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Messages - sick of child torture girl

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Would anyone mind....
« on: April 29, 2007, 01:01:32 AM »
jesus who would?
Im not even reading it...i think it would be a nice thing and since she brought it up .....Really what I would like to do is ascertain for certain  out if someone was parodying her. I dont want people to think she was that violent insulting person...

The Troubled Teen Industry / Would anyone mind....
« on: April 29, 2007, 12:58:03 AM »
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
Is this Colbert posting anon?!?!?
Who? Here on this page?

umm i think he has a life :D

The Troubled Teen Industry / Would anyone mind....
« on: April 29, 2007, 12:55:52 AM »
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
We as in posters who have been here a long time and respect time honored rules and customs of this forum and won't bend because a sensitive noob can't deal with them.

Have you considered joining the the fellowship of the ring? Maybe an ancient sorority?
Then, The  "time honored" crap will come off less silly .

By the way, the sensitive noob you are refering to is Antigen. I didnt bring this up. But on reading it, thought its a respectful way to behave to a survivor whos been illtreated by someone whose mentality reduced them to arguing with her parody. :roll:  As you obviously missed it, twice, I brought up 5 examples of when the "time honoured prentsions" were scrapped. Go to page 2 with program survivor - ::read::  the thread was altered. I dont think that if you are involved in slagging a survivor instead of the Who all of a sudden the time honoured tradtions should re-ermerge.

how lame am i to be having this internet argument? pretty lame

The Troubled Teen Industry / Would anyone mind....
« on: April 29, 2007, 12:30:19 AM »
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
tl;dr time.


Who cares what other forums do? We do what WE do. We've done it for years.. we won't change because someone can't handle it.

We are how we are, we don't hide it, we don't sneak it, we don't mislead, and we don't feel any shame about it. In fact, we're proud of it.

If you don't like it, you can argue and TRY to change our minds, or you can go, or you can accept it, or you can whine. Whatever you want.

But eventually we'll get sick of your whining and ignore it.

P.S. "cunt"

Uhh..who is "we"? Why do you feel you are in a super elite commando squad? "We” are not the fuckin green berets.  This is an internet forum. "I" am part of "we", and my "whining” is as valid as your "whining"

And I gave 5 examples of how things are altered or moderated, after a cursory glance about this forum, so stop with the talibanesque pretensions of purity and look beyond this parochial and selectively invoked zealotry.

p.s. Mature
Double p.s Antigen, whom I presume would be your "captain", brought this subject up...hows that for cognitive dissonance?  :P

The Troubled Teen Industry / Would anyone mind....
« on: April 28, 2007, 09:23:15 PM »
Quote from: ""Deborah""
This is a control issue, and therefore, pushes lots of people's buttons because it's a program method.
WANF wants to control what others say that offends her. Others want to control her rants and opinions. Details are irrelevant.

Fact: You can't and never will be able to control what other people think, say, or do; even if you stick them in a warehouse and hold them incommunicado.

-If you want to control your posts on Fornits, then register a user name. At any time you wish, you can delete the account completely or delete individual posts.

-If you are offended, you have 3 choices. Argue, leave, or ignore and carry on. It's not Ginger's role to come in and rescue any poster who continues to argue with another poster that offends him/her. She ain't the mamma and this ain't no program. Everyone has the freedom to leave at any time. No one is forced to read.

-I think it would be useful to have this disclaimer posted somewhere for new people, like at the top of the page have a link that says 'New members read before posting' or some such. Maybe next to FAQ. Give a brief description of how to register and the pros of doing so. Registering a user name doesn't expose your identity. You're just as anonymous as "Guest". But, YOU will have the benefit of controlling YOUR posts. Otherwise, what's posted stays.
It's addressed in FAQ, but people may not read that before posting, and it could be more specific about the pros.

And what is this crap about Ginger deleting TSWs posts? He was registered and therefore could delete them himself.

umm equating altering a thread to program is rilly rilly rilly nutsoid. Have u ever been to program? Every site I go on has moderation, they delete stuff, outright ban people, there are no harrassing posters rules and they aint program either. If ever u go to program aint gonna confuse the two no more

Counter Fact: No one wants to control what people think and do- Well,.. no more than anyone does in having "you Need" changed to "i want", Or spam deleted, Or IPs or revealed to see if its a repeat troll. No more then anyone did when the "program surviovr" thread was split in derference to his feelings or when TSWs threds were erased in deference to his feelings . Cause you have feelin for the actual breathin people that bump into "rules".

Keep it up or dont keep it up. Personally I think it would be a nice thing to do, at least split it in respect to her as it was done for PS even if u dont erase it like for TSW. But if it isnt done it shouldnt be about conforimg to "purity" of vision or "our rules"   :roll:  as they are broken all the time and that would be rather absurd and selectively zelous.

yes tsw's threads were erased or they were gonna be erased...dont know the circumstances surrounding it but you can see it in the links
anyway thats m thoughts

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: braindead
« on: April 28, 2007, 08:19:54 PM »
if u r a real person and not a "pretned" parent why dont u PM me? if u dont its pretty safe to say you are a "pretend" parent- an imposter who is inventing an imaginary case of teen hardship with the intention to establish programs are necesary

coming directly on the heels of the other imaginary case of teen hardship its rather suspicous

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 08:14:21 PM »
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
ok for me this isnt about TSW..i think he's actually been pretty nice on this thread

id just like to establish that someone was mocking her so she can have some vindication

are te numbers IP #s different antigen?

