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Messages - cajun75

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I want to thank you for bringing your thoughts and memories of the seed to this forum. I think I truly put the whole experience behind me once I left. I did not think about it much, yet I don't know if I intentionally just blocked out the whole experience and that was just the mechanism I used to deal with it or not. I brought this up to me Dad and he said the seed tought me to take responsibility for my life. I tend to disagree with him as how can a child take responsibilty for his own life without being tought kindness, unselfish love, and character from the ones who love them. I think I just coped with the situation, went through the motions, and was glad to just leave. I still think my father had some responsibilty for my actions as I was just reaching out for attention. For my situation, you do not leave children at home, leave town for a week at a time, and excpect 14 and 15 year olds to take responsibilty for themselves. I am speaking for myself and my brother. I would never dream of doing that to my children. I think as I grew older, I did take responsibilty for my life but responsibilty begins at home at an early age from nurturing parents. I never got that as a child. I think the experience has tought me to be a kind and caring person, but it took me a long time to realize this as I struggled to know myself. I was bitter after leaving the seed and was just determined to make it on my own. It has been only in the last few years that I have reconciled the differences and ill feelings I have had regarding my parents. It took self realization and learning to know myself and a strong belief in God. I can say that I was not mistreated while I was at the seed. I went into the Seed in February 1975 and I was not strip searched and I don't know when they started this. My brother who was also there says the seed saved his life. I think everyones prespective and circumstances are different as I do not feel as though the seed saved my life.

Kind Regards,


The Seed Discussion Forum / Out of Wak and others
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:42:00 PM »
Yes Jupiter, you are indeed right. I did not say I have forgotton my past or did not care about the future but I do live in the moment. I have forgiven all of those people that have hurt me in the past and that includes myself. I certainly have made many mistakes in the past and that is also how I learn about myself. If I touch a hot stove, I do remember it and know not to keep touching it. I do not worry about the future but know as long as I take care of the moment, the future will take care of itself. Of course I make decisions at the moment that will effect the future.

Kind Regards,


The Seed Discussion Forum / Out of Wak and others
« on: November 22, 2005, 11:31:00 AM »
Dear All,

We have all been conditioned and brain washed in some degree or another. Whether it is by government run schools and the propaganda they teach, the seed and the peer pressure they use, churches, parents, everywhere. If you want to know how we have really been lied to, just learn about Jekyl Island and how our whole monetary system has been created and about the Federal Reserve. We are still living in a free country but times are changing with the patriot act. If you want to leave the country, they are now about to create passports with micro chips in them. It is all about control. I was tought that I (me) is my job, status in life, money, all about ego. What nonsense. What matters to me is kindness, compassion and love. I study and learn to know myself. I live in the present and not the past or the future. Through self realization I am trying to break the conditionings and brain washing that I have been subjected to my whole life.

Kind Regards,


The Seed Discussion Forum / Out of Wak and others
« on: November 21, 2005, 08:40:00 PM »
Dear All,

I think the key for me is to be my own master and think for myself. I hope this forum teaches everyone to do just that. When I was in the seed, I did not have much of a choice, I was only sixteen. I had an overbearing father who put me there and he still can be an overbearing parent although he has good intentions, and yet, in spite of all of this, I sure Love him. Greg and Ginger, it sounds like you guys had a father like that also. I wish I had the chance to have gotton to know him. Even Jesus says be your own master:

From Aquarian Gospel:
Vidyapati said to jesus, The coming age is not the age of spirit life and men will pride themselves as saints. The simple rites that you will introduce will be extolled by those who follow you, until the sacred service of the age will far outshine in generousness the priestly service of the Brahmic age. This is a problem men must solve. The perfect age will come when every man will be a priest and men will not array themselves in special garb to advertise their piety.  

In the Gita Arjuna asks Krishna, what drives people to commit sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if by force?

The Lord Said:

It is desire, born of passion and later transformed into wrath, that is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world. As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror by dust, as an embryo by the womb, so knowledge is covered by desire. Thus knowledge is veiled by desire, the eternal enemy of the wise, which is never satisfied and burns like fire. It lives in the senses, the mind, and the intelligence, using them to cover knowledge and bewilder the living being. Therefore first control your senses, Arjuna, then slay this sinful destroyer of knowledge and self-realization. The senses are elevated, but above them is the mind, and above the mind is the intelligence; yet the self is even higher than the intelligence. Knowing yourself to be transcendental to the intelligence, steady the lower self by the higher self and defeat this formidable enemy called desire.

