, ready and waiting to share what has helped and worked for us but you have to be open enough to at least read it.  If you just skim through, you misinterpret a lot of us.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 23, 2007, 06:48:32 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Page 48 of this thread:

Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm also notifying the ACLU, GLAAD, RBDETT, and EFF

All of them will take niles' side if you really want to bother with this.  She threatened violence, all niles did before that was call her a cunt.  and quite frankly, she deserved it after treating him like that, not to mention everybody else who was trying to be sympathetic to her.  Read the whole thread before commenting.

so let me state for the first time:  WANF:  You are a cunt!

I'm not doing this to bust Psy's agates.  Not at all.  At the time, the discussion was becoming inane and Psy is a supporter of freedom of speech, righteously so.  They're only words, Free, uttered by angry people  when frustrated.  Yes, PV used harsh verbal techniques, but Niles and Psy weren't trying to break you down, only point out the bit of hypocrisy you were showing.  You used quite a bit of harsh language when provoked, but showed an odd, prudish aversion to one word:  Cunt.  There it is, not directed at anyone, it only sits there.  Not a prime time word, but still only a word.  Please, don't try to force your verbal prejudices onto others.

^^^^^^^^^  That.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on September 23, 2007, 06:49:52 PM
Quote from: ""we are not liber""
i pissed you off
stop acting like a bunch of idiots
i'm right ok

No, in this case you're not.
Title: Re: PV
Post by: Anonymous on September 24, 2007, 11:11:36 AM
Quote from: ""QC""
Quote from: ""YoungMan Grande""
Quote from: ""nimdA""
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""Guy Grande""
I have seen a sporadic and curious posting on this thread from time to time and I finally understand it.
        DAMAGE brought to us by PENINSULA VILLAGE

            the damage that keeps on damaging

I am sorry for mokara, and all others who have suffered at the hands of    Peninsula Village.


Agreed. I can't see how anyone could possibly take offense to anything Mokara says. She is so obviously.... hurt, deeply, deeply hurt. Whether her problems surfaced only after PV or have long been there, she shouldn't have been there and it clearly helped muddle her mind a little. How can you have anything but compassion for her?



        the damage that keeps on DAMAGING
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 24, 2007, 12:58:10 PM
Who's taking offense?  It looks like people are trying to help.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 24, 2007, 04:55:39 PM
fuck off stupid nazi PV staff
have you noticed the new survivors stories on Cafety?
They pop up when you Google Peninsula Village, great press!!!
i emailed over 50 survivor alumni last night at midnight
and one of them responded less then an hour later!
apparently you almost killed her! literally,
another one you denied proper medical care
and what is with all the stomach and liver problems!
it seems like something you assholes are doing is aggravating or causing them.
 Half of the survivors, seem to talk about nausea and liver problems.
In milkbloods testimony you have some girl carrying around a bag full of vomit,
 I have stomach problems the doctors are having trouble diagnosing
Jersey Gurl you restrained her in her own vomit
I remember nausea on work duty as well as dizziness, and being told I was faking it.
The new girls liver almost failed because of gallstones, which is an odd medical problem,
And you completely denied her proper medical care.
Then there is the other survivors story where the girl also almost died of liver or kidney failure because something from the cafeteria had ecoli and you again denied her medical treatment.
It seems odd that kids and young adults, who should have healthy stomachs and livers, are having so many problems in these areas?  
 perhaps dosing the kids to the gills, mixing serious medications and giving them thorazine on top of ridiculous amounts of stress and other drugs,
then having them seen by a real medical doctor once every six months,
is weakening these kids systems and contributing to health problems in these areas.
 and you sound like the idiotic abusive scam that your are
considering how fast her response was, i think we can expect a lot more survivors accounts!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 24, 2007, 05:05:50 PM
and i don't need your help
there are very few humans who's help i want
and those simply fall under the supportive kind sort
who like to take road trips to the beach and such
i'm doing fine by myself thanks
a lot of those who "help" just cause trouble and try to enforce their way of thinking or what they want from you on you
what damn business am i of yours
calling me the C word repeatedly all of you that did
and all the stupid staff hassling and the
internet jackasses from the peanut gallery
have been very little damn help
in fact they have of course, staff, been a great hindrance
an AnneBonney you tuned in about page 112
 a whole lot of bitching had gone under the bridge by then
i'll be nice if you all just don't hassle me any
then peace on earth and all that
psy lay off the damn adderall  :roll:
it's an amphetamine already :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on September 24, 2007, 07:23:47 PM
Quote from: ""we are not liber""

PV comes down simply to LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY
PV is a bad scam
wake up people
PV wants to make the kids there look as bad or crazy as possible
so that they don't get sued and so they can abusively shut up
any of those that complain later
of course program people are angry
of course kids molested in foster care are angry
of course girls that were molested are angry that PV allowed them to be isolated and beat them down so badly they never reported it
or when they did, they were told there wasn't enough evidence or something
there are statatory rape laws

i have lost a great deal of faith in our system
it's not my fault i was abused
and i'm not a danger to myself or others because PV abused me?

what PV does is violent and dangerous and abusive
i just know how PV works
it's a scam and they don't care about any tactics they use
they are violent and abusive and dangerouse
not those teens in or out of PV

Preach, girl!  You're dispensing sage wisdom!  Have you called the TDMHDD with a complaint?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 05:28:59 AM
Quote from: ""we are not liber""
stop posting little banners about free speech and attention whores
it's obnoxious.
macho idiot
Tori Amos would kick your ass right now
hey guest your a stupid pig rot in hell  :flame:

Um.  First off, Ginger wrote the text you referred to.  You should lay off the man hating trip.  Now go write a letter to Tori Amos now like a good girl and tell her about the nasty, misogynistic, mean, mean, Ginger McNulty who obviously hates women, and probably uses the "C word"... whoops... i mean cunt.

Um... and if you try and sue the media for sexual Harassment they are most likely going to label you as either a moral busybody, fucked up in the head, or both.  And this isn't "me and a gun", and there is nobody here raping you, or even remotely trying to offend you (not that it matters since this thread is comprised, almost chiefly of your ramblings on the matter).

Here... Go foam at the mouth: (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 08:15:20 AM
lay off the adderall/amphetamines psy
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 08:45:53 AM
Lay off the goddam bullshit, you feminazi!  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 09:00:48 AM
What fuels your rants and man-bashing, WANF?  Your appearances on this forum are cyclic and fucking weird, man.  PV abused and damaged you, that's obvious, so you come here to do the same to the people on this forum?  Don't question the meds people need, you're in no position to judge anyone.  You're certainly not a doctor.

Back to the original question - what brings on these fits of manic typing?  There's been speculation:

1.  You work a weird schedule, like three days in a live-in type job.  Sort of a residential position.

2.  You're a boozer, and when the juice hits your brain you want to be heard. Since no sane human could sit and tolerate your ranting, you seek out an audience.  Like most lushes, you're opinionated, combative, and you grate on the nerves.  You've admitted to getting drunk and posting about your lost love, sexist pig that he was. (pity the guy).
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 09:11:40 AM
Quote from: ""frou frou""
you feminazi!  :rofl:

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 03:31:28 PM
In thinking about politics and state structure
I am in political science after all
Here is what I think
Clearly stated
In society there are many kinds of people
Ordinary people and
those that would abuse or steal for their own reasons or ends
i am cynical I think that society and law are very necessary because otherwise we would  constantly be protecting ourselves against attack and theft and worse would be rampant
the problem with government and law is that thugs are just as much of a danger in respect to gaining power in a government then through lawlessness
also societies are just as prone to prejudices and abuse
when violence becomes allowed in a society all people suffer
because the abusive thrive in violence and can usually gain power through abuse
violence is always wrong because it allows the abusive to use violence and chaos ensues
within which many ordinary people die, or live in fear for their lives
as Thomas Hobbes said, â€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 03:41:33 PM
and i am not a feminazi
plus feminazis look like PV staff
large and butch
 i just am sick of the way men and boys talk about women all the time
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 04:00:57 PM
i was actually trying to help,
 i remember back five years ago when i was taking my friends adderall
i lost a bunch of weight and was really sick
i caught bronchitis, that almost turned into pneumonia,
my lungs were totally full of yellow crap
 because my system was so weakened by the Adderall
 i looked like david bowie towards the end of his Ziggy Pop days
and all i was taking was Adderall about once a week!
i didn't even take it that often
i don't know how high your dose is but they probably started you out on a small dose and then crept it up on you over a while,
so perhaps you don't notice how strong it really is!
back in my brief two years out of PV drug phase,
i tried a few harder drugs and with complete honesty I can say
 Adderall was the strongest and the one that made me the sickest!    
Amphetamines are no joke really, perhaps?

plus i get damn sick of people on amphetamines for hyperactivity they probably don't have, telling me to go take my snake oil drugs
when i say it's wrong to corner girls in high school and call them the C word while describing sexual acts in a violent way?
idiocy baffles me, fucking irony and a catch 22
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 04:25:26 PM
i really was just taking Adderall at the time too
it was the only drug we could get on the remote college campus
got to love schools that will take you right out of PV
this one was this very small, about broke private liberal arts school
in the middle of no where, same one where my female advisor and theater teacher was behaving illicitly with my obnoxious friend
but there weren't any drugs except for adderall and the occasional bag of swag weed.
 this was over five years ago again
i haven't done any drugs in years now
five years for anything more then the occasional joint before a concert or something
i grew out of it, i don't even think about it
i could go get a joint now if i felt like it
just don't? i don't even drink, hardly at all
i shop at Whole foods, wow and drink a lot of green tea
horrible really, i'm getting old
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 04:32:57 PM
it was the Adderall too
the first time i took it, i was up for at least two days straight
i think i staid up for four days off of two pills!
for a month or so i did probably take more then just one a week
like two a week, it was really strong
my friend had been on Ritalin since he was 12 or so
i didn't take it all the time
once i caught bronchitis i stopped taking it but it didn't matter
i was down to under a hundred pounds after taking it just that month and i'm 5'7 or so!
i didn't mean to loose that much weight, i just didn't have any appetite
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 04:42:32 PM
i'm down with the occasional labor or other form of riot, though
peaceful protest goes wrong once in while
people do get hurt though
smashing up the Walmart and other chain corporations is only fair really considering the government lets them get away with highway robbery
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 05:13:43 PM
You have to be knee-walking drunk to post shit like that, wanf.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 08:53:10 PM
whatever your tax dollars pay for the health care of the walmart and other chain store workers so it's your money
if there were better laws protecting people from being exploited and robbed
there would be less poverty
 and people could buy their own damn health care
kind a like abortion, prejudice and unwanted children
vs. birth control, the morning after pill, safe sex and drinking education
reason, equality and compassion instead of prejudice and fruit throwing
you have evolution towards safer happier people.  
five day work week, eight hour days and a living wage are a good thing both for the people who work in your stores and make your products overseas.
last time i checked drunk people can't type
more then a line or two of stupidity
kind a like what you wrote
in reality laws must always be stayed within
even if the laws are not built on moral premises
example: laws built on the lobbying of Hudson Belks or Walmart,
 the department store with no windows i worked well over the 40hr work week in with no overtime
 or the lobbying and contributions of drug companies
those kinds of laws represent abuse of the system and are morally wrong but you still have to stay within them because in our flawed reality
abuse is certainly active in the justice system if you fall foul of it
from both abusers within and those who are being prosecuted for crimes
such is the nature of the beast and all that
i got an A on my test to day kiss my ass PV
if you worked for years in a store without windows for 8 dollars an hour
a whole hell of a lot over the forty hour work week
you wouldn't think it was a moral system either
I’m not really this angry all the time and I’m getting sick of it
Think I’m going to let it rest for a while
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 08:58:34 PM
i don't really want a labor riot  :roll:
i just have PMS really
anybody else wanna fight
i'll kick your ass grrrrrrr
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 09:23:47 PM
what's drunken anyway?
how the drug companies supply kids going off to college with a large free supply of dangerous amphetamines, go look up Adderall again it’s crack!
should i not talk about that?
gee I wonder why not huh?
The crap is deadly and teens think it's almost ok
the doctor gives it to them?
i'm against it
i don't even drink idiot
i haven't smoked a joint in two years,
honestly because i just fell out of the habit
fuck you PV staff
I’m sick of being threatened by you bastards
And of you assholes trying to get me to say something stupid so you can do something to me,
gee if we harass her like a bunch of abusive PV staff maybe she'll sound like a danger to herself and others,
 lets all make death threats, guest says,
don't you want to be a  ninja assassin and go "take out" PV heads
 huh huh huh
Idiots, that’s such an evil PV tactic,
abuse her so she gets mad so we can abuse her more
what's worse is of course people out of PV are going to be mad as hell!
and angry people say angry things, damn evil catch 22
also if you call them a bunch of disgusting sexual things, and crazy and so on like you did me staff, they also might sound angry,you think?
give me a break :roll: evil PV  
that a stupid stupid nasty tactic,
sounds like bob peglar ropes course addiction certified from
Pellissippi State Community College logic

You are not the mafia and you don’t have any right to use the law to lie and abuse people like you do.
The legal system is not your private goons at and PV needs over site
I don’t care how many good old boys, goons, PV administrators and unpleasant women behind desks you have you are still not a dictatorship
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 09:25:20 PM
i only beat up on men when i have PMS sorry
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 09:43:30 PM
i like your quote
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 10:00:39 PM
Quote from: ""freedom is a good life""
last time i checked drunk people can't type
more then a line or two of stupidity

I dunno, you were lushed-up good when you wrote that appeal to your lover man to come back.  Of course, as always, you didn't know when to quit and screwed the pooch by calling him a sexist pig, thus ensuring he will remain hidden and unknown in a foreign country forever.  

The good drunks can't type out more than a line or two, and we should all be thankful for the brief boozers.

The bad drunks are another story, ranting incessantly about ebay jewelry, spouting hatred for men disguised as feminism, and dictating medical treatment without a license.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 11:03:33 PM
sounds like bob peglar logic again
lushed up pretty good? and lover man?
who says that?  are you being silly or what
we all have box of wine nights some more then others
i posted that a ways back it was very nice of you to go hunt it up off of that people search website
and yes the calling men sexist a lot could be the reason i'm not dating
i think i just work all the time
i don't flirt very well either
i clean up ok i guess, when i get to shave my legs and such
or wear a bra, armpits too, don't feminazis have hairy armpits?
 so it's probably that i avoid them and yell at them
the last date i went on the guy attacked me
and my first boyfriend was a stalker
i kind a am thinking about becoming a monk or something at this point
if you were with my ex for four years you'd be avoiding men too

nuns have funny hats, but it's a monastic way of life for me
doesn't hurt my grades any though
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 11:18:53 PM
the guy i posted that sappy bitchy love note to is in Pensacola :roll:
and he was kinda sexist and i'm sure i wouldn't like him if i saw him again
can't even remember what he looks like
i don't hate men some men are great
i'll find a nice one at some point i'm sure
there are a 150million or so of them in the US i should be able to find a couple to date out of those
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 25, 2007, 11:32:33 PM
hey speaking of practicing medicine without a license
zen posted this over on cafety
Platinum Boarder
Posts: 62
Karma: 7  
  PV Activism - 2007/09/24 23:17
My wife and I have documentation that Adam McLain was NOT licensed in the state of TN to practice...Sara, Milkblood you were both there and probably diagnosed by McLain. As you can read below, PV clearly misrepresented McLain, and he was not qualified to diagnose or direct clinical staff. The PV Scam is right - the time is now to file charges. There is a thread about Mclain and Bob Pegler (allegedly seriously misrepresenting himself) on Fornits. I know Fornits can be a bit crass, but that's where the information is most effective.

We're working with a local attorney to bring PV to answer for these abuses. We contacted the Tennessee Department of Mental Health, they're taking the complaints. Here's who you call directly at TDMHDD: Julie Ann Cox, 865-594-2821. email: ( I have more confidential information.

The gastrointestinal viruses at PV are really disturbing. I'm wondering if it has something to do with twenty years of porta-john use on a site with poor run-off. There was a recent outbreak of Norovirus that was kept under wraps. I called the Blount County Board of Health to get info, and a woman confirmed they were working with PV on a "viral" issue. Then the woman started interrogating me, wanting to know how I found out and what my interest was. I guess Blount County likes to protect Peninsula. These stomach/liver problems and viruses occur too frequently to be brushed off as typical institutional problems. Fecal-oral transmitted viruses are thankfully rare, yet PV has them with alarming frequency. My question about the latest outbreak of Norovirus concerned parental notification. I doubt any parent was notified, but I'm only making an educated guess. My step daughter said she saw other girls constantly throwing up, and they were forced to drink Powerade to combat dehydration. My step daughter didn't get the illness and was unaware of the gastrointestinal nightmare history of PV.

I appreciate you coming forward and sharing your experiences. If you'd like to help in (hopefully) shutting down PV, please contact me, we're working on some serious PV issues, the abuse, parental alienation, wrongful imprisonment, and (surprise!) Felonious tampering with U.S. mail. I guess you're both familiar with PV's "scan" of the mail.

Take care.

This is from Fornits, posted last week:

Satori wrote:
Surprise, surprise...licensure isn't taken very seriously by PV. Adam McLain, the psychologist and "clinical director" of the girls' continuum at PV since early 2003, was denied a state license by the Tennessee Board of Examiners in Psychology because his internship wasn't approved by the APA. Mclain wasn't denied until March, 2004:

Every girl who went through the PV program between April 2003 to January 12, 2005 might want to contact legal counsel. Jersey Girl, Milkblood, you guys definitely need to look into it. If you need documentation, ask for it, I'll get it to anyone who needs it.

According to a TMHDD investigator, McLain didn't need a TN license to be clinical director of the girls' program at PV, he only needed a degree in Psychology.

Well...allow me to retort.

The Parent's Introduction To Peninsula Village, pg. 11:

"Clinical Oversight: Each program on our campus has a licensed mental health professional that serves as a clinical director. The clinical director is primarily responsible for directing the clinical aspects of your adolescent's care. This includes diagnosis, treatment planning, conducting group therapies and insuring the integrity and clinical depth of each program"

PV is clearly stating that their clinical directors are licensed by the state, and considering the job includes diagnosis, they damn well have to be licensed. McLain was not, for almost two years. During that time, he diagnosed at least one frequent Fornits poster. I'm not a malpractice lawyer, but I'm guessing an unlicensed psychologist's diagnosis is bunk.

And without a doubt, the "integrity" of the PV program was compromised by McLain. I just experienced an hysterical laughing attack associating "integrity" with PV.

Shades of HLA here, and this is some serious misrepresentation on PV's part.

Post edited by: ZenAgent, at: 2007/09/25 02:35
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 12:11:34 AM
Quote from: ""free is a good job""

don't feminazis have hairy armpits?

Big hairy balls, too.  Doc Martins, wife-beaters, mullets, carefully cultivated upper lip hair, and a foil-wrapped cucumber in their jeans to deal with that penis envy issue.

Quote from: ""free is a good job""
if you were with my ex for four years you'd be avoiding men too

Can't deny that.  Your ex isn't avoiding men - he's down at the Rusty Trombone Club every night, shakin' ass to the Techno beat and making man-love in rest areas.  He can take about an hour on the Tower of Power, long as he gets a little golden shower...

I'll bet he's on serious meds these days and goes into screaming fits at the sight of a woman.  Shit, here you are launching a jihad on sexist pigs and you created a stone cold misogynist sissy Mary with your "affections".

Poor guy's testicles are probably in a Mason jar.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 12:24:20 AM
ok as long as i can kick your ass i don't care
honestly i don't have a mullet
 and i look like a woman :roll:
those sound more like PV staff you are describing
i think that is a good description of many of the female counselors
still think your a stupid sick pig though
and every one on here blames me for sounding like a feminist
when you all have been saying crap like that since day one
i give up i have said everything
you are a pig and stupid
other women on here should be more supportive
instead of letting a bunch of sexually harassing bullying staff run the show
i bet you all were great in group,probably ripped your fellow sufferers apart
not one person on here has said anything to anyone about even the most graphic sexual harassment
a nice guest or two
all the rest of you are disgusting pigs
you are like a bunch of high school kids
everyone picks on me while pigs like you talk like a bunch of rapists
i hate you assholes rot in hell
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 12:58:45 AM
Quote from: ""free is no pigs""
ok as long as i can kick your ass i don't care
honestly i don't have a mullet
 and i look like a woman :roll:

So I guess the gorilla clackers, bracers, and tuber phallus are items you're sporting with pride?

Quote from: ""free is no pigs""
all the rest of you are disgusting pigs
you are like a bunch of high school kids
everyone picks on me while pigs like you talk like a bunch of rapists
i hate you assholes rot in hell

We did rot in hell, that's why we're here, and don't use the A-word, it makes me feel all icky.  You keep going on about harassment, innuendos, words that offend you, likening strangers to rapists because they disagree with your pigheaded half-baked views.  Rape is fucked up, all the way around.  It's a horror for women, yeah, but what about a guy who gets sexually assaulted by another male?  Shit, there's a whole set of issues there completely out of the spectrum for female victims.  A lot of states don't have laws regarding male on male rape because of archaic ideas of penetration.  You think a lot of women are afraid to report a rape?  Imagine being a guy walking into a police station full of stoopid copper bastards and telling them you were ass-raped.  They'll laugh, insult the victim, then plook him with a toilet plunger.  Self esteem issues are on a different level, too.   A guy who's been assaulted has to deal with the fact that another man viewed him as a weakling and a "bitch" and used him as a cum dumpster.  

Don't be throwing the word "pig" around, someone here might have been forced to squeal in the style of a hog and you're bringing the horror back.  Your ex may be receptive to butt-scuttling, but some guys get tooled even after they've issued a firm "no!" to their amorous butt pirate suitors.  Show a little compassion toward the unwilling butt-boys.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 01:09:05 AM
I was joking about the nun religion monk thing jesus :roll:
Although between the Latin and the ancient medicine
I’m thinking the universe might be trying to tell me something
Like you’re a nun by default now, get a date or we will put you to work
Again joking
It was mighty quiet around here for a while
You guys really do go away and come back on staff schedule
but for the millionth time
why nothing human and normal?
why the hell won't you show some compassion and some sense
you sound like staff throughout
i am so sick of sexual harassment
and guys always talking like the above
just talk like people for once
you are not people
seriously what do you do
talk about your program experiences
and what ails you in your life
all you do is harass me
it's pretty suspect
all you do on this site is talk like macho overbearing weirdo's
it that all you are?  
is there any body in there or what
who are you what do you do
who cares if i rant about labor laws and colleges out of programs
and the crappy drugs they put people on
another new survivor just posted on cafety talking about how her liver almost failed and she almost died because PV denied her proper medical treatment for gallstones in her liver
i researched it just because so many peopleout of PV talk about vomiting and there are stomach and liver problems  
and gallstones can be a sign of liver damage
the fact that she almost died is certainly PV's fault
anyway fuck this
God if your listening smote these bastards and smote them good
assholes you need to try talking like humans
sexism is all you do on here and talking like a bunch of macho high school kids but older and scarier
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 01:11:50 AM
ok you win thats too fucking disgusting for me pig
your a monster and you should go to jail
sick pig rot in hell
i hate you people
fucking pigs
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 01:16:16 AM
Quote from: ""free is done""
i am so sick of sexual harassment

I am so sick of ass rapings. Time to bugger off.  Goodnight, free the pig!  And drink another box of wine, it sounds like the DT's are kicking in.

 ::dose::  ::dose::  ::dose::  ::dose::  ::dose::  ::dose::  ::dose::  ::dose::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on September 26, 2007, 02:30:13 AM
you ramble a lot. very incoherant... stream of consciousness..

Not very easy to read or comprehend!

Why not have a conversation?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 26, 2007, 08:17:36 AM
Quote from: ""Rob The Rope Man""
Poor guy's testicles are probably in a Mason jar.

:rofl: ::bwahaha:: :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 26, 2007, 08:25:25 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
We did rot in hell, that's why we're here, and don't use the A-word, it makes me feel all icky.  You keep going on about harassment, innuendos, words that offend you, likening strangers to rapists because they disagree with your pigheaded half-baked views.  Rape is fucked up, all the way around.  It's a horror for women, yeah, but what about a guy who gets sexually assaulted by another male?  Shit, there's a whole set of issues there completely out of the spectrum for female victims.  A lot of states don't have laws regarding male on male rape because of archaic ideas of penetration.  You think a lot of women are afraid to report a rape?  Imagine being a guy walking into a police station full of stoopid copper bastards and telling them you were ass-raped.  They'll laugh, insult the victim, then plook him with a toilet plunger.  Self esteem issues are on a different level, too.   A guy who's been assaulted has to deal with the fact that another man viewed him as a weakling and a "bitch" and used him as a cum dumpster.  
Joking aside, you made some interesting points here.

Don't be throwing the word "pig" around, someone here might have been forced to squeal in the style of a hog and you're bringing the horror back.  Your ex may be receptive to butt-scuttling, but some guys get tooled even after they've issued a firm "no!" to their amorous butt pirate suitors.  Show a little compassion toward the unwilling butt-boys.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 26, 2007, 08:42:50 AM
Quote from: ""free is not done""
It was mighty quiet around here for a while
You guys really do go away and come back on staff schedule
but for the millionth time
why nothing human and normal?
why the hell won't you show some compassion and some sense
you sound like staff throughout
i am so sick of sexual harassment
and guys always talking like the above
just talk like people for once
you are not people
seriously what do you do
talk about your program experiences
and what ails you in your life
all you do is harass me
it's pretty suspect
all you do on this site is talk like macho overbearing weirdo's
it that all you are?

I, for one, am not and will never be PV Staff.

People are just replying to the stuff that you write... You know, this isn't the ONLY thread on this forum, and this forum isn't the only forum on this site. Try shutting up for five minutes and look around a little and you just might find more of what you're looking for! If there is so much sexual harrassment on this thread and it bothers you so fucking much, then why keep posting on it?

Persaonally I've been here for years, and don't always feel like talking about program experiences all the time anymore. Sometimes I still do, but not all the time...maybe if you focused your posts more on that subject matter (instead of being all over the place) you'd get more replies from people about their program experiences. Just a thought.

And I don't see any "macho overbearing weirdos" harassing you here. :cry2:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on September 26, 2007, 08:52:43 AM
I find it easier to write up a blog about my own experiences. It allows me to control the content and I don't get locked up in verbal flame sessions. Understanding your posts have gotten a great deal easier for me, but I can see why others have commented on your unique style of writing.

Keep at it and don't let anyone stop you from getting your message out.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 01:22:45 PM
Whoever you people are you are very irresponsible
This situation is not a joke, and it's not just a random chatroom
This is real abuse and real people being abused
This is a delicate situation
What happened with me here is not a joke
I came on this site for help and support because I was dealing with living in an abusive family, I trusted that other survivors would understand  and spoke candidly
I was the victim of sexual abuse in my life and therefore I am understandably touchy about what might seem normal to other people  
I also was upset because I wrote some embarrassing personal stuff that my mother was abusing me with not thinking I was in a place where sex and abuse were treated as a joke
Again this is a site for survivors of abuse out of programs and abusive family situations are common and contribute.  
I have said this sixteen times too in the hope of appealing to reason, this isn’t a debate, it’s a person who has dealt with abuse who tried repeatedly to get you to understand this nicely
I think a lot of people on here are connected to programs even if they pretend otherwise
There is a great deal of staff on this site for certain

Also this is a delicate situation,
PV is a dangerous place
People out of PV will tell you how it works
In PV they put you on suicide watch, and you have to sit in front of the nurses desk on a roll away cot, and sleep there and the lights are really bright and staff is literally breathing on you, and you have to sign in every 15 minutes, in a hospital gown, and eat with a plastic spoon
And sometimes people don’t have the faintest idea what little thing they said that got them there,
PV uses the whole danger to yourself and others thing a lot,
it makes you paranoid

If you say I was bullied in school,
PV staff starts asking you if you ever thought about hurting those bullies!
Which is horrible because every ordinary kid out there kind a wanted to punch the bully!
And none of them were a danger to themselves or others
And a lot of times the bullies were a lot like the sexual harassment on here!
Places like PV use horrible tragedy to justify robbery and abusing ordinary kids
But what I’m saying is this is a delicate situation
It needs to be calm somewhat and the survivors of programs do not need to be baited and harassed.
 Tempers should be kept on here,
I as a survivor of abuse don’t need to be bullied and sexually harassed.  People need to be aware of the fact that they shouldn’t say anything that PV staff, so it’s a high threshold, could twist into being threatening towards PV.  
For example people should probably not talk about going to PV honestly, especially not even in a joking manner, because it sounds threatening to PV and they could get you in trouble for it I think legally.  
Certainly don’t say anything about wanting to “do something to program headsâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on September 26, 2007, 01:35:33 PM
Well alrighty then!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 02:01:52 PM
there really was a misunderstanding in the begining
i was really defensive becuase i wrote some personal stuff about arguing with my family and i'm touchy about guy talk
but jesus this isn't guy talk this is just really scary abusive crap
at first i figured it was staff trying to shut me up
so i kept talking,but now you all are just  freaking me out
i'm out of here you all macho creeps can do as you please
it does seem like guys use sexual harassment as a dominance thing?
reincarnation does say we evolve up from lower forms of life
in makes you wonder and is probably insulting to nice animals
my cats and dog are appalled, appalled
chicken brained crotch grabbing babboon

that kid years ago who's adderall we were taking
didn't even take his Adderall and he wasn't hyperactive
he took it on occasion to get high or study
and he really wasn't hyperactive or ADD
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on September 26, 2007, 02:24:28 PM
Quote from: ""we are not free is out of""
chicken brained crotch grabbing babboon
:rofl:  That's great, free!  I'll be laughing all day.  When the guy in the office next to me gets back from lunch, I'm going to scream it at him.

Quote from: ""we are not free is out of""
that kid years ago who's adderall we were taking
didn't even take his Adderall and he wasn't hyperactive
he took it on occasion to get high or study
and he really wasn't hyperactive or ADD

Ain't America grand?  Thanks to the internet, I can find the symptoms to get the diagnosis I want from a quack and be whacked out of my mind in no time.

Better living through chemistry, they say.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 02:34:28 PM
most of the really bad stuff on here
has been posted by guests really
i just get riled and start throwing fruit at everyone
didn't mean to lump everyone in
again all the really scary stuff has been guests
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 02:45:13 PM
i don't know zen, certainly illicit drug use shows a lack of forethought in these sad times
but my friend Randall, yes his name was Randall,
had been put on the ritalin when he was about 12
so he pretty much grew up with it
it just annoys me that things that are really like Torrets or something,
 a somewhat rare pretty straight forward health problem are being marketed as what i think is a item for sale
you shouldn't sell ADD or bipolar disorder or chemical depression
it's kinda something that is easily diagnosable like torrets
you have it or you don't and people with it should have good medical care and not have to face prejudice because of it
one in a couple hundred people probably actually have it
they blur the lines too much
i have know real hyperactive kids and it's like Torrets
it's there it's not maybe they have it or maybe they just daydream too much?
that's a weird one, kids that daydream too much are now ADD.
it's on the diagnosing sites?
how we got from hyperactivity to daydreaming i don't know
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 02:48:10 PM
Turrets sorry
i sign in we are not  free free because i signed in under a fake email on Fornits and now i can't remember it so they won't let me us we are not free
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 02:56:51 PM
there are mild forms of turrets too
but then the argument becomes do we want to medicate a mild form of this problem with the same very strong drugs?
also with a disorder like ADD or Bipolar disorder
the symptoms are too vague
they run around like a hyper nut ball then crash and sleep a lot and won't come out of their cave a room?
last time i checked that's how a lot of the teenagers i know behave?
it's too general without clear symptoms
maybe more studies need to be done on people with the actual disorder and actual hyperactivity making them more clearly defined
so doctors stop giving it out to anyone who doesn’t do well in school or who gets themselves in trouble of some sort
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 06:11:03 PM
When I said some of the anorexics did seem to be suffering from stress and life issues
There were also one or two that seemed to be suffering from chemical depression
Chemical depression seemed to be a different medical problem
The kids seemed to have a health problem
A medical issue, otherwise they were nice smart normal teens
It was like they woke up feeling  sad and rather sick
You know how you feel emotionally when you are really tired
 or sick or run down?
It was like they felt like that all the time
Some of these girls were also anorexic
I think they have a specific physical health problem like diabetes
And it was specific you could tell which ones had it and which ones didn’t

Also I think it interesting that depression and anorexia is so much more common in teenage girls,
I also know that some girls seem to grow out of depression
It really makes me wonder, as an adult woman who goes to the doctor often in relation to women’s problems, like painful pms, and who is sure because of the direct correlation with periods that symptoms of pain or moodiness are related directly to the fact that she is a woman
I have no symptoms of pain or moodiness at any other time of the month or year, but this has shown me that a women reproductive cycles have a direct effect on their moods and physical health and that these syptoms are physical.
and it has made me wonder if there isn’t some sort of teenage menopause thing going on here that is being misdiagnosed?
I don’t know if this is the case in all instances of depression in teenage girls but it might be a factor because it is so much more prevalent in them then the boys with these sort of specific symptoms.
A lot of my mothers friends are going through menopause and it is a real health issue and the symptoms do in fact correlate almost with ones of depression in teenage girls
If you have never been around a group of women with menopause
 you don’t know what I’m talking about.  
If there are such symptoms toward the end of a woman’s reproductive cycle,
why not at the beginning?
Most of the girls with chemical depression symptoms showed no signs of it before puberty?
I am sure all the out side pressure, stress and lack of compassion around girls these days does not help matters much.
I know I am not a doctor but I did live with anorexics in pretty close quarters under a lot of stress for two years,
observation certainly is a part of science?
honestly i think it is the only part of the psychiatric industry that qualifies as a science
I am just proposing a hypothesis that perhaps depression in girls could also be related to hormonal changes?
I don’t think this is the case in all of them I just think as a factor over all perhaps it should be looked into.

the problem with having shrinks run the show is they tend to see mental problems when they could be physical, for example the girl who was going into liver failure had severe test anxiety :roll:
perhaps even mental problems are physical wow
so basically PV beats up on sick kids who can't help it
lets put goons in charge of the leukemia ward, beat them, not allow them to go to school and not treat their leukemia great idea :roll:
of course being in PV and other horrible things make teens sad too
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 06:17:32 PM
go look up menopause in women under google
it makes a good point maybe you will see then what i'm talking about
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 06:29:15 PM
Quote from: ""depression and menopause""
go look up menopause in women under google

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 26, 2007, 11:29:31 PM
to much estrogen eh?
i'm not even reading the other posts anymore
so if i seem like i'm ignoring them thats why
this is what teenagers who say they are being sexually harassed in
high school deal with and we wonder why they don't want to go to school or seem depressed
sometimes depression is environmental
but i'm sick of duking it out with staff and pigs
i've given all the information i have twice now
i don't get to talk much about what i see and I've seen a lot of stuff
PV is a horrible place and it should be stopped
sorry about the mention of PMS and menopause  :roll:  
cause that's so gross comparably to what PV does and all the horrific stuff said by PV staff on here
i'm sorry if i've said anything else too graphic or shocking
such is the nature of war stories after all
go read the gulag archipelago, just go read world history in general
sorry to be shocking
rot in hell staff i m free of this i think
and i kicked your ass some which was the point after all!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 01:05:19 AM
this whole site is horrible
i started out that way because i was living that situation
i'm a real person
my mother actually said that stuff
i wrote in the first post
i didn't realize how odd what she said sounds out of context
thats why i wrote it
my grandmother drank, what she said about her was in that context?
 my mother doesn't like herbs?
she thinks they are witch craft or something?  
she gets really threatening about it sometimes  
she says stuff like crazy people believe in magic and such and she's really threatening about it.
like i said something about intuition when i was out in Colorado by myself in a bad neighborhood and she started talking about schizophrenia
it's really scary what she does
she was really really threatening me    
i was just terrified all the time and my intuition was terror at walking up to my creepy apartment in my horrible crappy neighborhood coming home from work at night
when i went back and read the other stuff on the site
i was so embarassed about posting what she said when she was angry with me,
i wrote that because i was living it and afraid
i was afraid of everything, being put in some place like PV by my abusive family again because i couldn't afford to move out and they didn't want me here,
i had just moved home from a bad neighborhood where i was attacked,
working a year in a department store with no windows and no labor laws
and four years with an abusive boyfriend
i drove accross the country by myself three times
i had abusive people on one side and abusive people on the other?
 my mother was threatening me all the time then
i'm a real person
i was working going to school and getting A's
while my mother threatened me with calling the police weekly at least
for no reason, she said later she felt the need to take her house back?
from what i don't know, me using up the cleaning supplies?
i don't drink or use drugs or even try to talk to her anymore
now i just agree with everything she says

you don't know how terrifying that is for someone out of a program
it was a horrible abusive time
i think i was freaking out, when i wrote that first post
i don't know what i was thinking
i thought the abuse was so bad people would just see it as abuse?
everything i have said is true
there is a lot of abuse in my life and this world
it just made me so mad to have written something so embarassing and personal, it was really happening and i'm always so alone in it
then going back and reading how people were going to take it
please actually, if you aren't a serial killer think about that as a person
Abuse isolates you
my life for a very long time has been really abusive
you can't talk about it to people you work with or go to school with
abusers isolate you
look at PV
my ex kept everyone away somehow
we didn't know anyone where we lived
you just want to hide too
they make you feel like you can never tell any one
my family has been really high stress since i was nine
everyday was yelling and horror non stop almost
just the level of trauma was really high
this last semester I still went to work everyday and got good grades
i have health problems too
it's really hard for me to stand for eight hours
it frightens me to that things are less abusive right now
since i called the police on my mom because she hit me she has been much nicer?  
it makes you stay and then you have total hell on your hands?
i don't know i am not the abuser?  
i don't know why this house is like this
i just wish i could get out of here safely
sometimes i feel like i've always been here and i'm never going to get out
it's really scary thanks
it's always like this?  it's ok for a while but then it's so abusive

you all have been horrible
it's always like this everyone is so abusive
it's a hard world, no wonder i work so hard in school
this is all stupid no one every believes you any way
all there ever is is prejudice, abusive people and sexual harassment
i just was scared and alone, and that isn't a invitation for some pig on here to come kill me, fuck you all
thanks for your support
although i guess going for support to a site PV staff might read
was probably not the best plan
i didn't have a plan though i was just scared out of my mind honestly
and then i was angry and defending myself
and trying to put down what i've seen because
 i know it's wrong and it's all true
i just never talk about it
i am done with this though
you all should think about how this is a site for survivors of abuse in programs and be less insensitive and stupid or just plain disgusting and evil  
and be less stupid and insensitive not to mention just disgusting and evil
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 01:10:29 AM
i re read my first post and it made me mad
that's what the above is rambling about
this whole site, has made me mad
i'm done this is stupid
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 02:07:08 AM
You better go. The world's Enter keys are starting a petition.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 05:24:05 AM
all the girls out of PV and people actually connected to surviors are great people
most of the rest of you really need to think about where you are and what this whole thing is
and staff just needs to repent see the light and stop abusing teens
what the hell do you people think you are doing?
you know PV is bad, you know what you do?
what the hell are you thinking?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Antigen on September 27, 2007, 07:09:59 AM
Free, do you want a blog? I might be able to set it up for you. If not, I'm sure I can find the help I need to do it.

Who else wants a blog? I'm just trying to gage interest and scope of difficulty here.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 07:38:13 AM
I just want to help you free! Why won't you let me help you?

By not letting me help you, you make me SO angry!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 06:42:02 PM
hey go to the MSN home page today
there is this article on how to avoid raising a serial killer
that's actually it's title
under todays pick
then under the post your comment part here's the question

"While not every victim of bullying will grow up to become violent, events like the Virginia Tech shootings make us wonder if we should pay more attention when children are being picked on. Has your child been bullied before? How did you deal with it? Or maybe your child WAS the bully?"

Isn't that horrible!  everyone gets bullied at some point especially in school, so some kid trys to report it and people act like they are going to go postal or something.
where does MSN get the connection,your bullied so you must be a terrorist!!
fricken criminalization of kids not to mention the victims of stuff that really qualifies as assault half the time,
 the interesting thing is the nice people repond with lots of stories of bullying and how their kids dealt with it
 they tend to say the same thing,
they talk a lot about the schools not doing enough about bullying too, it's interesting and telling
it's so unfair kids always get bullied in school
it's in every movie ever made about schools!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 07:26:06 PM
here are some of the responses
thought they were neat

Yes my daughter has been bulllied alot in grammar school. Even to the point she didn't want to go to school anymore. I've told teachers and principles but nothing is ever really done. I finally told her to speak up and the bully finally left her alone. The bully was a girl bigger than her,(weight wise) I told her alot of people do that to get the other kids off of them and that way all the attention will go to her. Alot of times these kids that bully are often or have been bullied themselves.

 this ones from Boooomer
i think i like Booomer,he sounds down to earth
 I instructed my son to ask very politely that the "bully stop targeting him for ridicule and harrasment."  and when the "bully refused" my son was to hit him as hard as he could right in the nose. which proved very effective, the councellors meeting we had to attended was not pleased with my son"s conduct, but the broken nosed bully did NOT bother him again.

goofy sue
I think we should be far more flexible in how we allow our kids to handle bullies. It's ridiculous that the victim is always expected to be "above" the behavior that he is being harassed by. Walking away doesn't always work. If a situation can't be settled right away with a good swift punch to the nose of the harasser (which usually does work!) because everyone is so afraid of "violence",  the frustration simply builds so any later reaction is probably worse than it might have been if the victim had just felt he didn't have to put up with being walked all over in the first place.

don't know what is up the gay thing here?

My daughter too was bullied and I reported it to the school. I have even gone to her school at recess /lunch time where I am informed I cannot spend that time with my child who is left all by herself and have asked the V.P. to work with me.. I do not feel schools today really give a damn about children, they are so much into introducing garbage about accepting gays  when she is too young to be concerned about sexual behavior, The schools  should be  working with the kids on their level and what is going on in their young minds. My child is too young to be introduced to gays and I feel this world is truly falling to pieces. My daughter has had her clothes ripped off and I have reported it to the school stating I want the parents to pay for the repairs. however I get no where. It might come to a point we may have to home school our children..

We have found that reporting the bullying has be very ineffective at our school.  My daughter is in a class of 4 girls and 17 boys.  It is awful!  I finally went to the school myself and confronted two of worst boys.  Things seem to have calmed down with one and the other is right back at it.  My daughter comes home in tears every night.

school bullying
Teacher was part of the bullying in this small town private catholic school.  If the teacher made fun of you then the kids did not want to go against her, and they would disassociate also, it caused major depression in my 4th grader, hiding in the closet etc.  Moved to another school and with counseling and many years she is main stream social but will never forget that experience in her life.

A problem with telling your child to use physical force to defend themselves is that many schools have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to fighting and they will be suspended along with the bully. Schools aren't interested in hearing whether or not your defensive action was justified.

I was bullied as a child, and my son went through many years of the same thing.  The same with my oldest daughter who is now 22.  It is very hard to try and explain to a child why someone is treating them so badly.  In my case and also my son's, we were both very very shy in school.  I guess we were easy targets.  But in my generation, we were told to handle it ourselves.  Matter of fact, I'm not sure that I ever told my family because I knew that they wouldn't do anything about it.  
I've had a very open relationship with my children, and they trust me and tell me things that other kids probably wouldn't tell their parents.  It's taken a lot of years of talking my kids through these situations, and I got involved when I could.  I had my son's classroom changed around in elementary school.  I did this through the principal, who understood the situation, and no reason was given to the kids in the class for the change.  The kids just accepted it as part of the normal school routine.  In my daughter's case, I discovered bruises all over her body when she was around ten.  A kid that stood in line with her waiting on the bus was kicking her and knocking her down.  She wasn't going to tell me about it, probably figuring I wouldn't do anything.  She didn't know the name of the bully, so I told her rather than taking the bus home from school, I would meet her and she'd point out the kid to me.  I went up and asked the child his name.  Eventually his mother came along, and after a brief visit to the principal's office, all was taken care of.  
It's very frustrating, and a very hard situation.  It's heartbreaking to be the parent of a child that's being bullied.  Sometimes the situation is very touchy, and has to be handled a certain way.  I think that my involvement with my children has helped get them through the tough times.  

My son has repeatedly been bullied through his school years.  Although I went to the authority figures at the school nothing was ever done.  I worked overtime to try and get my son through some very rough trials and tribulations.  I tried to teach him that fighting was not the answer.  I tried to teach him to walk away, yet as he aged, and found his plea for it to stop fell on deaf ears, he used his fists to solve the problem.  Today the school remains a complete bully zone, of very troubled children, and the school declares they are bully free.  Hogwash, teachers and administration just don't know how to deal with the problem, and many of the parents defend their children's bullying techniques.  Unfortunately, the society we have become is apparent everywhere.  We are a society without morals.

Last summer while at a BBQ, a 9 yr old boy was bullying my then 5 yr old son. My son came over to me crying that the bully kept picking on him and hitting him. I told him he had two choices. One, he could go tell the bully's dad about his son's behavior, or Two... he could go handle his business and step to the bully and deal with it. He opted for number Two. The bully was a full foot taller and about 20 lbs. heavier. My son punched him in the face and stomach and knocked him to the ground, then proceeded to stand over him in a rage and point his finger down at the bully and told the bully, "You don't hit me ever again, or I will kick your a$$". The bully went off to his room crying and ashamed. Case closed.
I made a very clear point to remind my son to never ever start a fight, but that should he find himself in a situation, to deal with it decisively

My daughters both have been bullied alot. My children are bi-racial and the kids were constantly making fun of their skin color, hair and height. I did report it to the principal, but unfortunately I didnt see any changes. My daughters got to the point where they didnt want to go school and they would cry in the morning using excused like their head hurt or they felt sick, just so they wouldnt go to school. I think alot of parents just need to explain to kids that we dont call people names especially when there are so many races in the world..Parents need to educate their kids, cause alot of times it comes from the parents themselves calling other people racial slurs, so they think its ok. And now my daughters have an insecurity about themselves and its so sad to know that children have to already deal with this kind of nonsense at an early age.

My nephew had been picked on by the same boy in his class for a while. When Levi(nephew) told the teacher, or principal they told my brother that Levi needed to learn how to stick up for himself, while the kids all called Levi a taddle tale. It got to the point where Levi was beat with a soda bottle by this same kid on the school bus, and when Levi told the driver, he was told to shut up and sit down. My brother, his wife, and Levi finally went to the principal to complain and the bully confessed to his actions, but Levi is still afraid of this bully and sometimes does not want to go to school.


04/24/07 01:58 PM In my case, I was the child who got picked on, berated, and harrassed.  I remember having no friends and going home crying almost every day.  There was also little hope things would change because my town had only one school and you were pretty much "stuck" with these same group of kids from age 5 all the way through High School.  I ended up with very low self-esteem (still have it to some degree), social skills that aren't as refined and took a long time to develop and other little personality defects.  The hurt will never go away even as a now 45 year old adult.  My question is, why did I turn my hurt inward and why do boys turn theirs outward?  Is the violent reaction we've seen in these school settings gender specific?
boomer is absolutely correct! I told my son almost the exact same thing. The teacher was on the bus to and from snowboarding and didn't intervene. I told him the next time they start punching , kicking you on the bus hit the closest one as hard as you can right in the nose! Yep.. got kicked off that bus but NO ONE has picked on him since! Too bad it has to be this way but I guess maybe that's how bullies have always needed to be taught!

My eldest, when he was in the 6th grade (last school year) was cornered in a restroom by a boy who had been bullying him.  The boy, without a word, backed my son against a wall and pummeled him with both fists and kicked him with both feet until another boy came in and ran back out to tell a teacher, who broke up the fight.  My son was so shocked at the whole thing, he never got to defend himself - did not throw one single punch.  Yet they were BOTH suspended.  My stunned and bruised and bleeding son was suspended for getting his ass kicked!!!
Tell me what has become of our society?!?!?
This school year, the school counselors came into his (and every) classroom to discuss bullying.  They actually told the class "IF SOMEONE IS HITTING YOU, YOU JUST NEED TO BE STILL UNTIL THEY ARE FINISHED AND THEN GO REPORT THE INCIDENT TO AN ADULT."  Yeah, if you can still walk!  What if the guy beats you until you are dead?
It is insane nonsense.  We told him to ignore that.  And that he is to avoid confrontation at all costs, but that if anyone hit him ever again, to do whatever it takes to defend himself.  Including, but not limited to, gouging out an eye, kicking their groin with all his might, etc.

My son was bullied at an elementary school in a very good neighborhood in Texas (Lamar Independent School District).  Some of the bullying actually happened in the classroom when the teacher had stepped out of the class, leaving the children alone.  This boy had my 11 year old son on the floor, kicking him in the stomach.  We had no success by working with the school at all.  We eventually took our kids out of the school and are now happily home schooling.  My sons are happy, are involved with other kids in lots of activities, and have improved their studies dramatically.  We recently moved and before leaving I learned that my next door neighbor's daughter was bullied by the same boy in the same class.  She came home with hand prints on her face and bloodied legs from being kicked.  Her mother also got no support from the school.  She took her kids out and is sending them to a private school now.  It is especially upsetting because we were paying very high property taxes to support  our schools and we, as well as many other families in the neighborhood, had to take our kids out of the school we were supporting to keep them safe.  Our schools in this nation are unacceptable.  This is a crime!

it goes on like this for 129 pages all about the same
i kinda like the parents and people on here they sound kinda reasonable
and are rather reassuring
i have to say they don't seem to really pay a lot of attention to the wording of the question, ie is your bullied child the next shooter, tonight on Fox news and so on, they just launch into their down to earth stories about bullying? it is interesting really, perhaps the media only filters through our lives and beliefs so much that we pay attention too?
they seem pretty caught up in their realities.  
as you get through a few more pages though they start to repeat some of the prejudice, depressed kids are more likely to do stuff
try crazy as hell, completely insane?
 that guy at Virginia Tech was completely insane,
 he never talked, signed his name with a question mark, stalked violently a couple of girls, scared the hell out of his roommate
who described him as practically catatonic, just sitting on his bed staring not moving or responding to questions, and if he did say anything it seems like it was horrifically violent
he was a hard core schizophrenic with probably a specific sort of very bad depression, i had abnormal psych. that guy was really crazy?
not just some ordinary random person :roll:
the kids at columbine had an army trunk under their beds full of guns and grenades,  these were not maybe sort of situations
little billy is angry because he was bullied or depressed susie or ann with anorexia, how many millions of school kids are there too?
and how many go postal?  it's not that common a problem I'm sorry.

our society is so weird
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 07:46:10 PM
here is the rest of the article

Avoid Raising a Serial Killer
When Junior does something disturbing, fixing it depends on your actions and reactions
By Mike Zimmerman

Temper your reactions
When something disturbs you about your child—a drawing, an attraction to guns, a violent fantasy—don't outwardly freak. "It's instinctive to respond to images of violence with fear and anger, and to have a desire to suppress them," says Gerard Jones, a media-studies advisor for MIT and author of Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes, and Make-Believe Violence. "Think past that knee-jerk reaction and poke a little bit at what's going on. And don't make kids feel that they can't speak up. When you have an angry adolescent, you don't want to make him feel cut off and disliked."

Remember, your kids are not you
Some parents wonder, If these violent images disturb me, why don't they disturb my child? "We want to believe that kids are more sensitive and innocent than we are," says Jones. "Accept that kids go through a callous period, acting tough and insensitive. Just because they're in a different place now doesn't mean they're not going to grow up to share your core values later. A 10-year-old doesn't think like a 30-year-old. We shouldn't ask him to."

Understand what they're trying to learn
"Whether it's in a video game or in real physical play, make-believe is a kid's way of controlling something that can be scary if it's uncontrolled," says Jones. "If you're not letting kids learn that they can control it, then the thoughts and imaginings grow even bigger."

Help them distinguish between fantasy and reality
"In a wild game, it's not that hard to go from having fun to getting angry and wanting to inflict pain," says Jones. "That's one of the functions of make-believe violence: learning how to modulate, be aggressive and conflictive, and take a risk without forgetting that boundary. Which is a pretty good life skill. Kids learn by doing, not just by being told."

LET'S HEAR IT: How do you deal with bullying?
here is the web address so you can go see for yourself ... &GT1=10416 (

Isn't that weird!

in relation to how they act like boys are serial killers and girls are sweet and need protecting another article called "raising daughters" also on MSN goes into this.

boys always play with toy guns and such?
and soldiers and fighting video games,
and are active and physical
If you think about how PV promotes prejudice
and then how I am positive that most of the Guests on here have been staff, and at least one of the regulars,
perhaps it puts the nastier things said on this site in perspective
ie: little Johnny is a serial killer send him to PV with your family insurance
the guests are staff for sure because they say personal things that PV would know, and have since about page 20
i am absolutely positive most of the Guests are PV and at least one of the regulars who sign in is as well.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 07:54:26 PM
honestly i don't find the article that bad,
just the question about bullying and Virginia Tech
and of course the heading "Avoid raising a serial killer"
it almost seems like some advertising person
was making the web page for the day and took
a reasonable enough article on child psych
and sensationalized it
sexed it up some in the words of the
Brits in relation to Bush and WMD's
i'm sick of the sexing up of stuff to say the least
its nasty
here's the question again it's so sexed up and sensationalized
poor kids

"While not every victim of bullying will grow up to become violent, events like the Virginia Tech shootings make us wonder if we should pay more attention when children are being picked on. Has your child been bullied before? How did you deal with it? Or maybe your child WAS the bully?"

they should fire the bastard that put together the website!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 27, 2007, 08:44:37 PM
Quote from: ""freePVpeople""
i'm sick of the sexing up of stuff to say the least
its nasty
here's the question again it's so sexed up and sensationalized
poor kids

I wanna sex you up!  ::bwahaha2::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 28, 2007, 02:34:24 PM
thats not what that means you idiot
it means sex sells and the media is using this as a marketing strategy
as did the Bush and Blair clique to sell WMD's
the key word there sell
hey i figured it out
I think you guys thought i was anti gay
because for some strange  reason i decided to start out with a story about my pederastic swinger female college professor
honestly what happened there is i was upset and someone said something about men not being molested and it annoyed me because men are molested,
any one can be a rapist really,
if anything men are expected to always want to sleep with a woman and such,
 i've seen it ok
i think life is such a big thing without clear cut lines
 that you really can not make generalizations.
especially in relation to sexuality
i don't think you can make generalizations at all
going on individuals is the only way judge the level of their general safety to be around

i am sorry, i think that makes it a bit more clear
i did say the professor was more of a danger to the gay kids then to anyone else,
and i didn't mean to reflect badly on gay people.
my middle name is Gay, it actually is, it's my aunts first name really
it’s on the drivers license
i only said it because it happened
my freshman year out of PV my advisor was a female swinger
she had us put on the Rocky Horror Picture Show
and we all thought cool,
the whole swinger aspect of it going way over our heads,
a lot of people don't even really know what a swinger is?
i seem to run into them though, lucky me
she had us in front of the entire school in lingerie singing about sex,
swingers and gay people, in southern rural backwoods NC
my parents got really graphic anti gay hate mail
as did I, it was horrible
also my roommate, yes the same roommate
was the one my professor had sleeping with her and the professors boyfriend,
 i saw them together too, it  wasn't just stories
i was a theater and communications major
and she was the communications theater advisor

look i'm on your side i'm just a bit street smart at this point
if i say that person is dangerous run
i'm not being uptight or judgmental
the person is dangerous run, if i say the janitor is a meth head and creepy
the guy is really creepy, do i need to tell the rest of the story?
you can't generalize i don't generalize
i just have too many random stories about scary things,
such is life out in the big bad world, as a girl they all seem to hit on you too.
Nasty people often hit on you!
sorry, they are true and they happened
people like the above professor have always given gay people a bad name,
 you can't generalize
i have found all genders of humans are equally likely to be sexually aggressive and what? molesters?   women too, for certain

Are swingers even gay really?
should I call them creepy people who hit on you and your husband and want to get both of you in bed at the same time?
That rules out gays and bi people. Swingers are creepy and their own little thing.
I would not classify them as gay or bi,
although they often seem to sort of hang on to the gay movement, I’ve noticed.  
Anyone active in the gay movement, common you know, you’ve been hit on by them
Oh your gay or bi you must want to sleep with me and my boyfriend or girlfriend?
the human sex drive is no joke mixed in with all sorts of things
most gay or bi people  i think have a biological propensity for it
gay people are just like straight men and women
women really can be sexually aggressive too
i'm sorry i did not mean to make it sound like either men are scary and degenerate and so on
there are some in every bunch
you really can't break people into easily defined bunches
sorry for any confusion
the bull dyke comments on here are pretty prejudice too
sorry to have played into them
that counselor on MySpace was a swinger as well
she was married and there were all these refernces to it
all her pictures were of her and this other woman in sexual and bondage poses, and she didn't look like a man
again when i say run just trust me at this point
i'm a nice person i'm not prejudice or a prude or judgemental
if i say it's a swinger it's a swinger
there are more things between heaven and hell horatio
and all that
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: red lion on September 28, 2007, 02:41:42 PM
Free - all these posts you write consecutively are not exactly meant for this forum and detract from the serious issues at hand. This previous post about sex and swingers and gay people is fine SOMEWHERE ELSE - but it takes away form the seriousness of abuse about these issues.

It's also offensive that you think "no one here knows what you went through" - please, enough.

Posters have been giving you senstive answers and you reply with a long rant.  (& some don't, but still - don't generalize) Please sensitive to others who may also be posting.

Why not take SC up on the offer for a blog. You'd have your own venue to say whatever you wanted without having to worry about replies that may offend you. It doesn't seem like you are interested in a DIALOGUE. Thanks.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 28, 2007, 02:49:28 PM
Are swingers even gay really?
should I call them creepy people who hit on you and your husband and want to get both of you in bed at the same time?
That rules out gays and bi people. Swingers are creepy and their own little thing.
I would not classify them as gay or bi,
although they often seem to sort of hang on to the gay movement, I’ve noticed.
Anyone active in the gay movement, common you know, you’ve been hit on by them
Oh your gay or bi you must want to sleep with me
and my boyfriend or girlfriend?
the human sex drive is no joke mixed in with all sorts of things
most gay or bi people i think have a biological propensity for it
gay people are just like straight men and women
women really can be sexually aggressive too!!! and it's just as bad!
i'm sorry i did not mean to make it sound like men are scary and degenerate and so on either,
i find some women just as threatening in the sexually aggressive department, although they don't hit on me really, just the guy i'm with aggressively?
 the women tend to be smaller and less likely to rape me though?
there are some in every bunch
you really can't break people into easily defined bunches
sorry for any confusion
the bull dyke comments on here are pretty prejudice too
sorry to have played into them
that counselor on MySpace was a swinger as well
she was married and there were all these references to it
all her pictures were of her and this other woman in sexual and bondage poses, and she didn't look like a man
again when i say run just trust me at this point
i'm a nice person i'm not prejudice or a prude or judgmental
if i say it's a swinger it's a swinger
there are more things between heaven and hell
and all that
i think people have been mistaking the swingers for the gays for a while
there are a lot of nice good to be around people too in all genders
the above people just give everyone a bad name
and they are not a big percentage really
they just tend to make an impression!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 28, 2007, 02:55:31 PM
fuck you idiot
i just figured out why gay and bi people
get some much prejudice
which is relevant because
some of the kids i was in a prison camp with
were there soley for being gay
while the damn swingers were counselors
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 28, 2007, 02:58:43 PM
sensitive answers like a kick in the gut
you have a program view of sensitivity
violent sexual harassment
jokes about Lolita and so on
realy fucking sensitive asshole
you are not on my list of nice people at this point
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: red lion on September 28, 2007, 03:00:20 PM
Free, you are acting like a badly behaved troll -

This thread is not your personal pulpit to pontificate from, long post after long post of nonsensical bullshit. Have some regard to other people posting, please.

& for pete's sake, stick to the damn topic or start your own thread!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on September 28, 2007, 03:07:39 PM
Quote from: ""red lion""
Free, you are acting like a badly behaved troll -

This thread is not your personal pulpit to pontificate from, long post after long post of nonsensical bullshit. Have some regard to other people posting, please.

& for pete's sake, stick to the damn topic or start your own thread!!!!

psst.... I think after about the fortieth page, this became her thread. Why don't you go somewhere else? Not like there's a limit on the number of threads you can start. Honestly, just leave her be.

Although, I do have to say, a blog might be a good idea. Easier to organize.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 28, 2007, 03:11:21 PM
you posted four things so far idiot
who the hell are you
what is so irrelevant?
that the media treats teens with depression or teens in general like they are criminals and dangerous? and here is proof?
with a study on bullying in random people?
or that history generalizes and demonizes sexuality?
lumping gays and bisexuals, who seem pretty biologically that way many of them, with what are probably just screwed up straight people?
i'm half way joking with that really.
there were kids i was in with who were in for nothing more then being gay
my rants got themselves together about five pages in
the first bit starting out is always convoluted
i have to remember i've seen too many things to be believed
if i just start out with them
people want to fit things into their beliefs too
sometimes life is just life
and maybe it doesn't mean anything
i do this too
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 28, 2007, 07:48:41 PM
and i didn't mean bi people were screwed up straight people :roll:
some swingers seem like screwed up straight people
like they never have relationships with people of the same sex and stuff
bi people date men and women and have relationships with them?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 28, 2007, 10:05:34 PM
hey i figured it out again
for the 100 time
there are a lot of PV staff on this site
say hello to the parents PV staff
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on September 29, 2007, 01:55:16 AM
Quote from: ""red lion""
Free, you are acting like a badly behaved troll -

This thread is not your personal pulpit to pontificate from, long post after long post of nonsensical bullshit. Have some regard to other people posting, please.

& for pete's sake, stick to the damn topic or start your own thread!!!!

I'm terribly sorry that you are inconvienced by the thread, but free we are not/we are not free/free are pv not is more than welcome to post exactly what she wishes to in the format she desires to do so.

You are also welcome to post exactly what you wish. I do suggest though that you consider starting your own thread. We are not free has been very responsible about posting her reflections on this one thread. I'm positive that if you were to start your own thread you would be able peck away at the keyboard without interferance from we are not free's rather unusual utilization of the English language.

To Wanf:

Young lady do take the time to learn how to scuba dive. It is the most fun I've had in ages.

Also you do raise some good questions about sexuality. My question though is why does sexuality even matter in this day and age? We live in a society where gender/ sexuality roles have been challenged to the point of making what people percieved of homosexuals in the 1950's and 60's totally unrecognizable today.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 01, 2007, 12:52:21 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 01, 2007, 07:49:04 AM
GET Yahoo messenger and add dan_the_chainsawman then.. they don't exactly provide quality internet service here in Cambodia.. hard to run AIM.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 01, 2007, 12:54:28 PM
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""
Quote from: ""red lion""
Free, you are acting like a badly behaved troll -

I doubt she'll answer you.  She's not interested in a dialog.  I hope she takes SC up on the offer of a blog.  I think it would be a great idea.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 01, 2007, 05:01:39 PM
Free's posts are always interesting, and I consider whatever she writes as germane to the topic of Peninsula Village - a lot of her thoughts and opinions were shaped by spending nearly two years in that fetid pit.  Hey Free, I called the guy next to me a "chicken-brained crotch grabbing baboon" and he took it well.  The guy on the other side of me quit.  Seriously.  I don't know if there was a connection.  Now I call people "CBCGB"'s, and they have no idea what I mean.[/i]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 01, 2007, 05:04:12 PM
Quote from: ""red lion""
Free, you are acting like a badly behaved troll -

Show me a well behaved troll...would it be Whocifer?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 03, 2007, 01:03:48 PM
I think Free has a lot of problems. Lucky for her she found fornits and a group of people who wants to help her. Free I suggest that you listen to these people. They only have your best interests in mind. They want to help you become a better person. They want to help you make organized threads that are more in line with what fornits expects from program survivors. At the moment you are making survivors look crazy and causing trouble. I'd prefer you shut up and deal with your problems alone, than annoy me. Please refrain from posting on this forum until you can accept my conditions and those of the majority here. Thank you for your understanding, but fornits is not a place for survivors just to post about things that effect them in their lives. What do you think this is, a open and free discussion forum for survivors of abuse? Puhleeeease!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 05, 2007, 07:03:06 PM
the crap on this site is horrible
also i went back and read some of the first few posts
i am sure that at least a few of the Guests are PV
because they make personal references almost immediatly
about stuff only staff would know, that is very specific
i am sure that they have to be staff because of this

the whole site is odd
my computer crashed again from just visiting this site
good thing i have a good backup disk
there has been such threatening stuff on this site
it's really awful
again i have two high volt tazers and
a couple knives  
i hate the way men look at women
ugly stupid men create a view of women that is so abusive
how dare you assholes talk like you have on this site
women are people
it's like some people posting on this site are trying to create a sort of sexual bullying atmosphere that either a "nice girl" would have to leave or just by default of her talking with the evil peanut gallery making comments she becomes a "not nice girl"
like PV trying to promote prejudice to the 1950's parents
it's ridiculous
i'm done with this site
Hey Zen what were you talking about over on Cafety some of the kids in PV were Columbine candidates
give me a break
when i was in the only girl they were billing as a columbine candidate was this little thirteen year old who had written something in her diary about wishing the kids who bullied her in school would die :roll:
her parents were going through a divorce and her father seized custody using the girls typical teenage who's parents are going through a divorce angst filled diary as an excuse to say she was suicidal
the girl had dyed her hair black
again she was a cute little thirteen year old kid and that was all she had done!
PV acted like she was totally crazy and terrible
and abused her horribly
hey is any one on here a lawyer maybe?
but i'm not going to post anything on this site
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 05, 2007, 07:38:42 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 06, 2007, 02:04:57 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I think Free has a lot of problems. Lucky for her she found fornits and a group of people who wants to help her. Free I suggest that you listen to these people. They only have your best interests in mind. They want to help you become a better person. They want to help you make organized threads that are more in line with what fornits expects from program survivors. At the moment you are making survivors look crazy and causing trouble. I'd prefer you shut up and deal with your problems alone, than annoy me. Please refrain from posting on this forum until you can accept my conditions and those of the majority here. Thank you for your understanding, but fornits is not a place for survivors just to post about things that effect them in their lives. What do you think this is, a open and free discussion forum for survivors of abuse? Puhleeeease!

I personally don't really care how she posts or what she posts. She can do whatever that strikes her fancy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 06, 2007, 09:13:06 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2007, 01:31:34 AM
hey who on here is who they say they are?
or who is willing to be  

I am sorry about the damn abigail misunderstanding
or just the misunderstandings in general
i'm a odd person
i am worried by all i have seen
and i feel for the 19 year old out of PV
however badly i put it in the first few post
i think she simply was trying to get out?
poor soul
there is a human element to all of this
whoever you all are
someday you will be in a prison camp
and need some help too
perhaps people out of such situations have a tendancy to not let themselves be weak, so you act like abusers??
it is wise really perhaps because there is much cruelty in people and this world and maybe it wins in the end, don't know
i am sorry if i made you angry
if you do not you should respect everyones right to exist as they wish
i would like to make peace
honestly MR Penis face does not bother me
i am an old womanat this point, MR.Penis face meets a tazer would be bad for the sensitive little pig anyway
i know every damn trick in the book
and the best way to deal with all of them is call the cops a soon as it looks dangerous
basic levels of potection are good too
women living alone get at least a tazer
just call the cops, i wish someone had told me years ago
they are there to protect the victims of abuse supposedly

with proper classes and safety and sense included
anyone who is smaller then your average mugger in a bad neighborhood might need one if they are going to live in one
and of course never do anything unless it's some monster who's trying to do something horrible to you or something
always always always stay within the laws when it comes to something serious
if it is just some pig sexually harassing you
call the cops
let them spend the night in lock up
and if they come after you, you are protected

i can't stand the way women are abused over all
if you are a man, women are the same
in general in many respects why should woman face prejudice for doing whatever the hell it is humans do
or what evil men want them to do
i am a person who wants to find the good in people
i believe in something

hell perhaps is what PV creates?
why create such horror
why create horror
the teens need to go to school 5 days out of the week
focus on safety and homework on reading and education and such
but then again
i am a history buff and i can't find any rational in it either
perhaps a good percentage of humans are insane or at least abusive?
i would guess so
PV people i was a Public relations major
the key to good public relations
is to not give them anything bad enough to work with!!!
what PV has going on right now is way over the top!
eventually you are going to get your pant's sued off
you need to take it down a notch or three
of you will be sued very soon
you have the criminal mind problem of having gotten away with so much
so far you are high on your winnings
you have been over the top abusive for so long
that you have become insane on power i think
it's like every criminal right before they are caught

the internet is a great thing
the teens out of PV
your brainwashing and horrific abuse can't isolate them anymore
for the one whole year they have to sue you!!!
they will go on line and look up Peninsula Village because they will
it's something you would do at eighteen right out of PV  :lol:
and see a bunch of nice people talking about how wrong the abuse they endured was and HOW  THEY HAVE A YEAR OUT OF PV TO SUE
and they will get your average ambulance chaser lawyer who sends you 16 letters when you get in a car accident from the yellow pages
pro bono and the system will work it's blind magic in their protection for once

now if you would just stop
let them go to school 5 days out of the week
let them read any damn book they please
give them free time
and stop all the weird crap!!! all of it
the restraining on chicken wire
and the silences for months and not letting them ask for more time in the bathroom!
the constant work detail
the restraining and undereducated staff
the showing the sanitary products  
the carrying around barf in a bag
and so on
that is sadist stuff
it's criminal
eventually your going to get caught
it's like a robber who robs and robs
and feels like they can never get caught
eventually they get cocky
in legal reality we all have to live within peramiters
like you can't do what you do legally
i know what you do, you see it
i saw it, so did all the rest who have posted
stop your abuse now
it is a sensible warning, an accurate prediction
i only make it for those teens suffering now
otherwise carry on monsters
and see where is gets you
this is a country with laws
it's not some war zone or dictatorship

men have no right to threaten women
if i say something obnoxious
you don't come back with sexual harassment
you don't threaten me sexually
i know something as an old woman
and i will say it for anyone younger reading
or anyone
there are people men and women
who will try to enforce their beliefs on you
those beliefs can varry greatly
anything from women are sex objects
or belong in burkhas
usually in both instances they think you should sleep with them
or the other weird perspectives you will encounter
usually letting anyone elses perspective make you do anything can be deadly and abusive
in  life there are many things you have to do
but don't believe any of the crap
trust your own spirit
look with cynical eyes on other people
make fun of most of the  bastards
and see them for what they are up to
and if it is bad for you which most other peoples perspectives will be
dismiss it as the nothing to you it is
or call the cops like i said
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2007, 01:43:32 AM
Also has anyone else noticed another theme with PV
PV acting like an insane bunch of interrogators in a war movie about the cultural revolution or the inquisition or something?
in every survivors story over on cafety they absolutely torment these kids in relation to confessing to things, "horrible things" that they didn't even do!
not allowing them to speak for months and only letting them write three questions a day,
even in relation to asking for more time in the restroom,
as a punishment for not confessing enough?
Perhaps not being allowed to go to the bathroom properly contributed to the liver problems?
i really don't know but it seems additionally cruel considering!
when i was in this was very much the case
i really did spend eight months in STU too!!!
yes that one room with the lights left on all the time and the cubicles with no fronts and sitting on a cot in front of the nurses desk, constant restraints and eating with a plastic spork in a hospital gown!!!
all the restraining was really traumatic too they were forever restraining someone, and everyone else had to do, like Zen said, this duck and cover thing where we all grouped together and listening to them choke some sobbing person to death. It was hell again hell!
and of course not being allowed to go outside for eight months!!!!
i added them up, I spent six on arrival and they sent me back for almost two more later!!!!
The girls made up all sorts of extreme stories because staff made them!
i think i told them something about smoking heroine,
i had seen a TV show about it!!! Can you really smoke heroine?
i wouldn't have known were to find heroine if my life had depended on it!
everything is a drug too, aspirin, yes i abuse my aspirin!!!
even drugs the doctor or shrink gave you and you only took as prescribed!!!

we had to make lists of all the drugs we had tried, and they demanded a good list not two things, pot and alcohol, of course you can't just say pot or alcohol either, it's joints, pot smoked in a pipe, pot smoked in a cigarette,
you had best think of every way you could smoke pot and then write it down

alcohol the same, beer, wine, vodka, jack daniels and so on,
on the rocks and straight!!
I think they had us write down every time we had encountered alcohol or pot or apirin as well, they had us rewrite our accounts over and over again too! with the lists getting longer and longer and more far fetched with each retelling.
and things like biting your nails are self mutilation
i remember writing a couple page account of my self harming nail biting,
that was greatly exaggerated!, my cuticles bled and bled and so on
you had to come up with something,
ie. my cuticles bled and bled and i'm a self cuticle mutilator
or you were consequenced and badly punished
or running away to a boyfriends from a group home is prostitution
i remember them telling this seventeen year old that
because she ran away to her 18 year old boyfriends.
One girl told them her brother had HIV and all these stories about the kind of crap they just eat up, drug use and sex and so on
the pressure was incredibly intense and the line of questioning incredibly led!
you confess to this or else!!
and everything qualifies as whatever it is they want it too,
ie. cuticle self mutilator
with punishments like not being allowed to speak for months or to ask for extra time in the porta potty!
I was also put on silence for a long time, three weeks or so?
it really got to you because they would use it to torment you
and you would have to talk to do stuff like ask to go to the bathroom!
it was like inquisition interrogators, they didn't want to hear real stuff
like i drank or was stalked or smoked a joint!!!
or sexual harassment and bullying in high school are bad
or my parents are getting a divorce
they like to get you to confess to all this random crap and then they tell your parents,
the girl who said her brother had HIV and all this other stuff it backfired,
they told her parents and of course the brother did not have HIV and the girl wasn't in for drug use and hadn't used any of the drugs and so on
then she got into all sorts of trouble of course
it was a horrible situation and just an abusive farce
i don't know what the hell the point of PV is?
to make more money for PV and make the kids feel like they disserve abuse,
so they don't sue them or something or talk about it to much until years later when they are adults and better able to process it all without just feelings of overwhelming horror?
confessing and work detail was all we did really!
we sat on our beds in STU and wrote confessions and went to group and were abused and wrote confessions, it was like a communist prison camp
brainwashing for real!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2007, 01:47:45 AM
Hey Zen no offense but they didn't have any Columbine candidates in PV when i was there, although they were sure looking for them
PV does stuff like the teen says "I was bullied in school"
and they say "did you ever think about hurting those bullies?"
when i was in the only girl they were billing as a columbine candidate was this thirteen year old who had written something in her diary about wishing the kids who bullied her in school would die :roll:
Her parents were going through a divorce and her father seized custody.
He used the girls typical teenager who's parents are going through a divorce angst filled diary as an excuse to say she was suicidal!
her father was a therapist. So he was using PV against the mom, making it seem like the girl needed to live with him instead of her!
This is true, she slept on the cot across from me in STU
I've mentioned her before
the girl had dyed her hair black
again she was a cute little thirteen year old kid
and that was all she had done!
PV acted like she was totally crazy and terrible
and abused her horribly
I'm not picking on you i think we all have these assumptions we get off the media or something and then we go back and look at what we really saw in reality
and it's like that's not how that works!
PV promotes the most typical prejudices
again undereducated staff leads to the Jenny Jones school of psycho therapy
i do it too, it was actually analyzing the "prostitutes" in PV from this perspective,
that led to the above post
I think i was thinking about them from the perspective of a cheesy 90’s music video before!!
I think this might be because that is how undereducated brainwashing abusive bullying staff treated them.
They really treated those poor girls like they were disgusting dirt
i worry that they are dead now!!
But when i went back and looked at it, I realized that's not what was there,
It’s amazing how the facts can get twisted.

that guy at Virginia Tech was completely insane,
he never talked, signed his name with a question mark, stalked violently a couple of girls, scared the hell out of his roommate
who described him as practically catatonic, just sitting on his bed staring not moving or responding to questions, and if he did say anything it seems like it was horrifically violent
he seemed like a pretty hard core violent schizophrenic
with probably a specific sort of very severe depression,
i had abnormal psych. that guy was really crazy?
not just some random person
the kids at columbine too, had an army trunk under their beds full of guns and grenades, and video taped themselves talking playing with their many assault rifles and planning the murders!!
these were not maybe sort of situations
little billy is angry because he was bullied
or depressed susie
or ann with anorexia, how many millions of school kids are there too?
and how many go postal?
it's not that common a problem I'm sorry.
i think the media is just into this sex sells tabloid thing,
hence the constant Brittany and Lindsey on CNN, FOX and MSNBC.
i am very disappointed in how often it is on CNN!
the more lurid the headline the more crap you can sell!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2007, 01:50:58 AM
the girl who said her brother had HIV
she got out of STU faster then anyone else i saw
she was only in STU for a month about, so it paid anyway
also when i was in there were two girls PV called prostitutes
and it makes me very angry now that i think about it
they were both foster kids, no families at all
they ran away from group homes
and were literally sleeping on the street
in both instances some guy offered them a place to stay
 one of the girls she was beaten up badly and left in a ditch, the stories were basically what you think probably happens to those kids on the missing childrens pictures at WalMart but you don't want to think about exactly. it was really horrific that damn PV treated those young teens like they were bad girls or responsible for what happened to them
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2007, 01:53:38 AM
hey do you assholes see how in context of some 15 year old foster kid runaway with no parents or drug addicted abusive ones
who was molested and called a prostitute by PV
Mr.Penis face might be a little offensive?
just saying again
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 07, 2007, 03:04:29 AM
You rock free!!!

I think "free would kick your ass" should be branded on the ass of every programmie, sex offender, and general yuppie sum the world over. Hell, this will be my new response to anyone that post outright mean stuff for no good reason.

"free would kick your ass"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2007, 01:32:11 PM
thanks hanzomon4 i didn't mean to pick on you before
i got nihilanthic and hanzomon mixed up as a screen name
it seems like someones always saying something on this site
and it gets me all confused and angry
there are a lot of pretty extreme guests
in fact i went back and most of the extreme stuff is guests
at first i just thought it was internet jerks but

i know a few of them are PV for sure
because of personal references they made pretty early on that were nasty and specific
and there is no doubt about them being something else
and it's really specific stuff only PV would know
they know who i am because i filed a complaint with covenant health
i emailed a bunch of people in Covenant with statements
and a letter basically saying "What the hell are you doing!!!
 Do you know what goes on over there!"  
I thought Covenant was an affiliate, i didn't realize that PV was their little cash cow,
it's good legally though because it shows everything i say is true
otherwise PV would sue
they aren't going to though because i don't think they really want to have all this stuff drug out in court,
You have a year in TN to sue for med malpractice,
 although there are loopholes,
but i can't get a lawyer to take the case without paying them a couple thousand dollars at this point, of course if PV sued i would have to
but as everything i have said is true,
as is everything the other survivors on other Fornits threads and Cafety
have said, PV's smart not to
they don't have much of a case if no one lies or makes anything up  
it's only libel if it's not true
i know i sound like a man hater
but i'm really not
i just don't like to be threatened or abused by anyone?
it's not just sexism either it's just people over all that do you harm?
i don't know
it's sad really, i think it is an instance of a few bad people making everyone look bad
i always feel sorry for the nice old guy in the book store
or the nice  Renascence festival sci fi guy
who some kid bumps into them or starts chatting
and mom pulls the kid away looking at grandpa or sci fi guy like he's up no good
it's prejudice and insulting, nobody likes to be treated like a child molester
it seems wrong but thats just how it is i guess
i don't think the cop shows and the media help this much either
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2007, 01:43:16 PM
here is a new survivors account from socleansara18
it can be found over on Cafety
you can get there by simply searching peninsula village under google

I went to PV in 2004. It was treatment or a girls home due to some trouble i had gotten into. My mom told me to play up my drug use to the judge so he would give me the option of choosing. I went to PV and was on STU for 6 MONTHS! not because I was a risk or because I refused the program but because I didnt have anything to talk about. I never had any dark seeded desire to hurt myself or run away. None of that. I come from an upperclass family in the suburbs of Memphis... Finally after months and months of being on STU they sent me to the cabins because they needed the room on stu for someone else. I went to the cabins and once again had nothing to talk about. I was put on "Permanent Silence" and wasnt allowed to talk to ANYONE for months because I didnt have anything "worthwhile" to say. I was put on question cards which they tortured me with making me use a question card to ask for extra time in the restroom and with only 3 questions a day... I didnt ask for extra time very often. One day we were making a trail from one cabin to another and all the sudden I wasnt able to breathe. I started having terrible chest and back pains and couldnt move. They made me walk from one side of campus all the way to the other just to have nursing say i was fine. Shortly after I started vomitting and was unable to hold food down for quite some time. Once again, nursing said I was fine with out doing any tests or bloodwork. They wrote it off as test anxiety due to my upcomming ACT test. My teachers tried to explain that I wasnt nervous at all and that something else could be wrong. NO ONE LISTENED. I turned 18 and DCed AMA. I came back to memphis and within weeks I was hospitialized on the verge of LIVER FAILURE. I had gall stones that had come out of my gall bladder and were blocking off the duct that my liver uses to expell waste. So all that TOXIN couldnt go anywhere. The doctor that treated me said had I waited a week, my liver could of ruptured and I could have gone into some kind of shock as my body poisened its self. Why wasnt I given the proper medical attention that I needed? Didnt my parents pay enough money?! They told me repeatedly that if I signed myself out and left that I would "relapse" and DIE within months. How encouraging right!?!?! When in fact its the opposite. Had I stayed any longer I quite possibly could have died. Obviously Im still very much alive. I just started my 3rd year of college, I hold down a full time job, at a bar I might add, I have my own apartment and my own car and I take care of my own bills. A far cry from the hopeless drug addict they made me out to be. My parents probably would have be interested to know all of these things but my family therapist didnt allow me to talk to my family often and when we did speak it was very brief and social. I wasnt allowed to write my father at all and all of my letters home we read very carefully. After going through them recently I have found that ALOT of what i was was blacked out with a marker. Its only obvious that they knew from the get go that PV wasnt for me but the $$$$$ that my parents forked out was well worth the cover up. My parents sent gifts for both of my birthdays and I never recieved them. Infact the cake she paid for for my 17th on STU was givin to everyone but me. I was on "black out" again for not having anything "worthwhile" to say so everyone else including staff ate my cake right infront of me and I was never offered a piece. During my 14 months there I was never assisted or restrained. I never posed a threat or threatened to run. I never caused a problem for ANYONE. Why was I there for so long??? $$$$$$$ plain and simple. Im angry at the way I was treated. If there was something I could do about it I would in a heartbeat.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2007, 01:45:25 PM
hey i found another survivor post over on the second shorter Fornits thread. It's from Heart2heartscandle and it can be found on the 14 pg Fornits thread, not the 124pg one, about half way through. thought i would post it over here too.

here is Heart2heartscandles account of her restraint on chicken wire!
i like how they had the school day off to watch a movie, which like she said was a very very rare occurance. they don't get one of the five work detail cleaning days off, JUST ONE OF THE TWO SCHOOL DAYS WEEK!!!!

