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Messages - Covergaard

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I will base this answer on the fact that you are not a troll.

My wife had a miscarriage some 8 years ago. She was unhappy for 8 months. For a month she was not even able to go to work. We both wanted the baby. I was at her right side the through the entire ordeal.

It is my oppinion that she would come out on the top on in the end, if you give her time to grieve. Try to comfort her instead of priority the glimmering thing floting above your head (halo).

She needs you more than enyone if the father of the child is not around.

BTW. We now have two children.

Tacitus' Realm / Yes kids are rough and who is going to correct them
« on: September 24, 2006, 11:25:20 AM »
Kids can be rough on animals. Sometime they forget that a even a cat is a living animal instead of some electronic gadget and a living animal needs comfort and care.

Who has the assignment of telling them to care about living things. Us! - Their parents. And if we don't interfere, what would it tell them?

That is i Ok to hurt living things and perhaps some day that living thing is a human being.

He would not even have got a slap on his wrist from anyone if he had stepped in and stopped their play. The judge was very clear on that. He was not convicted because his kids did hurt the cat. He was convicted of not doing his job as a parent.

Aspen Education Group / Judging from the transscript
« on: September 22, 2006, 06:39:53 AM »
It seems that they have broken her.

After having looked at the web-site it is not hard to understand why she is not with the man, she once loved.

I frankly hope that she somehow would survive the reaction without getting of the rails she for sure would have in some 3-4 years, when she truely discovers that they have done to her.

That was disgusting Television.

Tacitus' Realm / That is taking parental responsebility serious
« on: September 22, 2006, 04:50:48 AM »
Yesterday a court in Denmark sentenced a father to 10 days in jail because he failed to discipline his two children of a age 5 and 6, when they mistreathed a cat.

The boys took the cat by its tail and swung it to the ground. The cat did hurt a tooth.

The father stood nearby and did not interfere. That send him to jail.

How would it have ended in the States? Would it be the boys that would have been punished in court instead?

Aspen Education Group / Amanda update tomorrow
« on: September 21, 2006, 02:33:02 PM »
According to the Dr. Phil website, there is an update tomorrow - September 22.

What kind of pressure technique do they use at Copper Canyon?

Detaining food?
Isolation rooms?
Group pressure?
Isolation in nature?
Forced exercise?
Phone and mail censorship?
Exit plans?

Dear Alex

Happy to see that you are and in a condition so you can write, which as I understand is a luxury not all survivors can enjoy.

Feel free to inform us if you like what the outcome of the case that started it all, fell out to.

Did the court recognize that you had done some harsh prison time although the correction institution was not approved by the state and did they give you credit for the time served or did they just ignore your torments and imposed a sentence as nothing was happened?

I hope the best for you in the future.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Certain things cost money
« on: September 14, 2006, 04:52:58 PM »
Yes our tax-level is exstremely high.

In return I can any kind of treatment I would need. Health care is included. Education are included.

We pay up to U.N. in full.

Our institutions are runned or controlled by the state. That means that low-paid unqualified personel can not be acceptable in a try to gain profit. The institution would be closed if it is found out.

Yes, we have a small army. Yes, there are not so many Danes around to become soldiers.

All that cost. Denmark is not perfect because we have not found a golden bucket of coins at the end of a rainbow.

And our system does only function fully if we in a combination push and nurse people into work. We have to mobilize every Dane so we can continue to pay so much. That means that we sometime have to invent systems so even people with poor health can work.

Our society as well as yours are under pressure. Our values are under pressure. Parents, as an combined result from a double income society and a lot of new citizens comming into our small country, do not take part in the lives of their children as they used to.

A farmer from a Mittle East country can not be a fartherfigure for his children if he does not learn Danish as well as his children and takes part in our society. That has become a main issue. But even parents with Danish origins spend more time with buying material comforts instead of talking with their children.

So I like many other Danes are looking around in other systems in order to find improvement while we on the other hand have send signals to the rest of the world about leaving us alone.

People perhaps don't like our strategy, but in a way we do not care. Our future is too important, so in a way we must ignore that we sometime hurts people feelings.

We do not want to copy your society and I dont think that you should copy ours. We are two different cultures. But we have discovered certain things you can use and you have something we could use.

As an example of a thing we could use I can mention that we do not have a juvenile court system. Children are mixed with adults inmates. Just this morning a research still showed that children are violated in our residential home for young persons. So there are room for improvement in Denmark too.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Sometime sickness can give you a job.
« on: September 14, 2006, 07:57:53 AM »
As you properly know, your companies have bought a lot of Danish companies because we have inventet software and techology that are second to none.

Some of the reasons are that we test and test our products over.

