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Messages - Covergaard

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Someone want the truth oppressed: ... on=history

Two IP-numbers seems to be active: ... .66.37.145 ... 181.151.57 is:

OrgName:    American Wireless, Inc
OrgID:          AMERI-134
Address:      845 E. Skyline drv
City:             St. George
StateProv:    UT
PostalCode: 84770
Country:       US is:

OrgName:    Qwest Communications Corporation
OrgID:          QCC-22
Address:      1801 California Street
City:              Denver
StateProv:    CO
PostalCode: 80202
Country:       US

Who might hide behind those two numbers?

The Troubled Teen Industry / It is an oddly court-system
« on: October 24, 2006, 03:45:48 AM »
When you mentioned your parents doing drugs and alcohol, it is also clear than your case differ from most the cases, parents ask advise about in this forum as well as the others.

Normally I would not recommend that a child in problems should be removed from it parents because the child need support and trust from the persons which is the most connected to the child.

But in your case as well as in others were the parents either have a problem of their own or they just don't have the ability, the intellect  to connect to their child or just not care for their child (The child could be the result of a rape) - it could be a sollution to send the child away.

If I had been the judge in your case, I properly would have send the entire familiy to Utah. I don't know whether you have siblings, but as I see it, they would have been in danger too.

I don't know how the court addressed your parents problem. You are of responsible for your own actions, but they also had their share of blame in it. I hope that the court ordered some kind action taken against them.

As for you. I am still saying that you have won a battle - not a war. Dependence is a life-long sickness as well for you as for your parents.

And you case is not mainstream for the poor children destroyed in the industry. I don't understand the court. If they don't own the place or they don't visit the place in person once a month, why did they choose it?

And a last remark: Most parents are not in denial of alcohol or drug use in this forum. They are in denial of their lack of parental responsibility.

I have seen more than a few cases where the child was beaten up severely by their oh so sorry parents and where the parents have tried to send them away in order to avoid the bruises or broken limbs to be detected.

Also sexual abuses of the child being done by an uncle or other relative have resulted in the child being send away in order to avoid scandal for the family in the local community.

Of the private owned institution would not try to bring their customer - the parents - to justice. If they do, they would loose income.

I am fully aware that a child on the run is very stressful and in anger of being a victim of a crime. But when a child i recaptured there should be a holding period of perhaps a week in a public controlled institution before the child i brought back. The child needs rest and claimed abuse of children should investigated.

That is why we in my country have so much control and not even we are 100 percent flawless.

Just last summer people began to wonder why kids down to 8 year wandered alone along roadsides in a town 60 kilometres from my town without adult present. And we was talking 11 p.m. Investigation showed that it was a punishment in a institution that a child should walk the amount 8 kilometres alone at night if the child was 8 years old. If the child was 11, the punishment was 11 kilometres.

Just imagine what it would have looked like if a car had struck the poor child.

Of course the instution is now shut down, but the case showed that our politician had received negative reports about that exact instution for almost two year without doing something.

And no public interference when a child runs away? It is a grab bag for abuse of the children.

We have to recognise that even drug use can be a result of the child trying to forget abuse by parents and other relatives. Not that I claim it in this case. But generally it is a possibility. No program should take part in a cover-up, but sometimes the ecomomy rules over justice.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I am a parent
« on: October 18, 2006, 03:34:02 PM »
I think you're not a real parent and are trolling for flames.  However, I'll answer the question for argument's sake.

I am a real parent to two children.

I also have a brother that smokes pot when he is not working. It happens one or two time per year and now where he is 37 it has been so for about 15-18 years.

Our hole familiy knows it, his doctor knows it, his case worker in the local authorities knows it, but he is 37 and an adult capable to make his own choices and face the consequences. So no one is going to send him anywhere.

Due to the cultural differences we see it different over here. We would interfere at once when it comes to a person being under 18.

But it is always done in corporation with the local authorities, so we can be certain that it is not a overreaction to a normal teenager behavior. Some of the programs in your country seems to function on the conception that the parents are the legal system when it comes to decide whenever a child need the ultimative punishment, you ever can hand out to a child - deportation. There is no demand for the police, a judge or even medical personel to look into the case before the child is punished.

It is wrong. You need to see the whole picture. What is the drug use is the result of sexual abuse? Is it OK to send the child away. Would it not be better in such cases to prison the parent responsible and arrange for foster parents for the child?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: So what DOES work?
« on: October 18, 2006, 01:33:31 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest"
Some good advice was already given, though I don't know that I'd try taking him out to "nowhere" for a few weeks to detox is something you should do yourself.  Good wilderness "programs" [yes, programs} do that sure, but they do much more, including some issue-specific counseling and discussions, workbooks, and psych sessions.  And the more is important to the process.

