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Messages - Sophie

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!
« on: September 16, 2005, 07:28:00 PM »
See this is weird to me.

First of all.. Straight definately did not teach me to work the steps.  If you think straight taught you to work the have not actually worked them. seems this has turned into a weird pro drug, anti drug debate...similar to the pro life pro choice one.  I am pro choice but do not agree personally with abortion.  I believe people should be able to choose for themselves. Which is a belief system often mistakenly referred to as pro abortion.

I also happen to have chosen a lifestyle that does not include drugs..which in this forum makes me anti-drug...When in fact I believe people should be able to choose whether or not to use based on their personal choice, not because the government hasn't figured out how to make money off of it yet.

So.. why does it make people so uptight about me not getting high and choosing a model to live by that actually makes me happy?  It seems threatening or something?  I don't get it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / GOODBYE!!!
« on: September 16, 2005, 07:15:00 PM »
Wait for me guys! I'll bring the robes and the flowers. Shady don't forget your tambourine sweetie. ::bigsmilebounce::

Seriously, I have been wondering...

What is the suggestion for the person with addiction?  Oh..addiction isn't real unless we are talking about physical addiction?  Is that what I understand?  Compulsive behavior isn't real?  I think I am missing something.

So if not XA... then what?  What is your solution for the "junkie snatching purses or the sweet little old lady getting drugs from her doctor"?  That's the part that confuses me.  I get it why you don't like straight and the 12 step fellowships.  What I don't get is ...what is YOUR solution.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Songs We Sang
« on: September 11, 2005, 10:43:00 PM »
Oh geez.. Emirra.. I must apologize to you if you were in springfield straight during my time there.  zippity do da was the ONLY song I EVER asked for my entire time there.  Didn't matter what kind of rap it was.. I have no idea why I did that.

Ok.  I am going to need to think about what you have said.

I may have to respond in pieces.  (just back from a long trip and groggy).

I do not deny that I have free will.  I believe I can choose whether or not I use.  What I also believe is that I have never been able to moderate my use by myself.  I really did try before straight. Ok.. I'm too loopey to do this now.  I appreciate this discussion and I will get back to it tomorrow.  Thank you for not being disrepectful, but direct.  Having an intellegent conversation about this is much better than having to fight about it.

"Did staff ever talk about the methods they were using?"

Nothing specific I can remember..except the RSC stuff.  That was developed by a psychologist from howard university whose name I cannot remember.

Uh..I remember having to watch a video but I can't remember who it was by or really any of the content.  Sorry.. I had a whole notebook of stuff I was supposed to study.  I remember a dry erase board in the staff office with kids names on them.  I also remember a big board with pieces of paper and thumb tacks with HOMES assignments.  These were very deliberate as well.  

The one thing I remember clearly is that shane W. asked me what kind of staff member I wanted to be.  He asked if there was a character in a movie I would like to emulate.  I did have an idea about that and I spent one afternoon watching the movie and taking notes about the woman what I wanted to emulate.  

that's all for now.

"Sounds to me like you are still convinced that you would be DEADINSANEINJAIL if it weren't for the wonderful staffers at Straight, Inc"

I have no idea where I would be now if I had left then.  I know I wanted to use drugs.  I know that I was in bad shape when I went in there and I know that I was putting my life in danger when I used.  

"you don't have some mysterious "defect of character" that makes you either uncontrollably use drugs or be on the brink of "jails, institutions and death" if you don't work some mystical "PROGRAM". "

I think its interesting that you are saying this, because I never alluded to having a defect in my character.  I do believe I needed to change some pretty fundemental things about my life in order for me to be happy. Now as far as the mystical program part..well, I did need help changing some stuff.  I was fucked up before I went to straight and was just differently fucked after.  I didn't have money for therapy so I went to meetings.  

I don't think its a matter of debating if the path I took was wrong.. I have already taken it.  My life is incredible.  I am in an amazing marriage, my relationships are great with friends and family.  Work is better than I ever dreamed.  I have peace of mind and I am truly happy.  There are a million paths I could have taken..can't speculate what the outcome would have been with much accuracy though.    

"Why someone would choose to paralyze themselves unnecessarily is beyond me"

Please tell me what that means to you.

You have no idea what you are saying to me, so I shant wig out.  This man became a hero of mine, he lived with the most integrity of any human being I've known.  He quit..did you read that part..  Lived, past tense..he died wow..three years ago last week.  weird.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Guided Imagery ?
« on: September 10, 2005, 06:32:00 PM »
My original trauma took place long before straight.  I have recovered a lot of memories.  It has taken a lot of time.  I am more likely to uncover them while discussing things with other people.  I still have an awful memory. My husband gets very frustrated with me because of it.  The upside is he can tell me stupid jokes and I laugh every time because I don't remember them from before!!! :grin:  

About PTSD

I snagged this from a website:

Who is most likely to develop PTSD?

1. Those who experience greater stressor magnitude and intensity, unpredictability, uncontrollability, sexual (as opposed to nonsexual) victimization, real or perceived responsibility, and betrayal

2. Those with prior vulnerability factors such as genetics, early age of onset and longer-lasting childhood trauma, lack of functional social support, and concurrent stressful life events

3. Those who report greater perceived threat or danger, suffering, upset, terror, and horror or fear

4. Those with a social environment that produces shame, guilt, stigmatization, or self-hatred

check out this link ... or/ptsd_4/

Hope it helps. :wink:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Guided Imagery ?
« on: September 10, 2005, 06:06:00 PM »
The not remembering could also be part of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  I believe that is the case for me.[ This Message was edited by: Sophie on 2005-09-10 15:06 ]

Let me clear something up.  The whole touch me and I get started over thing was when I was a fifth phase staff in training..essentially, still on my phases but separated from group.