We had the school day off so we watched a movie (a very rare incident). We watched the Phantom of the Opera which I had last watched with my boyfriend and parents, who I was still missing terribly. I was then called to go to family therapy with my mom. She showed up with Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. My therapist told her I wasn't allowed to have it, but that she could leave it in the staff refrigerator. WHAT THE HELL? Why would she want to contribute to that fat woman's obesity problem??? Anyway, My mother was trying to ask me questions about the program. How it was, what it was, what we did. My therapist said that It was not productive. My mom then asked me to fill out a 3x5 card so that I could see my guardian ad litem. That's when I got pissed. I had already filled out that 3x5 on many occasions, which they are not supposed to refuse according to the patient rights and I knew that my mom had been trying to get me an appointment with her already for ages. I was already in a bad place because of that movie thing and really upset about the ice cream ordeal and my therapist calling my session unproductive, but the 3x5 really did it. I think I threw a tissue box at her. She decided to call staff down there and end the session. Then she said that if I could calm down she would let me stay. Then, for no real reason she changed her mind and I really flipped. I left the room and went into the hallway at which point she should have used her air horn. She did not. I could have gotten away. I sat in the hallway and was not finding room to breath between all the tears, snot, and shaking from being more upset than I think I've ever been in my life. My therapist came out and again, made me a deal that if I could remain calm and be productive, then I could finish my hour. She, again for no reason changed her mind at which point about five or six staff members proceeded to escort me back to the unit. My therapist seemed to have the desire to see how upset she could get me. That may be a distortion, I'm not certain, but the way she acted just seemed very intent on making things worse for me. She was walking my mom to her car as I was being escorted, so yes I could see my mom walking away from me and all I wanted was to be held in her arms like I was a baby. Staff had me by the arms and I was becoming very resistant to them. I tried to break free because, like I said, all I wanted was my mom. The crowd of staff members made some pretty swift movements and all of the sudden I was down on the ground, the deck leading into the unit. My head was being mashed onto chicken wire that I could feel cutting me on my face closer to my eyes. I could also feel it tearing the skin on my elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, and feet. I was screaming and couldn't stop. An alarm was going off in the background. I could feel someone sitting on my upper back, knees, and bottom. Then all of the sudden I was above each of their heads, floating across the unit into the time out room where I could again feel my head being mashed into the floor and the weight of people on my body. I heard someone say "she's bleeding!" and the voices of 8 or so staff members in the time out room, and even more standing around it on the unit. I couldn't breathe at all. My hair was in my mouth and, with the weight of a body on my back and my head being held down, I could not feel the normal sensation of my lungs exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide. After a while I could feel my clothes being yanked off of me and my shoes taken off. Some women lifted me up and put what I thought was a sheet under me, then realized that I was supposed to be putting my arms through the sleeved of a set of hospital gowns. I ate in the time out room with no utensils and waited for what seemed like hours until they let me out again. Group therapy was terrible after that. A team leader accused me of trying to get restrained so that my mother could take pictures. She said that she knew that my mother had told me to get restrained. They did not believe that that had not been the case. I was then put on "mom restriction". After the restraint I remained bruised and scared for about a week or so and had a really bad breakout on my eyelids for about a month. That turned into a really bad case of dry skin all around my eyes which they couldn't tell me what it was and could only give me lotion that really just didn't do anything.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 08, 2007, 04:07:48 PM
hey i did some research
i don't have it organized exactly, mainly because it ended up with me reading a bunch of war stories
but the gist of it was
i was wrong, i kind of new this already
you can't ever fight back against your abuser
because the person who fights back always seems to end up in trouble
especially in the case of battered women
the cops can't do much either
i don't know i'm going to organize it better and write you all a paper
maybe i can use the idea for a college assignment

i knew this already anyway
like my friend who pepper sprayed her ex because he had a knife and was trying to cut her tires and she ended up in jail
the idiotic guy even told the cops he was trying to cut her tires :roll:
it was in the police report, "yes officer i was waving a knife but"
apparently he made it sound like he was trying to help the cops by keeping her there?  
so they/ he could punish her properly for trying to leave him?

or when i called the cops on my mother and the cop said "your over eighteen you can go sleep in the Walmart parking lot!!!"
basically it seemed like it's your mothers house she can  smack you around if she pleases
there were all sorts of things in relation to whose house it was and whose name was on the lease and such
all i could get from it was if some other person owns the house, you had best let them beat you up some otherwise you have no where to live?

anyway it's an interesting topic to research
What i also got from it was never let anyone elses name be on the lease
don't move in with boyfriends and if you do have your name be the only one on the lease
if he doesn't respect your paranioa then dump his ass
dump his ass in general, although considering how much money i make working for large chain companies like Barnes & Nobles or Bath & Body Works or Hudson Belk, if you dump him sometimes i don't think a lot of women can simply make ends meet
my boss offered me an assistant manager job
making a whole 9 dollars and hour working 40+ hrs a week, so no college
9 dollars an hour, the assistant managers work all the time
remember we are open till midnight, sometimes they work till midnight and come back in at eight
you ever want to spit in someones face so bad you can taste it but you just smile and nod and smile some more
i get that a lot
i was also reading this great book on the Vietnam war
wow that's a piece of history for you
the guys in it are so young
it's so horrible
it's by this guy Tim o'brien "the things they carried"
wonderful book, true of course, he was DRAFTED
i still can't get over the draft and just the whole horror of dropping those kids in the middle of a blood bath
70% of the guys in it die
horrible really makes you mad
great book everyone should read it
i'm trying to get my mother to
her views on Vietnam are direct quote "Jane Fonda is a traitor"
that's it, all she's got on it!
she lived at the time and all she thinks about it is some conservative circumspect propaganda
that's it again nothing else just Jane Fonda's a traitor
nationalism and no one listening
and prejudice and propaganda and blank stares
Damn Mexicans need to speak english is about the level of higher thought around here sometimes, it's hard because i've always read a lot and i've always wanted someone to teach me and talk about stuff
around here i literally can't finish a sentence
no one listens they interrupt after the first line,
and send you off to die
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 08, 2007, 04:22:41 PM
here is another survivors account i took off of the Cafety thread
posted by MilkBlood
again you can get to that thread by simply googling Peninsula village
no offense but i think Fornits scared her,
her avatar is a baby raccoon, she's about twenty
 and seems like a sweety,
she came on here for about a minute or two
wrote horible a few times and went back to cafety,
you can find her account over there with her signed in and everything
why staff has someone carrying around a bag of vomit in her story i don't know, i can't figure out if the vomiting girl is an anorexic on a hunger strike or someone who's liver is about to fail
Milkblood and sara were chatting over on Cafety and the vomiting girl isn't her.
again there is a lot of vomiting in PV,
JerseyGurl was restrained in her vomit,
 the girl with ecoli also almost went into liver failure because staff also denied her medical attention,
 the girl with ecoli is also not socleansara because you can find a history of the case filed on another page, so there is something weird going on with stomach problems
PTS also does not help with your stomach not being tied in nots
speaking of war stories
Zen says his daughter remembers girls throwing up on work detail and saying they felt sick and couldn't work
so anyway something is causing it
here is Milkbloods account
Milkblood was also apparently a cuticle self mutilator! the freak!

"I was in Peninsula Village for 8 months in 2003-2004. I was in the lockdown unit for the first 4 months and in the cabins (in the winter) for the remainding 4 months. The lockdown unit is one room with 12 beds in it, seperated by walls. You are not allowed to look up from the floor at anyone entering or leaving the unit. You are not allowed to look at other patients or talk to them. You have to sit in the middle of your bed all day, back to the wall, no sleeping, eyes open. If you are seen by another patient breaking a rule (which i never understood as you aren't supposed to be looking at other patients) you are then confronted by the whole group and are given a consequence. When I was on STU (the lockdown unit) I was restrained countless times. The very first time I was restrained on the bed, I had these huge mitts on my hands to keep myself from picking at my fingers. I will not deny that I had been harming myself by picking at my fingers. The nurse on charge put bandages on all of my fingers. As I was in my bed with these huge mitts on and bandages, I was touching the ends of my fingers to see if the blood was still flowing to the tips of my fingers as the bandages were way to tight. A staff saw me doing this and literally jerked me onto the floor as those horrible sirens went off. They hoisted me up onto the bed after about 5 minutes of holding me down (I wasn't resisting as i was terribly frightened). As they were strapping my legs and arms into the bed net I remember (and will never forget) the words that the staff said to me. She said "We are not doing this to hurt you." ALl i could think about at that time was why am i being strapped to this bed. I will never forget these moments.

In the cabins we live in a small cabin with 12 bunk beds. We slept in our own sleeping bags as it was winter. There was no electricity in the cabin. There was one lightbulb over the staffs desk that was lit by a car battery. The cabin was heated by one woodstove in the center of the cabin. We were forced to clean every place we visited, (the YC, the bathhouse, the cabin) numerous times. If there were over 5 specks of dirt found in the location, we were made to clean it all over again. Repeat process if more dirt was found. Sometimes we spent the whole day cleaning the YC while the staff sat in the chair and watched. We were forced to wash the van in the dead of winter. One patiend that was there was always vomiting her food up. She thew up in the woodpile and they made her clean it up. She even resorted to vomiting in the vent in the school bathroom. After a month it was discovered and they just ende dup giving her a grocery bag to carry around and vomit in whenever she wanted. IF she vomited in the bag she had to carry it around with her until the staff said she could dispose of it. Is this sanitary??? NO. Eventually this girl passed out in the toilet and was taken to the hospital, probably from severe dehydration. Girls were put in straight jackets and walked around all day.We had to carry around bags of sand as a consequence. Our consequences as a group got so backe dup that we had to wake up at 5am and do over 200 push ups for weeks. I pretending to be asleep one night and I overheard the staff making fun of a few patients. When i told my mom about this in treatment i was brushed off by my therapist as being manipulative and lying to get attention.

there were so many things that happened at PV that i would love to forget, as they still give me nightmares to this day. I am 20 years old now.I have No doubt that Pv is life changing."
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 08, 2007, 04:35:16 PM
any one responsible for sending those kids off to die in Vietnam is a traitor, stupid, insane and abusive and should go to jail  :flame:
sorry the book is just really moving and a fast read
totally go get it
what's scary if you think about it, a lot of the SOB's in power then are still around today, like Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfeld worked for a Pharmaceutical company for eight years too, G. D. Searle & Co.
and the guy that replaced him as Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates was the head of the CIA from 91-93
Neo-cons are really creepy
on gut instinct i trusted them right away about as far as i could throw them, which isn't far considering the secret service and all
otherwise ancient neo-con tossing sounds like a good sport
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 09, 2007, 01:49:12 AM
Quote from: ""free would kick your ass""
Hey Zen no offense but they didn't have any Columbine candidates in PV when i was there, although they were sure looking for them

None taken.  They were (are?) in the guys' program, so you wouldn't have been aware of them.  I imagine a lot of female patients' parents would have been pissed and horrified to know a baseball bat rapist/sodomite was within shouting distance of their daughters.

Quote from: ""free would kick your ass""
when i was in the only girl they were billing as a columbine candidate was this thirteen year old who had written something in her diary about wishing the kids who bullied her in school would die :roll:
Her parents were going through a divorce and her father seized custody.
He used the girls typical teenager who's parents are going through a divorce angst filled diary as an excuse to say she was suicidal!
her father was a therapist. So he was using PV against the mom, making it seem like the girl needed to live with him instead of her!
This is true, she slept on the cot across from me in STU

I certainly don't doubt the truth of it.  The story sounds uncomfortably similar to what we went through.  Tennessee laws make it easy to pull "legal kidnappings" - you can get emergency custody of a child from the custodial parent with nothing but hearsay evidence, and the parent who requests emergency custody isn't checked out at all.  It's possible for an alcoholic/drug abusing/alleged pedophile parent who hasn't had real contact with a child in years to cook up any kind of BS accusations, grab the child with police assistance, and get a three day head start on flight.  A wretch could get even more running time by getting the custody papers on Friday morning and delaying the serving of papers until Saturday.  That tactic makes it nearly impossible to get legal counsel until Monday, then the lawyer needs to get a grip on the situation, and a week or more goes by before any action is taken.  It doesn't sound legal, and probably isn't.  There's supposed to be an evidentiary hearing within three days - don't expect it,  especially if the child has already been removed from the state.

Basically, don't expect the legal system to work in any sort of fair and reasonable fashion.  I was forty years old when I finally saw that the legal system I always thought would be just and prudent, punished the guilty and protected the innocent, etc., etc., was a joke..  Justice is more than blind -  it's blind, crippled, and crazy as a shit-house rat.

Quote from: ""free would kick your ass""
You have a year in TN to sue for med malpractice,
although there are loopholes,
but i can't get a lawyer to take the case without paying them a couple thousand dollars at this point

You're right about the ridiculously short one year statute of limitations for filing malpractice.  Tennessee has one of the shortest filing periods in the country.  The statute is worded to discourage people from suing - the legal system doesn't want the hassle.  However, the clock doesn't start ticking on the statute of limitations until the patient is 18 - very useful information for PV survivors.

Then there's the "date of discovery" - for example, you suffered the torments of the damned in PV seven, eight years ago and no one took you seriously.  You turned 18, and the time limit came and went. Years later, you discover the PV psychologist who diagnosed you wasn't licensed by the state, despite PV's claim that all clinical directors are "state licensed".  Your diagnosis shouldn't have been made by someone not authorized to oversee your treatment or prescribe an aspirin.  Or you discover the substance abuse counselor who didn't go to college suddenly appears on PV's website with "Education/Qualifications" stating he's an APA certified, state licensed psychologist.  When the real psychologist finally got his license, the AA freak reverted back to ropes specialist and SAC, main qualification:  failed druggie, out to punish anyone indulging in what he can't have.  Conspiracy...  The day you discover this kind of information is when the one year to file starts again.  Get a lawyer, post haste.  If the case looks solid, an attorney will take part of the settlement/judgment as his fee.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 06:54:41 AM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""free would kick your ass""
Hey Zen no offense but they didn't have any Columbine candidates in PV when i was there, although they were sure looking for them

None taken.  They were (are?) in the guys' program, so you wouldn't have been aware of them.  I imagine a lot of female patients' parents would have been pissed and horrified to know a baseball bat rapist/sodomite was within shouting distance of their daughters.

Quote from: ""free would kick your ass""
when i was in the only girl they were billing as a columbine candidate was this thirteen year old who had written something in her diary about wishing The kids who bullied her in school would die :roll:
Her parents were going through a divorce and her father seized custody.
He used the girls typical teenager who's parents are going through a divorce angst filled diary as an excuse to say she was suicidal!
her father was a therapist. So he was using PV against the mom, making it seem like the girl needed to live with him instead of her!
This is true, she slept on the cot across from me in STU

I certainly don't doubt the truth of it.  The story sounds uncomfortably similar to what we went through.  Tennessee laws make it easy to pull "legal kidnappings" - you can get emergency custody of a child from the custodial parent with nothing but hearsay evidence, and the parent who requests emergency custody isn't checked out at all.  It's possible for an alcoholic/drug abusing/alleged pedophile parent who hasn't had real contact with a child in years to cook up any kind of BS accusations, grab the child with police assistance, and get a three day head start on flight.  A wretch could get even more running time by getting the custody papers on Friday morning and delaying the serving of papers until Saturday.  That tactic makes it nearly impossible to get legal counsel until Monday, then the lawyer needs to get a grip on the situation, and a week or more goes by before any action is taken.  It doesn't sound legal, and probably isn't.  There's supposed to be an evidentiary hearing within three days - don't expect it,  especially if the child has already been removed from the state.

Basically, don't expect the legal system to work in any sort of fair and reasonable fashion.  I was forty years old when I finally saw that the legal system I always thought would be just and prudent, punished the guilty and protected the innocent, etc., etc., was a joke..  Justice is more than blind -  it's blind, crippled, and crazy as a shit-house rat.

Quote from: ""free would kick your ass""
You have a year in TN to sue for med malpractice,
although there are loopholes,
but i can't get a lawyer to take the case without paying them a couple thousand dollars at this point

You're right about the ridiculously short one year statute of limitations for filing malpractice.  Tennessee has one of the shortest filing periods in the country.  The statute is worded to discourage people from suing - the legal system doesn't want the hassle.  However, the clock doesn't start ticking on the statute of limitations until the patient is 18 - very useful information for PV survivors.

Then there's the "date of discovery" - for example, you suffered the torments of the damned in PV seven, eight years ago and no one took you seriously.  You turned 18, and the time limit came and went. Years later, you discover the PV psychologist who diagnosed you wasn't licensed by the state, despite PV's claim that all clinical directors are "state licensed".  Your diagnosis shouldn't have been made by someone not authorized to oversee your treatment or prescribe an aspirin.  Or you discover the substance abuse counselor who didn't go to college suddenly appears on PV's website with "Education/Qualifications" stating he's an APA certified, state licensed psychologist.  When the real psychologist finally got his license, the AA freak reverted back to ropes specialist and SAC, main qualification:  failed druggie, out to punish anyone indulging in what he can't have.  Conspiracy...  The day you discover this kind of information is when the one year to file starts again.  Get a lawyer, post haste.  If the case looks solid, an attorney will take part of the settlement/judgment as his fee.

That story seems really familiar.  Have you posted it here before or have I read about it in Anderson County Chancery Court files?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 09:41:47 AM
i also have great doubts about the legal system at this point
i think most of us tend to avoid it
then when we actually have to deal with it we find
it is blind, crippled and crazy in a lot of ways and not at all what we were taught to believe
i am trying to figure it out with the whole political science thing but it seems like i never get to learn what i want
sometimes i wish i could just spend the time it takes for me to take "required courses" like ancient medevil science, or the philosophy of morality and ethics, or latin and just spend the time researching law in the library

it's annoying,
 because i had to transfer to the state school
there are all these specific things that they require that were not required elsewhere before
i have to take two science electives!!!
i have already taken the core sciences and labs,
 i took physics damn it!
but now, as a senior who could be doing a lot more important things with their time, they have me taking Home Horticulture!!! and Ancient Midevil Science because i need the two science electives to graduate from their college!
i live in an abusive family and can't afford to move out until i finish college and the "public" state college requires me to take underwater basket weaving and knitting before i can graduate, Home Horticulture!!!!!!
the morality and ethics class is pretty stupid too and i've basically had it before, I have to take it because the "public" state college also requires that you have one philosophy credit and they wont count other very similiar classes as my philosophy credit, philosophy was not required at Colorado State or the womens college.
so they have me taking a philosophy credit
i took religion and culture, but because i am not formally accepted at the state "public" college, even though i got a 3.7 GPA at their idiotic school last semester and have a very high GPA over all at this point,
the advisors are not very helpful

i have been trying to become formally accepted at the only "public" university in my city for the past year because my father won't pay the 10000 a semester for the private womens college i was attending.
but they want high school credits of course and not from a behavioral modification facility either!!  It's  very selective for how run down and small most of the buildings are, the kids are really clean cut and there are lot's of religious ones,
i don't think i've seen a pot head yet, no pink hair, i don't even think i've seen acne!  i have this weird feeling they are all in an internment camp somewhere!
no matter of course i have three years of college completed,
with high grades,
I also took one class at their stupid college back in 1998 when i was right out of PV and had no homework skills
and i failed it when my mother kicked me out
last year they kept telling me i had to retake the class from 98 and that it would be offered next semester, before i could apply formally
it turns out that the class isn't even offered anymore!
it was another underwater basket weaving class,
ancient theater or something
oh well i got a 97 on my last underwater basket weaving test
again i had a 3.7 GPA last semester at their stupid school
 it's not that hard
frustrating and stupid and a little evil maybe but not hard
and last semester i was taking international politics and law and justice system classes

I filled out all these forms to be allowed to take classes this semester too, and they didn't even get back to me!!!
how horrible is that, i got a 3.7 GPA last semester and they can't even get back to me.  I had to go in and talk to all these people, apparently they had done away with the adult education program i was enrolled in over the summer and so all my forms didn't go anywhere!!  
No one thought to tell me this when i had gone in to pick up the forms a month before, they did finally tell me "oh sorry that class we have been telling you to retake isn't offered anymore!!!!  But it's too late to apply formally now."  
before they had told me I had to retake that class from 98 before i could be addmitted formally and that i could take as many classes as i wanted through adult ed!!  
I also think it's interesting they just did away with adult education over the summer but what the crazy hell ever!!
so anyway i went down to talk to them and the woman who used to be in charge of adult ed magnamously decided to let me take as many courses as i wanted without being formally admitted as a special case, of course my life and education depended on her arbitrary decision to take pity on me that day
again despite that i have three years of college credits and got a 3.7 GPS at their school the semester before and they have been giving me a beurocratic run arround like i have never seen!
i also have no idea who all these people behind desks that get to decide my fate are, they don't look like college professors?
this school isn't that great a school either, it has a reputation as the local cow college, perhaps hence the required home horticulture.
i get really tired of being treated like i'm stupid too
again i could learn a hell of a lot more if they just left me alone in a library
it's less intelligence then nodding and smiling while someone tells you your stupid and jumping through hoop after hoop after hoop
the hoops are stupid and a waste of time, especially when you wake up and realize they have you taking HOME HORTICULTURE when you already took Physics and Biology,  
i ended up taking all these idiotic required credits too because by the time i got all of the above crap worked out the very specific Political Science classes i have left to take were all full or reserved for actual formally admitted students only
i know this all sounds like Catch 22
i still am having trouble figuring it all out
i think i've decided that beurocracy especially at this college
it archiac and the spawn of satan, and maybe some old men in funny pants, my Latin professor has very funny pants

also  my boss said i could work full time and become an assistant manager at B&N, he didn't actually say i'd make 9 whole dollars an hour
i just know that's how much the other assistant manager makes
he's been there for years though and is thirty four and lives with his mom and he's so depressed poor thing, otherwise he's an ok human and smart
i'm guessing i'd make 8.25, I think they just put the .25 in to be insulting
why not just make it 7 or 7.50 how Nickled and Dimed is 7.25!

State laws are often archiac,
the whole state legal system needs more oversite to say the least

here is my confused admission letter so you know i'm not making this crap up,  I still can't believe they just did away with adult education without at least mailing the students out something saying so!!!
this is actually my application letter, i filled out an application as soon as i found out the class they kept telling me to retake was no longer offered,
they again did not even write me back about my application!!
i guess because it was past the deadline?  The took my 70.00 application fee just fine of course, no refunds there, even though they couldn't even write me a letter saying sorry to late, we fucked up i guess you can't retake that class we told you you had to retake.

Thank you for considering my application for admittance to NC State.  I realize that it is past the deadline for acceptance for the Fall semester but I just learned today that my plans to take full time classes through the Lifelong Education program were not possible.  I am currently attending as a Lifelong Education Student.  I was told when I applied for the Spring of 2007 semester, that I would need to retake a course I took through the Lifelong Education program back in 1998 before I was considered for admittance.  I  had planned to take this course this upcoming Fall semester, it was not offered in the Spring, i was just told today that it is no longer even offered at State and that there is therefore no way i can retake it.  I have been attempting to transfer to State from Meredith College due to expenses.  
I attended courses at State last spring semester and earned a 3.7 GPA for the semester.  Without that course taken in 98, I have a GPA well over the 3.0 needed for admittance.   I have worked in retail for many years and am completely dedicated to finishing school, as my more recent grades prove.  
I had hoped to request to be allowed to take a full course load this Fall, or at least four classes all told, despite not being admitted formally.  My understanding was (you assholes told me) I could request to take more classes through the Lifelong Education program, as i had this Spring semester.   I had planned to retake the class from 98 with a full course load, keep up my high GPA and formally apply for the Spring 2008 semester.  I really want to finish college so I can have a career and an independent life.  Working in retail or getting married does not provide this.  I really want to be given the opportunity for a college education.  I think I have proved my ability and I plan to retake the course I failed in 1998 next semester.  I had moved out of North Carolina to get married, and only moved back home to my family when that fell through.  
I am a dedicated and hard worker and I hope that you will allow me to get a college education.  I can not afford to move out of the Raleigh area.  I am currently employed at Barnes & Nobles.  It is very important to me to be able to take a full course load next semester, I moved back in with my parents to facilitate this.  Much of the money I make working goes toward school.  This is the only way I have enough to live and still graduate anytime soon.  I was enrolled in Meredith College as a full time student, but my family does not have the ten thousand dollars a semester required for me to continue at Meredith.  I would have loved to stay at Meredith and my GPA was high.  Please allow me to take a full course load next semester, perhaps with the stipulation that I have to take and pass the course from 98.  I am really very worried about this.  If it is not possible for me to be accepted formally this Fall semester, I only ask that I be allowed to take at least four classes through the Lifelong Education program.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 09:49:20 AM
and i know that’s not how you spell bureaucracy, it's early in the morning
My mom is trying to hook me up with her forty year old recently divorced plastic surgeon, i think she wants free Botox
no joke, she was going on and on about it last night
underwater basket weaving and marrying the plastic surgeon!!!!
i feel like i'm treading water in the 14th century and yes it’s medieval too
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 10:08:01 AM
that was actually a rough draft of two different letters i think
this summer was a stressful bureaucratic nightmare
oh and magnanimos, sorry type fast early make free crazy and dyslexic
i'm sorry too the kids, a lot of them don't know their asses from their elbows from a camouflage truck with deer lights and yes there are more then a couple camouflage trucks with deer lights
not to sound like a snot, but i've lived all over the damn world
i literally eat books for breakfast,  my idea of fun is to read  Anna Karenina, that's actually sadly the last thing i did for fun!
the only thing i watch on TV is History channel 2 and the Military History Channel, and some 18 or 21 year old twerp in pastel and kahki or
 deer camouflage actually chewing tabacco is more qualified to get a college education?
the kids really don't know much, i'm not joking, even the seniors
 i am also really not joking about my mother and the plastic surgeon, he hits on me too, so i'm worried about it, it's creepy
he's old and i think he cheated on his wife thats why he's getting a divorce
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 10:39:32 AM
some of my random classes the professors are very nice and it's a very good class, it's just that i need to graduate so i can make a living
and none of these classes were required at the Women's college
and i feel like i'm on some damn side tangent with time passing and the wheels spinning, again i feel like i'm in another century
like my mom says "if the plastic surgeon calls and asks you for a date you say yes!" no joke direct quote from a good twenty minute conversation last night
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 01:51:48 PM
I am not picking on the kids with deer headlights on their camouflage trucks
i have sadly chewed tobacco and all I can say is I can’t believe they do it all the time
when in Rome and all that
friends who’s relatives hunt are actually pretty useful
deer meat is good, you’d be amazed
 especially if you marinate it with apples and slow cook it with a bunch of  vegetables
all I am saying is they don’t look like any better intellectual scholars then me!
Just because they got through public high school in a nice little small town somewhere
I think at my age with my life experience and nerdy affinity for books
I am just as capable of succeeding in college!
Zen what you wrote is great
I think it’s important that real people talk about their real experiences with the different state legal systems and their mind numbing bureaucracy
There are many non deer hunting children at my college
 and a few of them don’t wear pastel and khaki
my medieval science professor is a lovely older gentleman too
and the class is great, it’s just that at the women’s college I felt like I could see how to get from A to B, now I’m taking all these weird classes I didn’t have to take there
and I feel like it’s putting me behind by another semester, while ancient medicine is cool I don’t feel like it’s getting me any closer to a degree!
but oh well, irony and patience is good for my future career as a writer or something
I’ve seen enough of it at this point
the woman who was in charge of adult education is a really nice person
I think she’s upset they decided to do away with the program, which is why she helped me!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 02:21:12 PM
one random science elective ok but two!!!!
that's almost half of a semester, half of my year!!!
and working and going to school is hard too
especially 8 hr days there isn't time for all of it
the colleges are really unaware and elitist,
college shouldn't just be for little kids
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 07:25:21 PM
Check out the new PV Vision. It is spilling over with exuberant claims of excellence! Fraudulent advertising at its finest! ... %20web.pdf (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 08:01:05 PM
Winston? Is that you? It must suck being a propagandist when you don't actually work for the government.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 08:46:59 PM
Tis me! How did you know? This gives me the m*th#f&king HORN I tell yer!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 09, 2007, 08:49:11 PM
And it's VICEROY not Winston!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 11, 2007, 03:09:47 PM
i'm not worried about getting into the State college next semester
i'm getting really good grades
i have found that resignation as to just the crappy realities of life
does a lot by way of instilling a feeling of almost humor, irony?
it is as it always has been and all that
once i figured out that this just is the way things are
like this is the hand of cards that is to be played
i found myself a lot less angry and more relaxed
books are good for this, random people not always
sometimes you end up in a forest of weird ones that are very hard to relate too and you can't see the forest or the trees or something
it's nice to actually have figured out what the cards are,
and to not be grief stricken at a few of them
people are really not often a help with this
they will rarely call a spade a spade

new topic
i found this great thing on AOL music, dailymotion I think
you can watch as many videos as you please for free and they have everything, Tori Amos, Billy Holiday videos!!!
actual videos of Billy Holiday lots of them, they are so great
and it's free and there is tons of stuff
but i went to the most watched videos, thinking it would be like        Yahoo music, Justin Timberlake or some crap
but it wasn't, it was tons of porn
i guess people stream the videos?
I was surprised, i thought porn on the internet was kind of hard to get to
like downloading music or something
you either had to give them your credit card number and join a club or risk getting a virus
but on this AOL site it's not hard at all to get to,
 it's offered you don't have to work to get it or anything,
just go to most watched videos under AOL music
i hate porn, it makes me want to kick something’s ass
i think this is a newish development in internet culture?
i'm kind of new to being on the computer all the time
these are the first online classes I've taken
but last time i was looking for music and such
there wasn't such easily accessible porn
as a teenager, 13 year old boy or something
it seems like it would be hard to avoid
all the other kids would be talking about it and such
porn is nasty stuff often too, not just sex or something
it seems like it might be bad to be inundated by it at such a young age?
porn can be really horrific stuff
i was just surprised to see it right there next to the tori and billy holiday videos on AOL music?  The site itself isn't AOL but it's the site that AOL music takes you too when you hunt for videos
I didn't watch any of the porn so maybe it's light stuff
although the pictures didn't look light
i just think it's a new interesting, not in a good way,
development in the culture
no more stealing dads Playboys, now you go to AOL music and get your porn with your music videos by the ton?
I don't know, go to AOL music and look for any music video
it takes you to the Dailymotion site
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 11, 2007, 03:20:17 PM
ok i went to AOL music
and i can't find the site I'm talking about
maybe it wasn't AOL
again i'm not a computer nerd
perhaps i stumbled on something hard to find
i thought i just got there by going to AOL music
yes i went back and checked on my computer and
that's how i got to the site
I think if you logged on to AOL music and started to look up random music videos, it would take you to the same site pretty quickly!
it doesn't pop up right away when you just go to AOL video
and don't do anything though
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 11, 2007, 03:22:37 PM
you have to go to the most watched videos under dailymotion
which is were AOL takes you when you look for music videos
i'm not saying go get porn,
i'm saying you can't avoid the porn anymore as a teenager looking up music videos!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 11, 2007, 04:45:28 PM
Quote from: ""we are kinda free""
you have to go to the most watched videos under dailymotion
which is were AOL takes you when you look for music videos
i'm not saying go get porn,
i'm saying you can't avoid the porn anymore as a teenager looking up music videos!

Instead of AOL, should be checking out the GAO.  Much more interesting.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 12, 2007, 12:47:11 PM
Quote from: ""stoodoodog""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Deborah""
He also stated that he advocates for treatment near home, and is opposed to kids crossing state lines. How he would mandate this, remains to be seen. But, it could put a significant dent in the industry cash flow.

A huge dent. Seems like some programs specifically take only kids from out of state. Much fewer legal complications that way.

It was definitely a thorn in the side of PV to have a child whose parent was against the program living close enough to be able to drive out onto the Peninsula and see enough odd goings on to raise many, MANY red flags...
People, many of them local professionals (MD's, PhD's, LCSW's, MSW's) who should know more about PV kept telling me "at least when she is at PV you will get to see her. I did not get to see her or talk to her for the better part of the time she was sitting on her bed 24/7 in the lockdown "assessment"  unit. After her restraint, (described on the facility questions and answers thread around Page 6) PV issued me a list of conditions I would have to follow if I wanted to have any contact with her. I followed all of the conditions for several months and was still not allowed ANY contact with her except through heavily censored mail.

This from another thread. Time to try to put this thread back on track.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 12, 2007, 01:35:40 PM
Heavily censored mail.  PV claims they only "scan" it, yet the therapist told my wife her mail was "negative" in content and used that as an excuse to continue the "Mom ban", as my step daughter called it.

Oh, yeah.  We've got that on tape, as well.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on October 12, 2007, 06:26:45 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""we are kinda free""
you have to go to the most watched videos under dailymotion
which is were AOL takes you when you look for music videos
i'm not saying go get porn,
i'm saying you can't avoid the porn anymore as a teenager looking up music videos!

Instead of AOL, should be checking out the GAO.  Much more interesting.

GAO: Gays Against Orgasms
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 12, 2007, 07:05:18 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Heavily censored mail.  PV claims they only "scan" it, yet the therapist told my wife her mail was "negative" in content and used that as an excuse to continue the "Mom ban", as my step daughter called it.

Oh, yeah.  We've got that on tape, as well.

I suggest getting an IM account (AIM, YIM, MSN...) the "pidgin" client for them, and the OTR encryption plugin for pidgin.

Because, well, that would allow some very very encrypted real time communications. If you want to make it completely untraceable get "Vidalia" (tor package with privoxy, a front end, etc) and tunnel your IM connections through the TOR network. That way its SSH encrypted from what your ISP can see, untracable once it hits TOR, and encrypted in transport from the IM network to me.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 13, 2007, 01:03:42 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Heavily censored mail.  PV claims they only "scan" it, yet the therapist told my wife her mail was "negative" in content and used that as an excuse to continue the "Mom ban", as my step daughter called it.

Oh, yeah.  We've got that on tape, as well.

I suggest getting an IM account (AIM, YIM, MSN...) the "pidgin" client for them, and the OTR encryption plugin for pidgin.

Because, well, that would allow some very very encrypted real time communications. If you want to make it completely untraceable get "Vidalia" (tor package with privoxy, a front end, etc) and tunnel your IM connections through the TOR network. That way its SSH encrypted from what your ISP can see, untracable once it hits TOR, and encrypted in transport from the IM network to me.


Word.  I think my wife is familiar with TOR, I'll ask her for some assistance.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 13, 2007, 01:13:58 PM
And by posting this in public you have completely destroyed such protection from the people you seek to use it against.

CAPTCHA: anonymous income
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 13, 2007, 02:05:46 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
And by posting this in public you have completely destroyed such protection from the people you seek to use it against.

CAPTCHA: anonymous income

Not sure I follow.  We weren't talking about using anything against anyone, merely discussing IM security.

I know Peninsula Village/Covenant Health has been probing Psy and myself from their Information Services/Telecommunications, Suite 400, 1410 Centerpointe Blvd.  What extent they'll go to in order to protect their interests is open to speculation, but we do know they are watching.  I'm aware of intentional unintended dissemination of misinformation to the informed in a deliberate and careless fashion for the purpose of exposing unsecured and confidential info, to use your cryptic jargon.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 13, 2007, 03:22:39 PM
I thought you were discussing hiding communications with a PV staff member on the inside.

They don't have the skills to hack into your IMs to other people. How would they even get started?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 13, 2007, 04:08:08 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I thought you were discussing hiding communications with a PV staff member on the inside.

They don't have the skills to hack into your IMs to other people. How would they even get started?

*IM's tend to log conversations (it goes through their servers and their network anyway, capturing plain text packets is not exactly hard) for a few years in case they get subpoenaed. If it is encrypted in transport there is no way they can deliver anything except garble.

It's called ass covering. (http://
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 13, 2007, 06:56:34 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I thought you were discussing hiding communications with a PV staff member on the inside.

They don't have the skills to hack into your IMs to other people. How would they even get started?

PV is aware of my email address, I used to email the family therapist.  As far as having the ability to hack into my shit, I imagine the people probing around from Information Services/Telecommunications have the skills.  They aren't Peninsula Village, either, they're Covenant Health's crew.  Interest has risen up the chain.

A program parent's computer was hacked and the Feds were brought in.  The hack was traced back to an evil and now defunct program in Juab, Utah.

Their motivation is obvious, we're detrimental to business.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 13, 2007, 11:49:53 PM
Hey PV go ahead and call the PO PO you HO HOs haha.... ya aint got shiiiiat on anyone here...but we got a nice Piece O' Steel for yall wannabe gangsters...hahahha
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 06:35:24 AM
I'm calling a group meeting to confront Settle for Nothing Girl:

She was sarcastic towards me and it really hurt my feelings. The following trascript below is provided to demonstrate the heinous manner of her callous crimes!!!

Dan McGrath: sheesh.. I figured you'd be laughing hysterically over it.
XXXXXX: oh i am deaaar gookie,,,, my eyes are bulging outta my head
XXXXXX: ahha
Dan McGrath: lols.. sarcasm.. I'm gonna have to confrot you in group now.
XXXXXX: Oh god... I'm so scared.. please lawds no! Not a group!
Dan McGrath: Yes a group meeting is needed to help you deal with your negative behaviors!
Dan McGrath: Suck it up!
XXXXXX: oh no... dont consequence me too severly like making me lick the toilets clean
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 14, 2007, 06:40:25 AM
ya... whateverrrrrrr.....ahahaha dont mind my night terror delirium..... Im suffering here from these terrrrible nightmares and all you do is rag on me...hahahahah... its alll goood fooooool
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 06:48:12 AM
HEY LADY YOU MAD ME FEEL BAD WITH ALL YOUR SARCASM.. now I'm gonna have hellah bad dreams cause you got all mean with me.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 14, 2007, 06:49:55 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 06:52:16 AM
:flame:  :flame:

My flames kick your devil horns right in the ass.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 14, 2007, 06:57:58 AM
bitch there wouldnt be no flames without no devilll... so once again, i rule. MWAHAHHAHA... oh the fun of early morning delirium
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 06:59:19 AM
Well at least one of us is having fun.

How is school going?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 14, 2007, 07:01:36 AM thanks to those PV fuckers!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 07:05:00 AM
Making up for those quality months you spent in the StU are you?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 14, 2007, 07:05:14 AM
Once again, I rock da house....haha but you already know that.  :lol:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 07:07:37 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 14, 2007, 07:08:55 AM
that did answer the question... but in case no translation is possible... YES
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 14, 2007, 07:10:39 AM
god damn pv.. Bad enough they kept you locked in a damn cage.. worst they screwed up half your education as well..

burn it down boys/girls!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 14, 2007, 11:46:24 AM
PV's guide to B+D.  This is a joke.  Another fine flagship of NATSAP.  

Guidelines and Procedures for the Use of Seclusion or Mechanical Restraint

POLICY STATEMENT: It is the policy of Peninsula Village that seclusion and mechanical restraint will be used only as an emergency measures within acceptable guidelines. Seclusion or mechanical restraint are only used to protect a patient from self-harm or to prevent harm to others.

Seclusion: The involuntary confinement of a person alone in a specified area where the person is physically prevented from leaving.
Mechanical Restraint: Any method of mechanically restricting a person’s freedom of movement, physical activity, or normal access to his/her body.
This policy/procedure does not apply to physical holding or to the comforting of children. This policy/procedure does apply to the use of the restraint jacket, even when the restraint jacket is used only to
safely transport a patient from one location to another location.
The only forms of mechanical restraint used at Peninsula Village is the body net, 4 point restraint used in conjunction with the body net, and the restraint/transport jacket.

Peninsula Village employs three forms of seclusion/restraint: standard seclusion, physical holding, and mechanical restraint. The most appropriate intervention for a specific patient is based on the evaluation of the following factors:
diagnosis, present clinical picture, present medical condition, and past history of abuse and other traumatic experiences.

1. The commitment of Peninsula Village is to prevent, reduce, and strive to eliminate the use of seclusion and mechanical restraint. Our goal is to prevent emergencies that have the potential to lead to the use of seclusion or mechanical restraint whenever possible
and we strive to raise awareness among staff about how seclusion or mechanical restraint might be experienced by the patient.
2. A copy of this policy will be provided to the patient and to the parents/guardians upon the admission of the patient to the program.  Written acknowledgement of the receipt of the copy of the policy will be placed in the medical record.
3. Except in an emergency, non-physical measures will be attempted before seclusion or mechanical restraint is implemented.
4. Seclusion and mechanical restraint will only be used when there is an imminent risk of a patient physically harming self or others,
including staff.
5. Seclusion and mechanical restraint will be discontinued as soon as safely possible.
6. All use of seclusion and mechanical restraint will be in accordance with the needs and rights of the patients and in compliance with acceptable standards of care.
7. Performance Improvement initiatives will address reducing incidents of seclusion and mechanical restraint.
8. A risk assessment for aggressive behaviors is completed on all patients upon admission.

1. Seclusion and mechanical restraint will not be used as a convenience to staff, as a punishment or discipline, or as retaliation by staff, or in a way that causes undue discomfort, harm or pain to the patient.
2. All staff who implement and apply seclusion and mechanical restraint will be trained and competent in the proper technique and
procedure and will maintain current CPR certifi cation.
3. Any use of seclusion and mechanical restraint will take into account the medical condition, any physical disabilities, and any
significant treatment issues of the patient.
4. Patients requiring seclusion or mechanical restraint will be assessed by the ordering clinician (Psychiatrist, Certified Nurse
Practitioner, or Psychologist). Documentation of this assessment will include the patient’s behavior, interventions implemented
to decrease the behavior, and the patient’s response to these interventions. If an ordering clinician is not readily available, this
assessment will be completed by an RN and the findings will be discussed with an ordering clinician within one hour.
5. Each order for seclusion or mechanical restraint will be no longer than 2 hours in duration. If continuation of seclusion or mechanical restraint is necessary the ordering clinician will be notified to obtain further orders. The ordering clinician will conduct an in person reevaluation at a minimum of every 4 hours for the duration of the seclusion or mechanical restraint. The RN may not accept seclusion or mechanical restraint orders from an ordering clinician that are PRN or that are not time-limited.
6. All verbal orders for seclusion or mechanical restraint will be co-signed by the ordering practitioner within 24 hours when possible
or the next business day that the practitioner is present.
7. If used as a response to emergent dangerous behavior, seclusion/mechanical restraint can be initiated by the RN. The ordering clinician will be notified immediately and an order obtained.
8. If there is a change in the form of mechanical restraint used, such as starting with the body and later adding 4 point restraint, a new
order will obtained from the ordering clinician.
9. An approved Licensed Independent Practitioner (Psychiatrist, Certified Nurse Practitioner, or Psychologist) as defined by the State
of Tennessee and as allowed by the organization will perform a face-to-face evaluation and document the assessment within one
(1) hour of the initiation of the seclusion or mechanical restraint. It is the expectation of the organization that the Psychiatrist will
be the first option for conducting face-to-face evaluations and the other Licensed Independent Practitioners will only be used if the
Psychiatrist is unavailable. Further, it is the policy of the organization that all face-to-face evaluations conducted by a Psychologist will be done in conjunction with a RN.
10. A note describing the clinical justification for the use of seclusion or mechanical restraint will be written in the progress notes section of the order sheet by the ordering clinician. If the ordering clinician is not the attending MD or Certified Nurse Practitioner, the attending MD or Certified Nurse Practitioner will be notified as soon as possible but no later than the next working day.
11. The safety and privacy of a secluded or mechanically restrained patient is maintained by providing for their seclusion or mechanical
restraint in an area separated from other patients. The patient will be searched prior to being placed in seclusion or mechanical
restraint. This is to be documented on the appropriate forms.
12. The patient will be informed of the behavioral criteria necessary for release. Seclusion or mechanical restraint will be discontinued
when the patient meets the behavior criteria for discontinuation.
13. After placing the patient in mechanical restraint, the RN will assess for proper application of restraining devices, for proper
anatomical position, movement, circulation, neurological condition, respirations, any negative effects of mechanical restraint as well
as any signs of distress. The results of this assessment are to be documented on the appropriate forms.
14. Any patient in seclusion or mechanical restraint will be constantly attended to by staff. Documentation will occur at least every 15 minutes. This check will include an assessment of the patient’s condition and needs as well as interventions used. This is to be documented on the appropriate forms.
15. Every hour the RN will assess a patient in mechanical restraint for proper application of restraining devices, for proper anatomical
position, movement, respiration, circulation, signs and symptoms of hypo or hyperthermia and neurological condition. The results
of this assessment and any interventions initiated are to be documented on the appropriate forms.
16. Range of motion assessment will be performed hourly for those patients in mechanical restraint.
17. The patient is to be offered toileting, fluids and/or nourishment at least every hour. If a patient on the restraint bed is given food
or fluids, the head of the bed is to be raised. This is to be documented on the Seclusion/Mechanical Restraint Flow Sheet, using the appropriate codes.
18. At the end of the specified time limit, the ordering clinician is to reassess for the need for continued use of seclusion or mechanical
restraint. If the ordering clinician is not available, the RN can perform this assessment and the order may be obtained by phone.
19. Upon release from seclusion/mechanical restraint, the RN will document the patient’s mental/physical condition, response
to intervention and any verbal contracts made with the patient. If seclusion/mechanical restraint is discontinued prior to the
expiration of the original order, a new order must be obtained prior to reinitiating either, with all the same requirements as the
original order.
20. Clinical or nursing staff will notify the family/guardian of any seclusion or mechanical restraint within twelve (12) hours.
21. A Life Space Interview/Debriefing will be attempted with the patient after the seclusion/ mechanical restraint.
22. The Quality/Risk Management Department will keep a record of all seclusions and mechanical restraints.
23. Leadership staff and performance improvement staff will review all uses of this procedure. Quality Management staff will be
involved in data review and staff education as appropriate. Data reviewed will include both medical record review (quality of
documentation) and data which reflects occurrences, trends, patterns, and appropriateness of utilization of this procedure.
Performance Improvement data will include at least:
staff who initiated the process,
the length of each episode,
date, time and day of the week each episode was initiated,
the type of restraint used,
whether injuries were sustained by the individual or staff, and
age and gender of the individual.
24. Within 24 hours of the initiation of the seclusion or mechanical restraint, an incident review will be conducted to determine the
circumstances that required the use of the intervention, what could have been done differently that could have possibly prevented
the intervention, identification of strategies to prevent the reoccurrence of seclusion or mechanical restraint, opportunities for
performance improvement, and any indication of staff or patient physical/psychological trauma associated with the incident that
needs to be addressed. The review will include both staff who were involved in the incident as well as staff not involved in the
25. Any death or serious injury resulting from or related to the use of seclusion or mechanical restraint will be reported within one
business day to the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, the Disability Law and Advocacy
Center of Tennessee, and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services or its agents.
 (How easy would it be for PV to cover up injuries with a hospital also owned by Covenant Health at their disposal?)
REFERENCES: Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (TDMHDD)
The Joint Commission
The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)

There is no mention of chemical restraints...TDMHDD did tell me PV was using them, they were "allowed" to.

I knew I was wasting my time with the TDMHDD, they actually endorse PV.  It would be embarrassing to the department for their prize child farm to be revealed as a hellhole - might even leave them legally exposed.

PV stinks to high hell.  It's a prime example of a NATSAP program:  it's a sham, with a glossy website presenting a Summer camp facade.  Everything about the place crumbles under the most casual scrutiny.  Clinicians and staff are liars (gotcha on tape) and unqualified, their "outcome studies" showing success are a joke, and their admissions criteria is for show.  Violent/sexual offenders are admitted, individuals convicted as adults - Andrew Klepper, the kid who sodomized a call girl with a baseball bat, robbed her and threatened her.  Tennessee did not even want Klepper in the state, but PV's therapist Jean Bolding refused to deliver a letter from a Maryland court demanding his return.  Klepper recently violated his original probation when he was charged with "pandering", basically he was involved with a prostitute who may be very lucky they were busted before Andy started trying to get his kicks.  Klepper's story isn't written up in Village Voices, he's certainly not a testament to the efficacy of PV's treatment.  Dominic Harwanke, convicted as an adult for conspiring to commit a Columbine-style attack on a high school...the unnamed 17 yr. old from Powell, TN, who had a bomb he intended to use on his school...

There are more examples straight out of the newspapers, but the point is PV, a NATSAP program, misrepresents itself across the board in order to suck $8700 a month out of parents dumb enough not to do a little homework and ask for some proof of "success".  My wife asked the clinical director about the outcome studies showing success and questioned the database.  The clinical director lost his temper and snarled "Why are you asking these questions?"  Like I said, the slightest scrutiny exposes the myriad lies, smoke and mirrors PV depends on.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 14, 2007, 11:53:41 AM
Ass-covering at it's weakest...

Memorandum of Agreement and Understanding Page 3 of 3
I, ____________________________________ certify that ____________________________________
(I or Name of Appointed Agency)
am the custodial parent, legal guardian, conservator, and/or the court appointed legal custodian of patient.
____________________________________ have full legal authority to apply for admission of patient to
(signature) Peninsula Healthcare and to agree to the terms in this Application/
Memorandum on patient’s behalf. ____________________________________ (I or Appointed Agency)
agree to hold harmless and indemnify Peninsula Healthcare, Peninsula Healthcare employees and staff,
and treating physicians and consultants from any and all claims, actions and suits alleging that patient
was hospitalized, treated, detained, and/or held illegally, unlawfully or without proper consent during the
hospitalization to which this Memorandum applies.
Applicant or Applicant’s Representative
Relationship to Patient or Agency Name
and Title of Representative
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: exhausted on October 14, 2007, 03:31:53 PM
Whoever signs it might agree not to file a lawsuit, but someone who didn't sign it didn't agree to nuttin'
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 14, 2007, 03:46:43 PM
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Whoever signs it might agree not to file a lawsuit, but someone who didn't sign it didn't agree to nuttin'

Absolutely, or in one case I can think of, the "custodial parent" only had temporary custody, which had to be relinquished back to the rightful parent who didn't sign a damned thing, nor did the child (now at the age of majority) who's rights were trampled.

Much to be answered for...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 14, 2007, 11:12:54 PM
is PV the one's doing the weird computer stuff?
i have also noticed weird computer stuff
comforting of children like hell!!! GRRRRR
what a bunch of con artists PV is!
what people will do for millions of dollars
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 15, 2007, 12:37:35 AM
Covenant Health is doing some snooping around, that's all.  There are worse demons lurking around here than Covenant/PV.

Covenant Health is non-profit and non-denominational, according to them.  However, in an expensive, glossy bit of printed swag sent to the Board of Directors:


In service to God and community we value:





Developing our People

Using Resources Wisely

And, as one new PV counselor posted to one of her Facebook buddies:

I'm doing well. I've almost been at the Village 9 months and I'm finally getting comfortable. I love being able to watch kids grow and have little chances to point them to God. There is a downside though~a kid bit me a couple weeks ago. But seeing the kids leave successfully outweighs all the bad stuff we have to go thru. This job is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity. Will you be @ C-N Homecoming this year?[/i][/b]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2007, 04:49:02 AM
From another thread-

Nihilanthic wrote:
The fact that such consistent reports for so long have gone unheeded is simply inexplicable, to be frank about it.

One thing my ex-cop relative can't understand is how this has not been investigated. He is CONVINCED if ONE report is made, they will investigate, "Unless a Doctor has called the kid a pathological liar" or some shit like that.

My wife called the Blount County Sheriff's Department after trying for hours to find out her daughter's condition following a vicious restraint. The Deputy who took the call refused to do a welfare check, claiming PV had it's own security and the Sheriff's Dep't would only go to PV if the program reported an assault, which has occurred:

Assault, filed 12/9/03, The Daily Times:

Other reports

* A 26-year-old Knoxville woman working at Peninsula Village, Jones Bend Road, Louisville, reported at 3:08 p.m. Dec. 9 a 17-year-old female patient there punched her in the head and pulled her hair. Two other employees reported they were either bitten or hit by the girl. Legal options were explained.

Hell, GO, girl!

So, the Blount County cops responded to that incident, but refused to do a welfare check for a parent. My wife asked the deputy for his name, and he didn't want to give it, then mumbled a German name before hanging up. Later we discovered that the Sheriff's Department is obligated by law to do a welfare check, which I'm sure the Deputy was aware of. It became apparent that PV did have it's own security - the Blount County Sheriff's Department. It was 27 hours later when my step daughter's father was notified the girl was "fine". He didn't seem to care, but we were beyond stressed.

My step daughter tried to use the 3x5 card complaint and request system to ask to see a doctor she remembered from Peninsula Lighthouse, next to the Village. The doctor was a good guy, and she wanted to have him check her out, since her teeth were hurting and her thyroid was out of whack. A counselor read the card, then tore it up in front of my step daughter, saying "You're not going to get the chance to manipulate anyone else,"

Not much hope of getting word to the outside. PV even refused to let my girl's lifelong pediatrician make a professional visit to examine her patient. The doctor was told it was out of the normal routine - even though the PV handbook states patients can be visited by their clergy, physician, or attorney with no interference.

Nice NATSAP program, huh? SACS accreditation, bogus JCAHO certification, "professional and experienced" staff resting on the laurels of their GED's...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 16, 2007, 06:52:05 PM
It seems as though PV has recently added a Copyright notice at the bottom of each web page. Just what does this mean?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 16, 2007, 08:50:16 PM
12. The patient will be informed of the behavioral criteria necessary for release. Seclusion or mechanical restraint will be discontinued
when the patient meets the behavior criteria for discontinuation.

I always wondered what that was... X number of minutes not crying or panicking?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on October 16, 2007, 10:27:23 PM
Well Niles my personal experience with  PV's philosophy regarding seclusion and restraint is that any loose interpretation  is acceptable to TDMHDD (and I can assure you PV took license with them)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 17, 2007, 09:17:06 AM
Quote from: ""Mister MF""
It seems as though PV has recently added a Copyright notice at the bottom of each web page. Just what does this mean?

They don't want anybody stealing their "good" ideas? I think they were getting ready to bite down.  Given recent events, they may have lost the drive to sue...whoever.  At any rate, it would not behoove them to start suing people Sue Scheff style for speaking out about abuse at PV.
Post by: stoodoodog on October 17, 2007, 10:48:42 AM
Are you referring to the "good Ideas" of Charismatic Leader #1, or the good ideas of the person with the degree in Animal Magnetism?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 09:52:23 PM
i think there are cops or something on this site
sorry i yelled a you
i didn't expect anyone to actually be doing anything about the horrific situation at PV, it's been going on so long
please restore my faith in the system and all that
and thank you, seriously
it 's just every where you know if your a woman,
probably why i have a chip on my shoulder about it
i'm talking about what i started bitching about
there are these old laws of sex really it's like racism it's that bad
basically they consist of
guys put a lot of pressure on women to have sex
literally people will try to clonk you over the head and carry you off to their cave, as a chick it comes up a lot
of course there is also sexual prejudice
so if you give in to the constant pressure
or just feel like having sex, women are people too
or if you get clonked over the head
you have to deal with prejudice too
no offense, ie the 18year old slut traded BJ's for a book deal
sorry but i don't edit what i feel about things because people don't look at them like i do, even if otherwise they seem like great people
again ancient crappy laws of sex as a woman
again what really is a catch 22 as a young woman
is the constant pressure some guys put on you to have sex
it's the number one problem you face as a chick really
i just don't think sexual prejudice should be there
and i don't blame people for just talking that way
because it's so much a part of our culture
it's always been like this too
get in your burkha bitch or your a slut
no one wants you if you can walk without bound feet
or are not a white bread wasp protestant house wife from the fifties
my grandmother never had a drivers license,
not sure what to do with that
the media too
that's why the women in Playboy are never MBA's
but there sure is a lot of pressure to be dumb and naked
again catch 22 they try to make you into something then blame you when you get cast in some crappy role
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 17, 2007, 10:05:36 PM
I can assure you that if you babble like that nobody would want to have sex with you more than once.

Please, use some punctuation and syntax!  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 10:25:43 PM
so anyway that's why when i'm pissed or stressed
i start bitching about it
i had to get up at 6am this morning
and i figured it out
teens don't get enough sleep
6am is way too early for school kids to be getting up everyday
it means every kid has to be in bed and asleep by 10pm
or they don't get 8 hrs of sleep
teens actually need more sleep then adults
what kid is going to be in bed by 9:30 so they can be asleep by 10:00
kids with smart nice parents who are paying attention?
so once again our school system penalizes kids who's parents are not a big help?
Also then the kids tired all day so they come home from school take a nap
don't do the two hours + of homework a night required
or stay up late to do it, and get six hours of sleep again
i'm watching South Park with my brother and i'm laughing
it's really easy to mean to go to bed at 10 and the next thing you know it's 11:30 and you get 6 hrs of sleep
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 10:36:35 PM
Nihilanthic were you in a program or are you just some worthless little shit for brains teenager who has no right to be on this site anyway
fucking asshole i could kick your ass in five minutes
and i bet i'm a hell of a lot better looking then you
you  ugly brain dead sexist looser
be sure too stupid little pig i would kick your in five minutes  
your just pissed i insulted your only girlfriend porn
and attacked your right to sexually harass girls around you
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 10:55:33 PM
what the hell was untrue about what i wrote
it's right
that's how sex and women work
i said that the ancient rules of sexism
are that men put a lot of pressure on women to have sex and then society blames them when they do?
and you responded with by saying that men just want to have a one night stand with me because i talk like that

i tend to get married off more then anything it seems
perhaps my "shrewishness" is a result of trying to scare away sexually aggressive men
how once again you worthless little shit for brains piglet
you prove my point
"no one want's to do more then screw you because you talk about sexism"
what a monkey minded crotch grabbing little moron you are
 what i said is really true
men put a lot of pressure on women to sleep with them
and on their terms, hence bound feet and the burkha
half the time they will just try and rape you
or get you drunk or any other means,
especially with kids or teens being molested
your just uncomfortable because you realize your one of those guys maybe? It's the truth ancient laws of sexism
men try to do anything to get you to have sex with them and the society blames the woman for it, they blame the woman if she is raped even
a young girl whatever, sexual prejudice beats on women for somthing that they are literally beaten into in one form or another
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 17, 2007, 11:05:04 PM
I meant the way you say everything you say, not just that part of what you said, is hard to read. You don't use punctuation, sentences, or paragraphs.


I'm sorry its just difficult to read you.

To the guy who got raged at me.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 11:10:02 PM
nihilanthic your a teenage stupid little shit but your quotes good
sorry i read a lot, i'll try to tone it down for you
put big spaces in for you and all that
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 11:10:30 PM
nihilanthic your a teenage stupid little shit but your quotes good
sorry i read a lot, i'll try to tone it down for you
put big spaces in for you and all that
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 17, 2007, 11:30:03 PM
Quote from: ""reposting jersey girls st""
Money making ignoramouses is what PV staff is. Obviously they are so oblivious and ignorant as to what professionalism is. They try to speak so highly of themselves, yet their actions are sabotaging them. I wish a psychiatric evaluation could be done on them. The facades they try to put up about being this big shot, immaculate treatment facility, is so obvious to those who can read between the lines, are completely false.
They are immature as well and in a way demented. I mean where do people get off snickering and cackling at those in need of real medical and therapeutic attention. Are their patients just their entertainment? how could any of the staff there "love their job"? unless of course they are sick in their own ways.
Maybe the snickering and crude remarks about their patients is really them transferring their own feelings onto innocent victims of their abuses.
The restraints are how they get out their anger. I mean come on, at the drop of a hat for no reason, boom... their goes a patient onto the floor. The pressure applied is very strong. Its almost as if they are trying to squeeze out their issues going on in their unstable and sick minds. Kind of transference again except on a physical level.
Like the opposite of self mutilation. self mutilation is a way of escaping from dealing with negative emotions. Staff on the other hand, basically in a way, each restraint is like another cut onto their arm.
I know for myself, if I worked one day at Peninsula, or any of these horrid RTCs, I wouldnt be able to live with myself. These people who are the staff there, claim to love their job. What person in their RIGHT mind would love the job they have? I dont know... something just doesnt seem right with that whole issue.
are their lives simply that pathetic? or is their a much deeper issue here?
Like i mentioned briefly before, what ever happened to Personell Psychology?
Personell Psychology for those that do not know, is:
a subfield of industrial organiztional psych. that focuses on employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, appraisal, and development.

sounds like this "psychiatric treatment facility" should work on their own "psychological issues, first starting in their "professinal work enviroment" and second maybe with themselves

just a thought.

I found it.. in the introduction handbook

" Many times parents feel angry, anxious, sad, and even guilty, not sure if they have made the right decision. be prepared that your adolescent is aware of these feelings and either consciously or unconsciously may attempt to arouse feelings of guilt and anxiety. there are some typical ways that adolescents attempt to do this.
The most obvious example of this attempt is the full frontal guilt attack. ""why did you put me here? you do not care about me. If you take me out of here I will do anything, I have realized I was wrong, please give me one more chance. Ill Kill myself if you dont take me out of here"" these attempts directly attack your feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for your child.
The second attempt is more subtle and involves your adolescent misinforming, lying, or telling half truths to raise feelings of guilt and anxiety. Typical examples include: "" My therapist told me it was your fault I am here. The staff does not know what they are doing.""
The third example is an attempt to exploit normal parental concerns regarding an adolescents safety. Examples include;"" they are not feeding me. Staff makes fun of me. My peer is a violent psycho. Compared to other kids here my problems are not that serious""
Do not let these attempts to make you feel guilty work. As long as your child believes that he/she might escape responsibility he or she will not change. Often adolescents are actually terrified of change and their oppositional and defiant behavior is a way of avoiding dealing with the painful aspects of their lives. So of course they are going to continue to try to avoid responsibility and introspection. "

that came straight from the introduction to PV guide given to parents.
sounds to me like a desperate attempt to trun parents against their own children in order to rake in the money for them to wipe their sorry excuse for lifes asses.
Those are pretty powerful lines of manipulation dont you think? sounds like Peninsula themselves are trying to make their pathetic attempts to convince you work for THEIR advantage.
Sounds like uh..what they used to call "Splitting" telling you one thing and them the other.
Staff ridicules you constantly, yet they are telling parents right there in black and white that if their adolescent is telling them this, that it is just an " attempt to directly ATTACK the parents feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for their child."
PV should have learned that they should get their story straight and quit the lies because lies always come back to bite you in the fuckin ass.

PV also states that they cannot admit anyone with an IQ below 85
Sorry but most staff dont seem to be much over that themselves.

They cannot admit anyone who is diagnosed with psychosis.
They are Psychotic for thinking they can get away with this shit

They seem to prey on the vulnerable teens who have issues such as:

---Depression or mood disorder

The approach on this issue seems to be HIGHLY increasing it, also gives staff a reason to laugh if you cry or try to talk about it

---Drug or alcohol abuse

Pudgeboy Pegler fiends these types of issues. I think he gets off on it. The pound by pound perv

---Oppositional beahvior or conduct problems

Defy their bullshit, theyll tie you to a bed

---Effects of traumatic experiences

Ah, this one, they do a great job of making your trauma disappear and bring on a new one. Trauma=PV

---Self endangering or self injurious behavior

They have a great rating of helping increase such behavior

---Out of control behavior and the ability to accept adult authority

Open your mouth, your done.

Yours Truly

Jersey Gurl

My admission day to the village, from the beginning i knew i was in for a wild ride. It started with being escorted to the Village. I arrived in Knoxville and had one of those bad gut instinction feelings. I knew before I walked in this was not going to be pleasant. I was taken to the nurses station where I met with a nurse and then was brought up to STU now known as GAAU ((girls admission and assessment unit)). the place in itself is depressing. You walk through the doorways of hell. I was shoved into a metal chair in front of the staffs desk. I signed my life away. when i went to ask a question, i was shut down. then they said that I needed to be strip searched. my immediate reaction was fuck you you pervs. They led me into the bathroom where I had to strip all of my clothing except my underwear. Then they told me to pull my underwear to the side, bend over and cough to see if i was hiding anything in a territory that was private. I was crying and was told to quit being dramatic. I sat my practically naked ass on the cold floor when they told me to stand up, strip completley and take a shower in which the shower stall had half of a shower curtain. they told me it was to moniter me. this shocked me. i had never had anyone monitor my shower time. so i told them to go fuck themselves. with that i guess it infuriated them and two of the staff grabbed me by the arms and led me straight into the time out room. the room was bare. i had seen this shit in the movies but never actually experienced one. little did i know that that would become very familiar. I was told to sit with my back against the wall and not to talk. i needed to think about my actions. i was panic sticken. my anxiety was going through the roof. I threw up all over the floor in there which i was later made to clean up. then they asked me awhile later if i was willing to cooperate. i shrugged my shoulders and they showed me to my cubicle aka my bed. I was told once again to sit up straight with my legs crossed and not to look at anyone. If i could not follow this i would be escorted back to time out.
Well I was exhausted, so i leaned over onto my elbow. Some fat chick who was a patient and apparently one of the "trusted" saw me do this. she asked for permission to confront the new girl for laying down. I was like uh so what?! she was granted permission and she called a group. everyone stood. i was shocked i didnt know these robot patients were able to move. everyone was like a zombie. I didnt stand, for lack of this phenomenon not being explained to me. i was barked at the stand whenever group is called.
she confronted me and said thats all. everyone sat back down simultaneously. Drones i tell you.
Later on, i didnt give a shit so i laid down. fuck that fat bitch.
Staff came over and grabbed me by the arms and escorted me to the time out cubicle this time instead of the room because apparently the room was occupied. I was told to sit there not move and not talk and to stare at the wall of the cubicle. Well after awhile of sitting there, they gave me my meal which i ate on the floor. when i finished eating i stood up to go back to my coffin of a bed. Next thing I knew, I was grabbed, kicked in the back of the knees and fell to the floor. an extremely loud, obnoxious alarm went off. I was panic sticken worse than ever. what the hell is happening??? down on the ground I lay, face down with people sitting on me holding me down. one or two holding my legs, one on each arm, one sitting on my lower back, and one holding my head down when i tried to lift it up to breathe. I thought i was going to die. Felt my lungs collapsing. Still in shock, I vommitted once again. my face shoved back into it. ugh. What seemed like forever, they then picked me up, about 10 people. they carried me like some animal back into the forbidden time out room. i was stripped of my clothes by the staff and then dressed into hospital gowns with old blood stains on them. this is all while still being held down. later on, i was released and sent back to my bed. then there was group. i had to introduce myself and tell why i was in gowns. i had no idea why i was so i made some shit up.
later on there were showers and then some other sort of groups. i was told to make my bed just like every one elses. i didnt know what the standards for intricate bed making were so i made it like i did at home. i was yelled and criticised for that by some 23 year old counselor. finally after other bullshit, we went to sleep. if only i had been aware that bed time was the only semi peaceful time i would experience for the next 6 months.

what a day what a day

Jersey Gurl

Mind control.. its how these fuckers get away with what they do.. first, breaking the barrier of the parents who are worried sick about their troubled teen.. I dream about being able to do something like hacking in to find out when admit request information is made and then quickly send out a packet of info of my own thats not bullshit... Corruption is what is killing this world. Everything is so corrupt now a days... I live in Jersey, so you dont have to explain corruption to me. The whole state and its government here is totally corrupt. All of our tax dollars and homeland security money go to the mafia. The real Tony Sopranos.
Im getting off subject here dont get me started on corruption here either.
Saying right in the handbook sent to parents it says that dont fall into your childs manipulation trap. They are going to tell you how horrible it is here at the Village. They might tell you that other patients are much worse off then they are and that this place is terrible....HMM i find that interesting to put in the Welcome to PV Hell handbook. Take it and shove it farther than anything has ever gone.
People who dont believe in the corruption and manipulation in facilities like this and others, are blind to reality. Of course when they have you speak to former patients parents, they are only going to tell you great things about PV. How much it helped and how it completely turned their childs life around. Im sure those "actors" are paid off well by Covenant Health. All they see in potential victims...cough...i mean patients, are $$$$ dollar signs $$$$
lets see how long we can pull this off they are saying to themselves I am sure.
Like they truly give a shit about the kids there. THey could care less. Its just another 9-5 job. Like look at one counselor whos name I wont mention. She is a counselor at PV and had websites with highly disturbing images on them that she calls her art and expression with photography.
i dont know but if this is someones hobby who is one of the counselors supposed to be helping societys "troubled" youth, then my god.
real smart also to post it up on the internet... it was not hard to find at all.
im not saying that people cant have their own weird fantasies and shit, god knows i do in other ways, but for a PV counselor to post it on the internet is first of all stupid to do for her own sake, proves lack of maturity, shows how well PV looks into who they hire. what ever happened to personell psychology when considering someone for a position? how unprofessinal on their part and also its not like we are talking about hiring someone to work the day shift at a 7-11.
This is supposedly a highly accredited treatment center.
I mean when I was employed at a local medical center, the screening proccess was very specific and difficult to get in to be able to work there. I went through lots of interviews and background checks and personality tests, drug screenings, etc before I was hired. I was just a patient transporter. These people are the ones "caring for" your troubled teens.
Maybe Im old fashioned and believe in carefully screening an individual before hiring them.

Also no one ever seems to want to answer any questions that you may have. It was told to me when I was at PV that every time I was restrained or my medication changed, that my father would be informed about it. I asked him about that and he said they would call once in a blue moon to relay the message.
Like I said before I also requested to report a grievance that I had, which was about my bruises and physical pain. Some lady who I have no idea who she was came and met with me awhile later.
there is no such word in PVs vocabulary such as privacy. It is completely invaded and is taken away from you. For instance and I know this is a nasty subject but it seems important, when you had your period, and you used the bathroom, you had to wrap up your used feminine product and then show it out the stall door before you could flush your toilet. That is just fuckin wrong man.
Our bathroom times were on their terms to and timed. Before you went into the bathroom you had to hold up either one finger for urinating, two fingers for shitting, and some weird hand gesture if you needed to also change your feminie hygiene product. Jeez I dont know but being timed on your time to piss or whatever you needed to do, thats just flat out fucking ridiculous.
you had 1 minute to pee, 2 minutes for #2 and an extra 30 seconds if you needed to change.
god damn.
haha i dont know it just makes me laugh when i think about some of this bullshit because thats what it truly is. BULLSHIT

I think this is enough for the minute, I have to go to the bathroom and I now am so thankful to have the priveledge of not being timed. hahaha

sorry for the grossness but it is important

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/13 00:25

Jersey Gurl
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Organized Malcontent

Joined: 06 Jul 2007
Posts: 109
Location: The AssKickers State of Jersey
 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:16 pm    Post subject: more of my postings  

former PV patients will get this sarcasm:

((raises hand waiting to be called upon))
((Everyone Stands))
Group I would like to confront Peninsula Village of being the scum of the earth
Thats all
((Everyone sits back down on their beds)))
((Leader records the confront later to be discussed in consequence group))

Leader: ((raises hand waits to be called upon)
may I have permission to ask the group to come to the day room for consequence group?

Horrid staff member:
You may

the group is informed to go to the dayroom for consequence group
sitting with their heads down, staff member enters the circle of chairs and leader asks to begin consequence group.
Consequence group begins.
heads rise from staring at the floor and Leader reads off the confronts and group is to decide an appropriate consequence for each confront.
When PVs confront is brought up the consequence has been decided after a vote. the results are:


Jersey Gurlthe amount of damage this place has caused is unbelieveable.
GED or High school graduates working as counselors, must be a good gig for them. Undereducated to understand the "troubled ones" issues. Bunch of horse shit.
malpractice issues.. scum
abuse and cruelty... intolerable
breaking the rules of clients rights... who would pay 100.000 to be made to be more fucked up than ever?
Sounds like great therapy to me.
meal restrictions are rediculous... the low cholestorol diet, the finger food diet... haha that one always made me laugh espcially since this one chick who was on finger food restriction, cut her arm with a broken chicken bone. that was a classic.
I have to admit that being tied down to a bed all day and into the hours of the night.. i think that was the worst case of boredom I ever had... what is a chick to do when you cant even change seating positions or get a drink or much less piss is a frikin toilet and not a bedpan?
having meals fed to you like your an animal. staff would spoon feed me while im tied down. what fun.
should have spit it right in their faces. damn. wish i thought of that sooner.
I did manage to get them a few times tho. I put up a few good fights when a restraint was in my path.
Funny I had a nightmare the other night about PV. I was back there wanting to leave so badly. Somehow in my dream, i beat the undereducated staff to a pile of worthless waste, grabbed the keys, and got out. what fun that night of sleep was. HAHAHAH
Maybe Im sick but i dont give a shit, so are they.
the fuckkers are goin down.

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/12 14:50

Jersey Gurl

There is something that really just bugs the shit out of me... Peninsula Village is to treat adolescents with depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders, etc.
Now maybe Im old fashioned but these issues are where we need to help sufferers by helping them gain self confidence. PV breaks you down to a mere nothing. For example, before I went into PV I had extreme anxeity and depression issues. My mother passed away at a crucial age of 14 years old for me. I thought everyone in my High School here in Jersey didnt understand, that they were laughing at me and thought of me as some psychotic chick.
PV seemed to try and VERIFY that more than help me build my self confidence back up. I was told that I always blame others and do not look at myself. when on the contrary, I was always blaming myself and hated who I was. Breaking me down to that mere nothing, did the reverse of "mending my life and restoring my family". It fucked it up even more. I can remember feeling so low when I was there because not only was I depressed, but they helped me to feel like shit.
I do not think that people realize what all goes on there, but from a former patient, Ill tell you. I will keep coming back and posting more.

Truly Yours

Jersey Gurl

PV tends to beat the "truth" out of you. Always saying.. I know there is more than that that you need to tell the group. Fuck that. Bitchboy McLain can kiss my ass.
Pegler I kicked in the balls, literally, during a restraint.
He told me I had an addiction to sedatives. I threw it back in his face saying that I never touched one until I came to PV.
It cost over 8500 a month to stay there. Maybe its just me but I could have better used that money to go on a cruise or something nice. Im sure McLain and Pegler and all of them are living the life of luxury. Well, not for long. I dont give a shit, Ill fight em till the day I die. Like I said, Karmas a bitch and so am I.
We need to stand up for ourselves, and for the rest of the youth out there in a quest to bring this shit to an end. Fuck em. And fuck their bullshit.

Jersey Gurl

PV in my OPINION.. is a money sucking corrupt company that takes advantage of parents who are extremely worried about their youths and uses that to keep the patients a coming. They want to manipulate parents by saying how wonderful they are, when from a past patients point of view, they are totally full of shit. They dont follow their guideline criteria for admissions and they dont know how to treat adolescents with depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders. They always are telling you each time that you open your mouth that you are attention seeking and the consequences come up. They say that you have addiction problems even if you do not and they brainwash your parents or legal guardians into believing that when you tell them how terrible it is there that you are being manipulative and not responding properly to treatment.
I remember when I was there, I wanted to report a grievance that I felt I had about how I was being treated. Some illegitimate lady came to talk to me, and later on I had to process it in group. It was decided that I was in denial and that I needed to focus on how I am not taking responsibility for my actions.
My actions?!?? what about them taking responsibility for their actions?!?!?!
who is with me?

Jersey Gurl

Karmas a bitch and so am I when it comes to these RTC asses. Im not afraid of em. Multibillion dollar companies? Take that and shove it. I will not back down, I will fight these pricks till I die. They wont intimidate me, they dont scare me. wanna send a hit out on me or some shit? it will come back to them. These mamalukes want to try and scare us out of putting them in their place. Well, they tried to "put me in my Place" and now its time to fight back. Whatever they say or do to me, I no longer live in fear. Im a pissed off victim. Screw em. Watch out were coming. At least I am.. WHos with me?

If we settle for nothing now, we will always settle for nothing.

There is no shelter here. The frontline is everywhere. they wanna fight, im ready.

We have got what it takes.. Renegades is what we are.. So once again who is with me?!?

Yea man, lets do it. Im not scared of any RTC pansies.
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Organized Malcontent

Joined: 06 Jul 2007
Posts: 109
Location: The AssKickers State of Jersey
 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:25 pm    Post subject: who is with me  

lets get these pricks to the point where theyre shitting their pants... like i said, they didnt scare, intimidate me whatsoever when i was there.. even when they were tying me down or pinning me to the ground covering me in bruises, i still screamed at em to go fuck themselves. Now, Ill scream it from the rooftops, for everyone to hear.


Im standing at the frontline, waiting for you.
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Organized Malcontent

Joined: 06 Jul 2007
Posts: 109
Location: The AssKickers State of Jersey
 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:49 pm    Post subject: ?  

anyone have feedback???
Yours Truly,
Jersey Gurl
Rompere i coglioni a qualcuno
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 17, 2007, 11:37:18 PM
Quote from: ""not free""
nihilanthic your a teenage stupid little shit but your quotes good
sorry i read a lot, i'll try to tone it down for you
put big spaces in for you and all that

I'm 22.

I work full time. SALES.

I have an IQ of 146.

I have to placate vendors and customers, retail and commercial, and deal with shit from my coworkers and management.

I know a thing or two about communication.

Try slowing down and listening to others? Everyone isn't out to get you, you know... and a lot of other people have been hurt to, but they deal with it differently.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 11:37:19 PM
hey settle for nothing less how is life treating you
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 11:37:53 PM
hey settle for nothing less how is life treating you
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 17, 2007, 11:40:08 PM
Quote from: ""not free""
hey settle for nothing less how is life treating you

Awesome... Im living in Florida now and going to school and life is goood... and PVs got it coming to them :) which excites me!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 17, 2007, 11:41:13 PM
How about yourself missy? Hope all is well :) Stay strongg
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 17, 2007, 11:43:16 PM
41,250 views of this thread!!! HELLL FUCKIN YEA!!!!!!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 11:49:02 PM
Nihilanthic weren't you the one who called me cunt girl for about five pages?  
yeah your a public relations, diplomatic talk to them in a calm manner, try to understand and listen expert,

nothing is more annoying then when some overbearing ass tells you to listen to feedback better,
especially as they listen and understand not at all and act like an overbearing ass,
or even call you cunt girl,
like i said you seem like a charming mature adult multitasker,
 do you want a fucking cookie for it
and every one has a 146 IQ me too,  146 is the IQ number everyone says they have, pick a better one like 148, nobody ever says 148,
mines 148, everyone always says 146
again i would kick your ass and i think i would enjoy it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 17, 2007, 11:55:28 PM
also pretty good, getting good grades
i had lasic surgery a couple years back but it wore off
so i just went today and got it updated
if you ever get it done be sure to buy the warranty
it's so cool though, i've been blind as a bat
 but now i can see again,
i think i'm kinda high though, they gave me something for the surgery
IQ tests are pretty bogus anyway
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 01:08:40 AM
all i was trying to say is i figured out another crappy catch 22
i'm getting good at that i think
i want to get this down so it's understandable, surgery medication or not
as a young girl or woman
guys can be really sexually agressive and no one seems to know this?
so the woman or girl especially young women or girls
always get in trouble for it
it's a catch 22 because there are all these people doing everything to get a woman or girl to do something, and then the woman has to deal with prejudice in relation to this thing that the other person was trying to get them to do?  and wasn't aboving lying, hitting them over the head with a club or getting them drunk on fermented berries to make happen?
this really is the oldest story ever damn it

that's still not it exactly but to you get what I'm saying
it's like if you were with some person who was totally focused on stealing your wallet, then when your wallet gets stolen everyone beats you up over it.
nihilanthic you called me cunt girl for 5 pages don't talk to me about being hurt and understanding asshole i still want to kick you scrawny, never in a program 22 year old ass, i'm guessing those who were actually in a program could win hands down over anyone who never was as far as ass kicking goes
i give up
people live in a bubble,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on October 18, 2007, 08:47:10 AM
This thread is a bubble, of sorts.
Title: Bubble Village
Post by: stoodoodog on October 18, 2007, 10:12:22 AM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
This thread is a bubble, of sorts.

Yes it is, but that is appropriate because Peninsula Village is a bubble too...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 18, 2007, 10:42:29 AM
i agreeee  ::soapbox::  ::troll::  ::spam::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 11:14:23 AM
That’s not the bubble I meant though

I meant how prejudice and blind people can be to what’s around them
And how abusive they can be in relation to it
For example the sexual prejudice women face in relation to sexual aggression and rape

Or how nobody sees the rank neo-conservative Christian propaganda that’s all over the TV
I was watching the History channel yesterday on normal cable and there was a “documentary" on Sodom and Gomorrah, then something about the search for the holy grail, then the dead sea scrolls, the Revelations prophecies and the da vinci code, with a final show about the  superiority of alien technology if we ever happened to encounter them

If I was some idiotic born again redneck, I would have been praising jesus, damning gays and reaching for my shotgun to shoot aliens.  
On the History channel!!
It was as subtle as a born again preacher on a Sunday morning
and people don’t see the obvious they just get mildly brainwashed
 like my parents.

I was reading this thing about Blackwater in Newsweek too.  
They are another fun bunch of Christian neo cons, based right here in lovely redneck NC
If you go to their site they have this weird heading called "The Chapel" I think and it goes into what good Christians they are and such,
 pretty damn creepy in a private army

According to Newsweek Blackwater has a testing ground called
 â€œRU ready High School, to simulate school shootings, complete with taped screams.â€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 11:23:19 AM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
PV's guide to B+D.  This is a joke.  Another fine flagship of NATSAP.  

Guidelines and Procedures for the Use of Seclusion or Mechanical Restraint

POLICY STATEMENT: It is the policy of Peninsula Village that seclusion and mechanical restraint will be used only as an emergency measures within acceptable guidelines. Seclusion or mechanical restraint are only used to protect a patient from self-harm or to prevent harm to others.

Seclusion: The involuntary confinement of a person alone in a specified area where the person is physically prevented from leaving.
Mechanical Restraint: Any method of mechanically restricting a person’s freedom of movement, physical activity, or normal access to his/her body.
This policy/procedure does not apply to physical holding or to the comforting of children. This policy/procedure does apply to the use of the restraint jacket, even when the restraint jacket is used only to
safely transport a patient from one location to another location.
The only forms of mechanical restraint used at Peninsula Village is the body net, 4 point restraint used in conjunction with the body net, and the restraint/transport jacket.

Peninsula Village employs three forms of seclusion/restraint: standard seclusion, physical holding, and mechanical restraint. The most appropriate intervention for a specific patient is based on the evaluation of the following factors:
diagnosis, present clinical picture, present medical condition, and past history of abuse and other traumatic experiences.

1. The commitment of Peninsula Village is to prevent, reduce, and strive to eliminate the use of seclusion and mechanical restraint. Our goal is to prevent emergencies that have the potential to lead to the use of seclusion or mechanical restraint whenever possible
and we strive to raise awareness among staff about how seclusion or mechanical restraint might be experienced by the patient.
2. A copy of this policy will be provided to the patient and to the parents/guardians upon the admission of the patient to the program.  Written acknowledgement of the receipt of the copy of the policy will be placed in the medical record.
3. Except in an emergency, non-physical measures will be attempted before seclusion or mechanical restraint is implemented.
4. Seclusion and mechanical restraint will only be used when there is an imminent risk of a patient physically harming self or others,
including staff.
5. Seclusion and mechanical restraint will be discontinued as soon as safely possible.
6. All use of seclusion and mechanical restraint will be in accordance with the needs and rights of the patients and in compliance with acceptable standards of care.
7. Performance Improvement initiatives will address reducing incidents of seclusion and mechanical restraint.
8. A risk assessment for aggressive behaviors is completed on all patients upon admission.

