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Messages - SHH Anon Classics

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The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 12:44:00 PM »
The best thing to do is visit the school yourself, talk to parents and others who are familiar with the school, and ask around. Also, read all the documents before you sign them and ask questions if I want you to about what you are signing. This forum can have good information but it also has some who will distort the truth to make places sound like horrible deathtraps. Just follow your instincts and make sure you are comfortable with your decision. Sending your child to a school away from home is sometimes the best option, but sometimes its better closer to home, it will just depend on the individual case.

Spouses of Survivors / Are there any S.O.'s or spouses out there?
« on: January 11, 2006, 11:42:00 PM »
my husband was at the Seed in Ft Lauderdale in 71-72. His 2 brothers were there a little later also for a time. He left home to get away from it and moved to another city. He still talks about it somewhat and posted on this board about it some as well. He seems to have come to terms with it, but still gets irritated with some songs they had to sing when he hears them again!

But it was a very long time ago and time sometimes is the best healer for bad experiences.

I have neither the time nor the patience for your constant questions many of which I have already answered. I have much bigger and more important things in life to deal with than your BS Robert. My grandfather is in the hospital with a brain tumor that they may have to operate on(it is benign but still causing problems and he is 102 yrs old), and my father has to have another heart bypass surgery in the next few weeks. Some things are more important than this board and will need my time and attention a hell of a lot more than YOU.

This is SHH. I posted the name Devin as a guess as to the identity of Robert Bruce several months ago. But this is not illegal, or a violation of HIPPA, or unethical. A first name is not personal information. I have spoken to 2 attorneys about this, both of them friends of mine. It was a guess. Furthermore, I did not post a last name. That was somebody else who did that. I didn't know Devin's last name as I was only remembering him from an encounter on campus and didnt know his last name. Despite Dysfunction's and Robert's assumptions that I divulged info from a file, and personal info at that, I have done neither. I guessed and the guess was incorrect, according to Robert. I did not have access to Devin's personal file, or any other students files. I dont know who the other person is who posted the full name of the Devin person, nor do I know where they got their info, but it wasnt me.

That could have been anybody typing "23". Seriously sometimes people are so gullible on here

The Troubled Teen Industry / Hidden Lake Academy
« on: January 09, 2006, 01:10:00 PM »
I am not named Suzanne

The Troubled Teen Industry / Hidden Lake Academy
« on: January 09, 2006, 12:03:00 PM »
Dysfunction Junction worked there over 11 years ago and has no idea whether or not the qualifications of current staff members is adequate or not. This is an assumption on his part.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / What About Danny Prevel?
« on: January 09, 2006, 12:01:00 PM »
If this had actually happened what you stated, then he would have been arrested. It appears that possibly the charges are unfounded, or the issue was not as serious as it has been assumed. I think the parties actually involved need to come on here and state the truth, not the rumor of this issue.

When you say "you" threaten with violence, please direct that to someone else. I have never threatened anybody with violence.

Ginger just stated the IP's cant be traced. So was she lying? or are you? The issue seems to be more convoluted everytime the question comes up. Can someone trace an IP on this board from posts posted anonymously or not?

"Through this server? No way that I know of. At least not w/ public postings. How-some-ever, every email you send carries your IP address, unless syou send through an anon pennet or proxy or some such. And there's another way, too. If you can get someone to load an image in their browser or run a program and be certain that they're the ones doing it, you can get all sorts of information. This is true of every website and other type of server on the entire net."

This was a quote by Ginger/Antigen regarding whether or not IP's can be traced or matched to other posts on this forum from posts made.

What do you have to say for yourself now Robert Bruce?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Hidden Lake Academy
« on: January 07, 2006, 01:59:00 PM »
The staff credentials listed on their website show masters degree counselors. Maybe when you were there they weren't as qualified, but they appear to be so now.

Answer his question. Where is the anonymous person posting from? I want to see this IP thing in action

Many is an incorrect term. There are not "many" court ordered kids. Neither are there "many" suicide attempts. And no child has ever committed suicide at the school. You are attempting to lead the readers on with false information.

Does that mean that Robert, Dan, and George fall into that catagory too?

According to someone who posted here, Ginger stated you cannot run someone's IP address from this board

Can someone verify this?

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