Actually, the "best" approach depends on his history.  Is drug use recent?  Different "friends"?  How long have there been problems?  What else has gone on in his life since a year or two before the problems were noted?

In the end, a time to detox and have some guidance is in order, as is family involvement in therapy/counseling.  But more may be in order as well - it depends on what the roots are and how long they've been growing.  And not all ed-cons are bad.

The problem with using a program is that it is so hard to find a program that would set the welfare of your child first before their income. All too often they would recommend another program after the first one and the treatment needed is limited to your wallet instead of your sonĀ“s need.

And you also had to take into consideration that you by sending your child away adds a trauma. If the original cause for his drug use is the often groundless feeling of being abandoned, you would worsen the problem by sending him away.

Perhaps if there was a kind of father-son program where you both ends up in nowhere under professional guidance, you could avoid this very serious problem.

But as I see the market for detox program in your country, it is grab bag where firms makes a huge profit based on the ordeal of the children and their parents wallet.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Isolate him
« on: October 18, 2006, 10:03:12 AM »
Consult with your family and arrange for a couple of you to take your son out in nowhere, where you can talk person - to - person and try to find out whatever the reason for his drug abuse is.

Make sure that you are totally isolated. No car. (Get someone to remove it.) No mobilephone, he can use.

There is always a reason hidden somewhere. A tiny detail like sexualitet, not feeling wanted, difficulties with being a part of a group etc. may have triggered him into doing drugs. You have to be openminded and accept if your boy wants boys instead of girls.

If he is a part of a program, that doesn't work he is at a point where he had accepted that he is drug user. That is good, because you can not go anywhere with a person that does not accept his problem.

A major problem is that it take 2 or 3 weeks for him to get the drugs out of his system. That is the time it takes before his answers is not influenced by the drugs.

There is programs outthere that knows that and are ready to dig deep in our pocket and treat your boy like trash during this time. They don't need to work with your son. They just have to wait and claim the result when he is detoxed.

It is your choice if you will outsource this process or you will do it yourself and be able to talk with your son in 2 or 3 weeks.

Here is a guy, which is at a place that only have one outcome for the most people.

He would prefer to be where he is now instead of a WWASP facility.

It makes you think - doesn't it?

The Troubled Teen Industry / It is fine, but beware
« on: October 15, 2006, 02:20:50 AM »
Quote from: "KJ"
You all are fucking crazy.....I just left Aspen Ranch and it was absolutely amazing! No they didn't TEACh me to say these things or brain wash me either. I spent a fair time in R&R and I got in plenty of trouble. but AR saved my fucking life! Please don't bash on things you have no first hand experience with!!!!!! :exclaim:  :exclaim:  :exclaim:

I've never seen a more ignorant bunch than those of you on this site. Most kids there came from AAA (the wilderness program) and over 90% LOVED it and would go back if they could! Suck it up...just because you don't agree with it....people who have been there KNOW THE TRUTH!!!!!!! :exclaim:  :exclaim:

It is fine to hear that they have been able to control a problem you have been dealing with.

But it was a battle won, not an entire war. The war is about to start, when you leave a structured environment, where you were isolated from whatever threat, you were up against.

It is now, that you have to face your problem head on. They have given you a time-out, perhaps even a well-needed rest. They have NOT saved your life.

It is only you that can save your own life by the decisions you make. Not me, not your parents, no the guys on this message board, not Aspen Ranch - but YOU!

You could have been spared from the stay at the Ranch, if your entire family had joined forced and cornered you by an intervention followed by a home based program. It would have prevented you from experience the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder; you would feel the effects from in some years.

But they did not choose to deal with the problem, but bought a package deal instead like they would buy a car. And it is somehow understandable, because dealing with problems of this kind is demanding if communication is not an issue in a home. Because nobody should be committed beyond their abilities, you should never blame them.

But as I have state above, nobody but YOU can save your life. So hang in there.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Good programs
« on: October 12, 2006, 04:40:04 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Yeah- from their goals of doing drugs, being violent towards family members and getting into trouble.  You people are SO ignorant and angry that you can't see thet there are GOOD programs (which I will not name- we know how that goes here) that rely on isolation and censorship- to help kids GROW emotionally.  You people just don't get it!  This is exactly why I post on ST- and not in this shit pit.

Yes, there is good programs outthere.

