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Messages - Nihilanthic

Pages: 1 ... 256 257 [258] 259 260
The Troubled Teen Industry / Utah-link to Iraqi prisoner abuse
« on: June 03, 2004, 12:04:00 PM »
Hah, go figure, I try to compare the two issues and behold, they ARE connected by some sadistic twit.

Well, hey, is all over this now and investigating... god I hope the mainstream media picks this up.

In other news I slept real good last night after finding out that has investigators dedicated to this now.  :grin:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Finally, someone is doing something!
« on: June 03, 2004, 02:12:00 AM »
Reporters Christy Harrison and Anthony Meza-Wilson are investigating alleged abuses of American teens at private, for-profit drug treatment centers. We are accepting donations towards their work which will be published this summer.

Yes, thats right, our friends at (yes its a repost but its why I'm making it) are now investigating it. And hopefully will make it to the media at large.

Its not much now but everything big has to start with a single step. Everyone go vote now that has not yet, and donate if you can!

If this goes far enough then we might all be able to sleep a lot better at night  :grin:

The Troubled Teen Industry / What Led to a Program Decision?
« on: May 29, 2004, 11:11:00 PM »
Dolphin, just curious (If you posted already I didn't see it yet..)

Why did you put in your kid? How long was it? What program was it? What did they do to your kid EXACTLY, and how is the child now?

Even if its a Private school or residental facility or whatever, why the hell does it matter?

If an american kid is being abused IN AMERICA it doesn't matter WHERE it happens, period. End of story. It should be stopped then and there. It doesn't matter if its in a prison, a house, a school, a hospital, a church, and it doesn't matter who does it - a teacher, parent, 'therapist', religious leader or the fairy godmother.

Oh, but by all means we'll all raise hell about abuse happening to people in Iraq! God knows we can't look at OURSELVES, huh?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Interrogation
« on: May 24, 2004, 09:49:00 PM »
Its so frustrating to know that if this got out the media would never shut up about it... but apparently nobody can get through their thick heads! argh!

Hopefully the thing will get through to *SOMEONE*. If time drags on and I don't see a story I'll go bug the shit out of O'riley/Matthews/whoever. Problem is I'd need arguing lessons because those kind of shows get ratings.. by arguements. I don't want someone like Bil O'riley walking all over me. Maybe if they drug in some WWASPIE for him to chew out and I could sit there grinning like a retard.

Eh, I'm hardly the most qualified person to do it anyway. Anyone willing to volunteer here? A parent or victim?

Hell, I'd go to oprah or a talkshow but they just like to throw DEFIANT TEENS INTO BOOTCAMP!!1 and let the audience go OOOHHHH and BOOOO and crap like a bunch of chimps hooting and screaming.  :roll: So scratch that.

BTW - you've not been on aim in a while, whats up?

:evil: *Sigh* I'm still amazed every time I read something new.

I really do hope this place gets closed down. Are any Utah media willing to step forwards? Or are they just as cowardly as the damn authorities?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Interrogation
« on: May 23, 2004, 08:07:00 PM »
Thing on the history channel right now about how they interrogate people and get information out of them... psych torture, physical stress, extreme cold, blindfolding, being kidnapped, etc.

The methods they use remind me of a lot of the stories I hear from the institutions/camps. Anyone else heard of this connection? Both make you give up secrets and information... including crimes you never committed

The Troubled Teen Industry / Military Schools??
« on: May 20, 2004, 06:39:00 AM »
I hope this is my cynicism and jaded nature talking, but it seems that the Abundant life academy has a few of the red flags of an abusive institution.

I do not know if they restrict communication, but they do take the whole "Jesus is the only answer" thing a little too far. Makes me wonder if they're doing religious brainwashing there.

*Sigh* the 'secular' institutions could be eliminated by enforcing existing laws and regulation, etc... but could a RELIGIOUS one be regulated? Abuse is abuse, even in the name of some god, but could it potentially be harder to accomplish?

Would the fact that I'm 19 have any impact on them?

I have a *REAL* deep voice, I'm 6 feet tall and don't look especially young, but still, could it make any impact? What if I brought a parent with me? Or someone older?

Yeah, I'm gonna walk the walk, everyone. This means you, anon  :razz:

What should I say? Any clue how to go about doing this? I'm thinking a good start would be my old Highschool (which was for kids with problems...) and hopefully a teacher I was friends with might point me in the right direction. Hey, I just might stop someone from ending up in a place.

