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Topics - the wet noodle

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Guess who's back?
« on: October 24, 2005, 12:18:00 AM »
Wow it has been a long time since I have written anything on this site... so how have you all been?

S'up NCL, Dragon, Shady, Pirate, Withdraw, Antigen, my new friend Princess... and of course my favorite hot high chickee (aka Former prisoner):wave: How the heck have you all been?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Survivors Gathering
« on: September 21, 2005, 06:15:00 PM »
How about starting with a list of what we would bring...I would bring myself, a sleeping bag and an open heart/mind.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Worst Rap Ever
« on: September 19, 2005, 04:22:00 PM »
In Springfield circa April 1987  (Ironically close to April fools day) there was a night rap (Saturday night I think) where exec staff member Dave Hubbard led a rap and asked the group "Who here is aware that Str8 is being sued?"  A few folks raised their hands...

Then Dave said that the court had decided to shut Str8 down and that we would not be coming back to the building the next day...or any day...

I was just off front row at the time and was extremely extatic...I was going home! MY two week nightmare was over!

People began to share about how scared they were that there was not going to be any more Str8... Jack GuthrAg3 was on 5th phase and I remember him crying...

A bunch of other folks shared in that rap about how scared that they were...everyone around me was crying... I was also cryin like a baby (happy tears). I cannot ever recall feeling so relieved about anything in my entire life!

Then after about 45 minutes of pure bliss...that F'Head Dave Hubbard dropped the bomb...

Stra8 was NOT closing :scared: They were sharing about how relieved they were that Dave Hubbard had lied to us...

Argh!!!!! It was horrible!!!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What really went on in Girls Rap?
« on: September 16, 2005, 11:34:00 PM »
Come on girls...spill the beans...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Outside the Box
« on: September 16, 2005, 03:08:00 PM »
Do you think that any of our creative ability comes from Str8? I mean we talk a lot about the negative aspects of sTr8...but what about the positive (albeit unintentional results)?

For example...I tend to be a very creative thinker... I have also heard NCL and Withdraw mention the same thing (i.e. thinking outside the box). I sat on first phase for 15 months of my 22 months of hell...during that time I became very adept at keeping my mind occupied (that is when I wasn't fantasizing about suicide :idea:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / GOODBYE!!!
« on: September 14, 2005, 07:37:00 PM »
I have decided to stop Fornits for a saddens me because I have felt like I connected with some new friends who could relate to me...and the ways that Str8 has affected my life. But when I was attacked for simply stating that I was a member of a 12 step felt like I was back in group and you all were spitting in my face... Life is too short to take this abuse AGAIN...  
:wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:

Love ya Withdraw NCL and Pirate you all rock!!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Siblings
« on: September 13, 2005, 02:08:00 PM »
My sister was never in Str8 with me. She is much younger than me...but she did participate in the sibling group. She actually told me last night that the sibling group scared her so much about the evils of drinking that she did not take her first drink until college.

But I digress...

I was thinking about all of the folks that had siblings in group with them... All of that stuff we had to share in front of the group...all of that sexual stuff... I would never want my sister to know half of the crap that I said in group... I think that having to "confess" all of my inventory in front of my sister would have been absolutely would have been yet another form of abuse...

Can anyone who had a sibling in group let me know how having to share this stuff has affected your relationship since Str8. Are you closer than b4 or did it drive you apart? Do you ever get together and talk about your time in hell together...or do you act like it never happened?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dave Hubbard
« on: September 13, 2005, 12:25:00 PM »
What about executive staff member David Hubbard. Does anyone know what happened to that blond prick? The last I heard of him he was engaged to Barbara Frenz%l. That was about 14 years ago... I doubt that they ended up married considering she was engaged to Mike Ree$e about a month b4 she hooked up with Dave... but love is weird...I guess you never know...

He was one of the most self righteous assholes I have ever come into contact with!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Sessions by the Sea in Ocean City, Maryland
« on: September 09, 2005, 06:30:00 PM »
Have a great weekend all...I am off to Ocean City for Sessions by the Sea. It is a big AA convention at the beach...there is a good chance that I will run into some Str8 alum while I am there... I always do... if any of you are headed up there I will see you at the Plim Plaza...on 2nd street...

I will be away from my computer for the weekend...

Peace ::dove::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / An open letter to Scott M.
« on: September 08, 2005, 06:35:00 PM »
Dear Scott,

On a (I have no idea what the weather was like as my skin had turned yellow from lack of sunlight) day in scenic Springfield, Virginia Circa 1988 I was enjoying having my arms restrained by two of my fellow underage inmates. You (a recently promoted senior staff member)came up behind me and pulled my head back (using my hair as a convenient handle). Do you remember what you said? Well, if not you are in luck because I do... You said:

"Some day years from now when you have forgotten all about this place and forgotten all about me I will find you and I will kick your ass"  

Well...I have not forgotten about you...and I have certainly not forgotten about "this place" but since I am not likely to do either anytime soon I figure that now is as good a time as any to let you know where to find me so you can attempt to carry out your threat.

Please send me a private message and I will be glad to give you my home address so as to help you facilitate your attempt.

Your friend,

The Wet Noodle

 ::both::  ::both::  ::both::

P.S. In the off chance that you gave this same speech/threat to more than one deserving inmate I have conveniently called myself "The Wet Noodle" your own personal pet name for me...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / They turned our parents into the enemy
« on: September 06, 2005, 05:06:00 PM »
I think that one of the worst things about Straight is how they tricked our parents into thinking that Straight was good for us. To this day my parents do not understand the affect that Straight had on me. Straight preyed on the fears of desperate parents who (for the most part)just wanted to have a normal kid.

B4 Straight I was a punk 15 year-old kid who was in a lot of pain...both from puberty and from drug abuse. Unfortunately my parents found Straight instead of another more sane treatment center. Straight told them not to believe me if I said anything negative about the place. I was just being a manipulative druggie after all... Straight even told them to report me (for my own good of course) if I ever seemed like I was having "trouble."

Straight made me fear my parents...parents are supposed to be protectors...and they made them the enemy.

Even today 18 years later as I start to work through all of the crap that went on in that parents still cannot comprehend what happened to me or what they forced me to endure. One of my biggest issues is fear of abandonement...and every damn shrink that I see tells me that it is b/c my parents abandoned me when I was 15 when I needed them the most...

I do not blame my was Straight...they turned my own blood against me(for profit) by making them think they were helping me... That is just soooooooo EVIL!!!!!!!!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Springfield 87-89 where are my peeps?
« on: September 02, 2005, 12:54:00 AM »
I just found this site tonight. I was in the torture chamber (across from the Hardees) for two years. I ran away four times and finally escaped for good in January 89. I spent a total of fifteen months on first phase.

I have heard many rumours about people over the years. Some folks have died? Others are in jail for various things? Some are doing well (I hope). I would love to hear about what has happened to people that I would have known from my tenure in hell...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Springfield 87-89 Question
« on: September 01, 2005, 10:54:00 PM »
I just found this site tonight. I was in the torture chamber (across from the Hardees) for two years. I ran away four times and finally escaped for good in January 89. I spent fifteen months on first phase.

I have heard many rumours about people over the years. Some folks have died? Others are in jail for various things? Some are doing well (I hope). I would love to hear about what has happened to people that I would have known from my tenure in hell...

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