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Messages - mithygato

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I noticed in one of your posts your mentioned you didn't have time to "go to UT."

Are you talking about the University of Texas?

I live in Austin and if you do too, I think it would be fun to drink some beers and slam straight for awhile.

Peace on Earth.

[email protected]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Words Gone Wrong
« on: May 28, 2003, 07:54:00 PM »

I like the blood stained blue shirt idea - I'd love to see my Mom's face if they found it in my dirty laundry during the X-Mas visit!!!

Didn't know that you finished the program.
To you and everyone else who did, I'm curious what the "graduation" ceremonies were like.
I escaped on 4th phase, so I never got 5th.

The 5th phasers always seemed like a select group (the one at my house stayed out all hours of the night and never got in trouble).

Again, it seemed like no one ever escaped that place - I felt like I was going to spend years there as a prisoner (that's why I booked).
I'm curious what those sick bastards in charge think a graduation from that place constitutes.

Peace on Earth.

M.I.A Straight
Richardson Tx. 88/89

P.S.  Does anyone else remember when the captain from Gilligan's Island came to speak?  Straight again manages to make another fond memory of my childhood witness their manipulation and lies to an unsuspecting altruative person.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dallas, Richardson or Irving Texas
« on: May 24, 2003, 09:15:00 PM »
Yes, It's amazing what people were forced to endure against their will.
I too remember the individuals who actually believed in it, but once I started to see the abuses I began to plan my escape.
Alot of them seemed to take pure joy in the suffering, humiliation and torment of others.
I firmly believe that karma will catch up with them someday, hopefully it has already happened.

I hated Sherri and her husband to death.
They were two of the worst when it came to brainwashing.
Neither had any education whatsoever concerning drug addiction and rehabilitation.  ZERO!
I got my degree in Theraputic Recreation and took many a class with people studing for a degree to work in the chemical dependency field.  There was a big crossover in classes (people skills, personal growth, etc..)  I doubt they had even graduated high school much less earn any degree.
Even when I was seventeen I questioned
 the executives every opportunity they gave me one.  I asked why we were being 'treated' by people who had no certificates or degrees.
As a result, they told me that I would probably make a good counselor when I graduated and that I seemed very intelligent.
HA!  Lot a luck that did for any of us prisoners.
Remember the big black guy - I think he was a psychologist.  What a joke he was.  I had at least three arguments with him in his office during my stay.

One day I almost hit a guy over the back of the head with a ceramic toilet top, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt and possibly kill my hostparents son. I wasn't going to contribute to the madness and violence.

I remember something that may jog your recollection of me.
I had to go to the hospital because the "medical attention" was such a joke.
When I cam back to group they made me lay in bed all day in the room that was next to the time out rooms.
I was throwing up so much I actually made myself sick one morning - and of course the guy watching me in the bathroom accused me of faking illnes (even though I just got out of Presbeterian Hospital).  I was herded in front of the group sick as Hell and screamed at.  You may remember me from that incedent.

It's awesome to know that so many of us have a forum to discuss the nightmare that was straight.  No one else understands it when I try to describe what we all went through - you really did have to be there.
I looked up Straight on the web the other day totally out of the blue.
There's probably a date or incident that I subconsciouly repressed and something made it surface.
It wouldn't suprise me at all.

Did you escape or finish the program?
I know alot of the girls seemes scared to do anything physically, because the bigger ones would make them pay.

Peace and best wishes to you and all who 'participated' in Straight  I've been chatting with a few others who sound like they were also physically,mentally, and/or emotionally abused. :em:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dallas, Richardson or Irving Texas
« on: May 24, 2003, 04:29:00 PM »

Yea, your picture looks familiar.
I don't remember the those twins, but I remember a brother and sister who were fraternal twins.
The boy (I think they were about 16-17) was forced to admit in front of the whole group that he used to take her in the bathroom and sexually assult her.  The group of course tore him apart.  He should have been discussing that with someone who has a PH.D.  I was on 1st phase at the time and remember feeling horrified for both of them.

I also remember Lisa and Will (tall, skinny with short black hair).  I always hated him.

I'm curious if you support the Straight program or not.  SInce you described yourself as a survivor, I'm guessing that you didn't.
I left after getting paid at work one day.
I was on 4th phase when one of my newcomers that was staying with me got beaten down in the timeout room.
I looked in the room after they took him out, and there was blood all over the floor and walls.
That was all I could take - I'd seen too many people hurt and too much self-mutilation.
Although I've read much worse on this forum.

Have a great day - from a fellow fighter and survivor. :roll:


I was imprisoned there in 88/89.

[email protected]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ,
« on: May 23, 2003, 08:13:00 PM »
I was in Richardson Straight in 88/89.
I ran off after witnessing and enduring alot of mental and physical abuse.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dallas, Richardson or Irving Texas
« on: May 23, 2003, 05:40:00 PM »

You were there when I was.
Cameron and Sherri sounds right, I can't believe you remember their names.
My name is David.
When I was admitted I had long curly brown hair.
I remember Amanda and Dawn.
Your name actually sounds somewhat familiar . . . but it was so long ago.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dallas, Richardson or Irving Texas
« on: May 23, 2003, 04:39:00 PM »

I was there either 88 or 89.

[email protected]

I remember two of the main graduated students "staff" was a married white couple in their 20's.
One of the 5th phaseres was a blond girl named Amanda.
Ring a bell at all? :flame:

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