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Messages - 90's Guy

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Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Daily Schedule?
« on: May 23, 2005, 01:22:00 AM »
This is the schedule posted on the Whitmore Academy Website. Is ths what you guys did each day? Daily Schedule

5:30-6:00: Healthy Living/Subliminals

6:00-6:15: Hygeine/Home Economics
6:15-6:30: Home Economics/Breakfast
6:30-7:30: Physical Education
7:30-8:00: Reading Comprehension

8:00-9:00: Speech/Jumpstart
9:00-12:00: Horse Husbandry or Life Skills
12:00-2:00: 1st Period

2:00-4:00: 2nd Period

4:00-6:00: Core/Science or Life Skills

6:00-8:00: Core/Math or Life Skills

8:00-9:00: Psychology

9:00-10:00: Home Economics

10:00-10:30: Journalism

10:30: Lights out
Doesn't sound too bad.

The Seed Discussion Forum / the real seed
« on: April 16, 2005, 01:39:00 AM »
When the seed packed up and closed, ALL OF THEM went to Ft lauderdale. All the staff was hand picked by Art and everything done there was done at the direction of Art.

Greg, you are right, I have since learned that the Seed left St. Pete cause they did not agree with the way that parents wanted things dome their. If Art would have wanted to he would have catered to the stupid whims of rich parents, but he chose to take the hard road and not allow them to distort his programs, which they did distort in the form of Straight. But you know very well that Straight did not have the loyal staff that the Seed did and at the Seed you could not blow holes into the staff sitting onose stools because they lived up to what they talked about. Straight was a business, not a family "that was meant to be together." And you know this Greg!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Seed Indeed Is All You Need
« on: February 18, 2005, 09:43:00 PM »
the problem is Familar Face that you view the copy cat programs--all offshoots of The Seed, by the way--as if they were as legitimate of the Seed, but they were all (including Straight) watered down, ineffective versions of the real thing--The Seed.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Seed Indeed Is All You Need
« on: February 18, 2005, 03:21:00 PM »
The following lingo was originated at The Seed:

Get out of your head!
You?re full of shit!
Do not forget where you came from.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
I got weird vibes from that.
You could cut the vibes with a knife.
Oldcommer, Newcommer. Oldtimmer, Trucker
Staff, Jr. Staff, Group Staff, Senior Staff
I can relate to what so-and-so said. . .
Get out of yourself
Honesty is the first and most important rule
Do the right thing, and the right thing will happen.
Be careful what you wish for.
If I had know you out there, I would have eaten you up alive.
Druggie friends are like crabs in a bucket.
It had not happened to you (me) YET.
I Love You
Life is not the journey; it is the destination.
The opposite of love is apathy.
Discipline is the proof of love.

(See you thought you were so original???
More later)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Origin of All this was The Seed
« on: February 13, 2005, 12:03:00 AM »
See what you odo not realize is that u were all a part of a copy cat program, not the real thing.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Origin of All this was The Seed
« on: February 12, 2005, 11:33:00 PM »
I know, but what you and a lot of people here do not even begin to realize is that the origin was not Straight. The original, authentic program was The Seed by Art Barker. Beleive me there was no other, and unofrtunately, Life was a cheap copy cat of that program. There was not real love or committment like at The Seed. Straight tried to duplicate The Seed, but it was not able to.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Origin of All this was The Seed
« on: February 12, 2005, 11:15:00 PM »
But Anon, you keep saying "Straight" and I'm telling you it was not Straight. The concepts originated from Seed, which was not military in nature. I think if you really learned about The Seed, you would be shocked how much more authentic and real it was than all the copy cat programs, like Life/ growing together.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The Origin of All this was The Seed
« on: February 12, 2005, 10:55:00 PM »
Did u guys know that Peterman was a Seed volunteer Mom in the early 70's. That is where she started. She then started working at Straight, but all the ideas came from The Seed. That is where I went to The Seed. The ideas at Growing Together and Life were not from Straight. They were from The Seed, who originated the whole concept, even Moral Inventories.

The Seed Discussion Forum / When did the Seed close on SR84?
« on: February 11, 2005, 12:06:00 PM »
By the way Wtaylorg, I was the one that walked what seemed like an eternity with you, passing out the Sound Mort. flyers. Remember how we got chased by dogs? Also, you and I were secretly in love wiith Madonna, but couldn't talk about her since she was so taboo in the group in the early 80's (so we would sing her songs all day, Borderline, Like a Virgin, Material Girl. . .)You would talk about how sexy she was, and so would I. I always remember one of the staffmembers tearing  her apart going on about what a "Whor.. that Madonna is." By the way I saw her recently with my boyfriend in Miami. She is still the Diva she always was in the 80's. She has slowed down a little but still has it in her. Anyway, you were always a super nice guy, enjoyed spending time with you. Hope all is well.

