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Messages - Aggressive Alpha Male

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Elan School / When did elan stop dressing people up in crazy costumes?
« on: November 27, 2006, 07:31:40 AM »
The costume concept was an idea of the hi-yuh-yuh Indian Kruglik.

Only a sick fat handed fucker like Kruglik would conjur up those costumes.

Taping ketchup soaked tampons to a 13 year old girls head, what the fuck were you thinking Marty?

Elan School / Da Bears
« on: November 27, 2006, 07:28:16 AM »
Gross-man, now thats a great word to desribe your sickness.

Though I do give credit for your recent behavior, you certainly
are trying to make an effort in toning it down. But I know it won't last.

Surprise me...

Elan School / Elan forum subtitle
« on: November 27, 2006, 07:24:29 AM »
Why are you instigating Arthur?

Somethings never change...

Elan School / Good morning Arthur
« on: November 27, 2006, 07:21:04 AM »
The only weak person I see hear would be you Arthur,
I am not the one throwing rants all over this board and reacting to negative things said about Elan. I personally think you have a personal friendship with those who work at Elan.

You come to their defense quite often.

Elan School / Marc Rosenberg is DEAD
« on: November 25, 2006, 08:10:37 PM »
*And if this site helps change the mind of some confused parent about sending their kid to anyone of theses unethicinal places, then this site has served it's purpose and will continue to do so.*

I am sure this site has made an impact long ago. Humor or truth, it most likely has definately influenced some parents descion to send their child to Elan.

Thought awhile back Syn mentioned something of the fact about how Elan has dramatically downsized not long ago, and merged some houses together?

The Skakel incident most likely kicked off the bad publicity when it was on the medias dinner plate.

And a special Thanks to Ginger who constructed this site and listed most if not all of the bad TC's. The dirty laundry that spawns from these programs are surely to be discovered, and most likely have had an influence on a prospectful family that is/was considering one of the many abusive programs out there.

Elan School / Good morning Arthur
« on: November 25, 2006, 08:01:49 PM »
Quote from: ""artman11111""
I dont think the time of day really matters kid,you are just whacked.
Is this the only place you regularly shit,piss and throw up? I dont care to step in it elsewhere.

If you are refering to my hatred towards Elan, then the answer is yes. That is if that is how you see it. You got your eyes on backwards IMO.

Elan School / Marc Rosenberg is DEAD
« on: November 25, 2006, 05:32:08 AM »
Yes there certainly is people that like to come here and stick up for those criminals that work/worked @ Elan.
Senior Gangsta Cruz  be one of them. Now my good buddy Arthur say's he is NOT a supporter, but oftenly takes offense when something silly, or off the wall humor is written about them.

I'll tell you for certain, this board is NOT for the supporters. Every board here is against TC's, and has a story to tell.
Ginger made this site for TC's to be exposed for the evil and cruelity they commit and perform on young adolescents, and I think not only is it a great idea, but the word is spread World Wide.

And if this site helps change the mind of some confused parent about sending their kid to anyone of theses unethicinal places, then this site has served it's purpose and will continue to do so.

Elan School / Good morning Arthur
« on: November 25, 2006, 05:19:28 AM »
And how was your Turkey??  Look at me, I'm up real late doing drugs. Isn't that how it goes? When one stays up past midnight, they are assumed to be on drugs?

Elan School / Re: Aggressive alpha male.
« on: November 25, 2006, 05:16:10 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
So where did you come up with the retarded moniker?

If youre the troll exterminator, why are there still so many here?

Aggressive alpha homo.

Seeing that you are even too stupid to come up with a name,
You have an IQ that of a snail..

Elan School / Welcome to Arthurs crib and playpen
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:32:10 AM »
Relax ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby:: , there's another botlte of Whiskey waiting for you. Soon as you finish your first one, then you can start on the second one. Oh if your liver had a mouth I wonder how many impolite things it would say to you? You can even wage a war against your liver, you could tell it all about your row boat, and your imaginary friends, and how it should eat some blue crystals.

That's it  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby:: , wage war against your liver. Listen.... Can you hear that?? Your liver is making fun of you. Says that you are a lowlife scum bag loser and that your row boat can hardly support your fat ass.

« on: November 07, 2006, 08:21:39 AM »
Yea Greg, come back here and rap and record scratch with your two turntables. Entertain us Boy. Lets see you do the robot. You are a *Fresh* Homeboy no? Lets all get down with the Great Greg turntable record scratching rapper.

Yeaaaaa Booooyyyyyy!

Elan School / What a miserable bunch.
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:17:53 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
all you have to do is read whats here..its clear these children were sick back when,they just never got better... Read what they write.
Its kinda funny what they write about others,but speaks volumes about who they are...
Each post furthers anyone to believe how sick they are,and how Elan helped them to become what we see here today...
Nice job Sharon,Jeff,Marty

The people that were so called *Helped at Elan* are a result of *Brain washing*. Elan does not help people, they abuse people. the people that work there are LOSERS. They can't find any other job and were abused when they were younglings. So they pass it on by abusing teens and do a damn fine job at manipulating the parents of these teens into thinking that their teens will be adjusted to live properly in society.

Elan is a scam...It is an evil entity that abuses teenagers. Thats its only purpose for existence.

Elan School / Marc Rosenberg is DEAD
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:11:58 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I think the only people dead here are the posters of nonesense to seek attention,and .. somehow in their mind believe what they post here is some kind of revenge against their captors.
Emotionally,psychologically dead.Nothing to contribute of any value to anyone,but only to feed their own perspective illness by what we all read here.
Let it go

Wise words from an Elan supporter...Boy they sure did a number on your brain up in Maine.

You brain washed fool.

Elan School / Today is my last day on Elan/Fornits site
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:09:05 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
am not hard up for a blowjob
But that nickel is still my offer
suddenly ,it stinks in here of JJ
another Elan lite brat with no backbone!
Sicker than he was when he was there
I find you weirdo's facinating,from an academic standpoint
You are an award winning academic case study
So many sickos from the 90's,what did the big bad (jewish) injun do to ya?

Elan lite brat? What are you proud or something that you were at elan at a time where the abuse was out of control? Maybe thats what you like, to be abused? You sure dont have any friends here Troll  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby:: .. The vibes you send off are that of jealousy, this is why you continue to try to get your point across.
You are jealous of each and every person that posts on this board. Its just one of the many inferiority complexes you have shown us and continue to show us, each and everyday.
You have done nothing with your life since your departure of elan. You have been a drunk for x amount of decades and clearly wasted your life away and have bottomed out in a state or disrepair. You envy these younglings and express it all though the emotion called *Jealousy*.
When will you learn Troll? *Never*. Such a lonely, disapointing life you live  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::

Elan School / Re: Look at this garbage can you have created
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:36:10 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Nothing more needs to be said
You can "twist" this into being art's or anyone's fault you like
But those are your words,your posts,your illness
Thanks dave

There's only one person to point the finger at here for making this site into a garbage can. And yes you guessed it right in your second line. *Art*. Or shall I say --> ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::

I only can assume that  ::crybaby:: Arthur ::crybaby::  started this thread. Such a delusional drunken middle aged man he is. And a coward I might add too...Doesn't even have the balls to sign in :oops:

Like I said and I'll spell it out for you.


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