Thank you Sick of child torture girl. Though looking the thread over I haven't seen one instance of WANF stating someone in imitating her. Or did she?

Yes youve been fine, the others not so fine.
If you go back you can read where she says "that wasnt me dear" can also see the obvious difference in writing styles

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What are the options?
« on: April 28, 2007, 08:11:56 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""

Activism. In an effective cause theres usually a "better way" proposed to deal with a controversial method being criticized.

Yet I see none here. None at all that are not some idealists delusional romantic, visionary dream that kids have options.

This is very very frustrating. Not only because its seems theres so many people here simply bent on closing TC's, but that theres simply no other options out there for kids who CANNOT function is public schools or at home.

My general impression is that many here believe a childs issues can be resolved while they are still in the home. Or with psychotropic drugs, or confinement in some other state run or state sanctioned facility with NO emphasis on social interactions, education or behavior. The fact is, in a medical facility, a child is labeled, and the LABEL is treated. The illness is treated and none of the outlying issues are considered.

Ive played three different roles and couldnt handle it. I was a disturbed young person, I went on to work at a TC, and then on to a psychiatric facility to work as well. I can say this, every kid a met along the way needed to be somewhere.  

All three were horrible, yet these kids HAVE to be placed into a controlled environment because they are OUT of control!

Interested in what people have to say about options to the TC's youre all trying to close down.

While youre pounding the keys, consider another question...Can TCs change and be effective?
Have they?

If a TC once had ineffective means to resolve for troubled kids, are they not permitted to do so?

My friend has a 14 year old boy who smokes, steals, doesnt go to school, is violent and causes injury to teachers, his parents, other children. He shook an infant and caused brain damage. He broke his older sisters nose. He has caused so much damage to property that his parents have had to sell off their property and claim bankruptcy. and they are GOOD people and parents! Two other kids are GREAT happy kids!

What do they do with a kid like this? He will NOT take medication. He is in and out of boot camps. State detention centers etc.

Is it in anyone opinion that this kid shouldnt be exposed to whatever injustices a TC may contain in a last ditch effort to either keep him from killing someone or himself?

Is this cause within this board helping or hurting?

Lets say all the TCs listed here closed today.

What then?

And please, dont fuckin lecture me about poor parenting. My parents were awesome and I still put them through hell.

Theres a bazillion kids out there the same way. What do we do with them?

what a bunch of bs. if this kid shook an infant and caused brain damage hed be in prison ...a long time. In texas he'd be shot in the small intestine. You are lying.

If this hypothetical imaginary kid even partly exists in some alternative dimension my suggestion is get him away from that nutty family  thats driving him to distraction - take him to a freinds house to live- and let this imaginay kid come to at his own pace

without real life imaginary 'help" that is truely the deliberate infliction of trauma to the youths brain--which in actual, existing, reality honestly does cause brain damage!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 08:05:02 PM »
ok for me this isnt about TSW..i think he's actually been pretty nice on this thread

id just like to establish that someone was mocking her so she can have some vindication

are te numbers IP #s different antigen?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 12:44:16 PM »
one was posted at april 11 2007 9 45
one was posted at april 27 2007 11 37

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 12:01:21 PM »
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""

Classy little gems those are.

You may want to get the exact post numbers for ginger if you want her to look at the IP. However, given that this is an unmoderated forum what is it you are attempting to achieve? In reality while I think it is disgusting that someone is claiming to be someone else for the sheer purpose of causing trouble I also recognize this all could have been avoid had WANF simply gotten a user account.

To be honest Ginger I'd be a bit annoyed if you got involved in this officially. It relieves the majority of the posters on this thread from their responsibilities of acting like grown adults.

Still its your forum ginger so you go do what you think is right.
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Three Springs Waygookin""
I also recognize this all could have been avoid had WANF simply gotten a user account. right.

It all comes back to her doesnt it? Go read Niles post, in his paragraph long explanations of how WANF "pissed him off" or other such nonsense trying to explain why he keeps posting, according to you guys, this is all her fault. This isn't about WANF, survivors post anonymous for very OBVIOUS reasons, duh??? Maybe they are tired of a group of people DEMANDING information, change, proof that you are real(lol), or not a plant (lol). Nobody owes you people anything,, no proof, no nothing, why cant you guys get that? And not to mention ironic that you both have your own forums to play around in and complmain about one thread? Or that you asked Ginger to delete all your posts and say for her to get involved here and delete WANF is somehow wrong and going to piss you off? Jesus christ, this forum is too much sometimes.  :roll:

Yeah, you litterally have your own forum which you moderate to your personal customizations. You asked the modertor (Ginger?) to delete all your postings and she was ready to do so until you changed your mind....can u really feel comfortable fowarding strict adherance to that ideology?