And sometimes the best candidates for that job iare people that not entirely well as the majority see it. In Denmark we do not believe in correcting a problem that are bearable. This add for candidates illustrates that:

Some children sufferes from diseases where the parents can decide if they want their child to live with it or the want to correct it. I have read about where they try to eliminate candidates for jobs like that by the use of electrical shock.

I am not an extremist that claims that every kind of medicin should not be used on children. My wife has no thyroid gland and she have been medicated since her birth. Without medicin she would be dead in days. Sometime medication is necessary.

But accept that some children just need space, time, structure and an organized enviroment in order to live like the rest of us. Then there is a job for them too.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Itinerant kindergarten and AHDH
« on: September 13, 2006, 12:16:54 AM »
Many years ago children in the city needed a place to stay during the day. Due to lack of space in the cities, we like many other countries developed kindergartens where they parents dropped their kids down in the town, whereafter the children rode by bus to a protected wood outside the city. There they play and eat outside until it is time for a busride back to the city.

It happens every day the year around unless we have a storm approaching.

Dont they kids get hurt from time to time? Yes, they do. It is wood. Not a playground. Broken parts of the body is something that happens every year.

Why continue now that city-planning have eliminated the original problem? Because our research have shown, that certain kind of childrens can benefit by staying out regardsless of the weather: Kids that are overactive regardless of the cause. Kids that otherwise would have been medicated because they would have been too demanding to the often short-handed staff.

Some children are ill and would need medication at some point. But the point can be postponed. Some children would benefit from "being out in the woods" fra the age of 3 to the age of 7 blowing steem of because it is a kind of phase in their life. But our results are good and medication for that agegroup of children are down.

However, some things are yet not researched fully. This group of children have less sickness compared with children from an ordinary kindergarten. Cold is almost not known. We are looking into that at the moment in order improve the healtcare for the other children.

Do you have kindergartens like that overthere or is the risk of a lawsuit too high?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Sexual harassment
« on: September 09, 2006, 02:07:00 AM »
I am a little confused.

Back some months the Danish supermodel May Andersen was arrested. In Denmark our laws regarding sexual harassment is relaxed. Jokes about skin colour, religion, sex etc. in the work space is only forbidden if there is a written policy against it. Danish woman are expected to take care of the problem them selves by slapping the offender in the face: ... isdictions

As investigation in Denmark have shown, May Andersen was wearing blindfold because she was sleeping during the flight. When the flight attendant bend in over her in order to adjust the seat next to her, she woke and slapped him in the face by reflex still wearing blindfold because she felt his breath in her face. That incident resulted in a shameful conviction (Therapy is regarded shameful in some parts of Denmark what ever the cause can be. Recently our government removed the discount in the penalty people convicted of DUI could get if they underwent treatment. The penalty for this crime in Denmark are harsh according to your standards. So just dont do it overhere).

And you are recommeding a kick in the ball? Could your child not risk being procecuted for some kind of violence?

The Troubled Teen Industry / What kind of problem needs that adressing?
« on: September 08, 2006, 05:59:46 PM »
I would not stick my nose into others affairs but could you give us a hint of what so ever reason that could result in sending a almost mature person away just as it should start a life of its own?

I know of the D-word. The states is a huge area and we are talking one child and I don't know how many family members in your family. Is that child not out-numbered if you choose to go into a wood in a tent with the child until the effects of the drugs is wearing off and a sensible conversation can take place?

I also know of the P-word. A grand-son or grand-daughter in the middle of an education is not aiding to a good result. A lot of young girls have a all bright picture of motherhood. But if you can afford some $ for a out of country programn, it should not be a problem to buy some simulation equipment like and some talks with a health visitor if you have them over there. Let her having her back killing her after a week carrying the extra weight. I still remember my wife back then. I remember the sleepless nights when our son had his first teeths.

Then there is the A-word. As a Dane I do not qualify talking about drinking. When time comes and if they lie around in the morning after having talked into the big china phone, I would properly do as my father did. Wake them by pouring cold water out over their face and body and make / force them to drink the strongest coffee possible that can leave the cup without the use of a spoon. Then a long walk often seems to the best place to talk about a proper way to enjoy alcohol. But as a Dane my task would be how to adwise my child to stay able to do normal work while enjoying about 55 liters of pure alcohol troughout the year as most of us Danes do. I respect that you have another culture and my adwise regarding that subject would not useful in another culture.

But then - Without a hint of what kind of problem, we are talking about, it is difficult to point out a solution to you. A solution that would mean that you can keep your child closer to home and spare you from wasting a lot of money and most certainly destroy whatever education You have planned for her.

So spill it!

Aspen Education Group / TAR as we talked about it in Denmark
« on: September 02, 2006, 01:35:30 PM »
The "Brat camp II" serie had just been on Danish television and here are some of the reactions.

In our courts some of our soldiers from Iraq have been on trail. Their crime: They have kept suspect terrorist in stress position for hours. As we saw "impact" the youngster had to sit all day. They could not lie back because they would be accuesed for trying to sleep. If that is not a keeping people in a stressful position, I don't know what position that would be called that.

