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Messages - egypt has pyramids

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That was directed at Karen.


No one is denying her making those statements. It is her cheesy attempt at a middle ground arguement on her part. Had she not been spouting her support for Second Nature every chance she had I probably would have heckled her once or twice for old times sake and forgot about her.

I think this much is fairly obvious to anyone reading these threads on a regular basis. She's got a good grasp on vocabulary and knows how to parse words like the best of them. It reminds me of the write up on SNWP website, but much more sophisticated. They are amateurs compared to Karen.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Meadowlark Academy
« on: January 07, 2007, 12:40:48 AM »
Brat Camp       Print        E-mail

The ABC series featuring brat camps has generated a lot of interest in wilderness style programs. The program presented on television followed several defiant youth as they dealt with issues and problems they were struggling with. The Brat Camp type of program falls under what may typically be classified as a wilderness style program. These programs are named such because the experience takes place in remote locations without any of the creature comforts that children of today take for granted. The Brat Camp series provided an opportunity for parents to see that they are not alone, that there are others who struggle dealing with the problems associated with a troubled teen, and that there is help.

The wilderness style program may or may not be the best option for your child, if you are looking for help give us a call we will explore some of the options that are available to you.

THey are actually trying to use Brat Camp to sell their program?  :roll:

My mind is open, but I have talked to a lot more people with 2N experience than you have, and so far I think it is a good program.

We have our another Sou Chef right here!

Sue is to WWASP as Karen is to Carlbrook.

GIve em credibility by bashing one program, and swoop in with another. SLick, very click! (common sales tactic though)

Open Free for All / Post While Drunk Thread
« on: January 07, 2007, 12:33:14 AM »
I dont drnk because I would lose my 5 years of sobriety and my chips and all my friends... oh no wait im drunk right now! maybe i can piss off some fornits regulars too for posting drunk. go ahead and give me a PWI.. posting while intoxicated.  :smokin:

Yeah- thanks for the chance.
You think you OWNED me? Perhaps you should read the 12 PMs I received (most from regular fornits posters) apologizing for your behavior and saying how disgusted they were with your attitude and behavior. Even saying that you were clearly drunk when you posted.
If you read my posts instead of simply trying to humiliate me, you would have noticed that I was changing my mind about Carlbook as I learned more about the workshops and the therapy groups.
Does insulting me and my family help your cause? I took a chance by trying to share information on the thread, and all you did was attack me and try to bring the attention back to yourself. I was told that is what it is all about with you- making sure you are the center of attention.
I stopped posting on the thread because your posts were hurtful and degrading. I really have no need to subject myself to that.
My purpose isn't to promote Carlbrook and 2N. Right now I am trying to convince someone to take their kid out of HLA. I think from what I have learned, the Carlbrook program has a strong potential for abuse- emotionally, not physically. I have not yet seen anything to show me 2N uses the same techniques or is anything like that. My son, who spent a total of 16 weeks at sN, tells me it is not at all the same. My mind is open, but I have talked to a lot more people with 2N experience than you have, and so far I think it is a good program.
Keep thinking you are amusing everyone and keep thinking you "owned" me. Not quite.
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Cant forget this baby...  :P

The Troubled Teen Industry / Is it better just to forget?
« on: January 07, 2007, 12:25:37 AM »
I am shocked. SHOCKED at this utter distain for tatse and self censorship.

Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
I think I will get a hamster and name it Karen. This way I can put him in a cage with a running track. Watch that little fucker run in a circle all god damn day. Every now and then hoist a beer and say, "To those who are about to die I salute you!" and then set the fucker on fire with lighter fluid and watch him run around my living room floor.

BE sure to videotape that shit and post it up on Youtube. Piss of some PETA freaks while your at it.. two birds, one stone.

Open Free for All / Religion will be obsolete in 25 years
« on: January 02, 2007, 07:20:52 PM »
You wish.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Heartland Religious Boot Camp, Missouri
« on: October 20, 2006, 02:58:51 PM »
I do not approve of this. Not one bit. Now I am upset, thanks for ruining my day, guys.  :(

Let It Bleed / Jesus Got High
« on: September 15, 2006, 06:28:32 PM »
You speak the truth, my son.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Im scared for my son...
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:14:00 PM »

Do not believe the word of false prophets. BSarro earned themselves a one way trip to hell already, ignore the plight of fools. Follow the word of God, and raise your children right, in your home. There are no need for programs, my father agrees.

They are not allowed to follow their holy path, sending a kid to a program is an afront to God himself.

Tranquility Bay is an unholy hell, run by those compromised by the devil. It is the worst place you could have sent your child. Go pick him up right now, apologize and find an alternative. You can do it, I am watching and waiting.

Proverbs 3:1 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments;

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