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Topics - Publisherofduck

Pages: [1]
Elan School / KIndle version DUCK IN A RAINCOAT AVAILABLE at Amazon
« on: December 15, 2012, 11:06:04 AM »
Good day,

Just to let you know the updated DUCK is available.

Publication Date: December 13, 2012
Author Maura Curley updates her 1991 book with new information and a dramatic epilogue, presenting a provocative portrait of Ricci as a drug addicted psychopath who terrorized adolescents at Elan and his employees at his racetrack.
This is the story of Joe Ricci, racetrack owner, and founder of Elan, a for profit treatment center for troubled adolescents attended by children from around the world, including Kennedy cousin, convicted killer Michael Skakel.
Elan operated for nearly forty years in rural Maine until it closed in 2011 because former residents - now adults - waged a campaign to tell their experiences of abuse via social media and anti-Elan websites. They are still seeking justice and considering class action.
Yet Ricci ran for governor of Maine posing as David facing Goliath, duped the the iconic news show 60 Minutes into broadcasting a favorable portrait of him, and convinced a jury to award him $15 million in a lawsuit he filed for violation of his civil rights.
Curley, a journalist and insider who once worked for Ricci, meticulously chronicles abuses at Elan, which she didn’t discover until after she stopped working him. She also relays her first person account as a marketing consultant for Ricci’s companies and his campaign for governor.
Duck in a Raincoat contains stunning revelations of psychological manipulation, drug use, child abuse, professional malfeasance and appropriated virtue. But perhaps most shocking are Curley’s conversations with Ricci’s partner, Dr.?Gerald Davidson, a psychiatrist, and former Harvard University professor who lends Curley his medical textbooks to illustrate Ricci's psychopathic personality.
Elan made both Ricci and Davidson millionaires many times over. It wasn’t until Davidson was dying of cancer that he finally revealed the truth about his partner.

To order paperback, see attachment.

Open Free for All / DUCK IN A RAINCOAT
« on: November 14, 2012, 06:53:59 PM »
Hello's been a while.
There will soon be some interesting news by the 17th of this month that I am sure you will all want to know.
You probably have heard the rumors....

Hope you all have been well.

"Stay well..and fight back!"

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