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Topics - aiiro

Pages: [1]
Elan history / never mind
« on: March 29, 2005, 09:14:00 PM »
all plans are dropped. I'm dropping out of school at the end of this year and moving to boston to find work, scared shitless because ive been in school straight for almost 20 years trying to make something happen that just wont and been in the same midwest town almost as long. For anyone who cares my grandpa died last week and I broke off my engagement. Elan doesn't seem like it was so hard anymore, real life sucks more.

Elan School / susan's webpage
« on: March 09, 2005, 11:52:00 AM »
So I finally got one of those mySpace accounts online ... 0309085312

I try to focus on the side of myself there thats not depressed about being in elan, my other interests,etc. I don't have many pictures up yet (my scanner broke) but I have a few from home visits and stuff that i'll put up (as soon as the scanner's fixed) as well as some of what I do now (I was a photography major in college). [ This Message was edited by: aiiro on 2005-03-09 08:53 ]

Elan history / i'm on
« on: February 27, 2005, 12:08:00 PM »
Hi Syn thanks for putting me on here. Matt I got an email from you and have been slow responding because i've been going through your old posts so I don't ask you something you've already said before. I was wondering about the skunk thing you alluded to on the other board? I also got an email from Arthur Warshawsky saying he'd be willing to talk to me but I don't know who he is, and he asked about legal issues so i thought i'd consult a lawyer before emailing him so i'd have some answers besides the obvious, that it is my intent to respect your privacy and not decontextualize or manipulate things into an agenda. This is kinda bassackwards way of starting things off but basically I think it would do some good to have some of these stories recorded before they are forgotten. I originally wanted to travel and get people on tape, but it might be easier (and put more people at ease to remain anonymous unless otherwise wanted) to record interviews with people (could be done over the phone or in person...I live in Illinois, have a car). I've got skills and a forum to do this in (i'm in a program called "narrative media", I could actually do a project like this for credit), and honestly its the only project i'm interested in doing now that would have any consequence. Does anyone have any further ideas on how to shape a project like this? I'll tell you i'm more interested in things concerning character, how characters (us) were shaped there, changed there, where they went from there on, than doing something thats pro/anti elan. The truth is sometimes I vascillate between what I think about it, and then I wonder if im doing that because i'm brainwashed, because something was missing in me before I ever went there that disallowed me to think straight, or if its only in peoples frame of mind that an experience takes on connotations of being good or bad [a good example of where I think of this happening would be the book "the sea and poison" by a japanese writer name starts with s... last name endo? I think? About the moral rationalizations of doctors who performed vivisections on american pows during wwII]. Then I really start talking myself around in circles and then I realize i'm talking to myself, and that it will never go anywhere without other people's opinions. I'd love it it people wrote on here so that other people knew what you were thinking too. I also have an email [email protected] that you can write me that way.I hope there are some people out there who are interested in this. For the future the website is mine, currently it has a stupid php test on it but i'm working to put a site up, i'll let you know when it's posted.

Elan School / movie I mean it
« on: February 20, 2005, 06:06:00 PM »
hey this is Susan from e3 i'm wondering if there's still any interest in doing a video about elan alumni? I'm taking a videography course right now (actually TAing it, but have to learn it as I go) and I want to do a project over spring break dealing with people's stories before, in, and after Elan. The interest is as much personal as professional, I went to elan 3 from 1996-1998 and never stopped to think much about the experience or kept in contact with anyone but wish I had. I'm hoping some people out there can help me remember, or give me perspectives that are different from my own, or just get on the camera and say how they're doing or whatever.I'm not soliciting a particular "type" of story from people, you can get on camera and praise elan, bash elan, or just tell me about yourself and what you ate for breakfast. If there are several people in the same area and you all want to meet up that would be great. I'm available to travel from march 18th to the 28th of 2005 thats spring break for U of I and its coming up soon. If you want to get your stories on tape please  contact me by email [email protected]. [ This Message was edited by: aiiro on 2005-02-20 15:10 ]

Elan School / do you remember?
« on: January 28, 2005, 07:14:00 PM »
No body is going to remember this probably except for me, Vanessa F. and Jamie, and probably Jim too, b/c when he came down he was like "oh my f###ing god vanessa you broke the bed!" That girl had mind power! But anyway, so what happened was, the three of us were in a dorm together, and Vanessa was shot down so, even though she posessed infinite seniority over everyone else, she was on the top bunk and Jamie (another shotdown/ramrod riccocheter at the time) had the bottom bunk. I think I was recently demoted also, but thats neither here nor there. Actually it is, because that would mean that we were basically a dorm full of non-strength, and we couldn't "relate" to each other.  We had to find other ways to amuse ourselves, and so the two of them were doing a great job of amusing me with increasingly humerous attempts to annoy the hell out of one another. Vanessa, not to be outdone by anyone playing a game like this,  starts to do fake yoga poses in her bunk along with an exaggerated "ommmmm" and Jamie starts hissing like it won't count as talking without strength if she hisses "sssssstapit!!!" under her breath! Vanessa ignores this and keeps ommming and Jamie is calling for the post person and geting all flustered. On the third omm, as if on cue, three corners of the metal frame holding the top bunk up detach, and Vanessa spills out of bed with this look of bemused surprise that I will never forget! Jamie almost laid an egg thinking she was going to be smooshed by the top bunk coming down on her, but that one corner stayed up so she didn't get flattened just scared real bad. Then Jim came down and was so shocked I wont' forget his face either when he came down and saw Vanessa out of bed and Jamie trapped in a cage of broken bunk bed!

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