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Messages - janus zeal

Pages: [1]
Web forum hosting / Database glitch with read / unread posts?
« on: September 02, 2007, 04:28:04 PM »
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""janus zeal""
Always check post dates before you reply to something. It will save you from looking very stupid.
I did, what makes you think I didn't?
lols. I was talking about my self, about a post that was deleted. I didn't notice the thread was weeks old. :

PS. I wouldn't call someone I don't know stupid. :P

Web forum hosting / Database glitch with read / unread posts?
« on: September 02, 2007, 03:46:11 PM »
Always check post dates before you reply to something. It will save you from looking very stupid.

No no, My laptop is on a different network then my web servers. That IP is my laptop's private IP on my lan.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Google Hates Fornits (no, really)
« on: August 23, 2007, 04:33:39 PM »
Google is not being played, and reputation defender can't do shit. Trust me, I work with ED.

no u

I replied to the thread. My server is in my basement, in Japan.

My server is located in my basement. In my summer home. In Japan.

Quote from: ""Scarlett Chiclet""
Well, Foxfire on Ubuntu didn't crash. Took a few to load. But it's only a 554 x 554 image.
It is way bigger then that. Ubuntu must have a limit in its png libraries to stop it from loading an image that big.
So I was wrong, but it still would crash most browsers.

Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""janus zeal""
edit/correction- I could set my profile so that it would crash the browser of anyone looking at my profile, or any posts I made. Any browser, not just Internet Exploder.
Howdy, what about Firefox with java turned off??
Yep. It's not really a browser exploit. Go here and tell me how your browser does. There is nothing stopping me from using that as my avatar. (It's a 100,000x100,000px image)

Quote from: ""Scarlett Chiclet""
Shit, I don't even know that much about our new gracious host and I own the friggen domain! Quit buggin Niles, children! Once the dust settles we'll figure out if and how much we want to cross promote. Till then, nunya!
Pretty much, if anyone needs hosting tell them to email me. I don't have any dedicated boxes at the moment though.

edit/correction- I could set my profile so that it would crash the browser of anyone looking at my profile, or any posts I made. Any browser, not just Internet Exploder.


Bantown is a real place guys, and my hostname is freya.local. My IP address is

Enjoy. ^_^

heh, I'm glad to be helping out.

Hello. I am the one hosting these sites. I hear a lot of you are asking Nihilanthic about my server. If you guys want to know, lern 2 interweb, as we say on IRC. I would like the location of my servers to remain as non-public as possible, to avoid BS from people. (Even though we arn't breaking any law.)


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