I know I'm gonna have to make some kind of appointment with a higher-up and 'make my case' so to speak. Any ideas of what to tell so I don't go off on tangents or get too emotional? I *KNOW* I will break down to some degree just talking about this because every time I have talked with someone I did. I need to know what to say so I have a plan if my emotions start taking over.

*sigh* I need to do more. I want to see places close, children saved, and have less guilt about sleeping comfortably every night knowing  thousands upon thousands are in hell and sobbing in their own beds, if they were even allowed to sleep, trying to find relief from their pain.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Utah take note!
« on: May 18, 2004, 12:53:00 PM »
Now there's an idea  :smile:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Why WWASPS
« on: May 18, 2004, 02:08:00 AM »
How many parents, or adults AT ALL, live like they want these kids to be? How many parents curse, whine, yell, do selfish things like everyone does?

LIBERATE YOUR MIND. If a kid acts just like you watn them to in those stupid programs, as an adult, they're going to end up used, manipulated, and generally unable to do anything on their own. They'er going to be doormats.

You need to be selfish, do what you WANT TO DO, TO GRATIFY YOURSELF, and take care of yourself. Submitting to authority would be a good survival skill in a fascist regime. Last I checked we're supposed to question authority, not bend over and lube up for it. Authority gets the respect it earns, period. Power on its own is just power.

Nevermind the emotional scarring from being abused so much, and probably having a LOT of trouble having a relationship with someone beyond a surface friendship - if they actually DO act that way they'd be damned LEMMINGS. This is a nation of individuals, cultivate that.[ This Message was edited by: Nihilanthic on 2004-05-17 23:08 ]

The Troubled Teen Industry / Safe and Sound Transport
« on: May 18, 2004, 01:59:00 AM »
You're a child, a teenager. You wake up with some burly men in your room talking in an intimidating fashion, making you get up and follow them. You might try to run or fight or scream, but nobody comes to your aid. You are terrified and helpless.

You're bound and taken to a waiting van, and driven off. Maybe to an airport and flown far far away, or simply driven a far way. You're terrified, how could you be stolen from your own house? Did your parents have a part in it?

Eventually you end up at some facility far away from the rest of civilization. Against your will. You're still terrified, still wondering whats going on, and why. Then you enter the entry phase that all of these 'institutions' seem to have, where you're told over and over how much of a piece of shit you are, you're strip-searched and humiliated over and over again, scared more and more, and broken down until you'll admit to anything to make it stop. It won't. You endure the daily raps, 'restraint' abuse, among whatever torment you have to deal with from now on. There is no escape.

Then you realize your parents did this. For the next several months, or more... You are in hell.

Think they feel loved? Think they could trust anyone again? They can't even tell their own parents, who they probably want to crawl back to sobbing in apology that they ARE sorry, and that they are being abused, but can not. All trust, potentilaly any love they ever had, any desire to be with you is now gone. Those kids who come back are the tortured, broken shells of the people they once were, who are going to shower you with affection and 'love' so they don't get sent back.

I hope every program parent here takes some time to THINK. What are they feeling now? When was the last time you spoke to your child when they could tell you anything, and you'd listen to them? Why are you breaking the bond instead of trying to strengthen it? You're supposed to love, trust, and care for your kids, and you ship them off into hell on earth.

I think everyone who sends a kid there needs to be abducted, stripped, go through the same crap those kids do... Maybe a week of raps and restraint, and wearing the same clothes they soiled days ago might 'set them straight'.

Torturing someone into changing into the person you want is disgusting. Teach, don't torture.

While I'm on my soapbox, why is it okay to force someone into a strict religion as 'treatment' in this country? What if the kid isn't a christian? What if the kid is from another denomination if they ARE christian? How many are sent there because they're gay or because they didn't agree with their parents theology?

The Troubled Teen Industry / WWASPS in the News - Magazine that is
« on: May 13, 2004, 08:30:00 PM »
What is AIR exactly? the place he went?

And since you got him out when he was not programmed yet and you, yourself, shrug it off - have you considered filing a suit?

And yeah, I still get mad reading about this, and it seems thats all I've read lately.

Its "Nihil" or Chris.

Niles has nothing to do with my real name or alias.

And I have, of course  :grin:

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