When I graduated, I got in trouble for dating a cop out..not the whole touching thing.  Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Antigen, It never occurred to me to sneak out or sneak a call.. I knew I was there of my "choice" and that I could go if I wanted. By the time was I alone doing things I was committed to graduating.

 There was one point after I had been started over that I went to the trouble of putting in a formal withdrawal.  I was craving my drug of choice intensely, trying to squeeze old phone numbers out of my brain, I was miserable. Instead of getting stood up etc.. several exec's pulled me aside as had one on ones with me. One a young lady... can't remember her name and one with a guy who used to be a phaser and became an exec.. can't remember his name.. Dave Hubbard? I decided to stay. I was supremely convinced that I would immediately continue my self destruction the moment my feet hit the pavement. And for a brief and effective moment those people helped me see how dangerous that would be.  

After that day I zoomed through the phases, on each the minimum amount of days.  

 Anyway,  It never occurred to me that the place was bugged etc.  I became very close friends later in my life with a former and very briefly tenured executive staff member.  He confirmed to me how fucked up everything was and never mentioned bugging or cameras least not in springfield. He most frequently referred to the twisted financial situation and the keeping kids who weren't addicts thing.  I don't think he was aware of the physical abuse or totally understood the emotinal abuse. He mostly did the marketing stuff, and was never in group except to pick people to go on speaking engagements.  He was there about 45 days and got the hell out...just quit and didn't go back with a wife and baby on the way.. he rocks!

So, long story was the conditioning and self monitoring disguised as a sincere desire to graduate the program that kept me in line. (and graduating represented a commitment to changing my life and a false sense of security in my future happiness and success.)

What was I thinking.. hmmm.

Well, I was on fifth phase for about 40 days and was asked if I was interested in being a fifth phase staff in training.  This newcomers,which was very appealing, no sitting in or standing beside group (I think).  It meant getting to hang out with some cool people, Jim WH*** and Shane W***h.

I remember my mom stating that if you are ready to not be in group etc.. then why don't they just graduate you.  I had no answer for her.

 I was terrified of screwing it up and not getting to graduate.  As I had heard of staff in training females being started over for allowing a male staff member to touch them or something like that.  I remember sitting in the back of group watching Craig St***** lead a rap and Brady M****k smacked the bottom of my shoe..I FREAKED OUT.... I whipped my head around and said DO NOT TOUCH ME so everyone could was insane...

I graduated on the last day of the minimum amount of days you could be on 5th phase..which I think was 62. I went on staff and made my 4 or 5 dollars an hour.

My whole life I was a "joiner", and a leader. President of this and that in high school. I was always looking for a tribe, a community.  Going on staff seemed like a way to join another tribe, be around people that I had spent the last 13 months around. I seriously had no idea what I would have done instead.  All I knew how to do before I signed myself in was, being on tour with the dead and doing drugs.  I had been doing that sort of thing for years.  The only other job I knew was working in health food stores. I felt scared to do that because I always used drugs and met other users in that situation.  So, I figured I should just hang around and be around other clean people.  

My situation was unique in that I really do have addiction, I knew I needed help and I was scared to go back to the way I was.  

After a while,(I really have no idea how long I was on staff) the fog lifted and I was better able to see the contridictions and atrocities.  I started to date a "cop-out" and then all hell broke loose. I remember hugging my old host sister in the parking lot after getting in trouble with execs. and telling her how fucked up the place was.  She copped out a week later and never went back. I told her parents about how fucked up stuff was and she got to stay home. Additionally, I saw that the staff knew that some kids in there didn't have drug problems...well, jr/sr staff knew and couldn't really do anything about it as the executive staff was relying on those families money in spite of whether or not their kids needed "rehabilitating".

I don't know if I answered your question.  I haven't thought about this for a long time.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Guided Imagery ?
« on: September 10, 2005, 10:29:00 AM »
yes, I did see her get restrained..sort of, more like man handled and wrestled to the ground in a ridiculous and violent sort of way be either rob hockersmith or one of the frye brothers.  They were staff and she was..not staff.  I remember intentionally dissociating.. I can see the begining of the struggle and that's it.
 I went in having already survived abuse and had the coping mechanism of totally blanking out before I got there.  I think that's why I lasted in there as long as I did.  If straight had been my first shot at physical and emotional abuse I probably couldn't have tolerated it.  Well.. I am sure of that.
 In conversations with my husband, who was also in straight...but had a totally different experience, I recognize that I was not present for most of my time there.  Upside and downside to every trauma I have ever experienced is that the coping mechanisms that develop are very powerful.

I visited the columbia program.  There were about 40 kids there.. my group had like, 250.  It was small and .

My memory is seriously injured.. I would be better able to answer specific questions.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Motivating
« on: September 09, 2005, 10:26:00 PM »
I don't know how lucky plays into my life...  But yes, my life is good.. i've worked hard for it to be as good as it is.  Thanks for noticing.

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