1. Seclusion and mechanical restraint will not be used as a convenience to staff, as a punishment or discipline, or as retaliation by staff, or in a way that causes undue discomfort, harm or pain to the patient.
2. All staff who implement and apply seclusion and mechanical restraint will be trained and competent in the proper technique and
procedure and will maintain current CPR certifi cation.
3. Any use of seclusion and mechanical restraint will take into account the medical condition, any physical disabilities, and any
significant treatment issues of the patient.
4. Patients requiring seclusion or mechanical restraint will be assessed by the ordering clinician (Psychiatrist, Certified Nurse
Practitioner, or Psychologist). Documentation of this assessment will include the patient’s behavior, interventions implemented
to decrease the behavior, and the patient’s response to these interventions. If an ordering clinician is not readily available, this
assessment will be completed by an RN and the findings will be discussed with an ordering clinician within one hour.
5. Each order for seclusion or mechanical restraint will be no longer than 2 hours in duration. If continuation of seclusion or mechanical restraint is necessary the ordering clinician will be notified to obtain further orders. The ordering clinician will conduct an in person reevaluation at a minimum of every 4 hours for the duration of the seclusion or mechanical restraint. The RN may not accept seclusion or mechanical restraint orders from an ordering clinician that are PRN or that are not time-limited.
6. All verbal orders for seclusion or mechanical restraint will be co-signed by the ordering practitioner within 24 hours when possible
or the next business day that the practitioner is present.
7. If used as a response to emergent dangerous behavior, seclusion/mechanical restraint can be initiated by the RN. The ordering clinician will be notified immediately and an order obtained.
8. If there is a change in the form of mechanical restraint used, such as starting with the body and later adding 4 point restraint, a new
order will obtained from the ordering clinician.
9. An approved Licensed Independent Practitioner (Psychiatrist, Certified Nurse Practitioner, or Psychologist) as defined by the State
of Tennessee and as allowed by the organization will perform a face-to-face evaluation and document the assessment within one
(1) hour of the initiation of the seclusion or mechanical restraint. It is the expectation of the organization that the Psychiatrist will
be the first option for conducting face-to-face evaluations and the other Licensed Independent Practitioners will only be used if the
Psychiatrist is unavailable. Further, it is the policy of the organization that all face-to-face evaluations conducted by a Psychologist will be done in conjunction with a RN.
10. A note describing the clinical justification for the use of seclusion or mechanical restraint will be written in the progress notes section of the order sheet by the ordering clinician. If the ordering clinician is not the attending MD or Certified Nurse Practitioner, the attending MD or Certified Nurse Practitioner will be notified as soon as possible but no later than the next working day.
11. The safety and privacy of a secluded or mechanically restrained patient is maintained by providing for their seclusion or mechanical
restraint in an area separated from other patients. The patient will be searched prior to being placed in seclusion or mechanical
restraint. This is to be documented on the appropriate forms.
12. The patient will be informed of the behavioral criteria necessary for release. Seclusion or mechanical restraint will be discontinued
when the patient meets the behavior criteria for discontinuation.
13. After placing the patient in mechanical restraint, the RN will assess for proper application of restraining devices, for proper
anatomical position, movement, circulation, neurological condition, respirations, any negative effects of mechanical restraint as well
as any signs of distress. The results of this assessment are to be documented on the appropriate forms.
14. Any patient in seclusion or mechanical restraint will be constantly attended to by staff. Documentation will occur at least every 15 minutes. This check will include an assessment of the patient’s condition and needs as well as interventions used. This is to be documented on the appropriate forms.
15. Every hour the RN will assess a patient in mechanical restraint for proper application of restraining devices, for proper anatomical
position, movement, respiration, circulation, signs and symptoms of hypo or hyperthermia and neurological condition. The results
of this assessment and any interventions initiated are to be documented on the appropriate forms.
16. Range of motion assessment will be performed hourly for those patients in mechanical restraint.
17. The patient is to be offered toileting, fluids and/or nourishment at least every hour. If a patient on the restraint bed is given food
or fluids, the head of the bed is to be raised. This is to be documented on the Seclusion/Mechanical Restraint Flow Sheet, using the appropriate codes.
18. At the end of the specified time limit, the ordering clinician is to reassess for the need for continued use of seclusion or mechanical
restraint. If the ordering clinician is not available, the RN can perform this assessment and the order may be obtained by phone.
19. Upon release from seclusion/mechanical restraint, the RN will document the patient’s mental/physical condition, response
to intervention and any verbal contracts made with the patient. If seclusion/mechanical restraint is discontinued prior to the
expiration of the original order, a new order must be obtained prior to reinitiating either, with all the same requirements as the
original order.
20. Clinical or nursing staff will notify the family/guardian of any seclusion or mechanical restraint within twelve (12) hours.
21. A Life Space Interview/Debriefing will be attempted with the patient after the seclusion/ mechanical restraint.
22. The Quality/Risk Management Department will keep a record of all seclusions and mechanical restraints.
23. Leadership staff and performance improvement staff will review all uses of this procedure. Quality Management staff will be
involved in data review and staff education as appropriate. Data reviewed will include both medical record review (quality of
documentation) and data which reflects occurrences, trends, patterns, and appropriateness of utilization of this procedure.
Performance Improvement data will include at least:
staff who initiated the process,
the length of each episode,
date, time and day of the week each episode was initiated,
the type of restraint used,
whether injuries were sustained by the individual or staff, and
age and gender of the individual.
24. Within 24 hours of the initiation of the seclusion or mechanical restraint, an incident review will be conducted to determine the
circumstances that required the use of the intervention, what could have been done differently that could have possibly prevented
the intervention, identification of strategies to prevent the reoccurrence of seclusion or mechanical restraint, opportunities for
performance improvement, and any indication of staff or patient physical/psychological trauma associated with the incident that
needs to be addressed. The review will include both staff who were involved in the incident as well as staff not involved in the
25. Any death or serious injury resulting from or related to the use of seclusion or mechanical restraint will be reported within one
business day to the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, the Disability Law and Advocacy
Center of Tennessee, and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services or its agents.
 (How easy would it be for PV to cover up injuries with a hospital also owned by Covenant Health at their disposal?)
REFERENCES: Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (TDMHDD)
The Joint Commission
The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)

There is no mention of chemical restraints...TDMHDD did tell me PV was using them, they were "allowed" to.

I knew I was wasting my time with the TDMHDD, they actually endorse PV.  It would be embarrassing to the department for their prize child farm to be revealed as a hellhole - might even leave them legally exposed.

PV stinks to high hell.  It's a prime example of a NATSAP program:  it's a sham, with a glossy website presenting a Summer camp facade.  Everything about the place crumbles under the most casual scrutiny.  Clinicians and staff are liars (gotcha on tape) and unqualified, their "outcome studies" showing success are a joke, and their admissions criteria is for show.  Violent/sexual offenders are admitted, individuals convicted as adults - Andrew Klepper, the kid who sodomized a call girl with a baseball bat, robbed her and threatened her.  Tennessee did not even want Klepper in the state, but PV's therapist Jean Bolding refused to deliver a letter from a Maryland court demanding his return.  Klepper recently violated his original probation when he was charged with "pandering", basically he was involved with a prostitute who may be very lucky they were busted before Andy started trying to get his kicks.  Klepper's story isn't written up in Village Voices, he's certainly not a testament to the efficacy of PV's treatment.  Dominic Harwanke, convicted as an adult for conspiring to commit a Columbine-style attack on a high school...the unnamed 17 yr. old from Powell, TN, who had a bomb he intended to use on his school...

There are more examples straight out of the newspapers, but the point is PV, a NATSAP program, misrepresents itself across the board in order to suck $8700 a month out of parents dumb enough not to do a little homework and ask for some proof of "success".  My wife asked the clinical director about the outcome studies showing success and questioned the database.  The clinical director lost his temper and snarled "Why are you asking these questions?"  Like I said, the slightest scrutiny exposes the myriad lies, smoke and mirrors PV depends on.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 11:32:28 AM
you guys should see the cops in this town too, no joke
i saw a show with police from up north and they looked normal
they had hair for starters and they weren't all pink from shaving too close, eight feet tall blonde and ubber
NC has it's own private State army too i think
no joke i'm going to take pictures of them if they won't arrest me and post them, they are not friendly at all either
i have nothing against police, like i want to like them
i don't do anything illegal really
i'd like to think they were there to serve and protect and all that
I met this cop from Chicago down here for a conference and he had hair,  looked like a normal person and he was nice and chatty
it's weird you have to see them to know what i'm talking about
it's like they make them in a factory somewhere
they must have a criteria, only giant ubber men allowed
i grew up thinking cops were nice people who worked hard and
had hair in a variety of colors
they are really overbearing and attitudey too
it's like they forget that they have a specific job and just stomp around in big boots
they worry me honestly
give people power and make a clique out of it and trouble can come about for sure
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 18, 2007, 11:34:29 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
If I was some idiotic born again redneck, I would have been praising jesus, damning gays and reaching for my shotgun to shoot aliens.  

 ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 11:44:50 AM
PV just took those guys for PR reasons
for sure, if i was PV PR person i would
they need them,
even though those guys obviously belong in somewhere like a prison, where they can't escape!
PV you could escape from pretty easily if you were an actual criminal and not just some kid who wanted their parents acceptance and didn't want to sleep on the street and be molested because of it.
you have all this access to weapons, the tool shed has everything in it,
there are not any fences around PV,
it's a pretty easy place to break out of comparatively
they took them so they could wheel them out when accused with running a shoddy prison camp and leeching money off insurance companies and the state and say see look at these dangerous freaks
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 18, 2007, 11:55:00 AM
Hell at both eckerd's and three springs i had kids try and have a go at me with axes, shovels, sling blades, and a few other sharp objects. My tried and true self defense technique was my ability to to do a 40 yard dash in record time the exact opposite direction of the armed kid. i figured if some bad to the bone counselor wanted to go rambo on a kid with an axe they could have right at it. i'd back them up from about 50 yards in the opposite direction.

the kids that seemed most inclined to go buck wild were never the kids doing time for assualt or attempted murder but the ones who had been busted for Jay walking or shop lifting or some other equally retarded crime like using a number 2 pencil on a black ink only survey.

the ones that you expected to be violent like the assualters and attempted murders and other fun and games juvies tended to be the biggest cry babies ever.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 11:55:39 AM
the Savage Nation guy is on FM radio too
not AM, FM 101.1 during rush hour everyday
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 12:13:50 PM
i never saw anyone do anything violent
ever once, and they had access to all the before mentioned weapons too
i didn't see anyone throw a tissue box even
and no one was in for assault or anything
i've listed already what the kids in PV were in for
and nobody for assault, or rape or murder or anything
most were anorexic or suicide kinda attempts
molested foster kids who needed help dealing with being molested
because of course PV is an expert at helping kids deal
with having been sexually abused
or the little 13 year old who's father had been shot so they took her away from alcoholic mom and put her in PV to help her deal
she had really not done anything
or some mild drug use teen,
another was being bullied in school because she slept with two guys
another ran away from group home
again nobody had heard of the demon meth in those days
the Gay girl,
the girl who said her grandfather had been molesting her and parents had put her in PV,
 she hadn't done anything else and for certain had been molested
grandpa got off of course though, not enough evidence and time passed or something, good way to isolate your molested daughters and such to shut them up
 same thing happened with girl who's cousins had been molesting here since she was five and who's aunt put her in PV
a couple depressed girls?
i really saw no violence can't be more emphatic about that,
none whatsoever by the girls i was in with,
we are not raised to resort to violence much
it tends to be extremely punished even just kids brawling in the school yard these days
again i saw no violence at all none by the girls, i kinda saw them maybe sort of pull their arm away when staff was digging their nails into them hard enough to leave bruises, which i did see plenty off!
the only violence and abuse i saw was perpetrated by staff
the girls were more like wet noodles
women are smart, we knew we weren't going anywhere
and we were in it to live through it and get out,
with as little pain as possible
i would say the same thing in court
evil nazi PV staff were the only people who behaved violently
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 18, 2007, 02:39:47 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Ass-covering at it's weakest...

Memorandum of Agreement and Understanding Page 3 of 3
I, ____________________________________ certify that ____________________________________
(I or Name of Appointed Agency)
am the custodial parent, legal guardian, conservator, and/or the court appointed legal custodian of patient.
____________________________________ have full legal authority to apply for admission of patient to
(signature) Peninsula Healthcare and to agree to the terms in this Application/
Memorandum on patient’s behalf. ____________________________________ (I or Appointed Agency)
agree to hold harmless and indemnify Peninsula Healthcare, Peninsula Healthcare employees and staff,
and treating physicians and consultants from any and all claims, actions and suits alleging that patient
was hospitalized, treated, detained, and/or held illegally, unlawfully or without proper consent during the
hospitalization to which this Memorandum applies.
Applicant or Applicant’s Representative
Relationship to Patient or Agency Name
and Title of Representative
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on October 18, 2007, 06:04:47 PM
Quote from: ""not free""
the Savage Nation guy is on FM radio too
not AM, FM 101.1 during rush hour everyday

Yeah.  He says a lot of fucked up shit, i'll grant that, but he also tests the limits of free speech.  He also attacks the right as much as the left.  He also covered the much-ignored story about the 300+ billion dollar contract given to halliburton to build concentration camps (and he called them that) for emergency "detainment" in the United States.  I doubt he would care about programs (probably sees us all as dope smoking hippie types) but all in all, he has redeeming value...  just not much.  IMO he's a fucking psycho.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: psy on October 18, 2007, 06:12:21 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Ass-covering at it's weakest...

Memorandum of Agreement and Understanding Page 3 of 3
I, ____________________________________ certify that ____________________________________
(I or Name of Appointed Agency)
am the custodial parent, legal guardian, conservator, and/or the court appointed legal custodian of patient.
____________________________________ have full legal authority to apply for admission of patient to
(signature) Peninsula Healthcare and to agree to the terms in this Application/
Memorandum on patient’s behalf. ____________________________________ (I or Appointed Agency)
lagree to hold harmless and indemnify Peninsula Healthcare, Peninsula Healthcare employees and staff,
and treating physicians and consultants from any and all claims, actions and suits alleging that patient
was hospitalized, treated, detained, and/or held illegally, unlawfully or without proper consent during the
hospitalization to which this Memorandum applies.
Applicant or Applicant’s Representative
Relationship to Patient or Agency Name
and Title of Representative

You do realize by creating that disclaimer they're basically admitting to all those crimes, right?  Maybe not legally, but in the public eye.  Like you're doing, publish it as publicly as possible, asking parents "why do they have this disclaimer?"

Afaik, it is not possible to prevent a minor from suing after he/she reaches the age of majority anyway, so my guess is PV, like many programs, counts on making the problem so bad (or creating new ones) as to wreck any possible parental reconciliation that could potentially lead to a lawsuit.  As long as the kid's life is a mess and can't afford a lawyer, doesn't talk to the parents, etc... They're safe.

What do most PV survivors think?  Does PV do this?  Benchmark sure as fuck tries their best...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 18, 2007, 06:32:02 PM
Quote from: ""not free fascism""
Nihilanthic weren't you the one who called me cunt girl for about five pages?  
yeah your a public relations, diplomatic talk to them in a calm manner, try to understand and listen expert,

nothing is more annoying then when some overbearing ass tells you to listen to feedback better,
especially as they listen and understand not at all and act like an overbearing ass,
or even call you cunt girl,
like i said you seem like a charming mature adult multitasker,
 do you want a fucking cookie for it
and every one has a 146 IQ me too,  146 is the IQ number everyone says they have, pick a better one like 148, nobody ever says 148,
mines 148, everyone always says 146
again i would kick your ass and i think i would enjoy it

Well, I'm only 146 on one scale. Cattell has me at 169 and Weschler has me at 143. I figured the middle ground would be best.

The cuntposting was because someone was trying to censor fornits or be defensive over a word. We have been over this.

At any rate, shes rather brittle, fornits is NOT a place for therapy or coddling anyone, and we discourage people using it for that, and she rambles in her posts to a ridiculous degree and if she speaks that way someone might take her odd method of expressing what she has to say as insanity and use that against her.

So, to conclude, I can say what I want, when I want to, especially here, I'm not stupid, you can't kick my ass, and she really needs to learn to collect her thoughts and make posts that are not difficult to read.

Also, don't start a fight with me. Nobody is dumb enough to even ask me to not make the most of it for my own amusement. I'd die to keep ANYONE from going to a program but nobody has the excuse to tell me what I can or can not say :wave:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Dynamic Korea on October 19, 2007, 09:45:43 AM
146 makes stupid boy. You need eat more gimchi to make big brain. Why Americans so stupid? In Korea we have all smart boys very obedient. Women treated like women.. if women talk out we hit them. they no talk out.. but America all women talk all day.. never stop talking.. how can America make babies with Women talk all day? American men put gimchi jar in American womans mouth?

146 very stupid boy.. 146 on Korea test means very stupid.

You should eat gimchi.. never go in public so parents never feel shame of having stupid son..

Poor parents.. in Korea stupid son go to orphanage.. much better no shame..
Title: FREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Anonymous on October 19, 2007, 02:10:55 PM
to post again and again on blathering baloney. My OSCAR has a first name and it's O-S_C_A_R & my baloney has a second name and it's FREEE! - I am Ann Coulter, I can't log on with my own name so I post I am free, we are free, free kick yer ass!!  Men of the world, I will cut yer balls off, I kick yer ass when you heckle me - the world revolves around meeeee - this thread revolves around meeeeeee - no one has been victimized like MEEEEEEE!!!!!

I hear nothing you say - lalalalalalalala.

Conversation, who needs that? When I have a thread all to myself!!!!!!!!

You all are nothings - I am queen of the Fornits!!!!!

  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

I no speaka no engrish......

no use for punctauction but my IQ is 1,893.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 19, 2007, 04:43:11 PM
I am naked, drunk, and about as free as one can be.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 19, 2007, 06:55:07 PM
I never went to one of these shitpits, so I'm really free. :tup:
Title: Re: FREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 19, 2007, 09:06:27 PM
Quote from: ""I am frrreeeeeeee!!!""
to post again and again on blathering baloney. My OSCAR has a first name and it's O-S_C_A_R & my baloney has a second name and it's FREEE! - I am Ann Coulter, I can't log on with my own name so I post I am free, we are free, free kick yer ass!!  Men of the world, I will cut yer balls off, I kick yer ass when you heckle me - the world revolves around meeeee - this thread revolves around meeeeeee - no one has been victimized like MEEEEEEE!!!!!

I hear nothing you say - lalalalalalalala.

Conversation, who needs that? When I have a thread all to myself!!!!!!!!

You all are nothings - I am queen of the Fornits!!!!!

  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

I no speaka no engrish......

no use for punctauction but my IQ is 1,893.


It scales from 0-200. 100 is 50th percentile. (

Gaussian distribution must not have been covered in your program :(
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 21, 2007, 12:01:57 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
The cuntposting was because someone was trying to censor fornits or be defensive over a word. We have been over this.
At any rate, shes rather brittle, fornits is NOT a place for therapy or coddling anyone, and we discourage people using it for that, and she rambles in her posts to a ridiculous degree and if she speaks that way someone might take her odd method of expressing what she has to say as insanity and use that against her.
So, to conclude, I can say what I want, when I want to, especially here, I'm not stupid, you can't kick my ass, and she really needs to learn to collect her thoughts and make posts that are not difficult to read.

I am in agreement with Niles and wish this thread would keep to the original topic of an extremely abusive facility without getting jacked so often with stream of consciousness ramblings that really have very little to do with Peninsula Village.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 08:54:26 AM
what, you don't want to hear about my lasic surgery? Or the hemorroid I had removed from my rectum? How about my super duper treatise on gender and men? News bulletin, fornits, this is my thread - & as queen of fornits, I am freeeeee to spew as much diarrhea out of my mouth as I pssibly can.

Here is more important info about MY THREAD- I go to school, I think the sky is pink, I like clowns, I don't like puncuation, I don't believe in dialogue, I like to talk talk talk talk talk to myself alot!!!

Servants of queen fornits - hear me roar!!!!

Oh and smack, my ass - I like that!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 22, 2007, 09:36:22 AM
damn dogs... whats up on here?? LoL
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 22, 2007, 09:38:06 AM
Quote from: ""Cary""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
The cuntposting was because someone was trying to censor fornits or be defensive over a word. We have been over this.
At any rate, shes rather brittle, fornits is NOT a place for therapy or coddling anyone, and we discourage people using it for that, and she rambles in her posts to a ridiculous degree and if she speaks that way someone might take her odd method of expressing what she has to say as insanity and use that against her.
So, to conclude, I can say what I want, when I want to, especially here, I'm not stupid, you can't kick my ass, and she really needs to learn to collect her thoughts and make posts that are not difficult to read.

I am in agreement with Niles and wish this thread would keep to the original topic of an extremely abusive facility without getting jacked so often with stream of consciousness ramblings that really have very little to do with Peninsula Village.

I don't give a fuck what Niles and you want. Free is free to post whatever the hell she wants.

We aren't the programme.. programmes try to control speech, thoughts, and emotions..

Back to group thought nazi wannabe...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 22, 2007, 09:41:06 AM
Quote from: ""I am freeeeee...""
what, you don't want to hear about my lasic surgery? Or the hemorroid I had removed from my rectum? How about my super duper treatise on gender and men? News bulletin, fornits, this is my thread - & as queen of fornits, I am freeeeee to spew as much diarrhea out of my mouth as I pssibly can.

Here is more important info about MY THREAD- I go to school, I think the sky is pink, I like clowns, I don't like puncuation, I don't believe in dialogue, I like to talk talk talk talk talk to myself alot!!!

Servants of queen fornits - hear me roar!!!!

Oh and smack, my ass - I like that!

My god.. such insight.. I'm blinded by the brilliance...

Please.. go posts your musings on this forum here: (

they'd love to here what you'd have to say..

Stop being a fuckwart and trying to control someone elses content just because you are to big of a douche to go start your own thread.

150 pages and I wanna be free has filled about 130.

Asshole.. go start your own damn thread.. or go back to being a fuck arse in your mum's basement.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 09:49:06 AM
My god.. such insight.. I'm blinded by the brilliance...

Please.. go posts your musings on this forum here: (

they'd love to here what you'd have to say..

Stop being a fuckwart and trying to control someone elses content just because you are to big of a douche to go start your own thread.

150 pages and I wanna be free has filled about 130.

Asshole.. go start your own damn thread.. or go back to being a fuck arse in your mum's basement.

crash test dumdum

queen of fornits does not give a rats ass what you have to say.

off with yer head, fucktard!!!!

suck my douchebag, servant!

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 09:52:59 AM
crash test dumdum wrote -

Free is free to post whatever the hell she wants.

Yeah, in the proper forum - this is about PV, shit stripe genius, not about 130 pages of bullshit.

That's why there are separate forums, let her post somewhere else. Until then, piss off wanker. Consider this thread hijacked.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 22, 2007, 10:07:29 AM
oy vey..... this thread is torn in shreds..... I dont even have a comment except  OY VEYYYY
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 10:45:30 AM
Sorry settlefornothingless, this thread was fucked when free took over about 120 pages ago.

This has not been a PV thread for a very long time.

PV does suck, I wish it stayed on topic.

I wish it was bullshit *free*.

Hopefully, another PV thread could prove useful for other survivors. PV is another shithole that needs to be shut down permanently -  :flame:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 22, 2007, 10:54:33 AM
Then start another thread, free won't follow you. I happen to enjoy free's post very much. I think she's a person that has a lot on her mind, and has for awhile, with no way to get it out until now. I understand your frustration, but don't take it out on free. Just start another Peninsula Village thread.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 10:56:57 AM
I got no problem with her posting whatever the fuck she feels like, but I do agree it shouldn't derail the whole PV thread.  Hell, I don't even care that she's mostly calling other survivors idiots and assholes.  Or that she has no interest in reading anything anyone else has to say.    Just stay somewhere remotely close to the topic.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 11:15:18 AM
I agree - she should post whatever she wants, just not here. There is a "open free for all" thread (ha,ha).

Some hapless survivor trying to get info about PV could come on here and have to wade through 100+ pages of incoherent ranting, it's not about PV anymore.

BTW, I also think *free* has alot to say, it's just that most it makes no sense (or has any point) whatsoever - but that's open to interpretation.

Give respect, get respect - *free* will get some respect from me when she gives some respect, (especially other gulag survivors) - until then.......

free can fuck off.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 11:15:50 AM
I agree - she should post whatever she wants, just not here. There is a "open free for all" thread (ha,ha).

Some hapless survivor trying to get info about PV could come on here and have to wade through 100+ pages of incoherent ranting, it's not about PV anymore.

BTW, I also think *free* has alot to say, it's just that most it makes no sense (or has any point) whatsoever - but that's open to interpretation.

Give respect, get respect - *free* will get some respect from me when she gives some respect, (especially other gulag survivors) - until then.......

free can fuck off.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 11:18:25 AM
Remember this? (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 01:51:18 PM
Free wrote -

That’s not the bubble I meant though

I meant how prejudice and blind people can be to what’s around them
And how abusive they can be in relation to it
For example the sexual prejudice women face in relation to sexual aggression and rape

Or how nobody sees the rank neo-conservative Christian propaganda that’s all over the TV
I was watching the History channel yesterday on normal cable and there was a “documentary" on Sodom and Gomorrah, then something about the search for the holy grail, then the dead sea scrolls, the Revelations prophecies and the da vinci code, with a final show about the superiority of alien technology if we ever happened to encounter them

If I was some idiotic born again redneck, I would have been praising jesus, damning gays and reaching for my shotgun to shoot aliens.
On the History channel!!
It was as subtle as a born again preacher on a Sunday morning
and people don’t see the obvious they just get mildly brainwashed
like my parents.

I was reading this thing about Blackwater in Newsweek too.
They are another fun bunch of Christian neo cons, based right here in lovely redneck NC
If you go to their site they have this weird heading called "The Chapel" I think and it goes into what good Christians they are and such,
pretty damn creepy in a private army

According to Newsweek Blackwater has a testing ground called
“RU ready High School, to simulate school shootings, complete with taped screams.â€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 22, 2007, 03:48:42 PM
Somewhere a crack is missing an asshole  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Botched Programming on October 22, 2007, 03:56:22 PM
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
Somewhere a crack is missing an asshole  :roll:

Well put Hanzomon4!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 22, 2007, 05:41:59 PM
Free, posting as Mokara on an Anarchy site, wrote the first thing my wife read about PV outside of their fraudulent website....and it sent up the red flags, black smoke, terror.  She couldn't finish reading it, it made her sick.  My wife asked the PV therapist about the "burrito", and it threw the program goon off to hear that terminology coming from a parent.

Let her post, dudes.  There are other PV threads, we can start more.  I find it odd that this one gets criticized, yet it's well-read.  

Don't be a chicken-brained, crotch-grabbing baboon.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 22, 2007, 06:10:37 PM
zen agent,

seriously, what if the first thing your wife was to read about PV was on this thread - would it send the same red flags? terror?

No, I don't think so - the message is lost on free's long tirades/babbles on everyhting from sexism/racism/media. Now, I have no trouble with free posting - in the right place - forums are distinct for a reason.

Even more reason why this thread needs to be moved and re-named "free's rants" (or whatever) - if you google PV - this moronic thread is going to place high - but unfortunately it's filled with nonsensical bullshit.

Really, this is not about free speech - this is about the topic at hand, peninsula village. Now I don't mind off topic discussion either, but not for approximately 135 pages or so.

let free post, by all means. But not on here, not anymore. This isn't about the "troubled teen industry" - it's about free - & who fucking cares? I certainly don't. Not for 151 pages. I already went through "bright ideas to change the world 101" and I don't want to hear it from someone who still lives at home with mommy. Get a job, graduate from college, live on your own & then fucking talk to me about changing the world. Or please, free, kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP!

This is not a group session, take it somewhere else. Start a therapy forum for survivior's.

I don't come on to fornits to hear alien abductions, where jimmy hoffa might be buried and if Elvis has really left the building. & why? Because this is not the time or goddamn place for it.

Fuck free and fuck this thread until it returns to the topic at hand.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: hanzomon4 on October 22, 2007, 08:45:23 PM
Dude fornits is about free speech, free's post are not going anywhere. Start another thread if that lack of discussion here bothers you, no one is stopping you. I'd be glad to see it, but I'm also glad to see free post.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 22, 2007, 09:12:57 PM
Bingo.. start your own thread asshole. Free has stuck to this thread pretty much for everyone of her posts.

sounds to me like free is right. this thread is drawing PV staff.

Well done free.. they really are shit heels.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: felice on October 22, 2007, 10:34:16 PM
Free or whatever she choses to call herself is a SURVIOR of PV.
I say she belongs to this thread and gives a lot of insight into
state of mind. I know I can relate to her quite well on many points.
Who of us Hypervigilant ones hasn't gone on a tyrade for a decade or so
after some program has mindraped you?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 23, 2007, 05:55:19 PM
ooohhh, sounds a little paranoid, right? Freaking hypocritical nazis.

Criticize free's rants & get accused of being program robot - thanks, I did my time in shit holes, so fuck you very much. (especially you crash test asshole - who the fuck are you to question anyone else's own private hell, asswipe!)

Move the thread to another forum. I don't give a shit if she posts or not. However, if you want this to be the quintessential PV thread (which it has -look at the google rank, douchebags) on fornits, then congrats.  You now have 152 pages of total and absolute bullshit, retards.

You guys who defend free's non-program related bullshit on a PV thread are tools at best, who cannot see the forest through the trees. Learn a thing or two about internet algorithms.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: felice on October 23, 2007, 06:16:04 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
ooohhh, sounds a little paranoid, right? Freaking hypocritical nazis.

Criticize free's rants & get accused of being program robot - thanks, I did my time in shit holes, so fuck you very much. (especially you crash test asshole - who the fuck are you to question anyone else's own private hell, asswipe!)

Move the thread to another forum. I don't give a shit if she posts or not. However, if you want this to be the quintessential PV thread (which it has -look at the google rank, douchebags) on fornits, then congrats.  You now have 152 pages of total and absolute bullshit, retards.

You guys who defend free's non-program related bullshit on a PV thread are tools at best, who cannot see the forest through the trees. Learn a thing or two about internet algorithms.

Typical "Guest" rant :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 23, 2007, 09:17:06 PM
Anonymous, you have a point, but there's a few counterpoints to be made here:

First off, the first few pages of this thread are entirely PV-oriented.

Second, do you think any parents who actually read the Free material, and see how PV obviously adversely affected her mind, would even consider sending their son or daughter to this shithole?

Third, like it's been said, she just has the one thread. Even if she isn't the most erudite of conversationalists, this is still an open forum and she's hardly flooding. Leave her to it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 23, 2007, 10:25:26 PM
Quote from: ""felice""
Quote from: ""Guest""
ooohhh, sounds a little paranoid, right? Freaking hypocritical nazis.

Criticize free's rants & get accused of being program robot - thanks, I did my time in shit holes, so fuck you very much. (especially you crash test asshole - who the fuck are you to question anyone else's own private hell, asswipe!)

Move the thread to another forum. I don't give a shit if she posts or not. However, if you want this to be the quintessential PV thread (which it has -look at the google rank, douchebags) on fornits, then congrats.  You now have 152 pages of total and absolute bullshit, retards.

You guys who defend free's non-program related bullshit on a PV thread are tools at best, who cannot see the forest through the trees. Learn a thing or two about internet algorithms.

Typical "Guest" rant :rofl:

Yeah no kidding.. either he is working at a program or Free refused to fuck him..

one or the other..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 23, 2007, 11:06:28 PM
I think you've all been "had"....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Rachael on October 23, 2007, 11:49:15 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
ooohhh, sounds a little paranoid, right? Freaking hypocritical nazis.

Criticize free's rants & get accused of being program robot - thanks, I did my time in shit holes, so fuck you very much. (especially you crash test asshole - who the fuck are you to question anyone else's own private hell, asswipe!)

Move the thread to another forum. I don't give a shit if she posts or not. However, if you want this to be the quintessential PV thread (which it has -look at the google rank, douchebags) on fornits, then congrats.  You now have 152 pages of total and absolute bullshit, retards.

You guys who defend free's non-program related bullshit on a PV thread are tools at best, who cannot see the forest through the trees. Learn a thing or two about internet algorithms.

Alright, just get at least this straight, changing the name of the thread to something like "free's rant" will not change google ranking. Google rankings are based on a number of things including frequency of searched word on the page, links directing to the page, and number of hits to the page based on the searched term. Simply changing the title won't do anything. To make any difference you'd have to remove references to PV from every post on the thread. Even then it would still be right at the top for quite a while simply based on hits.

The only way you can affect the ranking is by bumping something else up above it by virtue of satisfying criteria better than the current top page. Therefore, if you really are so concerned, start writing in another thread about PV.
Title: A Public Announcement
Post by: Anonymous on October 24, 2007, 12:30:29 AM
This Damage Brought To You By Peninsula Village, A Member Of The Covenant Health Family of Health Service Providers.  Don't Let This Happen To Your Child.[/color]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 25, 2007, 04:36:31 AM
Thanks TAC. It needed to be said. AGAIN
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 03:16:58 AM
the schools are really pressurized, you don't turn in your homework for a week or two and you have everyone calling the house,
they drag you down to the counselors, they make you go to the shrink
your crazy you have ADD because you were busy for those two weeks and didn't do your homework
it's a big stupid pointless abusive deal.

Why we base an adults future on their ability to jump through hoops at eleven or fifteen I don’t know
It’s more crap as far as I can tell
At my age with three years of college done, with high grades
I still get administrative people wanting to know what my grades were ten years ago
What do I say? I’m sorry I was being molested by a horrifically abusive adult at 14
And my parents put me in a prison camp in the Appalachian bible belt where I was only allowed to go to school two days a week
It’s ridiculous, it puts you behind too,
you have to apply way ahead of the start of the semester
And if something happens, you miss semesters
And it’s so hard to get into affordable colleges out of PV,
it’s wrong, and then they tell you go somewhere else and do well and we will let you in
and you do and they still don’t
it’s ridiculous we are told that everyone gets an opportunity for a college education in America
then we make it so that colleges are not very accessible to down right blocked to those who had pretty ordinary problems growing up,
sorry problems with sex or sexual abuse as a young girl,
is the oldest story in the book and one of the most horrible in relation to prejudice
college should be accessible to everyone who is able to do the work
and quickly, i shouldn't have to wait six months to go to school,
especially if I'm not going to live on campus
or even worse i shouldn't have to wait for six months to find out if I'm going to be allowed to go to school
or have to deal with prejudice southern people from the fifties
who get to decide whether or not i get to have an education
I have encountered so much in my life that is archaic as hell

I was watching this thing on HBO on Little Rock Highschool
has anyone else caught it?  
you should rent it or something, it says a lot
i think the above is what it says
it made me so damn mad, the HBO thing
it's about the black and white students at Little Rock Highschool today
it was horrible, the white preppy kids in pastels go on to Ivy League schools,
 the black kids every teacher basically said they were stupid,
 did much worse on all forms of testing then the white students and they seemed perfectly fine with just abusing and throwing these kids lives away
racism is alive and well and just as institutionalized in Little Rock Highschool as it ever was
i just wanted to ask the principle of the school how many lives she had been responsible for destroying or throwing away
many of the black students were from poorer families and really bad neighborhoods, it's the same old story, the system will beat up anyone who doesn't do the couple hours of homework everynight or anyone who runs afoul of all the random adults who they have to deal with
i was abused horribly, of course not PV prison camp horribly, but there were some of the same thought processes there,
as an 11 and 12 year old in school, by the school staff.  
I talked back once to a teacher, once!
it was all because i didn't do the homework!
at 11 and 12,
i just had a lot of other stuff going on,
my parents were fighting all the time.
 My family isn't a very supportive practically one.
if the school had helped me with homework and study skills at 11 and 12
i probably would have been able to keep up with all the homework
they didn't though, like i said it was horribly abusive.
i had a couple hours a night,
i went to this really pressurized private school
my parents really really really fought and it was really nasty
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 03:32:05 AM
so anyway the school system is really bad too i think
i know what i lived through in relation to it
and i know what i was seeing in this documentary
it was by Brent Renaud and his brother?
I was 11 and 12
and I'm smart
i love to read, i don't have any learning disabilities
i score high on tests,  
but the schools really kicked my ass in sixth and seventh grade!  
It was horrible.
 They were really abusive
i wouldn't do my homework, or i would do it wrong, or do half of it or something and they would give me such a hard time.
they called my mom all the time and i was failing everything in 6th grade!
and there was no reason for it, i do great in school now
i had done great in school every year before
i think it had a lot to do with me being molested at 14
because i felt like i couldn't do well in school
and they had been kicking my fragile 11, 12, 13 year old ego in the stomach really abusively for three years

so anyway watch the HBO special
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 03:39:56 AM
hey thread awareness crew
i am so glad you PV staff shit heads are "aware" of this thread
why don't you nazi monsters stop destroying the lives of abuse victims and foster kids
what you do and are is idiotic and disgusting and you are morons to believe on any level what you do is not abusive as hell,
post something with out the disclaimer "member of covenant health"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 04:16:02 AM
the black kids in the documentary interestingly
didn't sound dumb
in fact they sounded a hell of a lot smarter, most of them
 then the white kids,
with the school it was just so cut and dry
the school was like
 draw in the lines just like we say or nothing,
jump through this hoop and this hoop and this hoop and this other hoop
that we set up and we dictate in everyway how it has to be
and it was killing the kids, literally
and the school didn't care
and it didn't help them at all
even though it was obvious a lot of the black kids were really poor, lived in really bad neighborhoods, their parents hadn't been to college
and they just didn't have that support and help that the white kids with rich good families had
it was like oh well not our problem, even though they were, if not creating all the problems, they were certainly putting the nail in the coffin of your never going to be anything
it was the most horrible thing I've seen all week
and i've seen some nasty stuff this week
all three of my lab partners are failing two classes
one of them, this 18 year old cute little girl, has what i'm pretty damn sure is a nice big self inflicted scar of a cut mark going up her arm,
little white girl from an affluent family too
i asked where she was from because i'm worried about her now
and it is a cutting scar I'm pretty sure and it's a really bad one,
having been in PV and all i know what they look like, although this girls is worse then the ones I saw there
i was watching the teacher help her and she was really short and impatient
and they are not very helpful or sympathetic to say the least over all
this is the science elective lab so their are some little ones in there
they could at least have some mercy on the eighteen year olds!

the college, some of the classes, they do this weird thing
i think it's to flunk out people they don't think ae at their idea of a proper reading level or something
they give us this weird dense crap to read
 that isn't at anyones reading level,
i know how it works, college reading,
 and am like sooper reader or something,
 seriously i read a lot and work in a bookstore
and got a 700 on the english part of the SAT's at 14
 and read half the adult library at twelve
i like to read and i'm really good at it, i don't like math much though
so anyway this crap is dense as mud and discoraging as hell and i swear it's there like an evil IQ quiz to flunk people out or something
rather then teach people they are trying to weed through them!
I swear, it's a lot worse in NC too then it was anywhere else.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 04:24:22 AM
i guess in the late 60's they would all just be drafted and sent to vietnam
in the bad neighborhood i was living in, a lot of the kids were joining the army to pay for college or to just get out
i wonder if they went to Iraq yet?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 04:37:03 AM
thanks everyone else for being nice
this stuff does effect me honestly
i know i probably do take up too much space
but it's true
little kid big cutting scar gash on arm
failing out of two classes!
and all the rest too
sorry freaks me out
should I offer to tutor them?
probably, i might have enough time
the last kid i tried to tutor i didn't have enough time
and she looked at me like a wounded caribou about to get eaten by hyenas, she failed out of the math class
 she was working in a grocery store,
i bet she's pregnant with an abusive husband by now
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on October 26, 2007, 04:38:56 AM
You would be hard pressed to find a member of the US Army who hasn't gone to Iraq or is going to go to Iraq. My best friend was out and part of the inactive reserve when the Army called him up with the good news of his tour of duty. He spent 18 months driving a wrecker in some of the shittiest parts of Iraq and the only thing he said about it, "Well it was better than the infantry."
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 04:51:24 AM
the lady in adult ed who let me take full time classes didn't seem like she didn't care
she was actually really cool
she's my new hero honestly
i need to send her a thank you note at the end of the semester
along with a copy of my good grades
so there are good one's
i just wish they would let me in formally
so i could relax and take the courses i need to graduate
i tried to give the kids study skill tips
it's all about just hacking through it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 05:24:28 AM
the HBO special too
it's weird as hell
it made me mad obviously
but i couldn't decide when watching it
if the thing it's self wasn't off?  
like if it had a nasty bias or if it was just showing the nasty bias in stark terms
don't know, i do know that at my school there are a lot of black kids
and a lot of them seem to be doing very well and to have loving and supportive ordinary families
perhaps it is representative of the socio economic split that is there in many places somewhat? Don't know,
maybe only the black kids from loving supportive ordinary middle class families can get into my college
which would be why they seem happy healthy successful and well adjusted?
 rather then unable to do anything academically, like i said the documentary raised some questions about what the hell it was doing exactly, it freaked me out overall though,
Title: Re: A Public Announcement
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 09:21:56 AM
Quote from: ""Thread Awareness Crew""
This Damage Brought To You By Peninsula Village, A Member Of The Covenant Health Family of Health Service Providers.  Don't Let This Happen To Your Child.[/color]
Title: Re: A Public Announcement
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 11:24:52 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Thread Awareness Crew""
This Damage Brought To You By Peninsula Village, A Member Of The Covenant Health Family of Health Service Providers.  Don't Let This Happen To Your Child.[/color]

I like this version from another thread better. Lets see, increase text size, add color maybe some italics and

DAMAGE[/color][/b] and the DAMAGE described by more PV survivors in other threads about PV brought To You By Peninsula Village, a member of the Peninsula Behavioral Health Branch of Parkwest Medical Center of Knoxville Tennessee.

Peninsula Village-Covenant Health's dark little secret.
Don't Let This Happen To Your Child.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 26, 2007, 03:14:01 PM
What is wrong with this poster brought to you by Peninsula Village.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 26, 2007, 06:46:22 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
What is wrong with this poster brought to you by Peninsula Village.

The formatting sucks?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 26, 2007, 07:00:07 PM
The rather ape-screamingly obvious trauma she's showing?

I feel sorry for her but I can't exactly do much for her, and she's kind of clogging up the thread with her babbling.

She needs a real therapist, a real outlet, and friends. I'd offer it but her distrust of everyone would probably make her wary. Plus she tried to give me a no-no word and I said it anyway.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 01:47:54 PM
no, you little twerp who was never in a program and who is therefore very overbearing considering, i was trying to talk about sexual harassment in high schools and how sexual bullying is very extreme and a very real problem for a lot of high school age kids.
when i was in PV a lot of the girls i was in with had some pretty severe stories of sexual harassment that no one did anything about while in the schools and PV staff simply ignored.
Kinda like the way they ignore statutory rape laws or tell foster kids who were molested at five to take responsibility for everything.
of course as an adult in some higher class work environments, waitressing forget it!, someone bumps into you and their is a lawsuit but in high school kids are verbally raped everyday and sexually bullied and no teacher does anything about it.
i mentioned it because if you will notice a main theme with at least the girls side of PV is girls being taught shame and that it is all their fault in relation to sexual abuse, in some instances to an absolutely ridiculous and abusive degree, in all instances to a horrific, damaging and abusive one

so monkey brain here took it as an encroachment on his right to throw, well we all know what monkeys sometimes throw, and began throwing around a variety of sexual words and scenarios, i assume to prove his right to do so?
it was stupid and irrelevant of course and annoying as hell in relation to the point i was trying to make about PV recognizing the context of the girls lives not at all and using their having been sexually abused as a weapon to abuse them even more

how about though, light bright, we stop throwing around crap and try to stick to things that show the reality of programs and the world around them
things in life do happen in context, ie. the school system can be abusive
a girl is being badly sexually harassed everyday and this effects a chain of events that land her in PV, a family is a abusive, all sorts of fun prejudices, and so on.
no offense i have found those who are not neck deep in something, denial is a powerful force toward idiotic stupid happiness with blinders, but people who are not neck deep in something and even some that are do not have a very good idea of what a situation is really like

sure you can know the outside surface perspective but it takes someone in it to get the reality and the nuances
i personally could care less if you swear like a sailor i am not for some 1950's proper way of being prejudice by far, but i do know that sexual bullying can be very abusive and i am against that
Title: nihilanthic is a 12 year old twerp
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 01:54:15 PM
Nihilanthic too dear, i don't want to be your friend
 i still plan to kick your ass remember? :lol:
and like i said ,
those who were actually in a program could kick anyone's ass who wasn't anyday
Title: Re: A Public Announcement
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 02:00:41 PM
This Damage Brought To You By Peninsula Village, A Member Of The Covenant Health Family of Health Service Providers.  Don't Let This Happen To Your Child.[/color]
Title: Re: A Public Announcement
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 02:14:31 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
This Damage Brought To You By Peninsula Village, A Member Of The Covenant Health Family of Health Service Providers.  Don't Let This Happen To Your Child.[/color]

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 02:17:18 PM
Title: Re: nihilanthic is a 12 year old twerp
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 27, 2007, 02:26:41 PM
Quote from: ""not free""
Nihilanthic too dear, i don't want to be your friend
 i still plan to kick your ass remember? :lol:
and like i said ,
those who were actually in a program could kick anyone's ass who wasn't anyday

Your attitude alienates people who want to help you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 02:28:51 PM
is that light bright boy
he sure is ugly
i didnt know he was so ugly
hes the guy who waits behind corner
and rapes woman
because he too ugly to get girlfriend
light bright boy is ugly woman rapist
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 05:30:49 PM
i don't know about that
he's just annoying and if that is him he's a bit bald for a boy
he's not ugly though and he looks smart, must be the glasses
and no offence but yes i would probably win in a brawl
i never said that light bright guy was a rapist
only that who the hell ever was posting all the really sick stuff,
and it's hard to tell who they are as they always post as guest,
so it could be staff or anyone, is really bad.
have you gone back and looked at some of the worst stuff?
way over the top,
no offense but light bright you look too old to be using the comedy central milkshake as an avatar, i know the little guy got out the bomb squad and all and it shows the insane level of mob minded paranoia that America is functioning under, ie again little billy died his hair black and wrote some bad poetry he must be suicidal and a school shooter quick call PV,
but to me it just looked like you were eighteen
 sexual harassment in high schools, colleges and in general is really bad.

i guess you really have to see the documentary on Little Rock High School that was on HBO to get what i was railing about in the above posts.
you should rent it, it's really weird.  
i'm sure you could get it from Netflicks or something.
peace balding light bright?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 27, 2007, 05:37:43 PM
You need a puppy or something that would offer affection and some company. Obviously people would be better suited but you have this habit of snapping at us.

I'm not mad at you in either event.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 05:48:13 PM
hey light bright though you could be a bit more sensitive
some survivor comes on a site for survivors of a specific program and talks about their experiences and they get a bunch of sexually harassing crap, nice stuff, i don't have the most stress free life either and i really can't figure out how to get out of this horrible house right now.

the TV is full of misogynistic porn too and 1950's prejudices for sure
the 1950's prejudices i could just be putting on it because i have to spend so much time living under my horrible family,
but then I go to Fox news and I know I'm right,
hasn't anyone else noticed how often the world is ending,
most of the time religiously, on the History channel?
Evangelicals or something?  I don't know what it means but I have taken notes on it!
I started writing down what was on and a great percentage of the History channel has a religious bent.

how do you make a living?  I am just curious since you said you are so great and all and multitask so well
you seem to not have a loathing for all man kind so I assume you don't work in retail, i got that off of a bumper sticker.
did you finish college?  you seem to not relate to minimum wage crap job stories so i am curious how you make ends meet?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 27, 2007, 05:58:33 PM
You need to find a better punching bag (scrotum?) for your problems and pathologies.

I'm not some womanizing person or someone who does things against "women" or any woman at all.

Then again, you don't know me.

Thanks for completely making this thread about you, though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 05:59:31 PM
This Damage (and Unprovoked Rudeness) Brought To You By Peninsula Village, A Member Of The Covenant Health Family of Health Service Providers.  Don't Let This Happen To Your Child.  [/color]

Free, no one's calling you names...maintain a little civility, you're engaging in the very behavior you deplore.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 05:59:37 PM
i have a puppy,
i also have my parents, can i post pictures of my parents?
my father is starting to look like Richard Nixon and my mother looks like she rides a broom stick and is not a good witch.  
when god drops a house on her the munchkins will dance
we took christmas pictures at the club, she looks very intense,
 like she bites, which she does actually.  
this morning i went down to get coffee,
she corrected three things i did, like don't cut your eggs in the pan because it will destroy the pan, this turned into a speech on how many nice things they have bought me and i have destroyed
i haven't destroyed anything in years,
why she feels the need to do this while i quietly make breakfast
 I don't know
they are horrible
the prejudices here are really amazing
all of them,
scary as hell
my father was out of town and it's so lovely to have the bastard back
one of them is much easier to deal with then both
it's like they empower each other
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 06:02:59 PM
Have you considered homicide?

I think it would be an excellent, worthwhile solution to this particular problem.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 06:14:18 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 27, 2007, 06:21:19 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
i have a puppy,
i also have my parents, can i post pictures of my parents?
my father is starting to look like Richard Nixon and my mother looks like she rides a broom stick and is not a good witch.  
when god drops a house on her the munchkins will dance
we took christmas pictures at the club, she looks very intense,
 like she bites, which she does actually.  
this morning i went down to get coffee,
she corrected three things i did, like don't cut your eggs in the pan because it will destroy the pan, this turned into a speech on how many nice things they have bought me and i have destroyed
i haven't destroyed anything in years,
why she feels the need to do this while i quietly make breakfast
 I don't know
they are horrible
the prejudices here are really amazing
all of them,
scary as hell
my father was out of town and it's so lovely to have the bastard back
one of them is much easier to deal with then both
it's like they empower each other

Your parents sound very abusive.

Why not move out?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 06:41:20 PM
you look symetrical enough
you are not bad looking, i just thought you were younger and would have more hair,
i have a lot of hair and am also symetrical

i asked you questions about your life,
like how do you make ends meet
because it is relevant,
for example you can get out of an abusive situation,
 because so many families out of programs are abusive,
if you can make ends meet
and you just introduced the gratuitouse use of the word scrotum and called me self centered,
which as many program survivors, those who actually were in program, have mentioned, attention seeking and self centered is program lingo and it is once again annoying.
so i'm not self centered, i asked you about anything you might have to say, you don't seem to have anything to say, you just bother me about what i post
it's very sad really
we could carry on a conversation otherwise, like you say something about programs and relevant things around these programs, abusive families, not being able to make ends meet, drugs programs give you, the whole money trail aspect, schools, bullying, actually very little of this stuff is about me.

i know why don't we all post pictures of our selves
there is a great idea, ok no, duh
i can't kill them my mother has ballet tickets
i think i am what you all would call her bitch
i get picked on and have to do what she says
and she makes me go to the ballet with her
you should see her with her chiuahua, she's supper controlling
she has him on this little leash that she steps on if he tries to get away
she won't let him out of her site poor thing
every two minutes it's "what are you doing"
she's an insane chicken brained control freak from hell
do you want to hear her views on why there was less crime in the 1950's
it was because there was more shame!!
anyway i'm starting to take it with a sense of humor, or at least an objective perspective,
like i don't care what these people think they are nuts
it's just bad before coffee
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 06:46:58 PM
i said that along time ago

i don't make enough money to move out
i am trying to finish college and i work at Barnes & Noble as a bookseller
and i make 7.50 an hr
 i got a 25 cent raise after working there a year
my boss offered me a full time position but i want to finish school
the SOB still tries to schedule you 30+ hrs a week if he can of course
even part time
i have three + years of college done but i had to transfer and all this other crap so god only knows how far graduation is

how do you make a living i really want to know
i wasn't being a jerk
and sorry about the hair comments
you look fine
what are you a republican?
i need a roommate
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 06:49:25 PM
a normal girl roommate

why don't you tell us more about yourself in general niles?
what made you decide to do whatever it is you do on in the program chat rooms?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 27, 2007, 07:01:45 PM
Its REALLY hard to read what you say and answer your questions. Um in general....

I came here after finding out programs exist by reading a link to an article about Tranquility Bay. I was horrified, pissed off, and wanted to learn more, so I did, then found out about all the OTHER programs. I was never in one but I still want to help.

I am not a republican but at least I agree with paleo-cons regarding most economic policies. IOW, "Libertarian". Same for my views on social things.

I'm working full time and about to go back to school when I can get in state tuition. I've been through economic hardship (for years...) in the past so I know what it's like, believe it or not.

No offense, but you're really difficult to converse with. Your words are scattered and it's hard to follow what you say. Additionally anything regarding sex or men seems to inflame you severely. Being male I'd probably inflame you constantly by that alone.

I really do think you need therapy from someone who would earn your trust and not abuse you but I don't know how easy it would be for you to get it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 07:04:28 PM
I think getting away from her batshit parents would be the first step in therapy.

Free, have you considered searching Craigslist for a roommate?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 27, 2007, 07:22:24 PM
i had some batshit roommate experiences too.  
i honestly think my entire life everyone but me has been insane
it's true although that sounds wrong

and yes MR my head has to be higher and looking down bald nihilist
what again do you do for a living?
Libertarianism is a nice enough idea i guess as long as it has good labor laws, which is in keeping with it as a philosophy because the main stipulation in Libertarianism is no one can make anyone else do what they don't want as long as it does not hurt anyone else.
 So exploiting people or robbing them or anything abusive is out.
there are laws in libertarianism to protect people and the property they own and such, just as long as i am not the property they own i don't care
 fine by me, do as you will if it harms no body is my way of looking at things.
i think we live in capitalist crack communism now
state interferes in everything and robs people blind
hence my having been institutionalized since five and beaten up badly when i had any problems with the process, at eleven.  
I mean the school system, the prison camp was later right?
damn communist schools and slave owning labor laws
capitalism isn't supposed to be slavery but...
there is a great book about girls in southern cotton mills up till about 1973 or so, wow, what a enlightened country we are,
 no room at all for our system to be abusive.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 12:35:24 PM
you guys didn't read my batshit roommate posts
and yes now i am just talking about me
in college i had the roommate, she was actually my suite mate, we shared a bathroom and a common area, but the rooms were all in a circle around the common area and they opened out into it so they were very close and hard to avoid, who was sleeping with my female advisor and her boyfriend.
  the girl was 19 and my horrible advisor was 38 or so maybe older, yuck.  but that girl was the definition of batshit.  she hit on all my boyfriends, i could bring home a gay guy and if she thought i was dating him she would literally be half naked in his lap.  I told her i was in love with this guy and she came out of her room in underwear and a coat and sat on him.  The SOB liked her a lot of course, men! and batshit female roommates arghh.  
another girl who i shared the suite with had a thing for guys from the army base in Fayetteville, which is fine except there were a lot of different ones and they were in my bathroom a lot.  
nothing like going in to take a shower in the morning and having a giant guy standing there.
my roommate after I moved out of my parents house at 20 also hit on boyfriends pretty aggressively and ended up turning on me and attacking me pretty viciously, spreading rumors and gossiping and just being horrible and i still am not sure why?  I really don't think i did anything to her?  there are a lot of batshit people out there.  
The other roommate, also a roommate at the same time as the above, is the one that is now addicted to adderall and some bipolar drug clonazepam or something.
she's certainly not ADD and i she didn't seem bipolar either,
just like she liked to be high for whatever reason.
then i moved in with my ex and he was a lovely roommate!

that guy in college who's adderall everyone was taking too, he wasn't hyperactive at all and he rarely took it.  
He only took his adderall once in a while to get high or study
and he wasn't hyperactive at all!  
he really was not hyperactive but the shrinks gave him a fun big bottle of amphetamines, again adderall is amphetamines, to hand out to everyone at school.

so anyway roommates in general are often horrible
i have a dog and two cats too, speaking of a need for a puppy and affection, dogs are much better then roommates, but they make it hard to find roommates.
i think i could, at this point, weed out total batshit roommates but then again i am living with some right now again oh well.
hopefully as an adult i am able to find a roommate that is boring, calm, and non naked, got to hate the naked roommate!!
i honestly think at this point that it's all batshit oh well arghhhh
at least if you have money you can sometimes choose to avoid the batshittier aspects of life?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 28, 2007, 12:40:27 PM
is the fornits calender/clock broken?   .
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on October 28, 2007, 12:41:39 PM
never mind I was looking at the 'member join date'.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 12:46:41 PM
here is the Adderall prescribing info again of of Adderalls home page
you can find it by typing in Adderall or Adderall Shire.  Shire is the company that makes Adderall, interestingly the website is now pushing another ADD drug, perhaps too many problems with Adderall now that the web has taken off as an even more open forum?
But here it is, notice how Adderall is amphetamine, amphetamine and amphetamine with some red dye number 2 thrown in!!

ADDERALL XR® is a once daily extended-release, single-entity amphetamine
product. ADDERALL XR® combines the neutral sulfate salts of dextroamphetamine
and amphetamine, with the dextro isomer of amphetamine saccharate and d,lamphetamine
aspartate monohydrate. The ADDERALL XR® capsule contains two
types of drug-containing beads designed to give a double-pulsed delivery of
amphetamines, which prolongs the release of amphetamine from ADDERALL XR®
compared to the conventional ADDERALL® (immediate-release) tablet formulation.
EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS: 5 mg 10 mg 15 mg 20 mg 25 mg 30 mg
Dextroamphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Amphetamine Aspartate 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Dextroamphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Sulfate USP
Amphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Sulfate USP
Total amphetamine base
equivalence 3.1 mg 6.3 mg 9.4 mg 12.5 mg 15.6 mg 18.8 mg
Inactive Ingredients and Colors: The inactive ingredients in ADDERALL XR®
capsules include: gelatin capsules, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, methacrylic acid
copolymer, opadry beige, sugar spheres, talc, and triethyl citrate. Gelatin capsules
contain edible inks, kosher gelatin, and titanium dioxide. The 5 mg, 10 mg, and 15
mg capsules also contain FD&C Blue #2. The 20 mg, 25 mg, and 30 mg capsules
also contain red iron oxide and yellow iron oxide.
Amphetamines are non-catecholamine sympathomimetic amines with CNS
stimulant activity. The mode of therapeutic action in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) is not known. Amphetamines are thought to block the reuptake
of norepinephrine and dopamine into the presynaptic neuron and increase the
release of these monoamines into the extraneuronal space.

Pediatric Patients
On a mg/kg weight basis, children eliminated amphetamine faster than adults.
The elimination half-life (t1/2) is approximately 1 hour shorter for d-amphetamine
and 2 hours shorter for l-amphetamine in children than in adults.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 01:34:24 PM
my actual roommate in college, the one i shared a eight by ten foot cement room with, was thankfully not the sex nut!

she was an interesting story too though
my mother, god bless her, had told the school i had been in PV and was in recovery and such, so the school gave me a roommate who was also in recovery.  
The girls name was Chelsea and she was a Chelsea Felicity Chastity Prudence creature from hell, got on my nerves and my boyfriend hit on her, poor thing!!

but poor Chelsea was going to AA meetings because for her 18th birthday she had gone out with some people from work to a party and drank so much she passed/ blacked out.  
Chelsea didn't drink much otherwise, this was a sort of one time i'm eighteen party thing.  
 I got the impression that drinking so much she passed out was about
 two shots and a wine cooler.  
like i said she was Felicity seriously, as Buffy the Vampire Slayer she drove me nuts!

There was this guy at work that apparently had been really hanging on to Felicity and was always around just sort of hovering.  
so Felicity passes out and creepy hovering guy rapes her, she's dead to the world passed out, doesn't know anything about it untill she hears about it the next day.  
Felicity was of course before this point a virgin
well Felicity freaks and tells mom and pop and they, instead of calling the cops, tell a shrink.  The shrink is apparently jealose that Felicity lost her virginity passed out to a stalker as opposed to him and decides to teach Felicity SHAME!  
So poor Felicity is told she has a drinking problem and is an alcoholic and needs to go to AA meetings to help her deal with loosing her virginity by rape.  The SOB that raped poor Felicity, after her one time experience with two shots and a wine cooler, was eventually reported but no one pursued it and he got off completly.  Felicity was going to weekly AA meetings though to discuss her alcoholism, again this girl did not drink this was just a one time I'm eighteen, it's my birthday thing.

I heard this story from Felicity and the version I heard was full of shame and Felicity thinking it was her fault at this point, but the facts were exactly as i just stated, the way i heard the story repeatedly they had the girl broken down and ashamed, if there had been more to it i'm guessing she would have told me in some sort of confessional type weight off her chest  thing.  the girl was Prudence Chastity Felicity and she was raped when drunk.
damn batshit world.
 the pain in the ass really was Felicity Chastity but more Christian.  She threw out my beer, damn roommates, and made me go to AA meetings and watch her wallow in shame yikes, damn roommates!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on October 28, 2007, 02:14:32 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Its REALLY hard to read what you say and answer your questions. Um in general....

I came here after finding out programs exist by reading a link to an article about Tranquility Bay. I was horrified, pissed off, and wanted to learn more, so I did, then found out about all the OTHER programs. I was never in one but I still want to help.

I am not a republican but at least I agree with paleo-cons regarding most economic policies. IOW, "Libertarian". Same for my views on social things.

I'm working full time and about to go back to school when I can get in state tuition. I've been through economic hardship (for years...) in the past so I know what it's like, believe it or not.

No offense, but you're really difficult to converse with. Your words are scattered and it's hard to follow what you say. Additionally anything regarding sex or men seems to inflame you severely. Being male I'd probably inflame you constantly by that alone.

I really do think you need therapy from someone who would earn your trust and not abuse you but I don't know how easy it would be for you to get it.

Niles, I've got the "pidgin" account set-up and a proxy/guard program for security, I use else do I need to do?

Jesus, I do not believe people are giving Niles grief for not being in a program.  Isn't making people aware of the industry a priority?  The industry is an esoteric subject, even after the hearing.  Most average people think "reform schools" - big difference.

Program survivors are a small group, outrage is universal.  We need more people like Niles involved, or do some people on here want to fight the industry in a "family" war?  You won't get far that way.

Free, is somebody else posting as you?  You seem a little young to know what "Lite Brite" is.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 02:22:44 PM
oh and again
PV staff are Nazi sadistic monsters
and what they do is an insane stupid farce
they know this too,
having foster kids who didn't have much by way of education go to school TWO DAYS out of the week!  and not letting them read for years
not to mention all the rest of the sick pointless crap that goes on in PV
it is a scam to make millions of dollars duh, you think
greed makes the evil peoples dreams come true

i can abuse foster children teenagers physically, emotionally and pretty sexually too, and make millions for it!

PV is so into sexual abuse, the verbal and emotional sexual abuse is certain, and a lot of the stuff is pretty off,
it seems like they are taking some restrained girls clothes off a lot in survivor accounts and there are real strip searches and people standing out side of showers and bathroom stalls always
Jersey gurl says in her strip search that they told her to bend over naked and cough!  How is that not sexual abuse!
this is to some girl who was in PV because of PTS because her mother died!
they stand right outside the stall door, which you have to leave cracked everytime you go to the bathroom and time you and you get consequenced for going over your time
could that be anymore Nazi abusive degrading and horrific?

the teens have no privacy, any privacy they have is invaded completely righty away, the second or third day all the girls have a complete gyn exam, this is after being restrained for a few hours and strip searched and made to shower with staff standing right out side the curtain, they want to make sure you don't do what?  Drink the shampoo?  I tried that in PV, because being sick might have gotten me out of STU and it doesn't do anything.  Also if there wasn't a large nazi standing right outside of the curtain watching me take my 5 to 10 minute shower i wouldn't have thought about drinking the shampoo in the first place.
 The curtains at PV are as see through as anywhere,
staff saw us all naked everyday,
they stand in the bathroom as you change and do all the other things people have to do without clothes.
Not to mention you sleep on wooden cubicle cots with no fronts in a medium sized open room with staff there breathing on you all the time, it's horrible, and so sexually abusive, not to mention the verbal sexual abuse in group.  

It's like if some adult was able to watch you sleep, shower, go to the bathroom and beat all your secrets out of you, keep you completely isolated and locked in a small room with almost total power over you.  It's sick as hell, they make the girls show staff femine hygeine products before throwing them away.  What the hell point does that have! they go in the trash can?  
there is no point to it,
it's just horrific insane Nazi level abuse and it needs to be stoped.  

again for the millionth time some one from FOSTER CARE or the police needs to get a court order and go in and interview the girls in STU right now

sorry about how horrific the above is
but it's about PV at least
and they are rapist serial killer nuts
and it needs to be seen for how bad it is so it can be stoped
i don't like associating myself with having been abused that badly but that is what PV does and i'll rip the heart out of anyone you says one sexually harassing thing or does anything horrible with the above
i mean it,
if you are a serial killer be glad i am not in the same room with you
i would destroy you, i am not some wimp
i am one pissed off adult woman who is pretty strong
please don't get me started after the above on what i would like to do to serial killers and rapists and PV staff
destroy them is pretty much it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 02:31:32 PM
lite bright was around for a while i was a kid in the 80's
it looks like a light brite, i want to say it was spelled lite too?
no program survivors don't need Niles
Niles is a hanger on and he's a bald asshole
he has no right to say anything to anyone who was actually in a program
if he want's to come on a site for program survivors he should respect that he was not in a program and he has no right to call female program survivors cunts or harass them in any other way
he doesn't get to be the heavy handed boss with the program survivors for sure
or refer to them as trading BJ's for their book deal either for that matter
i am so sick of the way the world treats women in relation to sex
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 03:06:11 PM
i don't think all the staff were what? sexual abuser types?
you could tell some were more so, those that stood practically on top of you as you showered or dressed as opposed to those that stood ten feet away.  
but who ever came up with the entire scenario, definitely is a very sexually abusive person
there is such a total horrifically abusive invasion of every private aspect of just being human, every aspect
and it has no point, kids who are anorexic or something, that level abuse did not help them, if you take someone who is depressed and torture them they become really depressed
i think most of the girls, were really suicidal after a few months in PV
and they had not been at first!!!    

in Milkbloods account they let this anorexic girl vomit in a bag and make her carry around the vomit filled bag and torture her until she finally passes out.
if they had let me go on a hunger strike while in there i would have too, they let this girl get to the point of dehydration and passing out, torture her and have her carrying around a bag of vomit, as a punishment!
in PV when you are a prisoner and being tortured you would take any non violent route you could to get out?
we couldn't do anything to staff, even though they were monsters and abusing us horrifically,  because we would go to jail
but we could do something to our selves
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 03:13:10 PM
i think that is what is up with a lot of the suicide attempts in teens really
of course in PV you can't really do anything to yourself
and nobody really wants to die, just get the hell out of PV
throwing yourself out of a car is as extreme as that would go to
swinging an axe at your leg or staff, too crazy
they don't keep really crazy people in PV, or at least didn't when i was there, they send them away,
they are a liability, they only want those that can be controled and that have good insurance or the state is paying
i bet the couple bad ones they took for PR purposes they treat like caged cash bringing tigers and are more careful with them.
PV is insane and Nazi like and stupid but they are smart enough to keep their little cash cow fun house of horrors going for this long
like i said i never saw the girls do anything violent
think of how your average group of teenage girls would act in the described situations, it was about likie that only PV picked through the average bunch
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 28, 2007, 04:54:13 PM
Could you take 10 minutes to organize your thoughts when you post? I can't follow what you're saying.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 06:37:51 PM
Nihilanthic that's because you are stupid
and you don't work in a bookstore
i'm past your reading level baldy
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on October 28, 2007, 06:48:32 PM
Most books of a high reading level have proper syntax.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 07:48:27 PM
free can read, free works in a bookstore, but can't put a coherent sentence together. Boy, free - barnes and noble must be proud to have such a great representative working for them. Do you load boxes or what - because I know they can't have some crazy little chick going postal on the public.

And where the fuck does some little asshole (this means YOU free) who doesn't even live on her own, make pronouncements about someone else they don't even know. Fuck off, other progam survivors don't need a twat like you speaking for them. Even though you are totally incapable of carrying on a conversation.

You know what? Just because someone was in a program doesn't automatically give them sainthood status - fuck that - I've seen plenty of assholes in program and just because they were there doesn't give them the right to abuse others. Free, you suck because you put other people down and are an asshole, for no real reason - but just because you can. I'm glad you've learned something from the staff at PV - how to be an asshole extraordinaire. Congratulations!

I defended other people in program who were screwed up, plenty - and caught alot of shit for it. I hate fascism, & I hate gratutious violence more. Free, you have been just mean and a total bitch with no provocation to other posters - just because you can. So, fuck you.

Life can be bad enough, so just stop being a total cunt and fucking be nice already.


Your parents suck? Whose doesn't? - get off their dime or quit bitching. I'm sick of hearing about how horrible your parents are. If they are so bad - fucking quit WHINING and leave. Simple.

Thanks for once again, for being verifable proof that peninsula village will damage people even more than they already are.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on October 28, 2007, 07:52:05 PM
proof that peninsula village will damage people even more than they already are.[/quote]

uh duh.... they ruined me..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 08:40:25 PM
did you call me a twat and the c word you disgusting little worthless nazi pig,
at least i don't watch foster kids in the shower for a living
i've been pretty damn nice
i said niles was nice looking i teased him about the receeding hairline a bit oh my god the poor guy wah.  
i spent two years living under the before mentioned abuse and when i try to report it people call me the c word and a bunch of other horrific sexually harassing crap
i am slightly rude, he's called me stupid and crazy and a cunt repeatedly and i say your balding and don't seem especially bright yourself
and i'm mean?
why get so hurt by that, your hurt by being teased about your hair?
there is something pretty shady about the way all you asshole respond back so fast with such uglyness
i haven't written anything on here for a while but i come on and i have the staff or cop crew pushing their weight around  
again at least i don't molest and abuse foster kids for a living
and niles if that is you, jesus man, you have no right to be harassing program survivors to such a degree
some woman talks about having been abused to the degree i just described and you call her the C word when she responds to you calling her stupid repeatedly by saying you don't seem so bright yourself?
yeah your a great addition to a site for program survivors,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 28, 2007, 08:59:29 PM
hey settlefornothingless
you remember, does PV not invade every aspect of a persons private life as horrifically and completely as possible short of actually raping or pulling their fingernails out, because those things would be illegal?
they already have you locked in a room and don't let you go to the bathroom without being timed, watched and with permission.

we had no time away from the before mentioned abuse, we were never even kind of alone, we had no free time, to read or anything.
we never got to choose what it is we wanted to do, even for half an hour.
i can perhaps see how my flood of remembrances might be a bit confusing out of context fine but i've dealt with a lot and i think i might have a shrinks note on this?  
Some PTS and POW sort of doctors note that allows for bad tempered rants?
our entire lives were scheduled and over scheduled
it was twenty four seven horrific invading degrading nonstop no relief from it ever abuse.  
the system that PV works under is insane and ridiculously abusive.
I don't think all of staff were sexual abuser types but i do think it was a sexually abuser types dream job, so therefore it probably attracts them.  I think whoever came up with the system PV operates under is a completely abusive nut case on every level!
the teens have no time even just to relax and read a book or listen to the radio or play a board game, ever.   Even for an hour a day or something!
or a week,  anytime just to be human and to not be being abused horribly!
it's insane, Jersey gurl back me up!
we had no free time, none it was all just 24/7 abuse abuse abuse
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 29, 2007, 08:25:10 AM
uh duh.... they ruined me..

Settlefornothingless, I've never really seen you be mean for kicks - you aren't ruined - it's called PTSD - PV will get what's coming to them - sooner or later the chickens come home to roost, don't worry about that.

& I've seen you use that rage in a postive way - so, hats off to you.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 29, 2007, 08:28:09 AM
Free you are mean twat!

Blame niles all you want (get a clue - it's not Niles, asshole), but you are just a bitch to other survivors for no reason - Go fuck yourself, cunt.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on October 29, 2007, 08:34:55 AM
i can perhaps see how my flood of remembrances might be a bit confusing out of context fine but i've dealt with a lot and i think i might have a shrinks note on this?
Some PTS and POW sort of doctors note that allows for bad tempered rants?
our entire lives were scheduled and over scheduled

Free, I was in a program too - & abused and most everyone else on here too. It's not an excuse to be a bitch and an asshole to others who have been through the SAME THING (or sympathize with us or whatever) - abuse has NO JUSTIFICATION - neither does your acting like a twat - like I said, for someone who hates abuse, you sure dish it out pretty well, idiot.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2007, 03:31:44 AM
there is something going on with the TV
with this site the problem is obvious, it has evil Nazi stupid greedy PV staff on it
and probably a couple of the higher ups responsible for coming up with charming things like watching kids in the shower and the restroom and isolating them completely from all outside contact and so on
the level of abuse on here has been A typical PV staff
again these are the people your kid has therapy with
are they not horrific?  They are not any better in PV when they have complete power over your kids life.

there is something wrong with the TV and news media too for real no joke and if you are not a complete moron i can prove it
Go to MSNBC online and go to their video page and flip through
count how many things they have about Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton
count what they have on the war in Iraq, and watch the things they have on Iraq and see if you see a bias, a blind dead person could see the bias
just watch all the interesting videos you see there
then go to the Washington Post page or the New York Times and flip around there and see why one is propaganda and the other news.
just do it, and tell me if what you see isn't prejudice and sexist as hell
the scary thing is people like my mother get her news info off of the MSNBC website, not the Washington Post

you assholes are really obvious on here too PV staff, hey steve your a monster a leach and an idiot, over on Cafety, you know the site that pops up when you Google Peninsula Village right under the PV website, you know it I'm sure, a bunch more survivors showed up with great accounts
i just hope someone out under a year sues your pants off
your a disgusting Nazi pig and that one horribly creepy looking doctor you have in PV, that guy makes me feel sick just looking at him,
he has Nazi child molester written all over him

i can’t tell you how absolutely, I am sure, would bet a thousand bucks on it, these people a hell of a lot of them are staff, no shit
this is great though because they use the same tactics in group
it's very very obvious,  monsters  
say hello to every one staff, i sure pulled you pigs out into the open didn't I, your only hope is people are as stupid as a blind dead man
so you actually have some hope

the staff on this site have Nazi child molester written all over them though
and could you be more obviously PV staff?
great PR you are obviously PV staff and your online,
under Google abuse at peninsula village, horribly abusing a survivor that's trying to report abuse.  Not only that you sexually harass her really badly
yeah PV staff totally comes away looking like they should get to watch teenage boys and girls shower
and you could not be more obvious
you use all the PV staff lingo, idiots

Also before you dismiss what i said about the TV, go do what I said
go to MSNBC news site and watch the videos there, poor Peter Jennings is all i have to say, it is not some eye role crazy hippie thing
there is a horrific prison camp in the backwoods of TN for anorexics and foster kids, something is wrong with a lot of the TV news media.
go to the MSNBC news site and watch the videos there, it pretty much sums up the normal level of the problem
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 15, 2007, 08:09:27 AM
Free, I was in a program too - & abused and most everyone else on here too. It's not an excuse to be a bitch and an asshole to others who have been through the SAME THING (or sympathize with us or whatever) - abuse has NO JUSTIFICATION - neither does your acting like a twat - like I said, for someone who hates abuse, you sure dish it out pretty well, idiot.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 16, 2007, 10:17:03 PM
wah wah fricken wah
what part of the above was mean
where i said PV staff watches teenagers in the shower and a couple probably really shouldn't be doing so for more reasons then it is just an abusive invasion of the teens right to some form of privacy?
did i hurt the staff members feelings
i am so very very sorry poor staff nazi sorry
wah wah fricken wah
what part of the above was mean
where i said PV staff watches teenagers in the shower and a couple probably really shouldn't be doing so for more reasons then it is just an abusive invasion of the teens right to some form of privacy?
did i hurt the staff members feelings
i am so very very sorry poor staff nazi sorry
 :cry2:  :cry2:  :cry2:  :cry2:  :cry2:  :cry2:  :cry2:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 01:51:03 AM
I really hate sexism
Noticed this? not fond of any sexist men and hate the TV, hate sexist men too, really fucking hate sexist men
i want to say something to make my story less cut and dry
like it isn’t random enough but
i do not like abusive guys, i was not again asking for it
i just feel like that’s what horrible people would do with all this
women are not asking to be abused, simply put there are predators and young women in bad situations are vulnerable
as a kid i am not responsible for some serial killer that was stalking me, and they guy was normal and clean cut looking and he was still young, please do some research on stalkers they are horrible and they are insanely aggressive, they don’t go away, do some research on stalkers they are a weird breed and this guy was as bad as all the stories
i had no choice in that situation,
you can’t blame me for the guy that flashed me at the park?  How did i encourage or choose him?  Or the random kids who were sexually harassing outside of class i had never really spoken to before?  Not my fault there.
Or the guy at my apartment, i had talked to him a few times before when walking my dog, he was very clean cut, nice looking well spoken, he said he had been in the army for years in Colorado Springs, people don’t come with a warning label you know, he was babysitting his nephew the day he asked me out so there were little kids around, the little neighbor kids loved my dog, he seemed so normal he had this nice normal boring face and he was my age, i had moved away from the ex and all the kids at school were younger than me, it was nice to chat with someone my age, i didn’t know anyone in the new town.  
How the hell was i supposed to know he would attack me.  he wanted me to kiss him and i wasn’t sure enough about him yet to know if i wanted to go there, i wanted to get to know him better first and he attacked me, again he was the first date i had been on in like five years, i should have been more careful but i had kinda forgotten how dangerous really dating can be, like i should have made it a daytime lunch date or something.
My ex, he was not scary at all at first, in fact he seemed kind of wimpy and sweet
We met through mutual friends, his friend always hung out with my friends and we went to the same hippie parties, he was kind of a hippie, he had a good job and really liked me
I again actually hadn’t been dating much, he really acted very sweet,
He talked about his mom and his family a lot and how much he loved them, i know hello Norman Bates, he did go on about his mom a lot and somehow it was kind of creepy but i just thought he loved and respected his mom, he had this great Siamese cat that he also just loved and loved, he was kind of like a big kid, every one else thought the same thing and he was really well liked. He was really nice to me too, like more so then normal really, he brought me flowers all the time and other stuff like cute nice things,  he didn’t seem to drink more then anyone else, they were parties and i had just turned 21 it seemed like everyone had a beer in hand really, the only weird thing is that it didn’t really go at the pace i would have chosen, it seemed like it moved much faster then i would have wanted it to, and he was pretty good at making it so that it was more serious then i wanted it to be, and what he wanted tended to be the way it went and i wasn’t really sure how exactly it got there, he moved in after around six months, i would not at all have chosen this but i needed a roommate and my apartment was closer to work for him, it was one of those things that again was not something i wanted or would have chosen.  he did drink more then i thought i found out too, and after about a year he had yelled at me quite bit when drunk, over the next few months this escalated and i moved out but ended up living in a scary neighborhood near the school that had accepted me, the school that had accepted me was out of state too, long story basically i drove all over the damn country to live in a crappy neighborhood in a weird ghost town in northern new mexico and got good grades and saw some cool stuff but didn’t think i really had anywhere to live the next semester so can back to NC, moved back in with the boyfriend rather then scary parents, and as i have written about living with them perhaps you can see why.  So anyway he got a job out in Colorado and we moved out there, my idea to start looking out there because it is such a beautiful area and he was miserable with his job in NC so i thought a change might help his temperament and growing drinking problem out some,  it didn’t and the drinking and yelling just kept escalating.  Until the before mentioned situation was what i was left with.  It was sad because i thought i knew the guy, i thought he was someone i trusted somewhat at least, i thought he was my friend and that he wouldn’t hurt me, it was really scary realizing what a dangerous person really he was.  I think because everyone practically in my life that you are supposed to be able to trust has been dangerous.  Hell look at PV, i trusted that they were doctors or something at first and i thought they would help me and that it would be a normal good place, what did i get Nazis and horror, I sure as hell am not responsible for abusing myself or some weird character perversion by picking out to be abused by PV, had no hand in that.
So anyway what i’m saying is that there are a lot of abusive situations and people out there, and if you are sort of disenfranchised and young or trusting you have to be really careful.    
and things are not so black and white and all that
it seemed normal, life is a bit like PV sorry, on the outside it says one thing but it's scary as hell really
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on November 17, 2007, 02:45:03 AM
he was kind of like a big kid

Dating a man doesn't always mean you are dating a "man". Lots of us male types spend most of our adult lives transitioning from being a boy to being a man. Some never manage to accomplish this feat either.

We call them republicans.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 07:51:43 AM
The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 08:05:22 AM
I know i said something about having nightmares
They are weird they sort of follow a pattern
I tend to scare myself awake
I started taking sleeping pills but all that it does is that instead of one nightmare and i wake up i have two or three in progression and finally the last one scares me awake
Last night is a pretty good example of them
I dreamed i was in a sort of beige dust cloud with blue sky and some solid beige mixed in
It was really disoriented and i couldn’t tell which end was up
I felt horrified and sort of afraid for my life
All of a sudden a man starts yelling at me really scared and angry “do you know what a IED does to someoneâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 08:28:36 AM
Who cares? *yawn* go talk to your shrink, logicfree.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 09:23:02 AM
Yeah like we're really gonna read all that shit, right?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 01:31:28 PM
I read it most of the time.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 17, 2007, 02:18:17 PM
Quote from: ""free nightmares""
Those are just last night but good examples of the sort of random fear they include
I have lots of where i’m on the lamb from PV staff, cops and assorted other large scary people, fighting off and running from attackers, someone i love dying or dead is also common,  in another recent one  I dreamed about this little kid getting hit by a truck while his mother watched, i was with the mother somehow so i felt how she felt
Great huh, there is this cross right out on the road next to my house where some teenage boy died so i guess that’s where i got it
swear not making it up
it's like a feeling of fear for my life with some horror thrown in I guess is how i would describe them
it's no damn fun either no joke
another theme is how real and horrible it is when your in it
and they tend to feel like they have some great insight into this
because they actually feel like you are there, again great huh
i get to feel how it feels to watch your son get hit by a truck very restful

Sorry to hear about the nightmares, they seem common with program survivors.  I know my step daughter has PV nightmares, SettleForNothingLess does, even my wife has PV related nightmares.  I don't have nightmares about PV, I have wish fulfillment dreams about meting out what I consider justice to the place...that's all I can say about that.

PTSD has come up a lot lately.  I would think any kid awakened in the middle of the night  by strangers and taken by force to a strange place and held against their will is the initial traumatic experience. :roll:

At least a criminal goes through due process before confinement.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Deborah on November 17, 2007, 04:26:21 PM
Some of my patients are referred to me with a history of having been in a therapeutic boarding school. Once they have come to trust me they will share with me the kind of tales we find on this web site; horrific details of abusive and grossly inappropriate treatment. I have heard these stories too many times. The stories vary however. Occasionally I have heard some positive stories where a youth has been treated with respect and caring in an appropriately run facility, but even then it is against their will. I see very little evidence that even these kids have been helped. The bad stories prevail. I care deeply for youth I work with. I have a strong bias of positive regard for all youth I meet because I genuinely like adolescents. When I hear of mistreatment in facilities that are supposed to care for youth I feel the betrayal and see the harm it has done to my patient. My reaction has been one of extreme anger. This has mobilized me to be an activist in trying to address the system failings that allow these travesties to continue. How could any adult do differently if they are a decent human being and have normal instincts of care and concern for kids? It horrifies me that in our society we can enter into a mass denial that lets these facilities exist....

Involuntary residential care outside of such a legal process cannot be therapeutic, no mater how humane and well intended the staff, as it undercuts and essential aspect of adolescent development, the achievement of autonomy. It is NOT therapeutic because the loss of rights does damage to a sense of self. It undercuts the formation of a personal identity. As with restraint and seclusion, it may be necessary to save a life, but it has a very large cost. It represents a failure, or an absence, of community-based treatment. In such circumstances, such active coercion needs to be ended in the shortest possible time, preferably only a few days. Individuals detained, even in a state of psychotic thinking, should be offered trauma support and counseling, similar to what is commonly recommended after an episode of restraint, to undo the damage caused by such coercion. ... &Itemid=35 (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 17, 2007, 04:39:45 PM
Didn't have to follow the link to recognize Dr. Huffine's work.  Thank you, Dr. Huffine.

And thank you, Deb.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2007, 10:28:03 PM
hey i'm not nuts i  was just watching msn video with some msnbc videos thrown in
it's still bad though but at least its not as obvious
made me feel like one of those twilight zone episodes where everyone has a third head and no one notices but you, crazy man anyway
PTS dreams are horrible and i agree that the being woken in the night and carted off to a prison camp for two years with no trial probably caused them, also being in the prison camp and the trauma before
it's fricken non stop is all i can say, out of the frying pan into a gulag
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 22, 2007, 10:51:23 PM (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 23, 2007, 01:28:26 PM
good for them but what about those of us who were sent away for nothing who did no drugs who had no evaluation or diagnosis who commited no crime but were contantly told we were lying and being manipulative and so you just made stuff up b/c they didn't want the truth they wanted uncontested control and profit. what do those of us who were wrongfuly imprisoned do ...had i done anything 'bad' i could at least make some sense of it but i was just a causualty and my experience with thought control was devastating and i'm angry
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 23, 2007, 02:10:32 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
good for them but what about those of us who were sent away for nothing who did no drugs who had no evaluation or diagnosis who commited no crime but were contantly told we were lying and being manipulative and so you just made stuff up b/c they didn't want the truth they wanted uncontested control and profit. what do those of us who were wrongfuly imprisoned do ...had i done anything 'bad' i could at least make some sense of it but i was just a causualty and my experience with thought control was devastating and i'm angry

Absolutely.  What happened to your basic rights?  A parent signed them away, at the same time they signed a waiver releasing the program from being held liable for wrongful imprisonment and any harm the program might do.

I've been reading a book called "Children, Ethics, and the Law", (Koocher, G. P. & Keith-Spiegel, P. C. (1990). Children, Ethics, and the Law: Professional Issues and Cases. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press) and the authors point out that children who would be turned away from public-funded residential care for not meeting general admission requirements are readily accepted by privately-owned programs.  Keep in mind this book was written 17 years ago - it's not gotten any better.
Title: Damage by PV
Post by: stoodoodog on November 24, 2007, 10:44:04 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
good for them but what about those of us who were sent away for nothing who did no drugs who had no evaluation or diagnosis who commited no crime but were contantly told we were lying and being manipulative and so you just made stuff up b/c they didn't want the truth they wanted uncontested control and profit. what do those of us who were wrongfuly imprisoned do ...had i done anything 'bad' i could at least make some sense of it but i was just a causualty and my experience with thought control was devastating and i'm angry

I remember one of the PV counselors (with an associates degree) claiming to be "the experts on this shit" on a MySpace profile.

The people at PV are[/i] experts. They are experts at taking a kid like the one quoted above, my own child, countless others, and creating irreparable damage. The damage did not stop with the child in our case. The devastating effects on immediate and extended family has been far reaching.
I am angry as well. I go about day to day vacant, and hollow, trying to remind myself often that I am really a very lucky parent-my child is alive unlike so many others who were placed in facilities where they did not belong.