Kind Regards,


Feed Your Head / They Thought They Were Free
« on: November 18, 2005, 10:21:00 PM »
Dear All,

Thought I would share this with you from a book by Richard Maybury about World War II:

It is also important to note that Germans usually get the blame for all 20.9 million murders, but they had plenty of enthusiastic help. Facism was popular all over Europe, not just in Germany. Fascism is, after all, the original Roman philosophy that still has strong appeal, although it is no longer called facism today.
Of course, Hitler was the chief leader, the Axis honcho, so he should get more blame than anyone else. Surely this makes Hitler the most evil person the world has ever seen, and something had to be done to stop him; 20.9 million murders is a mind-boggling atrocity. It certainly is, and this is what led millions of Americans to support aid to Stalin, who was fighting Hitler. But Stalin was twice the demon that Hitler was, if we are measuring evil by body count. Stalin murdered 42.7 million.

It is strangely absurd to suppose that a million of human beings collected together are not under the same moral laws which bind each of them separately.
Thomas Jefferson, 1816

An elevated person looks on friends, enemies, relatives, colleagues, strangers, saints, and sinners - all as equals.
from the Bhagavad Gita

Kind Regards,


Open Free for All / Mormon Man Jumped From Truck Following Argument
« on: November 15, 2005, 09:45:00 AM »
Dear Antigen,

I agree with you in that most religous people are like that to some degree. A lot of zealots from all regions of the world are quick to spin disasters as a sign of God's displeasure.

But I do not think that religion holds the key. I will never find God in a church, a synagog, a mass, or any other religious institution. I seek God within myself. I know now that I am not guilty of anything, that I have forgiven everyone, realize I am a spirit, and that I am  my own master. I follow the principles of the Bhagavad Gita. I have read the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ and know that Jesus came as a great realized soul from God to teach us how to pattern our lives after his and that we will all be resurected like he was. I believe all religions of the world came from the same tree, yet have branched out and segmented. It is the principles of the religions I seek which are the roots of the tree. There have been more wars fought by religous zealots thinking there religion was right. How stupid!

There have been a lot of great souls sent here to teach us if we would only listen. Martin Luther King was one that comes to mind.

Kind Regards,


The Seed Discussion Forum / Some insight(s)
« on: November 07, 2005, 06:37:00 PM »
Dear Anonymous,

Yes I was doing drugs at the time. No I would say I was not an addict. I would also say I was not in trouble. And it is a long story of why my parents put me in the seed.

It started when my parents divorced when I was fifteen. My mother moved to a different town and I stayed with my Dad. He traveled a lot and left me and my younger brother to fend for ourselves while he was out of town. We were not bad kids and I never got in touble with law enforcement. I would never have stole, robbed or would have done anything criminal. Me and my brother had different sets of friends and I think he was in a little deeper than I was. He overdosed on valume one time and that is when my Dad who had heard of the Seed, flew him out to Ft. Lauderdale and that is how he got there. Of course he told them I needed to be there also and that is how I got there.

I think things happen for a reason. I do not regret anything. I think it did give me some direction I needed at that time in my life, although I do not dwell on it and to this day have a very good relationship with both of my parents. We all make mistakes in life but what really matters is how we treat each other and if we can learn from each other as well. I learned some truths at the seed but it still goes deeper than that. If I can teach someone else truths that I have learned in life, then that is a good thing. If someone else can teach me something in return, then that is also good. Like I said before, I have a very deep spritual relationship with God. I know now I am a Spirit and try and pattern my life the way Jesus lived his.

Kind Regards,


The Seed Discussion Forum / Some insight(s)
« on: November 07, 2005, 12:32:00 PM »
Hi Greg,

No, I really don't remember very much to be honest with you. It all seems a blur now. Just living in different foster homes. Went to a couple of high schools there. North Miami Senior High was one of them. I lived with a guy named Terry and his family for a while but I don't even remember his last name. I have never been back to that area of the country. Not because of anything bad, just never had any reason to go back there. When I left I think I just put the whole experience behind me and moved on with my life. I moved back to Louisiana as my father had a farm here and I have never left Louisiana.

Kind Regards,


The Seed Discussion Forum / Some insight(s)
« on: November 06, 2005, 09:56:00 PM »
Dear All,

I just got back from visiting my brother who informed me of this web site. I don't understand the hostility some of you still harbor. I was at the seed from February 75 to February 76. I don't think about it all that much. I finished high school, went on to college and now operate my own practice as a certified public accountant. It was a little different for me as I had to live with foster parents during my year there, as my parents were living in Texas at that time. I sometimes wonder what ever happened to some of the people I got to know during that time of my life. As for as today, like I said, I do not think about it very much at all. My wife knows about it as I do not try to hide the fact I was there. I try living my life today in a loving and caring way as I have a deep faith in God. I don't necessarily believe that because of the seed, I am where I am today but who knows? I was just a kid at the time. I can say I was never mistreated while I was there. I remember Robert, Cliff, and John. I never had a problem with any of them and hope they are all doing well.

Chuck [ This Message was edited by: cajun75 on 2005-11-09 09:14 ]

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