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Messages - Guardian Angel

Pages: [1]
CALO - Change Academy at Lake of the Ozarks / Re: CALO
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:35:31 PM »

I know how discouraging fighting back can be...we've been at it now for almost 15 months.  Message me privately, and we'll talk.

Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0"
Most people would consider this method unacceptable to be used on hardened criminals, so who in their right mind could approve these methods be used against children?

The worst part of it is if even this method is said to be used only in instances when the child is "a danger to themselves or others" how can we really place our faith in the staff members to determine when restraint should and should not be used? I know my mother overestimated the ethics of the staff in the program I was in, and based on the administrating staff's prior history and the track record of the school and related industry I'd put good money on the chance that these methods are used way too often and in ways that can only constitute child abuse.

Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0"
If I were a parent, aside from just pulling my kid as quick as I could I would DEMAND that a video monitoring system be set up and broadcast for parents to access at anytime. If Ken didn't have anything to hide then why would he refuse this request?

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guardian Angel"
Okay 'Guest' who doesn't have the chutzpah to sign in and give at least the semblance of taking responsibility for your words...unless you have walked a mile in a reformed staff's shoes, do not cast aspersions.  You know not what you are talking about...

So your mother "Mrs Angel" called you guardian?  How nice.  What was your address again?  I missed that post.

so which is it.. are all staff evil child abusers or are some okay like DJ claims to be?  and how do you tell the difference between the two?

The difference between the two?  You are really so obtuse you have to ask?  I suppose it is easy to see which category you fall under.  The difference between the two is this:  Staff who rally for the rights of the kids, staff who care enough about the welfare of the kids, staff who question authority, they are asked to leave....or simply leave because they cannot in good conscience participate any longer.  

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
I think innocently entering an institution that ordered staff to molest children, refusing to participate in child molestation, and turning the molesters over to the authorities is a fair reason to consider yourself "separate" from the molesters.
Okay, I can agree with that.  So a person is innocent like DJ enters an institution and is ordered to molest children.  He shows up for work his first day and just to give the program some leeway lets say they postpone the molestations until after the kids eat.  So how long did DJ stay at this institution collecting a pay check?  Any compassionate human being could probably only last a few hours before leaving and if you stayed around longer than that you would have to participate in the rapes and molestations.  I mean come on a person cant hide out in the “Break room” forever.  They have to come out and participate or they will be fired.
So did Dysfunction Junction last for more than a day in this institution?  If so how long can a person sit and watch others being abused and molested, collect a pay check and not get involved before they can no longer claim they were not complicit with the institution.  Is it fair that Dysfuntion Junction is trying to clean himself up here on fornits by asking for fellow staff to be exposed and given no privacy?  These same fellow staff who followed in the same footsteps as he while he hypocritically holds on to his privacy?

You may be the only person here who doesn't know who I am.  All of my particulars have been posted here before.  But, to give a quick answer to your supposition, I was a brand-new, freshly-minted college grad when I took the job at HLA and it did take me a little while to uncover what was happening out of my purview.  I found a phony doctor with no degree whatsover and that almost all of the staff had no academic credentials.  I also would not "tow the program line."  I did my job the way I was taught to do it - the right way.  I confronted Len about phony credentials and uneducated staff.  He didn't answer to my satisfaction and that was when I realized HLA was just a scam.  Then I resigned and reported HLA to every agency that I could.  And I've followed up for years to insure they can't hide in the shadows.

What's your excuse for propping up child abusers?


The point is that others may be taking the same path so dont be so quick to condem.  If you drew a paycheck then you did the work and over time turned over some rocks so give the same respect to others that you want for yourself.
Okay 'Guest' who doesn't have the chutzpah to sign in and give at least the semblance of taking responsibility for your words...unless you have walked a mile in a reformed staff's shoes, do not cast aspersions.  You know not what you are talking about...

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Positive Control Systems (takedowns?)
« on: April 13, 2009, 01:09:56 AM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
I've never heard of Positive Control Systems, but.. It does sound alot like Positive Action Response, or PAR. The PAR methodology uses different pressure points to force compliance and my experience with it was the state of Florida wanted us to learn the pressure points(Working for Eckerd Youth) while the place I worked (eckerd youth) opted not to have us taught the pressure points and we only learned the holds.

Well Che..semantics plays a huge part I've learned in all of this.  We were instructed in regards to "control points".  We were told never to call them pressure points because that sounds bad.

Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Seriously.. GA Tell me more about this system as one of my long term projects is to put together some sort of database on the various restraint/torture methods that are being taught.

I'd be happy to tell you everything I know for your database.  Email me...unless you really think the lengthy explanations belong on this thread. It really is quite lengthy...

Quote from: "Che Gookin"
btw... Programs claim they'll back you up if you follow their protocol but ask yourself this, "How poorly worded is the protocol and how much training did you get in interpreting that protocol for different situations?

Yes, I'm finding out more and more of what the program "claimed" to be false at best.  The books that we were "given" for training were not ours to keep.  In fact we had to share them during training because there were not enough to go around.  We received two days training.  The program offers additional clarification each week during their training meetings, but it's more of a lesson in "let's learn how to write this up so that it sounds better when the parents read it".  

The protocol, as it were, is rarely followed by staff.  

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