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Messages - Covergaard

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If your child uses the information, he received by seeing porn on the internet for a ....... private.... purpose, it can benefit his health and prevent postate cancer. ... 319.x/abs/

So if you walk in on him while he is enjoying himself try to maintain a tedious level of speech and ignore his actions. Punishing him (I know that this kind of activities is outlaws in some states, but there is no reason to call the police station.) could endanger his health on long-term basis.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Replying a non-troll
« on: November 08, 2006, 07:56:32 AM »
I will try to reply as if this thread was not started by a troll.

Yes, it is normal for children down to about 12 to watch porn on the internet. Just remember to tell them that what they are seeing is not naturally. It is an act like a film, they watch on the telly. Don't discipline them but tell them that poor women and men are being exploited just for the good of entertainment.

Danish youngster has to be 15 years of age to practice sex and 16 years of age to buy alcohol legally.

They see pictures and drawings of genitals during the mandatory education in our public school when they are about 13 or 14, so it can not come as a surprise for them, when they see it live one day.

If we don't make a drama out of everything, they would not try and hide these activities from us.

The Troubled Teen Industry / How I got involved
« on: November 07, 2006, 05:58:50 AM »
I am half Dane and half Finn. During my childhood I had problems being fitted in like everyone that comes to Denmark with a different background. We are a small culture and are used to be supressed by either those crazy people from Sweden or nazis from Germany. That makes us suspicious. I can now say us, because I have found my place.

I have never used drug and alcohol is no problem because it is legal for Danes to buy it legally once they are 16.

Then one day a Danish television broadcasted "Brat Camp". I know that I could have ended up in such a place if it were legal in Denmark. So I investigated and found out that the industri acts like our institutions did some 30 years ago. Yes we had abuse then, beating was a cheaper way of keeping the poor childs warm during winter than a central heating system.

But I also recognized that the zero-tolerance against drug had opened a window of posible abuse. If we adopt your way of doing thing, Danish children would be victim of abuse.

Just a few years ago it was shameful to consult a Ed con - so shameful in deed that people changed their names when they were diagnosed out of respect of their family. Now everyone seems to need treatment and we are not so good to question the qualifycations of the doctors, if they are doctors at all.

For once I would work for that no Dane can undergo treatment without courtorder or voleentary commitment. At no point, the decision about treatment should be done by the parents alone. Teen escort must not at any point be legal in Denmark. If a court decided that a child need treatment, the court must order athorities to remove the child from home. Only then we can ensure that unnecessary force against a child can be prevented.

So in order to stop us from adopting your way, I use every chance to publish knowledge about abuse. I hope that answers your question.

BTW. Nabi's article has been translated into Danish and the largest newspaper in Denmark published the story.

The Troubled Teen Industry / We all need to know about such firms
« on: November 07, 2006, 04:44:20 AM »
If we don't display information about the existense of such companies, then we can't get our politicians to outlaw them.

As a Dane, I was shocked to learn that such a cruel thing is allowed in your country.

Denmark is not perfect by any means, but if someone outside Denmark helps us out by pointing out our errors, we would be glad to help you out.

And my hope is that I one day can enter a statement, that would tell the readers that such firms EXISTED - not EXIST.

Brat Camp / When parents endure worse than their child (SPOILER: BC4)
« on: November 07, 2006, 03:32:01 AM »
According to reviews from (Brat Camp 4 - Family brat camp) one of the moms could not take the discomfort of Idahos desert anymore and pulled her family out of the program.

Her son which were buttered by som slight anger issues, seemed to come along quite fine, but she could not take it anymore.

What does it tell us?

According to my opinion it serves as an example of how we priorities. Some of us would go further in order to ensure the best possibilities for our children. I would through fire so save mine.

But some will go on living as they use too and outsource problems and hard work like cleaning the house often is outsourced.

It is sad - just sad.

I would invate parents to tag along your child in the future, when you send him or her to a program.

- Please wear the orange jumpsuit with your child
- Please lie down at the side of your child in OP
- Please sit all day in a stonecircle without shoes.
- Please lie hogtied along your child in High Impact
- Please occupy the dog cage next to your child in High Impact
- Please take a seat next to your child in handcuffs when the teen escorts comes for your child.