Thanks whoever you are for posting the above.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 03:06:52 PM
hey i found this article on group homes and foster care
it pops up when you google group homes foster care ( is the web address
wow is all i have to say
i wouldn't believe it, except I lived in PV  
it seems a reputable and well researched article
makes me mad as hell though!!
here it is


A Critical Look At The Foster Care System:
The Group Homes




Children entering the shadowy world of foster care are often assigned labels arbitrarily and on a bed-available basis. They may end up spending some time in conventional foster homes, only to find themselves shuffled through group homes, residential treatment facilities, mental hospitals and prisons.

Scant attention is given to the needs of these children, and the conditions they are forced to endure are often comparable to those endured by prisoners in some third world nations.


Kenneth Wooden, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Children's Justice, explained to a Congressional Subcommittee that there is little difference in the background and characteristics of children in care regardless of whether they have been labelled "dependent," "neglected," "status offender," "CHINS" (Children in Need of Supervision), or "emotionally disturbed."

It was Wooden's impression that a "shell game" was being played with the labeling process, with dependent children, relabeled as "disturbed" or "hard to place" being shuttled off to private, often profit-making institutions in ever greater numbers. As a result:

Instead of orphanages, we now have so-called "treatment centers"--a "growth industry" which feeds on unwanted children just as the nursing home business depends for its existence on large numbers of the unwanted elderly. And, as is the case with the elderly, the systematic neglect and maltreatment of children in these facilities is being subsidized by the federal government.[1]
In Virginia, former Governor Douglas Wilder discovered the same labeling process to be in use, finding that "children often bounce from agency to agency, from foster to group home to institution, and from funding stream to funding stream."

Wilder explained: "They are often defined by the system whose door they happen to enter: a welfare child if he comes through that door; a juvenile justice child if he happens to come through that system; a school system child; or a mental health child."

Once that label is attached, however, the funding stream may continue to flow, even after a child leaves one system for another. The former Governor testified that when the names of 14,000 children across four agencies were examined, they turned out to be 4,933 children.[2]

Some children are labeled "dependent" or "neglected" and are placed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Social Services, other children are labeled "delinquent" and are under the Juvenile Court or Probation Department, still others are given a psychiatric label and sent to the Department of Mental Health, explained Mark Soler, Executive Director of the Youth Law Center, to a Congressional Subcommittee some years later.

The label slapped on the child may well depend on his point of entry into the juvenile justice system, according to Soler.

"Indeed, the same child may get different labels at different times, depending upon the point at which he enters the system. In reality all of these children may have serious emotional problems, and all certainly come from families or other living situations marked by acute crises," he explained.

Whether it is in a group home, congregate care facility, mental hospital, detention center or prison, foster wards of the state often are forced to endure the very worst of conditions.

Among the conditions the Youth Law Center identified were children in an Arizona juvenile detention center tied hand and foot to their beds; a Washington State facility in which two children were held for days at a time in a cell with only 25 square feet of floor space; children hogtied in State juvenile training schools in Florida -- wrists handcuffed, ankles handcuffed, then placed stomach down on the floor, and wrists and ankles joined together behind their backs.

In the training school in Oregon children were put in filthy, roach-infested isolation cells for weeks at a time. In the Idaho training school, children were punished by being put in strait jackets, and being hung, upside down, by their ankles.[3]

Children continue to be assigned labels arbitrarily, and often on a bed-available basis.

A recent South Carolina audit reveals that a percentage of foster care wards have been labeled as in need of therapeutic placements because of a shortage of conventional foster homes.

Auditors noted that many of these children will bear the stigma of having been labeled as having emotional problems for the rest of their lives.[4]


Kenneth Wooden visited over 150 juvenile facilities over a three year period during the 1970s. His findings led to the formation of the National Coalition for Children's Justice.

"Basically, they are called 'youth homes' or 'ranches' with fancy names like Cinderella Hall or Pleasant Valley or Happy Days," he explained to a Congressional subcommittee.

"They have fancy brochures with swimming pools and stocked fishing ponds and tennis courts and the guarantee of the presence of full-time professional medical staff," he explained.

There are no actual photographs of tennis courts or swimming pools, rather they display drawings. "And, when you go there, they do not exist. Or else a stocked fishing pond is a mud pond," said Wooden.

"The reception rooms for parents and State officials responsible for assigning children hold impressive architectural renderings of planned new facilities, most of which never manage to get constructed, most of which are faded by the Sun over the years," he said. In other words, it was all a grand facade intended to woo both parents and legislators.[5]

In his book on the child-welfare system, "The Kid Business," Ronald B. Taylor wrote in 1981 of profiteering by California group-home directors:

Several nonprofit corporations operating child-care facilities were found to be legally skimming large amounts of government money through lease-back arrangements. Operators not only owned the land and leased it to the nonprofit corporation; they often paid themselves handsome salaries and had the free use of homes, cars and credit cards.
The level of care and treatment in far too many of these group homes was minimal at best, because the money was being skimmed off for personal gain.[6]

"In the 1970s, real estate speculators bought up entire downtown blocks," write John Hubner and Jill Wolfson. "After a few coats of paint and some wallboard were slapped up, the houses were given bucolic- or inspirational-sounding names like 'Green Pastures' or 'Excell Center' and found new life as group homes."

The new industry attracted many operators who saw it as a way to wield power, and many applied their own unique brand of "behavior modification" therapy, which included anything from slaps across the face to long periods of isolation, and, in one recorded case, the electronic stinging of autistic children with a cattle prod.

Caseworkers often turned a blind eye to these abuses, Hubner and Wolfson explain: "Child welfare workers, some incompetent, all overwhelmed, were often under such pressure to find bed space that they looked the other way."

A typical story involved a corporation that bought and opened group homes. After operating for one year, the corporation folded the homes without notice, and sold the real estate. The corporation turned out to be a dummy set up by four men running the homes. Money that was earmarked for services was instead being used to pay off the mortgages. The partners sold the real estate for a profit and vanished.[7]

By the 1990s, California's group home operators would become much more sophisticated in managing their financial affairs.

A state investigation of Ron Mayuiers, a long-term group home provider, charged that Mayuiers received more than $2 million in government foster care payments to which he was not entitled for the operation of his California Crest group homes.

The California Crest homes received a top funding rate, more than $50,000 per year per child, for which they were expected to provide thorough, professional, around-the-clock care for adolescents.

The audit, spanning the years 1990 through 1994, found that Mayuiers paid himself annual salaries ranging from $101,501 to $144,000, far exceeding the allowable maximum for group home directors.

It also describes a profitable "pay-back" arrangement, in which Mayuiers and his wife set up a separate corporation to purchase houses with foster care funds. The houses were in turn leased back to the group home at excessive rents.

Sources in the Department of Social Services told Union-Tribune reporters that the state may go after the families assets, including a $1.6 million house in Fairbanks Ranch. Mayuiers also reportedly enjoyed frequent restaurant meals, and drove a Mercedes Benz.

While one may imagine that a man who enjoys such an opulent lifestyle could well afford to be generous to the children in his care, a separate licensing investigation charged that Mayuiers kept the group homes on meager budgets, failing to provide children with adequate food, books and school supplies or supplies for daily hygiene.

Among the other problems identified by investigators were several instances in which children in the care of California Crest were mistreated or left unsupervised; a female staff member having had sex with a boy at the Ivy House group home numerous times; a suicidal girl given bottles of pills by a staff member and subsequently attempting suicide; a girl having been molested at a bus stop after a staff member failed to pick her up as scheduled.

State inspectors from the San Diego community care licensing office had routinely found health and safety violations at the group homes, including rodent droppings in the kitchen, bugs in a cereal bag and meals that failed to meet nutritional standards, but its operating licenses were never suspended or revoked.

A longtime foster care licensing official, speaking to reporters on the condition of confidentiality, maintained that the group home system is still tainted by providers who enrich themselves and by regulators incapable of stopping them.

"It's a barrel with a lot of rotten apples. The level of greed hasn't changed."

He said operators still employ a variety of cash-skimming methods, from costly lease-backs to exaggerating or falsifying credentials of staff members to obtain a higher rate of funding.[8]

"The great majority of group home placements in California refuse to accept referrals unless they are assured that children will be placed for at least 1 year," according to California probation officer Dennis Lepak.

"This seems to be an industry standard."

Children are placed for inappropriately long and arbitrarily determined periods of time. Little or no work is done to return children to their families. Most programs consider home visits to be a privilege, and visits are used as rewards for good behavior rather than as reunification tools.

"I have seen Christmas home visits for young children cancelled for violation of relatively minor internal program rules," Lepak explained.[9]

In Pennsylvania, Julie was removed from her parents by the Northampton County Children and Youth Agency, and put in a succession of institutions, including foster homes and group homes.

As is the case with the majority of removals, there were no allegations of abuse. Rather, the agency had learned of her truancy and some minor family problems.

"I have a question," she said. "How come it's wrong if a parent spanks a child, but in a group home they have permission to slap a kid?"

Julie told The Morning Call of burly male staffers using foul language and roughing up girls less than half their size. One incident involved her roommate. "They put her in a hold so bad she had rug burns on her face. They restrain you a hell of a lot worse than anything your parents can do, but if your parents do it, it's abuse."

The promise of going home, Julie said, is used as an incentive to get kids to play ball with the system, and the rules are manipulative. "They try to keep you in the system."

One year, Julie ran away to be with her parents for Christmas.

"That was the first Christmas I spent with my parents in two years. You know how you're a little kid and you get to open your presents and all that? That was the first time in over two years I was able to do that."

But Northampton County caseworker Maureen Munley was hardly filled with Christmas cheer. She filed a contempt petition against the family, wanting to put them in jail for something akin to harboring a fugitive.

Northampton County Judge William Moran had to throw out the petition because it was legally preposterous, but he warned the parents that if Julie showed up at their home again, they were immediately to call the Department.[10]

Such disdain for the needs of children and families permeates the system.

The average length of stay at Mooseheart, run by the Loyal Order of Moose and financed mostly through charity, is six years. The institution houses over 200 children, from infancy to age 18, in 24 houses.

Mooseheart, where all placements are made on a "voluntary" basis, will give a child back to his or her biological parents or legal guardians on request, thank you very much. But Rose Haggerty, its director of student services, states firmly, "We don't try to reunite families. We don't mean to usurp biology, but we promote the idea that the child is growing here."

"Whatever the abuses in foster care - and there are many - there is absolutely no reason to believe that equal, if not worse, abuse won't occur behind the walls," said David Rothman, a professor of social medicine at Columbia in reference to the question of expanding congregate care to house more children. "The difference will be that nobody will hear the screams."

Even at highly-regarded institutions such as Mooseheart, four house parents were arrested and convicted of sexually molesting about a dozen children between 1988 and 1992.

Recalls Kenyetta Ivy, who found herself shuffled through nine New York group homes: "There were rats in the stove. I know some girls who tried to commit suicide, and the staff wouldn't even check on them."[11]

Not even the highly-regarded Boys Town can protect itself against the infiltration of those who would take advantage of their wards.

In Orlando, Florida, a Boys Town "resident teacher" found himself charged for having had sexual relations with one of the girls in his care.[12]

Just how bad do conditions have to be before someone steps in to shut a facility down?

When former police officer-turned volunteer Pat Hanges first arrived at the Montrose facility in Baltimore, Maryland, she found evidence of neglect everywhere. On her first assignment at Sanford Cottage she found it lacking in staff, furniture, and recreational equipment.

"The only thing Sanford had was a super-abundance of kids," she told a Congressional Subcommittee.

Each crowded little cell was filled with two children. Many of the mattresses smelled of urine. Children were sleeping on mattresses in halls and in the gymnasium.

"Six children were crammed into a small area in Sanford cottage; in addition to all this crowding, the air in there was so stale and so horrible. The boys were coming to me reporting sexual abuse, and alleged sexual advances were increasing. Along with attempted suicides," she explained.

Children were literally told by staff when to sit and stand, and when they could go to the bathroom. Toothpaste was dispensed onto their toothbrush, and they had to ask staff for toilet paper. Some staff members were verbally abusive and intimidating. The children were not allowed to call home.

And when children would commit a minor infraction, they were locked in isolation in the "pink room."

"It was a room where, even after a child had hung himself, could not possibly be supervised, all the way down the end of the hall, smelled of urine and feces so bad that I had to hold my breath when I went into it, in the summer months," she testified.

The former police officer explained: "I went to social services and asked that a neglect report be made against the State of Maryland, because when I was a cop, if parents treated their kids the way our State treated those kids, I would have locked their butts up."[13]

The JDM Residential Treatment Center near St. Louis seemed like a wonderful place to send abused children from troubled homes.

It offered 120 secluded acres on which they could fish, hike and learn about nature. Two doctors were among its founders, and a professional counselor was to be in charge. The treatment program called for extensive use of pet therapy, group counseling and structured recreational activities. A church operated the center.

So, the Missouri Division of Family Services started sending children there, at a cost of $1,420 a month per child.

Soon thereafter, state investigators substantiated three incidents of child abuse at the home, two of them serious.

The home had gone through six executive directors in one year; failed 175 out of 234 checkpoints during an inspection; the pantry was sometimes bare, with children having to fend for themselves. One winter the thermostat was kept at 55 degrees.

"Nobody else there cared about them," said Brenda Woods, one of the former directors. "They wouldn't even give them a ball to toss around. There were days when they didn't have any food. The whole thing was just a way to make money off the state."

Pat Adams, who as a licensed counselor visited the facility weekly to counsel children under a contract with the state stopped going because she was concerned about her safety and that of the children she was counseling.

"The place was a joke, an absolute joke. It was just set up to get state money," said Adams.

Like Montrose, the facility was finally shut down.[14]

Staffing continues to be a problem in these facilities. Many group home owners pay minimum wage, or slightly above, and turnover remains high, just as it does in the rest of the child welfare industry.

An informal study conducted by the Northwestern Children and Family Justice Center found that most of the privately staffed residential group home institutions in Illinois had rotating staffs who were not houseparents living with children, but teams that came and went.

Staff turnover was high, with the average time worked at the sites being between 1 1/2 to 2 years. Notes author Renny Golden: "Not much intimate, caring, consistent nurturance is going on in these settings."[15]

"I will tell you I have never, ever, ever, been afraid of one of my clients. But I have been afraid to go into some of those facilities at night and deal with the night staff alone. It is frightening. It is absolutely frightening," explained District of Columbia Bar Association Attorney Diane Weinroth to a Congressional subcommittee.

"They have got some very strange people working in these facilities. I don't know where they come from. But I will tell you this. There are no standards for hiring."[16]

In Los Angeles, where group homes constitute a $238 million per year industry, elected officials and child welfare advocates called for increased oversight in the wake of a 1997 grand jury report that said some of the facilities provide miserable care.

"We are spending a fortune on these homes, at $50,000 or even $60,000 for one kid for a year," said Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky. "For that we could put the kid in at least an Embassy Suites if not a Four Seasons. We should be getting as close to perfect care as is humanly possible."

Apparently, many social workers continue to turn a blind eye to problems in the group homes--essentially ignoring child abuse in their own facilities.

Yaroslavsky said some of the shortcomings identified by the grand jury should be evident to county social workers, who typically visit foster children once a month.

"With some things, you walk in the door and you know there is a problem," he said. "We are not getting the kind of feedback from the social worker visitations that we should be, to protect the welfare of the kids."[17]

The Los Angeles County Grand Jury determined that money is "not expended in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations." Audits displayed "significant financial abuses and illegal and inappropriate uses of foster care funds in many of the homes audited."

As for the living conditions, the jury found that: children were inappropriately being sedated with psychotropic medications; children were denied promised rewards for good behavior based on a point system; when group home owners did not want to provide transportation for after school activities, they simply refused to let the child participate; many group homes did not provide tutoring, yet punished the children when they got poor grades.

The grand jury also found that "some group home owners use inappropriate discipline measures such as dragging children across the floor, throwing shoes at them, slapping or hitting a child; others make children stand in a corner for hours at a time."

But the group home owners are not the only ones who enrich themselves at the expense of children. The grand jury found a therapist having written the same comment for each of the six children at one group home.

Some therapists were not seeing the children at all, or spending only five to ten minutes with them, while billing for a full 45 minutes, the jury found.

The jury was particularly disturbed by the response of one therapist, who told them during an inspection: "You obviously don't understand anything about children and therapy. Children do not ever want to talk to a therapist, so I asked the group home owners how the children are doing."

But the buck has to stop somewhere, and in the final analysis the blame rests not so much with those opportunistic group home owners and therapists who soak the system for all its worth, as it does with department head Peter Digre and his control over the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services.

A budget of nearly one quarter of a billion dollars is expended annually on group home and foster care services in Los Angeles County, and group homes have become a veritable growth industry under his command, jumping more than 250 percent between 1990 and 1995--five times the rate of the rest of California.[18]

Digre points the finger of blame at cutbacks in AFDC benefits as responsible for increasing foster placements, having explained to reporters: "Families get caught in a downward spiral: first their utilities are cut off so they can't keep the baby bottles cold. Then they get behind in rent and move in with friend or relatives who may have a criminal history."[19]

Under questioning by a Congressional subcommittee, Digre admitted to legislators that about half of the removals of children from their homes are due to poverty, and not abuse.

"It gets down to those very specific issues about a place to live, food on the table, medical care, and thing like that," he explained, adding that "about half of the families are not physical abusers, not sexual abusers, not people with propensities to violence but simply people who are struggling to keep ends pulled together and are eminently salvagable."

All of this was too much for a frustrated Congressman Herger, who replied: "Evidently, it is your department's practice to remove children from families in about 50 percent of the cases because they don't have enough money."[20]

While Digre has always been quick to blame cutbacks in funding, while playing something of a shell game with statistics, the Los Angeles Grand Jury notes that "the foster care caseload has been steadily increasing since 1990, two years before the first maximum aid payment reduction."

How does his department "assist" those people who are caught in this economic downward spiral? By removing 26,947 children from their homes in one recent year--a figure representing only the first time entrants into foster care.

And, as the Grand Jury report makes clear, the plight of children is often none the better in state care, as they are often denied basic necessities--the lack of which ostensibly led to their placement to begin with.

About half of the group homes the grand jury visited had no reference books, educational toys or games. About half the homes had furniture with missing drawers, stains on the carpets, walls with holes and bathrooms without toilet paper. One site didn't even provide toothpaste to the children.

But rather than assist a family with a rent voucher or utility deposit, the cost of which may be as little as a few hundred dollars, the Department will spend between $8,000 to $10,000 per month to shelter one child at MacLaren Children's Center. Rather than assist with housing or daycare, it will spend a quarter of a billion dollars to house poor children in dangerous foster homes, and in the city's 700 group homes.[21]

With the incredibly high number of children removed from their homes, court oversight is nearly impossible. A recent investigation by the California State Auditor reveals that the Los Angeles juvenile court follows the recommendations of DCFS is 98 percent of the cases it hears--effectively acting a rubberstamp for the Department.

Even if the rare judge were inclined to provide some closer scrutiny to the Department's claims, it would be nearly impossible, as the cumulative caseload of the Los Angeles juvenile court consisted of 153,700 hearings in 1995, and 96,100 hearings during the first seven weeks of 1996.[22]

Throughout the nation, children continue to enter the system through different doors--each bearing a different label--finding themselves dumped in placement one with another an a bed-available basis.

Keys Youth Services, for example, provides a group home for youths aged 12 to 17 in the Kansas City area.

Juvenile offenders and neglected, abused or abandoned young people live together at the home, according to its executive director, Linda Brown.

What kind of influences are brought to bear on the child alleged to have been abused or neglected in homes such as these?

Police charged eight teen-agers with a multi-night crime spree after sneaking out of the home, committing or attempting to commit several car burglaries. They also set fire to a portable outdoor toilet, police said.[23]

Or consider the plight of the Utah girl who fled from an emergency shelter after having been beaten by older residents.

It took a court order to have her returned to her mother, even as she spent months locked in a psychiatric institute for having dared to flee.[24]

What to do when children maintain that they have not been abused in their homes? Provide treatment to convince them that they have.

In Michigan, a recent series of lawsuits involved former residents of Eagle Village, who claimed counselor Joseph Gardner "brainwashed" them into saying they were sexually molested by their parents.

Gardner apparently held a particular interest in counseling girls alleged to have been sexually abused, claiming it as something of a specialty.

In one suit, an Alpena couple says Gardner brainwashed their daughter into claiming that her stepfather sexually assaulted her. A Harrison couple made similar allegations, and a Wayne County man sued after being acquitted of molesting his daughter. That father also said Gardner led his daughter to bringing false charges.

Eagle Village, which provides residential and foster care, argued that it should be immune from suits based on a ruling by the State Court of Appeals in another case in which the appeals court provided absolute immunity against suits for the court-authorized actions of a social worker.

"Eagle Village is being sued for nothing more than doing its job," said a prepared agency statement.[25]

The practice of manufacturing victims would also appear to be in use in Pennsylvania at the Reaching at Problems group home, if the testimony of one former resident is to be believed.

"I know how they pressure girls," says one former resident. "That's how RAP works. They try to brainwash you... They try and confuse you. They put it in your head and it's locked in your head and that's the way it works."

The girl also signed a statement now in the hands of Lehigh County authorities.

"I was at RAP for approximately three years," it says. "They told me that if I admitted I was abused by others, that they would not go to jail. When I told them no one else had abused me, they continually pressed me to allege abuse against others."

The girl also alleged that another resident of the facility had been "brainwashed" into making allegations of having been raped hundreds of times.[26]

The reader may be tempted toward thinking that these accounts are merely anecdotal "horror stories," and less than entirely representative of the system on the whole.

George Miller, former Chairman of the Select Committee on Children, Youth and Families, may have had a similar thought in mind when he asked Kenneth Wooden how many facilities he would classify as inadequate.

"Most of them, if not all of them. An institution simply breeds an institutional child," came the reply.[27]

In conducting research for this article, this writer came upon literally hundreds of similar narratives from all over the country, using the Newsworks service, which searches over 100 newspapers on the Internet using keywords.[28]

Many involved group home settings for autistic, or physically or mentally challenged children. All of these hundreds of narratives bore a remarkable similarity to those of children in group home and institutional settings having been placed there by the juvenile justice and child welfare systems.

And, as labels are dispensed as freely as aspirin by social workers desperate to find a placement, foster wards often wind up in mental health centers, or in group homes which promise special treatment.

They may find themselves in a place like the Western New York Children's Psychiatric Center, where a state investigation discovered a "sex club" involving children aged five to twelve, in which an initiation rite involved children engaging in anal and oral sex with each other.

Senior officials at the center knew what was going on, but failed in many cases to act--that is until four cases of sexual abuse of inmates by staff came to light.[29]

Or they may wind up in a place like the Hegeman Diagnostic Center in Brooklyn, where a twelve-year-old girl who had been raped in a foster home was brought--only to be sexually abused by other girls at the center.

"We believe that assaults, sexual and otherwise, occur daily at the center," said Karen Freedman of Lawyers for Children.[30]

It is precisely because the system is so flooded with children who don't belong in state care that these conditions are allowed to continue. And the tragic consequences of the constant overcrowding, poor management and lack of meaningful oversight are everywhere to be found.

A former resident of the Bethel Children's Home in Lucedale, Mississippi, tells of children being expected to work twelve or thirteen hours a day, six days a week building houses. One boy reportedly lost a finger to an accident with a saw which lacked a safety guard.[31]

An investigation by New York Newsday found the Crossroads facility in the Bronx to be rife with violence and criminal activity, "making the facility unsafe for children and a danger to the community around it."[32]

If ever there was a facility with an inspirational-sounding name, it would be the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, in Staten Island, where city officials began an investigation into reports of gang sex, beatings, and neglect. Adolescents returning from temporary placements described "a pattern of incidents in which longer-term residents raped, robbed, or assaulted newcomers while night-shift staff slept on the job."

The facility became so notorious that some chose to run away and sleep in the subways rather than accept a bed there for one night.[33]

In Georgia, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that "it's back to business as usual at the Hampton Boys Home after the February 17 arrest of a founder and director of the facility for troubled teenagers."

The director was arrested on charges of sexually abusing former residents. The chairman of the facility described the program as "the finest of its kind in the state."[34]

He may be right. The Macon Telegraph reports a grand jury indictment against two men who ran a private group home.

Edward Palmore and Britt Hoskins were charged with severely beating a 12-year-old at the Project Possibilities home in Culverton.

"It was described to me that the 12-year-old victim was beaten so badly, you could not see the whites of his eyes," said District Attorney Fred Bright.

The child was being punished for taking a piece of cheese.

Additional charges concerned two other youths, who, while wearing only their underwear, were reportedly chained and made to stand on a tree stump for as long as 72 hours with car lights trained on them, Bright said. The lights "would attract mosquitoes and the kids were eaten up," he said.

Included in the home's policies were "forbidden disciplinary methods" such as verbal abuse, ridicule or humiliation, and corporal punishment.[35]

In Westchester County, New York, we find the two institutions once "considered among the state's best." New York Newsday reports that Linden Hall and Hawthorne Cedar Knolls were found to be "plagued by violence, unchecked sex, and poor supervision."[36]

This brings to light one of the more peculiar paradoxes found in the field. While child welfare holds a near-obsessive preoccupation with the issue of child sexual abuse, it more often than not responds by erring on the side of "protecting" children who have not been abused, placing them into institutions in which physical and sexual abuse is a near-certainty.

What to do when allegations of abuse in state care come to light? Simply sweeping it under the carpet would often appear to be the solution.

In Oklahoma, the state Department of Human Services found "considerable evidence" that two employees sexually molested one or more children in state care, but failed to aggressively deal with the allegations, a state oversight commission charged.

Instead, DHS administrator Stacy Hall permitted the accused social worker to transfer out of his child-care job and allowed the accused shelter employee to resign, with no mention of the allegations on their personnel records.

One of the incidents involved a social worker at Family Junction, who reportedly kissed and fondled a young girl in his care.

Hall is no longer is in charge of the DHS children's division. He was himself reassigned for his role in an overstaffing scandal at a juvenile treatment center, where 172 workers were in charge of 13 youths.[37]

Or consider the case of the seven-year-old girl who was repeatedly raped by other children at the St. Joseph's Children's Services Agency in Brooklyn.

A Department of Social Services investigator assigned to the case found "no credible evidence" to support the claim, notwithstanding the credible accounts of several witnesses.[38]

But sweeping it under the carpet doesn't always work with so many children needlessly warehoused in state care, so some states have developed a safety mechanism to insulate their treasuries against potential lawsuits--capping their liability.

In Massachusetts, for example, a 6-year-old girl was raped and infected with gonorrhea after being placed in a coed group home.

Staff members of the home argued almost from the start that the young girl didn't belong there, but DSS took 14 months to move her into a foster home. The move came after she had been assaulted.

A judge found that the young girl deserved $250,000, but pared back the award to conform to a state law that places a $100,000 cap on liability for children harmed while in DSS custody.

"Life is cheap for DSS," said attorney James P. Duggan, who represented the girl.[39]

"What about the perpetrators, do they remain in the system?" asked George Miller of Youth Law Center attorney Mark Soler.

"They often remain in the system," came the reply.

Children in institutions don't know what their rights are and they are afraid to tell when they have been abused. "They are afraid there will be retaliation against them. They are afraid nothing will happen," he explained.

"We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg."[40]


California probation officer Dennis Lepak found himself introduced to abuses in the system when he visited the Rite of Passage Wilderness Camp, a group home for California boys located on an Indian reservation in the high desert of central Nevada.

"Boys were intentionally denied clothing adequate for the harsh conditions, routinely assaulted by staff, and deprived of meals," he explained.

Photographs included in newspaper clippings he provided displayed children sleeping in pup tents in the wilderness.

His efforts to help these children were met with resistance at every level. "Despite my report to every local, State -- both California and Nevada -- and Federal agency, there are now 60 more boys at the camp then when I was there 2 years ago," he explained.[41]

There would appear to be no shortage of "therapeutic" wilderness facilities of the variety Lepak identified.

In Texas, many foster children are forced to sleep in surplus army tents. They dig their own latrines, using kerosene heaters and roll down plastic sheeting to keep warm during the winter as they sleep on cots.

The nine state-licensed sites warehouse youngsters from 11 to 18, without the benefits of air conditioning in the summer, or heat in the winter.

In the woods of Trinity County, north of Houston, more than 30 girls are enrolled at the 20-year-old camp operated by Hope Center Youth and Family Services near Groveton.

"It gives me heartburn," said state Senator Frank Madla, as he planned to visit at least one of the camps. "We have abused and neglected children and then we stick them in tents across the state."

Lawmakers, who learned of the 20-year-old facilities during 1996 hearings, questioned why such rustic facilities demand fees ranging from $58 to nearly $100 per child per day paid by the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.

"We could put the children in numerous hotels in Austin for $55 a night," said Senator Madla. "The only individuals who are winning are the ones who are operating these tent cities. It does not appear to be an appropriate treatment."[42]

The State of Georgia also has an "Outdoor Therapeutic Program" with two facilities, the purpose of which is to "assist emotionally troubled youth in developing responsible behavior so that they can return to their family and community and function at an acceptable social level."

Cleveland Camp, established in 1977, holds 50 males. Warm Springs Camp, established in 1983, holds 30 males and 20 females. Neither facility has electricity, while Warm Springs Camp lacks so much as running water.

Auditors note in a 1995 study that scant attention is given to the actual needs of children during the selection process, that there are problems with treatment plans, camp activities, and release--calling the effectiveness of the entire program into question.

The average cost per day per youth in these luxurious facilities is $97.26, with an average cost per completer of $47,326 and $61,128 at the two camps respectively, making for annual tab of $3.5 million.

Other such "Wilderness Programs" may be found in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee.[43]

None of this would be possible without the duplicity of child welfare officials who continue to turn a blind eye to system-wide abuses, even as child protective caseworkers continue to provide an ever-increasing supply of children to warehouse.

None of this would be possible if not for the countless juvenile court judges who routinely rubber-stamp agency decisions.

Nor would it be possible without the unwitting duplicity of those elected officials entirely unfamiliar with the widespread abuses that permeate the child welfare system--even as they continue to fund it.

As sociologist John Hagedorn notes: "The myth that social services provide 'services' is still useful to state legislatures who must provide funds, to a concerned public, and for internal morale."[44]

But nowhere is the child welfare industry's contempt for children more apparent than in San Francisco, where a Superior Court judge ordered the state Department of Social Services to obey a law that requires social workers to assess the needs of foster children in group homes.

As of 1997, the state simply hadn't bother to follow a law requiring that periodic assessments of children in group homes be conducted. The law had been on the books since 1989.

The Department of Social Services contended the law is unworkable and refused to create a "level of care assessment instrument" to guide county social workers, allowing a 1994 deadline to pass.[45]

Invariably, the owners of these facilities structure their businesses as non-profit organizations. Ron Mayuiers, the California group home owner with the Mercedes Benz and $1.6 million dollar home structured his business as a non-profit.

So, too, was a Christian group home in Tennessee incorporated as a non-profit. Jabneel Inc., overseen by Gary and Billie Rich, operated about a half-dozen homes for abused and disadvantaged children.

They were forced to close after reports that adolescent male residents had repeated--and sometimes forced--sex with each other. Five boys aged 13 and 14 since have pled guilty to rape charges.

The items which were to be sold at auction included office equipment, a complete commercial kitchen and 19 vehicles including service trucks, a 40-foot motor coach, eight passenger vans and a 1991 Mercedes 420 SEL.

"I've been to all the sales this year, and I've not seen anything like the scope of this auction," said auctioneer Chris Headrick.

The non-profit, which received payments of $2 million per year to care for children, also divested itself of real estate. Interestingly enough, records show that it transferred land to Child and Family Services of Knox County for $130,000.[46]

The system not only attracts a disproportionate number of fast-buck artists, but the vast sums of money flowing in without accountability can sometimes corrupt even the more dedicated people.

Consider the case of the former Catholic brother who admitted stealing more than $250,000 from a south Kansas City home for developmentally disabled men where he was once the director.

An assistant U.S. Attorney said the former brother used the money to take trips to Hawaii and Florida with family and friends, and to buy goods and services for himself, his friends and family.

Authorities think the fraud took place over a period of at least two years, and involved using money misappropriated from Community of the Good Shepherd Inc. to pay off monthly American Express bills that ranged from $2,661 to $6,314 per month.[47]

"Scams permeate the system from top to bottom," writes outspoken veteran Family Court Justice Judy Sheindlin. "They range from individual cases of fraud and abuse to multi-million dollar rip-offs by so-called nonprofit agencies, all in the name of helping disadvantaged people."

Notes Sheindlin: "Individuals who rip off the system are occasionally caught and sometimes even punished. Lowering the boom on large agencies is a real challenge. They have the veneer of respectability, even though they plunder the public purse with no less abandon."[48]


The impact of life in residential group homes is psychologically devasting, suggests a new study.

Adolescents living with foster parents or in group homes have more than four times the rate of serious psychiatric disorders than those living with their own families.

"One of the most significant findings was that a number of adolescents were suffering from severe, potentially treatable, psychiatric disorders which had gone undetected," wrote researchers in the December, 1996, issue of the British Medical Journal.

According to the study, not only did the teens in outside care suffer from serious psychiatric disorders -- notably major depression -- they were also more likely to have conduct disorders, anxiety problems, attention-deficit disorder, and unspecified psychoses.

Of 88 teens studied, aged 13 to 17 years, living in foster or group residential settings, the rate of psychiatric disorders was 67%, compared with 15% in those living at home.

The differences between "conventional" foster homes and residential care are equally marked. Such disturbances were identified in 57% of those in foster care, and in 96% of those in residential care.[49]


In San Diego, staff from the Child Advocacy Division of the Department of the Public Defender and from the University of San Diego Patient Advocacy Program, at the request of the Bar Association's Task Force on Children at Risk, sought to obtain the views of children under the juvenile court system, interviewing 23 children.

The average age was 14.9. Seventy-eight percent were either in an acute psychiatric hospital or a group home at the time of the survey. The remainder were either in a shelter or residing with a family member. Seventy-four percent were dependents of the court, 6 percent were wards.

These 23 children were placed in a total of 198 placements, an average of 8.6 homes per child. The average time "in the system" was 4.25 years.

The children described a system in which they felt trapped, punished and personally disempowered. One child described a particular group home as ". . . a storage place. You were alive but not living."

Among the comments from some of the other children in the group:

"The system is a punishment. They look at you as a file or paperwork, not as a person."
"The system messes you up. You are always being threatened with being moved to another foster home."

"Don't get used to one place because they will move you, they will toss you around like a ball."

"No one listens to you, no one believes you."

In describing where they would like to go next, nearly 83 percent said they wanted "out of the system," either through legal emancipation or being returned to either a parent, grandparent or other relative.[50]

Remarkably similar narratives were told by five Missouri foster children at an event sponsored by the Child Welfare League of America.

The League meets every five years to discuss issues relating to out-of-home care. The event marked the first time it had assembled a panel of children who live in state custody.

All five children lived in residential treatment centers for emotionally disturbed children.

"I had to go to court this past June, and there was a lady there who I'd never met before who made a recommendation about what was best for me," said 18-year-old Sheila. "A month later, I saw her again, and she didn't even know who I was."

Said 14-year-old Ashley: "At first I was told I'd be in care one month, and then another month, and then another. It's now been five years."

"I was first taken some place just to sleep overnight, and the next day the social worker took me to a children's home in the country, two hours from St. Louis. I was really disappointed because I was so far from home," she said.

"I hate it when the staff members yell or act mean or hold a grudge or won't get me something that I need," said 15-year-old Heather.

"The worst experience I've ever had was when the male staff watched while I took a shower," she said.

"When I was taken out of my home at 12, I was put in a place for runaways and kids with drug problems. I wasn't a runaway, and I didn't have a drug problem."

Said Heather in closing: "I hope all of you were hearing what we had to say, because you are in a position to make things easier for kids."[51]

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Copyright © 1996 - 2006 Rick Thoma

Last updated February 16, 2006
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 03:14:20 PM
I thought I would post this over here too,
one of the guys over on Cafety was talking about how they didn't separate male and female patients in this holding ward he was in
it triggered a memory and the below is what i wrote about it
it seems relevant because i was also put in this holding ward by my evil parents and evil shrink after a kinda "suicide" attempt
i as sent home then woke to the PV collection crew a month or two later
but i was in this holding ward for a few weeks and they didn't separate male and female patients either

"they didn't seperate girls and boys. Where i was i guess was just the temporary holding area, they decided what to do with you from there. I was there for a good three weeks though. .[/quote" (anotherNCpersonCafety).

the Duke teenage ward didn't separate male and female patients either? how messed up is that, I was just reading over the posts again.
Turtle, did they separate them when you were there?
This person was in this holding area for three weeks.
where did you sleep?

I was also in a place like the above ward, and i was also held for a few weeks while it was being decided if I needed to go somewhere else.
I had no idea really what was going on, evil parents and evil shrink had all the power and I didn't even know places like PV existed.
I was sent home, then about two months later I woke up to the collection crew.
They put me in the holding place, like the one you were talking about, after a kinda suicide attempt.
I was depressed, for very good environmental reasons,
you would have been depressed too trust me, and like a mature teenager I decided to deal with it by stealing a bottle of vodka from my parents liquor cabinet and taking a few ++ shots up in my bedroom, very smart.
Long story short I blacked out completely, don't remember a thing, very scary, cried a lot and left a few bloody scratches on my wrist.
So the parents and shrink had me put in a similiar ward right after the drunken bawling and scratching, there was vomiting too,
they didn't separate the boys and the girls there either,
it was also a temporary holding ward
We all had our own rooms but the doors were left open and the kids would sneak into each others rooms, there was actually a lot of dating going on, big suprise. I got in trouble because this one creepy kid asked me out, out to where I don't know, the other end of the ward, and I said maybe then no, and he threw a fit
The doctor told me I was playing games with the boys.
I was kinda scared of the kid, he didn't try to do anything though.
There were nurses but they mostly watched us through plexi glass from the nurses station that was off to one side of the common room.
You couldn't see the rooms at the end of the hall at all.
So it wouldn't have been to hard to corner someone in one of the rooms and do something to them for a while.
People would take naps in their rooms.
The common area was small and the nurses would ask where you were if you weren't there but if someone said you were napping or in the bathroom they didn't really check up on it.
During the day they had us all hang out in the common room, but people wandered in and out.
The adult ward was on the other side of the nurses station and we could see the crazy and homeless and such they would bring in through the glass.
Pretty scary and the nurses had their hands full with the DT old people.
If you said billy is in bettys room and i think they are making out they would come out from behind the plexi glass and actually go back in the rooms and break them up.
Most of the kids were really normal kids but one was down syndrom. He would have been pretty easy to abuse if you were so inclined, not to mention the age groups varied again from 13 to 17 and some of the boys were big guys.
The kids, except for the one creepy guy who was hitting on me, all were nice and polite, it was actually a good group, but it was a dangerous situation now that I think about it.
There was basically a small common area then a pretty long hall with about six rooms and you couldn't see the end of the hall from the common area and certainly not from the nurses station which was off to the side by the door through the plexi glass.
They just threw all the people between i think 12 actually and 17 in there too, so there could have been anyone from suicide attempts to people who committed crimes to anorexics and actual people with special education problems like down syndrom.

The rooms were again really private and good sized.
The walls were thick of course so hard to hear things through
I am almost positive they didn't lock the doors to the individual rooms at night either, the doors were also thick and heavy and were shut while we slept.
I remember people wandering around at night a lot, so you could have snuck into someones room while they were sleeping easily.
I remember going out into the common area at night and the other kids asking for stuff, there was a lot of wandering around in general.
a lot of note passing under the doors at night too. Will you go out with me and such and chatting.
So I am really sure the doors were not locked, people were always wandering around at night.
I'm female so now that I think about it yikes! Nobody questioned it at the time, the doctors as alway were not around that much.
my parents and the doctors acted like it was a great system,
thinking about it as an adult, like so much of my life growing up, what the hell were they thinking!
I can't believe they had guys and girls in the same small holding area for weeks!! the chances of molestation are high enough when you separate the sexes, jesus!
i wonder what happened to the kids i was in with, i remember this 13 year kid named Paco we compared bad poetry hope he's ok now
again i was in this place for weeks too
the doors to the individual rooms were always closed,
during the day or night
they were really heavy, when i said they were open i just meant they were unlocked, it was a pretty dumb place to put really suicidal people ,
and it was the place they sent people right after a suicide attempt
you could have hung yourself very easily
over all it was all nuts and stupid

i never snuck into any one elses room
mostly this was between teens of the same sex too, friends and stuff
there was just a lot of dating going on
i didn't "date" anyone, again some dating, your in a tiny holding ward,
the kid that liked me was creepy
one of the other girls and i hung out in my room for a while and nobody noticed but we were chatting
there simply was dating going on
its what happens when you put a bunch of teenagers male and female in a small space with barred doors for weeks
i can't believe I got blamed for not wanting to go out with the creepy guy by the doctor no less, true story though, I wouldn't make something that weird up

when I came in the holding ward the one creepy kid basically called dibs on me
i'll take her, and actually got mad at this other boy about it, which drew the doctors attention and I was accused of flirting with both of them, the hussy
again i didn't have anything to do with it, didn't want anything to do with the creepy kid, he never touched me thank god.
it's creepy as hell now that I think about it though
at the time i was a kid so i was just like hah hah he likes me, no thank you
it really is creepy as hell, yikes again, he left notes under my door a lot and was pretty aggressive
what the hell, my family and the shrinks and PV are horrible
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 03:39:22 PM
hey the people on here a lot of them are staff
i can prove it too
the person/ girl who's You Tube video is linked to the above site
is a recruiter actually from another program in Georgia that does recruiting for PV
you can see her on the full PV sales video,
 of which that little segment is a part,
 if you go to the Cafety site the link to the PV video is posted
it's on the PV site too of course somewhere,
it's PV's new marketing video
now who would post PV's new marketing video on this site, hmmmm
the full PV video is interesting, again it's on page 16 or so on the Caftey PV thread,
it shows the admissions unit, god the boys side looks worse then the girls, the boys admissions unit is in the basement of the cafeteria so less light
yikes, again i was in the addmissions unit for 8 months all told
 anyway that girl who's Youtube space the video is on is on the PV video and is an active recruiter for PV, which she was never in, and some other program in Georgia she was in
therefore a lot of the people on here are people like her
recruiters for programs trying to sabotage survivors from posting
or just pissed off staff
again these programs make millions of dollars every year individually
throw in drug company money it's a billion dollar business
and the people running these places are complete Nazi monsters many of them,

what I think is cool about this though is how obvious they are on this site
 so basically you have very obviously program related people
acting like they act with the doors closed in the programs
we have staff doing violent sexual harassment and emotional abuse and everything, so any way these are program related people obviously a lot of them
say hello to everyone evil staff
are they not cute creatures!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 04:03:55 PM
hey i had another PTS dream
no war zones in this one
a good example though
I was escaping from PV
i jumped in the TN river and swam to freedom
some administrative guy followed me into the river
along with another staff member and i drowned him, actually i bit him and a giant shark, attracted by the blood, ate him
i have giant shark and other large water monster dreams too
have no idea why,
i am pretty afraid to swim in water where i can't see my feet,
in my dreams if there is a large body of water it always has sharks or other big water monsters in it
great huh, at least here though it ate the PV staff member
again these are anxiety filled PTS dreams,
i am not this nuts in normal waking life,
but in the dream, then the cops were after me because the water monster ate the staff guy and i was blamed, so i had to get to the train station
and i ended up in Florida with the cops chasing me
i was trying to figure out where to stash my cats and dog where they wouldn't cook from the heat, i guess because i was in Florida
and i had to jump in another river with more potential water monsters and swim to freedom, my cat also can apparently not swim
i woke up before they caught me

another PTS stress dream i have repeatedly is where i am standing in a nice garden and i look down and all around my feet are angry snakes
they cover the ground for about ten feet and when i try to walk in any direction the bite me repeatedly
cool huh, got to love weird random terrified PTS dreams
i'm just hoping that if i move out they will get better
i think my evil parents having too much power over me contributes greatly too them
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 04:15:23 PM
in my dreams if there is a large body of water it always has sharks or other big water monsters in it
just thought i would repeat that,
 i think it sums up the story of my life well really,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 04:42:23 PM
Anything else you'd like to add?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 05:15:14 PM
don't make me send the flying water monsters after you staff
i think the scary creature eating the staff member reflects a hope i have of being able to use senseless often frightening things, like the law, against other senseless frightening things, like staff members
that and i really don't like water were i can't see my feet!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 06:15:26 PM
On your knees, woman, for thou hast sinned!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 24, 2007, 07:49:58 PM
Quote from: ""free foster kids!""
don't make me send the flying water monsters after you staff
i think the scary creature eating the staff member reflects a hope i have of being able to use senseless often frightening things, like the law, against other senseless frightening things, like staff members
that and i really don't like water were i can't see my feet!

Free, any links to the Peninsula Village video propaganda were posted by a regular.  Trust me, PV would prefer not to appear anywhere on Fornits.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 08:00:48 PM
hey whoever you are the thing on foster care and group homes is pretty good info. I looked at the guys sources and they were good.
also i really was in that holding ward for a couple weeks, damn vodka, and they didn't separate males and females
it was a nice reputable hospital too
it's true though, they didn't even lock the doors to the private rooms at night, you don't put a bunch of random teens, especially not those in bad situations or in some sort of trouble, in a ward pretty unsupervised and not separate the sexes.  i think they took kids as young as 12 and up to 18, guys and girls and there was a lot of dating and advances being made and such, it's true, i was there
these are not simply my rambling thoughts for the day
what I wrote is a first hand account of being put in a temporary ward in a "nice" hospital for weeks where they didn't separate the sexes and people wandered around a lot, at night too
i'm not even christian really, the creepy christians all seem to want to burn me for my interest in ancient medicine and herbal folklore
i'm a nice peaceful person though and i hope there is some nice god or something, obviously my subconscious thinks its all a bunch of toothy primordial carnivors but oh well
the pagans creep me out as well honestly, they tend to hit on you
and Jesus was a Jewish liberal, jesus is all right by me though
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 24, 2007, 08:23:45 PM
you know i think my whole bad reaction to the Abigail thing had to do with some basic loyalty.  It's a little like if you were in a prison camp and some other guy had been in the same prison camp and people are saying bad stuff about him you kinda feel the need to defend the guy
especially in relation to abuse and girls in and out of PV too
it just struck a basic loyalty cord, sorry
like people from the same prison camp in a war or something
the guy was in the same prison camp as you and has become a homeless alcoholic or something, you just feel the need to defend them
they were in the same prison camp as you
you know how bad what they went through was
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 25, 2007, 11:31:29 PM
you know of course when you are in the admissions unit they don't let you go out side at all.  we don't have outside time or anything.  I think once right before they sent me out to the cabins after six months in the admissions unit they took me and a few other girls who were also about to go to the cabins out side for a little while to do workbooks or something.  but for six months and two later i did not go outside at all.  The nurses unit is in the basement of the girls admissions unit so they just escort you out in a hospital gown to the downstairs of the unit for any medical exams.  PV really is Nazi like.  The boys admissions unit too is in the basement of the cafeteria, so it's very dark and they are in there for months and months.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 26, 2007, 08:41:48 AM
Q. What's the difference between a woman having her period and a terrorist?

A: You can negotiate with a terrorist.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on November 26, 2007, 10:34:09 AM
Is Peninsula Village squatting on a public park?


Two public cemeteries are also located on "PV's land"

Jones Cemetery here:


Jones Family Cemetery here:

I can just imagine the promotion line, "Bring your kids to play in the park, mourn the loss of your ancestors, just ignore the screams of pain in the background."
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 26, 2007, 12:21:23 PM
Quote from: ""act.da""
Is Peninsula Village squatting on a public park?


Two public cemeteries are also located on "PV's land"

Jones Cemetery here:


Jones Family Cemetery here:

I can just imagine the promotion line, "Bring your kids to play in the park, mourn the loss of your ancestors, just ignore the screams of pain in the background."

The Whitmore was half program, half bed and breakfast.  The guests were told to ignore the kids being hurled down the stairwells, I guess.

You got the map, act.da, so what's your take on it?  It does look like it's on public land.  Difficult to get any information, though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on November 26, 2007, 02:03:22 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""

The Whitmore was half program, half bed and breakfast.  The guests were told to ignore the kids being hurled down the stairwells, I guess.

You got the map, act.da, so what's your take on it?  It does look like it's on public land.  Difficult to get any information, though.

Well it's hard to say for sure, but from what I have right now it's looking mighty good. Property tax records for Blount County aren't in an online mapping format yet, but there should be an interactive records map online by early 2008. If someone in or near Blount County wanted to, they could physically go to the records office and get paper copies. I'm still working on finding some infomation online at this point though.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 26, 2007, 02:37:12 PM
Quote from: ""act.da""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""

The Whitmore was half program, half bed and breakfast.  The guests were told to ignore the kids being hurled down the stairwells, I guess.

You got the map, act.da, so what's your take on it?  It does look like it's on public land.  Difficult to get any information, though.

Well it's hard to say for sure, but from what I have right now it's looking mighty good. Property tax records for Blount County aren't in an online mapping format yet, but there should be an interactive records map online by early 2008. If someone in or near Blount County wanted to, they could physically go to the records office and get paper copies. I'm still working on finding some infomation online at this point though.

I do have copies of PV's property assessments from Blount Co., they break it down building by building.  PV has a non-profit status and they seem to be tax exempt.  There's been some odd things done under different business names at Peninsula - I keep finding listings for Peninsula Sub One, Peninsula Sub Two....

Blount Co. is under Peninsula's thumb, I encountered a lot of resistance from the hillbilly cops and county government employees.  They don't like people sniffing around the cash cow.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 26, 2007, 02:55:41 PM
Here's an interesting discussion about two vanishing parks.... (

 On the subject of parks
Submitted by Stick Thrower on Mon, 2007/07/09 - 2:50pm.

On the subject of parks that are hard to find, is there a Jones Bend Blount County Park at the end of Wrights Ferry Rd., as this Google Map suggests?

    * reply

No, I don't think so. Funny
Submitted by R. Neal on Mon, 2007/07/09 - 2:54pm.

No, I don't think so.

Funny you should mention it. We went driving around looking for it a few weeks ago and we couldn't find it. I believe it was where Peninsula Hospital is now.

It doesn't show up on the Blount Co. Parks and Recs website any more, and my latest DeLorme Tennessee Gazetteer doesn't show it either.

    * reply
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on November 26, 2007, 03:16:26 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
There's been some odd things done under different business names at Peninsula - I keep finding listings for Peninsula Sub One, Peninsula Sub Two....

I don't think it's uncommon to list adjacent parcels owned by one person or company, to be listed in that way. I'd still look into it though, you never know for sure with PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on November 26, 2007, 03:17:30 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Here's an interesting discussion about two vanishing parks.... (

 On the subject of parks
Submitted by Stick Thrower on Mon, 2007/07/09 - 2:50pm.

On the subject of parks that are hard to find, is there a Jones Bend Blount County Park at the end of Wrights Ferry Rd., as this Google Map suggests?

    * reply

No, I don't think so. Funny
Submitted by R. Neal on Mon, 2007/07/09 - 2:54pm.

No, I don't think so.

Funny you should mention it. We went driving around looking for it a few weeks ago and we couldn't find it. I believe it was where Peninsula Hospital is now.

It doesn't show up on the Blount Co. Parks and Recs website any more, and my latest DeLorme Tennessee Gazetteer doesn't show it either.

    * reply

I'd like to find out exactly when PV moved in on that land and put up the buildings it has there now. I've got a map that shows that area as still being Jones Bend Blount County Park in 1981
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 26, 2007, 07:37:00 PM
Quote from: ""act.da""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Here's an interesting discussion about two vanishing parks.... (

 On the subject of parks
Submitted by Stick Thrower on Mon, 2007/07/09 - 2:50pm.

On the subject of parks that are hard to find, is there a Jones Bend Blount County Park at the end of Wrights Ferry Rd., as this Google Map suggests?

    * reply

No, I don't think so. Funny
Submitted by R. Neal on Mon, 2007/07/09 - 2:54pm.

No, I don't think so.

Funny you should mention it. We went driving around looking for it a few weeks ago and we couldn't find it. I believe it was where Peninsula Hospital is now.

It doesn't show up on the Blount Co. Parks and Recs website any more, and my latest DeLorme Tennessee Gazetteer doesn't show it either.

    * reply

I'd like to find out exactly when PV moved in on that land and put up the buildings it has there now. I've got a map that shows that area as still being Jones Bend Blount County Park in 1981

I know the Hawk Clan did most of the building, they were the wild boys.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 27, 2007, 10:08:40 PM
you guys are good with your record searches
at least we have recognized its PMS and not a mental disorder
although being angry about PV is hardly out of proportion!
i could get my doctor to document it as well, it would be funny
it would pretty much prove my point
it's in the feminism books, lots of stuff about post natal depression
mood swing disorder and teenage girls and PMS is a bit suspect
I think Bi polar disorder is a good way to keep badly behaved women under wraps as well, its so broad a label now, anyone with any life in them could have it, hell a wet noodle could have it if they have good insurance, they got the depressed down, manic can be anything
we should import it to the fundamentalist muslims
 not wearing her burqa, premarital sex, she must be mad lock her up
i think they do that already probably
did you know Cornelius Vanderbilt had his wife committed when she tried to complain about his sleeping with the governess and some high priced hookers
he had many affairs, after a few months in a 19th century mental institution she was pretty passive, and he go to sleep with many more governessess and hookers
It's a great tool of social control
they also made some mention of it in the Soprano's
it is a good way to get rid of someone
I’m keep that in mind in case I ever start a crime family
scary for me right now though
like terrifying
i'm just going to stay in my burqa and not scream
my parents are being bad again
it's exam week i think they have to try to sabotage things to prove they are right, i am crazy and worthless
they keep threatening my cats
my dads going on and on about them
they know how to kick you where you are vulnerable
my parents are horrible
you ever want to crash your parents 55,000dollar mercedes into a lake?  not with me in it, I'd rather sell it and get out of here practically
i wouldn't of course, i value my life, just saying
my mother told me the other day her job when i was a teenager was to shop for nice things for the house, like china and carpets and mine was to go to school and get good grades and I failed at my job.
She did very well with hers, we have a lot of china and carpets.
i swear she said that, I drove around laughing bitterly about it all day.
I mentioned we had a foreign lady that lived in a closet on the porch that did all the cooking and cleaning too right?
she had one day off a week and she cost more then helping me with an apartment till I finish school would by far. she lived with us for ten years.
have i mentioned how abusive and insane these people are?
My father said he would help me move out at the end of the semester but now he's being evil about it, he's very close with money
he's been beating up on my mom about the grocery bill, yelling alot, really ugly and i think he threw a few things at her like pens and the bill
it's not normal, its really ugly, the level of viciousness is bad
so anyway he's deciding, as always they have all the power and can decide my fate as they please
to a person they put in a prison camp, where I had to ask to go to the bathroom, this is not an easy situation
i want them to just give me enough money to move out and finish school while I work
i think considering, this isn't too much to ask
hell they could drive a damn normal nice car
considering my father is adding up the paper towel and food bill right now
i really don't think its going to happen
i just hate how they say they are going to do stuff then take it away
of course he's telling me all the time right now too why he's talking himself out of it very nastily, which is also horrible
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 12:05:56 AM
Its a Mercedes S class 430
they bought it new
i was living with an abusive jerk, which they knew, and I was desperate to get away from, which I told them
and they were giving me no money
same as when they kicked me out at 18
and they are buying a brand new mercedes S class
it's so stupid, cars are a crappy investment
I can't figure out how much the stupid car would have cost new
the 2007 and 08 Mercedes S class are really really expensive
cars are a horrible investment aren't they?
 as far as I can tell by looking
you pay a ridiculous amount of money for a status symbol
and it drops in value by 20,000.00 in four years!
that's horrible
if they had put a down payment on a good investment condo
it would have gone up by 20,000.00 in four years
even with the housing market the way it is in my area the condo's went up that much since 2002
There are these really nice two bedroom condo's right next to a greenway
safe and suburban and everything, near all the corporate parks for 87,000.
they just put in new apartments next to them that are going for 150,000 for a one bedroom.
they are a total steal, we could have sold the stupid thing a couple years later or rented it and made 35,000 dollars not lost it,
and I wouldn't have been abused some more, been attacked and terrified in the ghetto or driven all over creation trying to find some place to live safely.  Instead my parents abuse me and then yell at me when the ghetto apartment wants to charge them a thousand dollars to break the lease because I don't want to live there after being mugged.
What the hell do they think happens to little girls living alone in bad neighborhoods.
They cause the damn problems with their violent irrational abusive behavior, it doesn't help with trying to find a good job either if i feel like I'm worthless and horrible, which they very much promote
or if everything here is at some horrible level of abusive crisis.
my father really bitches about every penny, the grocery bill at least twice a week as viciously as he can.
my father made me cut back on classes so I could work more, wouldn't listen to me when I said i make seven dollars an hour and then yells at me because school is taking longer then it should
he also abused me into transfering, which turned my academic hopes into a nice knarly mess
I'm living with them as cheaply as possible and he's yelling about the food I eat
He made life so horrible i had to cut back on classes and work thirty hours a week, he told me to join the army when I tried to talk to him about maybe trying to find a different job and has been really nasty about me trying to go to school full time so I can finish.  
It seems like they are not trying to help me get anywhere like nice loving parents it just seems like they want to keep me crippled so they can abuse me more.
I got into one of the schools I applied to, the one in the city where I live hasn't gotten back to me yet again, but the one I got into is in state but a hour or two away.
My father had the nerve to say it was too far, that if I had any problems what would I do?  what the hell.  
Like New Mexico wasn't too far?  He liked that idea because it cost him so little money, it doesn't cost much to put your pretty young daughter up in a clap board shack, no joke it was an actual ghetto house shack, across from the college a couple thousand miles away.
I think he was sending me off to die, it was really dangerous
or to be molested again as punishment.
these people are scary.
The only reason I wanted to go that far away is because I didn't have any where to live here in NC.  My apartment was infested with my screaming ex boyfriend who's help I needed to pay my rent.  I asked my father about helping me get an apartment here but guess what he bought a new S class mercedes and said no.
It was too expensive here, i had to live with abusive guy.
i haven't had a safe place to live in a really really long time
He keeps talking too about how I keep changing schools, like that's my fault.
He made me change out of the school I was just in because it was private tuition, I was doing well and happy, but one semester of private tuition and he's throwing an abusive fit.   He told me twice last week that I should join the army.  There's an idea, send her off to a muslim war zone, the ghetto was a better one.  I didn't have anywhere to live at the weird little school that would except me half way accross country, but I got really good grades it, too.
The proper way to go about all this would have been,
rather then kick your 18 year old out to marry a 28 year old
after putting her in a prison camp for to years where she didn't do any homework,
is to make sure she has a place to live and isn't forced to live with some weird guy who wants to marry a vulnerable kid.
Again my mother was really pushing for that marriage
and my father would have liked it to, he never would have had to pay for me to live again, pawn her off on someone.
I didn't have any choice in that, my mother kicked me out and called the police and said my father pushed her and she didn't want me in her house, at 18.  
I hadn't done anything, she was giving me the PV party line as I got ready to go to work and was making breakfast and i yelled at her and tried to tell her what PV was really like.
She literally pushed me out the door and started throwing stuff after, my father apparently pushed her out of the way to let me back in?
I don't know, all I knew is one second I was in my house getting ready to go to work, and they next psycho abusive mom is throwing a fit, the cops are interviewing my father the wife beater, and my father was driving me over to this guys house I had been out with a few times.
i didn't have a car so I lost my job and failed the class I was enrolled in at 18 to help me get re-acclimated with the whole school process after two years with no homework and PV abuse.  
This was right out of the damn prison camp.
Is is so much to ask to make sure your very young badly traumatized daughter has a safe place to live.
and they have the nerve to say anything to me about being responsible, they are not responsible, they are abusive, hairbrained and nuts.
They spend at least 50,000.00 on a car and then scream about the grocery bill, how responsible is that.
i could have gone to the community college and transferred with some support, do you know how hard it is to study when you have to share a one bedroom apartment with an alcoholic.  
it would be simply stupid, bad parenting and abusive if they didn't have any money
but they have enough money to buy a new mercedes and have a live in maid, we had the live in maid when I got out of PV, so they pay a thousand dollars a month ++ so my mom doesn't have to do anything but they can't help me with a place to live.  I just want them to give me a small settlement, so I can get an apartment, work and finish school.    
I can do it to of course.  I'm not an 18 year old or even a 21 year old kid.  I'm a very world wise adult woman who has been living between hell, disaster, abuse and crisis for a very long time.  
For a while fallout from all of this really kicked my ass too, i felt pretty crushed under all the just abuse and horror I've seen.  
It's hard for a young person to process well the level of hell and not just get to feeling crushed.  
At 21 I was so shy I couldn't make eye contact with people or talk to them, i had no confidence, i had really bad just emotional wounds, forget scars.  
Now after years of surviving this and getting good grades and even years of working crappy retail jobs, i feel ok.  If i could get out of this house i would feel amazing.
i am an adult, i don't need my parents to guide and teach me any more
which is good because their guidance and teaching basically made my life absolute horror.    Children and young adults need parents to tell them how to navigate life and to keep them safe.  As an adult I know how it works, I might not have any money to make it work but at least I am not so crushed by it?  Or at least I don't need them to be anything other then the abusive horrible people they are.  Oh wait i need them to give me money so I do need them to not be abusive and to let me go, something abusive people never ever want to do.  Damn I am still screwed.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 11:11:18 AM
I know alot of what you wrote from my own experiences. Your parents are obviously stessed out and don't want you around, you are to much for them and they don't want the burden of taking care of you for a while now. So nevermind about what parents should do or should not do! It would be nice if we all had good parents for sure but we don't and we are starting out in the world alone and broken before we even begin. I know it's rough but you can take care of yourself! you survived the program and your boyfiends and crazy parents, now get the f*&%$ away from all of them so you can begin to heal. I don't know where you will go or how you will do it but you will have a better chance making it on your own than relying on crazy people to help you. You help yourself, it is your life and you decide now. find your way back to your own voice that guides you, be still and listen and you will know what to do. don't listen to anyone but yourself! shame on them for damaing you but it is now your resposibility to get yourself right, they are of no use to you their help has only hurt you and will continue to hurt you, help yourself. you can do it, it took me alot of years to get it right but at 25 I started making better decisions that set my life on a better course. I went to school full time and worked full time and rode the bus and my bike. I lived in an efficancy by myself. It was finally my own life and I decided what was best for me. I kept to myself and took it easy. I got rid of all the crazies around me and I made my own way
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 12:45:04 PM
The guy when i was eighteen wasn’t abusive he was actually pretty nice
I probably should have married him, hell I would have had somewhere to live and I could have gotten a car in another year or two, then I would have been able to actually go places, like college
He owned his own landscaping business with his best friend from high school
The friend’s brother and wife lived up in Washington and we would all go up to visit and go to the museums and art galleries and such pretty often
He was a big history buff so we went to all these historic places
I’m a big history buff too so it was great
He was a historic artist, he had sold some paintings and been in magazines
He would paint these huge paintings of battlefields with hundreds of perfectly drawn tiny men and horses fighting and dying sometimes horribly
His family and him would do reenactments of civil war battles
They were always on the side of the north, so it was ok
But his mom and I would wear a hoop skirt,
 I honestly think the guy died in a couple wars in his past life and still wasn’t completely over it, if you think about it, around the time of the civil war, marrying an 18 year old at 28 would have been appropriate.  
I actually really liked him at first, he made me feel safe, and i sort of got pulled into his life which was nice.  He worked all the time and worried a lot about money
I didn’t have a car so I worked at this little shop across the street from our apartment for 6dollars an hour, we moved and I worked at a coffee shop across the street again, still didn’t have a car, for 7 dollars an hour, i was full time at both places too, I might have made 7.50 at the coffee shop, it was under eight
The coffee shop was also a caterer and they were understaffed, so I worked a lot of hours and they had me cater, as the only wait staff, for these big corporate lunches by myself.
The owner of the store and the assistant manager owner would come in and out but the owner had to pick up the food and the assistant owner always seemed to have to go on a state wide hunt for plastic forks, so it was always just me and a hundred lawyers at a convention or something.
It was a weird situation but he wasn’t abusive or anything.
I was just sort of trapped, i ended up feeling like it was the 19th century, only I didn’t have four kids by the end of a year.  
Standing in a hoop skirt with his mother I started to feel pretty surreal
Also he worked all the time and was old and stressed.
 It wasn’t safe it was just a hundred years ago, he would have made an ok boyfriend for me now really, maybe.
At 25 he at 28 would have been just fine, we would have had fun.  
As an adult now i can’t imagine dating an 18 year old much less keeping one as a pet
Which is what I felt like too really, I did all the cleaning as well, didn’t wear a hoop skirt for that though, although a women cleaning in a hoop skirt he probably really would have liked, anyway.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 01:10:41 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I know alot of what you wrote from my own experiences. Your parents are obviously stessed out and don't want you around, you are to much for them and they don't want the burden of taking care of you for a while now. So nevermind about what parents should do or should not do! It would be nice if we all had good parents for sure but we don't and we are starting out in the world alone and broken before we even begin. I know it's rough but you can take care of yourself! you survived the program and your boyfiends and crazy parents, now get the f*&%$ away from all of them so you can begin to heal. I don't know where you will go or how you will do it but you will have a better chance making it on your own than relying on crazy people to help you. You help yourself, it is your life and you decide now. find your way back to your own voice that guides you, be still and listen and you will know what to do. don't listen to anyone but yourself! shame on them for damaing you but it is now your resposibility to get yourself right, they are of no use to you their help has only hurt you and will continue to hurt you, help yourself. you can do it, it took me alot of years to get it right but at 25 I started making better decisions that set my life on a better course. I went to school full time and worked full time and rode the bus and my bike. I lived in an efficancy by myself. It was finally my own life and I decided what was best for me. I kept to myself and took it easy. I got rid of all the crazies around me and I made my own way

 :tup:  :tup:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 01:38:22 PM
are you guys missing how the money doesnt add up?
i make 7.50 an hour.
i could go get a job as staff at a program, I have more then enough credentials for it, i would make more money at least
that actually is an interesting idea, i could take pictures and record things hmmmm
my health insurance costs 250 an month ,car insurance a thousand ++ a year, i need 3500, a semester for college
plus books, an apartment around here costs at least 550 a month
+ utilities, gas and groceries
if i get a better job i still won't make enough unless I work full time
and i do want to finish college sometime in the next year or two!
even with working full time making enough is iffy
I could live in a bad neighborhood or I could live with random roommates who respond to a flyer I put up on campus
I have done this before and it didn't work that well
I am not "codependent"  I simply can't afford to live on my own
without some help from my parents
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 02:09:54 PM
Welcome to the wonderful world of adult life.
Title: Hey, Not Free
Post by: lorrispickelmire on November 28, 2007, 02:56:09 PM
I know things are hard and trying to heal is difficult in a supportive environment.  If you need some support, PM me I have a great group that would welcome you with open arms and we are always there to listen.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 04:57:27 PM
Fuck college, become a whore while you still got some spark in ya.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on November 28, 2007, 05:17:33 PM
I'm hoping this thread will get back to the subject of PV soon....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 28, 2007, 05:18:56 PM
Quote from: ""act.da""
I'm hoping this thread will get back to the subject of PV soon....

Good luck with that..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on November 28, 2007, 11:56:13 PM
Quote from: ""act.da""
I'm hoping this thread will get back to the subject of PV soon....

We have a forum full of PV threads. I fail to see why this specific one needs to be guided in any particular fashion.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on November 29, 2007, 11:39:17 AM
Quote from: ""act.da""
I'm hoping this thread will get back to the subject of PV soon....

Shit, I forgot to get those appraisals of PV to you.  My bad.  Things have been busy in a good way lately.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on November 29, 2007, 11:40:39 AM
Well it seems the other convo. has ended, so I'll start up again.
 What companies support PV in one way or another? SYSCO is a big one, anyone remember what their paper shredder service was called? In the past, a sucessful way of taking out a business was to get supporting companies to cut all ties with them - maybe this could work with PV too.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on November 29, 2007, 12:13:16 PM
Person be talking at Axtda be talking right into the hands o PV-ya heard?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on November 29, 2007, 02:20:19 PM
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
Person be talking at Axtda be talking right into the hands o PV-ya heard?

First, you spelled my SN wrong. Second, I live over 375 miles from PV. I've been PM-ing with ZenAgent and they can tell you that I'm not PV scum. I'd guess that "Kreflo" is probably a PV staffer, trying to scare people away from talking about PV! Believe what you want, I won't try to brainwash you like PV does.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 02, 2007, 06:25:55 PM
hey google
The Fog of War movie
go to the fifth website down,
the one with the picture that says whole movie
you can watch the whole movie on the site
its a great movie
interviews sec. of defense robert Mcnamara's experiences in vietnam
fascinating really, he was secretary of defense during the cuban missle crises and johnson era, very very interesting, much better then the bullshit the tv is feeding us right now
this is a really interesting country, history is fascinating
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on December 02, 2007, 08:12:19 PM
If anyone knows of a good secure place online that I could upload pictures into a slideshow-like format, send me a PM. I have compiled a large (55+) collection of files on past and present PV staff that include their photo/name/PV occupation and I would like to get this out on the web so everyone can view it. Again, I'd prefer if the files can be arranged into a slideshow or similar easily-viewable format after I upload them. Any suggestions on where I can find something like this can be PM-ed to me.
Can't wait to get this out there! ::armed::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on December 02, 2007, 09:27:43 PM
I haven't tried it yet but it looks like this may work for you (

Sorry, looks like that is video only (not photos)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 03, 2007, 11:41:39 AM
PV survivors, even though I already know the answer, I'll ask anyway:

Did you have access to a "hotline" telephone, or were your parents given a phone number, to a 24 hour hotline staffed by "qualified crisis service providers"?  There was no such thing.  I know act.da has already mentioned no phone access. We were never told of any "crisis lines".

It appears PV isn't complying with the Tennessee Department of Health's guidelines for licensing, which is still in effect according to the TN State gov't site.

July 1, 2004

2.5.9 Crisis Services Telephone Lines The Contractor must establish and operate one (1)
widely published toll free telephone number for any
individual in the general population (Enrollees, family
members, providers, non-Enrollees, etc.) per Community
Service Area (CSA) region as appropriate, for the
purposes of providing immediate phone intervention by
mental health staff and dispatch of mobile crisis services
in the appropriate community. The same toll free
telephone number may be used in multiple CSAs. This
specialized telephone line will be answered by a staff
person, rather than by an automated voice response
system. The Contractor must assure the crisis telephone lines
are available 24-hours per day, 365 days per year. The Contractor must assure the crisis telephone lines
are linked to a crisis service team staffed by qualified
crisis service providers. The Contractor shall require
crisis service teams to provide mobile and walk-in face-to-
face interventions in accordance with the standards
specified in Attachment B. The Contractor shall monitor crisis service providers and
report information to TDMHDD on a quarterly basis for
those indicators listed in Attachment D. All measures
shall be reported separately for adults ages eighteen (18)
years and over and children under eighteen (18) years
for Enrollees and non-Enrollees. All information shall
be reported for each individual crisis service provider in a
standardized format as specified by TDMHDD.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 06:45:22 PM
no way did we have a crisis phone
the only contact with any sort  of phone was in family therapy, the therapist called your family, and hung up if you said anything about abuse
family therapy was a very rare occurance really, it took four months at least for me to have family therapy only by phone of course, and it was in a little room under the admissions unit.  after that i had family therapy less then once a month, quite a lot less then once a month.
 they take away family therapy a lot as a consequence for not working your program.
we were not allowed any contact with the outside world other then that at all, girls asked .
My family is being really bad, i'm scared, my father hit me and said he is not giving me any money to move out.  My mother threatened to call the police four times because we were fighting.  she always jumps right into the middle of everything and takes it to a whole new level.  I didn't start any of it, my dad started in on me because he doesn't really want to give me the money he said he would.  Its really horrible here.  I theatened to call the police because my father hit me but they said they would kick me out and i would have no money for college and no where to live, he was still pushing me and foaming at the mouth.   dad again told me four times to join the army and that he was going to take my dog to pound. they are so horrible, why tell me they are going to give me money to move out then beat me up about it and take it back.  I didn't bring the money thing up today, i was avoiding the subject, it seemed better to bring it up when i thought they might actually do it.  At first it was we will give you 10000 to help you out while you work and finish school.  I was so happy when they told me a couple weeks ago.  I said ok please put the money in my account, because I know them, they have done this before and i never see any money, they just hold it over my head and decide not to.  They did the same thing last year.  They said no we are still deciding, so i knew it was bullshit.  Then they came back with drop out of school and work full time and we will give you the money, of course no money for school then, then it was no money at all.  They keep calling meetings about it, i of course get no say in any of it, they just sit me down and discuss what they are deciding for me.  I can't talk about what i think either.  It was really ugly i just feel horrible, its so abusive.  The worst part is its exam week so i have a bunch of projects to do and final exams.  I just came downstairs to get lunch.  My mother always stands right in your face and yells.  Like two inches from your face, its horrible.  i feel like i've been hit by a truck and i'm terrified, its so abusive, they got really mad because i said this place is an abusive situation for me and I am an adult and i really want help beng independent, this was after my dad said today no money at all.  They were already mad before for some reason, my father was in an evil mood about money and I came down for lunch.  They are such abusive people, abusive people are just nuts they take everything to this horrible level, one seconds your getting lunch next second someones beating up on you and kicking you out and your being threatened with being locked in a little cell and abused, they call me a 14 year old tramp a lot too, only in less nice words.  Then when i say this is abusive your horrible people, thats appropriate behavior if you were stalin or hitler or start hyperventilating and sobbing they threaten to call the cops because my mother wont have such fighting in her house, as she stands two inches from my face and calls me 14 year old tramp.  I wasn't in anyones face, i just talk you know, sometimes i yell, i try to keep personal space between us, i don't like them near me.  If you say something that makes my mom mad she gets really in your face and she likes to grab the phone and go stop talking or I'm calling them.  She has a really violent temper, normal people talk and yell or something, my mother goes for the jugular if you annoy her and sometimes when she's just in an annoyed mood.  She picks fights when she's in a bad mood and her fights are like the eighth court of hell.  It's horrible because you never know when you come downstairs to eat what you get.  I don't start beating up on people. They do it during exam week always, i think they want me to fail because they think i'll get a full time job then or join the army hah hah, and they want to prove they are right and i am a horrible failure.  They go on for hours, i'd rather live with an alcoholic.  They are such Nazis.  I just don't want them to have power over me any more.   I just don't think they can let me go, abusive people never want to let you go.  Its too much fun for my mother to have all the power and push and push and push.  She stands really close to me all the time, its weird, normal people don't stand on top of you.   She could not be anymore up my but.  You can't actually talk to her, she interupts you and goes back to giving nasty orders and she has a hair trigger for anything, she gives a lot of orders too its about all she does talking wise.  I've realized though that if they are that bad they are more then capable of doing all sorts of horrible things to me.  They are my parents, I sort of have a hard time not trying to appeal to a sense of rational kindness or something.  It doesn't work, they really are nazis, they said all this stuf today, you know when you have a horrible feeling you know how bad it is really but every one smooths over it and you want to think its better.  Its not better, if you think someones mind works like an irrational, selfish, nasty, abusive box of squirmy insects, what you are trying to tell yourself isn't there really is.    i think I have to look at it like that, like i do live under really abusive horrible people who are more then capable of doing all sorts of terrible things.  I try to live like they are ok people somewhere and reason might work on them and such.  I need to just look at it like bob pegler is my dad and my mother is pv staff.  They really are that bad.  I'm not a mind reader and i am pretty stuck here, also i've always lived with these people, or with people like them. The mercedes cost them 80,000.00, i said something about spending 50,000 dollars on a car and my mother said it cost us 80,000 are you jealose.  Isn't that horrible?  I have to say i really feel nothing but disgust towards them, they don't act like good people at all, to say the least.  i bet i can get some money from them, i have to move out, i need to find a better paying job where i don't have to stand all day and work on the cash register for 7 dollars an hour.  I don't want anything to do with these people any more.  They are horrible and really dangerous.  I have a headache and i have so much work to do.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 06:55:45 PM
there is no rational sense of kindness here
i really hate these people, they have done me so much harm growing up
i need to get out of here as soon as i can
they are evil and horrible
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 07:06:22 PM
Quote from: ""abuse not free""
there is no rational sense of kindness here
i really hate these people, they have done me so much harm growing up
i need to get out of here as soon as i can
they are evil and horrible

So get the hell out of there, then. What are you waiting for?? You've been bitching about this for MONTHS! I don't want to read one more goddamn post about how the 'rents are driving you up a wall... just get the fuck out of there, you're a big girl now, right.....???????
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 07:33:12 PM
thanks staff, again i go to school full time and i make 7.50 an hr at Barnes and Nobles
i want to finish college, i finally got into a state school my father will pay for but its out of town.  I can't afford an apartment not in a bad neighborhood or at all really.  I had to transfer out of private school because my father wouldn't pay tuition.
  Again i work in retail i have no college degree, but i have about three years done.
 if there is a hell guess what abusive pigs going to be in it. please bother my parents when you are there for me.  
i have two thousand dollars saved up.
i don't think you know the first thing about this situation asshole.  i cut my classes back so i could work more and by the end of the year i was exhausted and i still had no money
i gave a couple thousand dollars to my parents to pay for health care in the hopes my father would be somewhat less of an abusive nightmare about money.  If i think about it i've given my father 4000 +. dollars in the last two years, but he acts like I've given him nothing
I need to find a better job,  i really hate these abusive assholes right now, hate PV staff too
i hope there is a hell really
if my parents gave me some money to help out i could afford to live and go to school and work.  
peoples children should have more legal rights
they kicked me out at 18 and gave me no money for years but the bastards are driving around in an 80,000 dollar mercedes
they never help the monsters just abuse
i want out money how dare they say they are going to give me money,
i didn't ask them for it, i was just working on school
then turn it into a nightmare, its so typical of them
they are monsters,  its unbelievably cruel is what it is
here have what you want the most, oh no never mind
i have PTS, i'm in fear for my life half the time
these people are monsters
when i get out of here for good finally, i'm never going to see them again
i'm never going to get out of here though, never
they are so abusive it's so stupid because like now for example
you beat the crap out of someone during exam week, its not good for their grades, but i fail because they have me sitting in a jail cell, oh wait they do have me sitting in a jail cell, this is a jail cell really, but i fail and I failed because i'm horrible and a tramp and need discipline
not i failed because you told me you were giving me money then took it away during exam week and beat the crap out of me about it
i hate these horrible stupid abusive people
they destroyed me growing up, i relate to womens stories in war zones
no exageration at all, i was molested and they drove me out into it, they did nothing about the adult who i brought home right away that was stalking and obviously beating up on their daughter
it was punishment
my father said to day it was because you were bad and a 14 year old tramp and were going out with your friends to a club, you brought him home, i said yes i know he was stalking me you monster you were supposed to do something besides abuse me horrificly about it.  
it was really punishment the way he said it, and the way my mother said
i really hate these people, they are such monsters
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 07:42:54 PM
Shut up and get back in the kitchen where ya beloooong, bitch!!!  :evil:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 07:48:11 PM
Maybe you'd have FRIENDS if you weren't always going ON AND ON AND ON about YOU and your FUCKING PROBLEMS all the time. Get over yourself and quit bitching on here, or I'll continue to give you what-for you every time you come here and whine.  :x
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 07:54:43 PM
Yodelodlayheehoo....guess you're still working on that case of carpal tunnel ya got goin...k, ttyl.

-a mysterious someone you used to know
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 08:00:04 PM
i get one of these is my school email about every  month,  
i really respect that the school tells us about this kind of stuff as opposed
to trying to hide it.  This is a very typical robbery on or near the campus,
sometimes the emails are just about stuff that happens on the strip next to the campus that doesn't involve college students.  There have been a couple robberies like this one of college students, in one instance the guy pulled up in a car and shot after the kid when he ran away.  
I just include this because my stupid parents act like i'm making stuff up when i say anything about bad neighborhoods, or about anything in life being dangerous.  I live in a nice city although the school is downtown, i just get so sick of people acting like i'm horrible if i talk about anything real.  

On Monday, December 3, 2007 at approximately 5:25 am a male student was
walking southbound on *&*&* Drive when he was approached by four
males who demanded money. All four suspects were wearing dark clothing.
Two of them were wearing knit caps. All of them appeared to be in their
forties. There were no weapons involved. There were no injuries to the
victim. The suspects fled westbound on 5765 Drive.

If you have any information about this incident contact Police Investigations at

Safety Tips:

Always walk in well-lighted areas at night.
Don't walk alone after hours, use the Safety Escort at .
Report suspicious activity to the Police immediately.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 04, 2007, 08:03:36 PM
hmm lets see who did i used to know, staff duh
do you really want to be online under Google Abuse Peninsula Village
abusing pv surviviors obviously as staff. It's kind a dumb.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 04, 2007, 08:21:38 PM
Sadly these guests aren't staff and more than likely they are fellow survivors like yourself.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 05, 2007, 06:59:56 PM
yes gookin but you were staff and i still think your weird
its called labor laws and prison camps
what are you people republicans?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 05, 2007, 07:11:38 PM
Quote from: ""not free""
yes gookin but you were staff and i still think your weird
its called labor laws and prison camps
what are you people republicans?

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Shut yer friggin' piehole, free..... and get over yourself.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 05, 2007, 07:27:45 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""not free""
yes gookin but you were staff and i still think your weird
its called labor laws and prison camps
what are you people republicans?
:roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Shut yer friggin' piehole, free..... and get over yourself.

Free che's sticking up for you, ya know?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 05, 2007, 08:55:38 PM
Quote from: ""not free""
yes gookin but you were staff and i still think your weird
its called labor laws and prison camps
what are you people republicans?

Young lady I was strange even before I went to work at Three Springs. How dare you underestimate my capacity for wierdness, and give any credit what so ever to that odious institution for my colourful personality quirks!

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 08:56:29 AM
Quote from: ""Che Gookin""
Quote from: ""not free""
yes gookin but you were staff and i still think your weird
its called labor laws and prison camps
what are you people republicans?

