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Topics - LucyMax

Pages: [1]
I remember an Annie from Lauderdale. She was younger than me by a few years and I was 16. There was Susie, Doreen (redhead, skinny), Penny (?), some chick I can't remember her name, but remember her face. She sat w/me at my first open house when I talked with my mother. I said something like, "I'm only supposed to say good things, right?"

The open house--much later but I was still on the friggin' front row--was when I mouthed off. I was quickly escorted out of the room. Don't remember who the staff was. There were two of them, my parents and me in a back room. I was threatened with MacClenney if I didn't stay. I stayed. Escorted back to the meeting, told the audience I was sorry. Doreen got pissed when they broke out into applause. That was when I learned to play the game.

I wish I knew last names.

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