Only then when you are visible showing your child what you are prepared to go through, the love of your child is guaranteed.

The Troubled Teen Industry / The parents could go too
« on: November 07, 2006, 02:48:51 AM »
Family Brat camp from twentytwenty production has just finished a series, where the parents went along with their child.

It worked good for two of the four.

It might have worked for three out of the four, but the mom could not face reality and discomfort in the desert, so she took the family out even when her boy seemed to improved. She just would not solve the problem.

I can understand why some parents outsource the whole thing to a strange company. It is hard to work with one self and those issues we all have. Yes, we have them all because we are human beings.

We can also change them if we face the fact that there could be a problem.

So my input is: Tell them that you as a parent would send the entire family out starving in the desert if they don't behaive. Just put the housekey in a envelope in front of them to tell them that an escort firm could come at some point and escort the entire family away in handcuffs.

How do you think you relationship with your parents would have been, if they had lied next to you in OP, a stone circle or in a dog cage? Would they by their own torment show you that they cared for you?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Are there a limit for the force used?
« on: November 05, 2006, 03:35:07 AM »
I knew that they can use handcuff.

What kind of other tools can they use within the law?

Eletric batons?
Peper spray?

And regarding restraints. Are they only limited to handcuffs?

I have just created a webpage on wikipedia about teen escort companies, because we all needs to know about this shortcoming in the US child protection laws.

I could need some links to the law which allows such companies to exist and also in some kind of license is need to operate in this kind of business.

Please do not try to tamper with the text if you are an employee or owns a business or have been an unfortunately client of such a company. The rules of Wikipedia states that any article has to be NPOV (Which can be rather hard, if you are describing a program or a consentration camp.) but so are the rules.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Write books
« on: October 31, 2006, 05:14:37 AM »
I have seen that several mothers had written books about their mother / daughter relationship and how they saved their childs life by the so-called hard decision to send it away.

Suchs books is about polish their own halo.

But I have also seen books like 63days which is in progress. It is such personal stories about an unhuman system, we European people would like to read about.

If several survivors join together in a single book and it could be published, I would throw light on the abuse.

I know from this forum that all the programs try to avoid that you talk with each other after you have left the institution. Their goal is that you all just stand a single person claiming the abuse so that the general public can not see that there is a system of abuse going on there.

At first hand it seems that is far out that you need to turn some 6000 miles away to get help, but as you had written yourself:

Money rules!

And there is a hell of a lot of money in exploiting families in crisis.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Get foreign support
« on: October 31, 2006, 03:54:27 AM »
You have to network. You need to get your stories told outside the reach of WWASP and Aspens lawyers.

That means Europe, where your parents would get no understanding about hireing someone to take you out of your bed in the middle of the night just because they fell like it.

As hard and tearful it is to remember you torment, it is important to get your story told.

We have done a lot in our country, but still we have people living that have gone through the same kind of torment and abuse some 40 years ago.

One of those groups are:

I would personally also try to create websites on the Danish version of wikipedia, so the stories can be told. The public eye should be on what is going on in those institutions. Abuse is only possible when it is hidden.

Aspen Education Group / Well it is another country
« on: October 31, 2006, 02:21:07 AM »
I can understand the drug issue, but not the anger issue.

We do not have laws about sexual harassment etc. and girls are expected to slap an offender in the face if he does not listen to a message. ... isdictions

That difference in our cultures meant catastrophe for a fellow countrywoman: She had to undergo a rough and unnessesary treatment, that properly will destroy her life on long term and make it impossible to socialise in the Danish society. It is a punishment that did not suit the claimed crime and correspond to being ordered to wear a bandage when the leg is not broken.

In Denmark no court would address an anger issue. If that anger issue results in crime, its jail time. But we would never try to order someone to alter their behavior. And there is a very good reason for doing so, because when can you stop altering people personalities and maintain democracy.

And your statement only strengthen my position: A program should only be used as a result of a court order. No child should be sent to a program without a sentence. 2% in the wrong place is 2% whose life is at danger.