Young lady I was strange even before I went to work at Three Springs. How dare you underestimate my capacity for wierdness, and give any credit what so ever to that odious institution for my colourful personality quirks!


now you have unleashed a fucking fury mon!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 12:47:29 PM
is it just me or do the guys in PV seem to have a better time of it then the girls, just thought that seemed interesting
the boys go to school three days out of the week rather then two as well
that seems a pretty obvious example of sexism
if a lot of the female daily staff is still gay and Pegler and the shrink is straight then it could explain why the girls get beat up on more
Pegler pretty much only works with the girls and the shrink they have there now, he is not the same therapist as when I was in, seems a lot more involved with the girls then the bushy haired guy who was the therapist back in the late 90's
the girls mention him stopping in to girls stu more then once every six weeks but they say his visits are always very unpleasant
the boys don't mention him at all
pegler also I think really only works on the girls side
the boys report less retraints as well, they say a lot of stuff about ex army people, or those who pretend to be ex army, being in charge
i got the feeling the boys side was horrible because they still lock them in a room for months and follow the same weird procedures but I got the impression they don't just mess with the boys as much
in the girls side they are really in your face all the time
if someone gets upset they  harrass them till they restrain them
they stand on top of them, when someone is upset it does do a lot of good to just stand back a bit and let them breath
girls STU they restrain and beat up on people just for fun
there is a lot of weird prejudices the girls get too that I wasn't hearing from the guys.  Guys side just seems like perhaps staff is calmer
girls side they are nuts, they don't give you the opportunity to not be restrained  or beat up on.
have you ever tried to take a four minute shower?
you get screamed at and abused constantly no matter how hard you try to meet your time limits, again everything is timed too.
they know its not really possible to take a four minute shower of course, it's why they do it, so they have an excuse to abuse you and mess with you.  Sometimes you can just barely  meet such a low time limit but someone has to go over and then every one gets abused.  
They do it with everything in the day, all day.  
its a main break them down constantly tool wth no reason in PV
basically they make excuses to abuse you and then restrain you if you cry, stop working, sit down, pull away when they grab you and so on.
the boys side seems slightly more low key
not to mention they go to school three days out of the week rather two
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 12:58:58 PM
Quote from: ""abuse not free""
no way did we have a crisis phone
the only contact with any sort  of phone was in family therapy, the therapist called your family, and hung up if you said anything about abuse
family therapy was a very rare occurance really, it took four months at least for me to have family therapy only by phone of course, and it was in a little room under the admissions unit.  after that i had family therapy less then once a month, quite a lot less then once a month.
 they take away family therapy a lot as a consequence for not working your program.
we were not allowed any contact with the outside world other then that at all, girls asked .
My family is being really bad, i'm scared, my father hit me and said he is not giving me any money to move out.  My mother threatened to call the police four times because we were fighting.  she always jumps right into the middle of everything and takes it to a whole new level.  I didn't start any of it, my dad started in on me because he doesn't really want to give me the money he said he would.  Its really horrible here.  I theatened to call the police because my father hit me but they said they would kick me out and i would have no money for college and no where to live, he was still pushing me and foaming at the mouth.   dad again told me four times to join the army and that he was going to take my dog to pound. they are so horrible, why tell me they are going to give me money to move out then beat me up about it and take it back.  I didn't bring the money thing up today, i was avoiding the subject, it seemed better to bring it up when i thought they might actually do it.  At first it was we will give you 10000 to help you out while you work and finish school.  I was so happy when they told me a couple weeks ago.  I said ok please put the money in my account, because I know them, they have done this before and i never see any money, they just hold it over my head and decide not to.  They did the same thing last year.  They said no we are still deciding, so i knew it was bullshit.  Then they came back with drop out of school and work full time and we will give you the money, of course no money for school then, then it was no money at all.  They keep calling meetings about it, i of course get no say in any of it, they just sit me down and discuss what they are deciding for me.  I can't talk about what i think either.  It was really ugly i just feel horrible, its so abusive.  The worst part is its exam week so i have a bunch of projects to do and final exams.  I just came downstairs to get lunch.  My mother always stands right in your face and yells.  Like two inches from your face, its horrible.  i feel like i've been hit by a truck and i'm terrified, its so abusive, they got really mad because i said this place is an abusive situation for me and I am an adult and i really want help beng independent, this was after my dad said today no money at all.  They were already mad before for some reason, my father was in an evil mood about money and I came down for lunch.  They are such abusive people, abusive people are just nuts they take everything to this horrible level, one seconds your getting lunch next second someones beating up on you and kicking you out and your being threatened with being locked in a little cell and abused, they call me a 14 year old tramp a lot too, only in less nice words.  Then when i say this is abusive your horrible people, thats appropriate behavior if you were stalin or hitler or start hyperventilating and sobbing they threaten to call the cops because my mother wont have such fighting in her house, as she stands two inches from my face and calls me 14 year old tramp.  I wasn't in anyones face, i just talk you know, sometimes i yell, i try to keep personal space between us, i don't like them near me.  If you say something that makes my mom mad she gets really in your face and she likes to grab the phone and go stop talking or I'm calling them.  She has a really violent temper, normal people talk and yell or something, my mother goes for the jugular if you annoy her and sometimes when she's just in an annoyed mood.  She picks fights when she's in a bad mood and her fights are like the eighth court of hell.  It's horrible because you never know when you come downstairs to eat what you get.  I don't start beating up on people. They do it during exam week always, i think they want me to fail because they think i'll get a full time job then or join the army hah hah, and they want to prove they are right and i am a horrible failure.  They go on for hours, i'd rather live with an alcoholic.  They are such Nazis.  I just don't want them to have power over me any more.   I just don't think they can let me go, abusive people never want to let you go.  Its too much fun for my mother to have all the power and push and push and push.  She stands really close to me all the time, its weird, normal people don't stand on top of you.   She could not be anymore up my but.  You can't actually talk to her, she interupts you and goes back to giving nasty orders and she has a hair trigger for anything, she gives a lot of orders too its about all she does talking wise.  I've realized though that if they are that bad they are more then capable of doing all sorts of horrible things to me.  They are my parents, I sort of have a hard time not trying to appeal to a sense of rational kindness or something.  It doesn't work, they really are nazis, they said all this stuf today, you know when you have a horrible feeling you know how bad it is really but every one smooths over it and you want to think its better.  Its not better, if you think someones mind works like an irrational, selfish, nasty, abusive box of squirmy insects, what you are trying to tell yourself isn't there really is.    i think I have to look at it like that, like i do live under really abusive horrible people who are more then capable of doing all sorts of terrible things.  I try to live like they are ok people somewhere and reason might work on them and such.  I need to just look at it like bob pegler is my dad and my mother is pv staff.  They really are that bad.  I'm not a mind reader and i am pretty stuck here, also i've always lived with these people, or with people like them. The mercedes cost them 80,000.00, i said something about spending 50,000 dollars on a car and my mother said it cost us 80,000 are you jealose.  Isn't that horrible?  I have to say i really feel nothing but disgust towards them, they don't act like good people at all, to say the least.  i bet i can get some money from them, i have to move out, i need to find a better paying job where i don't have to stand all day and work on the cash register for 7 dollars an hour.  I don't want anything to do with these people any more.  They are horrible and really dangerous.  I have a headache and i have so much work to do.

You're obviously not going to be able to count on your parents, so ya better get busy figuring something out other than expecting them to pay your way.  They're not going to or if they do, it will be with strings attached that it sounds like you can't afford to have.  You are the only person that you can truly count on in life.  PV was abusive, no doubt and left you a mess but no one is capable of cleaning up that mess but you.  That sucks, but its true.  Quit expecting things out of your parents that they either aren't capable of or just plain won't do.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 01:15:08 PM
its fun to beat up on bad girls, those little bleeps don't need an education
did i post the thing about the director of the girls side when i was in being gay and hiring a lot of gay staff
you know i said my dad said she looked like john wayne
as in she looked like she had a good healthy tablespoon or two of Y chromosome thrown in, she was tall and looked like a man, nice big shoulders and jaw
but i didn't know she was until an ex PV staff member over on Cafety posted something saying she was
they also said she hired a lot of gay women as female staff
 again not picking on gay people, that shrink and pegler are probably pretty creepy too.  
if your hiring for a job that includes watching girls in the shower and abusing them, you might get the types that like to watch girls in the shower and abuse them.  if any one is gay they need to watch out for them too.  there are predators in any group.  
if you are hiring to watch girls in the shower you might want to look for an adams apple in the applicants though just saying
if the woman was so masculine my father noticed right away, he never notices that kind of stuff, you might want to consider that you are basically hiring a man in a lot of ways.  
i know a woman who's son was an obgyn and she said there are actually a lot of babies born with both male and female reproductive parts
she's an older woman and she said in the past they would almost always just remove the male parts and make the baby female, i think it was one in every couple hundred kids
jobs like PV staff only a nut case would stay on there for any length of time, gay people are just normal people with some kind of X Y chromosome thing going on.  
again though if you put out an application to hire men to beat up on girls and watch them in the shower, or women with the boys, you would get sexual predators applying and certainly staying in the job
how many straight sexual predators do people know of?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 03:06:43 PM
i am not saying that kind of behavior doesn't go on among male program staff i'm just saying it hasn't been reported as much in PV
i have found in life that the group of people involved make a lot of difference,
staff on the guys side sound like total bastards and its still unholy hell in male survivors accounts but on the girls sides they seem like total abusive nuts.
 One kid does talk about being pulled out of his four minute shower on the boys side and that sure as hell is not very appropriate.
maybe the male staff is just lazier, i know i could not be bothered to restrain some one unless i absolutely had to
holding a snotty sobbing unwashed teenager into the floor for hours sounds like a lot of work, plus smelly teenagers are kinda cute in a pat them on the head from a distance sort of way, i just couldn't be bothered to torture them, i'd much rather have calm, so i could read the paper or something, teenagers in the shower or on the toilet ugh
i am way too laid back to even know where to begin acting like PV staff does over on the girls side.  i just couldn't do it
i would give them space so i wouldn't have to restrain them,

Here is is a quote I got out of my ethics class about domination and pornography,  I thought it was interesting in the context of how PV treats the kids ie. it tries to dominate every aspect of their lives and minds.
"According to MacKinnon pornography celebrates and legitimizes rape, battery, sexual harassment and the sexual abuse of children.  More generally, it eroticizes the enforcement of dominance and submission that is common to all of them" ( MacKinnon 45).

If you look at it like this and watch TV for a while you realize just how sexist society is.  It also explains, if male staff are not gay, why the girls side seems more abusive in the survivors accounts even though they both follow the same abusive criteria.  
Over all, all of these programs are very sexually abusive and the criteria for them is from a very sexually abusive place in some perverts mind even if the perverts don't openly recognize themselves as sexual abusers.  
The things that people are taught they have to be in a society have great influence on how they have to see themselves.  It also allows them to believe one thing and do something else completely.
  The way these programs work allows for sexual abuse but also allows the abusers to be competely guilt free and even respected in the society while they are allowed to put all their shame on the teens they abuse.  
They disserve it because they are bad teens.  I am not watching them in the shower i am disciplining them because they disserve it.
 I know of two men who had charges brought against them for watching relatives in the shower, one with a camera, another drilled a hole in the wall.  I know of another instance where a teacher was filming girls changing.
some people don't find teenagers in the bathroom gross like I do.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 04:49:15 PM
all I'm saying is legitimizing watching teens change, go to the bathroom sleep and shower while enforcing complete dominance over their ability to do anything, stand up or lay down for example, falls pretty well into the psychological reasons people rape.  
PV batters the kids, it sexually abuses them, it even legitimizes rape and celebrates it.
what counts for therapy in PV far more qualifies as a sort of sick celebration of the behaviors that PV says it treats.  It promotes suicide very much in this way, it does nothing but talk about suicide in this insane cult like way, with horrible abuse and the same with drug use or self harming behaviors.
PV's "treatment" of these disorders instead promotes them, making them cult like and ritualistic, they like stories to have a ritualistic feel.
going into long details repeatedly with bulimics about buying the food they were going to use to purge for example.  

it legitimizes rape by saying the girls who were raped or molested were responsible for it and by abusing them horribly and telling them they are worthless and bad in relation to it.
PV and all of the programs that use these sort of criteria are sexually abusing the teens in their programs.  
it isn't fun to be a teen in one of these programs either
the teens "don't like" this sort of abuse
the are simply subjected to it because they are prisoners  

staff very much looks down on the girls too
they treat them like they are dirt and they encourage the rest of the group to also treat them like they are lesser forms of life
they treat all of the girls like this, they try to promote this way of looking at each other in the group
every one has said the same thing, i just hope people can see it like it actually is
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 04:53:49 PM
I just wanna say..I really like pussy! Always have, and always will! Love the smell of it.. love to kiss, lick, and suck it! Pussy power!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 04:59:48 PM
Quote from: ""not pv staff""
I just wanna say..I really like pussy! Always have, and always will! Love the smell of it.. love to kiss, lick, and suck it!


What a coinkydink!!  I love having my pussy kissed, licked and sucked!!  Always have, always will.

Pussy power!!

 ::nod::   Oh, you have no idea!  ::seg::

Behold, the power of pussy!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 05:30:52 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""not pv staff""
I just wanna say..I really like pussy! Always have, and always will! Love the smell of it.. love to kiss, lick, and suck it!


What a coinkydink!!  I love having my pussy kissed, licked and sucked!!  Always have, always will.

Pussy power!!

 ::nod::   Oh, you have no idea!  ::seg::

Behold, the power of pussy!

Well Jesus Goddamn... looks like you and I would get along just fine!  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 10:51:43 PM
ok then here is some more good stuff from my homework today
to start in response to the above:

"most sex crimes are committed by undersized rather then oversized individuals, impelled less by lust then a need for reassurance regarding an impaired masculinity.  The unconscious fear of women goads some men with a compulsive urge to conquer, humiliate, hurt or render powerless some available sample of womanhood.  Men who are violently afraid of the humiliation of impotence of some sort often try to overcome these fears by violent demonstrations."  I personally think thats a bit simplified but it seems to apply here.

I think this applies better actually
"The Nazi storm troopers were systematically trained to stifle all tender emotions and force themselves to be heartlessly brutal."

"When a psychiatrist examines many prisoners, writes Halleck in psychiatry and the dilemmas of crime, he soon discovers how important in the genesis of the criminal outbreak is the offender's previous sense of helplessness or hopelessness"

wow it looks like PV is the perfect formula for turning staff into Nazis and patients into criminals,  isn't that great.
good thing most of the teens seem able to handle the abuse
my homework also says:

"slaves were treated for centuries by flogging for such offenses as weariness, confusion, stupidity, exhaustion, fear, grief and even over cheerfulness"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 11:07:17 PM
i think i upset staff oh no
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 11:22:34 PM
Found this in the New York Times today
history of mental health, this is a light article
I've read worse by far

Forgotten Suitcases, Emotional Baggage
Published: December 7, 2007

TO a child a forgotten trunk in an attic opens the door to a beguiling fantasy world where a castoff shawl can be transformed into a king’s robe, a superhero’s cape or a genie’s flying carpet.

 But the forgotten trunks and suitcases found in an attic at the abandoned Willard Psychiatric Center in the Finger Lakes region of New York represent the opposite: how the door to a desperately desired reality was closed to virtually all its patients.

The 427 suitcases, trunks, crates and bundles recovered after Willard closed in 1995 turned out to belong to patients who had spent decades in this vast state mental institution. In them were the remnants of lives left behind when their owners entered the locked gates.

Now a handful of artifacts once packed away, and the stories behind them, are on display at the New York Public Library’s Science, Industry and Business Library in Midtown through Jan. 31.

“The history of mental health is almost always told by psychiatrists and hardly ever by patients or through patients’ lives,â€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2007, 11:29:01 PM
here is the drug side effects of the Bi Polar drug the monsters are pushng in Time magazine here in our enlightened modern day


Abnormal or uncontrollable movements. These may be signs of a serious condition called tardive dyskinesia (TD), which may be permanent
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 08, 2007, 05:00:30 PM
I have been analyzing stress in relation to traumatic or very high stress events and the physical effects they have on people.
i started keeping a chart of how I felt for the next few days after a very abusive fight during exam week or something around here, I also did some research on the physical symptoms of trauma online.
I came to some very interesting and very advanced conclusions
Stress and trauma are bad for you and have physical and emotional symptoms that are recordable and follow a specific pattern
ie. trauma = this result, increased feelings of anxiety and fear, upset stomach
feeling emotionally "floored" and drained right after the event and so on.  
there is this specific pattern to the physical stress reaction to abuse or trauma

therefore PV causes constant physical stress reactions in their victims
many of whom were placed in PV to help them deal with trauma or abuse

I also know for sure, after living in PV for so long with teens with self harming behaviors such as anorexia or cutting, stress makes such behavior much worse, anxiety compounded with depression and stress basically seems to cause self harming behaviors.  I think many self harming behaviors in teens are simply perhaps some chemical depression compounded by abuse, trauma and stress.
torturing people with such problems only causes and compounds them greatly, that's my hypothesis for the day.  
Basically it should be pretty obvious, stress/ abuse and trauma cause a physical reaction in all humans.  Torture people, and it makes somewhat neurotic behaviors worse because they are engaging in such behaviors often as a way to cope with trauma, depression or stress in the first place.  So as always PV makes no damn sense in relation to treatment.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 08, 2007, 05:33:53 PM
Quote from: ""not free""

"The Nazi storm troopers were systematically trained to stifle all tender emotions and force themselves to be heartlessly brutal."

Vance Sherwood, who claims to have "designed" the PV program, wanted counselors to be aware of the situation of the patients, but do nothing to make them feel better.

Quote from: ""not free""
"slaves were treated for centuries by flogging for such offenses as weariness, confusion, stupidity, exhaustion, fear, grief and even over cheerfulness"

They're carrying on that proud tradition at PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 08, 2007, 05:36:02 PM
Quote from: ""not free""
I have been analyzing stress in relation to traumatic or very high stress events and the physical effects they have on people.
i started keeping a chart of how I felt for the next few days after a very abusive fight during exam week or something around here, I also did some research on the physical symptoms of trauma online.
I came to some very interesting and very advanced conclusions
Stress and trauma are bad for you and have physical and emotional symptoms that are recordable and follow a specific pattern
ie. trauma = this result, increased feelings of anxiety and fear, upset stomach
feeling emotionally "floored" and drained right after the event and so on.  
there is this specific pattern to the physical stress reaction to abuse or trauma

therefore PV causes constant physical stress reactions in their victims
many of whom were placed in PV to help them deal with trauma or abuse

I also know for sure, after living in PV for so long with teens with self harming behaviors such as anorexia or cutting, stress makes such behavior much worse, anxiety compounded with depression and stress basically seems to cause self harming behaviors.  I think many self harming behaviors in teens are simply perhaps some chemical depression compounded by abuse, trauma and stress.
torturing people with such problems only causes and compounds them greatly, that's my hypothesis for the day.  
Basically it should be pretty obvious, stress/ abuse and trauma cause a physical reaction in all humans.  Torture people, and it makes somewhat neurotic behaviors worse because they are engaging in such behaviors often as a way to cope with trauma, depression or stress in the first place.  So as always PV makes no damn sense in relation to treatment.

I know of one teen who had no history of cutting until she went to PV, and after discovering it there engaged in it herself.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 08, 2007, 06:00:13 PM
I could see the instances of cutting increasing in an environment where you are dealing with or trying to deal with emotions.  Cutting can serve as a distraction or temporary mask to avoid dealing with your problems.  When a child enters a TBS the pressure is even greater to start focusing on some issues you may not want or are difficult for the child to deal with and this can lead to cutting.  Some children cut to fit in or to be cool but this isn’t the typical model.

so initially I would see an increase in cutting as expected but towards the end of a childs stay the instances should abate as the child becomes more comfortable dealing with his or her issues.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 08, 2007, 06:07:21 PM
:roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 08, 2007, 06:53:33 PM
This is the best thread I"ve ever readin my entire life. free and TheWho really help to liven things up and get the shit flying. It's awesome....

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 08, 2007, 10:05:18 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
When a child enters a TBS the pressure is even greater to start focusing on some issues you may not want or are difficult for the child to deal with

The fact that you don't realize how wrong that is is the crux of why you're full of shit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 08, 2007, 10:27:55 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
When a child enters a TBS the pressure is even greater to start focusing on some issues you may not want or are difficult for the child to deal with

The fact that you don't realize how wrong that is is the crux of why you're full of shit.

Some people cut because they feel desperate for relief from bad feelings. People who cut may not know better ways to get relief from emotional pain or pressure. Some people cut to express strong feelings of rage, sorrow, rejection, desperation, longing, or emptiness.
But people who cut may not have developed ways to cope. Or their coping skills may be overpowered by emotions that are too intense. When emotions don't get expressed in a healthy way, tension can build up — sometimes to a point where it seems almost unbearable. Cutting may be an attempt to relieve that extreme tension. For some, it seems like a way of feeling in control.
The urge to cut might be triggered by strong feelings the person can't express — such as anger, hurt, shame, frustration, or alienation. People who cut sometimes say they feel they don't fit in or that no one understands them. A person might cut because of losing someone close or to escape a sense of emptiness. Cutting might seem like the only way to find relief or express personal pain over relationships or rejection.
People who cut or self-injure sometimes have other mental health problems that contribute to their emotional tension. Cutting is sometimes (but not always) associated with depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, obsessive thinking, or compulsive behaviors. It can also be a sign of mental health problems that cause people to have trouble controlling their impulses or to take unnecessary risks. Some people who cut themselves have problems with drug or alcohol abuse.
Some people who cut have had a traumatic experience, such as living through abuse, violence, or a disaster. Self-injury may feel like a way of "waking up" from a sense of numbness after a traumatic experience. Or it may be a way of reinflicting the pain they went through, expressing anger over it, or trying to get control of it.

I think the point I was trying to convey was that many of these kids come into a TBS from various emotional backgrounds and cutting is a coping mechanism for some of these kids… this can actually intensify during the initial part of their stay…. But if the program is successful for them and they address the underlying issues which are causing them to cut themselves then the cutting should subside over the length of their stay.  As the article points out,  there are many, many underlying causes which can contribute to cutting…. The first step is to try and create an environment where the child feels safe enough to talk about their issues and start helping them to resolve them.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 08, 2007, 10:30:19 PM

When a child enters a TBS the pressure is even greater to start focusing on some issues you may not want or are difficult for the child to deal with

The first step is to try and create an environment where the child feels safe enough to talk about their issues and start helping them to resolve them.

Those are contradictory.

Whoever is in the barrel tonight is a fucking idiot and tries to obfuscate with long drawn out overly formatted ripostes trying to dance around the point. That point, bluntly being, that a program is a very stressful unsafe traumatic injurious environment.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 08, 2007, 10:43:52 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""

When a child enters a TBS the pressure is even greater to start focusing on some issues you may not want or are difficult for the child to deal with

The first step is to try and create an environment where the child feels safe enough to talk about their issues and start helping them to resolve them.

Those are contradictory.

Whoever is in the barrel tonight is a fucking idiot and tries to obfuscate with long drawn out overly formatted ripostes trying to dance around the point. That point, bluntly being, that a program is a very stressful unsafe traumatic injurious environment.

Don’t hurt yourself, Niles, I can see how you could view them as contradictory statements.  It is extremely stressful for the child at first.  This is called transition.  Any form of transition whether it is pleasant or not is going to be stressful.. The child is going to be exposed to new people, new diet, new routine etc.... so the cutting could actually increase initially.  But as the child settles in to their new environment hopefully they feel safe enough to start working on the issues that led them there and that the cutting subsides as they work out their issues.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 09, 2007, 07:28:38 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
When a child enters a TBS the pressure is even greater to start focusing on some issues you may not want or are difficult for the child to deal with

The fact that you don't realize how wrong that is is the crux of why you're full of shit.

Some people cut because they feel desperate for relief from bad feelings. People who cut may not know better ways to get relief from emotional pain or pressure. Some people cut to express strong feelings of rage, sorrow, rejection, desperation, longing, or emptiness.
But people who cut may not have developed ways to cope. Or their coping skills may be overpowered by emotions that are too intense. When emotions don't get expressed in a healthy way, tension can build up — sometimes to a point where it seems almost unbearable. Cutting may be an attempt to relieve that extreme tension. For some, it seems like a way of feeling in control.
The urge to cut might be triggered by strong feelings the person can't express — such as anger, hurt, shame, frustration, or alienation. People who cut sometimes say they feel they don't fit in or that no one understands them. A person might cut because of losing someone close or to escape a sense of emptiness. Cutting might seem like the only way to find relief or express personal pain over relationships or rejection.
People who cut or self-injure sometimes have other mental health problems that contribute to their emotional tension. Cutting is sometimes (but not always) associated with depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, obsessive thinking, or compulsive behaviors. It can also be a sign of mental health problems that cause people to have trouble controlling their impulses or to take unnecessary risks. Some people who cut themselves have problems with drug or alcohol abuse.
Some people who cut have had a traumatic experience, such as living through abuse, violence, or a disaster. Self-injury may feel like a way of "waking up" from a sense of numbness after a traumatic experience. Or it may be a way of reinflicting the pain they went through, expressing anger over it, or trying to get control of it.

I think the point I was trying to convey was that many of these kids come into a TBS from various emotional backgrounds and cutting is a coping mechanism for some of these kids… this can actually intensify during the initial part of their stay…. But if the program is successful for them and they address the underlying issues which are causing them to cut themselves then the cutting should subside over the length of their stay.  As the article points out,  there are many, many underlying causes which can contribute to cutting…. The first step is to try and create an environment where the child feels safe enough to talk about their issues and start helping them to resolve them.


My first year at 3 springs showed me a group of roughly 10 kids. Of the 10 only one had ever tried cutting before. Once being exposed to cutting by witnessing incidents by the 1 kid a rash of incidents spread through the group like wildfire.

Before the year was up 6 to 7 of the 10 kids in that group had dabbled with cutting in some form.

TBS Programs increase the incidence of cutting.. certainly they don't decrease it.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 09, 2007, 07:41:32 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""

When a child enters a TBS the pressure is even greater to start focusing on some issues you may not want or are difficult for the child to deal with

The first step is to try and create an environment where the child feels safe enough to talk about their issues and start helping them to resolve them.

Those are contradictory.

Whoever is in the barrel tonight is a fucking idiot and tries to obfuscate with long drawn out overly formatted ripostes trying to dance around the point. That point, bluntly being, that a program is a very stressful unsafe traumatic injurious environment.

Don’t hurt yourself, Niles, I can see how you could view them as contradictory statements.  It is extremely stressful for the child at first.  This is called transition.  Any form of transition whether it is pleasant or not is going to be stressful.. The child is going to be exposed to new people, new diet, new routine etc.... so the cutting could actually increase initially.  But as the child settles in to their new environment hopefully they feel safe enough to start working on the issues that led them there and that the cutting subsides as they work out their issues.


No.. they supress them long enough to escape the program.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 09, 2007, 09:26:50 AM
Quote from: ""Che Gookin""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""

When a child enters a TBS the pressure is even greater to start focusing on some issues you may not want or are difficult for the child to deal with

The first step is to try and create an environment where the child feels safe enough to talk about their issues and start helping them to resolve them.

Those are contradictory.

Whoever is in the barrel tonight is a fucking idiot and tries to obfuscate with long drawn out overly formatted ripostes trying to dance around the point. That point, bluntly being, that a program is a very stressful unsafe traumatic injurious environment.

Don’t hurt yourself, Niles, I can see how you could view them as contradictory statements.  It is extremely stressful for the child at first.  This is called transition.  Any form of transition whether it is pleasant or not is going to be stressful.. The child is going to be exposed to new people, new diet, new routine etc.... so the cutting could actually increase initially.  But as the child settles in to their new environment hopefully they feel safe enough to start working on the issues that led them there and that the cutting subsides as they work out their issues.


No.. they supress them long enough to escape the program.

TSW, The cutting itself is a compulsive behavior that is used to suppress other issues from coming to the surface.  The child would not try to suppress the cutting as a vehicle to get thru the program easier, it would be just the opposite..... the cutting (being an impulsive behavior) would get worse and would be an outward sign that the child isn’t getting the help they need.
If on the other hand the cutting subsided then it would be an indication that the child is healing.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 09, 2007, 09:32:57 AM
cutting increases as a result of the stressful environment.  the who does not know what he's talking about at all.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 09, 2007, 09:41:56 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
cutting increases as a result of the stressful environment.  the who does not know what he's talking about at all.

Seems we partially agree.. the cutting will actually increase in a stressful environment or during a transitional period.  Once the child begins to deal with some of their underlying issues and feels safe within their environment the cutting typically subsides.
As I had mentioned earlier the cutting can actually increase during the initial period of their stay at a TBS due to the stress of the transition.  But once the child settles in the behavior starts to abate.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 09, 2007, 10:16:49 AM
Good to see TheWho taking an open mind, there could be hope for him yet.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 09, 2007, 10:37:28 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Good to see TheWho taking an open mind, there could be hope for him yet.

In the spirit of Christmas, we should welcome TheWho with open arms into the fold. All is forgiven.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on December 09, 2007, 10:44:53 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
cutting increases as a result of the stressful environment.  the who does not know what he's talking about at all.

Seems we partially agree.. the cutting will actually increase in a stressful environment or during a transitional period.  Once the child begins to deal with some of their underlying issues and feels safe within their environment the cutting typically subsides.
As I had mentioned earlier the cutting can actually increase during the initial period of their stay at a TBS due to the stress of the transition.  But once the child settles in the behavior starts to abate.


Are you familiar with the facility we are talking about on this thread? I am. I didn't feel safe while my child was in Peninsula Village. I am certain my child never felt safe, and believe the feeling of SAFETY is NOT promoted by PV.  I was told by a long term PV family therapist that "staff is not trained to be warm and fuzzy..."
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 09, 2007, 10:56:10 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Good to see TheWho taking an open mind, there could be hope for him yet.
In the spirit of Christmas, we should welcome TheWho with open arms into the fold. All is forgiven.

God bless you, I couldn't agree more. Praise Jesus!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 09, 2007, 11:10:21 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Good to see TheWho taking an open mind, there could be hope for him yet.
In the spirit of Christmas, we should welcome TheWho with open arms into the fold. All is forgiven.
God bless you, I couldn't agree more. Praise Jesus!

Thank you everyone, that really means alot to me, especially this time of year.  You guys are not all that bad after all.  Excuse me for a moment....

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 09, 2007, 12:46:30 PM
what about the constant physical severe stress reactions PV causes?

PV is no joke, the victims of PV never feel "comfortable" there
and probably won't feel comfortable for a good while after
i'm still not especially comfortable
 I think cutting is often somewhat compulsive too
it's a little like nail bitting, stress someone out and thats it for the manicure
compulsive behaviors and stress are very connected

also PV really does sort of celebrate these behaviors rather then promote some other behavior.  They lock these kids in a tiny room torture them
and do nothing but focus on the behaviors in a weird almost glorifying cult like sort of way.  
it would make any one compulsively self harming,
"tell us about buying the food you used to binge Jessica"
sit on your bed for hours and list every time you harmed yourself, why and with what, while we torture you, and then tell us about it in group again, and then list it again, while we torture you and tell us about it in group again.  
They do this to the girls for months and months, while abusing them.  
They don't allow the teens to go outside the entire time.  
It would make Buddha compulsive.

it is the most ignorant, abusive and irrational excuse for therapy for self harming behaviors possible.

you guys know I only type this much because I should be doing my homework?  My classes end next week and I should be writing a paper.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 09, 2007, 01:38:08 PM
as for nail biting in PV, everyone in there turns into a nail biter overnight
which just proves my point
PV  trains you to talk about any behavior in the most serious, pv promoting, shocking, jenny jones sort of way.  For any one just out of pv this is important to remember, if you talk about something the way they make you do in group, you basically just promote PV and you scare people.  It's great with parents, creepy stupid abusive old farts that most PV parents are. PV does this purposely i am sure.

Many people have the overall capacity for much of anything good of a turnip, an abusive turnip that sometimes hits on you and is extremely self centered.  Mean too, this is important to know because you have to becareful of the mean turnip brained people.  Thick skin and realizing most people shouldn't matter much too you is a big thing.
many people are prejudice, abusive, not especially bright and not your friends sums this up.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 10, 2007, 02:52:01 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
cutting increases as a result of the stressful environment.  the who does not know what he's talking about at all.

Seems we partially agree.. the cutting will actually increase in a stressful environment or during a transitional period.  Once the child begins to deal with some of their underlying issues and feels safe within their environment the cutting typically subsides.
As I had mentioned earlier the cutting can actually increase during the initial period of their stay at a TBS due to the stress of the transition.  But once the child settles in the behavior starts to abate.


No dumbass they just get better at hiding their behaviors from the prying eyes of their captors.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 09:23:42 AM
Quote from: ""Che Gookin""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
cutting increases as a result of the stressful environment.  the who does not know what he's talking about at all.

Seems we partially agree.. the cutting will actually increase in a stressful environment or during a transitional period.  Once the child begins to deal with some of their underlying issues and feels safe within their environment the cutting typically subsides.
As I had mentioned earlier the cutting can actually increase during the initial period of their stay at a TBS due to the stress of the transition.  But once the child settles in the behavior starts to abate.


No dumbass they just get better at hiding their behaviors from the prying eyes of their captors.

A little testy there… you are right in some respects.  The children that do not benefit from their stay may continue cutting and get even better at concealing their impulses.  For the others who are fortunate enough to start dealing with their issues the cutting will subside as they progress.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 10, 2007, 10:19:19 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A little testy there… you are right in some respects.  The children that do not benefit from their stay may continue cutting and get even better at concealing their impulses.  For the others who are fortunate enough to start dealing with their issues the cutting will subside as they progress.


Would you cite the source of this information, Dr. Who?  I'm interested in reading any studies on cutting, post-program.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 10:54:01 AM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A little testy there… you are right in some respects.  The children that do not benefit from their stay may continue cutting and get even better at concealing their impulses.  For the others who are fortunate enough to start dealing with their issues the cutting will subside as they progress.


Would you cite the source of this information, Dr. Who?  I'm interested in reading any studies on cutting, post-program.

Post program studies?  You and me both… I wish they had more available; it would definitely assist the parents on which schools and models are the most effective for their particular children’s problem/situation and which ones to avoid.  Until then we need to rely on our own research..talking to the child’s pediatrician, counselor at school, therapists etc. and taking their collective recommendation…. Once a path is chosen it is important to talk to other parents who have had children complete the program.  This will gain you a sense of what to expect….

As far as cutting goes…this can be as benign as a kid just trying to fit in and be cool like Angelina Jolie (nuts huh? But true) or it can be a sign of some deeper trouble below the surface that needs to be addressed.

Measurement of success is not very complex because it is so evident and right at the surface.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 11:03:30 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A little testy there… you are right in some respects.  The children that do not benefit from their stay may continue cutting and get even better at concealing their impulses.  For the others who are fortunate enough to start dealing with their issues the cutting will subside as they progress.


Would you cite the source of this information, Dr. Who?  I'm interested in reading any studies on cutting, post-program.

Post program studies?  You and me both… I wish they had more available; it would definitely assist the parents on which schools and models are the most effective for their particular children’s problem/situation and which ones to avoid.  Until then we need to rely on our own research..talking to the child’s pediatrician, counselor at school, therapists etc. and taking their collective recommendation…. Once a path is chosen it is important to talk to other parents who have had children complete the program.  This will gain you a sense of what to expect….

As far as cutting goes…this can be as benign as a kid just trying to fit in and be cool like Angelina Jolie (nuts huh? But true) or it can be a sign of some deeper trouble below the surface that needs to be addressed.

Measurement of success is not very complex because it is so evident and right at the surface.


These places have been around for decades yet no clinical research on them exists.  Most of them are privately funded and won't allow longitudinal, randomized testing to be done because they know they'd get their asses handed to them.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 11:12:07 AM
PV does not allow people to get comfortable again
I think you are thinking of a boarding school or something
PV is no boarding school,
PV times every move you make, watches every tiny thing you do including going to the bathroom and showering
they abuse you non stop the entire time you are there,
read some of the accounts of what goes on in PV
PV is just human nature gone wrong and partying,
there is no program, there is just arbitrary abuse, with large goons many of whom it has come out are gay on the girls side
all the patients try to "work their program" because abuse is not fun
it makes not difference, no one in there is really even sure what the program is, its just a lot of hard labor, denouncement sessions, restraints and consequences for taking more then four minutes in the shower and a minute in the bathroom.  They lock you in a small room for six months, allow you to go out side not at all and torture you
95 % of the girls never get beyond the first or second level,
they have level system, staff likes to give levels and then take them away for arbitrary reasons, because it messes with kids heads.  
when I was in we saw a real therapist once every six weeks in group
I had nothing but group therapy
the levels are again really arbitrary, sometimes when someone’s insurance runs out or they are getting near 18 they will give out higher levels,
i think it is in the hopes the 18 year olds will sign themselves back in
It's senseless non stop torture, there is no program
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 11:15:35 AM
Well, I think before we jump to criticizing we should ask ourselves why a school would want to conduct or fund a clinical study.  What would it gain them?  What would motivate them to do it?

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 11:34:23 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Well, I think before we jump to criticizing we should ask ourselves why a school would want to conduct or fund a clinical study.  What would it gain them?  What would motivate them to do it?


I dunno, maybe to find out if what they're doing has any negative or positive impact on the kids they are entrusted with?

Yep, you're right.  Why would they want to muck up their fantasy world with such messy things like research or facts or evidence?

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Troll Control on December 10, 2007, 11:35:38 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Well, I think before we jump to criticizing we should ask ourselves why a school would want to conduct or fund a clinical study.  What would it gain them?  What would motivate them to do it?


believe me, if they had proof this garbage they peddle actually worked, you'd see it plastered all over every medium they use to advertise.  since any clinical trials to date are dispositive of their claims, they avoid them like the plague.  they know they can't win on facts and science, so they rely on propaganda and feelings of panic.  it's a pretty simple concept.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 11:37:11 AM
From what i can see, a lot of program survivors have trouble after wards
How many suicides have been reported out of PV?
exPV staff reported two, PV reported another one, although they attributed it to a "relapse",  the kid who tried to rob a bank in NC and shot a cop, he might as well be dead, PV is pretty much responsible for the cops death too, I am sure because I was in PV.
Kids without drug problems come out and turn into serious drug users
a girl i was in with was in because she was being bullied at school and had slept with two guys, she wasn't a cutter or anything, jumped out of her parents car on a return trip to PV
she broke her leg, her hip, her arm and was one big scab.
Abigail ended up with an leachy old man, probably so she had somewhere to live besides with the family that put her in PV, most people in PV would tell you they would do almost anything to get out, the TORTURE is that bad  
Torture, abuse and desperation make people nuts
obviously PV's "treatment" isn't very successful,
all most all survivors of PV say PV almost killed them.
not PV was very bad or made me sad,
they all say PV almost killed me
PV is evil
PV does a really good job at killing people put it that way.
Places like PV are evil,
we torture teens in this country
Who your a turnip, were you in PV?
 then don't tell survivors of the stupid farcical hell hole what it was like.    
its an abusive pointless nightmare
it does nothing but promote the self harming behaviors it pretends to "treat".  You can't torture people and expect it not to make them neurotic.  PV is evil.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Troll Control on December 10, 2007, 11:37:35 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Well, I think before we jump to criticizing we should ask ourselves why a school would want to conduct or fund a clinical study.  What would it gain them?  What would motivate them to do it?


believe me, if they had proof this garbage they peddle actually worked, you'd see it plastered all over every medium they use to advertise.  since any clinical trials to date are dispositive of their claims, they avoid them like the plague.  they know they can't win on facts and science, so they rely on propaganda and feelings of panic.  it's a pretty simple concept.

captcha - "again denounce" - how apropo...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 10, 2007, 11:48:46 AM
Quote from: ""TheWho""

Once a path is chosen it is important to talk to other parents who have had children complete the program.  This will gain you a sense of what to expect….

Would you encourage parents to ask about children who don't complete the program?  Both sides of the coin and all....

Quote from: ""TheWho""
Measurement of success is not very complex because it is so evident and right at the surface.


Is it really?  I need to see some evidence to support your learned opinion.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 11:51:01 AM
Didn't we find statistics that said only 2000 people under the age of 18 killed themselves in the entire country in 2004?
 I can't remember if it was 2004 but I know it was 2000.
  We also found statistics, from the Department of Health these were good statistics I'll dig them up again they were on page 100 or so on this thread, that said only 5000 people 24 and under killed themselves in the entire country of 300,000,000.  
 Therefore, PV has a really high suicide rate in survivors.
 I also know that very few of the teens that came in PV were actually suicidal.  There were some self harming tendencies often do to trauma or abuse.  If only 2000 teens under the age of 18 kill themselves in a year, it isn't that common a problem really.  Therefore, the high suicide rate out of PV is a clear indicator that their program does not work, that it instead promotes the problems it pretends to treat.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 12:02:31 PM
ok this is math and I like books and history so please forgive me,
but my calculator says that if there are 75,000,000. people under the age of 24 and 5000 kill themselves in a year then people under the age of 24 have a suicide rate of .00006666%
I wonder how high PV's rate is
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 12:09:56 PM
I think you would need to determine how many of the 75,000,000 people fit the category of “at riskâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 12:21:06 PM
Quote from: "TheWho"
I think you would need to determine how many of the 75,000,000 people fit the category of “at riskâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 12:34:14 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "TheWho"
I think you would need to determine how many of the 75,000,000 people fit the category of “at riskâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 12:40:51 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""

Exactly, very good point, some were "at risk" and maybe some were not "At Risk".  We would have to satisfy this unknown (80/20, 90/10 for example) and then compare subsets of equal mixes so we can compare equal cross sections of both PV and Non PV kids.  Then try to determine if the kids who comitted suicide were part of the "At Risk" population or the not "At risk" population... then compare the results to kids who never attended PV to see which is higher.

This would be great information if we could get it.

We can't because places like PV won't allow it.  They wouldn't dare submit themselves to peer reviewed, long term, clinical studies.  They wouldn't allow an independent audit to find out how many kids were actually diagnosed by independent, qualified medical professionals to be in need of placement outside the home.  They know they'd be run out of town on a rail.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 12:59:37 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""

Exactly, very good point, some were "at risk" and maybe some were not "At Risk".  We would have to satisfy this unknown (80/20, 90/10 for example) and then compare subsets of equal mixes so we can compare equal cross sections of both PV and Non PV kids.  Then try to determine if the kids who comitted suicide were part of the "At Risk" population or the not "At risk" population... then compare the results to kids who never attended PV to see which is higher.

This would be great information if we could get it.

We can't because places like PV won't allow it.  They wouldn't dare submit themselves to peer reviewed, long term, clinical studies.  They wouldn't allow an independent audit to find out how many kids were actually diagnosed by independent, qualified medical professionals to be in need of placement outside the home.  They know they'd be run out of town on a rail.

Kind of figured, there isn’t much data out there that is organized and controlled.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 01:07:35 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""

Exactly, very good point, some were "at risk" and maybe some were not "At Risk".  We would have to satisfy this unknown (80/20, 90/10 for example) and then compare subsets of equal mixes so we can compare equal cross sections of both PV and Non PV kids.  Then try to determine if the kids who comitted suicide were part of the "At Risk" population or the not "At risk" population... then compare the results to kids who never attended PV to see which is higher.

This would be great information if we could get it.

We can't because places like PV won't allow it.  They wouldn't dare submit themselves to peer reviewed, long term, clinical studies.  They wouldn't allow an independent audit to find out how many kids were actually diagnosed by independent, qualified medical professionals to be in need of placement outside the home.  They know they'd be run out of town on a rail.

Kind of figured, there isn’t much data out there that is organized and controlled.


Yeah, there's a reason for that.  The facilities won't allow it because they know they'd be blown out of the water.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 01:25:32 PM
Yeah, there's a reason for that. The facilities won't allow it because they know they'd be blown out of the water.

Well, I am not so sure that is the reason.  I have heard of these places allowing studies to be performed, I just don’t think they see much value in it that’s all.  What does/could the school gain from the studies?

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 01:41:41 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Yeah, there's a reason for that. The facilities won't allow it because they know they'd be blown out of the water.

Well, I am not so sure that is the reason.  I have heard of these places allowing studies to be performed, I just don’t think they see much value in it that’s all.  What does/could the school gain from the studies?


I dunno, maybe to find out if what they're doing has any negative or positive impact on the kids they are entrusted with?

Yep, you're right.  Why would they want to muck up their fantasy world with such messy things like research or facts or evidence?

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 02:12:41 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Yeah, there's a reason for that. The facilities won't allow it because they know they'd be blown out of the water.

Well, I am not so sure that is the reason.  I have heard of these places allowing studies to be performed, I just don’t think they see much value in it that’s all.  What does/could the school gain from the studies?


I dunno, maybe to find out if what they're doing has any negative or positive impact on the kids they are entrusted with?

Yep, you're right.  Why would they want to muck up their fantasy world with such messy things like research or facts or evidence?

 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Every business satisfies themselves of where they stand with outgoing quality and with their competitors (market share), whether it be feedback thru customer service, returned goods or surveys conducted by themselves or independent agencies.  Long term clinical studies would be very expensive and if their feedback has been positive (from other sources)  and all the beds are full why spend the extra cash on something they feel they already know the outcome of?  

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 02:34:33 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Every business satisfies themselves of where they stand with outgoing quality and with their competitors (market share), whether it be feedback thru customer service, returned goods or surveys conducted by themselves or independent agencies.  Long term clinical studies would be very expensive and if their feedback has been positive (from other sources)  and all the beds are full why spend the extra cash on something they feel they already know the outcome of?  


Because to those of us who have suffered through their bullshit, the money isn't important.  

Because we're talking about health care basically and that puts it in a different class than a normal business.

Obviously not all the feedback HAS been positive so therefore it would be necessary to implement research and studies.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 02:45:26 PM
Because to those of us who have suffered through their bullshit, the money isn't important.
It is to them.  Since the schools are not funding it then maybe and independent party would be willing to pay for the studies.

Because we're talking about health care basically and that puts it in a different class than a normal business.
I agree, I would like to see studies done myself.  I just don’t see it happening unless the schools feel it would benefit them or the students somehow.

Obviously not all the feedback HAS been positive so therefore it would be necessary to implement research and studies.

The schools are well aware of the feedback and the fact that not every child is helped.  I think if it got to the point where parents were not happy with their individual results and their particular model was not effective enough to help enough kids to keep the beds full then they would seek and independent agency to conduct a study to measure the effectiveness and determine which areas need to be improved upon.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 02:55:41 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
The schools are well aware of the feedback and the fact that not every child is helped.  I think if it got to the point where parents were not happy with their individual results and their particular model was not effective enough to help enough kids to keep the beds full then they would seek and independent agency to conduct a study to measure the effectiveness and determine which areas need to be improved upon.


Yep, because its all about the parents being happy with their conformist little robot, not about what's actually best for the kids.  What's Anne's Frank Zappa quote about parents wanting Tame Child Creatures???
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 10, 2007, 03:02:23 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
The schools are well aware of the feedback and the fact that not every child is helped.  I think if it got to the point where parents were not happy with their individual results and their particular model was not effective enough to help enough kids to keep the beds full then they would seek and independent agency to conduct a study to measure the effectiveness and determine which areas need to be improved upon.


Yep, because its all about the parents being happy with their conformist little robot, not about what's actually best for the kids.  What's Anne's Frank Zappa quote about parents wanting Tame Child Creatures???

PV shills out their "success" stories - a group of former patients regularly attend recruiting sessions, spout KoolAid, go on vacation with the clinical staff's families...

Maximize the show ponies, minimize and discredit the "failures".
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 03:03:00 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
The schools are well aware of the feedback and the fact that not every child is helped.  I think if it got to the point where parents were not happy with their individual results and their particular model was not effective enough to help enough kids to keep the beds full then they would seek and independent agency to conduct a study to measure the effectiveness and determine which areas need to be improved upon.


Yep, because its all about the parents being happy with their conformist little robot, not about what's actually best for the kids.  What's Anne's Frank Zappa quote about parents wanting Tame Child Creatures???

The parents are the direct customers, so yes they do need to be kept happy.  As far as the robot thing or Anne Franks quote you sort of lost me.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 03:26:03 PM

A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it.  What happened to those 81 former patients?  Dead, in jail, both?


A three year database, 85 students were mailed surveys and only 32 bothered to reply. Parents aren't supposed to question the database - that shows they're not "aligned" with the program.

Pretty flimsy Outcome Study for PV to base their "success" on.  Doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 03:30:10 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it.  What happened to those 84(my badness - I learned Math at PV!) former patients?  Dead, in jail, both?


A three year database, 85 students were mailed surveys and only 32 bothered to reply. Parents aren't supposed to question the database - that shows they're not "aligned" with the program.

Pretty flimsy Outcome Study for PV to base their "success" on.  Doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 03:40:50 PM
A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it. What happened to those 81 former patients? Dead, in jail, both?

I went thru this about a year ago with someone else and we found that for "mail out" surveys, 20 – 35% response rate was about average…. Some college campuses were able to achieve 80% response rates but they were using the colleges’ intranet and asking lead off questions like.. “Do you have sex with your room mateâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 04:45:37 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
The schools are well aware of the feedback and the fact that not every child is helped.  I think if it got to the point where parents were not happy with their individual results and their particular model was not effective enough to help enough kids to keep the beds full then they would seek and independent agency to conduct a study to measure the effectiveness and determine which areas need to be improved upon.


Yep, because its all about the parents being happy with their conformist little robot, not about what's actually best for the kids.  What's Anne's Frank Zappa quote about parents wanting Tame Child Creatures???

The parents are the direct customers, so yes they do need to be kept happy.  


The parents are kept happy because the little buggers have been scared into "behaving" and succumbing to groupthink and the welfare of the kids is --at best-- an afterthought.

Quote from: ""Moron""
As far as the robot thing or Anne Franks quote you sort of lost me.

Anne Bonney's sig line has a Frank Zappa quote in it.

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house. ~~ Frank Zappa
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 10, 2007, 04:51:21 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it. What happened to those 81 former patients? Dead, in jail, both?

I went thru this about a year ago with someone else and we found that (We?? :question:  ??)  bunchabullshit bunchabullshit bunchabullshit bunchabullshit bunchabullshit bunchabullshit

"We" didn't "find" anything.  "You" pulled that out of your ass.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 05:02:05 PM
The parents are kept happy because the little buggers have been scared into "behaving" and succumbing to groupthink and the welfare of the kids is --at best-- an afterthought.

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house. ~~ Frank Zappa

Ha,Ha, that’s funny,  I guess if we are comparing our kids to Frank or his daughter “Moon Zappaâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 05:04:24 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it. What happened to those 81 former patients? Dead, in jail, both?

I went thru this about a year ago with someone else and we found that (We?? :question:  ??)  bunchabullshit bunchabullshit bunchabullshit bunchabullshit bunchabullshit bunchabullshit

"We" didn't "find" anything.  "You" pulled that out of your ass.


Your right, I just did a search and it came up empty..... I lost about 300 of my posts, that may account for it.  I will see if I can find my info....

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 05:12:46 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 05:14:33 PM
Here is one I had on my hard drive (posted above), but it isn’t as reader friendly as the one I presented a year or so ago.  As you will see E-mail response rates are running 20-25%, postcard 25-30%,  mail response rates  (28-33%)?

It is in the same general ball park… the one I sited earlier included the college campus study and a reference to a school which they modeled against, but as you can see a 30% response rate is expected with some advanced mailings and follow-up.



Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 10, 2007, 05:40:40 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it. What happened to those 81 former patients? Dead, in jail, both?

I went thru this about a year ago with someone else and we found that for "mail out" surveys, 20 – 35% response rate was about average…. Some college campuses were able to achieve 80% response rates but they were using the colleges’ intranet and asking lead off questions like.. “Do you have sex with your room mateâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: TheWho on December 10, 2007, 05:51:14 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it. What happened to those 81 former patients? Dead, in jail, both?

I went thru this about a year ago with someone else and we found that for "mail out" surveys, 20 – 35% response rate was about average…. Some college campuses were able to achieve 80% response rates but they were using the colleges’ intranet and asking lead off questions like.. “Do you have sex with your room mateâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 10, 2007, 06:20:39 PM
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it. What happened to those 81 former patients? Dead, in jail, both?

I went thru this about a year ago with someone else and we found that for "mail out" surveys, 20 – 35% response rate was about average…. Some college campuses were able to achieve 80% response rates but they were using the colleges’ intranet and asking lead off questions like.. “Do you have sex with your room mateâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on December 10, 2007, 09:13:57 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
A three year database, 125 surveys sent to former "students", 41 bother to return it. What happened to those 81 former patients? Dead, in jail, both?

I went thru this about a year ago with someone else and we found that for "mail out" surveys, 20 – 35% response rate was about average…. Some college campuses were able to achieve 80% response rates but they were using the colleges’ intranet and asking lead off questions like.. “Do you have sex with your room mateâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 10, 2007, 09:25:54 PM
now that is raw fear...

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on December 12, 2007, 12:47:43 PM
Title: grrrr
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2007, 02:38:31 PM
Title: grr
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2007, 04:49:48 PM
i was thinking about abigail's situation
she hadn't done much really to get into PV if i remember right
she had smoked pot, drank a bit and maybe gotten passed second base?
her mother smoked pot with her and her older brother was an influence in this as well, that's not a big rap sheet.
also abigail's older sister is schizophrenic
and was put in an instituion as a teenager

so abigail must have been terrified of her family
and of being locked up again
it isn't that hard to figure out then how she ended up where she did
institution or old guy
pv doesn't do much for your sanity, self esteem or job skills either
the late teen years out of PV are the hardest, they were for me
abigails parents seem really horrible to me
they locked up two daughters, if abigail was put in PV god only knows where the sister is,
people with relatives with schizophrenia tend to be really terrified of mental illness in themselves as well, even when no evidence of schizophrenia is there, putting abigail in a place like pv for not having done very much is extremely cruel
Title: grrrrrr
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2007, 05:19:20 PM






Title: PV
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2007, 05:56:37 PM
PV taught me everything I know about binge and purge. Does anyone remember smoke if you got em?
Title: grrrrrr
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2007, 06:06:55 PM
i'm reall not all that into food, despite how the post about food in PV sounds, i eat normally, i eat healthy food with some haagen daz in
lusting after limp caffeteria carrot cake is not how i eat normally
i eat when i'm hungry, i don't have food problems,

 PV promoted food issues
most girls were not anorexics or bulimics but if you had thrown us a pint of icecream we would have decended on it like a pack of ravonous bridesmaid on a wedding bouquet, they focus on food as a reward every work day
its one of the only rewards we were given
it was again pretty much the only thing talked about during work detail, which is what we did the majority of the days at PV  
they made a big big deal over it,
"YAY you guys earned condiments pass out the ketchup salt and pepper, good job group, reward yourself with food."  
It was nuts now that i think about it.
"you guys were bad bad horrible teens and didn't earn your food today"
they did this every work day,
it was the main focus
"If you meet your work quota you get cake or sodas, cake and sodas"
cake and soda, cake and soda, cake and soda, again they repeated if you make your quota you get dessert or sodas or condiments throughout the day continously, it was pretty much all that was talked about by staff on work detail days "your not going to make your quota you bad horrible teens, no condiments if you don't make your quota"
"smack no cake and soda your a bad bulimic anorexic bad"
how the hell is that "treating" anorexia and bulimia?
seems more like torturing the anorexics and bulimics
they also took us on a field trip, a very very rare event, to Golden Corral of all places, we went on a field trip to just Golden fricken Corral, nowhere else.
everyone hit the buffet like a bunch of tortured teens out of a prison camp where they use food as a reward, they let the girls who were in there because of food problems pile their plates at the buffet too
it was nuts, i had gummy bears coming out of my nose practically
it was like what happens at colleges with a really bad cafeteria, about two months into the ramen noodle and mystery meat diet everyone gets a little weird about food.  Cross that with using food as a reward every work detail day and with holding dessert and condiments, and we were all  weird about food in there.  it probably killed a bulimic or anorexic or two.
Title: grrrrr
Post by: Anonymous on December 15, 2007, 06:37:14 PM
we met the work quota's well enough to be allowed dessert rarely
i felt like Pavlov's dogs put it that way
"here cake dog cake don't you want some cake"
"well now that you mention it yes yes I do"
"no cake bad dog"
i kept waiting for them to hook up electrical wires to soda cans to shock us while they took notes.
"the teens, when presented with the proper inticement, seem willing to attempt to reach the soda even inspite of the shock up to 3.6 times, then they resort to the use of crude homemade tools, very ineresting, also it is fun to watch them twitch when shocked, hah hah hah hah"

 I'm sure they would have if they could have gotten away with it.  
if social services ever decided to show up for even a staff led tour it might have seemed odd.  Plus why resort to shocking people when you have so many other slightly less obvious ways to abuse them.
Title: grrrrrrr
Post by: Anonymous on December 16, 2007, 10:20:31 PM
hey you know when i said we should all just use the law to save the world
i thought Guest was PV,
otherwise im down with some anarchy, fuck the socialism humans don't share well enough for socialism, look what happened to Russia and China and everywhere else, humans don't share well
i've said this before
all my life i've been abused by all these monsters and never been allowed to fight back, you can't fight back if you fight back at all they really get you, then they have a real excuse to kick your ass
anyway in reality if there is ever a riot I hope I organized it and I am certainly going to be in it. Nazis are Nazis.  
of course in reality if you ever so much as deck some one you get in a lot of trouble, it really does go down on your permenant record
i know i've punched a few people and you better believe the bastards deserved and it felt pretty good, but i got in a lot of trouble for it
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2007, 12:17:02 AM







Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2007, 11:34:33 AM
when i said riots sound like fun i meant a labor riot not the cultural revolution, labor riots are good because their aim is to cause property damage, this hits people were it really does hurt the most the wallet
howard zinn's "The peoples history of the US" has a lot of good accounts as to the proper way to have a labor riot.  
they used the same concept in the civil rights movement often
boycotting white stores and property damage
it is very effective, the money grubbing bastards don't want to have to buy new factory equipment, dead factory workers don't bother them, they can always find some poor immigrant to take their place
the cultural revolution turned out horribly as we all know, i'm pretty sure i die too in the cultural revolution, nerds didn't fare well
PV staff seems to have taken it over, large not especially bright sadistic slogan chanting bullying types?  when things get too ugly they always seem to take over, frightening really  
so anyway
Title: ActDa's Video
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2007, 01:14:32 PM
Quote from: ""act.da""


C'mon EVERYBODY for Christ Sake! The kid worked hard on the video, so give him some PROPS!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2007, 08:28:48 PM
i'll watch the video if the link gives me a virus
 i'm making a voodoo doll of you
i've already had some PV related computer problems
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2007, 09:28:06 PM
well that was a big pile of complete bull shit
which video did you mean for us to watch?
the one that shows all the Nazis with degrees that have ever worked at PV even in a round about sort of way in the last 20 years,
some of those degrees are things like rope course certification
like Pegler i don't think the fat ugly bastard has a college degree he's just a certified addictions and ropes course specialist
or did you mean the second video about PV down the list,
the one talking about how the one director i think isn't certified properly in the state of Tennesse?
the first one is a bunch of bull.
there are a couple people in the first video who still work at PV, the others are staff that are no longer there or people like family therapists who see the kids as often as their families do, ie. next to never, once every few months to once a month.  They are not pleasant characters but they don't restrain people or watch them in the shower and bathroom, run the group denouncement sessions, work detail etc.
 I think a lot of the family therapists must be only part time at PV, they don't work with the kids enough to be full time.  They probably work else where in Covenant health as well.  The family therapists are like the parent front for PV, they are there to deal with the parents, they really have little to do with the lives of the teens.
I saw two women who actually work with the girls full time at PV.  Both were there when I was there and they are total Nazis, you can tell really by looking at them, the one woman is head of girls STU, youngish has long brown hair and a nasty look on her face, she's a monster no joke, last life i'm sure she was pushing people into mass graves somewhere, the woman needs to be in jail far far away from any power over anyone especially vulnerable teens.  In girls STU she has almost complete power.    
Every survivor who posts says PV is a Nazi hell hole
go over to Fornits there are at least eight or nine
and they all say the exact same things in very different voices
PV is being sued by two people at least
I don't care how those monsters look on paper
a lot of the Nazis had degrees too
PV does what it does, all survivors say the same thing
PV even says the same things about it's program,
 PV has no medical bases whatsoever
using food as a constant reward for anorexics and bullimics?
PV is just human nature gone wrong and partying, while they rob the insurance companies and the state.
the holocaust really did happen people, humans are not often that great
in one of my classes a couple kids didn't seem to think the holocaust had actually happened.  It did as did a lot of other similiar things
human nature is sometimes ugly,people who are so inclined find places where they can behave in such ways
most people on that video again don't work at PV now, those are all the people who have ever worked at PV that have had degrees or certifications in something over the last twenty years.  
The one evil looking nurse guy is a PV staple, he's the one that gets called everytime a someone is restrained.  
I did notice that the mannish alcoholic director of the girls side when I was in wasn't pictured.  wonder why
I did see hairy scary once every six week therapist from back then, damn did that man need a nose hair trimmer, he's no longer with PV, now its just the creepy skinny pinkish guy
He's the only doctor i think
i can't believe that woman who was head of girls STU is still at PV.  
she was a graduate student when I was in, i mentioned this before, the head of girls STU was a grad student,
but you would think you would find a job where you don't have to live there three nights out of the week?  
 I don't think even head cousilor at PV pays all that great, it's creepy, with a masters she could get a normal job elsewhere.  Why stay at PV as ubber psycho for years and years and years?  You think you would want to get away from the bad hours and all the restraining, hmmmm.
same goes for Pegler, and the nurse guy.
PV does have random people come in every couple of months
I recognize one woman who would stop by once in a while to do a medicine wheel group, she would have us all sit in a circle for an hour in between the restraining, being timed in the toilet, four minute showers and work quotas, and she would tell us a cute little story about animals or something.  I doubt again that that was her full time job.  I think we would all just stare dully at her, in our hospital gowns.  

all of this bullshit could be cleared up pretty quickly if human services just went in and interviewed say five different teens from both sides.
don't let PV staff prepare for the visit or pick the teens, just go in and grab two random ones each from the different STU's and the rest from the cabins and  then ask "so whats it like here? Are you ok? do they restrain people all the time, ever seen any bruises, how long has everyone been in this one room, how long do you get to go to the bathroom or shower, do you do any homework? You only go to school two days out of the week?  You can't talk or look at the other girls?  You have no time at all to read or any other form of free time?  Do they make you do backbreaking abusive physical labor with food as a reward all the time?" and best of all "Do you feel like you are being abused?"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2007, 11:28:33 PM
jesus was killed by church elders
Kurt cobain and layne staley were the incarnations of jesus for this century or at least this last decade, god likes to party,
the schools killed kurt cobain amen, they really did you should read a biography about him, ritalin kid, high school drop out, schools tormented the hell out of him, had him on so many uppers he needed downers to sleep at like ten,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 17, 2007, 11:39:19 PM
damn jesus was hot
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 18, 2007, 11:07:12 AM
if you were referring to video two i apologize
that s a very good video, the guy did a great job with it
i just watched the first PV promoting pile of crude and it annoyed me
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 18, 2007, 03:14:51 PM
Act.da, that's a fine piece of work - I missed it when you posted it, this thread moves fast.  You should post it as a separate thread, so everyone can get a look at it.  I don't recognize a few of those people, the ones I do make my blood run hot.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on December 18, 2007, 05:13:45 PM
Quote from: ""free grrr""
damn jesus was hot

Hotter than Elvis? :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 18, 2007, 05:33:41 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
 I don't recognize a few of those people, the ones I do make my blood run hot.

Pretty nifty reaction for a reptile
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 18, 2007, 05:35:43 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""free grrr""
damn jesus was hot
Hotter than Elvis? :rofl:

jesus has well defined abs
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on December 18, 2007, 05:37:15 PM
Ttrue, Elvis got kinda flabby there toward the end..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Botched Programming on December 18, 2007, 05:40:11 PM
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Ttrue, Elvis got kinda flabby there toward the end..

Elvis has left the building and is headed back to Graceland!!!!!![/color]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on December 18, 2007, 08:10:53 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
 I don't recognize a few of those people, the ones I do make my blood run hot.

Pretty nifty reaction for a reptile

reptiles the last thing PV need to worry about now.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 18, 2007, 11:13:36 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
 I don't recognize a few of those people, the ones I do make my blood run hot.

Pretty nifty reaction for a reptile

Gee, that's a real nifty zinger, Opie.  Maybe your rat ass should scurry off before I constrict the program-loving life out of you.

Golly, that's swell.  What is it you say?  "Hiyo"?  You're a mental midget and a congenital asshole, Magoo.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 18, 2007, 11:21:34 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
 I don't recognize a few of those people, the ones I do make my blood run hot.

Pretty nifty reaction for a reptile

Gee, that's a real nifty zinger, Opie.  Maybe your rat ass should scurry off before I constrict the program-loving life out of you.

Golly, that's swell.  What is it you say?  "Hiyo"?  You're a mental midget and a congenital asshole, Magoo.

It's always nice hearing from an alchy who never progressed past the point of the 7th grade lunch room. Tell me more. How’s the carnie work goinâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 18, 2007, 11:27:01 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
 I don't recognize a few of those people, the ones I do make my blood run hot.

Pretty nifty reaction for a reptile

Gee, that's a real nifty zinger, Opie.  Maybe your rat ass should scurry off before I constrict the program-loving life out of you.

Golly, that's swell.  What is it you say?  "Hiyo"?  You're a mental midget and a congenital asshole, Magoo.

It's always nice hearing from an alchy, who never progressed past the point of the 7th grade lunch room. Tell me more. How’s the carnie work goinâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 19, 2007, 12:13:36 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
 I don't recognize a few of those people, the ones I do make my blood run hot.

Pretty nifty reaction for a reptile

Gee, that's a real nifty zinger, Opie.  Maybe your rat ass should scurry off before I constrict the program-loving life out of you.

Golly, that's swell.  What is it you say?  "Hiyo"?  You're a mental midget and a congenital asshole, Magoo.

It's always nice hearing from an alchy, who never progressed past the point of the 7th grade lunch room. Tell me more. How’s the carnie work goinâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 12:24:34 AM
I'm not scared of you.  I'm Alex's gay lover, and i resent the shit you said about cafety.  So que pasa?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 03:34:40 AM
Quote from: ""old Drunky""

You remind me of somebody I fired from work recently(,) a dried up old bass player.

Sorry to hear your wife lost her job.

Quote from: ""old Drunky""
I accept your fear Douche nozzle.

The most intimidating of gentlemen are the ones whose language base is “douche nozzleâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 09:07:24 AM
Also drunky, repeat what you said about cafety.  That's the problem with alll of you on fornits anyway, besides being a bunch of cultists and infantile whiners.  come on drunky, or do you want your wife the monkey to answer?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 19, 2007, 09:19:05 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Also drunky, repeat what you said about cafety.  That's the problem with alll of you on fornits anyway, besides being a bunch of cultists and infantile whiners.  come on drunky, or do you want your wife the monkey to answer?

Quote from: ""Guest""
Sorry to hear your wife lost her job.

I guess insulting my wife is the epitome of mature behavior?  I don't care what you write about me, but attacking my wife with childish insults is over the line.  What is your problem?

If you have some legitimate problem with my family, address it directly instead of lashing out.  Run your mouth to me, that's fine.  Leave the family out, they've had enough abuse the past two years from program types.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 09:37:15 AM
Why doesn't this "voice from nowhere" use the powerful forum of CAFETY to attack Zen Agent; and his class-less attempt to insult Zen's wife?
OH, that's right - no one reads CAFETY - do they?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 09:44:35 AM
Is this Alex or Brombo posting anonymously here on Fornits as such a "proud representative of Cafety's BEST?" It sure sounds like one of these fine gentlemen with the talk of "cults" and then, an attack on women, doesn't it?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 12:36:45 PM
are you implying that perhaps kurt cobain and layne staley are alive and partying with elvis somewhere?  that perhaps the Jesus thing was a bit of a gimmick and they really just wanted out of the fame?  
they do have very nice voices for the everyman characters they portrayed and very good pitch?  Tori Amos went to juliard, i think she got kicked out, but its obvious then where she got in.  The sex pistols have very good vioces and music ability as well though, maybe they just were born that way and practiced a lot.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 12:44:50 PM
wow i just read the stuff that guest is saying about zen and family
could he be any more PV staff?  as always PV staff comes on here sounding like the abusive nuts that they are, do you really want these people with complete power over your kids?  Hey Zen don't let them get to you they are just baiting you, they want you to start swinging so they can restrain you, no joke, its PV trick 101.  its all they know how to do, PV doesn't think well outside of the formula, our you can just cuss them out, thats kinda fun too.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on December 19, 2007, 12:55:17 PM
Quote from: ""free grrrr""
are you implying that perhaps kurt cobain and layne staley are alive and partying with elvis somewhere?  that perhaps the Jesus thing was a bit of a gimmick and they really just wanted out of the fame?  
they do have very nice voices for the everyman characters they portrayed and very good pitch?  Tori Amos went to juliard, i think she got kicked out, but its obvious then where she got in.  The sex pistols have very good vioces and music ability as well though, maybe they just were born that way and practiced a lot.

The Sex Pistols?? Well, Steve Jones could play the guitar pretty well, Rotten had delivery and persona if not a 'good' voice... Sid Vicious couldn't play his way out of a paper bag, but it didn't really matter (the bass parts on Never Mind the Bollocks were performed by others: Glen Matlock brought back as a session musician, Glen Thomas and Steve Jones.)

Tori Amos won a full scholarship to Peabody Conservatory of Music (Baltimore). I don't know if she attended Juilliard, I don't think so.

I was never an Alice in Chains fan, but I know plenty of people like them for some damn reason. Nirvana was the shit, of course, and Curt Cobain kinda was the "everyman" that he portrayed -- he grew up in a trailer park...just goes to show you can still rise from rags to riches (and to suicidal shotgun blasts) in the good old U.S. of A...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 02:11:29 PM
hey a lot of the abusive people on here are PV and I can prove it
everyone keeps telling me other wise
duh i hate PV, they make all these semi personal references
but on page 22 under the six month heading they refer to my last name, exactly.  There is no doubt about it, it can't be enyone other then PV
no one else has my name, PV does because I filed a report with Covenant health.  I have a weird last name, they refer to it exactly it could be nothing else.
the really abusive guests on here are PV for sure
i wish i could show you why but i don't want everyone to know my last name, they refer to it exactly though.
there is nothing else it could be.  
nothing! it's like saying your name is the color of chocolate when your last name is Brown, its even more obvious and specific
no one else on here could know my last name, i've given it out to nobody but Department of human services, covenant health and the local cops,  i doubt DHS or knoxville police are going to be online on this site all the time violently bullying PV survivors.  
damn PV staff are stupid, duh
i'm going to go online and violently sexually harass the PV survivors
these are PV staff, i thought they seemed familiar, ugly and horrific are they not?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 02:22:13 PM
i think rottens voice was good, he has good pitch he's always right on even when he's just making weird noises and they sound good live, alice in chains has an amazing voice the guy can totally sing the blues, ok fine it was peabody and the guggenhiem is in new york, i knew that, i just like their website it is a really good website, i'm not being prententious, i really like modern art.  i thought kurt lived in in the burbs?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 04:27:29 PM
when i was in college and lived on campus, again this was the school that would accept you no questions asked with no high school credits  right out of a prison camp for ten thousand dollars a semester,
i actually don't have a problem with kids having to take a few basic courses at the community college to get them aclimated to the whole college thing, it seems like a good idea really,
As long as they have some legal money rights in relation to abusive families and having a place to live and college money.
but when i lived on campus my freshman year there were guys that would go around and knock on girls doors at night or in the evening and if you opened your door and said whats up, they would push their way in your room and start talking and wouldn't leave and eventually they would try to maul you more or less and you would have to leave.
 They wouldn't attack you exactly they would usually be drunk and would try to kiss you and slobber on you some and pin you in a hug for a little bit, you learned not to open your door on a friday night or any night really there was a lot of drinking on that campus.  
it was really common, it happened to all the girls there practically at least twice.  it was really bad because if the girl had been drinking they would just rape her, or if the girl made out with them or something.
Again sober you would have to pry them off and they would be trying to slobber on your closed mouth and the side of your head and you would have to run away.  Girls who reported it got a lot of backlash,
i didn't date around much on the campus, i fell madly in love with his cute guy who lived right above me upstairs, it was sad actually, he wasn't especially nice really but it kept the maurauders away to some degree, i still got to be drooled on, pinned and mauled once or twice.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on December 19, 2007, 04:54:57 PM
That's fucked up.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 05:39:10 PM
i was looking back over the posts, did nihilanthic say he was 22?!
if thats him in the picture he posted I am pretty damn sure that is not a 22 year old. male pattern baldness doesn't take quite that much of your hair till a bit later, plus the guys face doesn't look 22.  i go to school with 22 year olds so i see them everyday.  niles looks like he's pushing 30 at least, 22 like hell.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 07:24:57 PM
Quote from: ""simian mouth breather""
I'm not scared of you.  I'm Alex's gay lover.

Homophobia rules!

Quote from: ""simian mouth breather""
 come on drunky, or do you want your wife the monkey to answer?

You're confusing the idiot with your wonderful impersonation. Think it looks like a monkey, eh? Kisses  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 07:28:49 PM
Quote from: ""free grrrrr""
i was looking back over the posts, did nihilanthic say he was 22?!
if thats him in the picture he posted I am pretty damn sure that is not a 22 year old. male pattern baldness doesn't take quite that much of your hair till a bit later, plus the guys face doesn't look 22.  i go to school with 22 year olds so i see them everyday.  niles looks like he's pushing 30 at least, 22 like hell.

You're ugly, too.
Also, crazy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 09:34:19 PM
i didn't say nihilanthic was ugly i said he wasn't 22, nobody is that bald at 22, go look at the pictures of the bastard, that is not a 22 year old,
his face is not twenty two either, not a 22 year old, why he's pretending to be 22 i don't know but that is no 22 year old, go look at his picture

I want to say something about the school i was in at fourteen.
It was overseas, i was being cagey about it before because i didn’t want pv to know who i was but if they know already then who cares.
My family moved overseas when i was twelve.  
I ended up in this very small international private school.
It was a weird little school, PV and my family always say stuff like “what were you doing there,â€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 09:41:47 PM
nihilanthic is ugly and creepy because he's pretending to be 22 at 30,
i'm not ugly or crazy
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 09:57:17 PM
all i was trying to say awkwardly, i'm human ok everything doesn't get written perfectly, was again it seems pretty suspect when you’re a girl and you notice yourself crying over dog food commercials right around your period, that they are handing out a mood swing disorder en mass to women and teenage girls.
 It also seems suspect that teenage girls are so often diagnosed with depression right around puberty.
All i’m saying is that normal female stuff like PMS and menopause do involve mood variations,
i think this why girls are so often diagnosed with bi polar disorder.
ask your average person what teenage girls are made of and they are going to go mood swings, crying and slammed doors.  
if every one knows it as common knowledge it might be because every one sees the same things, it's fricken teenage girl menopause ok.
i swear in a hundred years i'll have been ahead of my time with this.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 10:00:39 PM
again its, come on say it with me, its sexist racist patriarchial homophobic WASP shit for brains
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 10:12:38 PM
it all is, watch the damn TV for two hours and tell me it isn't
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 10:19:43 PM
here is the Abilify drug side effects, i only copied the ones concerning tardive dyskinesia, do you see why the prescribing of this medication for pms and puberty might need to be talked about?
this crap is advertised a lot.

.4 Tardive Dyskinesia
A syndrome of potentially irreversible, involuntary, dyskinetic movements may develop in patients
treated with antipsychotic drugs. Although the prevalence of the syndrome appears to be highest
among the elderly, especially elderly women, it is impossible to rely upon prevalence estimates to
predict, at the inception of antipsychotic treatment, which patients are likely to develop the
syndrome. Whether antipsychotic drug products differ in their potential to cause tardive dyskinesia
is unknown.
The risk of developing tardive dyskinesia and the likelihood that it will become irreversible are
believed to increase as the duration of treatment and the total cumulative dose of antipsychotic
drugs administered to the patient increase. However, the syndrome can develop, although much
less commonly, after relatively brief treatment periods at low doses.
There is no known treatment for established cases of tardive dyskinesia, although the syndrome
may remit, partially or completely, if antipsychotic treatment is withdrawn. Antipsychotic
treatment, itself, however, may suppress (or partially suppress) the signs and symptoms of the
syndrome and, thereby, may possibly mask the underlying process. The effect that symptomatic
suppression has upon the long-term course of the syndrome is unknown.
Given these considerations, ABILIFY should be prescribed in a manner that is most likely to
minimize the occurrence of tardive dyskinesia. Chronic antipsychotic treatment should generally
be reserved for patients who suffer from a chronic illness that (1) is known to respond to
antipsychotic drugs and (2) for whom alternative, equally effective, but potentially less harmful
treatments are not available or appropriate. In patients who do require chronic treatment, the
smallest dose and the shortest duration of treatment producing a satisfactory clinical response
should be sought. The need for continued treatment should be reassessed periodically.
If signs and symptoms of tardive dyskinesia appear in a patient on ABILIFY, drug discontinuation
should be considered. However, some patients may require treatment with ABILIFY despite the
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 10:26:23 PM
here is more interesting side effects of Abilify,

See full prescribing information for complete boxed warning.
Children, adolescents, and young adults taking antidepressants for Major Depressive
Disorder and other psychiatric disorders are at increased risk of suicidal thinking and
behavior. (5.2)

here is the adderall prescribing info as well,
if you search adderall Shire is trying to change its name to Vyvanse,
Vyvanse still is an amphetamine.  also they are still pushing the adderall xr on the site, just go to the first listing that pops up when you Google adderall,

ADDERALL XR® is a once daily extended-release, single-entity amphetamine
product. ADDERALL XR® combines the neutral sulfate salts of dextroamphetamine
and amphetamine, with the dextro isomer of amphetamine saccharate and d,lamphetamine
aspartate monohydrate. The ADDERALL XR® capsule contains two
types of drug-containing beads designed to give a double-pulsed delivery of
amphetamines, which prolongs the release of amphetamine from ADDERALL XR®
compared to the conventional ADDERALL® (immediate-release) tablet formulation.
EACH CAPSULE CONTAINS: 5 mg 10 mg 15 mg 20 mg 25 mg 30 mg
Dextroamphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Amphetamine Aspartate 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Dextroamphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Sulfate USP
Amphetamine 1.25 mg 2.5 mg 3.75 mg 5.0 mg 6.25 mg 7.5 mg
Sulfate USP
Total amphetamine base
equivalence 3.1 mg 6.3 mg 9.4 mg 12.5 mg 15.6 mg 18.8 mg
Inactive Ingredients and Colors: The inactive ingredients in ADDERALL XR®
capsules include: gelatin capsules, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, methacrylic acid
copolymer, opadry beige, sugar spheres, talc, and triethyl citrate. Gelatin capsules
contain edible inks, kosher gelatin, and titanium dioxide. The 5 mg, 10 mg, and 15
mg capsules also contain FD&C Blue #2. The 20 mg, 25 mg, and 30 mg capsules
also contain red iron oxide and yellow iron oxide.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 19, 2007, 10:43:59 PM
i like how the gelatin is kosher, it would almost be funny except its real and evil, i will only give my son or daughter kosher amphetamines
again the only drug we could get on my college campus in the middle of backwoods NC was this stuff and swag weed,
this stuff was all over the place
it was horrible, my life is way to damn ironic
its like the kosher gelatin, it's all like the kosher gelatin
this is a hard core drug, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 20, 2007, 02:28:39 AM
Quote from: ""free grrrrr""
i was looking back over the posts, did nihilanthic say he was 22?!
if thats him in the picture he posted I am pretty damn sure that is not a 22 year old. male pattern baldness doesn't take quite that much of your hair till a bit later, plus the guys face doesn't look 22.  i go to school with 22 year olds so i see them everyday.  niles looks like he's pushing 30 at least, 22 like hell.

1. I'm now 23.

2. male pattern baldness is a sign of elevated testosterone

3. elevated testosterone can lead to people kicking the asses of little twerps  8-)

4. I *just* got laid and I'm eating a Whataburgerâ„¢. What did you do tonight?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2007, 08:55:17 AM
What the hell does baldness have to do with ANYTHING

Free Grrr grow the fuck up and stop trating this forum like your own personal emotional piggy bank
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2007, 09:20:29 AM
as for being bald at cousin is now bald after returning from the iraq war, he's 22 yrs old
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2007, 10:23:38 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Quote from: ""free grrrrr""
i was looking back over the posts, did nihilanthic say he was 22?!
if thats him in the picture he posted I am pretty damn sure that is not a 22 year old. male pattern baldness doesn't take quite that much of your hair till a bit later, plus the guys face doesn't look 22.  i go to school with 22 year olds so i see them everyday.  niles looks like he's pushing 30 at least, 22 like hell.

1. I'm now 23.

2. male pattern baldness is a sign of elevated testosterone

3. elevated testosterone can lead to people kicking the asses of little twerps  8-)

4. I *just* got laid and I'm eating a Whataburgerâ„¢. What did you do tonight?

Niles if you just got laid shouldn't you be eating an In and Out Burger?

and Free-please don't have children,then you will not have to worry about. keeping Kosher when it comes to dispensing meds to the little tots,
Title: Wrong.
Post by: lorrispickelmire on December 20, 2007, 01:24:18 PM
Actually my husbands family start losing their hair in their late teens to male pattern baldness.  Not that that is what is happening with Niles, but you can't call someone a liar based on that kind of information.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2007, 04:34:59 PM
not to mention it's fucking irrelevent.

 Free I bet the PV staff tore you to peices easily. It was probably like shooting fish in a barrel with a bazooka at point blank.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 20, 2007, 07:13:48 PM
Hey DYS-did you see the PV video on there website? What did you think?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 20, 2007, 07:26:48 PM
Niles if you just got laid shouldn't you be eating an In and Out Burger?

It was 3 am, nothing else was open?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 12:19:35 AM
nihilanthic you know if you were in front of me i would rip your throat out
really, messing with people who have been through as much shit as i have isn't very smart,  unfortunaltey society frowns on such things
in fight or flight land i would kill you is all im saying
we don't live in fight or flight land so in real life i would jut kick your ass,
I sound nice but there are years and years and years of pent up extreme rage here, also a lot of years of just war zone living,
little shit for brains rapists pigs like you i hate, you started looking like the enemy in a war zone a long time ago,
if you won't stop abusing people then your dirt, you haven't listened to any form of reason, your worse then any animal i've met
your like a big pile of crap in the living room, only you make noise and are agressive and abusive, there is nothing to do with people like you other then kick their ass, i guess you can have them arrested to that's always fun, lets all imagine niles in a prison cell i bet he would be real quiet then  :rofl:  
 your an ugly creepy little shit for brains  overcompensating nerdy impotent dork.  stop trying to dominate everything because your bald and have big glasses, and nobody is sleeping with your ugly self before someone kicks your ass.  
no woman is sleeping with you, your as attractive as a pale short flabby bald scrawny creepy flacid disgusting stupid just some sort of leg humping phlegm,
your way overcompensating, i'm sorry your ugly its not women's problem,  
your a complete idiot too, you sound about 12 in most of your posts, really stupid and just like some sort of leg humping pile of crap
no woman wants you,
you were never in a program
your not 23, your either a serial killer or program staff of some sort
your some stupid little nothing, you have no business on this site
and i would kick your ass, your a dork, or a serial killer, finally i have an excuse to kick somethings ass and for a good cause i can hit serial killers right?  i'm a POW with PTS
how dare you pretend to treat women the way you do, please don't go out and kill someone now to prove your not an impotent pasty balding dork that no one would sleep with
your some bald little computer asshole who's 30 and is pretending to be 23 and for some reason hangs onto sites for program survivors
who thinks he has a right to sexually harass female survivors out of programs?
if you said the stuff you said to me on here in real life i would kick your ass badly, you can't sexually harass people.  
if some girl doesn't pulverize you their boyfriend will.
i bet you only do this online where people can't hit you, i do this everywhere other then work, mainly because I don't throw crap at people who are just talking.  i can't ignore you, your like being in the same room as a stupid crap throwing monkey.
you would have to kick your ass.  
what are you going to do cry to the cops, thats what  the last guy who's ass i kicked did, he was a good 200 pounds too and i won hands down.  
and man did that bastard deserve it!
PTS is a little like the incredible hulk disorder, this is a good reason not to drink with it.  your a computer nerd from the burbs, i'm a POW with PTS  
i'd fucking kill you
why are you always on this site?
i was actually in PV
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 12:36:42 AM
again you’re a balding pasty short pale flabby computer nerd with big glasses
you get it on with porn and other flabby computer nerds with big glasses who i am guessing are hardly “kinkyâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 12:51:30 AM
i on the other hand have nothing to over compensate for and i've been trying to hide the i really want to strangle something side of my character, for very obvious reasons.
basically i'm so good looking i'm not worried about it and don't have to act like i'm anything i'm not and i'm such a bad ass that i have to play it down.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 21, 2007, 12:54:26 AM
Quote from: ""free grrrr""
i on the other hand have nothing to over compensate for and i've been trying to hide the i really want to strangle something side of my character, for very obvious reasons.
basically i'm so good looking i'm not worried about it and don't have to act like i'm anything i'm not and i'm such a bad ass that i have to play it down.

Are things ok at home?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 12:58:04 AM
Vain much Grrr?