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Final Days
« on: February 07, 2005, 11:09:00 AM »
After reading many of the posts in this forum, it is clear to me that the spectrum of our experiences was greatly colored by how long we stayed at The Seed. I lived my life at The Seed from the ages of 17 to 38. During those years, I only lived away from The Seed one time, in my mid-twenties, for about 3 months. I also attended graduate school while at The Seed and pretty much am very satisfied with my career. In my personal life, I feel I have only started to really deal with issues a few years ago and have covered quite a bit since then, falling on my face over decisions I would not have made as part of the group since a lot was forbidden, but I am happy that through my growing pains, I feel more alive than ever before.

During my "endless" seasons at the Seed, I became very close to my friends. Despite any negative political undercurrents, I did feel that I loved people there, and to this day I treasure some very good memories. I also have at least a few very good friends, but only one or two that I trust totally (from the group). By the way, I also had a good relationship with my family as a side to my Seed experiences. As a matter of fact, the Seed always tried to remain on good terms with some families, but in the end the key members' terrible mistake of not filling those in the outer circle of the internal problems that were affecting the group damaged my family's perspective of the group and then they began to mistrust me since I had very little words to explain to them what exactly happened, after all Art nor Lybbi nor any of the key members filled me on what was coming down until it actually happened. At that point, the main reason why they wanted to fill me in was simply to win points and secure "loyalty." Unlike some key ex-members, however, I am happy to forgive people for their humanness since I am so very human myself. It has taken me a few years to get over the implications of the fianbl break-up, but more than ever I feel healed when I can tell my story with more and more clarity, not just through the eyes of others.  

As I mentioned on another post, I never witnessed any form of physical abuse at The Seed. I did witness a strong presence from staff to convince members of political, social, and even personal issues. Abortion, for instance, was very much supported and pro-life opinions were highly criticised by staff. Supporting the Republicans was frowned upon and embracing the Democrats was praised. I agrred with some of the issues and did not agrree with others. I remember that two years before The Seed closed a few of the key members started really getting into reading "new age" literature. A favorite for a few people was the book Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. I'm not exactly sure where the diretive came from, but the members really pushinng the book, were told not to read it or talk about it becuase at The Seed there was no place for this kind of "thinking." I laughed my way to the bank with that and read all three volumes as they scared each other away from the book. The last thing I was going to do after, after surviving graduate school, was allow someone to now tell me what I could read . . .much of that had gotten funny since staff's ignorance or fear of losing control was becoming so obvious.

Despite all this, I trusted my closest friends at The Seed with my life, and I honestly beleived that they would never hurt me. My concept of relationships, both intimate and social, came from the years of interacting with other members, and I can now see positive as well as negative affects on my personal life from those long-term relationships.

I often wondered if for some who went through the program, stuck around for a few months, yet decided to return home, the ultimate impact was better. Through the years, I watched some graduates who basically just "went through the program." I saw a few come around years later. I remember the few that did were praised by staff in front of us, and I always felt that they were happier, even more stable, perhaps becuase they did not allow themselves to get so deeply and intimately involved in the Ft. Laud. community. For me I ahve forgiven it all and to this day I have not received an apology about the lies and secrets that were kept from us at the end, unfortuantely I beleive I will not be getting one because each side truly beleives that it is right in its way of perceiving the final "truth." None of the key members involved in the secret meetings before telling Art how they felt about that he had too much control and all the other petty B.S. ahve ever apologized to any of us that were kept in the dark until after the fact, and neither has Art or Shelly. Basically, we were each expected to choose a side and "understand" the reasons why things at The Seed had not been perfect.  

I have stated before that I hold no resentments against Art or staff becuase I do beleive that their intentions were good. They were human beings; they were/are not perfect. They made mistakes as I have made (and will continue to make) in my life. It is unfortuante that the key members created a very dead-end situation for themselves since each side decided to close the door on the other and "never forgive." This I cannot go along with. I refuse to walk my journey never forgiving for soemthing that is as small and insignificant as a "drama" as the seed's "final battle." I thiink we were all conned into living the war motifs and heroic myths for too frickin' long for now to have to suffer the slings  and arrows of the final battle (according to each his version--HA! HA! HA!).