The bapist church thing would be a crime. In Denmark this church is a minor church and forcing someone with a different faith to attend what most Danish people would call an extremism form of Christianity would certainly also be regarded as a crime.

Two years have gone since the serie had been shown. The successes of 5 of them had in some way been confermed. But it seems that we have to wait for the rest to live for some time after they have turned 18.

It seems that they for the most part have lived in fear from being send back. I have to see pictures of one of them just before her 18 birthday and some months after. She was a lovely girl on the first picture (not even her hair was colored) and now she have tatoos and piercings a lot of places even several in her face.

Some of her letters to a friend even showed some kind of manic tone in her answer if one dares to critize her parents decision to send her there. Her parents were god even though I happen to know that one of them accuesed her for pushing them into suicide thoughts.

TAR is a sick place for parents to hide away their responsibilities for those childs they themselves did put into the world.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Recent changes in Denmark
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:41:45 PM »
About year 2002 we got a new government in Denmark. They have started an ideological war in order to preserve what we regards as Danish culture.

One of the first object were stop to support to continuation schools. A lot of them were driven out of some socialistic or right wing christian or even islamic ideology.

In Denmark we have a rather relaxed relationship with religion and therefore we can not have schools in Denmark that do not support the typical Danish lifestyle.

The major player is this industry is "Tvind" named after the city where it was founded some 40 years ago. Once a true socialistic driven company, they now operate airound the world and some of their farms in Africa almost have slave-like conditions for the local hired help. The management was arrested for cheating with state funds and we await the final result in our courts.

We also had problems with parents that did not like our western lifestyle and their children ended up in some Far East country if they did not like their parents future choice for husband or wife.   Once the children returned they had difficulties to fit in. Of course it was not acceptable Two years ago a law was passed that ordered schools to report if a pupil did seem missing for a month.

Denmark may seem a little overcontrolled according to international standards, but it have its benefits for the children too. The strict control that have been tighten up since 2002 have also revealed places that have mistreated children.

So change your laws. As a taxpaying citizen I can not understand how the local government in Florida can continue to accept the dumping of 18 year old children from the TB in Jamaica with just 50 dollars or less in their pocket.

Those children will for sure be a burden for the local tax-payers and properly with all that emotional scars never be able to achieve an income that truely illustrate their potential.

The Troubled Teen Industry / "Brat camp" closed in Denmark
« on: September 01, 2006, 06:58:16 AM »
The  authorities has rewoked the licence for the institution "Atlantis" in the town of Naestved on the south of Zealand.

In Denmark every instution has to have a licence and a special ยง17 committee consisting of politicians can visit every licenced institution unannouced whenever they like.

Also it is very seldom that the parents alone are allowed to send their children away. The authorities has to approve and often it is done because the parents have some problems that makes it impossible for the children to stay home.

However the politicians were quite surprised when some people told that they have seen three children walking a 10 kilometre march as punishment unattended by any adults. Later investigation did show that beside the use of march as punishment also rude language and cold washing were among the treatment these children from age 4 were exposed to.

During the summer our politicans have been around the institution several times and it has been their conclusion that nothing could be done to improve the conditions with the current management in charge. So they finally rewoked the licence. Perhaps the children would now face some good in the future.

About the news (In Danish) ... 083742.htm

About the children being send into school without food, proper clothes and sometime even diagnozed sick later during the day. - (In Danish) ... 065753.htm

About the discovering of three boys marching in the middle of the night unattended (In Danish). ... 072917.htm

The Troubled Teen Industry / Isolate your self with the child
« on: August 28, 2006, 02:58:41 AM »
It is almost impossible to achieve silence in a modern world. And silence is necessary for people to talk about important subject. We are surrounded by phone; email, TV, SMS etc. and it all have to be turned off.

It is not accidental that pilot during the Vietnam War did shut off their radios during air-to-air combat. They needed to stay focused on their task.

Your child also have to be focus on the message you want to give him about him thinking of leaving this life and in order to achieve that you have to remove any other disturbing factor.

If I were in a situation where nearby therapy had failed, I would arrange with my job to take some time off. I would make arrangement with my family to get the other children looked after by them. And I would take my child out in nowhere and camp with him/her alone. Of course a relative would have to come with food supplies on a regularly basis and look in if we still are alive.

But the rest of the time it would be just me and the child looking at each other and at some point start talking.

You can not know what the reason for his depression can be and if it by chance has something to do with something he could have eaten or inhaled it would take at least 36 hours for him to get into a clear state where you can talk.

But I do know from my experience of having people with thought like that at close range, that they are crying out for support and the person, who is closed to him, must be you.

So try to get to a peaceful place where you can talk undisturbed, when he is ready.

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