Yeah to whoever asked me about the you tube video's I saw them  I had to walk out of the room when that blond chick claimed how much they helped her. I was truly surprised the staff did not ask Dan Sheps to make an appearence.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 01:01:25 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
again you’re a balding pasty short pale flabby computer nerd with big glasses
you get it on with porn and other flabby computer nerds with big glasses who i am guessing are hardly “kinkyâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 01:07:44 AM
my parents really give me the creeps
my mom seems  angry that my father agreed to help me move out finally
i think he finally recognized that this situation was just too horrible and abusive to continue.  
i believe he's actually going to come through
i still can't believe im actually going to get out of here though,
my mom has been baiting me, she's such a nut.
i was reading back over the posts i can't believe i've been living like this for this long.
abusive family situations are so weird because the abusive people will never admit they are abusive
its such a mind fuck, i feel like myself again and now that i'm moving out i've decided to start swearing, i downloaded a bunch of good loud music, i'm trying not to punch sexually harassing balding computer geeks though, so i feel more like myself somehow already
i think i've just been living in fear here
but abusive people are never wrong about anything, the abused person doubts themself constantly the abuser thinks everything they do is just great and they find all sorts of weird ways to justify the abuse, kind a like PV, but if you are ever around someone who you find abusive to be around but they always blame you and deny that they ever could possibly be wrong, run fast very fast
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 01:17:57 AM
what it's true i'm nice looking and have PTS, some people call it crazy rappers call it being a bad ass, i do my best to control it but niles is a creepy sexually harassing never in a program won't go away little bastard
he comments disgustingly on everything i have to say
in real life i'd kick his balding nerdy overcompensating never in a program ass
and i'm sick of being peaceful, i'm not that peaceful i'm mad and guys who comment disgustingly on everything i say especially in the context of what a lot of the girls went through in pv deserve a good ass kicking
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 01:31:15 AM
hey die yuppie scum if you don't mind would you go over to cafety and post some good pv stories? i know you posted  stuff already but i think your posts are under a link to fornits through caftey that gets a bit hard to find.
if you search peninsula village under Google you can find the Cafety site easily, just talk about a restraint or something or work detail.  
i'm watching animal planet and there are monkey on, they are much nicer then niles, sorry to malign nice critters.  
i don't mean to sound brutal but its a brutal world niles is an idiot, a lot of people are idiots, you really shouldn't sexually harass female program survivors when they talk about all the abuse the girls had to deal with in relation to that kind of abuse.  in real life not spoiled, never in a program, stupid bubble balding nerd world its a good way to end up with you balls stomped on, just saying.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 01:35:44 AM
i'm not typing very well its 2 in the morning
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 01:48:36 AM
Quote from: ""free grrrr""
hey die yuppie scum if you don't mind would you go over to cafety and post some good pv stories? i know you posted  stuff already but i think your posts are under a link to fornits through caftey that gets a bit hard to find.
if you search peninsula village under Google you can find the Cafety site easily, just talk about a restraint or something or work detail.  
i'm watching animal planet and there are monkey on, they are much nicer then niles, sorry to malign nice critters.  
i don't mean to sound brutal but its a brutal world niles is an idiot, a lot of people are idiots, you really shouldn't sexually harass female program survivors when they talk about all the abuse the girls had to deal with in relation to that kind of abuse.  in real life not spoiled, never in a program, stupid bubble balding nerd world its a good way to end up with you balls stomped on, just saying.

Quite amazing ...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 21, 2007, 09:07:08 AM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 01:45:22 PM
sorry everyone else
merry christmas hope life treats you well
i was just re-reading some of the posts and i thought it was about time i really yelled at niles, i’m very patient but there are limits to what you should put up with and he had crossed them quite a few times
again die yuppie scum please go post some stuff on the cafety thread that pops up when you google pv,
i don’t think you are on that thread although i know you posted on other cafety threads, the more survivors that are obviously represented there the better.
male pattern baldness does effect some early, i always thought the samurai had a good way to deal with male pattern baldness, the whole top not with the front shaved is a smart idea, see niles you could get a top not and be a samurai, that is if you live.  Eventually someone is going to kick your ass, your just such a stupid asshole
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 01:46:52 PM
top knot
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 02:08:24 PM
free sucks donkey balls

merry christmas, fruitcake
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 21, 2007, 02:13:12 PM
Quote from: ""free grrr""
sorry everyone else
merry christmas hope life treats you well
i was just re-reading some of the posts and i thought it was about time i really yelled at niles, i’m very patient but there are limits to what you should put up with and he had crossed them quite a few times
again die yuppie scum please go post some stuff on the cafety thread that pops up when you google pv,
i don’t think you are on that thread although i know you posted on other cafety threads, the more survivors that are obviously represented there the better.
male pattern baldness does effect some early, i always thought the samurai had a good way to deal with male pattern baldness, the whole top not with the front shaved is a smart idea, see niles you could get a top not and be a samurai, that is if you live.  Eventually someone is going to kick your ass, your just such a stupid asshole (

Get some help.

Stop taking your shit out on me.

No matter how hurt you are you can still not be insane and stupid and take shit out on people who are patient enough to put up with it - especially because you might try that on someone who isn't as patient as me and trigger something and make you have a panic attack, if he doesn't actually hit you in the mouth.

Your stream of consciousness blathering is helping nobody and hurting meaningful discussion of PV quite a bit, however you're a poster child for how fucked up people can be as a result of PV literally raping their minds.

I'm sorry to hear that but this isn't the place and frankly you're annoying.

Please go away.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 02:13:20 PM
oh and -

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 02:18:08 PM
nile -s he's prolly writing some ranting, nonsensical missive over yer balding - though it's hard to read her spelling and lack of grammar - the bitch is toasted - whoa - and she's prolly plenty fugly too, like her momma beat her an ugly stick.

free's a whining little bitch with shit fer brains - a walking poster child on the damage a TBS can do - & free, you are one damaged little psycho bitch.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 07:52:08 PM
Free's problems go a whole lot deeper than ptsd or something that can be brought on by a short stint in a tbs. She has a thought disorder, hence the "stream of consciousness" writing style, complete with disorganized non sequential ideas, and paranoid delusions. Hopefully she'll get on some medication because, one of these days, she's going to stab someone who she thinkgs is trying to sexually abuse her.

Niles, you’re fine looking. Ignore her. She's not in her right mind
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 07:57:11 PM
enough free bashing already. i would like to hear more about DYS thoughts about the video. He has always been a thoughtful lad with plenty to say. i was hoping to get another DYS on here in the form of ActDa, but i am still kinda suspicious of that dude. and yeah, while we are on the topic of AD,what do you think DYS?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 21, 2007, 08:38:43 PM
Quote from: ""Chelsea C""
enough free bashing already. i would like to hear more about DYS thoughts about the video. He has always been a thoughtful lad with plenty to say. i was hoping to get another DYS on here in the form of ActDa, but i am still kinda suspicious of that dude. and yeah, while we are on the topic of AD,what do you think DYS?

You won't get a discussion about anything until she leaves.

She needs help and fornits is NOT a place for sensitive people who need help!!! Fornits is a place for fucked up people who need help but who AREN'T sensitive and want to take it out on others  :D
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 21, 2007, 08:43:17 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Quote from: ""Chelsea C""
enough free bashing already. i would like to hear more about DYS thoughts about the video. He has always been a thoughtful lad with plenty to say. i was hoping to get another DYS on here in the form of ActDa, but i am still kinda suspicious of that dude. and yeah, while we are on the topic of AD,what do you think DYS?

You won't get a discussion about anything until she leaves.

She needs help and fornits is NOT a place for sensitive people who need help!!! Fornits is a place for fucked up people who need help but who AREN'T sensitive and want to take it out on others  :D

I don't think she's particularly sensitive. Youre right though about this not being a place for sensitive people. She is very very mentally ill, though. And it would be great for someone in the know to direct her to a shrink and some place where she can get services.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on December 22, 2007, 09:56:31 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
I don't think she's particularly sensitive. Youre right though about this not being a place for sensitive people. She is very very mentally ill, though. And it would be great for someone in the know to direct her to a shrink and some place where she can get services.

Wow I didn't know we had our own shrink right here on fornits..

Tell me, doctor... in your estimation, what exactly is my problem??
(I guess I must have one or I wouldn't be here.)
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on December 22, 2007, 11:51:40 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Quote from: ""Chelsea C""
enough free bashing already. i would like to hear more about DYS thoughts about the video. He has always been a thoughtful lad with plenty to say. i was hoping to get another DYS on here in the form of ActDa, but i am still kinda suspicious of that dude. and yeah, while we are on the topic of AD,what do you think DYS?

You won't get a discussion about anything until she leaves.

She needs help and fornits is NOT a place for sensitive people who need help!!! Fornits is a place for fucked up people who need help but who AREN'T sensitive and want to take it out on others  :D

I don't think she's particularly sensitive. Youre right though about this not being a place for sensitive people. She is very very mentally ill, though. And it would be great for someone in the know to direct her to a shrink and some place where she can get services.

I agree with this anon and I know Niles has been bashed by Free in the past so I think he is taking it well this time and appreciate that. An attack on his appearance is unkind, but I think Free already knows that. She does occasionally come back and apologize for an especially insensitive rant. I gather she has not been raised in the most sensitive household.
Lets highlight a few points that have been made in the past here...shall we?

1) She pretty much sticks to this thread and doesn't go around jacking numerous threads about issues and places she really doesn't know anything about.
2) In between her emotional and personal purges she makes some SOLID points about Peninsula Village. She seems to have spent more time there than anyone else I have talked to.
3) She is a prime example of the damage PV does to some of their patients. She is not the only one damaged by PV. When my daughter was first released from PV, a poster by the name of MGDP sent me a PM asking how she was doing. Without thinking about it much I gave the pat answer-"she is fine"...wrong answer.  I got a bashing in my reply from MGDP. "SHE is NOT fine" and he was right. She is not fine. She gets along okay, but I don't know if I will ever have my daughter back. There is a certain vacancy about her now...

I have talked to many former PV patients and have heard the same thing from all of them. It took a few years to fathom what they went through. If this is where Free needs to purge, let her do it. There are several threads on PV here. We can write on those and we can write here.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 23, 2007, 01:03:02 AM
Quote from: ""stoodoodog""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Quote from: ""Chelsea C""
enough free bashing already. i would like to hear more about DYS thoughts about the video. He has always been a thoughtful lad with plenty to say. i was hoping to get another DYS on here in the form of ActDa, but i am still kinda suspicious of that dude. and yeah, while we are on the topic of AD,what do you think DYS?

You won't get a discussion about anything until she leaves.

She needs help and fornits is NOT a place for sensitive people who need help!!! Fornits is a place for fucked up people who need help but who AREN'T sensitive and want to take it out on others  :D

I don't think she's particularly sensitive. Youre right though about this not being a place for sensitive people. She is very very mentally ill, though. And it would be great for someone in the know to direct her to a shrink and some place where she can get services.

I agree with this anon and I know Niles has been bashed by Free in the past so I think he is taking it well this time and appreciate that. An attack on his appearance is unkind, but I think Free already knows that. She does occasionally come back and apologize for an especially insensitive rant. I gather she has not been raised in the most sensitive household.
Lets highlight a few points that have been made in the past here...shall we?

1) She pretty much sticks to this thread and doesn't go around jacking numerous threads about issues and places she really doesn't know anything about.
2) In between her emotional and personal purges she makes some SOLID points about Peninsula Village. She seems to have spent more time there than anyone else I have talked to.
3) She is a prime example of the damage PV does to some of their patients. She is not the only one damaged by PV. When my daughter was first released from PV, a poster by the name of MGDP sent me a PM asking how she was doing. Without thinking about it much I gave the pat answer-"she is fine"...wrong answer.  I got a bashing in my reply from MGDP. "SHE is NOT fine" and he was right. She is not fine. She gets along okay, but I don't know if I will ever have my daughter back. There is a certain vacancy about her now...

I have talked to many former PV patients and have heard the same thing from all of them. It took a few years to fathom what they went through. If this is where Free needs to purge, let her do it. There are several threads on PV here. We can write on those and we can write here.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 02:34:23 PM
Quote from: ""free grrrrr""
nihilanthic is ugly and creepy because he's pretending to be 22 at 30,
i'm not ugly or crazy

Don't know about your looks, but from what you post here you come off as nuts.

Its also very difficult to try and have a conversation with you.  You don't seem to be interested in anything anyone else has to say.  You just blather on and on about how horrible your life is or was.  How horrible men are.  How horrible everyone but you is.  Look Toots, we've all been through what you have.  Some to a lesser degree, some far greater.  Try a dialog with someone for a change instead of you just going on and on.  You just might learn something.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 23, 2007, 03:04:35 PM
Free... seriously.

Get a therapist.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on December 23, 2007, 03:20:52 PM
Free... don't ever change! :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 03:28:44 PM
ifi t is perspective you wan't simply ask away. I may hate PV with a fucking passion but I am more then able to talk about it without   breaking down in to an erratic state. all it takes is well guided hatred and the will to eventualy blast the lving shit out of Bob Pegler from the face of this rock.

Alcohol helps too but you can only get so drunk before it starts to lose it's luster.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 03:33:13 PM
ifi t is perspective you wan't simply ask away. I may hate PV with a fucking passion but I am more then able to talk about it without   breaking down in to an erratic state. all it takes is well guided hatred and the will to eventualy blast the lving shit out of Bob Pegler from the face of this rock.

Alcohol helps too but you can only get so drunk before it starts to lose it's luster.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 03:34:04 PM
ifi t is perspective you wan't simply ask away. I may hate PV with a fucking passion but I am more then able to talk about it without   breaking down in to an erratic state. all it takes is well guided hatred and the will to eventualy blast the lving shit out of Bob Pegler from the face of this rock.

Alcohol helps too but you can only get so drunk before it starts to lose it's luster.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 03:34:36 PM
ifi t is perspective you wan't simply ask away. I may hate PV with a fucking passion but I am more then able to talk about it without   breaking down in to an erratic state. all it takes is well guided hatred and the will to eventualy blast the lving shit out of Bob Pegler from the face of this rock.

Alcohol helps too but you can only get so drunk before it starts to lose it's luster.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 23, 2007, 04:50:29 PM
I'd just like to say that I've not batted an eye once over free.

I just dislike the disruption to this thread. As much as its an example of how PV fucks things up, to noobs showing up in fornits who don't know whats going on they just think "hum, insane people" and then someone *cough* might convince them that programs do things they don't and say that the critics are "all insane people".

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 05:29:54 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 23, 2007, 05:57:02 PM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I'd just like to say that I've not batted an eye once over free.

I just dislike the disruption to this thread. As much as its an example of how PV fucks things up, to noobs showing up in fornits who don't know whats going on they just think "hum, insane people" and then someone *cough* might convince them that programs do things they don't and say that the critics are "all insane people".


The arguement rings false when you consider the ability to start other threads and free's tendency to remain on this thread.

PS. You are hung like a hamster. There are operations avaliable.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 23, 2007, 06:10:42 PM
I love how your post regarding my hamster-hanging is right below a post an anon made with my hanging-ness in full view.

 :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 23, 2007, 06:13:11 PM
That was sort of the point.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nohbdy on December 23, 2007, 06:21:36 PM
As a fellow Anon, I have to say that the person that posted his dong (IE: an internet closet-fag) basically has a gay obsession with Nihl to the point of internet stalking.

He has thousands of pictures of him that he faps to each and every night, with no light in his room but a candle, which adorns the vigil he has built to worship his new god.

TL;DR - lol, mancrush.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 23, 2007, 06:27:58 PM
Quote from: ""Nohbdy""
As a fellow Anon, I have to say that the person that posted his dong (IE: an internet closet-fag) basically has a gay obsession with Nihl to the point of internet stalking.

He has thousands of pictures of him that he faps to each and every night, with no light in his room but a candle, which adorns the vigil he has built to worship his new god.

TL;DR - lol, mancrush.

That it isn't "not free" is a HUGE relief.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 23, 2007, 06:32:44 PM
Maybe this should be added to Nililanthic's ED page?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 23, 2007, 06:47:22 PM
If its actually funny.

They're about to take it down, its more about Burk being butthurt than anything acutally "lulz".
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 07:08:23 PM (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 23, 2007, 07:09:45 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 23, 2007, 07:09:45 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 07:36:47 PM ... cFailtroll[/url]

[18:47:40] Um
[18:48:01] all this "bawwwww pls halp me out of here""bawwww, pls
take this shit down, it hurts", is sucking ass bigtime. if you are really pissed off at
something, get yourself a gat and shoot whoever pisses you off into the head.
[18:48:53] That's useless if my goal is to bring down a orginization
[18:48:58] I cant possibly shoot them all beofre Im stopped
[18:49:06] also, um, I wouldn't be able to revel in the glory of it by an-
heroing by proxy
[18:49:11] which is why problems work. they release ticking time bombs
into society, ready to blow up every time. but they dont do enough, like you just said.
they need to be allowed to fuck those punkass motherfuckers up seriously and drug them
back into working their 9-5 jobs
[18:49:15] lulz is not good unless you can engjoy it
[18:49:26] They... don't... go work 9-5s...
[18:49:27] *why programs
[18:49:29] they're fucked up when they come out...
[18:49:33] why don't you get that
[18:49:38] as I said.
[18:49:43] these programs dont do enough.
[18:49:49] they are half-way there.
[18:50:01] If you say so. Now how old are you and how educated are you?
[18:51:16] if they would outsource everything to jordania or something,
where they allow kids to be busted in the jaw, they would be better people. like in 1984.
they will face their fears and finally see that they can't fight against society while
enjoying its goods. if they want to be punk-ass niggers, they can move out and form their
own fucking subculture on their own. like join the hells angels or something.
[18:52:06] Um.
[18:52:11] Anonymous fights society while enjoying its good.
[18:52:16] Well, and goods too.
[18:52:16] :V
[18:53:36] wrong. anonymous does not fight society.
nly wants his lulz, without compromise. we are not a world-changing army.
[18:53:50] k
[18:54:20] we r all about da funneh.
[18:55:23] if you want be some rebellious punk, then stay true
ove out. when your parents are still responsible for you, you have to do as they
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 23, 2007, 07:54:38 PM
People (besides niles,) shouldn't get angry at free, as mean as she is.

Her problems go beyond what can be induced by a short stint in an abusive hospital. That's why, die yuppie, she just can't drink it off, or have a conversation.

She has some sort of thought disorder, hence the disorganized, non sequential ramblings. She can't respond to your questions because she can't really absorb them, and keep them in mind long enough to form a response. The delusion that niles is threatening her is part of her psychosis. The constant disorganized writing is also a symptom. It's sometimes referred to as hypergraphia or scripting

I'm not saying this to be glib or presumptuous, but someone who knows her here should STEP IN and direct her towards services. I'm not saying hospitalize her, but having a "companion" to constantly talk with will help her organize her thoughts, perhaps ss can help with that. Also, being away from her parents who are (supposedly) abusive will help, too. Services can help her arrange an apartment, or a stay with a caring couple, or family member. I hope someone steps in, because she's a tragedy waiting to happen when she misidentifies someone as being abusive and "strangles them", or if she simply wastes away, deeper and deeper into psychosis.

And, please, no. I'm not a shrink, but I speak from experience
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on December 23, 2007, 09:58:44 PM
Quote from: ""DieYuppieSkum""
ifi t is perspective you wan't simply ask away. I may hate PV with a fucking passion but I am more then able to talk about it without   breaking down in to an erratic state. all it takes is well guided hatred and the will to eventualy blast the lving shit out of Bob Pegler from the face of this rock.

...Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
D'you know that you can use it?

Let PV make their Goebbels-esque propaganda videos...Heil Pegler, his bunker will be the basement of STU.

...We will teach our twisted speech
To the young believers
We will train our blue-eyed men
To be young believers

DYS, you've got the chance coming up after the holidays to accomplish what you wrote above.  I'll call to  wish you a Merry Christmas tomorrow and deliver up a present.

In the meantime, remember the kids locked in STU at PV this Christmas spending the holiday with the not-so-"warm-and-fuzzy" goon staff, experiencing a "tough love" Yuletide.  

SettleForNothingLess received a big box of forbidden, expensive chocolates from her dad for Christmas during her PV stay and was told she could have them.  She watched two staffers - one the infamous B+D enthusiast, the other a partner in those Hellbilly hijinks - stuff the chocolates into their undeserving gobs.

Let's hope for an insurrection at PV on Christmas morning, and a few staff freaks take the Ned Beatty position and get their stockings stuffed, Klepper-style...

Plenty of logs at PV....plenty of staff looking "jes' like a hog".
Title: free really want to kick Nihilanthic in hamster stomp stomp
Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2007, 05:48:58 PM
oh give me a break, a good percentage of the people posting on here are PV staff or just staff in general, Niles most likely is
he's a heckler, he's on here all the time posting pictures of his penis
 he is not 22 or 23, he looks 30 in his picture
Nilianthic was never in a program why is he here on this thread all the time hmmmmm?
He’s on here all the time.
I have good reason, I’m pissed, have PTS, am living with my family i.e. in the eighth court of hell and I was actually in PV
18 months is a pretty average stay for teens who are wards of the state or whos insurance pays for that long,
PV keeps people as long as they can pay
no one thinks its unacceptable for some weird little shit to post pictures of his penis and sexually harass female program survivors?
even though he was never in a program and as far as I can tell is either  extremely stupid or some sort of staff.
he has no reason to be here but he's here all the time
i think he's staff, a great many of these random very nasty hecklers are staff obviously
i tell the truth about the horrific just crap people have to face in PV and out, teens families are the ones that put them in PV,
my family is crazy as hell, I think i have demonstrated why peoples families should not have the power of a dictatorship over them
the ways the laws are now in relation to this parents basically get to have their children imprisoned indefinitely
children's parents are also allowed to simply kick them out with no money at eighteen, teens here should also have some legal basis
 as far as I can tell everyone is fricken insane, its hard to define sanity because of this, Nihilanthic seems like he's half way to child molester honestly, or at least flasher at the park, or the creepy kids that corner you outside of class and start telling really really graphic stories
again for any parents out there, this is sexual harassment!
isn't it great?  it’s everywhere too
this really is no walk in the park to have to deal with every damn day in high school, all of this kind of crap contributes to why the kids are in PV
PV tortures people, why doesn’t anyone else say it’s not ok for some asshole who was never in a program to expose his worthless little self to female program survivors
Do you see why you would eventually have to kick Nihilanthic in the nuts twenty times?
Little pig
do we see also what nice creatures pv and program staff are?
And Nihilanthic why the hell would you post pictures of yourself when you are pretending to be 22 and you are obviously not
Nihilanthic is in his late 20's early 30's for sure
not born yesterday

i am sure a great many of the people on here are program staff
It is obvious if you know how PV works
PV is very simplistic really in its formula
they come up with a couple themes for each victim and basically just repeat them abusively
they almost totally stick to these themes that they have developed in the staff meetings, treatment teams
the stuff they come up with is pretty formula as well, and they tend to just rearrange the same themes for all the different teens throughout
its almost all that "treatment" at PV consists of
these people are PV staff, i though perhaps they could be just be stupid sexually harassing boys but it follows the patterns of PV staff too well
Again PV is very formula, if you read back over the posts you can easily notice how many of the posts are very formula and program in their abuse
There are a few stupid nasty little men on here but there is also a lot of program staff,
great two of my favorite things
aggressively sexist little pigs and program staff
whats even better is when program staff are aggressively sexually harassing, which many of them are, then you get what I am pretty sure is going on here, you get program formula extremely nasty sexual harassment, ugh
again Nihilanthic  if you are not program staff a lot of the girls in PV are in PV because they have been sexually abused, in what shit for brains reality are you not getting that it is not a normal situation and not one in which it is appropriate to defend your right to repeat stuff you watched on the internet and wave your hamster around.
you are a complete moron and way too sexually aggressive
many men are over compensating violently sexist ball rearranging creepy little piles of crap
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2007, 06:15:06 PM
You know whats happening here,
i figured it out,
PV staff wants to post stuff on this site that makes what I am saying look smutty,
PV staff is again the Jenny Jones school of psycho therapy and they play into to the weird prejudices that people like my parents have
i have tried to draw a decent picture of my parents level of sexual prejudice, ie what were you doing at the park alone, or in your apartment building, or in the high school lunch room, or on the site that is supposed to provide support and a forum for PV program survivors .
Anyway, so I post stuff for example like many of the girls in PV had been sexually abused and they post nasty sexual harassment with some program formula thrown in, pretending to be some kid out of a program and PV wins both ways,
People look at the harassment and go "oh my god those program kids are so bad"  and the term "sexual ABUSE" in the context of pictures showing a woman’s mutilated private parts with the caption "if you had done this you woldn't have been raped", this was posted about page 40, or pictures of Nilihanthics penis, people look at the situation and go "why is this girl talking about personal things like sexual abuse on a site with such men on it, why she mustn’t be a nice girl and look she's asking for it."  Plus PV gets to violently sexually harass program survivors, which is what they want to do anyway.
If you read other sites that are supposed to provide support for program survivors, mention of the fact that programs sexually abuse the teens as well as simply torture them, and the fact that many of the teens in the programs were sexually abused before as well is extremely common, it has to be addressed if you are going to get any relevant idea of what actually goes on in these places.
I have done nothing but tell the complete truth of what I have seen on here.  I think the TRUTH is very very important, it is what you deal with the most out there in the real world.
I'm sorry if the truth is not pretty, and I'm sorry that whoever Nihilanthic is he's a disgusting overcompensating sexually aggressive idiot with a 80 IQ that simply won't die, but he's hardly the only one of his kind and its better you see what is really there rather then believe what you want.

So anyway in PV logic, which I sadly am rather tuned into
using sexual abuse and prejudice to attempt to discredit the survivors of the program who try and complain about the abuse is so PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2007, 06:32:41 PM
reading more of the above,
PV staff are very very stupid and obvious
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2007, 07:06:28 PM
and how did you stalkers know I joined the hells angels?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2007, 07:30:42 PM
I type 40 wpm ok
i've been very patient on this site, mostly because since early on staff has been obviously trying to get me to say something incriminating,
ie "don't you want to become a ninja assassin and take out program heads?"  Uh huh   :roll:
this is also very PV formula, they harass you till they can restrain you
you can't say anything that sounds like a "bomb" threat to PV or staff legally.  
on the other hand if you post pictures of a mutilated woman’s body parts with the caption "if you had done this they wouldn't have raped you" and the woman gets angry and says she wants to strangle you or kick you in the nuts a couple of times, I don't think you assholes have any legal basis as to defining me as a "violent" individual.  There are laws about threatening  to sexually assault some one, which a lot of the stuff on here basically does.
 Sexual harassment of course is not legal as well, especially if anyone on here is PV staff.  
so if you threaten me violently and sexually, PV staff, and I respond after a very long time of patience, so I can continue posting stuff about what program survivors go through, i think legally you are a hell of a lot crazier and at fault then me.  You have been violently threatening me since about day two, as violently as you could really, I've stayed well with in all boundaries of law and some of sanity.
it works both ways, you can't threaten me with the kind of stuff you have threatened me with on here while I was simply speaking my mind, and have any legal basis whatsoever to say “see she said something that could be a threat to herself or others.â€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 24, 2007, 08:01:26 PM
free why are you so fucking obsessed with me
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 24, 2007, 09:43:29 PM
Maybe if you stopped responding to her she would find someone else to grouse about?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on December 25, 2007, 08:48:40 PM

I've said it before: you are way too paranoid. It's that simple. Niles is definitely not PV staff, and no one is trying to put any kind of spin on this thread to try and make you look "smutty." It's just not THAT important to anyone, not even PV staff, ok?? Sheesh, enough horseshit already!

Try taking some deep breaths or something...and Happy Holidays.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 25, 2007, 09:14:20 PM
Santa wants yo' ass Froddy!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2007, 09:08:56 PM
speaking of death threats I do believe that tombstone qualifies
again first sign of violence in my life i'm calling the police
could you assholes be any more obviously PV?
Nazi thug stupid grunt
i was reading back over the thread, PV staff are very obvious
these are PV staff,
say hello to the parents PV staff
great PR guys
you make personal references that no one but PV would know about page five, i am absolutely positive, would bet a thousand dollars, totally sure these are obviously PV staff,

they have given themselves away, like the complete Nazi morons they are, repeatedly
i know with all my instincts and I did live with these pigs for a horribly long time, these are PV staff
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2007, 09:17:15 PM
again I know these are PV staff
they are the same people I lived with for almost two years
i know these monsters
there is a whole different level here then your average creep
for one thing these are not young people although they seem to want to pretend to be
also most of these people on here were never in a program yet they are on here all the time?   Most of them do nothing but heckle as well,
gee whiz stupid what reason would they have for doing that?  hmmmm
also i simply recognize the thought process of PV staff.
again i know these monsters
i am absolutely positive would bet my life savings, and i am not a gambler i simply am absolutely positive these are PV staff
once again great PR you charming nazi thugs
parents these are PV staff!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 29, 2007, 09:19:45 PM
When you call the police be sure to tell them that they will be able to find me in Southern China for most of January and Febuary. Perhaps in March they might be able to find me in the USA. I'll post my contact information in my profile so that the police have some clue how to get ahold of me if they so choose to bother. More than likely they will regard your complaint and take a few moments to read up on the state regulations regarding the Baker act.

But here you go.. map and everything.


 ::both::  ::both::  ::both::  ::fuckoff::  ::fuckoff::  ::both::  ::both::  ::both::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2007, 09:45:14 PM
hey three springs how come you post three seconds after i post after not posting for a week or two?  
are you on here all the damn time or what?  
you are not a moderator I asked. and someone said you used to be staff.
you posted literally 30 seconds after i posted
could you be any more on top of what is done on this PV thread?
also why do you all seem to have PV staff schedules?  
you are not all in the army, which is a decent cover and also very PV
most of the boys out of PV mention how PV staff on the guys side likes to pretend to be ex military  
i would assume that you do have other things you should be doing even if you are.  I think it must be around 11:00 am in Korea
don't you have anything else to do? but watch this site so closely that you post 30 seconds after I do when I have not posted for a few weeks?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 29, 2007, 10:12:25 PM
Quote from: ""free grrr""
hey three springs how come you post three seconds after i post after not posting for a week or two?  

It is a plot formented by Extra Terrestials to mine your brain for DNA. We are watching you. Look out the window and you will see me in the big white Van to the left of the little brown house 2 blocks away.

are you on here all the damn time or what?  

Even an Extra Terrestial like me needs some sleep.

you are not a moderator I asked. and someone said you used to be staff.

Yes I am a moderator. I'm a moderator of the Facility Questions and Answer board. I used to be an Administrator of the entire forum and regularly checked the IP addresses of the posters on this thread and found many of your trolls were regular survivors who post here under othr names.

you posted literally 30 seconds after i posted

Again its a plot.. we are watching.. and we are waiting.. WE want your DNA.

Please lay down a tarp for later. I'd hate to stain your carpet when we drop in to take our first sample.

could you be any more on top of what is done on this PV thread?

It is my job. The High Council of Omicron 5 would be most dissappointed if I wasn't doing it properly.
also why do you all seem to have PV staff schedules?  

All PV staff are from Omicron 5. What you should really be asking is why do all of you Omicron 5 bastards all follow the same schedule?

you are not all in the army, which is a decent cover and also very PV
most of the boys out of PV mention how PV staff on the guys side likes to pretend to be ex military

Some of us are in the navy also.

i would assume that you do have other things you should be doing even if you are.  I think it must be around 11:00 am in Korea
don't you have anything else to do? but watch this site so closely that you post 30 seconds after I do when I have not posted for a few weeks?

Wrong young lady! I'm right down the street, I'm from the Planet Omicron 5, and I'm here for you brain. Don't worry if you wear a tin foil hat we can't track you.

 ::fuckoff::  ::fuckoff::  ::fuckoff::  ::fuckoff::
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 29, 2007, 10:15:45 PM
So I'm from Omicron Percei 8 and I think Gook is a fucking weirdo.

But at least he isn't from Venus... fucking fagass hen house if there ever was a planet. Nothing but flamers from there.  :roll:
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 29, 2007, 10:16:57 PM
Yeah we both agree nothing but flamers from Venus.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 29, 2007, 10:18:12 PM
Just ask Castle. He just wishes he was from Mars, right?  :wink:

I still can't figure out where Ginger's from. Callisto?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 29, 2007, 10:22:38 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on December 29, 2007, 10:28:48 PM
Hey Niles.. You know what? I'm tired of trying to bother with Free Grrrr. I've pointed out to her numerous times that her trolls are survivors posting anonly. I even abused my Admin powers to do so. I've tried to help her out by asking people to leave her alone.

Since obviously I no longer give a damn and won't be arsed to bother with this nut any longer I'm bailing on this thread.

Good luck Free you are left to your own devices.

Niles If I go will you go and no posting anonly here either?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on December 29, 2007, 10:31:30 PM
Well, I haven't "Trolled" her or even really talked to her in months but I'm all for leaving her alone.

Free, get some help. Find a female therapist ideally... or get on the personals and find a male submissive to beat up and squeeze his nuts until you chill out.

Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2007, 10:41:05 PM
i said you asshole that many of the people on here are PV staff not aliens
what is your reference to the Baker act?  
there would be no reason for aliens to be on this site but very good reason for PV staff to be.
I will explain this further since you seem to be too stupid.
 Parents Google PV and Cafety, with multiple survivors talking about how horrible PV is, pops up.
 This causes PV to loose potential clients and money.  Aliens have nothing to do with this, large men with neck rolls and buzz cuts logically may.  as might the fact that my old computer died three times as soon as I started doing this, the final time for good, I bought better spy ware.    
if the tombstone was in reference to people exposing themselves to and threatening female program survivors then fine, I do want some pet alligators, along with a giant fence of thorns and maybe a fire breathing dragon.

i do not think the Baker act has anything to do with servicemen overseas
instead it concerns mentally ill people in Florida being entitled to out patient treatment rather then locked up in the horrific 1970's and earlier mental institutions and occasional prison.  It can also be used to force people to get treatment, so it can work both ways.  
Is it only a Florida state law?  because if not then PV is not in compliance with it.

if the reference to the Baker act is a threat, PV has nothing, you can't threaten someone with the level of violence I have been threatened with on here by PV staff and have a leg left to stand on as far as anything legal goes
the Baker act comes up in reference to someone being a danger to themselves and others, staff has made multiple threats of sexual violence and death on here, if any one has crossed that line it is the criminally psychopathic PV staff.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2007, 11:03:08 PM
Maybe he means the cops will think you are totally insane and need to be incarcerated.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: 3xsaSeedling on December 29, 2007, 11:59:49 PM
Quote from: ""Che Gookin""
Quote from: ""free grrr""
hey three springs how come you post three seconds after i post after not posting for a week or two?  

It is a plot formented by Extra Terrestials to mine your brain for DNA. We are watching you. Look out the window and you will see me in the big white Van to the left of the little brown house 2 blocks away.

are you on here all the damn time or what?  

Even an Extra Terrestial like me needs some sleep.

 ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao::  ::roflmao:: (
click link for info:  "How To Make a Tinfoil Hat"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2007, 03:17:07 AM
you know, women are as bad as men
i am sure women use the same old stupid laws as men to beat up on people sometimes, my mother uses them
i'm not going to tell the late 80's divorce story where she followed my dad around for months trying to get him to hit her,
in PV there were all sorts of weird custody battle things
I think I already talked about the mother in a divorce situation telling PV to interrogate her daughter into thinking her father had molested her?
After months of PV "therapy", staff had the girl repeatedly sobbing and talking about having a high fever as a kid and waking up in her underwear in her dads bed, it was the only instance of anything at all that the girl could remember and PV took it and twisted it into her being molested by him,
it was horrible ,the girl believed after months in STU with PV staffs leading, that her father had molested her.
Of course on the other hand PV played down instances of actual abuse
The girls mother was paying and the one who had put the girl in PV, the father was a womanizer and the mother hated him.
I am sure many an angry woman has called the cops on a man and said he hit me take him down town.
women can be abusers too, I have had problems with abusive women
If you noticed half of my stories concern abusive women rather then men
I am not anti men, but sexual bullying is really bad in high schools
and sexism really is an ism like racism and it's pretty universal sadly in society throughout time and space.
the bullying in high schools is often girls bullying other girls as well.
I suppose I could see how the problems I have are as much ones that people in general face but I do think being female does have a big effect on just general levels of random safetly.  It really is no fun to be something large random people want to hump the leg of?
it is just plain scary as hell.
In general though, I have nothing against men I have found women to be just as dangerous and I say that with complete sincerity.
Sometimes women are sexually aggressive what ever orientation they are, they can be very pushy with boyfriends and such.
I have found humanity to be somewhat dangerous and it worries me how much power people have over me
i am currently very upset as to how all my hard work and good grades in college basically come down to the whim and prejudices of some random individual.  
I judge people, if I must judge them, as individuals and people that are safe and just generally nice to be around are in all groups as well.
Many individuals should not have power over others though, and any situation or law, if it is abusable, it is being abused by people from all genders and from all walks of life.  
Humans can often be dangerous and prejudice in one form or another
so be careful, don't expect much and treat trust worthy people well?
Also people you don’t know are strangers and they are not your friends.  

Teens always seem to think every person they meet is their new best friend
Not so at all, random humans are capable of just about anything really and you should be very careful until you know them better.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2007, 03:26:06 AM
of course men post pictures of there penises
men often seem to talk about women in macho and degrading ways as well, honestly I don't like any group especially much
individuals I like just fine
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2007, 03:41:58 AM
of course if you really are being abused
 the abuser will turn it around on you,
in general abuse is a war zone and ugly
i think the way to tell cynically who is telling the truth in a situation of abuse is whoever is getting beat up on more
very deep huh
the abuser seems to always be the one getting away with it is all I'm saying,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2007, 06:19:37 AM
OMG I don't think I've laughed so hard all week. Che... Don't stop responding... fucking Omicron 5???

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Free the only mental help you need is your computer taken away for your own good.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on December 30, 2007, 10:18:51 AM
Quote from: ""Che Gookin""
Yeah we both agree nothing but flamers from Venus. (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2007, 12:24:50 PM
It is a plot formented by Extra Terrestials to mine your brain for DNA.

Crypto, izzat you?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 31, 2007, 09:21:00 PM
speaking of aliens,
if there is one more show on the History channel about aliens I'm going to freak, what the hell is that!  Once in a while ok but every time I turn on the damn TV its aliens, the DaVinci code or bible stories on the History channel.
aliens are not history, aliens are tabloid or belong on sci fi
i like a good alien or ghost story but it sure as hell is not History
is any one else interested in real history?
i'm reading "Invading Mexico" which is great
and "The last empress" also great, about the end of the Manchu dynasty
no fricken aliens,
i assumed you all were talking about people from foreign countries without visa's, who, according to "Invading Mexico",  did get at least to California, New Mexico and Texas first.
as for all of this stupidity it has been done before and is pretty damn interesting looking at it from that perspective,
looking at it from an outside perspective, analyzing it instead of just going lemming going
it's simply wrong to get involved in believing in much of anything
it's not a sports team it's real life
to summarize my historical reading
life will kill you and people will exploit you
don't let them if you possibly can
don't let anyone put you anywhere  
also don't let possibly abusive people tell you anything about yourself
and a lot of people are possibly abusive
at least you don't have the plague
history is good for being depressing enough to make you feel like well alright then all of this crap is simply the way it is
all you can do is learn how it works and how to navigate it so it doesn't do anything horrible to you
there are basic ways that history says life works
all I'm saying is be careful and take care of yourself
history can be depressing reading but at least it puts reality in the proper perspective
i am somewhat drunken so forgive me
i personally enjoy depressing historic reading
it just says so much as far as irony goes, it is the truth after all
history does give you good insight into what the hell to avoid.  
any way long story short, look at life like something that could kick your ass,
as for the rest of it, it’s all pretty corrupt and most people cheat, they also hit on you and worse
forget them, they are nothing to you

as for people being watched by aliens
aliens are most likely not real and they sure as hell are not watching your stupid ass,  
we are a lot more on the record then we ever have been before though

so in reality land, make sure you don’t fuck up your credit, you need it for everything, getting a crappy job or a crappy apartment
every time you go to get a job or an apartment they do a criminal back round and credit check,  therefore it is very important to have good credit and to not have legal problems.  
Every stupid thing shows up, as always its way over the top and extreme, kinda like prescribing strong amphetamines for ADD, which 1-10 children is supposed to have.
Not only do convictions or felonies show up, Victor Hugo aside, this would be arguable, like maybe prescribing amphetamines for real severe 1 child in 250 hyperactivity, maybe.  
instead every misdemeanor that was thrown out shows up.
i.e. the cop found rolling papers in your dates car when you were 19 and it was thrown out, shows up when your boss at JC Penny runs a back round check when you apply for a job.  
Also until recently things like a DUI in one state would often not show up in other states, now data bases are far more centralized.  
This on a more moderate hand could be ok, i.e. you don’t want the convicted violent felon axe murder living next to you, but on the other hand you really don’t want your boss to treat you like a pot head because you had a possession of drug paraphernalia, rolling papers, misdemeanor charge that was thrown out when you were 19!
So anyway, we are watched through credit checks and far too invasive of privacy back round checks, forget aliens people have real problems, and you’re an idiot.  
Also tin foil isn’t going to change your credit score
This is bad for people out of PV because PV really makes you want to go on the lamb, hopefully without breaking any worse laws then running up a big credit card bill.
So for any kiddies out there watch your credit! And your criminal record
You aren’t going anywhere anyway.  Life sucks, there is no where to go on the lamb to, all you can do is to protect your credit so you can buy a house someday.
Your stuck like everyone else, the only thing people can do is live in the box!!  
Or at least protect their credit enough so that they can afford to buy their way out of it!   The box is actually pretty interesting.  
most somewhat dangerous people are not dangerous to everyone and in all circumstances, basically you have to work around them.  you have to work around all of it.  figure it out, you saw PV or some other program
you need credit to start a business too.  
don't let other people have power over you or how you feel
they are not worth it and there are way to many people to worry about
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 31, 2007, 09:44:59 PM
if history already kicked your ass, join the club
life is nuts
look at our school system
we take little kids, give them deadlines for work, make them basically work an eight hour day sitting at a desk with a couple hours of take home work, we turn them over to a bunch of random weird old people
half of whom, who the hell knows what strange little "village" prejudices they have going on, and then we abuse the children when they don't make their deadlines!
again we give little children work deadlines then abuse them when they don't make them!
how is that not just nuts! not to mention abusive
humans rock!! again it's the fricken middle ages
 people can be dangerous idiots, perhaps my perception has been influenced by time spent with PV staff.  
so fuck them, be careful and home school
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 31, 2007, 09:52:55 PM
The box is actually pretty interesting.
basic rules, some people will try to steal your wallet and molest you
if they can do both at once, kinda like PV, all the better
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on December 31, 2007, 10:04:40 PM
I failed art class and PE in sixth grade ok!
art class!!  i'm pretty fricken creative, at 11.
it wasn't for behavior issues it was because I started playing around with my pottery assignment and the thing fell apart so I didn't make the deadline to make a new one.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 06:42:08 AM
They even give out grades for 6th Grade PE these days????? I thought it was all dodge ball and shit....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 01:37:14 PM
I didn't go to public school, I wanted to go to public school,
but there were black and poor people in the public school
sadly this is completly true, my parents are fun folks
don't judge me by them!
this was the reason I was going to private school when we lived in the U.S., overseas I couldn't go to the public schools.

I didn’t mean to sound as harsh as I did with the above
I honestly think that there is so much good and beauty in the world that people, especially young people, are way too trusting.  
I’ve been through a couple existential crisis as this point and have made some peace with the sadder aspects of life, some of which I had the misfortune to experience
Therefore, I’ve become pretty factual about reality and it doesn’t bother me as much,
like I said I think I’ve been through a grieving process with it and made  some peace

On another note, I started thinking about trauma and grief and their after effects in relation to PV survivors.
A lot of the girls going into PV did not seem to be dealing with chemical depression but instead with the after effects of real trauma and grief.
PV of course is the most horrific excuse for grief and trauma therapy one could imagine short of perhaps an actual POW or prison camp, where they don’t have to make any pretenses at not torturing people.
i.e. they can bury you in the backyard .  
All survivors out of PV are now dealing with the after effects of trauma.  
I started researching grief therapy online and there was a lot of good stuff.  
I came to the conclusion that grief counseling might be better for the kids going into PV then well abusing them horrifically and stressing them out past the point of all sanity.
There was a lot of focus on not traumatizing the trauma patients, oh well too late for that in PV people.  

I also think that a lot of people try to run away from their feelings of grief because the sadness and anger scares them.
 I say this from how I handled the grief from what I had experienced
I think this leads to things like drug use, anorexia and basically just weird avoidance distraction things.  The pain is still really there though so it makes people a bit nutty.
The grief counseling information mentioned what I ended up figuring out with it, basically the grief isn’t going to kill you and you can’t run away from it so its better just to let yourself grieve because then you feel a lot better and it does eventually more or less go away.  

Dealing with grief and trauma is a very real thing and it follows specific normal patterns
I have seen these patterns, actually while they were being abused horrifically, so I’ve really seen them.  
It was nice in the reading to have the therapeutic community make something almost like sense or even scientific observation. wow
A good grief/ trauma counselor, and I would be very careful, might be a good idea out of PV.
I also think anti depressant medications are interesting in relation to those dealing with the after effects of trauma/ abuse/ death of a love one etc.  
I don’t think there are really any distinctions made between chemical depression and the after effects of trauma when prescribing them.
It would seem that if chemical depression was a medical problem, within which the persons body doesn’t regulate chemicals properly, and grief is not a medical problem but something caused by trauma, giving out the same drugs for both things doesn’t really make sense.  
I have taken Zoloft and Paxil and I noticed that they did absolutely nothing for me.  
I didn’t feel any different whatsoever then when I wasn’t on them.
 They did do some slight physical things, i.e. Zoloft made my head a bit buzzy depending on how much I had eaten and what time of day it was, and I think Paxil made me tired but as far as how I felt emotionally they did absolutely nothing.  
And I mean nothing, I felt exactly the same as I had before I had started taking them.  
Of course i had no grief or trauma counseling, my trauma counseling was a horrific brutal prison camp.  After getting out of PV it was almost as callous and abusive.
So anyway I was thinking about how best to deal with the after effects of PV so as survivors could have better lives, which led to researching grief counseling which led to the above.  I guess don’t let nasty people around you tell you that your not going through something and that grieving isn’t normal, this was a big part the trauma/grief therapy reading, out of PV your going to be going through the after effects of trauma.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 02:07:05 PM
when i say chemical depression is a medical problem I mean its caused by biological factors as opposed to environmental ones  
chemically depressed people have a physical problem like being anemic or diabetic or something, this is different then someone who is grieving because something traumatic happened to them, or of course you can just beat up on all of them indiscriminately and make them do a lot of hard labor, because that makes so much more therapeutic sense
we can go back to the state schools for the mentally retarded too
and abusing people with cerebral palsy why the hell not
why not just murder them all like the Nazi’s,
it’s fun to kill six million people if you’re a psychopath  

you know it's funny, I did go to public school in the US for about a year and a half, and I really liked it
of course, as for my parents influence, we lived in suburban New York and there was not one African American in my entire grade that I can remember,
 i know there was not one in my class.
in the private school their were a couple black kids but their parents were doctors or something and successful
I always hear teachers talking about things like integration and the lack there of, weird real estate zoning, and white flight to the suburbs in relation to economic and educational opportunities in the recent past.  
I was a kid in the eighties and my parents are baby boomers,  i think the fact that there were no black students in my suburban school not that far away from the city, says a lot.  
The schools around were I live now in the south seem a lot more normal in this sense,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 03:00:01 PM
hey threesprings if you are actually in Korea sorry
I hope you had a nice chrtistmas and new years
i just think a lot of the people on here are staff
so it makes me paranoid  
i'm not picking on the army with my pin head comments
there are these weird men in the south around where I live that have no hair and are large and have nothing to do with the military
my cousin is in the military and he is very nice calm and smart
he has been to Iraq twice already
i have known lots of nice army families, living overseas and all
all the heckling makes me angry
Title: I love my job
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 05:11:21 PM ... %2Cvillage (

Work Info
Employer:    Peninsula Village
Position:    Residential Program Counselor
Description:    hang out with crazys and so much more

OMG!!!!!  PV doesnt take crazys do they? What about the other children?????
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 05:21:38 PM
i have been on Prozac and Zoloft
never Paxil, sorry
just wanted to clarify in case someone else was on Paxil and they noticed anything interesting or odd about it
they had me on lithium in the Village
it’s a horrible drug, anything that’s is in batteries will kill your liver
Lithium is very bad for your liver and kidneys in the long run, it also makes you pee all the time
this was horrible because staff would be even more evil then usual if you asked to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
there was a lot of bed wetting in relation to this, like I said its a great drug
I also didn't notice it doing anything to me by way of mood balancing.
Of course being in the middle of the eighth court of crazy hell might have made it hard to "work with the meds"
it was hard not to feel like crap in PV, you were being abused constantly
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 05:33:55 PM
honestly i can say there was not one "crazy" person in PV when I was there
they sent crazy people elsewhere
no schizophrenics and such
no one had voices other then their own in their head,
no one was delusional
every one I was in PV with was at least as sane as the average person
we also didn't have any special education people
this is interesting really because you would think that a couple of the kids would have been hyperactive or have had some kind of actual medical problem

the girls I was in with weren't even as odd as a lot of the kids you meet in your average school.  They were just ordinary people.  
I do think one or two of them may have had chemical depression, but they were still pretty ordinary,  some of the stuff they had been through was pretty crazy but i the girls were not.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 07:03:17 PM
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on January 01, 2008, 11:05:03 PM
Quote from: ""free grrr""
hey threesprings if you are actually in Korea sorry
I hope you had a nice chrtistmas and new years
i just think a lot of the people on here are staff
so it makes me paranoid  
i'm not picking on the army with my pin head comments
there are these weird men in the south around where I live that have no hair and are large and have nothing to do with the military
my cousin is in the military and he is very nice calm and smart
he has been to Iraq twice already
i have known lots of nice army families, living overseas and all
all the heckling makes me angry

Despite my promise to not post on this thread I will accept your offer of peace. Feel free to email me anytime you'd like for any reason at all at [email protected]. I likewise extend my own apologies for heckling you regarding the Omicron 5 matter.

Again email me anytime you'd feel up to for any reason. I'm open to answering any of your questions or providing any support that I'm able to do so for you.

Also as I do own and host the forum I'm personally extending you an offer to come and start a PV thread there as well. You can now post as a guest on that forum. I'll instruct the administrator, not myself, to keep an eye on the thread and to chase off any trolls. Should staff, other dickheads, and morons choose to troll you they'll find themselves shown the door right quickly.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 11:42:22 PM
this is all horrible....

i was at PV for 19 months and another program for a year before that, leaving at the age of 14. I've seen so much shit talk about PV and it honestly  all sounds like its coming from the mouth of an angry teenager that doesnt give a crap about anyone else and is still blaming the world for everything. Yes the Village is unbelievably intense but, since it is refered to as "an end of the line" treatment center that would make complete sense, RIGHT?? It's one of the toughtest programs in the country, but have one of the highest recovery rates, so it works if you work it, and I have never once seen one person be "abused" i have seen girls restrained after attempting to run, commit suicide, attack peers or staff, or hurt themselves some other way. I love the Village, and all of the staff even though I hated them at first, but you grow and your prespective changes. And also for those who are curious about PV alot of the posts i have seen on the internet are out of date, so I'd be glad to talk to anyone who isn't already a Village Hater so to say.  

[email protected]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2008, 11:43:04 PM
this is all horrible....

i was at PV for 19 months and another program for a year before that, leaving at the age of 14. I've seen so much shit talk about PV and it honestly  all sounds like its coming from the mouth of an angry teenager that doesnt give a crap about anyone else and is still blaming the world for everything. Yes the Village is unbelievably intense but, since it is refered to as "an end of the line" treatment center that would make complete sense, RIGHT?? It's one of the toughtest programs in the country, but have one of the highest recovery rates, so it works if you work it, and I have never once seen one person be "abused" i have seen girls restrained after attempting to run, commit suicide, attack peers or staff, or hurt themselves some other way. I love the Village, and all of the staff even though I hated them at first, but you grow and your prespective changes. And also for those who are curious about PV alot of the posts i have seen on the internet are out of date, so I'd be glad to talk to anyone who isn't already a Village Hater so to say.  

[email protected]
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on January 01, 2008, 11:47:33 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
this is all horrible....

i was at PV for 19 months and another program for a year before that, leaving at the age of 14. I've seen so much shit talk about PV and it honestly  all sounds like its coming from the mouth of an angry teenager that doesnt give a crap about anyone else and is still blaming the world for everything. Yes the Village is unbelievably intense but, since it is refered to as "an end of the line" treatment center that would make complete sense, RIGHT?? It's one of the toughtest programs in the country, but have one of the highest recovery rates, so it works if you work it, and I have never once seen one person be "abused" i have seen girls restrained after attempting to run, commit suicide, attack peers or staff, or hurt themselves some other way. I love the Village, and all of the staff even though I hated them at first, but you grow and your prespective changes. And also for those who are curious about PV alot of the posts i have seen on the internet are out of date, so I'd be glad to talk to anyone who isn't already a Village Hater so to say.  

[email protected]

The problem I see here with PV is the sheer number of people with concerns regarding PV. It isn't just one "angry" teenager voicing their disgruntled air. These are successful young men and women who've suffered under the cruel lash of Pegler and company and survived.

Most of the posts here regarding PV are up to date, and quite factual. I've even had the opprotunity to interview a survivor of PV from as recent as 2006. Her testimony paints PV as a very cruel and sick organization.

My suggestion to you is to take stock of your experience and re-examine it very carefully. I think you will find that the inconsistencies between acceptable treatement of human beings and what you recieved at PV to be quite visible.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on January 01, 2008, 11:52:46 PM

examine this thread here for the Real story on PV.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 02, 2008, 11:49:21 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
this is all horrible....

i was at PV for 19 months and another program for a year before that, leaving at the age of 14.

When were you there?

Quote from: ""Guest""
I've seen so much shit talk about PV and it honestly  all sounds like its coming from the mouth of an angry teenager that doesnt give a crap about anyone else and is still blaming the world for everything.

I'm a parent, not an angry teenager, and my step daughter who was in PV is not angry but damaged.  I'm the angry one, I guess.  Six months in STU is inhuman treatment.  Here's some more PV info, including a grandparent's perspective: (

Quote from: ""Guest""
Yes the Village is unbelievably intense but, since it is refered to as "an end of the line" treatment center that would make complete sense, RIGHT??

A lot of kids, including mine, are nowhere near "end of the line" when they're admitted to PV.   My step daughter wasn't recommended for residential treatment.  Peninsula Hospital didn't recommend it.  You're not giving attention to the profitability of PV.

Quote from: ""Guest""
It's one of the toughtest programs in the country, but have one of the highest recovery rates, so it works if you work it,

Wow.  That's a bold claim, care to back it up with some evidence PV has one of the highest recovery rates?  

Quote from: ""Guest""
and I have never once seen one person be "abused" i have seen girls restrained after attempting to run, commit suicide, attack peers or staff, or hurt themselves some other way.

Attempting to run isn't an action that requires restraint.  Actually, if you did see someone restrained for trying to run, you saw serious abuse that should have been reported to authorities.

Quote from: ""Guest""
I love the Village, and all of the staff even though I hated them at first, but you grow and your prespective changes. And also for those who are curious about PV alot of the posts i have seen on the internet are out of date, so I'd be glad to talk to anyone who isn't already a Village Hater so to say.

"Out of date"?  Define out of date.  The PV kids who are paraded out at PV parent rallies left the program ages ago.  Dan Sheps, the PV poster boy, left over a decade ago.

Abuse is abuse.  I've spoken with former PV patients spanning a decade and the level and type of abuse is constant.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 12:22:17 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""
and I have never once seen one person be "abused" i have seen girls restrained after attempting to run, commit suicide, attack peers or staff, or hurt themselves some other way.

Attempting to run isn't an action that requires restraint.  Actually, if you did see someone restrained for trying to run, you saw serious abuse that should have been reported to authorities.

Unfortunately, restraining a commited patient who tries to run isn't abuse. If someone is commited to a psych- unit, the unit is legally entitled to prevent the individual from leaving.

This is why the laws regarding commiting youth under 18 need to be changed.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 02, 2008, 02:25:02 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""
and I have never once seen one person be "abused" i have seen girls restrained after attempting to run, commit suicide, attack peers or staff, or hurt themselves some other way.

Attempting to run isn't an action that requires restraint.  Actually, if you did see someone restrained for trying to run, you saw serious abuse that should have been reported to authorities.

Unfortunately, restraining a commited patient who tries to run isn't abuse. If someone is commited to a psych- unit, the unit is legally entitled to prevent the individual from leaving.

This is why the laws regarding commiting youth under 18 need to be changed.

A person with mental illness or serious emotional disturbance may be isolated or restrained only in emergency situations if necessary to assure the physical safety of the person or another person nearby or to prevent significant destruction of property.[/color] If a person imposes restraints or isolation, the person shall immediately contact a qualified mental health professional who is permitted under department rules to authorize the isolation or restraint. If the treating physician is not the person who orders isolation or restraint, the treating physician shall be consulted as soon as possible. A professional authorized to permit isolation or restraint shall see and evaluate the person for the need for isolation or restraint within one (1) hour of the intervention.

(c) A person with developmental disability may be restrained only as part of an approved plan or in emergency situations if necessary to assure the physical safety of the person or another person nearby or to prevent significant destruction of property. Isolation may only be used with a person with developmental disability as part of the person's approved plan. Only psychologists, psychological examiners, senior psychological examiners, physicians, behavior analysts, masters degree social workers, and others authorized to do so under department rules may develop a plan that includes or authorizes isolation or restraint of a person with developmental disability.

(d) Staff shall remain in the physical presence of a person in restraint. Staff shall continuously observe a person in isolation or restraint for the health and well being of the person.

(e) The professional shall record the use of restraint or isolation, the reasons for its use, and the duration of its use in the person's record.

(f) All staff who may have direct contact with a person being restrained or isolated shall receive ongoing education and training in alternative methods for handling behavior and the safe use of isolation and restraint.

(g) The department shall adopt rules as to circumstances under which use of restraint and isolation are permitted. The department shall distribute the rules to all who provide services covered by this title.

(h) The department shall report annually to the statewide planning and policy council on the use of restraint and isolation in the state and its rules on the subject.

[Acts 2000, ch. 947, § 1; 2001, ch. 334, § 2; 2002, ch. 730, § 15.]

Most kids at PV aren't ordered there, they're held against their will.  Running doesn't represent harm to themselves, the staff, or the property.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 04:40:32 PM
an angry teenager.. huh.   Peninsula Village having the highest turn out rate of successful recovery. See even if that is true (which it's not) that still is not a very high number. And even if any of the patients were crazy (I was in STU with a kid who saw little people killing each other) the methods used were not needed nor did they help. Wonderful you got something out of PV... So did I, I got out of it that there are scum sucking bastards willing to hurt kids to make a buck.  PV did not prove to me I was stronger... I was fucking hoping trains before they stuck me in that shit hole so I already knew I could handle PV.... The point was I never should have had to.

The ratio of kids that support PV to the ones that dispise it is vast. And as I told Zen. I just don't like thoes odds.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 04:43:37 PM
This is for Zen upon his request, it's a letter I sent to the currant head of PV

Make no mistake this letter is not aimed directly at you, there have been many before you and no doubt many after in other treatment centers. You are just currantly the head of Peninsula Village and therefore the most responisble for the actions of all the employees. I just want you to understand a few things. No matter how many acclaims you have honoring the facility, no matter how many alumni you may have claming you saved their lives (and in 11 coming on 12 years there is barely a handful), you may look happy and cheerful on your website and phamplets, make no mistake you are ALL parading this disgusting display of mental and physical abuse as " medical treatment". You torture teenagers pure and simple and you get paid for it. I have numerous contacts of both former patients and parents who have disclosed some of the most awful and in some cases sadistic things I have ever heard to be backed up by a professonal health organazation. This is a letter to inform you that Peninsula Vilage, from now on out is going to be watched closely. Sure we can't go on campus (because you won't let us) and when you do let anyone in your staff shines everything up and makes everything pretty for such events as graduation or parents day. But think about this, I am going to go over a very vauge number of how many patents you have, I say vauge because there are times when STU or a cabin on either side boy or girl could be empty so bare with me on this. There are usualy about 10 kids to any group, I am going to assume there are still 3 boy groups and 2 female groups. That tallies up to about 50 so far. Then we have boy STU, which I believe can hold up to 11, assuming boy STU2 is open ass well thats another 8 to 9, that adds up to 69 or 68. Then we have the girl STU, I honestly have no idea so to make it even I'll assume 10. So there are usualy about 70 kids in your program give or take. The Village opened up in 1986 but from what I hear the groups were smaller back then which I will take in to account. lets assume there were only about 20 paitents from 1986 untill 1989 per year. Also we have to factor in that kids came in and out frequantly because dang nabbit not all could afford it or their insurence companies decided to stop paying the bill, but because that would take so long and I am trying to keep it theorheticaly short Iam only going to go by a single year and not count the change in potential kids. so for the first 4 years with 20 kids per year we have 80. Now lets take the tally of 70 kids per year and times that by 8, which comes out to 560. Now we both know the number of kids that went to P.V. is much higher but for the sake of argument I kept it simple enough. How many of that number do you think were "cured" because of treatment? I promise you, most were not and the poster children you walk around like ponies look so bleak and empty it makes one wonder why they don't just kill themselves. Including but not limited to Dan Shepps (If you dont' know the Name ask Bob or Tony if he's still working there).  How many of these people still hate and dispise what was done to them, how many grind their teeth at the sound of an airhorn, how many do you think are afraid to look people in the eye? How many do you think would want to see P.V. shut down permantly? The point is you do not help children, you break them down, make them feel helpless and exploit their fears and shatter their self confidence. Telling a rape victim she is the cause of her assault is not theraputic, telling a child he/she is addicted to alcohol and drugs because they smoked a joint after school is not recovery, restraining a child because they did not follow a command is not standard procedure, and forbidding a child to talk to his parents in anything but a supervised situation is inhumane. You are not legaly licenced to "restrict" rights of anybody, and you illegaly save on labor costs to the facility by taking the children out of class three days a week and making them do the work (i.e. clearing the brush and cutting logs in swealtering heat for no money, or fixing any of the cabins when they get worn down) to keep codes up to date and trying to pass it of as a class and an educational service. This whole center is corrupt and it will be exposed. Send this to the police if you want. I have made no threats of bodily harm, I only have stated that justice will come to the hundreds of people whos lives you ruined, and it will come fairly and in due course. This is the strike for all the kids who had no voice, no knowlege of the how, and no choice over their own lives. To the staff of Peninsula Village, the retubution has begun.     To the victims, we love every last one of you like a brother and sister and our homes, hearts, and lives will always be open to you, we will not forgive them for what they did and we will not forget....
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 02, 2008, 04:59:33 PM
Thanks, DYS.  That cuts through all the BS being flung around.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 05:02:17 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""
and I have never once seen one person be "abused" i have seen girls restrained after attempting to run, commit suicide, attack peers or staff, or hurt themselves some other way.

Attempting to run isn't an action that requires restraint.  Actually, if you did see someone restrained for trying to run, you saw serious abuse that should have been reported to authorities.

Unfortunately, restraining a commited patient who tries to run isn't abuse. If someone is commited to a psych- unit, the unit is legally entitled to prevent the individual from leaving.

This is why the laws regarding commiting youth under 18 need to be changed.

A person with mental illness or serious emotional disturbance may be isolated or restrained only in emergency situations if necessary to assure the physical safety of the person or another person nearby or to prevent significant destruction of property.[/color] If a person imposes restraints or isolation, the person shall immediately contact a qualified mental health professional who is permitted under department rules to authorize the isolation or restraint. If the treating physician is not the person who orders isolation or restraint, the treating physician shall be consulted as soon as possible. A professional authorized to permit isolation or restraint shall see and evaluate the person for the need for isolation or restraint within one (1) hour of the intervention.

(c) A person with developmental disability may be restrained only as part of an approved plan or in emergency situations if necessary to assure the physical safety of the person or another person nearby or to prevent significant destruction of property. Isolation may only be used with a person with developmental disability as part of the person's approved plan. Only psychologists, psychological examiners, senior psychological examiners, physicians, behavior analysts, masters degree social workers, and others authorized to do so under department rules may develop a plan that includes or authorizes isolation or restraint of a person with developmental disability.

(d) Staff shall remain in the physical presence of a person in restraint. Staff shall continuously observe a person in isolation or restraint for the health and well being of the person.

(e) The professional shall record the use of restraint or isolation, the reasons for its use, and the duration of its use in the person's record.

(f) All staff who may have direct contact with a person being restrained or isolated shall receive ongoing education and training in alternative methods for handling behavior and the safe use of isolation and restraint.

(g) The department shall adopt rules as to circumstances under which use of restraint and isolation are permitted. The department shall distribute the rules to all who provide services covered by this title.

(h) The department shall report annually to the statewide planning and policy council on the use of restraint and isolation in the state and its rules on the subject.

[Acts 2000, ch. 947, § 1; 2001, ch. 334, § 2; 2002, ch. 730, § 15.]

Most kids at PV aren't ordered there, they're held against their will.  Running doesn't represent harm to themselves, the staff, or the property.

The thinking is that if a committed person is trying to run, he/she is participating in an action that is a "danger to themself". This is a fundamental tenant of the psych facility ethos. This why psych units can hold people against their will in the first place. Unfortunately, no, you don't have to be court ordered to be held against your will. There needs to be some "probable cause" that you could be in jeopardy, or immediately need emergency level services. This translates to a world where you can call the cops on your wife/husband/stranger and report that they pose a risk to themselves or others and if the cops think that there is any kernel of truth to this, they can bring you to a psych unit. Once there the Dr. will decide if you need further ob/intervention. At this point, you can challenge the Dr.'s decision. If a judge orders that you can not be kept against your will because you are mentally stable enough to leave you can go, or he can "court order" you to remain.

If you are under 18, and brought by any means to a hosp. you don’t have the guaranteed right to challenge their view that you should be locked away.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on January 02, 2008, 05:25:08 PM
SNAP it To YA! Everybody on the peninsula know Dan Sheps is on the Covenant Health PAYROLL!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 02, 2008, 06:15:52 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

The thinking is that if a committed person is trying to run, he/she is participating in an action that is a "danger to themself". This is a fundamental tenant of the psych facility ethos. This why psych units can hold people against their will in the first place. Unfortunately, no, you don't have to be court ordered to be held against your will. There needs to be some "probable cause" that you could be in jeopardy, or immediately need emergency level services. This translates to a world where you can call the cops on your wife/husband/stranger and report that they pose a risk to themselves or others and if the cops think that there is any kernel of truth to this, they can bring you to a psych unit. Once there the Dr. will decide if you need further ob/intervention. At this point, you can challenge the Dr.'s decision. If a judge orders that you can not be kept against your will because you are mentally stable enough to leave you can go, or he can "court order" you to remain.

If you are under 18, and brought by any means to a hosp. you don’t have the guaranteed right to challenge their view that you should be locked away.

...and we'll challenge that.  No doctor or court ordered my step daughter into PV, only her father did.  In the end, it was decided the placement "should have never happened".  

My step daughter was restrained for trying to run toward her mother as she left the facility.  Define the risk, other than my wife possibly following instinct and taking her away - she wanted to, while the restraint was going on, but she ran the risk of being restrained as well.  

If it's all so legal, why did the PV staff freak out when my wife photographed the improper (non-TCI) restraint?

Sorry, I'm not buying the "elopement = self-harm" bit, that's stretching in an attempt to make the law fit.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 06:37:50 PM
This is squeaky clean (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 07:04:46 PM
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""

The thinking is that if a committed person is trying to run, he/she is participating in an action that is a "danger to themself". This is a fundamental tenant of the psych facility ethos. This why psych units can hold people against their will in the first place. Unfortunately, no, you don't have to be court ordered to be held against your will. There needs to be some "probable cause" that you could be in jeopardy, or immediately need emergency level services. This translates to a world where you can call the cops on your wife/husband/stranger and report that they pose a risk to themselves or others and if the cops think that there is any kernel of truth to this, they can bring you to a psych unit. Once there the Dr. will decide if you need further ob/intervention. At this point, you can challenge the Dr.'s decision. If a judge orders that you can not be kept against your will because you are mentally stable enough to leave you can go, or he can "court order" you to remain.

If you are under 18, and brought by any means to a hosp. you don’t have the guaranteed right to challenge their view that you should be locked away.

...and we'll challenge that.  No doctor or court ordered my step daughter into PV, only her father did.  In the end, it was decided the placement "should have never happened".  

My step daughter was restrained for trying to run toward her mother as she left the facility.  Define the risk, other than my wife possibly following instinct and taking her away - she wanted to, while the restraint was going on, but she ran the risk of being restrained as well.  

If it's all so legal, why did the PV staff freak out when my wife photographed the improper (non-TCI) restraint?

Sorry, I'm not buying the "elopement = self-harm" bit, that's stretching in an attempt to make the law fit.

If you can get your lawyers to challenge that good for you.

But as the law is currently engaged, RTC's and psych wards have the right to restrain patients who try to escape. I don't favor this law, but I speak as someone who's been in a # of psych wards until I had myself emancipated, and have experienced this in all of them.

A parent puts u in a psych ward, the drs. there decide that u need to be there, and there u stay unless u can get a court order allowing you to leave. If the facility advertises itself as a "boarding school" then there is more of a base for a rights violation case. Did a Dr at PV say that she needed to stay, or did a non accredited counselor say she needed to stay? Did her Dad say he wanted her there?

All these thing will count against or for you in what is, at best, a legal grey area.
Title: The Vision
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 07:29:32 PM
i know someone usually post this but I didn't see it here yet ... 202008.pdf (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 09:21:52 PM
Dieyuppiescum please also post the above over on Cafety
dagon it, that is way too cute, sorry I did not believe before you might make  Mark Twain references, I read his Joan of Arc, he wrote a good book on Joan of Arc, last summer
i am very angry when it comes to PV and I seem to yell at everyone a lot
i am not normally so, on the grief trauma therapy websites it says this is normal. sorry again, Nilanthic called me cunt girl, to be blunt, for three pages for no good reason, as if you can really have a good reason, so i've been pissed ever since
anyway, you mean there are not little people in the TV trying to kill each other?  
I thought it was all performing angry gnomes.
when i was in nobody I was in with seemed to have such health problems but it does not surprise me that PV will take them if they are manageable enough to do hard labor and of course, will pay.  
i think also of course, above "alumni" is PV staff, probably higher up then the nastier ones that post on here as guests

I saw a bunch of restraints that had no legitimate reason
most restraints had no legal basis, they were not trying to run, or commit suicide or attack anyone
there was not much running, where the hell were you going to go?
you were in STU and then in the middle of no where but surrounded by rural neighborhoods many miles from a city or highway.  
 one girl I was in the cabins with tried to run and that was it
maybe they just put me in the wimpy group or something, or maybe the smart one, the only girl that tried to run managed to steal a teachers car keys out of her desk then sneak out of the school building, it was horrible though, she got to the car and it was a stick shift and she didn't know how to drive a stick, she didn't get far.
running was very rare and usually happened right away, like on the day of arrival,  it is odd I think Jersey Gurl talks about it, a lot of people would try to run as soon as they got on the PV campus and then never try again.
i made it as far as the bushes outside the family therapy offices
it was like Jersey Gurl said, as soon as you got on campus the bad gut instinct kicked in, no reason for it either, the family therapy building looks ok, I had already dealt with the escort thug crew, and I hadn't met PV staff yet, I just got out of the car, looked at the nice neat building and lawn and was filled with overwhelming horror and made a bolt for the bushes.  The thug collection crew grabbed me after about 15 ft and I never tried to run again.
I think there is something to the trust your gut instinct thing, its kind of buried but its there and accurate

but 90% of restrains were completely uncalled for, and another 5% could have been avoided
some one would sit down on work detail saying they didn't feel well
or staff would all be standing around someone sitting on the ground crying and staff would be harassing them and try to grab their arm and the person would supposedly pull their arm away and that was it, staff would restrain them.  If people didn't follow the million rules, if you got off your bed or chewed on your cuticles they restrained you.  They restrained someone twice a week on average, sometimes more.
 I was restrained because I couldn't stop crying and that was it.  
I really couldn't stop crying, understandably.  They had me sit in the corner and then told me if I wouldn't stop they would restrain me.  I told them I couldn't stop and after another minute or two they restrained me.  I was just sitting in the corner crying, nothing else.  
i was trying to cry quietly too.  Most people really tried to avoid being restrained and like Dieyuppiescum says they just tough it out, what else can you do?  
I really wanted to “work my programâ€
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 09:39:48 PM
when i said PV staff would all stand around harassing the crying person they would stand right on top of them in a very threatening bunch
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 02, 2008, 10:38:53 PM
i also have many tattoos for someone who makes twain references
its an odd world,
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 03, 2008, 01:03:43 PM
i really don't think i saw anyone  try to elope, i.e. run for the bushes even
we all knew we were not going anywhere and they keep you in STU for so long by the time you got to the cabins you were cowed and broken down, in STU there was  no way out, and in the cabins giant scary abuser staff is never more then a few feet from you,
also we were not in PV for life and by the time you got to the cabins you were pretty much a broken down prisoner and wanted to please your family because you were so bad and horrible and all that
again i don't think i  saw anyone run for the bushes, which would be a legal reason to restrain someone, I also never saw anyone try to hurt themselves or someone else with one of the work tools
restraining happened almost always to someone sitting on the ground crying
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on January 03, 2008, 01:11:18 PM
Who cares if they try to Elope? They are in the middle of Tennesse.. Where are they going to go? Restraining someone for that purpose is bullshit. Just follow them until they decide to turn around and come back on their own.

What these clods don't understand is the following:

1) Everytime you lay your hands on someone, or more commonly known as restraining a person, you take the chance of killing them or injuring them.

2) If you have to restrain someone you have to be sure the risk of death or injury to the restrained party is consistent with their actions. If they are walking away into the woods that isn't a real reason.. What harm do they present to anyone? What harm do they present to themselves?

God damn thugs is what they are..
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 04, 2008, 10:08:34 PM
you know as i am also almost still in the middle of TN
i am going to stop this now
it is actually pretty dumb
i don't think i'm paranoid to think something might come after me
in some form or another, nasty letters places even, shouldn't give them ideas.  some of these people are pretty horrible, they got stuff on me too, although confidentiality should pretty much protect me, I guess, anyway enough of this
when your neck deep in it still somewhat, and also i think i hit an age where you to start actually deal with it,  i think i've been doing this without being as careful as I know i should be
a lot of these people would kill someone for fun if they could get away with it and the other half for money, and all would use prejudice as an excuse
i think i wrote all this because I'm still dealing with it
 I hope it did some good.  
all PV survivors and everyone else be careful and be good to yourselves, don’t believe any of the crap, your worth as much as anyone, think about getting to a better happier future rather then focusing on the past, everyone in PV was very young, The past is over and the future is much longer, this is one of the most horrible things about PV, how it makes the kids feel like their lives are over and prepares them for college or adult life not at all, colleges really don't want you if you list being in what looks like an institution, PV does nothing but beat their trauma into the teens and keep them out of school.
sorry i was rude threesprings,
i’ve been looking for a better job, i dress well and can type and all,
i have some interviews, i think i might have to just take night and online classes and work a 9-5 but at least i can maybe make enough money to be safer.  I will write back as to how successful the interview went so as to help other survivors find better jobs.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on January 04, 2008, 10:49:01 PM
Keep your answers short during your interview, but not painfully short.

They probably have to interview half the planet that day and it isn't likely they want a chatty Kathy wasting their time.

Clarity.. don't mumble.

Read their website prior to the interview and cull it for buzzwords. Knowing the jargon of your target company can help you stand out more amongst the other interviewees.

Good eye contact..

Firm handshake..

wear deoderant... Seriously... I know a guy who lost a chance at a good job because he had to go up 10 flights of stairs to do his interview and he had an interviewer with some mutant nose that could smell the slightest scent.

and of course you must say the special interview prayer. It goes as follows:

"Dear god.. help me get this here job cause I gotta move out of my parents house!"


These interview tips were given to me by my uncle who ran a large farm in the middle of Washington state for many a years. He had to do interviews every week and gave me some pointers that were quite useful. Using them I normally have about a 50/50 chance at getting a job that I want.

The hint to getting a better job is the number of interviews you do. Just 1 or 2 ain't gonna cut it in this economy.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on January 05, 2008, 11:47:28 AM
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""Guest""

The thinking is that if a committed person is trying to run, he/she is participating in an action that is a "danger to themself". This is a fundamental tenant of the psych facility ethos. This why psych units can hold people against their will in the first place. Unfortunately, no, you don't have to be court ordered to be held against your will. There needs to be some "probable cause" that you could be in jeopardy, or immediately need emergency level services. This translates to a world where you can call the cops on your wife/husband/stranger and report that they pose a risk to themselves or others and if the cops think that there is any kernel of truth to this, they can bring you to a psych unit. Once there the Dr. will decide if you need further ob/intervention. At this point, you can challenge the Dr.'s decision. If a judge orders that you can not be kept against your will because you are mentally stable enough to leave you can go, or he can "court order" you to remain.

If you are under 18, and brought by any means to a hosp. you don’t have the guaranteed right to challenge their view that you should be locked away.

...and we'll challenge that.  No doctor or court ordered my step daughter into PV, only her father did.  In the end, it was decided the placement "should have never happened".  

My step daughter was restrained for trying to run toward her mother as she left the facility.  Define the risk, other than my wife possibly following instinct and taking her away - she wanted to, while the restraint was going on, but she ran the risk of being restrained as well.  

If it's all so legal, why did the PV staff freak out when my wife photographed the improper (non-TCI) restraint?

Sorry, I'm not buying the "elopement = self-harm" bit, that's stretching in an attempt to make the law fit.

If you can get your lawyers to challenge that good for you.

But as the law is currently engaged, RTC's and psych wards have the right to restrain patients who try to escape. I don't favor this law, but I speak as someone who's been in a # of psych wards until I had myself emancipated, and have experienced this in all of them.

A parent puts u in a psych ward, the drs. there decide that u need to be there, and there u stay unless u can get a court order allowing you to leave. If the facility advertises itself as a "boarding school" then there is more of a base for a rights violation case. Did a Dr at PV say that she needed to stay, or did a non accredited counselor say she needed to stay? Did her Dad say he wanted her there?

All these thing will count against or for you in what is, at best, a legal grey area.

ummm... yeah because we have a team of lawyers...WE GOT THEM WORKING IN SHIFTS!!!!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2008, 01:13:52 PM
i know i said i would stop but i thought of something
teens are not adults, i know that sounds obvious but hell it hit me like an epiphany, probably because every one has been beating it into me for so long that they are.
but teens are not adults,
my mother, who I  have decided is the right arm of Satan, or more accurately a spoiled, stupid sorry but the woman is not that bright, amazingly self  centered person who wants to take absolutely no "responsibility" or guilt on her self for anything that happens because it makes her feel less then perfect and happy
my mother is fond of saying things like " 14 going on 30"
this is bullshit, there is no 14 going on 30
30 year olds have a frame of reference based on 26, 27, 28, and 29
14 year olds have a frame of reference based on 12, and 13
a lot of the kids in PV are so young as to barely be in their teens
teens are still kids,
we are not talking about 25 year olds, these are not adults

i remember being an early teen
i was completely innocent, I had no idea, how can you?
you are not born knowing this stuff.
kids are kids, they think people are nice for the most part
they have no idea, they are innocent, I was a nice little human who was trusting and kind to people and had no idea how dangerous life can be.
i had an ok life except for the parental bull shit, i.e. dad was unfaithful and mom was trying to kill somebody over it
anyway to make a long story short, kids are innocent because they are children and they have no frame of reference for and know nothing about the dangers of the adult world
also they are simply goofy trusting kids.  
A 25 year old is an adult, a 14 year old is sure as hell not!
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2008, 01:18:36 PM
i got a call back for the one job in sales and PR, so I'm feeling positive about the search
I just hope its not something dumb like selling knives door to door, I actually went to that job interview, they also wanted you to pay 300.00 for the knives you were selling door to door, it was like AVON only with kitchen knives.  "Hello, would you like to kill me I brought the knives?"
or the insurance sales where they want you to give them two thousand dollars to certify you and were not happy when I said "why not get the certification and training at the community college for 200.00 dollars?"
I also went to a door to door herbal supplement sales interview, I am really just hopeing that this is a real job!  
it is funny, as soon as I got in the interview my mouth and lips felt painfully dry and i kept trying to moisten them without the interviewer noticing,  of course i get out of the interview and it goes away.

I go to school with a bunch of people in their late teens too and i think 21 is a decent date to say someone qualifies as a full fledged adult.  
A 19 year old is of course far more capable of functioning in the world, and a lot closer to being an adult then a younger teen but the late teens are still pretty young and in a learning process.  
A late teen coming out of an insanely abusive program like PV is likely to have problems because they are still pretty immature and they were just abused and brainwashed horrifically in a prison camp, i say this in the context of Abigail’s situation, in general if places like the one where she was working must be legal then at least make the age to work in one 21 and make sure this is enforced.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2008, 01:29:34 PM
i have a couple good interviews lined up, i have an interview as a receptionist on Monday
i already went to the one and it seemed like a real sales PR job, they didn't go into the catch at least in interview 1!
i'm not joking about the knife sales or the insurance or the vitamins
they all want you to pay upfront for stuff as well.  i've been to others of the same sort those were just the most memorable, they seem to clog up Monster under the entry level sales customer service positions,
maybe i could sell cars part time?
Title: Automated Respone
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2008, 02:51:08 PM
Quote from: ""stoodoodog""
Quote from: ""Kreflo""
Mad migration of PV staff happening right about now.

It does appear as though PV recently lost one of their long term clinical directors from that latest edition of the Voice...

Quote from: ""Chelsea C""
i know someone usually post this but I didn't see it here yet ... 202008.pdf (

Quote from: ""Kreflo""
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2008, 03:04:29 PM (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2008, 07:25:14 PM
Hey FreePV...

Why the hell do you make multiple posts when one long one will suffice?

It's obnoxious, cut it out.
Title: Re: My experiance
Post by: stoodoodog on January 06, 2008, 11:24:57 AM
This was posted on the facility Q and A forum PV thread recently.

Quote from: ""Tomholly""
As a resident of P-village for 6 months I believe i can add some value to this discussion. When i was there (i think around 2002?) my entire experiance was located in the STU. Through my experiance here I saw many different things and had many different experiances. I would say that the things that struck me most were the staff. Especially one man...Who i can't remember his name had something out for everyone in the unit. He's persistance in calling us 'passive aggresive' led for a interesting half a year. I can assure you that most of the staff their were not properly trained and most probably didn't even care for us (night staff laughed and talked loudly with the lights on at night).

My first experiance there after all the intake procedures was the bed making. At STU you are required to make your bed in 2 minutes...with flat sheet fitted shit pillow case ext....all with perfect corners. My first attempt I believed lasted about 5 minutes....after which a staff member through my sheets everywhere around the unit and made me go again...until i was finished.

Other basic needs were also withheld...You couldn't go outside for at least 6 weeks....You were not allowed to look out the windows (shades were closed anyways)....talking was not allowed...after your bed was made you had to sit cross legged on your bed (well mattress was pushed up...u lived in a cubby). And could not move.  In order to ask questions you must raise your hand and ask may i approach the box? which was this little taped off box in the middle of hte room. If they said yes you go to it and ask your question.

If per chance you said soomething out of turn...Or spoke without permission the entire group would have to stand up and look at the clock for 10 minutes...or more if someone moved.

Peninisula village was the worst 6 months of my outside contact and you parents couldn't believe you because they were told you would say things like you wanted to say....It was like from a movie...

I can say now that i am a sucessful student...about to graduate college and in no way did P-village help me....It is buried in my mind...

If anyone has any question feel free to ask
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 11, 2008, 04:57:29 PM
I found this on MySpace...he's already gone, unfortunately.
The End Of Life As We Know It ...
Well all ya'll pplz that read this im going to the Mental Hospital or A.K.A. Behavioral Health Care System ill be gone at least a week thay say i mite be in there for a year because im a danger to others and myself the Crisis Response Team is on the way to pick me up so i guess ill see ya'll when i get out whenever that maybe one of the places im going is called "Peninsula Village" and SuperWoman i love you and ill miss you the most of all your my soulmate hun id never been able to get up the Spiritual Strength to do this and get help without your help and love you my reason to change whom i was and the reason to life is all you i hope when i get out i can just put everything a side and run to you with open arms i love you and will miss you very dearly hun
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 11, 2008, 05:05:02 PM

Contact his friends -- NOW. They might be able to get you in touch with his parents.

Also, if he was affected by the mass Myspace phish Anonymous can log in as him and maybe get enough info to work with.

It's not over until Anonymous says it is over.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 11, 2008, 05:31:16 PM
Quote from: ""Guest""

Contact his friends -- NOW. They might be able to get you in touch with his parents.

Also, if he was affected by the mass Myspace phish Anonymous can log in as him and maybe get enough info to work with.

It's not over until Anonymous says it is over.