What I'm tryint to prove should be obvious as I specifically have ellucidated. I WANT TO PROVE THAT THE PEOPLE THE REGULARS HAVE BEEN ARGUING WITH IS NOT WE ARE FREE.
They have been "taking on" a mockery of we are not free.

Hopefully in doing so WANF will have some vindication and perhaps the regulars will apologize? for being not just cruel but for being suckers?

It would be interesting to find out who exactly it is as I have my suspisions..i dont think luke, Im guessing Zen (supergross) but I wouldnt ask the moderator to give away that much info and embarass whomever it is..even though using IP numbers to out posers for who they really are has been done plently o' times....something so provocative would probably be off-limits to do  to a regular i suspect. O' political connections! they function on every level of society :roll:  :D

i guess im gettin paranoid cause now Im even imaginin cover-ups following this train of thought ::jawdrop::

I'd just like to know if they are different please? for WATF

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 08:37:58 AM »
I am sorry. wrong group I am railing at apparently. I apologize for my rudeness, The T.V. sets me off, as does thinking about the Village, It is terrible what looking at the world through such glasses can do to your expectations of people. I do live at home, I had an apartment but it was not very safe "affordable" and I work in retail and am trying to finish college, I am a senior I have a year left, so I need to be able to focus on school, rather than making money. I was actually assaulted, believe it or not, I filed a police report but my mother voices doubts, big surprise. I am moving out anyhow though, the current situation has just brought to light what life can be like for young people without a family support base or an abusive one, it makes it much harder to get from point A to B. It will be almost good, I think, once I move out, as it has given me some helpful insight into family abuse. Didn't mean to be mean or a jerk. I am certainly on the side of PV survivors and families.  I have noticed though, that discussions of Abigails book seem to inevitable digress into a discussion of her sexual conduct with an older man, many of the blogs here have actually been very insightful and intelligent, of course some are defending her and, therefore, there must be a reason for such a defense, Never give an angry stressed person a crappy old laptop. I hope at least my rambling about what the others in PV were like is useful. Again I get threatened a lot right now, telling PV on me was sadly misinterpreted. Sorry There are a lot of inbred and ignorant I don't know about the redneck part, I have met many ignorant inbred people in general, on the PV staff, and a few Nazis, maybe a few friends of MAO, Stalin, Pol pot, all the horrible ugly people that have ever lived. I don't like the PV staff and I know bad people exist, no excuses for abuse. THey are pretty dumb and monkey minded too, I have weird reactions I think to things around the Village. If it has to do with the Village I'm mad. sorry, You also insulted my MLA format and said I was not lucid. I'm lucid, I'm just crabby. You would be to if you were me, I did not mean to be horrible to nice folks.

then u have this post






Antigen can u check if these are the same IP # ? If they are....ill put pins through MY vag
(i actually recognize the poster i think-& its sad whom it is)

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 03:53:28 AM »
I don’t need tips, thanks. Im not trying to get IPs, im not ad ware. I want to know if there are different IPs as then we would know for sure if someone is mocking her.

You have been arguing with a PARODY, Nihls- a troll as u say. This has been fueled not only by unnecessary sadism but unnecessary GULIBILITY

She is a PV survivor whom has issues relating to it. She has relayed her personal fears. Does it really matter to you if she is too harsh on men? Is your ego really that weak? Is it so terrible if she related her "personal shit"? No harm is meant in this so why be as nasty as possible to someone whom is helpless & kind? She was called deranged, ridiculous, and made fun of becasue she had some fears u disagree with-or mostly- that her IMPERSONATOR had  Things degenerated into a  purposefully cruel- as -possible joy fest with pictures of vaginas with pins through them saying "do this to your vagina and you wont be raped next time"

and other remarks that would be most hurtful knowing her PERSONAL ISSUES.

 And its pretty sad for the "advocates" to involve themselves in this sorta thing-or anyone who strives for something higher than being a 9 year old bully coming across someone they find "weird" and vulnerable!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 03:15:28 AM »
yes there is someone making fun of her. Using her fears and exagerating them to mock her- its satire. Its also really obvious and poorly done satire. The problem is as everyone is a gues it gets confusing.
We Are Not Free is well spoken even if she does have fears that seem unreasonable to you. She is also soft and says something then aplogoizes..You know the way a well meaning& kind though wounded  person would act. The other peroson is very crude and insultng.
In fact i think its the guy who put her down from the start pretending to be her. I have to say how disapointed I am in the so called advocates for this. I think u have driven her off as well and she didnt deserve that...and youve lost a valuable ally.

Thats what i suspect- a person imitating her
are there numerous Ip numbers going on antigen?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: April 28, 2007, 02:04:55 AM »
you are arguing with someone who is  PARODYING, "we are not free"

and if not, u r picking on someone who is unbalanced. Really wanna go that route?

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