I am glad that the torment did turn out good for you but remember that they did not save your life. It is up to you.

Aspen Education Group / No troll here
« on: October 30, 2006, 02:47:43 AM »
Quote from: "Milk Gargling Death Penal"
I call staffer or troll. IP check please?

I do not think that KJ is a troll. I do believe in his story about him being sent there by court order.

If I were a Judge I would order the removal of all the children from his home and intensive family therapy for the entire family.

We do have some special isolated "homes" where family in crisis have to live in, if the children is at danger and that was obvious KJ's story.

I agree that programs are needed, but the use of them should only be when a court or another athority has evaluated the child. Not a single parent should be allowed to ship their own child away without approval. If they tried to, its jail-time. The child is the parents responbility and there are so many solutions at hand. It is only about swallowing your own pride and reach out for help.

Sending a child outside the homecountry should also be regarded as a crime unless it is the entire family that is moving. Moving to another town just to avoid being checked upon should be regarded as a crime. That is how child-molesters work. They need someone to convince that child that a rape is a bad dream or the child herself is to blame. And that is were the program can be of service to the molester, because no program would shut down the money-source. Not for a second. They would aid the molester and make the child think that a rape is the child's own fault.

So I say yes to programs generally, but no programs without the athorities in the hometown of the child checking into it and no to programs that enable a child going there without court order.

And as a last security precausion: The child should have acces to at telephone hot-line to the social services in his hometown without censorship 24-7.

Aspen Education Group / A little question
« on: October 29, 2006, 05:42:03 PM »
KJ - You have told that you were ordered there by court order.

Did you not meat someone that were tricked or abducted there by their parents without the drug reason?

Did you not someone where you asked yourself afterwards:

"Why is this normal or shy kid here?"

Just a question

I am one of a lot of moderators on Wikipedia.

Every kind of encyclopedia made from a human is not neutral. I have my opinion about WWII and some Nazi's have theirs. If I made an encyclopedia on my own, it would differ from an encyclopedia from another guy. An encyclopedia made by 10000 people should therefore be more exact than an encyclopedia made by one person.

The problem is denial and cover-up of facts. There is a lot of denail about what took place in Srebrenica by the Serbs. We are still in an argument regardless that more than 7000 bodies has been recovered. We are getting close to the truth.

Everybody can be a moderator and of course an WWASP employee can also. Every statement has to be confirmed by a neutral source and foreign newpapers and the investigation by the Mexican government is very well dokumented.

In some case people just give up when they are outperformed by facts and goes into vandalism instead. You can not throw away those photos of kids in dog cages. You can not throw away the picture, WWASP allowed to be taken of kids in OP in Jamaica.

That is what those unknown persons from Utah is trying and they would end up being blocked.

Just try and search of almost any subject:

If they continue their vandalism, we would work together and make copies of the articles in the about 30 languages the encyclopedia is translated into. They can not make vandalism in all copies, the system exist in.

The truth will come out in the end. Personally I hope that it would sooner than later. Children are hurt and lifes is cut short due to the abuse every day.

Sending a child away from the home can be a choice of two evils.

If the parents are drug- or alcohol-users themselves or they are mentally unable to deal with other human beings, it must be OK by the state to interfere in the interest of the child.

But it must also be clear that it is never a win-win solution. You are only choosing the less evil.

Solving the problem inside the family at the home is number one.

In Denmark, we remove childs from their home too. And we have both foster parents and RTC too. And I have to regret to say that we from time to time shut some down due to abuse of the children. It would be perfect if all employees did their job properly, but sometime not even a thorough job conversation can unveil laziness or missing abilities at the employee.

At least we try and our government monitors the area very carefully. And of course no child can be removed from the home by his parents choice only. They can not even throw the child on the street without being investigated and in some cases ordered into treatment themselves.

But it does not change the fundamental:

1) The optimal solution is solving the problem at home.
2) All other solutions are a choice of less evil.
3) Every decision to remove a child from the home has to be decided by court or by vote in a committee under the town council.

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