I thought I would protect his anonymity, but it's more urgent to protect him, you're right... (
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 11, 2008, 06:39:36 PM
Thanks for posting too late. His friends said they couldn't reach him LAST YEAR.


Oh well, we'll see him through some fucking chain links on a fence later this year, won't we?
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on January 11, 2008, 07:36:00 PM
yeh I think that one came in not long ago crying like a bitch. Nasty NAZZZZZ-TY mom if he the one Im thinkin of. Not just mean, but havin that smell like a cross between Canoe perfume and fried fish on a bad day. Everbody happy when she left.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 12, 2008, 12:52:12 AM
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Thanks for posting too late. His friends said they couldn't reach him LAST YEAR.


Oh well, we'll see him through some fucking chain links on a fence later this year, won't we?

I found it on MySpace today and posted it within fifteen minutes, and I did say he was already gone.  His last log in was 12/23, that's what I was going by.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2008, 08:48:47 PM
i went to the public relations/ sales interview and it was door to door sales
i think there are a lot of them on the sales/pr pages on monster
i was pissed, the other people I interviewed with, who were also there for a job, were an iraq war vet and the wife of an iraq war vet who's husband just started another tour in korea.  everyone was in suits and all nervous, they left us out in the waiting area for a while and they were very nice and interesting to chat with
the job was such a scam though, i even asked "is this a door to door sales job?" and they said they did PR for companies.
the way the interview went was horrible
they seperated all the people they were interviewing, probably so we couldn't rebel, and passed us off on hiring guys in suits telling everyone we were going to go to meet with clients they did PR for
 they herded me into a truck which some other guy was driving , again separated from the nice Iraq war people who were also looking for jobs, and sped off.
I was starting to feel suspicious but it all happened very quickly, kinda like when those magazine salesmen stick their foot in the door.  

Anyway, so the guy driving drops me and the interviewing guy I had been paired with in a Whole Foods parking lot and leaves.
Again the interviewing guy was in a suit and I was pissed and freaked out at this point.  I had thought we were going to go discuss PR and marketing for cabinet instillation companies.  The interviewing guy had been popping off questions non stop so I was distracted.  

To make a long story short, it was door to door sales and the lying con artist bastards basically separated me from my car quickly then left me in the parking lot of Whole Foods in my nice suit when I said i wasn't interested in door to door sales.  I said I was pissed and freaked, but i was polite, the SOB told me I could wait till 2pm when the other guy came back for lunch.  I called my mom to drive me back to my car instead.  

the worst part about it , besides being disappointing, was i felt like i had done something wrong somehow.  Also it just freaked me out pretty bad, i have pts from being attacked, i didn’t like being scammed into a car and left somewhere.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2008, 09:06:20 PM
the offices of this scam were in a nice building, in my parents neighborhood, so suburban.  the iraq war vet was sucked in and he was trained to look for people trying to get you in cars and leave you places.
i guess you just don't expect it in a job interview.  
what annoyed me is why they didn't just say "we are hiring door to door sales people", rather then lure you away from your car and leave you in a parking lot.  it was creepy, it freaked me out!!
and i post more then once at a time because I think of more stuff to say, sorry, i think i might be cursed?  When i tried to burn the proper herbs my mother said I was showing signs of madness.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2008, 09:26:07 PM
I still don't  even know what the hell the bastards were selling door to door, and i asked multiple times.  
they said they had multiple clients, rambling on about sports teams and home improvement?  i should have know it was all bull when they said they did PR for sports teams, duh obvious gimmick.
 but still what the hell were these guys selling?  
i'm pretty sure it's illegal to sell stuff door to door in most neighborhoods in my town anyway.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 12, 2008, 09:42:17 PM
Not Free: You need to turn these people into the Better Business Bureau.
I hope you will take the time to file a formal complaint.
I'm really sorry this happened to you.
I would have been upset, and freaked out, too.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on January 12, 2008, 09:53:09 PM
Quote from: ""not free""
the offices of this scam were in a nice building, in my parents neighborhood, so suburban.  the iraq war vet was sucked in and he was trained to look for people trying to get you in cars and leave you places.
i guess you just don't expect it in a job interview.  
what annoyed me is why they didn't just say "we are hiring door to door sales people", rather then lure you away from your car and leave you in a parking lot.  it was creepy, it freaked me out!!
and i post more then once at a time because I think of more stuff to say, sorry, i think i might be cursed?  When i tried to burn the proper herbs my mother said I was showing signs of madness.

reefer madness??
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2008, 11:47:42 AM
no not those kind of proper herbs, although my mom probably would have said the same thing there too.  
i was joking, i'm into the whole new age wicca thing, it's interesting
 heaven forbid you burn sage or some other purifying herb or incense, my parents throw a literal fit, you don't even have to burn it, even having purification herbs in the same room with them upsets them greatly.  got me thinking that perhaps they really need purification, if people start convulsing and become violent when you burn purification herbs, traditionally there may be a problem of some sort. again joking, their heads do really spin around though and they spit pea soup and everything i can see why ancient peoples came up with such things, really my parents just have crappy personalities.  Sorry I was rude again threesprings, i really do have pts and it makes me paranoid, in relation to PV very paranoid, I just though it was weird you were overseas because I lived overseas, seemed like it might be PV fishing. again pts says what.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2008, 12:10:48 PM
hey someone also sent one of my old email addresses a nasty note!
i knew I shouldn't have given them ideas
it was weird because it was addressed to my mother I think
it said something like, "someone is saying bad things about you online, they said you were the right arm of Satan, etc."
 I was joking about the right arm of Satan thing of course and the purification herbs! My family is actually more like the pinky toe of Satan, they are not all bad but the prejudices they have, not to mention the general nastiness, can cause a lot of harm anyway.  
I had gotten one of these notes before, it was also addressed to my mother and it said someone is using your identity online?
it's funny because they are being sent to my old email address that I check once in a while.

The first one I got really made me think it was PV rather then someone i just annoyed on here.  the second one was also very serious sounding/ no mr. penis, and had some sort of evil stupid shrink tone to it, so i think it was program/ pv people rather then, say niles.  Niles your still a dick but we are all probably pasty, i spend way to much time on the computer not to be, no comment on the flabbiness, don't send anymore emails please so I can tell if it's you or program staff being threatening.  It would be nice to be able to catch program staff doing something on here.
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2008, 12:18:10 PM
I always had a weakness for the crazy girls. Girls that were a little off, who would talk about conspiracies, aliens, voices that they alone could hear, ghosts that they sensed were in the room, etc. They drove me wild with animal lust for some odd reason. Maybe because you never knew what to expect with them...
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2008, 04:50:00 PM
see how all of this crap can go terribly wrong is all i was trying to say
and i was joking,
for example wicca is big right now, it was even bigger when i was growing up, all the hippie new age stuff is big.  you have a bad day and decide to burn some myhr and sage and your parents start freaking out and want to know what your smoking. You say "i'm purifying the room of bad vibes" and thats it your hippie ass is crazy
stupid right pinky toes of Satan
i think the point is you basically can't do anything abnormal
witch craft sounds like a fun and an interesting cool hobby, especially when your a gothic teen but they really did burn people for it and it is still very frowned upon in some cases,
 it is still interesting and surprising to me just how much offence somewhat random ordinary seeming people like my parents take to it, i've been doing it a while and i would consider it a part of my religion,
 i grew up in Asia too, we lived 3 years in the US in between 4-16, you can't blame a kid you transplanted if it seems to have an inate tendency to build alters to buddha and quan yin, with the occasional hindu diety thrown in,
 three springs, your over there now, religion is somewhat more interactive in Asia then it is in the western world
anyway the lack of understanding and persecution for my religious beliefs sucks,
forget ghost hunting, which is also a fun hobby as a teen,
it still always suprises me just how up in arms my mom especially gets about it, she's not even especially christian,
your obviously PV staff and creepy and scary as always, don't send my mom anymore nasty emails,
in the words of the bumber sticker web site,
"if you think I'm a bitch, you should meet my mother"
Title: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2008, 05:46:59 PM
again i really did live in Asia most of the time growing up
we lived in the U.S. for only 3 years in between when I was 4-16.
so i guess a lot of my complaining about schools would be about overseas schools, but before any americans get all snooby, a month or two after being back in the U.S. i was carted off and put in a prison camp
my experiences with humans is they all can be good or bad, america not being an exception.  
 i was totally joking about the right arm of satan thing
if you haven't noticed i have made multiple joking references to  evangelical tendencies as they are portrayed in the media.
actually, in reality not in the media, the christians here in the south where i live seem to be causing no more trouble then any other organized religion.  I do hear references to close knit communities and prejudices that can be harsh to people who fall foul of them, many of whom are completely innocent.  This is much like the stories about such things i used to hear overseas,
The hippie idealism of asian religions doesn't take this into account.
it's easier to idealize something that is not being used as an immediate form of social control in your life, from that perspective most religions are nice.
i think evangelicals are not really the norm, in colorado they actually had a more noticeable presence, not in the ordinary people you meet in a day, but in the media and politics.   I think this was just because Focus on the Family had a big head quarters a couple blocks up from me! yikes! A lot of the normal people out west are hispanic, not mexican immigrant, catholics whose ancestors got there about the time our ancestors did.
Title: i took a shit on my bible
Post by: Anonymous on January 13, 2008, 08:53:19 PM
Burn the little panties
off of nubiles with a bunson burner
slim on that maturity but jeezus fuck
their tits are firmer
pick them up for grease 2
and by god their gone to drivers ed
that's o.k. cuz mom will dork me
in that queen size parents bed

i sin for a living

friday afternoons at 1
you'll find me lifting pension checks
from old codgers mail boxes
then on to corvettes sanyo tape decks
ripping off a blind man's tin cup
piss into a mountain dew
he'll drink it down
the stupid fuck...
Title: Re: i took a shit on my bible
Post by: ZenAgent on January 13, 2008, 11:10:53 PM
Quote from: "I SIN FOR A LIVING"
Burn the little panties
off of nubiles with a bunson burner
slim on that maturity but jeezus fuck
their tits are firmer
pick them up for grease 2
and by god their gone to drivers ed
that's o.k. cuz mom will dork me
in that queen size parents bed

i sin for a living

friday afternoons at 1
you'll find me lifting pension checks
from old codgers mail boxes
then on to corvettes sanyo tape decks
ripping off a blind man's tin cup
piss into a mountain dew
he'll drink it down
the stupid fuck...

Now, you gotta give credit where it's due...We're the Meatmen, and You Suck.  I got my step son listening to these guys a few years ago while he was still in high school.  Bet I know who posted these lyrics - well done.  It's time for Tesco and Co. to upgrade the lyrics to "One Down, Three To Go".

Tesco Vee, where you are you, you Dutch Hercules?  It's possible he hung up the red devil horns and went back to teaching school in Northern VA.  Makes you feel good knowing Tesco is educating the kids in the ways of righteousness. 

Thanks for posting those lyrics, that brought a smile.  I should post "Abba, God, & Me" for old times' sake.

I'll probably edit this later for sounding too Barry Manilow, but you Fornits folks (minus the trolls) have been beyond supportive and helpful to my family for nearly two years.  Die Yuppie Skum, SettleForNothingLess (I'll call ya back tomorrow), Free, Milkblood, my own girl, all you PV survivors (I know you don't like that term, DYS) have grit, guts, and heart.  We'll see the end of PV.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 15, 2008, 11:22:41 AM
I found another (public) Myspace profile of a current PV staff: (http://



"Mmmmm, a peanut butter and crack sandwich!"

26 years old
Knoxville, Tennessee
United States

Peninsula Village
Louisville, TN US
Program Counselor
Adolescent Psych

Woodridge Psychiatric Hospital
Johnson City, TN US
Adolescent Psych

Friday, December 21, 2007

 Dodging the Bullet
Current mood:  irritated
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Well, I just thought I would sit down and write something about the time I'm having at work.  To start off, I work at a long term treatment program for teens called Peninsula Village.  I'm becoming familiar with the way things are done here and taking on more of a leadership role on the unit.  I feel that my PRN status holds me up a little bit but it will get better along the way.  I just want to bitch a little about my schedule this month.  When I wrote down my schedule at the end of last month, I made sure I got it right.  Well, as of now, I have went in on two days when I am now not scheduled.  It pisses me off that they changed the schedule without notifying me, but more to the point, it pisses me off that it was no big deal to them to just discount me and not care to call.  Oh well, I do like my job and the people I work with, but the shit you put up with sometimes just sucks.  I also finished the semester with a B+ in Physics, a B in Economics, a B in British Literature, and a C in Calculus 3, so my GPA isn't that great right about now.  UT doesn't add my transfer GPA into the UT GPA, so I really look stupid right now lol.  Alright, everyone stay tuned, I'll have another reason to bitch later.  Stay tan!!!

His myspace page probably won't stay up long after this, so be sure to make your own copies of his info and photos.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 15, 2008, 11:56:48 AM
Here's another one... (http://


"PV Crew":
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 15, 2008, 11:58:58 AM
UH-OH!  Um...nevermind.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 15, 2008, 12:07:52 PM
One more.. (http://



Covenant Health, Peninsula Village
Louisville, TN US
Program Counselor

 October 2006 - current 
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 15, 2008, 12:10:04 PM
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
UH-OH!  Um...nevermind.

 Yeah - I'm back. Let's keep on jabbing that thorn deeper into PV's side.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 15, 2008, 12:14:00 PM
Here's a couple that I think still work at PV, but their profile is set to private. If anyone can get into them and extract the photos and any good info, I'd really appritiate it. (http:// (http://
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 15, 2008, 12:18:46 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
UH-OH!  Um...nevermind.

 Yeah - I'm back. Let's keep on jabbing that thorn deeper into PV's side.

Glad you're back!  It never ceases to amaze me how these "professionals" at PV never stop to consider that MySpace is public, unless they go to the trouble to make it private.  I've got a couple of quotes to put up later from PV MySpaces - counselors complaining about their jobs, again.  Imagine that.

Keep on jabbing at them.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 15, 2008, 12:24:17 PM
Ok, this is probably the last one for the day.. (http://


I'm love football and I hate that the season is almost over. I miss my St. Louie folk and my MC folk...hope everyone is doing ok. I also love working with my kids at Peninsula Village.

It seems he is the husband/babydaddy of the last woman I posted here. She commented to him:

I forgot you had an account on Myspace! Well baby, you are going to make an awesome husband and father and thank you for this beautiful ring that I can't stop staring at!!!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on January 18, 2008, 07:53:31 PM
Hey! Imma love workin wit my kids at the village too!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 19, 2008, 10:57:00 PM
Ok, this one requires a bit of imagination - but I may have come across Stephanie Vanover's guestbook: (http://

Going with the username "anotherchance", the original post was:
1. stephanie VanOver - 2005-09-30 18:41:29
Thank you for visiting my site. Please come back often. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.


and then there was this post by her mother:
4. Diana - 2005-12-12 16:30:14
You are so beautiful to me can’t you see. Yes, that is an old song, but it fits you to a T. I am so proud of you, and have and will always love you. This is my support for you, my love and prayers. Through God’s blessings nothing is impossible and you are a miracle to that. God Bless you always my Dear Daughter.

Love, Peace and Joy Forever


and these, that make me think that this is infact the Stephanie Vanover from PV:
8. Kathy L. Taylor - 2007-02-01 20:14:11
Peace, I was given a second chance in 1998 when I came out of a treatment center in Tulsa, Ok for alcohol abuse.
I returned to Church sober for the first time since my teens, It wasn’t easy but I wanted Sobriety so it has been worth it.
Well worth it because "He brought me a Mighty Long Way". 

9. Kathy L. Taylor - 2007-10-09 19:17:35
I have seen what anger can do. Please before you react; Pray!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 19, 2008, 11:08:27 PM
We really are considered to be, by a lot of people, the end of the road, the last resort.
- Steve Petty (http://
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 19, 2008, 11:11:07 PM
Revenues:  $13.7 Million
Employees:  325 (http://
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2008, 02:52:48 AM
We now are on myspace as a collective group. Because none of us alone are as cruel and hateful as all of us together. We have already contacted Petty via myspace, we have written letters to the staff of whoms info we have at hand.

This is our link, ... =319814964 (

Never forgive, Never Forget.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 20, 2008, 11:19:44 AM
Quote from: "We Are Monsters"
We now are on myspace as a collective group. Because none of us alone are as cruel and hateful as all of us together. We have already contacted Petty via myspace, we have written letters to the staff of whoms info we have at hand.

This is our link, ... =319814964 (

Never forgive, Never Forget.

Steve Petty has a myspace? Link please!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 20, 2008, 01:18:45 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "We Are Monsters"
We now are on myspace as a collective group. Because none of us alone are as cruel and hateful as all of us together. We have already contacted Petty via myspace, we have written letters to the staff of whoms info we have at hand.

This is our link, ... =319814964 (

Never forgive, Never Forget.

Steve Petty has a myspace? Link please!

Nah, that's a new MySpace for PV survivors, the "monsters" they created and deny responsibility for.  It's not a place for the PV cheerleaders, obnoxious twits that they are.  The PV fan club kids have piss and koolaid pumping through their hearts.  They really are a nasty lot.

But so are the "monsters", or to use Pegler's gloss-over, "patients and parents who did not have successful treatment".  Translation: "The people we truly fucked up and over who won't 'get over it'".

Evil bastards...
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 20, 2008, 01:45:31 PM
Here's an example of Pegler's PV Pep squad's attitude toward those who have a different outlook on PV's treatment:

Quote from: "PV survivor"
DieYuppieSkum (1 week ago)
Reply | Spam
so I guess PV has canned their "privacy policy" unless this is just another shit filled PHOTO OP to show how helpful it is. In which case none of these kids were ever residents. I was and I will say one thing, if there is one thing PV staff hate more then the truth it's cameras.

And the KoolAid approved response:

Quote from: "PV Pep Squad Leader"

erinnleigh08 (1 week ago)
Reply | Spam
I'm in these photos and I was a resident.All the kids in this video were. PV staff are some of the most loving people I have ever met in my life. This video honestly has more to do with the relationship each of the girl alumni in this video have formed than PV itself. Move on, get over yourself.

"Move on, get over yourself"...yourself, not the damage PV did.  Deny, deny, deny.

DYS took it okay, but it still makes my blood boil to read that, plus the tag at the end of this cheerleader's video, "I get by with a little help from my friends".  I left her a note speculating on what John Lennon, (or any of the Beatles) would think of a place like PV, that uses physical, mechanical, and chemical restraints and deprives the kids of all forms of creativity - no listening to music, no playing of instruments, no humming or singing, no creative writing, no art.  Lennon never sang "All you need is tough love". 
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on January 20, 2008, 02:38:53 PM
Dunno if I ever mentioned to you, but a friend of mine who is now in FL, and used to work in TN with kids who needed psych help in the various institutions in Knoxville heard of PV before I ever told her or she even met me.

All she heard was "Don't send your kids there".

They know, to a degree, what goes on.

Then again she's screamed at management until her eyes bugged out because orderlies would restrain or physically assault kids for running their mouth after asking her "You just gon' take that?", and management did nothing. The problem is nigh endemic, or rather, systemic.

Any protest or attack on PV should involve all of the medical community, IMHO.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 20, 2008, 03:35:33 PM
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "We Are Monsters"
We now are on myspace as a collective group. Because none of us alone are as cruel and hateful as all of us together. We have already contacted Petty via myspace, we have written letters to the staff of whoms info we have at hand.

This is our link, ... =319814964 (

Never forgive, Never Forget.

Steve Petty has a myspace? Link please!

Nah, that's a new MySpace for PV survivors, the "monsters" they created and deny responsibility for.  It's not a place for the PV cheerleaders, obnoxious twits that they are.  The PV fan club kids have piss and koolaid pumping through their hearts.  They really are a nasty lot.

But so are the "monsters", or to use Pegler's gloss-over, "patients and parents who did not have successful treatment".  Translation: "The people we truly fucked up and over who won't 'get over it'".

Evil bastards...

Right, but they said

We have already contacted Petty via myspace...

wich makes me think he has (or had) a myspace.
Do you think it would be wrong of me to post links to the profiles of some patient fan club members? I have a few available..
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 20, 2008, 03:57:12 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "We Are Monsters"
We now are on myspace as a collective group. Because none of us alone are as cruel and hateful as all of us together. We have already contacted Petty via myspace, we have written letters to the staff of whoms info we have at hand.

This is our link, ... =319814964 (

Never forgive, Never Forget.

Steve Petty has a myspace? Link please!

Nah, that's a new MySpace for PV survivors, the "monsters" they created and deny responsibility for.  It's not a place for the PV cheerleaders, obnoxious twits that they are.  The PV fan club kids have piss and koolaid pumping through their hearts.  They really are a nasty lot.

But so are the "monsters", or to use Pegler's gloss-over, "patients and parents who did not have successful treatment".  Translation: "The people we truly fucked up and over who won't 'get over it'".

Evil bastards...

Right, but they said

We have already contacted Petty via myspace...

wich makes me think he has (or had) a myspace.
Do you think it would be wrong of me to post links to the profiles of some patient fan club members? I have a few available..

Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "We Are Monsters"
We now are on myspace as a collective group. Because none of us alone are as cruel and hateful as all of us together. We have already contacted Petty via myspace, we have written letters to the staff of whoms info we have at hand.

This is our link, ... =319814964 (

Never forgive, Never Forget.

Steve Petty has a myspace? Link please!

Nah, that's a new MySpace for PV survivors, the "monsters" they created and deny responsibility for.  It's not a place for the PV cheerleaders, obnoxious twits that they are.  The PV fan club kids have piss and koolaid pumping through their hearts.  They really are a nasty lot.

But so are the "monsters", or to use Pegler's gloss-over, "patients and parents who did not have successful treatment".  Translation: "The people we truly fucked up and over who won't 'get over it'".

Evil bastards...

Right, but they said

We have already contacted Petty via myspace...

wich makes me think he has (or had) a myspace.
Do you think it would be wrong of me to post links to the profiles of some patient fan club members? I have a few available..

I think We Are Monsters made a typo there, you're right to think Petty has a MySpace.  I wish Petty had a MySpace, but as you've probably discovered, none of the clinical "pros" have accessible MySpaces.  I think they know better than to connect their vice-riddled private lives to their jobs "Mending young lives and restoring families". my family's case, I'd have to say that "mending" noise was fraudulent.  I wonder if anyone's ever demanded a refund?  The Better Business Bureau had nothing on PV, but I was told it was rare to have any treatment facilities on the BBB.

Post any profiles that aren't set to private, since people post on MySpace to be seen...let 'em be seen, huh?  And try this...

Holy shit!  I was about to post Petty's PV email, but look at this: (

Steve Petty the administrator of Peninsula Village is persona non grata!

We Are Monsters!  What did you write to the guy?  You gotta hell of a poison pen, lad!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2008, 05:29:07 PM
We are not a lad, we are "lads" and "lasses". We are the collective whole. We have no face and we have no name. Just as our files are locked away in secracy so are our identities. We are your daughter, we are every single child since 1986 that was sent, both alive and dead, both the ones whos lives are meaningful and thoes who went to prison or insane.

We wrote to him everything that needed to be said and everything that will be promised in due time.

The following is what we sent him.

Hello Petty. It's time for another fireside chat with the children of the lost. We have been keeping up to date with the village's past activities and we must say it's quite disgusting how you found the decendants of the Jones family to try and make a photo op using the manipulation of our currantly incarserated brothers and sisters. Disgusting, but oh so typical of you PV lot. Always using anything you can to promote just how much sunshine dust comes out of your ass. Also how Bob wrote that awful rendition of how to know what to believe of what the media says of RTC's and to  "know the facts" as he so bluntly put it. The last thing any of you want ANY parental unit to know is the facts. Lets cut to the chase Petty. We are growing tired of your lies and justifications as to what the Village is and does. We also noticed how you have been calling forth your little alumni spawn (who sadly are our brain addled brothers and sisters) to come forth and post on youtube how you saved their lives. How they all seem so chipper and cheery. But we can't help but notice how poor Abigail was not up there. Poor Abigail's life is in shambles and she is convinced she is a drug addict. She has since sold her soul and body to an old man for publishing benfits to sell her book. Thanks PV, you really helped there, and don't be modest and not take the credit... thats ALL you baby.  She even claims it to be you that saved her. We also are aware of another manipulated brother of ours doing your dirty work, Dan Shepps being on the PV pay roll. Some of us from the past members of  the Hawk Clan remember him coming and visiting trying to promote just how much PV helped him. It obviously has, since he seems to get a check cut to him whenever he makes an appearence.  We know Petty, more then you ever thought and we are willing to share it with the world when the time is right.Whats better is now we have help from former employees of various other institutions such as three springs. We are holding a very good hand right now, care to fold? Be alert Petty. We past patients are starting to understand what you did to us was highly illegal. Are you ready for the consquences of your actions? WE are grouping together,  WE want retribution for the pain and suffering you have caused. We cannot sleep at night Petty, we have nightmares of returning. We cannot live normal lives all thanks to you. We are bitter and hateful creatures, just what you taught us to be, just what you told us we were, while you restrained us, and tied us to beds, and told us we deserved to be raped and got what we asked for, that we were to be kept in cold square rooms and locked under ground, to piss in a picher, and to scrub our laundry in the dead of winter outside with washboards, and that our families did not want us.  We are monsters, we were uncontrolable teenage monsters. And now we are uncontrolable adult monsters.
Monsters of your creation. We are not failures of treatment.  We are monsters of treatment. Our numbers are far greater then that of your successful Alumni. We outrank the numbers of the "cured", we outspeak your lap dogs and show ponies.
We do not forgive, we do not foget.
Because none of us alone are more cruel and hateful then all of us together
Hugs and Kisses
The Monsters
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2008, 05:32:31 PM
We made a typo. We did not send it to Petty's myspace. We wrote him via email. We did however write staff members on their myspace. We let them know we see what they do. We see them live normal lives, we see them act like fools, we see them have "fun", we see them commit felonies, we see the lies behind their smiles.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2008, 06:36:12 PM
ZenAgent impersonating a group of survivors. Thanks for the constant supply of lulz.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 20, 2008, 06:45:48 PM
that just shows how little you know. We are not zen. However his daughter IS one of us.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 20, 2008, 09:00:57 PM
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "act.da"
Quote from: "We Are Monsters"
We now are on myspace as a collective group. Because none of us alone are as cruel and hateful as all of us together. We have already contacted Petty via myspace, we have written letters to the staff of whoms info we have at hand.

This is our link, ... =319814964 (

Never forgive, Never Forget.

Steve Petty has a myspace? Link please!

Nah, that's a new MySpace for PV survivors, the "monsters" they created and deny responsibility for.  It's not a place for the PV cheerleaders, obnoxious twits that they are.  The PV fan club kids have piss and koolaid pumping through their hearts.  They really are a nasty lot.

But so are the "monsters", or to use Pegler's gloss-over, "patients and parents who did not have successful treatment".  Translation: "The people we truly fucked up and over who won't 'get over it'".

Evil bastards...

Right, but they said

We have already contacted Petty via myspace...

wich makes me think he has (or had) a myspace.
Do you think it would be wrong of me to post links to the profiles of some patient fan club members? I have a few available..

I think We Are Monsters made a typo there, you're right to think Petty has a MySpace.  I wish Petty had a MySpace, but as you've probably discovered, none of the clinical "pros" have accessible MySpaces.  I think they know better than to connect their vice-riddled private lives to their jobs "Mending young lives and restoring families". my family's case, I'd have to say that "mending" noise was fraudulent.  I wonder if anyone's ever demanded a refund?  The Better Business Bureau had nothing on PV, but I was told it was rare to have any treatment facilities on the BBB.

Post any profiles that aren't set to private, since people post on MySpace to be seen...let 'em be seen, huh?  And try this...

Holy shit!  I was about to post Petty's PV email, but look at this: (

Steve Petty the administrator of Peninsula Village is persona non grata!

We Are Monsters!  What did you write to the guy?  You gotta hell of a poison pen, lad!

The BBB is an interesting option to consider pursuing. Where could Petty be... quit? fired? dead? Any of the above possibilities sound good to me!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 20, 2008, 09:30:19 PM
We are all the children that have ever attended PV and wanted vengence, inclucing but not limited to Zens daughter.

We are a collective unity with no single indenity and no single agenda other then to openly destroy PV from the face of this planet.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2008, 09:34:27 PM
Quote from: "The Monsters"
We are all the children that have ever attended PV and wanted vengence, inclucing but not limited to Zens daughter.

We are a collective unity with no single indenity and no single agenda other then to openly destroy PV from the face of this planet.

You are a jackass.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 20, 2008, 09:36:39 PM
your pathetic attempt to insult us does nothing. We have been called far worse by your kind... no doubt you are a counselor of PV or another RTC. Your words stung like daggers back then... but not any more.

You have no power anymore and we are coming for you.

One by one
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2008, 09:46:49 PM
Quote from: "The Monsters"
your pathetic attempt to insult us does nothing. We have been called far worse by your kind... no doubt you are a counselor of PV or another RTC. Your words stung like daggers back then... but not any more.

You have no power anymore and we are coming for you.

One by one

I would be careful about threatening anyone, including program staff. Psy will call the cops and report your IP to them. He already did this once today, and the threat was not nearly as specific as yours. I think he is wrong, but that is his policy.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 20, 2008, 09:51:05 PM
this is no threat, this is a promise.

And note we never said HOW they would be punished.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2008, 09:53:55 PM
Quote from: "The Monsters"
this is no threat, this is a promise.

And note we never said HOW they would be punished.

I applaud your passion, and hope you do get even with whomever you wish. I am just warning you that Psy [just posted] if threats are posted he will call up his LEO buddies. Just warning you is all, don't want to see anybody get in trouble because of Psy's new policy.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 20, 2008, 09:56:46 PM
we wont get in trouble. We have not done anything yet.

Psy wont count his chickens before they hatch.

This is just a word to the guests who are in actuality RTC and PV staff members trying to tool with the members of this forum. But us monsters inparticular will not be dazed by their pathetic and even childish attempts. While it may work on the children in the centers currantly registered... It no longer works on us.. We wre immune to their tactics now.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on January 20, 2008, 10:32:35 PM
Let me just say that I don't really have a problem with people threatening the lives of abusive staff members.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 20, 2008, 10:38:34 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
ZenAgent impersonating a group of survivors. Thanks for the constant supply of lulz.

Your supply of lulz is tainted with E.Coli, jizz.  I'm not involved in the group, I don't qualify.  Too old and not a program survivor. TheWho is the one who speaks for fictitious, mute masses, or he enjoys using the Royal We.  Have Psy verify it's not me, since he's checking IP's and dropping dimes on people. I'll read over today's posts to see what that's about, something sounds off there.  I hope he rolled over on theWho, though.

The "monsters" represent and include my step daughter, Matthew Grant, Free, Milkblood, act.da, SettleForNothing,  and all the other "unsuccessful treatments" who left PV in far worse condition than when they arrived.  It reminds me of Frankenstein, which I guess is the intent.  The creators have to face their creations, and the creations are not full of love for Dr. PV.
What threats have been made today?  So far, I haven't seen anything remotely resembling a threat made by the "monsters", only a statement of purpose.  Enjoy your virus-tainted lulz in clueless, snarky smugness, you flatulent noise from nowhere, but know that PV's Gastrointestinal viruses produce neon green bowel movements, especially when combined with yer KoolAid.

Jesus loves you, whiner from nowhere.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on January 20, 2008, 10:45:34 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "The Monsters"
We are all the children that have ever attended PV and wanted vengence, inclucing but not limited to Zens daughter.

We are a collective unity with no single indenity and no single agenda other then to openly destroy PV from the face of this planet.

You are a jackass.

You are nothing.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 20, 2008, 11:10:38 PM
Quote from: "A Voice from Nowhere"
Quote from: "The Monsters"
your pathetic attempt to insult us does nothing. We have been called far worse by your kind... no doubt you are a counselor of PV or another RTC. Your words stung like daggers back then... but not any more.

You have no power anymore and we are coming for you.

One by one

I would be careful about threatening anyone, including program staff. Psy will call the cops and report your IP to them. He already did this once today, and the threat was not nearly as specific as yours. I think he is wrong, but that is his policy.

Sorry to be backtracking, but I'm having to catch up. I'll tell you what, if you think the monsters post was threatening, you should see a MySpace blog entry posted by an especially vindictive PV counselor.  It was a message to "those coming from Fornits" that took my family to task and even included some individually identifiable information about my step daughter's treatment at PV.  The staffer also mentioned posting details about me, my name and address, etc.  How very professional of this PV expert.  They ended the misspelled missive by inviting all Fornits people to leave any comments they wanted.

No one from here was going to that blog, obviously.  The staffer was peaking on the paranoia.  I decided to not mention it here, since the counselor was spoiling for some kind of conflict.  Instead, I copied the link and the text and pasted it into an email to the AWOL Steve Petty and CC'd it to HIPAA via OHRS and our attorney.  At the bottom I asked if it was PV policy to allow staffers to disseminate confidential medical information of former patients while doing a little character assassination of the patient's parents.  I got no  reply from Petty, but two days later the staffer's blog was set to private, which satisfied all involved, and  that's where it ended., I haven't seen any threats made by Fornits people.  I leave it to the self-proclaimed "experts", the pros at PV, the line staff of questionable training and knowledge of ethics.  Party on, PV goons and looches.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 20, 2008, 11:36:46 PM
I have another crappy job hunting story
this is relevant because without a good job as a PV survivor your still stuck
but i will try to make it short
i thought maybe i could find a better part time retail job then Barnes & Nobles
also i'm so damn sick of Barnes & Nobles and my boss as always keeps trying to schedule me a lot more then part time
I'm trying to find a real part time job, not retail, while finishing school but a retail job with better/ more fair hours would do for the moment
i work eight hour days always at B&N, and 32 hrs a week if I let my dick of a boss get away with it. 
so I canvassed the mall area, ending up at Linens and Things and the manager hired me on the second interview
i told her up front of course, i need part time hours 25hrs a week no more for part time pay
so she hires me part time for 7.50 an hr, same as i make at B&N, with no benefits
My first training day I'm scheduled NINE HOURS!!  I told the manager on duty, I can't work more then six.
I got my schedule, the women had scheduled me 37hours that week, every day till Sunday!!
and had me working TEN HOURS that saturday
i probably need to post the labor laws in NC again for anyone to believe this
there are no limits, again, to the amount of hours or days in a row you can work
the only protection people have in NC is the 40 hour work week, which starts back over on Sunday, and each work week stands alone.

i asked the other girl and apparently ten hour days were the norm in Linens & Things here in NC
if you don't believe me go look up NC labor laws or hell if you live in the south go to Linens & Things and ask the staff there if they work ten hour days. 
so i called the manager and told her nicely that I was in school and was part time and could not work 37 hrs a week or ten hour days for part time pay
and she starts bullying me about it, basically you take our sweat shop hours for part time pay or no deal
so i said i don't want to work sweatshop hours for no pay, no deal
fortunately my parents saw the whole thing so i think they are starting to believe that these jobs are often pretty 3rd world
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 21, 2008, 12:27:39 AM
What is the relevence of this? ???
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2008, 12:28:43 AM
i am not very familiar with the whole Myspace culture, i've never really been on it, i set up an account and forgot about it years ago
i think you guys found mine when i annoyed you
it said something like "I'm not friendly, don't stalk me, people give me the creeps, i don't want to be your friend"
i was surprised to see how looking up peoples online info  seems to be a tactic
i do think that this is a tactic that should only be reserved for PV staff and even then within some reason
i.e. if a PV staff member has a MySpace page which shows her to be a bondage photographer, into photographing herself in dominance positions with other women, yes that might be personal info that should be posted, as should PV staff making personal references to Zens daughters treatment, i.e. the sealed files of a minor, on MySpace of all the stupid places.  

someone posted Milkblood, the nice baby raccoon survivor's personal info which was just wrong
as for threatening PV staff, i said something about understandable anger and they are general overbearing stupid animated dangerous abusive Nazi piles of literal shit and filth, but they are not worth getting into any sort of trouble about
you can get in trouble for making threats of violence especially with staffs personal info next to them
so be careful, there are a lot of bad people in the world, PV staff case in point
it is better not to let people make you angry,
you have nothing to prove to them and they want to make you angry,
i think as a survivor, PV staff had so much abusive power over us that it makes you feel like you have to stand up for yourself
to take something back from the abuser, like i'm not afraid of you monsters and such, also it makes you mad.
unfortunately you can get in trouble for making specific threats
like i said it’s a catch-22, the abusers make you mad and you yell at them and then they can legally beat you up,
 welcome to the real fucking world
there really isn’t any point to violence, mainly because its illegal, probably for the best.
In reality i’m short and one punch and I landed in a wall and there was blood everywhere, from a glancing punch from some big guy,  
if PV staff could come after people i’d be dead already, it works both ways and all.
We take so much abuse in this world that fighting back feels like a good idea
It might be ok for your self esteem to think like that, but don’t get too drunk on it again literally.  In reality what’s the point?  It’s good to think in terms of self defense because you will probably need to especially as a girl, you really should think about life as being dangerous.   Anyway I’m rambling sorry

Hey PV staff abandon ship and your souls will be saved, get real jobs in retail and move back in with your parents because you won’t be able to pay for anything else, especially if your in college.  
It seems like a lot of PV staff are somewhat older but in college, isn’t god and religion great
Ommmm, live in poverty in the woods or torture teenagers ommmmm, actually PV staff already lives in poverty in the woods so they are halfway there
Find another job
that one counselor is pregnant, PV is a really healthy environment for a pregnant woman,  I hope she's not restraining people
PV staff are just abusive trash, there are actually a lot of that sort out there, you can't do anything but avoid them and try to keep them from taking over or abusing you or other people
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2008, 12:46:26 AM
i think it all connects
at least the bad law aspect does
i've decided we live in history, people act like people in the past were so backwards and prejudice and it was all bad laws and oppressive religion and sweat shops, sexism, abusive schools, morphine for a toothache etc.  i just figured out that people are the same creatures then as they are now so they do the same things. and while the laws are much better, as are a lot of the prejudices, it still isn't that great no matter what my parents say.  

were you in PV? I would guess so from what you wrote.
have you posted over on Cafety as well?  Please do so.  It pops up when you google just PV, so if you want to kick PV staff in the nuts a few times, posting an account of why you hate them so much for all parents and anyone else who googles PV to see is the next best thing.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2008, 01:20:55 AM
it is interesting too, notice how guest talking to you monster is very obviously PV staff
I'm just saying watch your ass, because I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone
the job hunt from hell is relevant because it points out what survivors of PV are up against

once again PV staff are just abusive trash, there are actually a lot of that sort out there, it is kind of depressing really,
i'm not taking away from how bad PV staff is I'm just saying don't be suprised if you meet more of that type, and try not to freak out
I've found that people like PV staff want to suck you into their little abusive thing they do more then anything
walking away is a lot better, if they can get you they love to fuck with you and it's pointless, and it hurts you too
we've done a lot more with the help of the internet here and on Cafety then beating up one staff member would
they would just hire another abusive nut, it's like Nazis
there were enough of them to make an army
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 21, 2008, 01:35:30 AM
Free, We are the Monsters, We are every child that as ever been sent... including you. we ARE you. You just don't know it yet. We are the past, present and future of PV.

We are the mistakes PV forgot to clean up... and now we have come back to clean up PV.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2008, 01:41:47 AM
I'm sorry typo,
i said:
"Ommmm, live in poverty in the woods or torture teenagers ommmmm, actually PV staff already lives in poverty in the woods SO THEY ARE HALFWAY THERE. Find another job "
This was the result of typing late at night,
PV staff are more accurately halfway or much more to hell, if there is such a place.  
I think i was just trying to win them over from the dark side or something
i forgot reasoning with Nazis doesn't work, i know i've tried this a lot, there is no reason in abusive stupid Nazi trash
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 21, 2008, 01:44:51 AM
you are right, i would be one of the PV mangled, i accept this, i got the t shirt and the ulcer
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 21, 2008, 01:53:09 AM
also understand that you ARE free. You are just filled with hate and spite. Which CAN imprison you. OR turn you in to a walking time bomb of destruction and chaos.

Turn the Chaos upon thoes that held you hostage. Never forgive never forget.

because none of us alone are as cruel and hateful as all of us together.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 21, 2008, 10:12:23 AM
A couple of the more active male PV cheerleaders:

Chad (http://

Jenkins (http://
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 21, 2008, 04:38:22 PM
As much as it distains and angers us that our broother openly support the Village. Our war is not against them. We will not attack them for they are brainwashed and do not know any better, treat them as you would treat a badly beaten kitten. Carefuly and gently. We do not need our brothers and sisters who suport the village to have any ammo against us as a group. Send us links to STAFF. It is THEM we want.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 21, 2008, 10:20:41 PM
Quote from: "The Monsters"
As much as it distains and angers us that our broother openly support the Village. Our war is not against them. We will not attack them for they are brainwashed and do not know any better, treat them as you would treat a badly beaten kitten. Carefuly and gently. We do not need our brothers and sisters who suport the village to have any ammo against us as a group. Send us links to STAFF. It is THEM we want.

True, but posting those links may prevent them from continuing their open support of PV. Those two are very big in PV's promotional business, providing interviews and quotes to be included in videos and literature. I know that the staff members should be our main focus, but getting rid of the cheerleaders would also be useful.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 21, 2008, 10:28:11 PM
by ignoring the cheerleaders we best stand to gain. If the masses observe that we take no notice  as to what they say they will see that the 900 failed paitents do not take the 9 successful ones seriously, and thus neither will anyone else.

Numbers don't lie

at least not these ones.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 22, 2008, 01:55:28 AM
Quote from: "The Monsters"
by ignoring the cheerleaders we best stand to gain. If the masses observe that we take no notice  as to what they say they will see that the 900 failed paitents do not take the 9 successful ones seriously, and thus neither will anyone else.

Numbers don't lie

at least not these ones.

The cheerleaders are an odd bunch...they thrived in the "peer-on-peer" milieu and became the darlings of the staffers by helping break down the less aggressive kids. 

They view anyone who got chewed up by the program (and them) as non-entities beneath contempt.  Trying to deal with them is the same as dealing with a KoolAid pissing zealot staffer with a B+D fetish.

Pegler's Pep Squad - "None of them alone are as cruel and hateful as they are together", to borrow a bit.  The few I've encountered act like hyenas on acid if PV is being criticized.  They've got cultish devotion to the Village, and they worship Bob Pegler, the guy who saved them from endingupdeadorinjail. They've got an unhealthy preoccupation with Pegler and attribute supernatural powers to him - he's impossible to lie to, he will get you to admit your darkest and worst secrets, etc., etc.  If a kid doesn't have any hideous secrets to divulge, Pegler will invent some especially for them, and force them to spout it as truth until they really believe it.  He's not a guru, he just read 1984.

Catch Pegler and his devotees in a situation where they can't show their PV skills - in public, while they're performing for the rubes and easy marks.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on January 22, 2008, 03:25:38 AM
Lords.. Damn asskissers.. I hated those sorts when I was staffing. Damn little brown nosers would come up to me on the side and say, "Sir.. did you know so in so said....." Funny how they used to get ignored the most by me.

Sad though.. my cocounselors ate it up.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on January 22, 2008, 01:08:37 PM
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "The Monsters"
by ignoring the cheerleaders we best stand to gain. If the masses observe that we take no notice  as to what they say they will see that the 900 failed paitents do not take the 9 successful ones seriously, and thus neither will anyone else.

Numbers don't lie

at least not these ones.

The cheerleaders are an odd bunch...they thrived in the "peer-on-peer" milieu and became the darlings of the staffers by helping break down the less aggressive kids. 

They view anyone who got chewed up by the program (and them) as non-entities beneath contempt.  Trying to deal with them is the same as dealing with a KoolAid pissing zealot staffer with a B+D fetish.

Pegler's Pep Squad - "None of them alone are as cruel and hateful as they are together", to borrow a bit.  The few I've encountered act like hyenas on acid if PV is being criticized.  They've got cultish devotion to the Village, and they worship Bob Pegler, the guy who saved them from endingupdeadorinjail. They've got an unhealthy preoccupation with Pegler and attribute supernatural powers to him - he's impossible to lie to, he will get you to admit your darkest and worst secrets, etc., etc.  If a kid doesn't have any hideous secrets to divulge, Pegler will invent some especially for them, and force them to spout it as truth until they really believe it.  He's not a guru, he just read 1984.

Catch Pegler and his devotees in a situation where they can't show their PV skills - in public, while they're performing for the rubes and easy marks.

Reminds me a lot of the Scientologists.  A cult is a cult is a cult.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on January 22, 2008, 01:56:05 PM
What does his reading 1984 have to do with it?
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on January 22, 2008, 02:29:21 PM
Quote from: "Froderik"
What does his reading 1984 have to do with it?

The use of "Doublethink":

Quote from: "1984"
    The keyword here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink. Doublethink is basically the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

    – Part II, chapter IX - chapter I of Goldstein's book

Getting someone to accept the untrue and force it to fit, like 2+2=5.  After enough electroshock, isolation, and a sadist playing on your worst fears, you'll tell the bastards whatever they want to hear and mindfuck yourself into making the illogical an unquestionable truth.

Quote from: "1984"

There's some program logic.

Quote from: "1984"
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Froderik on January 22, 2008, 04:46:36 PM
Right....but you'd fuckin' well think that someone who read that novel would GET SOMETHING OUT OF IT other than how to fuck with people's goddam HEADS, but.......maybe I expect too much from people.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: dishdutyfugitive on January 22, 2008, 05:16:00 PM
Quote from: "The Monsters"
As much as it distains and angers us that our broother openly support the Village. Our war is not against them. We will not attack them for they are brainwashed and do not know any better, treat them as you would treat a badly beaten kitten. Carefuly and gently. We do not need our brothers and sisters who suport the village to have any ammo against us as a group. Send us links to STAFF. It is THEM we want.

Very true .

Engaging current student cheerleaders will only bolster their brainwashing and further jeopardize a speedy recovery.

Hell, you still have to give a cheerleader 6-12 months after they graduate to even be able to start to talk some sense into them.

Unless banging your head against a wall is your idea of a good time.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on January 23, 2008, 04:42:57 PM

(865) 470-0006

(865) 681-1471

I'm not 100% sure I got all those right, so don't blame me if they turn out to outdated or another person with the same name..
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 24, 2008, 09:34:04 PM
How ya like havin your personal info posted?  You look like somebody who is completely in awe of your wife and believes everything she tells you. Any parents ever consider you might be your kids problem? Of course not. That would mean accepting your failure as a parent. You speak of lies yet you try to tell these people you live in Tennessee when you don't. (

Vic Leathers (Victor Wayne Leathers) Work information, home below



Denver Park Meadows
10475 E. Park Meadows Dr. Ste 550
Littleton, CO 80124

VIC W LEATHERS  Born in August  CARSON ST   
AURORA, CO  80014   

13611 PISCES CT   

Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on January 24, 2008, 09:57:46 PM
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on January 24, 2008, 10:02:47 PM
whoever posted that is a dumbass. glad you think your so fuckin smart
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: The Monsters on January 24, 2008, 10:06:34 PM
all you have proven is that you are scared shitless and nothing else.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on January 24, 2008, 10:08:46 PM
Quote from: "The Monsters"
all you have proven is that you are scared shitless and nothing else.

yepp! they sure have
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anne Bonney on January 24, 2008, 10:08:57 PM
All this means is that feathers are getting ruffled.  Zen is a good enough guy, I'm not worried about him.  These people show their true colors every time they think their secrets are about to be revealed. 
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on January 24, 2008, 10:11:52 PM
lols..... nobody say anything.. let El Nightmare run with this one a bit.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on January 24, 2008, 10:54:06 PM
Quote from: "Zenagent's nightmare"
How ya like havin your personal info posted?  You look like somebody who is completely in awe of your wife and believes everything she tells you. Any parents ever consider you might be your kids problem? Of course not. That would mean accepting your failure as a parent. You speak of lies yet you try to tell these people you live in Tennessee when you don't. (

Vic Leathers (Victor Wayne Leathers) Work information, home below



Denver Park Meadows
10475 E. Park Meadows Dr. Ste 550
Littleton, CO 80124

VIC W LEATHERS  Born in August  CARSON ST   
AURORA, CO  80014   

13611 PISCES CT   


man oh MAN! How I hate them fancy lads...
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on January 29, 2008, 07:49:32 PM
Quote from: "Eliscu2"
Froderik your Avatar is going to give me a seizure :ftard:
Oh, Bob Dobbs-the church of the Subgenius...probably a little before your time.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on January 29, 2008, 08:07:37 PM
Quote from: "Vic Leathers"
My dog was brutalized in a most heinous manner last night. I found a bag of crap on my porch with a note from "PV Kilers" What did I do to deserve this and what pray, is a kiler?

I think they meant "killer".  Many inner city kids who were pushed thru the school system have a hard time spelling.  You should really keep your dog in at night anyway.  They are probably just neighbors who were pissed because of the barking.  PV could mean anything, could be the initials of a local gang (meant to scare you), but they typically dont hurt animals.  Sometimes they will smear the dogs crap all over the porch if your dog is crapping everywhere, so you are lucky they put it in a bag for you.
Title: Re: CRAZY RANT on Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on January 31, 2008, 10:05:27 AM
Quote from: "John R"
Quote from: "Vic Leathers"
My dog was brutalized in a most heinous manner last night. I found a bag of crap on my porch with a note from "PV Kilers" What did I do to deserve this and what pray, is a kiler?

I think they meant "killer".  Many inner city kids who were pushed thru the school system have a hard time spelling.  You should really keep your dog in at night anyway.  They are probably just neighbors who were pissed because of the barking.  PV could mean anything, could be the initials of a local gang (meant to scare you), but they typically dont hurt animals.  Sometimes they will smear the dogs crap all over the porch if your dog is crapping everywhere, so you are lucky they put it in a bag for you.

OR...everybody reading here keep in mind I am just throwing this out... PV might stand for Peninsula Village. "Kiler" is more likely a reference to the Beavis and Butthead episode where they were trapped in an alley with an escaped murderer who had the words "Killer" tattooed on his forehead. B and B being inner city youth couldn't read so good and misread the tattoo as Kiler.
I have many opinions about PV but I don't believe there is a band of PV kilers wandering around the US, or even a group of PV #2 police who wander from suburban* yard to yard picking up the doggie droppings of dogowners? tucking it neatly away in a paper bag and placing it on the owners porch in the wee hours of the morning.

*many PV alumni are from the suburbs and can read and spell goader than inner city kids.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on January 31, 2008, 10:35:36 AM
Quote from: "DieYuppieSkum"
you let them have too much power..... dont be afraid of them... CRUSH THEIR FUCKING HEADS IN

Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 03, 2008, 02:51:17 PM
From WATE-TV's forum on mental health, following their report on Peninsula Village:

Re: mental health
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2007, 06:48:47 PM »

I was in the Hospital when I was younger. A friend of mine was in both the Hospital and the Village around the same time.

I don't really feel like going into the long story of it all, but suffice to say, it wasn't a positive experience. Many people I know who went to such places come out feeling like a tortured prisoner of war or something.

It is a glaring example of how primitive our collective academic understanding of the human mind actually is; that these "qualified", "well trained" "professionals" can take a troubled child and actually make things so much worse.


Re: mental health
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2007, 05:05:49 AM »

i know just what you ppl are talking about. my son was in (Peninsula) when he was younger, they lied to us about when we could see him. so after we had not heard from him or them, we went their and demanded to see him. he was scared to death. amoung other things he told us went on there. that place needs to be shut down! particualrly the doc that was there liked to take naked pics of kids! We had it investigated and get this the only thing that was done to the perv was he was not allowed to work with children anymore, oh i won't say his name but i will give you his ints. Dr. D D,maybe some of you will know who i am talking about. and i am not even sure that i believe he was banned from working with children!
it is sad though that thoese places are run under govt. funding!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 04, 2008, 12:01:17 PM
WOW - I go away for a week and all this happens! Keep up the good work! Has anyone contacted McLain to ask him about his job at PV and it's abrupt ending? The Village seems to really be falling apart now.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 04, 2008, 02:56:58 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
WOW - I go away for a week and all this happens! Keep up the good work! Has anyone contacted McLain to ask him about his job at PV and it's abrupt ending? The Village seems to really be falling apart now.

I did call PV and got the expected "he's no longer part of Peninsula Village or employed by Covenant Health in any way,"  Fired, quit, whatever...we can say with certainty these departures were brutal and sudden.  Highly unprofessional, too - it makes the program look unstable even to the staunchest program-loving parents:

"June, I'm worried about Wally's placement at the Village - every time I go to the PV website, another face is missing from the Leadership Team - two weeks ago it was Petty, the head man, now it's the last clinical director.  You know him - the fella that looked like the dumb greasy one from N'SYNC?  The guy who told you "Don't ask no questions, get aligned with the program or Wally will end up dead or in jail, or worse - queer as a football bat,"  Yes, June, I did think he was an asshole, but he's a professional asshole, trained to do...well, all the abusive, soul-crushing beat downs I used to inflict, until the police busted me.  Thank God a vote for Mitt is a vote for abusive teen shit,"

I digress...There's one other key player who left without us noticing:  Barbara Blevins, the CEO of Peninsula Behavioral Health, left in late December.  Her reason:  "The time is right".  Yeahhhhh, I'm sure.  Then Steve Petty, the administrator with a longevity like Methuselah's by PV's standards, leaves without a word of explanation or a replacement.  And now, Adam McLain has taken that long Walk of Shame out of the admissions building.  I won't bullshit you - former patients of McLain went wild with joy and did the Snoopy dance.  HE WILL NOT BE MISSED.

I've got a bet on the horse I think will be next for the Purina plant. 
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on February 04, 2008, 03:33:46 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
WOW - I go away for a week and all this happens! Keep up the good work! Has anyone contacted McLain to ask him about his job at PV and it's abrupt ending? The Village seems to really be falling apart now.

contacted McLain?

thats a good idea Actda.... someone with a four day on three day off work week should try to contact McLain up at the house...
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 04, 2008, 03:40:05 PM
There have actually been quite a few overlooked recent staff departures:

Connie McCallum, served Peninsula for more than 18 years... Tom Poore, a 16-year employee... Jake Sand, worked at Peninsula Village for approximately three years... farewell to Lucia Alder, began as a Family Therapist in the Boys Program at the Village in 2002... Ina "Charlie" Roberson, after 35 years of loyal and dedicated service... goodbye to Barbara Taylor, to the Village in 2003...
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on February 04, 2008, 05:03:12 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
There have actually been quite a few overlooked recent staff departures:

Connie McCallum, served Peninsula for more than 18 years... Tom Poore, a 16-year employee... Jake Sand, worked at Peninsula Village for approximately three years... farewell to Lucia Alder, began as a Family Therapist in the Boys Program at the Village in 2002... Ina "Charlie" Roberson, after 35 years of loyal and dedicated service... goodbye to Barbara Taylor, to the Village in 2003...

McCallum was one of my staff, Poore and Sand were my teachers, and Lucia was my family therapist... Taylor used to run our "medicine wheel" groups
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: DieYuppieSkum on February 04, 2008, 06:36:56 PM
McCallum was my math teacher (she stunk at teaching me)

Poore was a slack jawed redneck with a huge overbite whose  breath smelled worse the a dead coon on the interstate. He too was a teacher for me and my "homeroom" teacher before Jones left.
(it was hard to take Poore seriously because he sounded like a stereotypical hillbilly)

I vaguely remember Taylor.

Did she kind of have a coppery colored hair with very slanted eyes that made her look as if she was always stoned?

Anyways all these people can and will burn in hell.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 04, 2008, 07:34:33 PM
This may have already been posted, but here's an interesting webpage I came across: (http://
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on February 05, 2008, 01:51:31 AM
that was an interesting web page,
what i like is how this woman grows up and suddenly she gets A's and is fine
i've found something similiar, it's like as soon as you are old enough to have some ability to know what the hells up and are not just a kid and can navigate your own life and don't need others to do it for you everything is sane, hmmm
so pv people are leaving and being fired huh?  
that's good news
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on February 05, 2008, 02:11:05 AM
does anyone know anything about Dr. Rudolph being fired?  
he was the hairy therapist from when I was in, and abigail said he was her shrink so i'm guessing he was fired in the early 2000's
one of the weird pv alumni over on Myspace, they are weird zen sorry, like angry zombie red guard the top three are, i was yelling at them, they are very rude and foul mouthed creatures
 interestingly, although they are very good at literally chanting PV slogans, they still tell weird pv stories, there are some good ones under the topic "your funniest pv moment."
  not very funny moments, most include restraints
but the one says Dr. Rudolph was fired because he had abused his own child?  
I was just wondering if anyone knew how to find out more about that?  
knoxville papers?  maybe
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: DieYuppieSkum on February 05, 2008, 03:05:14 AM
Dr Rudolph was my individual therapist... never heard anything of that nature.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 05, 2008, 02:59:17 PM
_ Zen Agent:_________
Thanks for posting, it's interesting to hear from a PV counselor who went through the Covenant transition. The program is off the rails these days. If you don't mind me asking, were you there when Dr. Vance Sherwood was clinical director, and do you know if Bob Pegler has a degree in Psychology? I appreciate any input you might have from your time there.

Reply from expvstaff
Honestly, I'm a bit unsure about posting here. It is very upsetting to me to read from folks (you included) about what the Village is seen as now or how it was experienced. This guy Turtle was there when I was there, and I surely worked with him. I felt like most of what I did (what PV did too) was helpful and therapeutic and probably unique. I worked with an Administrator who often agreed to keep a kid for an extra 2 or 3 months after the expiration of insurance benefits because that's what they needed. We did discharge kids who ran out of benefits sometimes but I really felt like we had a good relationship with many families and many insurance companies.

It's hard to reconcile that spirit of goodwill and energy with what is being related here. Not saying we saved everyone or turned every kid around, but I was proud of what we did and knew that I was making a difference. That was very important to me, because I knew that we were tough and demanding.

Covenant opened up the floodgates of state-custody kids (foregoing the majority private insurance kids) and that brought in huge numbers of very challenging patients who were facility-hardened and not interested in therapy. They were much angrier on the whole, and staff assaults (and consequently, PCI's) went up.

I worked with Dr. Sherwood and found him to be a pretty brilliant guy, actually. His ideas on group dynamics (treat the individual by creating a group dynamic that rewarded the group for an individual's efforts) were a key to what we did. He felt that since peer pressure is one of the biggest influences on adolescents, then that should be used to help in positive ways. Working with Dr. Sherwood was one of the better things about working there for me. He struggled with the Covenant transition and left by the 1997 or so.

Bob Pegler, as I said, doesn't resemble to me the person described in some of the posts. Bob's "gift", to me, was a natural ability to get to the heart of the matter with kids who desperately needed to be understood. He was a no b.s. kind of guy but I never

Zen Agent
29 November 2007, 11:52

Thanks for the insight into the old PV. I think they suffer from program drift and the corporate bottom line mentality. DCS quit referring kids to PV after some unknown disaster, so PV may be suffering from a drought of patients.

1 December 2007, 11:50


I absolutely think that bringing in more kids in state custody compromised the program in many ways. You ended up getting more patients who spent longer times in STU or whose goals for treatment were modified to no longer include a stay in the cabin program. We saw kids come in and we knew that we'd only have them for 3 or 4 months; once they were "stabilized" in STU, they were discharged to group homes, foster care, home, or other facilities. Naturally, they often had little motivation to progress as they knew they were short-timers. The use of group dynamics and treating the individual by treating the group seemed, in my opinion, less effective. Some of the state patients had no interest in progressing. When you've been in 15 different placements in 3 years and you're hopeless as a result, it is really difficult to believe that anything that you do is actually going to make a difference or that somehow you can break the cycle.

Beyond that, some of the newer patients were nuts. Just totally screwed up and at times psychotic. Pardon my frankness, but they weren't budging from their orientation to the world, and it didn't matter to some of them if they destroyed the group dynamics. They were scared, scarred, and damaged and they weren't giving in, no way, no how.

An unused cabin on both the boys and girls campuses were then utilized as "STU cabins", with round-the-clock awake staffing (as opposed to regular cabin staffing in which the counselors slept at night). Some cabin staff and some STU staff transferred to those programs; others were hired directly and trained specifically for these hybrids.

I believe that a security alarm system was rigged up for the STU cabins, in the event of a restraint or something. I know that lighting was an issue, and so a system with car batteries and lanterns was used so the overnight staff could record patient notes and more easily monitor the patients.

These "developments" further moved PV away from its origins as a unique environment designed to treat the treatment-resistent adolescent and into a place that seemed poised to mine whatever they could from whatever was out there.

Dr. Sherwood eventually grew disillusioned with the changes and left as well, I think by 1997. 

Message from expvstaff
1 December 2007, 14:36

after reading here (and on Fornits) about that counselor, I searched a bit and found the links and your email exchanges with her. It looks like her MySpace pages are gone, by the way.

One of the great fears about bringing in new staff is that, especially after Covenant came in, salary and standards were lowered (high school diploma okay instead of BS degree preferably in psych) and you got people with all manner of experience and inexperience. I know that there were a few people hired who had worked up at Mountain View in Dandridge, which was pretty different from PV at the time. PV ended up taking people who were less qualified and were willing to work for less money. A bad combination, as it turned out. We could no longer be as exclusive and picky when it came to hiring, as other places paid more.

I'm trying to remember some specifics about family therapy. FT was required but it usually wouldn't start face-to-face until after the kid had been in STU for about a month or had reached the 2nd level. That was one of the "carrots" that was held out to newbies. "See your family when you get to level 2."

I worked with some awesome family therapists who pushed and prodded, supported and examined, and worked those family dynamics. That went really well when there was an actual family involved. As I mentioned before, that happened a lot less with patients in state custody. Therapists began to come and go a bit more around 1993 or '94 and also as before, when that happened you lost that history, that sense of purpose that PV had early on. The newer FT's were professional but, if my memory is correct, were often pretty new and inexperienced. FT was a key component of what we were doing since the family was the preferred placement upon discharge. Patients were given TA's (therapeutic assignments) home for the weekend to "try out" coping strategies with the family in the months prior to discharge. Again, that was something that happened with kids who were at the Bear level (level 2 of 4) in the cabins.

I don't recall many instances of parents who were actively questioning what we were doing in the early 90's. Certainly we weren't given carte blanche and did whatever we wanted; I think it was more of a comprehensive approach to treatment that kept them involved and informed.

We had kids who got pulled out early (according to our treatment plan) by parents who had issues or grew impatient o

Zen Agent to expvstaff
1 December 2007, 16:41

Your last message got cut-off at the end - is there a word limit? The staff's blog disappeared after I emailed a link to PV's administrator and CC'd it to HIPAA/OHRS.

We were not allowed to question the program, anywhere. All we were told was "If you're against the program you're against your child". We were given a guideline that made the rounds of the mental health professionals we know, including some from CAFETY- to a person, all were shocked.

The program lost its direction, that's obvious. Every PV clinician we encountered seemed de-sensitized and intolerant of parental concerns, openly laughing at some questions and occasionally losing their tempers when questions came up they did not want to think about. One psychologist flipped when questioned about PV's success statistics - my wife knew they were based on a questionnaire sent to 121 people, I believe. Anyway, only 33% returned them, and that was PV's database. The psychologist got angry when this was brought up and growled "Why are you ASKING these questions?'

1 December 2007, 16:57

oh shoot...hate to see that it got cut off. It was a good one

I guess my main point is that parents were involved in therapy from the beginning, even if their kids were in STU and unable to attend FT meetings due to their level. Parents still came in for sessions. Dr. Sherwood believed that kids needed to take responsibility for what they were doing now as a result of things that had happened to them earlier in their lives...that they couldn't go back in time to figure out what had happened to them but would benefit instead from trying to understand how things in the past (and at home) were affecting them currently. FT was a big part of that, so I don't think that it is necessarily correct that he (or PV at the time) didn't promote FT or attempt to treat the family as a unit.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on February 07, 2008, 02:29:29 PM
when i said the pv alumni were foul mouthed critters i didn't mean swearing
it's one thing to use foul language as an adjective or an explanative, ie "i hate the fucking tv"
as opposed to using it as a verb. 
think about it, it's true
they are very aggressive the top three pro pv alumni, i bet they were charming in group
you basically have to leave so you don't have to kill them. joking and speaking metaphorically about the human condition.
in the words of the bumper sticker website "I can see you are going to be a major obstacle on my path to enlightenment."
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 07, 2008, 02:48:10 PM
They have no regard for anyone who didn't "get with" PV's program.  I imagine they were unholy terrors in group.  They are evil, they were so obnoxious I decided to go ahead and post something on "Camp PV" that I knew would get me banned.  I called them the epitome of PV's success - a bunch of harping, ball-busting bitches...
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 07, 2008, 06:31:19 PM
Just a factual FYI to all - in the following photo, Girls STU is on the top floor of the building and the meds facility is on the bottom: (http://
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 07, 2008, 09:20:30 PM
act.da -

More pics of PV with maps of the facilities, buildings explained and labeled, etc, would be very useful!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on February 07, 2008, 10:38:19 PM
Oyy just seeing a pic of GAAU makes me want to hurl.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: DieYuppieSkum on February 08, 2008, 01:39:45 AM
girl STU looks..... pretty.

Ours did not look like that with the flower and such.

Also ours was reverse of girl STU.

We had the YC on top and we were down below in a dungeon like setting.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on February 08, 2008, 09:38:25 AM
Quote from: "DieYuppieSkum"
girl STU looks..... pretty.

Ours did not look like that with the flower and such.

Also ours was reverse of girl STU.

We had the YC on top and we were down below in a dungeon like setting.

 DYS you can be certain that the "pretty look" of Girls STU is merely a facade. The only windows, the ones in the picture are heavily guarded by staff. I have heard many many stories of girls getting in trouble for looking out the windows and getting caught. They don't call it trouble though, I forget the term they use, some kind of program speak lingo.
The central admissions office looked "really pretty" too in a rustic way. The pretty faces inside were always gushing and overly friendly. Strange though, I could never shake that eerie feeling that would come over me the few times I went out there. I tried, I really did, but it was so quiet. Several times I was startled by a movement I would catch out of the corner of my eye. Do you know what it was? It was lines of kids scurrying like rodents. Really, by the time I turned towards the movement, they were gone.
I think the area is set up like a stage. PV keeps some pretty props around to be arranged and put into place at certain times. I am sure the Congressman's visit pulled out all the PV props...
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 08, 2008, 11:13:26 AM
Jibby told me where the bathroom was in admissions.  He was none too friendly a guy.  I went back and peed in his office when he was away...
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 09, 2008, 12:56:25 PM (http://

I am working at Peninsula Village as a Program Counselor for "behaviorally challenged" teenage girls and I truly believe this job will be the death of me, however at the same time I absolutely love being there!


Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 09, 2008, 01:02:25 PM

To a PV staffer, she commented:
Hey! Your pictures are so beatiful. I hope all is shiny and happy in your world right now. C-ya at work (http://

Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 09, 2008, 01:11:37 PM
"Garen Blanchard"

(no offense Lucas) don't get me wrong I kind of miss working late nights with Emanual Dixon and Phil Cooper, a legend amongst Peninsula Village workers. (http://

Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 13, 2008, 08:01:20 PM
Is it just me, or did we lose another face from the PV "Meet The Staff" page?
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 14, 2008, 08:56:19 AM
Yeah, Dr. Ameel was taken down.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 14, 2008, 09:10:23 AM
...And here come some not-so-new faces to fill in the blank spots... ... 0213.shtml (

Peninsula Village
Louisville, TN

Staff Changes At Peninsula Village

Kelly Roberts
Coordinator, Community and Alumni Relations
865-380-4452 (

February 11, 2008

Dear Colleague,

Please allow me to introduce myself: I am Dr. Marianne Oliveira, Administrator of Peninsula Village. I have recently returned to employment with Peninsula. Some of you may know me, but for those who don't, I will share a bit of my professional background. I have been in healthcare my entire career. I have undergraduate degrees in nursing and psychology, a Master's Degree in Public Health and a Ph.D. in Public Health Education. My focus during my doctoral studies was in mental health and Social Work. I am not new to Peninsula or the Covenant Health System. I have served Covenant Health as a leader for 18 years, including 13 years at Peninsula Hospital as clinical director and administrator.

I am writing to inform you of some leadership team changes at the Village. I want you to know that Peninsula Village remains committed to providing our patients the very best in clinical care. We understand what it means to be worthy of the trust you put in us when you send a patient to us. As an administrator, I take very seriously the responsibility for having the right people in the right positions to achieve long term success for our patients and their families.

Toward this end, there has been a reorganization of leadership positions at Peninsula Village. These people, along with family therapists and other staff join in the commitment to building an environment of excellent service and a culture of teamwork. I believe there is no substitute for experience, as evidenced by the proven track record of the following individuals.

Reggie Raman, M.D., is the full-time psychiatrist for Peninsula Village. Dr. Raman has served as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Peninsula Hospital since January 2000 and as Chief of Staff for the Peninsula system from 2005-2007. In his role as the Village psychiatrist, Dr. Raman is responsible for the psychiatric care and medication management of all Peninsula Village patients. Dr. Raman has a key role in the Interdisciplinary Treatment Teams. He also serves as a member of the Village Leadership Team. Dr. Raman completed his residency at University of South Carolina Child and Adolescent Residential Program from 1997-1999, where he also served as Chief Resident. He is Board Certified in Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Dr. Raman has developed strong Child and Adolescent Inpatient programs at Peninsula Hospital over the past eight years, and patients in these programs have experienced excellent outcomes. All who have worked with Dr. Raman have found him to be professional in all aspects of his position, and a tremendous team member.

Bob Pegler, CAS is Program Director and provides oversight for all operational aspects of the program. Mr. Pegler, a founding staff member and member of the Village Leadership Team, has more than 25 years service with Peninsula. He is also responsible for the management of the Peninsula Village Chemical Dependency Recovery Program, Activity Therapy, Admissions and Community Relations. Mr. Pegler facilitates weekly recovery groups and chemical dependency education groups with the outdoor cabin groups as well as the Admission and Assessment Units. He also co-facilitates alumni and family support groups in Atlanta, Georgia, and Raleigh, North Carolina.

Barbara Taylor, Ph.D. has returned to Peninsula Village as Clinical Director following a short leave of absence. Dr. Taylor provides clinical leadership for all programs. She previously served the Village as Clinical Director of the Boy's Program, and subsequently as the Coordinator of Psychological Services. In her role as Clinical Director, Dr. Taylor, who has 30 years of clinical experience, provides direct clinical care to patients at the Village and provides clinical oversight of all aspects of treatment planning and service delivery. She serves on the Village Leadership Team oversees all psychological testing, individual therapy services and supervise doctoral students who are placed at the Village each year by the University of Tennessee's School of Psychology.

Jean Bolding, L.C.S.W. joins the Village clinical team as Director of Family Therapy.
Ms. Bolding, who holds a Master's Degree in Social Work, has returned to Peninsula Village after four years at another behavioral health organization. Ms. Bolding has more than two decades of experience as a family therapist, having served Peninsula Village as a family therapist from 1990-1995, and as Director of Family Therapy from 1995-2004. Ms. Bolding supervises the Village Family Therapy Department, currently comprised of seven masters-prepared therapists. She brings a wealth of experience into treatment planning and family education. Ms. Bolding is also an approved field instructor for social work students through the U.T. College of Social Work. She serves on the Village Leadership Team.

Todd Roberts, who has worked at Peninsula Village for 17 years, continues in his role as Director of Continuum Services. In this capacity, Mr. Roberts oversees the day-to-day operations of the nursing department, utilization review and medical records, and Peninsula Village School. He is also the Peninsula Village Health and Safety Officer. Todd is a member of the Peninsula Behavioral Education Steering Team, the Peninsula Revenue Cycle Team, and the Village Leadership Team.

I have every confidence this team of experienced, highly qualified and dedicated individuals will ultimately serve the best interests of our patients. Please know that I am available for you if you wish to discuss how we can be of better service to you, or anything else about Peninsula Village. Feel free to reach me by email at [email protected], or directly at my Village office, (865) 970-1246.


Marianne Oliveira, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.N.
Vice President
Peninsula Outpatient and Residential Services

Barbara Taylor is listed in the Village Vision as having quit, not taking a leave of absence.  I can only guess the issues she had with PV are gone now...the issues being McLain, Petty, and Ameel.

Jean Bolding?  Oh, man, she's got a history at PV...she refused to deliver the letter to Andrew Klepper from a MD judge ordering him back...she's the therapist who testified at Matthew Grant's murder trial about his time at PV, and effectively sealed his fate with her questionable testimony, and she was called by the defense team. 

We'll delve more into Jean Bolding's sins during her previous tenure at PV as I dig the info back up.  I thought she had left PV over matters of conscience...guess I was wrong, and she's back to keep the Old School PV ways going. 

Since Marianne Oliveira kindly posted her contact info, we should really push to get an answer about what prompted the massive purge, and what changes to expect.  Seriously, this looks like an interim regime that could easily have all members returned to their former positions if the PV ship sinks.  One pulled from retirement, one dredged up from the past, and two from right next door.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 14, 2008, 11:32:04 AM
From WATE-TV'S forum on mental health.  The "sinking ship" metaphor again.  WATE-TV told me they had never heard any complaints about PV when they were contacted after the special they ran on the program.  They need to get their heads out of the sand and look in their own forums.

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Re: mental health
« Reply #8 on: Yesterday at 06:34:00 PM »
   Reply with quoteQuote
Let me start off by saying that PV just recently released a news letter, and Bob Pegler, released a statement in this newsletter stating that treatment centers have been "under a bad spotlight" recently, and he talks about how PV is different, and that they are accredited, and how the "abusive" programs are wilderness "boot camps" which, pv is not. But let me assure you, and any parents thinking of sending anyone there, that they are VERY abusive in all aspects. I spent 2 years of my life (that I feel I have lost) in that h@ll hole. So, obviously by Mr. Pegler releasing this statement, they HAVE been under fire my many people. I will not go into the kinds of abuse that goes on there, because it is too embarrassing, and to complex, but let me assure you, in my opinion, they SHOULD have criminal charges filed against them. Just wait, and see, PV is a sinking ship!
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 15, 2008, 10:04:10 PM
Like most other staff, Dr. Ameel was a jerk. I remember when he first came to PV as a replacement, he seemed to have a bit of anxiety himself. Sweaty mess.
Nice find with that PR ZenAgent! Here's a good link for anyone that doesn't already know about the whole Matthew Grant thing: (http://
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 16, 2008, 12:50:31 PM
Deborah posted this quite a while back, the whole thing is an interesting read about PV thumbing it's nose at the courts in order to keep a rich private-pay kid convicted as an adult.  There's no doubt Klepper would have been "bass taped" in prison...

The other villain in this sordid story is Jean Bolding, newly returned to PV.  Here's the relevant bit, but do read the whole thing if this story is new to you, especially the follow-up - Klepper was arrested again during his probation, once again involved with a prostitute and once again shielded from justice.

"After Tennessee again rejected Klepper, Maryland probation officials notified Jean Bolding, Klepper's caseworker at Peninsula Village, to give him the letter. But Bolding, on the instructions of Klepper's attorney, Paul F. Kemp, did not release the letter, and parole and probation requested a warrant, the papers say. Bolding also did not return a call seeking comment."

Speaking of "Success Stories"....Keep in mind, as you read about Andrew Klepper, PV's Exclusionary Criteria.

Peninsula Village is unable to help every adolescent. Some problems that we cannot treat are:
* Intelligence below the average range (Full Scale IQ below 90)
* History of fire setting and pyromania
* Sexual Offenders / Sexual Disorders
* History of chronic/severe physical aggression including use of weapons
* Physical or medical condition that would hinder participation in vigorous, outdoor activities (diabetes, epilepsy)
* Homicidal intent at time of admission
* Psychotic Disorders
* Pregnancy (females)
* Impairment resulting from traumatic brain injury / Neuro-psychiatric issues
* Eating disorders that are not medically stable

A 16-year-old former Walt Whitman High School student yesterday admitted to participating in a brutal sexual assault on an escort as part of a plea bargain that allows him to serve five years' probation.

Andrew G. Klepper pleaded guilty as an adult to charges that he and two fellow students lured the woman to Klepper's home Nov. 8, attacked her with a baseball bat, threatened her with a knife, then sodomized her at knifepoint with the bat handle and a large ink marker. They also stole at least $2,100 from the victim and threatened to harm her if she told anyone, authorities said.

Klepper, who received a suspended 15-year prison sentence, could go to prison if he fails to meet the terms of his five-year probation, the maximum probation period allowed by law. He also agreed to attend an out-of-state residential treatment facility*and a boarding school for troubled youths.

*According to Andrew's MySpace it was CEDU Running Springs, Ca.

Klepper, who was 15 at the time, pleaded guilty as an adult to robbery, which carries a maximum term of 20 years; first-degree assault, which carries a maximum 25-year sentence; and a misdemeanor charge of fourth-degree sexual offense, reduced from first-degree sexual offense.

Charges of first-degree rape, false imprisonment and first- degree sexual offense were dropped. The sexual offense that he pleaded guilty to also does not require him to register as a sexual offender.

Klepper has been undergoing treatment at Peninsula Village, a residential clinic for youths in Tennessee, at his parents' expense since Nov. 14. After another year to 18 months there, he is expected to enroll in a boarding school specializing in treating troubled youths.

Gansler also said the victim agreed with the disposition. "He will be locked up and away from the community for at least two years*," Gansler told reporters. "We think it's a very severe sentence. We would take the position that it's not a 'walk' at all."

*He was out of PV in a few months...

Tennessee has refused to allow a Montgomery County teenager who took part in the sexual assault of a call girl to continue receiving treatment there, and Maryland correctional officials have asked a judge to force his return to Maryland.

Andrew G. Klepper, 16, a former Walt Whitman High School student, began treatment at Peninsula Village in Tennessee soon after he was released on bail following the November assault. He avoided jail in a plea bargain in May that included his pleading guilty and agreeing to continue treatment at the facility.

But Tennessee authorities have refused to assume responsibility for Klepper's supervision, and without that he is not permitted to remain in the state, according to court documents and correctional officials.

As a result, agents in Maryland's Division of Parole and Probation have asked for an arrest warrant to compel his return to Maryland.

"The fact of the matter is, Tennessee did not want this young man under any conditions," said Mark Vernarelli, a division spokesman.

Peninsula Village is a coeducational facility, located near Knoxville in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, that treats severely troubled youths with six to eight weeks in a locked admissions unit and then intensive group therapy in an outdoor setting, according to its Web site. The cost of the facility was borne by Klepper's parents -- Martin Klepper, a lawyer, and Abby Jean Golden, a school guidance counselor.

Under the terms of his plea bargain, the Potomac youth was to continue treatment at Peninsula Village for another year to 18 months before enrolling in an unspecified boarding school* that specializes in handling troubled youths.

*Why unspecified? CEDU wasn't proud to have him enrolled at their facility?

His five-year term of probation was to be carried out under the guidance of his treating psychiatrist, Lance D. Clawson, in consultation with the office of Montgomery County State's Attorney Douglas F. Gansler.

But the terms of his probation ran afoul of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, which says that a convicted offender cannot leave his home state unless the state to which he is sent agrees to supervise him, according to Maryland parole and probation officials. Tennessee officials pointed out that Klepper had no family ties, no permanent residence and no employment in Tennessee.

On Friday, parole and probation agent John Hafer filed court papers asking Circuit Court Judge John W. Debelius III, who sentenced Klepper, to issue an arrest warrant forcing Klepper's return. As of yesterday, the warrant had not been signed, Vernarelli said.
After Tennessee rejected Klepper, the judge conducted a "hearing" in chambers in an attempt to modify the terms of Klepper's probation to satisfy Tennessee officials. The judge changed Klepper's probation status from "supervised" to "unsupervised," but that modification also ran afoul of Tennessee, parole and probation officials said.

On June 17, a letter was mailed to Klepper, advising him to return to Maryland. That letter was received by officials at Peninsula Village two days later, but on Hafer's instructions, the letter was not given to Klepper, pending the outcome of the June 19 meeting with Debelius.

After Tennessee again rejected Klepper, Maryland probation officials notified Jean Bolding, Klepper's caseworker at Peninsula Village, to give him the letter. But Bolding, on the instructions of Klepper's attorney, Paul F. Kemp, did not release the letter, and parole and probation requested a warrant, the papers say. Bolding also did not return a call seeking comment.

Gansler is vacationing in Maine. Calls to John McLane, Gansler's director of communications, and the two assistant state's attorneys who handled the case were not returned yesterday. Calls to Kemp were not returned. Mitchell S. Ettinger, who also represented Andrew Klepper, was out of the office yesterday.

Under the terms of a plea bargain, Circuit Court Judge John W. Debelius III sentenced Klepper to 15 years in prison, suspended the sentence and ordered Klepper to serve five years' probation. He directed Klepper to continue treatment at Peninsula Village, a residential treatment center in Tennessee and, afterward, to attend a boarding school for troubled youths. He ordered that Klepper's five-year probation be supervised by court-appointed psychiatrist Lance D. Clawson, in consultation with the office of Montgomery County State's Attorney Douglas F. Gansler.

But Tennessee has refused to accept responsibility for Klepper's treatment, and Maryland officials have asked for a bench warrant to compel his return.

Gansler said yesterday that the sentences for the three were tailored to fit their level of involvement in the crime, their criminal histories and their ages.

"Klepper got the most severe sentence because he certainly was the most culpable," Gansler said.

Gansler said Klepper has three adult criminal convictions and substantial jail time hanging over him if he fails to carry out the terms of his probation.

Sex offender ruling: A Montgomery County judge ruled yesterday that a Potomac teenager serving probation for sexually assaulting a female escort can continue treatment at a private, out-of-state facility. The ruling was made after concerns that the youth was violating an interstate compact dealing with the supervision of criminals on probation or parole.

Circuit Court Judge John W. Debelius III said yesterday that Maryland and Tennessee have agreed that Andrew G. Klepper's probationary sentence no longer runs afoul of the interstate compact. The judge issued an interim order July 30 saying that Klepper is "unsupervised" and relieving Maryland corrections officials of the duty of supervising him.

Maryland corrections officials -- mindful of a freed Prince George's County convict who killed a Denver woman in 1999 while receiving drug treatment at a private center in Colorado -- had sought an arrest warrant to bring back Klepper. The judge declined to issue the warrant.

On Nov. 8, Klepper, then 15, and two former Walt Whitman High School students lured the 25-year-old woman to his home to act in a porn movie, then sexually assaulted and robbed her.

The latest on Andy? You won't believe this, plus you get to see what the monster looks like: ... =rss_metro (
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: SettleForNothingLess on February 16, 2008, 02:17:08 PM
Too bad he didnt go after some staff... Let them get a taste of their own medicine of what its like to be fucked in the ass....
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Nihilanthic on February 17, 2008, 03:26:57 PM
Don't worry... some big #500 man named Sue should give them that experience in the prison system ;)
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 17, 2008, 07:17:45 PM
Quote from: "Nihilanthic"
Don't worry... some big #500 man named Sue should give them that experience in the prison system ;)

"Hey man...pick up that soap.  What?  You done?  Nah, you ain't done yet, I been watchin' you.  You ain't wash behind your ears or nuthin'.  I'm like the health pick up that soap..."
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 17, 2008, 07:21:36 PM
Quote from: "act.da" (http://

I am working at Peninsula Village as a Program Counselor for "behaviorally challenged" teenage girls and I truly believe this job will be the death of me, however at the same time I absolutely love being there!


I guess I'm not as attentive as I used to be...her hat says "My legs are like like Wal Mart, open 24-7"?  Excuse me, I have to tell my wife to cancel dinner, my appetite is GONE.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 17, 2008, 07:41:40 PM
From the Parent's Introduction to Peninsula Village:

"Program Counselors also serve as teachers and role models, offering themselves as adults with whom group members can identify."

Identifying with the counselors could result in an indefinite stay in the Villa del Penicillin.  The female counselors don't show any tendencies toward anorexia, that's obvious.  They do appear to be unattractive, dateless, and reliant on guys with extreme beer goggles on at last call for "interaction". 

Role models, indeed...

Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 18, 2008, 06:55:08 AM
The PV counselors never fail to amaze...this guy is a real prize from FaceBook, his name is T.J. Ross and he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. While PV would rather keep the use of tranquilizers hidden, T.J. seems to enjoy seeing the shots administered.  Here's a quote, the highlights are mine: (


(Note from Zen:  I believe the picture is of T.J.'s hero, Ah-nold Shwarzenegger, not T.J.  Pictures of the real T.J are further down.  From those pictures, it looks like he "takes down" the kids AFTER the injection of "booty juice".)