The Seed Discussion Forum / The Final Days
« on: February 01, 2005, 10:26:00 PM »
I believe I need to clarify that I hold no resentments against The Seed or Art. On the contrary, I believe that my years at The Seed (since I cannot change the reality of  20 years of my life) were valuable as I shared my life with some good people. I do hold some special memories form those years.
On the other hand, I see  my time with the group as a controversial and negative experience when I look at all of the bullshit that was fed to us, especially the internalizing of ?believing that some people were more ?aware? than others?BETTER THAN OTHERS. What a joke?  This I believe was the most damaging part of what happened to me throughout the 80?s and 90?s. I really believed it hook line and sinker, but now I see how the ?new agey? quality of the cult was for the birds in that normal people do not set up a hierarchy of importance as if one person is better than the other. I saw many members damaged psychologically from this nonsense. For me, the group was definitely a mirror of White machista culture, valuing everything that was not part of Anglo dominance (including sexuality) as less than. This was very obvious from day one to the end.  What earned you points with staff was #1 being White, savvy in business, and money (the older the better). Diversity was not respected in the group and was actually discouraged. Diversity was tolerated up to the point where it was cute to be slightly different, but always there was a reminder that you were not good enough unless you knew how to make money. The funny part was that many members were not given the opportunity to excel (unless they really bucked the system?like in my case), and other members had the ?red carpet rolled out? to suit their personal needs. This was ironic, of course, since the staff proclaimed that no one was ?treated as a special character at The Seed.? Believe me there were several special characters that received the blessing for most decisions that they thought was convenient for their future. Interestingly, in the last years, key staff members who had been on top for years, were not given the same special status by Art since there were other favorites at that point, namely members that were involved in business with him. Anyway, for some the Seed became the ?country club? that it always publicly rejected in statements, such as ?The Seed is not a country club.?

   Another aspect of the place that I now laugh at is its love for ?secrecy? as if everything that happened was ?White House? material. The world would go on outside of the Andrews Ave. walls and Arts house, and we were made to feel as if each and every business or personal problem in the group was so ?important? that we must be sworn to secrecy if we even wanted to hear the ?Truth? from the inner circle. What bullshit!!!! The least they could have done was filled in each member (after they had sacrificed the last 20 years of their lives to ?the cause?) of the internal problems that brought it to the end. Instead, the people ?in power? split in two camps and decided that it was best to,  now, start filling people in on all the petty crap that had divided them (mainly money and power). Of course, those that had always been left out of the loop were now expected to pick a side or if not it was a sign of ?disloyalty.? At least, the 70?s gen. only had to deal with the manipulative guilt games coming from one major group, but those that stuck it out to the end (and were never part of the inner circle) suffered the worst of the ?drama scenes?-being pulled emotionally by two camps for loyalty (if you will). All of it was a bunch of crap. Thank God, I?ve come to realize there are people with real problems in the world (besides millionaires that have nothing better to do but mentally masturbate). I can see why they had no children to feel responsible and compassionate towards; they might have had real problems to worry about, instead of what was going on within the ?inner circle" or the "drama of the moment." Everything was treated as life and death when life and death was really going outside the group. Funny, all the things, they tried to teach me not to do they ended up doing themselves. I think it is hilarious!!!
[ This Message was edited by: 90's Guy on 2005-02-01 19:41 ]

The Seed Discussion Forum / earning the right to walk by yourself
« on: January 29, 2005, 06:15:00 PM »
After about 1990, the hours were 9 -4. IT was fairly realxed in the group. I mean, every once in a while if someone needed to hear the "truth," it woulg get a little "in your face," but certainly nothing like twhat the 70's generation describes. Also, after a few weeks of the newcomer being on the front row, the hours were 9-12 since the staff had other businesses that they ran after their part-time seed job. I believe that the stagg also did not collect a salary for several of the last years, but then at the end were compensated for what theywere owed towards the end. It was pretty much of a part-time semi-volunteer situation the final years. We would, I remember, play tennis with the newcomer after 12:oo, graduates would take turn picking them up if they could get the afternnon off from work.

The Seed Discussion Forum / earning the right to walk by yourself
« on: January 29, 2005, 05:40:00 PM »
The practice did not exist in the 90's. The newcomer simply went back to the bathrrom by temselves. Remember we were back on Andrew's inside the building, which was a lot smaller space for people to move around by themselves. AS I  have stated before, there were were aspects of the program that were more relaxed. . .staff was getting older. . .people were more chilled out...they seemed to have given up on the intensity of the program, the yelling and such, although the authoritarian figures were still present. . .it was for the most part run part time and after the newcomer was there for about 3 weeeks, from 9-4, the group including staff would only stay from about 9-12:00, and the newby got a job, lived in a home with the guys or girls. . .but no no arms around each other, except the ritual of singing jingle bells.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Thanks Antigen
« on: January 29, 2005, 01:00:00 AM »
Thanks Antigen. You're very nice. I've always wondered if people at straight felt the same bond as people at seed. :eek:

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