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Messages - KingBuzzard

Pages: [1]
Facility Question and Answers / Re: Ironwood, Maine
« on: December 13, 2011, 10:17:46 PM »
So basically I took the information that you guys gave to me and did my best to write somewhat of a research paper on the subject.  It's not completely unbiased, but I did my best to present the information appropriately.  If anyone would like to read over it and give me pointers or something that would be great.  

I plan on delivering this to her mother tomorrow along with printed copies of some of the articles listed at the bottom.

Facility Question and Answers / Re: Ironwood, Maine
« on: December 10, 2011, 03:55:12 PM »
I'm able to exchange letters with her through her mom and yes I know that I cannot antagonize her parents for the risk of being cut off.  I also realize the importance of me keeping the lines of communication open between myself, her, and her parents.  That's my only option for fixing this.  Again, this is why I need information because if I present strong evidence for my side as well as an emotional appeal then I know I have a chance to change their minds

She's 17, turned 17 at Ironwood about 3 weeks ago.  Waiting is not really a viable alternative for me now.

As for why she was sent away, in the words of her father, "Because of her constant defiance!!"  In other words, because she ignored curfew, didn't do her school work, fought with her parents, etc.  Sounds a lot like what most teenagers do.  She did use drugs recreationally as well as drinking underage.  However, the only thing you could have said that she had an addiction too, would've been marijuana.  Even then it was more habitual behavior than addictive.  She had no real psychological issues to speak of, depression and maybe some anxiety issues, but neither were clinically threatening.  She did need some help, I accept that fact fully, but in no way did she require this sort of "help".

Facility Question and Answers / Re: Ironwood, Maine
« on: December 09, 2011, 11:04:21 PM »
Thank you both so much for your replies.  All information that I can obtain is invaluable to me.

As for how she's doing, well, she's not doing good.  All the letters I've received are incredibly disturbing (I think I said that already, but still).  She says that she feels like a recently captured wild animal, being broken and readied for a show.  She does not have access to a mattress, so I guess that does mean Wayne's legacy does survive.  My friend and I have sent her paintings that we made and books that we enjoy.  She wasn't allowed to keep those.  She even has to hide my letters to her so that the staff doesn't take those as well.  None of this seems right, but thank you both again.  Sincerely.

Facility Question and Answers / Ironwood, Maine
« on: December 09, 2011, 12:40:38 AM »

So I'm new to this forum.  I'm new to RTC's.  In fact, I didn't even know about escort firms at all until about 2 months ago.  Still can't believe they're legal...

ANYWAYS!  My very good friend was recently taken in the middle of night and transported to Ironwood.  So I've been doing research on their organization for somewhere around a week and found far too little.  I'm pretty decent at digging up information on things and I've hit a wall here.  A few days ago I received a batch of letters from my friend and they detailed some pretty disturbing things.  Apparently in level one they don't even have mattresses an that's barely even a start.

Please, if anyone has any information on this program.  Survivor stories.  News articles.  Anything.  I'm desperately trying to help my friend.  She doesn't belong at this place

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