A good program is a program that only keep the person admitted for the period needed to fix the problem. A stay over a year is not fixing the problem. It is earning money.

We also have drug use in Denmark. And we solve the problem by intervention from family and friends. This step can take up to 10-12 hours.

The next step can only be taken, when the user admits that he has a problem. You can drag a horse to the trough, but you cant force it to drink.

A good program only accepts users that had taken the first step themselves. It should not take those, that someone drag to the program in handcuffs.

Step two is detox and learning skills so the user dont go back to his home. This step must not take longer than about 4 weeks. The personal war against drug use is not won in an enclosed enviroment. There you only can win battles, not the entire war. It is won in your home.

A good program recognise that every person has his past, his roots, his relatives. The user is isolated physically, but not mentally. Unlimited Email and Web-access should be the minimum and there should be no censorship. If a relative can not be present at the treatment facility and that is regretable not always the case, supporting communication is the motivation for the user to go on the program. It would prevent the user from feeling left behind and deserted.

Step three is winning the war, while you live in your normal community. But you always has to remember that drug use is like cancer. Relapse is a real risk throughout the rest of your life. Acknowledge that and you are on the top.

A good program acknowledge that the battleground is there were the drug use started and send the user back facing the problem as soon as the user is ready.

The problem is that good program are hard to find because a lot of people just have to feed of others suffering. They can't help it. I am afraid that being a maggot or volture is a darker side of the human nature.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I too wonder
« on: October 12, 2006, 02:51:56 PM »
As a person living outside the States, I too wonder.

What is the difference between isolating your kid in your home and in some institution giving education not recognised by the United States Department of Education?


I just dont get it.

I am touching a hot topic here and homeschooling is not the answer for a human being facing the challenges of the modern society.

We have tried so to build an education system here Denmark, which should be second-to-none, when it comes to live here in our country. We are almost there and the sacrifices have been so harsh. We had to cut back international relationship in order to understand ourselves better and make us better Danes.

It is costly and there is a huge demand for information and a free speach debate in that process for both the youth and the adult.

Restricting acces to information, communication and impose censorship for books, litterature and other media prevents the child from achieving their goals.

According to someone on the internet, there is students attending some kind of "school".

Is there anybody, which knows something about it?

The Troubled Teen Industry / For crying out loud
« on: October 05, 2006, 02:26:21 PM »
Your child is watching a role model somewhere.

Who is the role model for her intake of food?

Where are you in the picture? What kind of example regarding exercise do you show her?

When I use my car from work I drive home and walk to the school where I pick up my kids and we then walk together home.

When I am using my bike, I go directly to the school wearing bike helmet just to show them what they shoud be wearing while biking home. (I am a former Ironman and my average speed on a bike is 20-25 mph, which is the other reason for wearing a helmet.)

If you eat healthy food and stops the use of fast food, then she would also eat what you are eating. What is not around, they can't ask for.

Exercise together and you will properly have some fun together.

The Troubled Teen Industry / How to order a transport ?
« on: October 01, 2006, 03:40:14 PM »
As you properly know the sick form of entertainment which started in Europe (Sending european teens to Utah.) are now airing season four. ... index.html

This time the parents would join their kid in the desert from the start.

I just wonder if this kind of concept catches on. How are you going to order the transport service?

"Please send a group to fetch my teen, my wife and me self. I would send you the key for the frontdoor, so you can sneak in and surprise us."

Brat Camp / That is a new concept - The parents are in all the way
« on: September 29, 2006, 04:18:06 PM » ... index.html

This time the parents would join their kid in the desert from the start.

I just wonder if this kind of concept catches on. How are you going to order the transport service?

"Please send a group to fetch my teen, my wife and me self. I would send you the key for the frontdoor, so you can sneak in and surprise us."

Aspen Education Group / I just wonder
« on: September 28, 2006, 03:00:53 AM »

Level 1: Impact

You are forced to sit in a circle a full day or more. You are not allowed to lie back. You have just arrived properly by force or tricked to the place unknowing what is about to happen.

If it is not being called "put in a stressful position.", I dont know.

If a Danish soldier did so with a suspect, he would be convicted in court. I know it because we just had a trial like that.

Why should a terror-suspect have more rights than a child?


As most of the world now know, we don't enforce religion on people. I am a member of the largest church in Denmark. Being forced to attent a church of a nother fraction of the Christian world, would in my oppinion be regarded as someone telling me to worship an idol instead of my god.

Eventhough we all are Christian, there is a difference. That is what Nothern-Ireland is all about. And we danes had also had our suffering during the reformation.

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