T.J. Ross:
Personal Info

Lifting, cars, my animals, and fishing.

Favorite Music:    
Contemporary Christian

Favorite Movies:    
Napoleon Dynamite, Old School, Be Cool, or anything with Will Farrell

Favorite Quotes]

"I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me"

"If you're not living your life doing what you love, then you're not living."

You haven't worked out until you've thrown up form a bicep workout.
-Arnold Schwarzenegger-

I'm in a glass case of emotion

"Oh boy lasagna, the Italian burito!"

"I'm gonna shoot yo ass!!!!" -crazy kid where i work-
"What are you gonna shoot me with, your in a behavioral hospital" -me-

Education Info
Grad School:    

    * Tennessee '05
    * Special Education

High School:    

    * Sullivan East High School '01
Work Info
Peninsula Behavioral Hospital
Program counselor
I'm there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.

Great...the credibility of a PV survivor was attacked here on Fornits when she described the amounts of tranquilizers and anti-psychotics being shot into her...Now we've got a counselor bragging about taking the kids down so a nurse can slam their asses full of "booty juice".

Everytime I find something like this counselor's FaceBook spiel, boasting about "taking down" a rowdy kid so the nurse can sedate them, I want to DO something, but I've got my wife and step daughter to keep me focused.  If not for them, I'd be headed toward PV to Kelpperize some arrogant staff.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on February 18, 2008, 03:32:32 PM
I want to do something... but... but... but.... I think internet stalking and Who bashing is more effective.

Fucking tools, the lot of ya.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 18, 2008, 03:53:51 PM
Quote from: "Zen Agent's Gay Lover"
I want to do something... but... but... but.... I think internet stalking and Who bashing is more effective.
Fucking tools, the lot of ya.

Fabrizio, is that you, my boy-toy?  I told you never to post here, I'm not ready to be "outted". My wife reads this - you know, the one I think is so great?

But oh yeah, "stalking" the public postings of program staff and bashing a guy who's posts I ignore is serious kicks, Fab.  Trolling is Big Gay Fun - look what you're doing.

I get your point, though.  I'm the only poster who thinks theSpew is an abomination, and I feel really, really awful about it.  Tell Whootie to name his 10 favorite programs and I'll send tokens of my esteem to each one.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 18, 2008, 08:19:41 PM
Quote from: "Zen Agent's Gay Lover"
I want to do something... but... but... but.... I think internet stalking and Who bashing is more effective.

Fucking tools, the lot of ya.

Damn, Gookin, why are you riding my ass like Mary into Jerusalem?  Finding a counselor admitting to "taking down" a patient in order for a nurse to shoot up the "booty juice" is a pretty damning piece of brimstone.

Check out the YLF-Google bunker/war room - ball's passed to you, beee-yotch!  I told ya to plan...
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 20, 2008, 03:42:33 PM
What exactly is the educational background of PV's new program director, Bob Pegler?  Is he a licensed health service provider in TN?  According to the PV website on July 9, 2006, Pegler was a state licensed psychologist and health service provider and a member of the APA.  I highlighted the questionable degree and licenses.

Bob Pegler, CAS


Program Manager, Residential Services

# Certified Addiction Specialist
# Certified ROPES Facilitator

Professional Affiliations/Licensure:
# American Psychological Association & Appalachian Psychoanalytic Association
# Licensed Psychologist/Health Service Provider, Tennessee

As Program Manager, Bob is responsible for The Boys and Girls Cabin Program, as well as Activity Therapy Services. He has a background working with adolescents in treatment settings for over 20 years. He was one of the founding staff at Peninsula Village in 1986. He has a background as an Activity Therapist, and has specialized in Addiction Therapy since 1984, when he helped in creating the Youth Chemical Dependency Unit at Peninsula Hospital. He lives with his family in Knoxville, and has two adolescents of his own.

On Staff at Peninsula Village Since: 2004

Do they have a psychology program where they teach the ropes crap?  Dunno.  But now:

Bob Pegler, CAS
Program Director


# Certified Addiction Specialist
# Certified ROPES Facilitator
# Certified Interventionist

Professional Affiliations:
# Tennessee Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors
# National Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors

As the Program Director of Peninsula Village, Bob is responsible for overseeing all operational aspects of the program. Bob also manages Recovery Services, Activity Therapy, Admissions and Community and Alumni Relations. Bob facilitates weekly recovery groups and chemical dependency education groups with the outdoor cabin groups as well as the Admission and Assessment Units. He assisted in developing a Family Relapse Prevention Group for patients and families nearing program completion. Bob also co-facilitates alumni and family support groups in Atlanta, GA, and Raleigh, NC. Bob has over 25 years experience working with adolescents with substance abuse issues.

Where did the psychology license go?  Call the fraud patrol PV is laying down a con.  Imagine that.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: DieYuppieSkum on February 20, 2008, 09:20:23 PM
Hold on.. they made Pegler Program Director?

Thats about as great of an idea as a screen door on a submarine.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 21, 2008, 01:25:40 AM
Quote from: "DieYuppieSkum"
Hold on.. they made Pegler Program Director?

Thats about as great of an idea as a screen door on a submarine.

After spending most of 48 hours reading 600+ pages of PV medical records, making Pegler the program director is in alignment with Village (idiot) logic. 

The rumor is, Pegler is already batshit crazy on a power trip - he shaved his head completely, sits in the dark and mutters stuff about snails crawling down razor blades into a mini-recorder.  PV's patients have been seen running through the woods in groups, heavily armed, camouflaged, and training for an intense military engagement.  Kreflo said Pegler is planning to invade Maryville, Sevierville, every "ville" around PV until he controls the entirety of meth-rich Blount County.  When he achieves his glory, he plans to declare himself King Bob, Lord of All the Beasts and Fishes.

Peninsula Village is the Titanic, and Pegler is the iceberg. 
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 21, 2008, 08:48:21 PM
You know PV is getting desperate when they decide it would be a good idea to proclaim a fat uneducated drunk as their Program Director, and then drag an old hag back to prop up and label Clinical Director. I know for a fact that Fornits readers aren't the only people who have taken notice of this.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 22, 2008, 03:08:39 PM
I have taken it upon myself to let a few communities know what sort of people they are living near. Check out this link: (http://
Hopefully a neighbor or two will see one of these posts and ask them about it.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 22, 2008, 03:15:41 PM
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I just now came across this article: (http://

Hawranke, Newsom and the 13-year-old eighth-graders at Jack Jouett Middle School were convicted in juvenile court of conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to use an explosive device to blow up a school.

After serving seven months in juvenile detention, Hawranke is now being treated just outside of Knoxville, Tenn., at Peninsula Village, a home for troubled youth.

Does anyone have more info on this case?
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 22, 2008, 03:32:05 PM
One more. I found this article from way back in 2003 but thought it was worth sharing. You have to create an account to view it, but I put in bogus info and it worked. (http://

It's an article about business marketing and for some reason PV chipped in. Here's the relevant part:

Don Vardell, Administrator for Peninsula Village, reminds us of the importance of backing up both strategies:

You say you have some existing sales capacity with the 2 managers and 11 reps. Is that enough to manage your current customers and meet your growth objectives? If you conduct new/additional brand awareness activities (advertising, merchandising and promotion) will you be able to meet the potential new business with your current sales capacity? Bottom line: you may need to do both. You wouldn't want to spend your whole wad on a great branding strategy, if you can't back it up with sales execution, and consistent, quality service (with a great value).
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 22, 2008, 05:52:39 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I just now came across this article: (http://

Hawranke, Newsom and the 13-year-old eighth-graders at Jack Jouett Middle School were convicted in juvenile court of conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to use an explosive device to blow up a school.

There are some posts about him, I think they're on the PV homicidal alumni thread.

After serving seven months in juvenile detention, Hawranke is now being treated just outside of Knoxville, Tenn., at Peninsula Village, a home for troubled youth.

Does anyone have more info on this case?
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: stoodoodog on February 22, 2008, 08:39:21 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
One more. I found this article from way back in 2003 but thought it was worth sharing. You have to create an account to view it, but I put in bogus info and it worked. (http://

It's an article about business marketing and for some reason PV chipped in. Here's the relevant part:

Don Vardell, Administrator for Peninsula Village, reminds us of the importance of backing up both strategies:

You say you have some existing sales capacity with the 2 managers and 11 reps. Is that enough to manage your current customers and meet your growth objectives? If you conduct new/additional brand awareness activities (advertising, merchandising and promotion) will you be able to meet the potential new business with your current sales capacity? Bottom line: you may need to do both. You wouldn't want to spend your whole wad on a great branding strategy, if you can't back it up with sales execution, and consistent, quality service (with a great value).

Don't forget, Don (jump ship)Vardell is a business man first. He appears to be kind of ashamed of his stint at PV... (
Wait...isn't PV supposed to be a "world class treatment facility" a place to be proud of?
He went to ASR from there and on to United Health Services (
He bailed after about six months there (curiously around the time of a couple of deaths at UHS facilites like Chad Youth Enhancement Center) and went back to his Aspen Roots to work magic at Excell Academy ... 0206.shtml (
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 23, 2008, 12:57:05 PM
Quote from: "act.da"
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I just now came across this article: (http://

Hawranke, Newsom and the 13-year-old eighth-graders at Jack Jouett Middle School were convicted in juvenile court of conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to use an explosive device to blow up a school.

After serving seven months in juvenile detention, Hawranke is now being treated just outside of Knoxville, Tenn., at Peninsula Village, a home for troubled youth.

Does anyone have more info on this case?

Hawranke should have been in PV while you were there, act.  However, the state of TN might have objected to "hosting" the guy and refused to take responsibility for him, like Andy Klepper. 

There's more on Hawranke on the PV homicidal alumni thread, or alumnus. 

I don't feel sorry for the rich little felons like Hawranke and Klepper, but the Matthew Grant story is tragic.  He did shoot a cop, but...there was a lot of abuse and exposure to drugs from the time he was a toddler.  Grant's grandparents bankrupted themselves to pay for PV, hoping such an "acclaimed" program could help him.  Instead, PV did nothing, Grant felt alienated and tried to escape from the place, and his PV family therapist, Jean Bolding, hung him out to dry with her testimony during the murder trial.  Ironic, considering she was called in by the defense team.  After reading Grant's account of the shooting, I don't see how the prosecution could even consider it a premeditated homicide.  Not to sound too bleeding heart, but Matthew Grant was a poor kid, and he was run over roughshod by the system and swept under the rug.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: ZenAgent on February 23, 2008, 01:40:54 PM
Here you go, act, more info on Klepper, Hawranke, Grant: ( ... 7233&path= (
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on February 25, 2008, 11:09:34 AM
Thanks for the info Zen. I don't remember Dominic Hawranke being at PV while I was there. The name does sound familiar though, so I may have met him at Peninsula Hospital across the street.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Che Gookin on February 26, 2008, 11:57:09 AM
WANF been posting at all? I miss her offbeat, yet highly entertaining, postings.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on October 21, 2008, 02:42:59 PM
Time for an update on PV staff addresses!

Robert (Bob) L Pegler + Mary J Pegler
4620 Baverton Dr
Knoxville, TN 37921-1446
(865) 521-9211

Rajendra (Reggie) T Raman
9241 Double Eagle Ln
Knoxville, TN 37922-5989
(865) 560-1495

Todd Roberts + Kelly K Kiser
146 Gateway Rd
Maryville, TN 37804-3646
(865) 982-2043

Ron O Debord Jr + Heather D Debord
806 Maynard Ave
Knoxville, TN 37917-3721

Carol M Marshall
4229 Gravelly Hills Rd
Louisville, TN 37777-3007
(865) 977-4364

Stephanie M Vanover
166 Manor Way
Louisville, TN 37777-5450
(865) 681-1471

Might as well repost my PV google earth file here (http:// while I'm at it.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: act.da on November 14, 2008, 03:30:18 PM
Stumbled across a couple interesting websites while on a "Google-ing" streak.
They're both the same thing, but someone felt strongly enough to post their story on two blogspot accounts:
I would c+p the text here, but it's a bit long.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2008, 05:16:01 PM
here follow this thread there is more by different survivors starting about pg 10
jesus my family is horrible

i really am a pretty sane person in real life
it is weird to read back and see where i was
i hate to say, it puts it in perspective
in my life i spend a lot of time just going along
this is really my life, jesus ... 11&id=1008 (
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2008, 05:45:01 PM
you know i read back over what i wrote and wow is all  i have to say
i know it all sounds odd but honestly what i wrote about is simply what was going on in my life at the time,

that is what counts for parenting around my house, and no as you can see i'm not being dramatic

i have gotten more proper in my speech i think in the last year or learned how to speak so as to avoid prejudices from others

i guess it's called denial and trying to cast the abuse in a more positive light, see i even edited out the term sexual abuse cause that would be distastful for all you victorians out there, and the men might take it the wrong way and start hitting on me

oh well guess i'm still a venomous suburban ghetto, as in i grew up in a nazi war zone, child
i didn't mean to be shocking, it was just simply a translation of the week i was having

that is what abuse looks like people, sorry i get to live in it every day
i think perhaps living in it though you tend to start believing it's normal, again it's called denial, and then it doesn't seem that bad till you get upset and write it down, then your just embarrassed by it, because wow it really is bad, like my family

sure it feels and seems bad but you can't do anything about it so you stick flowers on top of it and call it a hill rather than a mass grave
oh those constant terrified nightmares and POW stomach thats just heartburn

there are many nice people out there i know but everything i have said is also true like it or not
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2008, 07:02:52 PM
you know it's funny i noticed i had some serious PTS when i first started posting here, hmm
i seem to feel really really touchy about talking about the very nasty and abusive things my parents were saying
i was completely out of line and hairbrained about my first couple responses to the people on here

i hate to say it though you have to think about it from my perspective,
what i wrote is word for word what was going on, i was immediately very embarrassed about repeating it
i hadn't spoken to anyone about this stuff for years while dealing with a hell of a lot of abuse,
the first time i posted, i was crying and it was happening as i typed

i'm surprised it wasn't one big long pained howl, it probably would have been if i could have somehow gotten what was going on across that way
my mother was beating up on me, threatening me with the police constantly, telling me i was crazy and basically again abusing the hell out of me.
i seem to be very worried about seeming like a dumb woman on TV, my reputation must be protected, thanks mom again,
and i also seem like i expect to see that TV sort of prejudice in everyone’s responses
sorry, but all of this abuse has a real effect on people

i would encourage though, any one living in an abusive family to write down what is really going on somewhere
your family it is so horrible because you have grown up with them
it's a big mind &^%&^% and you believe its normal on some level and families have a hell of a lot of power over their kids

all i can say is i'm glad almost to have a record of it for myself, because like with an abusive husband or something, as i said they come back with flowers or they just won't go away, and they try so hard to make you believe it's not abnormal or that they are right in abusing you
anyway i want nothing to do with my family once i am finally free of them,

i was finally accepted full time to the college, i got a 3.7 GPA for the year so they had to accept me
and i have about 4 classes left
i also got a better job at the makeup counter at a department store, so i make $11 and have health benefits working part time
i asked them to hire me full time but they won't because of the economy.
i think if i sell a lot they will hire me full time so i work really hard
the assistant manager hates me because i sell a lot more makeup than her but she can't do anything about it
interestingly i've learned to make eye contact and have become a very good sales person,
i think i find it safe to have sort of a scripted thing to do
also, no offense to men, but there are not any at the makeup counter, only gay guys
men still make me nervous and i can't make eye contact with them, weird huh,
the women i put makeup on and sell skin care things to are nice and they seem to like me,
like i said i work hard and it is a safe comfortable sort of environment and i make really good sales,

i still live with my family and it is still evil as hell
but i can see the light at the end of the tunnel, about six months at the worst, again it's hell
and they are monsters
my mom has her computer in this little room that my bedroom opens out into and i have to walk through it to get to my bathroom,
she spends all day on her computer, so she is literally five feet maybe from where i shower etc, put on my makeup, sleep.
it's so weird, i've asked her so many times to mover the computer into her room but she won't
she has this huge bedroom but she wants to spend all day in this little room adjacent to mine.
in bed at night i can hear every move she makes in her chair when it creaks.
creepy doesn't even begin to cover it
also very nasty with the PTS, and the way PV treats you, i still have PTS nightmares every single night pretty much

my life is so weird, like i said she won't let me lock my door, its a flimsy lock that you can open anyway in a minute or two if you shake the lock, especially now since its broken, or with a nail file or something so i think she likes to listen to my every move,

there is something about the abuse that feels so horrible to me i have trouble not defending myself in relation to it
my doctor gave me something for my stomach that has helped with that, i still am terrified and in pain most of the time but my stomach is better because of the medicine
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2008, 07:11:53 PM
this actually has made a big difference, not being in physical pain all the time, PTS stomach with as much abuse as i realize I have been through and am still going through is no joke.
i hate my parents now, they have had every chance just to be human and not only are they not human they are monsters, like my parents are nazis
once i am finally free of them  i want them to have no part in my life
what is hard now is that they are still so in every little thing i do, that and they are abusive and constant
my father lost money in the stock market and is constantly looking for some one to beat up on about it,
it's horrible as always but i've almost suvived it
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2008, 07:47:33 PM
finally also i was thinking about it
the entire scenario was pretty damn scary, basically i was reporting the abuse in my family on this site because i was in PV which i was also reporting the abuse from, and i in some way thought it was kind of like a support group, that and i was freaking out, but i was posting with PTS on a site PV staff might read, might be on  even jesus.

hardly a safe feeling environment because PV staff are of course rapist monsters from the eighth court of Nazi hell
nothing like going to a support group for abuse survivors that the same people who abused you might be on, not good for the PTS nerves
i think overall sometimes i need to recognize that i have severe abuse and stress symptoms and not to just act like i'm fine
my life has been a pretty much constant very abusive nightmare, there have been more fun war zones
my parents very much contribute to the war zone environment,
any way i have vietnam level PTS, no seriously my life has been a absolute hellish nightmare since about 9
at the same time also i'm angry, as most violent abuse and molestation survivors are and i want to  :beat: beat PV over the with a mallet, to explain the smilie in case he doesn't show up, so it's hard to not  ::deadhorse:: keep beating that dead, actually live and in still action, nazi prison camp, the fact that it is still alive also i think really worries the hell out of me

could my parents be any more abusive though, telling me i'm crazy constantly and they are going to have me locked up, not to mention the what? psycho sexual harassment? the stuff they say is just as bad as it could be.  anyway sorry
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 17, 2008, 08:26:29 PM
i do really have PTS stress nightmares like every night, if i don't have one its a good night
i started taking advil PM, they are totally PTS stress nightmares too, like i'm always afraid and running or something else horrible and random
they aren't crazy, just terrified.  it's weird, i've been having them for years and years now, very bad since i moved back home
the thing is i am constantly terrified in my dreams, like every night
my moms thoughts when i say i have PTS stress, is every one has PTS and they deal, she gets very angry too, if i say i have PTS
this is bullshit, not everyone is terrified and miserable in their dreams every night
you see war movies with vietnam vets and nightmares and stuff and your like ok huh, but it's true you really do have them
and i really have them, like every night,

i think the fact that my mother is sitting close enough while i sleep that i can hear her move, probably contributes
anyway though, i manage to survive and i get good grades and do well at work, advil pm helps otherwise they wake me up and i'm really tired the next day
anyway my point is
the kids in PV have a lot to deal with and they live in war zones and probably have PTS and abuse issues
it isn't drama either obviously, for the longest time i sort of treated the PTS like it was not there, but it is and you really do have nightmares and it sucks
for the first year out of PV and off and on after i had migrains a lot, for the first year every third day i had a horrible headache
anyway pts is real especially when your still in a war zone
its interesting kind of, to observe the symptoms and be like huh
i guess what i'm saying is i'm alive, observing my stress symptoms and i'll be out in six months
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Kreflo on November 18, 2008, 06:18:19 PM
Bad Damage Brought to Us by Peninsula Village.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 23, 2008, 06:06:46 PM
i'll bad damage you Kreflo, what program were your in?  ::poke::
i included the poke the guy in the eye with a stick because i just liked it,
in the words of doctor phil, if you poke a dog in the eye with a stick enough times eventually they bite your stupid ass.
anyway here is the direct link to the cafety page with the other survivors accounts on it,
they start half way down with jerseygurl and continue popping up for the next couple of pages ... itstart=90 (
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 23, 2008, 06:10:19 PM
sorry about my long rambling thing about the nature of evil there is no need to read it, i'm in college and i spend a lot of time considering the nature of evil again sorry,  :soapbox:  
the survivor accounts start after it again half way down.

here is the link again ... itstart=90 (
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 23, 2008, 06:14:25 PM
here is a link to the page with expv staffs post on it about how the alcoholic mannish director of the girls side when i was in was gay and how she hired a lot of gay staff, ... tstart=180 (
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 23, 2008, 06:15:40 PM
here is the direct link to the cafety page with the other survivors accounts on it also again,
they start half way down with jerseygurl and continue popping up for the next couple of pages ( ... itstart=90
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on November 23, 2008, 06:17:04 PM
here it is again and it works! ... itstart=90 (
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 02, 2009, 12:24:30 PM
From I Speak of Dreams - ... 5cf490970c (

I was in PV in 2002, and I am still having nightmares. They rank high on the warning lists for abusive program watchout sites. They hated me too. I don't know why. They knew I was turning 18 so at the end they just ignored me, I stayed in the locked unit for 4 months, gained 60 pounds from sitting on a bed and doing nothing.I found out later I had sustained a concussion when they slammed my head into the floor during a restraint so hard I was left with a cut and abrasions across my forehead. Why? I sat up. That's it. I had been laying on they floor, they dragged me there, and I sat up, intending to raise my hand and ask to use the restroom, where they would have to examine my shit and piss before I could flush it, a method of humiliation, and was immediately tackled. I have never had a violent day in my life, never raised a hand to anyone. I had low self esteem, I let men use me and I hated myself. At PV I just wanted to die. They told me one thing- You are an evil person with no conscience and you are no good, nor ever will be. That was my "focus" for 3 weeks. The only one I ever got. It has taken my therapist years to undo that damage. I thought I was really a sociopath because I trusted that these people knew the mind and were able to tell what was wrong. Others went off to the cabins- I was finally left alone to sleep no school, no nothing just sleep all day everyday. I did everything alone, staff watched me shower too though. I was also molested by the male gynecologist. I knew nothing I said mattered. He told me right in front of the female nurse in the room, that I had a very nice, muscular vagina, as he fingered me inappropriately. I know what a gyno feels like- I go yearly. This guy was sick! Also, The drugs they sedated me with made my neck twist around, the muscles would tense up and I could not control my head movements. Now I know I am not a sociopath, but that is a huge breakthrough for me. I was so much worse after PV, I almost killed myself, I thought I really was a piece of shit, b/c that's what they told me! I was hospitalized after slashing my wrists and getting them stitched up, the doc said why would you do this? You are a sweet and beautiful girl. He laughed and said, no my girl. I am treating you long enough now to tell you that! Your just an addictive personality. That's all. Now I am clean, through my spiritual relationship and lots of love and counseling. I am married, and we have 2 sons. I love being a mom- but I still have nightmares about PV. I hope it stops someday. I am trying to forgive them.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on July 02, 2009, 12:27:17 PM
This was posted by Jersey Girl on page 10, it also has a lot of good info I thought this survivors post had some good description of just what goes on "My admission day to the village, from the beginning i knew i was in for a wild ride. It started with being escorted to the. I arrived and had one of those bad gut instinct feelings. I knew before I walked in this was not going to be pleasant. I was taken to the nurses station where I met with a nurse and then was brought up to STU now known as GAAU ((girls admission and assessment unit)). the place in itself is depressing. You walk through the doorways of hell. I was shoved into a metal chair in front of the staffs desk. I signed my life away. when i went to ask a question, i was shut down. then they said that I needed to be strip searched. my immediate reaction was fuck you you pervs. They led me into the bathroom where I had to strip all of my clothing except my underwear. Then they told me to pull my underwear to the side, bend over and cough to see if i was hiding anything in a territory that was private. I was crying and was told to quit being dramatic. I sat my practically naked ass on the cold floor when they told me to stand up, strip completley and take a shower in which the shower stall had half of a shower curtain. they told me it was to monitor me. this shocked me. i had never had anyone monitor my shower time. with that i guess it infuriated them and two of the staff grabbed me by the arms and led me straight into the time out room. the room was bare. i had seen this shit in the movies but never actually experienced one. little did i know that that would become very familiar. I was told to sit with my back against the wall and not to talk. i needed to think about my actions. i was panic sticken. my anxiety was going through the roof. I threw up all over the floor in there which i was later made to clean up. then they asked me awhile later if i was willing to cooperate. i shrugged my shoulders and they showed me to my cubicle aka my bed. I was told once again to sit up straight with my legs crossed and not to look at anyone. If i could not follow this i would be escorted back to time out. Well I was exhausted, so i leaned over onto my elbow. Some fat chick who was a patient and apparently one of the "trusted" saw me do this. she asked for permission to confront the new girl for laying down. I was like uh so what?! she was granted permission and she called a group. everyone stood. i was shocked i didnt know these robot patients were able to move. everyone was like a zombie. I didnt stand, for lack of this phenomenon not being explained to me. i was barked at the stand whenever group is called. she confronted me and said thats all. everyone sat back down simultaneously. Drones i tell you. Later on, i didnt give a shit so i laid down. fuck that fat bitch. Staff came over and grabbed me by the arms and escorted me to the time out cubicle this time instead of the room because apparently the room was occupied. I was told to sit there not move and not talk and to stare at the wall of the cubicle. Well after awhile of sitting there, they gave me my meal which i ate on the floor. when i finished eating i stood up to go back to my coffin of a bed. Next thing I knew, I was grabbed, kicked in the back of the knees and fell to the floor. an extremely loud, obnoxious alarm went off. I was panic sticken worse than ever. what the hell is happening??? down on the ground I lay, face down with people sitting on me holding me down. one or two holding my legs, one on each arm, one sitting on my lower back, and one holding my head down when i tried to lift it up to breathe. I thought i was going to die. Felt my lungs collapsing. Still in shock, I vommitted once again. my face shoved back into it. ugh. What seemed like forever, they then picked me up, about 10 people. they carried me like some animal back into the forbidden time out room. i was stripped of my clothes by the staff and then dressed into hospital gowns with old blood stains on them. this is all while still being held down. later on, i was released and sent back to my bed. then there was group. i had to introduce myself and tell why i was in gowns. i had no idea why i was so i made some shit up. later on there were showers and then some other sort of groups. i was told to make my bed just like every one elses. i didnt know what the standards for intricate bed making were so i made it like i did at home. i was yelled and criticised for that by some 23 year old counselor. finally after other bullshit, we went to sleep. if only i had been aware that bed time was the only semi peaceful time i would experience for the next 6 months. damn what a day what a day Jersey Gurl"

 For the record, = everything is timed and monitored, i.e. watched closely bathroom time, shower time, getting from point A to B there is no free time at all the teens have no time to read, or do anything but be abused 24-7, no free time at all! everything is scheduled and over scheduled they use going over time as an excuse to abuse the kids the times are so short that someone always goes over, everyone is punished together it's just another way they keep the level of stress at non stop you get very little time to use the restroom and you have to tell them what it is you have to do to quote Jersey Gurl again "there is no such word in the vocabulary such as privacy. It is completely invaded and is taken away from you. Our bathroom times were on their terms to and timed. Before you went into the bathroom you had to hold up either one finger for peeing, etc Jeez I dont know but being timed on your time to piss or whatever you needed to do, thats just flat out ridiculous.

Here is another quote from a survivor called Milkblood over on Cafety: I was in the lockdown unit for the first 4 months and in the cabins (in the winter) for the remainding 4 months. The lockdown unit is one room with 12 beds in it. You are not allowed to look up from the floor at anyone entering or leaving the unit. You are not allowed to look at other patients or talk to them. You have to sit in the middle of your bed all day, back to the wall, no sleeping, eyes open. If you are seen by another patient breaking a rule (which i never understood as you aren't supposed to be looking at other patients) you are then confronted by the whole group and are given a consequence. When I was on STU (the lockdown unit) I was restrained countless times. The very first time I was restrained on the bed, I had these huge mitts on my hands to keep myself from picking at my fingers. I will not deny that I had been harming myself by picking at my fingers. The nurse on charge put bandages on all of my fingers. As I was in my bed with these huge mitts on and bandages, I was touching the ends of my fingers to see if the blood was still flowing to the tips of my fingers as the bandages were way to tight. A staff saw me doing this and literally jerked me onto the floor as those horrible sirens went off. They hoisted me up onto the bed after about 5 minutes of holding me down (I wasn't resisting as i was terribly frightened). As they were strapping my legs and arms into the bed net I remember (and will never forget) the words that the staff said to me. She said "We are not doing this to hurt you." ALl i could think about at that time was why am i being strapped to this bed. I will never forget these moments. In the cabins we live in a small cabin with 12 bunk beds. We slept in our own sleeping bags as it was winter. There was no electricity in the cabin. There was one lightbulb over the staffs desk that was lit by a car battery. The cabin was heated by one woodstove in the center of the cabin. We were forced to clean every place we visited, (the YC, the bathhouse, the cabin) numerous times. If there were over 5 specks of dirt found in the location, we were made to clean it all over again. Repeat process if more dirt was found. Sometimes we spent the whole day cleaning the YC while the staff sat in the chair and watched. One patiend that was there was always vomiting her food up. She threw up in the woodpile and they made her clean it up. She even resorted to vomiting in the vent in the school bathroom. After a month it was discovered and they just ended up giving her a grocery bag to carry around and vomit in whenever she wanted. IF she vomited in the bag she had to carry it around with her until the staff said she could dispose of it. Is this sanitary??? NO. Eventually this girl passed out in the toilet and was taken to the hospital, probably from severe dehydration. Girls were put in straight jackets and walked around all day. We had to carry around bags of sand as a consequence. Our consequences as a group got so backed up that we had to wake up at 5am and do over 200 push ups for weeks. I was pretending to be asleep one night and I overheard the staff making fun of a few patients. When i told my mom about this in treatment i was brushed off by my therapist as being manipulative and lying to get attention. there were so many things that happened that i would love to forget, as they still give me nightmares to this day. I am 20 years old now.I have No doubt that this is life changing."

 here is one from Socleansara, also from the same site: . It was treatment or a girls home due to some trouble i had gotten into. My mom told me to play up my drug use to the judge so he would give me the option of choosing. I went to PV and was on STU for 6 MONTHS! not because I was a risk or because I refused the program but because I didnt have anything to talk about. I never had any dark seeded desire to hurt myself or run away. None of that. I come from an upperclass family in the suburbs ... Finally after months and months of being on STU they sent me to the cabins because they needed the room on stu for someone else. I went to the cabins and once again had nothing to talk about. I was put on "Permanent Silence" and wasnt allowed to talk to ANYONE for months because I didnt have anything "worthwhile" to say. I was put on question cards which they tortured me with making me use a question card to ask for extra time in the restroom and with only 3 questions a day... I didnt ask for extra time very often. One day we were making a trail from one cabin to another and all the sudden I wasnt able to breathe. I started having terrible chest and back pains and couldnt move. They made me walk from one side of campus all the way to the other just to have nursing say i was fine. Shortly after I started vomitting and was unable to hold food down for quite some time. Once again, nursing said I was fine with out doing any tests or bloodwork. They wrote it off as test anxiety due to my upcomming ACT test. My teachers tried to explain that I wasnt nervous at all and that something else could be wrong. NO ONE LISTENED. I turned 18 and DCed AMA. I came back home and within weeks I was hospitialized on the verge of LIVER FAILURE. I had gall stones that had come out of my gall bladder and were blocking off the duct that my liver uses to expell waste. So all that TOXIN couldnt go anywhere. The doctor that treated me said had I waited a week, my liver could of ruptured and I could have gone into some kind of shock as my body poisened its self. Why wasnt I given the proper medical attention that I needed? Didnt my parents pay enough money?! They told me repeatedly that if I signed myself out and left that I would "relapse" and DIE within months. How encouraging right!?!?! When in fact its the opposite. Had I stayed any longer I quite possibly could have died. Obviously Im still very much alive. A far cry from the hopeless drug addict they made me out to be. My parents probably would have be interested to know all of these things but my family therapist didnt allow me to talk to my family often and when we did speak it was very brief and social. I wasnt allowed to write my father at all and all of my letters home we read very carefully. After going through them recently I have found that ALOT of what i was was blacked out with a marker. Its only obvious that they knew from the get go that it wasnt for me but the $$$$$ that my parents forked out was well worth the cover up. My parents sent gifts for both of my birthdays and I never recieved them. Infact the cake she paid for for my 17th on STU was givin to everyone but me. I was on "black out" again for not having anything "worthwhile" to say so everyone else including staff ate my cake right infront of me and I was never offered a piece. During my 14 months there I was never assisted or restrained. I never posed a threat or threatened to run. I never caused a problem for ANYONE. Why was I there for so long??? $$$$$$$ plain and simple. Im angry at the way I was treated. If there was something I could do about it I would in a heartbeat."

 Here is some stuff I wrote, i was thinking about the hard labor i'm not sure anyone went into in great depth yet it was what we did most days once out in the cabins, in STU you don’t go outside at all just sit on your beds, We had work detail three days out of the week, two days of school with no homework. and work detail all summer, we didn't go to school in the summer. It was back breaking We carried around an enormous Gott water cooler everywhere, it took two girls to carry it, i wonder how much it weighed? i looked up Gotts and the biggest one I could find on Amazon was 10 gallons, which full, i did the math, gallon to weight, would weigh about 85 pounds. That's a lot to carry around all day. I couldn't lift the thing full by myself. it was our water supply for the cabins, again the cabins have no running water . We cross sawed logs with an actual old fashion cross saw and were  timed and punished. It is really hard to cross saw a log with an old fashioned cross saw.  We also mauled wood and dug stumps out of the ground.  We did this a whole hell of a lot.  We had to cut enough fire wood for the winter because the cabins have no  electricity, only a woodstove. We had quotas for wood, which were ridiculously high, and we would be punished if we did not meet them If you stopped working saying you were tired and felt ill you were consequenced then restrained. We built things as well, and put in a big garden. This was hard because the garden area was a mile or so away so we had to carry all the gardening tools and wheelbarrows full of manure and such out there. Don't forget the cursed Gott! We dug up stumps and did all the grounds maintenance. On weekends, when we weren't doing our normal forced labor schedule We would clean everything, Again we had no free time to read or relax or sleep in or any of that normal stuff. we were made to exercise as consequences all the time, there are a lot of consequences in a day at the Village. Pushups a lot, over a hundred a day at least, on a good day. I, a thin small boned girl, had back muscles, pronounced scary back and neck muscles, there was all this digging stumps out of the ground and turning over garden beds with pick axes, this was not your mothers gardening. They had my group build a two story big work shed building and tar and lay shingles in July, nothing like training anorexics and foster kids to be roofers. In July no less! It was a mess and so hot.
On the weekends, instead of work detail, they had us do aerobics. Really hyper nonstop aerobics for hours until you felt sick as hell. the aerobic were again on weekends. They wouldn't let us go to sleep after working like this all day until we finished all our consequence pushup or other exercises, I can remember standing against a wall with my knees bent till I fell over at like midnight. I also remember having to do 200 pushups before bed, and I hadn't even done anything. Staff was just picking on me. I was pretty cowed throughout, because I didn't want to be abused. The exercise hurt like hell. It was torture and they used it as such. I was really really really exhausted the entire time there. I used to fall asleep standing up and as soon as I sat down, and I would get in all sorts of trouble for it. Cleaning was top to toe carry all the mattresses outside scrub down the entire floor cleaning, the whole campus, every weekend. Everything is timed of course, getting from point A to B, with a wheelbarrow full of tools and manure or roofing tiles or wood or going to the bathroom or showering or cross sawing and so on, all timed. It was really hard work and they made it as unpleasant as possible. It wasn't work therapy it was just work detail and it was horrible and abusive and it hurt like hell. we were covered in dirt and sweat. we woke up very early. I believe 5:30am we didn't get to bed till late often so certainly not a full eight hours of sleep. and they would wake us up sometimes to be drug out to the wood shed to be shown how much wood we still needed to chop or something random. If you asked the staff to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, the porta potties are a good twenty feet from the cabin, you were sure to have an unpleasant day. this is additionally cruel as many of the medications have peeing often as a side effect.
 they would with hold anything other then basic foods, no condiments and such, as punishment for not meeting work quotas. staff would hype it up and brow beat us with it, it was arbitrary like everything else there really anyway. I don't think food as a reward is an appropriate way to treat anorexics either, especially tied in with making them work past the point of all sense and abusing them who comes up with such things?
 cold showers were also a consequence and really short showers, staff stands right out side the shower too when you shower, they also watch you dress, like they stand right there, it's supposed to keep the anorexics from vomiting in the shower, but as they let them carry around bags of vomit, it ends up just being another way they totally invade every private aspect of being human, like being timed and watched in the restroom. i say the above because staff thinks they have a right to watch you in the shower so they really do, it's not they just stand there, some were worse then others in this respect, some are practically on top of you, others just keep an eye on you. Either way they stand right there.
They also very much encouraged us to become angry and look down on peers that they were picking on too. They punish the entire group for the actions of each individual and try to breed as much anger towards the individual as possible. often it would have no reason at all, jill is not cross sawing fast enough, or something, we all must beat up on Jill? Poor Jill would be cross sawing pretty damn fast too considering because she didn't want to draw staff attention! it was just a way to keep the level of trauma high for some reason they think they need to keep the level of trauma at non stop they go on and on about breaking us down and such. never saw any building back up though.

here is what I wrote about sexual abuse in relations to PV on another site it needs to be said I think oh and again staff are Nazi sadistic monsters and what they do is an insane stupid farce they know this too, having foster kids who didn't have much by way of education go to school TWO DAYS out of the week! and not letting them read for years not to mention all the rest of the sick pointless crap that goes on in PV it is a scam to make millions of dollars duh, you think greed makes the evil peoples dreams come true i can abuse foster children teenagers physically, emotionally and pretty sexually too, and make millions for it! they are so into sexual abuse, the emotional sexual abuse is certain, and a lot of the stuff is pretty off, it seems like they are taking some restrained girls clothes off a lot in survivor accounts and there are real strip searches and people standing out side of showers and bathrooms always Jersey gurl says in her strip search that they told her to bend over naked and cough! How is that not sexual abuse! this is to some girl who was in PV because of PTS because her mother died! they stand right outside the stall door, which you have to leave open every time you go to the bathroom and time you and you get consequenced for going over your time could that be anymore Nazi abusive degrading and horrific? the teens have no privacy, any privacy they have is invaded completely rightly away, third or fourth day all the girls have a complete gyn exam, this is after being restrained for a few hours and strip searched and made to shower with staff standing there and treated more abusively then you ever have been before, staff saw us all naked everyday, they stand in the bathroom as you change and do all the other things people have to do without clothes.
Not to mention you sleep on wooden cubicle cots with no fronts in a medium sized open room with staff there breathing on you all the time, it's horrible, and so sexually abusive, not to mention the verbal sexual abuse in group.
It's like if some adult was able to watch you sleep, shower, go to the bathroom and beat all your secrets out of you, keep you completely isolated and locked in a small room with almost total power over you. and of course brainwash you into thinking you deserve the abuse. again for the millionth time some one from FOSTER CARE or the police needs to get a court order and go in and interview the girls right now sorry about how horrific the above is and it needs to be seen for how bad it is so it can be stopped who ever came up with the entire scenario, definitely is a very sexually abusive person there is such a total horrifically abusive invasion of every private aspect of just being human, every aspect and it has no point, kids who are anorexic or something, that level abuse did not help them, if you take someone who is depressed and torture them they become really depressed i think most of the girls, were really suicidal after a few months

i was right we did go to school Tuesday and Thursday not Monday Wednesday and Friday i thought so but i read another girls post and she confirmed it what the hell is that, they go to school two days out of the week!!!? i knew I remembered that we always worked on Mon, Wed, Friday we worked a lot, and we didn't go to school in the summer and we didn't go when we were on shut down, we were on shutdown for four or five months although they brought us work but not that regularly, maybe it was just on Tuesdays and Thursdays, that's not often really school was certainly not in the foreground it was sort of a uncommon thing, Especially when some other trauma was going on Which, like with all abusive situations and people, there is always trauma they would pull us out of school too if something happened? we also had no real take home homework which really prepares you for college!! not to mention listing a behavioral mod. facility as your high school with all the school shooter hype going on right now, makes it very very hard to get into affordable colleges trust me I have fought my way through hell with it!!

 also Jersey Chick, when I was in we saw a psychiatrist, the real doctor who prescribes medications once every six months right? for about a minute to discuss medications? then we saw the therapist in group once every six weeks maybe sometimes he decided not to show or put it off for a week or two extra? was this the same when you were in? i had no private therapy only group therapy i don't know why, i had good insurance? the every six week therapist was this creepy guy with bushy hair. very in your face and they made a big deal about it when he would come by. I wasn't overly impressed, although levels would be changed oh wow and then taken away again among more sobbing there was a hell of a lot of sobbing the rest of the time it was group therapy two or three times a day with regular daily staff, who you don't see on the website"

Also by me: they promoted food issues most girls were not anorexics or bulimics but if you had thrown us a pint of icecream we would have descended on it
 they focus on food as a reward every work day its one of the only rewards we were given it was again pretty much the only thing talked about during work detail, work detail is what we did the majority of the days they made a big big deal over it, "YAY you guys earned condiments pass out the ketchup salt and pepper, good job group, reward yourself with food." It was nuts now that i think about it. "you guys were bad bad horrible teens and didn't earn your food today" they did this every work day, it was the main focus "If you meet your work quota you get cake or sodas, cake and sodas" cake and soda, cake and soda, cake and soda, again they repeated if you make your quota you get dessert or sodas or condiments throughout the day continuously, it was pretty much all that was talked about by staff on work detail days "your not going to make your quota you bad horrible teens, no condiments if you don't make your quota" "smack no cake and soda your a bad bulimic anorexic bad" how the hell is that "treating" anorexia and bulimia? seems more like torturing the anorexics and bulimics
they also took us on a field trip, a very very rare event, to Golden Corral of all places, we went on a field trip to just Golden fricken Corral, nowhere else. everyone hit the buffet like a bunch of tortured teens out of a prison camp where they use food as a reward, they let the girls who were in there because of food problems pile their plates at the buffet too it was nuts, I'm not anorexic but I was dreaming about food and I hit the fridge like one when I got out we were all weird about food in there. it probably killed a bulimic or anorexic or two. it was very effective we met the work quota's well enough to be allowed dessert rarely
 i felt like Pavlov's dogs put it that way "here cake dog cake don't you want some cake" "well now that you mention it yes yes I do" "no cake bad dog" i kept waiting for them to hook up electrical wires to soda cans to shock us while they took notes. "the teens, when presented with the proper inticement, seem willing to attempt to reach the soda even inspite of the shock up to 3.6 times, then they resort to the use of crude homemade tools, very ineresting, also it is fun to watch them twitch when shocked, hah hah hah hah" I'm sure they would have if they could have gotten away with it. if social services ever decided to show up for even a staff led tour it might have seemed odd. Plus why resort to shocking people when you have so many other slightly less obvious ways to abuse them."

Here is a statement from an ex PV staff members "wow...been reading on here for about 2 hours. I worked at there for several years in the early 90's in both the boys cabin and STU programs. I oriented new kids to STU, did strip searches, wore the buzzer, participated in group therapy sessions, sat in treatment teams, worked with family therapists, slept in a cabin (hell, I actually helped BUILD one), drove a van to AA/NA meetings, chased down kids who eloped, restrained dozens of kids, and occasionally helped train staff to do the same. I guess I'm the enemy here. I worked with nurses who abused prescription and IV drugs, line staff who left work at night to drive to bars and then came back to work at 3am unnoticed, staff who met upstairs in the YC to screw at night, a counselor with a scab on the back of her hand from the back of her teeth (she got that from sticking her fingers down her throat to make herself vomit), aggressive STU staff who were quick to hit the buzzer to initiate a PCI (one kid called it "Patient Carpet Introduction"), and professional staff who seemed to set up line staff against each other at times, with the end result being a bunch of staff who were just as f&^ked up as some of the kids. I felt at the time that much of what we did (I did) was helpful but in the back of my mind, I always wondered what happened after kids were discharged. Some of them made it...we heard from them and trumpeted their successes. I attended reunions a couple of times in the early 90's. One kid actually walked the Appalachian Trail after discharge. Others just disappeared. Sometimes I read about their deaths...two boys that I worked with committed suicide. One was an Army vet who went to Iraq in 1991 and was playing Russian Roulette. The paper said that "it was unclear if ____ knew that the gun was loaded." I thought damn...if you're in the Army, you KNOW if the gun is loaded. He didn't care. Standards for staff were pretty high until (...) came in around 1994 or 95. They wanted to save money and if I remember, they cut the starting hourly rate for STU counselors by a buck and dropped the college graduate requirement. This immediately resulted in a less-talented pool of applicants and created tension among staff when they realized that the old guys, doing the exact same job, got paid a dollar an hour more. I left a while later. I took another job (not in the industry) and a few months later, a kid that I worked with saw me. I remembered him and said hello. He confronted me. He told me that he was not a bad kid but had made some bad decisions and that we had f^&ked him over and it took all he had to get out of there somewhat intact. He was angry but controlled. He made eye contact and measured his words carefully. He really needed to say what he said. I think I mumbled "thanks and I hope things are better for you now" or something like that. That's been 10 years, and I still remember it. Someone was asking about the placement of the pee tubes. When I was there, the pee tubes were at individual cabins and were rarely moved. I helped a group dig a new site once...the bottom of each hole was covered with gravel, the tubes were placed, and the rest of the dirt was replaced. Occasionally we'd throw lime in the tube to help with the smell. The boys would use the bathhouse bathrooms when we could, and the pee tubes at night. I don't remember ever punishing a kid or harassing them for waking me up at night to go pee. Not saying it didn't happen, but I don't recall doing it myself. I never saw anything that would constitute sexual abuse by any staff member. There was a program director (the one who crashed her car into a KPD cruiser on I-640) who was gay and seemed to hire a lot of gay women (and once really upset a counselor for implying that SHE was gay) but I don't recall any concerns or allegations at the time (early 90's) about that kind of thing. That's all for now."

 Here is something I wrote again: "Here is is a quote I got out of my ethics class about rape, domination and pornography, I thought it was interesting in the context of how PV treats the kids ie. it tries to dominate every aspect of their lives and minds. "According to MacKinnon pornography celebrates and legitimizes rape, battery, sexual harassment and the sexual abuse of children. More generally, it eroticizes the enforcement of dominance and submission that is common to all of them" ( MacKinnon 45). If you look at it like this and watch TV for a while you realize just how sexist society today is as well. The things that people are taught they have to be in a society have great influence on how they have to see themselves. It also allows them to believe one thing and do something else completely. The way these programs work allows for sexual abuse but also allows the abusers to be completely guilt free and even respected in the society while they are allowed to put all their shame on the teens they abuse. They deserve it because they are bad teens. I am not watching them in the shower i am disciplining them because they disserve it. all I'm saying is legitimizing watching teens change, go to the bathroom sleep and shower while enforcing complete dominance over their ability to do anything, stand up or lay down for example, falls pretty well into the psychological reasons people rape. it batters the kids, it sexually abuses them, it even legitimizes rape and celebrates it. what counts for therapy far more qualifies as a sort of sick celebration of the behaviors that it says it treats. It promotes suicide very much in this way, it does nothing but talk about suicide in this insane cult like way, with horrible abuse and the same with drug use or self harming behaviors. "treatment" of these disorders instead promotes them, making them cult like and ritualistic. going into long details repeatedly with bulimics about buying the food they were going to use to purge for example. it legitimizes rape by saying the girls who were raped or molested were responsible for it and by abusing them horribly and telling them they are worthless and bad in relation to it. all of the programs that use these sort of criteria are sexually abusing the teens in their programs. and using the programs to justify their sexually abusing them to themselves. rape psych 101 the rapist always says, they were asking for it they really like abuse, PV says this a lot and they deserve it Also rapists want to dominate others hmm what does PV say about the kids it restrains constantly and watches in the bathroom, shower and changing?"

 I forgot to tell everyone about the level system at PV There isn’t a great deal to it It’s just another sort of mindless abusive formula that PV follows The levels were pretty arbitrary and used simply to mess with the kids or in relation to where the kid was in the program as far as insurance funds went those nearer to being discharged or who were in for only few a months suddenly jumped a level or two You were supposed to get more "privileges" but they were limited In STU for example, you were able to change out of hospital gowns, into Scrubs, then eventually into real clothes. Very basic, less earning privileges and more fighting for scraps of your humanity back which they arbitrarily took away again to hurt you It’s amazing how important something like ugly work clothes can seem when your in a hospital gown. They would also rearrange our beds according to the levels In STU this was also very related to your basic comfort level The florescent lights were left on all the time but they would turn off the ones in the very back, it was bright everywhere but the few higher level beds were better than the lower ones What was worse you slept under the nurses stations nose literally, the lowest bed was right in front of the nurses station and they slowly moved back It was like being a mouse under glass in a snake pit, very good for a restful nights sleep Staff makes a huge deal about the levels, they really hyped them up it’s one of the major things talked about It was used a lot like desert and condiments on work detail Staff is very strange about the things talked about They seem to be following a formula, and cut off any other sort of talk in group, since that’s the only place you get to talk But they give the levels then take them away among a great deal of sobbing Levels were usually given and taken away after a visit from once every six week actual therapist not during the ordinary twice daily group therapy with the Appalachian nazi gym teacher goon squad. Everyone cries when their level is taken away Staff makes a huge abusive deal about it, staff again are not nice ordinary people Bullying doesn’t begin to cover them Again if you ever want to start your own gulag keep this in mind It’s not hard to reduce people to pretty basic levels by taking away their humanity and torturing them, focus on the little things, Like good foods if they make work quotas, less abusive sleeping arrangements, and less dehumanizing clothes It mattered very little if you are being a good prisoner or not A girl could be doing everything she was told and talking about her issues just the way staff liked and her level would still be taken away I saw this many times, it was really horrible because some poor girl would be trying to do the best she could and then wham So anyway that was the gist of the Village level system Sorry if the above is convoluted I’m tired It was just another way they kept the level of trauma at high They used them to encourage us to look down on each other too And they treated the kid who had lost her level like trash etc. Again, also did I mention that the nurses station was right under STU, the admissions unit, on the girls side. It is literally underneath, downstairs from STU.

 For example if social services just made staff and a few interviewed teens answer questions like: how much time do they get in the bathroom, describe bathroom procedures and shower times, how many times a week is there a restraint in STU on average, how long does each restraint last, what are some of the recent reasons exactly that you restrained someone, can i see a record of those restraints, describe exactly what happens in the strip search, do they have any free time, do you use food as a reward on work detail, is this a major focus on work detail, how many days a week do you have school, do you have real homework, do you have daily homework time, describe the level system, describe work detail, does all the nonstop exercise hurt like hell, are you being abused, what are these "accounts" of their bad behavior they are writing, how often do you see anyone other than these goon looking people, do you have anyway to report abuse, what is group therapy like, how often do you get to speak to your parents, etc. more accounts

Everything in my statement is true. I give HEAL permission to use my statement. I swear everything I wrote here is to the best of my knowledge completely true and I will be held accountable for anything written here. I have personally witnessed the repeated abuse of minors at the facility and would be more than happy to testify or present evidence to this fact. These behavior modification teen wilderness camps are a controversial excuse for therapy at best, they are also exorbitantly expensive. PV costs 500 dollars a night, more if they are "forced" to restrain you, or if you are in STU, the lock down unit. costs over a 150,000.00 a year, the kids in PV either have very good insurance or the state, tax dollars, pay for them to be abused. Children’s parents can sign them over to behavioral modification facilities with no court order for "crimes" that no court would convict. The children are isolated in the facilities and have no recourse whatsoever. Many of the parents are abusive. When I started to research I was amazed to discover how completely unqualified many of the daily staff is. The job requirements to be a live in counselor are a high school education or a GED, associate degrees from community colleges are common. Out of the staff that PV shows on it's website, I don't believe I saw one member of the daily staff that actually lives with the kids. Therefore, it is obvious that this facility turns an excellent yearly profit. I will include the job requirements forI found on the Health website under job search. The purpose of this letter is to officially report and describe the abuses that I both witnessed and was subjected to, in the hopes that it will help the children still suffering under that nightmare. I was in from 96 to 98, I was in the lock down unit for six months on arrival to the Village although I was cowed, completely subservient and did everything that they told me to, i was in the lockdown unit with no outside time for eight all told. I was physically restrained on the first day in a hospital gown by at least 8 large adults for nothing more than pulling my arm away, it was an impulse reaction, when the large orderly woman dugs her nails purposefully into my arm. I know that this was purposeful. I was sitting on the floor in the isolation room looking up at the staff member when I pulled away but only instantaneously as a sort off knee jerk reaction and not violently, she had hurt me. She then stepped back looked at me again and pressed the buzzer staff wears around their neck to signal a restraint. There was absolutely no need to restrain me other than to prove a point, we can hurt you if we want to, which I don’t believe they are allowed to use restraining for. I was already in the isolation room all she had to do was walk out and close the door, I also wasn’t at all violent or had even thought to be, I regarded her as a teacher or some other adult authority figure, you certainly do not react violently to a teacher. I was not in for any form of violence. I wasn’t even defiant, mostly I was scared, crying and sitting on the floor of the isolation room in a ball. This was after the intrusive body search and being woken up at 5:30 in the morning by three burly adults who escorted me , it was more like being kidnapped. While being restrained the staff applied excessive pressure, I couldn't breathe and kept repeating that I was choking, but they let no pressure off, I was bruised and sore the next day, the restraint went on for hours. I saw one girl with a nasty black eye which they said came from pressing her face into the floor, like that made it better. I saw other cases with bruised arms, wrists legs and faces. There is no doubt in my mind that they could have restrained my totally non-resistant sobbing 95 pound borderline anorexic teenage self between all 1400 pounds of the 8 of them without hurting me. I was not fighting at all, even at first, I was far too shocked. Each held a body part so it was not a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, the individual staff member meant to hurt us. They also kept restraining you long after any fight was gone and even if none was there in the first place. I remember girls being restrained for what seemed like all night, although it was really only about three hours. There was an isolation room in the lockdown unit, nice cold hard linoleum with cement underneath but they would restrain you anywhere, gravel, garden manure, wherever. They also used a straight jacket called a burrito. I can remember seeing a state kid stuck in that thing for a day or more, they were leading her around. Other girls were strapped to a cot wrapped up in it, given what must have been a lot of thorazine and other drugs, and left to drool. There were about two or three restraints a week often more. I was once restrained because I couldn't stop crying , I really couldn't I would have stopped of course to avoided being restrained, I was about as resistant as a wet noodle and they still held me down choking for hours. They would restrain girls for nothing, for saying in group therapy, I don’t agree with that politely enough , or for sitting down on work detail saying that they felt sick and needed to rest. We were not allowed to look at or talk to the other girls and we had to ask for permission to do anything, move even, of course go to the bathroom and we had to tell them what it is we had to do, they stood outside the door and timed us. There was no reading, and no free time, Group therapy was more like a denouncement session and began as soon as you were crying, that is later on the first day, after they had restrained you for a few hours and you were a broken puddle ready to confess to anything. I don't believe that many of the staff that actually lives with the girls on a daily basis is especially educated, perhaps some BA's and associate degrees, These are the one’s who actually deal with the children and run group therapy and restrain them, I don‘t believe there is one daily staff member pictured on the internet and they are the ones who actually live with the girls. . The lights in the lockdown unit, STU, where I spent the first six months, were left on all the time, we slept in cubicles and were often woken by the staff patrolling , they were always standing over us. We were punished constantly, abuse was constant every second for those two years. The cubicles had no fronts and the room was small. We were not allowed outside, until we were ready to move out to the cabins. This was horrible, after sitting on a bed for six months we were suddenly made to do back breaking physical work all day. We had level systems, I never got beyond the first level although I was completely compliant. I don't think I was as willing to rip into my fellow prisoners as much they would have liked. Group therapy was a cult denouncement experience, it was pure hell, and I am not exaggerating. They would find out your deepest darkest secrets and then browbeat you with them like you were disgusting dirt, we could say nothing to defend ourselves or we would face being PCId/ restrained. They liked sexual revelations and would ask you everything about them, specific details and more details, it was not appropriate, odd and used to induce shame. Many of the girls were in there for something that had happened to them, the website, says the Village is an expert at helping abused girls. It was terrible to watch them torture some poor teenager who was in there because she had been raped or molested. to be held up to shame, ridicule and denouncement in relation to sex at a place that was supposed to help you with your experience was a pure nightmare. They encourage the girls to pick on each other, to rip into each other during group therapy so bullying is greatly encouraged, in fact the level system is based strongly on it. There was desperation mentality, as we all struggled so hard to avoid being punished and they punished all of us together, I realize now that the punishments were arbitrary, no matter how hard we tried to avoid them they were still going to rain down on our heads. We would pretend to give feedback, their word for harassment and abuse, but how can you tear someone apart after listening to them scream all night while staff held their face into the floor. There were also frequent outbreaks of head lice while I was in STU. Many of us wanted to work with the staff, I personally wanted sane educated adults to help me. It was extremely confusing and terrifying. It seemed very odd that some of the girls were in a behavior modification facility at all and it was hard to tell how all this abuse was going to help any of them. The treatment did not seem at all relevant to the problems the girls were having? One of the girls was there for telling her parents that she was gay and that was really it. There were a lot of anorexics. Worst of all some had done nothing other than get molested by a close relative, to the horror of their families. The website says that is an expert at helping girls deal with issues like rape and molestation. I want to know whether or not the relative being accused was being investigated? It most cases I saw it was being somewhat brushed under the rug or almost completely brushed under the rug. There was very limited contact with the outside world, especially for girls who's families had signed them over. It did not seem reasonable that these girls were treated as if they were being punished or were in jail for more serious offenses. I thought too, that a lot of the girls who were in for more serious things were acting out more serious problems in their lives, like the kids who had unfit parents and were in foster care. It is a very hard world out there for a teenage runaway with drug addict, alcoholic, abusive parents. It really is, I lived with them for a long time, the stories were pretty typical. Perhaps better educated staff would have been more aware. The counselors run all the group therapy sessions and group therapy is the only kind of therapy we had at the Village. We had brief individual therapy once every two months maybe less and group therapy two or three time a day. Some girls were good students, there were also a certain amount of custody battles. The Village likes to add as much social stigma as possible to the teenagers there because it keeps them in business. I'll include the criteria for admissions to PV at the bottom of the page it is so broad as to be funny if it wasn't horrible. After the lock down unit with its cramped quarters and barred mesh covered windows for months, we had the cabins and work detail. Work detail was exercise digging up stumps, cross sawing logs, mauling logs, building endless things under the constant abuse of the staff in the hot sun. I believe I was also suffering from sleep deprivation because we were often woken up at two in the morning to go out to the log shed to be shown how much wood still needed to be chop or for some other arbitrary reason, we also always woke up before dawn and didn't get to bed till late because we always had endless chores or punishments to finish. I used to fall asleep standing up, literally on a daily basis. We marched around in lines, or holding on to a rope, and there was still no talking or looking at the other girls, it was very lonely. We had to haul around the Gott, a water jug that weighed so much your arms would feel like they were going to fall off and you'd want to vomit but if you dropped it you knew you were in worse trouble, we carried around many heavy things. The Gott was our water for the cabin. The cabins have no running water or bathrooms only porta johns. They exercise you past the breaking point and then over a little, and then much more. It was torture, I can't emphasize that enough torture, we did this all day most days, unless we were in school or on shutdown. We had no free time, we weren't allowed to read or anything, everything was tightly scheduled and we would always miss our schedule and be punished although we tried in pure desperation to make them happy so they would stop. Our showers were timed, everything was timed. Hygiene wasn’t that great and there was no makeup or jewelry or of course shaving your legs, only ugly work cloths. I only mention this because it is very dehumanizing for a young girl. We had no free time whatsoever, I did not speak to another girl the entire time I was there, without staff permission, which was rare. We weren't allowed to read, that was the worst for me because I love to read. No books, how are you suppose to learn without being able to read. School was ok when you got to go, but it wasn't very organized and there was a lot of other stuff going on, we also only went half of the school week, so we could do more important things like dig stumps out of the ground, I guess. Most left with a GED, I think they really focused on GED training, which makes it hard to get into colleges, especially if when they ask for high school credits you list a behavior modification facility. Often if something came up, like we went on shutdown or were sent to STU, the lockdown unit, we would miss school all together. Once they had us sit in a circle with our backs to each other and stare at the wall for five months only to turn around for group therapy and to be escorted to the bathroom. We had no school for those five months and five months is a long time to sit in a circle starring at a wall only to turn around for a denouncement session. From all the restraining you are probably thinking that the girls were always acting up. I can not stress how completely not true this is. For the most part they were more like zombies than wild teenagers. I’ve done some research on prison camps and abuse and I don't believe there is a teenager girl out there that isn’t going to turn into a limp half dead dish rag in the face of no escape, constant abuse; mental, physical, emotional and sexual although not physically so, denouncement sessions, sleep deprivation, sadistic people four times her size watching her constantly and being drugged. The opposition I saw was closer to nervous breakdowns than violent defiance. There was some defiance but it was only verbal protests of the abuse, that I saw. The girls crossed the staff in really sad to watch ways, like protesting the denouncement sessions, no being molested wasn’t my fault, or saying I can’t work anymore I feel sick or I can’t stop sobbing I’m trying but I can’t stop, I’m just going to sit here and not move. Saying, "this is wrong" was enough to get you restrained, or showing any annoyance at the abuse. I don’t think I saw anyone physically fight back or even threaten too except by pulling away or as they were already being restrained and this was usually accompanied by a very believable, remember I saw many bruises, you are hurting me I can’t breath. The only time I saw anyone fight, or squirm from underneath eight gigantic adults, is when they were already being restrained. These were usually the girls who had suffered long term serious abuse and it is not surprising they would become upset when being abused again. They staff was far too eager to restrain people and unbelievably cruel and abusive in their daily treatment on the girls. I never saw anything that posed as a danger to staff or the other girls but I sure as saw them restrain people a lot, at least two or three times a week. I also thought it odd that if the girls are so dangerous that they would have them marching around with hammers, cross saws, mauls, axes and other pretty dangerous things. I believe there is an abusive criteria for staff that they are told to follow, they show no sympathy and harass the girls constantly. I believe the idea is to keep the level of stress extremely high. There was a good deal of talk about breaking us down to be built back up although I saw no building back up, and I was there for about eighteen months. Also, I believe behavior modification involves rewarding good behavior. The punishments at the Village were completely arbitrary and rewards involved things like being allowed to use salt and pepper on your food. Staff would do things like walk around and mess up your bed and then yell at you while you tried to remake it while being timed, this is a slight example but it would happen, or something like it, twenty times a day sometimes at two in the morning, and was extremely nerve wracking. It was completely odd arbitrary stuff that basically allowed for you to be abused no matter what, and it taught you that no matter what abuse is constant. It was much like living in an extremely abusive family I believe. Not very helpful to victims of molestation, or abuse? One of the counselors, extremely undereducated, she had a associates degree from a community college, was found on My Space to belong to a community that photographs women in bondage. There were many pictures of young women in bondage on her website. In another instance, a director of the girls side, was arrested for driving extremely drunk, I believe she tried to back down a highway entrance ramp and hit another car. It turned out she was an alcoholic. they of course, won't let you talk to your parents except after I think it was six months for me, even then just by phone with a family therapist on conference call so if you break out of the party line and say "please get me out it’s a nightmare" large orderlies can appear and march you back for more abusive indoctrination. They also read your mail. They laugh at you when you say you want a lawyer or to please call 911. Your parents have of course been told you are a lying manipulator and not to believe you and that you just want to come home so you can go out with boys and smoke pot. Kids wet the bed because they were too scared to ask to go to the bathroom at night, either that or all the abuse was manifesting in weird ways. I wouldn't believe it except I lived it and I swear on my life everything I said is 150% true. I have lasting scars from this experience, I have nightmares almost every night, not always about the village just in general, that the world is a horrible place and all the scary fascist people are going to eat me and everything I care about and I'm going to be completely at there mercy. Besides the nightmares sometimes I shake uncontrollably if I am frightened or nervous, it is very embarrassing and is not helpful at work or in school. I have finally gotten over my overwhelming social anxiety enough that I am well on my way too having a college degree and have a life of my own. They taught me nothing other than how to be cowed and subservient and to think it was ok when someone abuses me, I still am completely incapable of making eye contact with other human beings. They teach you to give in to peer pressure and let your self be influenced by those around you even if they are going against what you think is ethical. I can’t emphasize enough how bad this facility is. I was amazed that we had no rights while in there. I asked to speak to a lawyer or someone from the outside, I heard girls ask to have the police called repeatedly, and they laughed at us. Therapy there is a horrible lie. They take abused girls and tell them that they deserve abuse. It's the daily mantra there, how everything is your fault, your rape, your parents problems, your anorexia, your life in foster care. I never got to talk to another girl the entire time I was there, other than with asked permission and staff listening, even then it was just about mandatory things, like, put the piece of wood down here. I can understand how people are taken in , from the outside it looks ok, my parents trusted and had no idea that such things even exist in America, they believed as I did that it was a safe and caring program that would help their daughter like most school and health programs. People don't believe that something this insane, this Gulag like, would exist in America. No-one sees it from the inside except the daily staff and the girls really and us they do so much to discredit and keep down that we do not believe anyone will believe us or care. I feel as if I have just recently woken up from the nightmare and it has been seven + years. It is an evil, horrible place that should be shut down and they should have any licensing stripped from them and be brought up on child abuse charges.

 Here are the admission criteria for PV I took of the Peninsula Village website, obviously girls who are admitted after undergoing sexual abuse or a traumatic experience do not need to be tortured and have daily abusive therapy with counselors who may or may not have a high school diploma:
 Admission Criteria / ADMISSION CRITERIA Patients come to Peninsula Village with a wide range of problems, diagnoses and symptoms including, but not limited to the following: Depression, Anxiety, and other Mood Disorders
Alcohol and/or drug abuse/dependency
Disordered conduct and oppositional behavior
ADD/ADHD Effects of traumatic experience
Disrespect of adult authority
Inability to tolerate frustration or boredom
 Unhealthy self-centeredness
Unwillingness to adhere to conventional values/standards
Inability to behave independently and autonomously
Self-mutilation and/or other self-harming behaviors
Pattern of excessive passivity and clinging dependency in relationships
Eating disorders that are medically stable
Mood disorders
 Behavioral disorders
Character pathologies
Difficulties in school environments
Sexual abuse issues

2.  Exclusionary Criteria, EXCLUSIONARY CRITERIA
these are again the EXCLUSIONARY CRITERIA,
PV has been known to take people with some of the below and to encourage them to bully their peers during group therapy if they have the money or insurance to pay for their stay
Peninsula Village is unable to help every adolescent. Some problems that we cannot treat are: Intelligence below the average range (Full Scale IQ below 90)
History of fire setting and pyromania
Sexual Offenders / Sexual Disorders
History of chronic/severe physical aggression including use of weapons
Physical or medical condition that would hinder participation in vigorous, outdoor activities (diabetes, epilepsy)
Homicidal intent at time of admission
Psychotic Disorders
 Pregnancy (females)

I want to remain anonymous for now. I was sent back in Sept. 2004 Many things were horrible... just to name a few for now, because I do not want them to know who I am if they read this because I am working on trying to form a large lawsuit against them so yea but here are a few things I experienced there for about 6 months: Being Physically restrained about twice daily on average where there was no reason for it whatsoever. An alarm kind of like a car alarm except much louder would be turned on and about 20 staff would come running into the unit and all basically jump me, throw me to the ground and sit on me to hold me down.... a few times they really hurt me.. I remember one instance in which they performed Xrays on my jaw and wrist from my restraint. I would also be mechanically restrained when I "struggled" meaning when I was trying to escape my restraint because they were hurting me. I would be tied down to a bed and sometimes they would leave me there for hours or just about the whole day. If I had to go to the bathroom they would put a bedpan underneath me. disgusting. Also if I fell asleep they would come kick my bed and tell me to wake up. they said that being tied down was a punishment and not a treat of naptime. But it was a no wonder I was so tired. They had me way over medicated. I was put on Abilify for my agitation.. Every time they would restrain me, they would increase my dose. I was up to 120 Mg daily. But thats not all... when I was restrained they would give me large dose shots in my ass of Klonopin, Haldol, Thorazine, etc. They would make me so tired I could have slept for days. We had to eat on our beds, we didn't even get to sit at a table. Bathroom times were on their terms... If we had to go when it was not bathroom break, we had to wait, and if it was a real emergency they would allow it but then you would get consequenced for it later on in consequence group. Who ever thought of being consequenced for having to use the bathroom? We were not allowed to talk except in group therapy or if we raised our hand and were actually called on. You had to sit on your bed with your back up against the wall. If you got off your bed, you would be restrained. There were level systems which always made me feel bad about myself. When you were restrained they would strip you of your clothing and make you wear hospital gowns until you contracted to move up to wearing scrubs then contracting to wear your clothes. In my stay there i must have been restrained over 60 times and they were all completely unnecessary. We were forced to participate in their AA or NA groups. i never had an addiction problem but they said I did. they said I liked tranqs. they were wrong, i never had one of them in me until I came to PV. i was forced to participate in Medicine wheel groups in which we had to learn and were tested on some kind of Native American Stuff. The director of my unit at the time was not licensed he was actually denied by the board of health so he was misrepresenting himself. He told me once, "if you think you are smart enough to get kicked out of here and escape it here you are wrong" I would not see my dad for weeks sometimes over a month. My family therapy sessions would get taken away from me in which I could not talk to my dad much less see him ` if when i was talking to my dad and i tried to tell him how bad it was there they would end the family therapy session right there. they also told him I was incompetent and did not know what I was talking about when he heard me tell him about my bruises. I was covered in bruises from the head down. My mail was monitored by staff both outgoing and incoming. That is all i am going to say for now. The reason i was sent was for PTSD from my mother passing away when i was 14. If i would cry about it, they told me I was attention seeking. My PTSD worsened alot from being there.
to this day I still have nightmares and flashbacks from that place. not "Girl Interupted" for sure more like a fun day under stalin
From I Speak of Dreams - ... 5cf490970c (

I was in PV in 2002, and I am still having nightmares. They rank high on the warning lists for abusive program watchout sites. They hated me too. I don't know why. They knew I was turning 18 so at the end they just ignored me, I stayed in the locked unit for 4 months, gained 60 pounds from sitting on a bed and doing nothing.I found out later I had sustained a concussion when they slammed my head into the floor during a restraint so hard I was left with a cut and abrasions across my forehead. Why? I sat up. That's it. I had been laying on they floor, they dragged me there, and I sat up, intending to raise my hand and ask to use the restroom, where they would have to examine my shit and piss before I could flush it, a method of humiliation, and was immediately tackled. I have never had a violent day in my life, never raised a hand to anyone. I had low self esteem, I let men use me and
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Inculcated on July 03, 2009, 04:24:55 PM
Quote from: "matsukami"
This was posted by Jersey Girl on page 10, . Girls were put in straight jackets and walked around all day. We had to carry around bags of sand as a consequence. Our consequences as a group got so backed up that we had to wake up at 5am and do over 200 push ups for weeks. I was pretending to be asleep one night and I overheard the staff making fun of a few patients. When i told my mom about this in treatment i was brushed off by my therapist as being manipulative and lying to get attention. there were so many things that happened that i would love to forget, as they still give me nightmares to this day.

 here is one from Socleansara, also from the same site: . It was treatment or a girls home due to some trouble i had gotten into. My mom told me to play up my drug use to the judge so he would give me the option of choosing. I went to PV and was on STU for 6 MONTHS! not because I was a risk or because I refused the program but because I didnt have anything to talk about. I was put on "Permanent Silence" and wasnt allowed to talk to ANYONE for months because I didnt have anything "worthwhile" to say. I was put on question cards which they tortured me with making me use a question card to ask for extra time in the restroom and with only 3 questions a day... I didnt ask for extra time very often. One day we were making a trail from one cabin to another and all the sudden I wasnt able to breathe. I started having terrible chest and back pains and couldnt move. They made me walk from one side of campus all the way to the other just to have nursing say i was fine. Shortly after I started vomitting and was unable to hold food down for quite some time. Once again, nursing said I was fine with out doing any tests or bloodwork. They wrote it off as test anxiety due to my upcomming ACT test. My teachers tried to explain that I wasnt nervous at all and that something else could be wrong. NO ONE LISTENED. I turned 18 and DCed AMA. I came back home and within weeks I was hospitialized on the verge of LIVER FAILURE. I had gall stones that had come out of my gall bladder and were blocking off the duct that my liver uses to expell waste. So all that TOXIN couldnt go anywhere. The doctor that treated me said had I waited a week, my liver could of ruptured and I could have gone into some kind of shock as my body poisened its self. Why wasnt I given the proper medical attention that I needed? Didnt my parents pay enough money?! They told me repeatedly that if I signed myself out and left that I would "relapse" and DIE within months. How encouraging right!?!?! When in fact its the opposite. Had I stayed any longer I quite possibly could have died. Obviously Im still very much alive. A far cry from the hopeless drug addict they made me out to be. My parents probably would have be interested to know all of these things but my family therapist didnt allow me to talk to my family often and when we did speak it was very brief and social. I wasnt allowed to write my father at all and all of my letters home we read very carefully. .... Im angry at the way I was treated. If there was something I could do about it I would in a heartbeat."

 Here is some stuff I wrote, i was thinking about the hard labor i'm not sure anyone went into in great depth yet it was what we did most days once out in the cabins, in STU you don’t go outside at all just sit on your beds, We had work detail three days out of the week, two days of school with no homework. and work detail all summer, we didn't go to school in the summer. It was back breaking We carried around an enormous Gott water cooler everywhere, it took two girls to carry it, i wonder how much it weighed? i looked up Gotts and the biggest one I could find on Amazon was 10 gallons, which full, i did the math, gallon to weight, would weigh about 85 pounds. That's a lot to carry around all day. I couldn't lift the thing full by myself. it was our water supply for the cabins, again the cabins have no running water . We cross sawed logs with an actual old fashion cross saw and were  timed and punished. It is really hard to cross saw a log with an old fashioned cross saw.  We also mauled wood and dug stumps out of the ground.  We did this a whole hell of a lot.  We had to cut enough fire wood for the winter because the cabins have no  electricity, only a woodstove. We had quotas for wood, which were ridiculously high, and we would be punished if we did not meet them If you stopped working saying you were tired and felt ill you were consequenced then restrained. We built things as well, and put in a big garden. This was hard because the garden area was a mile or so away so we had to carry all the gardening tools and wheelbarrows full of manure and such out there. Don't forget the cursed Gott! We dug up stumps and did all the grounds maintenance. On weekends, when we weren't doing our normal forced labor schedule We would clean everything, Again we had no free time to read or relax or sleep in or any of that normal stuff. we were made to exercise as consequences all the time, there are a lot of consequences in a day at the Village. Pushups a lot, over a hundred a day at least, on a good day. I, a thin small boned girl, had back muscles, pronounced scary back and neck muscles, there was all this digging stumps out of the ground and turning over garden beds with pick axes, this was not your mothers gardening. They had my group build a two story big work shed building and tar and lay shingles in July, nothing like training anorexics and foster kids to be roofers. In July no less! It was a mess and so hot.
On the weekends, instead of work detail, they had us do aerobics. Really hyper nonstop aerobics for hours until you felt sick as hell. the aerobic were again on weekends. They wouldn't let us go to sleep after working like this all day until we finished all our consequence pushup or other exercises, I can remember standing against a wall with my knees bent till I fell over at like midnight. I also remember having to do 200 pushups before bed, and I hadn't even done anything. Staff was just picking on me. I was pretty cowed throughout, because I didn't want to be abused. The exercise hurt like hell. It was torture and they used it as such. I was really really really exhausted the entire time there. I used to fall asleep standing up and as soon as I sat down, and I would get in all sorts of trouble for it. Cleaning was top to toe carry all the mattresses outside scrub down the entire floor cleaning, the whole campus, every weekend. Everything is timed of course, getting from point A to B, with a wheelbarrow full of tools and manure or roofing tiles or wood or going to the bathroom or showering or cross sawing and so on, all timed. It was really hard work and they made it as unpleasant as possible. It wasn't work therapy it was just work detail and it was horrible and abusive and it hurt like hell. we were covered in dirt and sweat. we woke up very early. I believe 5:30am we didn't get to bed till late often so certainly not a full eight hours of sleep. and they would wake us up sometimes to be drug out to the wood shed to be shown how much wood we still needed to chop or something random. ...I remembered that we always worked on Mon, Wed, Friday we worked a lot, and we didn't go to school in the summer and we didn't go when we were on shut down, we were on shutdown for four or five months although they brought us work but not that regularly, maybe it was just on Tuesdays and Thursdays, that's not often really school was certainly not in the foreground it was sort of a uncommon thing, Especially when some other trauma was going on
 also Jersey Chick, when I was in we saw a psychiatrist, the real doctor who prescribes medications once every six months right? for about a minute to discuss medications?
..... There was very limited contact with the outside world, especially for girls who's families had signed them over. It did not seem reasonable that these girls were treated as if they were being punished or were in jail for more serious offenses.  After the lock down unit with its cramped quarters and barred mesh covered windows for months, we had the cabins and work detail. Work detail was exercise digging up stumps, cross sawing logs, mauling logs, building endless things under the constant abuse of the staff in the hot sun. I believe I was also suffering from sleep deprivation because we were often woken up at two in the morning to go out to the log shed to be shown how much wood still needed to be chop or for some other arbitrary reason, we also always woke up before dawn and didn't get to bed till late because we always had endless chores or punishments to finish. I used to fall asleep standing up, literally on a daily basis. We marched around in lines, or holding on to a rope, and there was still no talking or looking at the other girls, it was very lonely. We had to haul around the Gott, a water jug that weighed so much your arms would feel like they were going to fall off and you'd want to vomit but if you dropped it you knew you were in worse trouble, we carried around many heavy things. The Gott was our water for the cabin. The cabins have no running water or bathrooms only porta johns. They exercise you past the breaking point and then over a little, and then much more. It was torture, I can't emphasize that enough torture, we did this all day most days, Kids wet the bed because they were too scared to ask to go to the bathroom at night, either that or all the abuse was manifesting in weird ways. I wouldn't believe it except I lived it and I swear on my life everything I said is 150% true. I have lasting scars from this experience, I have nightmares almost every night, not always about the village just in general, that the world is a horrible place and all the scary fascist people are going to eat me and everything I care about and I'm going to be completely at there mercy. Besides the nightmares sometimes I shake uncontrollably if I am frightened or nervous, it is very embarrassing and is not helpful at work or in school. I have finally gotten over my overwhelming social anxiety enough that I am well on my way too having a college degree and have a life of my own. They taught me nothing other than how to be cowed and subservient and to think it was ok when someone abuses me, I still am completely incapable of making eye contact with other human beings. They teach you to give in to peer pressure and let your self be influenced by those around you even if they are going against what you think is ethical. I can’t emphasize enough how bad this facility is. I was amazed that we had no rights while in there.
 I asked to speak to a lawyer or someone from the outside, I heard girls ask to have the police called repeatedly, and they laughed at us. Therapy there is a horrible lie. They take abused girls and tell them that they deserve abuse. It's the daily mantra there, how everything is your fault, your rape, your parents problems, your anorexia, your life in foster care. I never got to talk to another girl the entire time I was there, other than with asked permission and staff listening, even then it was just about mandatory things, like, put the piece of wood down here. I can understand how people are taken in , from the outside it looks ok, my parents trusted and had no idea that such things even exist in America, they believed as I did that it was a safe and caring program that would help their daughter like most school and health programs. People don't believe that something this insane, this Gulag like, would exist in America. No-one sees it from the inside except the daily staff and the girls really and us they do so much to discredit and keep down that we do not believe anyone will believe us or care. I feel as if I have just recently woken up from the nightmare and it has been seven + years. It is an evil, horrible place that should be shut down and they should have any licensing stripped from them and be brought up on child abuse charges.

 Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle fibers resulting in the release of muscle fiber contents (myoglobin) into the bloodstream. Some of these are harmful to the kidney and frequently result in kidney damage.

 A.Rhabdo, the breakdown of muscle protein (ie. myoglobin), can cause acute renal failure by obstructing the renal tubules. Reason enough.  
Classical pts are marathon runners or people who have performed intense excerise which foster muscle breakdown. Also trauma pts (ie. with crush injuries).
Risk factors include the following-
•             intense exercise    
•             Severe exertion such as marathon running or calisthenics    
•   Shaking chills
•   Trauma
•   seizures
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2009, 01:32:21 AM
Does anyone know if Che Cookin is still sexually involved with Psy?

Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2009, 01:45:41 PM
Quote from: "Parents helping parents"
Does anyone know if Che Cookin is still sexually involved with Psy?


Absolutely!  He's mentoring Psy and educating him on the myriad well and little known STD's out there, especially the virulent Asian STD's Che has seen infect careless associates with gut-churning afflictions, like Spontaneous Penile Detachment Syndrome, Testicular Implosion Disorder/Necrosis, Anal Occlusion, and one as yet unidentified STD being transmitted by "ladyboys" to unsuspecting "johns" which causes the infected victim to bankrupt himself buying showtunes and Liza Minnelli memorabilia.

There's your answer.  Now a question to you, PHP:   What prurient interest drives you to ask whether a man in Asia and another in France are sexually involved?   If you are a repressed homosexual in denial, there are many other websites that would be far more titillating to you.  You know those specialty sites, though - you harvest the images of Man-Love in extremis that arouse you and post them here, on a forum about abused teens.  Posting hardcore sexual images on a forum frequented by sexually abused and traumatized kids is passive aggressive pedophilia - it's  a trial run, you are working up the courage to sexually assault a child.
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 08, 2009, 01:57:29 PM
Quote from: "Parents Helping Parents STICC It To Teens"
Quote from: "Parents helping parents"
Does anyone know if Che Cookin is still sexually involved with Psy?


Absolutely!  He's mentoring Psy and educating him on the myriad well and little known STD's out there, especially the virulent Asian STD's Che has seen infect careless associates with gut-churning afflictions, like Spontaneous Penile Detachment Syndrome, Testicular Implosion Disorder/Necrosis, Anal Occlusion, and one as yet unidentified STD being transmitted by "ladyboys" to unsuspecting "johns" which causes the infected victim to bankrupt himself buying showtunes and Liza Minnelli memorabilia.

There's your answer.  Now a question to you, PHP:   What prurient interest drives you to ask whether a man in Asia and another in France are sexually involved?   If you are a repressed homosexual in denial, there are many other websites that would be far more titillating to you.  You know those specialty sites, though - you harvest the images of Man-Love in extremis that arouse you and post them here, on a forum about abused teens.  Posting hardcore sexual images on a forum frequented by sexually abused and traumatized kids is passive aggressive pedophilia - it's  a trial run, you are working up the courage to sexually assault a child.
:trophy:   :rose:
Title: Re: Peninsula Village
Post by: Anonymous on September 09, 2009, 04:27:30 AM
Island View?

Quote from: "stoodoodog"
Quote from: "act.da"
One more. I found this article from way back in 2003 but thought it was worth sharing. You have to create an account to view it, but I put in bogus info and it worked. (http://

It's an article about business marketing and for some reason PV chipped in. Here's the relevant part:

Don Vardell, Administrator for Peninsula Village, reminds us of the importance of backing up both strategies:

You say you have some existing sales capacity with the 2 managers and 11 reps. Is that enough to manage your current customers and meet your growth objectives? If you conduct new/additional brand awareness activities (advertising, merchandising and promotion) will you be able to meet the potential new business with your current sales capacity? Bottom line: you may need to do both. You wouldn't want to spend your whole wad on a great branding strategy, if you can't back it up with sales execution, and consistent, quality service (with a great value).

Don't forget, Don (jump ship)Vardell is a business man first. He appears to be kind of ashamed of his stint at PV... (
Wait...isn't PV supposed to be a "world class treatment facility" a place to be proud of?
He went to ASR from there and on to United Health Services (
He bailed after about six months there (curiously around the time of a couple of deaths at UHS facilites like Chad Youth Enhancement Center) and went back to his Aspen Roots to work magic at Excell Academy ... 0206.shtml (